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A19694 A treatise of faith wherein is declared how a man may liue by faith and finde releefe in all his necessities : applied especially vnto the use of the weakest Christians / by Ezekel Culvervvell. Culverwell, Ezekiel, 1553 or 4-1631. 1623 (1623) STC 6113.5; ESTC S4074 171,849 534

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any storme wee shall bee sure to escape shipwracke and so in the end arriue at our desired port of euerlasting saluation Thus haue I now shewed as briefly and plainely as I could how euery one who is troubled with vnbeleefe about the cercainety of his saluation namely whether such as he so void of all grace and so full of all sinne may be bold to beleeue and thereby be assured to be saued by Christ and to this end that his sinne is quite forgiuen and hee accepted as righteous in Gods sight so reconciled to God and adopted to be Gods child that hee may reioyce in hope of the glory of God how such an one I say may get and dayly increase this assurance of faith that there is no condemnation to him belonging but that he hath euerlasting life and is passed from death to life then which what can be more welcome and comfortable to a troubled conscience I well see not And therefore as oft before I exhort all that feele this weaknes of faith concerning their saluation aboue all to obserue these and such other Scriptures whereof there bee many wherein Christ and saluation be offered to poore sinners Obserue Scriptures concerning Christ that they who haue as good right to them as any may not for any thing they see in themselues put these promises from them as not made to them But rather in admiration of Gods wonderfull goodnesse mercy and compassion vpon such vnworthy wretches to giue glory to God in beleeuing and accepting this mercy so freely offered which they must doe before they shall see such a true change of heart life in them as they earnestly desire for want wherof they thinke they ought not to beleeue which is to such if not the onely yet the chiefest lette and hinderance from faith whereas on the other side when it shal please Gods spirit by these his free promises to drawe them to beleeue and though weakely yet truely to stay themselues vpon Gods great mercy so reuealed to them then assuredly shall they see and feele this change in their hearts that they know not what to say or thinke of Gods mercy in pardoning such as they feele themselues to be This cannot but breede an vnfained loue in them to God with an earnest desire and true purpose to glorifie him which be the chiefe parts of a holy life and surest proofes of sauing faith which can no more want these then a true fire can be without heate though too many carnal Gospellers think otherwise and so miserably perish Hauing thus seene how wee are by Gods promises to get and increase our assurance by faith that we be Gods children Now it followes that wee consider what be the markes of God children Assurance by the fruits of faith whereby we may be further assured thereof Among which markes seeing faith it selfe is the first and surest proofe that we be Gods children and to this end many pretious promises bee made to such as doe already beleeue as the former promises were made to beget and increase faith It is meete that wee take some view of these not for the strengthening of our faith but that by our faith bee it small or great we may haue a sensible assurance of our saluation To which purpose may this serue that we who beleeue in Christ are so oft said to bee blessed as our Sauiour said to Thomas Blessed are they who haue not seene Ioh. 20. 29. and yet haue beleeued Mat. 13. 16. 16 17. and againe to his Disciples Blessed are your eyes for they see c and likewise to Peter Blessed art thou Simon Bar Iona for flesh and blood hath not reuealed it vnto thee but my father which is in heauen and the like many to the same end also it is said That he who beleeueth shall be saued Mr. k. 16. 16 That the Gospell is the power of God vnto saluation to euery one that beleeueth Rom. 1. 16. 10. 9. Againe If thou confesse with thy mouth the Lord Iesus and shalt beleeue in thy heart that God raised him from the dead thou shalt besaued and againe Whosoeuer beleeueth in Christ Ioh. 3. 15. 16 shall not perish but haue euerlasting life yea hath euerlasting life 5. 24. Ioh. ● 47. and is passed from death to life Againe 12. 46. 11. 26. I am come a light into the world that whosoeuer beleeueth in me shall not abide in darkenes and though he were dead yet shall hee liue and shall neuer dye The same also is intended in these Scriptures in which forgiuenesse of sinnes righteousnesse and iustification are promised to beleeuers Act. 10. 45. Rom. 10. 4. Act. 13. 30. Rom. 4. 5. 5. 1. Gal. 3. 26. So likewise it is saide Ioh. 1. 12. Wee are made the children of God by faith and as many as receiued him to them hee gaue power to be the sonnes of God euen to them that beleeue in his name Lastly to heape vp no more of this kinde to this end is that Christ shall come to bee glorified in his Saints 1. Thes 〈◊〉 10. and be made maruellous in all them that beleeue c. In all these and many the like promiises made to such as doe truely beleeue in Christ may euidently appeare that if any doe know and can prooue themselues to bee in the faith 2 Cor. 13. 5. as the Apostle speaketh by this he may be infallibly assured of his saluation Wherein seeing the greatest part of professours of Christian Religion bee deceiued saying they haue faith when in truth they haue none it highly behooues such as looke for better comfort aboue all to beware their hearts doe not beguile them herein 2. Pet. 1. 10. and to bestowe all study to make their calling and election sure that they may know that Christ dwels in them otherwise they cannot bee approued neither by themselues nor any others to bee in the state of grace Thus much for faith it selfe whereby we may certenly know that we be Gods children heires of saluation and cannot perish We are now further to see some speciall fruits of our faith which be the effects of Gods Spirit in al true beleeuers be so many marks whereby they doe know themselues and be knowne to others that they be Gods sheep so be further euidences and assurances that they be Gods children and shall be saued In which respect Assurance by the fruites of faith this gift of Gods Spirit to beleeuers is called a seale Ephesians 1. 13. Where the Apostle setting out the conuersation of the Ephesians 1. by the gift of the spirit layes downe both these euidences first of their faith secondly of this gift of the spirit saying In whō ye also haue obtained inheritance after that ye heard the word of truth the Gospell of your saluation wherein also after yee beleeued yee were sealed with the Spirit of promise which is the earnest
preiudice our interest in happinesse that thereby we are driuen euery day to renew our claime to the promise of pardon and so to liue by Faith vntill this vncleane issue be dried vp These sowre hearbs helpe vs to relish Christ the better Moreouer though in this life our endeauours come short of our desires and we alwaies allow a greater measure then we can attaine vnto yet we may by stirring vp the graces begun in vs and by suing God vpon those promises of his Spirit and Grace whereby he hath made himselfe a debter vnto vs come to that measure whereby wee shall make the profession of religion glorious and louely in the eyes of others and comfortable to our selues and so shine farre brighter then others doe Why then doe we not in the vse of all sanctified meanes begge of God to make good the promises wherein he hath caused vs to trust Doe we not beside life of our bodies desire health and strength to discharge all the offices of ciuill life and why should we not much more if the life of God be in vs labour after health and vigor of spirit and for that annointing of the holy Ghost whereby we may doe and suffer all things so as we may draw others to a liking of our waies The truth is Satan laboureth to keepe vs vnder vnbeleefe of particular promises and from renewing our couenant in confidence that God will perfect the worke that he hath begun and not repent him of his earnest So farre as thus we cherish distrust we lie open to Satan Strengthen Faith and strengthen all Let vs therefore at once set vpon all duties required and be in loue with an holy life aboue all other liues and put our selues vpon Gods mercy and truth and we shall be able from experience so farre to iustifie all Gods waies as that wee would not bee in another state for all the world What greater encouragement can we wish then that our corruptions shall fall more and more before the Spirit and we shall be able to doe all things through Christ that strengthneth vs. To make these waies of God more plaine vnto vs this paines is taken by this man of God Not to disparage the labours of other holy men as far as I can iudge there is nothing in this kinde more fully indiciously sauorily written with greater euidence of a Spirit perswaded of the goodnesse and truth of what it sets downe And though distinct from respect to the Author the Treatise deserueth much respect yet it should gaine the move acceptance especially of those that are babes and yong men in Christ that it is written by a Father of long and Reuerend esteeme in the Church who hath begunne in all these rules to others As for our bodies so for our soules wee may more securely rely on an olde experienced Physition Hee commendeth it vnto thee hauing felt the kindly working of it vpon himselfe The Lord by his Spirit conuey these truths into thy heart and vppon good felt hereby in thy soule remember to desire God that he may still bring forth more fruite in his age vntill hee hath finished his course with credit to the Gospell and an assured hope of a blessed charge Grayes Inne RICHARD SIBBS To the Christian Reader IF any Grace and if not Grace what else doth deserue so to bee cōmended vnto the people of God as they may bee set on fire with desire of it till their desire be satisfied surely among and aboue all other Graces the Mother and Nurse-grace the Queene and Soueraigne Grace which bringeth foorth and breedeth vp that nourisheth and cherisheth that commandeth and ordereth all other Graces euen FAITH deserueth as much FAITH I say which is to the soule as the soule is to the body The life of it to the little world as the Sun is to the great world The light of it that which warmeth quickneth comforteth encourageth the person in whom it is Doth it not then deserue the best pains of the most iudicious and industrious Diuines to set it out Great paines hath beene taken hereabouts by men of good note and name So much and so well hath beene vttered and published on this subiect since the latter spring of the Gospell as to vtter and publish any more may be thought to doe no more then what hath beene done before yet without preiudice to any other to the praise of Gods Grace in the Author of this Treatise be it spoken Neuer any tooke such paines to so good purpose in and about the foundation of FAITH as he hath done The onely true proper Groundwork of FAITH is Gods promise Whatsoeuer is prnmised may safely bee beleeued whatsoeuer is beleeued without a promise is presumed As FAITH is the life of the soule so Gods promise is the life of FAITH Desirest thou FAITH take notice of Gods promises Wouldest thou haue thy FAITH like the light in the Lords Sanctuary neuer to goe out Acquaint thy soule with Gods promises know them meditate on them conferre about them let them be continually in thy mind memory heart and tongue If thou findest it too hard a taske for thee to finde them out to ranke them in order and to make fit application of them which is indeede an hard taske Beholde here God hath sent Ezekel Culuerwell as of olde hee sent Ezekel Buzi to set out the promises of God more plentifully and pertinently then euer before and that to breede FAITH where it is not to strengthen it where it is weake to settle it where it wauereth to repaire it where it decayeth to apply it aright to euery neede to extend it to sanctification as well as to iustification and to point out the singular vse of it in matters temporall spirituall and aeternall The subiect matter of this Treatise is fit to be vnder taken by a man well exercised in the holy Scriptures and well acquainted with the disposition of mans heart towards these promises Such an one is he who hath penned and published this treatise His exercise in the Scripture hath enabled him to gather together heapes of promises His experience of the disposition of mans heart hauing piercingly diued thereinto through much friendly and familiar conference with sundry sorts hath enabled him to set those heapes in a fitte and due order What I say of him I know of him for from mine infancy haue I known him and vnder his ministery was I trained vp in my younger yeares hee being at the least two and twenty yeares elder then my selfe Now because of all the Ministers that euer I knew he hath been one of the most painfull faithfull and powerfull giue me leaue good Reader to set downe somewhat of his practise for a patterne to others What manner of entring vpon his pastorall charge he had is not vnknowne to them that were vnder his charge Very few if any at all did hee finde fit to receiue the holy Communion which mooued him by the space
God the father mooued by nothing but his free loue to mankinde lost hath made a deed of gift and grant of his Sonne Christ Iesus vnto mankinde that whosoeuer of all mankinde shall receiue this gift by a true and liuely faith hee shall not perish but haue euerlasting life which the same Apostle expresly saith 1. Ioh. 5. 11. This is the record that God hath giuen to vs eternall life and this life is in his Sonne meaning that this it is which God hath witnessed for vs to beleeue which hee that doth not makes God a lyar and shall most iustly be condemned therefore this then is the first thing in true faith to be considered that euery soule to whom God sendeth this message of the Gospell doe truely beleeue and giue credit vnto it to bee true that God hath made grant of Christ to sinners so that if he accept this grant he shall bee saued This is that faith which in schooles is called historicall because it goeth no further then to giue assent and credit to the story of that which God speaketh to be true which one may beleeue for another and therefore this cannot be true iustifying faith and this may be in those that knowe they are bidden to the wedding yet refuse to come So that though this bee necessary to true iustifying faith yet it is not sufficient therfore in iustifying faith there is required another and more speciall work namely to receiue Christ and life in him offered in the Gospell which was the second generall point to bee considered in the nature of this iustifying faith Namely that beside the assent of the mind and iudgment to the truth of the Gospell The second speciall worke of faith is to receiue Christ offered vs in the Gospell wee giue consent with our heart and will and so willingly and gladly accept Gods gift of Christ whereby indeede he is become ours and we his and so we in him be made partakers of all things pertaining to life and godlinesse 2. Pet. 1. 3. as the Apostle Peter speaketh where I would haue this specially to be marked that hee saith this is by the knowledge or acknowledging of him which I vnderstand to be by true faith whereby we know and acknowledge Christ to be ours This I the rather obserue for that I see some honestly minded herein beguiled to imagine that a man may be a true member of Christ and so be iustified before he thus actually beleeue and thereby apprehend Christ I deny not but that some weake in faith may feare that they do not beleeue and that they haue not apprehended Christ when in deede they haue apprehended him though they feele it not who may be discerned partly by their heauinesse for want of sense of faith but especially by their loue they beare to God shewed manifold waies whereof we shall here more in the triall of faith But that he who neuer apprehended Christ by beleeuing should ordinarily bee a member of Christ I cannot see sure I am the Scripture constantly speaketh otherwise as Iohn 12. As many as receiued him Gal. 3 26. to them hee gaue power to bee the sonnes of God euen to them that beleeue in his name Gal. 2. 20. And to like effect often that we are all the children of God by faith in Christ Iesus That wee liue by faith of the Sonne of God That Christ dwelleth in our hearts by faith Eph. 3. 17. In which and the like many it is euident that faith is the Instrument whereby wee receiue Christ our righteousnes and life And this is the constant opinion of all found Diuines so farre as I know Thus then we see that the very nature of faith consisteth in the true acceptation of Christ proclaimed in the Gospell How faith is gotten Now followeth to be considered how this faith is to be obtained and increased that so we may liue by it wherein wee haue these two points to be obserued 1. First 2. point what is the ground of faith 1. 2. Secondly 2. how faithis hereon builded But before this blocke at which so many stumble is to be remooued That wee yet speake not how a man that hath faith may know it to bee so whereof more in his place but how one that indeede hath not apprehended Christ by faith may attaine vnto it So that here onely we seeke the causes which beget this faith not the effects of faith which only prooue we haue it Many not discerning this difference doe much mistake Causes and effects of faith differing and being asked what caused them to beleeue they say because they haue truely repented and changed their course of life which if it proceede not from faith is not so much as a sound proofe of faith much lesse can it bee any cause to drawe them to beleeue By which mistaking it comes to passe that such persons building their faith vpon their life which is subiect to many changes can neuer haue sound and stedfast faith but a staggering vnconstant opiniō at the best We haue neede therefore to looke for a more sure ground whereon to build our faith which must stand against so many and mighty stormes wherewith it is so vsually assaulted The onely firme ground of this sauing faith is Gods truth reuealed in his word The onely ground of faith is Gods truth Reason why as is plainely taught Rom. 10. 17. So then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God And so likewise it is saide of the Ephesians 1. 13. That they by hearing the word of truth the Gospell of saluation beleeued which is as manifest to reason in that there is not any thing in heauen or in earth which can testifie to vs such good will in God to saue vs but wee must haue Gods owne word to witnesse this vnto vs and all little enough It is a matter so incredible that the holy and iust God who cannot abide any iniquity Heb. 2. 2. but will certainely giue to euery sinne his due punishment yet of his owne free mercy hath giuen and granted to poore sinners eternall life Therefore hath the Lord so often and so euidently spoken no lesse that hee might thereby mooue vs to beleeue as 1. Ioh. 5. 11. expresly affirming This is that which is testified That God hath giuen vs eternall life and this life is in his sonne For our further confirmation wherein it is saide vers 7. that this is witnessed both by three witnesses in heauen The first the father the second the word that is the sonne of God the second person in Trinity the third the holy Ghost which three be one diuine nature and testifie the same things as also by three witnesses on earth all which be in euery true beleeuer and none els The first the spirit the second the water the third the blood which agree in one witnessing the same things wherby are meant By the first
