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A41320 A manuall of practical divinity for the benefit of weak Christians; the informing their judgements, the quickning their affections, and directing their conversation. With several things that may be of use for the convincing and awakening those that are yet in their natural estate. By Martin Fynch, pastor of the Church of Christ at Tetney in Lincoln-shire. Finch, Martin, 1628?-1698. 1658 (1658) Wing F943; ESTC R215057 78,614 198

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deceive us because of the inlightnings they have and reformation of life and smooth carriage but the common sort of narural men do plainly bewray themselves to be out of Christ and it is a sign of a carnal man to judge every body to be Saints that make such sleight and overly profession of Christ as the common sort of people do if we be Saints and know what the new birth is we shall not think it is such an easie and common thing to be true Saints but that strait is the gate and narrow is the way that leadeth to eternal Life and few there be that find it Some deceive themselves by building their hopes of salvation upon their gifts parts and knowledge when as Satan and many Reprobates outstrip many Saints of God in those things and yet have no saving nor experimental knowledge Others build their salvation upon the esteem that they have with others that are Saints but thou maist be but a Judas or Simon Magus for all that the Apostle bids us in that case every man to prove his own work to see what work of Grace he can find in his own heart and then he saith he shall have rejoicing in himself alone and not in another Gal. 6.4.5 Others again build their salvation upon this that they have left some gross sins as swearing drunkenness whereas it may be their hearts are 〈◊〉 bad a● ever but only they were forced to leave those sins they so galled their Consciences but yet their reformation never proceeded from faith CHAP. III. Great Salvation in Christ for sinners GOD that might have damned all mankind for sin and might have left us in that lost estate for ever hath so loved the world that he hath sent his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him might not perish but have eternal Life Some things we shall here take notice of concerning him in whom God accepts us and giveth us eternal Life Christ our Mediator is God Joh. 1.2 Phil. 2.7,8 1 Tim. 3.16 He is God by nature God the Father acknowledgeth him to be God Heb. 1.8 when he saith to Christ Thy Throne O God is for ever and ever he knows the hearts of men Joh. 2.22 All the Angles every one of them is by the command of God the Father to worship him which shews he is God Heb. 1.6 He laid the Foundations of the earth and the Heavens are the work of his hands Heb. 1.10,11,12 He is God and therefore he is mighty to save he is God and therefore hath everlasting arms to hold his members from falling into hell O what a glorious head hath the Church though we are but like Nebuchadnezzars Image the feet of clay and Iron yet our head is of pure gold Christ Jesus our Surety and Mediator is man he was made flesh 1 Joh. 2. came in the likeness of sinfull flesh took our nature after it was corrupted Rom. 8.3 Because the Children that God hath given him were pertakers of flesh and blood he also took part of the same Heb. 2. This is no small comfort to us that Christ hath taken our nature and was made like unto us in all things sin only excepted he knows what it is to be tempted and can succour them that are tempted O This is wonderfull that Christ should put on the poor suit of our nature and after we had so stained it by sin O That God should be so mindfull of us as to send his Son in our nature to die for us that God who was infinitly happy before ever we were that he should ●o it That God that had so many thousand Angels to sing praises to him and could have created millions of creatures more glorious then the very Angels to praise him for ever and that could have created a thousand worlds before this of men to praise him that glorious God that took infinite delight in his Eternal Son the Lord Jesus before ever the world was Prov. 8. that this blessed God should send his Son in our Nature and humble him to death even the death of the Cross This is wonderfull indeed The Lord Jesus was a publique person Rom. 5. therefore he is called a Surety Heb. 7. A Saviour Luke 2.23 An Advocate 1 Joh. 2.1 A Captain of Salvation Heb. 2.10 The Covenant of the People Isa 42.6 A Ransom 1 Tim. 2.6 A high Priest Heb. 4.4 What he did was for others for our sakes he sanctified himself He was delivered for our offences rose again for our Justification Rom. the fourth and the last There is infinite merit in Christ to justifie all that believe in him that nothing needs to be added to his Righteousness for Justification in him in him alone without works shall the house of Israel be justified and shall glory Isa 45. ult The Believers under the old Testament looked for acceptance with God only through Christ and therefore offered up the Sacrifices that were Types of him prayed in his name Dan. 9.10 He set open his window prayed towards Jerusalem which was a Type of Christ and prayed verse 17. that God would look upon his Sanctuary which was desolate for the Lords sake that is for the Lords Jesus sake Christ hath purchased all Sanctification and is the Author of it to sinners The precious Faith by which we believe to everlasting Life is from Christ 2. Pet. 1.1 There the Apostle saith that precious Faith is obtained through the Righteousness of Jesus Christ our Lord and so Heb. 10.2 And Repentance is from him Act. 5.31 And of his fulness we receive Grace for Grace Joh. 1.16 yea Phil 1.11 All the fruits of Righteousness all Grace whatsoever is said to come by Jesus Christ he was filled with Grace to communicate to us He is that Fountain and River of Life that serveth all the City of God that spiritual Joseph that laid in with abundance to serve all Aegypt The Lord Jesus had experience of all kind of sufferings and temptations that he might be a pittifull and a mercifull high Priest for us Heb. 2. ult Heb. 4. ult He was tempted in all points as we are yet without sin It was requisiite that the Lord Jesus our high Priest should be tempted in all points 1 That he might know the malice of the Devil experimentally by his own feeling 2 That he might overcome Satan The Lord Jesus the Captain of our Salvation fought a single duel with Satan that we might see his strength and that Satan might be overcom that so the Saints when they are set upon by Sathan might have faith in him that he who hath overcome him and broke the Serpents head where his wound is uncurable will prevent all his designs against them 3 That he might sympathize with the Saints and succour them when they are tempted in that fourth of the Hebrews v. 15. the Apostle saith We have not an high Priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities but was tempted as we are
〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 pierced through as we are The darts of temptation were thrown at Christ as well as they are at us 4 Christ was thus tempted that the Saints might know that great Temptations might consist with great love yea the greatest Temptations with the greatest love For what greater Temptations then Christ had in the fourth of Matthew But many poor Saints are fit to think that if God loved them and they had Truth of Grace they should not have such Temptations whereas Christ him self who was so infinitely beloved of the Father and had so much Grace and was so full of the Spirit had all manner of temptations and truly Satan as he made the world his last temptation to Christ Mat. 4. offering him the Glory of the World to see whether Christ would be allured with that even so doth he deal oftentimes with the Saints that after he hath tempted them much in their first conversion with blasphemous thoughts scruples about every thing almost and with infinite more temptations his last temptation when they grow old shall be to draw them to the love of the World to grow covetous and earthly in the old age of their profession to see if he can slily draw their hearts from God and take them off their zeal and life in religion by minding of earthly things the Lord Jesus who himself overcame this Temptation and who prayed for his members Joh. 17. that the Father would keep them from the evil of the world yea and Gal. 1.4 gave himself for us to deliver us from this present evil world He breaks this snare of this cunning Fowler Satan that our foot be not taken Again the Lord Jesus suffered by reproaches and persecution from the world this also was requisite 1. That he might succour his people in such cases 2. That the Saints might not think much to suffer from the world