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A06779 A grand-fathers legacy; or Maltbey's morsels for mourners Diuided into seuerall meditations for euery day in the weeke. Being a comfort to all wounded and oppressed consciences, which seeke for comfort by the word of truth. By Iohn Maltbey late minister of Gods word at Buckland in Glocester-shire. Maltbey, John.; Maltbey, Margaret. 1633 (1633) STC 17216; ESTC S103470 82,802 256

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after a tempestuous Night which of all things will bee then most ioyfull and comfortable When deliuerance shall bee most welcome then will shee breake forth Howsoeuer the hope that is deferred may for a time bee the fainting of the heart yet when the desire commeth it is as a Tree of Life Prouerbs 13.12 The Children of God learne by Aduersitie to come home to their heauenly Fathers house For when neyther preaching nor praying blessings nor threatning will cause them to come then come the Plague and Pestilence Famine and Warre of themselues meere crosses but sanctified by God vnto vs if we make right vse of them wherefore the state of affliction is safer then the estate of prosperity The Philistines could not vnderstand Sampsons Riddle how sweete came out of sower and meate out of the eater No more can the worldly minded vnderstand that tribulation bringeth out patience and momentary afflictions a most excellent waight of eternall glory Crosses for the present it 's true they are not pleasant but afterwards they bring the quiet fruite of Righteousnesse vnto them which are thereby exercised Esay 26.16 Luke 15.18 See Esay 26.16 Psal 1.17 Luke 15.18 Know this all yee people that there is more sollid Ioy in suffering rebuke with Christ our Maister then in all the pleasures of sinne which are but for a season Why doth God oft thus visite our English Nation and as it were the very Citty and Seate of our Soueraigne with the famous Academies of Oxford and Cambridge but to this end that troubles visiting vs wee euen this whole Nation might powre out our prayers whilest his chastening is vpon vs or our brethren as Hager prayed while Ismael cryed The Israelites in time of their prosperity forgat God and all the mighty workes which hee had done for them Psalme 119.71 Therefore suffered he them to wander in the Wildernes Psalm 119 where they found no Citty to dwell in then cryed they vnto the Lord in their troubles and he deliuered them out of their distresses Did the Prodigall sonne euer intend to returne home agayne to his Father till the Famine Pinched him No no it was the Famine that met him and pinching him at the heart made him to resolue to packe home to his Father acknowledge his fault and intreate him for pardon Ionas slept in the ship but he both watched and prayed in the Whale It is good sayth Ieremy Lam. 3.27 Lam 3 27 for a man to beare the yoake in his youth And Dauid acknowledgeth it good for him to be afflicted And our Sauiour Christ telleth vs that our heauenly Fathers manner is to purge euery branch that it may bring foorth more fruite Afflictions are of singular vse to turne vs vnto God Suffer wee them therefore to turne vs and to bring vs home to our Heauenly Fathers house and presence Truely there is nothing better for any of vs all young or old man or Woman then afflictions if God sanctifie them vnto vs and giue vs the true vse of it it will make vs search our hearts and call our liues to account yea compell vs to runne vnto God by earnest and hearty Repentance and prayer denying our selues and relying on the mercies of God in Christ True it is that no Visitation for the present is sweet but afterwards it bringeth the Fruite of Righteousnesse to such as are thereby exercised more sollid ioyes in suffering with Christ then rest in Worldly pleasures that endure but for a season Whatsoeuer befals vs looke wee alwayes to the hands of God and obserue we his angry Countenance towards vs by reason of our sinnes and horrible impieties Labour wee to reforme our faultes and marke we from whose hands our punishments come This obseruation will bee a good meanes to bridle vs and keepe vs from impatience murmuring and muttering agaynst the Lord Thinke this of Gods Iudgements that they come not by chance vnto vs but looke we vnto the hand of GOD Who sayth I draw my sword I kill and make aliue I send the plague and pestilence to consume and to Destroy In all this let vs say with the Psalmist 119.75 I know O Lord that thy Iudgements are right and that thou hast afflicted me iustly laying no more vpon me then thou enablest me to beare The Spirit of GOD teacheth vs wholy to relye depend and waite duely vppon his gracious promise whose Countenance is still towards vs Weigh well what true comfort and happinesse it is vnto a poore distressed soule to heare come thou hither I am thy Saluation It is the manner of me the God of all flesh neuer to strike with my iudgements but first to giue warning so as if men wil be wise to beleeue my Word and amend their liues they may auoyde my Iudgements or going on in Vice and folly be most worthily plagued and punished It is the Lords mercy to admonish before hee correct vs Hee speakes sometimes vnto vs by himselfe and sometimes by Christ Iesus the wisedome of the Father crying and calling vs to heare his voyce and to receiue Instruction vsing fayre meanes to win vs rather then threatnings to fright vs. Let vs all I beseech you be reclaymed by his Word and gentle Voyce before his Wand shewing Wrath and the prepared rod both Wrath and Displeasure Are we weake they are meanes to Repentance and Reconciliation looke wee backe therefore vnto our former Race of yeares crauing his Maiesty to deale mercifully with vs. Let vs take heed that wee accuse not God of any hard dealing but rather accuse the hardnesse of our owne hearts that are so vnwilling to be warned by his Word and Iudgements The Lord doth often humble vs to bring vs home to himselfe by his Word and by his Iudgements yea his mercies the motions of his spirit doth our heauenly Father vse to humble vs. So plagues and iudgments woes and miseries doth the Lord cause to light vpon vs mealting euen away as it were our corruptions in the boyling Caldron of common Calamities God by sicknesse teacheth vs not to trust in our strength for wee are as a staffe in a mans hand except the Lord hold vs vp wee cannot stand but downe wee fall one way or another as Peter had into hell if Christ had not held out his helping hand Wee are all the Lords Seruants hired to labour in his Vineyard and therein to perseuer vnto the very euening of our dayes dedicating vnto him both Cure Soules and Substances Liues and Labours Lay hold betimes of the mercies of God in Christ Iesus and let neyther sorrowes nor sicknesses make vs to shrinke from him Afflictions are of excellent vse to turne vs vnto God both the Church of God in generall and the seruants of God in particuler When they do not profitably vse prosperity nor behaue them selues thankefully in the day of peace they must bee touched with Crosses and Troubles sicknesses and sorrowes which will cause vs all to call our
Gods Children passed before feare wee not therefore to follow after them Christ himselfe is gone before by a farre harder passage then his meaning is to leade any of vs by Thinke it no strange thing for the perfect to suffer neither be you discomforted or dismayed at it knowing that afflictions happen by heapes to all Gods Children in this world Learne both you and I to suffer patiently with Christ then shall we be sure to be crowne gloriously with him When you are tempted most with fierce aduersaries mighty enemies the Deuill with his lost and forsaken traine The world is full of bayts and allurements vnto Euill the flesh euer ready and greedy to take them What though you be heauy laden for a while yet comfort your selfe knowing that your anguishes griefes and molestations shall haue an end your teares shall be wiped away and dryed vp but the ioyes that shall be giuen you are euerlasting Those seede-teares which you sowe now are nothing to that Haruest of ioy which hereafter shall be reaped Consider I beseech you well that nothing commeth vnto vs by happe or chance but all is disposed by the will prouidence of Almighty God It is the meere loue and absolute righteousnesse of God that we are corrected it is not for our harme but to our good either for the tryall of our faith or for the reformation of our life So that either man or woman fearing God walking vprightly in his sight hauing the testimony of a good conscience cannot want matter of consolation hauing still in the Lord whereof to be comforted make we not our hearts heauy and our liues most vncomfortable shake we off rather our causelesse teares and we shal finde matter enough for glorious and vnspeakeable ioyes Am I regenerate God is my father Christ resteth my elder brother Heauen my house and habitation and the Glory thereof mine inheritance none can be poore that haue Heauen for their portion neyther any deiected much that haue the comfortes thereof belonging to them Whilest God giueth vs assurance of a better Life what matter is it if hee shall depriue vs of this If Angels and Saints be with vs what care wee though sinners bee agaynst vs Doe people on earth seeke to make you ignominous we are not in their power but in Gods who will make vs glorious Your comfort may bee departed and yet not vtterly lost we may feare we are cut of and yet not perish for therein the power of God is seene in our weakenesse and imperfection Lord pitty our soares and sicknes rather then proceede in seuerity against vs. The assurance of the sufferings of Christ in his death for vs should take away the horrour of death from vs For he is that Lambe of GOD which taketh away the sinnes of the world Which now is our aduocate with his father to whom be all glory Amen Saterday Meditations IT beeing euident that the greatest part of good people are most of all and oftnest afflicted grieuously yea many times slayne by wicked and seditious Tyrants this dealing of God thus with his Children assureth vs that he reserueth vs some Port of safety for his children where after their troubles here they may arriue at some Hauen of perpetuall rest after their Death No happier then such Christians as will suffer no sinnes to wrestle in their soules nor Viper like vices to dwell or continue in their heartes Neyther doe I suppose the Lord to loue any better then those whom hee most scourgeth and correcteth making the end of our sorrow to be as the beginning of another like the droppes of Raine distilling from the top of the house as soone as one is gone another followeth or a ship at the Sea neuer safe till wee come into the Hauen and harbour of Heauen by the death and blood-shedding of Iesus Christ are wee sanctified and cleansed from our sins Our heauenly Father is both pacified and pleased with vs through the death of Christ who forgiuing and pardoning our sinnes imputeth vnto vs his owne righteousnesse so that through beleeuing in the Lord Iesus Christ we shal be saued and haue life euerlasting and shall neuer come into condemnation Through the name of our Redeemer are the inestimable benefits of Christ wrought in vs and brought vnto vs for by faith onely in Christ without any workes of our owne either concurring or furthering we are freely iustified No punishment discharged but by that perfect man Christ Iesus who hath vanquished death and swallowed vp the paires of Hell yea satisfied the seuerity of Gods euerlasting Iudgment Looke wee all vpon the Sun-set of our seuerall ages and wee may soone behold how the rotten house wherein our soule dwelleth rests euen ready to fall vpon our head We dwell as in a ship that most dangerously leaketh very like to drowne vs ere we get to the shoare which still causeth vs to long for the house and hauen of our euerlasting security Although death be a sting to the wicked piercing them to the heart yet to the Elect deaths sting is pulled out and they are freed from terror by the death of our Sauiour The death of a faithfull friend yeelds rather cause of comfort then of sorrow of mirth then of mourning of reioycing rather then of weeping and lamenting death is to the godly like sleepe whereby we are refreshed Vnfit is it therefore to celebrate the funerals of the faithfull with weeping wayling when we doe well know our friends haue liued religiously dyed vertuously Let your passed misery yeeld your selues some soulerellish to future ioy What is our Inheritance on Earth but monthes of vanity and paynefulnes as our allotted parts and portions here Who is he that knoweth not Iob. 17.13 That the graue shal be his house and how hee shall make his bed in the darke Our hearts must pitty those whom the hand of GOD toucheth Do not thinke but that God is able to defend and carry you free from danger yea to keepe you in the time of the greatest suffering It is none but God that keepeth the Keyes of the prison that open and shuts when hee pleaseth It is the LORD that maketh whole and maketh sicke the issues of Life and Death doe belong to him We rise daily agaynst sinne as did Ioshua against the Cananites not because wee are able to ouer-come sin of our selues but in assurance that our heauenly Father will not fayle vs but giue vs ability to vanquish it in our mortall bodies Forget not Iesus Christ to be your shield and buckler of defence whose promise is to free vs all from our streights and extreamities Lay wee hold by Faith on Gods promises and as a childe sucketh milke from his mothers breast So when wee are ready to faynt wee must sucke the milke of consolation out of the promises of God in his VVord that rest full of comfort Art thou euen at Deaths doore there rests milke of consolation enough if thou wilt
to correct and chastise you till hee haue pardoned and purged your offences and so burne his rod by which hee hath punished you Esay 33.1 Remember that as God was the Authour of Israels Captiuity for their sinnes so was hee for his mercies their Redeemer to restore them to Liberty God in the middest of all his threatnings remembreth his and comforteth them There is no greater signe of our Heauenly Fathers loue then when hee correcteth vs for our amendment preseruing vs in despite of our Enemies to that end whereunto he hath appointed vs euen to the Glory of Gods Name and good of his Church See Esay 44.2 and Chap. 30.10 10.24 What though we be forsaken for a time yet the Lord casts vs not off vtterly as though he our Husband were dead but in our dreadfullest afflictions still followeth vs with his fatherly fauours and manifold mercies to make vs all praise God in Syon let vs still acknowledge God to be the Authour of our afflictions to the intent that wee may still seeke to him for remedy Let your heauy sinnes bee continually before your eyes as one that tyeth a thing to his hand for a remembrance so will hee forget them cast them behinde his backe and tread them vnder feet The Lord comfort and refresh your soule still treading downe the insurgent Enemies that rise vp against you Let no aduersity vtterly discomfort you but wisely consider that there may bee cause of a Womans separation from her Husband and a ioyfull meeting and comming of them both together againe Wee can neuer be too timely exercised vnder our Crosse but wee are to pray that when our afflictions grow greater our patience also by experience may bee stronger and thou Lord become a Sanctuary vnto vs in the soarest times of our saddest afflictions Desire the Lord so to mitigate your afflictions as you lose thereby neither Sence nor Reason nor arrogate any thing to your selfe but trust in the Lord your God who alone doth saue soules Let no sins so throw you downe as once to despaire of your heauenly fathers mercies In the dayes of your afflictions and miseries remember that God promised to comfort his Church in all heauinesse and deepest distresses blesse God for your punishments for thereby he calleth you from your iniquities as from the beginning God hath exercised his people vnder the Crosse so since Christ was offered hath hee left this exercise vnto his Church vntill the Dead rise againe and Christ gather his into his Kingdome in the Heauens The Lord giue you patience and constancy to abide the paines and plagues which the Lord inflicteth vpon you for the humbling of your soule and hasting it to eternall happinesse And doubt not but for your induring a painefull death the Lord our God will giue you a precious Life and as you yet mourne with men cause you to tryumph with Iesus Christ and for anguish here below dwell and rest with Angels aboue Remember the three Children in the fiery Furnace they would not come out nor depart thence for any feare till the Lord bid them neither came Noah out of the Arke till the Lord called him forth Stay your soule vpon God who is now onely to comfort you and remember how that our abhominable sinnes bring vpon our soules these horrible afflictions in our last dayes As you are one of Christs members you may not hasten too much but learne patiently to abide the Issues of Gods promise As the Maiesty of God hath strooke you downe so I doe not feare but that his powerfull and heauenly hand will againe raise you vp God that by one Angell could destroy all the world assureth his Children so of his loue that rather then they shall perish hee will send forth double power euen Christ Iesus the Head of Angels to deliuer vs. What troubles soeuer befall the Church of Christ and his Members they come by the Counsell and prouidence of God Dan. 12. and still haue happy Issues to all faithfull beleeuers Dan. 12. The Angell noteth first how the Church shall bee in great afflictions and trouble at Christs comming but God shall send his Angell to deliuer it meaning Christ that is promised by the preaching of the Gospell Therfore be not discouraged though Christ come not so soone as wee cry and call for him for what hee doeth is to try our patience that wee with the Elect of God might bee the more pure in our hearts and purged truely with his Church Be you neuer so weake or sicke yet remember who hath sayd Hosea 13.14 Hosia 13.14 I will redeeme thee from the power of the Graue I will deliuer thee from Death O Death I will bee thy death O Graue I will be thy destruction Fly to the Lord in Death and he will be thy Life to auoide the Lords Iudgements you must learne to become obsequious to his Will so will hee take away your Iniquities and receiue you most graciously Loue we the Lord God of Hostes who is in Christ Iesus now become our heauenly Father whosoeuer so doth are blessed their branches shall spread their beauty shall be like the Oliue-tree and their smell like Lybanon which shall reuiue as the Corne flourish as the Vine and their sent shall be like Wine of Paradise yet for all that shall the godliest bee so shaken with terrible temptations that they shall not looke for continuall quietnesse in this world but still assure themselues and soules that wee and they shall be preserued in our deepest dangers because God may destroy his Enemies but will deliuer his Children Doth any aduersity come without Gods appointment Esay 45.7 God dealeth not with you as he doth with other people but warneth you both by punishments and Prophets to beware of his plagues you are told by Esdras the mildnesse of the Almighty 2. Booke 1.28 I haue prayed you as a Father his Sonnes as a Mother her Daughter and as a Nurse her young Babes 2 Esd 1.28 that you would bee my people as I am your God and that you would bee my Children as I am your Father God our heauenly Father compareth himselfe to an Henne gathering her Chickens vnder her wings Math. 23.37 And can wee once thinke that hee will cast vs out from his sight Mat. 23.27 Although you see no Prophets yet should you hate your Iniquities and though the Lord God Almighty bee not seene with bodily eyes yet should our hearts beleeue what hee doth both teach and tell vs what best tendeth to his Glory 2. Esdras 3.28 Are they that dwell at Babylon better then they which haue dominion in Syon The Heathen may flourish there which neuer once thinke on the Commandements of God but in the world to come true Israelites finde peace with God and Angels 2. 2 Esd 7.33 Esd 7.33 Remember that the Almighty shall appeare vpon the seate of Iudgement when miseries shall vanish away and long suffering shall haue an end
