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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A34334 A general epistle containing wholsom admonition & advice to friends in Ireland and elsewhere Carleton, Thomas, 1636?-1684. 1676 (1676) Wing C589; ESTC R29174 6,208 10

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and so endeavour to train them up in the right way to life and lay a good Foundation in them while they are young and then both you and they may expect a Blessing from the Lord which is better then all So away with all Manners and Breeding and Education that is out of the Fear of God for you your selves know the first Nature in it self is too inclinable to be taken with the Manners and Customs of the Egyptian Spirit and to take pleasure and conceit itself and be puffed up with and in those things that lead from God without nursing and encouraging thereunto so keep all low in Meekness and Self-denyal that God's Fear may be timely planted in their Hearts and the Principles of Life and Peace they may be instructed in as you your selves have learned them of the Lord that so the loving kindness and gentle dealings of God towards us we may tell of them to our Children and they to another Generation so all learning the Way of the Cross and Self-denyal that Will that is carnal and earthly will be mortified and slain and the Spirit of the World and the Customs thereof will be crucified to you all and you all unto it and then how can they that are crucified to the world live any longer therein and so spiritual Men and spiritual Women Sons and Daughters of the incorruptible Seed begotten again by the Power and Spirit of Christ Jesus and so dead to the world's Spirit Wayes Customs Manners Traditions Ordinances and Worships all in the Fall and Degeneration from God and every one living up to this being guided by God's Wisdom keep their Testimony clear and unviolated in the Sight of God and Men. So stand true Witnesses for God and be faithful or full of Faith in the Lord believe in him love him above all and trust him with all Wife and Children Estate and Life and take heed of giving Offence or of causing Truth to suffer in its Esteem for God hath glorified it and will glorifie it and Wo from the Lord is to them that cause Truth to be ev●l spoken of that brings a Blot upon their Testimony so marreth the Visage Countenance of Truth in the particular or in the general And dear Friends stand living Witnesses for God's Truth and be not cowardly but valiant as Souldiers of Christ Jesus and stand up against all the Works Workers of Iniquity against all Hirelings false Shepherds against the grand Oppression of Tythes with the abolished Ceremonies and Ordinances of the first Covenant and Jews outwardly which Antichrist and the Deceivers that are gone into the World having lost the Power would innovate and set up again among the Gentiles or Jews inward contrary to the Institution of God and stand up against all Swearing and that which leads to Swearing and against Lying or Stealing and against Fighting or Killing since our Kingdom is not of the World and against Fornication Adultery Whoredom Lasciviousness Luxury and all manner of Unclearness the Sins of this World which are so vile they are scarce fit to be spoken of or named amongst the Saints so as becomes Warriours for God and the everlasting Gospel of Christ Jesus stand clear of them all and against them all and then there will be no need of Shifts and Excuses and crooked Reasons in the faln wisdom to hide or cover any one with And my dear Friends let your Yea be Yea and your Nay be Nay and keep to the form of Sound Words in all your Communications Bargains and Dealings one with another and also with them that are without that so you may honour the Lord and honour his Truth convince all with whom you have to do that truth righteousness lives in you and you live in it this is the glory of all profession And be not forward rash in words promises for some there are yea too many that make profession of Truth true Religion yet know not a Bridle for the Tongue and the Apostle laid such mens Religion was vain ye● and too many there are that are hasty to promise and slow to perform and then shuffle to excuse themselves as Eve did where no Excuse can properly bear in the Truth so beware of it I desire you all for this was one express Token the Apostle laid down of the falling away therefore be careful to make absolute Promises and be as careful quick and forward to perform when promised and that keep Truth clear and answers the Expectations of all and preaches to all with whom we have to do and hereby the Saints reached God's Witness in one another in the beginning so keep to it still and every one speak the Truth from his heart without dissimulation and learn not the sleighty words and cunning evasions of the deceitful spirits of this world which darken knowledge thereby to drive Bargains to accomplish self ends and covetous designs for such things though never so fairly glossed are inconsistent with the innocency and naked simplicity of our