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A34261 The confession of the faith and doctrine beleeved and professed be the Protestantes of Scotland exhibited to the estatis of the same in Parliament, and be their publick votis authorized, as a doctrine grounded upon the infallible VVord of God. Church of Scotland. 1681 (1681) Wing C5800; ESTC R40864 18,239 16

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Eph 1 11 Mat 25 34 Eph 1 21 2● Heb 2.7 8 psal 22 11 Heb 13 20 1 pet 2 24 psal 130 3 psal 143 3 1 Tim 2 5 Joh 1 12 Joh 20 17 Rom 5 17 18 19 Rom 8 15 Gal 4 5 6 Act 17 26 Heb 2 11 12 1 pet 3 18 Esay 53 8 Act 2 24 1 Joh 1.2 Act 20 28 1 Tim 3 16 Joh. 3 16 who of meere grace elected us in Christ Jesus his son before the foundation of the warld was laide appointed him to be our head our brother our pastor and great Bishop of our sauls But because that the enimitie betwixt the justice of God our sins was sik that na flesh be it self culd or might have attained vnto God It behooved that the Son of God suld descend unto us and tak himself a body of our body flesh of our flesh and bone of our bones and so become the Mediator betwixt God and man giving power to so many as beleeue in him to be the sons of God as himself dois witness I pass up to my father and unto ȝour father to my God and unto ȝour God Be quhilk maist holy fraternitie quhatsaever we have tynt in Adam is restored unto us again And for this cause ar we not affrayed to call God our father not sa meikle because he hes created us quhilk we have common with the reprobate as for that that he hes given to us his only son to be our brother given vnto vs grace to acknawledge imbrace him for our onlie Mediatour as before is said It behooved farther the Messias and Redemer to be very God very man because he wes to underlie the punishment due for our transgressiouns to present himselfe in the presence of his fathers judgement as in our persone to suffer for our transgression inobedience be death to overcome him that wes author of death Bot because the only god-head culd not suffer death neither ȝit culd the onlie man-head overcome the samin he joyned both togither in one persone that the imbecillitie of the ane suld suffer be subject to death quhilk we had deserved and the infinit inuincible power of the vther to wit of the God-head suld triumph and purchesse to us life libertie and perpetual victory and so we confesse and maist undoubtedly beleeve 9. Christs Death passion and Burial Heb 10 1 c 12 Esay 53 5 Heb 12 3 Joh 1 29 Mat 26 11 Deu 21 33 Mar 15 1 2 Gal 3 13 Luk 23 1 2 Mat 26 38 2 Cor 5. Heb 9 12 Heb 10 5 THat our Lord Jesus offered himselfe a voluntary sacrifice unto his father for us that he suffered contradiction of sinners that he was wounded plagued for our transgressions that he being the clean innocent lamb of God was damned in the presence of ane earthlie Judge that we suld be absolved befoir the tribunal seat of our God That he suffered not onlie the cruel death of the cross quhilk was accursed be the sentence of God but also that he suffered for a season the wrath of his father quhilk sinners had deserved Bot ȝit we avow that he remained the only wel beloved blessed son of his father even in the middest of his anguish and torment quhilk he suffered in bodie and saul to make the full satisfaction for the sins of the people After the quhilk we confess and avow that there remains na other sacrifice for sin quhilk gif ony affirm we nathing doubt to avow that they ar blasphemous against Christs death and the everlasting purgatioun and satisfactioun purchased to us by the same 10. Resurrectioun Act 2 23 Act 3 26 Rom 6 5 9 Act 2 24 Rom 4 25 Heb 2 14 15 Mat 28 4 Ma 27 25 53 Mat 28 5 Joh 20 27 21 7 Luke 24 41 42 43 Jos 21 12 13 We undoubtedly beleeve that in samekle as it wes impossible that the dolours of death suld reteine in bondage the author of life that our Lord Jesus crucified dead buried quha descended into hell did rise again for justificatioun and destroying of him quha was the author of death brocht life again to us that wer subject to death and to the bondage of the same We knaw that his resurrectioun wes confirmed be the testimonie of his very enemies be the resurrectioun of the dead quhais Sepultures did oppen and they did rise and appeared to mony within the Cittie of Jerusalem It wes also confirmed be the testimonie of his angels and be the senses judgements of his Apostles and of vthers