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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A18013 Contemplations for the institution of children in the Christian religion. Collected and published by Iohn Carpenter Carpenter, John, d. 1621. 1601 (1601) STC 4662; ESTC S114418 35,320 98

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The 8. F. First he forbiddeth thée to take away from thy neighbour by stealth or any vnlawfull meanes eyther his externall good possessiōs or his good name fame and reputation Next he biddeth thée to expresse and exercise towards they neighbour the vertues of liberalitie aimes déedes and mercie according to thy power and that thou be beneficiall to him his goodes and fame S. The ninth What is prescribed me in the nynth comaundement F. First thou art therein forbidden al lying periuries back bitings contumelies brawlings contentions and flatteries next that thou reporte well of thy neighbour and that thou testifie and speake the truth of him in all things S. The ten commaundemente What biddeth he in the tenth commaundement F. That thou do not so much as couet that which is an others secondly that thou endeauour that euery one may retayne his owne yea and rather to wish him some part of that which is thine then vniustly to desire that which is his S. Thus haue ye fully satisfied me in this poynt But is a man able of himselfe to obserue and performe these commandements of Almightie God F. By no meanes and yet this notwithstanding Man is not able to fufill these commaundementes the Lord hath in his mercie ordeyned man a meane the same to performe after his good pleasure S. VVhat is that meane my father F. Christ Iesus Christ is the perfection and end of the law in whom the father is very well pleased and in and by whom all such as beléeue in him doe kéepe and performe the whole for he is both the perfection and end of the law S. How many things requireth he of vs therby F. Two things wherof the one is faith Faith and obedience the other is obedience in the which also is contayned the summe of religion neither without these two things can any one of these tē cōmādements be obserued S. Which of these two things doth orderlye proceede go before the other F. Fayth goeth before obedience followeth after fayth is at the roote obedience is as the fruit faith is as the cause obedience as the effect the one promiseth the other performeth and this latter is a testimonie of the former expressing that in worde and déede which was in beléeuing conceiued in the hart by the operation of the holy ghost S. What thing is that which ye call faith F. What faith is Faith is defined to be that which maketh those things to be which are hoped for demonstrateth that which is not séene S. What kinde of faith is there required in this seruice of God F. That which is called the Christian and Liuely faith the same which is proper to the true Christians and fruitfull in godly vertues S. And what is that F. It is the gift of God engendred in the soule of the spirite of God by the preaching of the word and is defined a firme opinion Christian faith and constant conscience of righteousnes and saluation obtayned by none other meanes but onely by the frée mercie of God in his sonne S. What are the things which are chiefly obiected to this faith F. The Obiectes of faith Those things which here follow in order as first God that diuine nature in the vnitie next the same God in the Trinitie thirdly the holy Catholicke Church and lastly all those Articles of the Christian faith whereof we must not doubt but be absolutely and certeinly assured in our beliefe S. What are those Articles of beliefe F. The same which are comprehended vnder the title of the simbole of the Apostles that is I beléeue in God the father almightie marker of heauen and earth The Simbole of the Apostles and in Iesus Christ his onely sonne our Lord which was conceiued by the holy ghost borne of the virgin Mary suffered vnder Pontius Pilate was crucified dead and buried he descended into hell the third day he rose agayne from the dead he ascending into heauen and sitteth on the right hand of God the father almightie from thence he shall come to iudge the quicke and the deade I beléeue in the holy Ghost I beléeue the holy Catholick church the Communion of saintes the forgiuenesse of sinnes the resurrection of the bodie and the life euerlasting S. Must I thē beleeue in al these things To bleeue 1. that God is 2. that whic● God saith 3. In G●● F. It is néedfull that thou beléeue all these things to be but it is not requisite that thou beléeue in them all S. Seeing therefore that this particle In maketh such a difference in what thing then must I beleeue F. Beleeue in the holy Trinitie In that holy Trinitie namely in God the father in God the sonne and in God the holy ghost which is in nature one thing S. And what must I beleeue without this particle In