it is farthest from them Our way to Heauen is not by prosperity or high lookes treading on our Neighbours neckes and contemning of the poore but through persecutions and crosses reuilings scoffings and all ignominies of the world which patiently wee must indure and suffer for our Sauiours sake Shall the Estrich digest hard Iron to preserue her health The Souldier indure hardnesse to achieue the Conquest the sicke Patient swallow bitter pils to be eased of his griefe and shall we neyther abide soares nor sicknesses stormes nor tempests to get into the place of blisse and Kingdome of Glory As Iacob thought his seauen yeares seruice short for the great Loue that he bare to Rachell So should all the tribulations of this World for the Kingdome of Heauen The Lord will surely saue the soules of his Seruants that put their trust in him Psal 86.2 and call dayly vpon him Hee would not bid vs call and cry vnto him vnlesse hee ment to ponder our humble desires let vs truely worship him on earth and he will surely glorifie vs in Heauen If wee but once heartily desire to walke in the truth God will so knit our hearts vnto him that we shall surely finde deliuerance from the nethermost Hell God wil not finally faile to strengthen his Seruants to shew some token vpon you for good so as you shall bee both holpen and comforted Psal 86. Though the Lord our God sometimes turnes his face from vs yet will hee at last satisfie vs with his mercies and being his seruants shew vs his glory Psal 90.16 Yea Psal 90.16 the glorious Maiesty of the Lord our God shall be vpon vs verse 17. O perswade your selfe to be vnder the defence of the Lord and to abide vnder the shaddow of the Almighty so shall you be safe vnder the Wings of God his faithfulnesse and Trueth shal be your shielde and buckler So high hath God set an house of defence for all his Children Psa 91.15 as hee will deliuer them from horrour and bring them to honour Psalme 91.15 Oh happy and thrice happy are you when for the voice of your groaning your very bones will scarse cleaue to your skinne and when you doe now and then mingle your drinke with Weeping and washing your bed with brinish teares wayling for your sinnes neuer thinke but that God which hath cast you downe will vndoubtedly take you vp Ps 101.10 Psalme 102.10 What though your Spirit bee vexed within you and that your heart within you be desolate and gasping yet lift your soules to God flye vnto him to hide you so shall he lead you into the Land of Righteousnes keepe you from trouble and guide you into the Celestiall chamber of Presence where as no enemies shall vexe you because you are his Seruants O the mercies of our most gracious God and Heauenly father who whilest in Iustice hee might consume you for sinne Hee sanctifieth vnto you your present visitation that your flesh being wounded with feare you might possesse your soules by dreading the mighty power of God and escape his Wrath neyther strucken with terrour nor once tasting his iudgements Looke you neuer Despaire because God which smiteth healeth Hosea 6. Hosea 6. And tendereth his pardon before that wee perish Ionas 3. Desire wee should still to haue our Heauenly Father to correct vs in mercies to amendment but not to plague vs to our destruction Iudith 8. Iob. Iob. 11. 11. Wis 11. You cannot call faithfully vppon God but he helpeth Nor trust truly in him and be confounded Iob 5. The Lord bringeth backe from the gates of Death and restoreth the sicke to their former health yet vse wee must the Physition and medicinable potions for the procuring and maintayning of our health As King Hezekiah being sicke he prayed and wept vsing these meanes to pacifie Gods anger And though GOD could haue healed Hezekiah without meanes yet God directed his Prophet to apply a playster of Figges to his soare to ripen and heale it Thus are wee taught how to behaue our selues in times of our sickenesse First to pray to our heauenly Father for health and that with troubled teares and penitentiall cryes And then to vse profitable meanes and not to neglect them If at any time men thinke to prepare themselues to dye especially when they are in the greatest dangers sicke and in the way to the Graue and so to iudgement now see you haue a charitable heart towards all men Dauid was carelesse in Gods seruice before he was afflicted Psalme 119. Ieremiah neuer thinketh it too soone to suffer the Crosse Luke 9.23 Our Sauiour sayth that we must take vp the Crosse dayly although nothing did better befit vs then afflictions There is nothing better then it so God doeth vouchsafe to sanctifie it vnto you and giue you the true vse of it For it will make you search your heart and call your former Life to account sicknesse humbleth makes you see your weakenesse compels you to runne to God by most earnest and hearty prayer Inforceth you to deny your selfe and to put your trust and confidence in GODS mercies through the merits of Iesus Christ The Lords bringing any calamities vppon vs or vpon our family is to seeke him early that hee may remooue his Iudgements from vs the sooner All chastisements and afflictions yea all Iudgements and corrections come from the Lord alone hee sendeth them he imposeth them and layes them on vs he moderates them at his pleasure his quiuer rests full of such Arrowes to hit hurt and consume vs or in his Fatherly kindnesse to correct and better vs in our courses Remember wee euer that Sathan who could not enter into the heard of Swine without Christs leaue he hath his power bounded and limitted by God so as he cannot eyther touch vs or torment any of Gods people without his leaue and permission Gods prouidence being ouer the Sparowes in the Field and haires of our head will neuer neglect the Saluation of our Soules being a matter of much more weighty worth and moment This being cleare that all our Afflictions come from God vnto vs we must needes learne patience vnder the crosse knowing that the times thereof are still determined by God and how they will leaue a blessing behind them giuing vs farre more in spirit then we loose in the flesh Assoone as wee are afflicted by the hands of God we should presently labour to haue our Soules and Consciences disburdened of sinne Yea we should learne to bee bettered by our afflictions confesse our sinnes and bewaile them with teares and not with Pharaoh to harden our hearts but to Remember with Trembling that the Righteous themselues shall scarcely be saued We may not measure Gods fauour towards vs by our outward blessings or crosses Eccle. 9.2 All things come a like to all to the Iust as to the wicked Nay afflictions are tokens of the Lords loue the Childe is corrected the seruant cashiered
fainting verse 31. Are wee not by faith the Israel of God as his seruant Iacob whom hee hath chosen and the seed of Abraham his friend Chap. 41.8 listen to the Lord verse 9. Thou art my Seruant I haue chosen thee and not cast thee away verse 10. Feare not for I am with thee bee not afraide for I am thy God I will strengthen thee and helpe thee and will sustaine thee with the right hand of my Iustice Esay 41.14 I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand saying vnto thee feare not I will helpe thee verse 14. Feare not thou worme Iacob and yee men of Israel I will helpe thee saith the Lord thy Redeemer the holy one of Israel Esay 42.16 I will not forsake thee but make darknesse light and crooked things straight vnto thee Esay 43.1 Thus sayth the Lord that created thee O Iacob and he that formed thee O Israel Feare not for I haue redeemed thee I haue called thee by name thou art mine when thou passest thorow the water I will bee with thee thorow the floods that they doe not ouerflow thee When thou walkest thorow the very fire thou shalt not bee burnt neither shall the flame kindle vpon thee Feare not for I am with thee I wil bring thy seed from the East and gather thee from the West Esay 43.11 I euen I am the Lord besides mee there is no Sauiour And verse 25. I euen I am he that putteth away thine iniquities for mine owne Names sake and will not remember thy sinnes Math. 11.28 Come to mee all yee that are weary and heauy laden and I will ease you And learne this Lesson should wee all to suffer according to the will of God committing our soules to him in well doing as vnto a faithfull Creatour 1. Pet. 4.19 When our heauenly Fathers rods light vpon vs as it did vpon Iob 9.34 then must we intreate him with teares not so to astonish vs with feares but that we may speake vnto him when once hee hath clad vs with the roabs of his Righteousnesse and washed vs white in the blood of the Lambe Reuel 7.14 If wee be afflicted in body or minde cry mightily vnto God Reuel 14.15 saying Reuel 14.15 Reape O Lord thine owne Corne thrust in thy Sickle the time is come to reape I thy haruest-corne am ripe and ready for the Garner Yea a Cluster of thy Vineyard and a Grape for thy Presse yea in Christ Iesus a draught to delight thee gather mee O my Redeemer as wheate into thine owne Garner But why doe I cry so long vnto my God and gracious Father sure I am I shal not dye vntill my Lord and God speake the word saying vnto mee as once hee did vnto Israel You haue dwelt long enough in this place Deu. 1.16 Deutro 1.16 Let no pangs or paines fright vs from our heauenly Father we knowing that our eldest Brother Christ Iesus the very Authour of our life was condemned to death Mathew 20.18 and that euen then when hee came not to be serued but to serue and giue his life a Ransome for many The Lord Iesus so open your eyes that receiuing the true sight you may follow him that couragiously through Death went himselfe vnto life Feare no danger to bee in death it cannot bee but a good Entry that the faithfull passe vnto by deaths cruelty Dread not neither bee affraide for when wee renounce our owne strength and constantly follow our owne vocation and depend on the Lord this resteth the true boldnesse and most agreeable to God such Calebs rest fittest to enioy the land of promise as treading it with the feete both of themselues and of their Children doe most constantly still follow the LORD Deuteronomy 1.36 Know this there is no strength in our selues where the hand of God is not ready prest to yeeld helpe there is no standing but falling when wee fight without our Captaine You must know this and all such as now feare the Lord that God will euer helpe his beloued in their necessities marry the times and houres are best knowne to him who at his pleasure most mercifully reuealeth them vnto vs by his Spirit 2. Kings 7. verse 7. to teach vs both to looke stay and waite vpon his holy and deuine pleasure and will Be you not affraide God will comfort you you haue liued long like a Christian dye now like a Saint surely sanctified with Grace from on High Foelix somnus cum requie requies cum voluptate voluptas cum aeternitate Petrus Dauus de Stephan Pleasant and happy is that sleepe which commeth with rest rest with pleasure and pleasure with Eternity Send your thoughts before you into Heauen as holy Harbingers of your happy soule and see whether there bee not a desire in you to receiue the blessed Sacrament Viaticum aeternitatis a blessed baite for each deuoute soule ready to trauell for another life It is the mercies of our God to make death the way to life and by the way of mortality to cloath vs with Immortality Oh the ineffable Mercies and Wisedome of God to seuer our soules from the dregs of our bodies to enioy the presence of God and be invironed with troopes of Angels and soules of blessed Saints Let vs not with the old Arcadians mourne one night for the setting of the Sunne for wee shall be comforted by the breaking of the day when wee shall see him to shine againe in his Spheare The people that were enraged at the death of Romulus were quieted by Proculus his newes that hee saw him in Glory riding vp to Heauen Much more must wee Christians remaine full of hope at the death of the Righteous which are layd to sleepe with their Fathers Who amongst you doe not mourne to behold the manifold outrages of the Children of Beliall in this so glorious a Sun-shine of the Gospell Feare not death my deare Brethren but rather desire with hearty teares to bee remooued from the seate of sinners and scorners Where some rest so vnchaste that moderate and modest Christians may not safely consort with them Some so insolent and proud that you may not playnely rebuke them of their faults Some so vnsatiable and gluttonous that you may not long sit with them and generally amongst sinners of vnsanctified hearts was godlinesse neuer more vrged yet neuer lesse regarded though malice by euery mouth debased yet neuer did she beare more rule Godly Preachers were neuer more publickely paynefull yet publicke paynes did neuer lesse profite in priuate The Catholicke and Apostolicke faith was neuer since the Apostles times taught more truely yet seldome seene lesse to Fructifie Such is yet the Satanicall seminary of greene growing iniquity and sinnes amiddest the sonnes of men Few now in these dayes doe remember how that the Cherubins of golde vppon the two ends of the Mercy Seate were a Worke beaten with the Hammer Places of Prerogatiues and Honour are not easily come vnto Neyther can we passe to
13. Great cause haue wee all to loue him and that both with our hearts and soules because the LORD assureth vs of the Victory but that it shall vndoubtedly goe on our side howsoeuer both Sathan and Sinners shall straine themselues to the vttermost against vs Deu. 8. Moses shews vs how that it resteth Gods will that we all must bee afflicted lest wee should boast of our owne power strength and abundance It is Gods order that hee keepeth vs withall assoone as we first enter into his Schoole he beginneth with the scourge making vs to feele hunger thirst pouerty sicknesse sorrowes and sundry kinds of aduersities because wee are all for the most part of vs so wedded to our wanton wayes and wills and so peeuishly proud in our owne conceits that our heauenly Father must perforce subdue vs by some afflictions else will we not acknowledge him to be our Master Although the Theefe vpon the Crosse was receiued at the last into mercy yet must wee all learne to leaue our sinnes before they leaue vs lest our GOD forsake vs and giue vs ouer vnto Sathan It is a priuiledge belonging vnto vs all which rests Christs that God our heauenly Father accepteth our wills and endeauours of obedience for perfect obedience it selfe Eccle. 25.10 Great is he that findeth Wisedome yet is there none aboue him that feareth the Lord the feare of the Lord passeth all things in cleanenesse Prou. 14.27 It is the well-spring of life to auoide the snares of death Affliction and not prosperity resteth for the most part the badge of Gods Church and true note of the members of Christ Gods Word it selfe teacheth vs that Christ his Kingdome is not of this World The Israelites which were the people of God did soiourne as strangers and were euill intreated 400. yeares from Abrahams time to Moses for it is the condition for the most part of the Church of God still to be giuen into the hands of their enemies Ier. 12. It is truely said that Crux est Ecclesiae nota the Crosse is a note of the Church Marke not triumphs but troubles doe point out the Lords Seruants and singularize his Saints vnto whom not any disease plague or punishment can come without Gods prouidence or sending it It 's not the washing of my flesh in water but Christ my Sauiour his cleansing our soules from sinne that purgeth vs from all impurity As pure Oyle must not be beaten and the best Lamps burned so the best Christians first crossed that at the last they bee crowned and shine as Lamps before the Lord continually Let this be a medicine to each Malady that God by his scourge calls vs to glory Let no afflictions mooue vs knowing that as wee are Christs members we are borne thereunto and therefore if wee feele not Gods fauour as wee wish wee must not thinke our selues miserable because our life lieth hidde with Christ in God Col. 33. Therefore may wee not hold it as a hurt vnto vs that we rest depriued here of sundry signes of Gods fauour he louing vs neuerthelesse as it manifestly appeareth by Moses and many others who had many tempests and troubles that some euen desired to be wiped out of GODS Booke who yet haue had workes and faith towards the Almighty 2. Esdras 13.23 Blesse the Lord for his Fatherly rod and welcome his Wand Wisd 20. what he doth it 's in loue to free vs from wickednesse and conuince vs of sin Learne we therefore to be patient vnder the hand of Gods lashing vs for so it becommeth the children of God and members of Christ Iob. 33. It is by afflictions and corrections that GOD openeth our Eares that were sealed vp abating our pride verse 17. And keepeth backe our soules from the Pit our life from the Sword yea God will first cast downe vnto Hell before he heaueth thee to Heauen and doome thee to Death ere hee bring thee to Life because that neither one nor other should be pertaker of his prayse and glory It is Gods ordinance in this world that his Church and Children yea euery member of his body should be vnder the Crosse to learne the better to put their whole trust in him and seeke the comfort of the Spirit which neuer failes to help the faithful into the land of Promise Howsoeuer God leaueth vs for the tryall of our Faith The two Sacraments Baptisme and the Lords Supper remayne as pledges of our Saluation The first washing away the guiltinesse of sinne and the latter strengthning our Faith to our very soules receiuing both the body and blood of Christ Iesus though that no man liuing can deserue Saluation yet as Gods adopted sons and children must we all learne by our good VVorkes to glorifie our Heauenly Father declaring our true thankefulnesse for our Redemption through Iesus Christ our onely Sauiour and by good VVorkes assuring our Election and winning others into Life by our holy conuersation in Christ Iesus Remember that GOD beeing made man for vs hath in his owne Nature suffered whatsoeuer our sins deserued and made vs with himselfe the children of God and heires of eternall life VVhereof least we should doubt the Lord hath appoynted the Sacraments as outward tokens to bee seene and felt of vs that we should not doubt of beeing partakers of Christ himselfe and his benefits his righteousnesse and Holinesse is ours wee beeing borne anew by the Holy Ghost and walking in righteousnes all our dayes Learne we all to be no lesse thankfull for sicknesses then for health for sorrowes then for comforts imprisonment then for liberty knowing sanctified sorrows open the gates of Heauen vnto the Eternall maiesty of God Our heauenly Father so loues vs that he will lay no other burthen vpon vs then shal be to our good and profit It may be that wee haue both called and cryed vnto God in our extreamities and haue not bin released what of that yet must we quiet our mindes in this that as Children wee haue layde our complaints griefes and sorrowes in the bosome of our heauenly Father who when he seeth it time conuenient wil vndoubtedly helpe vs as certaynely as you and I haue soules he neuer forgetteth the sorrows of his Seruants he still seeth their teares and putteth them in his bottle Our Heauenly Father which hath the issues of Death in his hands wil deliuer you from danger shed you neuer so many teares they shall all be dryed from your Eyes As our Victories in the field come not by our owne strength wisdome and pollicy but by the Diuine will and pleasure of our heauenly Father So in our sicknesse and weaknesse it is neyther physicke nor Physition potion or playster drugges or dainty Dishes can fit vs for Paradise but Fayth may conuay our soules past the mountaynes of Lebanon to the Paradise of God not onely to behold it with our Eyes a farre off but aboue the order of nature most comfortably to enioy it Consider often that
