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A11219 A godly learned and fruitfull sermon Made vpon the fourteenth of Iohn in which is plainely set foorth the true looue of Christ, the markes whereby the children of God are knovven and the commodities vvhich that looue bringeth. By D. S. 1584. D. S., fl. 1584.; Jordan, John, fl. 1584.; Squier, Adam, d. 1588, attributed name. 1584 (1584) STC 21483; ESTC S112128 14,988 38

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found shall perish to giue because it ioyneth the hart of man vnto God to a fountayne for that it refreshed the minde to a precious stone because it beautifieth the soule to fire because it warmeth the affection to a garment for that it couereth the turpitude of offences to oyntment for that it supplieth the inward partes Experience of this loue hath béen seen in the death of many Marters they dyīg for the zeale and loue which they did beare vnto God and his trueth consider what they left what way they went and what they looked for what they left wée sée what way they went wée haue heard and perfectly séene what they attayned vnto we sée not but béeleue they left things transitory and vayn they passed through torments paines they attained no dout vnto that which was promised them of God namely euerlasting ioy and endles felicitie Besides these there be many examples set foorth vnto vs in the holy Scriptures how ardently the holy men of God haue from time to time looued the Lord. Abraham shewed the zeale of his looue towardes God when hée was ready to offer his sonne Isaack in sacrifice Iosua béeing olde called the people of Jerusalem vnto him and warning them of many thinges aboue all other thinges hée said take héede most diligently of this that you loue your Lord God It is written of Dauid that with his whole hart he did praise the Lord and looued God that made him The Appostle Saint Peter answered our sauiour earnestly sayīg Lord thou knowst I loue thée Saint Paule had such loue towardes God he that accoūted all things vile that he might winne Christ Again how earnestly dooth he encourage all men to continue in this loue saying Who shall seperate vs from the loue of Christ shal tribulation or anguish or persecutiō or famine or nakednes or perill or sworde Thus I wil end this first braunche with request which the said Saint Paule made to the Philippians saying if therbe therfore any consolation in Christ if any comfort of loue if any fellowship of the spirit if any compassiō and merry fulfil my ioy that ye be like minded hauing the sāe loue béeing of one accord and of one iudgement which thing if we doo not wée shall shew our selues the vnthankfullest creatures that euer God created The second braunche setteth foorth hovv and by vvhat meanes our looue tovvards our sauiour Christe may bee knovven cheefly in keeping his vvord for thus he saith if any man looue me he vvill keep my vvord THe word of Christ in this place is takē as well for y e doctrine which he hīselfe taught with his owne mouth Viua voce as also for that which his ministers haue set foorth doo or shall teach not only out of the newe but also out of the olde Testament as is manifestly shewed in y e xvi Chapter written by Saint Luke in these woords They haue Moyses and the Prophets let them heare them againe Christe speaketh of the Scripturs of bothe Testaments where he saith Iohn 5. Scru tamini scripturas search the Scriptures And the rather to mooue all people to credit and embrace his word he shewed y t it is not his word in respect that hee is man but in respect y t he is God for thus he saith Mea doctrina non est mea sed eius qui misit me My doctrine is not mine but his that sent mée again in the viij of Iohn he sayth I doo nothing of my self but as the father hath taught me euen so I speake these things which saying of Christ may not onely confirme the fayth of the godly knowing that y e doctrine which is taught them is the woord of God but also it is a lesson vnto all Preachers that they teach nothing to the people but that which may be confirmed by Gods words my doctrin is not mine but his that sent me for they are the messengers and Legats of y e most high God and of his sonne Christ Jesus not to teach the people what they lyst but that which is spyed within their commission of Gods worde whosoeuer therfore cannot rightly say of the doctrine which he teacheth my doctrine is not mine but his that sent me that man seduceth him selfe and the people which hée teacheth But the Papists and other here tiques cānot rightly say the said words but they teach the doctrine of men and not the pure woord of God it followeth therfore that they seduce themselues and the people also It séemed good to our God and heauenly father that the holy scripturs should be sette foorth to men chéefly for that cause which is set down in the twenty Chapter written by S. Iohn where it is sayd Haec scripta sunt vt creditis quia Iesus est filius Dei et vt credētes vitam habeatis in nomine eius These things are written that ye might beléeue that Jesus is the sonne of God and that in beleeuing you might haue life through his name Héere is plainly set downe the end why the holy Scriptures concerning Jesus was giuē namely that we might haue fayth in the sonne of God and the end of this fayth is to haue euerlasting life Sithence then that this woord is so profitable vnto vs it behooneth vs to kéepe it not locked vp in chests and cloyesters as the papists kéept it not in woords onely as the Pharisies kept it but in faithfully hearing it beléeuing it and practysing it in our liues as the holy Vigin Mary kept it We haue many examples in the book of God how from time to time the word of God hath béen regarded with Gods people The people sayd vnto Moyses all the wordes which the Lord hath said wée wil doo Hely taught Samuel right wel that he should say vnto the Lord that spake vn to him speak on Lord for thy seruāt hear reth When Esdras redde the booke of the lawe from morning vnto midday it followed that all the people wept for ioye when they heard the wordes of the law of their God when the word of God came from Ionas to y e King of Niniuy without delay he rose out of his princely seate did his apparell off and sat him downe in asijes After the lame mā was healed which is spoken of in the thirde Chapter of the Actes of the Apostles and Peters sermon ended many that heard his sermon beléeved as is shewed in the fourth Chapter of the Actes thus wée sée howe the word of God hath béen regarded in times past of Godlie people And what is the cause that the worde of God is not more regarded and followed in these our dayes sithence it is not so plentifully taught among vs what bée the Bishoppes and Ministers onely in fault or are the Maiestrates and Rulers only to bée blamed or bée the common multitude alone culpable herein no surely in mine opinion no one society
