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A17024 A new manual of old Christian Catholic meditations, & praiers faithfully collected and translated, without any word altered, or added, except in tytles of chapters, citations of places, & some few merginal annotations, for the most part taken forth of Holy Scriptures, or the Holy Fathers within the first four hũdred yeares of Christ ... Broughton, Richard. 1617 (1617) STC 3900; ESTC S1530 87,081 260

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misteries but thou o merciful god make me worthy of thy grace that without condemnation I may be made partaker of thy holy body c. After consecration Missa Ethiopum ascribed to S. Mathew Apostle THis is the holy honoured and liuely body of our Lord Sauiour Iesus Christ which is geuen for remission of sinnes and obtaining eternal saluation to them that duly receaue it Amen This is the bloud of our Lord Sauiour Iesus Christ holy honoured viuificant which was geuen for remission of sinnes to obtaine euerlasting lyfe to them that truly receaue it Amen Verily this is the body and this is the bloud of Emanuel our God Amen I beleue I beleue Ibeleue now and euer Amen This is the body and this is the bloud of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ which body which bloud he tooke of our holy and immaculate Lady Virgin Mary and vnited them to his Diuinity Amen S. Ignatius Epistol ad Ephes I desire the bread of god the heauenly bread the bread of life which is the flesh of Iesus Christ Sonne of the liuing god who was borne in the laste time of the seede of Dauid and Abraham S. Lligius Hom. 15. de vtriusque paschalis esu CHrist is offered in Sacrifice and eaten and yet remaineth one whole sure our redemer prouiding for our frailty deliuered this sacrament vnto vs That because he now cannot dye and we do daily sinne we might haue a true sacrifice by which we might be purged from our sinnes Wherefore with feare and compunction of mynd with al reuerence we ought to come to the Altar and to the table of the body and bloud of our lord and humbly say with Math. 8. the Centurion O Lord I am not worthy that thou shouldest enter vnder my roofe S. Ambros l. 4. de Sacrament cap. 5. It was great and venerable that to the Iewes it rayned Māna from heauen But vnderstand what is greater Manna from heauen or the body of Christ Truly the body of Christ who is Authour of heauen Thou dost not idly say Amen now in spirit confessing that thou receauest the body of Christ The Preist saith vnto thee The body of Christ and thou saiest Amen that is true Let thine affection hold what thy tongue confesseth S. S. Clem. Rom. Const Apost l. 2. c. 61. AFter the Sacrifice is ended let al in order receaue our Lordes body with shamfastnes feare as comming to the body of the King Let the women also with their heades veyled come in order Let the Bishop geue the oblation saying The body of Christ And let him that receaueth say Amen When the rest receaue let the 33. psalme be said lib. 8. cap. 20. Psalmus 33. I wil blesse our Lord in al time his praise alwaies in my mouth In our Lord my soule shal be praised let the meeke heare and let them reioyce Magnify our Lord with me and let vs exalt his name together I haue sought our Lord and he haith hard me deliuered me forth of al my tribulations Come vnto him and be illightned and let not your faces be confounded This poore one haith cryed and our Lord haith hard him and haith saued him from al his tribulations The Angel of our Lord wil put him selfe in the circuite of thē that feare him and wil deliuer them Tast and see how sweete our lord is Blessed is the man that hopeth in him Feare our lord al you his Saints for there is not wāt to those that feare him The rich haue needed and haue beene hungry but they which seeke our lord shal want no good Come children and heare me I wil teach you the feare of our lord Who is the mā which wil lyfe loueth to see good dayes forbid thy tonge frō euil and thy lipps that they speake not deceipt Turne from euil and doe good seeke for peace and folow it The eyes of our lord ouer the iust his eares to theire prayers But the countenance of our lord vppon them that do euil thinges that he may destroy their memory from earth The iust haue cryed our lord haith hard them and haith deliuered them from al their tribulations Our Lord is neare to them that be of a trobled hart he wil saue the humble in spirit The tribulations of the iust are many our Lord wil deliuer them from al these Our Lord kepeth al their bones one of these shal not be broken The death of sinners the worst they which haue hated the iust shal offend Our Lord wil redeeme the soules of his seruantes and al that hope in him wil not offend S. Clem. Rom. sup l. 8. c. 20 When the psalme is ended let the Deacon say let vs giue thankes to him who haith made vs worthy to receaue his holy misteries and we aske that they be not vnto vs to iudgment but saluatiō vnto vs to the profit of our soule body for custody of piety remission of sinnes to the life of the world to come let vs be stirred vp in grace S. Chrisost l. 3. de Sacerdot When thou behouldest our Lord Sacrificed the preist occupyed in the Sacrifice and pouring forth praiers dost thou think thou doest conuerse with mortal men and to be on earth Art thou not rather forthwith transported into heauen and casting away al cogitation of the flesh with a naked mind and pure vnderstanding lookest about the thinges that be in heauen O miracle O bounty of God! He which sitteth aboue with his Father the same instant time is handled with the handes of al and he geueth him self vnto them that wil receaue him and embrace him THE SALVTATION of the Blessed Virgin commonly called the Aue Maria by whom composed and Meditations vpon it out of Scripture THe Angel Gabriel was sent of Luc. 1. God into a City of Galilee ●alled Nazareth vnto a Virgin despoused to a man whose name was Ioseph of the house of Dauid the Virgins name was Mary And the Angel being entred in said vnto her Haile ful of grace our Lord is with thee blessed art thou among women As Elizabeth heard the salutation v. 41. 42. of Mary the infant did leape in her wombe And Elizabeth was replenished with the holy Ghost she cryed out with a lowde voice said Blesed art thou among women and blesed is the fruiet of thy wombe The Praier added by the primatiue Church as appeareth by these Sainctes S. Aug. 5. 2. Annun Dom. Athan ser de Deip. Ephrem orat de laudib Dei Matris Greg. Naz. Trag. Chr. patiens c. O holy Mary Mother of God pray for vs sinners now in the hour of our death Amen A deuout Meditation by way of exposition vpon the first part out of S. Andreas Archbishop of Hierusa lem ser in salut Angel HAile ful of grace our Lord is with thee Haile organe of gladnesse by which the condemnation of our sinne is purged and a
to our praiers and do not forgeat thy people It becometh thee to be called Mother Regeneratrix Lady and Mistris in reguard that from thee issued our King Lord and our God Thou art present vnto him who though he be terrible vnto vs yet is sweete vnto thee and geueth al grace for which cause it came to passe that thou was called Ful of grace that is Luc. 1. who didest abound with algrace and that by the comming of the holy Ghost ps 44. vpon thee Therefore al the riche of the people do bes●ch thy countenance being made rich with such good thinges and spiritual contemplations To thee we crye remember vs o most holy Virgin who euer after thy deliuery remainest a Virgin and geue vnto vs for this litle speach great guiftes out of the riches of thy graces thou that art ful of grace Wherefore we vse theese wordes as from the thing it self by nature laudatory cheifly for the song of thy praise if at any time hymne if at any time praise be offered vnto thee either by vs or any creature To thee I say our gratious Lady Queene Mistris Mother of God Arke of the Sanctuary Behould now at this time in the beginning of the day how the Angel cōposed this Eucomion to thee as the first fruites of praise sayng Haile ful of Luc. 1 grace our Lord is with thee Al orders of Angels and terrestrial thinges pronounce thee blessed and lifting vp their Hierarchial handes blesse thee who art blessed in heauen and declared blessed on earth Bl●ssed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy wombe For with such blessinges the first sacred Order doth celebrate thee which consisteth of Thrones Cherubins Seraphins who are called Flamines or knowers of the great King that is God Blessed art thou among women and blessed is thy wombe the bearer of God thy Papps which he yet an infant sucked And the second Hierarchy which containeth Dominations Powers and Potestates as hauing learned it of the higher Hierarchy and first illuminated respecting vnto thee doth crye Blessed art thou among women an● blessed is thy wōb which conceaued God and thy ceates which brought vp god become a child Now the third holy order of Principalities Angels and Archangels vnto twhom it was commaunded and permitted from God by sending forth one Gabriel an Archangel doth vtter the most glorious most aboundant himne in these wordes Haileful of grace our Lord is with thee Then from these we that are the earthly Hierarchies bringing the exaltations of god in our voice whether because we haue learned or haue tak●n these wordes one from an ps 149. other exalt thee with a great lowde voice Haile gratious our Lord is with the● O Mistris and Lady Queene and the Mother of God make intercession for vs. Because he that was borne of thee God incarnat is our god to whom is due glory magnifying and al honour and adoration and thankes giuing with the father without beginning and with the holy good viuificant spirit both now and euer world without end Amen An other out of S. Ephrem ser de sanctiss dei genitricis virginis Mariae laudibus O Lady replenish my mouth with the grace of thy sweetnesse and illuminat my mind o ful of grace moue my tongue and lippes cherfully and with ioyful mind to sing prayses vnto thee and cheefely that angelical delightful song by farr most renowned which the angel Gabriel in Nazareth did sing to thee a virgin mother of god most vndefiled That salutation I say most conuenient and agreeable and most worthy health of the world and medicine and preseruatiue of our soules O sacred virgin vouchsafe that I thy humble seruant may praise thee and ioyfully say Haile excellent and chosen vessel of god Haile lady Mary ful of grace Haile among women most blessed virgin Haile starre most refulgent from which Christ went forth Haile light most shining mother virgin Haile who hast most admirablly brought forth the king of al. Haile by whō the most cleare sunne of iustice haith shyned Haile Queene and lady higher then al. Haile song of the Cherubim Seraphim and sacred hymne of Angels Haile peace ioy cōsolatiō health of the world Haile gladnesse of mankind Haile praise of the fathers and ornament of the prophets Haile bewty of martyrs and crowne of sainctes Haile glory of the godly Haile most excellent miracle of the whole globe of the earth Haile delight of al earthly cre●tures Hail paradise of delightes and al pleasantnesse and immortality Haile tree of life ioy and pleasure Haile mother of al. Haile fountaine of grace and al comfort Haile refuge and harbour of sinners Haile propitiatorie of them that labour Haile sanctuarie in Ierusalem Haile most glorious throne of our Creator Haile illustrious most shyning brightnesse of eternitie Haile hope of al good mē afflicted with aduersity Haile sweete comfort and defence of conuertites Haile Queene and patronesse both of men and women Haile most effectual conciliatrix of the whole world Haile glory and ●oy of al preistes Haile vi●gin comfort of the solitary liuers Haile Queene of the heauenly Citizens and Lady of Angels Haile our comfortesse that hast appeased our sorowes and mitigated our greefes and taken away al our oppressions Haile sure trust of our soule Haile firme sauegard of al Christians recurring sincerely and truly vnto thee Haile light most bright by which the world is illumined Haile bright mother of Christ sonne of the liuing god Haile notable protection glory of vs al. Hail who hast cōprehēded him in thy bosome and armes that is comprehended in no space Haile who hast brought vp Christ the giuer of life Christ I say the most merciful creator of al. our most sweete lord Iesus to whom belongeth al honour glory renowne power foreuer praise and iubilation and magnificence together with the eternal fath●r and holy ghost now and euer world without end Amen By th● p●aiers and merites of the most holy mother of god Mary the virgin al the heauenly armies and whole company of Angels Cherubim and Seraphim prophets and Apostles Martyrs and Cōfesors and by the intercessions of al Sainctes and supplications of al the blessed o my most merciful god haue mercy on thy creature and place thy humble seruantes on thy right h●nd in the houer of thy dredful Iudgment Amen .. An other out of the same S. Eprem orat ad Sauctiss dei Genitricem BE present vnto me now euer o Virgin Mother of God Mother of mercy benigne gentle a feruent protectrise helper in this present course of life turning from me al hostile inuasions and placing me in the way of saluation and in the last point of life conseruing my miserabl● soule and driuing from it the darke horrible sight of most wicked deuils in the dreedful day of Iudgment deliuering me from euerlasting damnation● and finally
