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A30061 A letter of a Protestant clergy-man to the reverend clergy of the Church of England, and to all other good Protestants advertising them from the sacred revelation of St. John of the evil which he apprehends to be coming upon the Protestant church, etc. / written by Digby Bull ... Bull, Digby. 1695 (1695) Wing B5412; ESTC R40767 54,096 68

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Servants of God shall then be preserved when many others are like to perish Many of you Reverend Brethren by your late Miscarriages in taking the New Oaths c. have put your selves into a worse Condition than otherwise you would have been in and after a short time I suppose you will be fully convinced of your Error in so doing But by your sincere and hearty Repentance and earnest Prayers to God and by all other good Endeavours to this purpose and especially by the blessed Help and Assistance of Almighty God which we must all rely upon I hope you may recover your Ground and be able to stand against Popery and so preserve your Souls and Lives too if God sees it good to spare them or else may be able chearfully to lay them down if he shall require it at your hands I hope and am fully perswaded that Mercy doth yet wait upon you and that if you will now return and repent you may be saved But if ye still proceed on in your own ways and despise the Goodness and Long-suffering of God which doth now in an extraordinary manner waite for your Return to him If you now stop your Ears against all the loud Cries and Calls to Repentance and persist on to Backslide more and more If you now slight all the kind Invitations and Warnings of Providence and instead of repenting should fall to the Black Religion of Rome There is then no Peace nor Comfort for you that I know of but a Tremendous expectation of Judgment and Fiery Indignation which will consume all before it With Eyes therefore full of Tears and with a Heart full of Sorrow and true Christian Charity and Compassion as I hope do I earnestly entreat and beg of you That you would not now Trifle with Eternity when you are upon the very Brink of Destruction and have but one moment of time to provide for your Security and to save your selves in Remember poor Esau that could find no place for Repentance tho' he sought it carefully with Tears when once the Sentence was past against him Heb. 12.16 17. Gen. 27.33 It was then irrevocable and all his Tears and his exceeding bitter Cry could not alter it And when once the Heavens now are covered with thick Darkness your Cries will hardly pierce thro' it and find access to the Throne of Mercy And when once the consuming Fire of God's Wrath is kindled it is not a few Tears that will quench it In the Bowels of Christ Jesus then and by all the Endearments of a Christian Brother do I earnestly beseech you now to return and thankfully to accept of the Overtures of Mercy while Mercy may be had before abused Goodness be turned to Wrath and Mercy it self be shut up in displeasure against you For then you may cry aloud for Mercy like the Worshippers of Baal 1 Kings 18. and find as little answer and regard as they did But if you will now repent and return to God with all your heart and firmly resolve to abide by him at all times I hope you will readily find him and find him a God ready to help and succour you now in the greatest Straits and Dangers And to animate us all the more herein we may see that we have very great Encouragements in the Sacred Word of God patiently and contentedly to undergo all the Persecutions and Sufferings that befal us here for doing our Duty to God and keeping a good Conscience and sticking close to our Profession and the Truth of the Gospel And First We may see that this is declared to be a blessed thing when Men suffer for Righteousness sake and those that do so are pronounced blessed and happy Behold saith St. James 5.11 we count them happy which endure And saith St. Peter 1 Pet. 2.19 For this is thank-worthy if a man for conscience towards God endure grief suffering wrongfully And ver 20 But if when ye do well and suffer for it ye take it patiently this is acceptable with God And 1 Pet. 3.14 But and if ye suffer for righteousness sake happy are ye and be not afraid of their terror neither be troubled And to this purpose 1 Pet. 4.14 If ye be reproached for the Name of Christ happy are ye for the Spirit of glory and of God resteth upon you on their part he is evil spoken of but on your part he is glorified This we see is a most blessed thing and highly acceptable in the sight of God when Men suffer for Righteousness sake and keeping a good Conscience towards Almighty God Secondly We may see that such as endure constant to the end and forsake not their Profession for any Persecutions that befal them shall be sure to be saved from Eternal Death and Destruction and often tho' not