quha had conversatioun and did eate and drink with him after his resurrection 11. Ascension Luke 24 51 Act 1 9 Mat 28 6 Mat 16 5 Luke 24 6 Joh 20 9 Mat 28.18 1 Joh 2 1 1 Tim 2 3 Psal ●10 1 Mat 22.44 Mar 12 36 Luke 20 42 43 Act 1 1 Act 3 19 2 Thes 1 4 5 6 7 8 Mat 25 34 Rev 21 27 Esay 66 24 Mat 25 41 Mar 9 44 46 48 Mat 22 13 2 pet 3 11 ● Cor 5 11 Luke 21 28 Joh 5 c Esay 7 14. Eph 1.22 Col 1 18 Heb 9 11 15 Heb 10 21 1 Joh 2 1 1 Tim 2 5 WE nathing doubt but the selfe same bodie quhilk was born of the Virgine was crucified dead and buried quhilk did rise again did ascend into the heavens for the accomplishment of all things quhere in our names and for our comfort he hes receiued all power in heaven earth quhere he sittes at the right hand of the father inaugurate in his Kingdome Advocate only Mediator for us Quhilk glorie honour prerogative he alone amonges the brethren sal posses till that all his enemies be made his futestule as that we undoubtedly beleeve they fall be in the final judgement To the execution whereof we certainly beleeve that the same our Lord Jesus sall visibly returne as that he wes seen to ascend And then we firmely beleeue that the time of refreshing and restitutioun of all things sall cum in sa mekle that thir that fra the beginning have suffered violence injurie wrong for righteousnes sake sall inherit that blessed immortalitie promised fra the beginning Bot contrariwise the stubborn inobedient cruel oppressours filthie personis idolaters all such sortes of vnfaithful sall be cast in the dungeoun of vtter darkness where the worme sall not die neither ȝit their fire sall be extinguished The remembrance of quhilk day of the judgement to be executed in the same is not only to us ane brydle quhereby our carnal lustes are refrained bot alswa sik inestimable comfort that nether may the threatning of worldly Princes nether ȝit the fear of temporal death present danger move us to renunce and forsake that blessed societie quhilk we the members have with our head onlie Mediator Christ Jesus whom we confess and avow to be the Messias promised the
rejection of the sacrifice as also gif the teacher planely teache fals doctrine quhilk were odious and abhominable before God albeit they were his awin ordinance because that wicked men vse them to an vther end then God hes ordaned The same affirme we of the Sacraments in the Papistical Kirk in quhilk we affirme the haill action of the Lord Iesus to be adulterated asweill in the external forme as in the end and opinion Quhat Christ Iesus did and commanded to be done is euident be the Evangelistes and be Saint Paull quhat the Preist dois at his altar we neid not to rehearse The end cause of Christs institution and why the selfe same suld be vsed is expressed in thir words Doe ȝe this in rememberance of me al 's oft as ȝe sall eat of this bread drink of this Cupe Cor. 11. ● 26. ȝe sall shaw furth that is extoll preach magnifie and praise the Lords death till he cum Bot to what end in what opinioun the Preistes say their Messe let the worde of the same their awin doctouris and wrytings witnes To wit that they as Mediatores betuixt Christ and his Kirk do offer vnto God the Father a Sacrifice propitiatorie for the sinnes of the quick and the dead ●●b 9.27 ● Quhilk doctrine as blasphemous to Christ Iesus making derogation to the sufficiencie of his only Sacrifice once offered for purgatioun of all they that sall be sanctifyed we vtterly abhorre detest and renounce 24 To whom Sacraments appertaine 〈◊〉 2.11 WE Confesse and acknawledge that Baptisme apperteinis asweil to the infants of the faithfull as vnto them that be of age discretion and so we damne the error of the Annabaptists ●n 4.11 ● 17.10 ● 28.19 who denies Baptisme to apperteine to Children before that they haue faith and vnderstanding bot the Supper of the Lord we confesse to appertaine to sik onely as be of the houshald of Faith and can trie and examine themselues asweill in their faith as in their dewtie towards their Nichtbouris 1 Cor. 28.29 Sik as eate and drink at that haly Table without faith or being at dissension and division with their brethren do eat vnworthelie And therefore it is that in our Kirk our Ministers tak publick particular examination of the knawledge and conversation of sik as are to be admitted to the Table of the Lord Iesus 25 Of the Civile Magistrate WE confesse and acknawledge Empyres Kingdomes Dominiouns and Citties to be distincted