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A04528 The Catholique iudge: or A moderator of the Catholique moderator Where in forme or manner of a plea or suite at law, the differences betweene those of the Reformed Church, and them of the Romish Church are decided; and without partialitie is shewed which is the true religion and catholique Church, for the instruction of either partie. Together with eight strong arguments or reasons, why the Popes cannot be competent iudges in these controversies. Written in the Dutch and French tongue, by Iohn of the Crosse, a Catholique gentleman. Translated out of French into English, by the right worshipfull and learned Knight Sir A.A. John of the Crosse, a Catholique gentleman.; A. A., Sir. 1623 (1623) STC 14651; ESTC S107831 50,836 96

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and I will here mention nothing that may not be found in their owne bookes litterally in expresse tearmes Afterwards I will propound the arguments and reasons for which they of the reformed religion refuse to acknowledge and accept for their Iudges the Popes the Councels the Fathers Traditions Miracles or other such like witnesses but doe instantly require that all such differences of Religion may be decided and determined by the written Word of God And after you shall haue apprehended and considered all these things in the feare of God and without any preiudicate conceit or partiality then I will willingly permit you to chuse the better of those two parties pretending right or contending one against the other The differences of the reformed Christians and the Catholike Romanes touching the principall points of Religion Concerning the first point which wee haue at this present to entreate of Behold heare the principall and most important controversies in the doctrine of these two parties First the reformed Church beleeveth ● Of the holy Scripture Io. 5. Io. 10. 1 Tim. 3. that there is nothing necessary to salvation which is not fully comprised or contained in the holy Canonicall Scriptures of the old and new Testament But the Church of Rome saith Aug. 49. cap. 11. in Iohan. Petr. Sot in Schol. de Scrip. Pig de Ecles hierar lib. 1. cap. 14. Cens col pa. 19. that the holy Scripture is vnperfect and vncertaine or doubtfull compareth the same holy Scripture to a nose of wax to a leaden rule It affirmeth also that without the authority of the Church it is but as a fable of Esops that the Scriptures is the cause of al heresies that it is accommodated and applyed to the time and that therefore the reading thereof must bee forbidden to Lay-people that is to say to the simple and common sort The reformed Church beleeveth that credit must not be given neither to the Councels 2. Of Tradidions Gal. 1. Esay 8. nor to the Fathers no nor to an Angell descending from heauen if so be he should teach contrary to the written word and doctrine of Iesus Christ Chrysost 49. in Mat. Aug. lib. 3. de Trin. Trident Concil Sess 4. Linden lib. 1. cap. 4. Hosius de verbo in Sol. in Con. Late enlo pag. 133. 3. Of the Law of God Rom. 7. Mat. 5.1 Io. 1. The Church of Rome teacheth that vnwritten traditions must bee held in as great estimation and reverence as the holy Scripture as being the foundation of Faith without which foundation the authority and waight of the Scripture vanisheth away or loseth the reputation The Reformed Church beleeveth that the Law of God cannot perfectly bee fulfilled or performed by man and that whatsoever is committed against the same Law is sinne Aug. lib. 2. con Iuli. hom 48. in Ioan. Lindu lib. 3 cap. 19. Andrad lib. 5. Ruord Tap. The Church of Rome teacheth that the Law of God may be so perfectly kept and performed that one may doe workes of Supererrogation or surplussage also that all which is committed against the law of God is not sinne as amongst other things concupiscence 4. Of Sinne. 