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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02229 A notable and marueilous epistle of the famous doctour, Matthewe Gribalde, Professor of the lawe, in the Vniuersitie of Padua: co[n]cernyng the terrible iudgemente of God, vpon hym that for feare of men, denieth Christ and the knowne veritie: with a preface of Doctor Caluine; Francisci Spirae. English Gribaldi, Matteo, d. 1564.; Aglionby, Edward, 1520-1587?; Shepherd, Luke, fl. 1548. Godlye and holesome preservatyve against desperation.; Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564. 1570 (1570) STC 12366; ESTC S115661 48,478 114

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in me hath euerlastyng life I am the resurrection and life he that ●eleueth on me ye though he were dead ●et shall he liue and whosoeuer liueth ●nd beleueth in me shall neuer die I am come a light into the world who●oeuer beleeueth in me shall not bide in ●arkenesse ▪ I am the wai● the truthe and the life 〈…〉 man cōmeth to the father but by me This is the life eternall that thei ●ight knowe thee the onely verie God ▪ ●nd whom thou hast sent Iesus Christ Sainct Peter saith Christ is the stone ●hiche was caste awaie of you builders ●hiche is become chief of the corner nei●her is there Saluation in any other for ●mong men vnder heauen there is giuen one other name wherein we muste bée 〈…〉 ued To Christ bare all the Prophetes wit●esse that through his name whosoeuer ●●leeueth in hym shall receiue remission ●f synnes ▪ Sainct Paule saieth through Christ 〈…〉 preached vnto vs the forgiuenesse of sy●nes and that by hym all that beleeue a 〈…〉 iustified from all thynges from which● wee could not bee iustified by the Law● of Moises Sainct Paule to the Romanes saieth the iuste shall liue by faithe The righteousnesse of God comm 〈…〉 by the faithe of Iesus Christ vnto al 〈…〉 vpon all that beleue There is no difference for all haue 〈…〉 ned and are destitute of the glorie of g 〈…〉 but are iustified freely by his grace th●rowe the redemption that is in Chris● Iesus whom God hath sette for the as seate of mercie through faith in his bl 〈…〉 that he might be coumpted iuste and th● iustifier of hym which beleueth in Iesu● To hym that woorketh not but bel●ueth on hym that iustifieth the vngodl 〈…〉 his faithe is coumpted for righteousnes●● By faithe is the inheritaunce giu●● that it might come of fauour and the pr●mise might be sure to all the seede Christe was deliuered to death for 〈…〉 synnes and rose againe for our iustif 〈…〉 tion Because we are iustified by faithe we are at peace with god the father through our lorde Iesus Christ by whō we haue awaie in through Faithe to that grace wherein wee stande and reioyce in hope of the glorie of God. God setteth out his loue that he hath to vs seyng that while we were yet synners Christe died for vs muche more now seyng we are iustified in his bloud shall wée bee saued from wrathe through hym for if when wée were enemies wee were reconciled to GOD by the death of his soonne muche more seeyng wee are reconciled wée shall bee preserued by his life Not onely so but we also ioye in God by the meanes of our lorde Iesus Christ by whom wée haue now receiued the attonement Eternal life is the gift of God through Iesus Christ our Lorde There is no dānation to them whiche are in Christe Iesu whiche walke not after the fleshe but after the spirite We knowe that all thynges woorke for the best vnto them that loue God and them whiche be appointed before them he also calleth and whiche he calleth them he iustifieth and whiche he iustifieth them also he glorifieth What shall we say thē to these things if God be on our side who can be against vs whiche spared not his owne sonne but gaue him for vs all how shall he not with him giue vs all thinges also Who shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods chosen it is God that iustifieth who then shall condemne it is Christe whiche is dead ye rather whiche is risen againe whiche is also on the right hande of God and maketh intercession for vs. If thou shalt knowledge with thy mouth that Iesus is the Lorde and shalt beléeue in thy harte that God raysed him vp from death thou shalt be safe for the beliefe of the harte iustifieth to knowledge with thy mouth maketh a mā safe Christ is the ende of the lawe to iustifie all that beleue None of vs liue vnto himselfe if we liue we liue vnto the Lorde and if we die we dye vnto the Lorde whether we lyue therfore or die we are the Lordes for Christ therfore died and rose againe and reuiued that he might be Lorde both of quicke and dead Sainct Paule sayth Christe Iesu of God is made vnto vs wisedome righteousnesse sanctification and redemptiō We are washed we are sanctified we are iustified by the name of our Lorde Iesus Christ by the spirite of our God. Christ died for our sinnes agréeing to the Scriptures he was buried and rose againe the thirde daye according to the scriptures As by Adam al die euen so by Christ shal all be made aliue Death is swallowed vp in victorie death where is thy sting hell where is thy victorie the sting of death is synne and the strength of synne is the lawe hut thankes be vnto God whiche hath giuen vs victorie through oure Lorde Iesus Christe Therefore my deare brethren be stedfast and vnmoueable alwayes riche in the workes of the Lorde for as muche as ye knowe as your labor is not in vaine in the Lorde By faith ye stande According as it is written in the 116. Psalme I beleue therefore haue I spoken we also beleue and therefore speake for wee knowe that he whiche raysed vp the Lorde Iesus shall raise vs vp also by the meanes of Iesus and shall sette vs with you God hath made Christ to be synne for vs whiche knewe no synne that we by his meanes shoulde be that righteousnesse whiche before God is allowed A man is not iustified by the déedes of the lawe but by the faithe of Iesus Christe and therfore haue we beleued on Iesus Christ that we might be iustified by the faythe of Christe and not by the déedes of the lawe because that by the déedes of the lawe no fleshe shall be iustified For the lyfe whiche I nowe lyue in the fleshe ▪ I liue by the faith of the sonne of God whiche loued me and gaue himselfe for me I dispise not the grace of GOD for if righteousnesse come by the law then dyed Christ in vaine Abraham beleued to God and it was counted to him for righteousnes The scripture sawe before hande that God would iustifie the Heathen through faith and therefore shewed before hand● glad tidings vnto Abraham in thée shall all nations be blessed so then they which be of faith are blessed with faithfull Abraham Vnderstand therefore that the● whiche are of faith the same are the children of Abraham Christ hath delyuered vs from the curse af the law and was made accurssed for vs. That we might receyue the promise of the spirite by fayth The scripture concludeth all thinges vnder synne that the promise by the faith of Iesus Christe shoulde be giuen to them that beléeue We are all the sonnes of God by the faith whiche is in Christe Iesus We be all one in
Christe Iewe Gentle bonde and frée man and woman If ye be Christes than are ye Abrahams séede and heires by promise Ye are gone quite frō Christ as many as are iustified by the Lawe and are fallen from grace we looke for and hope in the spirite to be iustified through faithe God forbidde that I shoulde reioyce in anything but in the crosse death and passion of our Lorde Iesus Christ● For in Christe Iesu neither Circumcision auaileth any thyng at all nor vncircūcision but a new creature in Christ and of the houshold of God. By Christ we haue redemption thorow his bloude euen the forgiuenesse of oure synnes according to the riches of his grace By grace are ye made safe thorowe faith and that not of your selues for it is the gifte of God and commeth not of workes least any man shoulde boaste himselfe We are made nie vnto God by the bloud of Christe for he is our peace and hath broken downe the wall that was a stop betwene vs and by hym we haue an open waye in one spirite vnto the father nowe therefore we are no more strangers but citezens with the saintes By Christe we haue boldenesse and entrance with the confidence whiche we haue by faith in him Christe is gone vp on high ▪ and hath ledde captiuitie captiue and ●ath giuen giftes vnto men Christe is to me lyfe and death is to mée aduantage In Christe we haue redemption thorowe his bloude that is to saye the forgiuenesse of synnes In Christe dwelleth all fulnesse and thorowe the bloude of his Crosse are all thinges reconciled to God the father set at peace both in heauen and earth We whiche were deade in synne hath Christ forgiuen vs all our trespasses and hath put out the hande writing that was against vs contained in the lawe writtē and that hath he taken out of the waye and hath fastned it to his crosse and hath spoiled rule and power and hath made a shewe of thē openly and hath triumphed ouer them openly in his owne persone This is a true saying by all meanes worthye to be receyued that Christe Iesus came into the worlde to saue synners There is one God and one Mediator betwéene God and man whiche is the man Iesus Christ whiche gaue himselfe a raunsome for all men The power of God hath saued vs and calleth vs with and holy calling not according to our deedes but according to hys owne purpose grace whiche grace was giuen thorowe Christe Iesus before the worlde was whiche hath put away death and hath brought lyfe and immortalitie vnto lyght thorowe the Gospell God hath not saued vs for the deedes of righteousnesse whiche we wrought but of his mercie hath he saued vs. Christe in his owne person hath purged our synnes Christ hath put downe thorow death him that