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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06898 The iewel of ioye Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1550 (1550) STC 1733; ESTC S116427 101,881 346

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wyth Itemissa est Well thys maye ye easly perceyue howe greatly the Popysh masse differeth from the true institutiō of the Lords supper and that they agre togyther as Christe and Beliall lyghte and darcknesse trueth and falsehode ce Christo. It shall therfore be conuenient for all true christian hertes no more to repose the trust of theyr saluation in the Sacrifice of theyr Popeyshe masse nor in anye thynge apperteynynge to the same but onely in the blessed passion in the precyouse bloude gloryouse death of oure Lorde and sauiour Iesus Christ which by the alone Sacrifice of hys mooste holye body hath euen vn to the vttermoste and at the full payed our raunsome broughte vs euerlastynge healthe Theo. Thys is a confortable hea rynge for all fayethfull penitent synners But I praye you neighboure Philemon remayne there no mo causes of reioysyng in the Lorde oure God Philemon Yesse verilye For thys oure Lorde and Sauioure Iesus Christe dyd not onelye boeth wyllyngely and frelye gyue him selfe vnto the deathe of the crosse for oure synnes and wyckednes and by thys meanes paye oure raunsome to God the father for oure offēses that Satan might haue no power ouer vs but he al so thorowe the might of his godhead rose agayne gloriously and triumphantlye on the thyrd day accordynge to the scriptures for oure iustification as the Apostle sayeth He was betraied vnto the death for our synnes and rose agayne for oure iustification For as by the death of Christe oure raunsome is payed the diuine wrath is pacified oure synnes are washed away in Christes bloude a reconciliacion perfect atonemēt is made betwene God the father and vs the obligation of oure dette is rased oute the law is fulfilled the curse of goddes wrath is takē away al thynges both in heauen and in earth are pacified so in lyke maner by the Resurrection of Christe wee are made ryghtuousse accepted into Goddes fauoure recounted for iuste holye and vertuousse sette at libertye from the tyrannye of Sathan admitted into the celestiall courte of the newe Hierusalem and become felowe cityzyns of the houshold of God wyth the Saynctes and blessed spirites Euse. O inestimable treasures broughte to vs by the gloryouse resurrection of our moste blessed sauiour Iesu Christ. Phile. Yea lette vs marke thys also by the waye that as oure moste valeaunt Lorde and Emperoure Iesus Christe by his resurrection gatte the vyctory ouer Sathan Synne Deathe Hell Desperation and all that is enemye to Mannes healthe so in lyke condicion haue we in hym and thorowe hym goten a glorious victorye ouer Sathan and all hys kyngdome that we maye wyth a ioyeful voyce saye death is swalowed vp into victo rye O death where is thy vyctorye O death where is thy styng The stynge of death is sinne the power of synne is the lawe But thanckes be to God whiche hath geuen vs the victorye thorowe oure Lorde Iesu Christe Christo. O what a ioye and comforte is this to a Christen mans herte to se hys enimies whiche before so greately soughte hys distruccion thus vanquished subdued and troden vnder his fote This haue we gotten as ye very truly haue sayde by Christes resurrection as Christe hym selfe testifieth sayeinge nowe is the iudgemente of the worlde nowe shall the prince of thys worlde be caste oute Agayne be of good comfort I haue ouercome the world By the Prophet Ose he also sayeth I wyl deliuer them from the power of death yea from deathe it selfe wyll I redeme them O death I wyll be thy death O hel I wyll be thy destruccion Phile. Moreouer by Christes resurrection haue we obtayned not only Iustification victory ouer our enemies but also resurrection of bodye and euerlastynge immortalitie For as oure Lorde and sa uioure Iesus Christe dyd put of the mortalitie of hys bodye and became immortall at hys resurrection so by the power of that hys moste glorious resurrection shall we also at the greate day of iudgemente in oure resurrection receyue immortall and incorruptible bodyes euen lyke vnto the glorious body of oure moste myghtye and valeaunt captayne Iesu Christe The. Oh who cā expres the worthines excellency of these heauenly gyftes whiche we obtaine by the mooste victorious and triumphante Resurrection of Iesus Christe oure Lorde and sauioure Philemon Lette these thynges therefore dearelye beloued brethren make you to reioyce in the Lorde Lette these thyngs prouoke you to wythdrawe your mynde from transitory thynges and stedfastly to fyxe it on thynges cōstaunt and euerlastinge Lette these thynges sequester youre Ioye and pleasure frome the swete entisynge moremaydes of thys worlde and allure to the alone delectation in celestiall treasures Christ. O blessed is that man to whōme it is geuen frome aboue truely to sauoure these thynges fayethfullye to beleue theim and earnestly to reioyce in that Lord whyche is the alone geuer of thē Sure m●…●…at man be that hys name is written in the booke of lyfe Philemon But lette vs go forthe to declare moe benifites of God towarde man that oure ioye in the Lorde maye be vnfayned cōsummate and perfecte After this mooste noble conqueste and victorious triumphe whyche oure moste mighty Emperour Christ Iesus hadde ouer Sathan and hys infernall ministers he taried here in thys worlde certayne dayes wyth hys Disciples eatynge drynkeynge and talkyng wyth thē of the kyngdome of his heauenly father and confirming them in the waye of trueth And thys dyd he not only to make thē stronge in the article of his resur rection but also by the instruction of them to corroborat fortifye and strength vs in the same seekynge no les oure health then the saluacion of them For as the Apostle sayeth if thou doste confesse wyth thy mouth the Lorde Iesus beleue wyth thyne herte that God raysed hym vp frome the dead thou shalt be saued Cer tayne dayes paste from his resur rection Christe our Lorde by the power of hys godhede in y e sight of his Apostles ascēded into heauen God and man Haue we no cause to reioyce in this behaulfe Hath this his marueylouse ascēsion brought no commoditie and profite to vs Haue we a iuste cause to reioyce in hys natiuitye preachynge miracles good workes crosse passion bloude death resurrection whych al are ours not in hys ascention also We reade that the Apostles were very sadde when Christe told theim that he shoulde ascende vnto his father But Christe sayed vnto them I tel you trueth it is expedient and profitable for you that I go ascende vnto my father Christe tolde the Apostles that it was expediente profitable for theim that he shoulde go vp into heauen If it were expedient for them it is euē so like wyse for vs. For we are saued by y e very same waye whereby they receyued saluation Let vs therfore consider what commodities and profites the Apostles had by Christes ascention and let vs w t
heyght nor depth nor anye other creature shall be able to seperate vs from the loue of God whyche is in Christe Iesus oure Lorde Philemon I am gladde to heare these youre wordes and I am fully persuaded y t thys youre ioye shall encrease vnto an excedynge and perfecte reioysynge in the Lord our god vnto the great and syngulare comforte boeth of youre bodies and soules But ye shall note that the holye Apostle doeth not onely bydde vs reioyse in the Lorde but he addeth vnto it Alwaye Reioyse in the Lorde Alwaye sayeth he Theo. What meaneth the blessed Apostle by thys worde Alwaye Phile. Uerily he wyll that oure ioye and reioysynge in the Lorde be not flittyng transitory and of small con tinuaunce as the pleasure that is conceyued of worldly thynges is the ende whereof is bytter and sorowfull as Salomon say eth the ende of worldelye ioye is heauines mornening and lamen tynge but constante stedfaste inmutable not diminishinge but encreasynge vnto an hyghe perfection of godly mirth ioye felicitye pleasure For he that conti nueth vnto the ende sayth Christ shal be saued It is not ynoughe to begynne well and to continue in the same a certayne space excepte we perseuer euen vnto the end of our lyfe The wyfe of Lot began well when she came oute of synfull Sodome but bycause she dyd not goe forthe but loked backe agayne vnto it she was turned into a salte pillar The wyse menne that came frome the East parte of the worlde to worshyppe Iesus Christe the newe borne kynge of the spirituall Israelites were cōmaunded of god no more to returne to the mooste blouddy and wycked kynge Herode Iudas begā well and was one of Christes disciples very earneste in settynge forthe the kyngedome of God for a certain space but seynge he dyd not perseuer in that Godly purpose but became of a preacher a treytour of a disciple a thiefe of a minister a murtherer he is now the sonne of perdition and dampned for euermore He is not y e true sonne that promiseth hys father that he wyll worcke in hys viniyarde doeth not but he that māfully worketh in it indede so perceue teth to y e ende he shal inioy y e enheritaunce of his father For the kingdome of god shal be takē away frō idle lubbers geuen to theym that worcke and brynge forth the fruits therof Not they whych whē they heare the word fyrst of al do ioyfully receyue it beleue it for a tyme talke of it in the time of tentation go away slide backe and become other mē shall possesse eternall lyfe but they whyche with greate ioy and gladnes of mynde heare it receyue it beleue it cleaue faste vnto it in the tyme of persecution and perseuer in the same euē vnto the very last breath No man is crowned saith saynte Paule excepte he fyghte lawefullye that is vntyll he haue goten the victorye by resistynge the worlde the Deuyll and the flesh thorowe Christe oure Lorde And the Lord hym selfe sayeth No manne that putteth hys hād to the plough and loketh backe is meete for the Kyngedome of heauen Hereto agreeth the sayinge of Saynt Peter If after they haue forsaken the vncleannesse of the worlde by the knoweledge of the Lorde and Sauiour Christ Iesus they yet againe beyng wrapped in theym are ouercome the laste is worsse then the fyrste to theym For it had bene better for thē not to haue knowen the way of ryghtuousenes thē after theyr knoweledge to turne away from that holy commaundement that was geuen theym But that it chaunced to theim that is wonte to be spoken in a true prouerbe The dogge is returned vnto his vomit and the sowe cleane washed vnto the wallowinge in the myre Of these thyngs aforesaid maye wee learne that it is not inoughe to begyn well except we perseuer and continue euen vnto the geuynge vp of the Goste as they vse to saye He that continueth to the ende saieth Christ shall be saued Agayne he sayeth If ye abyde in my worde truelie ye shall be my Disciples and ye shall knowe the trueth and the truth shal deliuer you We must abyde in the worde of God or els we can not be Christes disciples We are deliuered frō the rule of our enemies saieth holy zachary the prieste father to that mooste excellente Prophete of God S. Iohn Baptiste that we beynge wythout feare shoulde serue god in holines and rightuousnes before him all the dayes of our life Note that he saieth all the daies of oure lyfe muste we serue God in suche holines and ryghtuousnes as is acceptable before hym The holye scripture requireth of vs a continuall progresse