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A08833 The benefite of Christs death, or the glorious riches of Gods free grace which euery true beleeuer receiues by Iesus Christ, and him crucified. First compiled and printed in the Italian tongue: and afterwards translated and printed in the French tongue: and out of French into English, by A.G.; Beneficio di Christo. English Benedetto, da Mantova, fl. 1534-1541.; Flaminio, Marco Antonio, 1498-1550.; Golding, Arthur, 1536-1606, attributed name.; Paleario, Aonio, 1503-1570, attributed name. 1633 (1633) STC 19117; ESTC S107303 48,174 106

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of purpose to iustifie them and to glorifie them and to giue them euerlasting life according as our Lord Iesus Christ witnesseth saying This is the will of him that sent mee euen that euery one which seeth the Sonne and beleeueth in him should haue euerlasting life and I will raise him vp againe at the latter day And like as Moses lifted vp the Serpent in the Wildernesse so must the Sonne of man bee lifted vp to the end that euery one which beleeueth in him might not perish but haue life euerlasting Also he saith to Martha He that beleeueth in me shall liue although he were dead and euery one that liueth and beleeueth in mee shall not dye for euer And to a company of the Iewes he saith I am come a light into the world to the end that euery man which beleeueth in me should not abide in darkenesse And S. Iohn in his Epistle saith Herein appeared the loue of God towards vs for that God is loue and sent his onely begotten Son into this world that we might liue through him And herein is loue knowne not in that we loued God but in that he loued vs and sent his Son to make atonement for our sinnes And moreouer he sent him to destroy our enemies For the bringing whereof to passe he made him partaker of our flesh and of our blood as saith Saint Paul to the end that by his death hee might destroy him that had the dominion of death that is to wit the diuell and set all such at liberty as were subiect to bondage all their life long for feare of death Seeing then that we haue records of the holy Scripture concerning the promises whereof we haue spoken heretofore and concerning many other promises that are dispersed in diuers places of the same wee cannot doubt of it And forsomuch as the holy Scripture speaketh to all in generall none of vs ought to distrust in himselfe that the selfe-same thing which the Scripture saith should not belong particularly to himselfe And to the end that this point wherein lyeth and consisteth the whole mistery of our holy faith may be vnderstood the better let vs put the case that some good and holy King cause the Proclamation to be made thorow his whole Realme by the sound of a Trumpet that all Rebels and banished men shall safely returne home to their houses because that at the suite and desert of some deare friend of theirs it hath pleased him to pardon them certainly none of those Rebels ought to doubt of the obtaining of true pardon of his rebellion but rather ought assuredly to returne home to his house to liue vnder the shadow of that holy King And if he will not returne he shall beare the penaltie of it because that through his owne vnbeleefe hee dyeth in exile and in the displeasure of his Prince But this good King is the Lord of Heauen and Earth who for the obedience and desert of our good brother Iesus Christ hath pardoned vs all our sins and as we haue said afore hath made open Proclamation thorow the whold world that all of vs may safely returne into his kingdome Wherefore he that beleeueth this proclamation doth straight-wayes returne into Gods kingdome whereout we were driuen by the offence of our first parents and blessedly gouerned by Gods holy Spirit And he that giueth no credit to the said proclamation shall neuer inioy the said generall pardon but for his vnbeliefes fake shall abide in banishment vnder the tyranny of the diuell and liue and dye in extreme misery liuing and dying in the displeasure of the King of heauen and earth and that iustly For we cannot commit a greater offence against this good God then to account him as a lyer and deceiuer which verily wee doe in not giuing credit to his promises O how passing heauy is this deadly sinne of vnbeliefe which so farre forth as is possible bereaueth God of his glory and perfection besides the great harme that it doth to a mans selfe which is his owne damnation and the endlesse torment of his soule which the miserable conscience feeleth euen in this life But on the contrary hee that commeth vnto GOD with assurednesse of this faith beleeuing him without any mistrust or doubt of his promises and warranting himselfe for a certaintie that God will performe all that euer hee hath promised him giueth all the glory vnto God and liueth continually in rest and endlesse ioy euermore praising and thanking the Lord God for choosing him to the glory of the eternall life And hereof they haue an assured earnest penny and gage that is to wit the Sonne of God whom they take for their most louing Bridegroome the blood of whom hath made their hearts so drunken that through this passing holy beliefe there is in the Christian heart ingendred so liuely a hope and so certaine a trust of Gods mercy towards vs and such an operation is wrought in vs as we rest our selues wholly vpon God leauing the whole care of vs vnto him in such wise that being throughly assured of Gods good will wee are not afraid neither of the diuell nor of his ministers nor of death Which holy and stedfast trust of Gods mercy inlargeth our heart cheereth it vp and with certaine marueilous sweet affections directeth it vnto GOD filling it and setting it on fire with an exceeding feruent loue And therefore Paul incourageth vs to go with all boldnesse to the Throne of grace and hee counselleth vs that wee should not shake it off nor make light of our trust which hath great recompence reward But this so holy and diuine affiance is gendred in our hearts by the working of the H. Ghost who is cōmunicated vnto vs by faith which neuer goeth without the loue of God And hereof it cōmeth that we be prouoked to do good works with a certaine liuelinesse effectuall cheerefulnesse whereby we gather such a strength inclination to do them as we be throughly ready forward to do suffer all intolerable things for the loue glory of our most gracious mercifull Father who hath inriched vs with so abundant grace through Iesus Christ and of his enemies made vs his most deare children This true faith is no sooner giuen a man but hee is by and by indued and imprinted with a certaine violent loue of good works to yeeld right sweet and amiable fruits both vnto God likewise to his neighbour as a very good and fruitfull tree And it is no more possible that he should be otherwise then it is possible that a fagot should be set on fire not cast light immediatly This is the holy faith without the which it is vnpossible that any man should please God whereby all the holy men as well of the old Testament as of the New haue bin saued according as S. Paul witnesseth of Abraham concerning whom the Scripture saith That