had Lordiship ouer death that is to say the Deuill and that he might delyuer them whiche for feare of death were all their life tyme in daunger and boundage Christe is an euerlastyng Priesthoode wherefore he is able also euer to saue them that come vnto God by him for as muche as he euer lyueth to make intercession for vs. We are sanctified by the offering of the body of Christ once for all With one offering hath God made perfite for euer them that shall be sanctified We are not redemed with corruptible syluer and gould but with the precious bloud of Christe as of a Lambe vn●efiled and without spote Christe his owne selfe bare oure synnes in his bodye on the Tree by whose stripes ye were healed Christe hath once suffered for synnes ●he iust for the vniust to bring vs vnto God. If we say we haue no synne we de●eyue our selues and the truth is not in ●s if we acknowledge our synnes he is ●aithfull and iust to forgiue vs our syn●es and to clense vs from all vnrigh●eousnesse If any man synne we haue an aduo●ate with the ▪ Father Iesus Christe the ●ighteous and he it is that obtayneth ●race for oure synnes Christe appeared to take away oure ●●nnes For this purpose appeared the sonne ● God to lose the workes of the Deuill This is Gods commaundement that ●e beleeue in the name of his sonne Ie●● Christ and loue one another In this appeareth the loue of God to ● warde because that God sent his one ▪ begotten soonne into this worlde ▪ that we might liue thorow him God hath loued vs and sent his sonn● to make agreement for vs. Hereby perceyue we his loue that 〈◊〉 gaue his life for vs. Here is the loue perfite in vs that w● should haue trust in the daie of iudgeme●● there is no feare in loue but perfect lo●… casteth out feare He that beleueth not God hath ma●… hym a lyer because he beleeueth not 〈◊〉 recorde that God gaue of his soonne a●● this is the recorde how that GOD h●●… giuen vs eternall life and this life is his soonne he that hath the soonne ha●… life and he that hath not the soonn●… God hath not life These thynges doe I write vnto y●●… that beleue on the name of the soonne 〈◊〉 GOD that ye maie knowe how that haue eternall life and that ye maie b●…leue in the name of the soonne of God. Iesus Christ is verie GOD and et●●nall life Christe hath loued vs and washed from our synnes in his owne bloud 〈◊〉 made vs Kynges and Priestes vnto 〈◊〉 his father Christe is Lorde of Lordes and kyng ● Kynges and thei that are on his side ●e called and faithfull chosen He that ouercommeth shal in all thin●s and I will bee his God and he shall ●e my soonne He that testifieth these thinges saieth ▪ it I come quickly euen so come lorde ●esu 1 The Paschall Lambe of the Iewes the figure of the true Paschall Lambe ●●sus Christ whiche is the pure and vn●filed Lambe of GOD whiche offered ●●mself a sweete smellyng Sacrifice to ●OD for vs whiche neuer committed 〈…〉 ne and in his mouthe no guile was 〈…〉 unde 2 Christ was figured by Manna which ●od gaue from heauen vnto the Israeli 〈…〉 to eate in the deserte 3 The rocke gushyng out the comfor●●ble waters signifieth Christ The brasen Serpent in the old lawe ●as a figure also of Christ 4 Whosoeuer shall drinke of the wa 〈…〉 that I shall giue hym shall neuer ●irste ▪ 1 Christe is that welbeloued soonne of God for whose sake the heauenly father was well pleased 2 Christe is that kyng whiche forga 〈…〉 the seruaunte the tenne thousande T●lentes whiche he ought 3 Christe is that moste louyng Sam●ritane whiche healed the wounded m 〈…〉 that was halfe dead 4 Christe is that tender Shephe 〈…〉 whiche fetched home vnto the shee● folde euen vpon his shoulders the l 〈…〉 sheepe
laste daye I shall ryse ag 〈…〉 againe be wrapped in my owne s 〈…〉 And in my owne fleshe shall see 〈…〉 whome I my selfe shall sée and these eyes shall beholde and none other These places of holy Scripture 〈…〉 suche lyke if we diligently reme 〈…〉 and faythfully imbrace we shall pe 〈…〉 great consolation and comfort And 〈…〉 〈…〉 saint Paule reioyce that we knowe 〈…〉 ste and the power of his resurre 〈…〉 whereby death is ouercommed 〈…〉 ther is there now to these that be 〈…〉 in Christe anye thing in death ter 〈…〉 or to be feared sauing onely the 〈…〉 ge and outwarde forme hurte it can 〈…〉 Lyke as a deade serpent keepeth 〈…〉 is olde fearefull shape and forme 〈…〉 sting or to doe harme it hath no 〈…〉 r at all And lyke as by the brazen 〈…〉 ent whiche Moyses by Gods com 〈…〉 dement set vp in the desert when 〈…〉 s looked vpon through the power of 〈…〉 worde men were deliuered from 〈…〉 er of the liuely and venymous Ser 〈…〉 s so our death is made harmelesse wee deliuered from the feare and 〈…〉 er of it so oft as wyth the eyes of 〈…〉 i the wee dooe beholde the health 〈…〉 nd medicinable death of Christ In 〈…〉 ion death is nowe become an I 〈…〉 ▪ and shadowe of death yea ▪ the en 〈…〉 ce and gate of lyfe For Christe 〈…〉 s truth it selfe saith If any man my worde he shall neuer see death 〈…〉 trusting to the mercy of God 〈…〉 h faith whiche he conceiueth by hearyng and knit to Christe hys Lorde and 〈…〉 ster that he cannot be plucked nor s 〈…〉 rate from him The bodye in déede for a time is 〈…〉 rate from the soule but in certaine 〈…〉 of rysing againe to euerlasting lyfe 〈…〉 so he that beléeueth in Christe doth 〈…〉 see nor feele the euerlastinge death 〈…〉 bodye and soule whiche is euerla 〈…〉 damnation For the death of good m 〈…〉 nothyng els but a departure from 〈…〉 transitorie and mortall life to im 〈…〉 talitie to Christe to his Aungelles 〈…〉 Sainctes Hell and damnation DOeth offer it self at the wer of death so that 〈…〉 tymes manne doeth g 〈…〉 ly feare least he bee ab 〈…〉 from the fauour of 〈…〉 and appoincted to euerlastyng pain 〈…〉 Deuill whiche seeketh by all m 〈…〉 howe to deuoure vs stirryng vp i 〈…〉 myndes many dangerous and troub 〈…〉 thoughtes concernyng our election ▪ predestination ¶ A medicine against the feare of Helle and damnation WHen the deuill goeth about to cause vs to dispaire or to doubt of our election whether wee bee of the nomber of them that are appoincted 〈…〉 euerlastyng life or no. In any wise let 〈…〉 not bee to bolde in copyng with hym 〈…〉 t vs not enter disputation against hym 〈…〉 or he is to subtile and expert for vs but 〈…〉 ie shortly vnto hym A waie Sathan 〈…〉 i th sorrowe it is written thou shalte 〈…〉 t tempt the Lorde thy god For seyng 〈…〉 t God as a moste louyng father hath 〈…〉 t onely giuen vs life fedde and preser 〈…〉 vs to this hower but also hath en 〈…〉 ed and euen loden vs from tyme to 〈…〉 e with his singuler benefites what 〈…〉 dnesse were it contrary to our former 〈…〉 erience now to doubte of his mercie 〈…〉 hath receiued vs into his flocke by 〈…〉 ptisme He hath sente vs the Gospell 〈…〉 is grace wherein he hath promised 〈…〉 ecome our father We haue been sed 〈…〉 h the fleshe and bloud of his Soonne 〈…〉 Sauiour Christe in remembraunce 〈…〉 our debtes bee paied and we acquired why should wee now then doubt the good will of God towarde vs Le● not therefore admitte the doubtfull daungerous imaginations of our pr●stination whiche the Deuill like a 〈…〉 tie and malicious marchaunte dooe 〈…〉 bour to iustle But lette vs thinke 〈…〉 suche sentences as God would haue myndes occupied withall whiche C 〈…〉 hymselfe hath prescribed as Ihon where he saieth GOD hath so loue 〈…〉 worlde that he hath giuen his onel● gotten soonne that whosoeuer bele 〈…〉 in hym shall not perishe but haue l 〈…〉 uerlastyng Loe here wee see th 〈…〉 whiche beleueth in Christ whiche 〈…〉 fully acknowledgeth Christe to b 〈…〉 sanctification iustice redemption a 〈…〉 tisfaction can not bee dampned but 〈…〉 sured of euerlastyng life So many 〈…〉 ceiue faithe by hearyng of Gods w 〈…〉 and so trust stedfastly vpon the me 〈…〉 Christ Vndoubtedly thei be of the number of those whiche bee chosen to e 〈…〉 styng blisse knowen before in C 〈…〉 predestinate and written longe s 〈…〉 the booke of life These thinges be 〈…〉 certaine and moste true God can n 〈…〉 〈…〉 ceyue nor be deceyued Suche is his 〈…〉 od will so hath he purposed and de 〈…〉 ed afore the worlde beganne what 〈…〉 nges so euer therefore oure enimie 〈…〉 Deuill spyting oure saluation and 〈…〉 king oure destruction shall put in 〈…〉 e minde contrarie to this doctrine ▪ 〈…〉 t them not moue vs let them not 〈…〉 ke vs afrayde but let vs trust truely Christe and so shall he become ours 〈…〉 wee become his who being our good 〈…〉 de we can not perishe nor bee dam 〈…〉 For he wyll lose none of those that 〈…〉 father hath giuen him wee muste 〈…〉 oure eyes vpon Christe we muste 〈…〉 to hym we muste cleaue to hym He 〈…〉 ure onely and true Sauiour who 〈…〉 te be apprehended and imbraced by 〈…〉 h if we looke to be saued For they 〈…〉 beleeue rightly in Christe they are 〈…〉 estinate to euerlastyng life ●ere we wuste diligently remember 〈…〉 earnestly expende the godly exhor 〈…〉 n of Saincte Paule whiche he wri 〈…〉 in the xij to the Hebrues whose 〈…〉 es be these Let vs runne by pa 〈…〉 e vnto the battaile that is set afore 〈…〉 ooking vnto Iesus the aucthor and finisher of faithe whiche when the io●… was set afore him suffered the Crosse and dispised the shame and fitteth at 〈◊〉 right hande of the seate of God. Furthermore all the grieuous temptations and afflictions that Christe s●…fered he suffred them for oure sakes 〈◊〉 saincte Paule saieth also in the fourth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Hebrues we haue not a highe Prie●… that is not able to haue compassion 〈◊〉 our weakenesse but suche one was pr●…ued in all pointes without synne let 〈◊〉 therefore with boldenesse go vnto t●… seate of his grace that we may obtay●… mercie and finde grace to helpe in ti●●… of neede Let vs in any wyse consider and deepely imprint in our hartes Christe to 〈◊〉 giuen vnto vs not onely to the ende th●… we might be redeemed reconcyled a●… made partakers of euerlasting salu●tion but also that in him we might ha●… an example bothe how to liue and al●… howe to ende our life Neyther can a●… man liue suffer or die well vnlesse 〈◊〉 looke vpon and followe the lyfe suff●…ring and death of Christe if therefo●● wée desire to ende this life