always from Destruction here in this World when they are in great danger of losing their Lives God then in a wonderful manner delivering them by his good Providence out of all their Troubles and Danger This is often declared by our blessed Lord in the Gospel that such as endure constant to the end shall be saved Matt. 10.22 And ye shall be hated of all men for my Name 's sake but he that endureth to the end shall be saved And Matt. 24.12 13. And because iniquity shall abound the love of many shall wax cold but he that shall endure to the end the same shall be saved And these words are not so to be confined to one particular State of the Church as to exclude all others but so as to be Instructions to Christians at all times when there is need of such and such in an especial manner doth this present juncture of time seem to me to be The Church while it is Militant here below is always like to be subject to Persecutions and when these grow very smart and sharp the love of many is like to grow cold But that this may be no great discouragement to good Christians at such a time and may not make their heart to grow faint when they see so many to fall off they are to encourage themselves with such Sacred Consolations as these And saith our Lord Mar. 8.35 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the Gospel's the same shall save it The exposing of our Lives to hazard upon this account is the best way to preserve both Life and Soul too and so I believe it will be now Thirdly We may see that our blessed Lord doth promise abundant reward even in this Life to all such as do sustain any loss for his sake and the Gospel's Mar. 10.29 30. And Jesus answered and said verily I say unto you there is no man that hath left House or Brethren or Sisters or Father or Mother or Wife or Children or Lands for my sake and the Gospel's But he shall receive an hundred fold now in this time Houses And to this purpose in
apt to believe that many who have been driven out of this World with the Fire of Persecution and with the merciless Torments of cruel Men have departed hence with as much if not more ease than many that have died quietly upon their Beds and undisturbed by the sinful and restless Troublers of this World And if so then we have no great cause to draw back or to be sore afraid even in the worst of Times and Dangers To animate us the more then herein let us remember how victoriously many Saints have gone out of this World to those unspeakable Joys that are prepared for them in the next And as Paul saith Rom. 8.37 have been more than Conquerours thro' him that loved them in all the Tryals and Combats that they have been exercised with And seeing that we are listed Souldiers under Christ Let us follow them in a meek and patient suffering of all the Adversities and Injuries that befal us here for keeping the Faith of Christ and a good Conscience towards God Let us be perswaded as St. Paul was Rom. 8.38 39. That neither Death nor Life nor Angels nor Principalities nor Powers shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord Let us look unto Jesus the Captain of our Salvation the Author and Finisher of our Faith who endured such contradiction of Sinners against himself Who for the joy that was set before him endured the Cross despising the shame and is set down at the right hand of the Throne of God Heb. 12.2 Let us consider him that we may not be wearied and faint in our minds but be faithful unto death that we may not lose our Crown of Life But if we will not be prevailed upon by all these powerful Arguments and Persuasions to keep Faith and a good Conscience and to stick close to our Profession even in the worst of Times If the glory of such sufferings and the unspeakable Reward that doth await them If such assurances of Divine Help and Assistance that Almighty God will never be wanting to us but will have us always under his watchful Eye and will always grant us Succour and Strength answerable to our needs If these will not prevail with us Then we may farther take notice what a miserable condition such Revolters will be in that for fear of Persecution shall forego their Profession Such are like to lose their Lives as our Lord sheweth Mar. 8.35 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it And such as are ashamed of him and his words must expect the same measure again to their great and eternal Reproach as our Lord shews ver 38. Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my Words in this adulterous and sinful generation of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy Angels And those that deny him must look for the same return again to their utter confusion Matt. 10.33 But whosoever shall deny me before men him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven The Apostle's words also are now especially to be heeded and laid to heart Heb. 6.4 For it is impossible for those saith he who were once enlightned and have tasted of the heavenly gift and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost and have tasted the good Word of God and the powers of the world to come If they shall fall away to renew them again unto repentance seeing they crucifie to themselves the Son of God afresh and put him to an open shame And saith he again Heb 10.26 For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the Truth there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery Indignation which shall devour the adversaries And if we Protestants should turn to the Popish Religion we may expect that this will be our condition And to conclude we may see that all Cowards that are not at all valiant for the Truth are like to go to the Lake that burns with Fire and Brimstone Rev. 21.8 But the Fearful and Unbelieving shall have their part in the Lake which burneth with Fire and Brimstone And this consideration also will be of great use to keep us from Backsliding and falling away from our Christian Profession to any Idolatrous or to any other sinful Practices that are not consistent with the Truth of the Gospel when we so plainly see as here we do That such Revolters must bid adieu to all the Bliss and Happiness that is promised in the Gospel and are like to go to the grand Apostate and to that everlasting Fire that was prepared for him and his Angens Matth. 25.41 And if these Arguments will not prevail with us I know not what will Seeing then that the Concerns before us are so very great the avoiding of Eternal Woe and Misery and the obtaining of Eternal Life and Happiness depending upon our good Behaviour and Christian Carriage here Let us be wise then betimes and shew our selves Men and not be like Solomon's Fool that had a price in his hand to get Wisdom but had no heart to it Prov. 17.16 Let us not to avoid a little Suffering here forfeit our Title to the Crown of Life and the blessed Kingdom above and run into endless Misery and Destruction For this will be prodigious folly and madness But seeing it is the Lord alone that must keep and uphold us all or else we shall be sure to fall and all the Watchman's care without his good Protection is to no purpose Ps 127.1 Let us then be careful and diligent to call for his blessed Help and Succour at all times and never trust to our own strength and abilities but let us always be mindful of that Divine Instruction of our blessed Lord and put it in practice Luke 21.36 Watch ye therefore and pray always that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass and to stand before the Son of man And now that all men may be the more sensible of the heavy judgment of God which I affirm to be at hand I shall here add the Eleventh Chapter and some other places of the Revelation of St. John which do particularly treat of the second grand Woe of that sacred Book which is the judgment that I speak of And that this Eleventh Chapter may be the better understood of all men I shall add a short explication of it according to that little Insight that I have into this great Mystery wherein through God's help I intend to be plain that the meanest Capacities may in a good measure understand it if they will and may clearly see that this judgment is there foretold and therefore will certainly come to pass Revelation Chapter XI 1. And there was given me a reed like unto a rod and the Angel stood saying Rise and measure the
to come upon them And according to these places of the Sacred Scriptures do we make profession in St. Athanasius's Creed Which Faith except every one do keep whole and undefiled without doubt he shall perish everlastingly And we may clearly see that the Romish Religion is flat contrary to the first and second Commandments of the Decalogue This is the grand Commandment of all viz. Thou shalt have no other Gods before me Exod. 20.3 But this grand Commandment do the Papists violate and make Petty Gods of the Saints and worship the Elements of Bread and Wine in the Sacrament and make Gods of them And they make and worship and bow down to Images flat contrary to the express Letter of the second Commandment They teach for Doctrines the Commandments of Men and preach another Gospel which Christ and his Apostles preached not in that they preach up the Pope's Supremacy as a fundamental Doctrine in their Religion and Purgatory and Popish Pardons c. which are not in the Gospel of our blessed Lord and Saviour but are repugnant to it and therefore they do incur the Curse of the Apostle in preaching another Gospel And herein we may see that they sin with a high hand in that they stifle the Sacred Word of God and will not let the Common People know it that they may keep it and do it contrary to God's express Command who would have all Men to know his Sacred Word and Commandments and to do them And instead hereof they order their own Precepts and Traditions to be observed and