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A41788 St. Paul's catechism, or, A brief and plain explication of the six principles of the Christian religion, as recorded Heb. 6., 1,2 with some considerations of the principles of natural and universal religion, as previous, and yet subservient to the rules of revealed and positive relgion: containing also, the duties of children to their superiors, written chiefly for the instruction of young Christians, children and servants in all Christian families / by Tho. Grantham. Grantham, Thomas, 1634-1692. 1687 (1687) Wing G1545; ESTC R39432 35,919 64

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had the means to know the Mediator particularly and distinctly must yet have Salvation by him or else none of the Infant-race dying such could be saved 2. All that know the Lord to be such a God as do's exercise loving-Kindness Judgment and Righteousness in the Earth do know this Mediator virtually and believing on the Lord as such do know him savingly Jer. 9. 24. Psal 86. 5. 3. All the common Providences of God are given chiefly for this end to direct Men to seek the Lord because it appears from St. Paul they have a capacity to feel after him and to find him For he is not far from every one of them because in him they live move and have their being 4. And as to their ignorance in things which they had not particular and distinct means to know 't is expresly said The Lord winked at it that is he graciously passed by their weakness and would not exact the utmost Farthing Acts 17. 26 27 30. See and consider Job 37. 23 24. 5. But when Men grow presumptuous and unthankful and give the Honour of the incorruptible God to created things or things of their own devising they thus unmanning themselves and forgetting that they are the Off-spring of God then and not till then do's God withdraw his Love from them and suffers them to be filled with their own ways as is most clear Rom. 1 2 Chapters and also Dan. 5. 22 23 24. S. I see it is not good for us to pride up our selves against the Nations which have not the Gospel as we have But it seems to be an Argument that God loves us more than he loves them because he gives us greater means of Grace than he gives them F. 1. Behold God is mighty and despiseth not any Let this Truth take place in thy Heart Job 36. 5. And then admit the Love of God to be much more to some than to all yet it 's sufficient to all 2. Yet I must inform thee that when we consider Mankind as they are all the Off-spring of God and as he has appointed the bounds of their Habitations that you should seek the Lord. Then like as we may not conclude that a good Father do's therefore not love his youngest Son so well as he loves his eldest Son because he gives him but half so much of his Estate as he gives the eldest Son. So neither may we conlude that God loves England France or Italy better then he loves America because we have greater means of Gospel-Light than they He that improves one Talent well shall be accepted as well as he that improves five S. I am well satisfied in this enquiry I see that God expects the Duties of Religion of all Men according to what Light and Knowledg he hath given them in all Ages and Nations And that through the Mercy and justice of God whoever worships God and doth his Will according to the manifestation which he has given Men of his Will shall be accepted of God. I pray now inform me concerning the true way of God's Worship or the true Christian Religion according to the Gospel Lest whilst we seem concern'd for others we be found to neglect our own Salvation And first I defire to be instructed whether the Holy Spirit or the Holy Scripture or the Holy Church must be our guide in these Soul-concernments F. There is no doubt but these three agree in one Testimony For the Scriptures are the Testimony of the other two Being indeed the Inspirations of the Holy Spirit and the Prophets or Ministers of the Church of God receive those Inspirations and gave them forth in Writings which Writings are the Holy Scriptures S. Is this Church always to be receiving and giving forth Inspirations of this kind F. No in no wise for so every Age might Produce a new Bible Wherefore that our Rules might not be too burthensom it pleased God that but few of the things which Jesus himself did should be written and that we believing according to the Scripture might have Life John 20. 31. 2 Pet. 3. 