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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A08848 [Divine meditations.] Palfreyman, Thomas, d. 1589? 1572 (1572) STC 19136; ESTC S120110 52,549 180

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and makest them thereby to be partakers with thée of thine heauenly and diuine nature through the wonderful operation of thine holy spirite We are taught by thine holy Apostle that what so euer is not of this faith is sinne and that there is no possibilitie without it to please thée or to finde grace by sute at thyne holy hande And therefore all they that come vnto thée must in déede firmly beléeue that thou art very God and very Man yea and suche a God of mighte of mildenesse great mercy aboue all Gods as both can and euer will heare incline thine eare and abundantly rewarde all them that with liuely and true faith séeke thée and vnfaignedly desire to finde thée or to be relieued by thine holy hande By this fayth O Lorde we also obteine of God thy father all good things yea what so euer we craue at his hande in thy name Through this fayth also so many as beléeue are iustified made the sonnes and heires of God and enioy most certainly thereby the rewarde of euerlasting life O Lorde Iesu great is the power and working of this fayth for by it the consciences of the godly are quieted by it they truely know thée the onely high and eternall God by it they loue and feare thée be constant towards thée strong and pacient in al aduersitie their hope is firme for things to come by it they conceiue boldenesse to repaire to the throne of thy grace for mercy to haue sure trust in thee to inuocate thine holy name to adore and worshippe it to confesse the truthe before thée to obey it moste gladly to perseuer therein moste willingly to withstande the force of all tyrannie to yéelde vp in time their spirite and to goe through fayth to thine and their heauenly father Séeing then O graciouse God and Sauiour that this vertue is so heauenly so holy so mightie so acceptable and preciouse in thy sight that without it nothing can be well pleasing the will of thy maiestie or to serue happily our owne turnes and we also of suche frailtie can not attayne to this moste singuler treasure except it come from aboue euen from thée and infused into our hearts by the grace of thine holy spirite we moste hartily beséeche thée by the power thereof to make cleane our hearts to purge them of all error darknesse and ignorance of all mistrust infidelitie and vnfaythfulnesse and to plant moste spéedely in vs a true liuely and vndoubted faithe in the blessed and moste glorious Trinitie in God our heauenly father in thée O God oure only sauioure and in the holy ghoste our most deare and swéete comfortour by whome alone we be all highly blessed preciously redéemed and eternally sanctified and that also for thine only sake O blessed sauioure thine heauenly father is well pleased with vs our sinnes cléerely remitted vnto vs This faithe O swéete Iesu daily encrease in vs help most gratiously our vnbeléefe O Lord strengthen vs from faithe to faithe that we may at the laste thorow thine accustomed grace be made perfectly faithfull constante warriors and valiant conquerors in the defence of thine holy religio againste the power of Sathan the worlde and Antichriste and in all things to she we oure selues in this life bothe in our profession manners truly and frutefully faithful euen to the high exaltation praise of thy name which liuest and raignest with God the father and God the holy Ghoste true and perfecte God our onely mediator and aduocate world without end Amen V. To the attainement of Grace and for the due examination of suche desires and motions as are put daily into oure mindes BEholding O God our maker the miserable state of mākinde in this lyfe how diuersly therein and in finitely he is continually beset compassed and hedged in with bodily and ghostly euil stepping euery moment amōg the low shrubbes lurking stubbes stumbling blockes craggie rockes dead pits trappes catches snares grinnes furious and fierse beastes in the wildernesse of this worlde to present destruction alwayes vncertaine and feareful through danger whereunto in his wayes he may leane or trust wandring in this desert among doutful chaunces voide of certain hope farre off from comfort forsaken of frendes beset with many enemies and entised diuersly to sundry desires and motions so moste gréenously perplexed and inwardly afflicted in minde musing before thée O Lorde in thine heauenly presence vpon hys moste wretched state what shall betide him knoweth not what to doe which way to turne him whether to flée not certaine of his ende ignorant when howe and where he shall ende his dayes and leaue to earthe his moste wretched and earthie carcasse who during his shorte time possesseth two powers diuersly drawing and leading him althoughe onely one preuayleth either with him or againste him which is a willyng consente to vayne pleasures bredde in the corrupted fleshe or otherwise a more apte inclination to the good wil and motion of the spirit which are bothe contrary the one to the other and the one continually warring or waging battaile against the other whose fight if there be resistance are bothe very violente to preuaile stirreth daily the soule to great vnrest Which powers or partes of man O Lord in the time of innocencie before the fall of my first parents haddest coupled them togither in moste blessed concorde and vnitte but alasse nowe separated peace broken and set at discorde by the Serpente the enemie of peace and of mankinde and cannot liue ioyned togither wythoute contynuall warre ruffeling and wrangling together as things dyuers althoughe in déede but one I beséeche thée therefore O my God the greate God and maker of heauen and earthe to beholde with greate compassion my miserable state among the rest in this moste wofull and gréeuous conflicte my greate frailetie and weakenesse wythoute thy grace my darknesse and ignoraunce and the power of sinne raygning in myne earthely and mortall members that as thou arte God the author of peace the true light and guid and the only God of my strengthe to preuaile for me by thine holy spirit against the Prince of sedition and darkenesse of fraud and deceit of erroure and lies and the corrupted motions of the sinneful fleshe so graunt me the strengthe of thy grace a liuely and quicke féeling faithe also in thy promisses thorowe Christe that thereby my spirite being alwayes prepared quickned and directed by thy spirite it may yéelde to the only quickening and good motions therof that by the heauenly power of it I may at all times be constante in them and learn perfectly by due examination and with good desires out of thy worde of truth the euent of all attemptes stirres motions assaultes entisements dessres prouocations and affections to iudge truely of them to way rightly their natures from whence they come by what spirite to what ende whether worthy thy well liking tēding to thy
