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A12120 The countryman vvith his houshold Being a familiar conference, concerning faith towards God, and good workes before men; fitted for the capacitie of the meanest. By R.S. preacher of the word at Arley. See the contents more particularly before the booke. Sherrard, Robert. 1620 (1620) STC 22427; ESTC S102598 97,338 274

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and are now come to Mens and Womens estate who also are wont as you said to learne loddly and remember badly Pastor You must take the more paines with such to teach them the true meaning and right vse of the Lord prayer the Creede and the Ten Commandements the words whereof they can babble without vnderstanding as also you must vse the like diligence for the doctrine of the Sacraments according to the Conference or some Catechisme or Treatise made for that purpose Parent It passeth my skill to teach some of them any vnderstanding or profitable vse of that which they confesse in words and specially such as put a confidence in the saying and rehearsing of the words A kinde of Opus operatum as though there were some secret vertue and efficacie in the words that of themselues and of the sounding or pronouncing of them do please God and make them that can and do vtter them to be Christians as they doe superstitiously suppose Pastor Then I aduise you to follow these two courses which haue bin sound very profitable with such blinde soules First for the vnderstanding and vse of the Creede Secondly for Application both of the Creede the Lords prayer the Ten Commandements and the Sacraments Parent What is your course to conuey the vnderstanding and vse of the Creede vnto an ignorant soule that can say the words without sense in himselfe Pastor Prouided alwayes that you humbly beseech God to blesse your labour and likewise that you deale kindly and louingly with such a one you must vse to reason with him or her suppose it be your seruant or any other in as familiar and plaine manner as you can to this effect Housholder The forme of instructing such ignorant soules as are of riper age In whom doe you beleeue Seruant In God Housholder What is God Seruant The Father Almighty Housholder How do you know that God is almighty Seruant Because he is the maker of heauen and earth Housholder In whom do you beleeue besides the Father Seruant In Iesus Christ Housholder Who is Iesus Christ Seruant The Fathers onely Son and our Lord. Housholder What meane you by Our Lord Seruant That he is our Redéemer and Gouernor Housholder How came Christ to be so Seruant He was conceiued by the Holy Ghost and borne of the Virgin Marie Housholder What did he for vs as he is our Lord Seruant He suffered for vs vnder Ponce Pilate Housholder Who was Ponce Pilate Seruant He was a Iudge that condemned Christ to death Housholder To what kinde of death did Pilate condemne our Sauiour Christ Seruant To be crucified Housholder What is that Seruant Hée was lifted vp to a Crosse of wood and nailed vpon it with nailes * This crucifying was in those times among the Iewes a most shamefull execution of Male-factors such as Hanging upon the Gallowes is now amongst vs. Housholder How long was he crufied Seruant Till he was dead Housholder Wherefore was Christ willing to suffer so shamefull a death Seruant For to saue vs from Hell which we deserued for our sins Housholder What did they with Christ when he was dead Seruant They buried his bodie in a Tombe Housholder How long did it lye buried in the Tombe Seruant Vntill the third day Housholder What did Christ then Seruant He rose againe from the dead and so liued and walked vpon the earth againe Housholder What did hee afterwards Seruant After forty dayes he ascended into Heauen that is He went vp into Heauen Housholder What doth our Sauiour in Heauen Seruant He fitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty Housholder What is the meaning of that Seruant He is the great King that raigneth ouer vs all Housholder How long shall Christ raigne so Seruant Till the day of Iudgement Housholder What shall he do then Seruant He shall come againe to iudge both the quicke and the dead Housholder Who are the quicke Seruant They that shall be then found aliue vpon the earth Housholder And what dead persons shall he then iudge Seruant All that haue beene dead before that day Housholder In whom doe you beleeue else besides the Father and the Sonne Seruant In the Holy Ghost Housholder What Are the Father the Sonne and the Holy Ghost three Gods Seruant No Thrée persons but one God Housholder Doth no body beleeue thus but onely you Seruant Yes the Holy Catholike Church Housholder Who are that Church Seruant The Saints that dwell vpon earth Housholder Why do you call the Saints on earth Holy Seruant Because they are made holy in Christ by Faith and a New life Housholder Why do you call the Saints or Church of God vpon earth Catholike Seruant Because they are vniuersally scattered ouer all the world Housholder What haue they among themselues Seruant A speciall Communion or Fellowship of Loue one with another Housholder What benefits doth God by his Holy Spirit bestow vpon these his beleeuing and penitent people for his Sonne Iesus Christs sake Seruant Forgiuenes of their sins the resurrection of their bodies and the life euerlasting Parent And what is your other course for application of the Creede the Lords Prayer the Ten Commandements and the Sacraments vnto the capacitie and vse of such ignorant persons Pastor Whatsoeuer you shall learne in the preaching of the word or in the daily reading thereof that may informe such simple persons in any of those things you must acquaint them with it fitting it for manner of speech and words to their abilitie And so for all the workes of God his benefits and strokes you must apply them to their estate declare vnto them their great manifold necessitie of sauing grace and alwayes haue recourse vnto such things as they can say in the Creede the Lords Prayer the Ten Commandements * How euer you doe you must labour to inform and settle them on the one side in the vse of the Law discouering sinne and denouncing the curse of damnation and on the other side in the comforts of the Gospell giuing grace by Jesus Christ and assuring the beleeuers and penitent of eternall saluation c. And withall incourage them both to answer your questions and to inquire boldly and cheerefully of you what they thinke good or do make any doubt of Parent I trust the Lord will make me mindfull to vse these good helps which you haue sought out and fitted for such purposes as neede shall require But I haue a great desire to looke into the substance of the Booke that you haue giuen me where I hope to finde directions and furtherances for my selfe and those that are better able to learne and practise than either children or such ignorant persons as we haue last spoken of Pastor I doubt not but you shall gaine somewhat by that which hath passed betwixt you me already since we met togither albeit indeed the greatest vse be of the points of Religion which are handled in the Booke that I
Parent Which is the eight commandement Child Thou shalt not steale Parent What doth the eight commandement injoyne Child g Ephes 4.28 All duties to man in respect of his goods and maintenance Parent Psal 62.10 11 Which is the ninth commandement Child Thou shalt not beare false witnes against thy Neighbour Parent What doth the ninth Commandement injoyne Child h Matth. 