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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A34879 Glad tydings, from Heaven to the worst of sinners on earth Walter Cradock ... Cradock, Walter, 1606?-1659. 1648 (1648) Wing C6759; ESTC R204981 43,810 74

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you You see in the administration of the New Testament or of the Gospel there is not one sillable or tittle but what is amiable and sweet and comfortable even to the worst of sinners And therefore the Spouse in the Canticles speaking of Christ as I suppose she commends Jesus Christ from the crowne of the head to the sole of the foot as all beautifull and amiable and then she summes up all Thou art all faire my love there is no spot in thee Jesus Christ in the new Testament or Ministery of the Gospel is all faire altogether amiable even to the worst of sinners there is no spot in him So you have the Lesson breifly Now that which with the help of God I will further doe is to give you a weiw of the summe of the whole Gospel in particular that so you may look upon every peice of it and you shall see that there is not a jot from the beginning to the end but it brings glad tidings to the worst of sinners First of all you may take notice that the Gospel doth hold forth to sinners their lost wretched condition they are in In the Gospel poore sinners come to learne what a damnable wretched condition they are in whereas men without it think they are well they doe no body hurt they give to the poore and lend and the like and yet they are going the broad way to destruction Now we see not only by Scripture but by experience the Gospel tells them they are dead in sin that they are children of wrath that they are under the curse of God going the broad way to hell But you will say is that good newes for a man to heare the Preacher say he is in a damned condition and a child of wrath c. Beloved it is sweet and good newes if the Preacher should make thee a damned creature or dead in sin it were bad newes but when the Gospel brings thee a light to see that thou art so whereas otherwise thou in thy blindnesse wouldest goe downe to hell in it it is blessed and good newes it is better to see it here than for ever in hell where there is no remidie And there is no man or woman in this place that belongs to God but they can blesse God and his Son Jesus Christ that by the Gospel the Lord hath discovered to them their wretched condition that they were naturally in That is one thing A second instance is this that the Gospel holds forth to sinners all the wrong wayes that they goe and all the wrong meanes that they use to save their soules this is by the light of the Gospel Man naturally is either dead in sin or asleep or if he be a little awaked he takes a thousand wayes to goe to heaven and none of them Gods way none of them the right way Every carnall man sometime or other hath some designe in his head to save his soule one man thinks to doe it by his equity and justice in his dealing and trading another by his hospitality and charity to the poore another by hearing of Sermons and performing of duties as in the time of Poperie how many yeares did they spend spent their strength and time and their money and when all came to all all was lost all their ways were the wrong way to Heaven Now the light of the Gospel discovers all these false wayes and shewes that you will come short of the glory of God and the salvation of your soules and will convince you that There is no Name under heaven by which you can be saved but only the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ Consider is not this good newes that God should come first by the Ministery of the Gospel and shew thee thy wretched condition and then when thou hast spent thy time and strength in false wayes to be reconciled to God and to save thy soule the Gospel comes and discovers all these that thou maiest go seek the true way Thridly the Gospel holds forth to poore sinners that there is a love an eternall love an infinite love in Gods breast to poore sinners before ever the world was made You know in reason a man would think that God should hate such a one as I am God foresaw what a creature I would be when I was borne and how I have lived and reason would think that love should proceed from something amiable in the object that should produce love some beautie or bountie as wee say but God sees me to be wicked and sinfull and therefore reason would think God must damne me world without end Now the Gospel comes to such a sinner and tells him the case is otherwise it is not so poore sinfull man or woman and though God hate sin above all things in heaven or hell yet God loved thee knowing what thou wouldest be God knows the reason of it we doe not it is as it is said in Deutrenomie I loved thee because I loved thee God hath an infinite speciall love to thy poore soule yet hates thy fin from before the world was made and the Mountaines were brought forth So God loved the world that he gave his Son c. There was a love in God out of which he gave his Son Jesus Christ to die for us This the Gospel and the Spirit of God init reveales to