it is for them to be soughte oute with diligence to be brought home againe to the folde or to be pinned in fauourably pinched a while in some bare pasture and sometime to be kept lowe with thy milde touch of calamities and aduersities to abate their courages and to let their liuely leapes and oute girdes by meanes whereof they be oft called againe better to remember them selues and whereby they may also haue thée the more in minde and truely to knowe their owne state in this life whereunto they are called and to whose seruice to walke in the wayes of thy preceptes to kéepe them euer within their boūds and that during their shorte race they liue héere but as exiles or as Pilgrimes farre from theyr owne home not to liue héere in felicitie not to regarde the pleasures of thys worlde either yet to put theyr hope and affiance in them but to vse thē without abuse as by the way but for their only necessities homward we moste humbly beseeche thée O thou father of all mercie that thou wilt daily renue thy compassion vpon vs that thou wilt tēder vs in our frailty lustinesse vain iolitie that in our offences thou wilt with mercie reforme vs not vtterly by thy iustice confound vs but seeke mildely for vs call vs gently home to thy sheepfold with mercie embrace vs keepe vs togither for euer in one in the swéete vnitie felowship and amitie of thy flocke And if at any time we shall hencefoorthe wander abrode and goe astray wherby we shall offond thée and iustly incurre thy most heauie wrath and displeasure we craue yet at thine holy hād to remember thy mercie and so in the time of correction to temper it with thy iustice that we thy children by adoption and grace may largely tast in that respect the comfortes of thy moste tender and fatherly goodnesse that as we shal for oure disobedience and sinne iustly feele some parte of thy iustice and haue therfore great cause of inward gréefe and heauinesse occasioned daily to grone in our hartes for our spéedie deliuerance from thy rodde of correction and to attaine againe the bright countinunce of thy fauor so we may also in the meane time possesse a liuely faith shewe foorthe the fruites of the same pray continually vnto thée and beare paciently thy holy will wyth all thankfulnesse all the dayes of oure lyues through the only grace of the highe pastor and chéefe shepheard of oure soules thy sonne our Lord and only sauiour Iesus Christe Amen VIII To be humble in the sighte of God. O My lord God which arte mine only goodnesse a God of great Maiestie and to be blessed for euer I moste poore and wretched sinner moste vile woorme dust and ashes and of all others moste vnwoorthy thy grace and fauour yet beholding thy great mercie thy truthe and fidelitie thy vsual and approued clemencie towardes all humble and penitent sinners I among the rest but a lumpe of earthe and shaken by thy power to dust in a momēt doe prostrate my selfe vppon the earthe bewailing before thée my moste sinnefull state crying with the Prophet peccaui peceaui and with repentante teares call for thy mercie O my GOD almightie and my maker which truely knowest me thy creature euen as I am and searchest thorowly in me the very secretes of the heart and raines If I should in thy sight being nothing of my self esteeme any thing of my self or else glory in any thing besids thée vnder the sunne thou woldest as thou mightest by due iustice againste me woorthily reproue me and condempne me with the rest as most vaine and for naught Yea mine own sinnes would accuse me vnto thée and my conscience very terribly crie oute against me for I am before thée but a thing of naught and my sinnes hast thou sealed vp against me to the terrifying alwayes of me and to incurre daily in my mind diuers incommodities inward anguishes to myne owne ouerthrow and cōfusion But humbling my selfe before thée O my God and estéeming of my selfe as in déede I am but vile duste and ashes and cast vtterly from me all estimation of my selfe being pressed downe as it were to nothing then I trust I shall obtain thy mercie then shall I hope to possesse the happie peace then shall I féele true ioy in my self for thy presence shall be euen at hand thy grace shall cōfort me thy good spirit shal quicken me thy fauorable countinance shal cheare me vp and thine heauenly lighte approche neare mine heart wherby it shall most blessedly happen that where I haue héeretofore most vainly estéemed but the least thing of my selfe the same very vaine or small estimation conceyued shall sodenly consume and vanishe to naught for euer and shall thencefoorth by the hand of thy maiestie be so vndor propped and graciously holden vp that I shall neuer decline from due consideration of my selfe what I am of my selfe what I haue bene by whom I haue my being and from whence I am come namely of nothing and from nothing and being so lefte vnto my selfe I shall be founde nothing but only as a shadow or méere infirmitie and weakenesse Therefore I most humbly beséeche thée O thou father of al mercy the only assured stay of thine inheritance which seuerely chasest away the vaine glory of man turne a little towardes me tender me in my weakenesse and shewe me the strengthe of thy countenaunce that immediatly in thée I may be strong and newely chéered vp with inwarde and heauenly gladnesse that being entred into most sodaine admiration with my selfe to sée my self in a momēt by thy fatherly embracement raised vp to heauen which by myne owne pronenesse and waighte of sinne was before caryed downe to hell I may thanke thée my moste swéete and louing God and prayse thée with an humble and moste lowly heart with continual modestie zealously religiously and godly in thought woord and déede thorowe thy mercie and grace in thy sonne Iesus Christe all the dayes of my life Amen Amen IX Of true obedience and subiection to suche as be in authoritie according to the woorde of God. FOr as much O heauenly father as it is rather auaileable for men in this worlde to be in subiection to other than to leane to their owne only sway and leude libertie and so muche more safely to obey than to beare rule and haue all at commaundemente with all humblenesse we beséeche thée to directe vs with thy spirite of humilitie and lowelinesse and to be alwayes in subiection to aucthoritie according to thy woorde by the rule of thine holy Apostle not onely for feare for necessitie and therefore painefully but rather of true loue duetifully moste gladly and that for conscience sake For otherwise O Lorde wée slippe from our Christian profession true obedience and moste reuerente subiection and attaind not the true libertis of minde and the shewing
of obedyence from the hearte and for Goddes sake but fall of will moste wickedly and as bonde slaues into the sinne of hatred contempte murmuring grutching conspiring rebelling and into innumerable suche like as men being wholely giuen ouer to a wicked will runnyng headlong into all kinde of mischeefes whereby we become as resectes and caste awayes from thy glorious fauoure we purchase thy displeasure thou 〈◊〉 our treacheries the cursse of the people shall fall vpon vs the spoile of the innocentes and theyr bloud shed shall crie for vengeance against vs our dayes shal be shortned our offspring and family ashamed vtterly confounded contempned and for euer brought to naught O gratious God graunt therefore that we may euer regarde thy wil be mindefull of thy statutes feare thy indgements and consider with our selues oure christian obedience and duetie towardes aucthoritie walking humbly in oure vocation before thée to the vpholdyng of peace to the contenting of aucthoritie to render vnto them their duetie to the benefiting of oure Country to the blessing of our posteritie and to remember also with this assured persuasion that whether so euer we turne oure selues in thus life we shall not aptly finde rest in any place if we be seditious mischéeuously inclined traiterous conspirators or rebellyous for thy iudgements will still folow vs thy swoorde shall deuoure vs and cruel messengers shall be sente againste vs as of many we haue both herd read and oft times knowne amōgst vs For thou O Lord in the feruor of thy zeale neither canst nor wilte suffer the higher powers so to be disobeyed or vnnaturally spurned against but thou wilt by thy iustice sée it sharpely reuenged as the