7.1 Esai 5.20 1 Pet. 2.23 All duties to man in respect of his good name Parent Which is the tenth Commandement Child Thou shalt not couet thy neighbours house thou shalt not couet thy neighbors wife nor his man-seruant nor his maid seruant nor his oxe nor his asse nor any thing that is thy neighbors Parent What doth the tenth Commandement injoyne Child i Rom. 7.7 Iam. 1 14. To kéepe my heart pure from all sinfull motions yea though I do not consent vnto them Parent What obedience doth God require at your hands to all these his Commandements Child k Deut. 26.16 27.26 Jam. 2.10 Rom. 6.13 16 19. Perfect and continuall obedience both of soule and bodie wholly and of all the powers and members of the same Parent Can you keepe Gods Commandments perfectly and continually Child l Genes 6.5 Psal 143.2 Rom. 7.23 No not in the least point yea and though I doe my vttermost endeuour yet I breake them euery day in thought word and déed Parent What doe you call euery breach of Gods Law yea if it be no more but the least want of that which the Law requireth Child m 1 Iohn 3.4 5.17 Gal. 3.10 Rom. 7.7 Sinne. Parent How commeth it to passe that you are so disobedient to Gods Law Child n Rom. 5.12 14 c. By reason of the corruption of my nature which came vpon all mankind through the fall of our first Parents Parent Shew me how euery part of man is corrupted with sinne Child First o 1 Cor. 2.14 the mind is blinded with ignorance Secondly p Tit. 1.15 the conscience is defiled either with false excuses or gréeuous terrors Thirdly q Iob 15.16 Gal. 5.24 the will and affections do onely lust after euill but auoide good Fourthly r Rom. 6.19 the members of the bodie do outwardly execute the sinne of the soule Parent What punishment hath God threatned in his Law vnto euery sinner Child ſ Gal. 3.10 Deut. 28.15 16 c. His curse which is all miserie both spirituall and corporall in this world and eternall condemnation in the world to come Parent By what meanes are you taught how to escape the curse of God which you deserue for your sins Child t Ier. 31.31 32 33 34. Act. 13.38 39. Onely by the Gospell or Couenant of grace Parent Wherefore then was the Law giuen Child For two causes Parent Which is the first Child u Gal. 3.17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24. To terrifie vs and make vs séeke Christ Parent Which is the second Child * Math. 5.17 c. To be a continuall rule and direction for a godly life as soone as we beléeue in Christ ☞ THE SECOND PART Concerning the Gospell or Couenant of Grace Parent WHat is the voice of the Gospell or Couenant of Grace Child a Act. 16.31 Beléeue on the Lord Iesus Christ and thou shalt be saued Parent How many things are to be considered in Christ Child b John 1.14 Luk. 4.18 19. Two his Person and his Office Parent Whereof consisteth his Person Child c Rom. 1.3 4. Of two natures for he is both God and Man Parent Why must he be God Child d 1 Thess 1.10 Heb. 9.12 1 Sam. 2.25 That he might be able to sustaine Gods wrath which was due to vs for our sins and that he might merit for vs. Parent Which person of the Trinitie is Iesus Christ according to his Godhead Child e Iohn 3.16 34 35. The second person namely the Sonne of God Parent Why must hee be Man also Child f Heb. 2.16 That he might be fit to satisfie for man that had sinned Parent What is his Office Child g Iohn 14.6 1 Tim. 2.5 He is the onely Mediator betwéene God and vs for our reconciliation vnto him Parent How many parts be there of his Mediation Child h Act. 3.22 Heb. 7.2 3. Psal 110. 2 3 Three for he is the Prophet the Priest and the King of his Church Parent What is Christs Church Child i Ephes 1.4 5 13 23. Reuel 17.14 Iohn 17.6 14 15 16. All Gods chosen people called out of the sinfull fellowship of the world and beléeuing in Christ Parent How is Christ the Prophet of his Church Child k Hebr. 1.1 Iohn 15.15 Luk. 10.16 Math. 10.40 28.19 20. Act. 20.20 27. In teaching vs the whole will of God both in his owne person when he was vpon the earth and also by his Ministers from the beginning of the world vnto the end thereof Parent How is he the Priest of his Church Child l Rom. 8.32 33 34. By working the merit of our Redemption and by making Intercession for vs. Parent How hath Christ wrought the merit of our Redemption Child m Phil. 2.8 Both by his sufferings especially his pretious death and also by his holy life Parent How was Christ our Priest by his sufferings and especially by his precious death Child n Math. 26. 27. chapters He suffered in soule and bodie yea vnto separation whatsoeuer we should haue suffred so sacrificing himselfe for vs. Parent What did he merit for vs by such his sufferings Child o Iohn 1.29 Esai 53.5 6. Coloss 1.14 Gal. 3.13 Heb. 10.26 The taking away of our sinnes and of all punishment due to vs for the same Parent What was his holy life Child p Heb. 7.26 Psal 40.7 8 Math. 3.15 He perfectly obeyed and fulfilled the Law of God in all points Parent What benefit haue we by his holy life Child q 1 Cor. 1.30 Rom. 5.18 19. 8.3 4. with Leuit. 18.5 The assurance of perfect righteousnes and of eternall life Seruant Why must our High Priest Christ Iesus worke the merit of our Redemption in such sort Scholler r Act. 4.12 2 Cor. 5.21 Because it was the onely way in Gods wisedome to satisfie his owne iustice and to shew mercy for the saluation of his chosen people Parent Whereby doe you know assuredly that Christ hath satisfied the iustice of God and obtained eternall Redemption for vs Child ſ Rom. 4.25 1 Cor. 15.14 17 18 20. Heb. 9.11 12. Because he arose from death to life and ascended into Heauen Parent How doth Christ our Priest make Intercession for vs Child t Mal. 3.2 3 4. Exod. 28.38 29.33 c. Heb. 4.14 15 16. 12.24 He preuaileth with the Father by presenting the merit of his Passion vnto him to receiue and continue vs in the Couenant of grace Parent Whereby doe you know this
Cor. 6.11 Iohn 14.26 15.26 acknowledge beléeue the third Person of the Trinitie the Holy Ghost procéeding from the Father and the Sonne to be the Sanctifier and comforter of Gods Elect making effectuall vnto them whatsoeuer Iesus Christ hath wrought suffred who worketh and preuaileth in me which I perceiue not only by the graces of * * Ephes 4.22 23 24. Rom. 7.15 to the end true holinesse and righteousnes begun and increasing in me and by my diligent striuing against the remnants of my corruption and lusts but also x x 2 Cor. 1.22 Rom 8.15 16 23 26. by the earnest of the same Spirit in my heart inabling me to call God my Father and to pray with sighes and grones within any selfe for the perfect adoption The holy Catholike Church And further I do acknowledge a y y Iohn 10.16 Act. 2.42 c. 14.22 1 Cor. 1.26 27. 2 Tim. 3.12 companie of people called by Gods frée grace in Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit few in number in comparison of the rest and ordinarily consisting of the baser sort and the same exercised with many affliction z z Deut. 12.30 31 32. 29.29 Seruing God according to his word a a Gen. 4.26 Rom. 10.13 invocating his name b b Heb. 13.17 submitting themselues vnto the Ministerie of the Gospell and c c Act. 19.5 1 Cor. 11.24 25. professing Iesus Christ in the vse of the Sacraments Baptisme and the Supper of the Lord. d d Ephes 5.26 27. 1 Thes 4.7 Holy because both Christs holines is imputed to them beléeuing in him and also for that there doth procéed from their holy faith a holy life and conuersation And Catholike because this companie of people is e e Ephes 4.12 13 16. Iohn 11.52 Esai 2.2 3. vniuersally scattered ouer all the world of whose number without the which there is no saluation I doe certainly know and professe my selfe to be one f f Iohn 6.27 10.27 Act. 2.47 24.14 because I féele in my selfe an hungring after the Word and Sacraments with all other the Ordinances of the Lord as the meanes of my spirituall nourishment and doe willingly submit my selfe to be guided by the spirit and word of God the Communion of Saints In which Church I acknowledg g g 1 Ioh. 1.1 2 3 4 5 6 7. Psal 16.3 1 Cor. 12.26 that there is a partaking of gifts and graces from Christ to them Esai 11.6 7 8 Phil. 2.1 2 3 c. Col. 3.11.12 13 14. amongst themselues mutually vnto the best good and saluation of euery member which I for my part doe professe and practise both ioyning my selfe vnto them in all godly exercises and labours and féeling my selfe vnfainedly knit vnto them in all holy affections mercifulnesse h h Act. 13.38 39. Psal 103. ● 2 3 4 11 12. Esai 38.17 Mic. 7.19 Zach. 12.10 Rom. 7.19 10. Matth. 5.44 45. 6.14 Ephes 4.32 L●●● 23.34 Act. 7.60 the forgiuenesse of sinnes And forasmuch as this onely true Church doth apply Iesus Christs righteousnesse vnto it selfe euery member particularly and for his sake whom they haue pierced by their sinnes do heartily repent I do beléeue that God wil forgiue them their sinnes and do assure my selfe that hée will forgiue me all mine for the which cause I cannot choose but be thankfull to the Lord in waging warre against euery sinne and in forgiuing and praying for all them that haue vniustly and greatly offended thée euen my sorest enimies the resurrection of the body Finally I acknowledge and beléeue that at the last day i i Ioh. 5.28 29. Job 19.25 1 Cor. 15. Eccles 12.14 2 Cor. 5.10 Matth. 25. all the soules of the dead shall returne and be put into the very same bodies wherein they once liued and so be raised vp to liue againe and the quicke changed all in a moment through the vnspeakable power of God to the end they may all come to iudgment wholy both bodies and soules togither and sentence may bée giuen vpon them When k k Phil. 3.21 Revel ●0 6 21.4 Rom. 6.11 13. 