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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A20953 A letter vnto them of the Romish Church, by Peter du Moulin, minister in the reformed Church at Paris. Together with a true iubile or generall pardon of indulgence by the same author Du Moulin, Pierre, 1568-1658.; Goring, Richard. 1621 (1621) STC 7331; ESTC S118715 19,874 66

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opinion of those which muffle themselves with the habit of S. Francis when they are on their death-beddes ready to give up the ghost because say their Doctors that this garment is as good as asecond baptisme nor the gadding of poor people 200. leagues off after pardons seeing the remission of sins is offered to us at home by the preaching of the gospell nor those that teach that the Pope can make that which is sin to bee no sinne and that which is no sin to be sin And certain it is that though wee should hould our peace yet the truth doth speake in the consciences of many which are held in this captivity for feare of men and for their domestick affairs for the divell tickles men by the panch and rockes them a sleep with pleasures and honours from whence it coms to passe that the sparks of the knowne truth are smother'd in them or if they be not quenched in them they burn torture the conscience and make them more culpable not onely for having buried their talent of the knowledge of God but even for having dissipated it for having bin ashamed to confess the Sonne of God before men and not defending his cause in time of need for beeing more afraid of mens displeasure than to offend God whose promises are certain his threatnings horrible and judgements eternall and inevitable who having now in our daies done so many marvellous things to build up again the ruines of his Church will not surely leave unpunished those which endeavour to trouble his work and who go purposely astray at high-noon All this discourse my Maisters proceedeth from nought else but a servent desire that wee have of your salvation and that God might be served for wee have heerein no other interest but your happinesse seeing that for defending this cause we are like to purchase nothing but trouble hatred and discommodity Wee rather desire a great deale more to live in peace and amity with our fellow-citizens under one self-same religion if wee might doo it without offense to God Nor cease wee to beseech the Father of mercy whose compassions surmount our iniquties that hee would pardon those which hate us that hee would touch their hearts with repentance and inlighten their understandings with his light to knowe the day of their visitation and the way of eternall salvation lest in the end he turn away his favour frō a people which turn their backs upon him and pour out a darknes more thick than the former upon a nation enraged against the light of the gospell If these considerations shall move any one it will bee a great joy unto mee and an ample reward for my labour if it shall happen otherwise wee shall have at least delivered our owne soules freed our consciences and born witnes in this hart-harned Age until the Son of God com from Heaven to heare our griefs and deliver his children and reward every one according to his worke To him be glory world without end Amen FINIS THE Great Iubile and Pardon of full remission for all true Christians THe true pardon and remission of all sinnes is made 〈◊〉 the aboundant mercy of God who pardoneth vs all our sinnes by one alone Iesus Christ in the shedding of his bloud Luk. 1 Mar. 14 Ma. 1. 2. 6 For hee is the propitiation of all the sinnes of the world and hath manifested himselfe by taking our flesh vpon him also dying and bearing our sinnes in his bodie to abolish them Ephe. 1 to the end hee might purge vs from the sinnes vnto the which wee were bound beleeuing in him who is the Lamb without spot once offered for all In such sort as no oblation of sacrifice is now anie more needfull heereafter to absolue vs from our sinnes Parali 3 The which Lamb hath been made to vs of God Iohn 1 wisedom Iustice sanctification and redemption by which he hath abolished and whollie brought to nought our folly Apoca. 1. 4 iniustice Ro. 4. 1. abomination and obligation with which God the father hath giuen vs all things Vnto which pardon he himself doth inuite vs aswel by his Prophets as by his Euangelists saying All yee that be athirst com vnto the great spring Tim. 1 and who haue no monie make haste to com Iohn 18 ● buy yee drin yee and eate yee Item If anie bee adrie Let him come to mee and drink Item Mat. 11. 28 Com vnto me all ye that are wearie and heauis loden and I will refresh you Iohn 16. 23 And for our assurance saith thus vnto vs If your demande anie thing of my father in my name he will giue it you And of whome the Apostle saith Heb. 7 Wherefore also he can fully saue them which come neere vnto him alwayes lyuing to make intercession for them Acts 4. Saint Peter saith there is no other name giuen vnder heauen vnto men by which wee must bee saued Gala. 1 nor is there saluation in any other 2 Cor. 8 whereof the Bull followeth These are the great Pardons and indulgences of full remission of sinne and punishment giuen vnto all the Church and House of God that is to all faithfull Christians vnder heauen BY the authoritie and vertue of the Commaundements of our holie Father God the Creator our soveraigne Lord Psa 109 by Iesus Christ our soueragine Pastor euerlasting Bishop Mar. 16 you are commaunded and expresly enionin'd by your holy obedience that you reade Luc. 9. 10 vnderstand giue notice vnto euerie one of the great priuiledges remissions pardons of sin punishment giune for euer by God the father Psal 18 to al faithful true seruants of Iesus Christ who with al their hartes will render them selues vnto him Act. 3. 4. 5. 6 faithfullie beleeuing and hoping for euerlasting life by his most precious bloud Luc. 11. 