Baptisme we put on Iesus Christ as the Apostle S. Paul affirmeth and consequently we be made partakers of his righteousnesse and of all his goods and vnder this precious robe the sinnes that our frailty committeth lye hidden and couered and are not imputed vnto vs. And so according as S. Paul saith the blessednesse which the Psalmist speaketh of appertaineth to vs namely Blessed are they whose misdoings are forgiuen and whose sinnes are couered Blessed is the man to whom the Lord imputeth not sinne But it standeth a Christian in hand to take good heed that vpon these words he take no liberty to sinne for this doctrine belongeth to none such as honour themselues with the name of Christians confessing Christ with their mouth and yet deny him in their deeds But it concerneth the true Christians who though they fight manfully against the flesh the world and the diuell doe notwithstanding fall daily and are constrained to say Lord forgiue vs our offences These are they to whom we speake to comfort them and to hold them vp that they fall not into despaire as though the bloud of Christ washed vs not from all sinne and that hee were not our aduocate and the atonement-maker for his members And therefore when we be prouoked to doubt of the forgiuenesse of our sinnes and that our owne conscience beginneth to trouble vs then must we furnish our selues with true faith and out of hand haue recourse to the precious bloud of Iesus Christ shed for vs vpon the altar of the Crosse and distributed to his Apostles at his last Supper vnder the veile of a most holy Sacrament which was ordained by Christ to the end that we should celebrate the remembrance of his death and that by the same visible Sacrament our troubled consciences might be assured of our atonement with God The blessed Iesus Christ made his last Will when he said This is my body which is giuen for you and This is my blood of the New Testament which is shed for many to the forgiuenesse of their sinnes We know that a Testament saith Saint Paul although it be but a mans Testament yet neuerthelesse if it be allowed no man despiseth it or addeth any thing to it and that no Testament is of force till the Testator be dead but hath full power after the parties decease Then did Iesus Christ make his Testament wherein he promiseth forgiuenesse of sinnes and the grace and good fauour of himselfe and his Father together with mercy and euerlasting life And to the intent that the said Testament should be of full force he hath confirmed it with his owne precious blood and with his owne death By reason whereof Saint Paul saith that Iesus Christ is the Mediator of the New Testament that by his dying for the redemption of those transgressions which were in the former Testament they that are called might receiue the promise of the eternall inheritance For wheresoeuer is a Testament there must also be the death of the Testator for the Testament is confirmed by the death of the party insomuch as it is of no value so long as the maker of it is aliue Wherefore we be very certaine and assured by the death of Iesus Christ that his Testament is auaileable whereby all our mis-deeds are pardoned and we made heires of eternall life And for a token and faithfull pledge hereof in stead of a Seale he hath left vs this diuine Sacrament which not onely giueth our soules assured hope of their euerlasting Saluation but also warranteth vnto vs that immortality of our flesh forasmuch as it is euen now quickned by that immortall flesh of his and in a certaine manner becommeth partaker of the immortality thereof and he that is partaker of that diuine flesh by faith shall not perish for euer But vnto him that receiueth it without the said faith it turneth to a dangerous poyson because that like as when bodily sustenance findeth the stomacke incumbred with euill humors it corrupteth likewise and worketh great annoyance euen so if this spirituall food light into a sinfull soule that is full of malice and mis-beliefe it casteth it headlong into some greater ruine not through it owne default but because that to the vncleane and vnbeleeuer all things are vncleane notwithstanding that the things bee sanctified by the Lords blessing For saith Saint Paul hee that eateth of that bread and drinketh of that cup vnworthily is guilty of the body and bloud of the Lord and he eateth and drinketh his owne damnation because he maketh no difference of the Lords Body For he maketh no difference of the Lords Body which presumeth to the Lords Supper without faith and charity And forasmuch as he beleeueth not that Body to be his life and the cleanser of all his sinnes he maketh Iesus Christ a lyer and treadeth the Sonne of God vnder foot and esteemeth the bloud of the Testament whereby hee was sanctified but as a common or worldly thing and doth great wrong to the Spirit of grace and he shall be punished very sore at Gods hand for this his vnbeliefe and wicked hypocrisie For whereas he reposeth not that trust of his iustification in the passion of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ yet neuerthelesse he receiueth this most holy Sacrament and maketh protestation that he putteth not his trust in any other thing Whereby he accuseth himselfe and is a witnesse of his owne iniquity and condemneth himselfe to euerlasting death by refusing the life which God promiseth him in that holy Sacrament And in this point when the Christian feeleth that his enemies are like to ouercome him that is to wit when he beginneth to doubt whether he haue receiued forgiuenesse of his sinnes by Iesus Christ and that he shall not be able to withstand the diuell and his temptations and that the accusation of his owne doubtfull conscience comes to presse him so as he beginneth to feare lest hell fire should swallow him vp and death hold him in his euerlasting bands by reason of Gods Wrath I say when the good Christian feeleth himselfe in such agony Let him get him to his holy Sacrament with a good heart and stout courage and receiue it deuoutly saying in his heart and answering his enemies thus I confesse I haue deserued a thousand hels and euerlasting death by reason of the great sinnes which I haue committed But this heauenly Sacrament which I receiue at that present assureth me of the forgiuenesse of all my misdoings and of mine atonement with God For if I haue an eye to my workes there is no doubt but I acknowledge my selfe a sinner and condemne mine owne selfe in such wise as my conscience should neuer bee quiet if I should thinke that my sinnes are pardoned me for my workes sake But when I looke to the promises and couenants of God who promiseth mee forgiuenesse of my sinnes by the bloud of Iesus Christ I
righteousnesse and euerlasting life are come by Iesus Christ and by him death is slaine whereof Saint Paul maketh a very godly discourse which I purpose to set downe here following Wherefore saith he like as by one man sinne entred into the world and death by sinne euen so death went ouer all men forasmuch as all men haue sinned For vntill the Law sinne was in the world but sinne was not regarded as long as there was no Law Neuerthelesse death reigned from Adam vnto Moses euen ouer them also that sinned not after the like manner of the transgression of Adam who was a figure of him that was to come But yet the gift is not so as is the offence for if through the offence of one many be dead much more the grace of God and the gift by grace which is by one man Iesus Christ hath abounded vnto many Neither is the gift so as that which entred in by one that sinned For the fault came of one offence vnto condemnation but the gift is of many offences to iustification For if by the offence of one death reigned through one much more shall they which receiue the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousnesse reigne in life through one that is Iesus Christ Likewise then as by the offence of one that fault came on all men to condemnation so by the righteousnesse of one the benefit abounded toward all men to the iustification of life For as by one mans disobedience many were made sinners so by the obedience of one shall many be also made righteous Moreouer the Law entred thereupon that the offence should abound neuerthelesse where sinne abounded there grace abounded much more that as sinne had reigned vnto death so might grace also reigne by righteousnesse vnto eternall life through Iesus Christ our Lord. By these words of St. Paul we manifestly perceiue the thing to be true which we haue said heretofore that is to wit that the Law was giuen to make sinne knowne which sin we doe also know not to be of greater force then Christs righteousnesse where-through we be iustified before God For euen as Iesus Christ is stronger then Adam was so is his righteousnesse more mightie then the sinne of Adam And if the sinne of Adam was sufficient inough to make all men sinners and children of wrath without any misdeed of our owne much more shall Christs righteousnesse be of greater force to make vs all righteous and the children of grace without any of our owne good works which cannot be good vnlesse that before we doe them wee our selues be made good as Augustine also affirmeth Hereby a man may know in what errour they be who by reason of some great offence despaire of Gods good will imagining that he is not willing to forgiue couer and pardon all sinne hauing already punished and chastised all our sinnes and iniquities in his