our spirit by the second our sanctification by the third our iustificatiō that in the mouth of so many witnesses this truth which of al others is the greatest yet most hardly receiued may stand sure for the consolation of all beleeuers and conviction of all vnbeleeuers c. To which is further added vers 10. Hee that beleeueth in the Sonne of God hath the witnesse in himselfe he that beleeueth not God hath made him a lyar because hee beleeued not the record which God witnesseth of his sonne The selfe same word of life is in sundry other Scriptures published vnto vs because the Lord knoweth we haue neede to heare of it continually wee are so full of doubting in time of temptation therefore our Sauiour himselfe proclaimeth this glad tydings Ioh. 3. 16. For God so loued the world that he hath giuen his onely begotten sonne that whosoeuer beleeueth in him should not perish but haue euerlasting life and verse 17. For God sent not his Sonne into the world to condemne the world but that the world through him might bee saued So likewise Ioh. 12 47. I came not to condemne the world but to saue the world Againe Ioh. 2. 2. If any man sinne we haue an aduocate with the father Iesus Christ the Iust vers 3. And he is the reconciliation for our sinnes and not for ours only but for the sinnes of the whole world And Ioh. 1. 29. Behold the lambe of God which taketh away the sins of the world So the Apostle saith 2. Cor. 5. 19. For God was in Christ reconciling the world vnto himselfe not imputing their sinnes vnto them and hath committed to vs the word of reconciliation In all which and many other Scriptures this is manifest that God in his word hath made a generall offer of saluation in Christ and inuiteth all to whom hee sendeth his seruants the preachers of his Gospell to come to Christ that they might bee saued as is plaine in the parable of the wedding Mat. 22. 1. which is therefore called the Gospell that is good newes because it bringeth foorth this glad tydings of great ioye that shall be to all people as the Angels of the Lord tolde that the sheepheards of the birth of Christ Luk. 2. 10. And this is the same which our Lord Iesus himselfe after hee had finished his whole work of mans redemption here on earth and was to ascend vp to his father to prepare a place for all his members commanded his Apostles and so consequently gaue in commission to al their successours the preachers of the Gospell to proclaime and publish this Gospell to euery creature that is to euery man and woman that so euery soule to whom the sound of the Gospell should come might haue sufficient ground whereon to build their faith and be saued or be made without excuse for neglecting so great saluation which at the first began to bee preached by the Lord and afterward was confirmed by vs that heard him Heb. 2 3. This then is the only ground whereon sauing faith is builded Namely this generall pardon proclaimed in the Gospell to poore sinners which I haue very plentifully prooued for that it is not well considered by many who faine would beleeue yet being ignorant hereof doe long time pine away with griefe for that they see nothing which might make them being so vile in their owne eyes so bold as to beleeue that there is any such loue in God towards them as to giue Christ vnto them Others more dangerously presume of Gods fauour without any such ground whereon they build their perswasion but onely on the outward change of their life which often is found deceitfull as was before shewed Now followeth how a poore sinner yet voide of sauing grace How to build faith on the word and finding nothing in himselfe which may make him bold to beleeue may builde vpon this ground that so he may attaine to true faith whereunto these three considerations bee necessary Three considera●ions First what is said Secondly to whom Thirdly by whom that so hee may haue good warrant to beleeue that he shal enioy this mercy offered For the former What is said the poore distressed sinner is to weigh with himselfe that in this Gospell and glad tidings of saluation is proclaimed and freely offered forgiuenesse of sins through Christ as is plaine by the Apostle Paul his preaching to them at Antioch Act. 13. 38. Bee it knowne vnto you therefore men and brethren that through this man is preached vnto you forgiuenesse of sinnes where as in all the former Scriptures and in many others Christ and all his benefits for our iustification sanctification and full glorification is the matter offered which beeing that which euery humbled sinner most desireth how can it be but welcome newes to heare that there are such things prepared and offered as hee most desireth which must needes mooue him oft to sigh for the same and say Oh that I might once haue my part in this vnestimable treasure but presently comes into his minde his owne vnworthinesse which driues him as farre backe from all hope that euer any such as hee should haue part therein wherin many a poore soule doth remaine a long season because he cannot see any thing which might make him bold to beleeue that there is any such benefite prepared for him For remedy wherof he is in the second place deeply to weigh this wonderfull mercy of God 2. To whom who so freely offers this great benefit of Christ and all his merits not to the righteous but to sinners yea to all without exception to whom the Gospell commeth as wee haue seene in the former Scriptures where the ground of faith was laide and because such as haue most feeling of their sinnes are most fearefull and hardliest brought to beleeue that this is tendered to them therefore are they more especially called as appeareth Matthew 11. 28. Where Christ himselfe hauing proclaimed that all things are deliuered to him of his Father Mat. 28. 18. meaning as els where Heb. 7. 27. that all power is giuen to him whereby he is perfectly able to saue all them that come vnto God by him inuiteth all that labour and are heauy laden to come vnto him promising that he will ease them wherby euery poore sinner who feeles his woefull estate by reason of his sinne and Gods curse hanging ouer his head for the same may certainely know that hee is the party whom Christ calleth to come to him and to whom this benefite of Christ and saluation in him is freely offered that so he may be somewhat more raised vp to conceiue hope that hee shall in due time enioy the same to which end euery one who faine would beleeue is to consider that as there is no grace in any why hee should hope for such fauour at Gods hand for Gods mercy in preparing and offering his Sonne a redemption for sinners is altogether
part wherein I haue as plainly as I can set out first what true faith is how it is gotten how any may know that they haue true Faith And secondly what it is to liue by Faith how this is attained by a wise application of Gods promises and herewith the manifold and singular benefites arising from hence I doe in the Lord with all instance beseech all such who hauing any true faith in Christ and desire to adorne it with an holy life and yet vpon beter examination of their waies doe finde their profession to haue beene of little good vse to others and of as small comfort to themselues to speake nothing of their offensiue life before mentioned I intreat all such I say but to make triall of this aduice I giue to learne to liue by Faith to this end to follow this direction here set downe till they shall bee able better to guide themselues And so my hope and prayer shall be that God will let them see such fruit of their labour as shall bring them more true comfort daily then in many daies and to some more then in any daie of their life past which I humbly beseech the Lord to grant both to my selfe and them euen for his Christs sake THE SECOND part of this Treatise containing A direction how to apply Gods promises to our particular occasions FOr the better vnderstanding and practise of this dutie of particular application of Gods promises to our seuerall necessities that so we may thereby liue by faith which is the chiefe thing by me intended in this Treatise we are aduisedly to consider the nature and kindes of these promises which be the foundation of our faith that so wee may more soundly applie them to our seuerall occasions and vses ●y Gods promises I vnderstand generally all those declarations of Gods will wherin he offers to vs in his word any good thing to enioy Gods promises what As on the other side by threats are meant those declarations of his will wherein he denounceth any euill against vs for sin Both which be plentifully set downe in the holy Scriptures to these ends that by his promises hee might allure and draw vs to beleeue and obey his will and by his threatnings hee might feare vs from sinne Gods will reuealed two waies first absolutely In all which God doth declare his will after a double manner either absolutely or conditionally Absosolutely what hee will most certainely doe any thing to the contrary notwithstanding As for example That there shall be no more waters of a ●●ood to destroy all flesh And in this same time I wil come Gen. 9. 15. Sarah shal● haue a son Rom. 9. 9. which the Apostle saith is a word of promise of this sort be a●● Gods promises concerning saluation made vnto the elect which cannot be made voide by any means whatsoeuer The other manner wherby God doth reueale his will is not absolute but as it is comonly said to be conditionall Conditionally which is when God declareth his will what hee wil doe if we do our part els not this conditional promise wel vnderstood may be borne otherwise misunderstood it destroies the nature of the free and gracious promise of the Gospell in this respect confounds the Law and the Gospell taking away a chiefe difference betweene the Couenant of workes wherein God promised life vpon condition of doing all that was written in the law without which condition performed on our parts God did not couenant to giue life and the couenant of grace wherein God freely promised not only life but to giue grace to receiue this life as Jer. 31. from vers 31. to 35. reade the place The like Ezek. 36. 24 c. A new heart also will I giue you c. In which and the like many is no condition required on our parts but God himselfe makes capable of this grace whom he pleaseth How these are by vs to bee applied afterwards I will shew But now seeing very many yea the most of the free gracious promises of the Gospell be propounded with some condition either expressed or necessarily vnderstod 〈…〉 wisely to consider of them as first in this and the like many the condition or dutie required is expressed Iohn 3. 15. Whosoeuer beleeueth in Christ shall not perish but haue euerlasting life Secondly in others the dutie required for the attaining the thing promised is necessarily vnderstood Mat. 18. 11. The Sonne of Man is come to saue that which is lost Iohn 1. 29. Behold the L●●be of God which taketh away the sinnes of the world And the like many In all which Faith is necessarily vnderstood for the obtaining of the benefite promised But yet in all these Faith is no condition properly so called mouing God to promise life although in some sort it may bee called a condition because the promise of life is made to persons qualified with Faith for first faith it selfe is part of the thing promised and no man can beleeue except it bee giuen him and therefore an impossible condition to bee performed of our selues And to say as it is Faith do●h apply the fruite and benefite of the promise to the beleeuer who alone shall enioy the thing promised and doth not restraine the offer of grace which is generall to all to whom the Gospell comes who as they haue no faith before they heare the promise made to them so after hearing this promise made to them if they beleeue not they shall bee condemned for not beleeuing as John 3. 1● Thus then I conceiue all conditionall promises of the Gospell are to bee taken that God doth freely offer mercie in what kinde soeuer and for the enioying thereof requires some dutie of obedience at our hands Now we must first beleeue and so obey and then enioy the thing promised so that there 〈…〉 beleeuing but all 〈…〉 promise and our obedience only is an effect of our faith and so a proofe of Faith no cause to moue vs to beleeue As for example If you forgiue you shall be forgiuen Mat. 6. 14. God freely offers pardon to vs and requires that wee beleeuing shew mercy to others As we reade in the parable Math 18. 32. I forgaue thee all the debt because thou desiredst me shouldest not thou also haue compassion on thy fellow seruant euen as I had pittie on thee So then he that beleeues to finde mercy is thereby moued to shew mercy and certainely hee that shewes no mercie in deed receiued none Besides this An other consideration there is an other consideration of Gods promises which standes in the diuers qualitie of the things promised whereof some be wholly necessarie for our saluation and offered without any restraint Simply necessarie and are so to be beleeued as Faith and Repentance Other things though good in themselues yet are not alwaies good for vs but we may be saued without them and in some case
better want them then haue them as health wealth peace and all earthlie blessings yea many common gifts of the Spirit at least the measure of them as excellent wit memorie knowledge of heauenlie things courage liberalitie gentlenesse c. all of these be promised with limitation With limitation so farre as they be good for vs and no further and so farre onely are to bee desired and beleeued Another needfull consideration of Gods promises that wee may better make our vse of them is this that God doth proclame in the Gospell his Sonne Christ and all his benefites generally to all Generall promises offered to all and euery soule to whom the Gospell comes so that euery one who heareth the Gospell ought to beleeue which if he doe not which none can without speciall grace yet this is his sin and shall be his condemnation for wilfull refusing mercie offered And therefore euerie one that will not perish must beleeue that there is such mercie in God as he offereth and that God is able willing and faithfull to performe his promise that so beleeuing hee may enioy the benefite of which otherwise hee depriueth himselfe This therefore I doe before hand make knowne that seeing many worthie promises be thus generally propounded and set out that wee might by beleeuing bee made partakers of Christ therefore none doe shut out themselues and so bring vpon themselues more iust damnation as Iohn 3. 18. is plainlie expressed Hee that beleeues not is condemned alreadie ver 19. This is the condemnation that light is come into the world c. There bee also many speciall promises made to speciall persons performing such duties as to Faith and trust in God to confession of sinne to prayer and so to all obedience for God requires no dutie but there is a Reward belonging thereto though not alwaies expressed which reward though it may moue the heart to desire it yet it cannot beget Faith but the truth of the promiser must draw vs to beleeue and our beliefe of hauing the reward which we desire will moue to obedience And therefore euerie one who heares such rewards promised must bee thereby moued to beleeue Secondly to obey as was before said These well considered will better guide the weaker sort to applie and make the right vse of all the promises in the Scripture which may any way concerne them Now then because these promises be exceeding many wee must needs bring them to some order and that as plaine and short as may be lest the weaker memories be ouer-loaden and so their vnderstanding confounded by many diuisions as is too oft seene I cannot thinke of any more easie way to teach the full vse of our faith in euery part of our liues then to laie open the most principall matters in which we are most subiect to doubt and feare that seeing our diseases we may more fitly applie the remedie Ouerlooking the whole course of life Order I obserue these sixe speciall occasions of doubting wherein we haue most need to be releeued by Faith 1. First and aboue all 6. Choise heads we are most subiect to doubt whether we be in the state of grace and so of the number of those that shall be saued by Christ 2. Secondly how wee shall be able to ouercome our strong corruptions and temptations 3. Thirdly how to get grace to praie heare the word and to performe all duties to God and man in faith so as God will accept them 4. Fourthly how to endure and profite by all afflictions and persecutions 5. Fiftly how to be prouided for of all things needfull for this naturall life 6. Sixtly how wee shall hold out to the end All which may bee drawne to two heads first for our spirituall life secondly for this bodilie life In both which were wee so strengthened in Faith as to rest vpon God for all sufficient releefe I well see not what might be much wanting to make vs reioyce alwaies in the Lord and sure I am no other state in this life herewith were to be compared Let vs therefore come to particulars and see how in all of these wee may gather out of Gods word strength of Faith and so comfort to our soules for the better finishing of our warfare in this life and more full assurance of our finall victorie and glorie hereafter in and through our Lord Iesus And now to begin with that First point wherein we liue by Faith is for assurance of our saluation which as it is first in order so is it in degree aboue all to be most sought for seeing vpon it all the rest doe depend and yet we are vsually in nothing more wanting namely to be sure of our saluation by Christ vnder which I doe containe especiallie our Iustification by which we be made Gods children All which as wee haue alreadie heard is to be had alone in Christ and to be made ours only by Faith Titus 3. 5 not by any workes of righteousnesse which wee haue done Whereof although there hath beene in the former part of this Treatise so much said as might suffise for this point to shew how this Faith is attained yet seeing the Lord hath left vs so many promises in the holie Scriptures speciallie in the new Testament wherein Christ who was before shadowed in Types is more cleerelie reuealed for which cause I doe chiefly cite these And seeing this is my maine scope to teach the weake beleeuer how hee may by these promises dailie nourish his faith specially in time of tentation I hope it will be found no lost labour to gather some store of these promises and to shew the right vse of them To come then to the practise of this first point how wee may dailie come to more certaintie that wee bee reconciled to God and so his adopted children and heires of saluation we are to remember Double ●ertentie that there is a twofold certaintie or assurance of Gods fauour 1. Of faith one the certaintie which comes by Faith alone 2. Sense the only staie wherof is Gods word The other is the certaintie of sense when as we haue some spirituall feeling of Gods fauour manifested to vs by his manifold graces bestowed on vs which be so many tokens and testimonies of his Fatherlie loue A cleare resemblance whereof may bee that which Ioab said to Dauid 2 Sam. 14. 22. To day thy seruant knoweth that I haue found grace in thy sight my Lord O King in that the King hath fulfilled the request of his seruant Wherein wee see Ioab was more assured of the Kings fauour by granting his request Both these assurances be expresly coupled in that one sentence of the Apostle Iohn 1 Iohn 2. 3. And hereby wee doe know that wee know him if wee keepe his Commandements Meaning that the conscionable indeuour to keepe Gods Commandements makes vs to know certainely that wee truely beleeue and haue the true certaintie of
