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A18980 A briefe discourse of mans transgression [an]d of his rede[mption by Christ, with a particular surueigh of the Romish religion] Clement, Francis. 1593 (1593) STC 5399.8; ESTC S3116 50,810 106

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mouth the Lord Iesus and beleeue in thy hart that God raised him vp from the dead thou shalt be saued for with the heart man beleeueth vnto righteousnesse and with the mouth man confesseth to saluation for the scripture saith whosoeuer beleeueth in him stall not be ashamed ●om 10 9 c. The Iarler at Philippi asking Paul and Silas what he should do to be saued they answered Beleeue in the Lord Iesus and thou shalt be saued Act 16. 20 c. The Scribe demaunding of Christ what he should do to inherit eternall life is sent to the law and word of God to marke what he readeth there Luke 10 25. But here by the occasion of our Lords question how readest thou pawse we a little and aduisedlie let vs consider the force and efficacie of reading the word of God The reading of Gods word and preaching of the same are the two onely and ordinarie meanes whereby through the working of the spirit the Lord conueieth his word into our heartes both which are expressed by one word in Hebrew Karà which signifieth to crie or call to proclaime pronounce or preach to declare or reade Exod. 24 7. Deut. 31 11 c. After which the Greeke 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 semeth to be feigned bearing the same sense of proclaiming preaching or pronouncing Isai 58 1. Reuelat. 5 2. As likewise S. Iames taketh preaching and reading the word of God both for one Act. 15 21. ●ā 1. 25. touching that place How shall they hear without a preacher Rom. 10 14. It is principallie ment of the first publishing the glad tidings of the Gospell aswell by Christ him selfe Isai 9 2. 41 27. and 49 6. and 52 7 c. Mat. 9 35. 17 5. Rom. 15 8. Hebr. 1 2. and 2 3. as by his Apostles first to the Iewes Mat. 10. vers 5. 6 after to the Gentiles in all the world Mat. 28 19. Rom. 16 26. Colos 1 23. Confer Isai 52. vers 7. 8. 9. 10. with Rom. 10. verse 12. 14. 15 for both the Prophet and the Apostle speake of vniting Christes whole church of Iewes Gentiles which could not be called conioined but by preaching the Gospel as Saint Paul testifieth Ephes 2 11 c. and it is blasphemie to derogat from that excellent and effectual ordinance of God the reading of his word that it should not aswel beget faith in the hearers if with an honest and good heart they reade or heare it red keepe the same Luk. 8 15 as confirme and increase faith in them being begotten by the same word 1 Ioh. 1 4 for the word of God in it selfe is equally heard whether it be red Luke 24 45 or preached Act. 16 14. equally edifieth if it be vnderstood Act. 8 30 and withal tempered with faith in them that heare it Hebr. 4 2. And therfore the Apostle earnestlie chargeth the reading his epistles Col. 4 16. 1 Thes 5 27. 2 Thes 2 15. And to that end also was the Gospell written as Saint Iohn affirmeth Ioh. 20 31. read Ephes 3. vers 3 4 This I write not to mainteine vnlearned readers in the church much lesse to make them equall to the preachers of the word for I desire with Saint Paul that they all could preach 1 Cor. 14 5. as their place requireth of them Ioh. 21 15. Acts. 20 28. 1 Cor 12 28. 1 Tim. 3 2. 2 Tim. 2 2. and 4 2. 1 Pet. 5 2. yea rather I wish with Moses that all the Lords people were Prophets Numb 11 29 for I well know and willinglie confesse that the preaching of the word ought to be preferred before the reading of the same because of our dulnesse Isai 28. vers 9 10. Hebr. 5 11 but my writing is onely to this end that we should not neglect as we do so excellent a benefit and blessed ordinance of God as is the reading of his word being so seuerely commaunded and highlie recommended to his church Now let vs go forward The holie Scriptures are z The authority and power of the holie Scriptures able therefore sufficient to make vs wise vnto saluatiō through the faith which is in Christ Iesus for the whole scripture is giuen by inspiration of God and is profitable to teach and improue to correct and to instruct in righteousnesse that the man of God may be absolute being made per●ect vnto all good workes 2 Tim. 3 15 c. when our Lord would controll anie er●our he vsuallie obiected Haue yee not ●ed Mat. 12. vers 3. 