owne onely begotten and dearely beloued Sonne and consequently granted a generall pardon to all mankinde which euery body enioyeth that beleeueth the Gospell that is to say which beleeueth the happy tydings that the Apostles haue published through the whole world saying We beseech you for Iesus Christs sake Be ye reconciled vnto God for he that neuer knew sinne was made a sacrifice for our sinne that we might become righteous in him The Prophet Esay foreseeing this great goodnesse of God writeth these heauenly words which doe so well paint out the passion of our Lord Iesus Christ and the cause thereof as it is not to be found better described euen in the writings of the Apostles Who saith he will beleeue our report and to whom is the arme of the Lord reuealed But he shall grow vp before him as a branch and as a root out of a dry ground he hath neither forme nor beautie when we shall see him there shall be no forme that wee should desire him Hee is despised and reiected of men he is a man full of sorrowes and hath experience of infirmities we hid as it were our faces from him he was despised and wee esteemed him not Surely he hath borne our infirmities and carried our sorrowes yet we did iudge him as plagued and smitten of God and humbled but he was wounded for our transgressions he was broken for our iniquities The chastisement of our peace was vpon him and with his stripes we are healed All wee like sheepe haue gone astray we haue turned euery one to his owne way and the Lord hath laid vpon him the iniquity of vs all he was oppressed and hee was afflicted yet did hee not open his mouth He is brought as a sheep to the slaughter and as a sheepe before the shearer is dumme so hee openeth not his mouth O great vnkindnesse O thing abominable that wee which professe our selues Christians and heare that the Sonne of God hath taken all our sins vpon him and washed them out with his precious blood suffering himselfe to be fastened to the Crosse for our sakes should neuerthelesse make as though we would iustifie our selues and purchase forgiuenesse of our sins by our owne works as who would say that the deserts righteousnesse and bloodshed of Iesus Christ were not enough to doe it vnlesse we came to put to our workes and righteousnesse which are altogether defiled and spotted with self-loue selfe-liking selfe-profit and a thousand other vanities for which we haue neede to craue pardon at Gods hand rather than reward Neither doe we thinke of the threatnings which S. Paul vseth to the Galatians who hauing beene deceiued by false Preachers beleeued not that the Iustification by Faith was sufficient of it selfe but went about still to be made righteous by the Law Vnto whom Saint Paul saith Iesus Christ shall nothing profit you that iustifie your selues by the Law for you be falne from Grace because that wee through the Spirit of faith waite for the hope of righteousnesse Now if the seeking of righteousnesse and forgiuenesse of sinnes by the keeping of the Law which God gaue vpon Mount Sinai with so great glory and maiesty be the denying of Christ and of his Grace what shall wee say to those that will needes iustifie themselues afore God by their owne lawes and obseruances I would wish that such folkes should a little compare the one with the other and afterward giue Iudgement themselues God mindeth not to doe that honour not to giue that glory to his owne Law and yet they will haue him to giue it to mens lawes and ordinances But that honour is giuen onely to his onely begotten Sonne who alone by the sacrifice of his death and passion hath made full amends for all our sinnes past present and to come as S. Paul and S. Iohn declare Wherefore as often as wee apply this satisfaction of Iesus Christ vnto our soules by faith out of all doubt we obtaine forgiuenesse of our sinnes and become good and righteous before God through his righteousnesse
his onely begotten and deare-beloued Son to the faithfull soule which hath not any other thing peculiar of her owne saue onely sinne and yet the Sonne of God hath not disdained to take her for his wel-beloued Spouse together with her peculiar dowry which is sinne And now by reason of the vnion which is in this holy marriage looke what the one hath is also the others Iesus Christ therefore saith thus The dowry of mans soule my deare wife that is to wit her sinnes and transgressings of the Law Gods wrath against her the boldnesse of the diuell ouer her the prison of hell and all other her euils are become mine and are in my power to doe what I list with them Wherefore it is at my choice to deale with them at my pleasure and therefore I will put out the hand-writing which is against the soule my wife I will take it out of the way I will fasten it to my crosse in mine owne body and in the same will I spoile principalities and powers and make a shew of them openly and triumph ouer them and consume them vtterly vnto nothing Now when God saw his Sonne who knew no sinne neither had any sinne in him thus willingly taking on him the foulenesse of our iniquity he made him to be sinne for vs euen the very sacrifice for our sinne and did sharply punish our sinne in him putting him to death euen the death of the Crosse Howbeit forasmuch as he was his wel-beloued and obedient Sonne he would not leaue him to death nor suffer his holy One to see corruption but raised him vp from death to life giuing him all power in heauen and earth and set him at his right hand in glory Now then the wife likewise with exceeding great ioy doth say The Realmes and Kingdomes of my most deare husband and Sauiour are mine by him I am an heire of Heauen my husbands riches that is to wit his holinesse his innocency his righteousnesse and his Godhead together with all his vertue and might are mine and for me and therefore in him I am holy innocent righteous and godly and there is not any spot in me I am well-fauoured and faire inasmuch as my lawfull husband hath not any blemish in him but is altogether goodly faire And sith that he is wholly mine and so consequently all that he hath is mine and all that he hath is pure and holy it followeth that I also am pure and holy Therefore to begin at his most innocent birth he hath thereby sanctified the birth of his Spouse conceiued in sinne The godly child-hood and youth of the Bridegroome hath iustified the childish and youthfull life of his dearely beloued Bride For the loue and vnion that is betwixt the soule of a true Christian and the Bridegroome Iesus Christ maketh all the workes of either of them to be common to them both By reason whereof when a man saith Iesus Christ hath fasted Iesus Christ hath prayed Iesus Christ was heard of the Father raised the dead draue diuels out of men healed the sicke dyed rose againe and ascended into Heauen Likewise a man may say that a Christian man hath done all the selfe-same workes forsomuch as the workes of Christ are the workes of the Christian because hath done them for him Verily a man may say that the Christian hath bin nailed to the Crosse buried raised againe is gone vp into heauen become the child of God and made partaker of the Godhead On the other side all the works that a Christian man doth are Christs workes because it is his will to take them for his And forasmuch as they be vnperfect and he throughly perfect and cannot away with any vnperfect thing he hath made them perfect with his vertues to the end that his wife should be alwayes ioyfull and well contented and not be afraid of any thing assuring her selfe that although there be yet still some default in her workes yet notwithstanding they be acceptable to God in respect of his Sonne vpon whom he hath his eyes alwayes fastened O that vnmeasurable goodnesse of God! How greatly is the Christian bound vnto God there is no loue of man be it neuer so great that may be compared with the loue that God beareth to the soule of euery faithfull Christian whereof Christ is the Bridegroome Whereupon S. Paul saith that Iesus Christ hath so loued his wife the Church which is builded of liuing stones that is of the soules of the beleeuing Christians that for to sanctifie her he hath offered himselfe to the death of the Crosse cleansing her with the washing of water by his Word to ioyne her to himselfe a glorious Church without spot or wrinkle or other like