Gospel neither is Truth honoured by such deceitful coverings so all Friends keep clear of such things and be plain-hearted with all men for no coverings will hide or avail in this bright lightsome day but that of God's eternal Spirit which will stand over all and darkness cannot comprehend it but going from the Light and Spirit of God into the fallen deceit●ul wisdom then the world comprehends and sounds and bottoms all suck and so Truth suffers in the particular and in the general so the Law of the Spirit of Life which we profess is beyond all Laws and a Rule beyond all Rules and reaches further to the ordering and guiding of all those that are resolved and given up to it in Obedience then all Laws Precepts Canons or Injunctions that are outward whatsoever so the Righteousness that is God's which Christ-Jesus is the Author of is beyond all exceeds all the Righteousness of other Professions Scribes or Pharisees whereby its plain every Righteousness doth not enter nor is accepted of God but only that which exceeds the Scribes and Pharisees which Christ works in all his by the Operation of his eternal Spirit So my dear Friends wait to feel it and the effectual Works of it brought forth in you all which to feel is more then words that your Faith may stand in it and in a living Enjoyment of it for that man or woman that doth not feel it and the efficacy vertue of it they bring forth from a strange Vine which Christ Jesus will not own and all take heed and keep low in God's Fear And you my Friends that are rich in this World or have much of the Creat on of God Do you watch and take heed for there is a Snare and that none of the least which attends that state also and if the Lord hath increased your store set not your hearts upon them nor trust to them for he that
trusteth to his Riches shall fall for as one said They are not forever but sometimes make themselves Wings and fly away so be not lifted up with them but eye the Lord and posses as though you possessed not labour to be rich towards God and rich in good Works and remember poor afflicted Joseph and be ready to do good and to communicate as said the Apostle and keep your Hearts single and loose to those things and so in God's Wisdom you will see your Way Service and the End and Use of all And all you Young Men and Women that are single and unmarryed you have an Oportunity to serve the Lord do you keep low and beware of being entangled or brought in Bondage by youthful Lusts for thereby many have lost a good condition with God and brought themselves to Sorrow and Wo both in this Life and that which is to come And above all take heed of joyning Affinity with strange Nations and such as know not God 〈◊〉 obey the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ for this was f●rbidden Israel after the flesh Deut 7 3 4. and for their Disobedience herein God's anger was kindled against them and they were carryed away captive many years which made Ezra the Servant of the Lord rent his Garments and pluck his Hair off his Head and Beard and mourn before the Lord till he and the Elders of Israel resolved to put away their Strange Wives Ez 9 10. chap. And Esau by marrying the Daughters of Heth so grieved his Father and Mother that Rebecca complained sh● was weary of her Life Gen. 27.46 And Paul advised not so be unequally yoaked together Believers with Vnbelievers knowing there could be no Vnion between Light and Darkness nor the Temple of God and Idols c. so keep your Hearts single to God and wait in God's Wisdom to overcome the Wicked One in your own particulars and seek to be marryed to the Lord first and joyned to the Lord by his eternal Spirit which brings into Unity and keeps Chastity in Mind and Spirit unto him and observe the Advice of the Apostle who said The Vnmarried cared for the things of the Lord how he or she might please the Lord but the married for the things of this World how he or she might please Wife or Husband So all be watchful and mind your Places and Callings in Christ Jesus but if any one in the Fear and Wisdom of God do see it their way to marry let such seek God's Counsel and be not hasty but wait in it that he or she may enjoy a Wife or a Husband in the Peace Love of God and to be joyned one by his eternal Spirit and then Meet helps and a Blessing one to another and then the Marriage is honourable and the Bed undefiled so all keep clean and live up to God in all things in all States and Conditions in your Places and Callings whereunto God hath called you that the Lord may take pleasure to do you good and to multiply his Blessings upon you that the Issues of Life and Peace may abound and run through all and rest upon all your Hearts and Souls as the Dew of Hermon And the God of Peace and Love preserve us all in his Peace and Love and carry us through all by the Arm of his Eternal Power and guide us all in his heavenly Wisdom to the Praise Glory and Renown of his Everlasting Name who is God alone blessed forever and for evermore Your Friend and Brother in the Obedience of Truth Tho. Carleton Written the 13th of the 7th Moneth 1676.