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A27079 A testimony to the free and universal love of God in Jesus Christ to the sons of men in true love sent forth (more especially) to the inhabitants of Colchester and parts adjacent, for them to read over, and weigh with due and serious consideration, in the blessed fear of the Lord / by Thomas Bayle. Bayle, Thomas. 1675 (1675) Wing B1471; ESTC R11593 13,567 22

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on your sick beds cry out O that the Lord would spare me this time I would take warning and become a new Creature and live a more holy self-denying life than ever I did and thus oft times the flamingness of it and the sharpness of it comes neer you yea very neer you even into your bosoms but the way to get to the tree of life is not by a few false words and promises utter'd on a sick or dying bed from an impenitent deceitful heart which being in torment would have some cool water poured upon it for I have sometime known when some such have been spared and let these my words enter into your hearts consideration who are concerned herein they have soon forgot God that smot them and have returned with more greediness to that evil conversation for which the just hand of God was lifted up in smart rebuke against them therefore take heed to watch over your wayes and doings whilst you have time but this is the way O Man and Woman to this tree of life spoken of return return from the evil of your wayes and doings and kiss the Son that is to say embrace him hearken diligently in all bowedness of Spirit and humility of Soul upon this his inshining ingr●f●ed word which is able alone to save your souls and none other nor nothing else and here the soul that sinneth must dye and the judgment must be executed and the flaming Sword have its place and do its work which is quick and sharp and divideth between joynts and marrow soul and spirit and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart can any thing come more neer to a man feel ye this have ye felt or do ye feel this sharpness this quickness for it is to be felt this dividing Sword of the Lord which divides between a man and his lovers and know your selves to be redeemed from that Spirit of transgression which hath ruled in your hearts and yet does and has the dominion there and know the Adversary is destroyed by the brightness of his comeing who comes to finish transgression and to make an end of sin It 's time for you this to learn and know and happy shall you be if now you come forth to the help of the Lord against the mighty and keep not back your lusts pleasures nor sinful sports and pass-times but deny your selves in those things and be willing and obedient take the yoak of Christ upon you and learn of him who saith hold that fast which thou hast that you may eat the good of the good Land the promised Land of Rest to your souls which flows with Milk and Honey but as Israel of old could not go on in hope to possess the Land of Canaan but by passing from Egypt through the Red Sea and a vast and weary Wilderness wherein great exercises tryals and sorrows were no more can ye inherit substance the inheritance of the Saints in Light and possess that peace which the world can neither give nor take away but by taking up the dayly Cross and following him who said unto the woman that asked him to have her two Sons to sit the one at his right hand and the other at his left hand in his Kingdom Can ye be Baptized with that Baptism that I shall be Baptized with can ye drink of that Cup that I shall drink of are you willing to suffer with him and to be made like unto him who was a man of sorrow even like unto his death and to bear about in your bodies the dying of the Lord Jesus that so through the dying and the death you may come to know life and the quicknings of it and its virtue and holy opperation to fashion and mould you to fit and prepare you for that Kingdom for that Crown and weight of Glory which is laid up in store for all them that believe in Jesus Christ and follow him through the Regeneration for through the being made in fellowship with him in his sufferings and raised unto life by that eternal Spirit which raised up Jesus from the dead thou mayest reign with him in his Glory in his blessedness and eternal life world without end But ye my Neighbours and Acquaintance I have often seen and taken notice of a Spirit and Life in you altogether contrary hereunto as being disorderly a scoffing mocking Spirit of Ishmaels nature abounding amongst you against the Spirit of the Lord and its teachings and movings against the holy Light of Jesus Christ within and the Professors and Witnesses of it which hath and doth tend greatly to the grief and burthen of Gods holy Spirit which is teaching and if you have not the Spirit of Christ you are none of his and this your unchristian carriage and behaviour the Lord will require it into your bosoms in the day wherein he will enter into Judgment with you and then it will be unutterable sad for you and then you will find your selves as far from an excuse for your so doing as the man was who was speechless when it was said unto him Friend how camest thou hither not having on the Wedding Garment this will be your state then for I tell you there is no excuse now to be made no pleading of Ignorance now no saying although many foolish ignorant people will now so say when the Lord gives grace or when the Lords time is come and when the Lord please to give us power then so and so but take ye notice and let it be a warning unto you and an information the Grace of God is given the true Light now shines by which thou mayest see and know and understand the things that belong to thy peace and therefore shut not thine eyes stop not thine ears fold not thy arms and cry Yet a little more sleep