the poore soule that when I was an enemie to God hee was my friend when I hated him he loved me nay before I was God had thoughts of an infinite eternall love to me Then fourthly the Gospel holds forth to a sinner that as God had an infinite love towards him so it was not a cold love that ended in nothing but out of this love God would send his Son Jesus Christ into the world to save sinners This is one maine principle of the Gospel that the Father out of his love sent his own Son that was the Image of his person the Son of his love and delight into this world to lay downe his life and to die for sinners Were it not for the Ministery of the Gospel we could never know this how could we know but by the Gospel that the Lord Jesus Christ did come to die to save sinners So God loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that hee that believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life Fiftly breifly for I doe but give you a few touches of instances it holds out to us that as the Father out of his love sent his Son so that Jesus Christ actually and really is come into the world and took our nature upon him soule and body and the infirmities of both and sanctified our nature that he took and in that nature became our Surety a Publick person for us our Advocate a second Adam That he was conceived and born of the Virgen and that he lived here and so did the will of God and
GLAD TYDINGS from HEAVEN TO The Worst of SINNERS on Earth BY WALTER CRADOCK Late Preacher at Hallows Great in LONDON LUKE 2 10. Feare not for behold I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people LONDON Printed by Mathew Simmons 1648. To the Christian Reader READER THe nature of man is prone to be inquisitive after newes especially in these unsetled distracted times amongst us it is a great part of the imploiment of people and takes up much of their time as if London were Athens and the people thereof Athenians who spent their time in nothing else but either to tell or to heare some newes And yet the news wee beare is sometimes bad sometimes uncertain and many times false Divert thy thoughts awhile from earthly things and in this ensuing Treatise thou shalt heare what newes from heaven in the Gospel The Law indeed brings us tidings but it is like the message of Ehud to Eglon it brings a dagger with it that stabs mortally but the tidings of the Gospel is like that message of the young Prophet to Jehu to make him a King There is nothing truly terrible but the Gospel brings tidings of our freedome from it if we be believers nor nothing truly amiable but it tells us of our interest in it How welcome to a poore captive is newes of deliverance from slaverie The Gospel brings us tidings of our deliverance from sin Satan death hell from wrath and damnation it tells us of riches and glory and Kingdomes and Crownes and what soever may satisfie the capacious soule of man God hath appointed different conditions for men and Angels the Angels that stood they are so confirmed that they cannot fall the Angels that fell they are determined under eternail wrath that they cannot rise but God from everlasting in his love and mercy had appointed that fallen man should have a way of recovery as a board after ship wracke whereby he might come safe to the shore And God in time was pleased to come out of his hidden eternity and to discover this love of his to the world and hath sent his Son to puhchase it and his Spirit to apply it and his servants to tell not this or that perticuler man but all Nations that whosoever believeth in Jesus Christ shall have everlasting life this blessed tidings is brought by the Gospel And let none say this newes is to good to be true for God who is truth it selfe as it were on purpose to anticipate the infidelity of man hath said it and sworne it and sealed it with the blood of his deare Son that we might have strong consolation and hath made this fabrick of the world to be as a stage to act the redemption of his people on which being finished it shall be no more It should stir us up to love and blesse the Father and his Son Jesus Christ and the holy Spirit and to imbrace the Messengers that bring those glad tidings to account their very feet beautifull the meanest part of the body and upon the moutaines the barren places of the earth And I doubt not but many poore soules can from experience blesse God for the worthy Authour in those barren mountaines where he converseth and else where and say of him as David of Ahimaaz he is a good man and bringeth good tidings Though others being hardened spit at such lights and labour to extinguish who God in just judgment will cause to stumble and fall and lie downe in eternall darknesse But I shall detaine thee no longer from the the work but commend it and thee to Gods blessing and rest Thine in the Gospel of Christ GOOD NEWES To the Worst of SINNERS MARKE 16. 