28 who hath sent his Apostles through all the world to preach and declare his holie gospell and good tidings conteyning the remission of our sinnes confirming their wordes by miracles which the Lord wrought by them Psal 37 by the which wee haue full Iubile generall pardon of punishment and sinne Ier. 23 as his most holie Father had ordained euen before the creation of the world and promised by his Prophets Gal. 3 That at all and euerie time and tymes in all places as often as we miserable sinners shall acknowledge our pouertie and sinfulnes beleeuing in him without doubting Ioh. 5. 8 crauing pardon of him wee shall haue what wee desire and all to shew his maruelous bountie and mercie which hee intendeth towards vs for his sonne Iesus Christ his sake Rom. 5. 9. 7. 8 12 how great sinners soeuer we bee who beeing mooued with pitty considering the bottomless gulfe of all euill in the which wee were held by the diuell Pet. ● and subjects and
slaues vnto him by our owne wills did send his sonne Iesus Christ at that tyme which hee had appointed when all wickednesse raigned Rom. 6 and that all the world through sin were his mortall enimies Ephes 3 and that to make vs knowe what great charitie hee bore to vs his enemies that we might bee iustified and made cleane by his bloud Collos 1 and to preserue vs from his great furie Acts. 2. By the which Iesus Christ our true Pastor and Bishop the father of mercy hath opened the inestimable Treasure of grace 1 Cor. 5 and mercie 1 Pet. 1 which is the Treasure of all faithfull Christians vnder Heauen to the end that all those which trust and firmely beleeue that this bloud was spilt for the remission of their sinnes might be saued and deliuered from the snares of the diuell Gal. 1 And so hereafter in steed of sinning wee might doe good works like vnto our Redemers in louing our neighbours yea euen our enemies euen as Iesus Christ hath loued vs Iam. 2 which were his enemies Deut. 1 therefore gaue himselfe vnto death for vs Leuit. 9 and that we should bee helpfull vnto all in all we can Mat. 22 with as free and good a will as hee hath done good vnto vs not hauing respect vnto the rewarde but onelie vnto Iesus Christ And to the end ye should not thinke that these Pardons and Indulgences bee false counterfeit we will hereafter following recite the witnesses which were present when they were granted beeing all credible persons and who were all expressly commanded to beare witnesse therof vnto all in generall The Witnesses of the Premisses FIrst as concerning the ould Testament Moyses witnesseth in his booke of Genesis and other following in divers places That by Iesus Christ of the seed of Abraham Isack Iacob Iuda and Dauid all people shall receiue blessing and saluation Item Esay 19. 2 33. 35. 43. 18. 53 Esaie Ieremie Ioel Michay Malacky doe witnesse That the saluation of Israell and of the elect people of God is in Iesus Christ Ioel. 2 Secondly Mich. ● that in the new Testament Mala. 2 Saint Mathew witnesseth that our great Bishop Iesus Christ saith I am not come to bee serued but to serue and to giue my life for the redemption of manie Item Mat. 9. 20. 26 Behould my bloud which shall bee for the remission of sinnes Item hee said vnto one sicke of the Palsey that he should beleeue in him Mar. 9. 16 and his sinnes were forgiuen him The like vnto the sick woman vnto the Leper vnto the Blind and others Saint Marke witnesseth also that Iesus said vnto the father of the Possessed If thou canst beleeue all things are possible vnto him that beleeueth Item in another place Whosoeuer will beleeue and bee baptised shall bee saued And in manie other places Saint Luke witnesseth saying Blessed bee the Lord God of Israell for hee hath visited redeemed his people Luc. 12. 24 Item Behold I bring you tidings of great ioy vnto all people to wit that this daie is borne the Sauiour which is Christ Ioh. 13. 5 Item it is written So it behoued that Christ should suffer death and rise againe and so enter into his glorie and that men should preach euerie where in his name repentance and forgiuness of sinnes Saint Iohn witnesseth that Saint Iohn Baptist did publicklie approue Iesus Christ saying Behould the Lamb of God which taketh awaie the finnes of the world Item whosoeuer belueeth in Iesus Christ the son of God he hath euerlasting life Item Verclie I saie vnto you whosoeuer heareth my word and beleeueth in him that sent mee hee hath euerlasting life and commeth not in to iudgment 1. Ioh. 2 but passeth for̄ death vnto life Apoc. 1 Item Wee haue an aduocate vnto God the father euen Iesus Christ and he is the propitation for our sinnes who hath loued and washed vs from our sins in his bloud And in manie places of the gospel in the Epistles of Saint Paul he witnesseth in manie texts namely to the Hebrewes Heb. 1. where hee saith Iesus purgeth awaie sinne Actas ● Saint Peter also saying It is Iesus Christ by whome wee haue remission of our sinnes Conclusion of these Pardons OVr holie father God the creatour who euer hath been and shall bee hath confirmed all the graces Iudith 1 pardons and priuiledges of those reuerend Legats aboue mentioned and excommunicateth all hinderers murmurers and gainsayers of those said pardons and indulgences Deut. 18. Hee which shall not heare my great Prophet Gal. 1 shall bee raced out of the booke of life And Saint Paul If we or an Angell from Heauen preach anie other thing then that which wee haue declared and preached let him be accursed And therfore we recōmend vnto you this noble and most certaine pardon Iam. 2. for it is that true pardon which maie be got without gold or siluer by a liuelie faith which kindleth a charitie in all those which attaine vnto it and stirreth them vp to giue almes vnto all in want and render to each one that which appertaineth vnto them Phil. 4 vnto this also tendeth the lawe and the Prophets Giuen in the supreame soueraine Court of Paradise euer since the first beginning of the world FINIS