and ordained be God Rom 13 1 Titus 3 1 1 Pet. 2 13 the powers and authoritie in the same be it of Emperours in their Empyres of Kings in their Realmes Dukes and Princes in their Dominions and of vthers Magistrates in the Citties to be Gods haly ordinance ordained for manifestatioun of his awin glory and for the singular profite and commoditie of mankind So that whosoever goeth about to take away or to confound the haill state of Civile policies now long established we affirme the same men Rom 13 2 not onely to be enimies to mankinde but also wickedly to fecht against God his expressed will Wee farther confesse and acknawledge that sik persouns as are placed in authoritie ar to be loved honoured feared and halden in most reverent estimatioun because that they are the Lieu-tennents of God in whose Sessiouns Rom 13 7 1 Pet 2 17 Psal 82 1 God himself dois sit and judge ȝea even the Iudges and Princes themselues to whome be God is given the sword to the praise and defence of gude men and to revenge and punish all open malefactors Mairover to Kings Princes Rulers and Magistrates wee affirme that chieflie and most principallie the conservatioun and purgation of the Religioun appertaines 1 Chr 22 23 24 25 26 chap 2 Chr 17 7 2 Chr 29 30 31 chapters 2 Chr 34 35 chap so that not onlie they are appointed for Civill policie bot also for maintenance of the trew Religioun and for suppressing of Idolatrie and Superstitioun whatsoeuer As in David Iosaphat Ezechias Iosias and vthers highly commended for their zeal in that caice may be espyed And therefore wee confesse and avow that sik as resist the supreme power doing that thing quhilk appertains to his charge do resist God his ordinance and therefore cannot be guiltles And farther we affirme that whosoever denies vnto them ayde their counsell and comfort quhiles the Princes and Rulers vigilantly travell in execution of their office that the same men deny their helpe support and counsell to God quha be the presence of his Lieu-tennent dois craue it of them 26 The guiftes freelie giuen to the Kirk ALBEIT That the word of God trewly preached and the Sacraments richtlie ministred and Discipline executed according to the worde of God be the certaine infallible Signes of the trew Kirk we meane not that euery particular persoun joyned with sik company Mat 13 24 25 26 c be ane Elect member of CHRIST IESVS For we acknawledge and confesse that Dornell Cockell and Caffe may be sawen grow and in great aboundance lie in the midst of the Wheit that is the Reprobate may be joyned in the societie of the Elect and may externally vse with them the benefites of the worde and Sacraments Bot sik being bot temporal professoures in mouth bot not in heart do fall backe and continew not to the end And therefore haue they na fruite of Christs death Mat 13.20 21. Rom. 10.9 13. Resurrection nor Ascension but sik as with heart vnfainedly beleeue and with mouth bauldely confesse the Lord Iesus as before we haue said sall most assuredly receiue their guiftes First in this life remission of sinnes and that be only faith in Christs blude In sa mekle that albeit sinne remaine and continuallie abyde in thir our mortall bodies ȝit it is not imputed vnto vs bot is remitted and couered with Christs Iustice Secundly in the general Iudgement Rom 7 2 Cor 5 21 Ioh 5 28 29 Ap 20 23 Iob 19 25 26.27 Mat 25 31 Ap 14 10 there sall be giuen to every man and woman resurrection of the flesh For the Sea sal giue her dead the Earth they that therin be inclosed ȝea the Eternall our God sal stretche out his hand on the dust and the deade sall arise vncorruptible and that in the substance of the self same flesh that euery man now beiris to receiue according to their warkes glory or punishment For sik as now delyte in vanity cruelty filthynes superstition or Idolatry sal be adjudged to the fire vnquenchable In quhilk they sall be tormented for euer asweill in their awin bodyes as in their saules quhilk now they giue to serue the Deuill in all abomination Bot sik as continew in weil doing to the end bauldely professing the Lord Iesus we constantly beleue that they sall receiue glorie Rom 26. 7 8 9 10 Phil. 3 21 1 Cor 15 24 28 honor and immortality to reigne for euer in life euerlasting with Christ Iesus to whose glorified body all his Elect sall be made lyke when he sall appeir againe in judgement and sall rander up the kingdom 〈◊〉 God his Father who then sall be and euer sall remain all in all things God blessed for euer To whome with the Sonne and with the haly Ghaist be all honour and glorie now and euer So be it Num 9 35 Psal 68 1 Act 4 29 Arise O Lord and let thy enemies be confounded let them flee from thy presence that hate thy godlie Name Giue thy seruands strenth to speake thy word in bauldnesse and let all Natiouns cleaue to thy trew knowledge Amen FINIS
