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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A08068 The confession of faith of certayn English people living in exile, in the Low countreyes. Together with a brief note of the speciall heads of those things wherin we differ fro[m] the Church of Engla[n]d.; True confession of the faith, which wee falsely called Brownists, doo hould Ainsworth, Henry, 1571-1622?; Johnson, Francis, 1562-1618. 1607 (1607) STC 18435; ESTC S119852 30,939 73

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vnder Christ their onely head XXXIX It is the office and duty of Princes Magistrates who by the ordinance of God are supreme governours vnder him over all persons and causes within their Realmes and dominions to suppresse and root out by their authoritie al false Ministeries voluntarie religions counterfeit worship of God to abolish and destroy the Idol Temples Images Altars Vestments all other monuments of Idolatry and superstition and to take and convert to their own civill vses not only the benefit of all such idolatrous buildings and monuments but also the Revenues Demeanes Lordships Possessions Gleabes and Maintenance of any false Ministeries and vnlawfull ecclesiasticall functions whatsoever within their dominions And on the other hand to stablish and mainteyn by their lawes every part of Gods word his Christian Religion pure worship and true Ministery described in his word to cherish and protect all such as are careful to worship God according to his word and to lead a godly lyfe in al peace and loyalty yea to enforce al their subjects whether Ecclesiasticall or Civil to do their dutyes to God and men protecting mainteining the good punishing and restreyning the evil according as God hath commaunded whose Lieutenants they are here on earth XL. And thus the protectiō cōmandement of the Princes and Magistrates maketh it much more peaceable though no whit at all more lawfull to walke in the wayes and ordinances of Iesus Christ which he hath commanded his Church to keep without spot and vurebukeable vntill his appearing in the end of the world And in this behalf therefore the brethren thus mynded and proceding as is before said are both cōtinually to supplicate to God and as they may to their Princes Governors that thus vnder thē they may lead a quiet and peaceable lyfe in al godlines and honestie XLI And if God encline the Magigstrates hearts to the allowance and protection of the Church therein it ought to be accoūted a singular happy blessing of God who grāteth such noursing Fathers Mothers to his Church And it behoveth al to be careful to walk worthie so great a mercy of God in all thankfulnes and obedience XLII But if God withold the Magistrates allowance furtherance herein yet must wee notwithstanding proceed together in Christian covenant cōmunion thus to walke in the obedience of Christ and confession of his faith and Gospel even through the middest of all tryalls afflictiōs not accounting our goods lands wives children Fathers Mothers brethren sisters no nor our lives dear vnto vs so as wee may finish our course with joy remembring alwayes that we ought to obey God rather then man grounding vpon the commandement commission promise of our Saviour Christ who as he hath all power in heaven and in earth so hath also promised if we keep his commandements which hee hath given without limitation of tyme place Magistrates allowance or disallowance to be with vs vnto the end of the world and when we have finished our course and kept the faith to give vs the crown of righteousnes which is layd vp for all that love his appearing XLIII Vnto al men is to be given whatsoever is due vnto them Tributes Customes and all other such lawfull accustomed dutyes ought willingly and orderly to be payed and performed Our lands goods and bodyes to be submitted in the Lord to the Magistrates pleasure And the Magistrates themselves every way to be acknowledged reverenced and obeyed according to godlines not because of wrath onely but also for conscience sake And finally all men so to be estemed and regarded as is due and meet for their place age estate and condition XLIIII And thus we labour to giue vnto God y t which is Gods vnto Cesar that which is Cesars and vnto all men that which belongeth vnto them Endevoring our selves to have alwayes a cleare conscience towards God and towards men And having hope in God that the resurrection of the dead shal be of the just vnto life of the vnjust vnto condemnation everlasting Now if any take this to be heresie then do we with the Apostle freely confesse that after the way which they call heresie we worship God the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ beleeving all things that are written in the Law and in the Prophets and Apostles and whatsoever is according to this rule of truth published in our owne countrey or holden by any reformed Churches in their Confessions abroad in the world We do also reiect and detest all straunge and heretical opinions doctrines of all Hereticks both old and new whatsoever XLV Finally whereas we are much slaundered and traduced as if we denyed or misliked that forme of prayer commonly called the Lords prayer we thought it needful here also cōcerning it to make known that we beleev and acknowledg it to be a most absolute and most excellent forme of prayer such as no men nor Angels can set downe the like And that it was taught and appointed by our Lord Iesus Christ not that we should be tyed to the vse of those very words but that we should according to that rule make all our requests and thankesgiving vnto God forasmuch as it is a perfect forme patterne conteining in it plaine sufficient directions of prayer for all occasions necessities that have ben are or shal be to the Church of God or any member therof to the end of the world Now vnto him that is able to keep vs that woe fal 〈◊〉 and to present vs faultlesse before the presence of his glory with ioy that is to God only wise our Saviour be glory and maiestie and dominion power both now 〈◊〉 for ever Amen ¶ The heads of the differences between vs and the Church of England as it standeth at this day concerning divers corruptions of Antichrist yet remayning among them I. THat Christ the Lord hath by his last Testament given to his Church and set therein sufficient ordinary Offices with the maner of calling or Entrance Works and Maintenance for the administration of his holy things and for the sufficient ordinary instruction guydance service of his Church to the end of the world 2. That every particular Church hath like full interest power to enioy and practise all the ordinances of Christ given by him to his Church to be observed therein perpetually 3. That a true visible Church is a company of people called and separated from the world by the word of God and ioyned together by voluntarie profession of the faith of Christ in the fellowship of the Gospell And that therefore no prophane persons vnbeleevers or wicked livers may be received reteyned or c●̄pelled to be members in the Church of Christ which is his body God having in all ages appointed made a separation of his people from the world before the Law vnder
