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A16101 The Actes of the Apostles, translated into Englyshe metre, and dedicated to the kynges moste excellent maiestye, by Christofer Tye, Doctor in musyke, and one of the gentylmen of hys graces moste honourable chappell, wyth notes to eche chapter, to synge and also to play vpon the lute, very necessarye for studentes after theyr studye, to fyle theyr wyttes, and also for all Christians that cannot synge, to reade the good and Godlye storyes of the lyues of Christ hys Apostles Tye, Christopher, 1497?-1572. 1553 (1553) STC 2985; ESTC S115612 37,497 208

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God to them Bassus glad Throughout Ie ru salem To heare the heathen receyuyd had The worde of God to them Meane them When Peter to Ie ru salem Came to his iorneys ende Tenor. them When Peter to Ieru salem Came to his iorneys end They of the cir Countertenor When Peter to Ie ru salem Came to his iorneys end They of Basse. When Peter to Ie ru salem Came to his iorneys end They of the Meane They of the cir cumci sion wyth him dyd then contend Tenor. cum ci sion Wyth him dyd then contend contend THapostles and brethren were glad Throughout Ierusalem To heare the heathen receiued had The worde of God to them When Peter to Ierusalem Came to hys iorneyes ende They of the circumcision With hym dyd then contende The countertenor the cir cumci si on wyth hym dyd then contend Bassus circum ci si on wyth hym dyd then contend And sayde of late thou wenst into Thuncircumsyde in dede With them to eate whiche thynge to do Our lawe hath not decrede Peter began then to debate The thynges as they dyd chaunce And sayde I was in Ioppa late Prayinge and in a traunce As I in dede playnelye had sene A vessell descendynge A large whyte cloth as it had bene From heauen then downe commynge Let downe it was by corners fower And so it came to me Within the whiche when it came lower Myne eyes playnely myght se. Fourfoted beastes that semed fayre Uermen and wormes there layde And also foules out of the ayre A voyce to me then sayde Peter aryse slee thou and eate And I sayde Lorde God shylde For in my mouth came neuer meate Then common or yet defylde And then the voyce dyd aunswere me From heauen with good accorde Count not those thynges vncleane to be That cleansed hath the Lorde Thre tymes thys thynge was brought about As I haue shewed you playne And all thynges was without all dout Up take to heauen agayne And then beholde immediatlye There came to me thre men The which were sent from Cesarye Onely to seke me then And then the sprite to me dyd saye Do thou thy selfe prepare To go with them forth on their waye And haue therof no feare Moreouer then syxe brethren went In companye of vs Unto the house of hym that sent Which was Cornelius How he had sene he shewed to vs The aungel of the Lorde Whiche sayde to hym Cornelius To Ioppa sende thou worde To Simon Peter one of myne Who shall tell words to thee Wherby that thou and eke all thyne No dout shall saued be And then as I began to preache The sprite on them fel thus As dyd on vs when we dyd teache The Lorde and Christ Iesus Then in my head I dyd recorde Great thinges that I then wayde Whiche were the words of God y e Lorde That he in dede had sayde Iohn with water he dyd baptyse But ye shal baptysed be Euen with the sprite that is right wyse Within fewe dayes trust me Then forasmuch as God dyd geue To them as vnto vs When we dyd fyrst preache and beleue The Lorde and Christ Iesus What was I then that I should seace And eke the Lorde denye When they heard y t they helde their peace And God dyd glorifye And sayd also that God had sent The Gentils euen the same Their former lyfe then to repent Beleuyng in his name Those that before abrode were dryuen Through persecution stronge The which arose about good Steuen From place to place went longe Untyll they came to Phenices Cipers and Antioche Unto the Iewes both more and les Onlye they dyd approche And eke of Cipers there were some And of Sirene also To Antioche when they were come Unto the Grekes dyd go And preached then the Lorde