offence verily committed against the persone of thine eternall maiestie Giue vs grace therfore O heauenly father we humbly beséeche thée to way reuerently thy will in thy woord and accordingly to liue in all subiection to the higher powers to pray daily most hartily for them as for the apte instrumentes of thy grate and furtherers of thy glory at these dayes of true lighte that thou wilt touche daily deepely all their harts with the finger of thine heauenly grace that thy principall spirite may for euer possesse them and that thy blessings also may daily abounde bothe vpon them vpon vs and vpon oure posteritie as vpon the childrē of true obedience peace and humblenesse to our reioying and praising of thy glorious name vntill the ende of this life and for euer thorowe Iesus Christe oure onely Lorde and Sauioure Amen X. For the Queenes moste excellenre Maiestie for hir Honourable Councelloures hir whole Court or familie O Almightie God and father of all mercie which gratiously gouernest moste wisely rulest and aboundantly blessest héere vppon earthe thy great Congregation the pillar and grounde of truthe the flocks of Christe thine holy Churche the Spouse of Christe the elect vessels of thy mercie thine whole householde and familie whose God of mercie thou only art throughoute all generations and helper in all oure néedes and necessities and haste appointed therein by thy diuine ordinaunce temporall rulers Princes and Magistrates to rule and gouerne thy people according to equity and the rule of rightuousnesse for the aduauncement of the good and pumshmente of the euill and hast also al their harts in thine holy hand to direct sanctiste and gouerne them after thine owne will to the godly example of others and to set foorthe amongste them thy glory haue mercy vpon thy seruant Elizabeth our noble and most gracious Quéene in the excellencie of hir most high calling holy seruice and of greate charge before thée in thy sanctified Churche that as hir heart specially being truely directed in thy sight by the spirit of light and truthe to the true knowledge perfect obedience and ready furtherance of thy will with all christian diligence and seruencie as aboue all things best behooueth hir moste gratious and royall maiestie that the rather in all other hir necessities shée may at all times be moste assuredly blessed by thée releeued comforted strengthened mightely defended and deliuered bothe in body and soule so also the honorable hir beloued graue and prudente Counsellors faithful ministers vnder hir whole familie may euery of them in their degrée christian vocation or faithfull seruice duetifully waie with them selues the vertue of their charge straight bande and profession before thée séeking truely vnder hir highnesse for thy glorye and hir honoure the fruteful knowledge of thy lawes that in theyr state of great excellency right worshipful calling meane state or inferioure ministerie whether of the Cleargie as they are termed or of the laitie they may haue the feare and true obediēce before their eyes framing vnfainedly all their affections their actions and dueties by the only rule of thy woorde of life walking vprightly therein holily and religiously in thought woorde and déede with vndesiled pure and peaceable consciences to the daily edifying encouraging and strengthening of all others that thereby hir whole Court or Princely family being through fulnesse of vertue and thine heauenly wisedome wōderfull to beholde woorthily noted of all delighted in of all and moste highly commended of al may be of all moste dearely beloued highly estéemed ioyfully receiued thankefully vsed practised and folowed as a moste precise patron of all perfect and true pietie as a very brighte large and cleare shining light déeply piercing inwardly quickening farre extending and reaching ouer al or as a cleare sountaine or quick springing water descending from an high most beautifull to looke on most pleasant to taste on very dilectable most necessary helthfull and comfortable common to all swiftly running towardes all and embraced of all and into al partes belonging to hir highnesse or round about hir wherby through the puritie healthfulnesse clearnesse cleannesse fulnesse therof al hir people and others drawing to thē selues and tasting abundantly of the same may long be preserued healthfully norished vpholdē in vortue in true religion honestie all the dayes of their liues that in stead of thy terrible iudgemēts and wrathfull indignations due vnto all for disobedience contempt and sinfulnesse thy moste gracious fatherly blessings as swéete dews from heauen may alwayes most comfortably fauourably with spéede and abundantly light both vpon hir highnesse vpon hir Nobilities whole Courte and whole Countrey to thine only honoure praise and glory euen in the sight and faces of all hir and our ennemies that they may plainely sée it may be ashamed of their errour of their darknesse wilful madnesse great disobedience wicked attēptes and contemptes and may be more mindefull of thée thou greate God of rightuousnesse séeke most gladly in truthe to knowe thée to feare thine holy name to be conuerted vnto thée and to blesse wyth vs in rightuousnesse al the dayes of their liues thorow thy son Iesus Christ and for his sake our only sauioure our only mediatoure and aduocate Amen XI Against vaine hope and
of all our affences and be depely tormonted in vnsufferable anguishes 〈◊〉 forowes yelling lauguistying and the auinosse for our carelesse most gracelesse negligence bicause 〈◊〉 our health and tune of felicitie we 〈◊〉 forgetful of thée vs we caued not to tēpte thée we feared not thy threatned vengeance neither thy Preachers and Prophetes we were vnmindefull of the ende we considered not the way of all fleshe we remembred not deathe neither readily prepared for his sodaine comming whose ensigne by thy iustice is openly all blacke displayed most ougly issuing out of his darke sepulcher to the spéedie destruction of all fleshe Therefore O Lord as oure liues are wholely in thyne onely hande and are by thée when we call vppon thée most graciously directed quicken our harts to prayer endue vs thorowe thy grace wyth thine heauenly wisdome teache vs thereby to number our dayes to applie oure hartes vnto wisedome to be mindefull of thée our God not to be forgetfull of oure wretched and wicked state and to remember alwayes thy rightful iustice in iudgemente that we may endeuor to be suche in déede in oure liues as we woulde wishe moste gladly to be founde at our deathes O heauenly father so strengthen vs with thy vsuall and woonted grace that as we may haue this worlde in most earnest contempte so we may also as effectually craue at thine holy hād the daily prospering and going forwards in vertue pray that our loue may abounde towardes godly discipline for the fourme of good liuing yéelde fréely forth the frutes of earnest and true repentāce haue ready and prest wils to shewe true obedience bothe in body and soule to be humble and méeke in spirite not to stay at any time the deniall of oure selues to subiecte our selues to thy holy will and commaundements and so to leane gladly to the suffering of this worldes calamities not for oure selues but for the loue of Iesus Christe for our brethren for so shal we be knowne to be the children of god All which if we happely possesse vse and put in daily practise great shall be the cause of oure ioy to haue good affiaunce in thy mercy a swéete tast of good life and a sure hope by happie death becomming in the meane while parient Pilgrims in spirituall pouertie and not regarding the pleasures of this life that oure soules may possesse the felicitie of thy freedome be daily