❧ A Godly lear ned and fruitfull Sermon Made vpon the fourteenth of Iohn in which is plainely set foorth the true looue of Christ the markes whereby the Children of God are knovven and the commoditie vvhich that looue bringeth By D. S. 1584. Iohn 15. 13. ¶ Christ so deerely looued vs that he gaue his life for vs. AT LONDON ¶ Printed for Yarath Iames and Thomas Lawe and are to be solde in new gate market ouer against Christe Chvrch gate To the right Woorship full Sir William Pelham Knight Leiftenant of the Queenes Maiesties Ordenaunce your seruant Iohn Iordan wisheth in this lyfe health and prosperitie with eternall felicitie in Christ Iesus AS it pleaseth the Lord of his vnsearchable wisdōe to plant in you the glistering beams of his gospell and so heaped vpon you as wel his blessinges for your body in this lyfe as also endewed you with his feare and loue that your soule may attaine to the euerlasing life So it hath pleased him also to ordaine the meanes that the same may be continued in you to the end namely by his secret gift of grace by his loue poured in your hart and by the pure preaching of his woord vnder so gracious a Prince whose looue hath a long time shined in this realme of peace of plenty to the terror of the blinde thirsting Papists our dayly aduersaries So that you may say with the children of God Blessed are that people which liue in his feare Yea blessed are the people whose God is the Lord and liue in his looue Of which loue this Sermon heere Dedicated to your worship largely and learnedly entreateth the Author not knowen vnto mee onely the excellencie thereof caused me to put it in print that all that liue in the looue of God might bee partakers of so good a worke Heerein is set foorth the fruites of true faith the vanitie of worldly wealth the corruption of couetousnes the greatnes of our sinnes the punishment due thereunto and the meanes whereby wee may be deliuered from the some beeing a loadestone to direct our dooings from the rankor of couetousnes to bring vs to godlines Wherfore Saint Paule to withdrawe vs from it saith godlines is great ritches wee brought nothing into this world and certeinly wee shall carry nothing with vs wherefore while we haue foode and raiment let vs be cōtent therwith and Saint Mathew writeth that if all men will seeke the kingdome of God and the righteousnes thereof they shall not want but shall haue all thinges cast vnto them from aboue For if wee haue to maintaine vs in this life and cast care on heauenly thinges wee shall posses heauen raigne with Christ foreuer Wherefore Maister Caluin vpon Paule to Timothy saith They that measure their religion by riches are heere taught that onely religion is the true riches Wherby it appeareth that there is nothing more necessarie and needfull vnto the Saluation of a Christian then the knowledge zeale and looue of God and his religion This bold attempt I doo offer vnto your worship as a true argumēt of my duetifull minde not as a meane to you now earnest in religion but vnto one of whose looue and godly zeale in that behalfe I haue all ready had sufficient triall Beseeching therfore that by your worships well accepting it at my hand though out of another mans caske it may be the better lyked accepted and followed of them that endeuour themselues to liue in the looue of our onely Sauiour In which looue the Lord of his great mercy côtinue your good worship my very good Lady your whole famely and that all which be partakers of his feare and looue may bee inheritours of his euerlasting kingdome Your worships humble Seruant alwaies to commaund Iohn Iordan If any man loue me hee vvil keep my vvord and my Father vvil loue him vve vvil come vnto him and vvill dvvell vvith him Iohn 14. I haue in this present text of holye Scripture three necessary braunches to intreat of offred vnto me First I minde God permitting to entreat of that loue which the children of God dutifully owe vnto Jesus Christe their alone God and Sauiour 2 Secondly my purpose is likewise to shew how and by what meanes the said children of God may be knowne to loue Christ Jesus as they ought to doo namely in kéeping his woord 3 The third setteth forth the vtilitie profit and commodity which hapeneth vnto that man which rightly loueth Christ and kéepeth his word namely not onely that God the Father will loue him but also that the whole Trinity will come vnto him and dwell with him The Sermon THe mindes of Gods chosē people haue neuer any peace or quietnes in the which they may stay them selues vntil they féel them selues vnited vnto Christ by meanes of a perfit and stayed faith with a ful confidence in him and a burning loue towardꝭ him Augustine therfore hath aptly said that loue is a certain coupling of y t louer with the beloued which saying of Augustine may be approued true by the testimonie of S. Iohn in his first Epistle and fourth chapter where he saith That God is charity and he that dwelleth in charity dwelleth in God and God in him Betwéen the which words charity and loue in this place and many more of the holy scriptures I take to be no difference Which loue of God is powred into the harts of Gods children by the holy spirite of God by the means of Christe for the spirit of loue was louingly giuen vnto Christe vnto this end that he shoulde powre it into his members And although the same loue in the children of God is vnperfit during this theyr mortall life because of sinne yet is it acceptable vnto God for that they by fayth are made members of Christe The manner and order of which loue is explicated and set foorth as wel by that seruant of God Moyses in y e Booke called Deutronomium sixt Chapter in these woords Thou shalt loue the Lorde thy God with all thy hart with all thy soule and with all thy might as also the very same woords rehersed or rather cōfirmed by our sauiour Christe in the 22. Chapter written by S. Mathewe To loue God with all thine hart is to take dilligent héed that thine hart hée not inclined to the looue of any thinge more then to the loue of thy God To loue him with all thy soule is to stay the trust of thy saluation and safety of thy soule onely on Jesus Christe the sonne of God To loue him with all thy might is to apply all thy sences to the setting foorth of his honour and glory For séeing wée bée wholy his he will haue vs holy to loue him I graunt there are things in this world that may kindle our minds and affectiōs to looue thē for there be worldly honours the glittering golde she glistering precious stones the beuty of mākinde the excellent