when the Master of the House had done it 3. That the Saints might not think that they are Hypocrites and have not sincerity because that the world raileth on them and persecutes them for Christ he had no sin and yet the world would have dirt to cast in his face 4. That the Saints in all these sufferings which they endure might have an example of patience from Christ who when he was reviled reviled not again O Blessed are they that fall into this pittiful Samaritans hands the Lord Jesus a pittiful and merciful high Priest indeed Are they poor he knows how to succour and pitty them in that condition for he had not whereon to lay his head Do they lie under the apprehension of Gods wrath Christ knows how to succour them in that condition for he knows what a burden that is which made him cry out my God my God why hast thou forsaken me Is a poor creature come to his dying hour Christ knows what the pangs of death are Thus the Lord Jesus hath not only infinite Love as God but as Mediatour and as one that hath shot the same gulphs of temptation that we are to pass through The carriage of Christ upon earth towards sinners is to be diligently studied by those who would see the heart of Christ towards sinners and what infinite riches of mercy God bestoweth upon us in him he converted many in his own person and of the poorest sort Fishermen and men of mean rank many of them and as few of them were mighty and Noble so few of them were of the Wise men after the flesh though Christ could as easily have made Herod the learned men of those times have followed him as Matthew and the rest That follow me that Christ spake to Matthew accompanied with that Almighty Power of the Spirit that it came to his heart withal would have made any of them have followed Christ O the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ the Lord of Glory that he would condescend to keep company constantly with a few Fishermen and other poor people in the dayes of his flesh when he could have called all the Princes of the earth to wait upon him the Lord of all he could have fetcht them from the uttermost parts of the earth to hear his Wisdom and to minister unto him and though Christ would use many harsh words to the Pharises because they trusted that they were righteous in themselves and despised others yet how sweet in his carriage to others even bringing Publicans and Harlots into the Kingdom of God! O his compassions to the very bodies of men healing their sick O the affectionate expressions of Christ to his Disciples a little before his death recorded in John and what affectionate Prayers he put up for them to the Father and for all that should believe on him through their word John 17. And behold what manner of affection he discovered after he was risen He appears first to Mary Magdalen that had been such a great sinner sends word to Peter that had denied him of his Resurrection and never mentions his fall O what manner of Mediatour hath God provided so full of merit so full of Grace to be communicated to sinners so full of compassions towards sinners Thus God hath laid in Sion a sure Foundation a tried Stone a precious corner Stone and he that believeth on him shall not be ashamed Whatsoever evil and mischief sin brought upon us Christ freeth us from it that are in him Sin made God and us to be at odds Christ Reconciles us and makes God and a poor sinner friends never to fall out more He hath made peace by the blood of his Cross Col. 1.20 Our sins made a horrible stench in the Nostrils of God Christs death was a sweet smelling savour to God Eph. 5.2 to take away that stench Sin brought the wrath of God upon us Christ delivereth us from the wrath to come 1 Thes 1.10 Sin brought us into prison Christ maketh us free and we are free indeed John 8. Esay 61.1 Eph. 1.7 We have the Redemption through his Blood even the forgiveness of sins There is nothing but great things and wonders in what God hath done for sinners in Christ He raiseth a poor soul that believeth in Christ to a better estate then ever we had before we fell that our latter end after all our prodigality is better then our beginning for we are made immutably happy and Righteous by Christ we have union with the Lord Jesus the second person of the Trinity in an intimate Conjugal manner which Adam had not before the fall we stand upon free Promises an absolute Covenant there was no such Promise so free and absolute without Conditions before the fall as that after the fall Gen. 3. The seed of the woman shall break the Serpents head yea a Believer in Christ hath not only created gifts as the first Adam but the Influences of the Blessed Spirit and the strength of Christ by which a soul can do all things Phil. 4.13 that so he is fitted for
all spiritual Duty from an unfailing strength and spring of Grace in the Lord Jesus And if those that believe in the Lord Jesus are brought into a better state then Adam at first was in then much more is the Lord Jesus the Author of all this to them worthy of more Glory then Adam for the Lord Jesus had not only all those created gifts that Adam had but besides he was God equal with the Father and as Mediatour he was exalted far above Adam for he had fulness of Grace in him John 1.16 the Spirit without measure John 3. had power over all flesh John 17.2 Mat. 28. He doth not speak there of his Power as God but of his Power as Mediatour for that only could be given him as he saith thou hast given me power over all flesh Whatsoever a Believer hath it is through Christ for whatsoever God doth for a poor creature either to justifie sanctifie quicken or comfort he doth all for us in Christ He blesseth us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly things in him Eph. 1.3 We are by nature dead in trespasses and sins and God makes Christ our Life Eph. 2.1 Gal. 1.20 We are naturally in darkness and God makes Christ our Light Eph. 5.8 He makes Christ our Sun to shine upon us the glorious Sun of Righteousness that is so full of Light and heat to us we are naturally in a famisht and starved condition like the Prodigal and God makes Christ our food he giveth us Christ as the true Manna bread of Life John 6. We are naturally poor and beggerly and God makes Christ our riches and Treasure Prov. 8.17,18,19 We are naturally naked and God makes Christ our cloathing putting on us his Robe of Righteousness We are impotent and weak and he makes him our strength Thus he makes Christ all in all to us both Wisdom Righteousness Sanctification and Redemption CHAP. IV. The freeness of the Salvation that we have by Christ THe Dispensation of Grace and Eternal Life in Christ Jesus is every way free to us the Lord hath shewn the greatest kindness when there was not the least desert that every one that is saved by this Grace may say O that ever such an ugly creature as I should have the best Robe put upon me such a Prodigal as I have been find such unexpected kindness such a Blackamore as I am that ever I should have the kisses of the fairest of ten thousand this is wonderful indeed That God should chuse us to eternal Life when he might have appointed us unto wrath this can never be requited that such a person as Christ the eternal Son of God should undertake to bring us to glory this is free indeed and that the Lord should do this without the least desire or engagement on the creatures part and that the Lord Christ should not shun the greatest sufferings in order to our Salvation but be wounded bruised bear the curse of the Law and the wrath of God can this ever be requited And that the Lord should do this after we had spent so fair an estate as we had in Innocency and we had wasted it as the Prodigal did what manner of love is this And that the Lord Jesus went through the work of our Redemption without grudging did he ever say Shall I die for such base wretches as these are but when Peter would not have had him died he took him up sharpely and said Get thee behind me Sathan Mat. 16.21,22,23 we read not that he took him up so when he denied him can this ever be requited for ever And that the Lord Jesus should think of every thing and purchase every thing that was requisite to make us happy in his Death he purchased all Grace he gave himself for us to deliver us from this present evil world Gal. 1.4 He knew that was a great enemy and he purchased Grace to keep us from the evil of that and if we mind Christs Prayer John 17. we may see how Christ thought of every thing for us And that Christ after his bloody Sacrifice should make intercession for us and bear our Names before Jehovah and that he should take such care to send the Comforter in his absence to abide with us for ever this is not after the manner of mens love O Lord our God free free every way free O let us say that believe in Christ we must take this as free love we never deserved