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A40523 The fall of a great visible idol by the coming of the invisible povver, and substance In this day and time of the lambs war which is come. Wherein Christ the true light is exalted at the right hand of God, who dwells and walkes in his people which are his temple. Which doth bring down the boasting baptists that hath highly exalted themselves upon the high and dark mountains of their own imaginations, as may be known by their own principles which are herein answered with something to the simple hearted that are among them, concerning water baptism and breaking of outward bread, which these baptists hath so much idolized in the night. From a true friend unto all that loves truth in the inward parts, in true love and pitty unto the lost sheep, that they may be of the house of Israel. Joseph Fuce. Fuce, Joseph. 1659 (1659) Wing F2257A; ESTC R221567 32,174 39

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in their not going forth into all the world to Preach the Gospel to every creature for so was that command Mark 16. 15. And it is said go ye therefore and teach all Nations Baptizing them in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost Mat. 28. ●9 Mark there is nothing spoken at all of water but there Christ commands them to teach and baptize in the Name of the Father Son Holy Ghost which Name saveth for his Name is exalted above evety name and is a strong Tower the righteous flee unto it and are safe and so they Pro 18. 10. Phil. 2. 9. were to bring into or baptize in that which saved and kept them safe that believed through the Preaching of the Gospel in the Name and power of God but the Baptists say they that believe should be baptized with water as if there were no difference between the Name that saveth and a little water which can do no more then the Hypocrites did which made clean the out-side but were as filthy within as the Baptists are that are against the spirit and life it self for it is not the putting away the filth of the flesh but the answer of a good conscience by the Resurrection of Jesus Christ 1 Pet. 3. 21. and the Apostle said there was one Lord one Faith Eph. 4. ●● one Baptism the spiritual Baptism is the onely Baptism wch by the power and the operation of the spirit that was in the Apostles they brought people into the one body which Christ was the head of they baptized them in the Name and there would Christ be in the midst of them that met in his Name to keep them in unity and peace for he is the Prince of Mat. 18. 2● Isa 9. 6. peace but those Baptists that are in contention among themselves and in confusion some for one thing and some for another some observing one day for a Sabbath and some observing another they may perhaps have been baptized in water but I am sure they are not baptized by the one spirit into one body and Name of Christ for then would Christ be in the midst of them to keep peace among them but there is bitterness strife and contention in the midst of them and Christ said unto them that were baptized in his Name and were to bapti●e in his Name whatsoever they ask of the Father in his Name they should receive it and now let all the tender hearted Baptists be awakened to search and examine themselves whether they be in the faith and have asked of God in the Name or out of the Name of Christ They sur●ly do know whether they have received that which they have asked for or not and so may they come to know whether they have been baptized as Christ commanded in Mat. 28. or as the Baptists teachers hath imagined and so they have wrested that Scripture as they do others to their own destruction and thereby hath deceived many others making them believe water is there included or that is a command for water when water is not so much as mentioned there but the Name which saves all that are in it mark how plain the Scriptures proveth a great difference between water Baptisme and the Baptism in the Name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost for there were some in the Apostles days that after they did believe were baptized into Johns Baptism but they had not heard of the holy Ghost mark how they might have bin deceived with Johns Baptism had not they come to Paul who examined them about the matter and found how they were led back into Johns Baptism and then he taught them and then they were baptized in the Name of the Lord Jesus for it is said concerning Paul when he came to Ephesus and finding certain Disciples he said unto them Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed and they said unto him we have not so much as heard whether there be any holy Ghost and Paul said unto them unto what then were you baptized and they said unto Johns Baptism then said Paul John verily baptized with the Baptism of repentance saying unto the people that they should believe on him that should come after him that is on Christ Jesus when they heard this they were baptized into the Name of the Lord Jesus Acts 19. from the first to the fifth verse and now see whether the chief Baptists have not need to be taught and baptized in the Name of the Lord Jesus for all their water Baptisme which was Johns Ministration and now concerning other Scriptures which hath been brought by the Baptists as the 10. of the Acts where Peter asked a question indeed about water but commanded them to be baptized in the Name of the Lord and Philip Baptized the Eunuch in water but the name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost is not mentioned there see Acts 8. 