lifted vp vnto thée in this our short race that we may continually praie with sorowfull sighings déepe sobbings inwarde gronings and shedding salte teares in our accustomed and moste humble sutes bewayling oure miserable state mourning the delay of this bodyes dissolution and yéeld with pacience to abide the stroke of deathe that when it which is the laste enemie shall be destroyed our spirites may haue rest in thine eternall life therow the only merites of thy sonne our Lord and sauior Iesus Christe Amen Amen XVII To haue in remembrance the secrete iudgementes of God and to feare the withdrawing of his grace HAuing good experyence by thyne holy scriptures O thou rightuous God that as thou arte moste high most glorious most holy wise and mighty and a great God aboue all Gods eternal and from euerlasting so arte thou also a Lord a ruler a master an ouerscer a iudge ouer all the dooings of men yea a seuere iudge a straighte examiner an vpright iust rewarder against whome no man may once rowse or aduaunce him selfe stande in his owne conceite or shewe before thée any proude or hautie countinance for it is thou onely O Lorde that art omnipotent whose mighty arm reacheth ouer all which aduancest and bringest lowe which strykest and healest which woundest and makest whole which liftest vp and throwest downe againe which dealest in thy iudgement not after the manner of men wickedly winking at the sinnes generally committed of all or of a few but vsest vprightnesse vnto all withoute respecte of persons generally particularly to many to a fewe and to some one alone when their sinnes before thée are ful and waxeth ripe vnto iudgement apte to fall and ready to féele from thy wrathfull hande the sodaine stroke of thy vengeance for vengeance annexed to thy power is only thine and thy iust rewarde whose iudgementes for sinne are very terrible fierce a flaming and consuming fire to licke vp catche burne and deuonre all or some as the cause shal require and as by thy iustice in iudgement thou finedest thē for so in all ages we haue both truly heard and knowne which examples of thine in sundry wise are all wrytten for our vnderstanding and learning always to be remembred of vs to put vs in good mind to terrifie vs to bridle oure affections to feare thy maiestie to séeke the true knowledge of thy will reuerently therein to obey thée and to escape aptly therby thy iust rigor vengeance for vengeance is thine thou wilt reward O holy and iust god which also artmost gracious which sparest whē we deserue punishmēt in thy wrath thinkest vpon mercy and haste vowed compassion vpon the poore penitent haue mercy vppon me moste wretched sinner O forgéeue me all my wickednesse past let thy tender mercie preuent my sinnes cast them al behinde thy backe and shewe me againe thy cōfortable countinance for my sinnes sore trouble me they iustly accuse me thy iudgementes terribly thunder against me they sore shake my limmes with feare and trembling and terrifie out of measure my sore vexed and contrite heart And if by thine heauenly motion O Lorde I yet wade further in thy iudgemēts and consider the very heauens not to be cleane in thy sight but expecte the day of their renouation for further cleerenesse and puritie O how am I occasioned to be the more amazed and to bewail my wretched state in the lothsomnesse of my corruption And if in the Angels them selues thou haste founde sinne and the desert of eternall death therefore not spared thy iudgemēts ouer them O what shall become of me earthie fraile and moste sinnefull wretche And if also the gloryous starres themselues haue in the excellencie of their outwarde clearenesse and beautie falne down from heauen abide likewise thy iudgement what shall I a masse of darknesse stime and filthe of the earthe looke for at thy wrathfull hand hauing my very secrete sinnes not hid from thee in their moste horrible lothsome and poysoned apperance But yet I beséeche thée O heauenly father althoughe thou be a straighte iudge ouer all thy creatures for sin whether of heauen or of earth celestiall terrestriall or infernall subiecte to thy will and to abide iustly thy iudgement for thine approued clemencies sake and tender pity towardes me imprinted stil freshe in my memorie and boldened thereby to approche thy presence so to extēd vpō me thy great mercy and grace that as I nowe craue the continual good motion inward stirring vp of my mind
great glory as thou sholdest confesse is ascended on high and sitteth with almightinesse power and maiestie on the right hand of his heauenly father with open and fresh bleeding wounds the many fest marks impressions before him for euer of the purchased most preciouse redeemed inheritance euen for thee most notoriouse and deadly sinner by the secrete testimonie of thine owne conscience These things such like of thee thus christenly considered thou mayest bee bold with thy most merciful and louing god But yet agayne I say vnto thee hold thee sure vnto thy sauiour christ swarue not frō him nor frō the vertue of his onely merites wherby thou must be onely saued Cleaue then close to the rocke of assurance leane to no loose nor sandie safetie Trust not to the rottennesse of our humane deuises labour not to languish in a maze of vncertaintie Bemoyle not thy selfe in suche myre of mortalitie and shun soone such shoures as wil wrecke thy soules fidelitie Then cry as J sayd and ceasse not to craue pardon of God thy father in his sonne name ' Doubte not of thy sute what so euer it be for it shal by good motiō be so vpright so reasonable so acceptable before him and allowable and shal touch therwith so neere the tendernesse of his mercy his truthe and fidelitie that of necessitie graunt muste bee made vnto thee he wil not denie thee the requests of thy lippes yea he will so graciously tender thee that foreseing thy cause of inwarde complaynte he wyll prepare quickely thine heart most faithfully to call vpon him Beleeue therfore faithfully trust of assurance and thou shalte surely obteine thy desire with greate mercy and fanour at his holy hande Thy sinnes shal not be imputed vnto thee thou shalte bee blessed and righteouse in the sighte of God all the dayes of thy life so happily shall thine hart be prepared so mightily shal thy prayers preuayle for thee they will forcibly pearce the celestiall and high heauens approche neare to the onely throne of grace and maiestie cry incessantly for thee will not returne from the presence of God nor once be satisfied before the full graunt of their humble sute for thy sauing health and cōmoditie To conclude in all thy godly attemptes whether in praying fasting geuing of Almes frequenting the holy Sacramentes or rendering moste hartie thankes vnto God for his infinite Mercies Graces Blessinges and Benefites bestowed vppon thee and vppon his whole Churche from the beginning vntill this present day and what soeuer in holinesse thou commendest daily vnto him let it always be done vprightly orderly with christian comelynesse and modestie with peace of conscience faithfully constantly cherefully and in charity as the only worde of God moste straitely byndeth thee Which I pray to God may clerely shine into thee by the power of his holy spirite who quicken thee this day to morow and for euer and kindle in thee towardes him the firie flames of his true loue throughe his sonne Chryst Iesus who speedely graunt thee the same signement of his holy hand and satisfie thee with inward ioy in all thy moste lowefull and diuine desires Amen FINIS A deuout meditation of the godly Christian with a briefe Confession and Prayer WHen I O heauenly father thorowe the glorie of thine only eternal gracs am euē in the middest