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A30035 The pilgrim's progress, from Quakerism to Christianity containing, a farther discovery of the dangerous growth of Quakerism, not only in points of doctrine, but also in their politicks, respecting their government, and opposite to it, together with their fund or common bank to support the same : with a remedy proposed for this malady, and the cure of Quakerism : to which is added an appendix, discovering a most damnable plot, contriv'd and carrying on by New-Rome, by an united confederacy, against the reformed religion and professors thereof, as will appear from the designs of their silent meetings, their monthly, quarterly, second-day, six-week, and yearly meeting, all which are particularly herein treated on / by ... Fr. Bugg. Bugg, Francis, 1640-1724? 1700 (1700) Wing B5383; ESTC R20744 232,865 530

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the Soldiers with a Spear pierced his Side She turned her self back and saw Jesus Jesus saith unto her touch me not for I am not yet ascended Thomas said except I shall see in his Hands the Print of the Nails and put my Finger into the Print of the Nails and thrust my Hand into his Side I will not believe Then saith he Jesus to Thomas reach hither thy Finger and behold my Hands and reach hither thy Hand and thrust it into my Side and be not faithless but believing And Thomas answered unto him my Lord and my God And many other Signs truly did Jesus in the presence of his Disciples which are not written in this Book but these are written that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ the Son of God and that believing you might have Life through His Name John 1.5,23,34 20.14,17,25,27,28,30,31 Thus then it is evident That the same Jesus that was Born of the Virgin Mary the same Jesus which Suffer'd at Jerusalem is the Christ which the Apostles preached and which all true Christians believe in yet as evident That the Quakers do not own him nor believe in him For as above noted Isaac Pennington says there was the Outward Body which they can never call Christ Isaac Pennington's Question to Professors c. p. 27 33. G. W.'s Judgment fixed c. p. 336. W. Penn he says But that the Outward Person which suffer'd was properly the Son of God We utterly deny W. Penn 's Ser. Apol. c. p. 146. Well but let us hear this George Whitehead who thus reply'd saying I deny that the Quakers teach that the Name Jesus and Christ belongs to every Member in the Body as amply as to the Head Where proves he Fran. Bugg as amply Says Geo. Whitehead W. Baily's Works p. 229 230 307. The Sword of the Lord drawn c. pag. 5. Mark Reader here is a Tacit Confession of the Words as well tho' he carps at my Word amply which I put in for Illustration sake it not being a Quotation but a Charge which I still offer to make good if he will meet me on his own Proposition for I take the Word amply to mean no more but as Plainly as Evidently as Apparently and the Quakers say that the Name Jesus and Christ belongs to every Believer as well as to the Head This Whitehead denies not this he disowns not only carps at the Word amply And therefore my Advice to all my Fellow-Labourers is to take this my Method give New-Rome Charge after Charge as Geo. Keith has done see his Three Narratives as Daniel Leeds is a doing A Trumpet sounded out of the Wilderness c. p. 141. who has been a Quaker about 20 Years and let this be the Test between Christianity and Quakerism If the Quakers be Innocent and Sincere tho' mistaken thro' Error they 'll come out if Insincere and Self-conscious of their Hypocrisie they 'll not appear but Rave and Rail like Rabshekah at a distance by this Test shall the Plot be discovered and the Conspirators be made manifest And I am not without Hopes but that what I have said in Conjunction with my Fellow-Travailers will be a Means to preserve some from running Headlong as the Swine did into the deep Lake of Quakerism and and to convert others that are misled as well as be useful to the Church of God in general Which God of his Mercy grant for Jesus Christ his sake Amen Fran. Bugg August 25. 