away all things that are contrary vnto his Commaundements so where the wicked feele Gods power you and I being godly shall find his mercies Desire we God to be our sufficiency aboue physicke meate or drinke Are we in the depth of misery let vs contemplate his Power and glory as if we were in his Sanctuary assured of his Spirit Afflictions dwelleth with the best of Gods seruants who haue no leasure to swallow downe their spittle Such is the estate of the poore members of Christ Iesus that oftentimes they bee soare groaning vnder the Crosse of tribulation yet suffereth not our Sauiour any of his to passe from vnder his shaddow till our heauy and oppressed heartes comforted and fully refreshed Our heauenly Fathers scourge is vndoubtedly a fore-runner of Gods gracious fauour and blessing and the onely way to saluation Crye and call faithfully and God will still heare thee what time the storme falleth on thee It is our Heauenly Fathers fauour to open our eares by his correction thereby keeping backe our soules from the pit and our liues from passing by the Sword He striketh vs with sorrows vppon our beds making our soules to loath and abhorre euen the daintiest meates By carefull Crosses God openeth our eares so as neyther health may hurt vs nor Prosperity vndoe vs The cause why God sendeth vs sundry afflictions is to beate downe our pride and to turne vs from euill and impiety Our gracious GOD withdraweth not his eyes from the righteous neyther will hee still be fettering vs with the cordes of afflictions But he will be opening our eares to Discipline and commaunding vs to returne from iniquity My GOD and Heauenly Father so mooue your and euery one of our hearts to the feeling and seeing of all our sinnes and iniquities that we may all come to him by repentance as did Manasses at the last Assure we shall our soules of this that to the afflicted God sheweth Grace The scourge of the Lord is vppon vs wee ought the more humbly to pray vnto our God that he hide not his face from vs. But rather to indue vs with his Spirit as still resting in misery and afflictions wee might be driuen from man to God As was the Prophet Dauid When his Friends forsooke him and all his Acquaintance hid themselues from him Then gat Dauid vnto God most humbly with these words Oh Lord heare my Prayer O let my crye come vnto thee Hide not thy face from me in time of my trouble but incline thine Eares vnto me that do mingle my drinke euery morning with my Weeping Learne we each one neyther to haue fellowship with the deceitefull nor yet to stay with the vngodly but to wash our hands in innocency and so to go vnto the Lords Altar See you neuer forget the loue of our Sauiour Christ to mankinde who was content for to become a Redeemer to mankind and not for the Angels which fell as did both man and woman For the ground of our Redemption is the special loue of Christ not the fore-seene workes of our faith in the eternall Counsel of God But like as the Israelites got not Canaan by their owne sword and power No more can we gaine Heauen but by Gods fauouring vs in Christ Iesus his Sonne The faithfull are chastened ere they be Crowned yea checked and aduised for to leaue their bad manners and particuler vices and to follow and practise holy religious duties in faith feare and feeling with holy Obedience both to God and man Both Paule and Barnabas teach vs this Lesson that we must through many tribulation Enter into the kingdome of God Few things came into the Hoast of Israel but such as were purified eyther by fire or water How much more ought the sinfull soules of men to be purged ere they come to their Heauenly heritage Num 31.23 Num. 31.23.24 As Hester was first purified sixe moneths with Myrrhe after that with sweete Odours and then come vnto Ahashuerus So bitter tryals and trauailes must touch our heartes ere wee can lodge with the LORD of Life vnder whom King Ahashuerus liued but as a Lieutenant It is the Priuiledge of Christs members to be troubled and afflicted but not for euer to bee fined as siluer in the furnace of affliction and tribulation VVhat was once spoken vnto the olde Iewes I doe now vnderstand it as applyed to the Elect whose priuiledges in this life are pangs and pains troubles and tortures calamities and crosses so that it is now growne to a Prouerbe Athemata mathemata passionis documenta The Lords lashes are lessons to leade vs a long the right and streight way to Christ the true Sanctefier of our soules to all that beleeue in him Dauid penning his sweetest and harmonious Psalme in his bitterest afflictions teacheth vs euery one to profite by Gods Rod because that afflictions Bringeth home the Prodigall Sonne Luke 15. Luke 15. And maketh Nebuchadnezzer lift vp his eyes to Heauen honouring him that liueth for euer As many as rest sons must be scourged of their father wee iust ones knowing God but must looke for messengers to salute them with shriking sounds of sorrowful newes For our learning it pleaseth God oftentimes to conclude the best peoples liues with very fearefull euils As we see in the death of Iesus Christ his best Apostles Ionathan Lazarus and the LORDS two VVitnesses Reuel 11.7 Who hauing finished their Testimonies are killed for so doing and their Corpses throwne into the streetes of the great Citty the Gentiles in their courses three dayes and a halfe not suffering their Carkasses to bee put in their Graues See how the Lord scourgeth deepely where hee loueth most dearely stay but the LORDS leasure and hee will vndoubtedly comfort your distressed heart and minde if you will patiently abide seeke and waite for him in the Way of sincerity and trueth Remember wee should all that Israels portion is not passed into by following of vaine and vnlawful pleasures not by imbracing the Earth in our armes or sending out our Children by flockes to daunce after musicke Til the Lords Vae mane surgentibus Esay 5. seize vpon vs Israels portion is not so easily come vnto There is no other way to the Crowne but by the crosse we must suffer our afflictions as the good souldiers of Christ before the Lord will receiue vs into Eternall Glory Learne we all therefore that the Crosse of Christ is the best Schoole-maister to bring vs to Christ As Naaman did wash ere hee could be whole so must good Christians be content to suffer tryals VVhilst God threatneth afflictions to our flesh he would haue vs to prepare Faith and Patience in our hearts to entertayne the LORDS chastisements with teares The rod of God to man is as the presse to the Grape the fanne to the Corne and the fire to the Gold How was good Iacob troubled first to haue his onely brother as it were to sweare his death then to
GOD the Horne of our Saluation seeth and yet suffereth and he beares with vs repenting and pardoneth vs returning we deferring our Repentance he expects vs He giueth vs when wee aske openeth to vs when we knocke and eft-soones is then found when wee doe seeke It is the Nightingall delights herselfe with her quauering and trebling notes So should all we faythfull ones declare abroad Gods mercy The worke of our Saluation which we had no power to begin our Sauiour wrought it for vs yea finished the same on our behalfe So as now you may looke boldly to the Throne of Grace and vpon the trueth of our Repentance and Faith know onely Peace and Ioy Christi passio adiutore non leguit Saith Saint Ambrose Christs passion needes no helpe at all Christ was mocked and spitted on to wash vs from wickednesse His garments pulled off that our sinnes might be couered he whipped to deliuer our soules from perpetual scourges Christ thirsted that our Soules might be satiate and satisfied Christ bare his fathers wrath that we might beare none yeilded vnto death that we might neuer taste it In sence was Christ our Sauiour forsaken for a time when he cryed out my God my God why hast thou forsaken me this was that we might be receiued for euer into glory Let my soule dye if Christ cannot saue it Oh thou languishing soule of mine there is not one of thy sinnes but it is prayed for in the bitternesse of my Redeemers death Christ Iesus Not any one of thy debts in the scroule of God but it is crossed not any one farthing of that infinit ransome left vnpayd for vs. Doeth your soule crye in bitternesse I haue sinned Oh thou preseruer of men what shal I do vnto thee what shouldest thou do Turne and beleeue and thou hast done enough Christ side was opened euen vnto the heart to receiue vs in thither if wee will enter in at the open doore Christs feete were nayled to make vs know that hee departs not from vs till we depart from him O cast thy burden vpon the Lord and he shal nourish thee and not suffer thee to fall for euer The deadnesse of our hearts and dulnesse of our Spirits was it not enough for Christ to call vs gently to allure vs kindly to teach vs daily to heale vs louingly and to feed vs sweetly But he must be faine by a most dreadfull death to pull and hale vs to draw and drag vs to the true feeling of his deare loue towards vs to cause vs by strong hand and by force to become obedient to our heauenly Father and Master This are we all to know and still to keepe warme in our heartes and remembrance that there is no want of our Saluation in Iesus Christ but in our selues in that we beleeue not and that we repent not There is no want of finishing thy Saluation so that thou continue still to goe forward in Grace and still imply Goodnes But whilst people delight in sin God therefore strikes and will not heare which is contrary vnto Gods honour For ●ee desires not the death of a sinner but rather that he should be conuerted and liue amidst the Assembly of Saints Do not thinke such people to bee sure and safe as are neuer touched with sorrowes and sicknesse for such as the Lord best loueth hee chasteneth when we reioyce in sinne he scourgeth vs till we shrike sigh and crye as when Epaphroditus was sick and very neere vnto death and yet was Paules fellow-souldier in Christ Phil. 2.27 It is the Lord which setteth vp on high them that be low that the sorrowfull might be exalted to saluation remember that you haue heretofore seene the blossomes of Trees promise abundance of Fruite which notwithstanding haue neuer came to any growth by reason of the stormes So in health and prosperity many haue followed Christ which in aduersity haue beene blowne quite out of sight Remember we now that the Captains courage is not knowne till the warre begin no more is a Christians constancy till the persecutions rage A Bird in the Cage is surer from the Hawke and Fowler then abroad although they thinke not so and think your sicke bed to bee the best place to serue God on Our heauenly father would haue vs to serue him on our beds still chastning our bodies whilest we cheerish our soules Pining the one and pampering the other pulling you as through a prison to a place of happinesse and pleasure wherefore let no darknes daunt you but let your owne life bee as a Lampe to lighten your soule and delight others The best children march cheerefully towards Heauen as St. Paule did towards Ierusalem not well-knowing what should befall him before he returned backe from that famous Citty so God deales with vs in this world to cal vs out we know not whither nor to what end or purpose or what may befal vs in our way We may not be sloathful followers of Christ our Lord and Master but most couragious souldiers fighting to obtayne the Crowne of Glory and the inheritance of a celestial immortal life Feare not the iudgment of death but remember them that haue beene before and those that are to come after This is the ordinance of all flesh why should wee then be agaynst the Most High whether it bee ten or a hundred or a thousand yeares there is no defence of life against the graue Mathew 19. The womans bloody issue was not cured till she came to Christ Marke I beseech you where and of whom health doth come no absolute Physitian of Soules but Iesus Christ onely The Prophet Ioel may much comfort our hearts When he sayth My people shall neuer be ashamed Againe Abide still O my people and rest for your quietnesse shall come Be not you weary for when the day of trouble and heauinesse commeth others shall weep and bee sorrowfull but thou shalt bee merry and haue abundance GODS hand shall couer thee and all shall prosper which thou takest in hand Lord prepare and open my poore heart and strengthen my weake faith to prepare my soule for thy holy Sabboth which is the great day of thy rest and the day likewise that thou hast commaunded vs to heare and receiue thy Holy and Heauenly word which at the last must bee a cordiall to our dying hearts And that I may taste and draw of that water of Life while I liue that I may neuer thirst agaynes Lord also prepare mee to drinke my last draught of Christs cup with comfort euen for the Lord Iesus Christs sake the Son of thy loue and my only Sauiour Amen Sunday Meditations WHen wee are most tempted with grieuances whether outward or inward seeke succour from aboue neuer dispise Physicke nor yet the Physitian for they are needefull and necessary in fit time and season the Lord hath ordayned medicines for healing and giueth Knowledge to the Physitian to the lifting vpon his head amongst great men
A Grand-fathers LEGACY OR Maltbey's Morsels for Mourners Diuided into seuerall Meditations for euery Day in the Weeke Being a Comfort to all wounded and oppressed Consciences which seeke for comfort by the Word of Truth By Iohn Maltbey late Minister of Gods Word at Buckland in Glocester-shire LONDON Printed by N. OKES and are to be sold at the Crowne in Pauls Church-yard 1633 TO THE VVORshipfull and well respected Gentleman Mr. IOHN ROBINSON Esquire of Denston-hall in Suffolke And to the Vertuous and well-affected Gentle-woman his wife Mris Briget Robinson all terrestriall happinesse AS there is an appoynted time for the end of all our Acts and by the Almighties Decree once to dye so hath it pleased God that this Reuerent Divine hauing payd that debt to Nature that we must all pay And leauing behind him this new borne Babe which might haue beene obscured and buried with him had it not with a Religious Care bin preserued And being brought to the view of the World and past the Presse I haue selected you amongst many others knowing you most fitting to Patronise this Worke and do desire you to answere for this Childe and to receiue it into your protection And withall which was the chiefe motiue hauing bin often Resident with you and knowing in my selfe your pious and religious Gouernment in your Family in offering vp your first and latter Fruite of Prayer and Thankesgiuing morning and Euening made mee the more desirous to chuse You. The Subiect being of Diuine Meditations gathered out of the Holy Scripture for the comforte of all oppressed and wounded soules For which causes I haue imboldned to fixe your name as a Patrone of this and the like Subiects and present it though vnworthy from my hand beeing of this Subiect as a token of my respect shewing my gratefull minde to you if it came within my compasse for all your curtesies bestowed on me I do therfore presume to tender this my loue only as a remembrance of my thankfulnes and witnesse of my true meanings I wil now cease troubling you only turning my Writing into praying for your good health thus taking my leaue wishing you all happines in this life and a correspondency in the world to come Your louing kinsman to command I. OKES The Printer to the Reader IT is a saying of Salomon that it is better to go vnto the house of Mourning then to the house of Banquetting The house of Banquetting consisting of full Dishes which becomes not Mourners but rather Fragments and Morsels Our blessed Sauiour feeding foure thousand with seauen loaues and a few little Fishes Mathew the 15. Chapter and the 34. verse The morsels or Fragments that were left were seauen baskets full The same number hath this Reuerent Diuine obserued in giuing Method to the Booke in comparing them vnto seauen Baskets full of wholesome Consolation for the seauen seueral Dayes in the Weeke in a plaine and easy way for the better vnderstanding of the simplest Whose aged Life and Conuersation was well liked and approoued of amongst that little Flocke hee had in his Pastorall charge whose Losse was much Lamented by many who were his hearers And leauing behind him this godly Worke which he thought to haue set foorth in his Life time Mistris Margaret Maltbey committed it on his death bed to his louing Wife whose great care herein hath beene largely expressed and now desires that it may bee curteously receiued at the hands of all good Christians Farewell So I rest thine I. O. A Grandfathers Legacy OR MALTBY his Morsels for Mourners The Introduction AS Ionathan Sauls Sonne hearing of the troublesome perplexity of Dauid sought him out in the wood and comforted him in his God 1. Sam. 32.18 So I now hauing heard of your misery and weaknesse am come to comfort you as a neighbour Iob. 6. ver 24. who desire your happinesse from my heart and therefore would haue you to consider that God who caused Saul to returne from pursuing Dauid and to goe against the Philistines 1. Sam. 23. last verses can suddenly change your griefe into gladnesse and your misery into mirth so that you cry with faithfull Dauid Psal 39.15 O spare me a little that I may recouer my strength before I goe hence and be no more seene Psal 39.15 Psal 33.17 Psal 33 17. The eye of the Lord is vpon them that feare him and put their trust in his mercy verse 18. To deliuer their soules from death and to feede them in the time of trouble and dayes of dearth God grant you may long for your appointed time as the Seruant for the shadow or the Hireling for the end of his worke cry and say Lord let thy spirit within mee so make request for mee that thy hand may conuay mee from this vale of teares to eternall blisse Like as thine Angell guided Peter from prison to liberty Lord protect mee you and vs all from Sathans assaults keepe vs from despaire and secure vs from euill giue to euery one Comfort in Conscience Ioy in the Spirit Peace in beleeuing and a most setled expectation of life by thy Sonne our Sauiour Christ Iesus Munday Meditations NOthing more profiteth Gods Children then his Crosse this bringeth a loathing of our troubles here belowe and an ardent loue of enioying such things as rest aboue in the Heauens When Israel had peace in Aegypt they thought not vpon Canaan so wee bewitched with the world forget our saluation But as the Angell caught Lot when hee lingred in Sodome Gen. 19. Gen. 19. So doth sicknesses and distasts with-hold vs from Hell inuesting vs into euerlasting habitations in the Heauens Wee must not looke to bee carried into Heauen in a feather-bed all Gods Saints knowing this that afflictions rest as Porters to the Kingdome of Paradise the Cherubins keeping the East-side thereof with a blade of a shaking Sword Gen. 3.24 When wee haue health we should praise God for it and beware it become not the cause of our ruine You are sicke it is a signe of your heauenly Fathers loue and of your euerlasting happinesse this should make the cogitations of your heart to striue as did the Children in Rebeccas wombe Leape wee for ioy that our names as the names of Gods Children are written in Heauen what though wee be poore sicke full of soares and contemned of men yet being the Elect Children of God and our names in Gods Booke wee may haue sound Comfort both in life and death Remembring that sanctified Crosses rest assured notes of Gods fauour and therefore assoone as euer wee read Gene. 6.12 of Abrahams comming to Moreb it is presently sayd this Cannanite was then in the Land by whose cruelty God meaneth to exercise both him and his and the like must all Gods Children looke for Say not thou that afflictions rather driue vs from God then to God for where the Holy Ghost sanctifieth all things there doe proue most excellent Albeit Gods dearely beloued Children are