1 Io. 3. Rom. 5 Aug. lib. 2. con Iul. in hom 41. in Iron The Reformed Church beleeueth that the want of originall iustice or originall corruption concupiscence or coveting and whatsoever is repugnant to Gods law is sinne and maketh men culpable of the wrath of God Counl Col pag. 49. Ruor Tap. de per. orig Conc. Bes. Sess 36. The Church of Rome teacheth that concupiscence and originall sinne is not properly sinne neither is subiect to the wrath of God nor lyable to punishment 5. Of free-will 1 Cor. 2. Rom. 7. Ephes 2. Aug. de Sp. lit cap. 30. The Reformed Church beleeveth that since the fall no free-will is left in man touching things belonging to salvation vnlesse God change and moue the will of man by his holy Spirit The Church of Rome teacheth that man can loue God Ex puris naturalibus that is to say only by his owne power and naturall facultie Also that man euen being in mortall sinne de congruo that is to say according as is meete proper or agreeable may deserue the ordinance or disposition of grace The reformed Church beleeueth that the elect of God are Iustified only by faith in Iesus Christ 6 Of Iustification Rom. 3.4.5 Io. 3. Act 10. Aug. de Trin. Ser. 114. Barn sup cont Ser. 6. Con. Trid. Ses cap. 11. Audred lib. 6. pag. 447. Sot in Schol. de purga Concil Col. pag. 156. 7 Of the mediator Iesus Christ Io. 3. 1 Tim 1. 1 Iohn 2. Math. 20. Esa 53. Aug. lib. 1. c. 42 in Iran hom 85. Ambros de Isa without any good workes of the Law in such sort notwithstanding as the said faith must not be vnfruitfull or dead but a true and liuely faith working by good deedes of Charity The Romish Church teacheth that men are not Iustified by grace and by the imputation of Christs Iustice but by obedience of the law as our owne inherent righteousnesse The reformed Church beleeueth that there is but one onely mediator betweene God and man that is to say Iesus Christ very God and very man who by his death and passion hath canceled and done away the sinnes of the faithfull and by his resurrection hath for them purchased and merited life eternall The Church of Rome teacheth that Christ died for originall sinne onely And that Iesus Christ is not our only Mediatour but together with him all the he-Saints and shee-Saints of Paradice The Reformed Church beleeueth 8. Of the Sacrifice of Iesus Christ Heb. 10. 1 Ioh. 2. Heb. 9. 43. Esa 53. Act. 24. that the faithfull are reconciled to God the father by the onely sacrifice of Iesus Christ once offered and performed or finished on the Crosse The Church of Rome teacheth that the death of Iesus Christ Con Trid. Sess 6. con 2. Cat. Rom. pag. 11. Gab. Bel. 11.12 Linda lib. 4. pag. 375. not the onely expiatorie and purging sacrifice but that the Masse is also such an expiatorie or satisfying oblation as abolisheth the sinnes of the liuing and of the dead it is also availeable to obtaine all good things both spirituall and temporall 9 Of Repentance Eph 4. Rom. 3. Io. 1. c. 19. Esa 19. c. 5. The reformed Church beleeueth that such a repentance is acceptable and pleasing to God wherein appeareth a true mortification of the old Adam and a true viuification or quickning of the new man proceeding from a true faith Lom lib. 4. Dist 16. Cat Rom. pag. 421. Com. Tho. 6 cap. 241. Con. Trid. Ses 4. And. lib. 9. cap. 18. 10 Of the Church Io. 10. Eph. 2. 1. Cor. 3. Math. 18. The Church of Rome teacheth that such a repentance is requisite in which there is a perfect contrition of heart confession of mouth and satisfaction of workes by
which onely saluation can be obtained The Reformed Church beleeueth that the true Church is there where the word of God is sincerely and purely preached the Sacraments lawfully administred and distributed and where the outward discipline of the Church is duly obeyed Sot def lat deon'e pag. 991. Iug. Con Dist 4 Con Triden Ses 5. Con 2. The Church of Rome teacheth that the true notes of the Church are these that is to say consent in publike doctrine with the Church of Rome Secondly the personall succession of Bishops Thirdly the acknowledgment of the Pope 11. Of Counsels Mat. 18. Gal 5. Luk. 11. 1 Cor. 11. c. 119.12.62 The Reformed Church beleeueth that shee is not subiect nor tied to Councels but onely to the written Word of God Also that the Councells and auncient Fathers may erre when they swerue and turne aside any whit from the word of God The Church of Rome subiects and ties it selfe wholie to generall Councels as those that cannot erre Tap. Art 1 pag. 5. Sot assen lat de Concilijs The Reformed Church beleeueth that there are but two Sacramēts instituted by Iesus Christ 12. Of Sacraments Mat. 28. Mar. 16. 