euery man out of himselfe for happinesse seeing God iustifieth the vngodly verse 5 and to draw all that shall bee saued to looke for saluation onely in Gods free mercy forgiueing their iniquitie and couering their sinne and not imputing to them their sinne Vnder which speeches is contained the way and meanes how the righteous God who will not let one sinne and breach of his Law to escape vnpunished without deserued condemnation doth yet set free poore sinners from their sinne and punishment which is onely by the satisfaction which Christ hath made for them in bearing their punishment wherwith God being satisfied doth fully and freely forgiue all those who by Faith accept this mercie offered vnto them To this end throughout the Scripture is this great benefite of forgiuenes of sinne by Christ so plentifully proclamed vnto vs miserable sinners I wil cite a few for many When Iohn the Baptist was sent to prepare way for Christ first seeing Christ cōming vnto him Ioh. 1. 29. hee cried out Behold the Lambe of God which taketh away the sinnes of the world Our Sauiour himselfe after his resurrection appearing to two of his Disciples going to Emaus Luk 24. 45. hauing opened their vnderstanding that they might vnderstand the Scriptures 46. said vnto them Thus it is written 47. and thus it behoued Christ to suffer and to rise againe from the dead the third day and that Repentance and Remission of sinnes should bee preached in his name among all nations beginning at Ierusalem Likewise the Apostle Paul preaching at Antioch to the Iewes in their Synagogues said vnto them Be it knowne vnto you therefore men and brethren that through this man meaning Christ is preached vuto you forgiuenesse of sinnes Act. 3. 38 39. And from all things from which yee could not be iustified by the Law of Moses Rom. 4. 25. by him euery one that beleeues is Iustified Gal. 1. 4. And so all the rest of the Scriptures Tit. 2. 14. in which it is said Heb. 1. 3. that Christ was Deliuered to death for our sinnes 1. Pet. 2. 24. And gaue himselfe to redeeme vs from all iniquitie And hath by himselfe purged our sinne Reu. 1. 5. That he bare our sinnes on the tree That hee loued vs and washed vs from our sinnes And to shut vp all with that worthie saying of Saint John If any man sinne 1 Ioh. 2. 1 2. wee haue an Aduocate with the Father Christ the righteous And he is the propitiation for our sinnes and not for ours onely but for the sinnes of the whole world In all of which what can any man thinke to be Gods meaning Vse but to prouide a meanes to saue vs sinners And therefore whosoeuer feeles his sinne and feares Gods wrath may boldly come to Christ and stedfastly beleeue that God for Christs sake will forgiue him and remember his sinnes no more And so much the more may and ought euery one to whom this good newes of pardon is brought by the preaching of the Gospell lay claime to this pardon and so shall hee please God and saue his owne soule otherwise as his sin shall bee exceeding great so shall his damnation bee more grieuous I doe therefore againe exhort euery poore soule who faine would beleeue not to make his sinne greater then Gods mercy but seeing Christ hath borne the punishment of his sinne and fully appeased Gods wrath for him and doth expresly call him and proclaime this pardon vnto him therefore that hee commit himselfe to Christ and so giue glorie to God in beleeuing that through Christ his debt is discharged and he freed from condemnation so that neither God will nor the deuill nor his owne conscience shall be able to lay any thing to his charge then which what can bee more comfortable to a distressed sinner I know not This might content vs if wee were not so full of vnbeleefe but the Lord both knowing and pittying our distrustfull hearts hath said much more to perswade vs of our saluation in and by our Lord Christ Iesus And whereas wee haue learned that to the iustifying of a sinner there is required not onely that his sinne and punishment bee quite taken away but that hee haue perfect righteousnesse 2. part of Iustification without which there can be no life for although these two bee neuer parted no more then soule and body in a liuing man yet they be not both one Imputation of righteousnesse but necessarily distinguished and both required in him that is iustified in Gods sight The Lord therefore hath graciously prouided a meanes whereby we who since the fall of our first parents haue vtterly lost our originall righteousnesse and bee no way able to attaine such righteousnesse as God in iustice requires at our hands may recouer our losse be made perfectly righteous such as God will allow and for which hee will in his iustice grant eternall life As Paul in his glorious triumph before his departure did boldly professe 2 Tim. 4. 6. For I am now readie to be offered 7. and the time of my departure is at hand 8. I haue fought a good fight I haue finished my course I haue kept the Faith Henceforth is laid vp for mee the crowne of righteousn●sse which the Lord the righteous Iudge shall giue me at that day and not to me onely but to all that loue his appearing Which one Scripture might suffise to perswade vs to looke for this righteousnesse and eternall life which by due debt through Gods mercie and the merit of Christ is made ours But because this is not so easily seene much lesse beleeued that such as we shall euer attaine to this high dignitie the Lord hath reuealed his good will towards vs sinners in this behalfe that he hath prepared such a perfect righteousnesse for vs and made a faithfull free grant therof vnto vs that so wee may make it our owne by Faith This is most manifest in that heauenly comparison betweene the first Adam and the second Adam Christ Iesus set forth at large and in many degrees Rom. 5. 12 to the end The summe of all is this that the benefite we haue in Christ doth euery way exceede all the hurt we had in Adam as the Apostle himselfe saith verse 20. Where sinne abounded grace did much more abound v. 21. That as sinne had reigned vnto death so might grace also reigne by righteousnesse vnto eternall life through Iesus Christ our Lord. Where wee see that as sinne through Gods iustice brought death so by Gods mercy the righteousnesse of Christ brought to vs eternall life As is expresly said verse 19. For as by one mans disobedience many were made sinners so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous Wherin it is cleere that as Christ by his obedience was perfectly righteous so by it many that is all that by Faith receiue Christ are made
when the Lord gaue his Law to his people of Israell that he bound his people to obedience by these two bonds of his great Maiestie and his speciall fauour saying Exod. 3. 6. and 6. 7. and 20. 2. I am the Lord thy God It would be tedious and needlesse to heape more of this sort for this was promised to the faithful by the Prophets and Apostles in all ages that God would be their God and they should be his people Whereby was meant that they should certainly receaue from him whatsoeuer might bee good for them and should yeeld to him all that obedience which he required In which one promise if wee could stedfastly beleeue and rest vpon we should finde more true comfort then in all the world beside And therefore I desire all that want comfort to thinke much vpon this Of this kinde likewise be all those gracious promises that God is our portion that is all wee haue to maintaine vs in this world and wee his portion that is the chiefest thing hee makes reckoning of Psal 16. 5. 19. 5. 1. 7. 142. 5. his treasure his peculiar people the lot of his inheritance Deut. 32. 9. his chosen his delight and many the like are plentifull in the Scriptures Psal 33. 26. all shewing how deare vnto God his people are Psal 135. 4. that they may assure themselues they shall not want Exod. 19. 5. as the Prophet Dauid concluded vpon that meditation that the Lord was his sheepheard Psal 23. 1. and 146. 9. To this end is God said to bee Father to the fatherlesse a helper to the widow to succour them to supplie thē with all needfull blessings spirituall and bodily To this purpose very comfortable is that Psal 84 11. For the Lord God is a Sun and Shield the Lord will giue grace and glory and no good thing will hee with-hold from them that walke vprightly Meaning that the Sunne is not more beneficiall to the earth then God to his Oh that we had hearts to consider and beleeue these Then might we say and sing for ioy of heart with Dauid Psal 27. 1. The Lord is my light and my saluation whom shall I feare The Lord is the strength of my life of whom shall I bee afraid And to like effect Psal 28. 7. 8. Seeing the Lord hath thought it needfull so oft to testifie his goodnesse vnto vs there is no reason wee should thinke much to remember the same for our good The Prophet Dauid was neuer wearie of thinking hereof which was as I conceaue that which made him so large-hearted towards God and so excelling others in all holy conuersation as himselfe professeth vnto God saying Psal 26. 3 Examine me O Lord and proue me trie my reines and my heart for thy louing kindenesse is before mine eies therefore I haue walked in thy truth And againe How excellent is thy louing kindenesse O God! Psal 36. 7. therefore the children of men put their trust vnder the shadow of thy winges And the like Psal 31. 19. and else-where oft hee professeth Psal 62. 2. 6 7. 71. 5. God is his hope his helpe his health his rocke his refuge Ier. 17. 7. and many the like I●el 3. 16. All which should make vs boldly to rest on God for all things necessarie And yet behold more for exceeding oft doth the Lord promise that he will dwell among them Exod. 29. 46. and not forsake them but bee with them both to prouide for them Psal 37. 4. 145. 19. and protect them that he will blesse them Pro. 10. 24. that all shall goe well with them God will giue them their hearts desire that hee will bee their reward All which with sundrie the like effects of Gods fauour and prouident care ouer his to minister vnto them abundant releefe in all their needs are throughout the Scriptures so oft repeated that in what condition soeuer wee bee wee might haue store of helpe at hand to strengthen our faith that God will neuer faile vs but in that season and measure which he seeth fittest wee shall assuredly finde all needfull helpe for soule and body Vse for this life and that to come I doe therefore commend vnto all those who haue so profited by the former promises pertaining to the assurance of saluation that they haue some comfort therein this care to obserue well these large legacies which the Lord both in the olde and new Testament hath bequeathed to all his children as so many priuiledges belonging to them whereof no other person in the world though neuer so high in mans account shall euer bee partaker That they be not dismaid with any discouragements they shall meet with but rather reioyce and glory in their happie condition and so bee carefull to walke worthy of the same that they may thereby honour God their Father and that high dignity whereto hee hath aduanced them yea also mooue many to seeke to be partakers with them of so blessed a condition I could heere willingly take vp a bitter complaint against many of good hope that spend most of their daies either securely or vncomfortably Neh. 8. 10. not finding this ioy of the Lord to be their strength and not walking in the light of Gods fauour so cheerefully as they might if they would better weigh these gracious promises made vnto them and so lay hold vpon them as their owne whereby they might be refreshed in their greatest discouragements But this being besides my intentiō I wil thus end this point The second generall Head Now wee come to the second generall matter wherein we are to liue by faith namely how we may be able to mortifie our corrupt nature and ouercome our speciall sinnes which most preuaile ouer vs. That this cannot be without faith hath beene sufficiently prooued in the former part of this Treatise and how this power is obtained by faith from Christ Heere onely wee are to consider what promises God hath made vnto vs in the Scriptures to strengthen our faith in this that whereas we are full of doubting how we who are so full of sinne yea naturally sold vnder sinne and oft held captiue vnder some strong corruptions should possibly ouercome these yet wee may heare such comfortable promises from God as may assure vs no sinne shall haue dominion ouer vs but we shall daily master it and in the end obtaine a full victory ouer it For which purpose I cannot begin with any Scripture more effectuall then this selfe same Rom. 6. 1. c. where the Apostle doth not onely shew the absolute necessitie of forsaking sinne by all those who bee members of Christ but thereupon he exhorts them all saying Let not sinne reigne in your mortall body Verse 12. that yee should obey it in the lust thereof and shewes the way how this may be attained by not yeelding vnto sinne their mindes and hearts which be principall members
expressely said so much Psal 84. 11. For the Lord God is a Sunne and shield The Lord will giue grace and glory no good thing will he with-hold from them that walke vprightly Which being so generall I nothing doubt but it includes this grace of holinesse among the rest To this end also doth the Lord so often promise to sanctifie and make holy his people as Exod. 19. 6. 31. 13. Leu. 20. 8. 21. 8. 22. 32. Deut. 22. 8. 9. Esa 4. 3. 35. 8. Joel 3. 17. I spare to set downe the words which they that list may easily reade Againe to the same end God promiseth to make his people fruitfull and so compareth himselfe to a good husband-man as in the 15. of Iohn I am the Vine and my Father is the husbandman Euery branch that beareth not fruit he taketh away and euery branch that beareth fruit he purgeth it that it may bring forth more fruite So Esa 27. 2 3. In that day sing yee vnto her a vineyard of red wine I the Lord doe keepe it I will water it euery moment least any hurt it I will keepe it night and day and Psal 92. 14. They shall still bring foorth fruit in old age they shall be fat and flourishing This also is meant where the Lord as a good shepheard saith he will feede his people that they may be fat that is abounding in grace as Psal 23. Ezek. 34. 13 14 15. and Psal 36. 8. They shall bee abundantly satisfied with the fatnesse of thy house and thou shalt make them drinke of the riuer of thy pleasures c. This grace of God to leade a godly life is likewise intended in many other promises God giues strength as where it is said That God will giue strength to his people which as it is in some places meant against enemies bodily or spirituall so in other to walke in the waies of the Lord c. Esa 45. 24. Surely shall one say In the Lord haue I righteousnesse and strength Zach. 10. 12. And I will strengthen them in the Lord and they shall walke vp and downe in his Name saith the Lord and the like That God hath wrought all our workes in vs. Esa 26. 12. and so the Apostle Phil. 4. 13. I can doe all things through Christ who strengtheneth me But to this purpose be most plaine those promises where God saith Hee will circumcise thine heart and the heart of thy seede to loue the Lord thy God with all thine heart and with all thy soule that thou mayest liue Deut. 30. 6. God makes able to obey And to the like effect verse 8. And thou shalt returne and obey the voice of the Lord and doe all his commandements which I command thee this day which is here made a promise of God to them what hee would make them able to performe as may appeare by Hosea 3. 5. and 14. 7. and Ierem. 24. 7. where the like promise is made And so Ezek. 11. 19 20. And I will giue them one heart and I will put a new spirit within you and I will take the stony heart out of their flesh and will giue them a heart of flesh That they may walke in my statutes and keepe my ordinances and doe them and they shall be my people and I will be their God The like is repeated 36. 27. and 37. 24. Thus wee may see in these Scriptures and many 〈◊〉 of like sort Vse of these generall promises for sanctification how the Lord seeing the frailtie of his children both in obeying his will and in beleeuing that euer they shall be able to attaine thereunto hath for their comfort herein giuen many pretious promises in generall containing all grace needfull to the leading of a godly life which euery childe of God may boldly apply to himselfe in this manner seeing God who is faithfull hath said to all his people that he will giue grace that hee will sanctifie them and make them fruitfull satisfie them with the fatnesse of his house make them strong to walke in his waies and giue them a new heart to feare him for euer and to walke in his statutes and to keepe his ordinances and to doe them c. therefore I may boldly assure my selfe though I be neuer so weake yet through Christ I shall be able to doe all things For he hath wrought and will worke all our workes 2 Cor. 12. 9. and his grace shall be sufficient for vs. Yea we may say as Esa 45. 24. In the Lord haue I righteousnesse and strength If thus we would call to minde what God hath spoken for our comfort in this kinde it would well hearten vs to set vpon any dutie which the Lord shall require at our hands with confidence that we shall be able so to performe it as he will approoue and say Matth. 25. 21. It is well done good and faithfull seruant Whereas otherwise if wee looke vpon the difficultie of the worke and our owne insufficiency to euery good dutie we shall haue no heart to set vpon it but either quite giue it ouer or very vnfruitfully and vncomfortably goe about it as the manner of most is whereby God hath small honour and themselues as little comfort in all their profession This might suffice Particular graces to encourage vs cheerefully to set vpon a godly life in all the parts of it if we were not so vntoward to it in our selues and had not so many discouragements from others and so full of vnbeleefe towards God But because of all these the Lord in loue is constrained to take more paines with vs and not onely thus in general to promise vs his helpe but he descends to particulars and where he sees vs most mistrustful there he doth more specially promise his helpe that so we might more willingly serue him And first whereas we be all ignorant euen after regeneration in many things what is Gods will and how to performe such things as God requireth as may bee seene in those speciall duties before named in euery commandement and this hath beene of old and is at this day the complaint of the godly and so their oft and earnest prayer to God to teach them as that one booke of the Psalmes and therein that one Psal 119. doth shew wherein this prayer is oft repeated For these causes it is so oft said God will teach vs. that the Lord will teach his people As in that famous prophesie of the dayes of the Gospell where the zeale and faith of Gods people is foreshewed that they called vpon one another to frequent the publike assemblies vpō this ground That God would teach them his waies and they would walke in his pathes Esa 2. 3. Mich. 4. 2. So Psal 25. 8 9. He will teach sinners in the way and the meeke he will teach his way So Esa 54. 13. And all thy children shall be taught of the Lord. And to this purpose that is special 1.