5. and 19 4. and 21 42. ●nd 22 31 c. signifying thereby that the ●acred Scriptures ought to be our onely direction and guide therefore the ho●ie Ghost calleth the word of God a lan●erne vnto our feet and a light vnto our ●aths Psal 119 105. Prou. 6 23. wherefore Moses exhorting the Israelits to embrace and obserue the law word of God tell●eth them that it is not onely their wisedome and vnderstanding in the sight of all people but euen their life also and the ●engthning of their daies in the land and that all the people of the earth shall be afraid of them therefore Deut. 4 6 and 28 10. and 32 47. wherefore the Lord complaineth of the neglect thereof saying I haue written vnto them the great things of my law but they were counted as a strange thing Hos 8 12. But the holie Ghost by the pen of S. Paul hath set downe an inuincible * S. Pauls generall reason for the iust triall of true religion reason to hold vs to the word of God in all pocrisie And he descrieth them by th● two most certaine tokens in stead of 〈◊〉 that they should commaund to a And yet both these are cōmaunded by the word of God Gen. 1 28. and 9. vers 1. 3. Deut. 12 20. Therefore this is a speciall note of antichrist so to oppose himselfe against God 1 Tim. 4 3. And touching our meats by grace or thanke●giuing they are sactified 1 Tim. 4 4. which thing besides that our Lord himselfe vsuallie obserued Mat. 14 19 c was also commaunded in the law Deut 8 10 and practized 1 Sam. 9 13. abste● from diuerse meats and forbid mariage mong their votaries 1 Tim. 4 1 c. A● that they should be louers of their ow● selues couetous boasters proude cur● speakers disobediēt to parents vnthan●full vnholie without naturall affectio● truce-breakers false-accusers intemper● fierce despicers of them which are goo● traitors headie high-minded louers 〈◊〉 pleasures more the louers of God hau● a shew of godlinesse but haue deni● the power thereof and he aduiseth Turne away therefore from such 2 Ti● 3 2 c. S. Peter writeth likewise th● they should teach damnable heresies ●uen denying the Lord that boug● them which they do in seeking right●ousnesse by their owne workes an● Saints merits by suborning strange i● tercessours with Christ or besides Chri● by their Masse purgatorie c. by 〈◊〉
Rom. 2 7. 〈◊〉 6 10. not for their worthinesse Iob. 15. vers 15. 16. and 14. 4. and 9 3. Psal 130 3. Luke 17 10 but for his own free promise Hebr. 10 23 and grace Phil. 2 13. T it 3 5. which he approueth in thē Isai 43 25. Micha 7. vers 19. 20. 2 Cor. 12 9. merit by thē for the true Christians soule is purified in obeying the truth through the spirite to loue brotherlie without faining 1 Pet. 1 22. mortifying the deedes of the bodie by the same spirit Roman 8 13. for like as by faith he is made the child of God Gala. 3 26. euen so Christ dwelleth in his heart by faith to inable him to comprehend with all Saints the loue of Christ which passeth knowledge that he may be filled with all fulnesse of God Ephes 3 17 c. being made partaker of the godlie nature in that he fleeth the corruption which is in the world through lust ioining vertue with his faith with vertue knowledge and with knowledge temperance c. 2 Pet. 1 4 c. for a christian is able to do all things through the help of Christ which strengthneth him Phil. 4 13. euē to loue his enemies to blesse them that curse him to do good to them that hate him to pray for them which hurt him and so ●indlie resembling the naturall sonne of ●is heauenlie father Mat. 5 44 c. whose workmanship he is created in Christ Ie●us vnto good workes which God hath ordeined that he should walke in them Eph. 2 10. And not to be wearie of well doing Gal. 6 9. but by the grace of God Heb. 12 28 to go forward in the worke of his saluation with careful feare c There be two kinds of feare in holie scripture a filiall or childly feare proceeding of the reuerence of Gods maiestie Ier. 5 22. and loue of his mercie Ps 130 4. Prou. 28 14. Isai 66 5. Ier. 2 19. Mal. 1 6 1 Ioh. 4 18. And a seruile or slauish feare proceeding from an euill consciēce abhorring and trembling at gods presence Gen. 3 8. Deut. 28 65. 〈◊〉 Prou. 29 25. Isai 57 20. Hab. 2 4. Iam. 2 19. trembling Phil. 2 12. And this is the true making his calling and election sure vnto his own hart soule as Saint Peter willeth 2 Pet. 1 10 which else is vndoubtedlie sure vnder the Kings broad seale with God as Saint Paul testifieth 2 Tim. 2 19. It is most certaine therefore which the Apostle saith that we are ingrafted by baptisme with Christ to the similitude of his death and resurrection knowing that our old mā that is the works which by nature we haue drawen from sinfull Adam is crucified with Christ that the course reigne of sinne in our mortall bodies might be destroied seing we are dead with Christ as touching sinne as our dipping in the water of Baptisme signifieth but are risen againe to a newnesse of life vnto God in Iesus Christ as our taking vp againe from the same water presenteth giuing our bodies as instruments and seruants of righteousnesse and holinesse of life Rom. 6 5 c. For our Lord Iesus hath therfore redeemed vs with his most precious bloud from that dreadfull and damnable state wherein our father Adam was whē he fled to the trees for a vaine couert from the Lords presence in Paradise that we now being deliuered out of the bands of Satan and the hands of the wicked our enemies spirituall and corporall might serue him without feare in true holinesse and righteousnesse all our life long Luke 1. vers 74. 