in sin and in the lusts of this world lest God in Judgment leave thee to be past feeling and thou be shut up and sealed up in utter darkness where shall be weeping and wailing for ever more Doth not Wisdom cry doth not Understanding utter her voice blessed is the man that heareth me watching dayly at my gates and giving attendance at the posts of my doors for he that findeth me findeth life and she is ready to receive those that wait for her and prevent those that early seek her by first shewing her self unto them so be not ye dull of hearing shut not your eyes from beholding Wisdoms wayes be not careless in your Spirits and presumptuous trifling away your pretious time in a light mocking scoffing Spirit for such walk after their own ungodly lusts but learn wisdom which is the fear of the Lord whilst you may and to redeem the time that you have mispent have ye a watchful careful mind and Spirit in the Lord least also that little time which remains unto you be likewise spent in vain and you pass away speedily into the pit with the workers of iniquity
with the Sword of his mouth those his enemies that will not that he should reign is Come out of Babylon my people be not partaker with her in her sins lest ye also partake with her in her Judgments and be ye separated and touch no unclean thing mark that word no unclean thing and I will be your God and ye shall be my people now is it thus with you are you in such a Separation are you thus come out from amongst them or in what doth your Separation and Reformation consist can you before the Lord the Searcher of your hearts in his holy fear answer yea or are not you rather at a stand in your selves as knowing that it is not thus with you indeed but are drawing neer with your lips and your hearts in the mean time far removed from him trusting in the thoughts of your own hearts and in the Arm of flesh vain man who dawb with untempered Morter who can be removed into a corner and who to feed their own bellies starve their souls keeping you from the true Bishop and Shepherd of them if it be not thus with you and that whilst you Profess a Separation from the world you intend not from the evil of the world but live in the Love and Friendship of the world which is enmity against God and set thereby at naught him who hath the power and calls unto you to separate you by his Light and Grace in your Consciences Why are you so Conformable to this present evil world as you are in its Fashions Customs and Delights and ought you not rather to be transformed by the renewing of your minds that ye may prove what is the good will of God and learn a bridle to your tongues those unruly members which set the whole course of nature on fire and so set a watch before the door of your mouths that you may not offend in your words but be slow to speak and swift to hear him that speaks from heaven and slow to speak before him who ought of right to have the preheminence in all things in you The marks of Christ Jesus do they appear in your foreheads or his lovely-lowly self-denying Image who is meek and lowly in heart and said My Kingdom is not of this world if my Kingdom were of this world then would my Servants fight Consider well of this least yours be of this world and that your portion be in this life But my Friends much might be writ and brought to your view and consideration but the sum and that which concerns you to know experience is there ought to be a dayly watching in the light of the Lord Jesus Christ against every appearance of evil a dayly taking up the Cross to self a dayly dying and a dayly mortifying yea and a dayly quickning and a dayly renewing and a dayly growing and increasing in the grace of God that mortification may be known and lived in of the lusts and vile affections and a being born again and a dayly putting on the Lord Jesus Christ and a dayly walking not after the flesh but after the Spirit if so be that ye would come to the inheritance of the Saints in Light and to know what it is to be born again not of mortal seed but of immortal and to know that bread to eat of it which comes down from Heaven and to drink of that water which they that drink of thirst no more for it is in such as do a well of living water springing up into everlasting life and so a conformity to his holy will you ought to witness who is the salvation of God prepared before the face of all people a Light as good old Simeon said to lighten the Gentiles to lighten their feet out of the Darkness and to be the glory of his people Israel who believe in his name who walk in his Light who pass their sojourning here in his fear and in his wisdome whose conversations shew that they seek for a City whose maker and builder is God these are they who walk in the Light of the Lord and do not reject it nor stumble at it putting Darkness for Light and Light for Darkness with whom the secrets of the Lord are to whom he shews forth his Covenant and brings to his Mercy-seat feeds with his dayly bread waters with his holy dew from above watcheth over for good directs by his eye leads on by his Spirit through all temptation persecutions and afflictions and finally Crowns with his Crown his life and Glory in the Kingdome of his Father And therefore buy the Truth and give all for it without grudging for what is to be compared to it neither Silver Gold nor pretious Stones and consider ye let understanding have place in you for it is said hoe every one that thirsteth come buy Wine and Milk without Money and without Price and who will let him take of the water of life freely And now remember ye the young man and his case who came it is said running to Jesus and said Good Master What shall I do that I may inherit eternal Life and Jesus said unto him thou knowest the Commandments and he answered all these things I have observed from my youth