Iesus Whose hande with them abod A great numbre beleued vs And turned vnto God Of these thinges tydinges came anon Unto the eares of them That were the congregation Then at Ierusalem And they sent forth one Barnabas To Antioche in peace When he came there right glad he was To see the fayth encrease Exhorting them not once to start Sith God had them restorde Unto his grace that they with heart Should cleaue vnto the Lorde Ryght good he was euen from his youth Full of the sprite and fayth Much people he vnto the truth Dyd wynne the storye sayth Then Barnabas to Tharsus sought To see Saule there approche Upon whose sight right soone he brought Hym vnto Antioche And it chaunced that one whole yere They kept together styll Euen with the congregacion there And taught the Lorde hys wyll That in so much thelect that were At Antioche euen then Were those in dede that first dyd beare The name of Christen men In those dayes from Ierusalem The Prophetes came to vs To Antioche and one of them Was named Agabus Whiche by the sprite then signified Great dearth shoulde then succede And that throughout the worlde so wyde Whiche came to passe in dede In Claudius dayes the Emperour Thelect them selues dyd bynde Eche man accordynge to hys power Some succour then to sende Unto the brethren in Iurye Whiche thynge they brought to pas And sent vnto the Elders bye Saule and eke Barnabas The contentes HERODE doth persecute Christes flocke And doth slaye Iames in dede In pryson he doth Peter locke The vvormes Herode doth fede Meane And in that tyme Herode the Kynge He dyd his hands let slyp To trouble men of good ly Tenor. And in the tyme Herode the Kynge He dyd his hands let slyp To trouble men of good lyuyng Countertenor And in that tyme Herode the Kyng He dyd his hands let slyp To trouble men of good ly Bassus And in that tyme Herode the Kyng He dyd his hands slyp To trouble men of good ly Meane uyng And Godlye fe lowshyp He dyd slee Iames Iohns brother deare Euen wyth the swerde in Tenor. uyng And Godlye fe lowshyp He dyd slee Iames Iohns brother deare Euen wyth the swerde in Countertenor uyng And godlye fe lowshyp He dyd slee Iames Iohns brother deare Euen wyth the swerde in Bassus uyng And god lye fe lowshyp He dyd slee Iames Iohns brother deare Euen wyth the swerd in dede Meane dede Because the Iues well pleased were He further dyd pro cede Tenor. dede Because y e Iues wel pleased were be cause the Iues wel pleased were he further dyd procede Countertenor dede Because the Iues wel pleased were he further dyd procede Bassus dede Because the Iues well pleased were He further dyd procede ANd in that tyme Herode the kynge He dyd hys handes let slyppe To trouble men of good lyuynge And godly felowshyppe He dyd slaye Iames Iohns brother dere Euen with the swearde in dede Because the Iewes wel pleased were He further dyd procede It was the dayes then of swete bread And he caught Peter fast With violence voyde of all dread In pryson dyd hym cast Delyuerynge hym a
¶ The Actes of the Apostles translated into Englyshe Metre and dedicated to the Kynges moste excellent Maiestye by Christofer Tye Doctor in Musyke and one of the Gentylmen of hys graces moste honourable Chappell wyth notes to eche Chapter to synge and also to play vpon the Lute very necessarye for studentes after theyr studye to fyle theyr wyttes and also for all Christians that cannot synge to reade the good and Godlye storyes of the lyues of Christ hys Appostles 1553 Syrack XXXII If God to rule do thee elect Pryde not thy selfe therin As one of thyne be in effect Thy people so to wynne Let care for them be thy repast That wysedome be their choyse And when thy dutye done thou hast Syt downe wyth them reioyce Of honour then receyue the crowne In wysedome to excell For wisdom wynneth great renowne whych doth become thee well Hynder not Musyke ¶ To the Uertuous and Godlye learned Prynce Edwarde the .vi. by the grace of God King of Englande Fraunce and Irelande Defendour of the Fayth and on earth next and immediatly vnder Christe of the Churches of England and Irelande the Supreme head your graces humble louynge and