75. And not that we should d If when the Lord who with a word of his mouth made heauen and earth Ps 33 6. shall likewise with his word raise vp the dead out of their graues at the last day Ioh. 5 28● none will thinke that they haue any power in that worke to quicken themselues why in our spirituall rising frō sinne wherein we were dead Eph. 2 1. when hee sayth vnto vs Awake thou that sleepest and stand vp from the dead Christ shall giue thee light Eph. 5 14. Should we once dreame that we are helpers with Gods grace for our sufficiencie is of God 2 Cor. 3 5. who worketh in vs both the will and the deed euen of his good pleasure Phi. 2 13. And keepeth vs by his power through faith vnto saluation 1 Pet. 1 5. read Rom. 8 30. 9 16. See S. Pauls conclusion Rom. 3 28. where he opposeth faith to the whole law vers 21 12. and 4 13 c. Read Phil. 3. vers 6. 9. and Gallat 3. vers 11 12. Iohn 17. Tit. 3 5. merit any thing of our saluation by our works as those Marchants teach and so deny the Lord that bought vs for whē we haue done all those things which are commanded vs we are vnprofitable seruants and haue done but that which was our dutie to do Luk. 17 10. for Iesus ●hrist alone hath made vs his peculiar ●eople and sheepe of his pasture and not ●e our selues Psal 100 3. And as all were ●ead in Adams transgression so Christ ●ied to redeeme all that they which liue ●hould not henceforth liue vnto them●elues as they did in ignorance before ●heir calling Rom. 6 19. Tit. 3. 3. 1 Pet. 1 4 but vnto him which died for them ●nd rose againe 2 Cor. 5 15 who his own ●elfe alone hath trodden the wine-presse of the bloodie furie of all our spirituall e●emies Sathan sin hell death c. for the ●escue of his church and redemption of his people euen by the might of his own ●rme without any helper Isai 59 16 and 63. vers 3 5. Heb. 1 3. and freely bought out our transgressions by his bitter passion and purchased for vs Gods euerlasting fauour again and that vnspeakeably more aboundant Ioh. 10 10. Rom. 5 17. and 8 17 and more sure 1 Pet. 1. ver 3. 4. 5. through the same his obedient sufferings for vs Phil. 2 8. Hebr. 5 8 then euer had Adam in his innocent roialty Good works then serue to many excellent purposes but cheefly to the glory of God as our Lord commandeth Mat. 5 16. And they so testifying our faith and obedience towards God in the sight of men do iustifie vs before men as S. Iames witnesseth Iam. 2. ver 22. 23. 24. Thus haue we seene that Iesus Chris● Act. 4 12. 15 11. 1. Pet. 1 20. 1 Ioh. 5 11. Heb. 11 2. c. is the only and all sufficient means ordained of God before the foundation of th● world for the only saluation of the holy Patriarkes and Prophets and of all men euen from Adam in all ages as wel before the comming of Christ in the flesh as after to the worlds end so that the saying of the Apostle is clearly verefied Iesus Christ yesterday and to day the same also is for euer Heb. 13 8. Hereby likewise we see that their purgatorie is but the
we are the childrē of god 1 Ioh. 5 10. Rom 8. ve 9. 15. Eph. 1 13 we delight in the law of God take no pleasure in sin Heb. 11. 25. but are grieued with sin 2. Pet. 2 8. and say with S. Paul I do not the good thing which I would but the euil which I would not Rom. 8 19. And euery one whose heart and conscience can truly thus perswade him is vndoubtedly the elected child of God Where contrarily the reprobate delite in sin because they are of the world Ioh. 8 23. therfore loue the world Ioh. 15 19. the things of the world as the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes and pride of life 1 Ioh. 2. v. 15. 16. And shal receiue the wages of vnrighteousnesse as they which count it pleasure to liue delitiously for a season 2 Pet. 2 13. affections Col. 3 2. and consult no longer with flesh and blood but enter into counsell with thine owne soule for the apprehending of this eternall life which life for the maruellous excellencie thereof being that hid treasure that precious pearle Matth. 13. verse 44. 