it and we can never requite it O I will love thee for ever and praise thee for ever And what are we for whom the Lord hath done all this all the while before we are converted We hate God and are Rebels against him and after we are converted we perform but little Duty we are but little in prayer little in praises little in heavenly meditation sometimes we have a holy thought and then abundance of vain thoughts for it sometimes we have a savoury word and then abundance of vain discourse for it and those few duties we do have a great deal of weakness and sin in them our prayers full of deadness formality unbelief we are proud when we have enlargements so sinful in our best performances that all Saints will confess their Righteousness is as menstruous raggs O let this discovery of the freeness of Gods Grace in Christ draw the worst of sinners that are yet in their Natural estate to come to Christ if Christ and Grace were not free how should Paul Mary Magdalen Zacheus and such have ever been converted Object 1. But the sinner will say I have been a sinner of a thousand may I be welcome to Christ I have scoffed at the Saints and railed at them Answ So was Paul before his conversion I saith he was a Persecutor a Blasphemer and injurious to the people of God where ever he came yet he obtained mercy 1 Tim. 1.12,13 yea he confesses to King Agrippa that before his Conversion he was mad against the Church and yet the Lord turns this man in his full speed and there was no qualification to move the Lord to it he was going to persecute the Saints when the Lord met him and converted him Object 2. But I have no good in me to commend me to Christ Answ Christ expects none untill you be in him by faith Christ doth not look for Grapes of thorns how should you be holy until you be in Christ Object 3. Ay but whereas others though they be not converted yet they have parts and understanding and can speak of Religion but I have no parts nor knowledge Answ The Lord hath promised to make the ignorant understand Doctrine if God convert thee● he can make thee understand the things of Religion presently Object 4. Ay But I am a poor man or woman that live in obscurity the Lord surely will never convert me for of what use can I be to God he will call Scholars and great men that may be more serviceable then ever
prayer and all duties whether our Communion with God be more or less in them FINIS CHAP. XX. How the Lord is pleased effectually to call some after they have been long in their natural Estate and have been very wicked GOd is pleased to suffer some of his Elect to go on a great while in Ignorance and to fall into great sins before he convert them as Matthew Zachaeus Mary Magdalene an elect person yet God leaveth her to be possest with seven devils and to be a Harlot before he convert her Paul an elect person yet God leaveth him a great while to go on in a Pharisaical way and to be a grievous Persecutor before the Lord convert him The Thief upon the Cross was an elect person yet the Lord let him run on a long time in his sins for these he is sentenced to die the●… the Lord converts him now there are many reasons why the Lord in his insinite wisdom suffers many elect persons to fall into so much sin before the Lord convert them As 1 because God will make it more eminently appeare that it was his meer Grace to save them and convert them God doth convert many in their young time before they have run into much prophaness others God leaveth to go on a long time in prophaness and though he could have converted them before yet he doth it to magnifie his own Grace 2 And God doth it that men might be the more humble after their Conversion remembring what great sins they fell into before the Lord called them 3 Hereby mens conversion is more remarkable to themselves and to others and tends much to the awakening of others when they shall see a notorious sinner so changed it may startle others exceedingly 4 That the worst of sinners might not be hardned and go on desperately in their sins and say There is no hope no but seeing others converted after they have gone on so long in sin that they might now come to Christ and say I will have no more fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but cast my self upon the free mercy of God in Christ 5 That we might use means to convert the greatest sinners and not say There is no hope that that Drunkard and that Worldling should ever be converted and so never use means to discover sin and Christ to them 6 That God might shew the certainty of Election that those that he hath chosen shall be called according to Gods gracious purpose which purpose shall stand By this we see that all the Father giveth to Christ shall come to him and be effectually called though they are long before they are converted 7 Hereby God will shew us the infinite merit of his Sons blood that it will cleanse from all sin that though an elect person hath so abounded in sin yet the blood of Christ is able to save him to the utmost 8 And thus God sheweth the power of his Spirit that he is able to convert men not only when they are less sinners but when they are mightily hardened in sin and have long accustomed themselves to do evil Question But doth God love an elect Person and hath he care of them before they be converted Answ Yes God loved them from eternity God loved Jacob Rom. 9. before he had done good or evil God doth not then begin to love a soul when he is converted though then the effects of his love do more appear 2 God gave his blessed Son for his elect while they were enemies then they were reconciled to God by the death of his Son he died for the ungodly Rom. 5.9,10 and this was infinite love 3 If God did not love the Elect before they were converted they would never be converted It s his infinite love to them that he unites draws them to Christ without which drawing they could never come to Christ 4 God Hath such a love and care towards an elect person that he never suffers them to fall into the sin against the holy Ghost though they fall into other great sins 5 God hath such a care towards them that they never die unconverted Rom. 8,30 Whom he did predestinate them he hath also called God either converts them in their young time or else lengthens out their days upon the earth and brings them to Christ though it be at the eleventh hour As God called some of all sorts of sinners excepting those that commit the sin against the holy Ghost so he calleth at several ages some in their child-hood some in their middle age and some in their old age but God calleth most in their young time whilst their hearts are yet tender How hath the Lord been pleased to work Grace in them that have been mightily prejudiced against the powerfull preaching of the word as it s recorded in the life of that gracious man Mr. Robert Bolton that before his conversion he hearing Mr. Perkins preach he said He was an empty dry fellow but after he was converted he had high thoughts of his powerfull Ministry Another was that afterwards one of the most eminent in grace and gifts that our times have known when the Bel went for Mr. Perkins secretly was glad in his heart that he was dead that he might not be so startled by his heart-searching ministry which thought did exceedingly humble him afterwards and God pleased powerfully to work upon him and make him a burning and shining light Thus where sin abounds Gods grace sometimes cals a soul and so abounds much more then sin abounded If we knew all passages concerning those whom the Lord converteth what prophaness in some what strange ignarance in others what wicked resistance of the Spirit it would make us cry out O the wickedness of the creature and O the unsearchable riches of Gods free grace some have gone to an Ordinance to sleep and the Lord hath made such a noise by his Spirit in their hearts that they have been past sleeping their souls have been so effectually awakened some have gone to ensnare the Preacher and the Lord hath changed their hearts and opened their eyes some have gone boldly to outface the Lord in his Ordinances and the Lord hath made their stout hearts tremble at his word some have gone only out of novelty to hear a man because he was a stranger or was a noted Preacher and the Lord hath converted them some have gone with their hearts as full of prejudice against the Preacher as could be and yet the Lord hath bowed their heares before they came away and made them say Surely God is in this man and in his Ministry of a truth Some shall certainly be converted and must enter into Gods rest Heb. 4.6 1 because God hath ordained some to eternal life Acts 13.48 and the Election must obtain it 2 The Lord Jesus hath died for them and hath made their peace by the blood of his cross And God the Father hath given him power over all the