15. 16. 17. and taken me forth from the wicked time Therefore I wil confesse speake praise vnto thee and blesse the name of our Lord. Heu heu heu o Lord god behould Ierem. 32. thou hast made heauen and earth in thy great strength and stretched arme nothing wil be dificult to thee who shewest mercy on thousandes and payest the iniquitie of the parents into th● bosome of their children after them o most strong great and mighty the Lord of hostes is thy name great in coūsaile incomprehensible in cogitation whose eyes are open vpon al the wayes of the children of Adam that thou mayest render to euery one according to his wayes and according to the frute of his inuentions Blessed art thou o lord god of our fathers Dan. 3. and to be praised and exalted for euer And the blessed name of thy glory holy and laudable and exalted in al worldes Blessed art thou in the holy temple of thy glory and exceedingly to be praised and eminently glorious for euer Blessed art thou in the throne of thy kingdome and superlaudable and extolled for euer Blessed art thou who behouldest the depthes and sittest vpon the Cherubim and laudable extolled for euer Blessed art thou in the firmament of heauen and laudable and glorious for euer I wil ioy in our lord and reioyce in Habacue 3. god my Iesus A breefe excercise of meditations prayers for such as desire to obserue al canonical houres of prayer vsed in the primatiue church stil among the religious And first for prime or first houre of the day THe sunne is risen and man shal Ps 103 goe forth to his labour and worke vntil euening A wise man wil geue his heart early Ecclesiast 39. to watch to our lord that made him wil make his prayers in the sight of the highest The kingdome of heauen is like to a Math. 20. man that is an houshoulder which went forth in the morning to hyre workmen into his vineyard and hauing made couenant with the workmen for a penie a day he sent them into his vineyard And very earely the first of the sabothes Mare 16. they come to the monument the sunne being now risen we must preuent the sunne to blesse Sap. 16. thee and worshippe thee when the day appeareth whē morning was come al the cheefe Ma●h 17. Prei●●es and aun●i●nts of the people consulted tog●ther against Iesus that they might put him to death and they bring him bound and deliuered him to Pontius Pilate the pres●dent From the holy primatiue Fathers AT these houres let vs y●ld thākes S. ●enedictus in Regula S. Ch●●s●st l. ● de orando Deum to our Creatour Matins Prime c. We ought in forsaking our beddes to preuent the sunne rysing with diuine worshippe Tel me with what countenance wilt thou behould the sunne except first thou hast adored him that sendeth that most sweete light to thy eyes Meditate in the holy s●riptures Athanasius l de virginitate haue the psalter and learne the psalmes let th● sunne rysing see a booke in thy handes A meditation out of S. Athanasius ser in id profecti c. inuenietis pullum alligatum c. THe scribes pharasies came together into the court of Caiphas tooke counsaile against Iesus For those most desperate men were ignorant that his death would geue vnto vs immortalitie and this descending procure vnto vs our ascending into heauen for our lord arose the third day from the deade hauing spoyled hel trodden the enemy vnder foote abolished death broken the boundes of sinnes wherewith we were holden deliuered those that were bound saying arise let vs depart hence being deliuered from the se●uitude of the deuil Therefore let vs acknowledge our benefactor let vs glorifie the Father with the Sonne and holy Ghost let vs confesse one deitie for so ordering our life we shal possesse the kingdome of heauē in Christ Iesus our lord An other meditation out of S. Ciprian de orat dominica BEsides the houres which were aūciently vsed now both the spaces and Misteries are encreased For also we must pray in the morning that the resurrection of our lord may be celebrated by morning prayer If in the holy scriptures Christ be the true sunne and the true day no hour is excepted from Christians but God ought often alwayes to be adored that we which are in Christ that is in the sunne and the day apply our selues to supplicatiōs and to pray al the day A meditation and prayer out of S. Andreas Bishop of Cesaraea in Capadocia c. vlt. in Apocalip SVrely our Lord is a consuming fyre warmeth the soule which chastly and quietly conuerseth with him although it be could with sinne maketh it capable of that fyre which was borne to cons●me vncleanes Euen also as the sunne whylest it doth more forceably reflect vpon a vessel of glasse ful of water by a certaine kind of boyling and refraction draweth fyre out of it though being could Therefore this being so let vs exhibite our selues not as a filthy and earthen vessel or such as cannot receaue impression of the heauenly beames but as the Temple Cor. 6. of the holy Ghost and cleane and bright glasse to the sunne of iustice that is to Christ who would al men to be saued and 1. Tim. 2. come to the knowledge of truth and doth bestow and offer vnto al so plentifully and without offence the grace of his brightnesse although it be not equally participated of al but according to the measure of the purity of the inward eye Our merciful Lord that for our sake suffered in flesh that is Iesus Christ our God graunt that we may obtaine this pure and chaist eye of minde To whom together with the Father and holy and viuificant spirit is due al glory honour and adoration now and euer for euer Amen A praier for this hour out of S. Clement Constit S. Apost lib. 8. cap. 44. O God of spirites and al flesh in comparable wanting nothing who hast geuen the sunne to gui●e the day and the moone starres to rule the night Behould vs now with thy merciful eyes and receaue our morning geuinges of thankes haue mercy vpon vs for we haue not stretched forth our handes to a straung God for there is not any new god to vs but thou euerlasting and infinite who hast geuen vnto vs by Christ that we might be by him hast bestowed vpon vs that we might be wel Now by him make vs worthy of euerlasting life to whom with thee and the holy ghost be glory honour and worship for euermore Amen A Praier out of S. And●eas of Cesarea super cap. 47. GOd almighty graunt that our conuersation and order of life be such that it may be cause of confusion and deiection vnto the deuils and bring occasion of gladnesse vnto the Angels that together with
now and euer world without end Amen A meditation and prayer to the holy Ghost out of S. Basil ser de libero arbitrio MAry haith chosen the best part Luc. 10. which shal not be taken from her O those precious teares like vnto Margarites flowing from her blessed eyes o her diuine obedi●nt eares o manlike and wise minde o swiftnesse of spiritual loue greatly hasting to the vnpolluted brydegrōe o prick of desire of a soule to god the word o indissoluble society of the spouse to the brydegrome imitate her o sonne imitate her looking after nothing els but him that said I came to cast fire and what wil I but to haue it kinled for there is an heate of the spirit stirring vp of mens heartes wherefore that immaterial and diuine fire doth illuminate soules and proueth them within as gold not counterfaite in a fornace and consumeth wickednes as stuble and thornes For our God is a consuming fyre who taketh vengeance in a flame of fyre vpon them that know him not and them that obey not his gospel This fyre wrought in the Apostles whē Act. 2. they spake w●th fy●●e tongues this is the fyre that shyned with glory rounde Act. 9. about Paule and illuminated his mind but darkned the s●nce of his sight For fleshly sight doth not receaue the force of that light This fyre was seene to Exod. 3. Moyses in the bush This fyre in the shape of a Chariot tooke away Helias Blessed Dauid seeking after the actiō of this fyre did say Proue me o lord examine Ps 25. me burne my reynes and my heart This fyre warmed the heartes of Cleophas Luc. 24. and him that trauailed with him when our Sauiour talked with them after his resurrectiō Wherevpon the Angels Ps 103. and ministring spirites are termed a burning fyre This fyre consuming the beame in the inward eye maketh the minde pure that receauing the natural strength of seeing it may continually see the miracles of god according to him that saith Reueile mine eyes I wil Ps 118. consider the meruelous thinges in thy Law Therefore this fyre driueth away deuils consumeth wickednesse it is the force of resurrection worke of immortality illumination of holy soules and confirmation of reasonable powers Let vs pray vnto this fire that it wil also come into vs that alwaies walking in the light we neuer offend at al but as lightes shyning in the world we keepe cōtinually the doctrine of life that enioying God with our Lord Iesus Christ we may rest in life world without end Amen S. Ephrem post Thren WO to me to me burdeined with greatest sinnes I haue sinned aboue the number of the sandes of the sea and goe crooked 2. Par. 36. Luc. 18. with the burden of my sinnes as loaden with a great weight of iron For I dare not lift vp mine eyes and beholde the highnesse of the heauens Therefore to whom shal I flee but to thee most merciful and gentle O god haue Ps 50. mercy on me according to thy great mercy And according to the multitude of thy miserations blot out mine iniquitie Wash me more o Lord from mine iniquity and clense me from my sinne Because I acknowledg mine iniquity and my sinne is alwaies against me I haue sinned to th●e alone and dore euil before th●e I flee vnto thee for thine infinite piety I haue pr●uoked thee to th●e I returne because of thine exceding clem●ncy To thee because of thy great beningnity and goodnesse I runne back and b●seeching cry out Turne thy face away from my Ps 50. sinnes and blot out al mine iniquities for thy holy name For I haue nothing which I may offer vnto thee not any good workes not cleanesse of heart But I trust in thy mercies and cast myself into them asking that thou wilt Ib. create a cleane heart in me confirme me with thy principal Spirit lest I easely fal againe into sinne but from henceforth may serue thee in holinesse and iustice al the daies of my life Because thine is the kingdome and Rule world without end Amen Meditations and prayers for the sixt hour or at noone tyme. Direction out of scripture AT Noone tyme I wil declare Ps 54. shew forth and he wil heare my voice And after they came to the place Luc. 23. Marc. 15. Math. 27. which is called Caluary there they crucified him c. And it was almost the sixt hour Peter went vp to pray in the higher Act. 10. partes about the sixt hour O tel me thou whō my soule doth loue Cant. 1. where thou feedest where thou lyest at noone tyme lest I begin to wander after the flockes of my felowes M●k● your prayers at the sixt hour Clem. Const l. 8. c. 40. Cip. l. de orat dom because our lord was then crucified We finde that in praying the three children with Daniel obserued the third hour sixt hour and ninth hour c. Peter at the sixt hour ascending into the higher partes was instructed both with the signe voice of god admonishing him that he should admit al to the grace of saluation And our lord being crucified at the sixt hour at the ninth hour washed away our sinnes with his bloud A Meditation vpon the Crosse for this Hour out of S. Ciril Archb. of Ierusalem Catech 13. Illumin THe Tree of life is set into the earth that the earth which was cursed might enioy benediction and the dead might be deliuered and quickned Therefore let vs not be ashamed to confesse him that was crucified but let vs confidently impresse with our fingers the signe of the crosse on our forhead and let the Crosse be made in al thinges els in eating our bread in drinking our drinke in going forth and entring in before sleepe in lying downe in rysing in going resting Great is this saifguarde which for the poore is freely geuen without labour for the weake seeing this grace is of god the signe of the faithful and feare of ●euils for he triumphed ouer them in this signe She wit forth boldly for when they shal see the Crosse they ●●member him that was crucifyed they f●a●e him that c●ushed in peeces the Gen. 3. dragons head An other Meditation vpon the crucifying of Christ out of S. Leo ser 6. de pas Do. CHrist was crucified in the place called Golgatha By the tree the fall by the tree is lifted vp and by the taist of gal and vinegre the baite of sinne is blotted out Worthily had our Lord said before he was betrayed When I shal be exalted I wil draw Ioan. 12. al th●nges vnto me That is I wil plead al the cause of mankind and that nature which was lost I wil recal to integrity Al infirmity shal be abolished in me al woundes shal be healed in me And that Christ drew al thinges vnto him it is shewed not onely by
vnited Praier is the seale of Virginity fidelity of matrimonie a sheild to trauailers a keepe● of the sleeping trust of the waking Praier is a conuersation and conference with God a contemplation of thinges not seene a sure confidence of thinges desired an estate of the same honoure with Angels a going forward and increase of good thinges an ouerthrowe of thinges that be euil an amendement of sinners ●he fruit of thinges present are representation of thinges to come Praier made the whale an house vnto Ionas Reduced Ezechias from the Ionas 3. 4. Reg. 20 Dan. 1. dores of death to life for the 3. children it changed the flaming fyre into a cooling wynde erected a Trophee of victory for the Israelites against the Amalacites Exo. 17. 