and an vnletted perseueraūce in y e waye of Godlines In consideration wherof the blessed Apostle doeth not onely exhort vs to reioyce in the Lorde but he addeth vnto it Alwaye requirynge of vs not a flyttynge and transitorye reioysynge but a constaunte stedfast sure continual and vnchaungeable reioysynge in the Lord. Reioyce in the Lorde alwaye saieth he Euse. It is but a trifle to ioy and reioyce in the Lorde in hys worde and ordinaunces so longe as prosperitye endureth and the worlde laugheth vpon vs but to reioyce in the Lorde in hys word and ordinaunces when we be assayled wyth troublous aduersitie whē we be visited wyth greauouse sicknes when we be empouerished thorowe miserable misfortunes whē we be hated blasphemed persecuted oppressed en prysoned punished of worldelye tyrantes for God for hys worde and ordinaunces thys is a perfecte ioye and christian reioysing to beare the crosse of Christe to suffer patientlye all kynde of aduersitie to cleaue faste to God in the tyme of temptation to be cōtente so well to abyde troubles as prosperouse thynges thākfully to take what so euer plages or punishmentes God shall laye vpon vs eyther by hys owne louynge visitation or by the crueltye of the wycked worldelynges whyche are alwaye enemyes to Goddes trueth and to al true louers of the same thys is in mine opinion to reioyce alwaye in the Lorde and to acknowledge hym to be our most gentil father and louinge sauiour whether he send prosperitie or aduersitie Phile. Truth it is y t ye 〈◊〉 brother Eusebius If therefore anye of you at anye tyme be visited wyth sickenes or diseases of the body murmure not nor grudg not against God blaspheme hym not nor speake not vnreuerently of hym nor yet wyshe not that syckenes to be taken frome you otherwyse then hys Godlye pleasure shall be whyche knoweth muche better what is expediēt or profitable for you then ye youre selues do but wyth hyghe patience most herty thankes geuynge receyue that louynge visitation of youre heauenlye father as an holy enplasture holsome salue to heale all those pockye diseases wherw t your soules are infected thorowe the stynkynge corruption of olde synfull Adam We are corrected and punished of
They are those same Babilonical backslideds ●…yng childrē which wyll not heare the lawe of the Lorde but daily cry Loquimini nobis placentia Tel vs pleasaunt things prouide vs of errours care not for the ryghte way but away w t the holi one of Israell from oure face they are those same faulse christians of whom sainte Paule prophecied which shoulde be louers of them selues couetuouse hye minded proude euyll speakers disobedient to their elders vnthankeful vngodlye vnkind false of theyr promise false accusers riatours fearce despisers of them that are good traitours heady standing in their own conceite louers rather of pleasures then louers of God hauynge an outwarde apperaunce of godlines but deuyinge the power thereof Lyke as Iannes Iambres wythstode Moyses euē so do they also resist the trueth Men are they of corrupt mindes and leude as cō cerning the faieth but they shall preuaile no lenger For theyr foleishnes shall be manifeste vnto all men as theyrs was Where thynges be so ordered that the truth can beare no place nor the professours therof be thākfully receyued but rather blasphemed persecuted enprysoned and vngentillye handeled what should men do but shake of the dust of theyr fete for a wytnes agaynst thé at y e dai of iudgmēt depart into some other place wher they may do good as Christ y e Apostles did quietli to abide y e pleasure of god as the prophet saith It is good to loke for y e sauing health of the Lorde with scilence After thys sorte dyd I appoynte my selfe and leauyng mine own natyue contrye I traueiled into suche straunge places as were vnknowen to me and I to them And yet I thanke the Lorde my God whyche neuer leaueth hys seruauntes succourlesse I although an vnprofitable seruaūt in that exile and banishmēt wāted no good thynge Let the voluptuouse worldelynges take though for the beal●… and be carefull for thys present lyfe I haue learned in that my iorney to cast my care vpon the Lord my God whyche aboundauntlye feadeth so many as trust in him and depēd on his liberalitie and goodnes For one house I founde xx and for one frende an hundrede I coulde wysh nothynge for the prouision of thys my lyfe but I had it plentuously God so afore seynge for me hys vnprofitable and wretched seruaunt Theo. The promise of God is euen so Euery one saieth he that forsaketh house or brethrene or sisterne or father or mother or wyfe or chyldren for my names sake and for the kyngedome of God that is to saye for the loue that he beareth toward the Gospell of Christe he shall receyue an hūdred folde as much in this presente tyme and in the worlde to come lyfe euerlastinge Chri. Trueth it is but you haue not yet declared to vs in what contryes ye haue beene here in Englande sence your departing from hence Philemon After I departed from you and had takē my leaue of my moste swete mother of m●… other deare frendes I traueyled into Darbyshere from thense into the Peke whither I appointed my bokes and my clothes to be brought Euse. Into the Peke Lord God what made you ther Phile. Mine entent was by exercising the office of a schole maister to engrafte Christe and the knoweledge of hym in the breastes of those scholers whome God shoulde appointe vnto me for to be taught Theo. I thinke you found there very peakeish people Phile. Not so I cōfesse to you that I foūd ther very good wittes apt vnto learnyng Chri. But how fauour they christen religiō in those parties Philemon I will tell you Comming into a little village called Alsoppe in y e dale I chaūsed vpon a certaine gentilmanne called Alsoppe Lord of that vilage a mā not onely aunciēt in yeres but also rype in the knoweledge of Christes doctrine Theo. By what meanes had ye knowledg of hys Godly disposition Phile. After we had saluted one an other and take a sufficient repast for that presente he shewed me certayne bokes whiche he called hys Iewels and principall treasures Eusebius I praye you what bokes were they Phile. To rehearse thē al by name I am not able but of this am I sure that amonge all other there was the newe Testamente after the translation of the Godly learned mā Myles couerdale whyche seamed to be as well worne by the diligente readynge thereof as euer was anye portas or masse boke amonge the papistes CHri A rare thynge and almoste a miracle to fynde an olde man namelye in those parties where Christe I thynke as yet was neuer trulye preached to be so well affected towarde the readyng of the sacred scriptures Euse. Yea and a gentylman also For gentylmen now adaies for the most parte delite so much in readinge the worde of God as a true christian doeth in readynge the Popes decretals they are all togyther so addict to the vaine pleasurs of this world Theo. Many thinke it to be an vnsemly thing for a man of nobilitie to be studiouse of holy letters haukes and dogs dise and cardes as I may speake nothynge of theyr seruise to lady Uenus is theyr pastime and delectation If they reade any thynge it is some vaine trifle of loue or when they be beste occupied an history or cronicle Phile. I graunt many gētilmen litle answer their vocatiō nether are they studious of gods word as they ought notwythstādinge praysed be God for it I know many both mē womē of nobilitie which greatli delite in readīg the holy scriptures do not onely loue but also lyue the Gospel Euse. I praye God encrease the numbre dayly For then shall it go well wyth christian religion when noble men shal be learned in those bokes whiche are fountaynes and head sprynges of all true perfecte and christian religiō Notable is y e sētence of Plato which affirmeth that the publique weale is mooste fortunate greatly auaūced if such as be the gouernours therof be either wyse or studiouse of wysedome Therfore doeth the scripture in so many places exhort the ciuile magistrates to be learned in the lawe of god But I pray you tel vs had the gētilman none other bokes but only y e new testamēt Phi. Yes verily I remēbre ryght wel y t he had many other godlye bokes as y e obediēce of a christē mā the parable of y e wicked Mā mō y e reuelatiō of Antichrist the sum of holiscripture the boke of Iohn Frith against purgatory al y e boks published in the name of Theodore Basil w t diuers other learned mens worckes In these godly treatises this aūciēt gētilmā amōge the moūtains rocks occupied him self both diligētly and vertuouslye Chri. I would not lightly haue beleued that such a mā coulde haue bene foūde in so barbarouse and rude a coūtry nor y t so fruitful works had bene placed in so vnlearned a regiō Phile. Neyther
faythfull brother called Iohn Olde a mā olde in name notwithstandinge yonge in yeres yet ●…unciēte in true Godlines christen life He was to us as Iasō wasto Paul Silas He receyued vs ioyfully into his house liberallye for the Lordes sake ministered all good thinges to our necessities And as he begāne so did he cōtinue a right herty frend dearly louing brother so long as we remained in y e coūtrie Euē as blessed Paule wished to Onesiphorus so wish I to him and w t the same words pray for him y e lord graūt to hym that he may fynde mercy w t the Lord in y e day After y t we had passed ouer certain daies in the house of y t moste louing brother refreshing our selues w t the cōforte of y e holy scriptures after so many greuous tēpests troublous stormes pain ful labours I know not of what frend our deare brother Robert wisdome was called awai bi letters which was to vs boeth no smal paine griefe Notwithstā ding we submitted our selues to the good plesure of God w t this hope conforte y t his returne to his olde familiars should make greatly to y e auaūcemēt of gods glory and to the quietnes of his christen studies whereof might spring hereafter no smal cōmodi tie to the christē publique weale And so we wishinge one to an other the assistēce of Gods spirite repentaunce of oure former life strength of faith perseueraūce in al godlines to our last end de parted yea that not w t out teares Chri. Did he write nothing al y e time y t he was in those parties Phi. He was euer vertuous occupied suffered no houre to pas awai w t out good fruit He is a mā in whō y e feare of god reigneth vnfainedly Besides his other workes of this I am sure y t he hath writtē veri godly fruit ful expositiōs vpō certain Psal. of Dauid of the whiche also he traūslated some into english meter very learnedly He hath writtē also many godly learned set mōs vpō the epistles Gospels that are read in y e tēples on sondaies part wherof I haue both sene read Moreouer he hathe traūslated the postill of Antonius Coruinus and diuers other learned mēs works And which I had almost forgotten he hath made a confutation of those errours which were imputed lat ed to his charge veri vniustly of his aduersaries a boke farsed w t al kind of godli learning Theo. These his works are not prīted nor comunely published abrode pHiIe Trueth it is woulde God they were They shoulde wtoute doubt bring greate profit to the readers highly auaūce y e glory of god Euse. But I pray you what exercise did you practise in Stafford there after his departure Phi. According to my talēte I brought vp youth in 〈◊〉 knowledge of good litterature instil led into their brestes the elemēts principles of Christes doctrine teaching thē to know their Lord god to beleue in him to fear loue