kept Thus superseding and over-ruling the whole Word of God by their own Commands at their own will and pleasure thus exalting themselves above God himself in keeping his Sacred Word in an unknown Tongue from the People and ordering their own Commands to be kept as the supreme Commands of all And the Papists are accounted no better than Gentiles Heathens and Pagan Idolaters by the Sacred Oracles of the Revelation of St. John as I understand them And you may see that Archbishop Usher and Dr. More these Learned and Pious Men are of the same mind and Dr. Barrow another Learned and Pious Man saith little less See Dr. More 's Antidote against Idolatry and Dr. Barrow's Treatise of the Pope's Supremacy We may see that there is no hope of Salvation for such as are of this Communion so long as they continue therein And I wish that all well-minded Papists would seriously lay these things to heart and take a due Care to save their Souls and not suffer themselves to be deluded to their Eternal Woe and Destruction But farther Thirdly We may see that Righteous and Holy Men would by no means be driven to break the Sacred Commands of Almighty God and to depart from his Blessed Word but would rather part with their Lives than do so The three Children would not be driven with all the Terror of a Fiery Furnace to fall down and worship King Nebuchadnezzar's Image contrary to the express Command of Almighty God Dan. 3. The Church in Pergamos would not deny the Faith of Christ tho' they dwelt even where Satan's Seat was and in those Days too wherein Antipas the faithful Martyr of Christ was slain among them and they are highly commended for so doing Rev. 2.13 I know thy works saith our Lord and where thou dwellest even where Satan's seat is and thou holdest fast my Nome and hast not denied my faith even in those days wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr who was slain among you where Satan dwelleth The Church also in Philadelphia is commended for keeping the Word of God Rev. 3.8 And St. John doth shew that many have been put to death for the Word of God and for adhering and sticking close to the Truth and giving Testimony to it Rev. 6.9 I saw under the altar saith he the souls of them that were slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they held And Rev. 20.4 And I saw saith he the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus and for the word of God By these Instances and many more that might be alledged from the Sacred Scriptures and other Authors we may see with what great Courage and Magnanimity righteous Men have stood to the blessed Word of God and maintained it and have chosen rather to resist even unto Blood than to be driven from it or to violate it in any notorious manner And this doth shew that we ought to do so too and may serve for a sufficient disswasive to us to keep us from falling to Popery tho' we run very great hazard in standing against it But Fourthly We may farther consider that we are under several solemn Engagements that are flat against Popery We of the Clergy especially and many others have taken the Oath of Supremacy and many of us have subscribed the Declaration called the Test We have read and given our Assent to the 39 Articles of Religion and have subscribed the three Articles in the 36th Canon And these in many particulars are all directly against Popery And if we should now fall to Popery we shall notoriously break and violate all these solemn and sacred Engagements to the contrary and be most wretchedly perfidious and shew to the World that there is no Truth and Faithfulness in us but that we are cursed lying Children And according to our great Wickedness herein if we should do so shall we be dealt with For we are plainly told Rev. 21.8 That all lyars shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone And it will be sufficiently manifest both to Men and Angels too that such we are and that in a high manner too if we have no regard to all these solemn Engagements which we call God to attest and bear Witness to If then we have any fear of God before our Eyes and would avoid his dreadful Wrath and have his Favour which is better than Life it self If we have any regard to the grand Concerns of our Souls and our eternal Well-being and Happiness in another World If we would avoid that dismal place where the Prince of Darkness and the Father of Lyes is to have his residence and abode Then we must have a care that we do not violate the sacred Word of God and these solemn Engagements that we have made but resolve rather to part with our Lives tho' it be at the Stake than to break them and fall to Popery But I am apt to believe That the standing against Popery in a Meek and Christian manner with Spiritual and not with Carnal Weapons will be the best way to preserve both Life and Soul too and that such as do so shall be preserved alive when many others that fall to Popery on the one hand or that rise up against Authority on the other shall perish and lose their Lives And Archbishop Usher doth shew that the sincere and faithful Worshippers and