46 can not be sufficiently expressed by all the glory of the world The holy Ghost chusing out the most precious things that nature can affoord to describe vnto vs the heauenly Ierusalem our euerlasting citie saith thus The citie was pure gold like cleare glasse the foundations of the wall thereof were garnished with all maner of precious stones the gates of perle the streets of pure gold c. It needeth neither Sunne nor Moone to shine in it for the glorie of God did light it The people which are saued shal walk in the light of it the kings of the earth shall bring their glorie and honour vnto it Reu. 21 18 c. O how excellent things are spoken of thee thou citie of God Psa 87 2. The eye hath not seene nor the eare heard neither came into mans heart the glorious things which God hath prepared for them that loue him 1. Cor. 2 9. These maruellous things as Saint Peter saith the Angels desired to prie into 1 Pet. 1 12. For indeede the Angels receiued first knowledge of Gods eternal wisdome and purpose in Christ concerning these things by the Church Ephs 3 10. And euery creature with feruent desire wayteth when the sonnes of God shall be reuealed Rom. 8 19 shine as the sunne in the kingdome of their father Mat. 13 43. For although we be now the sonnes of God by faith in Christ Iesus Gal. 3 26 yet doth it not now appeare what we shal be 1 Ioh. 3 2. because that through Christian mortification 2 Cor. 4. verse 10. 11. and 5 15. wee are in this world as dead and our life is hid with Christ in God but when Christ which is our life shall appeare then shall we also appeare with him in glorie Col. 3 3 c. For the Lord Iesus Christ shall chaunge our vile bodie that it may be fashioned like vnto his glorious bodie Phil. 3 21. and then we shall see him as he is 1 Ioh. 3 2. Moses vpō mount Horeb sawe but some glimse of the shadowed maiestie of God for else no man hath seene God in his essentiall glorie at anie time Ioh. 1 18 and the skin of his face so shone withall that neither the Israelites nor Aaron him selfe were able to looke vpon him vntil he had put a visour ouer his face Exod. 34 29 c. Elias also vpon the same mount at Gods visible presence couered his face with his mantell 1 King 19. verse 8. 13. And of all other Moses was once so hardie that he desired the Lord to shew him his very diuine maiestie but that request obtained would haue cost him his life and in mercie therefore it was denied him Exod. 33 18 c. But what speake we of mans disabilitie in this behalfe Neither the Angels them selues are able to behold the Lord in his full maiestie nor men to endure euen the sight of an angel as we see prefigured by the face and feeet-couering in Isayes vision Isa 6 2. Seeing then after this life we shall alway haue the fruition of this excellent and heauenly glorie which now neither men nor Angels can sustaine not vpon an earthly mountaine in a material Tabernacle with Peter Mat. 17 4 but in Heauen in that precious and heauenly Ierusalem Heb. 12 22. with God the Father the Sonne and the holy Spirit that most blessed and glorious Trinitie in whose presence is the fulnesse of ioy and at whose right hand there are pleasures for euermore Psal 16 11. together with all the goodly companie of Angels Zech. 3 7. Heb. 12 22. and holy Saintes Mat. 8 11. seeing I say we looke for new heauens and a new earth according to his promise wherein dwelleth righteousnes 2. Pet. 3 13. and for such a kingdome Luk. 12 32. for he is faithfull that hath promised Hebr. 10 23. what manner persons ought we to be in holy conuersation and godlinesse looking for and hasting vnto the cōming of the great day of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ to iudgement giuing diligence that we may be found in him in peace without spot and blameles 2. Pet. 3 11 c. And in the meane time let Moses shewe vs the shortnes of this life Psal 90 10. And that couetous foole in S. Luke teach vs that the incerteinty therof is more daungerous then the shortnes Luk. 12 20. let vs vse this world as though we vsed it not 1. Cor. 7 31 for the fashion thereof is as chaungable as our garment Psal 102 26. Let the holy ghost perswade vs to carie our selues without couetousnes and to be content with those thinges Reade Mat. 6 25 c. and Psal 37. which we haue for he hath said I will not faile thee neither forsake thee so that we may boldly say The Lord is my helper neither will I feare what man can do vnto me Heb. 13. verse 5. 6. And for our continuall assured hope of the glorious life to come let vs reioyce in the Lord alway Philip. 4 4. Let vs cast away euery thing that presseth downe and the sinne that hangeth so fast on let vs runne with pacience the race that is set before vs looking vnto Iesus the author finisher of our faith who for the ioy that was set before him endured the crosse despised shame and is set at the right hand of the throne of God Hebr. 12. verse 1. 2. This Iesus being the fore-runner for vs is entred into heauen Hebr. 6 20. and gone to prepare a place for vs Ioh. 14 2. where we haue alreadie an interest by Christ our head as hauing our conuersation with him in heauen from whence we looke for the sauiour euen our Lord Iesus Christ Phil. 3 20. Who shall then separate vs frō the loue of Christ shal tribulation or anguish or persecution or famine or nakednesse or perill