obedient seruaunte Christofer Tye wysheth the continuaunce of God hys feare to dwell in your graces heart longe to raygne in muche honoure healthe wealthe and victorye COnsydrynge well most godly Kyng The zeale and perfecte loue Your grace doth beare to eche good thyng That geuen is from aboue And that your grace oft tymes doth looke To learne of the last daye The whiche ye fynde with in gods booke That wyll not passe awaye Whose boke is geuen in these your dayes Wherin ye do reioyce And eke prayse hym in al his wayes And that with thankeful voyce Which doth make glad your subiectes all And moueth them to learne Gods lyuelye worde and how they shal The truthe therby discearne Beholde O Kynge of God electe And ye shall right well se That as your highnes is affect So wyll your Subiectes be Youre grace may note frō tyme to tyme That some doth vnder take Upon the Psalmes to wryte in ryme The verse pleasaunt to make And some doth take in hande to wryte Out of the booke of Kynges Because they se your grace delyte Insuche like Godlye thynges And last of all I youre poore man Whose doinges are full base Yet glad to do the best I can To geue vnto your grace Haue thought it good nowe to recyte The storyes of the Actes Euen of the twelue as Luke doth wryte Of all their worthy factes Unto the text I do not ad Nor nothynge take awaye And though my style be grosse and bad The truth perceyue you maye Your Maiestye is not to teache Thapostles wordes are playne With ynkhorne termes they dyd not preache But sought an easye vayne Playnely to speake their maisters wyll The people to enstruct That they their callynge myght fulfyll In truth them to conduct Prayinge your grace not to thynke now That I do condescende The pleasaunt style to disalow But do it much commende But he that shal of scripture treat Yf he wyll please God well Of force he must such termes forgeat The truth playnely to tell My Ignoraunce thus to excuse I haue my mynde exprest I trust your grace wyl not refuse To make of it the best And yf your grace shall in good part My symple worke so take My wyttes to this I will conuart All vayne thinges to forsake My callynge is another waye Your grace shall here in fynde By notes set forth to synge or playe To recreate the mynde And thoughe they be not curious But for the letter mete Ye shall them fynde harmonious And eke pleasaunt and swete That such good thīges your grace might moue Your lute when ye assaye In stede of songes of wanton loue These stories then to playe So shall your grace please God y t Lorde In walkynge in hys waye His lawes and statutes to recorde In your heart nyght and daye And eke your realme shall floryshe styll No good thynge shall decaye Your subiectes shal with right good wyll These wordes recorde and saye Thy lyfe O Kynge to vs doth shyne As Gods boke doth thee teache Thou dost vs fede with suche doctrine As Christes elect dyd preache The lyuyng God graunt thee to raygne In great honour and wealth Thy vertuous life good Lord mayntayne And sende thee prosperous health Thy dere Systers the sprite them leade To loue the worde of God Whiche shall them stande in better steade Then doth their whole liuelod Thy whole counsayle the Lorde preserue And graunt to man and wyfe To craue of hym not ones to swarue From hys swete worde of lyfe Amen CHRIST dyd ascende vp in to heauen As ye shall after reade Mathias vvas of the eleuen Electe in Iudas steade Meane In the foremer treatyse to thee Dere frend The o philus I haue written the Tenor. In the foremer treatyse to thee Dere frend The o philus I haue writen the ve ri te Countertenor In the foremer treatyse to thee Dere frend The o philus I haue written the ve ri Bassus In the former treatyse to thee Dere frend The o philus I haue wrytten the verite the Meane ve ri te Of the Lord Christ Iesus Whiche he to do and eke to teache Began vntyll the Tenor. Of the Lorde Christ Iesus Which he to do and eke to teach Began vntyll the Contertenor te of the Lorde Christ Iesus Whiche he to do and eke to teache Began vntyll the Bassus ve ri te of the Lord Christ Ie sus Whiche he to do and eke to teache Began vntyll