not the spirit of Christ hath not Christ to present his Duties to God the Father and to take away the Iniquity of them and then what can he do acceptible to God It s the way of our hearts by nature that if we do any thing that is good for the matter of it we make use of it to keep us at a further distance from Christ and closing with him by faith that we trust to our Duties for Salvation and thus if we do any thing for God it is out of base ends as Jehu did either for applause to be accounted Religious and zealous for God or to stop the mouth of conscience or else we think to make our good works a Ladder to climbe up to Heaven by We are blind in spiritual things having our understandings darkned and alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in us and blindness of our minds Eph. 4. that all the my steries of the Gospel are Riddles to us and till we plough with the Lords Heifer the Spirit of God we cannot understand those Riddles when the Lord came to convert Nicodemus how blind and ignorant did he find him Joh. 3. and when he came to convert the woman of Samaria how ignorant did he find her we may see John 4. It s a wonderful thing how in conversion God makes the ignorant to understand Doctrine how in a month or two God helps them to pray and discourse so knowingly and spiritually that before were perfect sots and almost as ignorant of God as the Beast that perishes And in the Description of our natural estate Tit. 3.3 we are said to be foolish we are like fools and mad men and indeed men will call themselves fools first or last either here if they are converted or in Hell What fools are we to prefer the world before Christ For this the Lord called the rich man fool Luke 12. and what fools are we that having but one precious Jewel our souls that we will fell it for every base lust we are more foolish then Esau was in selling his Birth-right for a mess of pottage And what fools are we to make no provision for Eternity The Ant is wiser that provideth her meat in the Summer but we take no care for the long winter of eternity And what fools are we to set our selves against the Saints of God who are as dear to him as the Apple of his Eye Christ tels Paul its hard for him to kick against the pricks Act. 9. He makes the persecuting of the Saints to be as foolis● and dangerous a thing as for a man to kick knock his shins against the pricks And what fools are we that though we will not neglect Fairs and Markets yet will neglect the means of Grace and opportunities of getting Christ And what fools are we that when Christ knocks at our doors will not let in such a blessed guest that brings the Spirit and a new Heart and a pardon and eternal life with him And what fools are we that will build our eternal condition upon the sands of our own Righteousness and not upon Jesus Christ If a man should build a house upon the sands we should say he is a fool indeed the next Tide will wash it away and the ground will sink and give way all this folly and a thousand times more is in our hearts by nature but we see it not There is a strange forwardness and earnestness in us naturally to sin and a lothness to leave sin insomuch that men will be in a rage against those that would stop them in their sinful courses and though God send many afflictions as upon Pharaoh yet men turn not to the Lord indeed when men can scarce turn them in their beds they will say they will leave their wicked courses but when the affliction is over they will be as bad as ever men are so loth to part with their sins naturally that they will undo their souls unto all eternity rather then part with their lusts as Nero's mother enquiring whether her son should be Emperour she was told that he should be Emperour but then he should kill her she out of the pride and ambition of her spirit said Let him kill me so he be but Emperour so the Word of the Lord tels us that if we go on in our sins and are not converted our souls will be damned to all eternity and men say in their hearts Let me be damned so I may enjoy my base lusts O what wickedness is in the heart Men will not fall out with themselves and sins until they come to hell except they be converted but in hell men will fall out with their sins and say O thou cursed pride O cursed drunkenness O cursed uncleanness O cursed unbelief that hath undon our souls for ever And if the Lord never convert us but leave us in a state of Nature to die out of Christ how infinitely miserable shall we be for ever The wages of sin is death Rom. 6.14 Rom. 1.18 Eph. 5.6 The wrath of God like a huge Mountain will lie upon a sinners back in hell to crush him to pieces you will alwayes see God frowning upon you O think of this if thou beest not brought out of the state of Nature and ingraffed into Christ thou wilt be separated for ever from the Lord you shall never enjoy communion with him a glimpse of whose Reconciled face in Christ is worth ten thousand Worlds you will never taste one drop of those Rivers of Gods pleasures for ever of which the Saints shall have their fill O that will be a dreadful word Depart from me ye cursed Depart from me whose Loving kindness is better then Life Depart from me a day in whose Courts is better then a thousand elswhere go among the Devils who like roaring Lions seek to devour you When once men come to Hell there will be no means of Grace for ever Eccles 9.10 No work nor device nor knowledge in the grave No more dealings of Gods Spirit with men no inward nor outward comfort nothing but weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth which shews extremity of torment in Hell The Saints indeed when they die their places and Relations know them no more nor they them but then they know a better place Heaven and enjoy better Relations but a natural man leaveth all his outward comforts and goes into infinite torments O thou that are in thy natural condition give ear to this and flee from the wrath to come it may be now thou knowest not how to spend a day without some pastime or other O how wilt thou spend eternity in Hell where thou shalt never have a drop of water to cool thy tongue O consider what heart-distracting heart tormenting thoughts you will have in Hell if the Lord never convert you here how sadly will you remember what great sins you committed and with what hardness of heart how will it torment you
her that is with child then mayest thou know the works of God who worketh all and what a Mystery is this the way of the Spirit if we understand it of the Angels or if we understand it of the Spirits of men children how the Spirit comes into the child in the womb and whetherin the Spirit be formed of some matter and of what and how the Spirit and Life should be in the child so long and it not to be stifled in the womb These are mysterious things and so saith he is it to know the works of God Again the workings of God in Conversion are compared to the secret Influences of Leaven Matth. 13.33 The Kingdom of Heaven is like unto a woman that hid a piece of Leaven in three measures of meal until the whole was leavened A mysterious thing how a little leaven spreads it self and leavens the whole Lump and so how God speaks but a word to the Heart doth but say to Matthew Follow me and the soul leaves all and follows Christ this is a mysterious thing It is Infinite Grace that God sheweth in the Conversion of a soul that he should put forth his Almighty power to convert us which he might put forth to damn us and torment us for ever that he should work Grace when he was not desired when we sought him not God first calls and not the creature and O that he should work though the creature resist and hang back we linger in our natural Estate as Lot did in Sodom and we should tarry in our natural estate till God raigned down fire and brimstone upon us as he did upon Sodom and now as the Angel while Lot lingred pulled him forcibly out so doth the Lord pull us forcibly out Col. 1.13 He snatcht us out of the power of darkness so the word signifies and O how doth God work Grace oftentimes upon the most cross and crabbed natured men that if they had not Grace there were no living with them In Conversion the Spirit convinceth the soul of sin as John 16.9 stops it in its sinful course and the soul seeth the Law meet him many times as the Angel met Balaam in the way with a drawn sword in his hand and convinces the soul of Righteousness in Christs perfect Righteousness and draws the soul abandoning all other Refuges to pitch upon Christ for Life and Acceptance with God that the soul now it seeth its wound doth not go to the Law but to the blood of Christ that the soul saith Lord thou providedst me a Garment of Righteousness in Adam one that is worn out and is all menstruous rags and now Lord thou hast provided me a new Garment of Righteousness the Righteousness of thine own Son a Garment