put into strange extremities yet looke they vp with comfort at the last The body of Anaxarchus might be brayed in a Morter but neuer his soule Ieremies body might bee sawed in pieces of Manasses his owne Cousin Germaine not his sanctified soule Amos was killed with a wooden beame St. Laurence broyled on a Grid-iron St. Iohn had like to haue beene boyled in an hot Chaldron of scalding oyle Doe not thinke but that your present Crosses may be seconded with manifold comforts and those cares on your Couch with Peter in Gods kingdome It may be the time is approaching of putting off your Mortality and passing through death as through a gate into euerlasting life to put you in minde to bewayle your misdeeds and to begge remission of your sinnes with powring out of your teares which are so gracious in Heauen that euery sinne is washed away with such a flood no weeds euer springing after such raine or sanctified shower Depend vpon Gods diuine prouidence haue patience with your Crosses attend mercy for your comfort beware of pride too often the ouerthrow of Honour be weary of this world make now your way towards the kingdome of God Who long hauing tryed you with Calamities may blesse you with eternall Comforts be you neuer comfortlesse for no doubt God which tryeth his seruants will likewise blesse and comfort them As now sicknesse makes you sigh and be sorrowfull so much more let the Cause thereof grieue your heart which is sinne And bee you comforted in this that Christ Iesus suffered for you lay away Melancholly plucke vp your spirits and put your selfe onely vpon God liue not like a woman but dye like a liuing Saint Let not Impatience preiudise your heart neither let thought pierce your heart but make patience and mirth the best phisicke to your minde and surest comfort in your liues Intreate the Lord to helpe you to beare your Crosses and so to strengthen you with his Spirit that you become not hopelesse of recouery and let no sorrowes so afflict you but as sacred Comforts may soone relieue you Consider your whole life to be nothing else but a continuall tryall of your Conscience in the spiritual Warfare Remember that such as depend vpon any thing but on God alone refuse their owne felicity and that goodnesse which they should else receiue of God Who knowes not this that there is no Saluation but by Christ There is no true rest till I first feele Gods Iudgements and the weight thereof which shall serue through Christ to my good God doth now and then vse to deferre his helpe for a time before hee will comfort his Church People or Children yet when it is most expedient for them his helpe is euer ready at hand Consider we all that the end of Gods chastisements to his Children is to saue them from Sathan and with-hold them from Hell As God hath strooken you so hath hee power to restore you as you are Gods seruant you haue an Angell to defend you from your enemies you are so deare vnto God that he can no more suffer your enemies to hurt you then a man can abide to be thrust in the eyes Psal 17.8 Psal 17.8 Sathan sought to Iehoshuah when he was doing his Office Zacha. 3.1 that is praying for the state of the Church where you must note that Sathan seekes to afflict and trouble the Children of God and hinder their saluation from doing their duties vnto God if hee could The Lord hath punished you for a time desire him now to be pacified and visite your sinnes no more but that you may liue in peace and quietnesse as in the Kingdome of Christ Esay 2.2 Micha 4.4 Haggia 2.10 Esay 2.2 Micah 4.4 The Lords hand of helpe neuer fayleth his faithfull seruants but resteth so powerfull in it selfe that it bringeth all his promises and purposes to passe although hee haue no helpe of mortall man Zachariah in the 14. Chapter of his Prophesie telleth that these should be the great troubles in the Church in the Euening whereof the Lord will send comfort by a plentifull supply of spirituall graces marry into the new Ierusalem to continue for euer where there shall be one God one Faith one Religion In any wise beware of prosperity premit praeterit it presseth and passeth staying by thee to thy hurt and flying from thee to thy griefe Prosperity is like the golden Bracelets that Turpeus had for betraying the Romane Castle to the Sabynes wherewith she was pressed to death Pharaoh was humbled being afflicted but enioying prosperity hee was hardened Noah was sober in the Arke but ouertaken with Drunkennesse in the Vineyard Gen. 9. Lot vexed in Sodome abhorred all vncleanenesse but once safe in the Mountaines Gen. 19. hee fell into grosse Impiety Dauid being persecuted gaue himselfe to Meditation and Prayer but once aduanced in the Kingdome committed bloody sinnes 2. Sam. 11. The best doe commonly fall when they are furnished with abundance as the Moone is not Eclipsed but when shee is in the full Learne therefore what to doe when God casteth you downe or depriueth you of any comforts you haue formerly enioyed vnder so gracious a Lord and louing Father as is our God Learne wee this Lesson that either God punisheth vs for our sins or for the probation of our faith when he either compasseth vs with his net or taketh from vs the ioy of our Honours the pleasure of our Eyes and the Crowne from our head with the desires of our hearts Now know this that our earthly house of this Tabernacle being destroyed we haue a building giuen vs of God that is an house not made with hands but eternall in the Heauens Striue we therefore to be cloathed with a House which is from Heauen because if wee bee cloathed wee shall not be found naked For indeed wee which are in this Tabernacle sigh and are burdened because wee would not bee vncloathed but would bee cloathed vppon that Mortality might bee swallowed vp of Life God that hath Created vs for this thing hath also giuen vnto vs the Earnest of the Spirit Therefore wee are alwayes bold though wee know that whiles we are at home in the body wee are absent from the Lord for wee walke by faith and not by sight neuerthelesse wee are bold and loue rather to remooue out of the body and to dwell with the Lord. Wherefore wee also couet that both dwelling at home and remoouing from our home wee may bee acceptable to him For wee must all appeare before the Iudgement seate of Christ 2. Cor. 5 1 that euery man may receiue the things which are done in the body according to that hee hath done whether it be good or euill 2. Cor. 5.1 c. to the end of the tenth Verse the eighth to the Romans all throughout it is comfortable It is the saying of St. Chrisostome Crucem tollere sequi Christum omnibus imperatur alligatus sum ego
sed Verbum Dei non alligatum Are you sicke it is not for your health not for your hurt Despaire not for our Saluation dependeth vpon the will of our most louing Brother Iesus Christ who will intreate the Father for the Children and the Father will heare the Sonne for his Brethren not refusing them but feasting them And though the best of vs haue no merits yet our Sauiour Christ hath so imparted to vs his Righteousnesse as if wee had effected it our selues By which his most gracious suffering he hath most surely signed and sealed his Diuine loue and heauenly fauour vnto vs which beleeue The Lord deliuereth his people by afflictions preserueth them vpon his borders Esdras 12.14 making them ioyfull vntill the comming of the day of Iudgement I see you rest weake and sicke I pray you bee as quiet as you can seeking no other remedy but content your selfe with Christ God oftentimes sendeth afflictions on vs to discouer our vaine Confidence which wee keepe secret to our selues Terrours and destructions make men now and then to learne that which exhortations and gentlenesse could not bring to passe As the Plow-man hath his appointed time and diuers Instruments for his labour so hath the Lord for his vengeance for hee punisheth some at one time some at another some after one sort and some after another So that his Chosen seed is beaten and tried but not broken in pieces as are the wicked The dearest of Gods Children may faint but not finally faile and vtterly fall away God will suffer his Church to bee afflicted and yet at length send it deliuerance God suffereth sometimes his dearest Children to want Consolation that his grace afterwards may the more appeare when they feele their owne weakenesse Doe wee not by our sins prouoke God to take our liues from vs euery night You are now afflicted in your bodies yet assure your selues in the Lord that you shall finde deliuerance at last both for body and soule a very translation into blisse Gods power is sufficient without the helpe of any other our Heauenly Father hath all meanes in himselfe to bring his will to passe Hee sheweth his care and fauour ouer them that are weake and tender as God hath all power in himselfe so doth hee vse the same for the defence and maintenance of his Members Church and Children See that you neither feare neither man nor put your trust in any saue onely in God you are worthy of rebuke which will not rest on the prouidence of the Almighty but thinke that hee hath forsaken you in your troubles All power rests in Gods hands to deliuer you when hee thinketh good Therefore learne to abide Gods hand with patience and not curiously to seeke out the Cause of Gods delay in your Afflictions Trust not in your owne Vertues but acknowledge all good things to come from the Lord you are in Christs protection and therefore safe against all dangers and free from the feare of our infernall foes As a woeman cannot forget her Child no more doe the Compassions of our heauenly Father faile vs at our needefull times of our seuerall distresses Seeke no Counsell in your owne deuices lest refusing the Light and Consolation which the Gospell offereth you remaine still in sorrow and neuer bee comforted Esay 51. God comforteth his Church that they should not bee discouraged for their small number but remember their Parents Abraham and Sarah of whom they are borne The punishment of the Elect is by measure according as God giueth grace to beare it But in the Reprobate it is the iust vengeance of God to driue them to an insensiblenesse and madnesse Ier. 15 16 The Church of God in time of her afflictions and Captiuity bringeth forth more Children then when she was at liberty Wherefore doth our God refuse vs and forsake for a while but that with greater Compassions and euerlasting Mercies hee may imbrace vs againe as our Redeemer for euer It is our fault that we are not soone reconciled one to another and iudge God by your selues But hee is most easie to bee reconciled offering dayly his mercies vnto vs deliuerance is from Heauen and God neuer forsaketh his Children There shall be great afflictions in the Church but God will euer deliuer his True deliuerance from sinne and Sathan belongeth to none but to the Children of God whom hee iustifieth and when Gods will and pleasure is hee will shew you fauour and feeling graces Our Heauenly Father hath no need of mans helpe for the deliuerance of his hee can easily deliuer his Children and punish his foes Consider not so much what griefes and afflictions you now beare in your Body as what Christ hath borne for you to purchase your saluation Remember why Israel was so sore afflicted that they might in their troubles call to remembrance the benefits which God had bestowed vpon them in times past Yeeld not to the Censure of thy flesh when God doth not for Causes best knowne to himselfe send succour vnto you presently You are in distresse and trouble dedicate your selfe vnto Gods Seruice and call vpon his Name let all your Ioy bee in Gods Seruice and Worship no mans helpe can saue you put your confidence in GOD looke for helpe at his hands who hath better Physicke for your soules then any that commeth from Gilead Pray with true Faith and Repentance not for the smart and griefe which you feele to be remooued but finally sanctified to your Honours saluation Remember that God is the Potter and wee the Clay hee hath power ouer vs Esay 45.9 Rom. 9.10 to doe with vs whatsoeuer seemeth good in his sight As no man that is a thirst refuseth fresh Conduit-water which hee hath at home to goe and seeke waters abroad to quench his thirst So wee ought not to seeke for helpe and succour as Strangers and leaue God which is present with vs. All which meane to enioy the Land of promise must walke in the way of truth which God there teacheth them Let your Faith still striue against each temptation and in your greatest weakenesse seeke to the Lord for strength Know this my beloued that the dearest Children of God may bee ouercome in the battell betweene the Flesh and the Spirit and great inconueniences may they fall into Iob 3.1 c. 15 10 till God rayse them vp againe The Scriptures telling vs that Iudgements begin at Gods owne house wee may not thinke it strange that we are now grieuously punished who haue now and then Ezech. 9.6 1. Pet. 4.14 17. played he part of Gods enemies Extreame are the afflictions that God appointeth for euery one as Psalme 15.8 Esay 51.17 But the Cup which the wicked drinke is more bitter then that which God giueth to his Children for hee measureth the one by Mercy and the other by Iustice If you see you rest weake commend your selues to Gods mercy who meaneth not to destroy you for your sinnes but
Christ Iesus For a time the Father hid his face from him but with euerlasting Compassion did hee most graciously looke vpon him at last God resteth our Father hauing a care ouer his Church and Children preseruing vs from fire and water and each other eminent danger God is faithfull who will not suffer you to be tempted aboue that you are not able but will euen giue you the issue with the temptation that you may bee able to beare it You are the Lords workemanship and hee will vndoubtedly prouide for you both sheltering and comforting you and that euen then when you finde the heate of afflictions to shine most hottest vpon you Forget not to goe and come vnto the Lord in the time of your trouble and deepest distresses knowing Christ to be our Shepheard and preseruer in each danger Wee cannot honour God more then to depend on him in our dangers and fly vnto him in our extremities as our onely helper hope and fortresse This rests a matter of endlesse comfort that our Lord Iesus Christ will bee a place of comfort and refreshing vnto vs and as a shadow at noone-day in the greatest heate of bloody persecutions You are now cast downe as the Children of God to the disquieting of your soule within you yet for all that waite you still vpon God Let no feare or danger make you deny Christ and his Gospell who comforteth vs in his Church refresheth vs in our troubles and freeeth vs from the dread and dangers of Hells horrours if wee faithfully call vpon him for pardon of our sinnes as once did Manasses Bee you still thirsting for life and panting for Paradise powre out your hearts before him that keepeth Heauen for your house assure your selfe of Gods helpe bee you neuer so grieuously tormented the Saints of God haue still waited vpon him to teach vs all to be constant and to waite still for our seuerall deliuerances We knowing the Lord God to be the Author of each calamity may not murmure but seeke remedy at his hands who woundeth vs lift we vp our hands in hope not boasting of our vertues but declaring that wee still rest vpon God in the middest of all our afflictions It is a bad seruant that will not waite on his Master God doth not alwayes punish our sinnes but by hard afflictions calleth vs to the consideration of the heauenly Ioyes Wee doe not honour our God aright vntill wee trust in him alone taking his Maiesty to witnesse that wee hunger in heart to bee vpright towards God still crying when wee are grieued This God is my God for euer and euer and hee shal be my guide euen vnto death Psa 48.14 Psal 48.14 Life and death are in Gods hands and no man can liue for euer howsoeuer therefore you dreame of Immortality it is not to bee founded vpon earth although your disease is grieuous and dangerous yet know you this that God hath infinite wayes to deliuer you Did not God deliuer his people from Og King of Basan and other Tyrants and his owne people from the the Red sea when they were in great extremity and danger Let not your present crosses rest an occasion of your falling from God but rather a Cause of cleauing faster vnto him Howsoeuer you doe yet suffer troubles yet hath God his time wherein hee hath appointed your deliuerance A liuely faith assureth the soule that God is fauourable vnto him when hee seemeth to bee angry and then at hand when hee seemeth to be farre off Feare you not but God will heare you though Care make you thinke that the Lord long deferreth you What though to day you seeme as a Sheepe beset with many Wolues yet put your trust in God and depend still on his prouidence and you shall assuredly bee comforted at the last Vnder the temporall punishment of the Land of Canaan is comprehended the promise of life euerlasting to all the faithfull and their posterity In the time of our distresse wee must learne to pray earnestly and although God stay as if hee heard vs not yet is then our deliuerance neerest when wee seeme voide of reliefe and succour Are you in distresse God hath millions of meanes to free you from miseries and preserue you from troubles Acknowledge our heauenly Father to bee the onely Authour of all your deliuerances from dangers and death and that by his prouidence you are still enfranchised from troubles God will recompence his long tarrying with double and vndoubted comfort to your soules There rests no true praysing of God except it come from the heart Promise therefore to delight in nothing if henceforth God send you life and health but onely that wherein God may bee glorified Remember that sicknesse is Deaths messenger teaching vs to reioyce in nothing but in the Lord. The faithfull must learne to depend vpon Gods hand in the time of their miseries knowing that when things are euer at worst then will God come and set them in order and so bridle the rage of the enemy as hee shall become mightlesse were he neuer so strong before Wee may not looke to bee deliuered at our first cry our eyes may bee kept waiting for our comming with our deceitfull hearts and searching out of our owne spirits crying vnto GOD to know the Causes why wee are chastened and when our sorrowes shall haue an end Desire you to know the way from Earth to Heauen wee must ascend by Faith vp thither if wee will know the waies of the LORD or the secrets of his diuine Word and Will Then must wee learne what extremities God will suffer vs now and then to fall into and why to exercise our faith before hee set to his hands to deliuer vs. God for a time will exercise vs with his rods yet vnder the Kingdome of Christ shall wee rest assured both of our peace ioy and comfort I beseech you learne so to call and cry vpon God as you neuer become weary though GOD grant not forthwith your requests but learne rather to be more earnest with God and to call the more o●t●er vpon him Though your state rest not so glorious as you wish yet waite with patience and GOD will accomplish his most comfortable promises Acknowledge and confesse God himselfe to be the author of our saluation who very oft in loue calleth vs by his rods to consider the shortnesse of our liues and how that for our sinnes sake hee abridgeth our dayes lest that his wrathfull Iudgements should fall the more heauily vpon vs. Let this be the comfort of your heart that as God is all sufficient to defend you from dangers so resteth hee most willing to comfort you in your most perillous agonies Content your selfe with that life which God giueth you for by Death the shortnesse of this Life is recompenced with Immortality Know should wee all that God hath care ouer his and oft chastiseth them for their wealth that they should not perish for euer with the