1699. FINIS A COLLECTION OF Some Passages Touching those call'd QVAKERS Which were Writ with much more of the same tendency by several that were or still are amongst that People WHEREBY The Reader may plainly see and perceive what Spirit it is that Acts their Preachers and Leaders and how they have been foretold and faithfully warned of the Day of Perplexity Reproach and Ignominy that is come and coming upon them O thou Sword of the Lord how long will it be e're thou be quiet Put up thy self into thy Scabbard rest and be still How can it be quiet seeing the Lord hath given it a Charge I cannot hold my Peace because thou hast heard O my Soul the Sound of the Trumpet the Alarum of War Reader THese Passages in this Page of Ann Docwra and Robert Sandiland's Writing I have added since I had a Proof from the Printer of those Collections following He i. e. S. Cater a great Preacher has written more than is true concerning me he is very Bold and the most Confident Liar that ever I met with I laid the Record against J. Ainsloe before him also G. W's False Certificate about the said Record In his Book Judgment Fixed c. it is an abuseful Forgery for some of those whose Names are to the Certificate absolutely disowns it and say they set their Hands to none it is very sad said she that Men should be so Bold in their Wickedness A. D's Letter to Mr. Crisp March 25. 1684. I know it is common says she with some of them in their Books of Controversie to put the Names of such Persons as they account their Vassals both to Certificates and Books sometimes without the Consent of the Parties whose Names are Inserted and sometimes with their Consent through slavish Fear of having their Trades obstructed and thereby Ruined See A. D's Printed Broad-side i. e. The New Projecting Formalist Characteriz'd c. Which Impious Practice of theirs is confirmed in their shameful Forgery in R. S's Book Righteous Judgment c. as at large in a Letter of his to me printed in my Modest Defence c. p. 20. may be seen And as to splitting Sentences mincing and mangling and thereby marring the Sence of their Opponents no People so False so Perfidious and so Deceitful that I know of F. B. A COLLECTION OF Some Passages Touching those call'd QUAKERS c. I Have long seen saith R. R. the Abomination that maketh Desolate standing amongst the Quakers Wherefore hear the Word of the Lord ye Rulers of Sodom and People of Gomorrah 't is this Spirit that hath encompassed your Jerusalem about as with Armies by which we know the Destruction thereof draweth nigh Finally 't is that Spirit of Wickedness in the form of Righteousness that hath already torn your Crown from off your Head and discovered your Secret Parts so that the Scab of Contention and Strife is seen that will never leave nor cease to Divide you till the Name of Quaker become an Hiss and a Scorn amongst the Nations This Witness is true And you that for the vast number of your Tribes have seemed to magnifie your selves in your increase of Children Wo be to you that now give Suck and take so much pains to add to your Sect for behold in one Day loss of Children and Widowhood shall come upon you This Witness is true Of this I am most certain that a Bitter Lying and Persecuting Proud Spirit inhabits your Tents which Babylonish Garment hath
in the Power of the Highest in which thou Rules and Governs in Righteousness and thy Kingdom is Established in Peace and the Increase thereof is without end Judas and the Jews p. 44. Secondly Dear and Precious one in whom my Life is bound up and my Strength in thee stand by thy Breathings I am nourished by thee my Strength is renewed I cannot Reign but in thy Presence and Power Glory unto thee Holy One (p) Holy George for ever John Audland's Letter to George Fox Thirdly George Fox said John Blaikling is blessed with Honour above many Brethren and Thousands will stand by him in a Heavenly Record that his Life Reigns and is Spotless whose Eternal Honour and Blessed Renown shall remain yea his Presence and the Dropping of his tender Words in the Lord's Love was my Soul's Nourishment The Christian disting Part 5. p. 77. Fourthly George Fox a Prophet indeed it was said of Christ that he was in the World and the VVorld was made by him and the VVorld knew him not SO it may be said of this Prophet G. Fox The Quak. Challenge p. 6. Fifthly To confirm all this William Mead now living when he gave William Harris one of George Fox's Journals he said to him Here W. Harris I will give thee one of Geo. Fox's Journals it is a very good Book yea better than the Bible Object 1. But some may say this is only W. Mead's Judgment surely the Quakers do not hold that either their Books or Fox's Journal is better or of greater Authority than the Bible for the Fathers and Councils all submitted to the Test of Holy Scripture as the VVord of God Answ To this I answer That W. Mead is a knowing Man I will not say a wise Man unless in that one Action of his whereby he vigorously opposed W. Penn and endeavoured to exclude him out of their Ministry when he was proclaimed a Traytor to his Country for being charged to be in the Plot with the Lord Preston and others and was therefore forced to hide many Years and for which his Preface to Fox's Journal was not admitted to be bound up with the Journal but waited upon it like a poor Lacquey with its Blue Livery I say this Action