the Meane daye In whiche the sprite vp hym dyd feache To dwell aboue for aye Tenor. daye In whiche the sprite vp hym dyd feache vp hym dyd feach To dwell aboue for aye Countertenor daye In whiche the sprite vp hym dyd feach To dwell aboue for aye Bassus sprite vp hym dyd feach vp hym dyd feach To dwell aboue for aye IN the former treatyse to thee Deare frende Theophilus I haue written the verite Of the Lorde Christ Iesus Whiche he to do and eke to teache Began vntyll the daye In whiche the sprite vp dyd hym feache To dwell aboue for aye After that he had power to do Euen by the holy ghost Commaundemētes then he gaue vnto His chosen least and moost To whome also him selfe dyd shew From death thus to reuyue By tokens playne vnto his few Euen fortye dayes alyue Speaking of Gods kyngdom w t heart Chusynge together them Commaundynge them not to depart From that Ierusalem But styll to wayte on the promys Of hys father the Lorde Of whiche ye haue hearde me or thys Unto you make recorde For Iohn with water dyd baptyse But ye shall baptist be Euen with the sprite that is ryghtwyse Within fewe dayes trust me When they were then all hym before They moued hym to tell If at that tyme he woulde restore The kyngdome to Israell
vpon vayne thynges The Kynges and Rulers dyd persist In wycked councell longe Agaynst the Lorde and hys sonne Christ Whiche he sent vs amonge For of a trueth agaynst the Lorde Whome thou annoynted hast Herod Pilate with one accorde Helde with the Gentyls fast The people eke of Israell Increased more and more To do what thy handes and councell Determyned before Nowe Lorde beholde their threatnynge sworde And graunt to thy elect With confydence to speake thy worde Good Lorde do vs protect So that thyne hand stretche forth y t same Healyng and signes to vs That we do wonders in the name Of thy dere sonne Iesus As soone as they had prayed anone The place began to shake They were full of the holye one The worde boldly they spake The multytude that dyd beleue Were of one sprit and harte Eche one to other styll dyd geue In commen they dyd parte And with great power they dyd witnes The resurreccion all Of Iesu Christ yea and doutles Great grace on them dyd fall Not one amonge them all dyd lacke For who had house and lande Solde all and dyd kepe nothynge backe To haue in hys owne hande They layde all downe at the fete than Of thappostles in dede Distributynge to euery man Accordynge to hys nede Ioses who was of an olde wonne Of thappostles eche one Called Barnabas whiche is the sonne Of Consolacion A Leuite borne woulde not doe yll Had lande and eke solde it And layd the pryce downe with good wyll At the Apostles feet The Contentes ANANIAS vntruth vvas knovvne And hys vvyues to their shame Thappostles vvere in pryson throvvne Reioysynge in the same Meane A certayne man who was named Ananias trulye With Saphira his wyfe framed Unto the Lorde a lye Who sellyng then a pece of lande Kept backe parte of the pryce The which his wyfe dyd vn der stande They wrought with one ad vice Countertenor A certayne man who was named A na ni as trulye With Saphira his wyfe framed Unto the Lorde a lye Who sellyng then a pece of lande Kept backe parte of the price The which his wyfe dyd vnderstand They wrought wyth one aduice Tenor. A certayne man who was named A na ni as trulye With Saphira his wyfe framed Unto the Lorde a lye Who sellynge then a pece of lande Kept backe parte of the price the which hys wyfe dyd vn derstand They wrought w t one aduice with one aduice they wrought Basse. A certayne man who was named A na ni as trulye With Saphira his wyfe framed Unto the Lorde a lye Who sellyng then a pece of lande Kept backe parte of the price The which his wyfe dyd vnderstand dyd vnder stand they wrought with one aduice they A Certayne man who was named Ananias trulye With Saphira hys wyfe framed Unto the Lorde a lye Who sellynge then a pece of lande Kept backe part of the pryce The whiche hys wyfe dyd vnderstande They wrought with one aduyce The other part then layde downe was At the Apostles fit And Peter sayde Ananias By what meanes chaunceth it That Sathan hath