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A31171 Quæries propounded to George Fox and his ministers to answer from a paper wrote by George Fox, intituled An epistle from the people called Quakers to all people to read over ... / by a lover of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who was born of the Virgin Mary by the power of the Holy Ghost for the Christ and mans saviour, as that promised seed that God to Adam said should break the Serpents head. R. C. 1669 (1669) Wing C113; ESTC R29621 14,021 22

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that say you have the power to do wonderful things and ●rophesie in his Name are not you they of whom he speaks that when the Son of man shall sit upon his Throne and all his Angels with him that shall come and say Lord Lord open unto us To whom he shall answer Depart from me ye workers of iniquity I know you not who hath required these things at your hands for did you do the things you did at all ●●to me Therefore unto you my old acquaintance write I this that you may escape the errors of percition least in you be found an evil heart of unbelief departing from the living God and so you fall short of that rest that God hath prepared for those that love the Lord Jesus and believe that God and our Father hath sent him the love of his bosome to be the saviour of the World Brethren the grace of God the Father and of our Lord Jesus Christ keep your hearts by the holy Ghost by saith unto the end that so the Crown of ever lasting life you may not fall shor● off through unbelief for what shall it profit a Man to gain the whole World and lose his own soul search the Scriptures they teach of him compare your opinions with their Doctrine beleive their authority for they are faithful witnesses unto his Name Be faithful to him that hath called you to the gospel of his dear son by whom is the gift of Eternal Life Peace be unto all men from God our Father and from our Lord Jesus Christ in the fellowship of the Holy Ghost Is the prayer of him who wisheth your tranquility in God known by the name off R. C. And before I close this Paper I cannot but give a hint of this most hideous impious blaphemy that is started up from those Monsters of conceit who declare themselves the two witnesse● spoken off in the Revelations and that they are the two prophets who have received commission to damn and to save whom they will and do exercise their pretended commission upon them by Magick cursing them that will not receive them as they give themselves out to be And that they are the last ministration and dispensation that shall come Who being poysoned in their understandings from a corupted heart do not stick blasphemously to affirm that when the Lord Jesus Christ dyed for the sins of the World that the total God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ dyed also And that when he took his Journey unto the Earth he left the government of heaven to Moses and Elias But in that of God it is said I the Lord change not therefore O you sons of Jacob you are not consumed Therefore I present to these prophane men these Quaeries to wit 1. Whether if the Almighty God who hath made the Heavens and the Barrh and upholdeth all things by his power did dye what was therein the heavens or the earth that could uphold the works of his hands And if that he did dye who or what could raise him up from the dead 1. If the total God that is eternal dyed was not the infinite become finite 3. If it had been possible for God to dye and that he did dye we● not he that was and is and is to come who it the Alpha and Omega and the beginning and the ending extinct 4. If that he dyed and is raised from the dead was not that that raised up from the death greater then he 5. If death prevailed over him and that by death he was dead was not death greater then God 6. If death laid some hold upon him that by its power his life was at an end what could have broken death asunder for the redemption of Man But Christ having foretold that in the latter days false Prophets and false Christs should come which prophesie of Christ we see accomplished this day Therefore I leave these blasphemous magick Prophets unto their own pit entombed in Sathans darkness FINIS
the creature is obedient unto the ligh● in his conscience 6. That the Father Word Spirit are not thre● distinct operators in the Divine essence 7. That the blood of Chris● doth not at one for man with God and that his body is not ascended into heaven These I acknowledge arr published for your principle to the world before now And in that you packed up together so many Scriptures as if yo● believed Christ and salvation by him as they bear record to him knowing you dance as in a Net concern my self to direct these Quaries unto you for explanation that the truth which is pure in it self may not be vailed through false glosses and you returning a Christian like answer to what is here presented in truth and simplicity without Serpentime twinings and false glosses will give us hope that at length 〈◊〉 you believe the scriptures that you have so largely in show brought you may come to sit down with the children of Christ in the Faith tha● leads up unto Eternal Life which if it may appear I shall hope you insides may come to be much better known then they are now being through Faith washed in the blood of the Lamb whatever your outside ●e And you my old Acquaintance to you I write as one from God that have found mercy from believing and depending upon his Name by Jesus Christ who is the glass that you may see his glory in him being ●is glass in whose Face the glory of the Father only can be seen and ●●owing that