1● 1 2● for my part I trust to haue a ioyfull and glorious resurrection my selfe as all other the faithfull shall haue whereof we haue a plaine earnest giuen vs already in the Resurrection of Christ our head frée from any more miserie and hauing all teares wiped away from mine eyes because I féele my selfe rising daily vnto newnesse of life and my bodie conformed sitted in all the parts and faculties of it more and more to serue the Lord for I know I shall not be condemned because I verily beléeue l l Rom. 8.1.3 2 Cor. 7.11 Iesus Christ hath béene in a sort condemned for me and hath made mée condemne my selfe in remorce of conscience for my sinnes to such effect that I walke not after the flesh that is in following and satisfying the swindge of my naturall corruption but after the Spirit that is in framing my waies agreable to the gift and state of regeneration wrought in my heart by the Holy Spirit m m 2 Cor. 5.1 2. c. 1 Tim. 4.8 Revel 21.22 22.1 2 3 4 5. and the life euerlasting From that day the Godly shall possesse the kingdome of heauen in the presence of God for euermore Iohn 10.9 10 11 15 17 28. Phil. 3.20 1 Thess 4.17 the most happy and blessed life which God hath prepared for them and whereof I looke to bee partaker forasmuch as Christ hath both merited it for me and wrought so in me that my conuersation is in heauen that is such as tendeth driueth towards the heauenly glory n n Reuel 22.3 with Luk. 2.14 There shall he be praised of me and of all other his elect for euer o o Rom. 10.10 2 Cor. 1.20 Apoc. 22.20 Tit. 3.7 Rom. 8.23 Amen All these things I doe truly beléeue with my heart and confesse with my mouth that they are so indéed and doe desire and waite for the full performance accomplishment of them vnto the praise and glory of God Parent What is Regeneration or Sanctification Child p Iohn 3.3 Luk. 3.3 8. 1 Thess 5.23 A singular grace of God whereby I am truly changed from my sinnes and made the obedient child of God Parent What are the parts of Regeneration Child q Ephes 4.22 23 24. The mortifying of the olde man and the quickning of the new Parent What is the mortifying of the old man Child r Rom. 6.3 6 c. 8.13 Col. 3.5 Gal. 5.24 The abating and crucifying of sinne and of the power thereof through the vertue of Christs death and buriall Seruant How must you vse Christs death that it may slay your sinne Scholler ſ Zach. 12.10 Gal. 2.20 Heb. 6.6 1 Cor. 2.8 with 1 Pet. 4.1 2. Bethinking my selfe that my sinnes were the
assuredly Child u Rom. 8.34 Heb. 6.19 20. 9.24 Reuel 1.5 Because he sitteth at the right hand of God his Father and so is become our continuall Remembrancer Parent How is Christ the King of his Church Child * Luk. 1.32 33. 1 Cor. 15.25 c. By ruling it in this world and glorifying it in the world to come Parent How doth Christ rule his Church in this world Child First x Phil. 2.13 by working grace in the heart Secondly y Psal 121. by protecting and defending it Thirdly z Rom. 8.28 by disposing all things to its greatest good Parent What Graces doth Christ the King of his Church *** The first way of Christs ruling of his Church in this world worke in the heart Child a Phil. 1.29 1 Cor. 6.11 Faith and Sanctification or Regeneration Parent What is Faith Child b Eph. 3.12 17. Rom. 4.18 21. Faith is a true perswasion of my heart grounded vpon the Promises of God that whatsoeuer Christ hath wrought for the saluation of Man he hath done it as well for me as for any others Parent In what words is Faith in Christ taught Child Gal. 2.20 The Sonne of God hath loued me and giuen himselfe for me Seruant What is the least measure of true Faith that any one can haue who is of yeeres of discretion Scholler d Gen. 4.13 Rom. 8.9 23.24 25. Ephes 3.17 Math. 5.6 Psal 51.8 9. compared When one is perswaded that his sinnes may be forgiuen and withall prayeth from the bottome of his heart that whatsoeuer els God doth for him he would forgiue him Seruant But when Faith groweth to some strength how may you know then that you haue a true and liuely faith Scholler First e Rom. 5 1. Gal. 4.6 by the inward peace of my conscience féeling Gods loue in Christ and assuring me of the forgiuenesse of all my sinnes Secondly f Act. 15.9 Rom. 6.19 Iam. 2.14 15 16. c. by my good workes which are the fruits of a liuely faith * See more of Faith in Part. 4. and in Part. 5. Seruant Where are the chiefest points of Faith as touching the things themselues that are to be beleeued of a Christian comprised and set all togither in one short summe for the help of the more ignorant sort of weake memories Scholler In the Confession of Faith commonly called the Articles of our Beléefe and by some The Apostles Creed Seruant Why is it called The Creed Scholler Of the Latine word Credo which is the first word in this Confession and signifieth in our English tongue I beleeue Seruant And why beareth it the name of the Apostles Scholler Because it was taken out of the doctrine of the Apostles Seruant Vnto whom was it prescribed Scholler Vnto euery one to confesse in his owne person as being indéed the Summe of all Religion Parent Rehearse the Creed Child The forme of Confession of Faith I beléeue in God the Father almighty maker of heauen and earth And in Iesus Christ his onely Sonne our Lord who was conceiued by the Holy Ghost borne of the Virgin Marie suffered vnder Ponce Pilate was crucified dead and buried He descended into Hell The third day hée rose againe from the dead He ascended into heauen and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty From thence he shall come to iudge the quicke and the dead I beléeue in the Holy Ghost the holy Catholike Church the Communion of Saints the forgiuenesse of Sinnes the Resurrection of the Bodie and the Life euerlasting Amen Parent I pray you Pastor giue vs a short Explanation of the Creede which we may vse to read deliberately in our house vnto our ignorant people now and than and at the least vpon the Lords day where better means of edification cannot be had before or after we haue beene at the publike Ministerie of the word In which Explanation we would haue you to direct vs how to vnderstand and apply euery seuerall point to ech one of our selues particularly and withall set vs downe in the margent some of the plainest testimonies of holy Scripture to proue that your exposition is grounded thereon Pastor I will so that you will not forget nor neglect to vse it weekely till such time as you and your Families be better instructed and setled in the truth Parent I pray God make me and my companie not only mindfull and diligent to vse it but also giue vs grace to profit by it Pastor Amen Now than a Christian man or woman should vnderstand and apply to his or her selfe the Articles of Faith as if he or she should say a litle more largely thus The Explanation of the Creede The Creed it self being the Summe of the holy Gospell Forasmuch as g g Heb. 11.1 2 3 c. Iam. 1 12 13. 1 Tim. 1.5 2 Pet. 1.5 6 7 8 9. true Faith is the onely Mother and ground-worke of all sauing graces and whereby also they become acceptable to God and that euery person who looketh to bée saued must attaine saluation by his h h Hab. 2.4 Iohn 3.15 16 18. Gal. 3.22 26. Heb. 10.38 11.6 owne faith and not by the faith that is in any others out of himselfe And forasmuch as the same true faith i i Rom. 10.10 2 Cor. 4.13 Matth. 10 32 33. Act. 8.37 will necessarily shew it self by Confession I doe here make confession of it with my mouth as I haue receiued and do stedfastly hold it in my heart not from the traditions or sayings of men but as I sée it warranted in Gods most holy word vnto the praise and glory of God my owne comfort and the good example of others in this forme following to wit I beleeue in God the Father Almighty Maker of heauen earth I doe acknowledge and beléeue k k Deut. 4.39.1 Iohn 5.7 one onely God distinguished into thrée persons l l Math. 28.19 the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost to be m m Iohn 14.1 20.28 my God n n Ephes 1.11 Act. 15.18 27.20 21 22 c. who decréed before all worlds o o Gen. 1. 2. chapters made and fashioned in time p p Act. 4.24 28. Gen. 14.19 Rom. 11.36 disposeth and possesseth all things whatsoeuer with all their seuerall actions circumstances in most holy manner according to his infinite power and wisedome vnto his owne glory and specially Angels in heauen and Men on earth who is both willing able to blesse me q q Rom. 8.28 Psal 115.11 13 15. and who I know maketh all things worke togither for good vnto me whom he hath called to loue feare and obey him maugre all enimies r r Iohn 20.17 because hee is Christs father and my father almighty in strength Which Father ſ ſ Gen. 3.1 7. Iohn 8.44 Rom. 7.12 23. Deut. 27.26 when wée wretches fel shamefully