2. That ye may be mindfull of the words which were spoken before by the Prophets and of the Commandment of us the Apostles of the Lord and Saviour If any come unto you and bring not this Doctrine receive him not into your house 2 John v. 10. S. Seeing some pretend to the infallible conduct of the Holy Spirit in whatsoever they Decree in Council and others think they preach by infallible Inspiration I desire to known how we may best make tryal of these Spirits to know the Spirit of Truth from the Spirit of Error F. We may know the Spirit of Truth by these Rules 1. The Holy Scriptures being long since confirmed all true Ministers of Christ who are led by the Spirit of Christ will always magnify the Authority of the Scripture above what themselves deliver as personal Ministers though it be never so true For so did Christ himself magnify the holy Scriptures John 5. 45 46 47. And so did St. Peter 2 Pet. 1. 16 to the end S. Is it clear that by the more sure Word of Prophesy is meant the Writings of the Prophets F. Yes it is very clear by the very reading of the Place 2 Pet. 1. 16 17 18 19 20 21. S. What is this dark place which this word of Prophesy is said to shine in F. It may be well meant of the Jewish Church which understood not the voice of their own Prophets which are read in their Synagogues every Sabbath day Or it may be true of us by how much we are slow of heart to understand and believe all that the Prophets have spoken Luk. 24. 25. S. What is the Day-Star which is to arise in our Hearts F. By a diligent attending upon the Testimony of the Prophets God gives Light to those that sincerely seek for it ye shall know if ye follow on to know Hosea 8. 3. and God gives his Spirit to help our infirmity S. I am satisfied in this exposition of the place I pray proceed to further Rules by which the true Spirit may be known F. 2. The Spirit which is of God does not speak of it self John 16. 13. So as to contradict what Christ hath said but he takes of Christ's Words and shews them to his People It delivers no new Ordinances nor nulls nor changes Christ's old ones But magnifies Christ as the Law-giver that was to teach us all things John 4. 25. 3. The Apostles by this Spirit have left us the whole Council of God Act 20. 20 27. and by that Doctrine they knew that to be the Spirit of God which led to it and that to be the Spirit of Error which dissented from it 1 John. 4. 6. S. I see there is no safety in adhering to my self or any other under pretence of having the infallible Conduct or Inspiration of the Spirit I shall beg the influence of the Spirit of Grace to quicken my Judgment and
26. 2. 17. In the enjoyment of all good Things S. Did Man answer this chief End of the Almighty in his Creation F. No Adam the Man we speak of did break the Covenant of his God and brought himself and all his Posterity under the Sentence of Death and the Curse or Condemnation of the Almighty Gen. 3. 17 18 19. Rom. 5. 18. S. Did God leave Adam and his Posterity in this condition without any means of recovery F. The Mercy of God did intervene or come in between Adam's Sin and the Sentence due to him for Sin Gen. 3. 15. by which he was put into a state of recovery from his dreadful Fall. S. Did this favour of God extend it self to Adam and all his Posterity F. Yes verily whole Adam sinned and whole Adam had this tender of Mercy For as the Offence abounded towards all Men to condemnation so the Benefit abounded towards all Men to justification of Life Rom. 5. 18. S. What was Adam's Duty now in relation to his Creator F. To love his merciful Lord and to serve him by obeying him in Duties of Religion and to walk humbly with his God Mich. 6. 8. S. What is Religion F. The word Religion signifies an holy Tye Bond or Covenant by which all Men stand obliged to love and serve Almighty God their Creator and Preserver To you O Men I call and my Voice is to the Sons of Adam Prov. 8. 4. He hath shewed thee O Adam or Man what is good to do justly love mercy and walk humbly with thy God Mich. 6. 8. S. Was Adam left in a capacity to do this after the Fall F. By the free Grace of God he and all his Posterity are left or put into a capacity to obey God so as he will accept them when and in what he requires their Obedience else they could not sin by not obeying him Rom. 2. 