other places And I do believe that such as sustain any loss and run any great hazard at this time to keep a good Conscience towards God shall be well rewarded even in this World besides what they may expect hereafter in another But Fourthly For our great Comfort and Encouragement herein we have many promises of a blessed Reward hereafter in Heaven for suffering for a good Cause and for Righteousness sake Eternal Glory and Happiness shall then be sure to be our Reward for such high Obedience as the suffering meekly and patiently for the sake of the blessed Jesus is Matt. 5.10 saith our Saviour Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven Blessed are ye when men shall revile you and persecute you and shall say all manner of evil against you falsly for my sake Rejoyce and be exceeding glad for great is your reward in Heaven And to this purpose Luke 6.22 Blessed are ye when men shall hate you and when they shall separate you from their company and shall reproach you and cast out your name as evil for the Son of man's sake Rejoyce ye in that day and leap for joy For behold your reward is great in Heaven for in the like manner did their Fathers unto the Prophets And those that forsake Houses and Lands for Christ's sake and the Gospel's shall besides their reward here in this World inherit Eternal Life and Happiness in the World to come Matt. 19.29 and Mar. 10.30 And in the world to come eternal Life And saith St. Paul Rom. 8.17 If so be that we suffer with him that we may be also glorified together For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us Christ ought to have suffered and so to enter into his Glory Luke 24.26 And if we will be his Disciples and followers we must expect to do so too and to enter in by the strait Gate of affliction But our sufferings here will bear little or no proportion to the Glory that doth await us for them For if St. Paul could say fo who hath given us so large an account of his sufferings 2 Cor. 11.23 much more may we say so And again saith St. Paul to Timothy 2 Tim. 2.12 If we suffer we shall also reign with him And saith St. James 1.12 Blessed is the man that endureth temptation for when he is tried he shall receive the Crown of Life which the Lord hath promised to them that love him And this is our Lord's promise by St. John to the Church in Smyrna Rev. 2.10 Be thou faithful unto death and I will give thee a Crown of Life And all are to hear what the Spirit saith to the Churches ver 11. And again Rev. 3.21 saith he To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my Throne even as I also overcame and am set down with my Father in his Throne To this high Dignity is the faithful Sufferer like to be advanced Fifthly For our farther Comfort and Support in all the Sufferings that we meet with for Christ's sake and for keeping a good Conscience towards God we may see that God doth regard and pity us in all our distresses and afflictions and that he will then succour and strengthen us and not suffer us to be over-powered and born down with the violence of such temptations as we have not strength to resist and withstand Tho' our Trials sometimes may be sharp yet if we have recourse to him and call upon him in that due manner that we ought we shall be sure of a supply and shall have strength sufficient for all the Combats and Encounters that we shall meet with Our God is a God of Love and tender Compassion towards his Creatures and faithful Servants and will not desert and forsake them in the Day of Anguish and Distress but will hear and succour them when they cry to him for help This he declareth by the Psalmist Psal 50.15 And call upon me in the day of trouble I will deliver thee and thou shalt glorify me And saith God by the Prophet Isaiah 49.15 Can a Woman forget her sucking Child that she should not have compassion on the Son of her womb Yea they may forget yet will I not forget thee The care of these tender Mothers towards the Children of their own Womb is not comparable to that of God towards his faithful Children And saith the Apostle Heb. 13.5 6. For he hath said I will never leave thee nor forsake thee So that we may boldly say the Lord is my helper and I will not fear what man shall do unto me And our Saviour doth promise to be constantly with his Church as need shall require Matt. 28.20 And lo I am with you alway even unto the end of the world Amen And saith he Matt. 10.30 But the very hairs of your head are all numbred Fear ye not therefore So great is the Care that God hath of his Servants that the smallest matters belonging to them are all regarded and minded by him and due care is taken about them And saith St. Paul 1 Cor. 10.13 There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man