1 Cor. 11. Aug epist 218. ad Ian. lib. 3 de doct christ cap 9. Con Triden Ses 7. can 8. Linda lib. 4. cap. 57. 13. Of Markes Rom. 8. c. 3. 1 Timo. 2. that is to say Baptisme and the Lords Supper The Church of Rome teacheth that there are seuen Sacraments which conferre saluation Ex opere operato that is to say by the worke wrought yea euen without any good intention or affection of those that vse them The Reformed Church beleeueth that the afflictions and oppressions which the faithfull endure in this world are fatherly corrections which are sent vnto them from God for their amendment the chastisment of certaine sins or else are trialls and proofes of their faith or testimonies of the true doctrine they suffer for The Church of Rome teacheth Linda lib. 4 cap. 73. Con. Triden Ses 4. Can. 9. Tho. Aquin. l 4. Dist 4. Art 9. Sot Asseu de author that the Martirdom or suffering of the Saints is an expiatorie or purging oblation for sinne and that the paine or punishment which they endure deserueth a diminishing and mitigation of eternall punishment and moreouer life eternall The Reformed Church beleeueth 14. Of the Magistrate Rom. 13. that the Magistrate ought not only to take care of maintaining and defending the temporall goods of his subiects but also of true religion and of procuring their saluation The Church of Rome teacheth Sot in late schol Ibid. in assirt Cap. that the Magistrate must be debarred from entermedling with Ecclesiasticall affayres and with religion and also that Ecclesiasticall causes pertaine only to the Pope and his Prelates 15 Of Marriage Heb. 15. 1 Cor. 7. 1 Tim. 3.1 Chrisost hom in Tit. 2. con dist 28 Pigh cat Rom pag 552. The Reformed Church teacheth that Marriage is honorable among all And that it is a Diuelish doctrine to forbid it to any The Church of Rome affirmeth that such as are married liue in the flesh and that marriage is forbidden to Priests and to Ecclesiasticall persons And that it were more tolerable for an Ecclesiastical person to entertaine many Whores and Concubines then to betake himselfe to lawful marriage 16 Of humane traditions Col. 2. Mat. 11. 2 Iohn 1. Eph. 2. Gal. 3. Mat. 15. Con. Triden Ses can 1. Cat. Rom. pag. 319 499. Can. Triden Ses 4. can 1.1 Grat. con dist 5. The Reformed Church beleeueth that chrisme or annointing with oyle and other such like obseruations and traditions of the Church of Rome are directly repugnant and opposite to the word of God The Church of Rome teacheth that by the Sacrament which they call confirmation the faithfull receiue more graces then by the Sacrament of Baptisme And that extreame vnction confirmeth spirituall grace The Reformed Church beleeueth that none can be Iustified before God by any other meanes then onely faith in Christ Iesus 17. Of Vowes Io. 1. Heb. 10. The Church of Rome maintaineth that vowes of continency pouertie and obedience merrit eternall life Sot asser Can. And pag. 11. The reformed Church beleeveth that their sins are abolished and blotted out by the blood of the onely Mediator Iesus Christ The Romane Church beleeue that there is not onely a divine vertue in holy water but also an efficacie to cure and heale and to driue away diuels and in summe to defend and preserue all things against all inconveniences The Reformed Church beleeue 20. Of Invocation Exod. 20. Mat. 4. Act. 4. Apoc. 12. 