that will never wax old Lord I accept of this Righteousness I put on this garment of mine elder Brother to come to thee in When the soul is converted Christ becomes the souls all in all for Justification Sanctification Consolation Whom have I in Heaven but thee and what do I desire in the earth but thee all but dung all but dross in comparison of Christ Communion with God becomes the greatest nourishment and refreshment to the soul Lord lift up the light of thy countenance upon me for thou art my exceeding Joy this is the language of a true Saint Sin grows irksom and a tedious burthen to the soul and not so much for fear of Hell as from the Love we have to God and Christ our dear Redeemer Now the soul thinks that much that God doth for him and that nothing that he doth for God he thinks as Solomon when he dedidated the temple The Heaven of Heavens is not able to contain thee What is my poor prayers and preaching and service I with all my duties am less then the least of all the Mercics and kindness that thou hast shown to thy servant The soul now is much in the admiration of of Gods love and in desires after it and in thankfulness for it Thy loving kindness is better then Life Psal 63,3 though skin for skin and all that a man hath will he give for his Life Life is so dear yet thy loving kindness is better then Life If a soul that is converted were going to die for Christs sake that the Grace of God in him costs him his Life yet he cannot but bless God that ever he had Grace wrought in him The soul that is converted misseth God soon and cannot miss him long Psal 63.1,2 My soul thirsteth to see God as I have seen him in such an Ordinance in praying hearing meditating breaking of bread and I long to see him as I have seen him in such a Promise in which he hath sometimes strengthned me quickned me and revived me when I walkt in trouble And the nature of a soul that is converted is to fear sin most when he fears sin least that is to fear to commit sin most when he through the assurance of Gods pardoning mercy to him fears sin least for damning of him In Regeneration the Lord infuseth a new life the seed and habit of Grace wherein in the Soul is passive at first God by a Work of his own plucks up all other foundations and laies down Christ for a foundation in the heart Isa 28.16 Thus saith the Lord Behold I lay in Zinn for a foundation Stone a tryed Stone c. which tryed stone and sure foundation is the Lord Jesus Now its God that laies in Zion that is in the heasts of his people this Foundation behold I lay It s my work saith the Lord no man himself can lay this Foundation right O This is the saving work of Gods Spirit when as God hath laid Christ for the Foundation in a Soul that the soul builds all upon Christ he beareth the stress and weight of all as the foundation bears the weight of the building that all our comfort and peace and strength is built upon Christ and there is now an union between Christ and the soul as there is between the foundation and the rest of the building and this union the Lord makes by the Spirit and by the faith whereby the soul is glued and cemented for ever unto Christ CHAP. VIII The woful Backsliding of many Professors and the way of their Recovery MAny Professors are gone back mightily from the Lord some by error of Judgment some by loosness of Conversation and deadness and formality as if they had never been acquainted with the Lord It s hard to come to a true sense of it because a man may keep up the outward profession of Religion he may grow in Gifts may be in Church-fellowship and yet be much backsliden in his Spirit if the Lord will make use of any thing here written to make any sensible of it and recover them out of it it were a great Mercy Several signs of a backsliding Professor shall be laid down 1. Sign If the Conscience be not so tender as
many times So that there is great need of the witness of the Spirit besides all our evidences to put the matter out of doubt that we are effectually called and so it is writen Rom. 8.15 The Spirit himself witnesses with our spirits that we are the sons of God He makes a heart-affecting discovery of the love of God in Christ to the soul Rom. 5.5 excites and stirs up Faith in the heart to act afresh upon the Lord Jesus works some joy in the soul from the apprehension of our Acceptance in Christ The Holy Ghost sometimes in assuring us of Gods love in Christ takes Promises in the Scriptures and sets them with power upon the heart as I am He that blotteth out thy Transgressions for my own Names sake and will remember thy sins no more Not that all words of Scripture that are cast into our minds are from the Spirit of the Lord but sometimes from Satan sometimes Promises come into our minds in an ordinary way as other things come to mind that we have read or heard but when any word of Scriptute is given in and applied in a way of comfort to our spirits from the Spirit of God 1. It will take some Impression though it may be that when the Spirit comes to comfort and witness he many times comes not with such irresistibility as when he comes to sanctifie yet some Impression it will have upon the heart if not to fill it with joy and Triumphing of spirit yet some way to support it and bear it up 2. If it come from the Spirit it will be suitable and seasonable to our condition as if a poor Saint be in affliction and the Holy Ghost should give in such a word as that in Heb. 12.9 He afflicts us for our profit that we might be partakers of his Holiness this is a seasonable word but many will say that such a Scripture was given in to them in such a condition when as the Scripture was nothing suitable to their condition but they mistook the meaning of the place 2. When the Spirit giveth in Scripture usually though not alwayes it is when the soul is in some strait some great strait and then he giveth them in some word upon which he causeth them to hope 4. Such words of Promise as the Spirit applies thus to a soul are very dear to the soul ever after yea it makes the whole Word of God more dear to them and such words do abide upon the memory very long 5. They raise up thankfulness in the heart 6. They do not cherish us in any way of sin if you thought you had any word from the Lord to put you upon any thing that the Word saith is sin then you were mistaken Somtimes the Spirit of God in comforting and witnessing to us doth not make use of any particular places and Promises but makes a general Discovery of the Gospel and New Covenant and applies that to the soul and shews him that he hath an Interest in the New Covenant that he is one of those whose Names are written in heaven and is sprinkled with the blood of Christ which cleanseth him from all sin This also I would here note that the Spirit of God doth speak peace to the consciences of many Believers that yet think they have no peace and question the truth of Grace in their hearts I say though it comes not so high as Ravishments of spirit yet the Holy Ghost in some more secret way hath quieted their hearts How comes it to pass else that those Believers notwithstanding all their doubtings yet do really and experimentally find that they can go to God as to a Father in prayer they are carried out to put all their cases to God and trust him with all their concernments and they find that the rancour of their spirits is taken off against the Lord these things declare plainly that in some secret way the Spirit of God hath quieted their hearts and given them some satisfaction concerning their sincerity and Truth of Grace though it hath not been so plain as to some other Saints that have had full assurance and abundance of joy in the Holy Ghost thereupon Let not the Saints be impatient and fret to do evil if the Spirit don't presently give them assurance neither let them think that they shall never have assurance because they have been long without it The Lord oftentimes lets things come to the worst before he sends help Peace and Assurance may be very near when thou thinkest that there is almost now no hope yea this is observable that when the Holy Spirit shall give assurance after much doubting that assurance oftentimes is more lasting then others that have had comfort sooner But God lets some even spend their dayes in sighing and their years with heaviness and even mourn out their eyes and hearts and find no rest and peace in Believing the Lord makes known to us by such examples the bitterness of sin the power of his Terrours the danger of backsliding and that he only can speak peace Let Christians beware of getting a habit of complaining and doubting as I have known some have got such a habit of complaining that upon all occasions and in all company they must be laying out their doubtings not but that Christians should make known their troubles and fears in suitable times