F. Beleeue the holy Church c. The holy Catholicke church those other things contained in the Articles which folow in the same simbole to be true S. Ye haue before this sufficiently taught me to knowe the former obicte of my fayth namely God in the trinitie and the Trinitie in the Vnitie nowe I pray you to declare vnto me those latter pointes and first what is that Catholicke church which yee would that I should constantly beleeue F. What this Church is By this church is meant the vniuersall companie or faythfull assembly of Gods people of the which some hauing passed the troubles of this life are with Christ in heauen and other some as yet are millitant on the earth where in the vnitie of the true doctrine and the lawfull vse of the Sacraments they cleaue together S. What is that communion of saints The communion of Sainte F. The fellowshippe familiaritie and amitie that the godly haue one with another in one fayth one hope one charity as children of one father in one house exercising mutuall beneficience works of mercie christian duties The forgiunesse of sins one towardes another S. VVhat is that forgiuenes of sinnes the which I must also beleeue F. It is the loosing and releasing of that band of obligation wherein we be tyed to eternall death and damnation yea and a pardon of that payne which our sins had deserued and that by the onely death merit of our Lord Iesus Christ S. VVhat must I beleeue touching the Resurrection of the flesh The resurection of the flesh F. That in the last day all men shall rise agayne with their bodies the godly to eternal life the wicked to eternal paine S. VVhat is that eternall life F. That blessed felicitie and happie condition which the elected saints shall haue and enioy after their resurrection from death in all eternitie The life euerlasting with Christ the sonne of God S. Thus haue ye taught me my good father what this Christian fayth is and what and wherin I must beleeue now let me know
also how this Fayth commeth F. Faith commeth by hearing of Gods word As faith is a frée gift of God as I said before so God will that this fayth should come by hearing and namely of the worde of God S. How is that wrought F. By the operation of the holy ghost which engendreth faith right happely in the hart of him who is a fruitfull hearer of the worde of God S. What is that word of God VVhat is that which ye call the worde of God F By the worde of God in this place is vnderstoode the holy scriptures both of the old new Testaments the which with many strong arguments doth demonstrate the will and workes of God and especially those promises which concerne the redéemer and eternall life for those scriptures we call the worde of God which béeing comfortable happie effectuall sufficient to man doth both instruct him in his dutie in this life also derect him to that euerlasting word of God which was with god before al worlds S. How must this worde be vnto me applied F. By the ministrie of the preachers How this word is to be applyed vnto vs. and ministers of the same S. Who be the preachers and ministers of this worde F. Those parsons The Preachers and ministers of the word whom the Lord sendeth foorth furnished with méete gifts lawfully called into the church which chiefly regard to celebrate to praise to commend with feuencie of spirit that openly before all men the name of God and the worde of his grace the kingdome of God S. What shal I do whē ther is not a preacher nor a meete minister of the word F. First thou must pray the Lord of the haruest to send foorth labourers into his haruest then What is to be done there where the pastor is absent it is meete that thou read both dilligently reuerently the worde of God and meditate therein with a pure minde euery day S. VVhat if I cannot reade F. It behoueth thée to repayre to them that can reade and instruct thée concerning God and thy duty towards him S. How must this worde be preached and read F. How this word is to be preached and heard Faythfully distinctly discréetely wholy diligently cōstantly reuerently S. How must this worde be heard F. With faith diligence reuerence feare of the Lord and harty desire to learne it to vnderstand it and to reforme this life thereby S. Thus haue ye taught me the ordinary meanes to obtayne faith now tell me also how this faith is confirmed F. How faith is conformed Ioh. 4. There was a time when that faith which came by hearing was confirmed by miracles and workes of wonder S. In what time was it confirmed F. In the time of Christ and his Apostles and in the primitiue church and néedfull it was then when the truth of the Gospell began to be published the which béeing now sufficiently confirmed vnto vs miracles are no longer néedfull S. Wherby is faith cōfirmed in vs now F. The vse of ● Sacraments Euen in the exercise of the same word by the which it was begon but chiefely in the true vse of the Sacraments S. How may I beter