perceiue mine ende to approache to the example of many that the iudgement and iustice of GOD maie openly be declared vpon me And when he had thus saide he turned his face awaie from vs turnyng himselfe on the other side then saide the reuerende father Vergerius Ah deare master Francis turne your face vnto vs I would wee praied to God togither and saie Our father c. Then he turnyng him began to say the lordes praier in his mother tongue with suche grauitie and deuotion that all wee did wonder and this vttered hee added these woordes I haue saide it with my mouth but my hearte is cleane from it God hath taken all his grace from mee My heart is vtterly hardened Ye labour in vaine And when we had spo●ken with hym all these wordes and many other we had hym farewell And so departed all thence with the Lord Vergerius to pray vnto God for hym entendyng to returne on the morow if the blessed God woulde vouchesafe to shew hym his mercie The next daye we came to the wretched man saluting him as the maner is to whom the reuerende lorde Vergerius sayde Right welbeloued Maister Francis is it any better with you by the grace of GOD haue ye receiued no comforte in your hart haue you conceyued any good hope to whome he aunswered nothing at all but rather cōtinually worse and worse Then began we to demaunde of him many questions and especiallye what time he fell first into that cōfusion and desperation and when that vnquencheable worme did firste begin to burne his conscience then recited he vnto vs the whole order and processe of his first and seconde abiuration as we haue declared in the beginning Which abiurations made by and by he perceiued himselfe to be smitten wyth the mightie hād of God not with any affliction or infirmitie of the body which he right gladly would haue acknowledged for the chasticement and correction of sinne and would not vtterlye haue cast away hope and trust But the most wretched felow from that houre and that sodainly parceyued himself to be stricken in heart spirite and conscience for God from that houre sente into his harte a gnawyng worme an vnquencheable fire that sodainely he might be filled with errour confusion and desperation which worme and fire neuer since forsooke hym in so much that hée confessed himselfe to be in farre worse estate than if his soule were deuided from his body and he with Caine and other dampned persons desiring rather to be in the place of any deade and damned soule than so to lyue in his body and that death shoulde be much more welcome to him Then wéeping he began to declare vnto vs horrible visions how that he perceyued since that time cōtinually Deuils to come to his chamber yea to his bed making a noyse and businesse putting him in feare and sheauering sticking pinnes in the pillow vnder his heade and sayde that he cōceyued not these thinges by a false or corrupt imagination but euen as truely as he sawe vs all aliue and speaking with him Then sayde the reuerend Lorde Vergerius Ah deare Maister Frauncis yo 〈…〉 spirite vtterly corrupt representeth 〈…〉 to you these erronious illusions and f 〈…〉 imaginations But returne a while vnto the spirite of truth and direct your hart with hope and affiaunce vnto the blessed God mercifull and full of goodnesse and without doubt he will be good and mercifull vnto you he wyll cast from you all horror and confusion haue sure cōfidence swéete M. Francis we all haue good hope of you through the infinite mercye of God and if it please you let vs saye togither from the heart the Lords prayer Then sayde he in Latine the whole prayer with plētifull teares so deuoutly and grauely and wyth such inwarde affection as we thought that all we that stoode by did wéepe wyth hym And when I behelde both the teares the repentance and contrition of the man I sayde Maister Frauncis the blessed God be praysed Now are not these the tokens of vtter refusyng or castyng awaye You ●ourne ye cal for the fauor of God with ●ar●est desire Doe not vtterly dispaire of his pardon and say not with a desperate minde that God is against you and that ye beleue that yée were reprobate and refused from the beginning For no 〈…〉 a● can know as long as he is in this mortall lyfe whether he bée worthie the hatred or loue of God through the righteousnesse of workes And when we earnestly exhorted him that in no case he shoulde fall from all hope and trust and that euerie man that is borne although he had committed all the sinnes of the whole worlde ought yet to haue some hope of the fauour and mercy of God whose goodnesse mercie is muche more plenteous than mannes vnderstandyng can perceyue and that if any of vs were fallen into suche miserie yet shoulde he not dispaire of the mercie of the high and good god To the which hée aunswered I knowe all this and I beleue that the infinite mercy of God doth farre surmount all the sinnes of the worlde and that euerye man that beléeueth and hath fayth eastlye obtayneth pardon of all the sinnes of the worlde But this hope thys faith is the gifte of god And this one thing wante I that I can neyther hope nor beleue of the fauour and mercie of God towardes mée And I would God that he would graunt me this one thing that I coulde conceyue neuer so little hope and beliefe of forgiuenesse and pardon But this is euen as possible as to take the whole water of the sea in one spoone and to drinke it vppe at a draughte If Salomon had bene in suche case as I am and had some what knowne those thinges which I prooue nowe by manifest experience hee woulde neuer haue vttered that Sentence But I doe beléeue and this I knowe most assuredly that there was neuer any man that had more manifest experience in his lyfe of the hatred wrath and indignation of the righteous god against hym then I haue I would I were in the place of any damned person You that are in blessed estate suppose thys an easie thing to be done that a sinner reknowledging his fault may lift vp himselfe to hope and faith towards God ▪ and therefore ye exhort me for as much as ye sée me repentaunt and sorowfull that I would conceiue some hope and trust to rise againe ▪ The helthfull hath no néede of a Phis●tion and he that is whole can soone giue councell to the sicke But herein am I tormented this is my hel this is my confusion and desperation that I knowe all grace to be taken from me that I féele my heart hardened that I can not beleue nor hope any thing at all of the attonement and mercie of god Fewe there be whome iust Iupiter hath loued We comforted the miserable estate of this desperate man by such meanes as we coulde
promising that wée woulde praye to God for him bad him farewell and departed thence with the reuerend Lorde Vergerius And thus doth the wretched man liue in his body A certaine strong man there is that when he intended to giue him meate doth binde his armes and shoulders with handes bicause he shoulde not resist wyth his handes And so opening his mouth by force putteth thinne broth into his mouth with a spoone or other instrumēt And yet doth he let it as much as he can stopping it with his tongue But it can not choose but that some of the broth must néedes fall downe by his gaping into the iawes and palace of his mouth and so thence into his stomake And thus with much a doe he is 〈…〉 shed twise a daie but auoyding nothyng But euer he desireth to die and to go to hell with all spéede lookyng euerie houre for the terrible sentence of God as he most euidentlye and openly doth declare by his communication The thirde daie came wee vnto hym with the reuerend Father Vergerius and did salute hym as the maner is and began againe to comfort him Notwithstandyng he saide nothyng but shuttyng his eyen like one a sléepe with pain gaue aunswere Then came there a certaine aged man from the place of Citadell askyng hym whether hee knewe hym his friend whom the wretched man beholdyng with his eyen did scarce acknowledge Then saide he Maister Frauncis I am Anthony Fontanina Priest who was with you the same day that ye came to Venis about seuen or eight monethes past Then saide Frauncis with pittifull grone and sighings Alas that cursed daie Alas that cursed daie I would I had neuer gone thyther or else had dyed at that present Then began we to demaunde him many questions specially of his olde fayth and whether hee had at any tyme any stedfast or perfite beliefe and how he fell so miserably from that faith ▪ for as muche as it was vnpossible that he that had once perfitely and firmely beleued should fall from the whole For it is written that the giftes of the holy ghoste are without repentaunce Then aunswered hee Certes I did beléeue that Christ was the sacrifice that appeased Gods wrath toward vs and that it was he only by whom we did attaine saluation and righteousnesse neither doubted I at any tyme in this But I did not reknowledge the benifites of Christe and to saye the truth I neuer loued hym againe with perfite hart But rather tooke the fayth of the Gospell to the liberty of the fleshe and so did abuse that faithe to vnlawfull licence to sinne and did neglecte the whole studie desire and meane of Godlinesse and religion By and by turning him vnto certaine yong men that stode by he said My Sonnes hearken to my words I say not this for that I woulde plucke any thing from the holy Gospell whiche I knowe to bee moste true but that ye should not set is muche by youre faithe but that also ●● should doe good workes beléeue me that haue proued it And then