him studiouslye to walke in his holy waies frō their very cradels euen to y e yeldinge vp of their last breath I dout not but that Christ was so depeli grauē in their hertes at y t tyme y t he is not yet worne oute neither as I trust shal be so lōg as they lyue Euse. Howe sauoured the people christ his doctrine in those parties whē you were ther phi Not altogither vnlike y E people of the Peke but y t they were not in all points comunli so superstitious they sauoured somwhat more of pure religiō This I thīke came to passe thorow certain englishe bokes y t were amōg them thorowe traueilers to fro Lōdon CHri What of y e priests The. Ye shold axe what of y e mouinge of the moūtains Phi. In dede whē I was ther they were al massemōgers appliyng their portasse masse boke very diligētly but the holy Bible verie little Euse. Were they not as he writteth of men of Crete euyll beastes and slowe bealies Phi. It becometh me to dispraise no mā For charitie couereth the multitude of sins Notwtstāding I would wish more learned pastours to be appoīted for to fede the flocke of Christ. For they are not suche priestes as whose lips kepe knowledge neither can̄ their mouth vtter y e lawe of God if any mā sholde require it of them Chri. If I shold rehearse here to you y e childish ignoraūce y t was foūd in priests at y e kinges maiesties visitatiō it wold make your hert to blede for to cōsider y t such blind curates should haue the ouer sight charg of Christes cōgregatiō phi Their blindenes is rather to be lamēted thē to be derided notwtstāding this must I nedes say by the way I wysh w t all my hert that the church of Christ mai be purged of such unprofitable cloddes of the earth at the lest that they maye not occupye the tome and enteye the li uyng of a preacher they them sel ues being altogether vnlearned and more mete to be taught then to teach He that shoulde be a curate after S. Paules rule ought to be a mā able to teache the peo ple Gods word yea such a mā as should not onely be able to ex hort but also to conuince ouercome al such as speake agaynste the trueth Theo. A great faut in thys behalfe is to be imputed vnto the Byshoppes which admitted such vnlearned asses vnto y e order of priesthod Euse. The patrons of the benefites are not altogether blameles for geuing the lyuinges to suche ignoraunt men wether it be for affection or for rewardes neyther shal theyr punishment I feare be smal at y e day of iudgmēt For if whan the blind ledeth the blind both faule into y e ditch what shal we thā say of thē which are the occasiō that the blind gide w t hys blynd floke faule into y e dich y t is to saye into euerlasting dānacion Shal not the bloude of them that perishe be required at the Patrons handes in the dredeful daye of iugemēt If I put a swerde in a mad mans hand which with the same immeadiatli killeth a nother mā am not I giltye of the bloude of hym that is slayne Phi. Let these thynges passe for doubte ye not the kyngs highes with his most honorable counsel wil most graciously prouide for the redresse of such abuses Theo. Dyd you tary I praie you cotinually in Stafforde shere vntyl ye returned into youre countrey Phile. Naye forsoeth After that I had consumed a yeare in that countrye and some what more in the vertuouse educacion and Godlye bringyng vp of youthe I departed into Warwyke shere where in lyke maner as afore I frelye enioyed the liberallytie of my moste swete deare frende Iohn Olde whiche impelled
by vorgent causes departed into that countrye for to inhabite There likewyse taught I diuers gentil mens sonnes whiche I truste if they lyue shal be a beutie to the publique weale of Egland both for the preferment of true religion and for the maintenaunce of Iustice. Euse. How fancied you that contrye Phile. I trauailed boeth in Darbye shere in the peke in Stafford shere and in Lechester shere yet Warwyke shere was to me moste dere and pleasaunt CHri How so phi In Lecester shere as I maye passe ouer the other I had familiarite only w t one learned man a contriman of oures called Iohn Aylmer a maister of arte of the vniuersitie of cambrige a yong man singularly well learned both in the latine greke ●…onge teacher to my Lord Marques Dorset his children but Warwicke shere ministred vnto me theacqueyntaunce and frenshyppe of many learned mē Chri. What are their names I praye you For nothynge deliteth me more than to heare of learned men Phile. Friste commeth to my remenbraunce a man worthey to be loued and reuerenced of all true herted christen menne not only for the puernes of his lyfe whiche hath alwayes before the world ben innocēt and blameles but also for the sinceritie and godlynes of his Euange lyke doctrine whyche synce the beginyng of hys preaching hath in al poyntes ben so cōformable to the teachynge of Christe and of his Apostles that the veri aduersaryes of Gods trueth wyth all their manachynge wordes and cruell emprisonmētes could not wyth drawe hym from it but that so euer he hadde once preached he valeauntly defended the same before the worlde wythout feare of any mortall creature althoughe of neuer so great powre and highe authoritie wishynge minding rather to suffer not onli losse of worldely possessions but also of lyfe than the glorye of God and the trueth of Christes Gospel shoulde in any poynte be obscured or defaced thorow him Hys lyfe was not dere vnto hym so that he might fulfil his course wyth ioye and the office that he receiued of the Lorde Iesu to testifie the Gospell of Goddes fauoure He myghte wel saye wyth the holy Psalmographe I spake O Lorde of thy testimonies and ordinauntes in the presence of Kynges Princes and Rulars and I was not abashed Euse. I muche desyre to knowe hys name tell it vs I pray you phile Ye haue hearde I am sure of Maister Latimer sometyme By shoppe of Worcester Chri. Hys noble fame and vertuouse renoume is more knowen not only in thys Realme of England but also in foren countries a monge boeth learned and vnlearned than it can be hid I for my parte haue knowen hym before xx yeres in the vniuersite of Camb●…ig to whom nexte vnto God I am specially bounde to gyue moste hertye thankes for the knoweledge if any I haue of God and of hys moste blessed worde phile How so Chri. I was sōetyme a pore scholar of Cambrige verye desirous to haue the knoweledge of good letters and in the tyme of my beynge their thys godly man preached manye learned and christen sermons both in latyn englishe tong at the whiche al I for most parte was present and although at y e tyme I was but a chylde of xvi yeres yet I noted hys doctryne so well as I coulde partly reposynge it in my memorye par lye commendynge it to letters as moste faythfull treasurers vn to memory I was presente whan wyth manifeste authorities of Godes word and argumentes inuicible besides the allegations of doctoures he proued in hys Sermons that the holye scriptures ought to be read in the English tong of al christē people whether they were priestes or laie men as they be called which thynge diuers drowesy dunsers wyth certayne fals fliynge flatering Friers coulde not abyde but openly in their vnsauery sermons resisted hys godlye purpose euen as Alexander the copersmyth and Elymas the sorcerer with manye other resisteth blissed Paule and hys Godly doctryne not wythstandynge he yea rather God in hym whose cause he handeled gate the victorye and it came to passe accordyng to his teaching Neyther was I absente whan he inueighed agaynste temptle workes good ententes blynde z●…ale supersticious deuocion c. as the payntynge of tabernacles gylddynge of Images settynge vp of candles ronnynge on pilgrimage such other idle inuencions of men whereby the glory of God was obscured and the workes of mercy the les regarded I remember also howe he was wonte to rebuke the beneficed men wyth the authoritie of Gods worde for neglectyng and not teaching their flocke and for beinge absente from their cures they them selues beynge idle and mastinge them selues lyke hoggs of Epicurus flocke taking no thoughte thoughe theyr pore parishners miserably pine a waye sterue perishe and dye for hunger Neither haue I forgotten howe he at that time condemned folyshe vngodly and impossible vows to be fulfilled as the vowe of chastitie wyshinge rather y t libertie of mariag might be graūted to thē whiche haue so vowed by the highter powres than so to continewe thorowe single lyfe in all kind of abhominable vncleanes O howe vehemente was he in rebukynge all sinnes namely Idolatrie fals and idle swering couetousnes and whoredome agayne howe swete and pleasaunt were hys wordes in exhortynge vnto vertue He spake nothynge but it leafte as it were certayne prickes or stinges in the hertes of the hertes which moued them to consent to hys doctrine None excepte they were stifnecked and vncircomcised in herte wente a waye from hys sermons whiche were not ledde wyth a fayethful repentaunce of their former lyfe affected wyth hight detestaciō of synne and moued vnto all Godlines and vertue I dyd knowe certayn men whych thorowe the persuasion of their frendes went vnto hys Sermons swellynge blowne full and puffed vp lyke vnto Esoppes Frog wyth enuye and malyce agaynste hym but whan thei returned the Sermon beynge done and demaunded howe they lyked hym and hys doctrine they answered wyth the Byshoppes and Pharises seruauntes Nun quam sic locutus est homo sicut hic homo Ther was neuer mā that spake lyke vnto thys man so sharppe a two edged swerde is the worde of God it entreth thorowe euen vnto the deuydynge of the soule and the spirite and of the ioynctes and the mary so watchethe God vpon hys worde so causethe the father of heauen hys worde not to returne vnto hym voyde but to do what so euer hys good pleasure is and to take roote and bringeforth fruite in them that are afore ordeined vnto euerlastynge lyfe in some an hondered fold in some thre skore fold in some thir t●… folde I leaue of to reporte his fre spech against biyng selling of benefices agaynste the promo tynge of them vnto the lyuinges of spirituall ministers which are vnlearned and ignoraunt in the lawe of God agaynste popyshe pardons agaynste the reposinge