1 Cor 11 24 1 Cor 10 16 AS the fatheris vnder the law besides the veritie of the Sacrifices had twa chiefe Sacramentes to wit Circumcision the Passeover the despisers and contemners whereof were not reputed of Gods people sa do we acknawledge and confesse that we now in the time of the evangell haue twa chiefe Sacramentse onlie instituted be the Lord Jesus and commanded to be used of all they that will be reputed members of his bodie To wit Baptisme and the supper or Table of the Lord Jesus called the Communion of his body and blude And thir Sacramentes asweel of auld as of New Testament now instituted of God not onlie to make an visible difference betwixt his people and they that wes without his league but also to exerce the faith of his children and be participation of the same Sacramentes to seil in their hearts the assurance of his promise and of that most blessed conjunction vnion and societie quhilk the elect haue with their head Christ Iesus And this we vtterlie damne Rom 6 3 4 5 Gal 3 27 the vanitie of they that affirme Sacramentes to be na thing els bot naked and baire signes No we assuredlie beleeve that be Baptisme we are ingrafted in Christ Iesus to be made partakers of his Iustice be quhilk our sinnes are covered and remitted And alswa that in the Supper richtlie used CHRIST IESUS is so joyned with us that he becommis very nurishment and fude of our saules Not that we imagine anie transubstantiation of Bread into Christes bodie and of Wine into his Natural blude as the Papistes haue perniciouslie taucht and damnable beleeved bot this vnioun and conjunction quhilk we haue with the body blude of Christ Iesus in the richt vse of the Sacraments wrocht be operatioun of the haly Ghaist who by trew faith caryis us above all things that are visible carnal and earthly and makes us to feede upon the body and blude of Christ Iesus quhilk wes anes broken and shed for us quhilk now is in heaven Mar 16 19 Luk 24 51 Act 1 11 Act. 3 21 1 Cor 10 and appearis in the presence of his Father for vs And ȝit notwithstanding the far distance of place quhilk is betwixt his body now glorified in heaven and us now mortal in this earth ȝit we man assuredlie beleue that the bread quhilk we break is the communion of Christes bodie and the cupe quhilk we blesse is the communion of his blude So that we confesse and undoubtedlie beleeue that the faithful in the richt use of the Lords Table do so eat the bodie and drinke the blude of the Lord Iesus that he remains in them and they in him Ȝea they are so maid flesh of his flesh and bone of his bones that as the eternal God-head hes given to the flesh of Christ Iesus quhilk of the awin conditioun of nature wes mortall and corruptible life and immortalitie so dois Christ Iesus his flesh and blude eattin and drunkin be us Eph. 5 30 Mat 2 50 Mar. 15 37 Luk 23.46 Ioh 19 30 Ioh 6 51 ● 53 54 55 56 57 58 give vnto us the same prerogatiues Quhilk albeit we confesse are neither given unto us at that time onelie nether ȝit be the proper power and vertue of the Sacrament onlie ȝit we affirm that the faithfull in the richt use of the Lords Table hes conjunction with Christ Iesus as the naturall man can not apprehend ȝea and farther we affirme that albeit the faithful oppressed be negligence and namelie infirmitie dois not profite sa meikle as they wald in the verie instant action of the Supper ȝit sall it after bring frute furth as liuelie seid sawin in gude ground For the haly Spirite quhilk can neuer be diuided fra the richt institutioun of the Lord Iesus wil not frustrat the faithfull of the fruit of that mystical action bot all thir we say cummis of trew faith qohilk apprehenkis Christ Iesus who only makis this Sacrament effectual vnto us And therefore whosoeuer sclanders us as that we affirme or belevis Sacraments to be naked and bair Signes do injurie vnto vs and speaks against the manifest trueth But this liberallie and franklie wee confesse that we make ane distinctioun betwixt Christ Iesus in his eternal substance and betuixt the Elements of the Sacramentall Signes