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A04866 A vievve of mans estate wherein the great mercie of God in mans free iustification by Christ, is very comfortably declared. By Andrewe Kingesmill. Diuided into chapters in such sorte as may best serue for the commoditie of the reader. Wherevnto is annexed a godly aduise giuen by the author touching mariage. Seene and allowed according to the order appointed. Kingsmill, Andrew, 1538-1569.; Mills, Francis. 1574 (1574) STC 15003; ESTC S108060 71,905 194

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that deceyued thee he shall make his enimies his footestoole and he hathe troden thy enimies vnder his féete for this is thy séede that hathe crushed his heade he hath obtayned a crowne of glorie and he maketh thée also a glorious conquerour Al this no doubt did S. Iohn consider in the loue of God whē he wrote this worthy saying of our Sauiour God so loueth the world that he hath giuen his only begotten sonne that he shoulde liue with vs bycause we were deade to him that he shoulde dye for vs to the ende we myghte liue with him that he shoulde enter into the earth to make vs an entry into the heaens We haue by this séene some shadow of the maruellous worke of God concerning oure redemption we sée the louing worke of God the father whose proper praise it is that he hath sent his sonne we haue seene also the painfull worke of God the sonne who hath suffered as we sée nowe haue we to consider the worke of the holy spirite likewise whose worke it is that we enioye those benefites sente vs by the father brought by the Sonne for in whose hart that spirit worketh not to him is the Crosse of Chryste altogyther fruitlesse to him is Iesus no Iesus that is no Sauioure and he may inioy no part of that loue of God whiche bringeth life with it for what now God hath sent his sonne is that sufficiente for vs haue we withoute any further adoe taken possession of heauen are we streight by thys in the bosome of Abraham shall we now take no further care is the Crosse of Christ accepted an excuse indifferently for all shall euery soule be saued Nay let no man deceiue hymselfe Christe indeede hathe made an entry into Heauen he hath set open a gate vnto vs but yet a strayght gate where fewe shall enter neyther yet is the gate of Hell cleane shut vp no it standeth wide opē with a gaping mouth and many shall go that way In the generall flocke Christe hathe his sheepe and they are the fewer he hath also his gotes and they are the greater part There is in Gods field good corne but that is ouergrowen with euill chaffe there be some likewise that shall be receiued with the right hand O happie are they for Christe is theirs altogyther there are also whose place is prouided on the left hande O vnhappie are they for they haue no parte in Christ let vs therefore looke vnto our saluation whiles yet the light shineth for as much as there is a little flocke which that good sheephearde hath chosen to himselfe let vs get into the folde with them and following his councell let vs striue to enter in at the strayt gate and that in tyme least the dore be shutte against vs when it shall be to late to knocke Christ is sent vnto vs let vs beware that we receyue him Christ hath brought this rewarde with him to as many of vs as do receyue him that we shoulde not perishe but liue for euer Let vs therefore prouide that we léese not oure part in that precious pearle what then is there nowe to be done Verily nowe we haue séene the loue of God declared by Christ there is but one steppe betwixt vs and home but one worde betwixt vs and lyfe euerlasting neyther hathe the holy Euangelist left that out of his place for those are the footesteppes he poynteth out vnto vs the loue of God the father the patience and crosse of Christ finally faith the good gift of the holy Ghost for this is the condition who so beleeueth in Christ sent from God he should be sure not to perishe but to haue life euerlasting Nowe then must we make prouision for beléefe that fayth faile not this must be all our care for what shall it profit vs though Christ come into the worlde and come againe if he bée not receyued of vs By fayth he must be receyued or else he must be refused his owne receyued him not sayth S. Iohn and why but for lacke of faith for to as many as receyued him to them he gaue power to bée the sonnes of God and what were they euen to them sayth he that beleeue in hys name accordingly as S. Paule saith to the Galathians by fayth are ye the sonnes of God the beleeuers then they are the beloued sonnes of God they are the right receiuers of Christ when that Christ the glorie of God first appeared amongst vs then did the Angelles proclayme peace betwixt heauen and earth and from God good-will towardes men for Christ indeede is the true Melchisedech that is the King that brought peace wyth hym into the worlde But what shall all this auayle vs if we beléeue not for so sayth our Sauiour himselfe he that beléeueth in the sonne hath euerlasting life and he that obeyeth not the sonne shall not sée lyfe but the wrath of God abydeth vpon him so wrath remayneth for the infidell what then for the faythfull there is peace kept in store for him as for a faythfull subiect to the king of peace for we béeing iustified by fayth haue peace with God through our Lorde Iesus Christ that is the saying of the Apostle Christ is appoynted for the fall of many who are they but the faythlesse he is ordeyned also to bée the rysing of many and who are they but the faythfull for so sayth oure Sauiour likewise who can not belie himselfe hée that beléeueth in him he shall not bee condemned hée that beléeueth not is alreadye condemned bycause hée beléeueth not in the name of the onely begotten Sonne of god Christ is also a stone of diuerse operations hee is a precious stone and hée is lykewyse a stumbling stone To whome then is it precious but to suche as by ioyning the iewell of fayth therevnto haue the right vse thereof So sayeth the Scripture Beholde I put in Sion a chiefe corner stone electe and precious and hée that beléeueth therein shall not be ashamed and here Saint Peter maketh this conclusion saying to you therefore which beléeue it is precious this part is for the beléeuer nowe must the infidell take that which is left they haulting for want of the steadie foote of fayth make themselues of Christ a stone to stumble at and a rocke of offence although Christ be set vp vnto them a signe of saluation yet they like the Cocke on the dunghill do spurne him aside not knowing what vertue there is layde vp in that precious stone for such as by fayth doe finde him wherefore that Prophecie is their portion whosoeuer shall fall on this stone he shall be broken and on whome soeuer it falleth it shall grinde him to powder the misbeléeuers they stumble and lie vnder the stone they fall and are fallen on therefore must they be broken and that grinding stone shall grinde them to powder O the rocke of infidelitie that maketh Christ the rocke