or sword much lesse I hope shall the loue of the world wife children friends honour c. remoue vs from this our eternall glorie perswaded that neither death nor life nor Angels nor things present nor things to come nor any creature shall be able to separate vs frō the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus our Lord Rom 8 35 c. To conclude courteous Reader if thou beest affected to the Romish religion as haply thou mightest through the deceiuable shew of these marchants counterfet godlinesse I charge thee before God and his elect Angels that thou dearely tender the saluation of thy soule which Christ hath purchased with his owne blood and that thou settle and ground the certainty of thy saluation vpon the written word of God and not on the vncertaine Traditions of those crafty marchants with full assurance of faith firmely stayed in Gods promises through hope as the sure anker of the soule for so the Scriptures plentifully teach Psal 56 11. Ro 8 38 c. Col. 2 2. Heb. 6 19. and 1● verse 22. 23. The word of God is the only rule of a Christians life Psal 119 9. There will nothing else sted vs at the last day when we must all appeare before the tribunal seate of Christ 2 Cor. 5 10 but Gods own word promise He wil allow of nothing but that which himself hath cōmanded Deut. 12 32. for all other things be they neuer so glorious in the sight of men the Lord will answer Who required this at your hands Isa 1 12. Ier. 7. vers 22. 23. Seek therfore in the Bible booke of the Lord reade Isa 34 16 for Blessed is he that readeth they that heare the word of God and keepe it Luke 11 28. Reu. 1 3. You know whither Abraham sent the richmās brethren namely to r Albeit the Law of Moses and the Prophetes were red euery sabbath day in the Iewes synagoges yet did they not vnderstand them act 13 27. that because they did not beleeue them Ioh. 5 46. which their vnbeleefe see how S. Paule saith was foreshadowed by Moses vaile 2. Co. 3. 13 c. read Heb. 4 2. reade Moses the Prophets that so they might be warned to auoid hel flames Luke 16 27 c. Our Lord told those Pharisies that in vaine they worshipped God teaching for doctrines mens precepts Mat. 15 9. He told those Sadduces also that they were deceiued because they knew not the scriptures Mat. 22 29. Remember Saint Paules warning Let no man deceiue you with vaine words for through such things commeth the wrath of God vpon the children of disobedience be not therefore companions with them Ephes 5 6 c. And that fierce wrath of god in punishing the neglect of his word the Apostle declareth to be in sending to the disobedient strong ſ Saint Iohn as it were in a map purtrayeth the verie picture of this foolish worlde made starke mad by the strength of this delusion and he sheweth it vs as he might well do for the great wonders of Antichrist for cā there be anie greater wonder then that the inhabitants of the earth should so generally be 〈◊〉 deceiued Reu. 13 vers 8. 12. 13. 14. delusion to beleeue lyes 2 Thes 2. vers 10. 11. as we see in our obstinate Romish Catholickes whose consciences are so cauterized as the holy Ghost foretold 1 Tim. 4. 2 that neither feare of God obedience to their Prince loue of their countrey perswasion of friends regard of posterity nor care of their owne soules can either disswade them from their damnable opinions or yet reclaime them from their deuillish attemptes But of this their incredible obstinacy our Sauiour hath forewarned vs saying that the time should come that whosoeuer killeth his Disciples professors of his word will thinke that he doth God seruice Ioh. 16 2. Saint Iohn would seeme to yeeld a reason of this their vnreasonable obstinacie they saith he speaking of Antichristian teachers are of the world therefore speake yeares yet the holy Scripturs affirme neither the one nor the other but rather inferre the contrarie Rom. 15 20 c. Gal. 2. verse 1. 2. 8. 9. 2 Tim. 4 16. Yes say they in that salutation The church which is at Babylon saluteth you 1 Pet. 5. 