So that we will nether worship the Signes in place of that quhilk is signified be them 1 Cor 11 28 29 nether ȝit doe we dispise interpret them as unprofitable and vaine bot do vse them with all reverence examining our selves diligentlie before that so we do Because we are assured be the mouth of the Apostle that sik as eat of that bread and drinke of that cupe vnworthelie are guiltie of the bodie and blude of Christ Iesus 23 Of the richt administration of the Sacraments THAT Sacraments be richtlie ministrat we Iudge twa things requisite The ane that they be ministrat be lauchful Ministers whom we affirme to be only they that ar appoynted to the preaching of the word into quhai● mouthes God hes put sum Sermon of exhortation they being men lauchfullie chosen thereto be sum Kirk The vther that they ministrat in sik elements and in sik sort as God hes appointed else we affirm that they cease to be the richt Sacraments of Christ Iesus And therfore it is that we fly the doctrine of the Papistical Kirk in participation of their sacraments first because their Ministers are na Ministers of Christ Iesus ȝea quhilk is mair horrible they suffer wemen whome the haly Ghaist will not suffer to teache in the Congregatioun to Baptize and secundly because they haue so adulterated both the one Sacrament and the vther with their awin inuentiouns that no part of Christs action abydes in the originall puritie For Oyl Salt Spittill and sik lyke in Baptisme ar bot mennis inuentiouns Adoration Veneration bearing throw streitis and townes keiping of bread in boxes or buistes ar prophanatioun of Christs Sacraments Mat. 26.26 c. Mar. 14.22 c. Luk. 22.19 c. 1 Cor. 11.24 and na vse of the same For Christ Iesus saide Take eat c. do ȝe this in rememberance of me Be quhilk word charge he sanctifyed bread and wine to the Sacrament of his halie bodie and blude to the end that the ane suld be eaten and that all suld drink of the vther and not that they suld be keiped to be worshipped honoured as God as the Papistes haue done heirtofore Who also committed Sacrilege steilling from the people the ane parte of the Sacrament to wit the blessed cupe Moreover that the Sacraments be richtly vsed it is required that the end cause why the Sacramentis were institute bee vnderstand and observed asweil of the minister as of the receiueris For gif the opinion be changed in the receiuer the richt vse ceassis quhilk is maist evident be the
THE CONFESSION OF THE FAITH and DOCTRINE Beleeved and Professed be the PROTESTANTES Of SCOTLAND Exhibited to the Estatis of the same in Parliament and be their publick votis authorized as a Doctrine grounded upon the infallible VVord of GOD. Published by Authority EDINBVRGH Re-Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson Printer to His most Sacred MAJESTY 1681. First Parliament xv of Decemb. 1567. THE CONFESSION OF THE FAITH and DOCTRINE Beleeved and Professed be the Protestantes of Scotland exhibited to the Estatis of the same in Parliament and be their publick votis authorized as a Doctrine grounded upon the infallible Word of GOD. 1. Of God Deut. 6.4 1 Cor. 8.6 Esay 44.5 6. Tim. 1.27 1 Kin. 8.17 2 Chro. 8.18 Psal 139.7 8. Gen. 17.1 1 Tim. 6.15 16. Ex. 3.14 15 Mat. 28.19 1 Ioh. 5.7 Gen. 1.1 He 11.3 Act. 17.28 Pro. 16.4 WE confesse and acknawledge ane only GOD to whom onelie we must cleaue whome onelie we must serue whom onelie we must worship and in whom onlie we must put our trust Who is Eternal Infinit Vnmeasurable Incomprehensible Omnipotent Invisible ane in substance and yet distinct in three personnis the Father the Sonne the holy Ghost Be whom we confesse and beleue all thing is in heauen and earth aswel Visible as Invisible to haue bene created to be reteined in their being and to be ruled and guyded be his inscrutable Providence to sik end as his Eternall Wisdome Goodnes and Iustice hes appoynted them to the manifestatioun of his awin glorie 2. Of the Creatioun of man WE confesse and acknawledge this our GOD to haue created man Gen. 1.26 27 28 c. Col. 3.10 Eph. 4.24 Gen. 3.6 Gen. 2.17 to wit our first father Adam to his awin Image and similitude to whome he gaue wisedome Lordship Iustice Free-wil and cleir knowledge of him selfe sa that in the haill nature of man there culd be noted no imperfectioun Fra quhilk honour and perfectioun man and woman did bothe fal the woman being deceived be the Serpent and man obeying the voyce of the woman both conspyring