thing but that she should be holy and vnblameable that is to wit like vnto him in holinesse and innocency and also bee the true and lawfull daughter of God who hath loued the world so well that as Iesus Christ himselfe saith hee hath giuen his onely begotten Sonne to the end that euery one which beleeued in him should not perish but haue life euerlasting For God sent not his Son into the world to condemne the world but to the end that the World might be saued by him insomuch that hee which beleeueth in him shall not be damned Some man might demand after what manner the vnion of this holy Marriage is made and how the Soule which is the Bride and her Bridegroome Iesus Christ are knit together What assurance can I haue that my soule is vnited vnto Iesus Christ and become his Spouse How can I assuredly glory that I am Queene and Mistresse of his great riches as a wife may I can easily beleeue that other folkes shall receiue this honour and glory but I cannot perswade my selfe that I am one of those same to whom God hath giuen so great grace For I know mine owne wretchednesse imperfection My deare-beloued brother I answer thee that thine assurance consisteth in true and liuely faith wherewith as S. Peter saith God cleanseth mens hearts And this faith is grounded in the beleeuing of the Gospell that is to say in the beleeuing of the glad tidings which haue bin published on Gods behalfe thorow the whole world which tidings containeth in effect that God hath vsed the rigorousnesse of his iustice against Iesus Christ chastising and punishing all our sinnes in him And whosoeuer receiueth this good tidings and beleeues it stedfastly hath the true faith and doth enioy the forgiuenesse of his sinnes and is also reconciled vnto God and of the child of wrath is become the child of Grace and recouering the Image of God entreth into the Kingdome of God and is made the Temple of God who marrieth mans soule to his onely Sonne by the meane of this faith which faith is a worke of God and the gift of God as S. Paul saith oftentimes And God giueth it vnto those whom he calleth to him
I pray thee now thou good and deuout Christian consider well which of these two opinions is the truest holiest and worthiest to be preached Ours which aduanceth the benefit of Iesus Christ and pulleth downe the pride of man which would exalt his owne works against Christs glory or the other which by affirming that faith of it selfe iustifieth not defaceth the glory and benefit of Iesus Christ and puffeth vp the pride of man who cannot abide to be iustified freely by our Lord Iesus Christ without some merit of his owne But say they it is a great quickning vp to good workes to say that a man maketh himselfe righteous before God by meanes of them I answer that wee also confesse that good workes are acceptable to God and that hee of his meere grace and free liberality recompenseth them in Paradise But we say moreouer that no workes are good sauing those that S. Austin saith are done by those that are become righteous through faith because that if the tree be not good it cannot yeeld good fruit And furthermore we say that such as are become righteous through faith forasmuch as they know themselues to be righteous through Gods righteousnesse purchased by Christ make no bargaining with God for their workes as though they would buy their manner of iustification such as it is with them but being inflamed with the Loue of God and desirous to glorifie Iesus Chiist who hath made them righteous by giuing them his merits and riches they bestow all their whole study and labour to doe Gods will fighting manfully against the loue of themselues and against the world and the Diuell And when they fall through frailty of the flesh they recouer themselues by and by and are so much the more desirous to doe good and so much the more in loue with their God considering that he layeth not their sinnes to their charge because they be ingrafted into Iesus Christ who hath made full amends for all his members vpon the tree of his crosse and maketh continuall intercession for them to the eternall Father who for the loue of his onely begotten Sonne beholdeth them alwayes with a gentle countenance gouerning and defending them as his most deare children and in the end giuing them the heritage of the world making them like fashioned to the glorious Image of Christ These louing motions are the spurres that pricke forward the true Christians to doe good workes who considering that they are become the children of God through faith and made partakers of his diuine nature are stirred vp by the holy Ghost dwelling in them to liue as it becommeth the children of so great a Lord and are greatly ashamed that they maintaine not the beauty of their heanenly Noblenesse and therefore they imploy their whole indeauour to the following of their first borne brother Iesus Christ liuing in great lowlinesse and meekenesse in all things seeking the glory of God giuing their liues for their brethren doing good to their enemies glorying in the sufferance of reproaches and in the Crosse of our Lord Iesus Christ and saying with Zachary We be deliuered out of keth euery of vs to possesse Christ and all that is his as wee possesse our owne garment And therefore to be clothed with Iesus Christ is nothing else but to beleeue for a certainty that Christ is wholly ours and so is he in very deed if we beleeue so and hold our selues assured that by the same heauenly garment we bee receiued into fauour before God For it is most certaine that he as a most deare Father hath giuen vs his Sonne meaning that all his righteousnesse and all that euer he is can or hath done should be in our power and iurisdiction in such wise as it should bee lawfull for vs to make our boast of them as if we had done purchased and deserued them by our owne strength And whosoeuer beleeueth this shall find that his beleefe is good and true as we haue shewed heretofore Then must the Christian haue a stedfast faith and beleefe that all the goods all the graces and all the riches of Iesus Christ are his for sith that God hath giuen vs Iesus Christ himselfe how should it be possible that hee hath not giuen vs all things with him Now if this be true as true it is in deed the Christian may rightly say I am the childe of God and Iesus Christ is my brother I am Lord of Heauen and Earth and of hell and of death and of the law in so much as the law cannot accuse me nor lay any curse vpon mee because the righteousnesse of God is become mine And this faith is it alone that maketh a man to be called a Christian and which cloatheth him with Iesus Christ as we haue said afore And boldly may this be called a great mystery whereunder are contained marueilous things and things not heard of concerning that great God which cannot enter into mans heart except God doe first soften it with his holy grace as he hath promised to doe by his holy Prophet saying I will giue you a new heart and I will put a new minde into you and I will take away the stony heart out of your body and I will giue you a heart of flesh Now then hee that beleeueth not after the said manner that Iesus Christ with all the goods that he possesseth is his cannot call himselfe a true Christian nor euer haue a quiet and ioyfull conscience nor a good and feruent courage to doe good but shall easily faint in doing of good works yea and moreouer hee shall neuer bee able to doe workes that are truely good This onely beleefe and trust that wee haue in the merits of Iesus Christ maketh men true Christians stout cheerefull merry louers of God ready to doe good works possessors of Gods Kingdome and of God himselfe and his right deare-beloued children in whom the holy Ghost doth truely dwell What heart is so cowardly cold and vile which considering the inestimable greatnesse of the gift that God hath bestowed vpon him in giuing him his owne so well-beloued Sonne with all his perfectnesse is not inflamed with an exceeding earnest desire to become like vnto him in good works specially seeing that the Father hath giuen him vnto vs for an example whereon we must continually looke framing our life after such a sort as it may be a true counterpaine of the life of Iesus Christ forasmuch as Christ as saith Saint Peter hath suffered for vs leauing vs an ensample to the end that we should follow his footsteps Out of this consideration issueth another kinde of cloathing of a mans selfe with Christ which we may tearme an example cloathing for so much as the Christian must frame his whole life after the example of Christ fashioning himselfe like vnto him in all his deedes words and thoughts leauing his former wicked life and decking himselfe with the new life that is to wit with the