vnderstand this F. As the Sacraments themselues are the seales of Gods promises made to vs so the right vse of them ratifieth in vs that faith by the which we apprehend that which is promised S. What is that which ye cal a sacramēt What is a Sacrament F. Not only the seale of those things of which God hath promised vs as I haue before sayd but also an externall signe of some internall vertue or grace S. VVhereof is a Sacrament made F. Of these two things Whereof a sacrament is made namely the worde of God and the Element S. VVhereunto serueth the worde F. To the eare in the lawfull ministetrie thereof and to the inward man by the operation of the diuine spirite S. VVherunto serueth the Element F. To the eye the fast the féeling and eternall man for as a man is of two natures namely of the soule and body of the spirite and flesh so is he of the grace mercie of god edified in either of them S. How many Sacraments be there in christian vse There be two ●acramentes F. Two which are called Sacraments of the new Testament S. VVhat are those two F. Babtisme and the Supper of the Lord both the which are also signified in that water and bloud which issued from the side of Christ on the crosse S. Baptisme What is that sacrament of Baptisme F. This sacrament of baptisme or washing is diuersly defined for it is said to be either the badge of regeneration into a new life 1 Ioh. 2. and eternall health or the signe of our purgation in Christs bloud or the scale of the promise of remission of sinnes in the name of Iesus Christ S. The elemēt in Baptisme What is the Element whereunto the word adioineth to make this sacrament F. Water which washeth onely the bodie without S. VVhat is the inward grace which is therein signified F. The cleansing of vs from our sins S. And are they throughly cleansed which are washed in that water F. No for that inward washing commeth not of that worke wrought but of the holy ghost in the faythfull which vse this element as a simbole of this washing and not as the cause S. Who instituted and commaunded this to be done and vsed in the church F. Our Lord Iesus Christ who hath promised life vnto them which beléeue and be baptised and hath threatned death to them which beléeue not Mat. 16. S. What is that sacrament of the Lords supper F. The Supper of the Lord is a spirituall banquet The Lordes Supper whereby Christ witnesseth himselfe to be the bread of life by the which our soules are fed to the true imortalitie of the soule or it is an holy Simbole or signe wherein Christ offereth and communicateth his body and bloud thereby to certifie vs of the remission of sinnes and life euerlasting or it is the happy memoriall of the death of Christ and an whoalsome and memorable signe of that Sacrifice which hée made once for all on the Altar of the crosse S. VVhat is the outward Element of this sacrament The elemēt F. Bread and wine which féedeth and cheareth the bodie S. What is the inward grace which is signified thereby and giuen to the worthy receiuers thereof F. The body and bloud of Christ by the which we are nourished and cheared to eternall life S. Thus haue I hapely learned how saith is conformed in me Now also would I gladly learne how the same is encreased F. How faith is increased This faith which commeth by hearing and is confirmed in the vse of the Sacraments is also happely encreased by godly cogitations and meditations but chiefly by good conference and talke of
which is rightly taken from the consideration of his dominion might and high glory and for the ratification confirmation of all the which we say in the place of a conclusion and of the assent to the same Amen S. VVhat is signified by Amen F. Amen what the word signifieth It is so much to say as So be it let it be ratified and faithfully effected accordingly which sayd voyce that I may yet more plainely expresse the emhpasis and force therof according to the Hebrewes is formed of the first letters of thrée seuerall wordes whereof the first letter namely A is taken from the word A L which is interpreted God God the second letter that is M is borrowed of the word Melech which is a king King the third letter béeing Nun is the first letter of Neeman which is so much to say as faithfull Faithfull and true Therefore of those thrée letters A M N is gathered that voice Amen which is as much to say as God the King Faythfull and true S. O very well sayde my father and thus haue yee right well taught me to what end the Lord hath formed me and hath made me a liuing soule and restored me to his owne image F. Yea my sonne and in those two poyntes namely fayth and obedience The sum of religion I haue taught thée the summe of Religion S. And I beseech you teach me also what that Religion is Father True Religion is that amitie combination and league of ours True relig●on with the true liuing and eternall God in the vnitie and trinitie whom onely béeing vnto him in