fylled thyne harte To cause thee thus to lye U●to the holy ghost and parte Of thy lyuelode denye Pertayned it not to thee that howre And after it was solde Was not the parte in thyne owne powre That thou dost nowe witholde How chaūceth it that thou shouldest then Thus brynge thy selfe to wo Thou hast not lyed onely to men But vnto God also And when he was trulye thus tryed Hys doyinges was abhorde He strayght gaue vp the ghost and dyed For triflynge with the Lorde Great feare then came vpon eche heade That thys dyd heare and see The yonge men rose vp and hym leed Where he shoulde buryd be And it chaunced within the space Of thre houres thys was done Hys wyfe not knowynge came in place Appearynge there ryght soone And Peter sayde to her tell me Solde ye the lande for thys And she ryght soone to hym sayde ye I haue sayde as it is Then Peter sayde I wyll recorde That ye dyd both consent To tempt the sprit of God the Lorde As it is euydent Beholde the fete of them that haue Buryd thy make thys daye Be redye to put thee in graue Then she fell dead strayght waye The yonge men then came in and founde Her dead lyinge at hande They bare her forth and in the grounde Layde her by her husbande And therwith came on them great feare That sawe thys done of ryght Euen on all those that then were there To see that feareful syght By the Apostles handes was wrought Ryght straunge and wondrus thinges Amonge the people which then sought To heare their good tydynges With one accorde they all were gone To prayse their Lorde and Kynge With in the porche of Salomon And that with thankes geuynge Of thother sort there was not one Durst ioyne hym selfe them to And yet of them some longe had gone To learne the best to do The numbre of those men that dyd Beleue the Lorde hys lore Men and women God be praysed Encreased more and more That in so much they brought bedsteades For sycke in to the stretes And some were layed in standyng beddes And eke some in palletes That at the least Peter myght come Nye to them that laye there When he came by to shadow some Of them that sore sycke were Ther came also a multitude From cityes rounde aboute To Ierusalem to seclude Sycknes from them through out And such as were vexed euen there With vncleane sprites eche one Were brought to them then euery where And were made whole anone The chiefe priest then rose vp certes And all that with hym were Whiche is the sect of Saduces Who then dyd stampe and steare Of thappostles not one went quight In prison they were set The angell of the Lorde by nyght Them out of prison let And brought them forthe eke sayde than Go steppe forth and speake ryfe With in the Temple to euery man The wordes now of this lyfe When they heard y t they with good wyll Into the temple went Soone in the morne for to fulfyll The Lordes commaundement The chief priest came and they that were Wyth hym in that forenone And called councell to them there To knowe what myght be done Then of the children of Israell The elders were also Of them that sat there in councell And bade some for them goo When they then went to them that had The pryson then in cure They dyd retourne as men nye mad Shut was the pryson sure The kepers standynge at the dore To wayt vpon their charge And yet of them they had no pore God had set them at large When the chiefe priest and he that is Euen of the temple chefe And eke the hye pristes heard of this They mused with muche grefe Then came one forth and sayde beholde Those that in pryson were Stande in the churche and are full bolde To teache the people