13 S. Peter put Babilon for Rome Yea what wil they not allow so that they might proue that S. Peter was at Rome But briefly for the disproofe of their Charter our Lord hauing asked his disciples whō they thought him to be Mat. 16 15. Peter as he was euer very forward in speech answereth in the name of the rest Thou art the Christ the sonne of the liuing God Wherefore our Sauiour approuing Peters answer confession being built vpon the head corner stone Iesus Christ Act. 4 11. 1 Cor. 3 11 and alluding to his name Peter which signifieth a stone or rocke saith to Peter and in him to the rest for as Peter answered for all for they all beleeued and confessed the same Ioh. 6 69 so all were answered againe in Peter Thou art Peter vpon this rocke meaning like a wise builder a sure foundation of a spirituall building Mat. 7 24. 1 Cor. 10. 4. not as those foolish dawbers Ezech. 13 10 c. vpon the flitting sands Mat 7 26 will I build my Church against which no strength of Sathan shall preuaile By the keyes is meant authoritie and power Isa 22 22. Reu. 3 7. And here marke well the wordes of their pretenced charter Christ saith I wil giue vnto thee the keyes c. he saith not I do giue for notwithstanding this true confession of Peter Peters y Peter was then as vnsit to receiue the keyes as he was vnable at Christs passion to followe Christ in sufferings which thing yet afterward he must do Ioh. 13 36. and 21 19. 2 Pet. 1 14. vnfitnesse then to receiue the keyes was such that within foure verses after in the same Chapter Christes verie next wordes to Peter are these Get thee behind me Sathan Thou art an offence vnto me because thou vnderstādest not the things that are of God but the things that are of men Mat. 16 23. And Peter only of al the Apostles a good space after this denied with an oth that at the instance of a silly gerle that euer he had any acquaintance with Christ Mat. 26 74. we see therfore that thogh they wil haue here their Charter ingrost yet was it thē neither deliuered nor vnder seale but both were don after Christs resurrectiō at the time of sealing deliuering Christ deliuered these keys of binding loosing sinnes aswel to all the other Disciples as to S. Peter Ioh. 20. vers 22. 23. As likewise they haue euer bene in the church of God Iude ver 14. 2 Pet. 2 7. Ier. 1 10. And z There are then no keyes for the pope but that one keye of the bottomlesse pit Reu. 9 1
as S. Peter writeth 2. Pet. 3 7. offreth him this speciall grace purposed in him selfe from euerlasting whereby the Lord both cleared his iustice and shewed his mercie that the seed of the woman should bruse the serpents head Gen. 3 15. Adam beleeued this short sentence and through faith in this promise was saued In the assurance of this promise were all the fathers and faithfull before Noahs flood saued The floud came in the yeare of the world 1656. For notwithstanding the ho●ie exercises which the Lord had enioined Adam his ofspring to practise by offrings sacrifices as types patterns of that promised seede Christ the lambe of God which therefore in purpose of God in promise to man and in type of h It is verie like that the skins of those beastes which were slaine for sacrifice at that instant of the promise of redēption serued to cloth Adams nakednesse Gē 3 21 that as their bodies were burnt in sacrifice to prefigure Adams deliuerance from hel-fire so their hides likewise might hide his shame keepe his bodie from cold and continuallie put him in mind of the Lords mercifull couenant And thi● mēt the Lord in commaunding the Israelites to weare that blew gard as a memoriall of his lawes in the borders of their garmentes Num. 15 vers 38. 39. but the apparel of christians is the Lord Iesus Christ his ●ertues as faith righteousnesse holinesse of life c. Rom. 13 14. Gal. 3 27. Eph. 4 24. which in the parable are called the wedding garm●nt Mat. 22 11. read Reuelat. 3. vers 4. 18 14 5. sacrifice was slaine from the beginning of the world Reu. 13 8. as we plainlie see by Adams sonnes offrings Gen. 4. vers 3. 4. Which were doubtles according to Gods owne appointment ●nd accepted onlie by faith Hebr. 11 4. And were also the faithfull i The first borne in euerie familie till the ●aw was the sacrificer but as the law the Leuites were appointed thervnto Exo. 19 22 24 5. Num. 8. vers 18. 19. whose offrings as is verie like were approued by site sent frō heauen to consume their sacrifices cōpare these quotations Gē ● 4. Leu. 9 24. 1 King 18 38. 1 Chr. 21 26. 2 Chr. 7 1 Hebr. 11 4. practises of all the ten fathers before the floud as we may well perceiue by this that the Lord reuealed to them what beasts fowls were clean what vncleane Gen. 7 2. and 8 20. As likewise after the floud and before the law the example of Noah Genes 8 20. Melchi-zedek Genes 14 18. Abraham Gen. 12 vers 7. 