withall I haue also brought you the Parent in sometimes asking my helpe and sometimes conferring otherwise with me and my selfe the Pastor answering your Questions replying satisfying your demands aduising or exhorting in sundry matters and passages of the Booke Parent I thanke the Lord for the care you haue had of me and my people and such as we are And I do promise by the grace of God to obserue your order and directions both for my selfe and all my familie as also for other my speciall frends with whom I can preuaile vntill it shall please God to bring vs to some competent perfection that we be as good or better than your Booke Pastor Well then remember your promise and consider that it is impossible for you t 1 Sam. 2.12 13 14 15 16 17 22 23 24 25. to seeke and serue the Lord in the Congregation and yet to to be negligent or prophane in the house And looke that you breake not off a good course well begun but hold on with cheerefull resolution and constancie against all temptations and stumbling blocks And euermore be carefull to proceed with a good and honest heart neuer seeming before men to be more religious than indeed you are before God who is the searcher of the hearts And haue respect to your conuersation that it be such as may u Tit. 2.10 adorne the doctrine of God our Sauiour in all things And to this good worke of informing reforming your Houshold it shall be much helpfull for you often and seriously to call to minde First the Commandements which God hath giuen togither with the Promises that he hath made to the truly obedient in this behalfe And secondly the Examples of the Godly Fathers mentioned in Scripture who haue practised furthered this worke and specially of Abraham Iosua and Dauid whom the Lord made notable patterns for all Christian Housholders to imitate Parent I pray you giue me some taste of Gods commandements and promises laid forth to all Housholders Pastor The Commandement or rather Charge that the Lord giueth you is most plainly expressed in Deuteronomie In one place he beginneth thus u Deut. 6.6 These words which I command thee this day shall be in thy heart And in another thus x Deut. 11.18 Yee shall lay vp these my words in your heart and in your soule And then in the former place he proceedeth thus y Deut. 6.7 8 9. And thou shalt teach them diligently vnto thy children and shalt talke of them when thou sittest in thine house and when thou walkest by the way and when thou lyest downe and when thou risest vp And thou shalt binde them for a signe vpon thine hand and they shall be as frontlets betweene thine eyes And thou shalt write them vpon the posts of thy House and on thy Gates His meaning is Housholders must apply this worke that because mans heart is scarcely by the greatest and most continuall labor brought into due order obedience that first for our selues we meditate his word so much the more carefully and earnestly that we may vnderstand and embrace it in the whole course of our life and secondly that we doe our best endeuour to propogate the doctrine of it from one to another euen to all posteritie He saith Teach them diligently the Originall hath it thus * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 1. Et exacues ea vel Et ea acutè ingeres Tremel Put them pearcingly as warriours sharpen and whet their weapons to pierce and cut their enimies with more easinesse Therefore Parents Housholders must put Gods word so importunately and fitly vpon their children people that there be no failing on their part for lacke of the best course and manner that may be taken but that the other may receiue it So then you must carry your selues towards them as those that will haue no nay and that whatsoeuer else they entertaine or refuse this holy doctrine they must needs embrace Thus the Lord requireth you to be diligently and euermore bent and busie to accept and promote his word to all your people and specially to your children pressing it vpon their consciences whether you be in rest or motion and in what place soeuer you be taking the likeliest opportunities and vsing your greatest wisedome to make it effectuall in their hearts To which ends he admonisheth you to haue it in a readinesse in your hearts as a thing that you alwaies carry in your hands to be put to present vse vpon ech occasion and as a thing that is euer to be seene directly before your eyes and therefore to be alwaies in minde and neuer to be out of the way z Psal 18.21 22. but ready for a continuall rule and constant practise in all your wayes Then the Promise is added in these word a Deut. 11.21 That your dayes may be multiplied and the dayes of your children in the Land which the Lord sware vnto your Fathers to giue them as the dayes of heauen vpon the earth that is to say Both you and yours who serue the Lord in his word shall prosper and be blessed both here euer For the multiplying of dayes noteth the happines of time and liuing vpon earth and the Land of Gods promise or oath which was Canaan signified euerlasting life Parent Shew me likewise the examples of piety in this behalfe with you haue named first of Abraham Pastor Of Abraham the Lord said thus b Genes 18.19 I know him that he will command his children and his houshold after him and they shall keepe the way of the Lord to doe iustice and iudgement that the Lord may bring vpon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him Lo here Gods own report both of Abrahams course in glorifying God by his children and houshold also of his owne gratious blessing vpon him and his progenie according to his free promise besides the present fauour God shewed him in acquainting him with his secret purpose to proceede against Sodom and Gomorrhe for which and other causes Abraham is often graced in the holy Scriptures with that speciall title The Friend of God Parent A digression why Abraham is called The friend of God Let me intreat you to declare vnto me more largely plainly the meaning of that title which God gaue vnto Abraham The friend of God Pastor For three Reasons First we know it is the manner and dutie of true and louing frends to shew speciall fauour and kindnesse one to another and to make hearty and vnfained promise of their mutuall loue as well either to other as to ech others posteritie after them and to giue credit either to others affections and words yea and duly and mindfully to performe their promises on both parts as Dauid and Ionathan did But wee read in the Scriptures of Gods singular fauour and mercy on th' one part towards Abraham in calling him by his grace to be faithfull
your children and euery other ignorant person according to their abilitie in hearing Parent What do you vnderstand by the way he should go Pastor The way that a child should go is the right manner of leading his life in the seruice of God righteously and honestly in his society with man and lawfully in the performance of all dutie whereof Godlinesse is the principall And this it the lesson I haue euen now laid before you namely that The fittest time to learne the feare of the Lord is while we are yong Wherefore those Parents and Housholders are much to blame Note what the Prophet Esay saith Esai 55.1 2 3. who carelesly neglect this first and cheifest care of teaching their people to liue vnto God who yet passe modestie in caring and vrging them how they should liue vnto the flesh and the world And do not they I pray you confute themselues for saying it is too early to catechise them when they are yong seeing they judge it the fittest time to invre them to doe somewhat as soone as they can and do beat into their heads how to get or saue somewhat and to forecast for a liuing in time to come And doe they not practise their vsuall prouerb Early sharpe will be a thorne Except they be such foolish persons as cocker their children with nicenesse proud raggs dainty fare c and make them idle drones or worse whereby they become vnfruitfull for Church or Common-wealth yea oftentimes wasters or rather destroyers of the good gifts of God which are none of theirs by right whatsoeuer title they haue to them by humane lawes and conueyance but indeed belong to the children of God Parent And what is taught by not departing from it when he is old Pastor Not onely that what thing is taught in youth continueth in old age as we may see on the one side in those that taste in their age of the good things which they learned in their childhood as on the other side in them that are brought vp in wickednesse who cast forth the euill sauour thereof in their gray haires but also that early instructing profiteth both the vnderstanding and the memorie And therefore it is for the most part that the elder sort that haue not beene informed in their youth doe learne loddly as the common saying is and remember badly Parent Séeing then you haue made it plaine that Parents must teach or catechize their children in priuate as also that it is best to begin with them so soone as they are able to speake or learne any thing I pray you shew me at what particular times and seasons and how often this labour must be bestowed and in what manner Pastor For the particular times and oftennesse Solomons Rule which is generall for all good duties and works of mercy must be obserued namely t Eccles 11.6 In the morning sow thy seede and in the euening with-hold not thy hand for thou