of many muses lamentable mournings déepe sighings and inwarde monings to my self most happily stirred to the due consideration of my self and in what perillous state I euer stande here in this wretched worlde how in the breuity therof I am compassed with many miseries with greuous plagues and punishmentes with dreadful calamities perilles and dangers with diuers maladies sicknesses aand infirmities bothe of body and mind how by the mighty power also pollicie of mine ancient and most deadly enimy the olde subtile serpent this deceitful vaine world as also mine own weaknes corruption apte inclination most vile subiection to sinne I am daily assaulted and tempted to sinne and in cōmitting sinne become the seruant of sin must acordingly looke for death the iuste reward of sinne bicause diuersly therwith and damnably through disobedience the breach of thy law in thought word and déede I haue and do most gréeuously offend the will of thy Maiestie and am become thereby a very Sathanist the childe of the diuel to hasten thy furies vpon mée that he shuld vse his tirānie against me for so witnesseth by accusation my wounded conscience whereby my soule is daylie dysquieted sore clogged gretly destled maruelously amased made monstruouse before thée and hated of thée wherevnto my freedom and innocencie being lost of my owne concupiscence am accustomably blinded drawne and entised and by the malice thereof both vnderstanding heart and wil are holden captiue and in deadelie slauery to the diuel the only author and beginner of all euell concupiscence and sinne By which occastō in stead of healthsome and profitable thinges I ofte desire very noysome most pernitious and hurtfull things And my soule also which in the excellencie therof through reason and the vprightnesse of the inward man should beare the beauty of thy heauenly and most glorious ymage in perfect puritie and innocencie through the corruption therof is sowly deformed and sore blemished and made accordingly his euill fauoured most filthy image and so woorthily by thy iustice shaken off and caste from the presence of thy deitie So that héereby O Lord thou hast yet by the continuance of thy grace moued me to consider that if thy mercies did not abounde vppon me or that thy gratious fauoure should nowe or at any time in this most deadly plight vtterly forsake me and not rather cōfortably with spéedy and most swift sway turne againe towardes me and bring therwith from thine heauenly presence the distilling moystures and large flowing streames of thy celestiall dewe plentifully drawne from the swéete fountains of my sauioure to refresh comfort make whole againe clense beautifie my very leprous moste sinneful and sicke soule and of thy méere mercie to reduce hir to hir pristinate former state my case should be most miserable my bands shuld be indissoluble I shoulde become a cursed reiect remain a fire brand of hell for euer But as thy loue O Lord is vnspeakeable and thy fatherly mercie toward me infinite which willest not the deathe of a sinner but rather he should fourne from his wickednesse and liue and offrest him time and space to repēt and amende so haste thou now in mercie remembred me looked back againe vpon me cheared and comforted me encreased true faithe in me thy spirit hath renued me stirred me to call moste humbly vnto thée set me frée from the ennemie pitied my soules deformitie prepared the most healthful remedie for the bloud of thy sonne Iesus hathe clensed me whereby thou haste so quickened me that my soule reioyseth within me with most earnest
glory answerable to my profession making for the peace of my conscience or to the contrary and so by due triall to forsake the one and embrace the other least throughe leude carelessenesse or not aptly yelding to the good motions of thine holy wil I giue thine offered grace moste gracele sly the slippe becomming in thy sighte but a fugitiue a reage a runneagate a corner créeper a vaine dullarde grose earthie lumpishe and heauie voide of spirit and life darke in true iudgemente affected to vaine desires moste wickedly falling from thée forsaken also of thee giuen ouer to my selfe wretchedly wandring at will or at the wilde aduenture and stande as a dead pray to the will of al deuouring aduersaries euen to the sleights of the moste curssed serpente to the sugred baits of this deceitful world and to the filthie desires of the rebellious fleshe by whome I shal be most wickedly seduced moste horribly blinded and fowly corrupted and so trained on in a short race to the slaughter euen to the swalowing gulffe of despaire the bottomelesse hurlepwle or most déepe sinke of destruction O my god of al mercie and grace that art the only helper of me in all my necessities assist and comfort my soule with thy spirite of lighte and truthe that I may nowe and at all times bothe truely discerne retaine wyth good will and folow the only good motions thereof and forcibly withstād the contrary that no prouocations venemous enticementes or poysoned pleasures of the fleshe be occasions to defile and hazard my soule But folowing the good desires of the spirite which are moste pure perfect and godly and my soule euer mindefull of hir celestiall nature enforsing hir selfe vpwarde to the high heauens before thy presence there may spring vp vnto me all the dayes of my life the good continuance of thy grace the blessed trāquillitie of an innocent minde the reaped frutes also of a good spirite and lastly in time euerlasting life which thou hast prepared for me thorow thine only mercy and grace in the merites of thy sonne and my sauior Iesue Christ Amen VI. For the chastising of the Soule to keepe it lowe and in subiection WE be taught of thée O thou GOD of heauen that who so euer wil rightly prosper in this life and goe daily forwardes in true godlynesse woorthy thy wel liking must tast substantially of thine heauenly wisedeme and enter the way thereto with all lowly subiection holding still faste thy reuerent feare estéeming vnfainedly the way of thy testimonies and be alwayes very watchful that he offend not thy sight It behooueth vs therfore O Lord in the state of our great weakenesse and frailetie and in our darknesse and deadly ignorance to haue daily accesse to thée thou God of our power true light and wisedome by prayer and most humble sute that we may séeke by thine heauenly wisedome to know thée truly and to haue thy feare before our eyes that in our profession we may be euer constante pacient and strong in thée auoiding thorow thy grace al carelesse securitie wādring inconstancie and slippernesse kéeping all our powers vnder thine holy discipline without repining or murmuring and not yéelde vp our selues according to the will of the fleshe to flying vanities and the swifte flitting things of this world but cleaue stedfastly vnto thée and giue ouer our selues wholely paciently to abide thy holy will to the quickning of vs in our dulnesse and humaine fearefulnesse and to the swéete chastening of our vntoward and drousie soules Doubtlesse O Lord very great swéete pleasant to the godly is the commoditie of thy chastisements and the exercises of thy crosse to the encrease of godlinesse among thy children and to suppresse the wil of the proud flesh which otherwise to the contrarie would be soone ouerwhelmed with too much pride iolitie forgetfulnes flouth and carelessenesse Quicken vs therfore O Lord with the rod of thy fauoure visite at times oure gracelesse dulnesse that we may féele thereby the touche of thy grace the sorowes also of our mindes in oure offences and cal our own wayes to remembrāce that we may say with the holy Prophet It is good for me Lord that I haue ben punished