8. 13 18. Isaak Gen. 26 25. Iaacob Gen. 31 54. and of Iob Iob 1 5. 42. vers 8. 9. witnesseth And notwithstanding also those reuerent statelie sagies the ten k Before Noahs floud they liued with bread salets rootes frutes and all increase of the earth c. Gen. 1. 29. milke butter c. of the flockes or heards Gene. 4 2. not hauing commandement to touch the life of anie creature for meat but at the floud the Lord so weakned the state of mans bodie in shortning his daies that mā stood in neede of fish and flesh also to susteine life for before the floud the eating neither of fish nor of flesh was permitted Gen. 9 3. long-liued fathers before Noahs floud set downe in their order by Moses Gen. 5 3. c. Who were all graue prophets preachers to proclaime Gods mercies to faithfull penitents and to denounce his iudgements against the stubburne sinners of that age yet they conuersing with Cains posteritie whose companie by Cains far banishment the Lord would haue had his to auoide Gen. 4 14. were now become most profane and wicked corrupting the true religion and worship of God in so much that at this time of the floud there was but onelie Noah the tenth father of that age whom the Lord found faithfull vppon the whole earth Gen. 6 9. 7 1. And although the Lord had warned them sixe score yeares before of that vniuersall diluge and destruction and that they both heard the continuall admonitions vehement preachings of these three excellent fathers Methushelah Lamech and Noah all the time l The floud came the 17. day of the 2. moneth Gen. 7. 11. which is our October as comparing Ex. 12 2. with 23 16. you may plainlie perceiue and in the moneth before died Methushelah 5. years after the death of Lamech Noah his 3. sonnes Sem Ham Iapheth with their 4. wiues Gen. 6. vers 10. 18. were those 8. persons saued frō the floud in the Arke 1. Pet. 3 20. by whō see how the earth is replenished with inhabitants Gen. 10. of the caution in Gods decree 800. years after counting from the confusion of tongues Gē 11 8. for the children of Israel to succeede Hams posteritie the cursed Cananites Deut. 32 8. Noah Sem. almost of that long ●pace of repentance and also saw Noahs diligence in preparing the Ark by Gods commandement Genes 6. vers 13. 14. against that dreadfull day yet so wicked ●nd desperate they were that they toke no notice thereof though it stood vppon ●he destruction both of their bodies and ●oules for they knew nothing of it as ●ur Sauiour testifieth till the floud came swept them all away Mat. 24 39. Some ●ew yeares after the floud this promise was renewed for Noah as a Prophet told ●ore distinctlie of what familie this seede ●hould come saying Blessed be the Lord God of Sem Genes 9 26. noting thereby ●wo things vnto vs both that this bles●ng should come of the linage of Sem his ●econd sonne and also that the rest of the ●orld as heathen idolaters should be ●uered from Sems familie for a time ●hich came to passe in the tenth genera●on after at Abrahams calling from VR ●f Chaldea Moses recordeth Sems gene●tion to abraham Gen. 11 10. c. Abra●am was borne in the yeare of the world 2008 and two yeares after the death of Abraham Noah which was 352 yeares after the floud when now all the families of the earth sauing Melchi-zedek who by all likelihod was that old Sem Gen. 11. vers● 10. 11. 14 18 c. were fallen to idolatrie and atheisme euen Terah the father of Abraham Iosh 24. verse 2. 14. But whē Abraham was 70. yeares old the Lord m By three proofs especiallie the scriptures cōmend Abrahams faith vnto vs 1. by his willingnesse in forsaking his fathers house kinred and countrie to follow Gods calling he wist not whither Gen. 12 1. Act. 7. 3 Gal. 3. vers 6 17. Hebr. 11 8. 2. by his assured hope in Gods promise to obteine a sonne when in reason ther was no hope Rom. 4 19 c. 3. by the readie offring vp of his son Isaak in hō he had receiued the promises Heb. 11 17. c. In him therefore we see a worthie pattern of our faith Gal. 3