4. Re. 29. and in one night slew with ā inuisible sworde one hundred foure scoare and fiue thousand of the Assirians And we may finde examples not to be numbred of such thinges as are already chanced by which it is manifest that among those thinges which in this life be embraced and esteemed pretious nothing is to be preferred before praier When where and how to pray out of S. Chrisostome homil contra Pseudoprophetas HEare the Apostle crying Pray ye without intermission that is ● Thes 5. at al time both night and day and euery hour both when thou art about thy worke in thy Iournay kepest thy flock tillest thy ground sleepest Expect not our Lordes day or festiual day or disterence of places For the name of God is not confined with place for in his hand are al the endes of the ps 94. earth Therefore Dauid the Prophet praying euery day and night expected not differēce of places but weping said admonishing his soule O my soule blesse god in al place of his domination Therefore ps 10● expect not day or hour but pray euen when thou art at home and in thy iournay when thou lyest downe and when thou rysest and in euery place pray vigilantly diligently not requesting riches not honour or glory not prosperity nor any thing els of this world transitory or vnprofitable for al these thinges are corruptible ende in corruption whether thou namest the greitest riches or preeminent humane glory or any thing els of such thinges as be on earth with which mē vse to be puffed vp But pray for thy saluation alone pray for the necessities of thy neboures and pray with humility with teares with contrition and knock cōtinually or rather without ceasing and daily for euery one that asketh receaueth Math. 7. and he that seeketh findeth and to him that knocketh it shal be opened Perfection and attention in praier out of S. Ephrem ser de vi●ginitate FOllow the steps of the holy Fathers which haue b●ne eminent in virginal chastity and chast and religious life in praiers and fastings Loue the exercise of diuine thinges desire Praier the familiar conference with God For euery holy and pure praier conuerseth familiarly with God The praier of them that perfectly desire God with gladnes and much t●ust continually pearceth heau●n it self In it the Angels and Arch-angels r●ioyc● and present it before the Throne of the holy high Lord of al. For then the greatest ioy shyneth vnto them if at any time they offer before our holy Lord the praiers of iust men that loue God Therefore study in life vertues to be a follower of t●e holy Fathers Walke in the pathes of their way and life kepe the vertue of cōtinency as they did execute it in mind execute it in spirit execute it in body execute it in habit also in meate and speach behoulding cogitation and laughter that in all thinges thou maist proue a perfect chāpion Looke to thy self lest at any time in praier thy minde wander hither and thither but when thou standest praying to god order thy self before him with feare trembling Cut out of thy heart al thoughts cares of earthly thinges be wholly in time of praier as an heauenly Angel so st●iue that thy praier may be holy and pure vnspotted and irreprehensible that when the heauenly gates shal see it ascend vp ward reioycing they may of their owne accorde presently be opened that the Angels and Archangels seeing it may al reioycing meete it and offer it before the holy and high throne of our immaculate lord The●fore be thou alwaies in praier ioyned to God as the Cherubim Seraphim Cause god alwaies to rest in thy soule that thou maist there be found ful of cōfidence in that terrible dredful hour when Christ our Lord shal come to render vnto euery one according to his Ro. 2. Apoe 22. work To whom be glory and power world without end Amen An other out of the same S. Ephrem ●er Asc de vita Rel. paren 50. AS if a man standing before a King and talking with him being called by his felow seruant should leaue the honourable glorious speach of the King and turne him self to talk with his seruant euen so a Religious man in the time of his singing that draweth his minde from god and turneth him self to fables and toyes with others Therefore let vs consider before whom we are placed For as the Angels with great feare trembling do stand before the Creatour singing himnes vnto him euen so ought we in the time of praier and singing to appeare before god with a pure heart and with reuerence and feare lest we be thought to stand before him and intende to praiers onely in body but in minde in the meane time to be occupied with earthly businesse For euen as a ship boate that is carried vp downe with waues of the sea euen so a Monk whose minde is distracted with businesse and cares of the world An other out of the same S. Ephrem de orand Deum TAke heede thou ceacest not to pray as often as thou canst kneele downe when thou can not call vpon God in thy minde both at euening morning and none-time If thou put praier before thy worke rising forth of thy bed shalt take the beginning of thy motions from praier sinne wil not enter into thy soule Praier is a conference with God equal honour with the Angels promotion of the good auersion from the wicked and amendement of sinners There is no possession in mannes life more precious then praier Neuer suffer your selues to be seperated frō this neuer depart from this but as our Lord saith let vs pray that our labour be not in vaine Mat. 6. The deuotion and attention to be vsed in praier out of S. Ciprian de orat dom WHen we are at praier we o●ght to attende and geue our selues with all our heart to praiers Let al carnal and worldly cogitation depart Let not the minde then think vpon any thing but that alone which it praieth Therefore the Preist before praier when he haith said the Preface prepareth the mindes
pray enter into thy chamber and the doare being shut pray thy Father in secret and thy Father which seeth in secret and thy Father which seeth in secret wil rewarde thee And when you pray speake not much as the heathens doe for they think to be heard in their much speaking therefore be not likned to them for your Father knoweth what you need before you aske him Therefore so you shal pray OVr Father which art in heauē Hallowed be thy name Thy kingdome come Thy wil be done in earth as it is in heauen Geue The grecke Acton epionsion Supersubstantial Bread vs this day our daily bread And forgeue vs our trespasses as we forgeue them that trespasse against vs. And lead vs not into temptation But deliuer vs from euil Amen S. Ambrosius lib. 3. de virginitate Repeate often in thy chamber psalmes with our Lordes praier either when thou awakest or before thou goest to sleepe A deuout Meditation or exposition vpon this our Lordes praier out of S. Chromatius Bishop of Aquileia in cap. 5. Mathei O How faithful blessed a praier is this vnto vs whose order was instituted by the Doctor of life and heauenly maister And how blessed may we also be if we obserue not onely with duty of mouth but with most faithful deede of cōuersation these wordes of our Lordes praier Therefore our Lord ordained this forme of praying for his Disciples for the hope of mannes saluation saying Our Father which art in heauen How great is the loue of our Lord toward vs how exceeding his mercy and piety who haith bestowed a guift of such grace vpon vs that him which is our Lord and god we which are but seruants may lawfully cal our Father By which name he doth not onely demonstrate vs now to be the seruants but also the sonnes of God Therefore because we haue obtained the grace of so great a guift that we are made not onely seruants but sonnes also we ought to do and behaue our selues as the children of god that by spiritual doing we may prooue our selues to be that which we are called according to that of Iohn He that is borne of God committeth 1. Io. 3. not sinne because his natiuity of god doth keepe him and the deuil toucheth him not But he that committeth sinne is not of God but of the deuil because the deuil sinneth from the beginning And therefore keping the sacrament of our heauenly natiuity we ought to be free from al sinne that we may deserue truly to be called or be the sonnes of god And the holy prophets knew the grace of this diuine mercy in which it is permitted vnto vs to cal god our Father as Isay saith For thou art our Father because Abraham haith not knowne vs Israel Is 63. haith not knowne vs but our Lord our Father from the beginning thy name is vpon vs. Likewise also Malachy witnessith in his booke saying For there is one Father Mal. 2. of vs al. How great is the mercy of our Lord We which before by our owne wil had chosen the deuil for our father now being borne againe by water and the holy Ghost begin to haue god our Father And therefore we ought to walk as the children of God l●st doing otherwise thē becometh gods children we be holden guilty vnder the vsurpation of so great a name Therefore he saith Our Father which art in heauen hallowed be thy name not because the name of god can be hallowed of any man when he halloweth al men which saith by the prophet Be you holy as I also am holy saith our Lord. L●uit ●0 But therefore we request his name to be hallowed that it may be hallowed in vs by the workes of iustice by the merit of faith by the grace of the holy Ghost which sanctification that we may receaue by such guifts the ayde of his mercy is necessary but he that is the fountaine of euerlasting holinesse needeth not any sanctification Then he saith Thy kingdome come Likewise we do not aske that he should be King who is King of euer-during worldes whose kingdome haith neither beginning nor end but that the kingdome which is celestial which he haith promised vnto vs may come But it is a signe of great confidence and sincere conscience confidently to aske that this Kingdome of our Lord may come And therefore because we alwaies pray that the Kingdome of God may come we must shew our selues such in the faith of our Lord and his commaundements that we may be worthy of his kingdome to come After this he saith Thy wil be done in earth as it is in heauen where also there is the like maner of vnderstanding for no man can resist or hinder god that he do not what he wil seing al thinges both in heauen and earth consist by his wil But we pray that his wil may be done in vs. And the wil of God is that beleuing in him with al our heart we fulfil those thinges which he haith commaunded to be done of which wil of god the Apostle witnesseth saying The wil of god is your sanctification that 1. Thes 4. you abstaine from carnal concupiscences Therefore when ●e say Thy wil be do●e in earth as it is in heauen This we pray that as the wil of god is faithfully kept of the Angels in heauen so also we must with a Religious and faithful deuotion desire the helpe of gods assistance or Thy wil be done in earth as it is in heauen that as in heauen that is in holy and heauenly men the wil of god is fulfilled so also in earth that is we pray that the wil of god may be done by beleefe of faith and knowledg of the truth in them which haue not ye● beleeued Then he saith Geue vs this day our dayly bread This saying of our Lord we vnderstand two waies first that we do not aske any thing but our daily foode For we are not commaunded to aske riches or superfluity of worldly thinges but our daily bread which to Christians that liue by faith is onely necessary for this present life as the Apostle saith Hauing foode wherewith to 1. Tim. 6. be couered with these we are content But w● must cons●der that this is spiritually commaunded vnto vs that we aske our daily bread that is that heauenly and spiritual bread which we daily receaue for the curing of our soule and hope of eternal saluation of which our Lord saith in the Gospel The heauenly Io. 6. bread is my flesh which I wil geue for the life of the world And therefore we are commaunded daily to aske this bread that is that through the mercy of God bestowing it we may deserue ●aily to receaue the bread of the body of our Lord. And forgeue vs our debtes as we also forgeue our debtors This is plainely a iust and necessary saying for al men First that we acknowledge our selues to be sinners
then that we so pray our sinnes to be forgeuen of god as we our selues forgeue them that sinne against vs. Which if we do not we make our selues guilty before god by our owne wordes the scripture saying A stronge snare is to man his owne lippes Whereupon Salomon not vnworthily also not ignorant by the holy ghost of the forme of this our Lordes praier forwarned vs saying Thou shalt not lye a word in thy praier For what man can or dareth to lye vnto God in praier except peraduenture he which according to our Lordes praier asking pardon for his sinnes of god doth not forgeue them that sinne against him Moreouer he saith And leade vs not into temptation but deliuer vs from euil There is a dooble reason and diuers causes of this temptation Because by sinne temptation is brought in to sōme for their amendement to others for proofe of their faith to others for their glory as blessed Iames witnessith in his Epistle saying Blessed is he which Iac. 1. haith suffered temptation because being made blessed he shal receaue the crowne of life which god haith promised to al that loue him Therefore we do not pray that we be not tempted at al but ●hat we be not geuen ouer to temptation aboue that which the power of our faith doth suffer The Apostle that he might shew the same haith witnessed so saying But god is faithfull who wil not suffer you to be tēpted aboue that which you are 1. Cor. i● able but wil make with temptation also an ouergoing that you may be able to sustaine Therefore we do not pray to haue that temptation which may be profitable vnto vs taken away but that which excedeth the measure of our infirmity And therefore fitly and necessarily in the end of the praier we pray to be deliuered from euil which doth not geue ouer daly to assault our faith with diuers temptations from which to be deliuered we iustly daily pray lest hindered by his suggestions we can not kepe the commaundements of god Therefore al The excell●cy of our lo●des Praier thinges necessary to our faith saluation are contained in this short praier of our Lord while we professe the profession of the name of Father while we aske that the signification of his name be in vs while we ●treate that the kingdome of god may come while we pray that his wil be done in vs while we besech for daily foode earthly or heauenly for the hope of our saluation while we craue pardon of our sinnes while we pray to haue greauous temptation taken from vs last of al when we desire continually of our Lord to be deliuered from that euil which is authour of al sinne which thing how it was to come to passe the holy Ghost foretould long agoe by Isay saying Our lord Isay 10. wil make abreuiated word through ●l the world to whom is honour p●aise and glory together with the holy Ghost before al worldes and now and euer world without end Amen Meditations praiers vpon that petition giue vs this day our supersubstantial or dayly bread out of scripture and may be vsed before receauing Io. 6. I Am the liuing bread which haue descended from heauen if any man shal eate of this bread he shal liue for euer the bread which I wil geue is my flesh for the life of the world Iesus tooke bread blessed brake Mat. 26. gaue to his disciples and said take and eate this is my body c. this is my bloud of the new testament to be shed for many to remission of sinnes Take this is my body c. this is my Mar. 14. bloud of the new testament which shal be shed for many This is my body which is geuen for Luc. 22. 1. Cor. 11. you c. This is my body c. Meditations of this supersubstātial bread out of the fathers S. Iustin Apol. 2. ad Anton. WE do not take these thinges as common meate or common drinke but euen as by the word of god Iesus Christ our preseruer being made man had both flesh and bloud for our saluation so also we haue receaued that the meate which is consecrated by the praiers of the speach which we receaued of him is both the flesh and bloud of Iesus Christ that was made man For the Apostles in their Commentaries which are called Gospels haue deliuered that Christ so cōmaunded them that he taking bread when he had geuen thankes said doe this in memory of me this is my body S. Ciprianus L. de caena Domini The supper being ordered among the sacramental banquets the old and new institutions met together and the lambe which the old tradition proposed being consumed the maister setteth before his disciples food inconsumbale the foode of immortalitie is geuen differing frō common meates retaining the species of corporal substance but by inuisible efficacy of the diuine power prouing the presence to be there Sacraments signified longe agoe from the time of Melchizedech come forth and to the children of Abraham doing his workes the highest Preist bringeth forth bread wyne This is saith he my body They had eatē drunk of the same bread according to the visible forme but before those wordes that common meate was onely fit to norish the body and ministred helpe to the corporal life but after it was said of our lord Do this in my commemoration This is my flesh this is my bloud So often as with these wordes and this faith the matter is hādled that supersubstantial bread and Chalice consecrated by solemne benediction doth profit to the life and saluation of the whole man both a medicine and holocaust to heale our infirmities purge iniquities The bread which our Lord gaue vnto his Disciples chāged not in outward shew but in nature by the omnipotēcy of the word is made flesh And as in the person of Christ the humanity was seene and the diuinity lay hid So the diuine essense vnspeakably haith infused it self to the visible sacrament As the comon bread which we daily eat is the life of the body so this supersubstantial bread is the life of the soule and health of the minde S. Saluianus lib. 2. ad Eccl. SOme man perhaps wil demaund why god requireth more of christians by the gospel thē before of the Iewes by the law there is a manifest reason of these thinges we pay greater thinges now to our lord because we owe greater thinges The Iewes had the shadow of thinges we the truth the Iewes were seruantes we are addopted children the Iewes receaued the yoke we haue receaued freedome the Iewes malediction we grace the I●wes receaued the killing letter we haue receaued the quickning spirit To the Iewes the seruant was sent for a maister to vs the Sonne The Iewes by the sea went into the wildernesse we by baptisine enter into the kingdome The Iewes did eate Manna we Christ The Iewes the