knowest not whether shall prosper either this or that or whether they both shall be alike good His meaning is that we must exercise our goodnes at all times without ceasing so far as we can and so often as conueniently we may For we must not thinke that God is tyed to man or that he will blesse our labour when we do it after a tempting manner once in a weeke twice in a quarter or but now and then at our faire leasure as who should say God must be at our becke and that the most necessarie grace of saluation is gotten with litle ado where in the meane space earthly things which are transitorie sometimes do vs no good are not obtained but with great continuall paines and forecast But we must learne to serue and waite vpon the Spirit of God for his gratious blessing vpon our diligent vse of the meanes trying when God will please to worke by our labour and taking it for his singular fauour and goodnes toward vs if he will prosper our indeuour at one time or other or at all times when we haue constantly done our best from time to time And if I may giue my iudgement the fittest and likeliest seasons for your purpose are euery night and morning at meales and vpon such motions of their mindes whether proceeding of their owne willingnesse or arising of the manifestation of any notable workes of God as your paines may seeme in all reason most likely to take the deeper impression in their hearts And for the manner which as I haue shewed must be easie plaine and familiar for the benefit of the capacitie so also it must be u Eccles 12.10 cheerefull and pleasant though not without reuerence and grauitie thereby to win and hold the affections and to delight Parent In what forme of words do you thinke fit to teach children at the first Pastor In the shortest and pithiest Questions and Answers that can well be deuised which must be strictly obserued and often repeated And for want of better you may vse this following namely Parent The first A. B. C. of a Christian Childe What is your Religion Childe * Act. 11.26 The Christian Religion Parent In whom do you beleeue Childe x Iohn 14.1 In God Parent What is God Childe y Iohn 4.24 God is a Spirit z Gen. 17.1 Almighty a 1 Tim. 1.17 Psal 90.2 without beginning without ending Parent How many Gods be there Childe b 1 Iohn 5.7 Onely one God but thrée persons Parent How bee the Persons called Childe c Math. 28.19 The Father the Sonne and the Holy Ghost Parent Who made you Childe d Heb. 1.1 2. God the Father Parent Who redeemed you Childe e 1 Cor. 1.30 God the Sonne Parent Who sanctifieth and preserueth you Childe f 1 Cor. 16.11 12.11 Gen. 1.2 God the Holy Ghost Parent Wherefore did God make redeeme sanctifie and preserue you Childe g Deut. 10.12 32.6 To serue him Parent How will God be serued Childe h Deut. 29.29 After his will reuealed in his word Parent How many parts be there of the word of God Childe Two parts Parent Which be they Childe i Galat. 3.8 9 10 11 12 15 16 17 18. Rom. 10.5 6. The Law and the Gospell otherwise called the Couenant of workes and the Couenant of Grace Parent And what is meete to teach them in the second place Pastor The Lords prayer Parent What next Pastor The Confession of Faith otherwise called The Creede Parent And what afterwards Pastor Then you may set vpon the doctrine of the Law contained in the Ten Commandements which is the first part of this booke of familiar conference that I haue giuen you and so proceed according to the directions I haue set you downe k 2 Tim. 2.7 And the Lord giue you vnderstanding in all things Parent But I pray you how must I deale with them who haue beene neglected to be taught in their youth
haue deliuered vnto you But because l 1 Cor. 3.7 neither he that planteth is any thing nor he that watereth but God that giueth the increase therefore you must not presume vpon your own strength resolution and diligence in vsing this or any other Meane of Grace neither can you make a right conscience of your promise and dutie to bestow your carefull endeuour in following any good directions nor looke for any blessing of God at all vpon your paines vnlesse you shall make speciall prayer vnto him For which causes I haue framed you one short forme of prayer to be vsed by you during your infirmitie at such times as you shall set your selfe in any speciall manner to learne or teach by heart any part of the booke when you begin and I haue copied out on of S. Pauls prayers with some small addition thereto for the conclusion of your labour The former is placed in the forefront of the conference and the latter in the end of all Parent How much am I and such weaklings as I bound to praise God for your Loue and Paines who haue so carefully prouided fit helps for our guidance in our great weaknes m Heb. 6.1 that we may goe on to perfection if we be not very retchlesse Pastor Beware then you bee not retchlesse Remember Gods promise that n Luk. 11.9 10. if you will seeke you shall finde o Psal 145.18 and the Lord will be neere vnto you if you will call vpon him in truth yea p 2 Chron. 15.2 with you while you be with him q 2 Chr. 16.9 for the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth to shew himselfe strong in the behalfe of them whose heart is perfect toward him Who euer sought the Lord in holinesse and failed of sauing grace or of any necessarie comfort or succor r Luk. 11.13 Who hath truly desired the Holy Spirit and our heauenly Father hath not giuen him Debate the matter with your selfe Hath God intrusted you with soules putting them vnder your hands Å¿ Gen. 33.5 35.2 yea and made you instruments to beget soules the noblest creatures in earth and will you be carelesse of their eternall saluation Hath God honoured you with them and will you not honour God by them Or will you seeme to teach them to honour God and will not your selfe honour God with and amongst them Do you looke that they should learne the word of God at your mouth and will you not guide them by your owne conuersation Will you not commend that vnto them by the liuely and constant practise of your example which they may imitate vnto eternall life What delight I pray you hath the Lord in you that content yourselues to receiue honour and obedience at your peoples hands and t Iohn 5.44 seeke not the honour that commeth from God onely And what u Mat. 16.26 can all your earthly meanes aduantage them when they want the true treasure For cast the eye of your minde vpon that base esteeme which the supreme God the Possessor of Heauen Earth hath of that Householder his people that are prophane and carelesse of true pietie and vpon that his most fearefull curse inflicted and to be inflicted on the impenitent and obdurate in their sinne though they seeme for the present to be in neuer so great safegard and flourishing prosperitie which curse they cannot any waies escape but by timely repentance and conuersion vnto God For as Zophar saith * Iob. 20 24 25 26 27 28 29. He shall flee from the yron weapon and the bowe of steele shall strike him through It is drawne and commeth out of the bodie yea the glistering sword commeth out of his gall terrours are vpon him All darknes shall be hid in his secret places * That is The vengeance of God is apt and prone to seize vpon him as vpon its proper and right subiect A metaphor taken from such matter as towe drystraw c. which being put into the fire neede no blowing as greene wood doth but taketh fire and flame straight-waies a fire not blowne shall consume him It shall goe ill with him that is left in his tabernacle The heauen shall reueale his iniquitie and the earth shall rise vp against him The increase of his house shall depart and his goods shall flow away in the day of his wrath This is the portion of a wicked man from God and the Heritage appointed vnto him by God Yea and though as Iob sheweth x Iob. 21.14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21. their seed seemeth to be established in their sight with them and their of spring before their eyes Their houses are safe from feare neither is the rod of God vpon them Their Bull gendreth and faileth not their Cow calueth and casteth not her calfe They send forth their litle ones like a flocke and their children dance They take the timbrell and harpe and rtioyce at the sound of the Organe They spend their dayes in wealth Yet in a moment goe downe to the graue Therefore they say vnto God Depart from vs for we desire not the knowledge of thy wayes What is the Almighty that we should serue him and what profit should we haue if we pray vnto him Lo their good is not in their hand The counsell of the wicked is far from me How oft is the candle of the wicked put out and how oft commeth their destruction vpon them God distributeth sorrowes in his anger They are as stubble before the winde and as chaffe that the storme carrieth away God layeth vp his iniquitie for his children he rewardeth him and he shall know it His eyes shall see his destruction and he shall drinke of the wrath of the Almighty What pleasure then hath he in his house after him when the number of his moneths is out of in the middest Wherefore it is your wisdome to forecast what sufficient answer you shall be able to make vnto the Great Iudge at that day when he will demand Giue an account of thy stewardship for thou maist be no longer steward Luk. 16.2 Parent But it is a lamentable thing to see how most folkes do reject all this counsell of God which you haue stood vpon as needlesse fantasticall new and vpstart Pastor The obiection or rather blasphemous slander that it is needlesse and fantasticall hath bin sufficiently confuted by the Holy Scriptures as you haue heard already The same we may say for their shamelesse censure that it is new and vpstart For besides that the Lord himselfe in his holy word doth call vpon vs to aske for the old wayes or pathes where is the good way and to walke therein assuring vs that we shall finde rest for our soules Ier. 6.16 the godly Fathers in all ages haue cryed vnto the people for the same thing And amongst those that haue laboured in the Church of God since Christ we may