and Jesus loved him and said one thing is lacking unto thee go and sell all that thou hast and come follow me and take up the Cross here Jesus came neer unto him now here is something which may be said to be and is your case as to the one thing lacking the selling of all following Jesus and taking up the Cross the want of which is the cause of that woful darkness worldlyness and ignorance that is amongst too many of you and hard it is to make you to believe it but it is said that the young man who came running to Jesus had great Possessions and so was sad at what was said unto him and went away sorrowful and so have you but your Possessions and his differ much and yet how unwilling are you to come to Jesus sell all take up the Cross and follow him but the man that sold all to buy the field wherein was the Pearl was a wise man and well instructed in the things which belonged to his eternal peace and you shall do well to buy Eye-salve that you may see and find white Rayment that your nakedness may be covered of Jesus Christ whilst he sayeth I counsel thee to buy of me lest ye remain in blindness and nakedness until no eye pitties you And so this is a certain living Testimoy unto the universal Love of God in Jesus Christ to the Souls of all men which I counsel you to consider of in secret or in your Closets before the Lord who searcheth the heart that so your souls may have a place to rest in which is true and in truth and abides and remains over all imaginary false and insecure hideing places which now you are short of in uncertainties doubts sometimes and fears your own thoughts and vain hopes which will prove at last as void and empty of soul satisfaction and assurance unfailable in the hour of need and great distress which hasteth swiftly upon you as sparks of your own kindling which those that kindle them notwithstanding must lie down in sorrow And is likewise my souls desire in the Lord in his Love in tenderness and plainness unto you that you trust no longer your pretious Souls short or without that great salvation which is everlasting in the Lord Jesus Christ who inlightens you that all these that believe in him might not perish but have everlasting life and remember what is written whilst you have the light believe in the Light that you may become children of the light wherein no occasion of stumbling is and I hope as concerning some of you my love herein shall not altogether be as water spilt upon the ground which cannot be gathered up again for is there not an honest heart that will consider a breathing soul that wants peace with the Lord that will consider a thirsty wounded spirit that wants true balm that will consider or a blind man that wants his sight that will consider these things will seriously ponder these things to seek and to search that they may attain unto the truth that will not be as the stony ground where no true entrance can be had nor as Subjects of the Prince of the Aire from whom these things may flee away as the wind which no man knows whence it comes nor whither it goes so inconstant and unsettled is the minds of such but rather make diligent search and seriously examine what is here in true kindness sent unto them and offered to their due and weighty consideration and wherein Gods witness answers in your hearts and consciences to the truth necessity and kindness thereof so receive ye so believe and walk that in all things which you put your hands unto his heavenly holy immaculate appearance in you may be by you eyed believed in and constantly obeyed in a holy stedfast faithfulness and diligence to walk before him in the Light as Children of the Light whereunto you are called and exhorted until you have made your calling and election sure and wrought out your Salvation with fear and trembling for know ye that our God is a consuming Fire and will in no wise acquit the wicked and ungodly but render Tribulation and Anguish to every soul that doth evil Solomon prayed for Wisdom to the Lord and was heard in that which he prayed and in his Proverbs he thus saith I passed by the Field of the Sloathful and by the Vineyard of the Man destitute of Understanding and so it was all grown over with Thorns and Nettles had covered the face thereof and the Stone Wall was broken down Then I beheld and considered it well I looked upon it and received Instruction Yet a little Sleep a little Slumber a little folding of the hands to Sleep So thy Poverty cometh as one that Travelleth by the way and thy Necessity like an Armed Man THE END
out of which there is no Redemption for mans life soon passeth away it 's said to be swifter than a Weavers Shuttle the swift passing away of which many of you have a certain knowledge of and swifter than a Post that tarrieth not and what know you who shall live until to-morrow it is said to-day whilst it is called to-day the time present is only ours all flesh is grass and the glory of man as the flower of the field and doth not the grass soon wither and the flower soon fade away even such is this present certain-uncertain state and life of ours but the word of the Lord which David said he hid in his heart that he might not sin against him endures for ever hide it likewise in your hearts that ye may have it for your friend in the most needful time which is at hand and cannot nor must not be delayed And now my mind is turned in tender love towards you O ye the people of Profession that make profession of God and Christ the holy Spirit and Scriptures of truth O that ye were found in the possession and inheritance of these things that so much barrenness of soul heaviness of Spirit and dulness of sight and hearing might not abound amongst you as there does for instead of a garden dressed by the hand of a skilful Husbandman you are as a field of a Forrest where the hedge is broken down and