1 Ioh. 4. Ecch. in Lom lib. 4. dist 48. Con. Trid. Sess 6. Rom. 3. Lind. l. 3.23 that we must call vpon God the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost in spirit and in truth The Church of Rome maintaineth that we must call vpon Angels and hee-Saints and shee-Saints of Paradise attributing to each Saint a particular office as for example that Saint Leonard delivereth prisoners that Saint Valentine giveth bodily health Saint Roch or Saint Petronel cureth the fever Saint Clare the diseases of the eyes and Saint Anthony the tooth-ach God commandeth that none but hee alone should be honoured worshipped and adored 21. Of Reliques Deut. 4. Con. Trid. Sess 4. The Pope commandeth to honour and adore the bones reliques and images of the Saints The reformed Church beleeveth 22. Of Fasting 1 Tim 4. Col. 4. Rom. 14. Mat. 15. Soc. de iciun that the forbidding of certaine meates on certaine dayes out of an opinion of merit and holinesse is a doctrine of Divels The Roman Church teacheth that abstaining from certain meats is a work by which one may satisfie for sin and by which a man may apply vnto himselfe the merits of Iesus Christ The reformed Church beleeveth 23. Of Pardons and Indulgences 1 Ioh. 1.2 that the blood of Iesus Christ is the expiation or satisfaction for our sinnes Terrae Pro. 11.46 62. Extrava li. Tit. 9. Clem. 6. The Church of Rome teacheth that the Pardons and Indulgences of Popes are able to obtaine not only absolution of temporall and eternall punishment but moreouer eternall salvation 7. Of the absolute power or rule of the Pope Ephes 4. Col. 1. Cent fro Ie. de Turr. lib. 3. cap. 64. Fol. lib. 1. cent Rom. The Reformed Church beleeveth that Iesus Christ is the onely head who was crucified for vs and now raigneh with great Maiestie at the right hand of his heavenly Father The Church of Rome affirmeth that Iesus Christ is an invisible head and that the Pope of Rome is the visible head of the Church who surmounteth all Emperours and Monarches so much as the Sunne excelleth the Moone or as gold exceedeth lead Also that he is greater then Moses and Saint Paul that hee is like to Saint Peter yea verily that hee is God and not
tipice dux normaque Minorum See lib. con Fo. 228. Col. 4.231 Col. 1. Sedes nobis perpetuò da regni caelorum that is to say Good Saint Francis head of Friers minors which of Iesus Christ art the true figure Cause vs to haue part of heauenly honours and life to obtaine that ever doth endure And the Iacobins are so bold as not onely to compare there Saint Dominicke with our Sauiour Iesus Christ See epist Flor. Aut. intust part 3. art 23. 24. but which is more in many thinges they placed him afore Iesus Christ The golden legends of the he-Saints and shee-Saints are all at this day printed which sufficiently set forth the fained miracles of one Stanislaus Adulbertus and of such other Saints And for so much as the Popes approue and allow such bookes yea and propound them to Christians to be held in equall honour and reuerence with the written word of God Aut. 23.27 fo 137. From thence also the Reformed Christians conclude that the Popes are prophane Tyranny the second cause of refusall The second reason for which the Reformed will not accept the Popes for their Iudges The second reason is that they haue vsurped dominion and soveraignty ouer the Church For first of all the Pope causeth himselfe to be stiled the Head the Spouse and Soveraigne Bishop of the Church Howbeit that title cannot properly appertaine to any person but Christ Iesus alone In the second place because that the Pope will beare rule and haue soueraignty over all the earth and all the Potentates of the earth Of the donation of Constantine For touching the donation of Constantine the Great by which they striue to confirme their dominion and rule besides that it hath beene heretofore sharpely questioned by Nicolaus Cusan Laurentius Valla Volaterranus Aeneas Silvius and diverse other very learned Authours the which notwithstanding haue not ceased to bee patrons and defenders of the Romane Sea The Reformed Christians maintaine that they can convince the sayd donation of falshood and vntruth by these reasons following Ten reasons by which it is proved that the donation of Constantine the Great is false and counterfeit First because none of the best and most approoved Authors either affirme or speake any thing of this donation of Constantine 2. Because that Eusebius and other ancient Historians testifie that the Emperor Constantine divided the three parts of the world to his three sonnes Socr. Theolo Evagr. Ruffin Okeb Beda Sozom. hist pan 2 Vol. lib. grn 3. 