wicked Faint not in trouble and you shall assuredly finde helpe let mee intreate you to remember that God requireth two things at your hands and of all his Children in the world First that you detest vice secondly that you put your trust in God for your deliuerance which though they appeare not suddenly yet rest they most sure and are all layd vp in store for you I feare not Bee you in neuer so great misery yet is there euer left place for your prayers see therefore that you labour to haue a liuely feeling of that which you desire stedfastly beleeuing to obtaine it Despaire not of Gods mercies for as great as the World is yet is it fraught with the signes of his fauour his mercies remoouing sinnes as the blast of windes doe the dust You haue nothing in your selfe to mooue God to mercy but onely the Confession of your infirmities and misery and though you be naturally flow to praise God yet stirre vp your selues to the performance of all the seuerall duties of godlinesse Bee not carefull for those you leaue behinde you for God which prouideth for bruite beasts will much more extend his prouident care vnto the Children of his sonnes and seruants there being no part of the world so barren but that most euident signes of Gods blessings appeare therein God prouideth not onely Hearbs and things necessary for vs but also things to reioyce and comfort our hearts as Wine Oyle and oyntments Doubt ●ou not of GODS prouidence i● caring for your Wife and Children knowing that hee prouideth euen for the bruite Beasts he prouideth for all Creatures their dayly food and hee with-drawing his blessings from vs wee all perish As Gods mercifull face giueth strength vnto the earth so doth his seuere countenance burne vp the Mountaines wee sinners doe so infect the world that GOD our heauenly Father cannot so reioyce in his workes as hee would Prayse I pray you for his benefits passed and bee you throughly strengthned and encouraged against all present and future sorrowes whatsoeuer So inestimable is Gods goodnesse that hee would rather change the order of Nature then that his people should not bee deliuered Exo. 14.27 Exodus 14.27 although they were wicked Not any one of Gods Elect but earely or late shall feele Gods helpe in their necessity neyther rests there any afflictions so grieuous out of which God will not deliuer his whereof wee must learne to bee mindefull all the dayes of our life Not once forgetting this that God doth punish and correct vs seldome extreamely but because wee cannot bee brought vnto him by any other meanes When in mans Iudgement there seemeth in sicknesse no recouery but all things are brought to despaire then GOD chiefly sheweth his mighty Power and brings vs by sharpe and heauy rods to call mightily vppon him vntill wee finde mercy and compassion So by healing and helping vs when all secondary Causes and meanes of Physicke fayled vs it causeth vs with praise and glory to confesse Gods benefits yeelding vnto him the sacrifices of our owne soules When Humane artes faile then doth Gods prouidence preserue and bring vnto the Hauen where wee would bee Such loue did GOD beare vnto his Church that hee changed the order of nature for their commodities euen at the Red Sea where the Israelites went through the middest of the Sea vpon the drye Land The water being a Wall vnto them on their right hand Exod. 14. and on their left Exod. 14. It is Gods manner sometimes to exalt vs and then agayne to humble vs by afflictions that we may know our selues Know that you belonging to the Lord all things shal turne to your profite trust still fully on the Lord and hee will finally free you from your troubles and sorrows Care not for your outward sorrowes assayling you so the Spirit within comfort you Shew your selfe a faithfull seruant of the Lord God In this your present aduersity still remembring that as the Lord is a a iust God so resteth hee a most mercifull father and when wee are in distresse then is it our time to seeke him and his helpe when wee rest destitute of ayde succour counsell and comfort God hath a care ouer vs disposing of our Death and taking account of our Life yet rests our best payment but thankes laud and prayses for his mercies Refuse you not to be tried with temptations but intreate the Lord so to succour you in time as you faint not through infirmity Know this that with out the maintenance of Gods word our life droppeth away like water Doubt not of Gods power yet of each lawfull meanes and neuer abuse his graces and so shortly you shal be comforted GOD will not suffer such as haue set foorth his glory to groane ouer-long in griefe and to bee ouer-come with misery but with sound Doctrine will comfort our corrupting flesh and languishing desires with the society of Saints and melody of Angels in Heauen Vnderstand this I pray that wee which are not yet punished for our transgressions haue no cause to reioyce at others which are afflicted but rather to feare that the dilation of our punishment wil be more grieuous for though our God doeth come with leaden heeles hee striketh with iron hands recompencing the tardity of his stroake with the grauity of the wound Do not grieue to depart out of the miserable cottage of this World in-into Heauen the Citty of Saints where possessing Christ wee shall enioy all things with him Rom. 8.32 Rom. 8.32 Farwell Riches that are vanity pleasures that are hurtfull and sin which is damnable Come to mee O my God for thou art Truth and thou O Christ my Redeemer with thy merrits and thou Holy Spirit my Guide and Comforter Regard no earthly things for they are of short continuance make the ioyes of Heauen the obiects of your soule which are eternall Desire God eyther mercifully to preuent the plagues or else to grant you patience to sustaine them when they come It was Paules aduantage to haue Agabus Prophesie of his Chaynes that so by his flight hee might eyther defeate the Iewes or by premeditated Resolution lighten or preuent his bonds Although no Repentancs can alter the Almighties decree yet resolued patience may the better endure it the safest shelter in all our afflictions is our faithfull relying vppon Gods assistance And our best improouements of Gods power is by our infirmity No stronger instigation of mercy then our acknowledgement of misery as the priuiledge of greatnesse is to relieue the impotency of distressed supplicants We must labour to gayne by faith and not to loose by infidelity well knowing prosperous issues daily to attend the liuing images of the Deity your faithfull weaknesse becommeth not any disaduantage for glorious tryumphes No Martyre insulted vppon by the furious tyranny of his inraged aduersity but hath faith for his Aduocate naked Truth for his Guardian and the Holy Ghost to keepe him farre from
but God our Lord who is not rigorous to any but righteous to all God sanctifie your afflictions and free you from misery comfort you in Paradise and establish you really with Glory Amen Wednesday Meditations WHen the LORD doth visite vs and not presently free vs out of trouble we must beware and take heed that wee murmure not against God to require or grudge at his chastisements God sometimes suffers his euen to wrestle against desperation and to see no glimering of his mercies sometimes againe hee causeth the hearts of his dearest Children to leape for ioy then making his Maiesty most knowne when it may tend most for the comfort of the Elect Learne wee all to waite the Lords leasure for our deliuerance not to prescribe his time but stay his leasure and willingly waite till he comfort vs againe God forgetteth not to bee gracious though sometimes hee seemeth as though hee would shut vp his louing kindnesse in displeasure Howsoeuer it pleaseth GOD now and then to humble his Children yet he forsaketh them not for euer What are many nights of afflictions in comparison of the ioyfull morning and sun-shine of the euerlasting mercies and fauours of God These these reioyce our soules and comfort our hearts which are oppressed with sorrow Deutro 8.16 The Lord humbleth his Chosen people and prooueth them that hee may doe them good at their latter end A man may gather more vndoubted assurance of GODS euerlasting fauours towards his soule by inward afflictions then by any outward prosperity in the world Let vs all consider the manner of Gods dealing with his people in the world hee will now and then spoile vs of all our Sences and feeling of his Mercies in Christ yea suffer vs to lie bleeding in our miseries yea scorhed and tormented with the heate of Gods anger for sinne But when our hope rests euen gone then doth our heauenly Father send a gracious raine and a blessed shower to quench the heate of our poore afflicted soules for sinne which shall be as mercy to men in smart and misery Obiect But tell mee this Obiect why seeketh God his seruants in so much misery Ans To make vs all to depend of him onely with faith and patience Answ Secondly to make vs to know and see that wee are nothing of our selues but that all the strength wee haue it is onely in Christ Thirdly to stirre vp our hearts to seeke and pray vnto the Lord more earnestly for helpe and succour Fourthly to make vs esteeme the mercy of God more highly because things easily come by are lightly esteemed but things long in getting costing much trouble and paines are most sett by often therefore doth the Lord deferre his mercy vnto the last gaspe that so it might be the more esteemed Oh waite wee GODS leasure though hee deferre long and seeme to forget vs wee hope Lord for life in the middest of death and say though thou kill vs yet will wee trust in thee although thou deferre thine helpe and comfort for many yeares yet will wee neuer let goe our hold but still hang on thy mercy with our hands of Faith saying thus Lord though thou hast already whipt mee diuers wayes yet will I neuer forget to meete thee with my repentant teares well knowing thou esteemest nothing when Reformation of heart and life is wanting Iudgements come eftsoones from God for our sinnes yet layeth hee no more crosses vpon vs then hee in mercy will make vs well able to beare granting such an issue as wee shall gaine more in the Spirit then wee shall loose in the flesh Content your selfe my Brethren the Crosse in GODS due time shall bee your aduantage and leaue a sure blessing behinde it GOD imposing no punishments vpon vs but for our sinnes the tryall of our Faith Patience c. For our Heauenly Father doth afflict vs with light affliction to make vs runne vnto him and kisse his rod he afflicting vs for our good the reformation of our liues and the saluation of our soules I deny not but the best of Gods children may be afflicted with sicknes and wounds with troubled Consciences Gods rod being good both to purge our corrupt and cankered hearts and for the humbling of them throughly to the exercise of faith patience and prayer Hee knowes little that knowes not this how the poore Members of CHRIST must bee afflicted and liue in sorrow sicknesse and griefe of minde yet granteth the Lord patience to endure all By teares sorrowes and grieuous sicknesse doth God fyle away the cankered rust of our Rebellions that wee might bee more feruent in Prayer hunger more after Heauen and the more eagerly depend of his fatherly goodnesse and diuine graces When wee doe aske one thing hee giueth vs another that 's better for vs that wee might learne wholy to depend of his goodnesse all the dayes of our liues Are you in distresse fling your selfe into the blessed Armes of the LORDS mercy so will hee vndoubtedly giue you euerlasting rest vnto your soules such is the loue of GOD that hee neuer failes nor forsakes his Children Neuer despaire for any troubles but perswade your soule this that the God of peace will shortly treade downe Sathan vnder your feete hee is faithfull that haue made vs this promise Rom. 16.20 Rom. 16.20 Affliction being our portion on earth wee must labour to get faith and patience in our soules that so wee may hold out vnto the end As wee are Gods Children we finde no promise in the Word of God to be freed from temptations and trials pouerty sicknesse c. Howbeit as wee are Gods Children wee haue this promise that these things shall neuer hurt vs because the Lord will so sanctifie them vnto vs as they will surely leaue a blessing behinde them In time of danger and death nought in the world should more comfort vs then this to remember that wee haue walked before GOD in truth and with an vpright heart Esay 28.3 This cheered Ezechiah when hee was going the way of all flesh that hee had vndertaken much paines to know the LORDS Will. The best Christian is the most couetous in all heauenly knowledge of God and our saluation by Iesus Christ the Childe of God is no sooner in perill but the Lord putteth vnder his owne hand to deliuer him from death and danger Forget not God who sayth Esay 54.17.8 For a little time haue I forsaken thee but with great compassion will I gather thee Psal 34.17 18. Psal 34.17.18 The Lord is neere vnto all those that are of a contrite heart and will saue such as are afflicted in spirit Doth not our Sauiour comfort his Disciples thus Iohn 14.18 I will not leaue you comfortlesse but I will come vnto you euen I and I am with you to the end of the world Doubt not but there is comming a time of refreshing that will breake out as the rising of the Sunne and the bright beames of the Morning
euill wayes to remembrance and turne our feete to Gods Testimonies It is the Promise of God 2. Samu. 7.14.15 To Dauid and his Posterity 2. Sam. 7.14.15 that hee will be his Father and the Father of his Seede and sinning he will chasten vs with the rod of men and with the plagues of the Children of men That is gently as Fathers chastise their Children but neuer take his mercies from vs. Why are wee often scourged of our heauenly Father but because we are frozen in the dregs of corruptions wee spend our dayes in carelesse security without an holy feare of his Name Therefore commeth his holy hand to change our estates to awaken vs from wickednesse to chasten vs with his rods and to purge vs with fire Turne wee our hearts towards our heauenly home cease wee neuer vntill wee get fast hold of his most holy hand that can powerfully draw vs thorough Hell to Heauen It is Gods fauour to call vs from Hell by afflictions and thereby to breake in vs the power of sinne and to let out such corrupt blood as else would much hinder the thriuing of the best graces of our most mercifull Father more soules and this is oftentimes one cause why wee are eftsoones held long in the Cabin of Care and bedd of Afflictions and woes by reason that through wilfull wantonnesse wee abuse our strength and to the great dishonour of God and ruine of our soules Did not the sufferings of our Sauiour shield vs from damnation Seeke yee euer to bee bettered in Obedience reformed in the whole man humbled vnder Gods hands examining your hearts what sinnefull actions haue passed from you that the Lord should thus strike and visite you After sight of your sinnes bee sorrowfull in soule and humbled in heart marking well what God doth still aime at Not by sorrowfull sicknesse to destroy you or to confound you but to enforce you to call your owne soule to sigh and your very heart so to see your owne sinnes as in a sanctified course you may come home to your selfe and say from your soule this surely resteth the correcting hand of God which now striketh me for my sinnes I will now therefore returne vnto my heauenly Father by true repentance for hee that now striketh mee will both heale mee and helpe mee or perceiuing of Gods anger and feeling of his Iudgements vpon vs should cause vs to sigh and sobbe and goe softly yea to seeke the Lord earely who in Iudgement remembreth Mercy and howsoeuer God whip and scourge vs that are his Children yet his mercies will he neuer take from vs. Be you sure that God humbleth you no otherwise in the world then hee handled his onely Sonne who hath begun to drinke to you this bitter potion not onely assaying it but drinking to you a full draught It 's not onely a comfort but a glory to bee partner and fellow-sufferer with CHRIST who delighteth to see in vs some representation of himselfe Wee are no members of Christ if wee participate not with him of the persecutions and iniuries of this life Our heauenly Father will neuer hold backe his mercies from those whom our Sauiour entreateth mercies wee can not bee ouercharged who are charged with Christ who from euery crosse hath now taken away both the Infamy and the Curse and hath made it a Tribunall and a Throne of Iudgement for for all the World Christ hath now made the action of bearing the Crosse both inblameable and honourable Are you afflicted in Conscience get you vnto Christ that good Samaritane who will powre Wine and Oyle into our wounds Christ suffered all had all against him for vs and will wee contentedly suffer nothing for him did euer any trust in God and was not deliuered Or did God euer finally forsake those whom hee fauoured Or is deliuerance from temporall calamities an assured signe of Gods fauors Surely no for the Iudgements of God are both secret and vnsearchable nothing making vs miserable or happy but that which is eternall Cry wee therefore Lord so sanctifie our griefes as thou communicate therewith thy Graces vnto vs. Let euery calamity and crosse admonish vs of our Disobedience that first brought into this world sicknesses and sorrowes molestations and miseries diseases and death O let vs be glad to suffer troubles and trauels in this world esteeming our whole time of life as the forty yeares trauell into the Land of promise or as the sixe dayes of labour which goe before the Sabbath of rest O Lord we are all but as Lamps of Clay and as vnpolished peeces of Wood yet doe wee humbly present our selues vnto thee make of vs what it pleaseth thee Wee offer our selues wholy vnto thee desiring to depend altogether vppon thee This World Iere. 30.7 is a time of Iacobs trauell yet shall hee be defrom it The Lord of Hostes will breake the enemies yoake from off his owne peoples necke so that Strangers shal no more serue thēselues of Iacob This is the comfort of Gods people that howsoeuer God punisheth yet it is to saue them though hee correcteth vs by his Iudgements yet wil he not vtterly cut vs off in his anger If our bruisings were incurable then were our wounds dolourous if no Plaister or Medicine could helpe vs then were our case most desperate But wee haue a Sauiour and most kinde Samaritane restoring our soules both from death and danger yet as the Iron must bee well heated in the fire ere it can be wrought with the Hammer and driuen out on the Anvile So may wee not passe to the Pallace of Paradise till first wee suffer many stroakes of holy temptations and passe thorough the fire of piercing tryals The holy Saints and blessed Martyrs haue thus passed through this world of woe and come to the Crowne of glory God is eftsoones sending troubles and afflictions to such as hee best loueth because they should not busie their thoughts with worldly occasions but still be labouring and hasting on their Iourney towards Heauen It is the wisedome of God to deale roughly with his chosen Children making their liues both painefull and labourious to them to cause them to make the more haste to finish their Iourney without loytering in the shadow of this world and so to loose the day-light and goe on stumbling in the darke Nothing is more honourable for any Knight or Souldier then to beare the Armes of his King and Captaine neyther to any true Christian then for to suffer trauell and persecution as his forgiuer and keeper Iesus Christ hath done Learne wee all to wade thorough calamities after our Captaine looking for that Day which may enrich vs with eternall happinesse I beseech you make benefit of your present tribulation Gods people must remember that it is safer sayling through the bitter stormy seas of afflictions then dancing at pleasure vppon the calme streames of Vanities But who flyes from Prosperity as from the Pestilence Or thinke themselues safest when
