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life_n believe_v jesus_n lord_n 8,211 5 3.8236 3 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A00261 A bryefe and plaine declaracion of certayne sente[n]ces in this litle boke folowing to satisfie the consciences of them that haue iudged me therby to be a fauourer of the Anabaptistes.; Brife and faythfull declaration of the true fayth of Christ I. B., fl. 1547.; Bale, John, 1495-1563, attributed author.; Bradford, John, 1510?-1555, attributed author. 1547 (1547) STC 1035; ESTC S103779 21,747 42

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and proued it is therfore very necessarye that we praye the lorde with all dilygence for a ryght vnderstādyng of his godly worde and for a sure vnmouable fayth for euermor Also it is not vnnecessarye y t they beare theyr beliefe conteyned in wrytynge alwayes about them and dayly rede it partly to the e●…horting and confortyng of them in all persecution and tribulacions which may come vnto them by goddes worde Partly agayne for a defence agaynste all antech●…ystes spyrytes whyche alwayes i●…dae the fayth of the rightuouse how chrystenly so en●…r it be and how many feste so euer it agreeth with all godly scrypture fo●… an heresye yea for a deuelyshe doctryne and gvle shal it be compted Say ii ●…or vi And of this so doynge no man shall merueyle seynge that all sayntes haue b●…n taken for transgressours or seducers of this euill blynde worlde Yea Iesus Christe him selfe though ●…e ●…e the euer ●…astynge truth Iohn ●…iiii was taken of vnmyse Scrihes and Pharises for a b●…gyler of the people I●…an vii yea for a mad man and a man ●…ossessyd with the deuyl ò lorde what a blas●…heinye And his doct●…ine was not taken of them as goddes worde but as a disseuable s●…ducynge not as breade of lyfe nor as a medicine for the soule but compted as a poyson or venym of the wycked serpent Seynge then that the Lorde dyd suffer reason it is for the seruaunte to suffer also And all that that is come vpon the lorde that muste as trewlye as Goddes worde is ouercome the seruaunt also Here vpon maye euerye seruaunt or disciple of Iesu Christe prepare hym for he must be readye to suffer all confusion sclaunder and tribulation for hys Lorde and maysters sake We therfore perceyuynge thys wyll not be moued wyth the scaunder of the wycked people the whyche sclaunder oure fayth for heresy and yet many of them knowe not what we beleue but as they here of oure aduersaryes and therafter do they iudge vs. Notwithstandynge though we do not regarde theyr sclaunder yet neuerthelesse wyll we so farre as it is possible mete them wryte through the grace of God oure fayth bycause that euerye man maye reade it and then may they wyth vnderstanding and with christen charitie iudge The which we both of al good diligent readers and also of oure aduersaryes frendely desyre and mekely pray ¶ Here endeth the Prologe The articles of the chri●…ten fayth I Beleue in God the father almighty maker of heauē earth And in Iesu Christ hys onely sonne oure Lorde whyche was conceyued by the holye gooste and borne of Marye the virgyn He suffered vnder Poncius Pylate he was crucifyed dead and buryed He desended to hell and rose the thyrde daye from death He ascended to the heauens and syttteth on the ryght hande of God the father almyghty And frō thens shal he come to iudge the quicke and dead I beleue in the holy goost the holy churche catholyke to be a congregacion of sayntes to haue remission of synnes the resurrection of the fleshe and the euerlastynge lyfe ☞ At the fyrst we beleue in one God Deut. vi father of our lorde Iesus Christ. ii Cor. i. the whyche is the Lorde of heauen and earth Luke xi and creatour of al creatures Hebre. i. Yea he is father of vs all Ephe. iiii the which hath elected vs to be his crildren through Iesu Christe Ephe. i. And therfore shall we hym all onely worship besyde hym none other gods Deut. v●… Also we shall feare him as an almigh ty god Psal. xxxiiii and as a mercyfull father we shal loue him wyth al oure hertes with all our soule and wyth al our power and mynde Mat. xxii and vpon him muste stande all oure hope Hiere vii For he is the father of lyghte Iacob i. of the whythe all mankynde lyueth Actu xvii both ●…odelye goodes Prouerbeo x. euerlastynge saluacion Psalm xxxvii togyther wyth al perfyte gyftes come and descended Iacob i. ☞ Forthermore we beleue in Iesu Christe the sōne of the lyuing god our lorde i. Cor. vii The whiche is the very bryghtnesse