because willingly from God vpon the inticement of the Deuill and inwrapped our selues with vnspeakable guilt slauerie and woe rebelling against the Law of God which is holy iust and good and lying open to Gods curse for euermore t t Iohn 3.16 Rom. 5.12 13 14 c. sent forth for the praise of his glorious grace And in Iesus Christ his onely Sonne our Lord the second Person of the Trinitie euen his onely begotten Sonne to be u u Act. 2.36 our Lord for our Redemption and so to become our Sauiour which is ment by the name * * Matth. 1.21 Iesus and therefore he x x Esai 61.1 2 c. Heb. 1.9 Iohn 3.34 annointed him for the name Christ signifieth Annointed with the Spirit aboue measure that he might be our holy y y Deut. 18.18 c. Prophet to teach vs the way of saluation z z Heb. 10.12 14. our mercifull High Priest to offer himself a sacrifice for vs and our a a Luk. 1.32 33. Psal 72. 1 Cor. 3.21 22 23. powerfull King to worke in our hearts his sauing grace to gouerne vs to protect vs and continually to minister vnto vs all blessings néedfull both for soule and bodie Who was conceiued by the Holy Ghost Borne of the Virgin Marie b b Luk. 1.35 2.6 7. Which Iesus Christ to the end he might be a fit Mediator for vs Rom. 5.15 18 19. 8.2 3. tooke the true nature of man vpon him in all things sinne onely excepted and so was holily conceiued by the extraordinarie operation of the Holy Ghost in the wombe of a Virgin called Marie thereby sanctifying our sinfull conceptions and of her was he borne and brought forth into the world after the common fashion of all men c c Gal. 4.4 5. Heb. 2.16 17. that we might be sure that by the partaking of our nature he hath communicated himselfe and all his goodnes to vs. d d Rom. 5.19 Who in the same our nature led a holy life according to all Gods commandements that it might be imputed vnto vs and e e Esai 53. Luk 22.44 23.1 c. Iohn 18. 19. chapter withal suffred vnspeakable torments both in soule and bodie sufficient to haue purged the sinnes of the whole world though none but the faithfull shall receiue any benefit thereby f f Deut. 21.23 Galat. 3.13 1 Thess 1.10 1 Iohn 3.8 Was crucified Who being made a Curse for vs was bound as a guilty person that we might be loosed out of the spirituall chaine and slauerie of Satan and sinne g g Matth. 27. Coloss 2 13 14. Phil. 1.29 Gal. 6.14 Ps 119. 67 71. 2 Cor. 12.20 1 Thess 1.10 Who was condemned wrongfully by the Iudge Pilate that we which are guilty of innumerable transgressions might be discharged before the Tribunall Seat of Gods fearefull iustice and who thereupon was most shamefully executed as a most hainous Malefactor notwithstanding he was most iust and innocent his hands and féete being fastned with nailes to a Crosse and thereon tormented till he was slaine his side pierced with a speare his blood shed both while he was aliue and dead dead and buried and so being truly dead his bodie was buried All which was to satisfie Gods wrath to wrath to take the curse which otherwise was our due desert because h h Rom. 5.6 8 10. wee were vngodly sinners and Gods enemies to kill and burie all our sins with him i i Ephes 2.16 to reconcile God and vs to slay the enmitie k k Philip. 3.10 2 Cor. 4.17 and to sanctifie and make happy and comfortable all our afflictions and persecutions l l Act. 2.24 27 29 30. Ps 16.10 Math. 12.40 1 Cor. 15.54 55. He descended into Hell Yea he abased himselfe yet further euen to the lowest degrée of humiliation continuing thrée dayes and thrée nights contemptibly in the bands of death that he might vtterly abolish the sting of death that he might vtterly abolish the sting of death and teach vs thorow humiliation for our sinnes m m Act. 2.24 2 Cor. 13.4 Iohn 10.18 Notwithstanding hauing payed the vttermost price for all our sinnes and conquered Satan Rom. 4.25 6.4 5 9 10 11. 1 Pet. 1.3 4 5. 3.21 Reuel 20.5 6. Sinne Hell Damnation the third day he rose againe frō the dead he triumphantly rose againe from death to life vpon the third day both to assure vs that God will count vs righteous that doe beléeue in his name and also to quicken and restore vs to a new and holy life which is the first resurrection n n 1 Cor. 15.4 5 6. Act. 1.2 3 4 c. And so his soule taking his bodie againe and quickning it by his diuine power he continued for a season vpon the earth He ascended into heauen and o o Act. 1.9 11. Mark 16.19 Heb. 9 24. Ephes 4.10 11. Iohn 14 2. 17.24 Col. 3.2 afterwards did thence gloriously ascend into heauen to take possession of it in our name to appeare in the presence of God for vs and to fill all things and specially his Church with his gifts and graces thereby to lead it thither whence by sinne and iniquitie it was banished And sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty p p 1 Tim. 3.16 Heb. 7.25 1 Cor. 15.25 27. There he sitteth at the Fathers right hand making intercession for vs by offering to his Father Act. 2.33 36. Psal 110.1 and applying to vs the merit of his passion where he hath all power and authoritie committed vnto him to be the onely Lord and King for the gouernment of all things vnto the saluation of his people and destruction of his enimies q q Act. 3.21 Iohn 17.24 And there he shall remaine as touching his manhood vntill the latter day to the end we might haue assured and constant comfort because our flesh dwelleth there in the person of our Redéemer Frō thence hee shall come to iudge the quicke and the dead r r Act. 17.30 31. 2 Cor. 5.9 10. Math. 25.32 c. Rom. 2.6 At that day he shall returne to pronounce execute iust iudgement vpon all mankinde both the good and bad whether dead afore or found aliue at his comming vnto the praise of his glorious iustice rendring vnto euery one according as their workes shall testifie their faith or vnbeléefe This Iesus Christ then I acknowledge and beléeue to be both my Sauiour my Intercessor and my Iudge vnto whom I earnestly cry ſ ſ Rev. 22.20 Come Lord Iesus come quickly t t Act. 24.16 with 2 Cor. 5.6 8 9 10 11. labouring alwaies to haue a cleare conscience that I may haue boldnes at that day and so I trust that he will pronounce for me and make mée partaker of his glory I beleeue in the Holy Ghost And withall I do u u 1
very cause of Christs death I must abhorre to commit new least thereby I crucifie againe the Lord of life Parent What is the quickning of the new man Child t Ephes 2.1 4.23 24. Gal. 2.19 20. Col. 2.12 13 3.1 2 3 4. A raising vp and strengthning vnto newnesse of life with a continuall increase through the power of Christs resurrection and life Rom. 5.10 6.4 5 9 10 11. Seruant How must you vse Christs resurrection that you may be quickned thereby to lead a new life Scholler u 1 Cor. 15.56 57. Rom. 6.4 5. with Heb. 6.6 Pro. 14.31 Bethinking my selfe that Christ triumphing ouer my sins in his resurrection made me righteous I am stirred vp vnto a godly life that I may glorifie not shame his triumph * See more of Regeneration in Part. 4. Parent Notwithstanding all this do you not sinne daily Child * Heb. 12.4 Psal 119.59 73.13 14. Rom. 6.12 Yes but yet I renew my repentance afresh euery day and earnestly striue with a continuall endeuour against sinne suffring it not to raigne in me Parent What is your continuall endeuour Child First x Psal 39.1 Gal. 5.24 Iam. 4.4 1 Pet. 5 8 9. Rom. 7.17 18 19. I watch ouer all my wayes resisting the lusts of my owne sinfull heart and flesh the motions of the Deuill and the intisements terrors of the world Secondly y Act. 9.36 1 Cor. 15.58 I studie to abound in all good workes and to grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ 2 Pet. 3.17 Seruant And what is your comfort in these your endeuors Scholler First z Heb. 6.11 13.18 Ps 19.13 that my conscience doth not accuse me either of wilfull negligence or presumption Secondly a 1 Thes 5.24 1 Cor. 1.8 9. my hope is confirmed that I shall conquer sinne and receiue daily increase for a new life Parent What is repentance Childe b Luk. 3.3 8. Acts 2.38 11.23 Repentance is a setled purpose in my heart ioyned with a carefull endeauour to leaue all my sinnes and to leade a new life according to all Gods commandements Seruant By what notes may you know that you haue Repentance and Newnesse of life And more particularly how may you bee sure that you haue truly repented of some sin which you haue committed Scholler First c 2 Cor. 7.9 10 Psal 51.5 Nehem. 