38. so it is plain there is a destinction and great difference between water Baptism and the Baptism of the spirit or in the name that saveth but some may say there was water spoken of and practised by some I say yes they did in their freedom use water baptism which was Johns Ministration and Paul who was not behinde the very chiefest Apostle for he said he laboured more then them all yet not I said he but the Grace of God which was in him and he did Baptize Crispus and Gains and also the houshold of Stephanus he baptized but yet he thanks God he baptized no more of them for he said Christ sent him not to baptize but to Preach the Gospel 1 Cor. 1. 17. and now it is plain if it could be proved that some of the Apostles were sent to Baptize with water that would be nothing to them now that speak of baptizing with water for what would that be to those Baptists which dippeth in water now seeing Paul who after them that Christ spake to in Mat. 28. was made an able Minister of the Gospel by the Revelation of Christ in him and Christ sent him among the Gentiles or heathen not to Preach up water Baptism and so to bring them into the water mark but to Preach the Name of Christ among the Gentiles and to bring them into the name which saved them and so all people that doth understand those things may see all that ever the Baptists have done is but by immetation according to their imaginations for if that which the Baptists bring for the proof of their command to Baptize did not reach unto Paul who was so eminent surely it doth not reach unto these Baptists but Paul did Circumcise and baptize by permission for a time as it doth appear that he might win the more out of those old things which was to passe away unto Christ that maketh old things away and then the new creature is witnessed which availeth for it is said neither Circumcision nor
THE FALL OF A Great Visible Idol By the coming of the INVISIBLE POWER And SUBSTANCE In this day and time of the Lambs War which is come Wherein Christ the true Light is exalted at the right hand of God who dwells and walkes in his people which are his Temple Which doth bring down the boasting Baptists that hath highly exalted themselves upon the high and dark mountains of their own imaginations as may be known by their own principles which are herein answered with something to the simple hearted that are among them concerning water baptism and breaking of outward bread which these Baptists hath so much Idolized in the night Thus saith the Lord cursed be the man that trusteth in man and maketh flesh his Arm and whose heart departeth from the Lord for he shall be like the heath in the desert and shall not see when good co●●eth Jer 17. 5. 6. And blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lord and whose hope the Lord is Jer. 17. 7 for it is the spirit that quickneth the flesh presiteth nothing the words that I speak unto you they are spirit and they are life John 6. 63. From a true friend unto all that loves truth in the inward parts in true love and pitty unto the lost sheep that they may be of the house of Israel Joseph Fuce London Printed for Thomas Simmons at the Bull and Mouth near Aldersgate 165● This is to the Reader that he may the better understand NOw first of all before thou comest to the matter hereafter written thou art to be turned unto a measure of the true light in thy own conscience and with it to search thine own heart and to see whether there be not envie or prejudice lodging in thee against the way of truth which hath been so abominably abused and evil spoken of as if it were the most damnable Heresie that ever was declared in so much that people hath often been stirred up by their Teachers into a great rage against the truth before they know it or hath heard us declare it or seen our writings so as to understand the matter and therefore if there be any of the envious ones leaven in thee let that be laid aside and wait thou in the light not turning to the one hand nor yet to the other not joyning with me nor against me before thou doest understand rightly the things there spoken of in love to thy poor soul but wait in the pure fear of the Lord to feel the Power of God to arise within and rent the vail which hath been over thy heart that so the measure of the true light may come up in thee to bare rule so as to give thee the true knowledge and the right understanding for happy is the man that findeth wisdom and the man that getteth understanding for it is better then the gain of gold and except the light make these things manifest thou canst not understand this which I have spoken of in the wisdom of God which I have received this knowledge cometh a far off the wisdom of the flesh there●ore I will ascribe wisdom and righteousness unto my Maker for he that is perfect in knowledge is with God the fountain of wisdom true knowledge and verily I shall leave the truth of my words to answer the witness in thy own conscience and be thou so honest to thy own soul before thou judgest to try these things aright