but God is faithful who will not suffer you to be tempted above that you are able but will with the temptation also make a way to escape that ye may be able to bear it God by his infinite Wisdom and Power will so order all things that we shall be able to overcome the temptations that we meet with some way or other if we do our utmost endeavours and he will so help us that we shall not be over-powered by them Sixthly For a fuller confirmation of this viz. That God will always be ready to help us in our greatest needs we may see that he hath always been with his faithful Servants in a remarkable manner and afforded them extraordinary Help and Assistance when their Need and Necessities have required it In an extraordinary manner was he with Joseph in the Prison with David when Saul sought to take away his Life with Elijah when Jezebel would have put him to death with the three Children in the Fiery Furnace with Daniel in the Lions Den with Paul when he was brought before Nero the Roman Emperour and with Stephen when he was put to death These and many more that might be alledged to this purpose are like a Cloud of Witnesses to confirm this to us viz That God will be sure to be with his faithful Servants in the worst of Times and Dangers to assist them with his Almighty Arm And as the sufferings of the Apostles did abound so did their inward Joy and Strength 2 Cor. 1.5 And in the midst of their sufferings could they rejoyce 2 Cor. 12.10 Col. 1.24 such sweet Influence and Communications of his Love and Goodness did God then afford them And I am
Child is come to the Birth there may be strength to bring forth 2 Kings 19 ● and that the Fruit of her Womb this Royal and hopeful Issue may be delivered from the bloody Talons and merciless Paws of this red and fiery Dragon and may be caught up to the Throne of God and there preserved that in due time he may Rule all Nations with his strong and iron Rod. Now is the time That that Grand and Set Battel is to be fought between Michael and the Dragon Rev. 12.7 For now will Michael the Archangel and all the Host of blessed Angels that are under him exert and put forth their utmost strength and power and use their utmost vigilancy and Industry for the supporting and upholding of the pure Church of Christ and to keep the Servants of God from Revolting and Backsliding and falling to Popery and being driven by the Terror of men to fall down and worship the Beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless Pit And now will the Dragon also set his shoulder to the work and he and his black Regiments will labour with Might and Main to extinguish and utterly to put an End to the pure Christian Church and to drive all the faithful Servants of God to desert and forsake him and to turn to the Popish Religion and to join with the Beast of Rome which God hath declared to be a grand Rebel against him and his Kingdom And now therefore it is the Duty of every good Protestant and especially of the Bishops and Pastors of the Protestant Church to be at their most ardent Prayers to Almighty God and to implore his Help that he would have Mercy upon his Church and preserve it from being destroyed by the restless Enemies thereof Now is it their duty to lift up their incessant Cryes to the blessed Jesus that he would make good that Promise to his Church Matth. 16.18 That the Gates of Hell should not prevail against it That he would now hold up his Auspicious Hand while this Battel is fought as once Moses did upon a like occasion Exod. 17.11 and that he would stretch out his Almighty Arm for the support of his Church and Servants and Succour us frail Creatures in the Day of Tryal and Grant Success and Victory to Michael and his Angels who is represented as General of the Christian Forces Now let all the valiant Souldiers of Christ put on the whole Armour of God that they may be able to stand against all the Wiles of the Devil Eph. 6.11 For we are now to wrestle not with flesh and blood against the bodily strength of a single man as wrestlers do But against Principalities against Powers against the Rulers of the darkness or the dark and sinful Rulers of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places Wherefore let us take unto our selves the whole Armour of God that we may be able to withstand in the evil Day and having done all that is in our power that we may stand Let all the faithful Servants of Christ now give all that little help and assistance that they can in so righteous and sacred a Cause as this is when the Church and Spouse of Christ lyeth at the Stake and wherein the blessed Jesus and Saviour of the World requireth their service And then if they fight valiantly in this sacred and Renowned Cause and persevere to the end then let them expect his Euge Well done thou good and faithful Servant Enter thou into the joy of thy Lord Matth. 