being conceived and formed in iniquity and so by nature children of wrath and servants of sinne and subject to death and all other calamities due vnto sinne in this world and for ever V. Al mankind being thus fallen and become altogether dead in sinne subject to the eternall wrath of God both by original and actuall corruption Yet the elect al and onely are redeemed quickned raysed vp and saved again not of themselves neyther by works least any man should boast himself but wholly and only by God of his free grace and mercy through faith in Christ Iesus who of God is made vnto vs wisdome and righteousnes and sanctification and redemption that according as it is written He that reioyceth should reioyce in the Lord. VI. This therefore is lyfe eternal to know the only true God and whom he hath sent into the world Iesus Christ. And on the contrary the Lord will render vengeance in flaming fire vnto them that know not God and which obey not the Gospel of our Lord Iesus Christ. VII Now the rule of this knowledg faith and obedience concerning the worship and service of God and all other christian dutyes is not mens opinions devises lawes constitutions or traditions vnwritten whatsoever but only the written word of God conteined in the Canonicall books of the old and new Testament VIII In this written word God hath plainely reveled whatsoever he thought needfull for vs to know beleev and acknowledge touching the persō Office of Iesus Christ in whō all the promises of God are Yea and in whom they are Amen to the prayse of God through vs. IX Touching his Person the Lord Iesus of whom Moses the Prophets wrote and whom the Apostles preached is the everlasting Sonne of God the father by eternal generation the brightnes of his glorie the engraven forme of his Person coessential coequal coeternal God with him and with the holy Ghost By whom he made the worlds by whom he vpholdeth and governeth all the works he hath made Who also when the fulnes of tyme was come was made man of a woman of the Tribe of Iudah of the seed of David and Abraham to wyt of Mary that blessed Virgin by the holy Ghost comming vpon her the power of the most High overshadowing her and was also in all things like vnto vs sinne only excepted X Touching his Office Iesus Christ only is made the Mediator of the new Testamēt even of the everlasting Covenant of grace between God Man to be perfectly and fully the Prophet Priest and King of the Church of God for evermore XI Vnto this office he was from everlasting by the iust and sufficiēt authority of the Father in respect of his Manhood from the wōb called separated anoynted also most fully abundantly with all ne●cessary gifts as it is writtē God hath not measured out the Spirit vnto him XII This office to be Mediator that is Prophet Priest and King of the Church of God is so proper to Christ as neyther in the whole not in any part thereof it can be transferred from him to any other XIII Touching his Prophecie Christ hath perfectly revealed out of the bosome of his Father the whole word and will of God that is needfull for his servants eyther joyntly or severally to know beleev or obey He also hath spoken and doth speak to his Church in his own ordinance by his own Ministers and instruments onely and not by any false Ministerie at any tyme. XIIII Touching his Priesthood Christ being consecrated hath appeared once to put away sinne by the offring and sacrificing of himself and to this end hath fully performed suffred all those things by which God through the blood of that his crosse in an acceptable sacrifice might be reconciled to his elect and the blessing of Abraham come vpon vs to eternal life wherefore also having broken down th● partition wal and therewith finished and removed all those rites shadowes and ceremonies he is now entred within the vayle into the holy of holies that is t● the very heaven and presence of God where hee for ever liveth and sitteth a● the right hand of Majestie appearing before the face of his Father to make intercession for such as come vnto the throne of grace by that new and living way and not that onely but maketh his people aspiritual howse an holy Priesthood to offer vp spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through him Neyther doth the Father accept or Christ offer vnto the Father any other worship or worshippers XV. Towching his Kingdome Christ being ●isen from the dead ascended into heaven set at the right hand of God the Father having al power in heaven and earth given vnto him he doth spiritually govern his Church exercising his power over all Angels and men good and bad t● the preservation and salvation of the elect to the overruling and destruction of th● reprobate communicating applying the benefits vertue frute of his prophecy and priesthood vnto his elect namely to th● remissiō subduing taking away of thei● syns to their iustificatiō adoptiō of sōnes regeneration sanctificatiō preservation strengthning in all their conflicts against Sathan the world the flesh the temptations of them continually dwelling in governing and keeping their harts in h●● true faith fear by his holy spirit which having once given it hee never take● away from them but by it still begette● and norisheth in them repentance faith love obedience comfort peace ioy hope and all Christian vertues vnto im●mortalitie notwithstanding that it b● somtymes through sinne and tentatio● interrupted smothered and as it were o●erwhelmed for the tyme. And on th● contrary ruling in the world over 〈◊〉 enemies Sathan and all the vessels of wrath limiting vsing restreyning them ●y his mighty power as seemeth good ●n his divine wisdome and justice to the execution of his determinate counsell ●o wit to their seduction hardning and condemnation delivering them vp to a reprobate mynd to be kept through their ●wn desert in darcknes sinne and sensualitie vnto judgment XVI The Kingdome shal be then fully perfected when he shal the second tyme come in glorie with his mightie Angels to judg both quick and dead to abolish a rule authoritie and power to put all his enemies vnder his feet to separate and free all his chosen from them for ever● to punish the wicked with everlasting perdition from his presence to gather ioyne and carry the godly with himsel● into endles glory and then to delive● vp the kingdome to God even the Fa●ther that so the glorie of the Father ma● be full and perfect in the Sonne the glo●rie of the Sonne in all his members God be all in all XVII In the meane tyme besides his absolute rule in the world Christ hath her● in