with that which will not lie in thee that is the true ballance and just weight that weigheth things a right that so thou mayest come to be perswaded in thy own minde who are in the truth it self that gives true peace unto the soul and who are in the profession of the truth without the possession in the hypocrisie but have no true peace And truely I have seen the hypocrisie and great deceit of those Baptists many times at several places where they have opposed the very life of truth withal the strength and subtilty they have received from the wicked one to deceive the hearts of the simple even to the grieving of my soul to think that ever these Baptists should so impudently gainsay the truth and life of what they prosess in words and often I have been moved of the Lord in the power of the spirit to reprove them for their lies and false accusations which they have brought against us that witness forth the truth against their deceit and when I have so done I have had peace in the light and did not desire nor think to lay their wickedness open unto the world in Print but rather desired they should have owned reproof and repented and have turned unto the Lord in time as some hath done that did walk with them but they have despised reproof and hated instruction and set themselves against the light and spirit of the Lord until his anger is kindled against them And now seeing how they have set themselves against the truth and will not cease to pervert the right way in going on in their d●ceit bending their tongues like a bow for lyes thereby to deceive the hearts of the simple Therefore the Lord hath put it into my heart to begin to lay open their wickedness in Print for the truths sake and in true love and pitty to the poor simple-hearted people that they may not run so rashly into their snares to go with them they know not whether until their steps take hold on Hell for they have openly denied the true light as is hereafter mentioned and they that walk in darkness know not whether they go and therefore thou that lovest thy own Souls peace be warned in time to weigh things rightly with that which is a Just weight and true Measure in thy own Conscience so mayest thou come to be perswaded in thy own mind who are in the right way and then let the light be thy guide in it to walk that so thou mayest come in due time to have peace with God in the Covenant of light and life for evermore At a Meeting at Nethurst upon the 24th of the 6th Month 1659. appointed by Matthew Caffin Baptist but there were several of the chief Baptists in all these South parts namely William Jeffery Matthew Caffin John Parsons William Steel and several others of Kent and Sussex It was pretended by the Baptists there to shew the cause wherefore they could not joyn with the Quakers as they with other scoffers in these last times call us the People of the Lord but in stead of proving any Just cause why they do not own and joyn with us they gave sufficient cause for us and all that fear the Lord to deny them and to have no fellowship with them except they repent And the cause they gave us at this Meeting and at other places was those errours damnable heresies and lyes which are hereafter mentioned and answered as moved by the Spirit of love to all the simple-hearted people that doth
for a pattern to them which should hereafter believe on him to life everlasting 1 Tim. 1. 16. here the Apostle speaks of the true Christ suffering in him and first to shew it forth for a pattern mark that and Paul told the Galathians what a persecutor he had been of those that preached in the Name of Christ while he was among the professing Jews But when it pleased God who separated me from my mothers womb and called me by his gace to reveal his Son in me that I might preach him among the Heathen Gal. 1. 15 16. and Christ was in them the Hope of Glory and the Apostle said Little children of whom I travel in birth again until Christ be form●● in you Gal. 4. 12. and again the Apostle said but that with all boldness as alwayes so now also Christ shall be magnified in my body whether it be by life or by death Philip. 1. 20. and God was their Father who was above all and through all and in Eph. ●● them all and Christ was at the right hand of God in them all and Christ lived in Paul and he said The life that I now live in the flesh I live by the Faith of the Son of God Galat. 2. 20. Many more Scriptures might be brought to prove that Christ was in people whom the Father sent to be the onely Saviour of the world and that was the true Christ which was in them and they were in him as John said He is come that is true and we are in him that is true even in his Son Jesus Christ 1 John 5. 20. but these Bap●ists have denied him to be the Christ And them will he deny before his Father which is in Heaven Matth. 