life of Christ By reason whereof S. Paul saith Let vs cast away the works of darknesse and put on the armour of light not in feasting nor in drunkennesse nor in chambring and wantonnes nor in strife but put vpon you the Lord Iesus Christ and make no preparation for the flesh nor for the lusts thereof Hereupon the true Christian being in loue with Iesus Christ saith in himselfe Sith that Iesus Christ not hauing any need of me hath redeemed me with his owne blood and is become poore to enrich mee I will likewise giue my good yea and my very life for the loue and welfare of my neighbour And like as I am cloathed with Iesus Christ for the loue hee hath borne to mee so will I haue my neighbour in Christ to cloath himselfe with mee and with my goods likewise for the loue that I beare him for Christs sake He that doth not so is no true Christian for hee cannot say that hee loueth Iesus Christ if hee loue not the members and brothers of him and if we loue not our neighbour for whose sake Christ hath shed his blood wee cannot truely say that wee loue Iesus Christ who beeing equall with God was obedient to his Father euen to the death of the Crosse and hath loued and redeemed vs giuing himselfe vnto vs with all that euer hee hath After the same manner we being rich and hauing him forsake himselfe and take vs his Crosse and follow me But the chiefe cause of this crosse is for that our God purposeth to mortifie the affections of our mind and the lusts of our flesh by that exercise to the end we may conceiue in our selues the great perfection wherein we be comprized by our Lord Iesus Christ by being grafted into him Also his will is that our faith being fined like gold in the furnace of troubles should shine bright to his glory Moreouer his intent his that we by our infirmities should set out his great power which the world in despite of it beholdeth in vs in asmuch as our frailty becommeth strong by troubles and persecutions and the more that it was beaten downe and oppressed so much the more it is strong and stedfest Whereof the Apostle S. Paul saith We carry this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellency of the power might be Gods and not ours On all sides we suffer tribulation but wee are not ouercome we be poore but not ouercome of pouerty wee suffer persecution but yet are we not forsaken we be despised but yet wee perish not and so we dayly beare about vs the dying of our Lord Iesus Christ in our body that the life of Iesus Christ may also be openly shewed in vs. And seeing the case is so that our Lord Iesus Christ and all his deare Disciples glorified God by tribulations let vs also imbrace them ioyfully and say with the Apostle S. Paul God forbid that I should glory saue in the Crosse of our Lord Iesus Christ and let vs so deale as the world may whether it will or no perceiue and see with his eyes the wonderfull effects that God worketh in such as sincerely imbrace the grace of his Gospell Let vs so deale I say as the worldlings may see with how great quietnesse of mind the true Christians indure the losse of their goods the death of their children slanders the diseases of the body and the persecutions of false christians and also that they may see how the onely true Christians doe worship God in spirit and truth taking in good worth at his hand whatsoeuer hapneth and holding all that hee doth to bee good righteous and holy praising him alwayes for the same whether it be in prosperity or aduersity thanking him as a most gracious and louing father and acknowledging it for a right great gift of Gods goodnesse to suffer any aduersity and chiefly for the Gospell and for following the steps of Christ specially for as much as we know that tribulation ingendreth patience and patience triall and triall hope and hope maketh vs not ashamed I say that patience ingendreth tryall because that whereas God hath promised helpe in trouble to such as trust in him we find it by experience in that wee continue strong and stedfast all the while and are vpholden by the hand of God which thing we could not doe with all the powers that we haue of our owne So then by patience we find that our Lord giueth vs the helpe that hee hath promised vs at our need whereby our hope is confirmed And it were an ouer-great vnthankefulnesse not to trust to such an ayde and fauour for the time to come as we haue found by experience to be so certaine and stedfast heretofore But what need we so many words It ought to suffice vs to know that the true Christians are through tribulation cloathed with the Image of our Lord Iesus Christ crucified which if we beare willingly and with a good heart we shall in the end be cloathed with the Image of Iesus Christ glorified For as the passions of Iesus Christ doe abound so through him shall the consolations ouerabound and if we suffer with him heere below for a time we shall also raigne with him there aboue for euer CHAP. VI. Certaine remedies against distrust BVt forasmuch as the diuell and mans wisedome labour continually to dispossesse vs of this most holy faith wherethrough we beleeue that all our sins are chastised and punished in Iesus Christ and that through his most precious bloodshed wee be reconciled to the Maiesty of God it is very needfull for a Christian to haue his weapons alwayes in a readinesse to defend himselfe from the said most mischieuous temptation which seeketh to bereaue the soule of her life Among the said weapons in my iudgement the mightiest and best are Prayer the often vse of the holy Communion the remembring of holy Baptisme and the minding of Predestination In our Prayer we may well say with the father of the poore Lunatike person of whom mention is made in the Gospell of S. Marke Lord Iesus helpe mine vnbeliefe Or else we may say with the Apostles Lord increase our faith And if there raigne in vs a continuall desire to grow in faith hope and loue wee will continually pray as Saint Paul instructeth vs. For Prayer is nothing else but a feruent mind settled vpon God By the remembring of Baptisme we shall assure our selues that we are at peace with God And forasmuch as S. Peter saith that the Arke of Noe was a figure of Baptisme therefore like as Noe was saued from the floud by the Arke because he beleeued the promises of God so also are we by faith saued in Baptisme from Gods Wrath. Which faith is grounded vpon the Word of our Lord Iesus Christ who saith that he which beleeueth and is baptized shall bee saued And good right it is for in
all the other parts so ought wee to determine with our selues that our brother feeleth not any inconuenience which should not mooue vs to compassion With such manner of thoughts must we prepare our selues to this holy Sacrament quickning vp our spirits with a feruent loue to our neighbourward For what greater spurre can we haue to pricke vs to loue one another then to see that Iesus Christ by giuing himselfe vnto vs not only allureth vs to giue our selues one to another but also by making himselfe common to vs all maketh vs also to be all one selfe-same thing in him In respect whereof we ought to couet and procure that in all of vs there may be but one minde one heart and one tongue accorded and vnited together in thoughts words and deeds And wee must marke well that as oft as wee receiue this holy and worthy Sacrament wee bind our selues to all the duties of charitie as not to offend any of our brethren nor to leaue any thing vndone that may bee profitable and helpefull in their necessitie But if there come any to this heauenly Table of the Lord that are diuided at variance with their brethren the same must assure themselues that they eate vnworthily and are guiltie of the body and blood of the Lord and that they eate and drinke their owne damnation for that there wanted nothing on their behalfe but that the body of Iesus Christ was rent and plucked in pieces againe whilest they by hatred are diuided