so he himselfe maketh comparison I am the breade of life your fathers did eate Manna in the wildernesse and are deade I am the liuing bread whiche came downe from heauen if any mā eate of this breade he shall liue for euer finally that God by the hande of his seruant Iosua conducted his people and sette them safe in the possession of Canaā that lande so long looked for so commended that it should flow with milke and hony therein did he shew himselfe as a mightie so a most mercyfull God but blessed be the father of our Lord Iesus Christ whiche according to his abundant mercy hath begotten vs againe vnto a liuely hope by the resurrectiō of our Lorde Iesus Christ from the deade to an inheritance immortall and vndefiled and that fadeth not away This is that eternal possession whiche Christ hath purchased for vs with the price of his precious bloude euen the eternall and glorious kingdome of his heauenly father O blessed Bées that may be so happy as to swarme about Christ and to suck the swéete hony flowing from the floures of that Canaan verily there is heauenly hony euē such as the eye hath not séen the eare hath not heard neyther yet hath euer entred into the heart of man that is it which God hath prouided for his beloued it was vndoubtedly a great losse which we had in Adam But thankes be vnto God we haue founde more in Christ than we enioyed before So saint Paule maketh conference of both estates for if by the offence of one death reigned through one much more shall they which receyue the aboundance of grace and of the gifte of righteousnesse reigne in life through one that is Iesus Christe O Lorde what is man that thou shouldest be so mindfull of him But herein is loue that Christe hath purchased vs a newe Paradise is gone to prouide vs a kingdome euen of his own kingdome doth he make vs fellow heires he rayseth vs togyther with him to the heauēly places and with his crowne of thornes he hath gotten vs the crowne of glorie that euer florisheth and neuer fadeth although we eate not the fruite of the trée of the knowledge of good and badde yet may we be sure to auoyd the ch●king peare I meane to perish althogh we meete not with the trée of life which stood in the old Paradise yet in the high pillar of the Almightie God comming to Christe his heauenly table we shal not misse the worthy fruit to haue life euerlasting The fiftenth Chapter ¶ The assurance of such as take holde of Gods mercie freely offred in Christe THus haue we looked on and ouerlooked the beautifull worke of God concerning our regeneration in Chryste Iesus our Lorde we haue assayed to drawe vp that which was layd abrode now therfore to knit vp the knot and to make a through styche let vs cast asyde all selfe loue and sticke onely to the loue of the liuing God the true fountaine and wel of the water of life bearing still in mynde the saying of S. Iohn God so loueth the worlde and that he saithe herein is loue not that we loued him and that oure loue is but a fruite of the roote for so he saith therefore we loue him bicause he loued vs first let vs therefore begin to recken there where we haue to fetch all good things whether it be loue light or life euē from that first fountaine whiche S. Iohn hath so set ab●och before vs saying he loued vs first remēber what he saith in whom God sheweth all his mercie without me ye can do nothing and what he saith to them that take parte with him to you nothing shall be vnpossible and aboue all things let vs consider the conditiō vnder which that deede of gifte passeth God hath giuen his sonne that whoso beleueth in him he should haue loue and life with God So doth God drawe vs vnto Christe as he pronounced by his Prophet he that beléeueth on him shall not be ashamed And Christe calleth vs vnto him come vnto me al ye that are heauy laden how may we come but by the foote of faith for whom he calleth thē he iustifieth and we being iustified by fayth haue peace towardes God through oure Lorde Iesus Christe by whome also we haue accesse through faythe sayth the Apostle vnto this grace wherein we stand for want of fayth it was that Christe was not receiued of his owne but the beloued beleeuers they receiued him to them he gaue the power to be the sonnes of God they are knit fast to Christe they are the body and he is the heade they are frée by him they are frends in one house felowes in one inheritance and sonnes of one father with our Lorde Iesus O how happy are we if we haue faithe for then are we chosen we are called we are iustified we are glorified God is on our side who may stand against vs what shall we now dout to obtaine at Gods hands for he that spared not his sonne but gaue him for vs al howe shall he not with him giue vs all things also we are Gods chosen who shall lay any thing to our charge Christ is dead he is rysen euen he to whome all iudgement is committed he maketh earnest sute and continuall request he pleadeth for vs who shal then condemne vs who shal separate vs now from the loue of Chryst Shall tribulation or anguishe or persecution or famine or nakednesse or perill or sword in all these things sayth S. Paule we are more than conquerors through him that loued vs And vpon this is he so bold that he sayth I am persuaded that neyther death nor life nor Angels nor principalities nor powers nor things presente nor things to come nor heigth nor depth nor any other creature shall be able to separate vs from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus our Lorde O let vs set this example of faithfull Paule before vs let vs holde fast the loue of God with him howe came he by that bolde and mightie spirite by the grace of God I am that I am sayth he againe we haue boldnesse and entrance by fayth in him that is in Christ Iesus wherefore his exhortation shall be moste necessarie at al tymes watch ye saith he stand fast in the faith quit you like men be strong let vs put on the armor of God let vs not feare to enter the fielde hauing Christ our Captaine aboue al let vs be sure to take with vs the shielde of faithe that hath S. Iohns warrant that therewith we may conquer the world as Christ hath done and S. Paules that therewith we maye quenche the fierie dartes of the wicked and S. Peters also that with the mightie force of faith we may mousell vp the bloudy mouth of that roring Lyon so we being armed and fortified with fayth we maye walke free without all feare now we