your inward Man of your hearts is in bondage by the ●onds of darkness in your inward deeps and that those bonds cannot ●e broken by any but by Christ that hath the key to open the book and ●o break off the Seals I do pray that the eyes of your minds may be en●ightned to look up to him by that ingrafted word of Faith which ●akes of him as the hand his Spirit to unlock the shut up gates of our hearts that the King of Glory may come in which hitherto being lock●d up the Prisoner of hope cannot come forth although it has the promise from the covenant that God hath made to Christ that by his blood ●e will send it forth out of the deep Pit wherein there is no waters And therefore I say to you that the Principle upon which you bot●om being not Christ but light of and in Nature is nor that that can ●eliver your Souls out of the Jaws of Death and bring you into the ●and of rest for worm Jacob the hidd n man in the heart obtaineth ●ot unto Gods salvation although for it is ordained from ●he purchasement of our Lord Jesus Christ till that the bright ●eams of the Lord the Christ shines into the heart from the Lamb ●hat sits with God upon the Throne for the goodly Tents of Jacob is a ●abitation of light in the Lord and Christ the Lord who is his light when he appears brings the light for his rest the streams whereof make ●lad the City of my God which light of Christ being from above ●s the supernatural light whose issuing beams no man knows nor can ●now but the elect of God to whom it is given through the Faith that 〈◊〉 in him And my old Friends I would that I might freely speak to you without offence then would I say that the light that is in you as you are creatures by make from the first Adam is not the light of which I speak that is his habitation for his Saints For he that said I am the light and he that believes on me shall not walk in darkness but I will raise them up at the last day is Christ Jesus who was put to death in the flesh b● justified in the Spirit that he may give light and life to all them th● believe on him and in Faith obey to the receiving of the promise b● of the light of and in man he saith if the light in you be darkness how gre● is that darkness but of the light that proceeds from the Sun thus he spea● the light shineth in darkness and the darkness comprehendeth it not whi●● being the light that doth accompany the gospel is the salvation of the Saint that the gospel hath purchased for them of which he said ear hath not hear nor eye hath not seen what the father hath prepared for them that love him Which being the light of the Gospel far excels the light in Natu● which God as Soveraign Lord hath planted in mans heart for ma● guide to lead him out of himself to Christ the second Adam by who● the entring in is into the rest that God hath prepared for them befo● the World was made And my old friends I would that none of you fall short of entring into his rest by unbelief through the zeal you bear to your Preacher that teach you an entrance by work of obedience to the light of Natu● in you for verily such Preachers preach to you voluntary humil● that they may glory in your flesh Wherefore it doth remain to y● to walk in the way that is appointed that leads up into his rest least any mistakes by witchcraft in Spirit you take the way of your own i●vention and fall short of entring into his rest For that it is cert●● that by no other way under Heaven we can enter into this rest b● by Faith in him who is both Lord and Christ For him hath God s●ed Wherefore look ye up unto him who is arisen from the dead a is ascended into the majesty on high where the principalities a● powers and thrones fall down and worship the antient of days and Lamb that sits upon his throne For Christ of whom we speak hath 〈◊〉 off the Grave and is arisen from the T●mbs in which he was laid Christ of whom you speak the light in you it is in the Grave and Grave-cloaths wraps it up in the deeps of your heart from ●here cannot come forth but by him who is the Resurrection of the deed wh● voice being heard within your hearts your dead hearing the voice the Son of God comes forth and lives and without his voice 〈◊〉 you up you dye eternally whatever you say from your believing in ●itness of your consciences for your Saviour For here it is not of ●n thrt willeth nor of him that runneth but of God that sheweth a mercy ●ake heed that no man deceive you For the Spirit foreseeing what ●ould be in the latter days foretold a departure from the Faith and at men should rise up bringing in most o amnable Errors denying the ●rd that bought them and many should follow their pernicious ways of ●em the way of truth should be evil spoken off For verily he that entreth ●to his rest must come in by Christ the door without which there is no ●●p But you rejecting him and taking to your selves another way ●nnot enter in into his rest although the gates stand open And you