25.21 And saith our Lord to the Church in Sardis to the Pastors and Members thereof even to the present Christian Church as I understand it and as Dr. More also hath interpreted it Rev. 3.5 He that overcometh the same shall be clothed in white raiment and I will not blot out his name out of the Book of Life but I will confess his name before my Father and before his Angels Those that overcome in this Grand Battel against the Dragon in this splendid manner like Victors and Conquerors are they to be clothed their Names are like to stand Registred in the Book of Life as those that are like to enjoy eternal Bliss and Happiness And to their unspeakable joy and endless glory they will be had in honor before Almighty God and his Angels But if any man draw back his Soul will have no pleasure in him Heb. 10.38 And our Lord hath told us Matth. 10.33 That whosoever shall deny him before men him also he will deny before his Father which is in heaven And now let all the Bishops and Pastors of the Protestant Church remember that bitter Curse which the Angel pronounced against the Inhabitants of Meroz Jud. 5.23 Curse ye Meroz said the Angel of the Lord Curse ye bitterly the Inhabitants thereof because they came not to the help of the Lord to the help of the Lord against the Mighty And let them take care that there may be no cause for the Archangel Michael now to pronounce such another bitter Curse against them for their backsliding at this Day when this great Battel of the Lord upon the account of his Church is to be fought And here we are taught how we must prevail and overcome Rev. 12.11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their Testimony and they loved not their Lives unto the death These are the means by which we are to overcome at this time and not by carnal Weapons viz By procuring an interest in the Blood of the blessed Jesus and by a meek and patient suffering for his sake and a firm resolution rather to dye than to depart from the Testimony and Faith of Christ and violate and break his sacred Commandments freely offering up our Lives to him if he should call us to the Cross to suffer Martyrdom for his sake And for our great Comfort and Encouragement herein saith the Apostle 2 Tim. 2.12 If we suffer we shall also reign with him And saith St. John Rev. 14.13 And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me Write Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from hence forth yea saith the Spirit that they may rest from their labors and their works do follow them And again saith he Rev. 20.4 And I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus and for the Word of God and which had not worshipped the Beast neither his Image neither had received his mark upon their foreheads or in their hands and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years This is the first Resurrection Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first Resurrection on such the second death hath no power but they shall be Priests of God and of Christ and shall reign with him a thousand years See Dr. More upon this place And for our great stay and sure support in such a fiery Tryal saith our blessed Lord Matth. 28.20 And lo I am with
be a warning to all other Churches and at all times that they also are like to have their Candlestick removed when they grow unfruitful under the blessed Light of the Gospel and begin to abuse it Rev. 2.7 He that hath an ear let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the Churches The Period of this Church therefore is not to be placed till the 18th year of the Emperor Adrian at the soonest and till about the year of our Lord 135 and Dr. More hath placed it too soon in placing it in the 10th of Nero and in the year of our Lord 63. For it is not to be placed till this Candlestick was removed and till about the year 135. The Epistle to the Church in Smyrna ver 8 11 seems to be directed to the Christian Church some time before Dioclesian's Persecution which began about the year 303. For herein our blessed Saviour doth take notice of the Tribulation and Hardships that they had undergone in the Persecutions that they had already endured but yet notwithstanding this he tells them that they were still to have Tribulation for ten days that is for ten years days being put for years as I have said before I know thy works saith our Saviour ver 9. and tribulation and poverty but thou art rich And I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews and are not but are the Synagogue of Satan That is I know the tribulation and sorrow that thou hast sustained in the Persecutions that are past and the Poverty that thou art now under in respect of the things of this World but thou art rich in Spiritual Treasure that is more pretious than Gold tried in the fire and will one day be thy glory and comfort too And I know the blasphemy of the Gnosticks and such wicked Wretches that say they are Jews that is