the comming of our Lord Iesus Christ which is est repeated 〈◊〉 Cor. p. 9. and 10. 〈…〉 that we might haue it in better remembrance and vse And for confirmation hereof 2. Tim. 2. 19. it s sayd the foundation of God 〈…〉 grounded vpon this the Lord knoweth who 〈◊〉 his meaning that they whō God before the foundation of the world did chose ordaine to be saved cannot possibly perish as it is sayd Mat. 24. 24. If it were possible intending that it is not possible for then should God bee either m●table to change his decree or not Almighty as not able to performe that which he did purpose both which be most blasphemous to thinke of God for this cause Christ did bid his Disciples reioyce that their names were written in heaven Luke 10. 20. yea more in the same place 2. Tim. 2. 19. is said that this foundatiō of the certainety of salvation to all the Elect hath a seale which is after expressed in these words Let every one 〈…〉 of Christ depart from iniquity which I conceiue the same which is sayd Ephes 1. 13. that they after they beleeved more 〈◊〉 with the holy spirit of promise which is the earnest of our inheritance vntill the redemption of the purchased possession vnto the prayse of his glory In both this is mean● that the worke of true sanctification which the holy Ghost workes in every true beleever is an vnfallible marke that we are true beleever● effectually called and elected to salvation by Christ and therefore are sure wee cannot perish but shall persevere and bee saved This is notably set downe 2 Cor. 1. 21. 22. Now he which establisheth vs with you in Christ and hath annointed vs. is God who hath also sealed vs and given the earnest of his spirit in our hearts so that as true dealing men doe make sure their grants and covenants by seales and giving of some earnest which being a part of the prise covenanted doth assure the whole payment so doth the most faithful God by these first fruits of the spirit of sanctification assure vnto vs that we shall never quite fall away from grace but shall be fully sanctified by his holy spirit at the time appointed The Apostle Peter 2. 1. 10. by this moueth the faithful to make their calling and election sure And yet more if this be not enough to assure vs that we shall never fall away but continue to the end and be saved how often doth the Lord passe his word vnto vs that his spirit shall abide in vs for ever Notable is that place of the Prophet Esa 59. 21. As for me this my covenant with them sayth the Lord My spirit that is vpon thee and my wordes which I haue put in thy mouth shall not depart out of thy mouth nor out of the mouth of thy seed nor out of the mouth of thy seeds seed sayth the Lord from henceforth and for ever By this did our Saviour Christ much labour to comfort his Disciples who were full of sorrow to heare of his leauing them Ioh. 14. 16. And I will pray the Father and he shall giue you another Comforter that he may abide with you for ever 17 Even the spirit of Truth whom the world cannot receiue because it seeth him not neither knoweth him but ye know him for he dwelleth in you and shall be in you So againe Ioh. 15. 16. Ye haue not chosen me but I haue chosen you and ordeined you that you goe and bring forth fruit and that your fruit should remaine Ioh. ●6 22. Your ioy shall no man take may and more to like effect as Iohn 10. 28. 29. I giue them eter●all life and they shall never perish c. So the beloved Apostle Iohn wrote his first Epistle to this end especially to confirme the faithfull in the certaintie of their salvation that they should not fall away as many hypocrites then did and daily doe To this end as he setteth downe sundry markes whereby they may proue themselues to be in the state of grace so he giues many comfortable promises that they shall continue 1 Ioh 2. 24. and abide for ever and more specially vers 27. 17. But the anointing which ye haue received of him abideth in you and yee need not that any man teach you but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things and is truth and is no lye 〈◊〉 as it hath taught you yee shall abide in him c. Chap. 3. 2. Beloved now are we the sonnes of God and it doth not yet appeare what we shall be but we know that when he shall appeare we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is Vers 9. His seed remaineth in him and much more in this Chapter the rest I n●ed not rehearse all To shut vp this point A principall cause of this certaintie of our perseverance is that which the Apostle Peter expresseth 1 Pet. 1. 4 5 saying that their inheritance is reserved in heaven for them who are kept by the power of God through faith vnto salvation And to like effect the Apostle Iude closeth his Epistle with these words Now to him that is able to keepe you from falling and to preserue you faultlesse before the presence of his glory with exceeding ioy to the onely wise God our Saviour be glory and maiestie dominion and power now and ever Amen Thus haue I gathered you may see good store Application yet not all of those comfortable promises which God hath made to his Church in all ages to confirme their faith that seeing he hath freely loued them chosen them and called them to be his therefore none shall ever be able to plucke them out of his hand What remaineth then for vs who be compassed with such a cloud of testimonies which all agree in one but to be perswaded with the Apostle Rom. 8. 38 39. That neither death nor life nor Angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come Nor height nor depth nor any other creature shall be able to seperate vs from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus our Lord. Let vs then whensoever wee fall into this temptation oh I shall never be able to hold out I find my corruption so strong or if I should be called to any such fiery triall as in Queene Maries dayes I shall never be able to indure them but shall as many then did for feare fall away and deny the truth Let vs I say against this tentation set the many promises which the Lord hath made vnto vs that he will never leaue vs nor forsake ●s Heb. 13. 5. yea more that we shall be kept by his power vnto salvation that hell gates shall not prevaile against vs Mat. 15. 18. with many the like whereof before that duely wayghing these and the faithfulnes of him who hath promised them we may comfort our hearts that he who hath begun the
tooke and filled it with all grace for vs whereby hee was made Iesus Christ our Lord Iohn 1. 16. That of his fulnesse wee might receiue grace for grace that is in stead of that grace which God gaue man by creation he lost by disobedience and God long before promised and shaddowed in the Ceremoniall law and required in the Morall law in stead hereof I say we haue in Christ fully and truely all grace needfull for our saluation and to bring vs to a farre more excellent estate then wee lost by our transgression All which are most sufficiently by the Apostle drawne to foure heads But 1 Cor. 1. 30 yee are of him in Christ Jesus who of God is made to vs wisdome and righteousnesse and sanctification and redemption In which Scripture I desire more to be obserued specially these two things as most pertaining to our purpose 1. First 2 Obseruations that the Wisdome Iustification Sanctification and Redemption whereby any sinner naturally foolish guiltie defiled and in bondage is made wise iustified sanctified and redeemed is all alone in Christ who is made of God vnto vs all of these that is hee himselfe wrought all these things for vs and giues them freely to vs and no other way can any man haue any of these but from and in Christ We haue all grace in Christ as is expressely said in the first words of this verse where it is said that yee are of him that is of God in Christ Jesus that is made by God one with Christ set into him by faith as shall in the second generall point bee shewed the other speciall point 2 Obseruation which I thinke meet in this forenamed Scripture to bee obserued is this Many seek to be iustified by Christ not to be sanctified by him That whereas all who look to be saued by Christ in all the accusations of their conscience for any sinne doe runne to Christ alone for pardon of their sinne yet many of them being ouercome by their corrupt nature and so falling into sinne doe pray to God for more grace to mortifie the same and doe purpose and striue to master it both which must be done but these men not so cleerely seeing that all power to mortifie all sinne and to practise all good duties lieth onely in Christ and must from him be receiued by vs that so we may preuaile herein they faile that not receiuing this power from Christ nor well knowing how doe lose much labour and in long time get small victorie yea rather many times their corruptions get strength ouer them The chiefe remedie of this euill I take to be this that as wee obtaine pardon of sinne and be iustified by applying Christ vnto our selues so we in like manner must apply Christ vnto our selues for our sanctification being no more able to purge our selues then to iustifie our selues This is liuely represented vnto vs by the parable of the Vine and the branches Ioh. 18. 5. that as the branch receiues all sap whereby it is fruitfull from the Vine so doe we from Christ therefore hee himselfe saith Gal. 2 20. without me ye can doe nothing and to like effect the Apostle speaketh plainely neuerthelesse I liue yet not I but Christ liueth in me The reason hereof is as manifest that mans nature beeing so wholly corrupted that hee hath no inclination much lesse ability to doe Gods will Christ taking mans nature hath so sanctified it in his owne person that it is able perfectly to please God which puritie of his nature being in some measure communicated to vs sinners 2 Cor. 3. 18 we are changed into the same Image frō glory to glory euen as by the Spirit of the Lord which the Apostle Peter calleth to bee partakers of the Diuine nature 2 Pet. 1. 4. By all which and the like many it is euidēt that as all our comfort for our full free Iustification must be had from and in Christ alone so all the power whereby wee may mortifie our corruptions and performe all holy duties lyeth in Christ alone and must bee had in and from him And thus much for the former generall point that all grace we want is in Christ Now for the second that Christ 2. Of faith and all grace in him is receiued by faith Wee are well to weigh the nature of this faith what it is and how it is gotten and kept that so we may liue by it wherein this is to bee remembred that in this businesse we haue nothing to doe but with a true sauing faith which is vsually termed a Iustifying faith How iustified not for that it doth properly for any worthinesse in it selfe or by any efficacie in it make righteous but only for that as a weake hand it receiueth Christ our righteousnes who hath fully wrought all righteousnesse for vs and freely bestowed it on all those who receiue him by this hand of Faith Now then to say what this Iustifying Faith is howsoeuer many learned Diuines haue diuersly defined or described it I conceiue the whole nature of it may thus be sufficiently set forth vnto vs. Iustifying Faith is a beliefe of the Gospell What Iustifying faith is wherby I receiue Christ offered to me in the same This is plainely to bee seene in this Scripture among many others Iohn 1. 12. But as many as receiued him to them hee gaue power to be the sonnes of God euen to them that beleeued on his name Which I desire may be well considered for that so many bee deceiued in this matter of Faith and that diuersly who all by the light of truth may bee drawne into the right way and so finde that sweet and precious fruit of Faith which so few attaine vnto For the better vnderstanding whereof we are to obserue two speciall points pertaining to the nature of this Iustifying Faith 1. First what it hath in common with all other kindes of faith 2. Secondly what in speciall whereby it differeth from them all For the former Faith is a beliefe I call it a beleefe which is a giuing credit to that which is spoken whereby a man is assured that it is true which is spoken which assurance may be more or lesse according to the perswasion we haue of the truth of the speaker Now What is to be beleeued the matter the bee beleeued is here said to be the Gospell That is Gospell the glad tydings of of reconciliation made by Christ Iesus betweene God and man which though it be diuersly and in sundry speeches set out vnto vs in holy Scriptures yet all is most sufficiently contained in this one sentence deliuered by Christ himselfe Ioh. 3. 16. For God so loued the world that he gaue his onely begotten Sonne that whosoeuer beleeueth in him should not perish but haue euerlasting life wherein this is euident that the matter to be beleeued vnto saluation is this That
free and vndeserued so on the other side there is no sinne which ought to hinder any one from receiuing pardon so freely offered vnto him but rather as the greatnesse of the disease should more hasten the sick to seek to such a physitiō as can cure al diseases not keep backe such as be called to bee cured 〈◊〉 so no heinousnesse of sinne should driue any from comming to Christ which is able and willing to cure all that come vnto him but rather hasten the poore sinner more speedily to come to Christ and so much the more for that Christ shall haue greater glory in pardoning great offenders and more loue from them beeing pardoned As a Physition shall haue more credit in curing great then small diseases So then the maine thing that must mooue and draw a poore sinner to come to Christ to be eased is the free mercy of God offering Christ without exception to all that beeing laden would bee eased which euery one must apply to himselfe that seeing it hath so pleased God to send these glad tydings to him to call him command and beseech him to receiue this grace offered therefore hee neede not feare but may boldly beleeue and receiue Christ offred to him as wee shall further heare by and by For our further helpe Who promiseth wherein in the third place it shall bee highly needfull well to weigh who it is that maketh this great offer vnto vs miserable sinners euen God himselfe who is both 1. able and 2. willing and 3. as faithfull to performe what hee promiseth all which are so manifest that they need no proofe for the truth of them But wee haue neede oft to set them before vs for our vse to strengthen our faith in making vs more boldly to relye on Christ To this end are specially these testimonies of Gods power mercy and truth so often repeated in 1. Gods power the scriptures that wee might haue them euer before vs to vpholde vs against our doubtings and feares whereof our nature is full for though in generall none will deny but God is Almighty yet it may appeare in al ages not onely the wicked but euen Gods children haue doubted of Gods power as though hee were not able to helpe them as it is euident in Gods people in the wildernesse in their often murmurings through their distrust of Gods power Psal 78. 19. Can God furnish a table in the wildernesse For this cause was the Lord so often constrained to oppose his Almighty power against their distrust As for Sarahs laughing thinking it impossible she should haue a child the Lord saide to Abraham Is any thing hard or impossible to God Gen. 18. 14 And againe to Moses obiecting Whether al the fish in the sea should bee gathered for foode for Israell in the wildernes Num. 11. 23 The Lord answered Is the Lords hand waxed short thou shalt see whether my words shall come to passe or not The like many whereby it appeares to be a great cause of vnbeliefe that looking too much vpon the impossibilities which are apparent to vs and not opposing to them Gods power wee so despaire of helpe as is most sensible to bee seene in poore afflicted consciences whose chiefest feare and doubts are that their sinnes are greater then can be forgiuen and they thinke it an impossibilitie for such as they are to bee saued Who now knowing by Gods owne word that saluation in Christ is freely offered and proclaimed euen to them though neuer so vilde and vnworthy and that by God himselfe Psal 115. 3. 135. 6. who is of all power in heauen and earth to do whatsoeuer he will and to whom nothing is impossible this may bring the afflicted and despairing ner at least thus farre as to say then it may be God will be mercifull vnto mee wherein I doubt not may be found some true faith in apprehending the mercy offered though so weak as cānot be discerned or felt by the beleeuer himselfe and this I should take to be the lowest degree of faith For the further strengthening whereof it shall be much auaileable for all such as yet feele not not their faith Weakest faith and for euery weake beleeuer Goodnesse and mercy of God to cast their eies vpon the wonderfull mercy and goodnesse of God which alone maketh him so loath to cast away any poore sinner and so willing to saue euen his enemies and ranke traytours against his high Maiestie Here if euer is a fitte place for all such scriptures as set out Gods mercy to poore sinners the more to perswade them to beleeue as that of Ezechiel 33 11. where the Lord sweareth by himselfe saying As I liue saith the Lord I haue no pleasure in the death of the wicked but that the wicked turne from his way and liue turne yee turne yee from your euill wayes for why will yee dye oh house of Israel 2. Pet. 3. 9. And to like effect is that of Saint Peter That God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance which scriptures and many the like are not to bee vnderstood of Gods determining will and decree but of his reuealed and approouing will which hee would haue vs to know and beleeue thar thereby wee might bee drawne to rest our selues vpon him for saluation which whosoeuer though neuer so great sinner shall doe he shall not perish but haue euerlasting life This then is that sure foundation of faith whereon all that truely beleeue doe build namely the rich and free mercy of God reuealed in the Gospell whereby all that shall be saued be drawne thankfully to accept this mercy so freely offered to them beeing yet starke dead in their sinnes and voide of all sauing grace and therefore all they who looking into themselues and finding nothing to draw them but all to driue them from hope of life are often and much to set before them this vnspeakeable and vnualuable mercy of Almighty God as in preparing such a remedy for all our misery so in making so free a grant therof in the Gospell to all sinners excepting none And now more specially in ●endring it to them so that they may boldly accept this mercy in Christ offered to them and shall not sinne but please God therin that thereby they may be drawn on in a further degree to beleeue to finde mercy at Gods hands wherunto if one thing be added I see not what can be wanting to make the sinner bold to lay hold vpon Christ with all his merits so freely offred to him by God who is so able and willing to bestow Christ euen vpon his enemies This one thing I meane Gods truth is Gods truth and faithfulnesse in performing with his hand whatsoeuer commeth out of his mouth as Dauid and Solomon oft professed which howsoeuer as before I spake of Gods power it is confessed of all that God is both faithfull and iust
in all his promises yet nothing is more common then in time of tryall to distrust and feare God will not be as good as his word at least whatsoeuer is said wee feare wee shall perish We need not seeke for proofe hereof which is so recorded in the liues of the most worthy seruants of God who are otherwise highly commended for their faith hee that hath any insight into himselfe may see too much of this in himselfe how ready wee are to call into question Gods truth when God deferreth the helpe we looked for To passe by all others and to see this in the matter we haue in hand from whence is it that so few of those that bee truly humbled in the sight of their miserie who know and desire Christ yea more who haue heard and in generall beleeued the Gospell that it is the glad tydings of saluation that Christ bids al that be heauie laden to come vnto him and hee will ease them what is the cause I say that so few of these doe so laie hold on Gods word as to beleeue and to rest assured of their saluation by Christ I know no better answer then this that when it comes to our selues wee cannot beleeue God will performe his word to vs some thing or other will bee obiected by our vnbeleeuing hearts why we may not beleeue Against all which we haue no other buckler to hold out but Gods truth Psal 31. 5. as Psal 91. 4. His truth shall be thy shield and buckler which is such that hee cannot lie nor deceiue To this end it is that God is called the God of truth Reu. 3. 14. Christ the faithfull and true witnesse Ioh. 14. 17. the holy Ghost the Spirit of truth Ephe. 1. 13. the Gospell the word of truth that when our faithlesse hearts shall stagger and doubt whether that shall bee which God hath spoken we may stay our selues vpon this immoueable rocke God is faithfull 1 Cor. 19. As often it is repeated to strengthen our weake faith This then remaineth for the setling of the heart of the weake in faith That so oft as doubts arise concerning his saluation by Christ whether God so loue him that he hath giuen him his only begotten Sonne that he beleeuing might not perish but haue euerlasting life hee hath no other thing in the world to perswade him but this that God who cannot lie hath said it and therefore he may and ought to beleeue that Christ and all his benefits are his wherein the more to moue him he is to laie before him both what a great sinne it is not to beleeue no lesse then to make God a lyer 1 Iohn 5. 10. as the Apostle John expresly speaketh Ioh. 3. 18. and also what fearefull punishment it procureth euen a certaine and remedilesse condemnation as our Sauiour himselfe denounceth By these and the like considerations is true faith both first begotten and afterwards increased in all those that shall be saued which I haue more fully laid open not only for that it is the most principall matter to bee regarded concerning true sauing faith namely how he that hath it not may attaine to it But also for that it is if not the least knowne and laboured for Many seeke for markes of faith in vaine yet least attained vnto For I haue obserued many very inquisitiue for some markes of faith who neuer so much as knew any thing which might draw them effectually to beleeue And therefore now to end this point concerning the right and orderly way whereby an vnbeleeuer is brought to true and sauing faith my aduise is to all that finde their faith weake and consequently their liues much out of frame that first they take good heed whereupon they build their faith Build faith onely on Gods truth and that only vpon Gods mercy and truth reuealed in the Gospell which neuer changing are a sure foundation and not vpon their owne change which oft is deceitfull and at best variable and indeed is onely an effect and fruit of Faith accordingly shewing the strength and weakenesse of our faith and can by no meanes be made any cause thereof Thus haue we seene both what this faith is whereby the iust doe liue and by what meanes it is attained Now lest any should gather out of the former that any man may by his owne indeuour vsing these meanes attaine to faith I thinke meet to adde this that although it be Gods will and commandement to all to whom hee sendeth his Gospell Faith is not in mans power but wrought by Gods Spirit that they should beleeue receiue Christ offered vnto them and therefore it is the dutie of euery one so to doe and it is their sinne and shall be their condemnation who doe not thus as hath beene said in all respects yet such is the corruption of all man-kinde by Adams fall that not one soule hath either will or power to receiue this grace in Christ offered vnto him Rom. 11. 32. For God hath shut vp all in vnbeliefe that he might haue mercy vpon al Act. 13. 48. and so many beleeued as were ordained to eternall life Eph. 2. 8. and Faith is the gift of God Ioh. 6. 44. and none can come to Christ except the Father draw him Which is wisely disposed by God that no man might haue cause to glory in himselfe but that the glory of mans saluation may bee giuen to God From whence it commeth that besides this common fauour of saluation in Christ tendred to all in the Gospell yea besides the common gifts of the Spirit which many receiue who neuer receiued Christ by faith As knowledge both of mans misery the remedy thereof sorrow for the one and desire of the other with such others besides these I say God doth giue his holy Spirit to all that shall be saued who doth inwardly draw and incline their hearts to beleeue Gods free and gracious promises and so thankfully to accept Christ offered vnto them whereby indeed they bee truely made partakers of Christ and all his benefites and thereby bee iustified and sanctified and shall be fully and euerlastingly glorified And thus is a poore sinner by Faith made the childe of God and heire of glorie Now before we proceed to our principall intention to shew how this Iustified man may liue by his faith It shall not be lost labour to shew how this may be knowne of any How it is knowne a man hath this faith that he hath this true faith and how euery true beleeuer may be able to proue that hee doth so this certaine and infallible knowledge in any man that hee hath true faith Riseth ioyntly from the causes effects therof not from either apart as shall bee shewed Vnder the causes I comprehend all that worke of God Causes of faith wherby he worketh faith in any which standeth especially in these three things 1.