1 2 14 15 16. S. Surely if God Almighty do indeed require the Duties of Religion of all Men then there is undoubtedly a possibility of Salvation for all Men this gives me some hope I beseech you therefore make this plain that God requires the Duties of Religion of all Men. F. 1. Undoubtedly all Men are concern'd in the Duties of Religion as their chief Business otherwise they should not much excel the Beasts of the Field 2. That Knowledg which Man hath or the Reason which God hath given him being only imployed about earthly things would only make him the most excellent Animal and yet some Animals or sensitive Creatures would seem to outdo him in some things and particularly the Hony-Bee both in the gathering of Hony and preserving of it and in the Government she maintains in her Common-wealth to the due imitation whereof few Monarchs could arrive if any at all have done it 3. Whilst Man may suppose himself the most excellent Creature in the Gift of Invention c. yet when the admirable quickness of Sense Agility of Body with the Foreknowledg which is in many of them of Times and Seasons and the necessary Provisions which they make for themselves accordingly without any to instruct or exhort them thereunto is duly considered it may much abate the Pride of Man who indeed has learned much more of them than they of him and yet they can and do learn many things of Man also S. I see plainly without God to be our God and Religion to be our Business we are as the Beasts of the Field I desire a further Demonstration F. If all Men be not concern'd to mind the Business of Religion with hope of the acceptance of God therein they are exposed to as ill a condition as the Devils or fallen Angels For it 's certain Man is a very sinful Creature as well as the fallen Angels and if he must be irreligious too as he must be so if God require it not of him then God hath made him only a fit Companion for the Devils of whom it is certain God requires no Duties of Religion We see then the chief and indeed the only thing that is truly valuable in fallen Man above all Creatures here below and above the fallen Angels is this That he is capable of the Mercy and Knowledg of God and by the Mercy of God made capable to serve God in such a religious walking with God and a dependance upon him as therein to please God and to find acceptance with him S. I desire to know what Religion this is which God requires of all Men F. The Prophet Micah tells us it is to do justly to love Mercy and to walk humbly with God. St. Peter says it is to fear God and work Righteousness Acts 10. 34 35. St. Paul tells us it is to glorify God according to the knowledg or manifestation which Men have of God Rom. 2. Whether this be taken from the Works of his Hands Psalm 19. 1 2. Rom. 1. 20. Or from his more common or amazing Providences Exod. 18. 11. John 1. 15 16. Or from the Work of God's Righteous Law written in Mens Hearts Rom. 2. 1● 11 12. There shall be Glory Honour and Peace to every Man that worketh good to the Jew first and also to the Gentile for there is no respect of Persons with God. For as many as have sinned without Law shall perish without Law and as many as have sinned in the Law shall be judged by the Law. And by a parity of Reason they that have sinned in the Gospel shall be judged by the Gospel see Jer. 9. 23 24. S. It is true indeed this is the sum or main Body of true Religion but this is mentioned in the Scripture how do's it appear that the Nations know any thing of it who have not the Scripture F. It appears from the very places which I have quoted because the Prophets and Apostles here do not speak of Religion as then newly instituted but as that which had been of long continuance even in every Nation And the Scripture further shews that the Way of God had been made known to all Flesh in the old World Gen. 6. 11 12. else they could not have corrupted it This way of God was again renewed to Noah Gen. 9. 8 9 12. for an everlasting Religion to the whole World. All are bound to take notice of and to depend upon the Lord as a gracious God and to do justly love Mercy and walk humbly with their God. S. But can Man please God under any of these manifestations of himself without an Assistant F. No he cannot therefore God provided an Assistant the Lamb slain from the Foundation of the World to take away the Sin of the World John 1. 29. Rev. 13. 8. whom he placed as a Mediator between himself and Man 1 Tim. 2. 3 4 5 6. S. But how shall any Man have benefit by this Lamb of God or this Mediator who have not the means to know him by his Name nor his Offices F. 1. Many who never