your brethren lyke to me Hym shall ye heare and trust And in the congregacion Thys Moyses was doutles And hearde the voyce of God alone Euen in the wyldernes Whiche then dyd talke assuredlye With thangel of the Lorde Upon mounte Sinay certaynlye Our fathers doth recorde The worde of lyfe receyued he To geue to vs was sent Our fathers wolde in no wyse be To hym obedient But thrust him from them with despyght Their heartes turned echeone Into Egypt to go with myght And sayde vnto Aron Make gods for vs both more and les For we can not discus What is become of thys Moyses That from Egypt brought vs. To make a Calfe thys was their choice And offred sacrifyce Unto the same and dyd reioyce In that their owne deuyce Then turned God from them trulye And gaue them vp with thretes To worship starres wyth in the skye Foresayde of the prophetes O ye the house of Israell Gaue me your Sacrifyces Meate offeryngs fortye yeres to tell Wyth in the wildernes Soone dyd ye take and not defarre The tabernacle than Of Moloch ye and eke the starre Of your great God Remphan Fygures to whome oft ye dyd vow And worship them eche one Wherfore I will translate all you Beyond great Babylon The tabernacle our fathers had Within the wildernes As he appoynted and them bad Speakyng vnto Moyses That he shuld make it according As he before dyd see The which our fathers receyuynge Brought in with Iosue Into the lande of the gentyls Whiche God draue out and chyd Before our fathers as exyls Tyll the tyme of Dauid Whiche fauour found with God y e Lorde Desyrynge then that he Myght synde an house of mete accorde For Iacobs God to be An house for hym buylt Salomon But yet the hyest I ken Dwelthe not in temples made of stone Wrought by the hands of men As he declareth by hys wrst The Prophet sayinge this Heauen is my seat where on I sit The earth my fote stole is What house then wyll ye me behest Sayth God tell you I shall Whiche is the place then of my rest Hath not my hande made all Ye styffe neckte all both least and most With heartes and ears ye seke Styll to resist the holy Ghost As dyd your fathers eke The prophetes all your fathers lore Nedes persecute them must And eke slew them which taught before The commynge of the iust Whose murtherers and traytours now Ye are and to them knit The Angels gaue the lawe to you ▪ And ye haue not kept it When they hearde thys great was their grefe Their heartes did cleaue in two Gnashynge on hym euen with their tethe And knewe not what to do He was ful of the holy ghost Hys eyes to heauen dyd stande Which sawe the glory of the Lorde And Christ on hys ryght hande And sayde beholde the heauens I se Appeare for my lyuelod And eke the sonne of man to be At the ryght hande of God Then they cryde out with rorynge voyce And stopt their eares and brethe Thus in their rage they toke their choyce And stoned hym to deathe The witnesses their clothes downe layde Then at a mans fete euen Whose name was Saule which then assayde With them to stone good Steuen Which cryde and sayd Lord Christ Iesu Receyue my sprite thys daye He kneled downe all thys is trew And on thys wyse dyd saye Laye not thys synne Lord to their charge Thus he dyd call and clepe Of that their synne them to discharge And so he fell a slepe The Contentes HOVV Philip came to Samary Simon the vvhyche dyd fayne Philip dyd baptyse vvyllynglye Eunuch the chamberlayne Meane The death of Steuen dyd Saule cōfort Who dyd a gre with them That wold haue slayne the godlye Tenor. The deathe of Steuen dyd Saul cōfort Who dyd a gre with them That wold haue slayne the godly Countertenor The deathe of Steuen dyd Saul cōfort who dyd a gre With them That wold haue slayne the godly Basse. The death of Steuen dyd Saul cōfort who dyd a gre with them That wold haue slayne the godlye Meane sort Then at Ie ru salem scatred they were both far and nye And through the regions Tenor. sort Then at Ie ru salem scattred they were both far and nye And through the regions Contertenor sort Then at Ie ru salem scattred they were both far and nye And through the regions Bassus sort Then at Ie ru salem Scattred they were both far and nye And through the regions Meane crept Of Iu rye and of Samarye The twelue onely except Tenor. crept Of Iurye and of Samarye The twelue onely except THe death of Steuē dyd Saule comforte Who did agre with them That would haue slayne the godlye sorte Then at Ierusalem Scattred they were both far and nye And through the regions crept Countertenor crept Of Iu rye and of Samary The twelue onely except Bassus crept Of Iu rye and of Samarye the twelue onely except Of Iury and of Samarye The twelue onelye except Deuoute there were that dressed Steuen Of whome stones brake