A VIEWE OF mans estate wherein the great mercie of God in mans free iustification by Christ is very comfortably declared By Andrewe Kingesmill Diuided into Chapters in such sorte as may best serue for the commoditie of the Reader Wherevnto is annexed a godly aduise giuen by the Author touching mariage Seene and allowed according to the order appointed Imprinted at London by H. Bynneman for Lucas Harison and George Bishop Anno. 1574. To the Reader THe authour hereof being a very yong Gentleman so applied the studie and exercises of the ciuill lavve in the Vniuersitie of Oxford that he attained as much knovvledge therin as any of his time professed the same in keeping of publike exercises vvith great commendation Yet did he not forget as many do to seeke the kingdome of God and the righteousnesse thereof but so earnestly trauelled to vnderstand the mysteries of Christiā religiō that he thought himself neuer vvell satisfied in any thing touching the same vntil he could by word and writing giue accompt of the truthe which he conceiued VVherefore he endeuored to commit to memorie the text of holy Scripture with such diligence in learning and often repeating therof that he could readily vvithout boke reherse in the greke tong Paules Epistles to the Rom. and Galat. S. Iohns first canonical epistle besides other Psalmes chapters of the old newe Testament Also he exercised himself by writing of sundry matters that he might growe in iudgement readinesse and aptnesse to teach other if at any time God shoulde call him therevnto VVherof this treatise yeldeth some proof which he writ being about 22. yeres of age by which thou maist cōceiue what fruit the Church of God in time might haue reaped of his towardnes if it had pleased god in this vntovvarde vvorld to prolong his days He estemed not so much the preferment and profit whervnto many wayes he might easily haue attained by profession of lawe as the comfortable assurance and blessed hope of life eternall which he might enioy by the truth of the Gospell and the sinceritie of Gods holy religion Therfore to further himselfe herein he sought not only the exacte knowledge of the greke hebrewe tongs but also for a time to liue in some one of the best reformed Churches where he might both by the doctrine and discipline of the gospel be dayly confirmed in the true worshipping of God and well prepared to the ministerie of the churche So he setled himselfe at Geneua where he remained being wel liked of the learned and godly the space of three yeres From vvhence he remoued to Lausanna where beeing too good for this corrupt vvorlde he ended this mortall life in the moneth of September Anno. 1569 vvhen he had liued about 31. yeares a Phoenix among Lawyers a rare example of godlynesse amongst gentlemen Iohn 3. ¶ God so loued the worlde that he hath giuen his only begotten sonne that whosoeuer beleeueth in him shoulde not perishe but haue euerlasting life The first Chapter ¶ That many seeke the kingdome of God and that men are directed to the knowledge thereof only by the worde of God. IN the .xiij. of Mathewe Chryste our Sauiour by diuerse Parables setteth forth and preacheth vnto vs the euerlasting Kingdome of his heauenly father and amongst other vseth these similitudes saying The kingdome of heauen is like vnto a treasure hidde in the fielde which when a man hath found he hideth it and for ioy therof departeth and selleth all that he hath and buieth that fielde Againe the kingdome of heauen is like to a merchant mā that séeketh good pearles who hauing found a pearle of great price wente and solde all that he had bought it Now I thinke there is none in so desperate a state or so farre fallen out wyth himselfe but that he is very fayne of the finding of such a fielde as is here spoken of neyther is there anye so vnhappie a merchant but that he would venter farre so that he myght come to the purchase of so precious a pearle as to haue parte in the inheritance of the kingdome of heauen to enioy the rest of God and to dwell on his holy hill yea many will say they wyll be glad to walk wander forth the vttermoste compasse of the earth so that they might at length track trie out the fielde where in lyeth hidden so great a treasure and all men will professe this merchandise not refusing the paines to trauayle thrugh the whole seas so that they might in the end assure themselues to arriue at the heauenly hauen of the kingdome of God and who is he which so farre setteth the body before the soule that be he neuer so ryche will not sell all to purchase that glorious iewell of eternall ioy But a lamentable case fewe there are of those fayning folke that knowe the right waye whych should leade them to that pleasant place of eternall reste so that theyr questions are such and the like Which is the waye Where lyeth the pathe that we may walke therein so Christ talking of a redéemer and a Sauiour vnto the blind man he thus questioneth who is the Lord that I may beléeue in him So Philip standing yet in that doubt sayde vnto Christ Master shew vs the father Therfore concerning that question Dauid the annointed of God speaketh by experience Thy word is a lanterne to my féete and a light vnto my footesteps So Dauid founde the waye euen by the lightsome lanterne of Gods word wherefore he maketh often and earnest request that that light might shine still before him thus he sayth O that my wayes were directed to keepe thy statutes open myne eyes that I may sée the wonders of thy lawe make me vnderstande the way of thy precepts teach me O Lord the way of thy statutes Directe me in the path of thy commaunments These were the light and the lanterne the féete and the footesteps the way and the path wherby Dauid was directed and conducted into the field which we are nowe to seeke and euen that commoditie whereof Dauid protesteth so generally that hée founde in the woorde of God shall be proued true in speciall experience of those that shall diligentlye marke and wyth earnest zeale seeke to vnderstand this short sentence spoken of our Sauiour and written by S. Iohn for our learning God so loued the world c. The second Chapter ¶ How pleasantly and playnly one texte of Scripture sheweth the way to life eternall THis is a floure conteyning in it suche pleasant iuice that who so like a diligent Bée shoulde sucke the same for his store and learning he shall say with admiration as the Prophet doth O Lorde how swéete are thy words to my mouth Yea he shal find that they are far swéeter than the hony or the hony combe for beholde in these wordes is that precious pearle to be found I meane the promise not to perishe héere is that inestimable