whyche were his kynsmen as pertaynynge to the fleshe mighte be saued Theo. He dissēted not much from the maners of Moyses that most excellent Prophet of God which perceyuyng that God was minded to destroye the chyldren of Israell for theyr abhominable Idolatry in worshyppynge the golden calfe desiered God very hertely y t he woulde eyther forgeue them that fault or els wype him oute of the boke of lyfe Euse. O most faiethful heardman which wished the saluatiō of his flocke no lesse then hys owne Phi. But we shall note that saynct Paule pricketh not vs forwarde vnto the reioysyng in worldlye carnal thynges but vnto a perfecte ioy in y e lord our God which endureth for euer For what thing is comprehended in the whole circle of the worlde wherein we maye worthely reioyce Cōsider the ayre aboue y e earth vnderneth with the depe waters in the secrete inferiour partes of the world marke diligētlye if in thē any thynge be cōtayned y t may bring to vs true perfect ioy They may delite our fāseis moue our affects for a certain space to delectaciō while we behold hear fele or taste them but how sone doth this carnal delectatiō worldli ioy vanish awai yea howe sone are we weary of thē if measure be exceded Musicall instrumentes fede the eare with very swete and pleasaunte armony and for a tyme greatly exhilarate chere and cōfort our weried spirites but in how short space do we loth them if they be continuallye played vpon or exercised out of time And though we delite neuer so greatly in thē doeth not the sownde strayghte waye perysh we receyue none other commoditie then losse of tyme Theo. The wise man saith Like as the Carbuccle stone shineth that is set in gold so is the swetnes of musike by the mirthe of wyne Agayne wine and minstrels reioyce the hert Phile. Yea but what foloweth The best is behynde as they saye But the loue of wysedome is aboue thē boeth This sētence of the wyseman doeth not condemne Musicke nor wyne so that the vse of them be moderate and excedethe not measure notwythstandynge it preferreth the loue of wisdome that is to saye a feruent desire to knowe the wyll of God and aduaunceth that aboue both wyne and musyke Chri. I wyshe that al men but cheifely such as be of nobilitie dyd knowe and woulde practise this afore saied sentence For many delyghte in Musike but fewe in the loue of wysdome Many couet to excel in singyng playng and dauncing but in the knowledge of Gods worde very fewe Many can abide to spende whole dayes and whole nyghtes in musicall exercises but in hearynge or readinge the holy scriptures they thynke one holy day in aweke a great matter whē the one moueth vnto vertue the other vnto vyce ' the one getteth the fauour of God the other pro uoketh hys wrath indignacion and vēgeaunce the one lifteth vp vnto heauen the other detrudeth and thrusteth doūe into hell fire Phile. To say the trueth musicke is a more vayne and triefelinge science than it becommeth a man borne appoynted to mat ters of grauitie to spende muche tyme aboute it And al thoughe I haue learned of histories y e diuers haue exercised minstrelsye both kings philosophers which I thyncke vsed it as a remedy agaynste the tediousnes of there paynefull labours and to make them the more apt to returne vn to matters of great importaūce yet I remember well that it was counted a reproche in many Kynge Philipe whan he hearde hys sonne Alexander that trium phante conqueroure synge and play very pleasauntly checkingly rebuked him saiyng arte thou not ashamed that thou canste playe and synge so conningely Meanynge that other artes and sciences are more worthi a king An heathen Prince thought that a great faute in his sonne which Christen rulears counte worthy of hyghe commendacion and singulare prayse Sextus Nero the Emperoure lieynge on hys death bedde greately lamented that he was so excellente in the science of musicke wyshyng that he hadde spente that tyme in good letters and vertuous exercises whereby he myghte haue bene made the more able iustelye and truli to gouerne hys realme Euse. Woulde God that hys repentaunce myghte be a warnynge to all noble men Ther haue bene would God ther were not nowe which haue not spared to spende much ryches in norishynge many idle singynge men to bleate in their chappeles thinckinge so to do God an high sacrifice and to pipe downe their meate and theire dryncke and to whystle them a sleape but they haue not spente any part of their substaunce to fynd a learned mā in their houses to preach the word of God to haste them to vertue and to dissuade them from vyce Therfore swarmed their howses wyth pride ambicion vaine glorye couetousnes whoredome swearinge stealinge polling pic kinge enuie malice fightinge flattery supersticion Hypocrisie papistrie Idolatrie and al kinde of abhominacion as it must nedes come to passe wher the word of God is banished thoughe ther be neuer so muche massinge and maskynge accordynge to the say inge of Solomon whan the preachynge of gods worde fayleth the people perishe and come to naught Theo. It becommeth kynges princes and rulars rather to here the preacher of gods worde and to gyue eare vnto the lamentable voyces and humble ●…upplications of their pore aflict and oppressed subiectes than to hearken to the sownde of vayne instrumentes and to delighte in in hearynge the fylthy and trifelinge songes of droncken Musicions which rather prouoke vnto fleshelye fantascis than vnto vertuous exercises A Christen mans melodie after S. Paules mynde consisteth in herte whyle we recite Psalmes himnes and spirituall songes and syng to the Lorde in oure hertes geueynge thankes al wayes for al thynges vnto God the father in the name of oure Lorde Iesus Christe Al other outward melodye is vaine and transitory and passeth away and commeth to naughte Phile. Uayne and traunsitorye is it in dede notwithstandyng Musicke maye be vsed so it be not abused If it be so berly exercised and reputed as an hande mayde vnto vertue it is tollerable otherwyse it is execrable and to be abhorred of all good men So that ye perceyue that Musicke is not so excellente a thyng that a Christē mā ought ernestly to reioise in it Christo. It is euident inough seinge that it endureth not but pa sseth awaye lyke other thynges subiecte to vanity Phile. Ther are y t greatly delight in buildinge gorgeous houses sumptuous mansions but howe vayne is their delectacion Whā they haue spente innumerable riches in erectinge their pleasaūt and fayre houses what haue thei but a greate heape of stones cou ched one vpon a nother whiche for a litle season fedeth the eye well but whan we be once goone what profyte carye we awaye wyth vs The holye Patriarkes of the olde tyme remembrynge howe vayne it is to
I praye you speake on Christ. The Masse saye they makein men holy yea it maketh them ryghtuous and deliuereth them from sinnes The Masse is a sacrifice and not the sygne of a sacrifice onelye In the Masse is the bodye and bloude of Christe truely offered for the quicke and deade The masse of a prieste be he neuer so naughti is profitable ex opere operato Christ w t his pa ssion satisfied for originall synne and instituted the masse to be an oblacion for the synnes committed dayely boeth mortall and ve niall To heare masse is the hono ringe of God whither the hearer vnderstandeth it or not Missa soundeth sacrifice ergo the masse is a sacrifice Missa is deriued of Mitto to sende for in the masse the lamb that is to say Christ is sente vnto the father to forgeue oure synnes The Masse deliuereth s●…ulles from purgatorye for asmuche as it is a satisfactory sacrifice for synnes Not onely the sacrifice of Christ wherin he offered hym selfe was a sacrifice for synne but we also offer for oure sinnes a continual sacrifice in the masse The sacrifice of Christ obtayneth mercy onely for original synne and for the synnes paste The sacrifice of the masse euerye daye is the true sacrifice for synnes Althoughe Christ was once offered on the crosse in the open likenesse of fleshe yet is the same Christe dayelye offered on the altare at masse The wordes of con secracion duly spokē of the priest there is made a transubstantiacion of wyne into the bloude of Christe and of the bread into hys bodye Euery man may lawfully worshippe the hoste consecrated Althoughe Paule calleth the sacramente of the Supper breade yet maye we not beleue therefore that the substaunce of breade remaineth in the sacrament Christ saide Hoc est corpus meum This is my bodye therefore muste we nedes holde that there is a transubstantiacion and that the substaunce of breade is chaunged in to the bodye of Christe The bodye of Christe is presente in the Masse so greate and large as it was whā it hanged on the crosse Forasmuch as Christe that most hyghe maiestie of God is present at the masse therefore is it verye godly to appointe many ceremonies that Christ may be entertay ned honorably Masse ought not to be sayed but in an holye place and vpon an altare of stone for Christe him selfe is called a stone The masse amonge al the suffrages for the deade doeth profitte moste of all for the deliueraunce of soulles out of purgatory By hearinge of masse we maye obtayne not onely spiritual goodes but all maner of corporall and temporall goodes also The cannon of the masse is godly and catholyke and it was ordeyned of the Apostles The masse ex opere operato iustifieth and taketh away the giltines of the faute and payne in thē for whom it is done With y e sacrifice of the Masse the satisfactiōs of the deade are rede med The masse ex opere operato geueth grace and beyng applied for other deserueth vnto them ex opere operato forgyuenes of the faute and payne and obtayneth what so euer we haue nede of in al oure lyfe In the olde testamēt ther was a byshop that offered sacrifices for the synnes of y e people therefore in the newe testamente muste ther be priestes and Byshoppes to offere sacrifices for sinnes The body of the Lord once offered on the crosse for originall synne is continually offered for dayly sinnes vpon the altare that by thys meanes the churche maye haue a gyfte wher wyth they may pacifie the wrath of god It is an heresy of the Arrians to holde that the masse is not a sacrifice for the quicke and the deade Howe saye ye Neigheboures to thys doctryne of the massekynge papistes Is it not good stuffe Theo. God haue mer cy on vs. I haue not heard more blasphemous doctrine in my life agaynst the trueth of Gods most blessed word nor more iniurious and dispiteful agaynst the glorious passion of our onely Lord sauioure Iesu Christ. O to much miserable is that realme where suche doctrine is taught Bonde slaues and wreched captiues are they to Satan and to hys Antichristian sinagog where such tea chers reigne and bare rule Oh whan wyl these papistes cease to speake blasphemies againste the sonne of the liuinge God The teachers of thys doctryne are ryghte chaplens to that beaste which had seuen heades and ten hornes and opened hir mouthe to speake blasphemies agaynste God and hys name and agaynst hys holye congregation wyth so many as inhabite the heauens These are those marked Marchauntes whiche haue committed abhominable whoredomme wyth that fylthey and vncleane stromppette Babylon and wepe nowe because no man wyll bye their marchaundise nor their ped lary any more their golde syluer and precious stones their pearle raynes purple and scarlet their ornamētes their franckensence wyne and oyle their fyne flower and wheate with the bodyes and soules of mē Phile. I haue spent the more tyme in declaringe vnto you the wycked opinion of t●…e papistes concerning the sacrifice of the masse and cōfutinge of the same because ye shoulde reioyce in none other thyng as touching your redempcion satisfactiō for your sinnes a perfecte atonmēt made betwene God and vs but onely in the death and passion of oure Lorde and sauioure Iesu Christ as S. Paule sayeth God forbid that I shoulde reioyse in anye thynge but in the death of oure Lorde Iesu Christe Nowe the sacrifice of the masse beynge reproued and proued of no force and vertue to put awaye the synnes of the quicke and deade as the papistes haue falsely taught and made the folishe simple people to beleue for lucr●…s sake of what price I praye you is the masse nowe to be estemed It agreeth nomore with christes supper thā Christ Belial light and darckenes trueth and falshode Christe made a sermon before he ministred the sacramente of hys bodye and bloude to hys Disciples the papistes say masses the deuill and all and yet no sermon at all Christ sate at the table and turned hys face to his Disciples whan he gaue them the misteries of hys bodye and bloude the papistes sequester them selfes from the people they stand at an altare and turne their backes to the multitude Christe reheresed the wordes of the institution of hys supper openly yea and that in suche a tonge as al hys Disciples vnderstode y e papistes whisper to them selues playenge silence glome and vtter althinges in a straung tong that no manne vnderstādeth what is spokē nor for the moste parte them selues neyther Christe gaue the sacramente of hys bodye and bloud to hys Dysciples for to eate the papistes gyue nothyng to any man but eate and drincke altogether them selues Christe ministered the misterye of hys bodye in com mon breade the papistes minister printed waferre cakes other wyse not cōmonly vsed Christ mi nistered wyne to