eche lym Besydes their oyntmentes to hym geuen They dyd wepe ouer hym But of the congregacion than Saul spared no mans lyfe But sought the house of euery man And drewe out man and wyfe In pryson fast he dyd them place But those that went about Dyd preache the worde of lyfe and grace Euen as they went throughout And Philippe came a cytye to Which was of Samarye And preached Christ as he to do Had power geuen from an hye The people then with one accorde Hys words ryght well out sought In that they sawe that God the Lorde Straunge thynges by hym had wrought For vncleane sprites with corynge voyce Came out of sundrye men That were possest and had no choyse But cald on Philip then The palseyes he dyd heale also And therof was not coye The halte he heald that coulde not go In whome became great ioye A certayne man there was whose name Was Simon truth to tell Which here tofore the very same In witchcrafte dyd excell Uvho the people bewycht to fore That dwelt in Samarye And eke reporte he coulde do more Great thynges miraculouslye He was had in great reuerence Of all that there abode Whiche sayde no dout he doth commence The myghtye power of God Because of hys continuaunce By hym they set muche bye He mocked them and dyd aduaunce Hym selfe with sorcerye When Philipes words they dyd wel vew Who taught of Gods kyngdome And in the name of Christ Iesu Baptised they dyd become Simon hym selfe dyd then beleue And baptised was also Abydynge styll by Philipes sleue And woulde not from hym go But wondred much then to beholde The signes that he dyd see And miracles so manifolde By Philip done to be Thapostles hearyng that were glad Then at Ierusalem That Samarye receyued had The worde of God to them And sent Peter and Iohn aryght To them in to that cost Who
plucke frō mans heart The strayght wayes of the Lorde And nowe beholde thou man vnkynde The Lordes hande is on thee And for a tyme thou shalt be blynde The Sunne thou shalt not se. Immediatlye then for hys pryde Uppon hys eyes dyd stande A myst that made hym seke a gyde To leade hym by the hande The ruler then dyd see the case And not therat repyne But mused muche and dyd embrace The Lorde and his doctrine When Paule frō Paphus toke shippyng And all hys companye Forth on their waye they went saylyng To Perge of Phamphilye To see his frendes Iohn was right fayne And dyd depart from them And so returned whome agayne Unto Ierusalem They wandryng ther went from Perga And soone they dyd approche The lande then of Pisydia And came to Antioche Into the sinagoge they went Upon the Sabbothes daye And sat them downe with good entent No man dyd saye them naye But when the lecture of the lawe And prophetes there were done The ruler then whiche there them sawe Sayde vnto them ryght sone Good bretherne nowe we do you praye The people to exhort Yf any sermon ye can saye To them for their comfort Then Paule stode vp there in presens And beckned with hys hande He prayde them all to kepe sylens Gods worde to vnderstande He sayde ye men of Israell And ye that God do feare And all that here amonge you dwell I praye you geue good care God of this people dyd elect Our fathers vs beforne Auancynge them that were reiect As forreners farre borne In Egypt lande both daye and nyght In bondage they dyd dwell The Lorde then with hys arme of myght Dyd brynge them out ryght well And fourtye yeares he dyd them spare In all their wyckednes To punishe them he dyd forbare With in the wyldernes Seuen nacions then in Canaan He wasted well I wot Partynge the lande to euery man Accordynge to hys lot Then to the tyme of Samuell The iudges gaue trulye Amonge them there yeares for to dwell Four hundreth and fyftye And after that a kynge to craue They woulde not cease ne blyn The sonne of Cis Saule God them gaue Of the tribe of Beniamyn Twise twentye yeares he ware y e crowne No lenger raygned he For God the Lorde dyd put hym downe And hys posterite He set vp Dauid to be kynge And ruler in hys place And dyd reporte of hym saynge Dauid I do enbrace One Iesses sonne whom I haue founde A man Ientell and kynde He is to me both sure and sounde To fulfyll all my