10 33. And so you may see how the Baptists preacheth Christ in words but now when they are tried they deny him to be come in them and also deny him in all others and now it may be said by some that are ignorant of the things of God that Christ did say unto his Disciples He would go away and come to them again and be in them and that the Apostle said He was come and was in them but yet they speak of his coming to Judgement and also of their waiting for him until he did come and all this is true I shall answer it in short for the truths sake all that did wait and watch in a readiness for his coming in them they knew his appearance in them and also the Resurrection from the dead without for he was manifest with them and revealed in them and they preached him so to come in like manner unto others and the Apostle bid them watch and wait for his coming and the Apostles themselves did meet with such and wait with them for his coming and hoped to see him appear in them in due time unto whom he had been preached and among whom they had laboured and the Apostle Paul said My little children of whom I travel in birth again until Christ be formed in you Gal. 4. 19. and so they looked for his coming into them and for his appearance even as we do now in whom he is come to rule in our hearts and the Apostles did look and we do look for his coming in the Clouds of Heaven and all his holy Angels with him at the last to Judge the secrets of men according to the everlasting Gospel and this is the Word of truth to all that can recieve it And now all you simple-hearted people which desire to know the truth concerning water-baptism and breaking of outward bread whether you have been dipt or would be dipt if you were sure God did require it of you who have thought or do think water-baptism and breaking of outward bread had been commands of Christ to his Disciples after his Resurrection and so to all believers after the Apostles decease And now in the fear of the Lord lend your ear and hearken diligently that your Souls may live for in true love and pitty unto your poor Souls do I write unto you of these things even as it hath been manifested unto me in the light which gives the true knowledge of the things of God unto they that are spiritual And by the Revelation of the Spirit I have perfect knowledge given unto me of those thing● which the natural man doth not know because they are spiritually discerned and revealed by the Spirit unto the Children of the Lord to the praise and glory of our God and to the comfort of their Souls which are redeemed out of death to re●oyce in God the Saviour for ever And when there doth arise in you a desire to read and understand these things then let your minds be turned unto the light of Christ in your Consciences which is so freely given unto you for to make manifest that which may be known of God unto you and in you mark and when the mind is turned unto the light then will the darkness and ignorance be manifested to be within which is the very cause why people doth not rightly understand the things of God when they speak or read of them with their minds blinded and the nobility of their understandings clouded with enmity against the light and therefore doth not know those things they read or speak of but naturally as bruit beasts yet will they be judging or saying this or that is their Judgement or Opinion then when they are contradicted they wring or wrest the Scriptures to their own destruction thinking thereby to uphold their Opinion and so to get victory over one another such is the Pharisee practise who love to have the praise of men in these our dayes and therefore now you simple-hearted that would walk in the right way but do not know it I do write unto you that you may not be hasty and so run rashly into any opinion but believe in the light in your own Conscience for he that Isa 28. 16. believeth shall not make haste and then waiting in the light the power of God will arise in due time and rent the vaile and overturn the dark mountains and so may you come to Rom. 14. 5 be perswaded in your minds such was the Apostles Doctrine when there was striving or contending about dayes even as there is among the chief Baptists now and so now people may see the Baptists are gone into Opinions and Sects like the Priests some for one thing and some for another one Sect for free Will and another for Election as they call them and another Sect of them are among the shadows and figures observing the seventh dayes for their sabbath which God gave unto the Children of Israel for a sign Ezek. ●0 1● and the Apostle said unto the Colossians Let no man therefore Judge you in meat or in drink or in respect of an holy day or of the new Moon or of the Sabbath day which are a shadow of things to come but the body
to be led by the spirit of errour and the spirit of Antichrist mark that preach up the Spirit of Christ apart from the body or flesh of Christ and as it is before set down Matthew Caffin did several times say and affirm that Christ and his Spirit was distinct one from the other and so the one of these proves the other to be a deceiver mark William Jeffery his words in the 68. page of that book called the deceiving Quakers discovered how plainly he proves his brother a deceiver and also himself and the rest of the Baptists who do generally believe and say that the body or flesh of Christ is above the skies in some place they call Heaven and his Spirit in them which hath been dipt in water this is generally held forth by them and so it is plain they do say the Spirit of Christ is in them a part from the body which they say is above the skies in Heaven but if it were as they say then hath William Jeffery overthrown their whole faith which is vain proved them all deceived and deceivers