oftētimes with teares and sighynges he did commende aboue all the scripture the worthie Epistle of Peter chiefe in deede of all the Apostles which exhorteth all faithfull christians to Godlinesse chastitie holinesse and cleane life and to prepare an vnspotted Temple to God. But I saied he where as I bothe did presume that I had attained perfite faith and also boldely preached to other and had in a readinesse all the places of Scripture yet liued wickedly and vngodly And behold the manifest iudgement of God who hath sodainely taken me in his anger and furie not for any amendment but to perfite damnation Then rose there vp one that was there present a man excellently learned and long exercised in holy Scripture and said Maister Frauncis we doe not altogether allowe this your exhortation wheras ye councell vs not so muche to yelde to the faith of the Gospell but that we should also embrace and commende the affiaunce of works For we know that there are two kindes of righteousnesse outward and inwarde Outwarde righteousnesse whiche is of workes and which the worlde doth commend the same iustifieth not before God neither auaileth to saluation For Socrates Cato and Arestides right well perfourmed that righteousnesse wherby they gate muche prayse and glorie in this worlde But the inwarde righteousnesse is of God whiche doth regenerate vs by grace into hope faith and charitie and by this faith fréely graunted vnto vs doe we liue and are iustified and God imputeth not oure sinnes vnto vs without the whiche neuerthelesse we can not be as the scripture saith if we saie we haue no sinne we beguile our selues But blessed is hee to whom the Lorde imputeth not sinne and whose sinnes are couered Wherefore there is no cause that ye should sende vs to outwarde workes as to the Anker and refuge of saluation and righteousnesse Than saide I Sir Mayster Francis words are not to be taken so precisely or exactly as though he would compare the outwarde righteousnesse of workes to the faithe of the Gospell and inward righteousnesse But he exhorted the yong men after this sort bicause the most parte doe wickedly turne the libertie of the Gospel into the vnlawful libertie of the fleshe and without aduisement ●buse the gift of faith and whereas they ●●all themselues faithfull yet denie faithe 〈…〉 their déedes Therefore Peter in his Epistle whiche this man so muche com 〈…〉 ended as ye haue hearde and Iames also teache almost nothing else than that we shoulde declare our faithe in our outwarde woorkes as Sainct Peter saieth Wherefore brethren doe as much as ye 〈…〉 n to make your election certain by your ●ood works And Iames also saith Shew 〈…〉 e thy faith and I will shewe thée mine ●y my workes Therefore this man bla 〈…〉 eth himselfe greatly for this cause that 〈…〉 hereas he professed that hee had the in●ard righteousnesse alwaies neglected ●●e outward Then began wee earnestly to dispute of the matter and of the estate of this ●retched man and diligently to searche ●heter his trespasse were mortall or no. for the whiche accordyng to the saiyng 〈◊〉 Sainct Ihon wee ought not to praie ●nd that well learned man beganne to 〈…〉 spute learnedly and excellently of the 〈…〉 nue against the holy Ghost and of resistyng after the truthe ▪ is knowne and made a plaine distinction as we thought of all the kindes of sinne againste the holy ghost And the wretched man harkened to all these thinges with attentiue eare to whom the Lord Vergerius said Wel ▪ beloued Maister Francis when ye heare these thynges disputed so godlye and deuoutly and the places of Scripture in whiche ye haue excelled to bee brought forth take you in the meane season n● comfort and recreation with vs And specially seyng that you for your capacitie ▪ declare the Scriptures so eloquently w 〈…〉 are not
without all hope of your saluatiō and suppose that the spirite of God is no 〈…〉 cleane taken from you to whom he aunswered What comfort can happen to cursed and damned man yea whatsoeuer I speake heare see tast or féele all 〈…〉 turned vnto my confusion and cursse to whom the Lord Vergerius said Ah dea● Maister Francis why should ye not hop● of the goodnesse and mercie of God Do 〈…〉 not the Lorde leade doune into Hell and bring backe againe Consider Dauid the Prophet who beyng brought downe 〈…〉 Hell and to death yet praied vnto G 〈…〉 with gronyng and teares to graunt hym the renuyng of harte and spirite And hee made aunswere Dauid was alwaies elect and in Gods fauour and although he fell grieuously yet the spirite of God neuer departed from hym Yea hee praied vnto God that he woulde not caste hym from his face and that he would not take the holy ghoste from hym But I am in farre vnlike estate neither elected nor in Gods fauour but haue béene alwaies reprobate and cursed neither can I pray ●nto hym not to take awaie the holy Spirite from mee for hee is quite taken awaie alreadie and neuer shall be resto●ed I know that god doth raise vp again ●hose that are bodily dead and restoreth to 〈…〉 fe those that are brought vnto hell that 〈…〉 to their Sepulture as Christ raised vp ●azarus and brought hym againe from 〈…〉 ll But I that am condemned to eter 〈…〉 ll death haue no hope left of bringyng 〈…〉 gaine but so that I could conceiue neuer 〈…〉 little hope or trust of the mercy of god would moste gladly those to liue ten 〈…〉 〈…〉 ousand yeres and more in all the pai 〈…〉 s and torments of hel so that at length might hope for some ende But I dooe ▪ moste firmely beleue that I shall thus long remaine in life and in al cursing and desperation that the iudgement of God may be fulfilled in mee that I maie be an example to all the worlde of Gods vengeaunce and iuste indignation againste a reprobate man would God I were dead ▪ and in the place of any dampned person Then said I Maister Frauncis here me a little I cannot vtterly dispaire of your saluation For I dare take it in good part ▪ that the blessed GOD hath so grieuously tormented you in this present life and hath not reserued your punishment to another worlde so that I haue some hope ▪ that God will haue mercie vpon you And he made aunswere Nay I knowe moste assuredly my refusing and reprobation ▪ and that he hath not corrected my synne with corporoll punishment but rebuking mée in his anger and furie hath condemned my soule harte and spirite with perpetuall hardnesse and confusion Wou 〈…〉 God he had sodainly vexed my body and had left my spirite frée What shall I say more We talk 〈…〉 with him till it was night of manye 〈…〉 ces of Scripture and of the marueyl 〈…〉 iudgemēts of god Amōgst other things I demaunded of him what he thought of the sleeping of soules And he aunswered Although a certaine Doctour of Germany supposeth that this is not manifestly ynough declared by the scriptures yet I beleue that the soule of the elect doth 〈…〉 raight way ascend into the place of e●erlasting blisse and doth not sleepe with the buried body Then the reuerēd Lorde ●ergerius taking his tale by the ende ●f this sayde he ought we in no wise to ●oubt There be for this many places of 〈…〉 ripture as this day thou shalt be with 〈…〉 e in Paradice and it is also manifestly prooued by the story of Lazarus and the 〈…〉 h man and Paule desired to bee dead 〈…〉 at he might be in heauen with Christ 〈…〉 t the length beholdyng the vncurable 〈…〉 ague as me thought of this desperate 〈…〉 lowe I was so bolde to aske him thys 〈…〉 estion Maister Frauncis I praye you answere me for as much as through 〈…〉 er desperation ye saye that in this 〈…〉 e ye are worse than if ye were with 〈…〉 dāpned folke in hell and for as much I sée you cōtinually to wish for death 〈…〉 t ye might go to hell as though now ▪ bothe your body and soule were in more painefull torment as yée doe opēly wytnesse I demaūd of you if ye had a sworde in your hande would ye kyll your selfe as all desperate persones for the moste part doe that haue sticked themselues with weapon or strangeled themselues by hanging Then saide he giue me a sworde and ye shalt see what I will doe Nay sayde I I doe but desire you to shewe vs your will I can not tell saide he neyther can I saye what my will t 〈…〉 should be And when he had thus saide ▪ the reuerende Lorde Vergerius obtayned of him againe with much a doe 〈…〉 saye the Lordes prayer But he sayde 〈…〉 no more with such affection of hart as he was woont to doe Moreouer ▪ he did protest that his heart was quite from God and that he called hym not father with his heart but rather curssed and blasphemed him and therfore he sayde ▪ there was no cause why wee should labour any more in vaine to comfort and bring him home againe For it was euen as possible to bring him to any hope or trust 〈…〉 the mercie of God towardes him as 〈…〉 was possible to fill the whole worlde with one grain of Mill. Then all we honoring the wonderfull iudgemēt of God hade him farewell and departed And for as much as his kinsfolke had prouided a Chariot were purposed the next daye to conuey him from Padua to the place of Citadell we gaue them warning in no wise to forsake him but continuallye shoulde get him the companye of godlye men that the blessed God if it were possible by the continuall prayer and comfortyng of good men might vouchsafe to graunt him his mercie The next day after when the wretched man was readie to take his iorney and hauyng his apparell on was brought from his bed he behelde all the chamber with a fierce and cruell countenaunce horrible eyen and by chaunce espied a Woodknife liyng vppon the table which by and by he snatched to sticke hymselfe But his two sonnes that were alwaies by him tooke him sodainely by the hand and plucked the knife from him wherby we maye plainly knowe what we maye vndoubtedly thinke of that demaunde whiche we asked him the day before of kylling him to the which he would make none aunswere ●yding his intent And this did the reuerend Lorde Vergerius signifie vnto mée as an enterprise worthy to be noted being aduertised of the same by his forenamed kinsfolkes Thus was this miserable man conueyed to his house at Citadell But howe he doth and what ende hee hath I shall by all meanes go about to vnderstande and being aduertised of the truth I shall by Gods fauour declare you the whole ▪ Fare yee well From Padua the