God will surely helpe him this wil make him so to rest contented and comforted as if hee had all present helpe that could be deuised So for spirituall if any should fall into sinne so as he had no hope of pardon and amendment yet then to beleeue so as to rest vpon Gods promise for both and so to be comforted this is to liue by faith The practise of both is plaine in scripture and in the liues of Gods faithfull seruants Notable is that of Abraham whereof Genesis which the Apostle citing Rom. 4. 18. affirmeth that he aboue hope beleeued in hope that hee might become the father of many nations according to that which was spoken so shal thy seed be Wherin it is euident that Abraham seeing no possibility in naturalreasō that he being so old his wife not only barren from her youth but now past childe-bearing should haue a sonne yet he as it is said Not weak in faith considered not his owne body now dead when he was about an hundred yeares old neither yet the deadnesse of Sarahs wombe staggered not at the promise of God through vnbeliefe but was strong in faith and gaue glory to God and beeing fully perswaded that what he had promised hee was also able to performe The selfe same is to bee seene in that honorable company of th●se worthy seruants of God in all ages from the beginning of the world to that day mentioned Heb. 11. Who all are brought in as a cloude of witnesses testifiing this truth that The iust shall liue by faith In all which may appeare that in whatsoeuer estate or straight they were brought into yet they so liued by faith that nothing could dismaye them much lesse ouerthrow them By ●hose example wee might learne if that we would make the right vse hereof that what condition soeuer should befall vs that we might so rest on Gods word and promise for all helpe needefull that in greatest conflicts wee should bee more then conquerours Rom. 8. 37. as the Apostle speaketh What a blessed estate this were it is not hard to shew whereof wee may see more when wee haue better learned how to attaine hereunto thus to liue by faith which was the second thing in this point propounded How to attaine to liue by faith For the attaining whereof these two things are carefully to be performed First to call to minde Gods promises Secondly to apply them For the former in all time of need that is whensoeuer God shall bring vs into any straight that we see not any way of escaping or meanes for our reliefe in such sort that wee begin to sinke into many feares and vexations of minde then to inquire if there be any good word of the Lord spoken for our comfort that so calling it to minde wee might raise thereout such hope of helpe in due time as may quiet and content vs till wee doe enioy in effect that which before we did expect This doe I take to be the ground of all our faith whereby we liue be maintained and vpheld in all our trials As was before more fully laid out when I shewed the way how any doe at the first attaine to sauing faith which is no other here intended for the daily increase of faith that we may liue thereby but the continuance of the same meanes namely to call to minde and to lay before vs Gods gracious promises made to comfort his people in all their necessities that thereby we might bee comforted and quieted in all the tempests of our vnruly thoughts and distempered affections patiently to waite on God for his helpe which shall not bee wanting in that time sort measure which he seeth most meete This being then the ground of our faith whereby we liue namely Gods promises which are as so many Legacies bequeathed vs by our heauenly Father and by his Sonne Iesus Christ in his last wil and Testamen● what can be more behoouefull for vs then to search this wil Testamēt for al such legacies as may cōcerne vs seeing they be many some way or other to get into our mindes and memories at the least the most principall of these that we may haue them in a readines for our vse in all occasions to minister so good comfort as if wee had the best helpe present wee could deuise and desire What will be the gaine of this practise I had rather we found by proofe then heare by report and so I hope we shall doe when wee shall bee more particularly directed to put this instruction in practise But yet before hand for encouragement thus much will I say and no more then shall be found true That he who shall but endeauour in any truth to practise this which here is taught shall finde his whole profession wh●t euer his condition shall bee of prosperity or aduersitie more easie and more comfortable And therefore to vtter my thoughts more plainely if may be I aduise all that be weake of memory and not so exercised in the scriptures as some are that they can readily vpon euery occasion call to minde such promises of of God How to gather promises as bee then most fit for their vse that such I say if they can write would collect and gather out of the holy Scriptures such special promises as they shal conceiue may most concerne them and be fittest to strengthē their faith as need shall require For such as bee not able fitly thus to releeue themselues my next labour shall bee to gather some speciall promises such as I conceiue bee of most vse in our ordinary affaires and course of life and referre them to their places that they may more readily be runne vnto vpon all occasions and likewise I will shew how these may bee applyed to our seuerall necessities for the strengthening of our faith that so we may liue thereby and finde sufficient contentment in God when all other helpes faile All which wee shall hereafter more see in their place But now to proceede with that I haue in hand to shew how this vnualuable benefit of liuing by faith may be attained 1. The first thing required hereunto I haue shewed Psalm 85. 8 is to vse the Prophets words I will heare what God the Lord wil speak for hee will speake peace vnto his people and 〈◊〉 his Saints c. That is to call to minde what comfortable promises God hath made to his children in such case or condition as we be in that thereon wee may build our faith and liue thereby To which end this in the next place is to be performed that we may attaine to this grace to liue by our faith namely How to apply these promises to our selues That we wisely apply these promises both to our persons that wee be the true 〈◊〉 of them 〈◊〉 Secondly to our present condition That it is such as God hath specially made his promise vnto if the promise be speciall For
sinners Mat. 22. 9 10 may be seene in his gracious inuitation of the vnworthiest to come to the wedding of his Son yea more by his beseeching sinners to be reconciled to him 2 Cor. 5. 20 and by the many and weighty arguments he vseth to perswade men to beleeue by the great rewards earthly and spirituall temporall and eternall which all beleeuers shall enioy and by the fearefull woes which shall fall on all vnbeleeuers both in this life and that to come Ioh. 7. 38. 3. 18. as plentifully is to bee seene throughout the Scriptures Out of all this mee thinkes a poore distressed sinner might thus stirre vp himselfe to beleeue If this bee certaine Note that God would not haue me perish but is very willing to saue me and therfore hath not onely prouided all sufficient meanes to bring mee thereto and made such a generall pardon as may assure mee I am contained vnder it yea seeing I now know that I am inuited and called to come to Christ and intreated to bee friends with God then may I be bold to come and assure my self I shal be welcome Yea further if I will not forgoe all these rich rewards tendered vnto me and pull vpon my selfe most iustly all those woes which God hath threatned against all despisers of his mercies then must I gladly accept Gods mercy offered to mee and if I finde my vnbeleeuing heart to draw back then must I ply the Lord with feruent and constant prayers that hee would draw mee by his Spirit to come to Christ and so to rest vpon him for my saluation And thus much for the generall promises both in regard of the matters promised and of the persons to whom they bee proclaimed that euery one who heares them may claime his part in them Speciall benefits Now to come to those speciall benefites which we receiue in Christ which belong to this first point how our faith is to bee strengthened in the assurance of our saluation by Christ I intend to referre all that I haue to say herein to these two 1. our Justification and 2. the fruites immediately growing from thence which I gather out of the Apostle Rom. 5. 1. to bee these three 1. Reconciliation 2. Adoption 3. Hope of Glory Concerning Iustification Iustification it is euident by the Scripture that all our saluation depends vpon it that whosoeuer shall bee saued must be iustified and therefore of necessity he that is not iustified must needs bee condemned it behooueth then euery one who lookes for saluation well to conceiue what it is to be iustified in Gods sight and then to make sure worke that hee may attaine it yea and know it also that hee is iustified without which is no comfort or hope of happinesse To be iustified before God is to be made righteous that is not onely without all sinne but hauing all that righteousnes which God in his holy law requireth as Rom. 2. 13. So was Adam and Eue by creation Eccl. 7. 31. God made man righteous Heb. 7. 26. So was Christ Such an high Priest it became vs to haue who is holy harmelesse vndefiled separate from sinners and made higher then the heauens Besides these not one of the whole stocke of mankinde was thus righteous but euery soule young and old was is and euer shall be in this world voyde of this righteousnesse and full of all vnrighteousnesse As Rom. 3. 20. Therefore by the workes of the law shall no flesh be iustified in his sight It followeth then that all that shall be saued must bee iustified another way and that is this by hauing that perfect righteousnes which was in Christ alone to bee accounted theirs as if it had been in themselues Not intending to enter into any further discours hereof which may bee seene in sundry Treatises written of this argument all our care must bee to get this grace in Christ whereby we shal assuredly be saued The Scripture is cleare that this is obtained by faith and no way else as besides sundry other scriptures the Apostle both soundly and plentifully prooueth Rom. 3. Gal. 3. reade the places in which wee shall see not onely the truth of the doctrine but many motiues to beleeue and imbrace this grace wrought by Christ for vs and by him freely offered vnto vs that we might receaue it to our comfort To this purpose is that which is said Rom. 3. vers 21. 22. But now is the righteousnesse of God made manifest without the Law hauing witnesse of the Law and the Prophets to wit the righteousnesse of God by the faith of Iesus Christ vnto all and vpon all that beleeue And so forward to the end of the chapter wherein for our purpose this is chiefly to be considered That as none are partakers of this benefite of Iustification in Christ but beleeuers so seeing none can beleeue to enioy this but such as know that God freely and faithfully offers it to them therefore it is here and elsewhere oft reuealed that as all haue sinned and are depriued of the glory of God so are they iustified feeely by his grace through the Redemption that is in Christ Jesus Which as I said cannot bee vnderstood that all doe receiue this mercie of Iustification purchased by Christ but that as Christ hath wrought it so God doth indifferently offer it in the Gospell to all which is more manifested by the words following verse 25. Whom God hath set forth to bee a reconciliation through faith in his blood to declare his righteousnesse by the forgiuenesse of sinnes that are passed c. The vse to bee made of these Vse and the like for the strengthening of our Faith in the assurance of our saluation by Christ is this that euery one who would beleeue doe set before him on the one side his owne sinfulnesse and cursednesse to be such that he is no way able to make any satisfaction whereby he might be deliuered on the other side that Christ hath made a full satisfaction vnto his Father for him a miserable sinner and freely offers it to him which if hee beleeue it shall be accepted for him and he thereby saued that this may draw him to renounce all hope in himselfe and so to relie vpon Christ for his Iustification and saluation This shall be more manifest in the parts of Iustification Parts of iustification which are forgiuenesse of sinnes Forgiuenes of sinne and imputation of righteousnesse and more especially in the former forgiuenesse of sinne which so vnseparably bringing in the latter imputation of righteousnesse the Scripture doth most labour to assure vs of And for this cause all blessednesse is worthily placed herein both by the Prophet Dauid and the Apostle Paul saying Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiuen Psal 32. 1 2. and whose sinnes are couered Rom. 4. 7 8 Blessed is the man to whom the Lord imputeth not sinne That it may driue
righteous in Gods sight To the same purpose it is said that wee are made the righteousnesse of God in him 2 Cor. 5. 21 And that of the Prophet Esa Esa 53. 11. By his knowledge shall my righteous seruant iustifie many for hee shall beare their iniquities And for this cause is Christ called The Lord our righteousnesse Ier. 23. 6. 33. 16. and that he is the end of the Law Rom. 10. 4. for righteousnesse to euery one that beleeueth And for this cause are the Sacraments said to be seales of the righteousnes of Faith 4. 11. to the same intent much wherein wee see how plainely and plentifully the Lord sets out this perfect righteousnesse and life thereby in Christ to be made ours Which if any shall but neglect and passe by and not accept how shall hee escape most iust condemnation As wee reade Heb. 2. 3. speaking of the same matter How then can this but perswade euery one Vse who desires saluation with both hands as wee say to receiue this great gift of Christs righteousnesse to bee his wherevpon depends so certainly his eternall happinesse And how iustly shalt thou perish who hearest of this great goodnesse of God prepared in Christ and offered in the Gospell to thee and yet wilt not receiue it but either securely neglect it or at least by thy vnbeleefe depriue thy selfe of so incomparable a benefite I can say no more to perswade thee but I beseech the Lord to perswade thee and doe thou giue the Lord no rest till by his Spirit he draw thee to embrace this benefite to thy euerlasting comfort Now to come to the fruites of Iustification Fruites of Iustification which bee so many effects of Gods grace accompanying and following our Iustification 1. Reconciliation 2. Adoption and 3. Hope of Glorie I am not ignorant that these bee set in another order diuersly by diuers Diuines which is not much materiall for all consent that they bee speciall benefites which Christ hath purchased for vs by his death and obedience and serue much for the assurance of our saluation Whereas on the contrarie the ignorance or doubting of them must needes breed much discomfort especially in time of temptation and at the houre of death Yet seeing these doe so depend vpon the former of our Iustification that hee who is iustified cannot want these and without a man be iustified he can neuer enioy any of them either to bee at peace with God much lesse to come into so high fauour as to bee adopted and made Gods childe and heire of all his blessings and lest of all attaine such hope of euerlasting glorie with God in his kingdome as might make him here in this vale of miserie not onely to cheere vp his heart in the expectation thereof but outwardly to reioyce and holilie to boast thereof seeing I say the iustified man and none else hath these most certainly the best way to get assurance of these is to make sure our Iustification in such sort as hath beene already shewed But seeing the Scriptures doe oft make mention of these that God hath prepared and offered these to vs in Christ it shall bee to our comfort to take knowledge of them and so labour for the right vse of them Remembring that I haue in the former part of this Treatise spoken of these effects of our faith out of Rom. 5. 1 c. to set out the great and pretious fruites which are gotten by Faith thereby to prouoke all more to labour for Faith I may now be the more briefe especially seeing the Scripture including them in the former is not so plentifull as in the former For the first of these Reconciliation Reconciliation I vnderstand that whereas before wee were in Christ we were enemies to God by reason of sinne Now by Christ wee are reconciled and made friends as Rom. 5. 10. For if when wee were enemies we were reconciled by the death of his Son much more being reconciled wee shall be saued by his life So likewise notably is this set forth 2 Cor. 5. 18 19 20. All things are of God who hath reconciled the world vnto himselfe by Iesus Christ and hath giuen vs the ministerie of Reconciliation For God was in Christ and reconciled the world vnto himselfe not imputing their sinnes vnto them and hath committed to vs the word of Reconciliation Now then are wee ambassadours of Christ As though God did beseech you through vs we pray you in Christ stead that yee bee reconciled to God In both which Scriptures these two things I obserue for our purpose first that we being rancke enemies to God Christ by his full satisfaction whereof his death was a principall part hath reconciled God his Father vnto mankinde yet not so that any haue the benefite thereof but they who gladly doe accept it The second is that seeing none could so much as know this much lesse haue warrant to beleeue to haue any part in it Therefore the Apostle as a faithfull disposer of the secrets of God plainely affirmes and for more certaintie repeats that this reconciliation was wrought for the world that is all mankinde though againe I say none but beleeuers enioy it And the more to draw vs to beleeue that God hath granted out a commission to the Ministers of the Gospell to preach and publish this good newes of reconciliation wrought by Christ betweene God and man and that they should by all meanes labour to perswade men yea which is wonderfull he saith that God by his Ambassadours doth intreate them to bee reconciled to God that is to accept this vnheard of mercy offered to them These things when I consider I cannot but admire Gods vnspeakable mercie in so seeking to saue vs his enemies and our brutish ingratitude in so light esteeming thereof yea our sensles neglect of our chiefest good and our deadly vnbeliefe by which we depriue out selues of so vnualuable treasure freely offered vnto vs. What may be said more to moue our stonie hearts either to desire or to accept so great grace I well see not but this I see and am sure of that it shall be more tollerable for Turkes and Pagans in the day of iudgement then for thee whosoeuer thou art who liuing in the Church doest either despise or so distrust this bountie of the Lord that thou doest not receaue it As for such who preferre any worldly thing before this vnmatchable mercy and so if not grossely reiect it yet securely neglect it and as swine trample such pretious pearles vnder their feet Reu. 22. 11 I say no more but hee that is filthy let him be filthie still But for such poore soules as doe highly prise this exceeding fauour to be reconciled vnto God and onely bee kept from it by distrustfull feares that it is not for them they being so vnworthie I beseech them in the Lord deeply to weigh what hath beene said to draw them