flesh of birdes we the flesh of god The Iewes the dew of heauen we the god of heauen S. Ciril Hierosolim catech mistag 4. WHen Christ him self doth so affirme and say of bread This is my body who after dareth to doubt of it And when the same affirmeth and saith This is my bloud who would doubt and say it is not his bloud S. Chrisost hom 60. ad pop Antioch Let vs obey god in al thinges and not contradict him although that which is spoken seemeth to be otherwyse to our cogitations eyes but let his word be more worthie then our thought and sight and so let vs behaue our selues in misteries and let vs not onely haue respect to thinges put before our eyes but let vs hould his wordes for his word is infallible and our sence easie to be seduced that doth neuer faile but this doth verie oftē err Therefore because the word saith This is my body let vs obey him beleeue him and behould him with intellectual eyes He doth graunt vnto thee not onely to see him but also to eat him touch him receaue him within thee But no smal punishment is proposed to the vnworthie receauers Consider how thou art offended against him that betrayed him against those that crucified him and therefore beware lest thou also beguiltie of the body and bloud of christ they killed his most sacred body but thou after so many benefits receauest it with a polluted soule It was not enough for him to be made man to be beaten with bufets but he doth mingle him selfe with vs and not onely by faith but in very deede doth make vs his body Therfore then what ought he not to be more pure that enioyeth such a sacrifice what beame of the sonne is there that the hād which deuideth this flesh ought not to be more bright then it the mouth that is filled with spiritual fyer the tong that is embrued with that exceeding dreadful bloud Bethinke thy selfe with what honour thou art adorned what table thou dost enioy that wich the Angels seeing doe tremble at nor freely dare behould for the brightnes shyning from thēce with this we are fed to this we are vnited Primasius in cap. 10. Heb. This is one sacrifice and not many how is it one and not many whē it is offered of many in dyuers places and dyuers tymes Therefore we must most aptly consider that the diuinity of the word of god which is one and filleth al thinges is wholly every where that causeth that it be not many but one sacrifice though it be offered of many and be one body of Christ with that which he receaued in the virgins wombe not many bodyes Neither that we offer now an other great an other lesse an other to day an other to morow but alwayes the same hauing equal greatnes Therfore this is one sacrifice of Christ not diuers as the Iewes sacrifices were for if it should be otherwyse because it is offered in many places there should be many Christes which god forbid to thinke therfore he is one in al those places existing whole here and there hauing one whole body in al the places And as he that is offered euerie where is one body and not many bodies so also one sacrifice S. Casarius ep Arelaten hom 7. de pascha The heauenly authority confirmeth My flesh is truly meate my blood truly drīk Therefore let al doubt of infidelitie depart for he that is authour of the guift he also is witnesse of the truth For the inuisible preist by the power of his secret word doth chaung the visible creatures into the substance of his body and bloud Whē the creatures that are to be blessed with the celestial wordes are laid vpon the Altar before they are consecrated by inuocation of the holy name there is the substance of bread and wyne but after the wordes of Christ there is the body and bloud of Christ And what meruaile is it if those thinges which he could create with his word being created he could chaung thē with his word Yea it seemeth now lesse miracle if that which he is knowen to haue made of nothing now being made he can chaung it into a better Examine what can be difficult to him to whom it was easie by the power of his wil to make visible and inuisible thinges Prayers before receauing the B. Sacrament Math. 6. Our father which art in heauen c. giue vs this day our supersubstantial bread S. Dion Areopag l. cael hier c. 3. contem O diuine and most holy Sacrament those as it were vayles and coueringes drawen over thee by signes of obscurity being opened shew thinges clearely vnto vs and replenish the eyes of our mynd with asingular light and such as can not be couered S. Ambro. orat praeparator O Lord thou hast said with thy holy and blessed mouth The bread which I wil geue is my flesh for the life of the world I am the liuing bread which descended from heauen if any man shal eate of this bread he shal liue for euer O most sweete bread heale the taist of my heart that I may feele the sweetenesse of thy loue Cure it from sicknesse that I may perceaue no sweetenesse besides thee O most white bread hauing al delight and al taist who dost alwayes refresh vs and neuer feelest defect in thy self Let my heart eate thee let al the bowels of my soule be filled with the sweetenesse of thy taist O holy bread o liuely bread o pure bread which descendedst from heauen and geuest light vnto the world come into my heart and clense me from al infection of flesh and spirit Enter into my soule heale and clense me inwardly and without Be thou a defence continual health of my soule and body Driue from me the enemies that lye in waite for me Let them depart farre from the presence of thy power that I being both without and within defended by thee may come in the right path to thy kingdome where it is not delt in misteries as in this time but we shal see thee face to face when thou shalt deliuer the kingdome to god and the Father and god shal be al thinges in al. For then thou shalt fil me of thee with a meruelous satiety so that I shal neuer after hunger nor thirst thou who with the same god the Father and holy Ghost liuest and reignest world without end Amen S. Iacobus in Missa recept in Synod 6. general TAist and see how bountiful our Lord is who is distributed into Partes and is not diuided and geuen to the faithful and is not consumed for remission of sinnes and for life euerlasting now and euer foreuer In rhe peace of Christ let vs singe Taist see how bountiful our Lord is o Psal 33. Lord our god heauenly bread the life of al. I haue sinned against heauen and before thee and I am not worthy to be partaker of thine immaculate
ful recompence of true ioy is made Haile thou who art truly blessed Haile illuminated Haile magnificent Temple of diuine glory Haile consecrated Palace of our King Haile Bride-chamber wherein humanity was espoused to Christ Haile thou chosen of God before thou wert borne Haile gods reconciliation with men Haile treasure of incorruptible life Haile heauen the Tabernacle of the Sunne of glory Haile most ample feild of God whom none other place but thou alone is able to comprehend Haile holy virginal earth of which the new Adam by an vnspeakable framing was formed to restoare the old Adam to saluation Haile ful of grace our Lord is with thee He that said Let light be made Gen. 1. Let the firmament be made and afterwardes the other workes of his powerable creation Haile thou new Arke of glory in which the holy Ghost descending rested the Arke in which the sanctification of new glory which of his owne nature is holy meruelously inclosed him self in the virginal wombe as in a shop of nature to be incarnate Haile thou intellectual glasse of contemplatiue knowledg by which the Prophets renowmed spirits haue mistically shadowed the incredible comming downe of god vnto vs. Haile ornament of the Prophets and al Patriarkes and the most true praise of the vnsearchable oracles of god Blessed art thou among women And blessed is the fruit of thy wombe And certes thou art truly blessed for God blessed thee a Tabernacle to him self Among women blessed art thou who most freely didest embrace as it were in the saife promptuary of thy virginity that heauenly treasure in whom al other treasures of wisdome knowledg are laide vp Thou art truly blessed who alone aboue al other Mothers was worthy to be the Mother of thy maker Verily blessed art thou who alone without man didest conceaue in thy wōbe beare him who spreadeth the heauens and made the earth of thy virginity to be celestial Blessed art thou among women who alone hast obtained the blessing which god promised to the gentiles by Abraham Verily blessed art thou who art na●ed the Mother of the blessed childe Iesus Christ our Sauiour by whom the Nations do cry Blessed is he that commeth in the name of our Lord and blessed Math. 21. Psal 117. Psal 71. is the euerlasting name of his glory And the whole earth shal be filled with his Maiesty Among women blessed art thou whom al generations declare to be blessed Kinges do glorify whom Potentates adore in whose sight the richest of the people offer guiftes on whō virgins following and going before doe attende into the Temple of the King Blessed art thou amonge women whō Isay behoulding with his prophetical Is 8. eyes named the prophetesse and virgin Verily blessed art thou whom Ezechiel Ezechiel 43. Ezechiel 44. et 46. Daniel 2. proclamed to be the true rysing of the sunne A gaite closed opened by god alone and shut againe Thou alone art truly blessed whom Daniel that man of desyers did see to be a great moūtaine And admirable Abacuc a shadowing mountaine Moreouer the mountaine of Psal 67. god a fertile mountaine Also a pleasant mountaine a mountaine in which it pleased god to dwel as thy ancestor the king endued with the spirit of god foretould Amonge women blessed art thou whom Zacharie that most heauenly Zachar. 4. man did behould as a Candlesticke adorned with seuen Cādl●s doubtles bright shyning with those seuē guiftes of the holy ghost Verily blessed art thou beutified with sence and vnderstanding the Gen. 2. paradise of the florishing wood of our saluation which hast within thee the husbandman him selfe of the Garden Eden I meane Christ our lord shadowed by figures in thee who by a certaine vnspeable power like vnto astreme issuing forth from thy wombe of life as it were with foure beginninges by his gospel haith wattered the face of the world Blessed art thou amonge women and blessed is the frute of thy wombe Blessed is that Io. 4. frute from which fountaines Do flow of water sprīging vp vnto life euerlasting That frute from which that liuely bread I meane our lordes body is brought forth and the cup of immortality the sauing potion is geuen vnto vs. A deuout meditation and praier concerning the second part of the Aue Maria out of S. Augustine s 2. Annun dom Tom. 10. O Blessed Marie who is able worthely to render vnto thee dutie of thankes and solemnity of praises who by thy singular assent hast succoured the world that was lost What laudes shal the frailty of mankind pay vnto thee who by thy negotiation hast foūd the meanes to recouer it again Therefore receiue such as they be very smal such as they be thankes vneqnal to thy merites And when thou hast receaued our prayers by praying excuse our faultes Admit our praiers within the Oratorie of thy audience and bring backe vnto vs a preseruatine of reconciliatiō Let that be excused which we entreate by thee Let vs obtaine that which we aske with a faithful mind Receiue that which we offer bestow a gaine vpon vs what we demaund excuse what we feare For thou art a singular hope of sinners by thee we hope for pardon of offences and in thee o most blessed woman is the expectation of our rewardes O Holy Mary succour those that be in misery assist the weake hearted comfort those that weepe pray for the people entreat for the cleargie make intercession for the deuout woman sexe let al perceaue thy helpe that celebrat thy name Be ready to assist the prayers of them that aske thee and yeld to al their desired effect Ha●e a care d●a●y to pray for the people of god t●ou o bless●d who didest dese●ue to b●are the Redeemer of the world who l●uet● and reigneth for euer Amen An other deuout Meditation and praier concerning the s●me out of S. Atha●asius Pa●ri●rcke of Ale●a●dria se● de Sac●iss deipara THe holy ghost came vpon her Luc. 1. sanctified her as the spirit saith in the psalmes The most high ps 45. haith sanctified his Tabernacle and the power of the highest strengthning oue● shadowed her Luc. 1. He is a King that was borne of the Virgin the same our Lord and God Therefore also his Mother which brought him forth is properly truly thought to be our Queene and Lady and Mother of God and it wil be lawful for vs so agreably to speake while we haue respect vnto ●er and him that was borne of her her son that beareth flesh Wherefore as whē we looke vnto him we cal him our King Lord and God so also when we cast our eyes to her we behould her to be our Queene Lady and Gods Mother and that by contemplation of our intellectual eye The Queene is present ps 44. on thy right hand compassed about with her guilded garment garnished And now truly o Daughter of Dauid and Abraham harken and incline thine eare