the Word of God standeth not in bare Knowledge but in the practise of life It 's not an halfe seruice but our full obedience that GOD looketh for hee often promiseth vs rewards not for our merrites but to incourage that our labour shal not be lost It is the Lords manner in our greatest weaknes to manifest his power and in deepest danger make knowne vnto vs our saluation Content thy selfe a while with the water of teares and thou shalt be refreshed with the Wine of comfort Acknowledge Christ Iesus to bee now thy Sauiour and thou shalt not once feare him to become thy Iudge After trouble God sendeth comfort to all them which patiently waite on him and constantly put their trust in his mercies The Almighty put Iobs soule in bitternesse but it was to teach him to keepe righteousnesse and not forsake it God dealeth with some as hee did with Iob hee turned his Harpe vnto mourning and his Organs into the Voyce of them that weepes As often as God striketh vs with any kinde of troubles or afflictions whether inward in outward in our goods It is to beate downe our pride and to free vs from afflictions that wee feele not the weight of them nor the heauinesse of his VVrathfull hand or iudgements when he rests angry Sickenesse is GODS Herald which he sendeth to thy house home and heart Our louing God will not afflict thee aboue measure that thou shouldest haue occasion to contend with him It belongeth vnto God to moderate your Corrections and not man Can you pray with vehemency feare not but that both your secret complaynts and sighings are seene of God and sealed vp with Christ in your deepest temptations God both can and will deliuer you Although your deedes haue deserued destruction yet doth God in mercy pitty your frailty The more your Conscience is touched with the feare of GODS iudgements the more hope may you haue to prayse God in the Congregation of the faithfull who sendeth comfort and boldnesse in time of our afflictions who else were ready to drop downe to destruction Howsoeuer eyther sorrowes or sicknesse may somewhat discourage vs yet rest our miseries good meanes to cause vs to feele Gods present care ouer vs. When the Lord afflicteth vs and we crye vnto him we thinke by and by that hee should helpe vs but that is not his due time he hath some worke to worke with vs wee must waite and stay the time before we be comforted and then Physicke and all humane meanes fayling God helpeth that we may learne euer after to looke still to Heauen knowing that not onely our sickly bodies but our sinfull soules and vnsanctified senses such as all ours be must hence be purified or else perplexed Say O my God let neither Man nor misery driue thy Seruant from his Hope of Gods promise and ioy in the highest Heauens and also Eternall felicity Lord be mooued with the complaint of thy poore Seruant and d liuer me in the end from all manner of fearefull dangers Remember that the Lords word and promise is true and vnchangeable hee preserueth the poore from the peeuish and maintayneth the pyous agaynst the proud Crye mightily to our God for this one thing that whilst your afflictions last your faith may not faint Desire the Lord to comfort you both in soule and in body without whose fauour there is no perfect felicity nor hope of blessed immortality What though Sathan hath many wayes to hurt you yet hath our heauenly Father many millions more to saue out of his meere mercy The great power of Christs Kingdome against all Aduersaries thereof teach vs all patiently to indure the Crosse till God destroy the Aduersaries The more your afflictions do increase the more neere shall you feele the helping hand of God assisting you with his spirit of comfort Be not perswaded but that God loueth you farre better then euer your Parents did which very thought should pacifie and bridle your rage Depending vpon the Lord who neuer brake promise with any of his seruants Content your selfe for the treasures of Gods mercies are alwaies layd vp in store for his Children albeit at all times they do not feelingly inioy them How many seeme to be swallowed vp of grieuous afflictions yet rests God at hand to deliuer you And it is our heauenly Fathers loue to cause vs all to feele that wee are mortall and that there is no estate wherein we can liue to haue perfect quietnesse in this world Christ Iesus is come to redeeme the soules of his seruants that put trust in him how then shall the darts of Death endanger vs when death hauing done his worst Christ himselfe then becomes our Redeemer giuing vs for a poore Cottage a rich Kingdome God knoweth what dangers hang ouer our heads and by what meanes to deliuer vs from them Stay his leasure and the LORD will content your minde with that which is most necessary remember how our Faith must bee exercised with diuers temptations Though the iust man dye yet Gods blessings are extended to his posterity and though God suffer some iust man to want temporall benefits yet hee recompenceth him with spirituall treasures such shal bee continually preserued vnder GODS VVings and haue at last inward peace and rest in their mindes The patient hope of the Godly is neuer in vayne but in the end hath good successe though for a time God prooue them with sundry temptations why doth God visite any one with sicknesse but to put both your selfe and others in mind of his chastisments for sinne desire not to be exempted from Gods rod but that he would so moderate his hand that you might be able to beare it let prayer therefore become your refuge yeeld vnto God and not to your own desire Let vs not dispayre be our torments neuer so great but crye we to God with sure trust for our deliuerance doth humane meanes faile waite we for the helpe of God the weaker in body striue we with crying sighes to bee stronger in soule by Faith to the conquering of diseases Death Diuels and danger crye still for Patience to indure the punishments and chastisements which the Almighty sendeth and intreate the Lord not to be seuere against his poore creature neither to wrappe him vp with the wicked to be put to shame This know that it is a very hard thing for the Saints themselues to keepe measure in Words thoughts and gesture when Death and Dispayre assayles them though God deferre helpe yet must we learne to abide with Patience till he heare and helpe vs still remembring that such soules as please him God hasteneth to take them from wickednesse Howsoeuer you feele Gods hand to lye heauy vpon you yet rest vpon his promise and comfort your selfe and soule therein Account it Gods mercy to bee touched with his fatherly hand for each one of vs all is like an vntamed Calfe till the vse of Gods rod call vs home to Heauen Wee are
leaue his father and mother house and home Country and friends and to seeke for seruices in the world abroad Remember still Gods spye your conscience in your bosome see you and we are his secret intelligencer our conscience that wil be vndoubtedly most true and faithfull vnto God and intelligencer against Achitophell Haman Shebnah and others yea against thine owne selfe if thy soule bee vnsanctified you must hunger after Heauen ere it will be had Our heauenly Fathers correcting still whom he loueth and liketh teacheth vs not to dispayre of his fatherly fauours and friendly affections but rather that hee nurtureth vs for our Saluation fining vs as the Siluer and choosing vs in the fire as the purest gold Mark Christs dealing with his chosen members by conuincing their faultes when hee chastneth vs to breake vs of our euill wayes and thereby he bringeth vs to reformation correcting all of vs according to the quality of our offence The hardlier wee are broken from our sinnes the heauier iudgements will he lay on vs to work our deeper humiliation and repentance Feares shal make vs to vnderstand that which exhortations and gentlenesse could not bring vs vnto VVe must be first humbled ere we can be aduanced and haue fainting soules on earth before we can feele the high Holy and helping hand of GOD from on high to stay and heaue vs out of our distresses Relye wee still on God and he will not forsake vs in our daungers But giue vs still such pledges of his neuer failing mercies as may assure our hearts of greater in Heauen where more ioyes are prepared then we can either aske or once thinke of It is well that you thinke sin to be the ground of your afflictions and your offences the cause of Gods displeasure wherfore he sendeth crosses and curses vpon sinners Consider wee first how wee haue falne by wantonnesse of life and vngodly conuersation our neglecting Gods word and will hath brought the cup of Gods indignation vppon vs to reclaime our feete from folly and our soules from sinne Not to acknowledge our selues to haue deserued Gods iudgements because we yet feele them not is Pride of heart and a state most perillous vntill we be humbled God therefore pulled Dauid down though hee were a chosen Vessell when he saw him walke awry God corrects vs to reforme vs making his iudgements as messengers to recall vs from sinne before he enter into iudgement with vs. Beware of grudging at thy crosses or afflictions for our Heauenly father vseth them to amend vs beeing vnwilling the death of any sinner VVee hauing all sinned stand in neede of this Physicke of correction to reclaime vs from straying from our heauenly fathers dwelling beware of being ashamed of our fathers visitation neyther loue we the pleasures of this VVorld more then the ioyes of heauen Be we neuer ashamed of GODS rod for Dauid confesseth and sayth thy Rod thy Staffe doth comfort mee Psalme 23. the rod to correct when I am out of the way and the staffe to comfort and vphold me when I am in the way But intertain we his correction as a benefit and blessing sent from on high profitable for our soules and no way hurtfull to our hearts and still more and more fit you for the company of Gods Children The more sorrowful and sicke you are the more like you are vnto our elder brother Christ Iesus who finished our Redemption through the Crosse and made the way to the ioyes of heauen through tribulations VVhich way whosoeuer is a shamed to follow can neither come to his Kingdome nor set foot in the pallace of Gods most ioyful inheritance If you are now wounded without in your body be carefull to see to the soares of your soules I feare not but that the seedes of Faith lyes still in your heart although the fruite thereof doe not yet plainely appeare I doe perswade my heart that though your eyes waxe dimme yet the Holy Ghost will still giue vnto you the true illumination of your heart soule and seuerall sences If our Sonnes and Daughters haue beene deare vnto vs how much more dearely hath Christ our Redeemer once bought with his blood both our soules and our bodies I beseech you hold it a ioy to dye and to bee out of this sinfull World and to bee deliuered from the thraldome of this sorrowfull life Death is our refuge the helpe of our soules to Heauen there wee liue eternally where is no paine but all pleasure no sorrow but solace no sighing but singing no feare of death but assurance of euerlasting Life It is good for your children to bee afflicted that they may not stray from Gods house but keepe his Word and to learne and obserue his Diuine statutes Though we haue beene long chastned of the Lord but it is that wee should not bee condemned of the Lord. Gods punishing vs doeth with-hold vs from Hell stirring vs daily and earnestly to desire to be dissolued and to bee with Christ our Sauiour in glory Consider I beseech you that when the earthly House of this Tabernacle shal be dissolued we haue a building of GOD an house not made with hands but eternall in the Heauens which who so inheriteth shal be eternally saued I intreate and aduise euery one to be more carefull of their soules then of their bodies still comforting their hearts in their afflictions knowing that the sender thereof is God and the causer thereof our sinnes the longer we be and languish in sinne the more appeareth Gods loue in our sicknes for the which thinke God to bee the sender and likewise our deliuerer in danger and aduersity As the Husband-man doth not put the sickle into the Corne vntill it bee ripe So doeth not God inflict his grieuous iudgements vpon vs vntill our sinnes doe call downe vengeance for the same Art thou desirous to auoide contagious diseases see thou feare more thy sinne then the infected Citty Canst thou remoue thy transgressions from the face of the Lord The Citties contagion shall not hurt thee but if our sinnes remayne vnrepented all the wholesome ayre in all the Countrey cannot helpe thee or comfort thee In this world we can see but Gods backe-parts as Moses did that is but a little of the fauour of God but after this Life is ended we shall see God face to face hauing the ful fruition of him as we therfore wish the saluation of our soules let vs all beware of security or to deferre our repentance least we be cast into Hell fire hauing no lease of our vncertayne liues Labour we all to haue the Candle of Faith burne in the Lampes of our hearts still nourished with the oyle of loue and good workes It may not a little comfort vs in the time of our afflictions and troubles that our heauenly Father hath shewed such loue vnto vs that we should be called the sons and Daughters of God O what a comfort it is to my heart and soule
that I pray not to an inexorable Iudge but to a most mercifull Father who can deny me nothing As I most comfortably read Mathew Math. 3.9 It is no impudency to call vppon the LORD we haue his promise Eze. Eze. 36.28 36.28 that wee shall be his people and he will be our GOD for euermore VVe haue Christs warrant when we pray to haue the Holy Ghosts instructions whereby we may Crye Abba Father fearing God as our master and more reuerencing him then our parents VVe that are Gods children should so esteeme of our tryalls as alwayes tending to his owne glory and our saluation the matter of temptation I meane mine owne concupiscence is in my self the Diuel brings his bellows to this fire and it is forthwith Kindled But crauing Grace to repell this power wee are not swallowed vp of them but freely deliuered from the slauery of sinne and Sathan Saint Augustine asketh What our life is He answereth himselfe saying Saint Augustines resolution Arming to death our Life while it increaseth decreaseth and when our Life is dying our Death is liuing This Life is the time wherein we must be admitted into the Kingdome of Grace if euer wee looke hereafter in the Kingdome of glory and happinesse All Gods Children must in this VVorld be tempted that being tempted they may resist resisting they may ouer-come and ouer-comming they may be Crowned Be not weary of painefull walking to the Kingdome of Heauen fixe your eyes on Christ Iesus and neuer leaue running vntill you come to him neyther feare you any Foe rising vp against you for the professing of Gods trueth so long as wee may winne Christ Iesus for our reward Thinke not your selfe to be a fit stone for the LORDS building vnlesse you be hewen with the Axe of afflictions and then slit through the heart with a Saw of correction VVhosoeuer will heereafter taste the sweete ioyes of Paradise must first on earth with Christ Iesus taste of the cup of salt teares and afflictions with Dauid here he wattered his bed and hast thou none to bedew thy Couch with God would not afflict thee but to weane thee from wickednesse he would not haue the weeds to ouer-grow the good Corne nor the flesh to domineere ouer the Spirit therefore by afflictions are wee often brought to hate that which before we did loue and to imbrace what before we did loath Tribulation doth vppon the eares of the heart which worldly prosperity doth oftentimes shut 1 Cor. 11 the Lord in mercy often chasteneth heere that we might not be proud nor condemned with the world 1. Cor. 11.32 God woundeth vs not to make vs worse but wiser that wee might weepe each one for our seuerall sinnes and wickednesse which wee haue committed against our good God Oh remember that the afflictions of the body is wholesome phisicke for the Soule it killeth the flesh but cureth the Spirit One compareth afflictions to the Gold-smiths Forge which tryeth the pure gold from the drosse or as Physicke expelling corrupt humours from the body Or as a Shepheards crooke whereby God bringeth againe his wandring sheepe vnto the fold Sicknesse and sorrowes are as a watchfull rod to make vs vigilant that are in our selues naturally both sleepy and sluggish You know this that by afflictions are the Children of God and the sonnes of Belial discerned and taken notice of We are oft therefore inthralled that our Faith might be tryed hope loue and obedience exercised and our Crosses cheerefully welcomed sent of God for our good learning in affliction to abase thy selfe in the sight of God Almighty acknowledging and confessing that earthly scourges are but as flea-bitings in respect of the torments of Hell which by our lewd liues for euer we haue deserued Do you aske me why God afflicteth you in this world I answer That the greatnesse of his power and the infinitenesse of his mercies might bee shewed in the deliuery of vs you and such others There is no surer signe of the Lords VVriting your names in the Booke of Life then this that the LORD humbleth before hee exalteth and sheweth vs our damnable estate through sinne by the Law before euer he signifieth vnto vs that he is our Saluation And why dealeth God thus with his owne Children First vntill wee be humbled wee neuer seeke after Christ nor desire him without which wee can neuer finde him for God hath appoynted that by seeking we should find him A second reason is that our Redemption might bee the more precious vnto vs as our health rests more pleasant after sicknesse liberty after imprisonment plenty after scarcity and peace after warre From the Spanish Nauy in 88 From the Gun-powder treson From the last greate sicknesse And many perticular dangers Thirdly that Gods mercy in our deliuerance might bee prised in his kinde the Redeemer in Heauen for this especiall cause extoll the Lord and the Lambe with a perpetuall Haleluiah for an euerlasting Redemption from an euerlasting damnation requireth an euerlasting glorification This generall trueth is confirmed by a perticular example when the poore Iaylour was most grieuously tormented through the horrours of the Law before euer he can find his soule recouered by the saluation of the Gospell Hee cryes Sirs what must I do to be Saued Perhaps Paul and Sylas told him what to do Euen beleeue in the Lord Iesus Christ and thou shalt be Saued and thine household It is no ill signe to bee humbled as the seruant of God wounded in Conscience or pricked in heart not knowing what to do Niniueh was humbled before he sought to God Thus doth the Law prepare vs vnto Christ saluation and eternall blisse belonging to none but to the humble Esay 66.2 All Gods Children must go through the Hell of a wounded conscience before they can taste of any heauenly refreshing euen as Merchants waxe must be softned with a Candle before it can take an impression the terrour of our sin must languish our soules before wee can come to the remission of them The comming of GOD into the Soules of the Faithfull and chosen is notably resembled by his appearance vnto Eliah 1 Reg. 19.11.12 First 1 Reg. 19.11.12 there came a mighty strong Winde that rent the Mountaines and brake the Rockes but the Lord was not in the wind After the wind came an Earth-quake but the Lord was not in the Earth-quake after the Earth-quake came fire but the Lord was not in the fire at last came a soft and still voyce So the Lord appeareth to his Redeemed ones by the VVinde of his wrath breaking their hearts Secondly by the earthquak of his anger shaketh God our soules Thirdly by the fire of displeasure smoaketh he our Consciences but in the end by the still voyce of his mercies he refresheth our soules were they neuer so sinfull As the Iaylour had an Earth-quake in his Castle so must each Christian in his Conscience before euer he