Jesus which God forbid S. I desire you therefore to shew me this great Mystery of the Gospel which guides poor Sinners to the true Cause of Justification from the guilt and condemning Nature of Sin. F. That I will endeavour to do in our con●ideration of the second Principle of Christ's Doctrine to wit Of Faith towards God or towards our Lord Jesu● Christ Heb. 6. 1. Acts 20. 21. The Second Principle of St. Paul's CATECHISM Or Of Faith towards God. Son. I de●ire first to have a true definition of Faith that is I desire to know what Faith is Father St. Paul defines Faith thus Heb. 11. 1. Now Faith is the substance of Things hoped for the evidence of things not seen It is also truly defined of a firm belief of the Truth of God as made known in the Scriptures and particula●ly concerning his Son Jesus Christ our Lord John 20. 31. 1 John 5. 10 11. S. I perceive that the main design of the Holy Scriptures is to direct us to Jesus Christ I do therefore desire to know what Record God hath given of his Son F. This is the Record which God hath given of his Son That God hath given to us eternal Life and that this Life is in his Son. 1 John 5. 11. with John 1. 4. and 6. 51. S. Was the Son of God ordained to procure the Light of saving Life to the whole World F. Yes God so loved the World that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth on him should not perish but have everlasting Life And the reason why many shall not see Eternal Life is because they believe not on the Name of the only begotten Son of God John 3. 16 17 18. S. But how can they be saved by Christ who never heard of him F. Christ is the Lamb of God slain in the design of God to take away the Sin of the World John 1. 29. In whom God hath offered such means of Light as to him seemed convenient Act. 17. 26 27. that all might seek him and be reconciled to him 2 Cor. 5. 14 18 19. And according to the due use or wilful abuse of his Mercy so offered you shall all be acquitted or condemned in the day when God shall judg the Secrets of Men according to the Gospel Rom. 2. 14 15 16. Now the Gospel shews that God is not an hard Master he only expects improvement of what he gives he will not reap where he hath not Sown 2 Cor. 8. 12. Dying Infants never heard of Christ yet they shall be saved Mat. 19. 14. S. By this I perceive all Men are under the Mercy of God as well as under his Justice and that none shall therefore perish for want of Mercy but because they turn the Grace of God into wantonness Shew me therefore what we who have the holy Scriptures are bound to believe concerning God and Jesus Christ whom he hath Sent. F. We are firmly to believe that God is Heb. 11. 6. and that there 's no other God but one Mark 12. 32 34. This one God is made known to us by three Denominations especially The Father the Son and the Holy Ghost Mat. 28. 19. 1 John 5. 7. 1 Tim. 3. 16. John 1. 14. And that thou mayest know how this Great Mystery was understood by the Ancient Church about 1400 Years ago I will here shew thee their Confession of Faith published by a very great Council of the Christians in those daies wherein were 318 Pastors of the Church who thus profess their Faith. The Nicene Creed I Believe in one God the Almighty Father maker of Heaven and Earth and of all things visible and invisible And in one Lord Jesus Christ the only begotten Son of God Begotten of the Father before all Worlds God of God Light of Light Very God of very God begotten not made of one substance with the Father by whom all things were made Who for us Men and for our Salvation descended from the Heavens and was incarnate of the Virgin Mary and became Man. Crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate Suffered and was buried And rose again the third day according to the Scriptures And ascended into Heaven and sits at the right Hand of God. And is to come again with Glory to judg the Living and the Dead and of whose Kingdom there shall be no end And in the holy Spirit the quickening Lord who proceeds from the Father and the Son and in like manner is adored and g●●rifyed with the Fathe● and the Son and who spake by the Prophets And I believe one holy Catholick and Apostolical Church I confess one Baptism f●r remission of Sins And I look for the Resurr●ction of the Dead And the Life in the World to come S. I much reverence this ancient Confession of Faith for it 's excellent Brevity and especially for the solidity of the Matter But I desire you to shew me what Scripture-Evidence we have for some things contained in the second Article where it says The Son of God was begotten before all Worlds F. In Heb. 1. 