of offence that rocke it is that shattereth our shippes that shooteth vs on the sandes but the anchor of fayth fast fixed on the sure ground Christ hauing holde by his worde that neuer deceyueth him that hopeth for helpe that saueth vs sounde from storme and tempest from all winde and weather he maketh sure worke that worketh by the worthie and sure instrument of fayth and he buildeth once for all that hath Christ laid for his foundation directing himselfe alway by the right rule of his worde for they that come to that liuely stone they are a spirituall house as Saint Peter sayth yea they are the sure grounded and glorious temple of the liuing God thus then we being builded vp by faith casting anchor on Christ nowe let the floudes aryse let the windes blowe yet stande we sure for we beléeue in him that will sée we do not perishe those that are in that raging sea of the wilde wicked worlde they séeme to stande in great daunger of shipwracke but if we enter the Arke by fayth with Noe for S. Paule attributeth his fauour vnto fayth then let the Pyrates come let Satan assaulte vs yet are we harmelesse Christ is on oure syde what maye preuaile against vs not sands not Rockes not stormes nor tempestes no windes ne floudes nor fire nor water no not all the power of Satan not the gaping gates of hell shall moue vs a whitte Such commoditie doe those finde that be so happie as to enioy the inestimable iewell of faith but those that haue no experiēce hereof and féele not the force of faith they make light of the matter not séeking Christ by faith nor faith by his word and therfore no marueyl though they be stil ouershadowed with death being in darknesse comprehended not the light howe should they beléeue except they heare fayth commeth by hearing hearing of the word of god They then that haue lost their hearing howe shoulde they finde fayth where the séede of the worde is not sowne how shoulde the fruite of fayth spring howe may they enioy Christ or any part of his loue that receyue not his witnesses The Scriptures sayth Christ they beare witnesse of mée These things sayth S. Iohn meaning the contents of the Gospell are written that ye might beléeue that Iesus is Christ the son of God and that in beléeuing ye myght haue lyfe through his name Wherefore vnderstande ye that vpon this double point standeth the whole course of oure saluation art thou in the right waye therefore then it is bicause thou hast followed the counsell of our sauiour saying searche the scriptures Art thou out of the way The cause learne of Christ ye are deceyued not knowing the Scriptures This is the marke wherewith Christ marketh his shéepe by the voyce we know our shepeheard and by hearing we are knowne of him my shéepe heare my voyce sayth that good shepeherd and I knowe them and they followe mée Thus knowe where we haue to fetche fayth that wée bée not to séeke on this sid● where we finde also howe God loueth the worlde in prouiding so mercifullye the lyuely foode of his worde that our soules faint not in fayth but let vs treade a little deeper in thys matter and that wée maye value faythe somewhat neere the worthie pryce it shoulde beare with vs let vs consider howe the market goeth with vs let vs consider in what case wée stand then shall we see what seruice faith will doe vs first this we knowe that we haue but borrowed breath and that lying in our nostrelles as the scripture speaketh our life what is it but a plaine warfare wherein we haue either to yéeld or to ouercome we vnderstande with what enimies we are beset as that wily witch the world the prowde swelling fleshe euer rebelling agaynst the spirit the serpent and his seede dayly spetting out his fierie flames and venimous poyson vpon vs Satan I meane that ramping roring Lion continually séeking and searching how to deuour vs Now he that must abide the brunt of such a battell and hath to encounter with so fierce and cruell aduersaries as whome we sée dayly murthering many a soule it is necessarie that such a souldiour shoulde go well appoynted to the fielde Wherefore in this behalfe it shall be good we follow the counsell of Saint Paule who speaketh not without booke but of experience for hée fought a good fight his councell is that we put on the armour of God and this is the furniture that he appointeth for to arme suche a Souldiour as we seeke He wisheth our loynes to be gyrded with veritie hauing on the breastplate of righteousnesse oure féete being shod with the preparation of the Gospell of peace But aboue all sayeth he take vnto you the shield of faith wherewith ye may quenche all the fierie dartes of the wicked and Saint Iohn likewise strong in the spirite he giueth vs good instruction and warneth vs whiche waye we may winne the fielde All that is borne of God sayth he ouercommeth the worlde and this is the victorie that ouercommeth the worlde euen our fayth then he addeth this question with his answere who is it that ouercommeth the worlde but he whiche beleeueth that Iesus is the sonne of God And S. Peter also when he had declared what an aduersarie we haue of the deuill as that lyke a roaring Lyon he séeketh to deuour vs then maketh he this exhortation shewing howe we may stande agaynst the assaultes of Satan resist him sayth he stedfast in the fayth Thus is fayth commended vnto vs of all hands as a shielde to defende vs in all assaultes and as a sure tryed weapon to conquere and beate downe to the dust the diuell the worlde and all that stande agaynst vs it is Christ in déede that hath gotten the victorie but suche is his loue he dothe not enioy it alone but he giueth vs part also Thus he comforteth vs lyke a captayne of courage be of good chéere for I haue ouercommed the worlde He fought the fight indéede he hath taken the fort but he giueth vs the spoyle and is content that his victorie be accounted our victorie so speaketh Saint Paule acknowledging the loue of God therein Thankes be to God sayth he which hath giuen vs victorie through our Lorde Iesus Christ and howe hath Christ giuen vs the victory but as he sayeth fayth quencheth the fierie dartes of the wicked and as Saint Iohn sayth our faith in Christ ouercommeth the worlde and as Saint Peter exhorteth by stedfastnesse of fayth to resist the Deuill Suche is the marueylous vertue of true beliefe that by it we enioye all the fruites whiche spring so plenteously oute of that flourishing roote of Ishai for Christ had subdued sinne so haue wée by fayth in Christe Christe by death hath ouercommed death so haue we by faith Christ is proued by suffering a Sauiour and wée by fayth are
