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life_n believe_v jesus_n lord_n 8,211 5 3.8236 3 true
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A11139 A terrible battell betweene the two consumers of the whole world: time, and death. By Samuell Rowlands Rowlands, Samuel, 1570?-1630? 1606 (1606) STC 21407; ESTC S112121 12,846 45

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be got A Doctor with al expedition wife My legges wil make me weary of my life Time This misers answere I haue noted frend In sicknes men on Doctors most relie Vnto Apothicaries shops they send Till phisicke giues them ouer they must die And when they see there is no way but one Fetch a Diuine God shal be thought vpon Death T' is true indeede but wee le giue pilland potion To such as whole on outward meanes depend And come to god for want more then deuotion As forc'd vnto it at their helples end For ere the doctor could a drinke prouide I stab'd my dart thus deepe into his side Death From him thou know'st we to a lawyer went Time T is right we found him arguing of cases This is quoth he the very lawes intent With that the golden fees came in by braces Wher 's your instructions and his declaration I cannot answere thee till next vacation Come thou in Tearme thy matter shal be heard Sir I remember'd you the other day The bill you wot off I haue now preferd With that stept I and said frend Lawyer stay An execution gainst your life I haue You must vnto my Iaile is cald the Graue Leauing him to the Sexton and the bels We came vnto a Marchant in this towne That mighty bags of money ouer-tels Wrapt very orderly in his night gowne Sirra quoth he is not the poste come yet Make speed and summe me vp this bill of debt There can no ships come yet I le raise my price Oh that the winde would hold but thus a while There comes into my head an odde deuice The very thought thereof doth make me smile Some shal be sure to pay if this geare hold The plot is pretious and must yeeld me gold Thus he sat plotting till I spoild his braine With Oh I feele my selfe exceeding sicke I gaue his hart a gripe it grond againe By this on price of wares he would not sticke But lay a gasping while the bell did towle And there his body lies without a soule Next doore to him we found a London dame Vpon her bed with finger aking laide And there most bitterly she did exclaime Against the misdemeanors of her maide Base queane quoth she how dost thou make me fret To see my ruffe of that ilfauord set Your manners huswife you haue quite forgot As sure as death I le make your ioynts to bow You whore the poking yron is too hot Durst thou presume to vex thy mistris now If I were well thou queane I would not misse To had my fists about thine eares ere this Let me not rise for if I doe no more Few wordes are best I thinke you will repent it I le make you feele your sides this fortnight sore Except Death crosse my purpose and preuent it With that I stept betweene to part the Fray The Mayd scapt blowes and Mistris brake her day A Muskie-Gentle we did visit then A Silken Gallant very curyous fine That kept a swaggring crew of Seruingmen Whose rapyer-hylts embrued with gold did shine And for he would from all contention cease He wisely bound his weapons to the Peace One that would send his challenge to his Foe And braue him out with paper in disgrace But to the fielde he alwaies scornd to goe For he kept men that would supply the place He would preserue his life yet send his Gloue His person must attend on Ladies loue Well this same signeur with the tender skin That dedicateth all his daies and houres To dauncing drunkennesse and Venus sinne Neuer respecting Time and Deaths sterne powers Was met by me thinking his life secure I killed the knaue to keepe my hand in vre Where went we then doest thou remember Time Time Yes very well we visited a Poet That tyrd inuention day and night with rime And still on Venus seruice did bestow it Death T is true indeed a Poet was the next With foolish idle loue extreamely vext Time All that he did endeuour to deuise Was onely Venus praise and Cupids power Within his head he had a mint of lyes On truth he neuer spent in 's life an houre His fictions were to feed those in their pride Who take delight to heare themselues belide For slaunder women to haue vertues many Admird their beauties when they lack good faces Say they haue wit at will not seeing any Tell them their empty minds are