Godly in all ages 69. q. Goliath 53 Good and ill angell 22. t Good workes and their right vse 44. and 47 Grace and thankesgiuing at meate vsed vnder the Lawe 32. a the Great citie 65 H Onely Christ Heareth our prayers 24 Heathen who they were 7. l. and 9. gathered into the sheepefold of the Iewes 9. o. their prophane opinions receiued of the Iewes 22. t. their Diuines 49 a description of the Heauenly Ierusalem 70 I Iabin king of Canaan 67 Iacob 6. his prophecie of Christs birth 22 Iapheth perswaded to dwell in the tentes of Sem. 63. m Idolatrie 42. and 79 Idole and Image differ not 79. ● Ieroboams craftie pollicie 84. a heauenly Ierusalem 70 Ierusalem a spectacle of peace in the middest of the nations 23. x the Iewes separation frō the Gentiles when and how long 8. 9. and 48 some Iewes waited for Christs coming 21. u the Iewes receiued the prophane opinions of the heathen 22. t the Iewes captiued by the Babylonians when 61 k. their charter examined 80. and 81. when it was sealed 81. their prompt-spirit 85. b a heauie caueat to them 87 Paradise 2 the Iewes vaine confidence of peace 23. x S. Peter neuer at Rome 79. x. and 80. his tabernacle 72. he vnfit for the keyes 81. y. Christ calleth him Satan ibid. Pharisies set non-plus 11. q S. Iohns Picture of this world 77. s Pilate the Romane Deputie 62 Rome the Place where our Lord was crucified ibid. Poets and Philosophers diuines of the heathen 49 Poperie a late vpstart 30. no point thereof in Scripture 48 the Pope in Christes skarlet robe 64. o. they say he cannot erre 86. his keyes 82. z. he is Antichrist 63. and 78. he sitteth in the temple of God 64. n. he is the cosoner of the cosoner of the world 60. 79. w. he made ill choise of Peter 79. x Preaching 26. the efficacie thereof 56. e. Prickes Hebrew vowels when inuented 59. h. all Gods promises ratified in Christ the promised seede 15 Prophecies of Antichrist and notes of him 31. and 32. Caiaphas Prophecieth of Christs death 21. u Purgatorie Papisticall 48. and 49 a double Purgatorie of Christians in this life 49. and 50. c. R Reading gods word of what eff●cacie 26. 27 the iust triall of true Religion 29 Recusants are to be compelled to heare Gods word 84. a why Christ Redeemed vs. 46 Rhemish Catholikes 77 hovv vve attaine Christes Righteousnesse 24. and 25. our Rising againe to a nevvnesse of life represented in Baptisme 45. and 46 Rome 61. it is called Babylon Sodome Egypt the place vvhere our Lord vvas crucified and vvhy 62. it is also called an vgly cage 62. and the great citie diuided into three parts 65. built vpon seuen mountaines 63 and 64. hovv the Romanes dealt vvith Christ 62 S the Sacrifice of Christes bodie sufficient for all but effectual only for the elect 35. 36 what Sacrifices meant 5. h. and 11. how they were approued 5. i. their right vse 11 the Sacrifices of Christians 36. and 52 our Saluation onely in Christ 23. and 24 a Similitude of our vnablenesse in our selues to helpe Gods graces in the worke of our Saluation 46. d to kill Gods Saints thought Gods seruice 77 why Moses describeth Satan vnder the name of a serpent 3. e Satan vnloosed 31 The Scepter departed from Iudah 22 the seede of the woman shall bruse the serpēts head 4. what it meaneth 15. 18. the promise of that seed renued in diuerse ages 7. 9. 11. the law a plat-forme of that promised seed 10 Sems generation 7. and 14 the holy Scriptures 28. ignorāce therin breedeth error 76. they are our guide 29. they are blasphemed by the papists 60. they are sufficient to saluation 28. the Iewes falsly charged to corrupt them 58 the power of Sinne. 2. d Sions prerogatiues 82 Sisera 67 Adam clothed in beasts skinnes 5. h the Soule of man diuine and immortall 2. c Spirituall adulterie 42 T Peters Tabernacle 72 Gods Temple and citie destroyed first by the Babylonians 61. after by the Romanes 62 which Christ aduiseth vs to consider 62. l the Tents of the Saints 66 the whole doctrine of the new Testament contained in the old 59 Time when it began 1. a Adams Transgression a most hainous sin 3. f we must al appear before christs tribunal 76 the holy Trinitie 1. and 73 Types of the promised seed 5 V Vaine words the punishmēt therof 76. 77. Vain worshipping of god by doctrins of mē 76 the Virgine Marie no mediatresse 30. 33 W Our spirituall warfare 53 the Weapons wherwith Christ ouercame Satan 15. r. 53. vvhich all Christians are commanded to put on 15. r. they are not carnall 56 the Wedding garment 5. h Why Christ Wept ouer Ierusalem 21 the Wicked in the old vvorld toke no notice of the floods comming 7 Gods Word is our life 29. and the onely ru● thereof 76. it shall be our iudge 84. vvh● Recusants refuse to herre it 84. Paule● reason to hold vs thereto onely 29. and 30 vvhat dare controll it 84 Workes 44. and their right vse 46. and 47 to Worke the vvorke of God 78. t calfe-Worship 84. a Faults escaped in the printing Page 2. of the Epistle lin 19. for vnseasonable read vnseasoned pag. 5. in the note i for as the law r. at the law p. 15. l. 26. compoundeth r. expoundeth p. 16. l. 6. the r. that p. 19. in the margēt 2709. r. 2079. p. 30. l. 14. childred r. children p. 39. l. 7. for the full point before was wrire the later brase of the parenthesis begun p. 38. l. 8. p. 56. l. 25. ordinance r. obedience p. 59. l. 7. little r. tittle FINIS