to beleeue and for an example to set before them Gods dealing with the Ephesians of whom the Apostle saith Eph. 2. 3. That when they were dead in trespasses and sinnes which is as bad as may bee yet hee heapes more of their wofull condition verse 2. 11. 12. yet these were quickned in Christ so likewise the Colossians Col. 1. 21. being before their conuersion strangers and enemies because their mindes were set on euill workes were reconciled to God c. And to say the truth so is it with all that bee conuerted as Paul testifieth of himselfe and all other beleeuers before their effectuall calling that they had their conuersation in times past in the lusts of their flesh in fulfilling the will of the flesh of the minde and were by nature the children of wrath as well as others All which if a poore sinner shall consider that others in as bad a state as he and many farre worse were receiued to mercy and that God doth in mercy as freely offer it to him as them and is as faithfull as euer to performe what he saith this doubtlesse will in time moue him to expect like mercy at Gods hands if hee shall with patience waite the Lords leisure and neuer giue ouer earnest supplication to God to draw him and daily meditation on Gods mercy Thus will I leaue this point hauing said more then I purposed Peace only I desire to be considered that vnder this reconciliation I containe that peace which Christ makes betweene God and vs whereof Rom. 5. 1. Eph. 2. 17. and elsewhere oft that it may bee referred to this head Now we come to the second fruite of our Iustification which is Adoption Adoption whereby I vnderstand that high fauour of God whereby hee maketh those who be iustified by Christ and so reconciled his owne children and heires of all his blessings If Dauid thought it no small preferment to bee sonne in Law to King Saul 1 Sam. 18. 23. what may bee thought of this And therefore the Apostle Iohn calleth all to an admiration of that vnspeakeable loue of God in calling vs to be the sonnes of God 1 Ioh. 3. 1. Wherein we haue to consider not only the excellencie of this estate but the certainetie of it without which we could haue no comfort by it This certaintie appeares as in this that God hath called all true beleeuers to be his sonnes so further in the next verse where he saith Dearely beloued now are we the sonnes of God though as he saith is appeares not what wee shall bee To this purpose well serueth that gracious promise which the Apostle citeth out of the Prophet Hosea And it shall be in the place where it was said vnto them Rom. 9. 26. yee are not my people that there they shall bee called the children of the liuing God So likewise when the Lord promiseth to such as shall separate themselues from the wicked And I will bee a Father vnto you 2 Cor. 6. 18. and yee shall be my sonnes and daughters saith the Lord Almightie Reu. 21. 7. Againe Hee that ouercommeth shall inherit all things And I will be his God and hee shall be my sonne these promises must be the cause of our faith and our faith the cause of our obedience as hath beene said And therefore it is said Yee are all the sonnes of God by faith in Christ Iesus Gal. 3. 26. And yet much more to our present purpose is that excellent Scripture Gal. 4. 4 5 6 7. which containes much for the strengthening of our faith in this whole point of the assurance of our saluation therfore I rehearse it all But when the fulnesse of time was come God sent forth his Sonne made of a woman and made vnder the Law that hee might redeeme them which were vnder the Law that we might receiue the adoption of sonnes And because ye are sonnes God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Sonne into your hearts which cryeth Abba Father Wherein to passe ouer all the rest this is euident that a maine end why God sent his Sonne to redeeme vs miserable sinners who are by nature vnder the curse of the Law was this that wee might by this redemption by Christ bee made Gods children and as the Apostle saith Rom. 8. 17. If children then also heires euen the heires of God and coheires with Christ as it followeth in the former Scripture Gal. 4. 7. Wherefore thou art no more a seruant but a sonne now if thou bee a son thou art also an heire of God through Christ If this be so as the deuill himselfe cannot denie who can sufficiently admire and magnifie the bountifulnesse and loue of God to man Vse by so great a price to purchase so high a dignitie Tit. 3. 4. as the Apostle John calls it that wee should be the sonnes of God Ioh. 1. 12. and partakers with Christ of all his glory in his Fathers kingdome But me thinkes I heare some one say It is true this is a most blessed estate if a man might bee assured it were his owne but seeing the Scripture oft witnesseth that they be but few who attaine this fauour Obiection how may I who am so vnworthy so full of sinne and voide of grace euer hope to bee a partaker hereof This beeing so great an obiection and so common whereby many be kept from beleeuing it is meete to be well answered It hath two partes first that so fewe come to bee Gods children to which I answer first the fault hereof is not in God who as oft hath beene said hath so largly proclaimed life in the Gospel to euery sinner Again if there were an almes of great value cast among many which a few onely could enioy what scrambling is there who could get it A memorable story of late yeares I will relate to be a witnes against all such wicked seruants Mat. 25. 26 and slothfull as our Sauiour calls them who hearing that a few shall bee saued will let others striue for it and be content to goe without it themselues which is indeede and so the Lord will count it a flatte despising of his mercy offered vnto them A rich woman gaue at her death a dole of sixe pence to the poore that came to Leaden Hall in London for which there was such striuing that many were troden to death how shall these rise in iudgement against our dainty idle ambitious couetous and voluptuous worldlings who euery one in their kinde striue extreamely for their desires but take no paines to be saued But to leaue these and to come to the second part of the obiection which concerns a better sort and farre neerer saluation who be kepr backe by their vnworthinesse whom as I much pitty for their vncomfortablenesse so can I no lesse blame for their ignorance that after so long preaching of the Gospell wherein all the mercies of God be
to God m●st attaine this by faith without which as all we doe is sinne Heb. 11. 6. so the Scripture speakes plainely Without faith it is impossible to please God And yet how few be they who haue attained this grace so to liue by faith as thereby to drawe from Christ continuall increase of spirituall strength better to performe all holy obedience and daily to get more comfort that this their obedience shall bee acceptable to God! Two branches of this 1. how to get grace 2. how to be accepted Wherein wee haue these two speciall branches to bee considered How we may get this grace to leade a godly life or how wee may haue comfort that this shall be accepted For the former Some chiefe failings in euery commādement that wee may better see how vnable wee bee of our selues to performe all holy obedience and so bee more willing to embrace the remedy I desire euery one carefully to examine himselfe by the Lawe of God how exceedingly he faileth in euery one of them 1. As for example in the first commandement In not walking with God not resting vpon him for relief in all his necessities nor so delighting in him as to count nothing too deare for him and that he is not more afraid to displease God then any in the world besides 2. In the second commaundement how slacke and slight hee is in all the worship of God both priuate and publike as namely in priuate praier which yet for the most part is in greatest vse As for reading the scriptures and other godly bookes how seldome meditation alone and conference with others how little thought vpon So likewise for the publike what carelesse and vnfruitfull hearing praying singing and receiuing of the Sacraments 3. In the third commandement How backeward he is lifting vp the name of God so as he might by all his behauiour bring God into better esteeme with those with whom he conuerseth 4. In the fourth commandement What adoe he hath to keepe his whole man imployed about the true sanctification of the Lords Sabbath In all which whosoeuer shall conscionably consider his waies I nothing doubt but he shall see iust cause to complaine of his want of faith whereby alone hee should receiue power from Christ and his Spirit much more effectually to performe all these holy duties to God The like defect shall be found vpon due examination in all duties of righteousnesse in the second table which God requireth both in regard of our selues and our neighbour As in the fifth commandement I wish euery one duely to waigh how badly hee dischargeth the dutie of his speciall place either in the Family Church or Common-wealth both such as are set aboue others and such as be below gouernours and gouerned and then he shall well see what neede he hath of faith to enable him to a better performance of those duties which his place requireth 6. In the sixt commandement How carelesse he is both in auoiding those things which hurt the life and health of body and soule both of himselfe and others and in vsing all good meanes for the preseruation of both And much more wanting in bearing and forgiuing wrongs in louing his enemies and ouercomming euill with goodnesse 7. In the seauenth commandement likewise What little watch and meanes are vsed to keepe both soule and body chaste and so to auoide all allurements to vncleannesse soberly vsing all our senses and their delights 8. In the eight commandement How hee failes in getting his goods iustly and so vsing them holily to Gods honour mercifully to the releefe of his neighbour and wisely to his owne good of soule and body 9. In the ninth commandement How carelesse he is as to auoide all blemishing of his owne good name or his neighbours any manner of way and so to preserue either and to recouer them being wounded by such meanes as God hath appointed 10. In the tenth commandement How hardly he can bring his heart to loue his neighbour as himselfe and to be as loath to hurt him as his owne selfe and to seeke his neighbours good as his owne Thus haue I briefely drawne out of the Commandements some of the chiefest duties which we cannot deny but that as wee are bound to performe them and desire so to doe so we faile much in the practise of them neither possibly can we doe better till we receiue grace from Christ to enable vs thereunto These being so manifest I hope I shall not neede to say any thing more to perswade any true Christian to labour for the increase of this pretious gift of faith whereby he may get power from Christ better to obey God in all that he shall require at his hands And therefore I would now set vpon this worke which is my chiefe intent to gather some speciall promises and to shew the right vse of Faith for our helpe in this behalfe But that I remember there is an other branch of this matter 2. Branch of this third point how our obedience may be accepted namely how we may doe all our workes in faith that God will accept thereof Wherein it will be no hard matter to shew that we are for the most part as much if not more failing then in the former as both reason and experience will prooue For a meere naturall man voide of all sauing grace may be drawne by selfe-loue for his owne good or by feare of danger that might befall him to doe many good things Mark 6. 20. as wee reade of Herod 2 King 10. 30. Iehu 2 Chron. 25. 2. Amaziah who did that which was right in the sight of the Lord but not with a perfect heart But to bee perswaded vpon good ground that God will accept our weake and sinfull obedience for perfect as if it were without fault this requires true grace yea a greater measure then many a weake beleeuer can attaine From hence it specially ariseth that sundry true hearted Christians Many discouraged by their infirmities very conscionable in their conuersation be yet much discouraged and by reason of the infirmities of their best duties haue little comfort in any thing they doe and so loose if not all yet much fruit of great labour so that it cannot be but welcome instruction to them to heare and learne how they may be assured that their weake obedience shall be pleasing to God as if it were without fault In both which I will doe my best to draw out of the welles of saluation the holy Scriptures such sweete promises as shall abundantly satisfie the thirstie soule whose chiefe desire is nothing more then to haue grace whereby they may serue God acceptably with reuerence and godly feare Heb. 12. 28. And first to begin with the former How wee may be sure wee shall want no grace that we may assure our selues wee shall not want any needfull grace for the leading of a godly life the Lord hath
promised and how little we enioy for howsoeuer it cannot be denied but in these daies of peace many haue ioy enough and too much too yet this vpon search shall be found to be carnall and fleeting not that spirituall and lasting ioy which God bestoweth on those whom hee loues It may euidently appeare by Gods word that as a father would haue his children to liue cheerefully so would God and therefore doth hee so much call vpon them to reioyce as plentifully is to be seene in the bookes of the Psalmes Prophets and Apostles That one for many may serue Reioyce in the Lord alway Phil. 4. 4. and againe I say reioyce Which if there were no more might let vs see Gods mind that he would haue vs not now and then sometimes to reioyce that is when all goes well with vs for so the hypocrites doe but alwaies euen in afflictions as the Apostle Iames exhorts My brethren Iam. 1. 2. count it all ioy when ye fall into diuers temptations Which is not simply for the afflictions but for the good wee are assured they shall bring to vs as is said Rom. 8. 28. That all things worke together for our good Few attaine ioy But yet they be but few who attaine vnto this blessed estate to reioyce alwaies in the Lord as any one may well perceiue if he shal consider either how seldome his heart is rauished with admiration of Gods goodnesse towards him so vnworthy and so to stirre vp his soule with the Prophet Dauid to praise the Lord which must needs be where the heart is well affected with this ioy as there can bee no true thankes where this ioy is not o● how often his heart is disquieted when any thing crosseth his will and desire which would not be if the heart were filled with this spirituall ioy which would make bitter things sweete It shall be therefore our wisedome to hearken to Gods word wherein we shall see how plentifully the Lord hath prepared this pleasant fruit of the Spirit and promised it to all the true members of Christ that so they may claime their part therein This is notably set out vnto vs in the booke of the Psalmes As first Psal 19. 8. The statutes of the Lord are right reioycing the heart Psal 23. 4. Thy rod and thy staffe they comfort mee 36. 8. 9. Thou shalt make them drinke of the riuer of thy pleasure for with thee is the fountaine of Life and in thy light shall we see light 89. 15 16. Blessed are the people that know the ioyfull sound they shall walke O Lord in the light of thy countenance In thy name shall they reioyce all the day and in thy righteousnesse shall they be exalted So Psal 45. 15. Speaking of the members of the Church saith With gladnesse and reioycing shall they be brought they shall enter into the Kings pallace Psal 64. 10. The righteous shall be glad in the Lord and shall trust in the Lord and all the vpright in heart shall glory Psal 68. 3. But let the righteous be glad let them reioyce before God yea let them exceedingly reioyce 97. 11. 12. Light is sowne for the righteous and gladnesse for the vpright in heart Reioyce in the Lord ye righteous and giue thankes at the remembrance of his holines 118. 15. The voice of reioycing and saluation is in the tabernacle of the righteous The right hand of the Lord doth valiantly 126. 5 6. They that sowe in teares shall reape in ioy Hee that goeth foorth and weepeth bearing pretious seed shall doubtlesse come againe with reioycing bringing his sheanes with him 132. 16 I will cloathe her priests with saluation and her Saints shall shout aloud for ioy It were not hard to gather many more out of the Psalmes Likewise the bookes of the Prophets be full of these Notable is that sweet song of Esai 12. 2. 3. Behold God is my saluation I will trust and not be afraid for the Lord Je●ouah is my strength and my song he is become my saluation Therefore with ioy shall yee drawe waters out of the wells of saluation Esa 24 14. They shall lift vp their voyce they shall sing for the Maiesty of the Lord. Esa 29. 19. The meeke also shall increase their ioy in the Lord and the poore among men shall reioyce in the holy one of Israel Esa 35. The whole chapter is full of heauenly comforts to vs Gentiles vers 1. The wildernes and the solitary place shall be glad for them and the desert shall reioyce and blossome as the rose Esa 56 vers 7. I wil make them ioyfull in my house of prayer Esa 62. 13. 14. Beholde my seruants shall reioyce but ye shall be ashamed Beholde my seruants shall sing for ioy of heart but ye shall cry for sorrow of heart and howle for vexation of spirit Likewise in the last of Esa bee many sweete consolations Hee shall appeare to your ioye c. ver 10. Reioyce ye with Ierusalem and bee glad with her all ye that loue her reioyce with ioy for her all that mourne for her That ye may sucke and be satisfied with the breasts of her consolations that ye may milk out and be delighted with the abundance of her glory c. to vers 14. And when you see this your heart shall reioyce and the hand of the Lord shall be known towards his seruants and his indignation towards his enemies In like sort spake our Sauiour to his Disciples that their hearts should reioyce Ioh. 16. 22. and their ioy should no man take away from them Ieremy also hath the like chap. 31. 12 13. Therefore they shall come and sing in the height of Sion and shall flowe together to the goodnes of the Lord c. Then shall the Virgine reioyce in the dance both young men and old together for I will turne their mourning into ioy and will comfort them and make them reioyce from their sorrow Zach. c. 18. 19. Thus saith the Lord of Hosts the fast of the fourth moneth c. shall bee to the house of Iudah ioy and gladnes and cheerefull feasts I will end with that Rom. 14. 17. The kingdome of God is righteousnes peace and ioy in the holy Ghost Thus haue I gathered store of these promises Vse in which the Lord promiseth to giue ioy and gladnesse to his people yet I suppose not halfe so many as might bee collected out of the scriptures for I doe not meddle with the many exhortations vnto this duty nor the many examples of it nor prayers for it all which shew the necessity of it But the marke I aime at is to perswade all who feele the want of this holy reioycing in the Lord whereby their whole life is the more vncomfortable that God hath prouided this for them and that there is nothing but their vnbeleeuing hearts which keepes it from them For if true faith be the breeder of this ioy as both scripture
hath beene renewed this promise of hearing the prayers of his people in all ages of his Church vntill Christ who knowing that wee vnder the Gospell haue as great neede both to pray and to bee comforted that God will heare our prayers hath giuen vs many incouragements to pray in faith Aske and it shall be giuen you seeke and ye shall finde Mat. 7. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. knocke and it shall be opened vnto you For euery one that asketh receiueth and he that seeketh findeth and to him that knocketh shall it bee opened The same is set downe Luk. 11. from verse 9. to 13. where it is said If ye then being euill know how to giue good gifts vnto your children how much more shall your heauenly Father giue the holy Spirit to thē that aske him So our Sauior said to the woman of Samaria If thou knewest the gift of God Ioh. 4. and who it is that saith to thee Giue me to drinke thou wouldest haue asked of him and hee would haue giuen thee the liuing water Likewise in those heauenly and last speeches which he vttered to his Disciples hee oft repeated those promises saying Whatsoeuer ye shall aske in my name that will I doe Ioh. 15. 13. that the Father may bee glorifie● in the Son If ye shall aske any thing in my name I will doe it The like oft Ioh. 15. 7. 16. 16. 23. and 24. Aske and ye shall receiue that your ioy may be full so the Apostle Rom. 10. 12. For the same Lord ouer all is rich vnto all that call vpon him Iam. 5. 15. The praier of faith shall saue the sicke and the Lord shall raise him vp and if hee haue committed sinne it shall bee forgiuen him and ver 16. the effectuall prayer of the righteous auaileth much The Apostle Ioh. hath the like saying 1 Ioh. 3. 22 And whatsoeuer we aske of him we receiue And againe 5. 14. And this is the confidence we haue in him that if we aske any thing according to his will hee heareth vs And if wee know that hee heareth vs 15. whatsoeuer we aske we know that wee haue the petitions that we desired of him And in the next place If any see his brother sin a sinne which is not vnto death hee shall aske and he shall giue him life c. Vse Thus haue wee store of these promises wherein the Lord bindeth himselfe to heare our prayers and grant our requests the end of all which is to cure this sore disease of our nature Vse that we be so full of distrust and so hardly beleeue that God will accept our prayers they being so weake and our selues so vnworthy For remedy whereof we are to be familiarly acquainted with these promises to make choice of some of them such as to our feeling are most comfortable that when we goe to prayer we may meditate on them that so we may bee perswaded by them that God will graciously pardon all our failings and accept our poore indeauours in the perfect satisfaction made by Christ for vs. The fruite of this practise would be exceeding great both to breede in vs a greater delight in this holy dutie which vsually is so much wanting And to make all our prayers more effectuall for the obtaining of all good things at the hand of God Whereas on the other side by neglecting this dutie of meditating on these promises we shall disable our selues from all comfortable practise of prayer and become more guilty not onely of contempt of Gods bounty in making such promises vnto vs but withall of greater impietie in making the holy true God a lyer in that wee doe not beleeue him in that which he speaketh Therefore as wee desire to auoide these sore euils and attaine these great benefits let vs make high account of these promises and so make them our owne that wee may haue the right vse of them especially in all time of neede This which hath beene said of Gods gracious accepting of our prayers All sacrifices accepted may as truly be applyed to all other holy exercises of religion and seruices of God In all of which the Lord is as ready both to enable vs to the worke and to be pleased with our sincere indeauours wee offering them vp to God with faith in the mediation of Christ Iesus Yet seeing besides these wee haue many promises that God will be pleased with our sacrifices which may be truly vnderstood of all it will adde to our comfort if we shall aduisedly consider of them of which sort is that in the Psal 51. 19. Then shalt thou be pleased with the sacrifices of righteousnesse Deut. 33. 19. c. As Moses blessed the tribe of Z●bulon in the same words 1 Pet. 2. 5. so the Apostle Peter speaking of all the faithfull saith Ye also as liuing stones are built vp a spirituall house an holy Priesthood to offer vp spirituall sacrifice acceptable to God by Iesus Christ And Paul writing to the Philippians speaking of the releefe which they sent to him calleth it an odour of a sweete smell Phil. 4. 18 a sacrifice acceptable well pleasing to God And writing to the Rom. 12. 1. saith I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that ye present your bodies a liuing sacrifice holy acceptable to God which is your reasonable seruice The Lord by Moses did oftentimes tell his people that they offering vp their sacrifices such as he commanded they should be accepted as Leuit. 1. 4. 22. 21. 23. 11. 26. 11. So Malachy 3. 4. Then shall the offerings of Iudah and Jerusalem be pleasant to the Lord as in the dayes of old and as in former yeeres This also may be gathered out of that which Moses told the people of Israel from the Lord that they bringing their sacrifices to the doore of the Tabernacle of the congregation There hee would meete the people of Israel Exod. 29. 43. and the Tabernacle should bee sanctified by his glory Which may bee gathered out of that which followeth that the Lord would dwell among them and be their God to heare and helpe them which is else-where oft repeated Esa 60. 7. foreshewed this saying They shal come with acceptance c. And hitherto may be well referred the many fauours which God promiseth to our obedience which is an acceptable sacrifice to God offered vp in Christ As the Lord said vnto Cain Gen. 4. 7. If thou doe well shalt thou not be accepted the like the Lord said to his people of Israel in preparing them to heare his Law Now therefore if yee will obey my voice indeede Exod. 19. 5. and keepe my couenant then ye shall be a peculiar treasure vnto me aboue all people for all the earth is mine 6. And ye shall bee vnto me a kingdome of Priests and an holy nation Leuit. 26. 3. to 14. and Deut. 28. 1. to 14. be many