mynde Of thys mans sede a sauiour The promyse thus doth tell God hath brought forth Iesus the flour And kynge of Israell But after Iohn had run hys race He sayde I am not he I meane Messias full of grace Whome ye take me to be But lo one doth come after me Whose shoes vpon hys fete Of such hyghnes and dignite To lose I am vnmete Ye men bretherne and children all Of Abraham by discent To you that feare God great and small Thys worde of lyfe is sent The dwellers in Ierusalem The rulers well I wot And all suche then as were with them In dede they knew hym not The prophetes voyce that were red Eche Saboth them amonge With suche blyndnes then were they led They coulde take then but wronge And though of deathe they found no cause In hym most innocent The Prophecyes in euerye clause Were ended as they ment In denying him to mortall fate They dyd them all fulfyll When they made sute to Pons Pilate This innocent to kyll Then all thynges done in eche degre As scripture wolde it haue They toke his bodye from the tre And layed it in the graue God raysed hym on the third daye From deathe to lyfe certayne He shewed hym selfe without delaye When he was risen agayne And manye tymes appeared he Full lyuelye vnto them That went with him from Galile Unto Ierusalem Which are his witnes to eche sort Appoynted of the Lorde And we also to your comfort Gods promyse do recorde Which to our fathers he dyd frame Howe God to their ofsprynge Fulfylled hath in Christ the same From death hym reuiuynge The seconde Psalme recordeth playne Thou art my sonne sayeth he The father sayeth this daye certayne I haue begotten thee In that he raysed hym anon From death nothynge dismayde No more to se corruption On thys wyse then he sayde The fauour grace and eke good wyll That I Dauid dyd vow Full faythfullye I shall fulfyll And parforme it to you Therfore he sayeth in the lyke place Thy sonne the holye on Thou shalt not suffer in no case To see corruption As for Dauid hys tyme dyd kepe To serue gods wyll trulye And after that fallynge a slepe Was layde hys father bye His Cors dyd waste and putrefye But God hys sonne dyd he Make quicke agayne and certaynlye Dyd no corrupcyon se. Knowe ye therfore ye brethren all Through him ye may purchace Which is preached to great and small Forgeuenes of trespace And from all things ful sure to be Acquited and made sure Which Moyses lawe in no degre Coulde clense be ye ryght sure But who so that wyl geue credence And in the fayth abyde Through him is cleare from all offence And also iustified Beware therfore I do you reade And kepe ye from the lake Lest those thynges fall vpon your heade Wherof the prophetes spake Ye dispisers beholde and muse At your distruction now For in your tyme a worcke defuse I worke euen vnto you Whiche in no wyse ye shal beleue Who so of it you tell The whiche is wrought you for to greue Because ye do rebell When that the Iues were all forth gon Out of their holye place The Gentyles them besought anon To preache the worde of grace And them to teache through out the weke Betwene the Saboth dayes What meanes wayes that they myght To please the Lorde alwayes Their holye congregacion then So ended Luke recytes On them dyd wayte there many men Both Iues and Procelytes To these good men that dyd abyde Spake Paule and Barnabas Exortynge them not once to slyde From God ne from his grace The Saboth day then next folowynge The citie whole well neare Together came much desyrynge Gods holy worde to heare But when the Iewes sawe suche a route They were full wrath I deme Reuilyng Paule with wordes fulstoute Beginning to blaspheme But Barnabas and Paule was bolde And sayde it doth behoue Gods worde to you first to be tolde Whiche sent is from aboue But syth ye do it nowe denye Auoydynge it with strife And thynke your selues now vnworthye Of euerlastyng lyfe And eke the worde so precious Ye take for crafte and gyles Lo here the Lorde hath wylled vs To tourne vnto the Gentyles I haue set thee to be a lyght The Gentyles for to gyde And them to saue as I behyght Throughout the earth so wyde The Gentyles then offred thys grace Of it they were full