may defie the serpent his séede with all their subtiltie let the Deuil now rore and rage let him fret let him fume fome Christ is on our side in whome the Prince of this worlde hath naught to do let him as he dare fling vpon vs his fierie darts the shield of faith shall soone quench them let him cast his blockes and set his trees againste vs yet by fayth we shall soone remoue and rent them by the rootes let him throw mountaines vpon vs let the gates of hell be sette open vpon vs yet what is that can preuayle againste vs what may separat vs from the loue God Christ is risen and we shall not be kepte down for in him as S. Paule saith we are raised vp togither through the faith of the operation of God whiche raysed him fro the dead wherefore I exhort such as loue their life and like the loue of God and say againe with S. Paule that which can neuer be said to much stand fast in the faith of Christ let vs heare his warning while it may profite vs This is the condemnatiō sayth Christe that light is come into the world and men loued darknesse more thā light And againe on the contrarie part he calleth vs vnto him on this wise While ye haue light beléeue on the light that ye may be the childrē of light let vs beware therefore and as we would be loth to lose our part in that ioyfull tydings of the Angell vnto you is borne a Sauiour so let vs take that warning of Christ beleeue in the light vpon this point standeth the whole cause of our redemption God he hath sent light into the world that light is life to the beléeuer betwixt beléeuing not beleeuing there now lieth the whole matter a bléeding if we beléeue not then no doubt but we bléede to death for Christ is come and this is he that should come we must not loke for any other he is dead and he dyed once for all he offered one sacrifice and that once for all let vs therefore now or neuer beware that Christ be welcome vnto vs that he denie vs not before his father and that we be welcome vnto him at his next comming For he shall come the seconde tyme not as before to saue that which was lost but to sitte in his glorious throne and to iudge who is saued and who is lost Then shall he vse his left hande as well as his right hande he shall sift the good corne from the chaffe the one part shall be gathered into the barne but the other shall be moste terribly burned with vnquenchable fire and it is fayth that maketh and marreth in this matter that is the knyse wherewith Christ shall cut the partes asunder if we beléeue we liue if we beléeue not we liue not for it is decréed that Christ shall deale those two dishes to perish and to haue life euerlasting And he hath alreadie made the deuision and shall as certainly distribute it And this is thy portion O vnhappie infidell Christ biddeth thée depart from him for thou hast not receyued him thou hast refused the loue of God offered in Christ and therefore must thou take thy part with the Diuell and his fellowes thou shalt perish and not haue life euerlasting but blessed are you ye faythfull beléeuers you haue the right hand Christ biddeth you welcome you are the beloued of God you haue not bene ashamed to receyue Christ on the earth and he shall receyue you in the high heauens you shall possesse the glorious kingdome prepared for the chosen of God you shall not perish but haue life euerlasting The which God graunt vs of the loue wherwith he so loueth the world for his only begotten sonnes sake God be blessed for euer Amen By M.A.K. The yeare of our Lorde 1562. A godly aduise touching Mariage WOrshipfull as I am not vnmindfull so I desire by these not to seeme vnthākfull for those rewards not small in my purse which you haue heretofore of your liberalitie diuerse times bestowed on me The which my purpose is not here to recompence as Courtiers thinke sufficient to rewarde other mens good workes with their fayre words but yet I thought it good maner first to make this curtesie before I entered any further matter with you least I should seeme still to begge and neuer to bring or else that my bringing might séeme nothing else but a coloured begging euen as the subtill fawning Spaniell ofte tymes fetcheth hys Maysters gloue in hope to chaunge it for a better morsell Wherefore vnderstand you that this procéedeth not of any suche purpose as eyther to picke any thanke for an vndeserued good turne for therein you are before hande with me eyther to quite you with like measure as you haue met vnto me for that is also aboue my reache but onely I wish you to accept this as a pledge of a gratefull minde confessing vnto you a debt and yet desiring a pardon of payment And suche is the pledge whiche I haue to commende vnto you surely without dissimulation no better than of that whiche is growne in mine owne ground no farre fet thing neyther dearely bought and therefore not méete for you especially if you bée very Ladie fine no greater than that came out of my penne not more precious than may be kept and caried in a poore péece of paper of no further forme and fashion than mine owne handes could frame mine owne simple witte might worke The fine cooke men dight the rude morsell with some conceyte of their cunning but I haue no other Sugar to grace my dishe withall but as I haue sayde Wherefore as you sée so shall you taste as you like the qualities so accept my present Whereas therefore your gentlenesse is suche that it deserueth great thankfulnesse and otherwise moued if you had not sette me vp this marke I thought it my part if you should take it in good part not to spare penne paper nor paines at this present in writing vnto you and although it were more meete for me to treate trysles than mysteries things of naught little force thā matters of weight and great importance yet considering your person whose case requireth euen in inforced tryfles to séeke a grauitie and I ●eeing loth that lost labour shoulde run with lost time for lost time I account lost lāds haue bethought my selfe to deuise some matter that happily might quite your labor for reading and not be altogither fruitlesse in wit so that altogither my wordes might not séeme as wasted winde and I might be somewhat botter occupied than as one that did naught else but tell the clockes and watch the sunne howe he shadoweth the diall Considering therefore the state of your life the case wherein you now stande that is towards me and the world my sister a woman once a wife nowe a widow and therefore hauing of God leaue and libertie by mariage to