as well as himself and Matthew Caffin but with the light all moderate people may see these Baptists to be in the night and not to have a Vision that could not see how William Jeffery went to overthrow their whole faith before it came openly forth printed into the world but now it is manifested their form is dead and they in it appear nakedly for all their high-swelling words and to be all deceived and deceivers And for Zions sake I cannot hold my peace the love of God is so strong in me unto simple-hearted poor Souls but after the Fathers love is manifested unto them and they reject it then I may say as the Apostle said But if any be ignorant let him be ignorant 1 Cor 1● 38 At a Meeting at Covole the 28th of the 6th month 1659. the afore-mentioned Matthew Caffin Baptist Teacher affirmed That Christ doth not come in us that is in their bodies and he also said He d●nied that to be Christ that was in people and many words to that effect Answ These Baptists chief Principles are to deny the true Christ at the Meetings where they come and that exceeding boldly and impudently as all sober people may see that reads this with the least measure of light for that was the true Christ which all the true Prophets bore witness of and that Moses writ of to come amongst the people and h● did proceed from God and dwelt amongst Joh●● 14. his Disciples and they beheld his glory the glory as of the onely begotten of the Father full of grace and truth and he John 14. ● told his Disciples he dwelleth with you and shall be in you for said he I will not leave you comsortless I will come to you John 14. 17 18. and this was the true Christ the light of the world and the eye of the body who proceeded from the Father and went unto the Father and come again unto the Disciples which waited to know him that was to come and be in them and he did come to them within and the Antichrists came unto them without but greater was he that was in them then he that was in the world or they that were without them and so by his power in them they withstood the false prophets and Antichrists and then went they into the world 1 John 4. ● but Christ the Son whom the Father sent to be the Saviour of the world was then come again according to his former promise and was in them and they in him as it was said in John 14. 20. and if you that read this do not believe he did come again so soon to them see what John saith And we know the Son of God is come and hath given us an understanding that we may know him that is true and we are in him that is true even in his Son Jesus Christ this is the true God and Eternal life ● John 5. 20. and so the Scriptures testifie of him to come and be in his Disciples and they in him but the Baptists saith plainly he is not come in their bodies and that is the ground why they are so inraged like the troubled Sea because they have resisted him that said Behold I stand at the door and knock if any man hear my voice and open the door I will come into him Rev. 3. 20. but the Baptists hath kept him out and so are Reprobates concerning the Faith which he worketh in them that receive him at his coming and the Apostles bid the Corinthians examine themselves whether they were in the Faith Prove your own selves know you not your own s●lves how that Jesus Christ is in you except you be Reprobates 2 Cor. 13 5. and now all may see that they were Reprobates that d●d not know Jesus Christ in them and so are these Baptists now that do not know Jesus Christ in them and now is it seen and proved plainly that these Baptists are led by the spirit of Antichrist in a reprobate state not confessing Christ to be come in the flesh but denying him in themselves which is the very cause why they so wilfully resist and gainsay him in others where he is come up a swift witness against unrighteousness and so according to the Scriptures it is proved that the true Christ did come and dwell with his Disciples in the form of the flesh and did go away unto the Father and came again unto his Disciples according to his promise and they knew he was come in them to dwell but this was not after the flesh for they were to know him so no more but as he appeared they were to see him as he is 1 John 3. 2. and they did know him come in them a quickning Spirit for by him were they quickned who had been dead in trespasses and sins he that reads with the light may understand And now I shall prove again he doth not onely deny Christ to be come in their bodies or flesh but he also denieth that to be the Christ that was in people and now if you will at all regard the Scriptures of truth with the light you shall see how plainly ● shall prove out of the Scriptures that to be the true Christ the Son of the onely true God that was in people that you may all see how the Baptists hath denied both the Father and the Son and would go on deceiving and being deceived First see what Christ saith unto his Disciples At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father you in me and I in you Mark that John 4. 2. and so it is plain that Christ said they should know him in them which was the true Christ which lighteth every man that cometh into the world and Paul to Timothy said Howbeit for this cause I obtained mercy that in me first Jesus Christ might shew forth all long-suffering