9.35 when my heart is vnfainedly grieued with godly sorrow euen because I haue disobeyed the Lord my most louing and tender Father in Iesus Christ though I should neuer be punished at all for my sinne Secondly d Psal 51. Job 42.6 Psal 19.12 13 when I am heartily sorry for all my sinnes as well as for any especially such as I haue committed against my owne knowledge and doe detest and abhorre them Thirdly e Psal 40.8 Luke 9.23 Acts 11.23 Iames 5.10 2 Chron. 30.6 7 8 9. when I doe not onely stedfastly purpose but also diligently and constantly endeuour to follow the will of God both in déedes and sufferings and that against all temptations And fourthly f Phil. 4 13. Apoc. 1.6 when I féele my selfe more able to forsake sinne and to embrace righteousnes through Christ which strengtheneth mée * See part 5. pag. 176.177 Seruant But how must you vtter and testifie your Repentance Scholler First g Psal 32.5 51 3 4 14. Prou 28.13 1 Iohn 1.9 Math. 5.23 24 18 15 16 17 Acts 19.18 19 Ios 7.19.20 21 Iam. 5.16 by a willing and free confession of all my sinnes vnto God in secret and of those that bee greater offences and scandalous both vnto God and vnto his Church Secondly h Luc. Num. 5.5 6.7 c. in those that be iniurious vnto men I must make restitution vnto the vttermost of my ability Thirdly i 1 Cor. 7 35. Hos 14.8 Psal 34.14 Mat. 5.28 29 30. I must thenceforth follow all the occasions of well-doing and auoid the euill specially of that particular sinne whereinto I haue already fallen or am most inclined vnto Seruant What speciall helpe doe you vse for occasions Scholler k 1 Cor. 7.20.24 Psal 101.2 2 Sam. 11 2. I haue euermore a diligent respect to my particular calling Seruant By what rule may you know whether your particular calling be warrantable or not Scholler l Ephes 6 6. 1 Cor. 10 31. 1 Pet. 4.10 11. Euery calling whereof the word of God doth set downe the speciall duties ordinarily seruing to Gods glory and the benefite of mankinde is warrantable else not Seruant And how doe you know whether God requireth you to accept continue in such * I speak now of priuate callings or vocations a calling or not Scholler First m 2 Sam. 19.33 to 39. by the strength and fitnesse of my minde and bodie to performe the dueties and workes of my calling Secondly n Gen. 46 34 Acts 18 3. by the place time and vse for it Thirdly o Mat. 10.10 1 Cor. 9.14 by the benefit it ordinarily yéeldeth to satisfie the labourers necessitie if due paines be taken and a good conscience vsed therein Seruant But what if your calling minister not sufficient to satisfie your necessities though you doe wisely obserue all these rules May you not leaue your calling in such a case Scholler p 1 Cor. 7 20.24 Hag. 1.2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 with 2 15 16 17 18 19. Phil. 4.11 12 13. No verily if I may be suffered to follow it still but rather looke well that I bee truely reconciled vnto God for my sinnes And though I be so yet must I patiently endure the hand of God vpon my labours and put his most wise and mercifull corrections to a further good vse prouided I say that my calling be such all circumstances considered as through the vsuall blessing of God may yéeld competent maintenance to the labourer Parent And which are good works Child q Deut. 5.32 Ephes 2.10 Rom. 14.23 Psal 119.21 1. Sam. 15.22 Esai 29.13 Onely those which are truely grounded vpon Gods word the grace and spirit of God maketh me able to doe in conscience of my obedience vnto him Parent Doe you merit or deserue forgiuenesse of your sinnes or any other fauour at Gods hands for your faith repentance and good works Child No r Phil. 2.13 Ephes 2.8.9 for it is God that worketh in me both to will and to doe of his good pleasure and I am saued by grace Parent Why cannot you merit by your good workes Child ſ Rom. 7 13 18 Luke 17.10 Because the very best workes of the godliest man in the world are vnperfect Parent How commeth it then to passe that any of your works do please God Child t 1 Pet. 2.5 Exo. 28.36 37 38. Mal. 3.17 Math. 3 17. God is graciously content to passe by the euill and to
all the rest of the faithfull haue amongst our selues from and vnder Iesus Christ our Head Parent How do you then communicate with the faithfull in the Lords Supper Child First g Ephes 4.1 2 3 4 5 6 15 16. I am confirmed in all such graces as other the Faithfull do receiue from Christ that they do also belong to me Secondly h Col. 3.14 Act. 2.41 42 c. 1 Cor. 12. 13. I binde my selfe in a speciall bond of Loue to practise all the duties thereof vnto them in generall as to the ioynt members of the same mysticall bodie and particularly to remember the poore Seruant Is there any change as the Papists say of the bread and wine into the naturall bodie and blood of Christ Scholler i 1 Cor. 11.26 27 28 29. There is a change of their vse but not of their substance Seruant What is their vse at that time Scholler Twofold First k 1 Cor. 11.26 a solemne shewing forth of the Lords death Secondly l 1 Cor. 10.16 17. with 11.27 29. the nourishment of our soules and bodies vnto euerlasting life Seruant Whence haue they that strength and vse Scholler m 1 Cor. 11.23 24 c. From the ordinance and blessing of Christ whereby they are consecrated to that purpose Seruant How do you proue that bread and wine remaine still in their owne nature after consecration Scholler n 1 Cor. 11.26 27 28 29. First the word of God calleth them so after Secondly o 1 Cor. 11.26 there must néedes be true outward signes Thirdly p Experience this consecrated bread and wine will corrupt in time Fourthly q The Reason is good vnles wee had a word of faith to build a matter of faith vpon we sée féele and taste nothing but bread and wine Seruant But seeing Christ saith This is my Bodie and This is my Blood why should we not beleeue that they are changed into his bodie and blood Scholler There are many reasons why we should not beléeue so Seruant Let vs heare some of them Scholler First the naturall sense of those words teacheth no such change Secondly Christ was neuer corporally present in any of the Iewish Sacraments Thirdly Christ was not corporally present in this Supper when he did first administer it Fourthly r Act. 3.21 Christs bodie shall not come downe from heauen till the last day Fiftly it possesseth but one place of a true naturall bodie wheresoeuer it is Sixtly it is absurd and wicked to hold that Christ hath many bodies and in many places at once and that men though Reprobates yea Dogs Cats and Mice may chew his flesh in their téeth Seruant Why are they then called his bodie and blood Scholler First because they are the Sacraments of his bodie and blood Secondly for the great similitude betwéene them And thirdly to assure vs more strongly of his spirituall presence Seruant Is it lawfull to with hold either the bread or the wine from any of the Communicants Scholler No for first the Lord Iesus ordained both and secondly there is necessarie vse of both Seruant What necessarie vse Scholler ſ Iohn 6.35 53 54 55 56. Act. 4.12 To shew that he is our full and sufficient foode Parent You said that Christ giueth himselfe and all his merits vnto euery true beleeuer in receiuing the Lords Supper Of fit and worthy Receiuers Child Yes t Luk. 3.8 20.35 Col. 1.12 Reuel 3.4 for the Lord in his frée Grace and Mercy estéemeth such to be worthy Receiuers Parent Shew mee more at large whom the Lord esteemeth worthy Receiuers Child They that are furnished with such Graces as are both necessarie and fit in this case and that do vse it as Christ hath appointed and as becommeth so heauenly mysteries Parent Which are those Graces that are most necessarie and fit Child These fiue First u Ioh. 17.3 Knowledge Secondly * 2 Cor. 13.5 a true and liuely faith Thirdly x 1 Cor. 11.31 Repentance newnesse of life Fourthly y Col. 3.14 Charitie towards men Fiftly z Luk. 22.15 Act. 8.36 an earnest desire to receiue this Sacrament Parent 1. Of Knowledge What knowledge is required at the least for the worthy receiuing of the Lords Supper Child Some true knowledge of God of his Law of his Gospell of our selues or our owne estate and of the Sacraments Parent What knowledge of God is required Child That there is a 1 Cor. 8.4 but one God b Gen. 1.1 the maker and c Act. 17.28 gouernor of all things and d 1 Ioh. 5.7 distinguished into the persons of the Father the Sonne and the Holy Ghost Parent What is God Pastor e Reuel 4.9 God is a liuing f Iohn 4.24 spirituall g 1 Tim. 1.17 eternall h Job 11.7 8 9. infinite and i Revel 4.8 most holy essence k Exod. 3.14 existing onely of himselfe in all perfection l Psal 135.6 Esai 46.10 11. Iam. 1.17 Mal. 3.6 as touching his will most absolute free and vnchangeable m Psal 147.5 Gen. 17.1 in his working all-sufficient for wisedome and strength n Mica 7.18 19 20. Ps 99.8 145.17 Exod. 34.6 7. and to his creatures most mercifull and iust Parent What is a Person Pastor o Iohn 14.9 16 17 18. 