treasure hidden and closed vp as in these wordes but haue life euerlasting here is poynted out the fielde of fayth where we haue to fetche that treasure héere is also a light sette vp vnto vs that we doe not wander in darkenesse and so léese our way I meane Christ that bright blasing starre the true light of the world finally here is as it were in a plot drawn out the worke of oure redemption and in a knot knit vp the whole mysterie of oure saluation and in handling hereof I thinke it good to vse that meanes that those do which when they haue an hard knot giuen them to knit the like straight they vndoe the same and so make it vp againe with lesse adoe you may say then here is a goodly warning not to perishe a large promise a ryche pearle a worthy treasure to haue life euerlasting but the next question is howe we may obtayne those promises héere is an ordinarie meanes expressed aunswering that question who so beleeueth in him This is the fielde to walke in the foote we muste trust to euen the fielde and foote of fayth But whom in whom shall we beléeue here can we not bee to séeke neyther For Chryste setteth vppe hymselfe here as a marke for our faythe to shoote at who so beleeueth in him Why shoulde we beléeue in him Here is answere to that also bicause he is that Prophet sent of God the sonne the onely begotten sonne of the father therefore ought our faithe to worke and rest on him What moued God to sende that Ambassadour not to spare his deare his onely sonne that cause also is not omitted God so loued the worlde c. it was his owne loue his frée mercy that brought this to passe nowe I thinke there are no more questions to be made no more doubtes to be moued For if all were sayde and vnderstoode whiche concerneth these pointes it were sufficient to saue a soule and to make a perfite man of god For beleue thou in Christ as sent of God as the sonne of God considering thorowly the loue of God by him declared then as truely as Christ is the truthe and may not lye thou standest in the state of saluation thou hast founde the fielde possessest that treasure not to perish but to haue life euerlasting The thirde Chapter ¶ That the especiall loue of God is the chiefe cause of mans saluation and that to the right knowledge thereof mans estate must be considered THus the knot being vndone let vs seuerally consider the partes and péeces thereof that the very bowels of the matter being searched there may a more perfecte vnderstanding grow thereof Therfore the firste steppe the firste entrie towarde the worke of oure saluation is the loue of God God so loued the worlde And to consider how this loue is declared towardes man therein consisteth the whole summe of our redemption And the first consideration herein to be hadde is this as whose loue it is we speake of for it is no vaine or light loue of man but an assured and stedfast loue the loue of God who is as S. Iohn saythe loue it selfe Then what loue it is that is here mentioned For God declareth his loue towardes vs in diuers sortes and manye are the benefits of God towardes man as that by him we liue we moue and haue our being he satisfieth the thirstie soule and filleth the hungrye soule with good thinges And the seruant of Abraham when he wente a wooing for Isaac tolde his tale vnto Laban the brother of Rebecca in this wife I am Abrahams seruant and the Lorde hath blessed my master wonderfully that he is becom great for he hath giuen him shéepe and Beeues and siluer and golde and men seruantes and mayde seruantes and Camels and asses This was a blessing a great tokē of Gods loue but there was a better blessing a greater loue wherwith God embraced Abraham and his posterity that is it whereof S. Iohn speaketh God so loued the worlde c. It is a speciall loue that is héere meant and it néedeth a speciall consideration Therefore that we maye the better acknowledge the goodnesse of God in this behalfe it shall not be from the purpose to remember oure first state howe God did then shew himselfe a louing Lorde towards vs then to set before vs our fall that we mighte vnderstand what we are whome God so loueth as S. Iohn here speaketh of loue that God shoulde sende his onely begotten sonne to be a pledge of his loue then howe the loue of God did worke and appeare in him fynallye howe that loue might haue his full effecte in vs by receiuing that worthy Ambassadour Chryste which is as S. Iohn saithe by beleeuing in him These being treated in whose hearts it shall happen to take roote it wil be a séede that shall spring to that floure that withereth not and fruite that fadeth not as to haue life euerlasting The fourth Chapter ¶ Howe the loue of God appeareth in the creation of the worlde and in mans first estate FIrst therefore the loue of God did maruelously appear in our first creatiō yea before our creation he made all thinges for the benefite of man and man for his owne glorie he bestowed sixe dayes labor vpon man and his necessaries as the booke of Genesis reporteth He layde the foundations of the earth and stretched out the heauens like a curtaine he gathered the waters togyther that the drye lande might appeare This he did for the benefite of man bringing all things into an vniformitie that there myght be a place of habitation for man but yet were not all things prouided necessarie for the maintenance of man wherefore he stayd his creation vntill all suche things were prouided as his heauenly wisdome thought best to serue his turne out of these thrée his first creatures the earth the firmament and the waters he drew out his other creatures necessarie for the vse and preseruation of man To the earthe God sayde Let the earth budde forth the bud of the herbe that seedeth séede the fruitfull trées bearing fruite according to his kinde God saide that worde and it came to passe and God sawe it was good it was good forthe glorie of God principally and it was good for the commoditie of man Moreouer God let the earth bring forthe the liuing thing according to his kinde cattell and that whiche créepeth and the beast of the earth according to his kinde it was done it was good in the sight of God and it was good for the profite of man of the firmament God sayde lette there be lightes in the firmament of heauen to giue light vpon the earth Then God made two great lightes the greater light to rule the daye and the lesse lighte to rule the night he made the starres also and sette them in the firmament of the heauen to shine vpon the earth God saw that it was good firste