from their brethren that is to wit from the members of Iesus Christ and haue not any part with him and yet neuerthelesse in receiuing this holy communion pretended to beleeue that their whole saluation consisteth in the participation and vnion with Iesus Christ Then let vs goe my brethren to the receiuing of this heauenly bread to celebrate the remembrance of our Lords passion and to strengthen and fortifie the beliefe and assurance of the forgiuenesse of our sinnes with the remembrance thereof and to quicken vp our minds and tongues to praise and exalt the infinite goodnesse of our God and finally to cherrish brotherly loue and to witnesse the same one to another by the straight vnion which all of vs haue in the body of our Lord Iesus Christ Besides prayer and the remembring of Baptisme and the often resorting to the most holy communion there is one other very good remedy against distrust and fearefulnesse which is no lesse friend to Christian charity namely the remembrance of our predestination and election to eternall life grounded vpon the Word of God which is the Sword of the H. Ghost wherewith we may beat backe our enemies Reioyce ye in this saith the Lord that your names are written in heauen There is no greater ioy in this life nor any thing that more comforteth the Christian that is afflicted tempted or falne into any sinne then the remembrance of predestination and the assuring of our selues that we be of the number of them whose names are written in the Booke of life and which are chosen to be fashioned like vnto the Image of Iesus Christ O how vnspeakeable is the comfort of him that hath this faith and museth continually in his heart vpon this exceeding sweet predestination whereby he knoweth that although he fall often yet notwithstanding God his Father who hath fore-ordained him to euerlasting life holdeth him vp and reacheth out his hand vnto him continually And he saith continually in himselfe If God haue chosen me and predestinated me to the glory of his children who can hinder me If God bee with vs saith S. Paul who can be against vs Nay rather to the end that the Predestination may be accomplished in vs he hath sent his deare-beloued Sonne who is a most sure earnest penny and pledge vnto vs that we which haue receiued the Grace of the Gospell are Gods Children chosen to eternall life This holy Predestination maintaineth the true Christian in a continuall spirituall ioy increaseth in him the indeauour of good workes and inflameth him with the loue of God and maketh him enemy to the world and to sinne Who is so fierce and hard-hearted which knowing that God of his mercy hath made him his child from euerlasting will not by and by be inflamed to loue God Who is of so vile and base courage that hee will not esteeme all the pleasures all the honours and all the riches of the world as filthy mire when he knowes that God hath made him a Citizen of heauen yea these are they that worship God rightly in spirit and truth receiuing all things as well in prosperity as in aduersity at the hand of God their Father and euermore praising and thanking him for all as their good Father who is righteous and holy in all his workes These being inflamed with the Loue of God and armed with the knowledge of their predestination feare neither death nor sin nor the diuell nor hell neither know they what the wrath of God is for they see none other thing in God but loue and fatherly kindnesse towards them And if they fall into any troubles they accept them as tokens of Gods fauour crying out with S. Paul Who is it that shall separate vs from Gods loue shall tribulations shall anguish shall persecution or hunger or nakednesse or perill or sword as it is written For thy sake are we killed all the day long and counted as sheepe appointed to the slaughter But in all these things we get the vpper hand through him that hath loued vs. Wherefore it is not for nought that Saint Iohn saith how the true Christians know right well that they must be saued and glorified and that by reason of the same affiance they make themselues holy as Iesus Christ is holy And when Saint Paul exhorteth his Disciples to a good and holy life he is wont to put them in remembrance of their election and predestination as of a thing of very great force to stirre vp the minds of the true Christians to the louing of God and to the performance of good workes And for the same cause our good Lord Iesus Christ speaketh openly of this holy predestination as one that knew of how great importance the knowledge thereof is to the edifying of his elect But perchance thou wilt say to me I know well that they whose names are written in heauen haue cause to liue in continuall ioy and glorifie God both in word and deed but I know not whether I am of that number or no and therefore I liue in continuall feare specially because I know my selfe to be an exceeding weake and fraile sinner from the violence whereof I am not able to defend my selfe but that I am ouercome of it daily And furthermore forasmuch as I see my selfe continually afflicted and troubled with diuers temptations mee thinkes I doe as it were behold with mine eyes the wrath of God scourging
Iesus Christ doe continually reioyce with an vnspeakeable and glorious ioy notwithstanding that they be afflicted with diuers temptations And therefore when the holy Scripture threatneth and frayeth the Christians they must vnderstand that it speaketh to such as are so licentious that forsomuch as they keepe not the thankefulnesse and honesty that belong to Gods children they must bee handled as seruants and held in awe vntill they come to taste and feele how sweet and pleasant the Lord is and vntill such time as faith worke his effects in them and that they haue so much childly loue as may suffice to keepe and maintaine them in honesty of Christian conuersation and in following the example of our Lord Iesus Christ And when the selfe-same Scripture exhorteth Christians to the true feare it meaneth not that they should feare the iudgement and wrath of God as though it were presently ready to condemne them for as I haue said already by the record which the holy Ghost giueth to their spirit they know that God hath chosen them and called them of his owne meere mercy and not for their deserts By reason whereof they doubt not at all but that by the self-same goodnesse and mercy he will maintaine them in the happy state wherein he hath placed them And after such manner the Scripture exhorteth them not to slauish feare but to childish feare that is to wit that like good children they should bee loth to offend against the Christian Religion or to commit any thing against the dutie and honesty of Gods true children and likewise to grieue the holy Ghost that dwelleth in them to the end that knowing the corruptednesse of our nature we should alwayes be heedfull and diligent and neuer haue any trust in our selues for in our flesh and in our minds doe the appetites and affections continually dwell which as deadly enemies of the soule lay a thousand snares and baites for vs incessantly labouring to make vs proud ambitious lecherous and couetous This is the feare whereunto the whole Scripture exhorteth the Christians that haue once tasted how sweet the Lord is and which bestow all their endeauour in following Christs foot-steps who cast not from them this holy feare because they labour to put off the old man And the good Christians must neuer bereaue themselues quite and cleane of this childly feare which is the singular friend of Christian charitie like as the slauish feare is such an enemy vnto it as they can by no meanes dwell together And by the foresaid things a man may plainly perceiue that the good Christian ought neuer to doubt of the forgiuenesse of his sins nor of Gods fauour Neuerthelesse for the better satisfying of the Reader I purpose to set downe herevnder certaine authorities of the holy Doctors which confirme this foresaid truth St. Hilary in his fifth Canon vpon Matthew saith It is Gods will that we should hope without any doubting of his vnknowne will For if the beleefe be doubtfull there can be no righteousnesse obtained by beleeuing And thus we see that according to S. Hilary a man obtaineth not forgiuenesse of his sinnes at Gods hand except he beleeue vndoubtedly to obtaine