where the beasts of the Forrest have their repose O that I could say of you that ye are as a watered garden as a fruitful Land which the Lord hath blessed and that his dew dew from heaven is distilled plentuously into your souls that thereby your hearts are revived and made to leap for joy but I see you like many fenced Cities laid waste and like a fruitful Land turned into barrenness for the wickedness of them that dwell therein For Friends if to the Line you be brought crookedness and perversness doth appear and the Ax must come upon you before you will be squar'd for the Lords heavenly building and when you are weighed in the ballance of the Sanctuary you are found too light so that assuredly the hand writing upon the wall is as certainly against you as it was against Belshazzer and the Kingdom will be taken from you and therefore I your Neighbour and Friend do counsel and advise you as one who hath received great mercy and kindness of the Lord to return and come from those things wherein you have exercised your selves and have a life in things without substance life or virtue unto him that searcheth your hearts that stands at the door and knocks why should he not be let in for he speaketh on this wise if any man hear my voice and opens the door to me I will come into him and sup with him and he with me and is not this encouragement enough to satisfie your souls and to answer his desire in letting him in for his presence giveth life and at his right hand are pleasures for ever more he shews unto man his thoughts and makes manifest what is reprovable I say at the door he stands and knocks open ye unto him and in the humility of your hearts and let not his wooings be any longer slighted by you yea be ye open ye everlasting gates that the holy one may enter in and dispise not his lowly appearance but sit ye down under his shaddow and his fruit will be sweet to your taste come come away from the barren Mountains where the pasture of life is not enjoyed and come taste with me and many thousands more how good he is and see and behold how lovely he is and beautiful altogether for I must tell you that your Forms your Ordinances and Observations which you have set up to worship the Lord in are lifeless sapless things empty and void of the Spirit of Life yea empty sounds and notions so that your withering is seen the covering wherewith you cover your selves is not of the Spirit of the Lord and your nakedness doth appear your darkness is felt in which you grope after that namely eternal life which you cannot attain unto therein the life is ●●●ified the holy one is ascended over it all and his cry is unto man and unto the sons of men Worship God give glory and honour unto his Name who made the heavens and the earth for he seeketh such to worship him and in the spirit and in the truth it must be performed therefore cease ye from the works of your own hands and cease ye from the man whose breath is in his nostrils for wherein is he to be accounted of truly my Friends not at all I have tryed them I have tryed them in the day of my distress when the heart-sercher found me out and when he arose to Judgment who pleads with all flesh by burning and devouring fire then my iniquity became my burthen and my soul wanted a Saviour and a thousand worlds had I had them would I have parted with for the bosom of this beloved I tryed first one and then another and found them short of giving food to my soul or Phisitians of value the best of them so accounted of then said I unto the Lord Lift up thou the light of thy countenance upon me Lighten mine eyes O Lord lest I sleep the sleep of death and whilst I read the Scriptures I did clearly see that I was short of that blessed life in which the righteous obtained the Promises and I a poor miserable captive whose captivity had been long and grievous cryed out before the Lord in distress which is unutterable and said Surely thy love in sending Jesus Christ into the world to save sinners is in vain as to me for I have not the benefit thereof a sad time it was mourning and sorrow was as my dayly food and in distress and grief I mourned out many of my dayes and nights before the Lord who alone knew my sorrow and unto whom alone my soul cryed for relief and at length he was pleased to shorten those dayes and satisfie my soul in the dayly waiting upon him with his goodness And now Friends in the holy sence and blessed effect thereof doth my soul thus labour for you that you also may be incouraged to trust alone in the Name of the Lord revealed which is not afar off but neer you and in you to work your works for you that he may deliver your souls from the pit and pluck your feet out of the mire and clay where they stick fast whatever you think and will stick fast if not unto him you answer whilst he calls who doth enlighten you that so through his heavenly shinings into your hearts you may thereby in him believe and be saved with an everlasting salvation And Friends you pretend to Reformation and to Separation but from what and to what the voice and cry of the Holy One who is going forth to slay