accompting me in the number of the iust and making me heire of the inaccessible glory of thy sonne God which I desire o my Lady and Mother of God may after this exile by thy godly intercession and patronage be graunted vnto me and vnto al that humb●y runne to thee and fasten their hope in thee by the grace mercy and bounty of thy onely begotten Sonne our Lord God and Sauiour Iesus Christ to whom is due al glory honour power and adoration with the Eternal Father and holy and viuificant Spirit now and euer world without end Amen An other out of the same S. Ephrem in Lament Mar. super pas dom O Pure and immaculate and blessed Virgin Mother of thy mighty Sonne and of the God of al without offence perfect and most sacred the hope of the dispayring and guilty we praise thee we blesse thee as most ful of grace who brought forth Christ God and man We al fal down to thee al cal vpon thee and besech thy helpe Deliuer vs o Virgin holy intemerate from al necessity approaching frō al tēptations of the deuil Be thou our reconciliatrix and Aduocate in the hour of death Iudgment and deliuer vs from the vnquencheable fyre to come the outward darknesse and vouchsaife vs the glory of thy Son o Virgin and Mother most sweete and gentle For thou alone with the God of Christians art our most secure and holy hope To whom be glory honour renowne rule for euer Amen Another of S. Ephrem ser de laud. Sanstiss Dei Genitr Virg. Mar. OInuiolate perfect wholly pure and chast Virgin Mary Mother of God Queene of al our most glorious Lady higher then the inhabitantes of heauen brighter then t●e beames and shyninges of the sunne more honoured then the Cherubim more holy then the Seraphim and incomparably more glorious then al the other celestial Armes the hope of the Fathers glory of the Prophets praise of the Apostles honour of Martirs ioy of Sainctts light of the most accepted Abraham Isaac and Iacob The Ornaments of Aaron brightnesse Iud. 6. of Moyses and Flease of Gedeon the crowne of the company of holy Princes al Sainctes virgins brightnesse farre exceeding and splendor inaccessible the Golden Censor most cleare Lantherne most bewtiful vessel bearing the Manna of heauen the Heb. 6. Table which brought the written Law vnto mortal men the true Arke most Apoc. 8. diuine Charter most prudent and wise wise Princesse of al and illuminating Virgin most holy comfortesse and guider of al most sacred Maiden O flamming Bush vnburned and florishing Rodde of Aaron For verily thou art the Rodde and thy Sonne the Floure For from the roote of Dauid and Salomon did spring Christ our creatour god and Lord omnipotent and alone most high Thou broughtest forth god and man Thou a Virgin before birth in birth and after his birth God thy creatour putting on flesh without seed in thy virginal wombe did not take away those keyes of the oriental gate that is euer shutt and preseruing thee o most bewtiful such a one as thou was before his birth By thee we are reconciled to Christ our God thy most sweete Sonne Thou art the onely adnocatrix and helper of sinners people destitute of helpe Thou the most saife Hauen of thē that fuffer shipwrack Thou art the comfort of the world Thou art the receptacle of orphanes redemption and deliuery of captiues Thou the exultation of the sick consotion of the sadde and health of al. al. Thou art the strength of MonKes and Eremites and hope of the secular Thou art the glory crowne and ioy of virgins Thou art the gladnesse of the world O Lady Princesse Queene most excellent exceding blessed Maiden most honoured and Lady of ladies most pure and chast We flee vnder thy defence o holy Mother of God defend and keepe vs vnder the winges of thy piety and mercy Haue mercy on vs that are defyled with the filth of sin who with very manifould offences and transgressions haue offended the Creator our god Iudg of al lest the most pernicious Sathan be insolent glory against vs lest the detestable enemy arise against vs lest we see thy seruants to fal from hope of thee or lest the tongue of detractors calumniate vs. We haue none other hope then in thee o most sincere Virgin Farr from our Mothers armes o our Lady we wretches are dedicated vnto thee and called thy Clients Therfore suffer vs not by the malignant Sathan to be led to the gates of hel For thou art our hauen o Virgin immaculate and president O holy helper we are wholy vnder thy tuission and protection Therfore we flee to thee the onely woman and with often teares o most blessed Mother besech thee and fall downe vnto thee humbly crying and praying lest thy sweete Sonne our Sauiour geuer of the life of al for many sinnes which we haue committed take vs away and like a Lyon teare our wretched soules or cut vs vp as the barren figge tree But we entreat that we may come securely to Christ enter into those pallaces of the blessed where there are not teares nor mourning nor vexation not greife not calamity not death not torment not want of place THE HOLY CREDE Or Articles of our Faith deliuered to the Church by Tradition by the holy Apostles of Christ as testify these primatiue Sainctes S. Clem. Rom. Ep. 1. Amb. Ep. 81 ad Siriac ser 38. Aug. ser 181. de temp Ireu lib. 1. haer ca. 2. l. 3. c. 4. Hier. ad Pamach Ep. 61. ●a 9. Leo ser 11. de pass dom Ep. 13. ad Pulcher. Aug. ser cont Eu●ych Max. Taur Ep. Hom. de trad Simb paschas praef lib. de Sanct. and others I Beleue in God the Father almighty maker of heauen and earth And in Iesus Christ his onely Sōne our Lord. Which was conceaued by the holy Ghost borne of the Virgin Ma●y Suffered vnder Pontius Pilate was crucified dead and buried Descended into hel The third day he arose againe from the dead Ascended into heauen Sitteth at the right hāde of God the Father almighty Frō thence he shal come to iudge the quick and the dead I beleue in the holy Ghost The holy Catholick Church The communion of Sainctes The forgeuenesse of sinnes The resurrection of the body And life euerlasting Amen Direction out of S. Ambrose lib. 3. Virgin We ought to repeate daily the Creede as the seale of our heart in the houres before day To which when we are afraide of any thing we must runne continually For when is a souldier in campe a warriar in battaile without his signe of warfare to be decerned by A Meditation or breife exposition vpon the same Creede out of S. Clem. Ep. 1. translated by Ruffinus within 400 yeares of Cirist Ruffinus in praef ad Gaudent in Re●ogn vasen Conc. can 6. Alexan. 1. Ep. ex Conc. Rom. Anaclet
none vpon whom you shal see the signe Thou In the old characters of the Hebrewes which the Samaritanes vs● to this day the last letter is Than hauing the similitude of a Crosse which is made in the forheades of Christians and signed by often forming it with our hand A praier after the Creede out of S. Hilary l. 1● Trin. in fine PReserue o Lord this Religion of my faith vnspotted and til my soule departeth from me geu● me this voice of conscience that I may alwaies kepe that which I haue professed in the Symbole of my Regeneration when I was baptised in the Father and the Sonne and the holy Ghost that is may worship thee our Father thy Sonne together with thce and may deserue thy holy Spirit which is of thee by thy onely begotten Sonne Because there is a fitt witnesse for my faith vnto me saying Father al my thinges are thine and thine are mine my Lord Iesus Christ remayning in thee and of thee and with thee alwaies God who is blessed for euer Amen An other inter oper sancti Cipriani de Symb. which som ascribe to S. Cip. others to Ruffinus OVr Lord vouchsaife to graunt vs that keeping the Faith which we haue receaued after our course is ēded to expect the crown of Iustice laid vp in stoare and to be found among them that rise againe to euerlasting life to be deliuered from confusion and euerduring reproach by Christ our Lord by whom to God the Father almighty with the holy Ghost be glory and rule world without end Amen Meditations and praiers vpon those wordes of the Creede Communion of Sainctes may be vsed before Iournay or other busines Gen. 48. THe Angel which haith deliuered me frō al euils blesse these children The Angel of our Lord wil put him Ps 33. self in the compasse of them that feare him and deliuer them He haith geuen his Angels charge Psal 90 of thee that they kepe thee in al thy waies When thou didest pray with teares Tob. 12. buriedst the dead left thy dinner and hiddest the dead in the day in thy house and buriedst them in the night I did offer thy praier to our Lord. I am Raphael the Angel one of the seauen which stand before our Lord. The vision was this Onias which Mach. l. 2. c. vlt. had bene high Preist houlding out his handes to pray for al the people of Israel and after this an other man appearing meruelous for age and glory and with habit of great comlinesse about him and Onias answearing to haue said This is a louer of his brethren the people of Israel this is he that prayeth much for the people and al the holy Citie Ieremy the prophet of god The four and twenty Elders fel downe before the Lambe hauing euery Apoc. 5. one Harpes and Phials of Gold ful of sweete odores which are the praiers of Sainctes A Praier of Iudas Machabeus 2. Machab. cap. vlt. O Lord who hast sent thy Angel 4. Reg. 10. Tob. 21. vnder Ezechias king of Iuda and killed an hūdred fourscore and fiue thousand of the army of Sennacherib and Eccl. 48. Is 7. 1. Mac. 7. c. now o Lord of heauens send thy good Angel before vs in feare and trembling of the greatnesse of thy strength that they which come against thy holy people may be affraid A Meditation out of S. Ciprian de mortalitate WE must consider and think with our selues that we haue renounced the world and liue here a while as strangers and pilgrimes Let vs embrace that day which appointeth euery one to his dwelling house which restoareth vs being deliuered from hence and freed from worldly snare to paradise and the heauenly kingdome What man being a pilgrime farr of would not hasten to returne to his Country Who seeking with speede to saile vnto his frendes would not wishingly desire a prosperous winde that he might quickly embrace his dearly beloued frendes We accompt Paradise to be our Country haue begonne to haue the Patriarkes for our parents Why do we no● make hast and runne that we may see our country and salute our parents A great number of our deare frendes expect vs there a frequent and abundant company of parents brethren children desireth vs now secure of their owne immortality and yet careful for our saluation What great and common ioy is it both to them and vs to come to their sight and embracing What pleasure is there of the heauenly Kingdomes without fear of dying with eternity of liuing How exceeding and euerlasting felicity There is the glorious company of the Apostles there the nūber of reioycing prophets there innumerable people of Martyrs crowned for their victory of combate and suffering there Virgins triumphing which haue subdued the concupiscence of flesh and body with the force of continency there the merciful rewarded which haue done the workes of Iustice with feeding liberally rewarding the poore haue translated their earthly patrimonies to the ●elestial treasures Let vs with a greedy wishing hasten vnto these that we may desire soone to be with these and come to Christ S. Leo ser in Epiph. Dom. c. 4. Confirme your frendships with holy Angels enter into the City of god whose inhabitation is promised vnto vs and ioyne your selues in company with the patriarches Prophets Apostles and Martyrs Reioyce in such thinges as they ioy in Couet their richesse and by good emulation seeke to obtaine their suffrages S. Euseb Emiss hom de S. Stephano LEt vs enquire what neede or reason there is seeing the holy Martyrs being placed in that light of paradise neede not humane praises why they are celebrated with so great affections of men Why are their Reliques God reueling them so manifested to the world Doubtlesse for many causes First they are worshiped of careful men that they may make intercessiō for their diligent worshipers Againe that whilest they are proposed to posterity for an example of deuotion and faith they may alwaies be encreased with new merits now renowned for their vertues they may also be amplifyed by the profits of others And further that the old enemy euen before Iudgment may see the punishment of his malice by which he vnderstandeth that he haith fought for the glory of Sainctes that whom he seeth here now honoured he nedeth not doubt but there they wil be reuenged That when the whole world doth celebrate the crowne of the martired the killer of Martyrs must nedes bewaile his victory S. Augstin lib. meditat cap. 20. O House of God bright beutiful I haue loued thy comlinesse and the place of the habitation of the glory of our lord my possessor and maker Let my pilgrimage sigh vnto thee day and night Let my hart be open vnto thee Let my mind intēd thee Let my soule desire to come vnto the felowship of thy blessednes I speake vnto him that made thee that he may possesse me in thee