one to another both that others seeing the straits that they are in may pray the more for them and might comfort them with the comforts wherewith they have been comforted of God but I say many have such a habit of complaining that I had almost said whether they have doubts and troubles upon their spirits or no they think it not well if they have not some complaint to make and think that their godly friends expect it alwayes from them Some not considering what Faith is viz. the souls being brought off from all other things to depend and relie upon the Lord Jesus for eternal life they bear false witness against themselves that they do not believe in Christ thinking that faith is nothing but some high Ravishments and almost perfection whereas ask such souls Hath the Lord convinced you of your miserable estate by nature both in respect of the damning and domineering power of sin and they can truly say yea the Lord hath convinced me of this Ask them further Hath the Lord shewn you that all your own Righteousness can never save you nothing but a crucified Christ can do it the soul can truly say yes the Lord hath powerfully convinced me of this ask the soul further Hath the Lord ever made you truly sensible that you could not believe in your own strength but Faith was the Lords free gift and the soul can truly say yes the Lord hath made me sensible of this and you ask further Did you ever find an Almighty power of Gods Spirit drawing your heart to Christ to take him for the Lord your Righteousness so that
mans sins to be unpardoned unforgiven the strength and power that sin hath to damn is from the Law that it is the breach of Gods holy Law but he tels us that Believers are freed from the damning power of sin and from the curses of the Law through Christ Jesus as terrible as death is to nature flesh and blood and to a man that fears hell because it is the day of execution to all that are out of Christ yet a Saint may look upon death with comfort for though it be a dark entry yet it leads to our Fathers House where are many Mansions though it be a rough passage yet it lands us safe in Heaven infinite advantage comes to a Believer by death 1. Perfect enjoyment of God the Father Son and Holy Ghost the sight of whose blessed face shall fill us in Heaven with unconceivable joy for ever 2. Clear understanding of God his Grace and the mysterie of all his dealings with us in the world now we see all these darkly but the Apostle saith then we shall see face to face now how poor and confused is our knowledge how little a portion know we of the Almighty and of his Grace to us then all will be clear 3. Freedom from sin which though it doth not raign in Believers now yet then it shall not in the least remain but they shall be Holy throughout 4. Freedom from afflictions whereof all Gods children are partakers more or less in their Pilgrimage 5. Freedom from all Temptations either to sin or for sin 6. Spiritual and full enjoyment of the Saints and not of Saints in their weaknesses and mistakes which yet we in our Pilgrimage do rightly judge to be a great mercy but then we shall enjoy communion with Saints full of the Spirit Saints made perfect Many particulars might be added to these which shall be omitted for brevities sake but two questions must here be briefly resolved Quest 1. How comes it to pass that many natural men will often wish they were dead and many time die like lambs and others murder themselves Answ 1. It s seldom a real desire that ignorant people have to die but a sinful customary expression 2. If they be in good earnest it ariseth from ignorance 1 Ignorance what a serious thing it is to die 2 Ignorance of their own condition they think they are in Christ and that so death will be an end of all troubles to them 3 Ignorance of the torments of hell as if they were not greater then the troubles they have here for which they wish themselves dead 3 Those that murder themselves are either so distracted by excess of Melancholy or so dejected by some outward crosses or so overwhelmed with despair or so confounded in their understandings by Satan that they are not able to put forth scarce a serious or rational thought but are carried with a strange confusion and hurry of thoughts into any thing 2. But then it will be asked Why many gratious persons seem to be wonderfully a fraid of death before it come and die with very little Comfort seemingly upon their spirits but rather trouble Answ 1. So far as a Saint is flesh and blood and so far as there is corruption in him so far death will be terrible to him yet in the mean while the regenerate part in him desires to be dissolved and to be with Christ as that which is best of all but as Ridley said when he came to die I am not afraid but the flesh will have its course 2 A Saint knoweth more then other men what a serious thing it is to die he considereth the account that is to be given to God and the straitness of the way that leadeth to eternal Life and many times is not so assured of Gods love in Christ and this damps his spirit as to death 3 Though a Saint sometime seems to be unwilling to die yet before the Lord takes them away he usually makes them not only willing but desirous to die to be with Christ and that is a wonderful thing how God can in one moment turn the scales in these things and make that Saint that even now trembled at the thoughts of death now to say Lord here am I When wilt thou send for me home This the Saints have sometimes experience of 4 Their Comfort at death may be damped much and seeming trouble appear to standers by through some secret strong temptations of Satan or through violence of their disease CHAP. XV. The Holiness of Believers HOliness is most properly to be urged upon Believers more then upon natural men the great thing and the first thing that they are to do is to believe in Christ and after they are in Chrst then they are to be urged to walk holily in him Believers are to be holy both in soul and body not only in the thoughts of their hearts but in all the actions of the outward man The Apostle Paul urgeth the holiness of the outward man of the body as well as the heart by six arguments all laid down in the sixth chapter of the first epile to the Corinthians His first Argument is v. 13. How the body is not for fornication but for the Lord and the Lord for the body that is the Lord he is for the body of believers as well as the soul he hath a care of their bodies of their outward man and bestowes many mercies upon the outward man and therefore saith the Apostle there is all the reason in the world that the body the outward man should be for the Lord. His second Argument is in the 14. verse he saith that God will raise up our bodies at the last there is much in that if God will at last raise up the bodies of Believers and glorifie them and make them like to Christs glorious body O how should they glorifie God with their bodies now in the mean while His third Argument is That our bodies are the members of Christ v. 15. His fourth Argument is That our bodies are the temples of the holy Ghost v. 19. His fift Argumentis That we are not our own neither bodies nor souls v. 19. His last argument is that we are bought with a price v. 20. All these Arguments are very strong for a Believers glorifying of God with his body as well as with his soul both which are the Lords Several Arguments may be brought for the Saints holiness in general as 1 the Grace of God in Christ should be such a prevailing Argument to holiness that where there is any Gospel-ingenuity we should reason as the Apostle doth We were dead and we judge that Christ having died for us to save us that it s but reason we should live to him saith he in that place 2 Cor. 5.14,15 the love of Christ constrains us 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the word signifies it keeps in it stops restrains bridles we have corrupt and wicked hearts by nature but when