the high Priests and presumptuous Pharisies sawe that Chryste and his doctrine began somewhat to be accepted of the people they thinking that a derogation to their worships sente out theyr officers to take Christe as he was teaching in the temple but these officers although they came with full purpose to haue apprehended our sauioure yet so were they rauished with hys heauenly preachings and wonderfull wordes flowing from hym so plentifully that they had no power to doe their purpose but retourned agayne making thys answere to their maisters neuer man spake lyke thys man but so was not the malice of those hypocrites stayed and with suche wordes they stormed and stamped against him continually saying vnto those their messangers are ye also deceiued dothe any of the Rulers and of the Pharisies beleeue in him but this people which knowe not the law are cursed So did the Serpēt deceiue them that they did still spit their venome against that vnspotted lambe that sought their saluation they helde hym accurssed that followed Christ this suffered our Sauiour the high Priests could not looke so low as to enterteine hym amongst them the Pharisies and Scribes in their owne conceit were to wise to holy and to good to take him into their company it shoulde haue stayned their good name to be called Christians it was not for their worships to haue professed themselues the disciples of Chryste so was our Sauioure an abiecte an outcast and made of no reputation he was disdained bothe of Priest and Prince and this is maruellous in our eyes But it was the good will of God so to prouide for vs that we shoulde not perish for Christe hereby hathe approued himselfe the true annointed the selfe Sauioure and very Messias and Dauid also a true Prophet saying that the head stone of the corner shoulde be refused of the builders they made no more of Christe than a stone to stumble and to spurne at where then had our Sauioure his conuersation he betooke himselfe as he disdained not the name of a phisition comming to haue the sicke euen to be amongst Publicanes and sinners there was his company to visite poore Publicanes and to saue simple sinners that was his comfort This was the comfortable tydings that he had to send Iohn Baptist into prison The blind see the halt goe the leapers are cleansed the deafe heare the dead rise againe This was his garde he was still busie about these the blinde the Leaper the lame the deafe and the dead in the meane space where was the rich the wise and the welthy Nay they would not be taken for Christes souldiers but the poore saythe he receiue the glad tidings of the Gospell and happie it was that all fell not besides but that ther stoode some at receite to receiue the precious séede sowen by our Sauioure thus we sée a greate péece of the loue of God working in his sonne our Sauioure for what loue is this that the sonne of God shuld so humble himself to set vs in honor with his heuēly father but yet the greatest péece of loue and the chiefe token of gods mercy towards vs is yet behind and that which is vnspoken is more than all that hertofore hath bin spoken that doth S. Paule set forth after a most reuerēt sort howbeit no man may vtter it with worthy words that place which I mean is in the seconde to the Philippians whome he exhorteth by the example of Christ to humilitie and wherein for our purpose is to be séene the loue of God working in hys only begotten euē to the vttermost point that may be imagined within al the compasse of loue and in that he procéedeth by degrée gathering vp in shorte summe all whiche is spoken in our former wordes concerning our Sauioure that it myghte enter into vs with a déeper consideratiō this is his saying let the same minde be in you that was euen in Christ Iesus who being in the forme of God thought it no robberie to be equall with God but he made hymselfe of no reputation and tooke vpon him the forme of a seruante and was made like vnto men and vvas founde in shape as a man Here let vs staye a while and deuide Paules sentence kéeping backe that whiche followeth vntill we haue somewhat considered this parte of Gods loue Christe the sonne of God a verye God a glorious God equal with the father and no wrong neyther is come downe frō the bright heauens to the bare earthe is content to be made of mans mettall taking on him very fleshe well pleased to be cast in the mould and simple shape of man no whit disdaining the wombe of a woman contente to be called the seede of Eue and laying aside his glory and as it were hyding his godhead emptied himselfe of all honoure becomming of the sonne of God the sonne of man like vnto man a very man a seruant of men and what else but a slaue to saue men if there had here a stay bene made yet might not the loue of God but séeme maruellous towardes man But that which followeth in Saint Paule that is muche more maruellous that cannot but inflame the hearte of the Christian with the loue of God breake the stony stomack of the infidel To what may I then compare those wordes following it is a thunderbolt that me thinkes should sound through the whole heauens piercing the clouds and shaking the foundations of the earthe bringing with it a smoking fire by the heate whereof the very mountaines melte lyke waxe ioyned with a wind that hurleth downe the high Ceders of Libanus Harken then O heauen giue eare O earth sée the loue of the almightie he saith the Apostle euen that glorious God beside that he became man in his manhoode he humbled himselfe and became obedient with what humilitie howe farre was he obedient euen to the death what death the death of the crosse Thys is that speciall loue God so loueth the world that he hath giuen his sonne to be a sacrifice for our sinnes to be slayne that we might not perishe and to die that we might haue euerlasting life The eleuenth Chapter ¶ A description of the passion of Christe and the profite that commeth thereby BVt yet that this loue mighte enter déeper and take a more grounded roote in our hartes let vs somewhat consider the deathe of the Lorde let vs sée what a preparatiue he had to his cup let vs marke the maner of his deathe and let vs behold him with our inward eyes in hys pangs as hee hangeth on the crosse thys therefore did our Sauioure forewarne his disciples what should become of him wherin we haue also a warning to consider the loue of God Beholde saith he we goe vp to Ierusalem and the sonne of man shall be deliuered into the handes of sinners vnto the chiefe Priestes vnto the Scribes they shall condemne him to deathe and shall deliuer him to the