5. the Son of God is called the First-Begotten and vers 2. 't is said The Worlds that is all Worlds were made by him and vers 10. Thou Lord in the beginning hast laid the Foundation of the Earth and the Heavens are the Works of thy Hands John 1. 1 2 3. is full evidence of the same thing And Colos 1. 17. He is before all things and by him all things consist S. But how is it said the Son is God of God Light of Light c. F. 1. The same Testimonies which prove He was God and that he was before all things proves that he was God of God because there was but one God nor as yet any other Essence but God. The Son w●s therefore begotten not made because all things were made by him which was made and sure he that made all things was not made himself 2. In 1 John. 5. 20. The Son is expresly called Very God and seeing there is but one God he must needs be very God of very God. 3. And for the same reason he is Light of Light for God is that Light in whom is no Darkness 1 ●ohn 1. ● and so is Christ John 1. 5 7 8 9. See also Rev. 21. 2● Heb. 1. 3. S. It seems the great Council did not want Scri●ture-evidence to confirm this great Article o●●he pr●existence of the Son of God. I pray explain the thi●d Article where the Son of God is said to be incarnate of of the Virgin Mary by the Holy ●●ost and became Man. F. It pleased the Father Almighty that his Son who being in the form of God and thought it not robbery to be equal with God should take upon him the form of a Servant and be found in the habit of Man Col. 2. 6 7. And in this state He that was above all Angels Heb. 1. 5. was now made a little lower than the Angels for the suffering
the Quakers and some others is hereby discovered I see indeed a threefold Baptism I would learn them in every part And there fore I desire to know what God requires of all that are to be baptised into Christ ●ccording to his Command F. God requires the substance of the two foregoing Principles of all that are to be baptised with the Baptism of Repentance for the remission of Sins Repent and be baptised every one of you Act. 2. 38. They that gladly received the Word were baptised Act. 2. 41. When they believed c. they were baptised both Men and Women Act. 8. 12. In true Baptism we are dead with Christ buried with Christ and risen with Christ Rom. 6. 1 to 7. Colos 2. 11 12 13. We are all the Sons of God by Faith in Christ Jesus for as many as have been baptised into Christ have put on Christ Gal. 3. 26 27. S. Did our Lord Christ himself establish this practical Baptism F. Yes he established it divers ways first in that he would not enter upon his Ministry till he was 〈…〉 John in Jordan Mat. 15. 16. 4. 17. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 managed the Doctrine and Practice of this Baptism more than John the Baptist did John 3. 22 26. 4. 1 2. Jesus made and baptised more Disciples than John. S. How then is it said that Jesus baptised not but his Disciples F. Jesus made the People Disciples by teaching them To baptize them was more convenient for his Disciples or Apostles because they were to be baptised in his Name Kings do not execute their Laws because they are done in their Name 't is more fit to be done by their Ministers S. It is plain that Christ did propagate this holy Ordinance in his personal Ministry Did he establish it after his Death also F. Yes In his perpetual Commission he does particularly establish it to continue as long as the Gospel it self Mark 16. 15 16. Mat. 28. 19 20. S. This is very clear but suppose a Man have received the Baptism of the Spirit may not he be excus'd as to this Ordinance of Baptism F. No sure the better God is to us the more ready we should be to follow Christ who saith Thus it becometh us to fulfil all Righteousness Sure no Man can suppose he is more holy than Christ But to put the matter out of doubt Christ commands those that have received the Holy Ghost to be baptised with Water in his Name Act. 10. 47 48. S. I perceive no Man may with safety neglect this Ordinance I therefore desire to know what is the profit which attends the sincere obedience to God in this Ordinance F. The same profit which thou mayest expect in thy sincere obedience to God in any other Ordinance That is pardon of Sin and eternal Life is made sure ●o thee in God's way if thou art faithful in what thou dost as God requires thy Faith and Obedience For thus saith the Lord He that believeth and is baptised shall be saved Mark 16. 