glorie Amen ▪ A preseruatiue against desperation FOr as muche as the diseas● of the bodye and corpor 〈…〉 death doth so trouble ma● minde that we commo 〈…〉 tremble quake at the o 〈…〉 mention of them Howe much ought 〈…〉 to feare the sicknes of the soule and dea● of the same then which ther can no gr●ter nor more fearefull calamitie chau 〈…〉 vnto man. And seyng that euerie man doth a 〈…〉 so much as in hym lieth the paine 〈…〉 ries diseases and death of the bodie h 〈…〉 muche more ought wee to decline and 〈…〉 chewe the causes of these euils which 〈…〉 sinnes and offences and feare the yre 〈…〉 God which we so by our enormities 〈…〉 prouoke If wee be neuer so little sicke● our body by and by we send for the P 〈…〉 sition we spare no cost we seeke for me●cines and remedie though they be ne 〈…〉 so chargeable and all to patche and cl 〈…〉 vp this earthen vessel of our body whi 〈…〉 doe we neuer so muche can not last l 〈…〉 And why vse we not like diligence in 〈…〉 siryng and seekyng remedies agains● diseases of the soule which like as they be 〈…〉 re grieuous euen so they bryng with 〈…〉 m without comparison infinitely 〈…〉 re daunger For what can it profite a 〈…〉 nne though hee haue all the riches in 〈…〉 world though he liue a thousand yere 〈…〉 that in such health and pleasure that ●s not once touched with sicknesse or 〈…〉 e his soule in the meane time being 〈…〉 oued with synne beyng captine to than hauing god displeased with him 〈…〉 damnation readie for hym after this 〈…〉 For truely this life must once haue 〈…〉 nde neither know we whan where 〈…〉 what maner or how soone Therefore saithe Christ watch for ye 〈…〉 er knowe the daie nor houre when ●onne of man will come And least we ●short tyme of our abode omittynge 〈…〉 ges moste waightie and profitable 〈…〉 d followe trifles and things of small 〈…〉 hee hath vouchsafe to prescribe vs 〈…〉 der and as it were a briefe certaine 〈…〉 re wa●e to come vnto true felicity 〈…〉 g. 〈…〉 eke first for the kindome of God and ●●ghteousnesse therof and all thinges 〈…〉 e added vnto you ▪ Care for liuyng care for riches care for worldly dignitie worldly fauour worldly estimation and such like trāsitorie things which in déed● doeth little profite but many times bycause both of filthie vices and also of grieuous calamities doth busie doth vexe doth trouble doth euen defatigat vs both day and night but in séeking for and procuring of Godly and heauenly thinges ▪ we be most negligent most slacke moste dull most forgetfull And I praye yo● what can be a greater blindenesse or ● more daungerous madnesse whilest w● be lustie whilest we be in helth while● we be in prosperitie we scarcelye think● vpon anye life to come we remember not once that we shall die But when we be in perill and daunger by sickenesse ● death beginneth to knock at our dore Euē at that same houre when we should play the men and fight against our enimy beyng sufficiently armed and weaponed afore then begin we first to thinke vpon our armor to thinke vpō our weapon to thinke vpon mending of our lyfe These thinges declare vs to be smally exercised Souldiours to bée men of preposterous iudgement and verie weakelings in faith God be mercifull vnto vs Amen But yet though a man be neuer so olde though the daye be neuer so farre past so he amende whiles he is here ere it be night his repentance cōmeth not out of ceasō Neuerthelesse it wer to be wished that no man should defer his repētaunce to his last and most daungerous conflicte For euen thei shall haue muche a dooe to stand and to defend them selues from the assaultes the guiles and inuasions of the enemie which in the time of their health prepared armed them selues what thā shal come of thē whiche not fearyng God neither mindyng once repentaunce had ledde a dissolute filthie and naughtie life howe shall thei fight how shall thei be able to withstande the force of Sathan Seing therefore the multitude of people is great and the ministers of the Gospell verie fewe neyther able to be euerie where to doe their office to euery mā I hauing a will to helpe all men haue gathered togither and written out of Scripture a certaine briefe forme howe to admonishe instruct and comfort such a●●e sicke that they either reading these thinges or hearyng them red by others may conceiue certain hope and perfite consolation least in this most daungerous conflict they faint giue ouer like towards and so be ouercomed perishe For this is certaine whensoeuer a man is taken with extreme sickenesse and is in daunger of death he is assaulted wyth dyuers many and grieuous temptations ▪ First it is a grieuous and behement tētaption when he séeth the moste terrible Image of death afore his eies when he séeth he must leaue this lighte leaue this lyfe leaue friendes leaue landes goodes ▪ kinsfolkes father mother wyfe children all thinges wherin he had here eyther pleasure or comfort Then suche sinnes as he against the wyll and pleasure of God hath committed shall shewe and present themselues and shall appeare more in number and more grieuous thā euer they séemed afore and so shall wonderously vexe and tormente the conscience Then death iudgement ●ell dampnation as it were in a plumpe shall assault and layd siege with diuers daungerous ingines against the old man of ours ▪ In these Agonies except a man be armed with a sure and constaunt faith it is to be feared least he be wearied tired at last ouercommed For these temptations which chaunce vnto men liyng in extremes appéere most huge fearefull and daungerous and that for bycause out faith is verie slender and wauering neyther yet able to see perceiue or apprehende the incomprehensible and inestimable riches of the childrē of God which be remission of sinnes through Christ resurrection of the fleshe communion of sainctes euerlasting life and all these giuen vnto vs in Christ and for Christ In these articles of our fayth we must daily exercise our selues These we must diligently reuolue and earnestly expēde in our mindes For though all the articles of oure fayth are diligently to be remembred and without all wauering beleeued yet in the Agonie and poynt of death these foure that is the communion of sainctes remission of synne by the bloud of Christ the resurrection of the fleshe and euerlasting life are chiefly to be minded expended and inculcated For lyke as death is the paine and ●●pende of synne euen so for synne God doth commonly punishe vs with diuer● diseases and plagues as it is to be seene in diuers places of Scripture Iohn 5 ▪ Psal. 88. Deut. 28. 2. Reg. 24. Neuerthelesse afflictions be many tymes laide vpon vs that our faith may be tryed For than is it easie
〈…〉 ther too longe vpon our synnes But 〈…〉 ther lette vs haue the Image of Chri 〈…〉 moste healthfull and precious death 〈…〉 fore our eyes Let vs fixe in our mynd and bee full perswaded that Christe now burdened with our synnes that 〈…〉 hath nowe taken theim vppon his o 〈…〉 shoulders and so hath satisfied for t 〈…〉 〈…〉 d washed them awaie that he will ne 〈…〉 r charge vs with theim but freely for 〈…〉 e vs them as we professe in our Crede 〈…〉 ē we saie Credimus remissionem pec 〈…〉 orum wee beleeue the remission of 〈…〉 nes And that thou maiest be assured thereof g 〈…〉 ‑ 〈…〉 ell reader with a full perswasion of faithe I haue noted out of Gods holie woorde some places shewyng .i. Howe Christe our true Messias was promised from the beginnyng of the worlde and so from tyme too tyme .ij. The assuraunce that he is come 〈…〉 j. To what ende Christes commyng is GOD saied vnto Abam the Seede of the woman shall treade doune the Serpentes heade God saied vnto Abraham thy seede all the nations of the yearth all bee blessed bicause thou hast heard ●y voice Moises saied vnto the children of Is 〈…〉 ell a Prophet shall the lorde your God 〈…〉 I se vp vnto you euen of your own bre 〈…〉 en like vnto me hym shall you heare 〈…〉 all thynges whatsoeuer he shall sa●● 〈…〉 t● you God saied vnto Dauid I will sette vp ●y ●e●de after thee whiche shall procede out quities but accordyng to thy infinite ● botomelesse goodnesse and mercie ta● mee vnto thee I a miserable and wreched creature am in thy hande I am thy debte and daunger thou maiest do● with me what it please thee O mos● mercifull father forsake me not nor ● me of I am thine all that I am there t● no man comforte no man helpe no ma● deliuer me but thou alone Thou art th● true comfort the moste present help th● surest Bulwarke in all necessitie Th● God art my refuge my strength my hel● in all trouble Thou art my Lorde in th● handes resteth all my chaunce and aff●res Shewe thy louyng and mercif●● face vpon thy seruaunte saue me in th● mercie O Lorde but in any waies in o● extreme sickenesse and affliction let ● beware wee looke not to earnestly n●●ther too longe vpon our synnes But rather lette vs haue the Image of Christ● moste healthfull and precious death b●fore our eyes Let vs fixe in our mynd● and bee full perswaded that Christe now burdened with our synnes that ●●ath nowe taken theim vppon his ow● shoulders and so hath satisfied for the●● 〈…〉 d washed them awaie that he will ne●r charge vs with theim but freely for●e vs them as we professe in our Crede ●hē we saie Credimus remissionem pec●torum wee beleeue the remission of ●nes And that thou maiest be assured thereof gē●ell reader with a full