without the preaching of the word so whosoeuer shall conscionably attend to it shall certainly be saued which if it were beleeued it could not but make men runne to it with great alacritie and so should they finde much comfort thereby To this purpose bee there so many commendations of the word throughout the scriptures specially in the bookes of the Psalmes and of the Prouerbs It would be too long to cite all yet all are to be referred to this end to breede in vs a greater delight in this word which bringeth such incomparable benefits Of this sort are these Psal 19. 7 c. The Law of the Lord is perfect conuerting the soule The testimonie of the Lord is sure making wise the simple The statutes of the Lord are right reioycing the heart And so followeth to like effect in the same place The whole Psalme 119 was written to this purpose to set out the excellencie of this word in all respects and specially for the worthy effects and fruits which it bringeth foorth in euery one who truelie embraceth it so that it is obserued by many learned Diuines that omong 176. verses there be scarce foure or fiue at the most wherein there is not some commendation of the word to stirre vp all Gods people better to esteeme it and more diligently to attend to it that they may enioy the fruites of it at all times and in all estates To which end I require euery true Christian to be much exercised in this Psalme that they may be familiarlie acquainted with it and so haue it in readines for their vse in all their necessities I might say as much for the booke of the Prouerbs wherein besides the many and most wise directions for the well ordering of our whole life are contained especially in the first nine chapters admirable commendations of those heauenly instructions which God as a Father by his seruants doth giue vnto his children Prou. 4. 13. A few for many Take fast hold of instruction let her not goe Keepe her for she is thy life Wherin what can bee more contained then this that instruction is our life meaning that thereby wee attaine all things pertaining to the comfort of this life and of that to come This might be set out at large in particulars both in the escaping of manifold euills sinnes and punishments which they fall into who want or will not receiue these instructions as also in the enioying of many blessings bodily and spirituall which others want but I leaue the further consideration of these to euery ones particular meditation who desires to see the truth hereof No doubt Dauid meant no lesse when he said Psal 119. 165. Great peace is and shall be to them that loue thy Law and nothing shal offend them Who would not highly prise that word which brings all manner of wisedome to all sorts learned vnlearned wise and silly olde and young Yet all this doth that one booke of the Prouerbs as is expresly said in the sixe first verses of the first chapter as you may there reade and therefore how much more is this to bee found in the whole Scripture Which Vse me thinkes should put life into any good heart to bee much conuersant in the hearing reading and meditating of the word of God For further quickning herein I will onely quote the places and referre euery one that listeth to heare more of this matter to peruse them and so shall he finde enough to hearten him to this duty Prou. 1. 9. 23. 2. from 1. to 13. 3. 1. to 4. 13. to 24 4 5. to 13. 20. to 22. 6. 20. to 24 7. 1. to 5. 8. the whole chapter In these and many other places of the olde and new Testament Applicatiō the Lord knowing our exceeding backwardnesse in true receiuing and keeping his word which yet is so necessary as that there is no saluation without it doth make so many pretious promises as I know not whether to any thing more That at least by some of them we who bee so full of doubting how wee may attaine to the right vse of the word may be more heartened to a conscionable and constant attendance vnto it that so we may in due season reape the sweete fruit thereof This then must be the care and labour of euery one who feeles the want of this comfortable vse of Gods word and earnestly desires it to bee well acquainted with these promises and out of all to gather some of the chiefe such as seeme to him most speciall and so commit them to memory that whensoeuer he goeth to the word he may meditate vpon these and so be more encouraged to attend vnto Gods word with expectation of Gods blessing vpon his labour The want of this meditation vpon Gods promises when wee goe to the word is one chiefe cause of that great sinne of vnfruitfull hearing and consequently of that little growth in grace which is euery where to be seene among ordinary resorters to the publike ministery as the Apostle reporteth of the Hebrewes that the Word preached did not profite them Heb. 4. 2. being not mingled with faith in them that heard it Out of this which hath beene saide of the word in generall Sacramēts which well may bee referred to all the seuerall exercises therein publike or priuate to euery of which many of these promises doe pertaine we may safely gather comfort in the vse of the Sacraments which be truely called a visible Word because that which is spoken in the word to the eare is in visible signes represented to our eyes sealed to our hearts that wee may bee the more assured of them to bee ours so that if wee had no speciall promises made expresly to them yet wee might out of the former receiue sufficient encouragement to looke for the benefite of them that is to be made partakers of Christ and life in him which is the summe and substance of all that which is promised in the word But seeing the Lord who in all ages of his Church ordained these holy signes and seales of his Testament in which he bequeathed Christ and all his benefits to true beleeuers and their seede knowing our great weakenesse of faith in receiuing these seales hath so laboured to giue vs assurance that if wee thinke there is any truth in him we may bee as sure that Christ and al his merits are ours as the outward signes which we see with oureies and our hands doe handle let vs for our comfort carefully consider hereof Not to meddle with the Sacraments of the olde Testament Circumcision and the Passeouer both which were to the people of God sure seales of the righteousnes of faith Rom. 4. 11. as the Apostle speaketh of Circumcision and doth as truely belong to all the Sacraments of the olde and new Testament this one Scripture might sufficiently assure any that hee truely receiuing the outward seales according to Gods appointment should
make our vse of all these three benefits by afflictions 1. That they be sent from God to be trialls to discover to our selues and others godly and wicked what strength of grace and sinne doth remaine in vs which is many waies profitable 2. To be effectuall purgations to wast and weaken those speciall corruptions which most hinder our soules health 3. And lastly to quicken all saving graces in vs and so every way to make vs better both to glorifie God in this life and to be glorified of him in the life to come The least of all which fruits of afflictions Vse of all these benefits by afflictions though it went alone if the profit and comfort it bringeth might be well prised would moue any good heart if lawfully they might to desire afflictions at least to be glad of them when the Lord our loving Father and wise Physitian doth send them to vs how much more then when as all these shall be joyned together should we rejoyce and blesse God for them There is no good Christian but he greatly desires to be more humbled in the sight of his manifold sinnes and to be comforted with the sweet feeling of Gods graces in him Yea much more desires he to be purged from these spirituall corruptions which take away his stomacke and strength that he can neither feed nor worke as his place requires And aboue all doth he covet spirituall graces that he might shine out in a godly life to the honour of his profession the winning of oothers and making sure his calling and election All which seeing they be procured by afflictious and hardly or never without them as that place 1 Pet. 4. 18. proveth And if the righteous be scarcely saved And this is the chiefe cause why none of Gods children are without them as Heb. 12. 6. 7. 8. me thinkes there is great reason why we should be thankfull to God for them and so labour to reape this fruit by them that we may say and sing with the Psalmist as it is sweetly expressed in the Meeter O h●ppie time may I well say when thou didst me correct For as a guide to learne thy lawes thy rod●●d me direct So little cause haue Gods children to thinke their condition miserable because of afflictions that if we will beleeue and practise what the Apostle Paul professed and performed we must in a holy manner boast of our afflictions Rom. 5. 3. as a Souldier of his scarres got in battell And as a little before we heard 2 Cor. 12. 10. Paul did take pleasure in reproches in necessities in persecutions in distresses f●● Christs sake Thus we see what comfort we may get out of Gods Word fitly applyed vnto vs by faith for the better bearing of all afflictions of what sort soever I might gather many other fruits of afflictions as some haue done but if all be well wayghed they may be referred to one of these three and so having sayd sufficient of the three former grounds of comfort in afflictions I will come to the fourth and last The fourth ground of comfort in afflictions which is to set out what helpe God hath promised vs in all our troubles that we may be able to beare them and in due season to giue vs a good issue out of them Concerning which it will be profitable to obserue that the Lord knowing our great weaknes to beare the crosse and how full of distrust we be that God will not be ready to helpe vs at least as we would both which are so often to be found in the liues of Gods faithfull servants in all ages as needs no further proofe the Lord I say well acquainted with this frailtie of his children hath most plentifully provided all sufficient helpe to support them and therefore made so many promises to be with them in all their troubles and succour them in all extremities that they shall never perish but in the end find a good end and issue out of them to his glory and their endlesse comfort Having pervsed these promises and gathered them out of the Scripture I may boldly say they doe farre exceed in number all the former so that it would be too tedious to set them down all I will therefore make choice of some of the chiefe that we may haue them ready for our vse against time of need Among all that is exceeding full of comfort which is written Rom. 8. 26. In which chapter the Apostle intending to teach that nothing should hinder the happines of those that be in Christ whereas there be but these two corruption and affliction hee first confutes the one from verse ● to ●7 and secondly the other concerning afflictions from verse 17. to 31. And whereas it might be obiected that though afflictions were profitable to those that could endure them yet oft they be so heauie that we cannot so much as cry to God for helpe as we ought hee answers that even then the spirit helpeth our infirmities c. meaning that when we begin to sincke as not able to stand vnder the burthen then Gods Spirit puts vnder his hand to support vs. Which is in so many words said Psal 37. 24. Though he f●ll he shall not vtterly be cast downe for the Lord vpholdeth him with his hand Which is when hee doth by his Spirit strengthen vs with faith and patience to waite for Gods helpe one way or other either to rid vs out of our afflictions or make vs quietly to bea●e them so long as shal seem good to his heavenly wisedome to continue them For which cause our Saviour Christ fortelling his Disciples of many afflictions Iohn 14. 15. 16. which should befall them in the worlde among other incouragements hee oft tels them that he will send them his holy Spirit to be their comfo●●r who shall be stronger in them then all their adversaries And to the same purpose 16. 33. telling them that in the world they should haue tribulation he bids them bee of good cheare for hee hath overcome the World Likewise the Apostle 2. Cor. 1. 3 4. to hearten the Corinthians to indure all troubles calleth God the God of all comfort who comforted him and all others in all their tribulations that they might be able to comfort others which are in any trouble The like is to be seene almost in all the holy Epistles in which the Saints be incouraged to suffer afflictions patiently But to proceede exceeding many be the places in which God promiseth to his people that he wil be a sure and speedy help in all troubles in due season ready to be found David had great experience thereof The booke of the Psalmes is full of those speeches God ●s my 〈◊〉 my tower my refuge my shield and buckler my health and strength and many moe all tending to this that looke what helpe any man in danger may find in any earthly meanes what soever God is the same much more
to al his people in all their necessities bodily or spirituall Because the fai●hfull in all ages haue stood in need of this comfort therefore is this so oft repeated that we in our generation may looke for the like helpe in our neede To the same intent be many other like speeches That God will lighten our darkenesse hee will keepe the feete of his Saints he will not forsake them nor forget their complaint That they shall not be confounded In time of trouble he will hide them His Angels shall pitch about them He wil heale them and take all sicknesse from them They shal not feare their enemies but God will make their enemies afraid of them Be avenged of their enemies That God wil repent him of the evill pronounced against them with many other of like sort and oft more specially of removing warre pestilence c. The summe of all which is Application that into whatsoever calamitie or distresse Gods children shall fall though the Lord doe leaue them for a season as though he did not regard it yet hee will be with them by his Spirit to helpe them that they shall not vtterly perish yea rather that they shall be able with patience to hold out till God send them a happy end and issue out of all That this hath beene Gods dealing with his beloved in all ages needs no proofe it is so manifest Ioh David and Paul may be sufficient to witnesse this how wonderfully God was with them in al their tryals The other branch of this last ground of comfort is this God will deliver that the Lord will not onely assist his vnder the burthen of their afflictions with all needefull helpes that they may be able to beare them but will in due season fully deliver them out of them all which being so hardly beleeved especially in great and sore afflictions therefore the Lord hath very often renewed his promise of delivering his out of all their troubles All of which for the most part being the fame both in sense words a few may suffice for many David had great proofe hereof and therefore after a mighty deliverance and that by a hard shiftfull of infirmitie hee composed that excellent Psalme 34 where magnifying Gods mercy for so great deliverance hee riseth higher to set out the like goodnes of God to all the faithfull saying verse 7. The Angell of the Lord 〈◊〉 round about them that feare him and delivereth them and verse 17. speaking of the righteous he sayth they cry and the Lord heareth and delivereth them out of all their troubles and verse 19. many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivereth him out of all so Psalme 27. 39. 40. But the salvation of the righteous is of the Lord is their strength in the time of trouble And the Lord shall helpe them and deliver them he shall deliver them from the wicked and saue them because they trust in him These shall suffice in so cleere a point for there are none that be any whit exercised in the Scriptures but may finde like testimoninies and proofs of the truth though not alwayes in the same words It is fully to the same purpose that the Apostle ● Cor. 10. 13. comforteth them with this amongst other Arguments that God will with the tentation make away to escape●… 〈◊〉 ye may be able to beare it and that of Ieremy 29. 11. For I know the thoughts that I thinke towards you saith the Lord thoughts of peace to giue you an expected end By these and very many other the like it is cleere that this is Gods wonted favour towards his Children that though for sundry and those most iust causes he lead them into troubles and oft leaues them a long time vnder them yet he never finally forsakes them but when the time to haue mercy is come Psal 102. thē the Lord will surely succour all his and deliver them by one meanes or other such as shall make most for his glory and the good of all his All of which being so certaine Application that how many and great soever and of long continuance the afflictions of Gods children shal be yet the Lord will never leaue nor forsake them but will be a present helpe in time of neede ministring all needefull comforts both outward helpes and inward graces to support them and in the end will one way or other fully set them free and quite deliver them out of all their feares and troubles we may see what small cause wee haue to be discouraged by our afflictions or to fret and repine at them yea rather wee haue most iust cause to reioyce in thē to blesse God for them and to labour both to beare them and to profit by them that God may haue glory thereby our selues may reape the benefit by them and others may profit by our example And thus laying all together which hath beene sayd of afflictions we shall find that they be no lets but special helps as to godlinesse in this life so to happines in the life to come Thus much for this fourth point how to liue by faith in all afflictions of what sort soever THE FIFT GENERALL HEAD OF living by FAITH is for earthly blessings THvs haue we in these foure points handled how wel God hath provided for our spirituall life all needfull blessings that whatsoever our condition shall be yet we may comfort our selues in God who as he hath promised so will he performe that we shall not want any thing that is good And whatsoever doth befall vs though never so hurtfull in it selfe yet it shall turne to our good in the end Now we are come to the fift generall head of this Treatise of living by faith which concernes all earthly blessings how we may be provided of all things needfull for this naturall life which being so necessary as we well know that we cannot be without them we be naturally so addicted to them that nothing doth more take vp our minds and hearts Care for earthly is a hinderance to spirituall then our care labour for these neither doth any thing more hinder our spirituall life All which the Lord our God well considering hath herein most bountifully provided for vs and promised vnto vs all needfull blessings for this life in such sort that were we wise to see and imbrace this bountie of the Lord we should not onely be freed from a world of cares and troubles wherewith most men be vsually so incumbred that they can find or spare no time nor travell to seeke after the things which belong to a better life but we should be so furthered by our contentment in those outward and earthly blessings that with more chearfulnesse we should run our race of Christianitie and be every way more fit to all holy duties Let vs then heare and consider what the Lord saith vnto vs in this behalfe Generall promises for earthly blessings