and that to this happie ende that I may learne thy statutes Againe before I was troubled I went wrong c. O graūt vnto vs most louing God that with thy rod of fatherly correction we may iudge our selues happie reioyce with thy holy prophet least to the contrary by sufferance euil custome or hauing our reane of wantonnesse too much at liberty we too too much deceiue our selues in our forgetfulnesse laughe at our own wickednesse whē rather most bitterly we should bewaile our sinfulnesse remēber therby the infinite dangers to the soule howe it is compassed suttlely deceiued holden captiue thr●l to the diuel And we must cōfesse vnto thée O our god that we stand not at any time in true libertie or ioy effectual in any thing onlesse we possesse by thy spirite thy reuerent feare that also ioyned with a peaceable quiet cōsciēce O what a happines therfore is it to a mā to cast fréely frō him al impedimēts lettes of worldly vanities yéelde him self wholely vnder thine hand of discipline and to the chastening of his soule Graunt vs O Lord to be so happie that we may daily renounce and put from vs what so euer may staine burthen our most tender weake and simple consciences Graunt vnto vs in this worlde of warfare strengthe of thy grace that we may fighte the battaile of christian souldiours and ouercome by custome the vsuall supporter of all euil Graunt vs grace O mercifull Lorde that we may stand stedfastly to our charge yéelde with pacience to thy will and in all things to take straight view of our selues and chéefely with our owne eyes to beholde well our selues that in thy sight we be all well armed and so alwayes preuent the warning of others to the ouerthrow of the dedly aduersarie Graunt this o heauenly father with humblenesse of hart we beséeche thée to the quick ening and strengthening of oure soules in al temptations and chastisements and stirre vp daily in them thyne heauenly sparkes and swéete motions of comfort to their moste happie reioysing and to the exaltation of thy moste glorious name in this life and in the euerlasting world to come through thy son Christ our Lorde Amen VII For pacience in aduersitie and to remember that this worlde is but a place of perigrioation or passing forwardes vnto an other worlde WHen thou in mercie O lord beholdest thine own féest them among others how hazardly vnto deadly dangers they daily offer them selues raunging abrode at aduenture like loste shéepe and readie to be torn of euery sauage and deuouring beast thou by and by of thy fatherly and tēder pitie considerest their miserable state and condition and how néedefull
preuailed vpon the earth and broughte into subiection not onely the most vnfaithfull very reiectes and wicked caste awayes from thy fauour who being but earthly set their whole felicitie vppon earthly things but euen the very professors also of thy moste holy and blessed religion For in all estates and degrées from the most to the least from the highest to the lowest all are defiled therewith al bend their wittes moste gracelesly and inordinately to vnsatiable couetousnesse excéeding farre the limits of necessitie scraping gathering togither as the children of diffidence very worldlings contrary to the lawe of nature cōtrary to the law of charitie or christen holinesse and puritie whether by righte or by wrong by hooke by crooke by extortion by oppression by flattery by periury sorcery vsury bribery simony priuy cōspiracy against town citie prince and the whole countrey greedie of vengeance yea by what meanes so euer it be oft by most wilful consent to murther whether of others or through indigence lacke of sufficiencie or by some sinister stroke of fortune desperately destroy themselues Such are our willes to wickednes o lord that being voide of thy grace we sink déepely into al abhomination are altogither without moderation or stay of our appetites affectionately grubbing for more more til death cut vs short till our mouths be filled with grauel or til we heape vp as the Prophet saith thick clay against our selues feling the iustice of the rightuous god frō whome we are fled and haue putte oure only affiaunce in wicked and vaine filthie Mammon To the end therfore O moste louing God we may in thée be better staide oure liues in thy feare more aptly framed and oure faultie faithes more christianly reformed graunte that by thy woorde we may truly know thée obey thy wil put our only trust in thée loue thée as our god of mercie and reuerence thée as our Lorde of iustice Graunte vnto vs the influence of thine heauēly grace that our gracelesse indurate and moste barraine hartes being thus bewitched and hardned by the diuel may he by thée moste gratiously reformed frutefully tempered déepely indued thorowly softened sowen with thy celestiall séedes well harrowed rowed and made truely profitablé that thy holy Church may thereby be spéedely purged of this very present and moste pestilent infection nowe raigning with outrage ouer all the world Wherof bicause our liues standeth not in the abundance of these vanities which we héer possesse thy sonne Christ left straighte charge vnto vs the professoures of his name in any wise to beware of Couetousnesse Roote out therefore we pray thée O God from oure hartes oure vnsatiable and gréedie desires O incline oure hartes vnto thy testimonies and not to couetousenesse but yéelding to thy will with contented mindes in oure calling we may in all our necessities cast gladly our cares vpon thy back that art truly rich almightie a readie helper very mindeful and merciful vnto vs for oure sufficient relieuement and to further therby thy glory Prepare vs to be charitable frée harted and liberall to haue in vs the bowels of compassion to be pitiful alwayes to the poore to yéeld to sufficiencie too neither riches nor pouertie to remember we nakedly entred this world that we shall cary nothing oute of this world that we muste forsake the worlde for it will forsake vs away néedes we muste we are heere but strangers our yeares are but few our calling sodain death tarieth not death spareth not death aresteth our reckening muste be made oure iudge is iust our witnesse is true oure sentence is determined oure place appointed our rewarde prepared and moste preciously purchased O heauenly father for thine holy electe obedient children by the only death and bloud shed of thy son our deare Lord sauior Iesus Christ Amen XIII Against Adultrie and Whoredome FOrasmuche O eternal God as thou only arte moste rightuous pure holy vndefiled and abhorrest from thine harte the stinking sin of lust adultry whoredom fornication such like and requirest also of vs in the .vij. precept that in our liues conuersation we be like vnto thée in all puritie holinesse and in any wise not to defile or once spot our selues with the attempts of vnlawful lustes or wantonnesse but constantly hold kéep fast the integritie of oure faithfull promisse made vnto thée our onely Lorde God bothe in the calling of our sole liues and in the holy state also of matrimonie which in the sighte of thée is very honourable of highe perfection and great excellencie and is amongste men in thy holy Churche as it were the louely fountaine or wel spring of good life not only in the beautifying of them selues thorow their own clerenesse in chastitie but floweth forthe also by example doctrine with moste swéete taste to their owne beloued offspring and familie and to the apt seasoning likewise of the single and vnmaryed sorte we most humblye beséeche thée to take from vs in our weakenesse and frailty the violent power of fleshe and bloude and to quenche in vs continually the raging lustes of oure vncleane sinful bodies which inwardly