perswasion of faithe I haue noted out of Gods holie woorde some places shewyng .i. Howe Christe our true Messias was promised from the beginnyng of the worlde and so from tyme too tyme .ij. The assuraunce that he is come iij. To what ende Christes commyng is GOD saied vnto Abam the Seede of the woman shall treade doune the Serpentes heade God saied vnto Abraham thy seede all the nations of the yearth all bee blessed bicause thou hast heard ●y voice Moises saied vnto the children of Is●●ell a Prophet shall the lorde your God ●ise vp vnto you euen of your own bre●ren like vnto me hym shall you heare ● all thynges whatsoeuer he shall sat●●nto you God saied vnto Dauid I will sette vp ●y seede after thee whiche shall procede out of thy bodie and I will stablishe th● seate of his kyngdome for euer and ● will bee his father and he shall bee m● sonne and my mercie will I neuer tak● from hym Dauid saieth in the spirit of God th● art my soonne this daie begat I thee Againe thy seate O God indureth fo●euer Beholde a virgine shall conceiue an● beare a soonne and thou his mother sh● call his name Emanuell that is to sa● God with vs. Vnto vs a childe is borne vnto vs soonne is giuen vpon his shoulder sh● the kyngdome lye he shall be called ● his owne name wonderfull the giuer ● counsaile the mightie GOD the euerlastyng father the prince of peace There shall a Rodde spryng out of th● kinred of Iesse a blossome shall spryn● out of his Roote and the Spirite of th● Lorde shall rest vpon hym Beholde my seruaunte vpon whom● leane my electe in whom my soule ● pacified Beholde saieth the Lorde the sy● shall come that I will raise vp a righ● ●s braunche vnto the house of thy ser●unte Dauid whiche kyng shall beare ●le and he shall prospere in wisedome The Aungell of the Lorde saied vnto ●●seph feare not to take vnto thee Ma● thy wife for that whiche is conceiued her commeth of the holie Ghoste she ●ll bryng forthe a sonne and thou shall ●l his name Iesus for he shall saue his ●●ople from their synnes The Prophete Zacharie saieth bles● bee the Lorde God of Israell ▪ for he ●th visited and redemed his people and ●th raised a mightie saluation for vs ▪ in ●e house of his seruaunte Dauid as he ●●ke by the mouthe of his holie Pr●●etes whiche hath been since the world ●●●ne that wée should bee saued from 〈…〉 enemies and from the handes of all ●t ●ate vs. Lorde now lettest thou thy seruaunt ●art in peace accordyng to thy worde ● myne eyes haue seen thy Saluation ●iche thou hast prepared before the face ●ll thy people to bee a light to lighten 〈…〉 Gentiles and to bee the glorie of thy ●ple Israell Sain● Ihon Baptist saieth Beholde the Lambe of God whiche taketh awaie the synnes of the worlde 5 Our heauenly father saieth This is my deare soonne in whom I doe delight heare hym Who saieth the whole neede not the Phisition but thei that are sicke for I come not to call the righteous but the synners to repentaunce The sonne of manne came not to bee ministered vnto but to minister and to giue his li●e for many He that beleueth and is baptized shall bee saued but he that beleueth not shall bee da 〈…〉 ed. God so loued the worlde that he gaue his onely begotten soonne that whosoeuer beleueth in hym should not perishe but haue euerlastyng life He that beleueth on hym shall not bee condemned but he that beleeueth not i● condemned alreadie because he beleued not in th● name of the onely begotte● soonne of God. He that heareth my woordes and b●leueth on hym that sente me hath euerlastyng life and shall not come into 〈…〉 nation but is escaped from death to life Christe saieth this is the woorke of GOD that he beleue on hym whom he hath sent Verily verily I saie vnto you he that ●eleueth
5 Christe is that most gentle fath●● whiche with so great ioye and with 〈…〉 bracing armes receiued home againe 〈…〉 lost sonne Come vnto me all ye that labour 〈…〉 are laden and I shall refresh you Lo 〈…〉 calleth al he refuseth he excludeth n 〈…〉 we must include also our selues with his wordes All we must resort to him and he 〈…〉 receiue and refresh vs. God setteth forthe his loue towa 〈…〉 For Christ died for vs when we 〈…〉 yet synners muche more now the 〈…〉 we being iustified by his bloude sh 〈…〉 safe from wrath by hym Christe Iesus is become vnto vs wi●dome righteousnesse holinesse and re●●mption Here let vs cōfort our selues 〈…〉 at though we haue beene neuer so ●eat synners yet let vs confesse and ●●owledge our synne let vs call for mer 〈…〉 and pardon let vs vnfainedly beleeue ●●riste to be oure onelye health iustice 〈…〉 redemption and straight way he is 〈…〉 he will by and by ●●uer and put away 〈…〉 ●ynnes in s●●he sorte that we shall ●●e feare no peril nor daunger Him that knew no fynne hath God 〈…〉 de synne j. a payement of synne for 〈…〉 that we shoulde become the righ 〈…〉 snesse of God by hym Christe gaue himselfe for our synnes 〈…〉 he might deliuer vs from this pre 〈…〉 wicked worlde according to the 〈…〉 of God our father ●hriste Iesus is come into this worlde 〈…〉 e synners ●hriste Iesus hath giuen himselfe a 〈…〉 ption for all men This let vs con 〈…〉 ly beleeue vndoubted we be of the 〈…〉 er of those that shall be saued For 〈…〉 he is come a redemption for all 〈…〉 thinges that he hath suffered pertaineth no lesse to thee and mee and euerie one of vs so we beleeue than to P●ter or Paule Christ hath borne our synnes in his body vpon the Crosse By these places and suche lyke we maye see how God the father which● will not the death of a synner but th 〈…〉 we shoulde tourne and liue for that m 〈…〉 seruent burning loue that he bear 〈…〉 towarde vs hath eased vs of the burth 〈…〉 of our synne and hath laide it vpon 〈…〉 backe of his moste deere beloued soon 〈…〉 whiche his sonne hath so taken bor 〈…〉 and suffered for them that they can ●uer condemne vs For God taketh 〈…〉 reputeth the death of his sonne for a 〈…〉 satisfaction and payement for all our 〈…〉 nes ▪ so that we truely beleeue in h 〈…〉 For seyng that our synnes thus laied 〈…〉 Christe coulde not ouercome him 〈…〉 taine him in death nor damne him 〈…〉 why he rose againe vndoubtedly a 〈…〉 satisfaction is alreadie made for them ▪ 〈…〉 iustice of God is fully aunswered 〈…〉 they be vtterly hid and forgiuen 〈…〉 beleeue this and we shall not peri 〈…〉 uerlastingly For Christe is now 〈…〉 ours with all that he hath wit 〈…〉 〈…〉 at h with his resurrection with his as 〈…〉 tion into heauen with his lyfe his 〈…〉 rites his glorie As sainct Paule wit 〈…〉 sseth Rom. 8. Wherefore Sathan hath 〈…〉 w no title to vs he cā not meddle with 〈…〉 he hath no power to hurt vs ▪ Forso 〈…〉 e as we be iustified by Christ pur 〈…〉 from our synnes and made the chil 〈…〉 n of God by Christ who hath recon 〈…〉 d vs and wrought our peace we must 〈…〉 refore be of good comfort For seeing 〈…〉 be in the handes of God that is om 〈…〉 otent who is now oure best moste 〈…〉 ng and trustie Father we be in a 〈…〉 porte we be without daunger there 〈…〉 o incōmoditie nor aduersitie hurte 〈…〉 or we be inuironed with the custodie 〈…〉 od and the garde of Aungels out of 〈…〉 handes of this heauenlye father can 〈…〉 reature by force pluck vs When we 〈…〉 t an ende by death of this crosse and 〈…〉 orall affliction then haue we ended 〈…〉 ourney then haue wee finished oure 〈…〉 re Christe hath borne the same 〈…〉 e ▪ Christe hath passed the same 〈…〉 e he hath suffered lyke death he is heade we must be lyke to him we suffer with him if we intende to raigne with him we must leaue this ●●●porall life ere that we can enioye 〈◊〉 euerlasting Let not oure synnes tro●●… vs let them not torment oure cons●●●…ces as thought they coulde not befor●…●…uen They are alreadie forgiuen if 〈◊〉 repent and beleeue Christe is all 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as muche as he is He by his innoce●●… hath couered and taken awaye oure ●●…nes As Christe can not bee dampne●…●…uen so we can not be dampned if w●●… right faith we cleaue vnto him As si●●… death and helle had no power agai●… Christe so haue they no power ag●… vs so we be in Christe and Christe i●●… Yf the matter had bene lefte and ●…mitted to vs to haue borne oure o●●… synnes and to haue satisfied for th●… they woulde haue beene to heauy 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 wee had not beene able to stande t●… them they woulde haue pressed 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 sunke vs downe to Hell. But Ch●●●●… both God and man hath of his 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 free will offered himselfe for vs he 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 taken oure tourne he hath playde 〈◊〉 parte and paide for vs all that we o●●… As it is in the Psalme spoken in th●…●●…sone of Christe I paide that I ough●… 〈…〉 e had trespassed we wer the detters so farre behinde hande that all that was in 〈…〉 s was not able to paye the least somme 〈…〉 hat we ought Christe became our suer 〈…〉 y paied for vs acquited vs and set vs at ●ibertie yea made vs coheires with hym ●f euerlastyng glorie If it wer possible for one man to com●it the synnes of the whole worlde so he ●ruely repent and cleaue by true faith to Christ he cannot be dapmned his sinnes 〈…〉 e sufficiently and aboūdantly by Christ 〈…〉 iffied for For Christ as touchyng his 〈…〉 dhed one in substance with the heauē 〈…〉 father As touchyng his manhoode our 〈…〉 rie flesh and bloud hath purchased and 〈…〉 uely bought grace pardon for vs For ●hrist became man for vs was borne for 〈…〉 died vpon the Crosse for vs rose from 〈…〉 at h for vs ascended into heauen for vs 〈…〉 hath accomplished and performed al 〈…〉 ynges mete for our saluation for vs If 〈…〉 refore we beleue in Christ we are be 〈…〉 e partakers of Gods fauour we are 〈…〉 ed of the packe and burthen of synne 〈…〉 e are made the heires of God and co 〈…〉 es with Christe for euer and that by 〈…〉 iste and for Christe For without Christ there is no consolation no health no hope no helpe In Christe alone is 〈…〉 comfort all health all hope all succou 〈…〉 all refuge all grace and mercy more ●boundant more plentious more exc 〈…〉 lent then any man is able eyther ▪ 〈…〉 comprehende or to wish God graunt 〈…〉 therefore a true and a constaunte faith In this forme or in like sorte we mu