Bathsheba was born for in the fourteenth v. Nathan told him that the child that was born to him should die and so verse fifteen The Lord strake the child and so for his sin in numbring the people 2 Sam. 24.8,9,10 it was nine moneths and twenty days that the people were numbring and all that time David was not sensible of the sin but in the end of that time the Text saith His heart smote him and he said I have done very foolishly and what a sad thing is it that a sin should be three quarters of a year unrepented of and such great sins A Saint of all men in the world had need have his eyes about him and if it be possible have a thousand things in his eye together and surely if there are some sins that we commit and don't know them and mourn only in the general for them we should mourn the more for these sins we are convinced of and apply Christs blood to cleanse us from secret faults 11. Think daily of the greatness and freeness of Gods Love to us who hath taken such a course of mercy to us when he might have taken a course of Judgement well saith the Scripture That as the Heavens are higher then the Earth so is his mercy towards them that fear him and so are his thoughts of Mercy above ours What is all our mercy and pitty unto His Peter talks to Christ of forgiving seven times a day Christ tels him Ay seventy times seven such is Gods forgiveness his Mercy our mercy to others is commanded and is our duty but Gods mercy is free our mercy to others ariseth from Gods mercy to us but Gods mercy ariseth from him self our mercy is but to some few his to thousands and ten thousands we oftentimes repent of our Mercy he repenteth not O whilst we live and when we die think much and speak much of free Mercy O the infinite expressions of it in the giving of Christ for us and to us What a Miracle of Mercy is our perseverance notwithstanding all our backslidings the daily meditation of free Grace is an approved receipt against hardness of heart this will soften the heart and bring it to godly sorrow for sin to admiration we are said to have hearts like an Adamant stone Zech. 7. Now the Adamant stone is the hardest stone in all the world it will cut glass with ease no hammer nor fire will stir this stone yet this Adamant stone being steeped in Goats blood new and warm that will soften it so will our adamant hearts be softened being steeped in the thoughts of Gods free Grace being steeped in the blood of the Lord Jesus that scape-goat that carried away our sins into the Land of forgetfulness 12. Though we shall have daily infirmities whilst we are here below yet watch against sin and especially have a care we make no eminent turns from God there are some sins that grieve Gods Spirit above others David had many sinful failings he told a lye to Abimelech 1 Sam. 21.2 feigned himself mad 1 Sam. 21.13 made a rash oath concerning Nabal 1 Sam. 25.22 was very cruel to the Ammonites 2 Sam. 12. numbred the people in self-confidence 2 Sam. 24. commited Adultety with Bathsheba 2 Sam. 11. Yet it is said of David 1 King 15.5 that he did that which was right in the eyes of the Lord all the days of his life but in the matter of Vriah Some think it is spoken of his Government that that only was amiss in his Government that he murdered Vriah but I rather think that this is only mentioned because it was the most eminent turn from the Lord that ever David made the sin that grieved the Spirit of God above all other in comparison of which God did not take notice of other failings that sin of murdering Vriah was a mighty deliberate contrived sin 2 Sam. 11. He wrote letters about it and plotted it which is a great aggravation of any sin and he might have many checks of conscience that while it was a bloody sin it was a very disingenuous sin to take away his life that was fighting for him it was a cloaked sin 2 Sam. 11.25 He put it upon the chance of war it was a very scandalous sin and his Adultery might be comprehended in it for that was against Vriah as well as the murder it was the effect of his Adultery and where one sin is the effect of another it is a great aggravation of it O therefore watch and pray that though we have many weaknesses and much deadness yet that we may not so wickedly depart from our God 13. Labor to be heavenly in the night season we are but a little heavenly in the day time we had need be heavenly in that time of retirement in the night season David meditated of the Lord in the night watches and at the dawnings of the day commit our thoughts to God in the night seasons to prevent vain and sinful dreams God can leave a sweet savour upon our spirits in the night 14. Observe when we pray for others what hints of Gods Spirit we have that he will hear us God hath a secret way to bring some into our prayers and to cast others out of our prayers as Jer. 7.16 God bad Jeremiah not pray for the people it s a sad thing when a Minister finds no enlargement of Gods Spirit to pray for the people where he liveth but I say observe when we pray for any wicked man or for our relations what hints of Gods spirit are upon our hearts that we shall be heard a praying Father sometimes praying for his child in the cradle may have such faith in Prayer such hints of Gods Spirit that he knows God will answer these Prayers though it be twenty years hence and he be dead and gone others again when they pray earnestly for their Children find no Faith no Ptomise no impressions of Gods Spirit all their days that God will hear them for them 15. Lay up Prayers for jorneyes and travails that God would make us heavenly and holy abroad as well as at home besides the need we have of his protection from the dangers that are in Travail but the danger of sin is most to be taken heed of many men will commit those sins abroad that they will not at home Iudah Gen. 38.14 at Timnah a City of the Philistines fell into the sin of whoredom with his daughter in Law unknown this sin he committed abroad in his jorneying which he was zealous against at home and would have his daughter in law burnt for it Therefore I say Lay up Prayers afore hand for all our travails not only for outward Protection and success in our affairs but for our Spirits that God would keep them holy and in communion with himself for abroad we may have these temptations that we have not at home and we may want the company of Saints which hath a secret strange influence upon
have had both in inward and outward Mercy 26. Beware of covetousness and greediness after the things of this world for there is no satisfaction in the creature we think if we had so much as some others have we could be satisfied but this is certain nothing but God can set bounds unto the desires of mens hearts after worldly things but our hearts if they be set upon the world will cry Give still all the world cannot redeem us from death nor all our Silver or Gold buy off any of the pangs of death and though men are earnest upon the world for their Children that they may leave them great matters to be some body in the world yet we must know that the happiness of our Posterity doth not lie in our leaving them great estates for if they never have Christ it usually makes them more sinfull in this world and more miserable in the world to world to come yea God oftentimes raiseth poor Children to greater Estate in the world then they ever come to and blasteth and crusheth the great Estate that men leave without his fear and though the next Heirs it may be may keep it together yet their Heirs may suddenly consume and too often the more money men lay up for their Children the fewer Prayers they lay up for them besides as Christ bids us beware of covetousness upon that account Luke 12.17 a mans life that is the comfort of it doth not consist in the multitude of that we possess not only the true comfort of a mans life doth not lie in multitude of riches but in Communion with God but the outward comfort of a mans life doth not consist in the multitude of riches many men of ordinary estates do enjoy more outward comfort then men of great Estates How many great men have no comfort in their Estates either God denies them of Heirs and that is a torment to them or gives them not Power to eat of that which they possess or God sendeth them such pains and sickness of Body that they spend their days with grief and their years with sighing Some way or other God sends them such crosses and troubles that eat out all the comforts of their Estates therefore let our Conversation be without covetousness and be content with the things which we have though it be little for God hath said He will never leave us nor forsake us 27. Beware of distracting cares fears sorrows about earthly things for these heart-distracting cares are mighty contrary to the life of faith they work not only death of soul but the sorrow of the world and grief about these things do hasten death of the body they drink and suck up the juyce of our natural Spirits All our distracting cares cannot add one Cubit unto our statures they cannot keep any of those crosses off yea they provoke God to bring those troubles and crosses that we in an unbelieving way care and perplex our Spirits about they make the troubles of our Pilgrimage more then otherwise they would be for they provoke God to continue the rod longer upon our backs and make the afflictions we have more tedious as a man in the stocks to take on and gall his legs to get out makes his suffering a great deal more then it would be if he sat quiet there is no way but to submit to God in all that befals us and not to distract our hearts in a carnal way about troubles before they come and be impatient and murmuring when they do come yet a Christian will find this a hard lesson to learn 