16. Arise why tarriest thou and be baptised and wash away thy Sins calling on the Name of the Lord Jesus Act. 22. 16. The like figure whereunto even Baptism doth now save us not the putting away the Filth of the Flesh but the answer of a good Consicience towards God by the Resurrection of Christ from the Dead S. These are very high expressions are we not saved by Christ only F. Doubtless Christ only is ordained of God to be the Saviour of the World 1 Tim. 4. 10. and especially of his Body the Church And you are to know that it 's Christ who is held forth in Baptism which saveth even as it 's said we are saved by Preaching that is by Christ held forth in preaching S. May not a Man have his place and priviledg in the Church of Christ without ●aptism F. No that cannot be ●or if one Man then more may take the place and assume the Priviledges of Members of the Church without Baptism and then there may be a true Church constituted without Baptism S. May not a company of Believers form themselves into a Church of Christ without Baptism in Water upon profession of Repentance and Fa●th only F. No true Church can be formed by Man's device There must be the Rule of God's Word to direct us or nothing is done well in the forming a Church Christ hath given express order to form his Church by Repentance Faith and Baptism as we have shewed If he has also given order to form Churches without Baptism th●n he must needs be the Author of Confusion which he is not S. I confess I find no order from Christ to form or constitute a Church without Baptism I find the Church founded by himself to be constituted in the use of the Baptism of Repentance for remission of Sin. I believe this Church formed by Christ at Jerusalem to be the Mother-Church and that therefore her Foundation-Principles are necessary for the true constitution of all other Churches I now desire you to shew me the due form of Baptism F. The due form of Baptism is by dipping the Repentant-Believer into the Water in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost Mat. 28. 19. And hence it was That John baptised in Aenon near Salem because there was much Water there John 3. 23. And they were all baptised in the River of Jordan confessing their Sins Mark 1. 5. S. Was Christ himself dipped in Jordan by John Baptist F. Yes it is granted by the Learned that Mark 1. 9. is expressed for it the Greek being 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which they confess to be word for word in English And was dipped of John into Jordan And 't is clear When Christ was baptised he came up straight●●y out of the Water Mat. 3. 16. Which Example alone should make all Christians afraid to devise a Form contrary to Christ's own Pattern and his Testimony also who saith Thus it becometh us to fulfil all Righteousness S. But must the Party baptised be naked or cloathed when he goes down into the Water F. He that is baptised should be cloathed because God hath required that all things in the Church should be done decently and in order And the Party to be baptised may as well be dipped in Water with a convenient Garment upon him as without S. What Ceremonies hath Christ appointed to be used in Baptism F. Christ loved his Church and gave himself for it that ●e might sanctify and cleanse it by the washing of Water through the Word There is no other Ceremony by his appointment to be used in Baptism S. May not the Church alter the subject of Baptism and change the manner of administration as the Papists and others have generally done F. No The Lord Christ commands his Apostles to teach all his People to observe all things whatsoever he commanded them Mat. 28. 19. They delivered that to the Churches which they received of the
14. S. What is the conclusion of this Service F. Giving thanks to God for his Mercy in giving Christ for us and this is to be done with Hearts fille● with joy and the Thanksgiving to be in the manner of an Hymn S. Must this Hymn or Thanksgiving be in Meeter and expressed by all F. There is no Rule for either of these And the first would infer the necessity of a Poet to compose the Hymn which is not to be supposed 2. All pray and praise God when they heartily join with the Minister who is most sit to express the Praises of God in the Church Of Obedience to Superiours Son. WHat is my Duty towards my Parents by God's Law and by the Gospel Father 1. To love and reverence their Persons 2. A pious Fear and Obedience to their Authority Lev. 19. 