of his excepted I will not say he was a wise Man yet as I said he is a knowing Man and spake the Heart of Quakerism in saving George Fox's Journal is better than the Bible First As you have heard 't is question'd by the Quakers VVhether Moses or Hermes was the first Pen-man of the Scripture indeed VVhether either or neither of them The Quakers Refuge fixed c. p. 17. But as for what G. Fox and Friends write it is from and by the Motion of God's Eternal Spirit and avouched so to be by a General Council of the Yearly Meeting (q) Held at London May 1695. And what any of our Friends speak from the Spirit of Truth is of greater Authority than the Bible and Chapters are Truth defending the Quakers c. p. 7. Now who can blame W. Mead on the Quakers Principles Is not a Certainty better than an Uncertainty Secondly The Scriptures lay many Obligations upon us it teacheth us the Observation of the Ten Commandments the Lord's Prayer the Apostles Creed Baptism and the Lord's Supper which the Journal does not at all teach nor inforce the Belief of only to listen adhere and hearken to the Light within and to obey its Dictates Therefore as the Journal is most certain so it is most easie and therefore the best Book and of most Authority and on the Quakers Hypothesis confirm all those Particulars above quoted Thirdly The Scripture teacheth to obey Magistrates as the higher Power and that we should submit our selves to every Ordinance of Man for the Lord's sake Matth. 22.21 Titus 3.1 Rom. 13.1,2,3 1 Pet. 2.13,14,17 See also Tindal's VVorks Obedience to a Christian Man c. p. 111. But the Journal p. 40 to 400. and our Friends Books teach both by Precept and Example That the Light in every Man is the higher Power to whom all must submit and obey for to it all Power in Heaven and Earth is committed Jos Coale's VVork p. 93. and that this Light is one in the Male and in the Female but to a proud heady high-minded Man there is no Honour due tho' he be in a place to Rule Smith's Primer p. 43. And if so who can say that W. Mead spake unadvisedly in saying The Journal of Fox is better than the Scriptures of the Prophets and Apostles I think him a right Quaker a knowing Man and one that loves a Certainty better than an Uncertainty Fourthly The Scriptures teach That VVomen should obey their Husbands yea that they Reverence them and live in Subjection to them as their Head Gen. 3.16 Numb 30 to the end 1 Cor. 11.8 1 Pet. 3.1 Tit. 2.5 Colos 3.18 Ephes 5.22 quoting Sarah as an Example But the Journal teaches That the Light is the higher Power that it is one in the Male and in the Female and 't is the Light in each that is to be obeyed for to that all Power in Heaven and Earth is committed Smith's Primer p. 13. The Journal p. 50 to 450. and that there is to be no respect of Persons and if the VVife conceive her Husband to be gone from the Light and the Guidance of it and she be moved to rebel against her Husband betray his Secrets to his Adversaries yea to give publick Testimony against him she does well and shall have Praise of the same The Content Apostate c. p. 5. And for this Reason the Quakers do not put in or make the VVoman promise by their Marriage Certificate to obey their Husbands which as it is contrary to the Tenure of the whole Book of God both the Old and New Testament so 't is agreeable to G. Fox's Journal and their Antient Testimony See their Marriage Certificate Fifthly In a word the Scriptures teach That Children should obey their Parents and honour their Father and Mother that Servants should obey their Masters that Subjects should submit to their Governours and obey Magistrates that Christians should obey their Pastors who are over them in the Lord who watch for their Souls as those that must give an Account But the Journal p. 20 to 320. teaches the contrary both by Precept upon Precept as also by the Practice of their great Apostle G. Fox who not only broke the Laws in disturbing the Ministers in their Churches but taught so to do not only refused to pay Tythes but taught so to do not only slighted the Magistrates Command who oftentimes commanded a strict Fast to be kept but taught his Followers so to do Nay lately one Thomas Mash an Antient Quaker living at Newberry in Berkshire was moved by his Light within to open his Shop-VVindows on the Lord's-Day as on Market Days and set out his Goods to Sale this the Journal justifies p. 200 to the