moueth violently stirreth striueth woundeth inflameth burneth altereth sore the body amaseth the minde spoileth the senses maketh menne mad or turneth the vnwise of the worlde quite beside their wittes O God that art maker of all makind thou séest all things thou beholdest al our doings thou knowest the affections of our hartes and howe by nature we are naturally enclined to suche euill and giuen to féele in our weakenesse the smarts of oure infections boyling soming fumes of the fickle and fraile fleshe and stirred daily therby to greate abhominations and filthinesse to hasten vpon our selues the heat of thy furious and fierce vengeance because we haue vowed as thou haste commaunded suche euils to be eschued and none adulterie or the syke vnclennesse to be commicted for as thou O Lordo haste called vs so haue we yéelded to thy cal and promised thée to walke before thée in puritie and holyuesse of life being made of many members one body and one spirite with thée and therefore from the harte to abhorre all vnclennesse and not to be defiled made the members of an harlot for we know that no fornicator filthie adulteror whoremonger abuser of himselfe with mankinde no vncleane person nor weakeling shal inherite thine heauenly kingdome O father of all merey and grace let not the desues then of suche corruption and vurlenlinesse faston their roote of death vppon vs neither to be giuen ouer to an vnshamefast and obstinate minde flying from thy holy will in our profession contemning the act ●●…table countels of the godly or also neglecte the terrible exāples of thy iustice a written for our learning and to print with faith in memone that for suche abhomination and wickednesse thou haste plaged the ear the The olde worlde was drouned the Sodomites the
but for the glory of thy name to mollifie to cleanse and alwayes to kéepe cleane oure harde stonie and euill stuffed hartes with the déepe piercing deawe of thine heauenly grace that where all those terrible punishmentes and moste gréeuous plagues before mentioned are already deuised prepared threatned and at an instant appoynted to fall vpon vs we may yet by thy mercie escape them extoll thée in thine vnspeakeable goodnesse and magnifie thine holy name from our hartes and with our tongs and voices and feare to prophane or abuse it no neither yet thy creatures in heauen or in earth but most humbly with al ioyfulnesse to attend to thy sōnes most holy precept which is not to sweare at all by any thing but in our communication to vse yea yea nay nay euen from hart and mouth simply truly and without dissimulation and to passe forthe our liues and conuersation in our calling reuerently sincerely and vncorruptly as becommeth faithfull and vnfained Christians the true louers and professoures of thine only holy name which is to be blessed for euer Amen XV. For the possessyng of a peaceable and quiet conscience SEing thy kingdome O GOD as thou sayest is within vs and that it behooueth as thou haste taught vs to haue outward things of this world and the world it selfe in contempt and to embrace only with good affecte all inwarde things to the beautifying of the inwarde man whereby we shall the more aptly féele in déede thine holy kingdome to come into vs which kingdome is thine most high most glorious holy eternall and euerlasting a kingdome of ioy and peace in the holy ghost whereof the wicked hathe no parte in possession but only thine holy electe and precious redéemed inheritaunce Graunt vnto vs all we humbly pray thée such loue towardes thée and thine heauenly kingdome that for thy sake and for the loue therof we may cōtenine our selues estéeme but light of this life and set all this world at naughte And being lifted vp in spirite aboue oure selues and voide of all inordinate desires excelling in oure liues in all heauenly vertues and be suche in déede inwardly as we séeme to the worlde outwardly our soules may be made fit habitacles to enioy thy glorious presence with most happy felicitie extolling thy grace glorying in the woorkes of true holynesse and in the testimonie of a peaceable and quiette conscience which is in all menne a secrete knowledge a priuie opener inwarde accuser a ioyfull quieter of their myndes in all their dooings and a witnesse bearer of the truthe euen vnto the presence and precise iudgement of thée oure God. O graunt therfore vnto vs most gratious God so to be directed by thy holy spirite that oure consciences may be vnto vs vnstained and pure euen as a very perfecte and cleare glasse speedely to be looked into and plainely to sée in tyme with a true and perfecte sighte not onely the moste filthy foule spottes and enormious blemishes of oure sinnefull and sicke soules but also the very smallest or beginnings of diseases by soone quicke touche or sharpe pricke of remorse whereby feare may be conceiued of imminet daunger and by humble sute to flée fast vnto thée the moste readie perfecte and heauenly Phisition that we may be soone salued wyth the oyntment of thy diuine grace and not to be as the wicked whose consciences are moste déepely corrupted inwardly rankeled deade and benummed throughe carelesnesse and the custome of sinne that they cannot once féele sée nor perceyue their owne most lothsome sicknesse and deformitie of soule vntill thou O God by the stroke of thy deadly darte layest them open before theyr faces to their own confusion sodaine and swifte destruction and so their consciences being now foūd most déepely wounded the worm therof terribly gnawing biting and accusing them they fall most damnably into desperation without regard of thy maiestie or any hope at all of thy tender mercie O heauenly father and the only fountaine of all grace tourne thy face from oure sinnes deliuer vs from thy wrathfull indignation and so strengthen vs by the power and lighte of thine eternal spirit that we may be trained to the true knowledge and perfecte obedience of thy will that we may in all oure doings remember our profession and promisse possesse firme faithe which truely quieteth and setteth at rest the conscience of man feare thy iudgementes liue vprightly and worthily before thée glory in the testimonie of a good conscience sprinkled and cleansed with the bloud of thy sonne Christ enioy peace and true gladnesse not troubled inwardly but sléepe quietly not glorying in the praises of men but reioyce only in thée oure God in thy mercy and grace in thy holy truthe in the price of oure redemption and in the onely moste happie state of eternall felicitie which thou haste faithfully promised which thy sonne hathe purchased which vnto vs shall be performed most happely and in due time thorowe thine onely frée grace and loue towardes vs in the precious deathe and bloud shed of thine only sonne our alone sauiour only aduocate and mediator Iesus Christe Amen XVI To haue in remembrance the houre of death CAlling to mynde O eternall god the fickle state of humain felicitie the swifte passage of this brickle life how man standeth héere in a vaine shadowe freshly florishing like a floure to day and can to morowe no where be founde and as quickely forgotten as he is gone and yéeldeth then vp by the dint of death his swifte passage to God or to the Deuill O how it behooueth vs to startle sodainely to bestirre vs to looke aboute vs and to prepare spéedely for so sodayne assaulte But howe shall we Lorde standing in déede in such infelicitie slumbring in suche securitie so infected with frailetie so compassed with flatterie cloked in hipoerisie and ouerwhelmed with vanitie neither yet féele in oure selues any fighte or trouble of conscience prepare vs as we oughte for so conueniente a tyme Thou knowest O Lorde as by thy wrathe we iustly also féele howe sedainly vnwares death cruelly assaileth vs and strippeth vs from our pleasures vayne delectations and delusious of this deceitfull worlde We regarde nothing at all the sodaine comming of the sonne of man by whose mighty arme in our forgot fulnesse we he woorthily stricken to the death and to our mother the earth againe in whose entrails we were once brod and oute of whose moste ponsoned pappes we haue suckt the milke of all our deadly delites and with the brusting draught of our most beastly excesse we haue sodainely ouerthrowne our selues and haue very willingly faln vpon thy mercilesse swoorde of deathe Throughe which iudgement wort and terrible time we shall begin then to thinke with late wailing and wo far otherwise of our formen liues than we did before in the lulling dayes of our carnall delices we shall then conswer the greatnesse and granitie