And first to begin with those earthly blessings which be generall and containe all the particular blessings of this life It may appeare that this is Gods gracious intent to succour our weaknes who although we enjoy many good blessings for this present life as health and wealth food and raiment and the like many yet if we wanted but one it would much molest vs and take away our comfort and chearfulnesse in his service for this cause the Lord as a tender father desiring the welfare of his beloved child bids him be a good and obedient child and so promiseth him he shall not want any thing So I say the Lord our kind and tender father bids vs as good children hearken to his voyce and to be ruled by him and tels vs we shall not want any thing that is good as is expresly sayd Psal 34. where Dauid led by a late experience of Gods mightie delivering him out of a great danger composeth a Psalme of thankesgiuing vnto God for the same wherein he provoketh all other the faithfull servants of God as to praise God with him Psal 34. so to consider this bountie of the Lord Vers 3. saying O ●ast and see that the Lord is good 8. Blessed is the man that trusteth in him 9. And againe O feare the Lord yee his Saints for there is no want to them that feare him Yea more speaking as I vnderstand him of the mightie and cruell oppressours of the world who like devouring beasts doe eat vp as sheepe Gods poore people Vers 10. sayth The Lyons doe lacke and suffer hunger but they that seeke the Lord shall not want any good thing and to like effect much more in that Psalme as you may read Psal 84 11. The Lord God is a Sunne and shield c. and no good thing will he withhold from them that walke vprightly Againe beholding how much it vexed Gods children to see the wicked prosper in this world and the godly many wayes distressed ●e of purpose made the 37. Psalme to hearten the godly against this sore tentation which hath in all ages much troubled Gods people as may be seene by the complaints of Iob and Ieremy Iob. 21. and many others Ier. 12. In this Psalme the Prophet doth plentifully handle this point Psal 37. that the state of the godly is farre better even in this life then the wicked besides the infinite oddes in the life to come for proofe whereof as he in many words sets out the short and soone fading prosperitie of the wicked so doth he more largely lay downe the blessed condition of the godly in things belonging to this life As vers 3. Trust in the Lord and doe good so shalt thou dwell in the land and verily thou shalt be fed Vers 4. Delight thy selfe in the Lord and he will giue thee the desires of thine heart Vers 5. Commit thy way vnto the Lord trust also in him and he shall bring it to passe Vers 1● But the meeke shall inherit the earth and shall delight themselues in the abundance of peace Vers 16. A little that a righteous man hath is better then the riches of many wicked With many other like in the same Psalme as you may see To the same purpose was made the 73. Psalme where he begins Yet God is good to Israel and to such as are of a cleane heart and doubtlesse many other Psalmes were made to comfort the faithfull in this life that God would be their portion and reliefe in all their necessities as Psal 16. 5. 6. Psal 23. is wholly to the same end which he propounds v. 1. The Lord is my Shepheard I shall not want and so proues it in the verses following I might heape vp many other scriptures to this end for God hath not beene sparing in this kinde as every one who is exercised in the Scriptures can witnesse Mat. 6. 33. But seeke yee first the ki●gdome of God and his righteousnesse and all these shall be added vnto you This is that which is so oft repeated Deut. 5. 16. 5 33. 6. 3. 18. 22. 25. 28. That it may goe well with thee in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee This also must needs be meant in those Scriptures which set out the goodnesse of the Lord as Psal 3● 19. O how great is thy goodnes which thou hast layd vp for them that feare thee which thou hast wrought for them that trust in thee before the sonnes of men And Psal 145. 9. The Lord is good and his tender mercies are over all his workes Its needles to cite more of these which be so common wherein Gods goodnesse louing kindnes and mercy and that specially in things belonging to this naturall life are commended vnto vs For seeing godlines hath the promises of this life aswell as of the life to come It cannot be doubted but in all those generall promises wherein God sayth He will dwell with his and not forsake them That God will loue and blesse his people That he will be their God Will reioyce ouer them to doe them good Will compasse them with favour as with a shield Will keepe his covenant with them That he will see peace in their borders and prosper them in all they goe about In these I say and the like many it cannot be doubted but all needfull blessings of this life be contained And therefore this should be the Vse Vse of all these generall promises we should make of them all that whensoever we feele our selues pinched with any earthly necessitie then to runne to any one of these gracious promises that so well considering what abundant reliefe is contained in them we may quiet and content our minds therewith assuring our selues that seeing he is faithfull who hath promised we shall not want any earthly blessing at what time and in what measure it shall be good for vs. These generall promises of all good things for this life are the more to be observed in reading the Scriptures and at least some of the most principall in our conceit to be kept in memory that they may be ready for our vse in time of need both for that these be many mo and more oft repeated in Scripture then any particular and also for that we cannot alwayes haue ready the particular promises for our speciall necessities when we haue most need of them And this might be sufficient to haue spoken of this point for the strengthning of our faith in the assurance that we shall not want any earthly blessing which shall be needfull for vs. But seeing the Lord hath so far yeelded to our infirmitie Speciall promises as to apply his promises to our speciall necessities it shall be available for our comfort to take knowledge of them that so we may make our vse of them as need shall require Among all earthly blessings Long life life it selfe is the chiefe for vpon it all other depend And the Devill himselfe who is so well acquainted with our disposition could say All that a man hath will he giue for his life for this cause the Lord the
more to hearten vs to all obedience doth make so many promises of long life and many dayes as in the fift Commandement which the Apostle sayth is the first Commandement with promise Exod. 20. 22. Every child is there commanded to honour his father and mother vpon this promise That his daies may be long in the land So Deut. 5. 3. You shall walke in all the wayes which the Lord your God hath commanded you that ye may liue and that it may be well with you and that ye may prolong your dayes in the land which ye shall possesse The like Deut. 25. 15. 30. 20. In the booke of the Proverbs this is very oft repeated chap. 3. 1. 2. Salomon in the name of God as a father exhorting his sonne sayth My sonne forget not my law but let thy heart keepe my commandements addeth this promise vers 2. For length of dayes and long life and peace shall they adde to thee More to like effect in the same Chapter where setting out exceedingly the great gaine of wisedome that is of saving knowledge among the rest he addes this vers 16. Length of dayes is in her right hand and in her left hand riches and honour And vers 18. Shee is a tree of life to them that lay hold vpon her and happy is every one that retaineth her Chap. 4. from vers 5. to vers 14. you shall read both this promise of life and many other blessings belonging to this life repeated which I will spare to set downe finding writing to me now more tedious then formerly read the place with these following 8. 35. 9. 11. 10. 25. 27. 11. 19. 30. 11. 14. 30. 21. 21. 22. 24. This God promised to Salomon 1 Kings 3. 14. and the like is spoken more generally that the Prince that hateth covetousnesse Pro. 28. 16. shall prolong his dayes Thus we see how plentifully the Lord hath promised long life to those that will be ruled by him Vse of long life whereas on the other side Psal 55. 23. the wicked shall not liue out halfe their dayes but shall soone and suddainly be cut off Which as it was intended by God to be a strong reason to perswade vs to obedience so we are to be moved by all these promises to beleeue them and thereby to be stirred to a more carefull walking before God But seeing that which I chiefly intend is to strengthen our faith that we shall not want any of these earthly blessings Vse this must be the vse we are to make of all these promises concerning long life that in all the perills of this life by sicknes war famine theeues witches or any wicked enemy whatsoever we might call to mind some of these promises and so rest our selues quietly therevpon that none of these nor any thing els should shorten the dayes of our life more then should turne to our greater good Yea further seeing the Lord hath made it so great an encouragement to feare and serue him as if he had not a greater reward in matters of this life to bestow vpon his faithfull servants and so the faithfull haue in all ages esteemed it and desired it Esa 39. 19. as Hezekiah and Dauid oftentimes Psal 6. 4. yea and many of them did enjoy it as the holy Story records for a blessing of God vpon them The consideration of these should moue vs so to prise this blessing and desire it as they did which I the rather mention for that I haue heard preached and read in the writings of some both godly and learned Divines many perswasions to be weary of life and to be desirous of death which to say no more quite crosseth this wisedome and goodnes of God in promising life to his best servants as a chiefe reward of their good service let vs then so account of long life as a rich blessing which makes all other blessings of this life the more excellent and vsefull both to God and man to our selues and others and the want hereof the quite contrary as may be easily shewed in all particulars how doth it abate the vse and comfort of health wealth strength and valour of learning and generally of all excellent gifts of the mind or body if these be nipt off in the bud and not suffered to come to full ripenes so to continue to their full terme and end Let vs then I say so accept these promises that in all time of need we may stay our selues vpon them and that we may find comfort in all tentations to the contrary This being the first and chiefe blessing of this life Long life I meane if this should not be accompanied with health wealth peace and other like blessings it would make long life more wearisome then welcome vnto our frayle nature For this cause God is not sparing in making promises of these and all other comforts for this naturall life As namely of bodily health Health and strength whereby we may better enjoy and make vse of these earthly comforts This is that which the Lord promised to his people of Israel immediatly after they came out of the red Sea where it is sayd the Lord proved them and said If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the Lord thy God Exod. 15. 26. and wilt doe that which is right in his sight and wilt giue cure to his commandements Deut. 7. 15. and keepe all his statutes I will put none of these diseases vpon thee which I put vpon the Aegyptians for I am the Lord that healeth thee And Exod. 23. 25. I will take sicknesse from the middest of thee So Iob. 5. 18. its sayd of God For he maketh sore and bindeth vp he woundeth and his hands make whole And so goes forward to the end of that chapter in setting forth Gods goodnes in preserving his in all estates from all manner of troubles and supplying them with all needful blessings for this life as there further may be seene Psal 41. 1. c. David setting out Gods goodnes to those that shew mercy to the poore in their distresse among many other blessings addes this vers 3. The Lord will strengthen him vpon the bed of languishing thou wilt make all his bed in his sicknes Salomon Pro. 3. 7. exhorting vs to feare the Lord and to depart from ●●vill adds this as a promise ver 〈◊〉 It shall be health to thy navill and ●arrow to thy bones meaning thereby soundnesse of health to the whole body And to like effect chap. 4. 22. he sayth that the true receiuing of instructions is life to those that find them and health to all their flesh So the Prophet Esay in many wordes setting forth the manifold blessings of this life Esa 33. 15.
substance both ground and cattle Ezek. 36. 30. that they should eate old store Levit 26. 50. that threshing should reach vnto vintage and the like many as they who be exercised in the Scriptures can tell What should the Lord meane Application in multiplying these promises so oft but in mercy to meet with our weakenes who are so impatient of the want of these and thereby so discouraged and hindered in all our duties wee are therefore as with all thankefulnes to acknowledge this bounty of the Lord so by true faith to make these promises our owne that in all time of scarcity of any of these which oft sore pincheth we may run to some of these promises and so rest our selues quietly and comfortably that wee shall surely find releefe in such time and measure as God shal see fit and shal be most for our good I haue hitherto sayd nothing of that loue and favour with God and man peace rejoycing good successe and prosperitie safety freedome from all evils by adversaries or other judgements which light vpon the wicked All which with other the like be contained vnder this our welfare and be no lesse promised then the former take but one or two places in each for a patterne For the first of Loue and Favour Favour Prov. 34. So shalt thou find favour and good vnderstanding in the sight of God and man For Peace Peace Levit. 26. 6. And I will giue peace in the land and ye shall lie downe and none shall make you afraid c. For ioy and reioycing Esa 65. 13. 14. Behold my servants shall reioyce Reioycing but yee shall be ashamed Behold my servants shall sing for ioy of heart but yee shall cry for sorrow of heart For good successe and prosperitie Good successe Psal 122. 6. 7. Pray for the peace of Ierusalem they shall prosper that loue thee Peace be within thy walls and prosperitie within thy palaces For safetie Safetie Prov. 3. 23. Then shal● thou walke in thy way safely and thy foot shall not stumble Pro. 18. 10. The name of the Lord is a strong towre the righteous runneth vnto it and is safe For preservation from evill Free from evill Pro. 1. 33. But who so hearkneth vnto me shall dwell safely and be quiet from the feare of evill Iob. 5. 19. He shall deliver thee in six troubles yea in seven there shall no evill touch thee Vers 20. In famine he shall redeeme thee from death and in warre from the power of the sword Vers 21. Thou shalt be hid from the secourge of the tongue neither shal● thou be afraid of destruction when it commeth c. How welcome these Application or any of them would be vnto vs when we feele the want of them cannot be doubted but pittie it is that so few reape the fruit of these promises to vphold them in their greatest need which comes especially through want of faith for all desire these and many know that such things are promised in the Scripture but either they doubt they doe not belong vnto them as being none of Gods children who be the onely heires of all the promises or if they be of this number yet either forget the consolation offred or through mistrust do not apply them to their present necessities so languish in their extremities without comfort By this may well appeare what need there is to liue by faith for these earthly blessings which if we did we should not onely be free from many sore vexations which torment many vngodly in their distresses but haue quiet mindes in greatest stormes and in due season find such reliefe as shall be most expedient This if it were cōsidered would moue many to labour more for this precious gift of faith which will so abundantly supply all our earthly wants whereof we be so sensible and thereby so distracted There remaine sundry other earthly blessings which as they be much desired so are they abundantly provided promised and bestowed as need requires vpon the faithfull I will mention but two moe Good name viz a good name and posteritie for the former Eccles 7. 1. whereas a good name is better then a precious ointment and rather to be chosen then great riches God hath made many promises concerning this that he will honour those that honour him Pro. 22. 1. and bring forth their righteousnes as the light 1 Sam. 2. 30 and their iundgement as the moone day Psal 37. 6. that though they be falsly accused by the vngodly yet God will cleare their innocencie and free them from the reproch of such as defame them To like effect is that Pro. 4. 18. But the path of the iust is as the shining light that shineth more and more vnto the perfect day This is that which Salomon so oft repeateth That wisedome will honour those that honour her as Pro. 4. 8. Exalt her and shee shall promote thee shee shall bring thee to honour when thou doest imbrace her So it s oft sayd Riches and honour are with her Pro. 9. 18. 3. 16. vers 35. The wise shall inherite glory So chap. 13. 18. He that regardeth reproofe shall be honoured Deut. 28. 1. Esa 58. 14. Psal 132. 18. the like This also is meant by all those speeches where it is sayd that hearkning to instruction will adorne and bring into estimation as costly ornaments of bracelets jewels and the like will doe so it is Pro. 1. 19. They shall be an ornament of grace vnto thy head and chaines about thy necke Chap. 3. 22. So shall they be life to thy soule and grace to thy necke Chap. 4. 9. Shee shall giue to thy head an ornament of grace a crowne of glory shall shee deliver to thee In all which we see that howsoever the godly be hated and basely esteemed of the wicked yet the Lord doth not onely highly esteeme of them himselfe but will make them honoured in the world even of them who haue no saving grace themselues as it is said Act. 5. 13. And of the rest durst no man ioyne himselfe to them but the people magnified them Rev. 3. 9. Behold I will make them to come and worship before thy feete c. Seeing then Application that to be well esteemed especially of the better sort is so sweet and comfortable a blessing and the contrary of ill fame is so bitter as scarce any thing makes many a one more weary of their liues we are to behold Gods tender care over his children in preserving their good name yea in making them honourable that is of good esteeme not onely among the Saints but among meere naturall men who beholding their good workes may glorifie God in the day of visitation as the Apostle Peter speaketh 1 Pet. 2. 12. And not onely be carefull our selues by well doing to put to silence the ignorance of the foolish 15. but when we shall
which benefits being so desired and not attained without afflictions should make vs reioyce in them 4. comfort in afflictions God will helpe vs and deliver vs. The fift head is that we shall not want any earthly blessing needful 1. generall promises 2. particular 1. long life 2 health 3 wealth vnder welfare many other be contained 4. good name 5. and lastly for our posteritie ● that God will increase them 2. abundantly blesse them The sixt and last head of promises for our living by faith is for Perseverance which being not onely doubted of but gaine sayd God hath spoken much for our comfort on which we are oft to meditate that we may hold out to the end and so overcomming we may enioy al those rich promises mentioned in the second and third chapters of the Revelation This is the summe of that which more at large according to my poore abilitie I haue layd out in this Treatise what I haue sought herein I must leaue to him who knowes and shall judge even my intention as well as my actions what may bee the profit heereby to Gods people the effects shall shew And this I may say that had I not conceived good hope thereof I shuld never haue spent so many yeares about it And if I had not beene much encouraged by sundry men of good esteeme in our Church who perusing it after a sort charged me not to bury my labours but to communicate them to all that will receiue them mine owne meane conceit of my selfe and labours would haue kept them still close from so publike a view and censure Now to shut vp all Exhortation to labour for faith I doe instantly beseech in the Lord every soule who truely lamenteth his want of comfort in Gods favour in all his necessities and weaknes of obedience in all duties required both which doe principally arise from the want and weaknesse of faith that they would aboue all as the Apostle himselfe exhorteth Ephes 6. 16 labour to get and striue to maintaine this precious grace of saving faith in such manner and by such meanes as in this treatise hath beene set downe And for the better attaining herevnto their owne experience shall shew how needfull it shall be to make this a daily practise to meditate vpon Gods promises specially such as most concerne their present condition and to this end to commit to memory To learne speciall promises and to learne without Booke one or two principall promises for every purpose as I haue set them downe or themselues may obserue that so they may haue them readie for their vse As for example when they would goe to Prayer thinke seriously of that promise Rom. 8 26. Likewise the spirit also helpeth our infirmities for we know not what we should pray for as we ought but the spirit it selfe maketh intercession●er vs with groanings which cannot be vttered Vers 27. And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the spirit because he maketh intercession for the Saints according to the will of God Or that of Iames. 1. 5. If any of you lacke wisedome let him aske of God who giueth liberally to all men and vpbraideth not and it shall be given him I make no doubt but the due consideration what God hath sayd in either of these will put life into any Christian heart more comfortably to set himselfe to this holy dutie The like is to be done when we goe about our callings Psal 121. 8. The Lord shall preserue thy going out and thy cōming in from this time forth and for evermore So when any crosse befalleth vs remember that vnvaluable promise Rom. 8. 29. Also we know that all things worke together for good to them that loue God to them who are the called according to his purpose And that 1 Cor. 10. 13. There hath no tentation taken you but such as is common to man but God is faithfull who will not suffer you to be tempted aboue that you be able but will with the tentation also make a way to escape that ye may be able to beare it The same is to be sayd for the rest as more largely hath beene handled To this end I doe advise every one to set apart some time every day if there be no just hinderance to this dutie of nourishing their faith To set apart some time every day by prayer and meditation on Gods promises which although I feare it bee rarely practised yet I dare commend it to be of admirable gain to all good purposes and holy practises of Christianitie even in dayes of prosperitie though more specially in times of adversitie And herein the more to stirre vp all who desire to see the goodnesse of the Lord in the land of the living I will adde this of mine owne experience both in my selfe and others not a few with whose state I haue beene acquainted that as there can be no sound comfort in any part of our life without faith yet nothing more hard to keepe in life then true faith so this is the chiefe cause why so few find that good assurance of their salvation that comfort in afflictions that power against their corruptiōs that growth in grace which full well they might if the fault were not in themselues for that they doe not make this a dayly practise to examine themselues whether they bee in the faith 2. Cor. 13 5. as the Apostle exhorteth that so finding their weaknes they might bee stirred vp more constantly and painefully to striue for the maintenance of their faith whereof they shall haue such dayly vse that without it there can be no proceeding but rather a dayly decay in all Christianity In consideration of all which I make this my last suite to all such onely to make triall of this dutie of dayly nourshing and in creasing their faith which if they shall endeavour not slightly but carefully with knowledge and conscience I make no doubt but that they shall find at least so much as shal incourage them to goe forward till they shal be further satisfied onely we must referre to God both the time when and the measure how much it shall seeme good to his wisedome to bestow on vs. And for my part I will not cease to pray vnto God for them all that he would fulfill all the good pleasure of his goodnesse and the worke of faith with power So be it FINIS