all its Parts A small Treatise wrote in Alisbury Prison the 3d. Month 1661. by J. Whitehead Jo. Whitehead the Fourth Bird. where he saith In the Year 1648. God who had Compassion on his People did cause a Branch to spring forth of the Root of David which was filled with Vertues for the Covenant of Life and Peace was in him Jo. Whitehead the Fourth Bird. 'T is well Calculated for about 1648. Fox first rose in the North only did not spread forth his Branches till about 1650. And he Fox spread and shot forth many Branches which did partake of the Fatness of the Root and the Weary came to Rest under his Fox 's Branches and in him Fox was also the Word of Reconciliation which turned the Hearts of the Fathers to the Children and the Disobedient to the Wisdom of the Just And in the Year 1652. I John Whitehead being a Branch of this Tree Fox the Life of its Root caused me to Blossom and bring forth Fruit for the Spirit as a Key opened his Fox 's Treasure and shewed me for he was before Languages were that which was from the beginning Read p. 4 5. of the same Treatise Thus then has this J. Whitehead put all out of Doubt and quite confuted G. Whitehead and overthrown all his Arguments by confessing Matter of Fact If I have made Whitehead oppose Whitehead 't is no more than in other Cases I have done for the Quakers having no Bottom no Solid Foundation but all speaking as their Light move them it 's casie to see how they interfere and jarr only G. W. has this Faculty he can otherwife word his Matter and yet mean the same A right Jesuit a Doctrine first coin'd in their Mint and only serve to their Ends whose Work has been to sow Divisions make Rents and beget Schisms c. The next Bird shall be John Audland in a Letter of his to G. Fox from the West of England an Abstract thereof is as follows viz. John Audland the Fifth Bird. Dear and Precious one in whom my Life is bound up and my Strength in thee stands by thy Breathings I am nourished by thee my Strength is renewed Blessed art thou for evermore and Blessed are all that enjoy thee Life and Strength comes from thee Holy one daily do I find thy Presence with me which doth exceedingly preserve me for I cannot reign but in thy Presence Fox and Power Pray for me that I may stand in thy Dread Fox for evermore I am thine Fox Begotten and Nourished by thee and in thy Power Fox am I preserved Glory unto thee Fox Holy One for ever Reader These are the Birds in the Cage tell me are they not all of a Feather Do they not all agree in the main That G. Fox was the Quakers Branch and Star yea their All in All the Bottom and Corner and Top-Stone of their Building Pray spare me the Pains of a large Comment I think there is no need he that runs may read and he that reads may understand the Foundation of Quakerism no marvel then if it wither no marvel if it fall like a Millstone into the Bottom of the Sea never more to rise But let me add another Bird since I have Plenty c. Jo. Blaikling the Sixth Bird. Here followeth the Testimony and Certificate of John Blaikling to the clearing of the Aspersions that William Rogers c. cast upon G. Fox that 's blessed with Honour above many Brethren and that Thousands will stand by him in a Heavenly Record unto the Integrity of his Soul to Truth that still lives with him That his Life Reigns and is Spotless Innocent and still retains his Integrity whose Eternal Honour and Blessed Renown shall remain yea his Presence and the dropping of his Tender Words in the Lord's Love was my Soul's Nourishment c. The Christ Quaker disting c. 5th Part p. 77. Come George Whitehead give me thy Hand ☞ ☜ I 'll take thee out of the Cage and do thee this Honour not to be a Partner with the last Six Blasphemous Birds but as a Witness for them that we may hear what thou canst say on their Behalf But I 'll put thee in again and keep thee there lest thou flyest up and down the Nation and do more Mischief Oh George thou art a plump Bird thou' rt grown fat I find well what canst thou say I affirm that G. Fox does deny the same i. e. these Divine Attributes in reference to himself as a particular Man or Person whose Days and Years are limited only the Truth of the Immortal Seed Christ in him he stands to maintain against all Opposers and Apostates Judgment fixed c. p. 19. And as to his Francis Bugg 's Charge of Idolatry if not Blasphemous Names and Titles given to Geo. Fox in certain Letters how proves he Francis Bugg that they gave and intended those Titles to the Person of Geo. Fox and not to the Life of Christ in him Innocency against Envy c. p. 18. How George I 'll tell thee how because Josiah Coale said Dear G. Fox c. by this I know they intended G. Fox for if they had intended those Titles to the Life of Christ in him they would have directed their Letters suitably saying Dear Life of Christ in G. Fox c. This I hope will satisfie thee if Reason could take place if not I despair of giving thee or thy Friends Satisfaction But George for thy Comfort if thou wilt mean as thou say'st according to the Import of thy Words and on that Foot retract and condemn these thy Fallacious