17.21 A distinct manner of subsisting in the Godhead Parent Declare vnto mee more largely how the one onely God is distinguished into three persons and how the three persons subsist in the one God which we commonly call the Vnitie in Trinitie and the Trinitie in Vnitie Pastor The three persons are so distinguished one from another that they are neither separated nor confounded either in themselues or in their working * A mysterie to be reuerently beleeued not curiously searched Hypostases inseratabiles Diuinitas indiuidualis personarum proprietates incommunicabiles Ioh 1.33 5.19 20 21 22 23. 8.16 17 18 19. 10.30 14.9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 23 16. In themselues for First ech person hath the whole Godhead in it in such sort as the Vnitie of the essence or nature of God is neither diuided into parts nor destroyed Secondly ech person is coeternall coequall without difference of time or greatnesse Thirdly ech person is in and with ech other and possesseth ech other so that yet the Father is not the same with the Sonne or the Holy Ghost or the Sonne the same with the Father or the Holy Ghost or the Holy Ghost the same with the Father or the Sonne as touching their persons And fourthly ech person enjoyeth equall glory with other and ech hath euerlasting delight in other yet not the same but according to the distinct manner of ech persons subsistence in the Godhead In their working for though ech person doth the same things that the other do in euery thing that is done without absence or weaknesse yet
vpon vs or at least r Ezra 4.1 2 3 4. Nehem. 6.9 10 c. hinder the doing of many good things and in those wée doe we are indangered not to doe them in so good a manner for fréedom chéerefulnesse and perfection as otherwise we might haue done them Fifthly ſ 1 King 22.1 2 4 5 6 7 c. Gen. 34.20 21.22 23. ordinary fellowship with the vngodly when they may be lawfully and conuenientlie auoyded is the way to harden them in their sinful state especially if they be not often and throughly reproued and admonished for they will soone conceiue that if their case were so wretched and damnable as indéed it is then the other would not so much conuerse with them And then chéefelie will they thinke so when the godlie make speciall contracts with them as marriages or haue great familiarity or continuall and ioynt labours with them Sixthlie t 2 Cor. 6.14.15 16. Pro. 22.1 it is an vnequall yoke and so not onely vneasie for a Christian to beare but also against the credit of Religion and our owne good name both which ought to be deare vnto vs because the glory of God doth much depend thereon as all experience sheweth Lastly u 2 Chron. 18.31 19 1 2 3. 20.35 36 37. the Lord hath sharpelie chastised his seruants though neuer so vpright and déere vnto him for their sinne this behalfe Of the effects of the 4 means of grace both in good and bad Parent We perceiue then that Christ by his Spirit giueth the benefit of his Couenant of grace vnto his Church or people * 2 Chron. 15.3.4 12 13 14 15 Luk 11.9 10. Acts 2. seeking him heartily and exercising it selfe religiously in these foure outward Meanes which we haue conferred of Pastor Yes verily but yet after diuers manners as hath beene shewed For First x Rom. 10.14 15 c. 2 Pet. 1.19 20. he calleth by his word and euermore inlighteneth and guideth by it Secondly y Mark 9.24 11.24 Iam. 1.6 5.16 17 he stirreth vp and inableth to pray with the assurance of Faith and with a feruent and holy desire which are the two chiefe properties and sinewes of Prayer and heareth and blesseth the same Thirdly z 2 Chron. 30.21 22 23 24 25 26 27. hee setleth and comforteth the heart in Grace by the worthy receiuing and remembring of the two Sacraments Fourthly a Act. 9.10 20 he further moueth and strengtheneth to forsake the euill and to choose the good training and assisting in dutie by the conscionable vse of the Communion of Saints Parent Are all these foure meanes effectuall to the saluation of all those who haue the outward vse of them Pastor No for first b 2 Cor. 2.16 17 there are some that perish vnto whom the preaching of Christs Gospell is not the sauour of life vnto life but the sauour of death vnto death Secondly c Zach. 7.13 Psal 109.7 the Lord will not heare their cry who wil not heare his cry but their prayer shall be turned into sinne Thirdly d Judas Magus c. the wicked reape no benefit by the Sacraments but rather increase their sinne and condemnation And fourthly e 2 Chron. 27.33 2 Sam. 16 23. Act. 1.17 and 8.13 John 17.12 though some bee numbred with the very chiefest and continue in their fellowship and that very nigh and speciall yet they may be the children of perdition A note or two of the consideration of Gods workes Parent Is not the consideration of Gods workes shewed in his Creatures and continuall Prouidence ouer all a profitable meane to teach and mooue vs to belieue feare loue and obey the Lord Pastor f Psal 19.1 2 3 4 c. 8.3 Dan. 9.12 13. Yes for the Lord doth as it were second and seale the truth of his Word by proceeding according thereunto in his workes For the vvhich cause g Psal 77.10 11 12 111. ● the godly are commended in the Scriptures for their meditating and right-applying of the workes of Gods hands h Psal 28.5.1 Esai 5.11 12. and the wicked haue a woe pronounced against them for their prophane neglect and abuse of them Parent Why then haue you omitted to put the Meditation of Gods workes vnto the meanes of grace Pastor i Rom. 1.18 19 20 21 22 c. Because the blindnesse and hardnesse of mans heart is such by our Nature corrupted that though this booke of the creatures and of all other the workes of God be both great and plaine yet of it selfe it helpeth vs not to attaine to the grace of the Gospell but onely as we are directed and ledde by some one or more of those 4. meanes of grace that wee haue euen now handled and chiefely by k Psal 138.2 and 19.17 the light of the Word of God Otherwise it serueth to make man without excuse II. Of Christ his Protecting and Defending of his Church The second way of Christs ruling of his Church in this world Parent How doth Christ protect and defend his Church Child l Ps 86. Psalm 48. Psalm 82. Both by ordinary and extraordinary meanes Parent By what ordinary meanes Child m Rom. 13.1 2 3 4. Psal 106.46 Jerem. 38.7 Gen. 37.39.40 c. chapters Exod. 3.4 5 6. c. chapters By his Magistrates by his friends and by his foes and that both with and against their wills Seru. Who are Christs Magistrates Scholler n 1 Tim. 2.2 The King and all in authority vnder him Seruant Who are his friends Scholler o Iohn 15.14 They that doe whatsoeuer he commandeth them Seruant Who are his foes Scholler p 1 Cor. 1.23 Apoc. 13.11 They that set themselues against his truth either directlie or in a mysterie Seruant What doth Christ say of those that are eyther carelesse or slauishly afraid to maintaine his truth when it is slandered and traduced Scholler q Math. 12.30 He that is not with me is against me and hee that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad Parent How doth Christ protect his Church extraordinarily Childe r Beleeue the histories of the Bible and open thine eies see the like hand of God vpon many persecutors in these latter times also By sending it miraculous wonderfull preseruations and succours and by executing fearefull and strange iudgements vpon the obstinate enemies thereof III. Of Christ his disposing of all things to the greatest good of his Church in this world The third and last way of Christs ruling of his Church in this world and of his beginning to glorifie it in the world to come and of his beginning to glorifie it in the world to come Parent HOw doth Christ dispose all things to the greatest good of his Church Childe ſ Rom. 8.28 Math. 28.20 Mark 16.20 1 Cor. 15.54 55 Psalm 18.1 94.12 13. Hab. 3.16 Both by powring his blessing vpon all his direct