of his fathers glorye and the verye ymage of his substaunce Hebre. i. Yea he is the onely begotten sonne of the father Iohn i. come forth out of the mouth of the moste hyghest God Eccles. i. xxiii fyrst borne before all creatures Collos. i. Thorowe the whiche all thynges are created Heb. i. In whom we haue redempcion namely remission of synnes thorow his bloude Col. i. wyth the whyche he hath wasshed vs. Apoc. i. and hath also recōciled vs agayne to hys most holy and gloriouse father Ephes i. ii that were afore enemyes to God Roma viii ¶ For after the tyme that god had made man after his ymage and similitude he set hym into Paradise that he shoulde eate of al the fruites of the garden of pleasure exceptynge hym the tre of knowledge of good euyil Gene. ii But man hath disobeyed the Lorde his God and transgressed his commaūdement Gen. iii. Thorowe the whyche disobedience and transgression of the godlye commaundement death and curse is come ouer all mankynde Rom. v. And when there was no helpe nor comfort for man wherby he myghte haue bene redemed or delyuered out of Sathans power Then had God the merciful father pitie vpon mankinde and promised thē a sead namely Iesus Christ his onelye begotten sonne the whiche shoulde treade vpon t●…e head of the serpent and ouercome the deuyll and restore thē to lyfe agayne Gene. iii. And lyke wyse as god is ryghtuouse in al his wayes and holye in all his workes Psal. criv and ●…ew in al his wordes Psal. li. so hath he kepte all his promyses truely And as the tyme was fulfylled Gala. iiii God let hys worde descende into the wombe of the vyrgyn Marye and by the workynge of the holy gooste be came fleshe as Iohn wytnesseth saiyng The word became flesh dwelt amonge vs we saw his glory as the glory of the onely begottē sonne of the father ful of grace and verite Iohn i. Also thys onely begotten sone of god by the powre of the holy ghoste became man and is become lyke vnto vs in all thinges except synne Hebre. ii He hathsuffered death for our sake Esay liii and hath taken awaye Sathans powre and restored lyfe in agyne i. Timot. vi yea he is made vnto vs wysdome and ryghtwysnes sanctyfyenge and redemption i. Cor. i. And lykewyse as he dyed for our synnes Hebre. ii so is he rysen agayn through the powre of his father Roma vi for our righ tuousnes Roma iiii And as he oftentymes shewed hym felfe after his resurreccyon vnto his dyscyples Acti i. so is he ascended into hea uen in thyr presence Luke xxiiii And sytteth at the right hande of the almighty rather Ro. viii Aboue all rule and myght and dominion and aboue all that maye be named not onely in thys world but also in the world to come
●…phesi i. And hath subdewed all thynges vnder hys fete Hebre. ii in summa he is alorde aboue all lordes and a kyng aboue all kynges Apo. xix yea he is an almighty god with his fa ther. Apo. xxii Iohn x. And neuerthelesse he is also our onely aduocate and mediator i. Iohn ii Tymo ii our onely hye priest Hebre. v. the sacrifyce that he hath done for our synnes abydeth of valure for euermore 〈◊〉 ebre x. ☞ Forthermore likewyse as Christ our lord is ascended vp into heauen so shall he come agayne from heauen Act. i. wyth the dominion of his father with the angels Mat. xxv for to gyue euery man rewarde after his workes yea for to iuge y t quicke dead Act. x. Tim. iiii ☞ We beleue also in the holy gost god with the father the sōne which holy goste is a teacher of all chrysten Ioh. xiiii and he doth cloth them with his gyftes and giueth euery one the measure of feyth after his owne wyll i. Corin xii and kepeth them vnmouable in one fayth for he is a ruler of the christian congregacyon Acti xx He is also the anoyntement i. Iohn ii wherwith all christē are anoynted and of that behalfe are called the anoynted of the lorde Psal. ciiii ☞ So is this holy gost geuē vnto the christē as an erneste of theyr inherytaunce to theyr re dempcyon and they agayne be his owne to the prayse of his glorye Ephesi i. In summa it is impossible without this holy ghoste to knowe god ryghtly i. Cor. ii or with all the hole herte to beleue vpon hun i. Corin. xii or to call vpon him as a father Roma viii And therfore doth god poure this his holy ghoste vpon his chil dren wherby thei may rightly knowe him and ryghtly beleue in hym and as a ryght father call vpon hym Sata iiii ☞ This is our belefe to the father sōne and holy ghoste which thre we knowledge to be one god Deut. vi whose seate is the heauen and the erth is a benche of his fete Esay xivi yea the