perceiue his Election and Saluation The saying is as true as ancient We must goe by the gates of Hell to Heauen we must after a sort be in Hell before euer we can be capable of Heauen aboue That is in the Hell of an ashamed countenance and a confounded conscience before euer the Lord will say vnto our soules that he is our Saluation and Redemption Our humiliation by the Law must first preceed the saluation of the Gospell so then they are not conuerted that more or lesse are neuer humbled To be troubled and amazed for our sinnes is to be fitted for Heauen and first we must be lost ere we can be found and must be condemned before wee can be reprieued or saued We must be ashamed of our sinnes affrighted at our follies and confounded in our consciences before the Lord wil once say to our soules I am thy Redemption Are you amazed at your sins be not disparaged so farre you are in this your Hell from Hell as you are composed thereby and made fitter for Heauen which is the throne of the Euer-liuing Lord GOD. Againe we must labour to haue the spirit of Bondage become the Spirit of Adoption to our soules and we must acknowledge our seuerall diseases before Christ will heale vs. As euery one can rest content to haue Cstrist our Iesus so must we rest content to haue him our Lord and be conformable vnto him in bearing the Crosse if euer we meane or looke to be glorified with him in Heauen We must needs feele our sicknesse ere wee befit for Righteousnesse soule afflictions must not fright you from Almighty God but make you rather runne vnto him for defence as the Chickens do from the Kite to their Hen 2 Cor. 12.17 18. The more you trust in God the sooner will he support you and the more earnestly you cry and craue for iustice the sweeter will be your end and the more ioyfull your deliuerance Forget not to be thankfull for the least measure of Faith and Grace wel knowing that the want of these soone worketh mans ouer-throw Vnderstand I beseech you that though Death be the deliuerer of euery faithfull man and woman from the body and prison of sinne to Eternall Felicity Our Sauiour by his Death and Passion hauing killed the sting of death in vs and a though Paul once rauished with an high Contemplation Wished to be dissolued and to be with Christ. Philip. 1.23 Yet haue we no warrant euery man to pray for the hasting of his owne death being to euery Faithfull particular man the same thing that the generall transmutation wil be at the latter day to the whole body of the iust and Elect except that the Elect after the generall dissolution attayne to a greater degree of Glory Christ came not to Call the Righteous but Sinners to Repentance To seeke the lost Sheepe to finde the lost Greate and reclayme the lost Sonne or meet with the lost treasure Submit your desires to GODS will and leaue your indeauours with patience to be ordered by the Lords prouidence earnestly desiring preseruation from Death you patiently submitting your selfe vnto GODS pleasure eyther for Life or Death For the best and surest way to finde Fauour in the Eyes of the LORD Almighty is to desire him to doe with vs what hee seemeth or thinketh good for referring our selues to his Diuine prouidence hee will euer deale most graciously and louingly with vs. God is our GOD willing to shew vs grace and mercy he will turne to vs and be fauourable 〈◊〉 he takes away our manifold iniquities and cast our sinnes in the depth of the Sea Agayne Psalme The Lord is full of Compassion and mercy long suffering and of great goodnes He will not be alwayes chiding neyther keepeth he his anger for euer He hath not dealt with vs after our sins nor rewards according to our iniquities But looke how high the Heauen is in comparison of the Earth so great is his mercy towards them that feare him Looke how wide also the East is from the West so farre hath he set our sinnes from vs. Yea like as a Father pittieth his owne children euen so is the Lord pittifull to them that feare him For he knoweth whereof we be made hee remembreth that we are but dust Psal 145.8 Ioel. 2.13 Mat. 26.11 2. Cor. 1.3 Ephe 2.4 2 Tim. 1.13 Of the great mercies of God towards vs sinners read at your leasure Psalme and in Ioel 2.13 Math. 26.11 2 Cor. 1.3 Ephes 2.4 1 Tim. 1.13 vnto 18. verse All these places yeelde words of rare comfort pronounced by the Eternall Verity it selfe and therefore not to be mistrusted or dispayred of Let vs not abuse GODS mercies making them a cloake to couer our sinnes presume we not saying Eccles 5.6 Eccle. 5.6 The mercie of our God is great he will forgiue my manifold sins for mercy and wrath come from him Forget not that golden saying of St. Paule Rom. 8.28 All things worke together for the best to them which feare God Rom. 5.4 Yea the afflictions and troubles of Gods children are so sanctified vnto them by Gods spirit that by the same they are made partakers of Gods holinesse Hebr. 1.12 Heb. 1.12 By the same they inioy the quiet Fruite of Righteousnesse by it likewise they attaine to a greater measure of ioy in the Holy Ghost Agayne Hereby is the world crucified vnto you and you vnto it Rom. 8.8 Hereby are we made conformable to the death of Christ by this are we kept from the condemnation of this World and by the same likewise learn we experience patience Hope c. I beseech you all to ponder weigh and consider how your crosses are mercy your losses gaines your afflictions schooling and each aduersity as a Lesson receiue your Crosses as comming from Christ written both for thy Learning and Comfort manifesting by these tokens that he loueth you meaning thereby to draw you euen into his Bosome hereby we are assured of our heauenly Fathers good will towards vs. We may not in our miseries still looke for Gods but likewise at his ineffable mercie our Parents disobedience in eating the forbidden Fruite did banish them out of the most pleasant place of the World yet shewed GOD his fatherly Kindnesse vnto them before he droue them out for he made them Coates to arme them against all weather More then that hee comforted them with the promise of the blessed Seed Iesus Christ which should restore that Saluation vnto mankinde which they had lost by yeelding to the Serpents intisements Loe here the most louing and Kind dealing of GOD with Man hee will make vs smart a little for our sinnes here is his Iustice but yet so that he will not vtterly forsake vs or giue vs ouer for euer here is louing mercy Auoyde therefore Sathan once I say agayne auoyde cease to suggest or ingest into any mans heart that he should thinke because that God
doth crosse and afflict him therefore GOD doth hate forsake and vtterly cast him off those with whom he so now dealeth It is true that Christ Iesus hath taught vs to call vppon him by the name of a Father who now loueth vs more then our mothers did First instructing vs as parents doe their children Secondly admonishing vs as Schoole-maisters scourging vs now and then with his Rod. Thirdly if we grow stubborne spend-thrifts wanton and prodigall vsing ill company then God draweth vs out by the eares whipping or beating vs till our bones doe cracke yet with a fatherly true affection still to bring vs to amendment or he vtterly cast vs off Our heauenly Father warneth vs by his rods to walke in his wayes and to liue in his obedience which if we dispise and refuse to follow then will the Lord vse his scourges pouerty sicknesse diseases crosses in Children stocke or croppe fire or sword till that wee humbling our selues vnder Gods mighty hand shal subiect our selues to his gouernment suffering in our selues a holy reformation of manners and amendment of life Learne we also to reioyce in the middest of our troubles and afflictions with contented minds and sanctified affections no Parents so louing to their Children as is our heauenly Father for our safety in our sufferings cling wee therefore the faster and the more faithfully vnto God in our troubles God hath turned heretofore the penury and the captiuity of his people vnto their good by greatest crosses working his people their greatest comforts God doth oftentimes make our sicknesses and sorrowfull diseases as purgations to euacuate our pride vayne-glory hypocrisie and the corruptions of our putrified soules And sometimes for preseruatiues to keepe vs from falling into those or the like sinnes And sometimes God vseth them as Cordials to strengthen our decaying graces and to animate vs vnto holy duties to pray Reade and heare the more attentiuely to beare the Rod of God more patiently and to performe each holy duty with the more cheerefulnes Be not ignorant of that Lesson which Dauid teacheth vs all Psalm 119 It is good for vs that wee haue bin afflicted For the learning of Gods Statutes and Keeping of his word and testimonies with-hold vs from going a stray in ill wayes so that each one of vs may truly say of our troubles sorrows and sicknesses that we haue suffered them and haue learned to loue God more and our owne deserts the lesse let vs all learne to make holy medicines for our soules out of such calamities as do often befall vs in the World and so shall we haue no cause to vexe our selues with cures for the sanctified crosses that do vs much good we grieue at the vntimely death of our Children which we hoped should haue beene the staffe of our old Age inherite our houses and keepe still our name but we minde not how many children of as good hope as ours haue prooued parents crosses and some mothers vpon their knees haue wished they had neuer beene borne or that they had then carried them to their graues when they had them to weane Sure it is that God for the most time doth lay such afflictions vpon vs eyther because he will procure vs some good or preuent some Euill by them Which things if we commonly see them come to passe why mourne we so that which tendeth vnto our welfare and greater comfort There is nothing in the world but still works for the best to the children of God aswell the stratagems of Sathan as the imaginations of men are for the Weale of Gods children Yea out of one of the most poisonfull things as sinne and death doth the Lord draw healthfull and medicinall preseruatiues to them that loue him still strengthning their Faith whilest they giue glory vnto God Care you not what outward punishment you indure so that you may feele the guilt of your sinnes washed out of your Conscience and the louing countenance of our heauenly Father in Christ Iesus to wipe your trespasses cleane away Let the goodly sorrows of our seuerall wounded consciences driue vs to GOD who hath vndoubtedly physicke for our sickly and sinnefull soules Are you weake and sicke sad and confounded in minde desire the LORD so to stampe the impression of his sacred spirit into your hearts as washing your selues in the water of Repentance you wallow no more in the mire of former filthines the Lord so kill and clarifie your flesh as the life of Grace may assure your soules of election to glory Remember what Queene Esther did being in danger of death Chap. 14.1 Shee resorted vnto the Lord shee layd away her glorious apparell and put on the garments of sighing and mourning instead of precious oyntment scattering ashes and Earth vpon her Head humbling her body greatly with fasting filling all the places of her ioy with the haire shee plucked from her Head It is very good for GODS Children that this world now and then much discourageth them and that wee and they likewise rest seldome free from one calamity or another to make vs to cry with Christ in our troubles vnto God that he may pitch his Tents about vs so as we finally miscarry not nor goe astray from the Kingdome of God apply our hearts wholy vnto Christ and cleaue we all still vnto him with sure purpose of soule to rest throughly sanctified Beware of temporary faith which is lame of one hand onely able to take Christ but not to giue himselfe to Christ This is to offer the same offering without the burnt offering hast thou Hope against Hope feelest thou Hell in thy Conscience yet here must thou apprehend Heauen and with Ionas in the Whales belly call vpon GOD in faith for faith is the subsistance of things that are not much more then of things that in deed are though not in appearance Be of good cheere for Christ hath fastened Sathan Sinne and Death to his Crosse Now amidst thy bitterest torments and tortures remember how Christ drunke the most bitter and sharpe Cup of his Fathers wrath in our name Remember that Peter suffering for the truth of God returned from the Councell with ioy and gladnesse when hee had beene whipped and had heard that hee should dye a violent death through which conflict and repugnance hee stroue still with violence not for other peoples pleasure but for his owne saluation There is no Christian but he must fight before he can tryumph and be daily calling yea earnest by praying and crauing for helpe at Gods hands remembring that against the ignomy of the Crosse wee haue to set the decree and purpose of God fore-told by the Prophets of Christ How that first of all hee should bee crucified here vpon Earth And then he should appeare from Heauen the Iudge and Restorer of all things that all Beleeuers might be saued and all vnbeleeuers vtterly perish Vnderstand and Know this that God vseth to wrappe vp his Church with the wicked in
Glory which wee looke for a thousand times sur-mounting the misery of our afflictions You Know well that this whole World looketh for a restoring groaning as it were for it and that not in vayne Let it not grieue vs therefore to sigh for our Sauiours comming being now certaynly perswaded of our Redemption at hand especially we hauing the first Fruites of the Spirit Call to minde how it was imputed vnto Abraham for Righteousnes in this that hee was found Faithfull in Temptation It is Iosephs commendation that in time of trouble he kept the Commandement and was made Lord of Aegypt Forget not that Elias for his zealous Feruency in the Law was taken vp into Heauen And the Children by Faith deliuered out of the flame Trust still in God and you cannot want strength as for the glory of man it is but dung and Wormes to day Dust to morrow nothing Shew your selfe willing to change your life manfully and such a one as your Education and your yeares now requireth The Lord God Almighty so moderate our troubles and torments that we may dye holily put our whole trust and affiance in him O remember how Christ was tempted all manner of wayes and did ouer-come that we through his Vertue might likewise be Conquerours Esteeme not the ioy and Felicity commodities and pleasures of this life to bee any wayes better then vexing perplexities the way to Heauen is straight and narrow we must passe through the rough way suffering to be thrust and thronged before we can enter into Life And although Christ seeme sometimes to neglect his in most extreame dangers yet in time conuenient hee asswageth all tempests and bringeth them to the hauen they hope for Who knoweth not our sinnes to be the causes of our afflictions and Christ onely to forgiue them then when wee beleeue the children of God are to sayle thorough many tempests but Christ will neuer forsake them so that they still ayme at the marke which God commaundeth them Striue wee all by Faith to tread vnder our feete all our troubles and afflictions by the vertue of Christs power Let all know this that it is Christ which healeth the sick and from him must we all seeke remedy for our spirituall diseases to whom we are all bound not only to turne and run our selues but to bring others to him also preparing our minds more and more agaynst the offences of the Crosse that with patience may indure for to gain Christ to whom be all glory Amen Friday Meditations GOD hauing giuen vs his only begotten Sonne how shal he not with him giue vs all things else We are taught in Holy Scriptures that the Church shall haue a continuall conflict with infinite miseries and offences and that more is with false Prophets vntill the day of victory and tryumph commeth Let not your soule be discouraged with any sorrow for Christ hath made full satisfaction for vs all First in suffering and then in ouercomming not onely the torments of the body but also the most horrible tortures of the minde Be not dismayed for any sorrowes that assayle you but remember that Heauen it selfe was darkened for very horrour when Iesus cryed in the bitternesse of his sufferings and in the meane time was mocked in the middest of his miseries Neglect not the Doctrine of the Gospell by the which Sathan is driuen out of the World neyther doe you forget that Christ by his healing of diuers Diseases sheweth that he hath brought true life into the world for all beleeuers The Faithfull seruants of GOD in their few labours on Earth must still be crying vnto Christ so to moderate their miseries as after all our Earthly tossing tempests bring vs to the happy Hauen of Heauen that wee so long sigh for The true Disciples of Christ must beare stoutly what burthen soeuer the Lord layeth vppon them still seeking to subdue the affections of the flesh The glory of Christ was abased vpon the Crosse yet auouched by Visible signes that hee was the God which vppon that Good Friday for vs dyed vniustly and being vpon the Crosse cryed out It is finished it is finished meaning the worke of our Redemption Labour therefore with Faith to become proficient Scholers in the Schoole of Christ we must be seasoned by Gods Word that wee may be acceptable sacrifices to God and also being knit together may comfort one another with the soueraigne and most wholesome medicines of Diuine Scripture Christ healing the Disease of Symons wiues mother with his Word onely prooueth that hee is God Almighty sent from Heauen for our saluation Do we not read Luke 5. how Christ healing a Leaper by his onely touch Luke 5. and sending him to the priests by faith he was cured yea was pure and cleane Verse 18. The true followers of Christ must at once both builde and fight And therefore bee ready and prepared to suffer all kinde of miseries Christs Disciples must bee wise both for themselues and for others otherwise they become the foolishest of al. Dispayre wee not of any which are gone out of the way but according to the example of Christ wee must take great paynes about them Well knowing this that GOD will neuer vtterly be lacking vnto the godly although he bee not so presently with them as they would and then in these difficulties which cannot bee ouercome by mans reason power or prouidence when dangers do most daunt vs then GOD beates downe the blowes so that we rest humble hearted and put no confidence in our owne Righteousnesse Be not discouraged with any sicknesse or sorrows for as sure and certayne as persecution is so sure is the glory which remayneth for the conquerors The more stops and lets Sathan layeth in your way so much more couragious ought you to bee and stoutly to go forward in the Way of Righteousnesse This shal bee then the ende of your troubles and afflictions they shal be as witnesses both before GOD and man aswell of the treacherous and cruell dealings of your enemies as also of your Constancy after diuers tempests the Lord will at length deliuer his Church day and night Let vs be sober and watch for the Lords comming that we be not taken vnawares but still remember that as many as are pertakers of the afflictions of Christ shall also be pertakers of his Kingdome whereinto Lord admit me in thy mercies If wee will continue still wise vnto saluation wee may none of vs forget how good Gold is purged in the fire and shines cleerely in the water Doe not thinke that any temptation hath taken you but such as appertaine to man and GOD is faithfull which will not suffer you to be tempted aboue that you be able but will euen giue issues with the tentation that you may bee able to beare it 1. Cor. 10.13 Forget not Dauid Ps 39 I sought the Lord and he heard me yea and deliuered me out of all my feares put your trust still in the Lord