Covers and Excuses and thy own apparent Errors and the Errors in thy Friends Books which thou hast most impudently glossed over with thy Hypocritical Paint I will take thee out of the Cage if not there lye for ever singing Here is Perfection here is Perfection c. Thus much shall serve in answer to G. W.'s Book intituled A Sober Expostulation c. p. 54 55 56. as well as to shew what manner of Birds are in the Cage of this sort namely Blasphemers and Idolaters and next let me take out Six of the other sort namely of their Vicious Teachers against whom G. Whitehead would not write a Book for the World No seriously I believe him his Sincerity is so true to their Ancient Testimony besides if he should there being so few of them clear that here would be Hell broke loose for if they should write one against another all would come out and then they 'd appear a dark sort of Quakers indeed Christopher Atkinson the Seventh Bird but the first of the last Six beforementioned who was since hang'd for Felony And Christ Atkinson was G. Whitehead's Fellow-Traveller Fellow-Sufferer Fellow-Writer and Fellow-Preacher But so it was that he got Ursula the Maid-Servant of Tho. Symonds with Child when he was a Sufferer for their Ancient Testimony in Norwich-Goal but this was not all
of that sort of People to every one that would convince them of their Errors 't is the Sibboleth of the Party indeed they may very well challenge to themselves the sole Priviledge of exercising the black Art of Railing because they are the only Men that I know of that can rail by Inspiration One Mouthful of Dirt I remember he squirted upon you i. e. He said you were drunk the last time you were in London Sir I doubt not in the least your Innocency but they must Calumniate still or how shall they prove themselves right-bred Children of the Accuser of the Brethren God Almighty assist and strengthen you to break the Brood of that Viperous Generation that hath so poyson'd our Nation that at last you may triumph over that old Serpent that hath commenced so Bloody a War against them that keep the Testimony of Jesus you must expect he will be fill'd with great Wrath that he will both Hiss and Sting and pour out Water as a Flood after you his time being short c. Hen. Meriton April 11. 1698. Upon my receiving this Letter I went to Stoake and asked John Hubbard what Ground he had to raise this false Accusation I told him that I did not remember that I spent a Groat at a time all the time I was in London † Which was more than a Month. He told me he heard so Pray tell me your Author at last he told me T. Belch * A Quaker in London at the Ship in Cheapside Linnen-Draper When I came to London I got Mr. Law rence of St. Gregory's Parish to go with me to him to whom I said Sir do you know me No said Tho. Belch I told him that my Name was Francis Bugg and that I understood he had raised a Report of me viz. That I was drunk in London March last I heard so said Belch if that be thy Name Who is your Author said I He is not in Town said he I reply'd What is his Name and insisted on it a good while but could not prevail with him to tell me To the Truth of this Mr. Lawrence subscribed his Name John Lawrence Reader When I saw my self thus attack'd from all Quarters by Books by Letters by Reports sometimes that I was a Drunkard as you have heard sometimes that I was distracted and so discomposed as not able to rest Night nor Day occasion'd by writing against the Quakers sometimes that I left my Wife and Son in their Society to introduce me again into their Community and Twenty Lies more I went to the Quakers-Meeting in Milden-Hall on Sunday the First of May 1687. as the most probable Raisers of these or some of these Stories and spake to them after this manner Friends This is the 15th Year since I came to this Meeting for a Certificate on my Behalf again the Suggestions of S. Cater and Geo. Whitehead c. which were That I was an Informer which at that time was a hateful Name to a Tradesman and very Prejudicial to my Reputation as well as divers other False and Scandalous Detractions in their Books And this Meeting at least the Major part of it Twenty-seven in number gave me ONE * As in The Picture of Quakerism Part 2. p. 146. with great Courage and Freedom which at that time was very useful and I now come to you for a Testification against my self and ask no Favour at your Hands touching several Reports raised on me Ut supra and upon your signing it with your Names I promise to print it and what I cannot justly deny I will fairly confess But several answer'd me and not opposed by the rest or any of them That they never heard any such Report nor knew any cause why there should be such Reports But for the farther clearing the Matter and