3. Because the Instruments and Decrees which touching the same were imprinted are very different and their stile no whit agreeing 4. That it is an absurd thing and likewise incredible that Saint Peter and Saint Paul should haue appeared to Constantine in his sleepe and that hee should haue adored them as gods 5. That hee was never infected with the Leprosie 6. That he was not baptized by Sylvester at Rome but by Eusebius in Nicomedia Alb. Krant in Sax lib. 2. ca. 1. Mansil indefens part cap. 11. 7. That it is a prophane kinde of speech to say that the hand of God was seene by Constantine 8. That he could not giue to the Pope a greater right then he had himselfe 9. That hee could not conferre or bestow vpon the Pope power or authority over the Patriarch of Constantinople the sayd title at that time being not built nor finished 10. And lastly Euseb de vita Constan Ruff. l. 1 c. 39. Viues l. 24. hist Beul de Con. Nue l. 8. c. 4. because such donations contained in the priviledges and grants made to the Popes which they haue received from the Emperour Constantine are the certaine markes of Antichrist Surely by all these reasons aforesayd it manifestly appeareth say the Reformed that such donation was never made to the popes by Constantine but that it hath beene forged and counterfeited by the Popes themselues And concerning the wordes of our Saviour Christ pronounced to Saint Peter and to all other Preachers Teachers of the word of God Aug in Io. tract 10 12. de ver dom Ser. 20. Cyril in Dial. de Trin. lib 4. Ambr. Epist ad Ephes cap. 2. saying Feed my sheepe this sentence and speech doth not import or signifie a politique and outward dominion or authority but onely the ministery of the Gospell For in another place our Lord Iesus Christ taxeth the ambition of the Apostles for that some would beare rule and haue dominion over other some and for that vpon this occasion they entred into consultation Chrys hom 55. in Math. Ber. Epist 230. Mat. 20.25 Dist 4. ca. multi quicunque cap. 1. Sedis dist 99. si quis 7. Der. de por The Kings of the Nations saith Iesus Christ beare rule over them but it should not bee so among you yea and the very Canons haue expresly forbidden that the Bishop of Rome should be called Soveraigne Bishop or vniversall head of the Church wherefore say the Reformed the Popes beat themselues with their owne rodde seeing they cannot rightfully attribute or appropriate to themselues such authority and domination and that for diverse causes and reasons Corruption of Religion the third cause of refusall The 3. reason which the Reformed Christians produce for which they will not submit themselves to the iudgement of the Popes is this that they haue not only intricated and confounded religion and divine service with many vaine ceremonies Can. 9. dist 34. Can 4. in dist 82. Can praeb lib. decretal Greg. tit 7. can 5. but haue also grossely erred in doctrine For some decrees affirme of the Popes that they are not men but gods that they cannot bee iudged by any person in the world that they may dispose and dispense against the Apostles that they can change the properties of things that they can make something of nothing that they haue power to make iustice of iniustice Io. 1.4 2 Tim. 3. Mat. 15. Gal. 1. Ier. 7. Iren. Epist 4. Con. Trad. 4. con li. cer per. sur 7. Now how exceeding false all this is say the Reformed it appeareth by that which almighty God testifieth himselfe that there can be but one forme of religion that is to say that which is contained in the writings of the Prophets and of the Apostles yea verily that an Angell from heauen hath no power to adde thereunto nor from it to diminish Whereas the Pope for all that will haue religion to consist in humane traditions such as are the Agnus Dei which they call 2. The complaint of Maximilian the baptisme of Bels the invocations of Saints the single life of Priests the withdrawing or depriving of the Cup in the Lords Supper De coen dom lib. 3. decret Greg. tit 41. Cal. cum dist 2. the vsing of a strange language and not vnderstood in the outward service of the Masse Buls and Indulgences and other like traditions all which as they say came