full of graces Why then they thinke you loue them past compare And euery toy they weare becoms them rare This Poet thus a sonneting we found Riming himselfe euen almost out of breath Cupid quoth he thy cruell Dart doth wound Oh graunt me loue or else come gentle Death Death I heard him say come gentle death in Iest And in good earnest graunted his request Time Leaue him a rotting then we march'd along Vnto a Godly reuerent graue deuine Whose faith on Christ was grounded firme and strong And all his hope to heauen did he incline At prayer deuout we found him on his knees And with these words he spake his hart agrees The wounds that IESVS suffred for my sinne Are mouthes that cry O loue him with thy hart The thornes that pierced thorow his flesh and skin Are tongues pronouncing Loue is his desart The torturing whips that did to anguish moue him Are Ecchoes sounding Wretched Sinner loue him With Peters sinnes in greatnesse mine abound Who by his oathes and cursses Christ denied And with the woman in Adultry found The filthinesse of sinne in me doth bide With Magdalens in multitudes they be Her seauen Deuils haue infected me The shame of sinne vpon my soule doth fall That on the wretched Publican did light The cruelty of sinne I haue with Paul To prosecute the holy and vpright And with the Theefe that all his life did ill Vnto my graue my sinnes attend me still Oh come sweet Iesus for thy seruant coms I doe beleeue Lord helpe my vnbeliefe My debt of sinnes amount to mighty sums Of Mercies treasure onely thou art chiefe Though sinnes be red as scarlet yet I know Thy precious blood can wash them white as snow To be dissolued greatly I desire This world doth passe the things thereof are vaine To be with Christ I onely do require And see the Citty where his Saints do raigne He is my life Death is a gaine to me With that his soule ascends where Angels be Death A happy soule one that had learn'd to die And rightly vnderstood his earthly state Whose constant faith enfor'cd the Deuill fly That still assaulteth men with deadly hate For thou know'st Time how that same hel-hound striues About the hower that men yeeld vp their liues For in mans sicknes Sathan doth conceiue It may be mortall that disease may end-him And therefore no temptation he will leaue That to eternall torment he may send-him T is time saith he to do my most endeuor If now I loose his sowle t is lost for euer First then
he is crown'd Or make the bloodie field the Souldiors tombe Or in the Seas cause thousands to be drown'd Why presentlie what will the people say Their Time was come thus Time beares blame awaie Death If this be all let it not greeue thy hart To heare thy selfe abused now and then But I le reuenge I vow it with my dart Time I marry wilt thou but I preethy when Death To soone by many daies I le meet with some If thou but say strike for their Time is come Time I that 's another matter now you speake By my glasse all thy tragedies are acted The prison of mans soule thou canst not breake With wals of flesh and blood and bones compacted Nor giue the same enlargement to go free Before my hand to thy commission be Thou knowst Time is Gods agent in affaires And hath bin so euer since the creation Thou knowst he seateth Monarchs in their chairs Admitting kings vnto their corronation If long they raigne Time giues their yeares the length If short they rule Time cutteth off their strength The ornaments of heauen sun and Moone With al the glittering brauery of stars Are taught by me their morning night and noone I order them which else disorder mars Their motions reuolutions and aspects Time with his iust proportion due directs Death Why what a bragging and a coile do'st keepe Best take my dart be Time be Death and al I le into graues and there go lie and sleepe And answere thou when Gods affaires do cal Be Lord of Coffin Pickaxe Sheet and spade And do my worke with those in ground are laid Thou art for kings and thou dost this and that And without thee ther 's nothing to be done To crowne depose and do I know not what Nay thou art busie with the Moone and Sunne Thou hast an ore in e'ry bodies boate Vpon my conscience thou begin'st to dote I haue bin Death almost six thousand yeares Yer neuer heard thee vaunt so vaine before Thou coun'st thy selfe my better it appeares But if thou doest thy aime is wide a score I tell thee Time thou doest insence me now Knowing my selfe a better man then thou At