removing Stumbling-Blocks out of the way I shall recite the Substance of several Certificates which I took FROM my Son who tho' one of them yet I hope he is sincere for I have heard him say and that before some Quakers Come what is Wrong is Wrong whether it be in Geo. Fox or my Father and I will no more stand by what is wrong is the one than I will in the other FROM Philip Craniss who was my Servant near 20 Years * He came to me in 1676. and has not been from me Three Years and as familiarly concern'd in all my Concerns in Trade both Buying and Selling having taken in and deliver'd out many Thousand Pounds worth of Goods and is still living and of known Reputation FROM William Belsham who was my Servant 15 or 16 Years and is a Quaker and one that handed my Certificate above-mention'd in 1683. a Man of known Reputation FROM Matthew Belsham his Brother both living well each having some Estate of their own He was my Servant about 16 Years tho' none of them at this time who if I were such a Person as some would represent me to be some if not all of these must know something of it Nay I do believe I could have had a Hundred of my Neighbours to avouch the same so far as my Actions have come under their Cognizance But these being Persons of Credit and that have had Experience of my manner of Life may I think ballance those Reports whose Authors cannot be found out And indeed were it not for the sake of my Testimony which the Quakers would wound thro' my Sides I should not have said so much on this Subject but rather have taken David's Patience for my Example who when Shimei cursed and reproached him in the Day of his Affliction yet he bore all patiently 2 Sam. 16.6,7,8 And tho' its true I am now made to Unmask this Painted Harlot which will still more enrage her thereby endeavouring if possible that she may see her self and repent in Dust and Ashes and be humbled before the Lord that so she may be Converted and Healed at least that hereby others may be caution'd not to embrace her Pernicious Errors yet in all this 20 Years time † Tho' about Four Years thereof I was in their Community labouring for a Reformation not then understanding their grossest Errors of my Controversing with the Heads of this Sect I never render'd Railing for Railing nor do I now neither have I taken Advantage at their Miscarriages a small Sample whereof I have now set forth in the former Chapter as my Books do manifest but have handled those Errors which they taught in their Books which indeed open the Flood-Gates to all their Viciousness see a Paper from Pensilvania intituled A Brief Admonition to the Elders and Ministers of the People call'd Quakers and with which they are so tainted as put all Christian Societies together their Number consider'd there is not so much Viciousness in any one Society Tho' if Christ had one amongst twelve it cannot but be suppos'd there is in every Society too many that do not in Life and
Conversation answer their Holy Profession neither do I bring these Testimonies to excuse my self from my own Infirmities I am not without Sinful Imperfections I do acknowledge Here follows the Contents of the several Certificates above-mention'd Viz. First That he Fr. Bugg neither is nor never was distracted or discomposed since any of us can remember him or that ever we heard of Secondly That in all his Time he has been moderate both in his Meat Drink and Apparel and never by any of us known to be Drunk as is reported nor yet inclined to Drinking in Excess Thirdly That he ever was a good Provider for his Family a Lover of his Wife an Indulgent Father to his Children forcing none farther than Perswasion to a Comformity to his way of Worship Fourthly That we believe he never left his Wife and Son amongst the Quakers to introduce him to them again this is a Malicious Report to render him a Hypocrite which his whole Life and Conversation has declared the contrary to his Cost Fifthly The Press being open and both Parties having equal Priviledges we look upon it utterly wrong to make use of such Indirect Methods And some of us are sorry we have no better way to confute his Arguments Sixthly That we are ready to enlarge on any of these Heads to any Man's Face that shall question the Truth hereof Subscribed by William Belsham Matthew Belsham Philip Cranniss Fran. Bugg Junior Reader As I could not pass by such Publick Mercies and Benefits as I have received without some Publick Acknowledgment without great Ingratitude both to God and Man so would I not be too particular lest thereby I do offend yet with St. Paul I can say That as Sufferings and hard Usage formy Testimony-sake abound so do not only Inward Consolation but Outward Benefits abound also 2 Cor. 1.5 and as a Proof thereof I shall add