a constaūt fayth and hope loke for the same For there is but one Lorde of all ryche inough for so many as call on hym Euse. I praye you let vs heare that our ioye maye be ful Phile. Fyrste that we maye truely reioyce in Christes ascētiō I wil labour to shew you some of the cō modities of it as we are taught in the sacred scriptures Christ in hys laste sermon sayed vnto hys disciples I go to prepare a place for you If I gooe my waye and prepare I wyl come agayne and take you vnto my self that wher I am ye maye be also Here haue we one vrgente cause whye wee oughte earnestelye to reioyce in Christes ascention For of thys aforesayed sentence we learne y t Christe is ascended vnto hys father to prepare a place for vs in heauen Can anye thynge sound more pleasaunt and thanke worthy to oure eares then to heare that the son of God came downe frō hys heauenly throne became man suffered death rose agayne for oure sake and is nowe ascended very God and very man into heauen to prepare a gloryous mācion for vs in the kyngedome of heauen What is more cōfortable for a Pilgrime then after long traueling by straunge contries at the laste to come home to hys owne house and ther to find all thyngs wel prouided for him Are not we straungers and pylgrimes in thys worlde Do wee not wāder frō place to place vncertainly loke for an other mācion more quiet mery to come If ther were not such a dwelling place to be loked for after thys presēt life of al creaturs the true christiās were most miserable But ther is vndoubtedli an heauēly palaice prepared for y e faithful yea and y t bi Christes ascētiō Theo. Certise here haue we I cō fesse one great occasiō to reioice in the ascention of Christe seynge by it he hathe prepared for vs a dwellynge place among the holy sayntes blessed angels promiseth y t he wyl come againe take vs vnto hym and place vs euen there where he him selfe is Phile. An other commoditie that we haue by Christes ascention is the gyfte of the holye Goste For Christe him selfe sayeth If I go not awaye the confortou●…e shall not come vnto you But if I goe my waye I wyl sende hym vnto you By thys confortoure he vnderstandeth the holy gost whych conforteth and maketh stronge wyth Godly puissaunce yea and leadeth into al truth y e hertes of so many as he inhabiteth What an inestimable treasure the gyfte of the holy Gost is no mā knoweth but he that is endued wyth wysdome from aboue Whence come al these backe slyders from God and hys worde but onely of the lacke of the holye Gooste Whence come so manye Heretikes scismatikes anabaptistes sacramentaries papistes with al the whole rable of sedicious sectaries but onelye that thei are destituted of thys cōfortoure of thys holy spirite whiche shoulde comforte thē in fayeth and leade them into all truethe Dauid knewe full well what a singular and greate treasure to a fayethful man the hauynge of the holy Goste is agayne what an vtter decaie and extreme destruction it is to y t man that whanteth thys confortoure whan he prayde on thys maner create in me a pure herte O God and a right spirite renewe thou in my inwarde partes Caste me not awaye frome thy face and thy holy spirit take not awaye from me Thys holye spirite do the fayethfull receyue from God the father thorowe the ascention of Christe Is thys a small gyfte to haue the holy gost geuen vnto vs to dwell wythin oure breastes and wyth hym all the heauēly fruites of the spirite fayeth loue hope pacience ioye longe sufferyng meakenes temperaunce iustice goodnes gētlenes modestie honest behauioure peace with an whole sea of good thynges mo yea and at the laste euerlastinge life Who reioyseth not in thys moste excellente gyft purchaised for vs by the ascencion of the Lorde Christe our God and sauioure Christo. That such giftes shoulde be geuē vnto men of Christe after Christes ascention it was longe before prophecied of the holye Psalmographe thou arte gone vpon hye thou haste ledde capptiuitye captiue and receyued gyftes for menne ▪ Euse. Of the gyfte of the holye goste plenteously to be geuen after Christes ascencion God hym selfe speaketh by the Prophete Ioell sayeinge it shall be in the laste dayes sayth God of my spirite I wyll powre out vpon all flesh And your sonnes and your doughters shall prophesye and your young men shall se visions and your olde men shall dreame dreames And on my seruau●…tes and on my hande maydens I wyll powre oute of my spirite in those dayes and they shall Prophesie Philemon Neyther do here cease the commodities and profites that wee enioye by the ascension of Christe For besydes the preparacion of the heauenly mansions and the gyfte of thi holy Goste whiche withoute doubte are moste highe and syngulare treasures Christe by hys ascension is become oure intercessoure mediatoure and aduocate He sitteth on the ryght hand of God the father makyng intercession for vs. If we wyl obtaine any thynge of God the father he is straight wayes redye to be an aduocate and to plead our cause before his father and easelye obtayneth what so euer he desireth so greate is hys dignitie and exce●…ncye Agayne if at any tyme we offende God as we all do amysse in manye thynges and by oure offence prouoke the wrath of God vnto vengeaunce Christ oure aduocate and mediatoure is at hande immediately to pacifie the i●…e and wrath of God to reconcile vs vnto hym to purchaise remission of oure synnes and to recouer the fauoure that we had loste thorowe oure weake nes as S. Iohn sayeth if anye man synne we haue an aduocate wyth the father Iesus Christe that ryghteouse one And he is a mercie stocke for oure synnes not for oure synnes onely but for all the worlde 's also For the bloude of Christe is not lyke the bloude of Abell For the bloude of Abell crieth for vengeaunce vpon hys brother Cayne which vniustely slewe him as the bloude of al innocences and martyrs do in like maner call for vengaūce against thē that haue oppressed thē shed their bloud vniustly but y e bloud of Christ crieth for grace fauour and mercy crieth for pardon forgyuenes and remission of synnes crieth for ioye quietnes and euer lastyng life God sayeth Sainct Paull setteth forth his loue won derfully towarde vs for if when we were yet synners Christe died for vs muche more than we beynge nowe iustified in his bloud shal be saued from wrath by him If when we were enemies we were recōciled to God by y e death of hys sonne muche more we beyng reconciled shall be made safe thorowe hys lyfe No man can sufficientlye expresse the worthynes of thys cōmodite that Christ is not onely become by his
geueth meate to the hungrye Beholde the eys of the Lorde are vpon them that feare hym and vpon them that truste in his mercye that he maye deliuer their liues from death and nourishe thē in the tyme of honger They that feare the Lorde shall haue no scarsenes They which seeke the Lord shall want no good thynge Feare not my sonne sayeth Tobias we leade a pore lyfe notwythstandynge we shal haue plentye of al good thin ges if we feare the Lorde depart from all synne and do well God gyueth vs aboūdantly in al thin ges to enioye them sayeth sainct Paule God him selfe sayeth I wyll not fayle the nor yet forsake the. Christo. Who beynge a fayethfull manne althoughe neuer so muche oppressed wyth pouertye wyl not reioyse in the lord which hath promised and wil no les per fourme that he wyll not forsake so manye as truste in hym Philemon And that ye may be thorow ly perswaded of hys faythfulnes concernyng thaccomplishement of his promes consider I praye you howe frendly and fayethfully he dealt in tymes paste wyth his seruauntes and wyll no les fauorably handle vs if we haue lyke fayeth in hym Dyd he not fede the people of Israell wyth meate from heauē and gaue thē drincke out of the rocke Dyd he not sende meate twise a daye by the rauens to the Prophet Helias and so miraculously fed him whā the vnfaythful perished for hōger Did not Christ turne wa ter into wyne at the mariage in Cana Galile Dyd not Christe wyth fyue barlye loues and two fyshes fede fyue thousande men besydes womenne and children and yet there of remained xii baskettes full of the fragmentes Do not all these histories teache vs to haue fayeth in God and to beleue that God hath a father lye care for hys seruauntes What so euer thynges are wryten are writtē sayth blessed Paul for oure learnynge that thorowe pacience and cōforte of the scriptures we shoulde haue hope It is not to be passed ouer at thys presente that Christe hath in the gospel of Mathewe Be not care full for youre lyfe what ye shall eate or what ye shall drincke nor yet for youre bodye what ye shal put on Is not y e life more worth than meate And the bodie more of valure than rayment Behold the foules of the ayer for they sowe not neyther reape nor carye into the barnes and youre heauenly father fedeth them Are ye not much better thā they Which of you by takyngr thoughte can put one cubite to hys stature And why care ye thē for raiment Consider the lylies of the felde howe they growe They laboure not neyther spinne and yet I tel you y t Salomon in al his rialtie was not arayed lyke vnto one of these Wherfore if god so cloth y e grasse whyche is to daye in the felde and to morowe shall be cast into y e fornace shal he not muche more do the same to you O ye of litle fayeth Take therefore no thoughte sayinge what shall we eate or what shall we drincke or wherewyth shall we be clothed After al these thynges seake the heathen For youre heauenly father knoweth that ye haue nede of all these thynges But seke ye firste the kyngdome of heauen and the ryghtuousnes thereof and all these thynges shal be cast vnto you The. O swet comfortable scriptures Lette the heathen take thought for their liuinge which knowe not God as for the fayth full Christians thei haue a lorde whiche wyl prouyde for them aboūdauntly Let adulteres forni cators theues Dronkardes swe rers and suche other wycked par sonnes take care wherewith they shall be fedde and cladde as for the seruauntes of God they haue an almyghtye Lorde in heauen whiche wyll sende them plentye of all good thynges If ye be louynge and obediente sayeth the Prophet Esay ye shal enioye the beste thynge that groweth in the lande But if ye be obstinate and rebelious ye shall be deuoured with the swerd For thus the lord hath promised wyth hys owne mouth The wicked therfore and not the faythfull shall want and be oppressed wyth famyne Euse. If God taketh such fatherly care for hys seruauntes howe than commeth it to passe manye tymes that those whyche seeke most of al hys glory lede in this worlde the most base miserable lyfe and often are found socourles and destitute of all mannes healp Whan they whych be vnfayethfull regarde neyther God nor any thynge that is godly dis pise hys most blessed worde persecute the true preachers thereof oppresse theyr pore neyghboures deale vniustly wyth all men c