it And good right it is that it should be so For he that doubteth is like a waue of the Sea which is tossed and turmoyled with the wind And therefore let not such a one thinke to obtaine any thing at Gods hand But let vs heare S. Austin who in his Manuell counselleth vs to driue away the said foolish imagination which intendeth to dispossesse vs of the foresaid good and sage assurednesse Let such foolish imagination saith he murmure as much as it listeth saying Who are thou how great is that glory by what deserts hopest thou to obtaine it I answer assuredly I know in whom I haue beleeued and I know that hee of his great loue hath made me his sonne I know he is true of his promise and able to performe his word for he can doe what he will And when I thinke vpon the Lords death the multitude of my sinnes cannot dismay me for in his death doe I put all my trust His death is my whole desert it is my refuge it is my saluation my life and resurrection and the mercy of the Lord is my desert I am not poore of desert so long as the Lord of mercy faileth me not And sith the mercies of the Lord are many many also are my deseruings The more that he is of power to saue the more am I sure to be saued The same S. Austin talking with God in another place saith that he had despaired by reason of his great sinnes and infinite negligences if the Word of God had not become flesh And anon after he saith these words All my hope all the assurance of my trust is settled in his precious bloud which was shed for vs and for our saluation In him my poore heart taketh breath and putting my whole trust in him I long to come vnto thee O Father not hauing mine owne righteousnesse but that righteousnesse of thy Sonne Iesus Christ In these two places St. Austin sheweth plainely that the Christian must not be afraid but assure himselfe of righteousnesse by grounding himselfe not vpon his owne workes but vpon the precious bloud of Iesus Christ which cleanseth vs from all our sinnes and maketh our peace with God Saint Bernard in his first Sermon vpon the Annunciation saith most euidently that it is not ynough to beleeue that a man can haue forgiuenesse of his sinnes but by Gods mercy nor any one good desire or ability to doe so much as one good worke except God giue it him no nor that a man cannot deserue eternall life by his workes but if God giue him the gift so to beleeue But besides all these things saith Saint Bernard which ought rather to be counted a certaine entrance and foundation of our faith it is needfull that thou beleeue also that thy sinnes are forgiuen thee for the Loue of Iesus Christ See how this holy man confesseth that it is not ynough to beleeue generally the forgiuenesse of sinnes but he must also beleeue particularly that his owne sinnes are forgiuen him by Iesus Christ and the reason is ready at hand namely that forasmuch as God hath promised thee to accept thee for righteous through the merits of Iesus Christ if thou beleeue not that thou art become righteous through him thou makest God a lyer and consequently thou makest thy selfe vnworthy of his grace and liberality But thou wilt say to me I beleeue well the forgiuenesse of sinnes and I know that God is true but I am afraid that I am not worthy to haue so great a gift I answer that the forgiuenesse of thy sinnes shall not be a gift or free grace but a wages if God should giue it thee for the worthynesse of thy workes But I reply vpon thee that God accepteth thee
man to deserue so great a gift and treasure as Iesus Christ is This treasure is giuen only through the grace fauour and mercifulnesse of God and onely faith is the thing that receiueth such a gift as to make vs inioy the forgiuenesse of our sinnes And therefore when S. Paul and other Doctors say that onely faith maketh men righteous without works they meane that it maketh vs to enioy the generall forgiuenesse of our sinnes and to receiue Iesus Christ who as saith S. Paul dwelleth in our hearts by faith and ouercomming and pacifying the troubles of our consciences satisfieth Gods iustice for our sinnes Furthermore it appeaseth Gods wrath iustly moued against vs quencheth the fire of hell whereinto our naturall corruption did throw vs headlong and cheerefully destroyeth and ouerthroweth the diuell together with all his power and tyranny Which things all the workes that all the men in the world can lay together are not able to deserue nor to bring to passe That glory and that prerogatiue is reserued all onely to the Sonne of God that is to wit to the blessed Iesus Christ who hath power aboue all the powers that are in Heauen in Earth and in Hell and giueth himselfe and his merits to all such as distrusting in themselues doe set their whole hope of being saued in him and in his merits And therefore let no man beguile himselfe when he heareth it said that onely faith iustifieth without workes and thinke as false Christians doe who draw all things to liue fleshly that the true faith consisteth in beleeuing the bare story of Iesus Christ after the same manner as men beleeue the story of Caesar or Alexander Such manner of beleefe is but an historicall beleefe grounded meerely vpon the report of men and vpon their writings and lightly imprinted in our conceit by a certaine custome and is like to the faith of the Turks who for the like reasons beleeue the fables of their Alcoran And such a faith is but an imagination of man which neuer renueth the heart of man nor warmeth it with the loue of God neither do any good workes insue or any change of life which faith should bring forth And therefore they falsly hold opinion against the holy Scripture and against the holy Doctors of the Church that onely faith maketh not men righteous but that they must also haue workes Vnto whom I answer That this historicall and fond beliefe and all the workes that insue thereof are not onely vnable to make a man righteous but also doe cast the parties headlong to the bottome of hell like vnto those that haue no oyle in their lamps that is to say no liuely faith in their hearts The faith that maketh men righteous is a worke of God in vs whereby our old man is crucified and we being transformed in Iesus Christ become new creatures and the deare beloued children of God This heauenly faith is it that graffeth vs into the death and resurrection of Iesus Christ and consequently mortifieth our flesh with the effects and lusts thereof For when we by the operation of faith doe know our selues to be dead with Iesus Christ wee are at a full point with our selues and with the world and are throughly resolued how it is meet that they which are dead with Iesus Christ should mortifie their earthly members that is to wit the sinfull affections of their minde and the lusts of the flesh and forasmuch as wee know wee bee raised againe with Christ we bend our selues to the leading of a spirituall and holy life like vnto that which we shall liue in heauen after the last resurrection This holy faith making vs to inioy the generall pardon that is published by the Gospell bringeth vs into the kingdome of our good God and pacifieth our consciences maintaining vs in continuall ioy and holy and spirituall sweetnesse This selfe-same faith knitteth vs vnto God and maketh him to dwell in our hearts and clotheth our soule with himselfe so as thenceforth the holy Ghost mooueth vs to doe the same things whereunto hee mooued Iesus Christ while he was in the world and was conuersant among men that is to wit vnto lowlinesse meekenesse obedientnesse vnto God louingnesse and other perfections where-through wee recouer the image of God For these selfe-same causes Iesus Christ did rightly attribute blessednesse vnto this inspired faith which blessednesse cannot bee without good workes and holinesse of life And how can it be that a Christian should not become holy seeing that Iesus Christ is become his holinesse through faith Therefore by faith we be iustified and saued and therefore S. Paul doth in a manner alwaies call those Saints whom we call now Christians who if they haue not Christs Spirit are none of Christs and consequently no Christians at all But if they haue the Spirit of Iesus Christ to rule and gouerne them we must not doubt but that although they know well that they bee made righteous through faith onely yet for all that they will