3. Prov. 23. 22. 1. 8. My Son hear the Instruction of thy Father and forsake not the Law of thy Mother The just Commands of Parents are a Law to Children Colos 3. 20. Children obey your Parents in all things for this is well-pleasing to the Lord. 3. To help them when they are in want thus our Saviour interpreteth the fifth Commandment Mat. 15. 4 5 6. Mark 7. 12. 4. Not to speak evil of your Parents for he that does so is in danger of death Mark 7. 10. Mat. 15. 5. S. What is the Duty of Servants to Masters F. 1. Let as many Servants as are under the Yoak count their own Masters worthy of all honour that the Name of God and his Doctrine be not blasphemed 1 Tim. 6. 1. 2. And they that have believing Masters let them not despise them because they are Brethren but rather do them Service because they are faithful 1 Tim. 6. 2. The Gospel does not free any from the Duties of Morality but makes their Obligation to these Duties more strong And if any Man teach otherwise to open a Gap to Disobedience to our Superiours he is proud and knows nothing 1 Tim. 6. 3. 3. Servants are to be obedient to them that are their Masters according to the Flesh with fear and trembling in singleness of Heart as to Christ not with eye-service as Men-pleasers but as the Servants of Christ doing the Will of God from the heart with good will doing Service as to the Lord and not to Men because though we serve Men in these Duties of Life yet God is he that commands it knowing also that what good thing any Man doth in the honest d●●charge of his Duty the same shall he receive of the Lord whether he be a Servant or a Master Ephes 6. 5. to 9. S. What is the Duty of young Men to the Aged F. Thou shalt rise up before the Gray Head and honour the Face of the Old Man Lev. 19. 32. S. What other demonstrations of Honour is there due to the Aged F. To speak to them reverently as to Fathers and to give them the Civilities of the Place Of the Honour due to the King. Son. WHAT is my Duty to●●●ds my Prince or Soveraign Father Thou art to honour the King next unto God because there is none above him in Authority over thee but God Fear God honour the King 1 Pet. 2. 17. He is the Lord 's Anointed for so was Cyrus King of Persia Ezra 1. 1. Isa 45. 1. They are called Gods Psal 82. 6. Fear therefore the Lord and the King and meddle not with disloyal Persons who are given to change Prov. 24. 21. Let every Soul be subject to the Higher Powers for the Powers that be are ordained of God Rom. 13. 1 2 3. S. In what things am I bound to obey my Soveraign F. In all things which he commands either Actively or Passively Submit your selves to every Ordinance of Man for the Lord's sake whether it be to the King as Supream or unto Governours as unto those that are sent by him 1 Pet. 2. 13 14. Thou must be ready to every good Work which they command Tit. 3. 1. Thou must in no wise rebel against him Rom. 13. 2. S. What if God command one thing and the King command another contrary to God's Command what then must I do F. Thou 〈◊〉 do what God commands and suffer patiently what the King imposeth though it be Death it self for so did Daniel Ch. 6. 10. and so did the three Children Dan. 3. 16 17. And the Apostles did the same Act. 4. 19. S. Wha● must be the frame of my Spirit towards my Prince in such hard usage F. 1. Thou must not curse the King no not in secret for God will discover it Eccles 10. 20. Thou shalt not revile the Gods nor speak evil of the Ruler of my People Exod. 22. 28. Act. 23. 5. 2. Thou must give to Caesar the things which are Caesars Honour Fear Tribute c. for so hath Christ commanded Mat. 22. 21. Rom. 13. 7. 3. Thou must pray for him in love unfainedly for this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour 1 Tim. 2. 1 2 3. 4. Thou must do all this for Conscience-sake suffering grief patiently Commiting thy self into the Hands of God in well-doing as into the hands of a faithful Creator Rom. 13. 5. 1 Pet. 2. 19. 4. 19. To conclude know this that Religion is ordain'd to make us wise and good Men. The Christian Religion is the best Religion And the best Christians will be the best Subjects to Princes most obedient to Parents most faithful to Masters for herein do they exercise themselves To have always a Conscience void of offenc● both towards God by walking humbly with him and towards Men by doing to all Men as they would that Men should do to them Act. 24. 16. Mat. 7. 12. FINIS