he should see him at the last day whether if Christ be not Christ in person what is become of the Patriarks and Prophets since for salvation on him they put their trust explain Since in his body as the scriptures say he bore our sins and carried our griefs and was smitten for our transgressions through whose stripes we are healed for that God laid on him the iniquity of us all whether he be to be beleived for Christ in this his personal capacity according to the Scriptures or that the light in the conscience a measure of which every man hath that is born into the world be he the Christ of which nothing in the Scriptures explain for that the Scriptures say that by the death of the body upon the cross he reconciled us unto God and that he foretold his death and that he would raise it up from death in three days VVhether Christ as he is King Preist and Prophet whom God hath made higher then the Heavens be the Christ that appeared to his disciples after his resurrection from the dead in that body he bid them handle and see saying it is I myself for a spirit hath not flesh and bones as I have or the light in your consciences is the Christ that God hath exalted higher then the Heavens as King Priest and Prophet explain And in that Christ was transfigured in his Apostles sight with the appearance of Moses and Elias on the Mount whether was he transfigured as Christ in his person without them or was it the light in his Apostles consciences within them explain Since they said Master it is good that we stay here let us make three Tabernacles one for Thee one for Moses and one for Elias And in that it is said concerning Christs ascention while he was speaking these things he was taken up and a cloud received him out of their sight and this same Jesus shall so come in like manner as you have seen him go into Heaven whom the Heaven must receive until the time of restitution of all things whether he thus ascended be not now Christ the glorified of the Father WITHOUT us as well as he was Christ when he was upon earth WITHOUT them explain And in that he said I ascend to my Father and your Father to my God and to your God whether he spoke of himself as the Christ personal in ● body without them or of a Christ you call light within you explain ●or that the faith of his Disciples was on him as Christ without them ●s their Doctrine by the Scriptures at large doth show And if the light that was in his Apostles consciences was not Christ but he their Master who taught them to beleive on him to be 〈◊〉 the Christ that believing they might be saved whether you by affirming that the witness in you is Christ which witness you call light ●e not a Christ of your inventions and ANOTHER CHRIST ●hen what is the Christ of God explain And in that it saith he that hath not the spirit of Christ is none of his and that none can receive the spirit but he who beleiveth on Christ who is the giver of the spirit whether the spirit you walk by is the spirit of Christ or the power of Magick explain since you deny him to be the Christ that in his p●rson was the offering for sin and the Saviour of the world and instead of him set up the light of nature to be the Christ and its power for your Saviour Whether the revelation that was given to John was given by Christ the glorified of the Father in his person in heaven or from Johns light in his conscience John being on earth explain Whether the Lamb that sits upon the throne of the antient of days who was dead and is alive and lives for evermore be Christ and giver of eternal life to them that believe and follow him in the regeneration or the light in conscience a measure whereof every man hath that cometh into the world be Christ explain for that the light in every mans conscience is the light of creation but the gift of God is the spirit of Christ that brings unto the travelling soul the light of Christ by revelation according to the promise through beleiving on him Whether the blood of Christ that attoned for man with God was blood quatenus blood from and off his humanity or the life of Christ as Christ is God is it without the blood of his humanity the attoner explain and if it be the life in Christ as Christ is God that attones and the blood of Christ as Christ is man not that that doth attone show how the life of God is blood and unto what use it served his shedding of the blood of his man-hood Whether the righteousness of Christ that Christ puts upon his Saints be not the righteousness of Faith by believing on him as justifier from his perfect obedience to God by his fulfilling the requirings of God in the Law explain for that it is written blessed is the ●●rn whose sins are pardoned and whose iniquities are covered again blessed is the man to whom God imputeth not sin Quaeries upon the fifth page WHether since you say that God hath so loved the World that he hath given his only begotten Son to dye for the World that they ●●at believe on him should not perish but have everlasting Life whether ●hat Son of God be Christ that the Angels told the Shepherds was that ●ay born for a Saviour whom they should find laid in a manger who was wrapt up in swadling cloaths whose name God said should be called Jesus or is the light in conscience that within you he explain Whether he that was conceived of the Holy Ghost and born of the Virgin Mary as he persona ly walked upon the Earth in substance of a Man be Christ and the only begotten Son of God and Mans Saviour is thus he was without them or is the light in conscience the Christ and the Saviour as it is light in conscience within man explain Whether Christ or the Apostles at any time taught the light in man for the Christ and the Saviour or Christ the man in person without them for the Christ and Saviour explain Whether Christ that came into the VVorld to save the World who while he was in the World was the light of the World being gone out of the World unto his Father be not now the light of the World by the ministration of preaching through the operation of his Spirit as he was the light of the world when in the world by the ministration of preaching of his death sufferings and resurrecition explain Since his being in the world was to work Salvation for the world by his death and being gone out of the world now manifests the Salvation which while being in the world he wrought being risen from the dead Whether the Faith of Gods elect that purifieth the heart and giveth