15. And hee said unto them goe yee into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature YOu may easily understand who spake these words and to whom they were spoken In these words our Lord Jesus Christ after his resurrection when he had all power in Heaven and Earth given to him he sends forth his Apostles to Preach and he bids them Goe into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature This was their Commission they were to have now to go preach the Gospel Indeed they had a Commission before but it was only to the Jewes and it was a little but by spirts but now Christ was risen from the dead and had received all power in Heaven and Earth he sends them for good and all as it were he gives them a full and compleate Commission Goe yee into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature Before I come to the Lesson that I mean to insist upon there are two things here in the words that must be opened that you may see the foundation or ground of this Lesson And that is First what is meant by Gospel Goe and preach the Gospel Then what is meant by creature Goe preach the Gospel to every creature For the first what is meant by Gospel I will not stand upon the severall acceptations of it onely you may understand that both in the Scripture language and also among the Heathen Gospel hath been taken for Glad tidings good newes in generall any Good newes or Glad tidings have been called Gospel So the Greek word signifies so some conceive the English word Godspel being old English signifies Gospel that is good speech good newes good hearing good tidings but in a peculiar sense in Scripture it is taken for that Good tidings of grace and salvation by Jesus Christ And so in this sense we read of it in the old Testament and in the new In the old Testament you shall read in Heb. 4. 3. that our Fathers they had the Gospel as well as we but Beloved you are to take notice that though our Fathers had the Gospel that is the glad tidings of life and salvation by Jesus Christ from Adam from the beginning of the world yet they had it but dimly and darkly and they had it mixed with a great deale of Law a great deale of bad tidings as I may speak they had a little good newes with a great deale of bad So Adam had a little good tidings The seed of the woman shall bruise the Servents head and there was bad tidings also there was the curse upon the Serpent and upon the woman the man the woman should bring forth in paine the man must eat his bread in the sweat of his browes And so in all the old Testament there was a little Gospel in the Prophecies and Gospel in the sacrifices and Gospel in the visions but abundance of law mingled with this Gospel the one spake sad tidings as well as the other did good for you know the Law spake curses and damnation to those that in every point did not observe it But in the new Testament especially after the resurrection of Jesus Christ when he went up to Heaven
we read that there was perfect Gospel or only good newes and glad tidings for the bad newes was now all gone And so it is to be understood here Goe preach the Gospel As if he should say I doe not my disciples bid you goe and give them now good newes and then bad to give them a little of the Law and a line of Gospel but goe preach the Gospel emphatically that is meerly purely Gospel for now Christ is risen from the dead and now the Gospel in the purity and simplicity is erected Goe preach the Gospel To every creature What should be the meaning of that We know that in the Scripture language creature most usually signifies not men but beasts things without life as in Rom. 8. you have it twice or thrice The creature groaneth the beasts and the woods and every thing that God hath made as being a name somewhat too low for men in the ordinary Scripture expression Yet so as it comprehends men for men also are sometimes called creatures Now what should the meaning of this be that now the Gospel being to be purely and fully and compleatly set up whether the Lord Jesus would have them preach and make known glad tidings to all creatures that is that even the bruit beasts and these creatures without life that they should have glad tidings and good newes from the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ I will not averr that it is so that that is the meaning of it but surely beloved there is no creature under heaven but hath a great deale of glad tidings and good newes from the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ for we read Rom. 8. that the creature groanes and the creature exspects deliverance and redemption All these creatures by sinne are brought into slavery and certainly they shall partake of the libertie of the Sonnes of God there is a redemption for them out of slavery as well as for men by the redemption of the Lord Jesus Christ But what that shall be or in what sort I cannot determine Now whether you will understand it so that our Lord Christ meant not men and women only but that by creature the poore creatures that are without life and bruit beasts and all might understand the precious worth of this Gospel Or take it more restrained as generally the godly doe that by creature here is meant the Gentiles in opposition to the Jewes for they knew that they were to preach the Gospel to the Jewes which they also did before the resurrection but now saith Christ Goe preach the Gospel to every creature That is now I will have no distinction of persons I doe not now say take heed of the way of the Samaritans but goe which way you will goe to the Gentiles to Sinners to any men or women that you can call creatures Scithians Barbaririan bond or free goe and preach the Gospel to them bring them glad tidings and newes that Iesus Christ hath brought life grace salvation freely for them That this is the meaning compare it with Mat. 28. 