but one Instance more which is That since I came to London an Ancient Friend of mine to whom I did owe a certain Debt upon Bond who considering the hard Usages I have received from the Quakers in which he himself has had a deep share and finding me still conscientiously concern'd without my asking or once thinking of or expecting brought me the Bond and forgave me the Debt resting due to him upon it without any Covenant or Promise on my part Thus hath God opened the Hearts of his Servants and moved them to Compassion Blessed be his Holy Name for ever and Humble Thanks to all unto whom I have been oblig'd CHAP. XVI A Word of Encouragement to all who are Sincere amongst the Hearers of the People call'd Quakers who begin to be weary of the Yoke of Quakerism and are willing to embrace the Christian Faith FRIENDS HAving given you a Brief Account of my Travel in this Pilgrimage and shewed you the many Turnings and Windings which I have gone through and the many Quicksands and Quagmires that I have passed without sinking tho' oft-times in great Danger what by Enemies within and Enemies without as also in some Places pointed to Israel's Rock the Man Christ Jesus I am now come to remove one Stumbling-block which Solomon Eccles has laid in your way namely That there is as great a Gulf fixed between you and the Christians as there was between Dives and Abraham insomuch that if you would come from them i. e. Quakers you cannot his Words are these Viz. I testifie in the Spirit of Truth * Viz. By Authority greater than the Scripture Truth defending the Quakers c. p. 7. by G. W. that there is as great a Gulf between the Baptists and consequently other Christians that are NOT in Christ that is NOT in the Quakers Light and those Quakers that are in the Truth as there was between Abraham and Dives See his Music Lecture c. p. 23. Again as an Explanation of this Doctrine he saith Come Protestants Presbyterians Independants and Baptists the Quakers deny you all The Quakers are in the Truth and none but they c. The Quakers Challenge c. p. 2 3. And from this and the like Doctrine spring that Aversion in you that it is impossible to prevail with many of you either to hear a Sermon preach'd by the Publick Ministers or to read their Sermons So that when the Quakers once catch any in their Cobweb it is very hard and difficult to get you out unless here and there one that is resolv'd to observe the Apostle's Advice who said Prove all things holdfast that which is good 1 Thess 5.21 And I am not doubtful but that as there has been a Remnant that has taken this Advice and has forsaken the Quakers Errors so will there many more follow their Example For this Doctrine of theirs which alludes to Christ's Parable is falsly applied for that Parable relates to the Final Estate of the Blessed and the Damned after this Life as you may read at large Luke 16. And as for the Quakers denying all the Professors of Christianity affirming themselves to be in the Truth Only or the Only Church of Christ as in my former Writings viz. The Picture of Quakerism c. Part first I have made to appear from their Books this is all Pride yea Spiritual Pride and Self-Conceit and ought not to be any Hindrance to you in your Examination and Tryal of your selves but rather as a Spur to your Zeal lest you should be in the Wrong And if you come once sincerely so to do I no way doubt but you will soon forsake Quakerism I well remember that when I first heard it Rumour'd that G. Fox was looked upon as a second Moses to give forth Laws and Orders for us to walk by and Methods and Forms of Church-Government I presently wrote Six Queries touching Church-Government in the Year 1678 * 22 Years since which went in Manuscript far and near as Printed in my Book intituled De Chris Lib. Part 2. Page 72 80. the Tenor of which was Query 1. Whether Jesus Christ be Head of the Church or George Fox Query 2. If you say Christ then whether he be not Lawgiver to his Church Query 3. If you say that Christ is both Head and Lawgiver to his Church then whether we ought not to Follow and Obey the Commands and Precepts of Christ which are laid down in the Scripture by the four Evangelists and his Apostles rather than the Commands and Precepts of G. Fox Query 4. If you say that the Commands and Precepts of Christ ought rather to be obey'd than those of Geo. Fox then I further Query whether Christ or any of his Apostles ever commanded the Observation of Womens Meetings apart and distinct from the Men Query 5. If you say that neither Christ nor his Apostles commanded nor left any Example or President for Womens Distinct Meetings to be set up Monthly any way to intermeddle with the Government of the Church then I further Query where have George Fox or you your