haue ouer flowyng aboūdaunce of al thinges lyue lyke voluptuous Epicures in al kind of pleasure possesse whatsoeuer theyr hertes can wishe or desire Thys thing se we presentely before our eyes and as it may be gathered of the holye Scriptures manye good menne in tymes paste haue complayned of this thynge vnto god and almooste as it were accused God of vnryghtuousnes Are not these the wordes of the holye and paciente man Iobe●… When I consider my selfe I am a trayde and my fleshe is smitten wyth feare Wherefore do wycked men lyue in health and prosperite come to ther olde age and increase in ritches Their childrē lyue in their syghte and their generacion before their eyes Their houses are safe from all feare and the rodde of God doth not smyte them Their bullocke gendereth and that not oute of tyme their cowe calueth and is not vnfruiteful They send forth their chyldren by flockes and their sonnes leade the daunce They beare wyth them tabrettes and harpes and haue instrumen tes of musicke at their pleasurs Thei spend their daies in wealth thynes c. The holy Prophet Ie remye maruelynge greatelye at the prosperitie of y e wycked speaketh to God on thys maner O Lorde thou art more ryghtuous then I should dispute wyth the. Neuertheles lette me talke wyth the in thynges reasonable How happeneth it that the way of the vngodli is so prosperous that it goeth so wel wyth them which wythout any shame offende and lyue in wyckednes Thou plantist them and they take rote they growe and brynge forth fruite Are not these the wordes also of the blessed Psalmographe truely God is louynge vnto Israell and vnto suche as are of acleane herte Neuertheles my fete were almost gone my treadinges had welnigh flypt And why I was greued at the wicked I do se also the vngodly in such prosperitie For they are in no parell of death but are lusty and stronge they come in no misfortune lyke other folke neyther are they plaged lyke other men And thys is the cause why they be so holden wyth pryde and ouerwhelmed wyth crueltye theyr eyes swel for fatnes and they do euen what they luste They corrupte other and speake of wycked blasphemy theyr talking is against the most higheste For they stretche
poore abiectes and vyllaynes of this worlde by the authoritie of Goddes worde It can not be it can not be For euery one that doeth euyll sayth Christ hateth the lyght neyther cometh he to the lyght least hys works should be reproued Now as cōcerninge the wicked worldlings thei cā fauour no more the truth of Gods word thē the bealied hipocrites For it condēneth their couetousnes theyr ambitio their vain glory their pride their whordome their pollynge their pillinge their falshode theyr oppression their vnmercifulnes theyr cruelty theyr tyrannye and what so euer ahomination they vse beside Howe can it otherwise come to passe but they whych rebuke these vices muste neades be hated persecuted enprisoned and slayne of the wycked worldlynges for tellynge thē the truth for rebukynge these theyr most abhominable and outragiousse synnes as the prophete sayeth They hate hym that reproueth them openlye and who so telleth them the playne trueth they abhorre hym Can lighte and darcknes agre Can Christ and Beliall be at vnitie No more canne the worckers of wyckednes and the rebukers of the same be ledde wyth one consente There muste nedes be dissētion betwen thē as was betwene Abell and Cayne Iacob and Esau Christ and the byshoppes the Apostles and the worldelye tyrantes And for as muche as the same impietie and vngodlynes the same wyckednes and abhomination reigneth nowe in the worlde that hathe bene vsed in tymes paste and it ought of veri duti to be rebuked at thys presente wyth no lesse libertye of speache then it hathe bene in tymes paste excepte wee wyll wyncke at so greate abhomination and wyth the wycked worldelynges and bealied hypo crites syncke downe to the deuyl for oure laboure it is not to be doubted but they that shall take vpon them that office shal proue fynd euen that same gentilnes at theyr handes that Moyses the Prophetes Christe and hys Apostles the holye martyrs and blessed sayntes receyued of their bluddy predecessours Therfore if the waues and surges of cruell persecution shal at any tyme rise againste vs the good wyl of our heauenlye father so prouidynge without whole sufferaunce al the hypocrites in the worlde can do nothynge agaynst vs let vs not despayre nor cast away our hope but styl go forth to reioyce in the Lorde oure God and manfullye abyde by the veritie of his word remēbring y t it is called the word of the crosse trouble persecutiō remembringe that no kynde of aduersitie chaunceth to vs but the same happened in times past to the Prophetes and Apostles yea to Christ hym selfe that pure Lambe of God remembrynge y t all whyche wyll lyue Godlye in Christe Iesus shall suffer persecution remembrynge that by the crosse awaye is prepared for vs vnto eternall lyfe And that we maye wyth the more free spirite and francke courage reioyce in the Lord when so euer the crosse or persecution is layed on oure backes for Goddes sake and for hys Gospell let vs enarme oure selues wyth the cōfortable textes of the holye scripture and call to remembraunce the hystories of the blessed menne of God whych also suffred like or greater pains for the glorye of the Lorde not forgettynge that euen frome the beginyng of the worlde the wicked begā to persecute the godly as we may see in Abel and suche other Euse. Unto this pacience and the folowing of the prophetes doeth blessed Iames exhorte vs saying Bepatient brethren to the cōming of the Lorde Behold the husband man waiteth for the precious fruite of the earth and hath long patiēce therupō vntyll he receiue y e yarelye later raine Be ye also patiente therfore and settle youre hertes for the commynge of the Lord draweth nye Grudge not one agaynste an other brethren leste ye be dampned Beholde the Iudge standeth before the dore Take my brethren the prophets for an exemple of sufferynge aduersitie of patience whyche spake in the name of the Lorde Beholde we counte them happye whyche endure Chri. Oure sauiour Christ sayeth also Blessed are ye when men reuile you persecute you and shall falselye saye all maner of euyll saying agaynste you for my sake Reioyce and be glade for great is your reward in heauen For so persecuted they the Prophetes whyche were before you Phile. What pleasures the holy prophetes of God found at the worldes hande it is not hard to expresse Esaie that moste excellente Prophet of God for hys libertie of speache in rebukynge the syn of the princes and of the people and for prophesyeng of the vengeaunce of god to fal vppō the cōtreie and people for not receiuing the word of god was cut in two partes a sūder wyth a sawe of wode Theo. O intollerable payne Phi. The prophet Ieremy was stoned vnto death of his people at Taphnes in Egipte because he rebuked them of their wicked liuynge and exhorted thē vnto repentaunce and amendemente of lyfe The Prophete Amos at the commaundemente of kynge Amasias for hys preachinge was cruelly beaten and greuously tormented and at the laste the Kynges sonne Ochosias caused hym to be thurste into the temples of the heade wyth a great naile oftrone so shortli af ter died The Prophet Micheas was cruelly beatē emprisoned fed w t breade water because he spake the trueth told the king what should chaunce vnto hym The Prophete Helias was greuously persecuted of quene Iesa ble kinge Achabes wife for speakinge agaynste Baall and hys chaplens The Prophet zacharie son of Barachias was stoned to death for telling the king truth The Prophete Daniell was cast into the denne of lions because that contrarye to kynge Darius commaundemente he prated vnto his Lord the God Israell Which of the prophetes escaped wythout persecution And as the wicked worldlynges and bellie●… Hypocrites handled the prophetes of God for telling the trueth so handled they al other y t obeied not their wickedlawes and filthy requestes Were not Sidrach Misac Abednago caste into a firie fornace because they would not worship the golden Image that kinge Nabugodonoser had made but only y e God of Israel Was not Achimelech wyth certaine other holy mē of god slaine at kynge Saules commaundemente because he she wed kyndenes to Dauid the hertye beloued seruaunte of God Was not Io sephe caste into prisonne because he woulde not leane to the filthy requeste of hys Lordes wyfe Was not Susan that vertuous woman at the poynt to be stoned vnto death because she woulde not consente to the vnlaufull and fylthy requestes of the two Iudges Was not Eleazarus miserablye put to death because ●…e at the kinges comaundement would not eat swines fleshe contrarie to the lawe of God was not a certayne woman wyth her seuen sonnes most cruelly put to death because they would not obaye the wycked precepte of
the most wicked kinge I passe ouer many other of the olde testamēt which were vnmercifully persecuted and slayne for gods trueth Some as the blessed Apostle say eth were tried wyth mockynges scourginges wyth bondes prisonment some were stoned some were hewen a sunder some were slayne with swerde al were troubled and vexed Theo. These are they of whom the wise man spea keth god proued thē and founde thē meete for him selfe yea as the golde in the fornace dyd he trye thē and receyued thē as a brunte offeringe c. Phi. As I may at y e last come to the newe testament to whō is it vnknowne that Iesus Christ our Lorde sauioure after mani blasphemies rebukes slaunders and bitter tormentes suffred the most spiteful death of y e crosse so entered in to glorye Holye Iohn Baptist that blessed priestes sonne for trueth tellynge to king herod for reprouing hym of his abhominable liuing was cast into prisonne and beheaded Iames the brother of Iohn had his head striken of for preaching Christ to be son of y e liuinge god The holy martirs Stephē was stoned vnto deth because he prea ched Christ affirmed that God dwelleth not in temples made w t mans hād What kindnes Peter and Paule w t the other apostles foūd at y e hādes of thē whose saluaciō they most diligētly sought the histories make menciō Neyther do I heare speake of those blissed martirs which syns their dayes haue died for the confessiō of gods trueth so that the Gospel of Christe is not without a cause called of sainct Paulle the word of the crosse For al that wyl lyue godlye in Christ Iesu sayeth he shal suffer persecution To consider these histories afore rehersed shall stablishe our fayeth greately and very much comforte vs in the tyme of oure tribulacion so that we shall not lyghtely slyde frome God and frome hys holye worde but reioyse in hym recoūtynge oure selues moste blessed fortunate and wealthy that god hath vouched safe not only that we shoulde beleue in him but also suffer for hym It shall be expediente for vs also to remember that Christe calleth them blessed which suffer persecution for righ tuousnes sake and sayeth that theirs is the kingdome of heauē Agayne that the seruaunt is not greater thā hys Lord but if they persecuted Christ our Lorde and maister thei wil also persecute vs his seruauntes Disciples If they haue called the father of the houshold Belzebub much more they wyl cal them so that are of hys housholde If we were of the worlde the worlde woulde loue vs but for asmuche as we are not of the worlde but Christ hath chosen vs out of the world therfore doth the world hate vs. And did not Christe tel vs afore that