〈…〉 comfort oure selues in oure sickenesse calamitie and our brother being visit But in any wise and with all diligenc 〈…〉 is to be foreséene that we withdraw 〈…〉 mynne from the fearefull and terri 〈…〉 contemplation of synne death and da 〈…〉 nation And that wee fixe these of 〈…〉 minde and whole thought vpon Chr 〈…〉 onely that we cleane vnto him that call vpon him that we commit our sel 〈…〉 wholy to hym For in Christe wee s 〈…〉 espie nothing but innocencie iustice 〈…〉 saluation whiche all be deriued fr 〈…〉 Christe into vs so that we will ackn●●ledge him and receiue him for the 〈…〉 thor of our saluation and onely redée 〈…〉 if we haue Christe crucified afore 〈…〉 eyes if we imprint him in oure hart 〈…〉 wee flye to him with oure faithe if ●holye cleane to him Then shall hell 〈…〉 tes nothyng preuaile against vs then 〈…〉 all we be able to withstande all the 〈…〉 rcible assaultes of Sathan though they 〈…〉 neuer so sore neuer so fierce neuer so 〈…〉 rrible ▪ Let vs call to remembraunce with 〈…〉 hat lenitie what gentlenesse what hu●anitie what clemencie Christe as it is the euangelicall hystorie hath called to him and receiued all suche synners hath repented them and desired his 〈…〉 pe We shall finde Marie Magdalen 〈…〉 sinner that hong vpon the right hand Christ crucified the publicane Zache 〈…〉 h other mo whome Christe m●oste 〈…〉 yngly receiuyng pronounced cleare 〈…〉 synne though thei had synned grea 〈…〉 and the children of saluation Christe 〈…〉 erie grace mercie helpe comfort life 〈…〉 e and saluatio to al those whiche loke these thynges at his handes and put 〈…〉 r trust in hym And all these thynges 〈…〉 God who is truthe it self and can 〈…〉 lye nor wil not deceiue promised vn 〈…〉 for Christes sake ●inally when Death approcheth wée must do as Christ did vpon the crosse w● muste praie for our enemies and forgi 〈…〉 them with our hart If we haue offend 〈…〉 any man we must be hartely sorie for 〈…〉 we muste desire forgiuenesse if we ha 〈…〉 iniured any man we must make hym mendes or take suche order that amēd 〈…〉 maie be made vnto hym if it passeth o 〈…〉 power to make restitution amende 〈…〉 shal be inough that we desire forgiuene 〈…〉 And with our harts forgiue others wh 〈…〉 hath hurte vs either in name bodie s 〈…〉 staunce or estimatiō For if we truly 〈…〉 giue God hath promised we shal be fo 〈…〉 uen as it is in the 6. of Mat. but aboue haue an vnmouable faithe in the for 〈…〉 promises of God made in Christe Ie 〈…〉 our lorde It is verie necessary also 〈…〉 ●●ble for the confirmation and stren 〈…〉 ning of our faithe to receiue the i 〈…〉 blessed sacrament of the body and 〈…〉 of our sauiour Christ which we are 〈…〉 maunded to receyue in remembra 〈…〉 of his benefites that hereby wee 〈…〉 be truely certified in our conscienc● his body to be giuen for vs and his bloud to be shed for remission of our synnes Death OF our fleashe and fraile nature is so feared and abhorred that when he approcheth mannes hart ●e filled and laden with suche sorrowes panges 〈…〉 d anxieties as tongue is not able too 〈…〉 presse ¶ A medicine against the feare of Death WE muste call to our remembraunce Death to bee ouercommed and abholished by Christe So that nowe the soules of so many as truste Christ can not dye nor perishe but de 〈…〉 tyng from the bodie goeth straight to 〈…〉 rist For thus was it saied to the these 〈…〉 is houre of death This daie shalt thou with me in paradise The body though 〈…〉 est and pause for a while yet wee bee certaine hope that at the laste daie it 〈…〉 bee raised againe to immortall and 〈…〉 rlastyng life And therefore scripture 〈…〉 eth the death of the bodie but a slepe that this same fraile weake vile mortall and corruptible bodie whiche wee cary aboute whiche lieth sicke and sore diseased whiche shortly shall bee put into the yearth burne to ashes deuour 〈…〉 with beastes or foules drowned in water that self same bodie I saie shall be raised againe incorruptible glorious beautifull stronge pure immortall 〈…〉 possesse a newe and euerlastynge life where there shall neither bee hunger thirste ▪ heate colde synne death nor a 〈…〉 kinde of calamitie but iustice innocent life ioye blesse world without ende ▪ F 〈…〉 as the bodie of Christ laied in the gra 〈…〉 rose againe the third daie neuer more 〈…〉 die euen so shall the bodies of all that beleue in Christe at the latter daie bee 〈…〉 suscitate to a life after whiche shall folowe no death God who is of infinite 〈…〉 wer and infallible truthe hath promise these thynges thei muste therefore 〈…〉 des bee so And here it shall bee 〈…〉 ble to ●all to remembraunce suche pla● of scripture as treateth of the resurr 〈…〉 on of the fleshe whiche bee the woor 〈…〉 not of manne but of GOD who is 〈…〉 and will certainely fulfill whatsoeuer 〈…〉 hath spoken No manne can chaunge 〈…〉 〈…〉 ill no manne can alter his purpose No 〈…〉 eature can frustrate lette or tarie his 〈…〉 tence He is omnipotent he is true he 〈…〉 faithfull his goodnesse and mercie is 〈…〉 explicable Lette no manne therefore 〈…〉 ubte of the truthe of his woordes lette 〈…〉 manne doubte of the performaunce of 〈…〉 s promise 〈…〉 Here after followeth certaine places of scripture witnessing the resurrectiō of the ded 〈…〉 accordyng to the articles of our faith wherein we saie we beleue that this fleshe shall rise againe THis is the will of my father whiche sent me that whosoeuer seeth the soonne and beleueth in hym shall haue life euerlastyng and I will 〈…〉 se hym vp at the last daie The houre commeth wherein all thei 〈…〉 t bee in the graues shall heare the 〈…〉 e of the soonne of God and shall goe 〈…〉 the thei that haue doe● good vnto the 〈…〉 rrection of life For if so ▪ bee that the 〈…〉 ite of him whiche raised vp Iesus frō 〈…〉 dedde dwelleth in you euen he that 〈…〉 ed vp Iesus Christe from the dedde 〈…〉 ll also quicken your mortall bodies because of his Spirite that dwelleth 〈…〉 you GOD hath bothe raised vp our Lo 〈…〉 Iesus Christe and shall also raise vs 〈…〉 by his power Christ saith Lazarus was but a s●e 〈…〉 where in verie deede he was dedde 〈…〉 buried But Christe is the resurrection and life ▪ as it is in the same place so th 〈…〉 he that beleueth on him though he w 〈…〉 dedde he shall liue In verefiyng whe 〈…〉 of he raised straight waie Lazarus 〈…〉 yng fower daies dedde and stinkyng A 〈…〉 because wee bee naturally in the ago 〈…〉 of death verie fearfull weake and fai 〈…〉 harted to the ende that we might bee 〈…〉 easelier perswaded in the Article of 〈…〉 surrection Scripture
maketh menti 〈…〉 of many whiche in the tyme of the P 〈…〉 phetes Christe and the Apostles we called from death to life Christe raised the widowes soonne He raised the ruler of the Sinag 〈…〉 his d●ughter He raised Lazarus Peter restored to life Tabitha Paule raised againe Eu●i●hus Eliz●us the Prophet called againe 〈…〉 〈…〉 e his hostes soonne Helias raised the Babe of the woman 〈…〉 f Sareptanie GOD tooke also vnto hym out of this 〈…〉 aile and transitorie life these twoo er 〈…〉 llent and holie menne Enoch and He 〈…〉 as quicke bothe bodie and soule to giue 〈…〉 as it were a taste and representation of the true life to come leaste after the o 〈…〉 i●ion of the Ethnicks and Epicures we should thinke there were no worlde nor 〈…〉 eeyng after this wretched and miserable life Let vs not forget what Christe ●esus Lorde of life and death saieth in the eight of Luke Wepe not the maide 〈…〉 not dedde but a slepe Reason not comprehendyng the misteries of GOD neither perceiuyng his power dooeth laugh his saiyng to scorne but Christ proueth his saiyng true he raised by and by the 〈…〉 edde maide to life The fiftene Chapiter of the first Epistle to the Corinthians is 〈…〉 eplenished with moste godlie pleasaunt 〈…〉 d pithie consolations Truly it is more precious then any gold For in that Cha●ter Saincte Paule doeth so annexe and 〈…〉 uple our resurrection ▪ to the resurrection of Christe as though thei could in no wise bee separate or deuided after th 〈…〉 forme Christ is risen from death which thyng is certaine ergo wée also shall v 〈…〉 doubtedly rise For Christe is our hedd 〈…〉 and we his members this hed is neith 〈…〉 without neither will forsake his me●bers Then it followeth that where ▪ Chr 〈…〉 is there shall we bee For why wee 〈…〉 the members of his bodie and euen of 〈…〉 fleshe and bone what tongue what p 〈…〉 what witte is able to set foorthe as i 〈…〉 worthie this ineffable and inestima 〈…〉 glorie of the mercie and grace of GO 〈…〉 that God hath vouchsafe so lowe to h 〈…〉 ble hymself as to become mortall m 〈…〉 that this ●eble and fraile nature of m 〈…〉 vnited and knitte to the diuine nat 〈…〉 by the power and efficacie of the god 〈…〉 might be inhaunced and promoted to 〈…〉 mortalitie For truely the nature o● faithfull menne whiche either were fore Christe hath been since or now 〈…〉 shall be to the worldes ende vndoubtly in Christe verie GOD and ma 〈…〉 hath obtained immortalitie The 〈…〉 lation therefore that riseth of Chr 〈…〉 resurrection is of great efficacie A 〈…〉 〈…〉 ncte Paule saieth to the Corinthians ●●riste is risen againe from dedde and is 〈…〉 e first fruictes of them that slepe for by 〈…〉 e manne truely came death and by one 〈…〉 nne commeth the resurrection of the 〈…〉 de And as al die in Adam euen so shal 〈…〉 bee made aliue in Christe but euery 〈…〉 e in his order The firste is Christe ▪ ●hen thei whiche are Christes whiche 〈…〉 h beleued in his commyng And sainct 