take paynes with a sacred soule to suck it The best of Gods children are most of all Exercised with manifold afflictions heauy hearts and wounded Spirits yet rests their sicknesse but as a medicine in the hands of our heauenly Physitian Christ Iesus to heale comfort and still do vs good No sanctified Christian so sound but that hee may bee exercised with many afflictions diseases and grieueances beeing heauy on our heartes and wounding our Spirits A Rod in our heauenly Fathers hand doeth after enable vs to keep his Couenant the other being as a medicine in the hand of the Physitian to heale and stil to doe good Sathan himselfe cannot hurt Gods Children but in spite of his heart doth them good humbling them and making them better by their crosses that after their Champion-like and valerous striuing and fighting their hearts may hope to enioy the euerlasting Knight-hood of Immortality in the Heauens We are each one in this life to consider how our time on earth is a time of striuing running and suffering crosses as Prae-ambles to the Crowne of glory and most comfortable Immortality that our life hath beene long and so your troubles therefore many To assure your very soule that the time of this life rests no other thing then the time of striuing and wrestling for winning the prize and obtaining the victory ouer all our insulting and most malicious foes Iacob had many troubles with Laban yea troubles with the Sheronites and troubles with his owne Sonnes yet the latter end was peace he died in honour full of riches and ful of daies When professing the Gospell wee feele no afflictions then may we feare that we are out of the way seeing the afflictions of Gods children are notes of his fauour God whipping vs often for diuers causes best knowne to himselfe sometimes to encrease their reward as he dealt with Iob Dauid and Paul Secondly to keepe vertue in the soule as in Paul who suffered many troubles thereby to correct and beate downe our sins and thirdly to be patient as in the Paralaticke party that was much pestered with the Palsie Fourthly to destroy as Antiochus Herod and Pharaoh Fiftly to manifest his glory as in Lazarus the blind man and others You haue heard how Agabus prophesied Pauls bonds which worthy Champion of Christ was prepared not only for bonds but death The kingdome of God is gotten by violence Mat. 11.12 and gone into through fire and water Esd 7.7 Though Abraham were the Father of the faithfull yet was hee often afflicted Though Iacob were a beloued one yet was hee faine to flye for feare of the hatred of his brother Esau Oftentimes in danger was Dauid of his life pursued and persecuted by furious Saule before he was aduanced vnto his Kingdome Forget we not the many miseries and bitter afflictions which tumbled in heapes vpon Iob and others yea on all Gods Faithfull seruants Learne we euery one in patience to value the turbulent motions of our repining mindes arme we our hearts with a confident stedfast resolution neuer to sleepe nor slumber till wee rid out of perils our selues and our people Affliction is the best hope that Gods children may expect in this World to trye whether the anchor of our hope takes sure hold on Gods promises in the dayes and houres of our miseries and tribulation Heare Lord from Heauen the sighing soules of thy afflicted seruants Lord cause them to drinke a deepe draught of the fountayne of thy mercies to the comforting of their weak bodies and hearts in their miseries The Lord God refresh vs with the water of life and guide vs through all dangers into the most heauenly Canaan before the entring whereof wee must drinke of the cup of most bitter afflictions There is no comming to Gods Kingdome but by many miseries The Lord free vs from all most vnsupportable and grieuous calamities the wine of true deuotion the Myrrhe of Mortification and the Oyle of hearty contrition let these rest still sanctified steps to our sober and distressed soules Let no dread of danger throw down the Fort of our Hope neyther any Tempests of persecution shake the Foundation of our Faith Let no waues of affliction quench the flames of our loue towards Christ our Sauiour But let the Oyle of his All-sufficient and sauing Grace so strengthen the sinewes of our Fayth as when it waxeth feeble our hearts may neuer quaile nor our courage quake when we are molested with any affliction either of body or of minde But still faithfully to be perswaded that no calamity can betide vs without Gods will nor any danger come neare our dwelling without Gods pleasure and permission This is full of comfort and consolation that in my greatest misery I may commend my soule into the custody and safe harbour of eternall tranquility neuer any more obnoxious to vanity So long as you haue a tongue to speake a voice to call vpon God with an heart to lift vp vnto him eftsoones powring out many sanctified meditations in his sight Be of good comfort and assure your soule you cannot be finally forsaken although you see no comfort for the present now and then If wee can call vpon God our heauenly Father in Christ Iesus in our seuerall Agonies and most dangerous distresses though no man or woman should pitty vs yet our heauenly Father would not leaue vs or forsake vs in our dangers and dreadfull troubles It is Almighty God which holdeth our soules in life and that suffereth not our feete to slip It is his pleasure now and then to prooue vs as the Gold and Siluer is tryed in the fire It is the saying of the Psalmist that the Lord will try vs bring vs into the snare and lay trouble vpon our loynes suffer our Enemies to ride ouer our heads before hee will bring vs into any place of pleasure God will suffer vs to feele afflictions and enemies to make long furrowes vpon our backes but still for our Saluation Our afflictions oftentimes causing vnto vs a farre more excellent and eternall weight of Glory and happinesse which God grant vs all For a while you may bee forsaken but with great compassion will God our mercifull Father gather you vnto himselfe Crye to the Lord and hee will deliuer you and saue you out of Troubles as he did Ioseph Iob and his children in Aegypt Looke on Dauid and Daniel the seruant of the true GOD consider and see what shame they endured and reproaches vnder the Crosse Yet as a Father God returned to them when the time of refreshment came from Gods Diuine presence Howsoeuer Gods children groane for griefe for a time the Lord leaueth not them destitue of helpe but deliuers them out of all their troubles God teacheth vs to depend vpon him our most gracious and heauenly Father when peoples compassion faileth towards vs For Psalme 56.9.10 verses The Lord our God putteth our Teares in his Bottles and writes them in his Booke Psalm 56.9
and to admiration of his healing medicines Pray wee and God will prosper physicke that he giueth for ease and the prolonging of our liues mourne wee for our friends as if wee suffered great harme our selues Couer we their bodies and lament we them as they are worthy powring out our teares ouer them as if wee had suffered much harme our selues in our bodies soules sences and substances When the dead is once at rest let his remembrance rest and comfort wee ourselues againe for him when his spirit is departed from him desire your most heauenly Father to make you ready for himselfe and fit to atchiue his Kingdome for the only sufferings of his Sonne There is not one of Gods Children but must prepare their soules vnto diuers temptations Resolue we our selues euer in this life to liue and remaine as in a continuall rough battell and fight where no truce is to bee looked for but perpetuall combats and raging assaults From our birth to our death it 's now no new thing to be tempted and troubled with diseases in body or discomforts of minde praise wee God for our lot be your molestations short or lingring welcome bee Gods wande be it for wealth crosse or comfort hee first hath suffered more for you then hee will inflict vpon you in your troubles still call on him and vnder his wings shall you be safely couered The Almighty so strengthen your faith as you may stand fast to the end still beleeuing the Lord our God in all his promises Learne we all to shew forth the fruites of our faith obedience loue charity and hearts purified from sinne and still more and more prepare we to Christ Iesus our heauenly Bridegrome at his comming with more alacrity and ioy triumphant then either mouth or man can conceiue or vtter Christ by the sacrifice of his death will take away all our sinnes where there is neither sighing nor sorrow but triumphant ioyes in the highest Heauens Though the Lord send afflictions yet will hee not forsake vs for euer what though hee afflict to day yet will he haue compassion vpon thee to morrow according to the multitude of his mercies God doth seldome punish willingly the Children of Men for his compassions are many and his fatherly louing kindnesses are so many and so multiplied that wee cannot number them Maintaine Lord the cause of my soule for thou hast redeemed my life from the euill imaginations of the wicked and vengeance of the vile If you were dead and buried yet can God reuiue you and by his great mercy free you from all iniquity and still keepe you in the number of the faithfull The Almighty so exercise your contrite heart as both it sole sences may be laudably imployed in the Lords seruice Sicknesse to the seruants of God doth bring infinite ioy and much goodnesse it 's a purgation and cleansing of our sins the mother of fortitude spirituall strength against our frailty and sure defence against all worldly troubles A purchasing of grace and pardon a medicine of life and a comfortable guide to reduce vs from hell and bring vs all to the Celestiall Paradise I beseech you to remember what troubles and calamities are a purchasing of grace and pardon a merry time of life and a continuall remembrance of Christs owne blessed life death and passion We are all duely to consider how that our humane bodies are as darke and filthy prisons of our soules liuing as in exile banishment and misery The Almighty deliuer you from hell sinne and eternall death for euer The Lord comfort you and are you from sin and strengthen your weake heart against Sathan who still standeth against you to seduce you but remember you Gods Angels that are ready prest for to aide you his grace for to guide you and his fauour for to feede you Arme Lord thy Seruants heart with perpetuall peace and patience giue thy weake Creature grace most ioyfully to beare the burden of the Crosse As Heauen is incomparably greater then the Earth so the Mercy of our heauenly Father rests incomparably greater then the seas of our sinnes Lord free you from bitter sorrows all sinnes and grieuances whatsoeuer they bee The Almighty of his mercy renue your Repentance and vnburden you of the weight of all your great bonds most grieuous sins lay we fast hold on Christ his mercy death and passion Ioh. 3.16 The life of each one of vs being but a vitall Laborinth and a confused Chaos affoording vs nought but fraude folly and fleshly sensuality and troubles to try vs and sundry aduersities to disquiet vs from the King in his throne to the Captiues in the chaines All must taste of miseries discontentments and sorrows before our soules by death be deliuered from their terrestriall burden Although it bee an happy thing to die in Iesus Christ yet such rests the foolishnesse of our corrupt flesh that wee are loath to remooue from bad to better from Sinners to Saints and heauenly Associats we lose nothing in our changing our bad place for a better But one thing we that are Gods Children must still bee most carefull of to dread furious foes dangers Comfort wee our hearts in our deepest distresses acknowledging God to be more able to defend vs then all foes to confound vs not any Gods Children but burdned with calamities Nebuchadnezar King of Babell was turned out a grazing seuen yeares Gods Children are more afflicted then others Luke 13.16 The daughter of Abraham was for 18 yeares bound of Sathan likewise the man whom our Sauiour cured had beene diseased 38. yeares Comfort your heart in your afflictions knowing God to bee the sender of afflictions by reason of our sins It 's the Lord who killeth and maketh aliue bringing to the graue and raising vp againe 1. Sam. 2.6 If Christ had not beene the Sonne of God Sathan would neuer haue so much assaulted him and his Members for his sanctifying and sauing of innumerable Saints and Soules Labour wee all for the Word and Gospell of Trueth whatsoeuer our temptations are let vs all and euery one weepe for our owne sinnes and not once stubbornely defend the perpitrating of the least of any vile and corrupt sinnes and offences Almighty God so moderate your greatest crosses and grieuances as your soule may euer sing with Saints Our most gracious father deferreth his helpe not that hee will not helpe vs but to exercise our Fayth and stirre vp in vs the calling vppon his name and still being acquainted with Gods mercies reioyce Night and day in his Euerlasting fauours would you haue peace none but Christ can giue it you and he will giue to none but to the penient to none but the Faithfull Set wee our Lord Iesus Christ betweene GOD and our sinnes let it rest our desire to spend our selues in sighes and teares of true Repentance and then rayse vp our humble Soules to a liuely Confidence in our onely Sauiour and All-sufficient Redeemer by whose
Righteousnes we are discharged of transgressions besides Christ our Redeemer there is no other Sauiour Hosea 13. ver 4. Dearely beloued brethren wee are all by vicinity and cohabitation but Christs by Faith and hope our Habitation is by Christ in Heauen He is the guide of our loues in the true loue and feare of Almighty GOD in whose loue if our heartes bee guided feare we not for the waiting and last comming of Christ wee are now each one of vs to learne to seperate and withdraw our selues from still walking inordinately seeke wee all to become ensamples to be followed for sanctified liues and not of sloath and idlenesse aske your soules my Christian brethren with what price and from what misery you are now Redeemed and ransomed not others but thou and I also must warn our selues from each loath-some and haynous sinne and carefully all our liues hereafter weane our soules and senses both from each former sinne and transgression and future sense alike So seperate thy selfe from sin that of a sinner thou mayest become a a Saint and a true seruant of the liuing GOD. Admit a King take to Wife a woman of a low estate and birth making her Queene of all his Dominions will not hee both looke and commaund of her to cast off her olde attire and to leaue her former both company and behauiour composing her selfe to a most Court-like carriage Now tell me hath not the King both of Heauen and Earth Iesus Christ married our soules vnto himselfe in Truth and Righteousnesse Many haue in their hope health and happinesse and in a night all quite vanished before morning wee poore miserable and dispised wretches must all consider this that our goodnesse reacheth not GOD but his Goodnesses reach and extend vnto vs in that our hearts are raysed to haue still our confidence and onely trust in our Redemer and All-sufficient Sauiour Christ Iesus without whom we haue neyther safety nor sure comfort nor confidence GOD must haue keepe and still retayne in his owne custody Gouernment and prerogatiue in keeping each thing in its due order and nature both small and great Our goodnesse reacheth not vnto God but his louing kindnesse to vs and Fatherly compassions doe farre exceed the drops of water in the Sea or the minutes of time Be still doing good in your liues that you may haue comfort in your very end and poynt of Death and a glorious Crowne of Eternall glory peace and comfort bee this day and euer with vs who are the Children and chosen ones of GOD. Lord bee mercifull vnto vs in our Afflictions and let it not bee thine holy will to destroy vs But looke vpon vs that still cry vnto thee in our manifold afflictions Let your assurance of Heauenly things make you the more willing to part with Earthly trash VVhy should wee feare or doubt in our selues when Almighty God sendeth for vs to take possession of a Kingdome Passe we chearefully through the blacke gates of Death who although he looke grim on vs at the first yet will helpe vs passe cheerefully through the blacke Gates vnto our glory God had not loued you if he had not made you poore To some it is aduantage to loose and to haue rather eyes full of teares then purses full of gold A Christian may not thinke it enough to endure the thought of death with patience but when it is obtruded vpon him by necessity then must he call it into his minde with ioy still wayting vntill it come It can bee none but a Diuine power that can vphold the minde of man or woman agaynst the rage of many afflictions wee must not account the best things of this life any other things then chaynes and burdens to as many as haue them still acknowledging that the greatest on earth are but Tennants at will to day liuing by and by dead Thinke we oft on Christ Iesus which suffered for vs all hee payed all hee did it for vs in loue Where shall we begin to admire and wonder but at Christ Iesus our Diuine and Eternall Peace-maker the Sauiour of men the Annoynted of GOD the Mediator betweene GOD and Man in whom there is nothing that doth not exceed not onely the conceite but the wonder of Angels who saw thee in thy Humiliation with silence adore thee in thy Glory with perpetuall prayses and reioycing Sooner would be no Summer if Winter did not lead it in and follow it We may not eyther hope or striue to escape all Crosses some we may that we cannot flye from and what we cannot allay and mittigate in crosses Vniuersally let this be thy rule make thy selfe none escape some beare the rest sweeten all We must consider whence afflictions come by whose prouidence they are guided and tempered with our Heauenly Fathers loue All our miseries are stinted good things challenging more then bare contentment Our crosses come commonly for our good we must all of vs resolue to fight stoutly for our Heauen that after all sighes and sorrowes we may resolue to perfect in suffering till we ouer-come and be Crowned in Glory and a few groanings vpon earth end our afflictions be they neuer so many tedious or troublesome choose rather to mourne for a while then for euer Christ our Sauiour tasting a bitter portion teacheth vs to smart ere wee raigne It is no matter how vile you seeme now bee content to be called to the Cup now of tryall pledge we our Redeemer in drinking Vinegar and Gall for so shall wee drinke new Wine with him in the Kingdome of glory honour and eternall happinesse Lord season your wills and sanctifie each one of all our hearts so as wee may spend our daies and strength to glorifie our Redeemer Acquaint your selfe with GOD now in your life time intreate him with teares to become the Guardian of your soules in your death and dayes of your carefullest calamities So walke in true holinesse as you stil may rest in euerlasting felicity If you would not haue GOD to despise your soules vpon your death-bed then must you in the dayes of your health fit and fyle your soule with diuine grace Inure your selfe to be furnished with the Gospell of Grace so neede you not feare the malice of any mortall man not raging Creature Set Christ Iesus betweene God and your sinnes and God cannot see our debt Let Sinne Sathan Hell and Death with the world and her worst Enemies doe what they can Christ hauing risen and become our Surety his blood rests for satisfaction Remember wee all how wee haue God the Father for our Gouernour and his Word for our Guide who would liue that knoweth his Master died and in his life suffered so many bitterstormes and temptations Temptations are the common maladies of the best Seruants of GOD. You may read how Sathan came to Christ and tempted him in a high manner saying if thou be Christ if thou be the Son of God doe this and this euen when hee