we should lament and wepe that is to saye be oppressed of tirauntes but the worlde shoulde reioyse and that in the world we should haue affliction and trouble Agayne are we not taughte y t by many tribulations we must enter into the kingdome of God Chri. The fleshe abhorreth trouble persecution namely whan death is like to folow phile The spirite as Christ sayeth is redye and of a good courage to suffer al thinges for the glorie of God but the fleshe is weake The outward man is loeth to dye but the inward man wisheth to be losoned out of this corruptible body and to be wyth Christ. But if the good wil of our heauēly father so be y t we muste nedes suffer death for Christes sake let vs set thys saying of S. Paule before oure eies and stedfastli beleue it if we die with christ we shal liue with him If we suffer w t him we shall also reigne with him And our sa uioure Christ sayeth whosoeuer shall lose his life for my sake and for y e Gospel he shal kepe it Here to agreeth the saying of s. Peter detelye beloued maruaile not that ye are proued bi fire whiche thyng is to trie you as thoughe some straūg thing happened vnto you but reioyse in asmuch as ye are partakers of christes passion y t when his glory appereth ye may be mery glad If ye be railed vpō happie are ye For y e glory the spirite of god resteth vpō you Againe if any mā suffer as a Christen man let hym not be a shamed but let him glorifie God on this behaulfe And let thē y t are troubeled accordinge to y e will of God cōmit ther soules to him w t wel doing as vnto a faythful cre ature They y t suffer trouble for y e lordes sake for the gospell shal stande before the glorious seate of God and before the lambe Christe and they shall be clothed wyth longe whyte garmentes and palmes in their handes They shal euer be in the presence of the seat of God and serue him daye and nyghte in hys temple and he that sitteth in the seate shall dwell amonge them They shall honger no more neyther thyrste neyther shall the sunne lyghte on thē neyther any heate For the lambe whyche is in the middes of the seate shal fede thē and lede them vnto fountaynes of liuynge water and God shall wype awaye al teares from their eyes Furthermore it shall be greate comforte for vs also to remember wyth what wyllynge hertes Christ and al the blissed martires suffered death for the glorye of God Christe oure Lorde and sauioure whan the tyme of hys bytter passion beganne to drawe nyghe and perceyued that Iudas wente aboute to betraye hym to the Byshopes and priestes sayde that thou entendeste to do do it quickelye and out of hand And whan the Byshoppes seruauntes came to laye hande on hym where as he myght haue escaped their cruell handes he wyllyngely offered hym selfe vnto them whereby we maye se that he wente vnto hys death wyth a merye and ioyefull herte Christofor These hys wordes which long before his passion he spake to y e Iewes do also testify and wytnes his redy bente good wyll to suffer for the saluacion of mankynd Therfore doeth my father loue me because I gyue ouer my lyfe that I maye take it agayne No manne taketh it away frō me but I gyue it ouer euē of myne own good wil I haue power to gyue it ouer I haue power to take it againe Theo. Of the willinge oblacion of him selfe it was prophecied by the holy Prophetes The prophet Esai sayeth he was offered because it was his good pleasure Dauid also saith in the parson of Christ I wil offer sacrifice vnto the willingly He speketh of the sacrifice of his body Againe Christe hym selfe sayeth by the forsayde Prophet vnto his heauēlye father as for sacrifice and offerynge thou wouldest none therfore madeste thou me a bodie As for burnte offeringes for synne thou hast not alowed them Than sayed I
behold I am at hand In the begin ing of the boke is it writtē of me that I should do thy wyl O God Phile. As the lord Christ willingly suffered for the health of man so likewise did the apostles suffer al kindes of tormentes ioyefully for the glorye of God for the settinge forth of his blessed worde for the name of Iesu Christe the lord as we rede in the actes of y e apostles They were whipped of the byshopes seruauntes as S. Luke testifieth because they prea ched Christ so sent awaye But whan thei came frō the councell they reioysed y t thei were counted worthy to suffer rebuke for the name of Iesu. How glad ioyeful and redie the blessed Apostle S. Paule was to suffer any kinde of torment for Christes sake these his wordes do aboūdātly shewe Beholde I beinge bound in the spirite go forth vnto Hierusalem not knowyng what thinges shall chaunce vnto me ther but y t the holy goste in euery citie doth testifie sayinge y t bondes troubles do abide me But I care not for thē neither is my life dere vn to me so that I maye finishe my course w t ioye y e office which I haue receyued of y e lord to testifithe gospell of the grace of God Againe whē Agabus y e prophet toke Paules girdel bound hys hādes fete ther w t saying thus sayeth the holye goste the man whose girdel this is shal the Iewes thus bind at Hierusalē and they shall deliuer hym into the handes of the heathen and whē they that were wyth Paule hearynge these thynges moste instātly desired him that he should not go vp vnto Hierusalem the blissed apostle answered saying what do ye wepyng and troubelynge my herte I am redye not only to be bounde but also to die at Hierusalem for the name of y e Lord Iesu. O faythful Apostle The lord Iesu christ was so dere vnto him y t for his sake for the anauncement of his glorye for y e setting forth of his most glorious gospel he feared neither chea nes nor death He alwayes had before hys eyes y e short paines of this world y e euerlastinge ioyes of y e world to come He euer remēbred this saying of y e lord Christ whosoeuer shall lose hys lyfe for my sake for the gospel he shall kepe it He neuer forgat these his maisters wordes whosoeuer shal be ashamed of me of my sayīgs in this whorishe sinful generacion the son of man shal also be a shamed of him whā he shal come in y e glory of his father w t y e holy angelles But whosoeuer shal cō fesse me before mē I shall cōfesse him also before my father which is in heuē We rede also y t the blissed martire Ignatius after many greuous tormētes was thratened if he wold not forsake christ hys word y t he shuld be cast vnto wilde beastes so be deuoured But he being nothinge abashed w t those threates but perceyuing his death to be differted whiche he so greatly desired to suffer for christes name wrot an Epistle to the Romaines desired thē that thei woulde kepe hym no lenger frō his martirdome but w t al expediciō bringe to passe y t thei had so long threatened In the which epistle amōg many other wordes which declare hys valiāt fayth mighti courage in god he wrigh teth on this maner O wholsome beastes y t are prepared for me Whā shall they come whan shal they be sente out whan shal they eate my fleshe I would wishe w t al my herte y t they might be more gredy I wil bid thē vnto y e deuourīg of me praie thē lest par aduēture as they haue done in many thei feare to touch my bodie Yea if they shal make any de lay I my selfe wil brast into thē offer my selfe to thē Gyue me liberty I besech you for I know what is expedient for me Nowe that I beginne to be the disciple of Christ let fyres galowes wild beastes breakyng of my bones rackynge of my membres payne thorowout all my bodye and all the punyshmentes of the world that can be inuented by the craft and subtilty of the deuyll be ministered vnto me I wyll refuse none of theim all so that I maye deserue to obtaine Iesus Christ. Theo. O blessed glorious martyre O valeant and noble souldi our of our most mighty capitain Christ Iesu. O what a myrrour glasse and spectacle is here offered vnto vs wherein we maye se and learne not onelye hygh patience but also an exceadynge desyre to suffer al kynde of tormentes for the glory of Christe Phile. Not onely the blessed martyre Ignatius shewed him selfe wylling and ioyfull to suffer all kynde of aduersitie yea verye death for the cōfession of Christ and of hys blessed trueth but other holye men innumerable as we reade in histories Whē Decius the Emperoure that mooste cruel tyraunte hadde spoyled the blessed martyre Hypolitus of his vestures bycause he woulde not do sacrifice to false Gods the mā of God spake boldely vnto him sayinge thou haste not spoyled me of my garmentes but thou haste rather begun to clothe me And when the aforsayde tyraunt cōmaunded that he should be clo thed agayne w t his own accustomed kynd of apparaile and said vnto hym Use thyne olde seruice whych thou hast euer had in our syght be our frende the blessed martyre w t a stoute courage answered my seruyse is thys faithfully to serue Christe and by seruyng him spedly to come vnto a frutefull victory Shortlye after the tirant seyng his stedfast and vnshakē cōstācy cōmaūded him to be depryued of all hys goodes and to be headed w t diuers other about y e nūbre of nintene whiche al wyth ioyfull courage suffered death for Christes sake The blessed martyre Tiburtius was apprehēded of y e cruel iudge Fabiā and cōmaūded either to offer sacrifice to y e Idols or els to go w t naked fete vpō the hote burning coles He boldly wēt on thē barefoted hauinge no harme saied to y e tyrante Lay away thine vnfaithfulnes learne that he is the God alone whō we cōfesse to haue power ouer all creatures For thorowe the myghte of my Lorde Iesus Christe me thynke that goyng vpon burnyng coles I walke as it were vpō red roses wtout fealynge of anye paine or hurt of my fete For the creature obeyeth the commaundement of the creatoure When the tyraunt sawe that the fyre dyd hym no harme he commaunded that he should be slayne w t the swerd The blessed martyre wente vnto hys deathe wyth a toyfull herte praysynge God that he woulde vouchsafe to gyue hym strength for to confesse his mooste blessed name holy word before worldly tyrantes When Galerius the Proconsull cōmaunded that S. Cipriā should be headed bicause he was an enemy to the Goddes of