least thy selfe knowes I am full as good Being Gods steward sinnes reward to pay He that denies it I will see his blood Be he the greatest Monarch liues this day If he were Caesar of the earths whole Globe I le make him poorer then the Deuill made Iob. The mony-bag whose Idols in his chest Whose Gods his gold whose golds his prisoner Whose thoughts are euer haunted with vnrest And loues that best becomes his murderer I take him sodaine from huge heapes of treasure The slaue was scraping all his life times leisure Wounds hart and blood that wil not sell his swearing To him would giue him forty pound a yeare That vowes a tale is dull and harsh in hearing Vnlesse by oaths the matter be made cleare Oft when the tempter chiefely doth prouoke-him His mouth being fil'd with bitter oaths I choake him The swaggering Ruffian in his heady braules Whose hand is euer on his ponyard hilt That bloody fraies his recreation cals Chiefely delighted with foule murders guilt Whose thoughts are onely for the stab pretence I haue a tricke for him and all his fence The quaintly suted Courtier in attyre Whose lookes are fixt no lower then the sky Is crost by me in height of his desire And vnder ground I make his carrion lie He scorn'd the earth and that I make his bed Wrapt in a rotten sheet from foot to head And wheresoeuer or what ere he be For countenance for credit and condition Dignity calling office or degree Pessant or prince patient or els Phisition Euen from the Crowne and scepter to the plow I make all looke as I my selfe do now Perhaps thou think'st because thy beard is gray I owe officious reuerence to thine age And must beleeue whatsoeuer thou say Applauding thee chiefe actor on earths stage I le neuer do it Time expect it not For at my hand ther 's nothing to be got But prethee tell me what is he feares Time Not one vpon my life that doth expect thee For all the sinful brood of Adams slime Do euery day and euery hower neglect thee To vse time well who is not slow and slacke But with their euils al men loade thy backe Pyrats and theeues take Time to fit their turne Time must assist them ere they can preuaile The fawning flatterer doth Time subborne To give him leisure for his lying tale The lustfull Letcher borrowes thee by night And makes Time pandor to his sinnes delight The scatter good in Time consumes the wealth That might sustaine both him and his successor The drunkard takes his Time to pledge a health Till drinke to wit and fence be an oppressor Nay not an euill since the world begun But Time was accessary till t was done Time Well preethy slander on I le heare thee out And thy vntruths with truth I will confute Touching the wronging me thou goest about Thou art not able for thy life dispute Death th' art a lying fellow in this case I scorne thee I for vsing Time so base Death What Father gray-beard doth your choler rise Can you so ill digest to heare your crimes Time Why goodman bone-face with your vaulty eies What i' st to me if men abuse their Times Where learnd your dry and empty pate the skil That Time should answere for mens doings il Man is ordaind by th' almighty maker To spend his Time of earthly pilgrims state So holy that he proue foule sinnes forsaker And with faire vertue finish out his date I being the Time and limmit for that vse My il imployment is the worlds abuse What simple reason hath thy braine in store That dost all sence so vtterly forget Shal I be charg'd to answere sinners score That neuer past my word to pay their debt Proue that and let all that is good detest me Th' art a leane knaue Take witnes and arest me Death By my darts point I swore not so this yeare I le fight with thee next time we meet in field Time Why if thou hast a stomacke try it heere I feare thee not my sith is newly steeld And take this warning ere the fray begins Looke to your legs I le cracke those rotten shins My shins you whorson vglie prating slaue Death Sirrha I le keepe you at the point aloofe For dotard know ther 's not a bone I haue But t is compos'd of stuffe full cannon proofe Laie on my legs an houre by thy glasse Al 's one to hew a pillar made of brasse Time Peace bragging foole I laugh thy vaunts to scorne Thy tongue inclines to much vnto thy lying Feare children with thy force but newly borne And terrifie the sicke that lie a dying I know the houre when God did first begin thee Thy mold and making and how much is in thee Thy office is to murder and to