A TESTIMONY TO THE FREE and UNIVERSAL LOVE of GOD IN JESVS CHRIST TO THE SONS of MEN IN True Love sent forth more especially to the Inhabitants of Colchester and Parts adjacent For them to read over and weigh with due and serious Consideration in the blessed Fear of the LORD By THOMAS BAYLE Hear Counsel and receive Instruction that thou mayest be Wise in thy latter end LONDON Printed in the Year 1675. THe Universal Love and free Grace of God to man kind is again after a sad and deplorable night of darkness revealed and shewed unto thousands who have waited upon him in his holy Light and Heavenly manifestation in their hearts and consciences and testified of and born witness unto in this our age and generation for to enjoy which what sighing what breathing for and soul-traveling after in a holy hunger and thirst in deep exercise and travel of Spirit in a holy faith and fear in the Lord hath there been by many in former dayes and times some yet living are able to give some testimony thereof And this happy and blessed appearance of the Lord to the call and restitution of mankind to this his great kindness in Jesus Christ hath been sounded forth in this place and parts and that truly I may say according to the Nature of it which is free and universal and plentious from the God and Father of it and that very largly with clearness and certainty by his Servants his Messengers and Ministers who here in this Town and County have laboured for several years by past both by word and writing And the Lord hath given them fervencie of Spirit zeal and courage and also utterance in judgment and understanding that sinners might be converted unto him and people come again to partake of that heavenly blessed life which in the true light which now shines is made manifest which the Saints and people of the Lord partaked of in the primitive times and notwithstanding this certain and infallible testimony which hath been held forth in this place for these 20 years past in kindness tenderness and love unfeigned with freeness to bring Souls home to the Lord yet what darkness security and insensibility of heart and mind is there remaining in the Consciences and Spirits of the generality of you as if there were no such thing as Religion in truth and righteousness to be minded as if the Lord God had forsaken the habitable parts of the earth for man to live in the perverse wayes of his own heart and as if you had outlived that belief which formerly was as a standing Principle or Faith in peoples minds of comeing to Judgment for the deeds done in the body both the quick and the dead the good and the bad as the Scriptures testifie of and that there is no such thing to be as punishment unto the evil doer tribulation anguish and pain upon every soul that doth evil nor reward of life eternal to them that do well And this great evil which is false hearts ease and security in the flesh aboundeth very much amongst you even in and amongst you my Neighbours Townsmen and Acquaintance and the consideration thereof with grief and sorrow of heart have I seriously weighed within my self and certainly can conclude nothing but a sad and woful distruction from God Almighty to be rewarded in flames of Fire from Heaven into the bosoms of all such as persevere therein until their departure hence and be no more seen And therefore this is a warning and charge unto you into whose hands it may come that you break off your sins by timely repentance and seek the Lord whilst he may be found and that in discharge of my Conscience in the sight of God that the Testimony of the truth of our God may be kept up over the heads of all disobedient gainsayers and that that holy heavenly Principle the Light of Christ Jesus in the Consciences of all people may have its place and due Authority in your hearts and lives to the eternal Honour and Praise of so gratious and bountiful a giver and to your blessedness and great felicity here in this life and hereafter when time with you shall be no more And God Almighty the sercher of our hearts knows to whose righteous eternal and everlasting Judgment we shall all shortly stand and for ever be concluded that my end and intent herein is Gods glory and your salvation this is my sole and alone end and intent in this matter And therefore bear with me a little in patience and quietness of your Spirits and let not your hearts be like a boyling pot because I write unto you whom men dispise and am by Scorns called a Quaker for be it known unto you that if so you entertain my lines and that innocent love which draws my heart in gentleness to visit you that you will be left in the hardness of your hearts the more to fill up the measure of your iniquity that Judgment may come upon you for all your evil deeds And now concerning what I have to write or chiefly intend hereby I shall write it as to two sorts of men or as in two states and conditions although they have different branches yet springing from one and the self same root of evil and not all sinners according to one similitude and these I call Prophane and Professor And by Prophane I intend such as make not a Profession of Godliness no more indeed than those that never heard of such a thing or as men without God in the world as such there are amongst you their lives testifie unto me herein and are such as live in wildness ignorance disorder and confusion and cry tush who seeth such whose natures are given way unto which are not civil but rude And this ought not to be and it is time for such not to walk as in the dayes that are past wherein fear that is holy humility sobriety and chastity were set at nought for to possess and live in bad things as lying stealing whoredome wrath drunkenness swearing and many wicked things more which is a shame to any people a burthen to the Creation of God vexing the just and the righteous And oh you untoward people the sound of these things the evil effects thereof how do I and many more pass through the streets and lanes with the nauseous smell and burthen of them falling upon us for which we cannot but cry unto the Lord our God under the heavy oppression of And for these things the cryes ascend up from the innocent souls against you and the Lord is weary of iniquity and would rid his Adversary out of his way and destroy him by the brightness of his coming who worketh great evil in you great sin and transgression against God and against your own souls and I ask you what good doth your drunkenness or your swearing do you or any other of those evils which you accustome your selves unto I am