19. Goe therefore teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the father and of the Son and of the holy Ghost Here it is goe preach to every creature there it is goe teach all nations I will have no partition or distinction between them saith Christ I gave you leave and often bid you teach the Jewes before but now goe teach the Gentiles for the world was then divided into those two parts Jewes and Gentiles goe teach the Gentiles goe teach every creature But some may say Why doth not our Lord then say goe teach the Gentiles as well as the Jew Why doth he call them creatures I answer it is not an ordinary expression to call men creatures in the Scripture But the reason as I conceive is this because the Gentiles were great sinners and the greatest of sinners And that you shall see clearly in divers places as in Mat. 5. where Christ forbids us to take care for tomorrow what we shall eat and what we shall drink why for saith he after these things the Gentiles seek that is the worst of sinners and we must not be like them So in Ephs. 4. the Apostl would not have them darkned in their understandings and walk as other Gentiles walk in the vanity of their mindes So in 1 Pet. 3. It is an ordinary expression in Scripture where great sinners are spoken of either they are called Gentiles or else compared to Gentiles Col. 2. Are wee not Jews and not sinners of the Gentiles that is the Gentiles were the greatest sinners that were now they being the greatest sinners the Lord calls them creatures and not men because it is an ordinary expression in Scripture to call wicked people beasts rather than men Isaiah 11. they are called Beares and VVolves and Tigers and Foxes and Doggs and Bulls c. So in Hos. 1. compared with 1 Pet. 3. You that were not a people saith Peter hath God made his people They were not a people God will not ordinarily vouchsafe wicked men and women the name of people but they were not a people What were they then They were Dogs for filth inesse Foxes for cunning Tigers for cruelty and Beares and such kind of creatures Therefore the Jews were called the people of the Lord not onely to distinguish them from others but they were called the people of God as we see in Exodus it was a priviledge to be accounted a people first and then the people of the Lord Therefore the Lord Jesus because hee would not have his Disciples make any exception hee calls them creatures as if he should say my Disciples though they be so sinful that according to the ordinary Scripture language you cannot call them men and women or people yet they are creatures and goe preach the Gospel to every creature go to the Gentiles the greatest sinners in the world whom I will not vonchsafe to call a people yet they are creatures goe preach the Gospel to them So that now I am come to the lesson which we are to observe and that is this That the Ministerie of the Gospel especially after the resurrection of Jesus Christ Containes nothing but glad tidings and good newes even to the worst of sinners Creatures that were so bad that they could not be called men and women yet saith Christ goe preach the Gospel pure Gospel gladtidings to them I say the Ministery of the Gospel if it be rightly dispensed doth not containe a tittle in it but perfect good newes and glad tidings to the heart of the worst of sinners For this is the proper difference between the Law and the Gospel The Law speaks good newes but only to the righteous if thou doe well thou shalt be rewarded if thou fulfill the Law thou shalt have life the Law speakes well to a man quatinus as a righteous man but the
fulfilled his Law and conversed many yeares among men and that therein while he did so he gave us many blessed experiments of his love and mercy to poore sinners in healing the sick in giving sight to the blinde in raising the dead And while he conversed among men he taught and discovered in a great measure the mysteryes of his Fathers counsells to us that else we could never have known and gave us a holy patterne and example of life in humility and patience and delligence and prayer and thankfulnesse All these things are good newes and glad tidings to poore sinners every part of them Then the Gospel tells us that this Lord Jesus Christ after he had walked among men for many yeares together that then as a Publicke person and second Adam and our Surety he did lay downe his life and die for our sins But you will say Where is the good newes from that Hence it is that poore sinners are reconciled to God they are made friends with God Hence it is that poore sinners are redeemed from all their enemies sin and death and wrath and curse and hell all these by the death of the Lord Jesus are removed Then the Gospel tells you that Jesus Christ as hee died for our sins so he rose againe