Christ conioyned we do adore inuocate and worship on whom we wholy depend according to whose will or after the prescript and law of whose word we liue in al things S. Thus are we formed to serue God and to liue in his holy religion but what is the end of this seruice and what profit shall we finde thereby F. Two principall of Gods seruice This seruice hath two principall ends the first whereof is the glory of the euerlasting God the second is the profit and benefit of man S. What is that glory of God F. As glory is the publick and often praise of good report of any person so the glory of God is the preaching of his noble acts and vertues the extolling setting foorth of his name with high praise and thankesgiuing and this is the principall end both of mans life and death S. Then also should a man wholy liue and die to glorifie God F. It is true so long therfore as a man may in his life expresse and spread foorth the glory of God so long let him desire to liue and not to die How long a man should disire to liue but when he can no longer performe that but rather to glorifie God in his death let him desire rather to dye then to liue S. Ye haue well sayd my father God graunt we may both liue and die to his glorie Now I pray let me heare the reason of that second poynt the which as ye sayd respected mans profit and benefit F. Thy labours in the Lord shal not be in vaine The reward of Gods seruice for through the merit of the most holy Messiah the wrath of God which was enkindled agaynst thée by the meanes of sinne shall be remoued far from thée the graces of God shall be establised towards thée thy conscience shall be quieted within thée thou shalt finde preseruation and safetie agaynst all thine enemies both bodily and ghostly thou shalt not come into condemnation thou shalt not fall into the death eternall and lastly thou shalt enioy the highest felicitie in the life to come S. What is that wrath of God Gods wrath the which ye say shall be remoued F. This wrath is not to be estéemed for any perturbation of minde in God but for the payne of the sufferer Lam. 3.10 béeing the worthy reuenge of sinne The wrath of God therefore is the retrebution of sins which is sayd to be two wayes that is say Hebr. 12. either then when he punisheth the sinner for his amendment or then when he casteth him into hell fire to be destroied for euer S. VVhat is that grace of God whereof ye also made mention F. Gods grace The grace of God is his louing fauour and good will towardes vs by the which béeing mercifull he doth affect vs wretched and damned sinners while he pardoneth both the payne and the fault of our transgressions and adopteth vs for his children or it is that remission of sinnes or mercie promised for the sake of Christ our sauiour or our frée acceptation with God the which the holy ghost necessarily accōpaneth for our eternal good S. I haue thus far wel vnderstood you what is that good cōscience ye speak of F. A good consience As conscience generally is defined the knowledge iudgement and sence of man wherby his minde béeing acquainted with euery thing that hath by himselfe béene done or not done he doth either cōdemne or cleare himselfe stādeth vnto him instead of a 1000. witnesses so a good cōscience is the spiritual face of the soule the candle of the minde the incorruptible iudge and brasen wall impenitrable euer absoluing him which reteineth it through the only mercy of Gob defending him against al the stroks of sin death S. VVhat is that preseruation of man F. It is that safe kéeping The preseruation of a man by the which the Lord doth preserue and nourish both the soules and bodies of the righteous to the which he giueth his angels charge to kéepe them in al their wayes through the merit of their redéemer S. VVhat is that condemnation F. It is that most dreadfull sentence Condemnation the which Christ the most righteous iudge shall pronounce agaynst the reprobate diuell his wicked angels in the last day S. Vhat is that eternall death F. It is that final seperatiō of man form Christ Death eternall whereby he may not thence forth enioy his presence this is the second death which is the confusion and destruction of both soule and bodie whereof ensueth a perpetual horrour of conscience conceiued of the diuine wrath S. What is that highest felicitie of man F. It is that euerlasting life whereof I speake before Mans heighest felicity the which after this life we that be true beléeuers shall enioy with Christ and all his chosen saints in the most blessed peace and happie societie for euermore S. Now my good father as ye haue beene willing to teach nurture me in the right feare of the Lord The coclusion which is the beginning of wisdome as ye haue sayd so well discussed al those doubts and satisfied me at full so wil I both endeauor to retaine in minde what so euerye haue taught me and also continue right thankfull vnto you for all those your