which is an euerlastynge ii Mach. i. an almyghty Psal. ●…v a ryhgtuouse Psa. ii and a mercyfull god Psal. cxiv The which alone wylbe worshypped and serued Deu. vi For he can alone helpe vs. Esaye xliii whyche he doth for his names sáke not for oure rygh tuousenes sake Esay rliii ☞ Forthermore as we haue said that al they that do beleue are ioyned togyther through the holy goost knitte in vnitie so is there a chri sten church the with is buylded of lyuing stones i. Pet. ii which church is the house of god Heb. iii. the house of god is the congregacion of God i. Timoi iii. and the congregacyon of God is the bodye of Christ. Ephesians i. And seynge that al right christians are one bodye 〈◊〉 Cor. r. in the which they al through one spirite are baptised i. Cor. rii So muste there be a cōmunion of sayntes namely that al sayntes or true beleuers are also ioyned togyther in vnitie as the membres of one body Rom. xii And in this cōmuniō of saintes is remission of sinnes that wout it is no sinne forgiuē nor any hope of saluacion Ephe. ii yea like as it is vnpossible y t a mēbre cā lyue that is not in the bo dy so is it possible y t any man may lyue in hys soule cā be releaced out of death by remissiō of synne the which is not a mēbre of the body of Christ. For Christ hath recōciled vs al vnto god his father in one bodye Ephe. ii And ther fore must al they stāde in variaūce y t are no 〈◊〉 bres of this body of y t which Christ is y t head Eph. i. to the which he giueth saluaciō Eph. 〈◊〉 ☞ Now must we also knowe that howe be it that God alwayes forgyueth synnes Esay xliii yet hath Christ giuen vnto his congregacion power to bynde and to lowse which shall not be vnderscāde after the antichrist doctrine the byshoppe of Rome hath power to remitte synnes but the christen congregacion whose heade is Christe and not the Romyshe Antechrist and is rewled of the holy gooste and not of the fornicatyshe spirite of the Prophetysse Iesabell Thys congregacion I saye hath power to bynde lowse that is to saye all what she byndeth other lowseth is done by the power of oure Lorde Iesu Christe i. Cor. v. and thorow the holy goste as a rewler of the christen congregacion Actu xx so is there in the christen congregacion remission of synnes ☞ There shal be also a general resurrection of the fleshe namely that all they that are dead shal ryse agayne some to euerlastyng lyfe and some to euerlasting dampnacion Iohn v And they that shall lyue and remayne vntyl the cōmyng of our Lorde Iesu Christe they shall be chaunged in the twynkelynge of an eye at the tyme of the last ●…ompet i. Corhin xv For the trompet sayth Paule shal blow and the dead shal ryse vncorruptible and we shalbe chaunged For this corruptible body must put on vn corruptibilitie and thys mortall bodye muste put on immortalitie i. Corhin xv ☞ At the laste is there also an euerlastynge lyfe Iohn xvii whyche all they shall receyue that beleue on Iesu Ihrist Iohn vl and stedfastlye abyde in good workes sekynge prayse honour and immortalitie Roma ii ☞ Thys is the summe of oure beliefe yea and a ryght christen beliefe thorowe the which fayth all ryghtuouse lyue A●…ac ii And wyth out the whyth beliefe no man may please god Heb. xv Therfore must the euerlastynge God be blessed that out of his immeasurable mercy and grace hath gyuen vs thys fayth thorowe Iesu Christe Ephe. ii And this is the some of our fayth wyth the shortest ¶ The sacrament of Baptysme BAptysme is a sacramenttall token the whiche is geuen vs of Christe Math. xxviiii And is at the fyrste an entrynge into the christen congregacyon as Paule sayth we are baptysed in one spirite to be one bodye i. Corhi xii ☞ Secondarily it is a fountayne of regeneracion as Paul witnesseth saying that Christ hath saued vs by the fountayne of the newe byrthe and renewynge of the holy gooste Tit. 〈◊〉 Not that the water doth saue vs for nothynge can saue vs but ouely god Esay xliii But after that our Lorde Iesu christ hath spo ken that he that beleueth and is baptised shal be saued Mar. xvi and Goddes worde is veritie Iohan. xvii and his promyses maye not fayle Psal. cxlvii Therefore muste baptisme nead●…s bringe saluacion vnto them that in beliefe are baptised not for the workes sake but for goddes worde and promises D●…u viii ☞ Thyrdely baptysme is a couenaunt of a good conscience to god i. Pet. iii. namelye that he that in beliefe is baptised bindeth him selfe or maketh a couenaunt with god that from thens forth he wyll lyue after hys wyll And of this couenauntes