which pretend to be Christians but in truth and reality they are not but are the Synagogue and Servants of Satan living impure lives and blaspheming my Servants because they take up the Cross and suffer Martyrdom for my sake as I have commanded them And because this was the sharpest Persecution of all our Saviour doth here advertise them of it beforehand and encourage and fortifie them against it saying ver 10 Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer Behold the Devil shall cast some of you into prison that ye may be tried and ye shall have tribulation ten days Be thou faithful unto death and I will give thee a Crown of Life Thus doth our Saviour advertise them of and animate them against this bitter Persecution of ten years which was begun by Dioclesian and was carried on after he resigned up the Empire The ten days are put for ten years and that this Persecution lasted ten days Eusebius affimeth lib. 8. chap. 15. And when Constantine the Great had overcome all the Adversaries of the Church and became a nursing Father to it then those Christians that survived enjoyed a Crown of Life and Happiness here and those that suffered death enjoyed a better in another World And seeing this Promise was compleated by the year of our Lord 324 where Dr. More sets the period of this Church I do not think good to alter it or any thing else that he hath well done but shall let the year 324 remain still for the period of the Smyrnean Interval of the Church But the Tribulation ten days cannot well be understood of the ten Persecutions because before all these Persecutions this Church had undergone no Tribulation but our Saviour doth here take notice of the Tribulation that they had already undergone and yet tells them that they were to have ten days of Tribulation more And some of these Persecutions also were before the Ephesine period of the Church The Epistle to the Church in Pergamos Rev. 2 12-17 seems to be directed to the Christian Church some time before the Waldensian and Albigensian Wars but after the suffering of the Waldensian and Albigensian Martyrs that suffered about the year 1160 and presently after that time For herein our Saviour doth mention his Martyr Antipas that was slain among them v. 13. And by this Martyr Antipas I understand the Waldenses and Albigenses and the Martyrs that suffered under the Popish Persecutions about the year 1160 and presently after that time and before the year 1200. And here our Saviour also doth accuse them because they had some that held the Doctrine of Balaam and the Doctrine of the Nicolaitans which he hated v. 14 15. That is which did not live such pure and chast lives as they ought but were too much given to their fleshly lusts and pleasures And these our Saviour admonisheth to repent and amend and if they do not he threatneth to come quickly upon them and to fight against them with the Sword of his Mouth ver 16. Repent saith he or else I will come unto thee quickly and I will fight against them with the sword of my mouth By this fighting against them with the Sword of his Mouth I understand the Waldensian and Albigensian Wars after the year 1200 when so many hundred thousands of the Waldenses and Albigenses were killed with the Sword in France and other places between the year 1200 and the year 1242. And seeing what our Saviour here threatened was fulfilled by the year 1242 where Dr. More setteth this period and when he saith the Waldensian War was ended I shall not alter the period of this Pergamenian Church but let it remain at the year 1242 where he hath set it The Epistle to the Church in Thyatira Rev. 2 18-29 seems to be directed to the Christian Church some time before the Reformation For herein our blessed Saviour doth take notice of their Charity or Love and of their Service Faith and Patience that they had shewed under the Popish Persecutions and that their last works of this kind did exceed the first v. 19. And he blameth the Princes and Governors of the Church that had some sense of Piety towards him and yet adhered to the Romish Church because they suffered that Woman Jezebel to teach and seduce his Servants to commit fornication and to eat things sacrificed unto Idols v. 20. That is because they suffered the Papacy and Church of Rome to seduce his Servants to commit Idolatry and to make them join in their sinful Religion and did not cast off the Popish Authority and Religion seeing things were then come to that maturity that they might do so But as for those that had already cast off the Popish Religion our Saviour exhorteth them to hold fast and to persist on in leading their lives according to his blessed Word ver 24 25. But unto you I say and unto the rest in Thyatira as many as have not this Doctrine that is of the Romish Church and which have not known the Depths of Satan as they speak that is which have not known and practised the deep Mysteries of