for our justification he rose againe from the dead the third day whereby poor sinners are assured that they are justified and freed from all their sins and whereby they shall rise to grace here and their soules and bodies shall rise to glory hereafter with Christ and whereby they shall rise out of all afflictions also in due time For the resurrection of Christ is the ground of our resurrection out of afflictions in this world and every tittle of this is glad tidings and good newes to poore sinners Then the Gospel tells you that after his resurrection he conversed with his Disciples and not with the world and that he met with his Disciples from one mountaine to another from one Towne to another for a few dayes after and there he made many precious Prayers to his Father for them and for all that should believe in him and there he gave them instructions and directions how they should order the Churches of God and Preach the Gospel to the end of the world And then you know the Gospel tells us that he went up into heaven and from heaven as soone as he came there he sent his holy Spirit to us to unite us to Christ to be our Intelligencer to make known the heart of Christ to us to lead us into all truth to comfort us in all distresses and to make intercession in us till we come to heaven where he is And the Gospel tells us this good newes that when he went to heaven he made way for poore sinners to come there and that there he intercedes for us and there succours us and pities us when we are in the flesh as he was once Then the Gospel tells us that in due time he will come againe from heaven as he went and bring a Crowne with him and actually subdue all his peoples enemies and give them the same glory that he hath and they shall be one with God for ever as he is he will come and take poore sinners to himselfe that they shall be where he is and as he is world without end The Gospel tells you moreover that all this love and grace and mercy and salvation by Jesus Christ here and in Heaven it is all made sure to us by an everlasting Covenant sure perfect in every point as David saith And this Covenant is sealed with the blood of the Testator the Lord Jesus that it might be sure and he hath also sent Pastors and Teachers to make known this Gospel and he hath given the seale of the Lords Supper and Baptisme to confirme this Gospel Put all together and from the first to the last you shall not finde in the Ministery of the Gospel if it be truely and soundly opened any sillable but what is wholesome and comfortable and sweet and glad tidings to the worst sinners Only to cleare it more fully to you there are some objections that you may make for Beloved it were a happy thing if we did fully understand this Lesson and fully believe it therefore that it may sink into your hearts I will tell you all that I know can be said against it One objection is you will say the Ministery of the Gospel is not so very good because we poore sinners doe not heare any thing in it for the body we doe not heare any thing in it of honour and wealth we see people as poor after they receive Christ as ever they were and it may be poorer and if God did mingle in the Gospel earthly things with heavenly than it were good newes worth the hearing Beloved concerning that I answer but in two words All the happinesse of this world consists either in honour or wealth As for honour if you believe in God if you receive Jesus Christ the Gospel brings you tidings that whereas now you are poore people that no body cares for you shall be Kings and Queens as Christ is a King so you shall be Kings and his daughters shall be Queenes Nay you shall be Princes in all Lands You know earthly Kings are but Princes in their severall Kingdomes as the King of Spaine and the King of England c. But the Saints for honour are Princes in all Lands They shall binde Kings in Chaines and Nobles in fetters of Iron such honour have all his Saints You must look on it beloved with a spirituall eye And if there be any reallitie in that that they call honour this is not a notion but there is more reallitie in spirituall honour than in Carnall Take carnall men that call you honourable and worshipfull and the like you know all these are but words and a puffe of winde when they are present but they are hatefull and hate one another when they are gone as the Apostle saith But if a man receive Christ in the Ministery of the Gospel there is true honour that is such a man will be respected in the hearts of others not only in the eyes of God and godly men but in the hearts of the wicked for in their hearts they will say such a man is an honourable man such a woman is an honourable woman they will not do any thing against their consciences and disobey Christ they had rather die Beloved there is more realitie in this honour you shall be Princes and Kings and Queenes And then you shall have innumerable companies of Angels you shall be in as glorious a condition as they and somewhat better you shall have them to waite on you You consider not this because you settle not your selves to search spirituall priviledges you shall have an innumerable company of Angels to waite on