pride O Lorde that art only omnipotente milde and mercyfull and the only perfect hope of thy beloued inheritance vpon whom thy grace hath moste fréely abounded and whose sinnes thou haste remitted by the onely oblation sacrifice and bloude shed of thy deare sorme Christ Iesus for which purchase and moste pretious redemption thou only requirest of them but to be beloued againe and that with an vpright staysdnesse an assured strength and true confidence only in thée and not otherwise vainely in any vaine man or other treatures and that they be not hautie in theyr owne eyes but possesse euen in thy sighte in them selues the spirit of méekenesse and of most lowly submission we most entirely beséeche thée to strengthen vs héerein with thine heauenly grace to stay vs vnto thy selfe to make vs humble in oure owne eyes that imitating the steppes of thy sonne we be not ashamed to beare in thy sight the contempt of this wretched world and to become with all lowlinesse and milde subiection euen very slaues to all others for the loues sake of thy deare sonne Iesus whose rule of Humilitie we haue moste truely professed and thereby promissed to beare with pacience bothe pouertie and all other afflictions in thys vale of wretched nesse where when and in what manner so euer it shall please thée to lay them vppon vs. O Lord so vpholde thou vs with thine heauenly grace that we staie not simplie vpon our owne selues or putte oure truste in others but flee faste from our selues and from all others and put oure whole and onely hope in thée endeuouring with all our powers bothe of bodie and minde to obey thy will trust only in thée that thou wilt always be the readie helper of oure good willes and a moste apte furtherer of all oure honest meanings Lette thy mercie O Lorde so be vppon vs that we be not vainely puffed vppe or putte confidence eyther in oure owne knoweledge or in the pollicie of any mortall manne but onely depende vppon thy Diuine fatherly prouidence which both helpest and géeuest thy grace to the humble and thrustest also downe the lostie and proude So temper vs lord with thine heauenly grace that we glory neither in our richesse if we haue them nor yet in our fréendes if they be mightie for thou moste mightie God haste dominion ouer their power and when thèy are alofte and exalted in their glorie thou throwest them downe abatest their corage and destroyest them with thy heauie hād but to glory as we ought only in thée which doest fréely minister vnto vs all things necessarie and destrest aboue all to giue thine owne selfe wholely vnto vs Thou O Lorde haste led vs the way to true humilitie that whether touching either the mightinesse beautie or cômlinesse of the body which being stricken with some light disease is by and by ouerthrowne and defaced we in no wise aduaunce our selues And least we stand most vainely in our owne conceits whether for oure owne towardenesse wisedome wit or in other things iudge better of our owne selues thā we doe of others we greatly offend and fall into thine heauie displeasure and bring thy wrathe vppon vs bicause we estéeme them not as thine owne proper giftes and so be thankefull vnto thée for them O graunt vnto vs therfore most gratious God thy spirite of méekenesse and true humblenesse that we may walke rightly before thée and haue in our selues and in thy sight cleane hartes constantelaithe and moste sure hope and considence trauing cōtinually thy spirit of romfort paciently therby to beare our crosse to folowe the example of our sauioure Christ and to beare with ioy the afflictions of this life through his merits precious death pastion Amen XII Against Couetousnesse IF we O thou iust terrible God coulde nowe thorowe thy grace euen in the middest of all oure iniquities heaping daily iniquitis vppon iniquitie remember yet in time thy certaine deter minatiō and threaiued iudgement vpon this world the plages thereof shortly enstring for the wickednesse of end 〈◊〉 harte and as thou haste tolde vs by thy Prophet Esay to lay to 〈◊〉 to make the face of the whole earth desolate and scatter abrode all the inhabitoures thereof bicause they haue offended thy lawes changed thine ordinalires and made thine euer lasting testament of 〈…〉 receiuing therfore with wee their most sharp bitter portion the taste of thy diuine fury vtter shame desolation swift confusion O what cause haue we then to remember in these oure dayes if through grace it might be for good this most vile sin abidng the rest the outragious 〈◊〉 couetousnesse that so diuersty woorketh the disglory of thy name spoyleth thy churches welfare Which in the estimation of this worlde so langely raigneth so vniuersally so familiarly yea also mercilesly ouerfloweth al deuoureth al hath al at his beck and hastneth fast vpō this geiteration an euil and pitilesse generation doubtlesse in the end now of this olde rotten worlde the sodaine and straight performance of thy hideous and fearefull premisses O Lord our God moste dangerous is our stats our dayes are most euill our desertes are great we haue sinned greuously thy plagues are iustly prepared and thy iudgements to condemnation by thy iustice are at hand vpon vs For who in effecte cā say from any sin his hart is clean or rather most mōstruously against nature not to be defiled either who can in conscience say that he féeles not in him selfe as priuately for him selfe and corruptly this most hurtfull and infectuous maladie of the soule which amongst all other contagious euils is moste perniceous and by the diuel him self déepely grafted in vs and is by him so closely crept in vnto vs that it hath ioyned it selfe euer to the very secrete affections of our hartes shewing it selfe a most diligent woorker a busie labourer or minister to the procuring bréeding encreasing norishing and bringing forthe of corruption ruption and sinnes innumerable couertly lurking in our filthie flesh sowly to the death issueth abrode in his time For it is as sayth thine holy Apostle the roote of all mischéefe and that all suche also as are the Rauens and gréedie Gripes or gutlings of the world and desirous of the deceiteful riches thereof fall without stay into temptations and snares and into many beastly foolish and noisome lusts which draw them into temptation and destruction Also he calleth it a woorshipping of idols it spoileth God of his honor and is therby in euery place of the holy Scriptures condemned and forbidden as a sinne most hainous horrible diuellishe and damnable bicause it is a moste curssed and venemous euill tied to ambition hautie and vaineglorious full of maliciousnesse ful of crueltie very tirannous and greeoely hunteth after bloud the déepe set séede doutlesse of the diuell who was a murtherer from the beginning hathe therewith by his subteltie maruellously