〈…〉 ule dooeth adde a similitude taken of 〈…〉 urall thynges whereby he dooeth set 〈…〉 the and declare the resurrection of bo 〈…〉 s. The similitude is taken of seede 〈…〉 iche is cast into the yearth by the hus 〈…〉 dman dieth as it were and rotteth ▪ ●uerthelesse it is not vtterly loste but 〈…〉 ength springeth and commeth foorthe 〈…〉 he yearth goodlie beautifull and 〈…〉 saunt So our bodies shall rise again 〈…〉 feeble vile corruptible and mortall 〈…〉 strōg glorious incorruptible immor 〈…〉 neuer to dye againe but euer to liue ● The waie into true and euerlastyng 〈…〉 to our longe home as thei call it and 〈…〉 ntrie is by corporall death Fleashe 〈…〉 bloud beyng corruptible and mortal 〈…〉 not inherite the kingdome of GOD where nothyng is but life Therefor● this corruptible bodie must put on in t 〈…〉 ruption and this mortall muste putte● immortalitie Then shall the saiyng t 〈…〉 is written bee fulfilled Death is swa 〈…〉 wed vp in victorie Thei that beleeue Christe hath nowe ouercommed sy 〈…〉 death and helle Therefore not fear 〈…〉 death but strong bolde and well ha 〈…〉 in Christe Thei maie saie Death wh 〈…〉 is thy sting Death where is thy vict 〈…〉 The stynge of Death is synne and 〈…〉 power of synne is the Lawe But t 〈…〉 kes hee vnto GOD whiche hath g 〈…〉 vs the victorie through our Lorde I 〈…〉 Christe Let vs heare also more sentences 〈…〉 of godlie and mightie consolation He that hath raised vp Iesus 〈…〉 raise vs vp also with Iesus Our conuersation is in heauen 〈…〉 whence we doe looke for the sauiour 〈…〉 lorde Iesus Christ whiche shall cha 〈…〉 our 〈…〉 I le bodie that it maie be like 〈…〉 ned vnto his glorious bodie a 〈…〉 to the woorkyng of his power by 〈…〉 whiche also he is able to subdue all 〈…〉 ges vnto hymself Ye are dedde and your life is hid with ●●riste in God but when Christe your 〈…〉 shall appeare then shall ye also ap 〈…〉 rs in glorie with hym Wee woulde not brethren that ye 〈…〉 uld bee ignoraunte concernyng theim 〈…〉 t sleape that ye sorrowe not also as o 〈…〉 r doe whiche haue no hope For if we 〈…〉 eue that Iesus Christe died and rose againe Euen theim also whiche are a 〈…〉 pe through Iesus shall GOD bryng 〈…〉 h hym ●aicte Paule also doeth comforte Tithe with the article of resurrection ▪ 〈…〉 ng Remēber the Lorde Iesus Christ 〈…〉 yng the seede of Dauid rose againe 〈…〉 the dedde accordyng to my Gospell 〈…〉 if we bee dedde with hym wee shall 〈…〉 liue with hym If we suffer pacient 〈…〉 e shall also reigne with hym It was written also to the Hebrues 〈…〉 Christe tasted death for all menne 〈…〉 that he was partaker of fleashe and 〈…〉 d firste became verie manne that he 〈…〉 ht destroye hym whiche had the rule 〈…〉 at h that is the Deuill and that he 〈…〉 ht deliuer them whiche were in bō 〈…〉 all their life tyme by the reason of the hearing of Christes Gospell is so v 〈…〉 the feare of death God hath deliuered vs and called 〈…〉 with an holy calling not according to 〈…〉 workes but according to his purpose 〈…〉 grace whiche is giuen vs in Christe 〈…〉 before the time of the world but is n 〈…〉 made manifeste by the appearyng of 〈…〉 sauiour Iesus Christ whiche truely 〈…〉 dest●●ied death and hath brought life● immortalitie to light by the Gospell Wee knowe that wee are trans 〈…〉 from life to death bicause wee loue 〈…〉 brethren In this hath the loue of God appe 〈…〉 in vs bycause God sent his onely be 〈…〉 ten sonne into the worlde that we 〈…〉 lyue thorowe him I knowe that my redeemer doth 〈…〉 and in the
well go●●… 〈…〉 t vs consider and remēber how Christ 〈…〉 haued himself in the bitter and smarte 〈…〉 onie when hanging vpon the Crosse 〈…〉 was assaulted with diuers fierce and 〈…〉 ost grieuous temptations and praye 〈…〉 at wee maye haue grace to folowe his 〈…〉 ample FIrst he was tempted with synne when being hanged betwixt twoo theeues as a notable and hainous synner it was said vnto him thou be the sonne of God come downe 〈…〉 m the crosse By this contumelious 〈…〉 yce what doe they signifie else but 〈…〉 at they iudged him a naughty and vn 〈…〉 dlye person suche one as by craft sub 〈…〉 tie falsehood socerie and other vn●●wfull meanes had deceyued the peo●●e had blynded the worlde and to be 〈…〉 thing lesse than the sonne of God. Euen in lyke maner at the houre of 〈…〉 at h doth the Deuill tempt man what 〈…〉 euer man hath cōmitted against God 〈…〉 l the synnes that euer he did he she 〈…〉 th vnto him he doth exaggerate them 〈…〉 the vttermost to the ende that the multitude and hainousnesse of them 〈…〉 sidered and perceyued man shoud do 〈…〉 of the mercy and fauour of God and 〈…〉 fall into desperation Here we had ne 〈…〉 to stande sure and euery one of vs h 〈…〉 neede to aunswere our enimie thus te●pting vs after this maner I knowled 〈…〉 my selfe to haue synnes aboue all number and measure but Christe who ne 〈…〉 synned in whose mouth was founde 〈…〉 guile who is that verie innocent lam 〈…〉 hath suffred death for my synnes he ha 〈…〉 washed them away he hath satisfied 〈…〉 boundantly for them how many a 〈…〉 how great so euer they were Christe death pertayneth also to me he w 〈…〉 wounded also for my iniquities he w 〈…〉 brused for my vngraciousnesse by 〈…〉 stripes I am also healed All my synne hath Christe taken to himselfe so th 〈…〉 now I haue none thankes be to Christ● who hath satisfied for them in his own body CHrist was tēpted also with dea 〈…〉 when it was sayde vnto him 〈…〉 hath saued other but he can 〈…〉 saue hymselfe As though if shoulde 〈…〉 sayde he is now at a poynt he must dye 〈…〉 ere is no reamedie he can not escape 〈…〉 hus doeth our olde and erreconcible 〈…〉 imie labor to feare vs with death but 〈…〉 vs holde out the buckeler of fayth in ●hrist against him let vs remember 〈…〉 t Christe our Lorde King of glorie 〈…〉 Prince of life coulde not be ouer 〈…〉 nmed nor holden of death but though 〈…〉 once tasted of death he nowe liueth 〈…〉 reigneth for euer This Lord of ours 〈…〉 ll not leaue vs nor suffer death to ere 〈…〉 e any tyranie againste vs that after 〈…〉 hath suffered vs to be tēpted a while 〈…〉 will also that we dye corporally all 〈…〉 t is wholy for our welth Neyther could we eotherwyse come euerlastyng life but by tēporall death ▪ 〈…〉 e must therefore leaue this present 〈…〉 e ere we can inherite the eternall 〈…〉 e. Also this corporall death bringeth 〈…〉 s commoditie that by tasting the bit 〈…〉 nesse and sowernesse of it we haue 〈…〉 erience and knowe the exceding loue 〈…〉 t Christe bare towarde vs and the 〈…〉 stimable benefite that he did for vs 〈…〉 ensing our synnes in abolishing of 〈…〉 th in breaking vp of Hell gates and all by his death Otherwyse wee coulde neuer h 〈…〉 knowne the power of Christ in abo 〈…〉 yng of death wée could neuer haue i 〈…〉 esteemed the excellency of this bene 〈…〉 wee coulde neuer haue seene how i 〈…〉 cause we haue to giue thankes to C 〈…〉 our Lorde and redeemer Christe ly 〈…〉 truely we shall also liue And this co 〈…〉 rall death to vs shall be nothyng els 〈…〉 a sweete and holsome slepe an entr 〈…〉 and gate into the true and blessed 〈…〉 For after this transitorie life the● ginne we first truely to liue THirdlie Christe was te 〈…〉 with helle or euerlastyng 〈…〉 nation when it was saied 〈…〉 hym he hath trusted in G 〈…〉 let hym nowe deliuer hym if he will 〈…〉 though thei should saie Now it app 〈…〉 that he hath hoped in God in vaine 〈…〉 God will none of hym he hath for 〈…〉 hym he liketh hym not he doeth 〈…〉 hym he will easte hym doune to h 〈…〉 perpetually condemned him W 〈…〉 fore the temptour shall lashe at 〈…〉 like temptations wee maie not 〈…〉 maie not be afraied we maie not bee 〈…〉 ouraged but commende our self who 〈…〉 o Christ hang vpon hym who is who 〈…〉 urs who hath giuen hymself wholie ●s so that synne death nor helle hath thyng to doe with vs Christe with an 〈…〉 stimable price his own bloud hath de 〈…〉 ered vs from the tyrannie of the De 〈…〉 and euerlastyng damnation he is bene our innocencie our life and our iu 〈…〉 e. Let vs take héede in any wise that 〈…〉 tourne not our hartes from Christe 〈…〉 cified If we cleane to hym we are set 〈…〉 on a sure and inexpugnable rocke a 〈…〉 nst the whiche all the power of hell is 〈…〉 e to dooe nothyng So that wee maie 〈…〉 ly exclaime and euery one saie with 〈…〉 riste I prouided the Lorde afore my 〈…〉 s alwaie for he is at my right elbowe 〈…〉 t I should not be moued therefore my 〈…〉 te hath been glad and my tonge hath 〈…〉 yced more●uer my fleshe shall reste 〈…〉 ope By faithe in Christe we become ●so●nnes of God the brethren and co 〈…〉 es of Christ and partakers of euerla 〈…〉 life by this faithe departyng hēce 〈…〉 shall goe to the kyngdome prepared the electe afore the beginnyng of the world And if in the feruentnesse of th● temptations our faith begin to waue● we do not beare paciently the will of ● heauenly father if our loue toward ●● ware faint cold if our hope begin to● feble and weake and therefore we be● to feare least God and wée be not all ●● full pointe but that he is yet displeased w● vs whiche rēptation surely is very gr●●uous painfull dangerous harde to ou● come we must call to remēbraūce Chr● to haue suffered for vs so intollerable a● inuincible temptations that there ap●red no help no comfort no refuge wh● in God and the whole worlde seemed ● haue forsakē him and to be against hy● in so muche that he exclaimed O my g● O my God why haste thou forsaken ●● Oh here was a greeuous temptation ● sharpe and bitter death that Christe su●fered for vs and all to make the waie● the crosse and death easie vnto vs The●●fore seyng that Christe of his owne fr●● will caste hymself into the féelyng of● tollerable paine calamitie and anxiet● GOD our moste louyng father bee●● therewith content vndoubtedly he kn●weth and cōsidereth our infirmities ▪ ●● ●btedly he will not deale with vs ac●yng to the rigour of the Lawe but ●l beare muche with vs and pardon ●ny