morning and saluation in tyme of trouble S. Athanasius l. de virginitate siue meditatione Whether thou rysest or sittest or doest any worke or eatest or goest to bed to sleepe or rysest from bed let not the praise of god be absent from thy lippes S. Ephrem de Panoplia Defend thy selfe with the signe of the crosse signing therewith thy sitting downe and rysing vp thy bed whatsoeuer thinges thou passest by first signe them in the name of the father and of the sonne and of the holy ghost S. Ambros l. 3. virgin Repeate often in thy chāber our lordes prayer either when thou awakest or before thou goest to sleepe Our father which art in heauen halowed be thy name thy kingdome come thy c. S. Ephrem ser de laudib sanctiss virg Mariae O Lady o ful of grace moue my tongue and my lippes to sing praises vnto thee and especially that angelical sōge which the Angel Gabriel did sing vnto thee Haile Mary ful of grace our lord is with thee blessed art thou amōg women c. S. Ambros sup l. 3. virginit We ought daily to rehearse the Crede in the houres before day I beleue in god the Father almighty maker of heauen and earth and in Iesus Christ his onely sonne our lord c. S. August l. mediat cap. 40. O Lord god omnipotent I commend to thee this day and euer my soule my body my seing hearing tast smelling touching my thoughtes affections speach deedes and al my both external and internal thinges sense and vnderstanding memory my faith and beleefe perseuerance into the hand of thy power that thou vouchsaife to keepe them dayes and nightes houres momēts O holy Trinity heare me and preserue me from al euil from al scandal from al mortal sinne from al deceiptes and infestations of deuils and enemies visible and inuisible by the praiers of the Patriarkes by the merits of the Prophets by the intercession of the Apostles by the constancy of Martyrs by the faith of Confessors by the chastity of Virgins and by the supplication of al thy Sainctes that haue pleased thee from the beginning of the world S. Ambrosius in hymn O holy Father now that we haue refreshed our body with sleepe we arise and besech thee to be present with vs praying vnto thee Let our tongue cheifly praise thee and the feruour of our minde seeke after thee to be the beginning of our works Let darknesse geue place to light and the night to day that al offence which the night haith brought may sodainly fal downe We humbly besech thee to cut of al occasion of sinnes that we may praise thee for euer S. Ambros hym ad laud. fer 2. O Brightnesse of the Fathers glory light of light and fountaine of light the day that doth lighten the day and true ●unne come downe into vs shyning with eue●lasting brightnesse and infuse into our senses the beame of the holy Spirit With our praiers we cal vpon thee Father Father of eternal glory Father of effectual grace to abādon our pronesse to sinne informe our diligent actions blunt the teeth of the enemy prosper our aduersities geue vs grace to do our dutie gouerne and rule our minde Aurelius Prudentius in Cathemerin hymn Mat●tin O Night darknesse confused misty cloudes of the world depart away the skye is bright Christ doth come this hour is profitable for al m●● for euery one to do his businesse that he affecteth souldier Citizen Mariner workman plowman Marchant But we that know thee alone o Christ do learne to pray vnto thee with a pure and single mind thee we besech weping vpon our knees we liue by this art we begin these duties now the Sunne is risen and shyneth Haue a care of our senses and reguard to al our life let so many thinges obscured with darknesse be purged with thy light Commaund that al vncleanes being taken away we continew such as we were made in baptisme Whatsoeuer the night of this world haith infected vs with the dark cloudes thereof Thou the light of the sunne vouchsaife to illuminate with thy chea●ful countenance Let that darknesse now cease which hitherto haith drawne vs headlong with vnhappy steps in wandring errour Let this light bestow clearnes vpon vs make vs cleane that we speak no subtilty and think of nothing that is of darknesse Let the whole day be so spent that neither our tongue nor hand nor eyes commit any sinne nor any offence defyle our body For he that behouldeth al thinges from aboue is present that continually seeth our actions from the beginning of morning to the euening He is witnesse he is arbitrator he behouldeth whatsoeuer mannes minde conceaueth he is the Iudge whom no man can deceaue Missa S. Iacobi Apost receaued Concil Constantinop 6. general Can. 32. LEt vs pray to our Lord to forgeue vs our sinnes and graunt pardon to our offences and deliuer vs from al tribulation anger daūger necessity That we may spende al our daies in perfection peace and without sinne Let vs al aske of our Lord the Angel of p●ace the faithful guide keper of our soules and bodies Let vs aske of our Lord pardon remission of our sinnes offences Let vs aske of our Lord thinges that are good and profitable to our soules bodies that he wil geue peace to the world Let vs aske of our Lord that we may finish the rest of our life in peace and health Let vs aske of our Lord that we may perseuer in Christian and sincere faith to the end without sorow greif or infamy and a good defence before that fearful and dreadful Tribunal of Christ Let vs aske of Christ for thou art that good Annunciation Illumination Sauiour keeper of our soules and bodies God and thy onely begotten Sonne and thy most holy spirit now and euer and world without end Amen Miss Mozarab The grace of God the Father almighty the loue of our Lord Iesus Christ the communication of the holy Ghost be with vs for euer Meditations and prayers for the morning I Loue them that loue me and they Pro 8. that watch to me in the morning shal finde me In the morning I wil watch vnto Is thee I haue cryed to thee o Lord and Ps 87. in the morning my prayer shal come before thee It is good to confesse vnto our lord Ps 91. sing vnto thy nam● o most highest to shew forth thy mercy in the morning The people did offer their prayers Exod. ●6 Ps 62. daily in the morning In the morning I wil meditate on thee because thou hast bene my helper The kingdō of heauē is like an househoulder Mat. 20. that went forth earely in the morning to hyre workemen into his vineyard S. Clem. Roman constitut 55. Apostol l. 2. c. 63. Exhort the people dayly to frequēt the church in the morning euening and neuer at al to be absent S. Clem.
Rom. supr lib. 8. c. 37. Let euery faithful man or woman earery in the morning when they arise from sleepe pray before they begin any worke S. EPiphanius in Compendiar Morning Hymnes are vsed continually in the church morning prayers A meditation or preparation to prayer out of S. Basile Const Mon. c. 2. 3. THere be two maners of praying wherof the one is in glorification yelding submission of minde The other in petition to be vsed after the former Wherefore when thou art to pray do not presently fal to petition otherwaies thou art an euidence to thy wil that thou makest not thy praiers vnto god vntil by necessity thou be vrged vnto it Therfore when soeuer thou art determined to pray forsake wife children and thy self also and depart farre from thinges of the earth climbe aboue the heauen and leaue behinde thee al creatures visible and inuisible and begin with glorifiing him that created al thinges And whē thou hast sufficiently rested on him say as foloweth I geue thankes vnto thee o Lord for thy incredible clemency and gentlenes in bearing with the offences of men who sufferest me that sinneth daily and geuest power to vs al to amend our liues For this is the cause for which thou art silent and sparest vs o Lord that we should geue thankes vnto thee who dost manadge the saluatiō of mankind somtime by threatning somtime by exhorting with lenity And first didest visit vs by thy Prophets and lastly by the coming of thy Christ For thou hast framed vs and not we our selues thou art our god And when thou hast sufficiently geuen thankes and glorified god with praises of holy Scripture then againe with humility begin and say I am not worthy o Lord to speake before thee because I am excedingly a sinner And although to thy self thou art guilty of no sinne yet it behoueth thee so to say For seing that in many Iac. 3. thinges we al offend yet we do not vnderstand the greater part of our offences Therefore the Apostle said I am 1. Cor. 4. guilty to my self in nothing but in this I am not instified Which is the same as if he had said I commit many offences wich I know not that I commit them For this cause also the Prophet said Who doth vnderstand his offences Ps 18. And when thou hast sufficiently in wordes shewed thy humility and said I I geue thankes to thee o Lord that thou hast suffered me a sinner so long time with thy patience and to this day exacted of me noe punishment of my sinnes Verily o Lord I had long since deserued infinite punishments and was worthy to be buried most farre from thy sight but thy most patient gen●lenesse haith most mercifully borne with me a sinner I geue thankes I say vnto thee although I know my self vnable to render thankes answearable to thy clemency towardes men And so soone as thou hast satisfied these two duties that is of geuing thankes humility then at last aske what thou oughtest to aske A Meditation out of S. Leo ser 1. de Natiuitate Domini O Christian acknowledge thy Meditations and prayers for morning dignity and being made partaker of diuine nature do not returne by degenerate conuersation to thine old vilenesse Forgeate not of what head and whose body thou art member Cal to minde how being deliuered from the power of darknesse thou art translated into the light king dome of god Doe not driue away frō thee with wicked deedes so worthy an inhabitant and againe subiect thy self to the slauery of the deuil because thy price is the Blood of Christ who in iustice wil iudge thee who in mercy haith reedeemed thee who with the Father and the holy Ghost reigneth for euer Amen An other Meditation out of S. Athanasius ser de sanctiss Deipara CHhrist receauing the throne of Ps 109. Dauid shal reigne among Christians for euer of his Kingdome Luc. 1. Dan. 7. there shal be none end For being borne of a Virgin and hauing consummated al thinges that belonged to the businesse of his death Crosse after his Resurrection he said vnto his Disciples Alpower is geuen to me in heauen in Math. 28. earth Behould now from thence he be gan to reigne and is declared to be the King of Christians as men in the beginning of their prayers exhorting one an other calling the company together do vse to crye Come let vs adore fal Ps 94. downe before Christ our King Psal 94. COme let vs reioyce vnto our lord let vs make ioy to god our Saviour Let vs approach to his presence in confession and in psalmes let vs make ioy vnto him Because god is a great lord and a great king aboue al gods Because in his hād are al the boundes of the earth and the heightes of the mountaines are his Because the sea is his and hee made it his handes framed the earth Come let vs adore and fal downe and weepe before our lord that made vs because he is the lord our god And we are his people and sheepe of his pasture To day if you wil heare his voice do not harden your heartes As in prouocation like as in the day of temptation in the wildernesse Where your fathers tempted me proued me saw my workes Fourtie yeres was I offended with that generation I said they alwayes erre in heart And these haue not knowne my wayes as I haue sworne in my anger if they shal enter into my rest 4 Pope Damasus ordained Gloria Patri c. to be said after euery Psalme In vita Dams con Vas c. 7. proueth it ageneral custome S. Aug. l. 9. confes c. 7. c. Glory be to the Father and to the Sonne and to the holy Ghost As it was in the beginning is now euer shal be world without end Amen Direction out of S. Clement Athanas Clem. const l. 2. c. 63. Come together earely in the morning singing praying In the morning saying 62. psalme Atharisius l. de virgin In the mornīg say this psalme O God my god from the light Ps 62. do I watch to thee My soule haith thirsted after thee and my flesh very many wayes In a land desert where there is no way and without water so in the holy haue I appeared vnto thee that I might see thy power and thy glory Because thy mercy is better then liues my lippes shal praise thee So wil I blesse thee in my life and in thy name wil I lift vp my handes Like as with fatte and fatnesse let my soule be filled and my mouth shal praise with lippes of ioyfulnesse So haue I bene mindful of thee vpon my bedde in the morning I wil meditate on thee because thou hast bene my helper And in the couert of thy winges I wil reioyce my soule haith cleeued after thee thy right hand haith receaued me But they in vaine
and haue mercy for o god thou art merciful and haue mercy vpon vs because we haue sinned before thee Remember not the iniquities of our fathers but remember thy hand and thy name in this time because thou art lord our God and we wil praise thee o lord Eccelsiasticus 23. O Lord Father and ruler of my life forsake me not in their counsel suffer me not to fal in that reproach Who doth impose scourges in my thought and doctrine of wisdome in my heart that they spare me not in their ignorances and their offences appeare not and that mine ignorances may not increase and mine offences multiplied and my sinnes aboūd and I may fal in the sight of mine aduersaries ' my enemy may reioyce O Lord Father and god of my life forsake me not in thought of them Arrogancy of mine eyes geue not vnto me al euil desire turne from me A prayer for repentant sinners out of S. Clement Constut Ap. l. 8. c. 12. ALmighty euerlasting god Lord of al Crearor and gouernour of the world who hast placed mā for the ornament thereof by Christ geuen him the law natural and written that as a reasonable creature he might haue a rule to liue according vnto it if he should sinne in any thing thou hast deliuered vnto him the foundation of penance thy goodnesse looke vpon them that bow downe the n●ckes of thier soule body vnto the● because thou desirest not the death of a sinner but Ier. 18. penance that he may returne from his euil way and liue Thou that didest admitte Ionas 3. 