broughte as a shéepe before hys shéerer that openeth not his mouth so was he brought before Annas Cayphas Herode and Pylate of whome he heard euill wordes ynough to moue his pacience but it was vnmoueable therefore he gaue them the hearing and answered their quarrelling questions with humble silence for pacience and silence they were two of the sharpest weapons he mainteyneth his kingdome withall Another saying of our Sauioure is this I gaue my backe vnto the smyters and my chéekes vnto the nippers I hid not my face from shame and spitting how that was tried true we know when our Sauiour was so roughly handled of Souldiers vnder Pilate now layd on with fistes now smitten with rods and how shamefully he was bespetted the Euangelist dothe most faithfully report and howe he helde hys backe to the tormenters what backbyting he had as well by euill entreatie as misreportes thereof Pylats bitter scurge may be for witnesse sufficiente another Scripture saythe he is broughte as a shéepe to the slaughter in suche manner did our Sauiour goe out of Ierusalem to the place of hys execution called Caluaria where hee was offered vp an innocent lambe and slayne as a sacrifice with bloude for our offences And so dothe the Prophete crie in the person of Christe pouring out hys complaintes and declaring the terrible pangs that he had on hys Crosse I am saythe he become a worme and not a man a shame of men and the contempt of the people all they that sée me haue me in derision they make a mow at me and nod the head saying he trusted in the Lorde let hym deliuer hym let hym saue hym séeing hée loueth hym agayne hée saythe I am lyke water poured out and all my bones are out of ioynt mine hart is lyke waxe it is moulten in the midst of my bowells my strength is dried vp lyke a potsherde my tongue cleaueth to my iawes and thou hast brought me into the dust of deathe for doggs haue compassed me and the assembly of the wicked hathe enclosed me they pierced my handes and my féete they gaue me gall in my meate and in my thirst they gaue me vineger to drinke they parted my garmentes amongst them and cast lottes vpon my vesture rebuke hathe broken my hart and I am full of heauinesse and I looked for some to haue pitie on me but there was none and for comfort but I founde none These were the sighes and sobbes vttered of the Prophet to be verified of our Sauioure whiles he was in that terrible horror and dreadfull anguish of soule as he lay like a lambe broken to the crosse and most bitterly bléeding to deathe for so farre dyd he submit himselfe in the cause of our redemption that he is made the most perfect patterne of all pacience so did the loue of God work in him that he was consumed euen of very zeale to hys house so was he turmoyled and tormented brused and broken racked and rent into péeces for euill deseruing seruauntes for our disobedience hée performed the vttermost poynt of obedience as Sainte Paule saythe he was obedient to the death the deathe of the crosse The fourtenth Chapter ¶ The sweetenesse of Gods loue fealt by a true and liuely fayth THis was the price paid for our redēption this was the purchase of our pardon euen the most precious bloudshéeding of the only begottē son of God so hath the merciful Lord stretched his loue towards the world in Christ euen to the top of the crosse and so to the bowels of the earth the bottome of the graue from whence he is risen to the right hand of the father ther to reigne vntill he haue troden his enimies cleane vnder his féete Now we to whome belonged nothing but shame and reproch may fréely glory without all suspition of vanitie we that in ourselues had no cause but to lament haue nowe good leaue to reioice reioicing in the Lord now may we withoute all feare triumph ouer our enimies with that sure Souldier of Christ say O death wher is thy sting O graue where is thy victorie May we now stay ourselues but to fal in admiration of gods infinite mercie and say with the Apostle O the déepenesse of the riches of God with the Prophet O Lorde what is man that thou visitest him or what is the sonne of man that thou so regardest him No man can haue greater loue than to giue his life for hys friendes What then mighte we now aske more at Gods hands what péece of loue is there nowe left which god hath not fully bestowed vppon vs for Christ is that good shephearde which layth downe his life for his shéepe O Lord what is man that thou shouldest so regard him O that mē would consider this loue of God which S. Iohn maketh so much of that he repeateth it again and againe In this saith he appeared the loue of God toward vs bycause God sente hys only begotten sonne into the world that we might liue through him And agayne herein is loue saith he not that we loued him but that he loued vs and hath sente hys sonne to be a reconciliation for our sinnes Let this sentence be well weighed The loue of God is a well conteyning the water of life whose operation is reconciliation whose riuers are righteousnesse whose streames wipe awaye the sands of sinne whose little drops refresh the hote hart of man flaming and boyling with the smoking fire of Gods furie and besides this it is a fountaine not forced but fréely springing of it selfe so saythe S. Iohn it is not a reward for a desert it is not loue for loue one for another but it is loue for hatred mercy without merite fauoure for falshoode pitie for obstinacie pardon for rebellion the payment of honoure for the debte of shame bringing hope for desperation and lyfe vnlooked for in place of deserued death thus dothe S. Iohn lay foorth the loue of GOD before vs as it were still harping on thys one string God so loueth the vvorlde and on thys playeth S. Paule also not without great pleasure in such sort that I thinke where it entreth the eare it may not but muche moue the hart for first he putteth the Ephesians in mind of their old estate in what case they stoode before they were called to the grace of the gospell that they so knowing them selues might the better knowe God hys goodnesse towardes them ye were saith he dead in trespasses and in sinnes yée in time past walked according to the course of the world and after the Prince that ruleth in the aire euen the spirite that worketh in the children of disobedience and here ioyning himselfe and his fellowes with the Ephesians among whome we also had our conuersation in times past in the lusts of our flesh and were by nature what were they the children of wrath as well as others Such were they such children are we