against the Soveraigne Maiestie of GOD who in expressed words had before threatned death gif they presumed to eat of the forbidden tree 3. Of Original sin BE quhilk transgressioun commonlie called Original sinne Psal 51.7 Rom. 5.10 Rom. 7.5 2 Tit. 2.26 Ep. 2.1 2 3 Rom. 5.14 21. Rom. 6 23 wes the Image of GOD vtterlie defaced in man and he and his posteritie of nature become Enemies to GOD slaves to Sathan and servandis vnto sin In samekle that death everlasting hes had and sall haue power and dominioun over all that haue not been ar not or sal not be regenerated from aboue quhilk regeneratioun is wrocht be the power of the holie Ghost working in the hartes of the elect of God Iohn 3.5 Rom. 5.1 Phil. 1.29 ane assured faith in the promise of God reveiled to vs in his word be quhilk Faith we apprehend Christ Iesus with the graces and benefites promised in him 4 Of the Revelatioun of the promise FOR this we constantly beleeue that God after the feirfull and horrible defectioun of man fra his obedience did seek Adam again call upon him Gen. 3.9 Gen. 3.15 Gen. 12.3 Gen 15.5.6 2 Sam. 7.14 Esay 7.14 Esay 9.6 Hag. 2.6 ●oh 8.56 rebuke his sin convict him of the same and in the end made vnto him ane most joyful promise to wit that the seed of the woman suld break down the Serpents head that is he suld destroy the works of the devill Quhilk promise as it was repeated and made mair cleare from time to time so was it imbraced with joy and maist constantly received of al the faithfull from Adam to Noe from Noe to Abraham from Abraham to David and so forth to the incarnatioun of Christ Iesus all we meane the faithfull Fathers vnder the Law did see the joyful daie of Christ Iesus and did rejoyce 5 The continuance increase and preservatioun of the Kirk Ezech. 6.6 8.9 c. Gen. 12.1 Gen. 13.1 Exod. 1.1 Exod. 1.20 Iosh 1.3 23.4 1 Sa. 10.1 1 Sa. 16.13 2 Sa. 7.12 2 King 17 13 2 King 17 15 16 c. 2 King 24 3 4 c. Deut. 28.36.48 2 King 25 1 c. Dan 9 2 Ezr 1 c Hag 1 14 Zach 3 1 WE maist constantly beleeue that God preserved instructed multiplied honoured decored and from death called to life his Kirk in all ages fra Adam till the cumming of Christ Iesus in the flesh For Abraham he called from his Fathers cuntry him he instructed his seede he multiplied the same he marveilouslie preserued and mair marveilouslie delivered from the bondage and tyrannie of Pharaoh to them he gaue his Lawes constitutions and ceremonies them he possessed in the Land of Canaan to them after Iudges and after Saul he gave David to be King to whome hee made promise that of the fruite of his loynes suld anesit for ever vpon his Regal seat To this same people from time to time he sent Prophets to reduce them to the right way of their God from the quhilk oftentimes they declined be Idolatry And albeit that for their stubborn contempt of Iustice he was compelled to give them in the hands of their enimies as befoir was threatned be the mouth of Moses in sa meikle that the haly Cittie was destroyed the Temple burnt with fire and the hail Land left desolate the space of lxx ȝears Ȝit of mercy did he reduce them again to Ierusalem where the Cittie and Temple were reedified and they against all temptations and assaultes of Sathan did abide till the Messias come according to the promise 6 Of the Incarnation of Christ Iesus QVHEN the fulnes of time came God sent his Sonne his eternal Wisdome the substance of his awin glory in this warld quha tuke the nature of man-head of the substance of woman Gal 4 4 Luk 1 31 Mat 1 18. Mat 2 1 Rom. 1 3 Mat 1 23 Ioh 1 1. 4 5 1 Tim 2 5 to wit of a Virgine and that be operatioun of the holie Ghost And so was born the just seede of David the Angell of the great counsell of God the very Messias promised whome we confesse and acknawledge Emmanuel very God and very man two perfit natures vnited and joyned in one persoun Be quhilk our Confessioun we condemn the damnable and pestilent heresies of Arrius Marcion Eutyches Nestorius and sik vthers as either did deny the eternity of his godhead or the veritie of his humane nature or confounded them or ȝet devided them 7. Why it behooued the Mediator to be very God and very man WE acknawledge and confesse Eph 1 3 4 5 6 that this maist wonderous conjunction betwixt the God-head and the man-head in Christ Jesus did proceed from the eternal and immutable decree of God from quhilk all our Salvation springs and depends 8. Electioun FOr that same eternal God and Father