become neuer the more slothfull to do good works For Christs Spirit is the Spirit of loue and loue cannot be idle nor cease from the doing of good works But if wee will say the truth a man can doe no good works except he first know himselfe to be become righteous by faith for before he knoweth that his doing of good works is rather to make himselfe righteous then for the loue and glory of God and so he defileth all his works with selfe-loue for the loue of himselfe and for his owne profit But hee that knoweth himselfe to be become righteous by the merits and righteousnesse of Christ which hee maketh his owne by faith laboureth happily and doth good works all only for the loue and glory of Christ and not for loue of himselfe nor to make himselfe righteous And thereupon it commeth that the true Christian that is to wit he that accounteth himselfe righteous by reason of Christs righteousnesse asketh not whether good works be commanded or not but being wholly moued and prouoked with a certaine violence of godly loue he offereth himselfe willingly to doe all the works that are holy and Christian-like and neuer ceaseth to doe well Hee therefore which feeleth not the marueilous effects by his faith which we haue heretofore declared that the inspired faith works in the heart of the Christian Let him assure himselfe that he hath not the Christian faith and let him pray earnestly vnto God to giue it him saying Lord helpe mine vnbeliefe And when he heareth it said that only faith maketh men righteous let him not deceiue himselfe and say What need I to weary my selfe in doing good works faith is inough to send mee to Paradise To such an one I answer that only faith sendeth vs to Paradise but yet let him take good heed for the diuels doe also beleeue and tremble as saith Saint Iames O miserable man wilt thou goe with them
me To answer to these doubts of thine I say my right deare brother that thou must assure thy selfe that all these are but temptations of the diuell who by all meanes seeketh to rob vs of that faith and confidence that springeth of faith and assureth vs of Gods good will towards vs. He laboureth to strip our soules out of this precious garment for he knoweth that none is a true Christian except he beleeue Gods Word which promiseth forgiuenesse of all sinnes and peace to all them which accept the grace of the Gospel Verily I say that he which vpon these promises of God perswadeth not himselfe assuredly that God is a mercifull and louing Father vnto him nor with stedfast confidence looketh to receiue the inheritance of the heauenly Kingdome at his hand is not faithfull in deed and maketh himselfe vtterly vnworthy of Gods Grace In respect whereof S. Paul saith that we be the Temple of God so far forth as we firmely maintaine the confidence and glory of our hope vnto the end And in another place he exhorteth that we should not giue ouer our trust which hath great reward of recompence And therefore my brethren let vs giue our whole endeauour to do the Will of God as it becommeth good children and beware that we sin not as neere as we can And although we fall oftentimes into sin through our owne frailty yet let vs not by and by surmize that we bee vessels of wrath or that we be vtterly forsaken of the holy Ghost for we haue our Aduocate Iesus Christ before Gud the Father and he is the atonement-maker for our sinnes Let vs bethinke vs of the opinion of S. Austin who saith that none of the Saints is righteous and without sinne and yet notwithstanding that he ceaseth not to be righteous and holy so farreforth as he retaines his holinesse with affection And therefore if we haue afflictions and tribulations let vs not thinke that God sends them because he is our enemy but because he is our most louing Father The Lord saith Salomon chastiseth him whom he loueth and scourgeth euery child of his whom he receiueth Wherefore if we haue receiued the Grace of the Gospell whereby man is receiued of God for his Child we must not doubt of Gods grace and good will towards vs. And when wee perceiue our selues to delight in Gods Word and to haue a desire to follow the life of Iesus Christ we must stedfastly beleeue that we be the children of God and the Temple of the holy Ghost for those things cannot be done by the power of mans wisedome but are the gifts of the holy Ghost who dwelleth in vs by faith and is as it were a seale of authority which sealeth vp Gods promises in our hearts the certainety whereof is printed aforehand in our minds and is giuen vs as a pledge to stablish and confirme the same As soone as you beleeue saith the Apostle S. Paul ye be sealed by the holy Spirit of promise who is the earnest peny of our inheritance Behold how he sheweth vs hereby that the hearts of the faithfull are marked with the holy Ghost as it were with a seale in respect whereof he calleth the holy Ghost The Spirit of promise forsomuch as he confirmeth the promise of the Gospell the which as I haue oftentimes told you is a happy tydings that promiseth forgiuenesse of sinnes and euerlasting life to all such as beleeue that all their misdoings are blotted out in Iesus Christ All we that beleeue in Iesus Christ saith Saint Paul are become the children of God and because we be his children he hath sent the Spirit of his Sonne into our heart which cryeth Father Father And to the Romanes Those saith hee that are guided by the Spirit of God are the children of God for yee haue not receiued againe the spirit of bondage in feare but the Spirit of adoption whereby we cry Father Father For certainely the same Spirit beareth our spirit record that we be the children of God Now then if we be children we be also heires And we must marke well that in these two places the Apostle S. Paul speaketh plainely not of any speciall reuelation but of a certaine record which the holy Ghost doth commonly yeeld to all such as receiue the grace of the Gospell Then if the holy Ghost assure vs that we be Gods children and heires why should we doubt of our predestination The same man saith in the same Epistle Whom he hath predestinated them hath he also called and whom he hath called them hath he also made righteous and whom he hath made righteous them also hath he glorified What shall we then say to all these things If God be on our side who can be against vs And therefore if I plainely perceiue that God hath called me by giuing me faith and the fruits of faith that is to wit Peace of conscience mortification of the flesh and quickning of the spirit whether it be in whole or in part why should I doubt that I am not predestinated And moreouer we say with S. Paul that all true Christians that is to wit all such as beleeue the Gospell receiue not the spirit of this world but the Spirit that commeth from God by the inspiration whereof they discerne the things that God hath giuen them What maruell then is it if wee know that God hath certainly giuen vs euerlasting life But there are some which say that no man ought to presume so farre as to boast himselfe to haue the Spirit of God They speake in such wise as if the Christian should glory of the hauing of it for his owne deserts and not by the onely and meere mercy of God and as though it were a presumptuousnesse to professe himselfe a Christian or as though a man could bee a Christian without the hauing of Christs Spirit or as though we could without flat hypocrisie say that Iesus Christ is our Lord or call God our Father if the holy Ghost mooued not our hearts and tongues to vtter so sweet words And yet notwithstanding euen they that count vs presumptuous for saying that God hath giuen vs his holy Spirit with faith forbid vs not to say euery day Our Father but rather command vs. But I would haue them to tell mee how it is possible to separate faith and the holy Ghost asunder seeing that faith is the peculiar worke of the holy Ghost If it be presumption to beleeue that the holy Ghost is in vs why doth Saint Paul bid the Corinthians try themselues whether they haue faith or no affirming them to bee reprobates if they know not that Iesus Christ is in them But in very deed it is a great blindnesse to accuse the Christians of presumptuousnesse for taking vpon them to glory of the presence of the holy Ghost without which glorying there cannot bee any Christianity at all But Iesus Christ