1. Tim. 2. the penāce of the Niniuites who wouldest al men to be saued cōe to the knowledge of truth Who receaued with fatherly affectiō Luc. 15. by penance the sonne that lasciueously had consumed his portion receaue now also the penance of them that pray vnto thee because there is none that sinneth not against thee If thou wilt obse●●e Ps 129. our iniqities o Lord o Lord who shal be able to endure it Because with thee there is redemption and bring them againe into thy holy church restoring vnto thē their former dignity honour by Christ our God and Sauiour by whom glory adoratiō be vnto thee in the holy Ghost for euer Amen A prayer for deuotion and spiritual knowledg out of S. Ephrem l. de armatura spirituali cap. 8. O Lord Iesus Christ open the eares and eyes of my heart that I may heare and vnderstand thy wordes and obey thy wil. I am a pilgrim on earth keepe not hidden from me thy commaūdemēts Open my eyes that I may vnderstand the thinges that are admirable in thy law A prayer stiring vp to geue thankes to god for his benefites out of S. Augustine in his booke de spiritu litera cap. 17. VNhappie and wretched mā that I am how much ought I to loue my god who made me when I was not redeemed me when I was lost I was not he made me of nothing not a stone not a tree not a bird or any other of such creatures but he would haue me to be a man He gaue me to liue to haue sense to vnderstand I was perished and he descended to mortality tooke mortality vpon him suffered his passion ouercame death and so restoared me I was perished gone away because I was sould in my sinnes he came after me that he might redeeme me and he so much loued me that for me he would pay the price of his bloud and with such a couenant reduced me from banishment and redeemed me from slauery Also he called me by his owne name that his memorial might alwaies be vpon me he annoynted me with oile of gladnes with which ●e him self was annointed that of him that is annointed I might be annointed and of Christ might be called a Christian So his grace and mercy haue alwaies preuented me for my deliuerer haith often deliuered me from many daungers When I did erre he reduced me whē I was ignorant he taught me when I sinned he corr●cted me when I was sad he comforted me whē I fainted in hope he strengthned me when I sel he lifted me vp when I stoode he susteined me when I came he receaued me These and many other thinges god haith done for me of which it is a pleasant thing to me alwaies to speake alwaies to thinke al waies to geue thankes that for al his benefites I may alwaies praise loue him A praier to God the holy Ghost for grace sanctification out of S. Ciprian l. de Spir. s COme holy Ghost from heauen enter into those that expect thy consolation Sanctify the temple of our body and conserate it for thy habitatiō make the soules that desire thee glad with thy presence make the house worthy of such an in●abitant as thou art adorne thy bride chamber and compasse about the staying place of thy rest with varieties of vertues strew the pauements with change of coloures let thy mansion shine with flaming carbuncles and brightnesse of prec●ous stones and the sweete odoures of al graces send out their sauour within Let the liquour of balsam●m aboundantly perfume thy lodging with his sweetnesse and driuing from thence whatsoeuer is corrupted whatsoeuer is the seminary of corruption Make this our ioy stable and euerlasting and confirme the renewing of thy creation with incorruptible bewty for euer A Praier out of S. Gregory Nyssene l. de S. bap in fine O Lord thou truly art the pure and euerlasting Fountaine of goodnesse who iustly forsaking vs hast mercifully taken pitie vpon vs hatedst vs and art reconciled hast cursed and hast blessed vs banished vs out of paradise called vs back againe put of from vs figge leaues that vndecent cou●ring and cloathed vs with a most preceous cloake hast opened the prison and let the cōdemned forth hast sprinkled vs with pure water and clensed vs from filthinesse If hereafter Adam be called vnto thee he wil not be ashamed nor his conscience reprouing him for shame hide him self vnder the groue of paradise neither will the fyrie sword compasse it about denying entrance to them that come to it and making the place vnaccessible But al thinges to vs that were heires of sinne are changed into ioy Paradise and heauen it self lyeth open for man Al creatures both of this the world aboue beforetimes at variance are made frendes reconciled and men with Angels reuerencing their diuine learning are at concord and agreed Therefore for al these thinges let vs sing vnto god the hymne of ioy which the mouth endued with the spirit long since prophetically pronounced with a lowde voice Let my soule reioyce in our Lord for he haith put vpon me a sauing cloake and compassed me about with a coate of gladnesse as to a spouse he haith fitted a myter to me and adorned me as a bride The adorner of the spouse is Christ who is and was
before shal be blessed now and euer Amen A prayer meditating vpon the Maiestie of God out of S. Augustine Cōf. l. 1. c. 4. WHat art thou o my God what art thou I besech thee but my lord God for who is lord but our lord and who is god but our God O highest o best o most mighty most omnipotēt most merciful and most iust most secret and most presēt most beutiful most strong stab●e and incōprehēsible immutable chaūging al thinges neuer new neuer old renuing al things bringing the proud into ould age and they are ignorant alwayes doing euer quiet gathering and not wanting bearing and filling and protecting creating and norishing and perfecting seeking when nothing is wanting vnto thee thou louest yet art not truobled thou art ieleous and art secure thou repentest and greuest not thou art angry art quiet thou chāgest thy workes yet chaungest not thy counsaile thou receauest what thou findest neuer lost thou art neuer poore yet reioycest with gaine neuer couetous and yet exactest vsery There is largely bestowed vpon thee that thou mightest be in debt yet who haith any thing that is not thyne Thou payest debtes owing nothing giuest debtes loosing nothing And what do we say my god my life my holy sweetnesse or what doth any man say when he speaketh of thee and woe to thē that speake not of thee A prayer for al people out of S. Clement Const l. 8. c. 18. WE besech thee o lord for thy holy church which is dispersed through al places which thou hast gottē with the precious bloud of thy Christ that thou wil vouchsaif to keepe it ●uiet and in tranquillity to the end of the world And we also intreat thee for al Episcopal order rightly handling the word of truth for al preisthood for deacons the whole Cleargy that being taught of thee thou wilt replenish them with the holy Ghost Also we besech thee o Lord for our King and al that are placed in authority that by them we may peaceably liue and perseuering in quietnesse and cōcord through al the time of our life may glorify thee by Iesus Christ which is our hope For Bishops Preists Deacons Subdeacons Lectors Singers Virgins Widowes Lay people for al whose names thou knowest Also we besech thee for this Citie al that dwel in it For those that be sicke that suffer cruel seruitude for banished persōs such as haue suffered forfaiture of their goodes For al that trauel by sea and vndertaking farre iournaies that thou wilt be an assister helper aider of them al. Also we besech thee for them that hate persecute vs for thy names sake for those that be forth and in errour that thou wilt bring thē to good and appease their fury Also we besech thee for the Cathecumens of the Church and such as be vexed of the aduersary and for our brethren that be penitents that thou wilt perfect these in faith deliuer the other from vexation of the euil receaue the penance of these and pardon them and vs our offences Also we pray for them that are letted by iust cause or absent that keping vs al in godlinesse thou wilt gather vs together into the Kingdome of thy Christ god of al sensitiue and intellectual nature and our King constant in good inculpable and without sinne because vnto thee is al glory worship thankes-geuing honour adoration to the Father and Sonne and the holy Ghost both now and euer world without end Amen Out of the same S. Clement Const l. 7. c. 4 7. so by him appointed A prayer for morning Athanas l. de virg When day appeareth say the Himn Gloria in excelsis c. GLory in the highest to god and in earth peace to men of good wil we praise thee we celebrate thee we blesse thee we glorify thee by the great high preist we adoare thee god vnbegotten one vnaccessible alone for thy great glory o Lord heauenly king God Father omnipotēt o Lord god Father of Christ the immaculate Lābe which taketh away the sinnes of the world receaue our prayer thou that sittest vpon the Cherubim Because thou alone art holy thou alone Lord Iesus Christ of god of al created nature of our king by whom glory honour and worship is vnto thee A Praier out of S. Ciprian Tom. 3. HAgios Hagios Hagios Holy Holy Holy O holy of holies Father of our Fathers God of Abraham God of Isaac God of Iacob God of Apostles God of Prophets God of Virgins God of the wel liuing God of the faithful God and Father of our Lord Iesus Christ we humble cal vpon thee and also besech thee o only begotten Sonne who was begotten of the mouth of the highest before the disposing of the world and by mistery brought forh of the wombe of Mary the holy Virgin Vouchsaif to bestow vpō vs that pray spiritual encrease of holy desire and integrity of heart that our brest by holy baptisme renewed may perseuer saife from carnal sinnes We aske with an vnspotted faith an vncorrupted mind with a strong deuotion loue continual that thou wilt suffer vs to florish in thy holy Church because vnto thee we bend our knees and bow downe our neckes to whom Angels and Archangels thousandes of thousandes of Martyrs the queare of the Apostles and glory of Prophets ●o make ioy to whom al birdes do singe praises whom the tongues confesse of thinges celestial terrestrial and infernal Al waters in heauen and vnder heauen confesse thee the insensible thinges perceaue thee Thou art alone and besides thee and without thee there is none We besech thee o Lord Father omnipotent who art conspicable to the onely Sonne whose Angels and Archangels obey thee O Lord Father we pray to thee to geue vs a sound mind a pure innocency deuout sincerity holy cōscience pure sober chast walking in glorious faith against al deceipts of the world Graunt vs a brest defended against al threatninges of the deuil carnal inticements that we may cary sounde the signe of euerlasting saluation lest we be entangled with the deadly snares of the violent and cruel enemy Put away from vs al vncleannes of the world and al perswasion of the deuil let him be snared throwne downe and ouercome and put away from vs as frō Sara thy seruant Asmodeus the most Tob. 8. wicked deuil suppressed by the holy Angel Raphael And as thou wert present with Tobias so vouchsaife to be present vnto me And as thou shewed mercy vnto Dan. 3. et 14. the three children in the fornace and to Daniel so vouchsaife to deale with vs thy seruantes Thou which hast raised the dead light●ed the blynd geuen hearing to the deafe speach to the dūme going to the lame soundnesse vnto leepers so also geue to vs thy seruātes who with al the power of our mynd beleeue that thou wert borne suffered art to come to iudge the quick dead Assist vs as
was crucified the sūne darkned and lightned againe for it behoueth creatures to compassionate with there creatour The veale was cutte water bloud flowed out of his side the earth quaked the rockes were rent the dead rysing do testify the faith of the last and common resurrection Al which thinges who is able worthily to praise But none was such as the miracle of my saluation a few droppes of bloud reforming al the world But o great and holy pasouer and expurgation of al the world O word of God and light and life and wisdome and power for I ioy at al thy names O Issue and cogitation seale of that great minde o word intelligible and man visible who bearest al thinges crowned with the word of power let vs suffer noe euil stay the tiranny which the body beareth against vs. Thou seest o Lord whom how it beareth downe except we be purged by thy suffrage or by thy self But if we shal worthily be dissolued from this desire and receaued in the celestial tabernacles peraduenture there also we shal acceptab●y sacrifice vnto thee on thy holy Altare o Father and worde and holy Ghost because al glory honour and power is to thee for euer Amen PRAIERS DAYLY To be vsed for the Euening The Meditation or Preparation to Praier out of S. Cesarius Bishop of Arles Hom. 31. LEt vs pray with sighing forceable crying or groāing according to that prophetical saying I did roare for the groaning of my heart Ps 37. Let vs pray not with a sounding voice but with a conscience crying vnto our Lord. When we pray so much as we are able Let vs labour by the helpe of god that noe extrauagant cogitation creepe into vs lest peraduenture we may haue one thing in our heart and vtter an other with our mouth lest by chaunce while our tongue praieth vnto god our cogitation occupied with diuers thinges may goe away from the meaning of our praier so from thence procure sinne from whence it might haue had remedy For if before any mighty persō thou wouldest pleade any necessary cause sodainly turning from him breaking of thy speach in the middest thou shouldest busy thy self with some scurrilities what iniury thinkest thou thou should doe vnto that person with whom thou didest speake or how shouldest thou procure his anger against thee If therfore speaking with a man we laboure with al intention of mind lest thinking on any other thing we may be thought to doe a wrong to him vnto whom we speake When we speake vnto god in praier and alledg the miseries of our sinnes before so great a Maiesty are we not ashamed do we not blush our senses being made captiues to runne about hither and thither and with many businesse to abstracte our vnhappy minde from behoulding the diuine Maiesty And therefore euery one before he kneleth downe in praier by the helpe of god let him put away al superfluous cogitations from the intention of his minde that our soule being inflamed with the feruour of the holy Ghost may consume al vice with the fyre of compunction or praier and disperse farre of al wauering and wandering cogitations that onely v●rtue and holy Meditations may alwaies finde place in our heartes Meditations praiers for Euening LEt euery one take a Lambe throughout their families or houses Exod. 12. And the whole multitude of Israel shal offer it in sacrifice at the Euening Let my praier be directed as incense Ps 140. in thy sight the lifting vp of my handes an euening sacrifice While it was euen he sate downe Math. 26. Mar● 14. Luc. 22. with his twelue Disciples And whiles they were at supper Iesus tooke bread and blessed brake and he gaue to his Disciples and said Take ye eate This is my body And taking the Chalice he gaue thankes and gaue vnto them saying Drinke ye al of this for This is my bloud of the new Testamēt which shal be shed for many vnto remission of sinnes When it was euening there came a Math. 27. certaine riche man of Arimathea named Ioseph who also himself was Disciple to Iesus He went to Pila●e and asked the body of Iesus Then Pilate commaunded that the body should be deliuered Watch therefore for you know not Marc. 13● when the Lord of the house may come whether late in the euening c. I haue cryed to god and our Lord Ps 54. wil saue me In the euening I wil declare shew he wil heare my voice A Meditation of S. Basile orat in S. Iulittam When the day is ended geue thākes vnto him who haith geuen the same vnto vs to serue our daily laboures fyre to lighten night and for the rest of the necessities of life And let the night propose vnto vs other argumentes of praier When thou shalt looke vp vnto heauen and haue thine eyes fixed on the bewtie of the starres pray vnto the Lord of visible thinges and adore god the best workman of al creatures who made al thinges in wisdom when thou shalt see al nature of liuing creatures detained in sleepe Againe adore him that looseth vs though against our wil by sleepe from the continuance of laboures by a litle rest reduceth vs againe to the force of our strength S. Clem. Const Apost lib. 8. cap. 4. Make your praiers at the euening geuing thankes because our Lord haith geuen vs the night for a rest of our day laboures Daily come together in the morning l. 2. c. 63. euening singing praying in Churches in the euening saying the 140. psalme O Lord I haue cryed vnto thee Ps 140. heare me Harken vnto my voice when I shal crye vnto thee Let my praier be directed as incense in thy sight the lifting vp of my handes an euening sacrifice O Lord put a watch to my mouth and a doare of standing about to my lippes Decline not my heart into wordes of malice to excuse excuses in sinnes With men that worke iniquity and I wil not communicate with the chosen of them The iust shal correct me in mercie and rebuke me but the oyle of a sinner shal not annoint my head Because as yet also my praier in thinges of their delight their Iudges are swallowed vp ioyned to the rocke They shal heare my wordes because they were able as the thicknesse of the earth is broken out vpon the earth Our bones are scattered abroade neare to hel because to thee o Lord o Lord mine eyes in thee I haue trusted take not away my soule Keepe me from the snare which they haue laid for me and from the scandals of those that worke iniquity Sinners shal fal in his nette I am alone til I passe away Glory be to the Father c. Clem. Const Ap. l. 8. c. 41. RAise vp and saue vs o God by thy Christ lifting vp our selues let vs desire the mercies of our lord and his commiserations the