is but vanitie yea altogither is plain vanitie What maruel whē mā him selfe for whose sake al worldelye things were created is very vanitie Remēber that the ende ofal worldlye ioye of al carnall pleasure of all temporall felicitie is bitter sorow and greuous payne Remembre that we are borne to dye prepare therefore for youre laste ende Remembre that the goodes of this world are transitorie ●…ttyng away and seldome tary longe wyth theyr olde possessour and owner gather not ther fore treasure togither on earthe wher rusie and mothes corrupt and wher theues breake thorow and steale but gather ye treasure togither in heauen wher neyther rust nor mothes corrupt wher theaues neyther breake vp nor steale Make you frendes of the wicked Mammon that when ye shal haue nede they may receiue you into euerlastynge dwellinge places Remembre that what soeuer ye sowe that shall ye reape whither it be of the flesh corruption or of the spirite eternal life If ye on thys wyse iudge both of the worlde and of worldly thynges doubt ye not but that yours hertes shall burne wyth suche an earneste and vnfayned loue towarde God that ye shall reioyce in hym alone alone yea and that alway that is boeth in prosperitie and aduersitie at all tymes haue a quiet a mery conscience which of al treasures is the most precious in this world And y t ye may do this the more fortunately consider your vocation remēbre youre callynge Ye are called christians expresse Christe youre ●…ord and maister in al your cōuersatiō liuing He that sayeth he dwelleth in Christe oughte to walke euē as Christe walked Ye are called gospellers loue lyu●… y e gospel Let your lighte so shine before menne that they maye se your good worckes and glorifye your father whiche is in heauen The Papistes raile on you blaspheme you cal you heritikes seditious personnes c. Ordre so your life that the aduersaries seynge your Godlye conuersation maye eyther be wonne to cōfesse the same truth with you or els be ashamed to speke any euil of you For this is the wyl of God that wyth wel doinge ye shoulde stop the mouthes of folysh and ignoraūt men as fre but not making liberty to be a cloke of noughtynes but euen as the seruauntes of God Ye confesse youre selues to be iustified before God bi faieth alone prouid that thys youre fayeth be not idle sluggishe nor deade as S. Iames sayeth but ●…iuish and mighty in operation and full of all good and Chrian workes For in Christe Iesu neither is circumcision anye thynge worth neyther yet vncircūcision but fayth which worketh by cha ritie and the ende of the cōmaun dement is charitie that commeth of a pure herte of a good conscience of fayeth vnfayned Ye beleue to be saued by the alone sacrifice of Christes most blissed bodie cōmit nothinge vnworthy the gentlenes of so kind louing sauiour Ye cōfesse to know god denie him not in your dedes but be alwayes studious of good worckes Ye professe y e doctrine which requireth of you and of al subiectes fayethfull and hūble obeisaunce to y e King his Maiesty answere to youre professiō obeye vnfainedly not onely for feare of ●…nishemēt but for cōsience sake 〈◊〉 For ther is no power but of 〈◊〉 ●…e powers y t be are 〈◊〉 ●…d Therfore whosoeuer resisteth the power resisteth y e ordinaunce of God And they y t resiste shall get to thē selues dānacion Feare god the king sayth Salomon Feare god hououre the Kinge sayeth blissed Peter Therfore feare obeye loue honoure our most excellent Prince Neyther thicke breath speake or do anything y t may be preiudicial to the godly doīges of y e king his highnes but be y u alwaye led w t a reuerente feare towarde his grace Neither cōsente to any tumult cōmotiō insurrectiō sedicion conspiracy c neither cōseale any thig wherby any dishonour to the Kinges Maiestie any displeasure to hys moste honorab●… coūcel ani vnquietnes to y e p●… que weale may be wrough●… 〈◊〉 euermore sette before yo●… 〈◊〉 thys sentence of the 〈…〉 wyshe the kynge 〈…〉 thought speake no hurte of the noble man in thy priui chamber For a birde of the ayer shall betraie thy voice and with her fethers shall she bewraye thy wordes How greuously they haue al waies be punished y t were sedicious walked wtout anye godlye feare toward the ciuille Maigistrates the histories of Dathan and Abiron of zambry and Baa sa of Bagathā Thares shewe manifestly Neyther haue we wā ted experience of thys thynge in these our dayes And as vnto the Kinge his Maiestie so lykewyse submit youre selues vnto the other Rulers y t are sent of him for the punishemente of euill doers but for the prayse of thē y t do wel Ye haue a pleasure to heare the preachers of gods worde reuerence thē as the ministers of god geuing thē no les honoure than the childe gyueth the father remembring y t they be the Angells of God the messengers of Christ the light of the worlde y e salte of the earth y e dispensatours of the misteries of God the feders of Christen mens soulles the comfortours of the weake the Phisicians of the sicke the vpholders of the whole the exhorters vnto the vertue the fraiers awaye frō vice whiche watch continually for the health of oure soulles Be not vnthākful to the preachers but to suche as minister spiritual thynges to you disdayne not to giue corporal thinges y t the prea chers may y e more freli giue their mind to y e studies of y e holy scriptures If we sowe vnto you spiritual thinges sayeth s ▪ Paule is it a great thing if we reape your carnal thinges The Lorde hath ordayned y t they whiche preache the gospel should liue of the gospel Againe he sayth let him y t is taught w t the word minister vnto him y t teacheth him in al good thinges Be not deceiued god is not mocked Moreouer ye y t are maried loue your wiues euen as christ loued the cōgregaciō Nou rishe cherish thē as your owne bodies remēbrynge that they be your owne fleshe your own bones se y t by no meanes ye be bitter vnto thē but giue honour vn to thē as to the weaker vessels as to thē y t are felow heires also of the grace of life Teach youre wiues to be obediēt vnto you as vnto y e lorde to loue you as their owne selues to be of honest beha uoure chast housewifely good no euil spekers but sober fayth ful in al thinges Learne them to kepe silence w t al subiectiō to a raie thē selues in manerly apparel w t shamefastnes honest behauoure not w t broided heare other
ascen cion a preparer of a heauenli and glorious mansion for vs againe a purchaser of the holye goste to comforte vs and to lede vs into al trueth but also an intercessour mediatoure and aduocate where by he obtayneth for vs all good thynges and putteth a backe frō●…s what so euer shoulde hinder ●…e obtaynynge of gods fauoure and the heauenly enheritaunce Christe purchaseth for vs of hys father thoroughe his intercessiō so aboūdantly and so altogether sufficiently al thinges necessarye for the conseruacion boeth of our bodie and soule that we nede not to praie vnto any sainct in heauē as the papistes haue taughte vs neither vnto mary Iohn Peter Iames nor any other to be oure intercessoure mediatour or aduo cate It is Christes office alone to be a mediatonree betwene god and vs as blessed Paulle teacheth vs in his Epistle vnto Timo the. I doubte not neygheboures but so many as are fayethful are replete wyth exceadynge ioye to consider howe manifolde and diuers benefites gyftes and graces chaunce to vs by the wonderfull ascencion of Christ our Lord and sauioure Theo. Who so euer considereth depely in hys minde those thynges that ye haue taughte vs hitherto shall be occasioned vnfainedly to obeye thys commaundemente of the blessed Apostle he that reioyceth let hym reioyse in the Lorde so swete and full of all heauenly pleasure are these commodities whyche wee receyue of God thorowe Christ oure Lord. Philemon But let vs make haste vnto an ende concernynge thys matter that we maye learne in fewe wordes what so euer remai neth of gods goodnes towarde vs in Christe I meane so muche as oure wyte can comprehende and we be taughte in the holye scripture that we maye earnestely reioyse in the Lorde oure God We haue hearde heretofore manye vrgente and wayghtie causes why we shoulde of very right and boūden dutie reioyse and be mery in the Lorde Nowe it remayneth orderlye to declare the finall and laste cause whye wee ought to be glade and reioyse in God Christ. I praye you lette vs heare Phile. As Christ was borne for vs wrought al good thinges in hys manhode for vs suffered for vs died for vs rose againe for vs ascended into heauen for vs purchaised the holy goste for vs prayeth for vs obtayneth al best thynges for vs so likewise at the laste daye shall he beynge oure heade come agayne frō the right hande of his father to fet●… vs hys membres and to enunite vs w t him in the same glori ther euer to remayne And althoughe to the wycked he shall come as a ter rible and ryghteous iudge to revenge and not to pardonne to punishe and not to forgiue to cōdeme and not to saue yet to the fayethfull shall he come in hys glorious maiestye and all the blessed Angeles wyth hym lyke a mooste louynge and Gentle sauioure sayeynge to them on thys manner come ye blessed of my father possesse ye the kyngdome prepared for you from the begynnynge of the worlde O whooe is able to expresse what ioye and comforte thys afore sayed sentence shal bringe to the hertes of the fayethfull But to the vnfayethfull it shall be sayede gette ye hence ye cursed into euerlastinge fire which is prepared for the deuil and hys Angeles Euse. O that daye shall be to the wycked a bitter daye a daye of wrath a daye of tribulacion and anguishe a day of calamitie mise ry wrechednes a daye of darcknes and miste a day of cloudines boistuousnes a day of feareful trompettes and shawmes blowynge Philemon I graunte notwythstandeynge to the fayethefull it shall be a swete daye a daye of fauoure a daye of quietnes and peace a daye of wealth and felicitye a daye of clearenes and lyghte a daye of comforte and solace a daye of heauenly myrth ioye and pleasure For as blessed Paulle fayeth the eye hathe not seene nor the eare hathe not hearde neyther canne the herte of manne thynke what thynges God hathe prepared for them that loue hym They shall be as Angelles of God in heauen They shall shyne as the clearenes of the firmament and as starres for euer and euer They shall be counted amonge the sonnes of god and their lot shal be among the saynctes They shall receyue of the Lordes hande an honorable kyngedome and a beautifull diademe They shall be clad with longe whighte garmentes Thei shal be be fore the throne of God and serue hym day and nyght in his temple They shal hōgar and thyrste no more neither shall the sonne or any heate faul vpon thē for the lambe Christe whyche is in the middes of the throne shall gouerne them and lead thē vnto the fountayues of the water of lyfe and God shal wype a waye euery teare from their eies Thei shall dwell in a citye that nedeth neyther sonne nor mone to shyne in it For the clerenes of God shal illumine it They shall beholde the glorious face of god presently and hys name shall be written in their foreheades They shall eate of the tre of lyfe whych is in the paradise of God To conclud they shal haue a crowne of glory and syt wyth Christe their elder brother in hys throne euen as he sitteth wyth hys father in hys throne and shall lyue wyth God and hys holy angelles in al kind of honoure and glorye ioye and pleasure worlde wythout ende O what can a Christen man desire more of the Lorde hys God then these thinges which I haue heretofore rehersed Come of tell me nowe I praye you if we haue not many yea and innumerable boeth vrgent and wayghtie causes why we shoulde reioyse in the Lorde our God I doubte not I doubte not moste dere brethren but by the hearynge of these thin ges ye are nowe so rapte into the loue of God for the moste hyghe and singulare pleasures whyche thorowe Christe Iesus ye haue allredye receyued and here after shall receyue a thousand tymes more abound a untlye that from hēceforth al worldly thinges shal waxe vile vnto you and ye shall euen from the verye herte endeuoure youre selues at all tymes to repose all youre ioye comforts pleasure and felicitie in the Lord oure God alone alone so that ye shall reioyse in none neyther in heauen nor in earth but in hym alone alone Chri. Neyghboure Philemō we all are kindled with so feruente and so hertye loue towarde God for these hys moste singulare and inestimable benefites that we do not onely defye the world and all the vayne plea sures of it but we also are redye for our stedfast loue in God and for the perfecte reioysinge in him gladly to saye wyth the blessed A postle who shall seperat vs from the loue of Christe Shall tribulacion or anguishe Or famine Or nakednes Or parel Or persecution Or swerde I am sure that neyther death nor lyfe nor angels nor soueraignties nor powers nor thinges present nor thynges to come nor strenghte