28. Beware of the leaven of Hypocrisie as Christ calls it leaven indeed that leaveneth and sowreth our duties exceedingly beware not only of gross Hypocrisie such as declareth a man to be an Hypocrite but lay aside all other Hypocrisie that is more secret as in such particulars as these 1 When we are to pray before others not to depend upon the assistance of Gods Spirit as we do at other times but to fetch in some fine expressions by the strength of memory which we have used or read heretofore this is an evil to be watched against 2 It s the working of Hypocrisie in our hearts when we are enlarged in secret prayer to have a thought in our hearts to wish that such and such might hear us that they might think highly of our gifts 3 And so when we purposely give others occasion to commend us in conference 4 Or when we undervalew our selves not in the humility and truth of our hearts but purposely that others might commend us 5 Or when we boast of things beyond or live and speak at too high a rate of those things that God hath wrought by us too highly commend those that God hath wrought upon by us that we might have more praise 29. Watch against spiritual pride seeing that we have nothing but what we have freely received Spiritual pride is of all things most contrary to the dispensation of Grace in Christ wherein the Lord hath taken a way to save us wherein we are nothing but his free Grace is all in all let all Saints look upon themselves as the greatest of sinners for though we have not commited many great sins as Murder and the like that others have committed yet we have the same corrupt nature that the worst of men have and our sins have aggravations that make us greater sinners as the light we have of the love of God to us in Christ the Ordinances and means of Grace all these aggravate the sins of Believers and though we may be higher in Gifts and in place then many Saints yet be not high-minded but fear knowing that you are therefore a City set upon a hill which cannot be hid and God having given you eminent Gifts and brought you to some eminent place God will be more dishonoured by your falls and miscarriages which is a mighty humbling consideration that religion may have more dishonor by you then by twenty other Saints failings 30. Reprove sin for though some may turn again and rent you yet sometimes you may be an instrument of converting a soul and if this fall out but once in all thy life it s a great Mercy however it is thy duty to leave it to the Lord to give success in it 31. Be not peremptory and too earnest for the suddain removing of any affliction for if that it lasts long usually the more good is done thy soul by it 32. Be not weary of prayer and other duties because you do not always find such extraordinary joys and communion with God as sometimes you have done as sometimes the Lord hath been so present in prayer with a Saint that he cryed out Lord I could spend eternity thus Eternity thus Then hours and days to be in duty is no wearisomness to the Spirit though to the body but at other times the souls is tyred with a short walk a short duty but continue in
devils and over all flesh that he should give eternal life to them that he hath given him and them Christ saith he must bring home and they shall hear his voice John 10.16 3 The Lord hath made many free and absolute Promises as Ezek. 36.26 A new heartwill I give you Gen. 3.15 The seed of the woman shall break the Serpents head Now these must be made good to some in their effectual Calling and salvation and that is to the elect for all the free and absolute Promises shew what God both can do and will do for his elect so though they sometimes live a long time in an unconverted estate yet the Lord doth in his appointed time give them a new heart writes his Laws in their hearts and puts his fear in their hearts and causes them to walk in his Statutes and Judgements to do them according to the free and absolute promises of the New Covenant that they are all taught of God and he will be their God and they shall be his people And therefore when we are converted what an engagement have we upon us to live to God and lift up his Name in the world O all you that have been converted and after all your sinfulness have been pluckt as brands out of the fire O shew forth the praises of him that hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light Consider 1 you have but a short time to bring glory to God in the exercise of grace in this world 2 There ariseth a great deal of comfort to a mans own soul in the exercise of grace 3 There are but few converted and therefore those that are savingly converted had need bestir themselves to glorifie God with that grace they have received 4 Natural men do evil with both hands and lay out all their strength against the Lord and therefore how should you that are such monuments of his mercy bring glory to him 5 You may more comfortably and cheerfully die when you have improved that talent of grace that you have received for to bring glory to God in your generation 2 Tim. 4.6,7 I have fought a good fight I have finished my course not that when we come to die Paul or any Believer doth look for heaven for his service for when we have done all we say we are unprofitable servants but we rejoyce that God hath used us and imployed us to lift up his name in the world 6 The more you lay out your selves to bring glory to God the more cause others will have to bless God for you in the day of their visitation seeing your good works they will glorifie your Father which is in heaven and say I bless God for the holy life and heavenly discourse and winning conversation of such a one of thy children for it was a means to convince me and convert me to Jesus Christ but O what a sadder thing would it be if a natural man should have cause to say upon his death-bed or in hell that the life and conversation of such a professor hardened himagainst the waies of God he saw such a professor so deceitful in his calling another so vain in his discourse another so proud in his carriage and apparel another so worldly another so loose in his conversation that he looked upon Religion but as a fancy and was hardened in his sins O then be afraid lest you should receive the grace of God in vain though not as to the salvation of your own soul but in that respect it be well with you for ever yet fear lest you should not glorifie God in the world and make his name as ointment poured forth to others O therefore 1 hold forth Religion in an holy humble heavenly winning conversation the good conversation of Believers may draw others to enquire into Religion and so the Lord may catch them 2 Lay out that grace you have received for the comforting and strengthening of weak Brethren How do men of great gifts and experiences through sinful bashfulness or too much habit of vain discourse become of little use to their Brethren yea to those Brethren with whom they are joyned in Church-fellowship We have got an habit of jesting and vain discourse in our converse together when as the old Saints were serious and spiritual and this same way of idle talking and jesting is almost every where and should this prevail that spiritual communion that should be among Saints would soon be lost but O never come into one anothers company but do or receive good communicate your knowledge and experiences to the weakest Saints and poorest Saints Christians must not be like some Philosophers that we read of that would as soon part with an eye as with some curious notions that they found out in their studies but Christians should comfort one another with the comforts wherewith they have been comforted of God and inform one another in all doubtful cases with the light which the Lord hath given them 3 Lay out your selves to convert others thus did Paul after his conversion Rom. 15.19 compassed Sea and Land took many a weary step went through innumerable dangers to convert souls to Jesus Christ O how do many professors grow careless of Family-worship O labour that those that dwell with you may be converted in your Families and may have cause to bless God that ever they came to such a service where they got the knowledge of Jesus Christ 4 When the Lord laies afflictions upon you have a care that you do not dishonour him then by murmuring and impatience that carnal men will say Are these the people that speak of such high things of Communion with God and the Seal of the Spirit and yet none more impatient when any cross befalls them and thus they will be ready to think that Religion is but a Notional thing that hath no power to subdue the heart to the Lord few are converted amongst us and one cause of it may be that the carriage and conversation of professors is very low and carrieth little in it to hold forth conviction to those that are without FINIS