Angel of peace good and profitable thinges christiā Princes a peaceable euening night and without sinne al the time of our life with out offence let vs mutually commend one an other to the liuing God by his Christ A thankes-giuing for the night Cap. 42. O God without beginning end creator of al thinges king of al thinges intelectual sensible who hast made the day for the workes of light and the night for the rest of our weaknesse for thine is the day and the night for thou hast ordained the light and sunne o gentle and good lord now patiētly rec●aue this our euening thanksgeuing who leadest vs by the length of the day and bringest vs to the beginning of the night preserue vs by thy ānoīnted geue vnto vs a quiet euening and night without sinne and make vs worthy of euerlasting life by thy Christ by whom to thee be glory honour and worshippe in the holy Ghost for euer Amen Cap. 43. O God of Fathers and lord of mercy who by thy wisdome hast made man a reasonable creature and among thinges in earth alone deare to god geuen authority vnto him to rule them and by thy sentēce hast appointed Princes preistes them for security of our life these for iust seruing of thee o Lord omnipotent now harken vnto vs and shew thy mercy vpon this people bending downe the neckes of their heart and blesse them by Christ by whom thou hast illightned vs with the light of knowledge renealed thy selfe ●●to vs to whom with thee and the 〈◊〉 Ghost is due worthy adoration of al reasonable and holy nature for euer Amen A Meditatiō praier for euening out of S. Athanasius hom desemente MAny are carelesse in their praiers al the day long busie them selues about worldly affaires and contemne the holy workes of prayers To this man our Sauiour Math. 12. Marc. 3. Luc. 6. 1. Tim. 2. may say stretch forth thy hand as Paule saith I wil men to pray in al places lifting vp holy handes And let vs stretch forth our handes and not onely in the day but by night also In the night stretch Ps 133. forth your handes to the holies and blesse our Lord and let vs reach forth holy handes those that be washed among innocents Ps 25. that caling vpon the God of al thinges we may enioy his helpe by Christ Iesus our Lord by whom glory be to God together with the holy Ghost now and ●uer and world without end Amen A prayer of S. Policarpus O God Father of thy beloued Euseb eccl Hist l. 3. cap. 15. Nicephor eccl Hist l. 3. c. 35. blessed sonne Iesus Christ by whō we haue receaued knowledge of thee God of Angels powers and of al creatures and the whole kind of iust men al which do liue before thee I blesse thee who hast vouchsaifed to bring me to this day and this hour Thou art true and without falshood o God therefore both in al thinges I praise thee and blesse thee and glorify thee by the eternal God and high Preist Iesus Christ thy welbeloued sōne by whom and with whom to thee with the holy Ghost be glory both now and for euer hereafter Amen S. Ephrem paraenes 42. I Haue sinned against heauen and before thee o Lord god omnipotent and I am no more worthy to be called thy child or lift mine eyes vpward and behould the highnesse of the heauēs because of the multitude of my sinnes nor to vtter thy glorious name with the defiled lippes of me a sinner For I haue made my selfe vnworthy both of heauen and earth because I haue prouoked thee most best lord to anger I besech thee o Lord I besech thee cast me not away from thy face depart not from me lest I a wretch do perish For except thy grace had defended me I had bene lost I should be as dust before the face of the wynde as though I had neuer appeared in this life For since the time I haue forsaken thy way no time haith bene ioyful vnto me For if any day by chance hath seemed more pleasant that was the most bitter of al. But I trust hereafter thy grace which comforteth me may prouide for my saluation And now suppliant I flee vnto thee and besech that thou wilt receaue me againe that haue erred from the path of iustice Poure out on me the multitude of thy mercies as thou didest long agoe vpon the prodigal sonne vnthriftely loasing the Luc. 7. Math. 9. Marc. 2. Luc. 5. Luc. 23. riches of thy grace I haue defiled my life haue mercy on me o God and remember not my life brought to extreme villannies Haue mercy on me as thou long agoe tookest mercy on the offender and publican Haue mercy on me as thou tookest mercy on the theife for he when he conuersed on earth was despised of al men as lost and desperate But thou receauedst him and made him an inhabitant of the delightes of paradise Therefore receaue the repentance of thy vnprofitable seruant for I also am contemned and reiected of al for thou didest come o Lord not to cal the iust but sinners vnto penance Glory be to thee honour and adoration is due to thee with the Father and holy Ghost now and world without end Amen A prayer vpon the passion of Christ out of S. Ambrose medit c. 6. O Holy Father behold thy most holy sonne suffering so cruel thinges for me haue respect o most merciful King who it is that suffereth and in thy bounty remember for whō he suffereth O my Lord is not this that innocent whom to redeme a seruant thou hast deliuered thy sonne Is not this the authour of life which as a sheepe led vnto slaughter and made obedient vnto thee euen vnto death feared not to vndergoe the kind of most cruel death Remember o dispenser of our whole saluation that this is he whom although thou begottest of thy power yet thou wouldest haue him become partaker of my infirmity Verily this is thy deity which haith put on my nature That ascended the tree of the Crosse that in his assumpted nature suffered greauous punishmēt O my Lord god reduce the eyes of thy maiesty vpon the worke of vnspeakable piety Behold thy sweete sonne stretched forth in al his body Looke vpon his guiltles handes streaming with holy bloud and pacified forgeue the sinnes which my handes haue committed Consider his naked side pearced with a speare renue me with that holy fountaine which I beleue to haue flowed from thence See his immaculate feete which stoode not in the way of sinners but alwaies Ps 1. walked in thy law fastened with cursed nailes perfect my goinges in thy pathes Ps 16. and bountifully graunt that I may hate al the waies of iniquity Ps 118. O King of Sainctes I besech thee by this holy of holies by this Redemer of me make me to runne the way of
and knower of secrets forgeating al the offences that euer I committed open vnto me the doare of the immortal bride-chamber that is thy heauenly glory O immortal Bride-groame let vs heare the voice of blessing O bountiful accompt me in the number of the iust and make vs partakers of thy ioy by the praiers of thine vnspotted Mother making intercession for vs and holy Angels and Apostles and Prophets and Martyrs and al the Iust that euer were who with the Father and holy Ghost art blessed now alwaies and world without end Amen An Examination of conscience or prayers before bed IF I shal enter into the tabernacle Ps 131. of my house if I shal ascend the bed of my coche if I shal geue sleepe vnto mine eyes and slumbering vnto theire liddes and rest to the temples of my head vntil I fynd a place for our Lord. I haue laboured in my groaning I Ps 6. wil euery night wash my bed and I wil watter my coche with teares I wil sleepe and I wil rest in peace Ps 4. for thou o Lord hast singularly placed me in hope A Meditation before sleepe out of Aurel. prudent in Cathemer himn ante somnum O Worshipper of God remember that thou hast bene regenerate with the sacred water of the font of baptisme and renewed with Chrisme Looke that when being oppressed with sl●epe thou goest to bed that thou signe ●●y forehead and place of thy heart with the signe of the Crosse The Crosse putteth away al sinne darknesse doth flee the Crosse The soule dedicated to that signe can not wauer O you vaine phantasies of wandering dreames be you farre and farre of O thou winding serpent that by a thousand wiles and deceiptful fraudes doest trouble the quietnesse of the heart depart hence Christ is here tremble the signe which thou knowest condemneth thyne army Although my fainting body lye downe a while to rest yet in slūber it self I wil meditate on Christ An other out of S. Basile l. q. diffus explicat q. 37. WHen the day is ended let thankes geuing be made for those thinges that in it were geuen vnto vs or happily done and a confession made of s●ch thinges as we haue omitted e●●he● volun●a●ily or o-otherwise also whethe●●●e sinne was committed sec●etly ●i●●er in wordes or in deedes or in th● h●art that for al these thinges we may appease God by praiers For consideration of thinges past bringeth g●eat profit to this purpose that afterward we fal not into the like Wherefore Dauid saith Those Ps 4. thinges which you say in your heartes haue compunction of them in your lo●gi●ges The Confucor appointed by S. Damasus I Confesse to God almighty to the B. Mary euer Virgin B Mi●ha●l Archangel B. Iohn baptist to t●e holy Apostles Peter and Paule and al Sainctes that I haue greauously ●ff●nded in thought word and deede through my fault my fault my greatest fault Therefore I pray the B. Mary euer Virgin B. Michael Archangel B. Iohn Baptist the holy Apostles Peter Paule and al Sainctes to pray for me to our Lord God S. August lib. Medit. cap. 10. O Lord I know I know confesse that I am not worthy for thee to loue but surely thou art not vnworthy whom I should loue Truly I am vnworthy to serue thee but thou art not vnworthy of the seruice of thy creature therefore geue vnto me of that thou art worthy and I shal be worthy of that I am vnworthy Cause me as th●u wilt to cease from sinne that I may serue thee as I ought Graunt that I may so keepe and gouerne and end my life that I may sleepe in peace and rest in thee Graunt me such end that sleepe with rest rest with security security in eternity may receaue me Amen S. Ephrem apud Seuer Patriarch Alex. in precat Syr. GRaunt vnto me o my Lord that waking I may stand watchful in thy sight and if I shal chance to sleepe againe let my sleepe be without sinne And if in my awaking I shal commit any offence by thy grace o my Lord graunt me pardon and if in my sleepe I shal offend thy clemency forgeue me And by the Crucifix of thy humiliation geue me the sleepe of rest and deliuer me from ●uil d●eames and filthy imaginations and bring me al night into sleepe ful of quietnesse lest thinges that be euil and cogitations ful of peruersity haue dominion ouer me Geue me the Angel of light to keepe al my members and from cursed concupiscence deliuer me by that liuely body which I haue eaten I wil goe to bedde and sleepe and rest and thy bloud be keeper of me and of my soule which is thy Image Geue liberty to thy creature and thy right hand defend my body which thy handes haue framed and compasse me about with a wal of mercies as with an acceptable saifguard and trench that when my body shal rest and sleepe it may be kept by thy power and let my sleepe be as a perfume of sweete spices before thy Maiesty Let not the euil one come to my lodging by the intercession of her that brought thee forth and by the Sacrifice that is offered by me driue Sathan away I wil heare and execute thy wil o my Lord that heapest also the night with the quietnesse of the iustice of Iesus Christ my R●deem●r because thou art the true light and thy glory dwelleth in light and the children of light doe adore thee dwelling in light and abiding in light Iesus the word God saue to lif the deceased by thy Crosse spare for thy mercy And to thee and the Father that sent thee and to the holy Ghost in al time be praise Aurel. Prudent in Cathemer Himn ante somn O Fatther most high whom no man at any time haith seene Christ the word of the Father and holy Ghost O one power and light of this Trinity God eue●lasting of God God sent from them bo●h be present with me The labour of the day is ended the hour of rest is come and sleepe doth refresh againe our weary limm●s Graunt that a delightful q●ietnesse norish our wearied bod●e and vaine Imaginations haue no power against vs. Ioannes Virid in Virid ALmighty euerlasting God I geue thankes that thou hast vouchsaifed by thy grace to keep● me this day from euil I besech thee that whatsoeuer this day I haue offended in thought word or deede thou wilt vouchsaife by thy passion and death mercifully to pardon it to me a sinner and hereafter to keepe me from al daunger of body and soule that I may in saifty arise to praise the name of thy Maiesty be able gladly to serue thee with a pure heart and a chast body with thankes geuing Amen Our Father which c. Ha●le Mary c. O Mary Mother of grace Mother of mercy defend vs from the enemy remember vs in the hour of death I beleue in God c S. Augustinus lib.