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A30556 The true state of Christianity, truly discribed, and also discovered unto all people what it was in its beginning and purity, and what it now is in its apostacy and degeneration ... / written by ... Edward Burrough. Burrough, Edward, 1634-1662. 1658 (1658) Wing B6047; ESTC R12629 29,962 40

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of him 1 Joh. 5. 18. and they were born of the word of God and of the incoruptible seed 1 Pet. 1. 23. and they were created in Christ Iesus unto good works Eph. 2. 10. and they were new Creatures 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 things were done away 2 Cor. 5. 17. they had put off the body of sin and death ●…oll 1 18. and were the servants of right●… and free from sin Rom. 6 22. as you may read But now also woful are you Christians degenerated from this for thousands upon thousands of you are not born nor begotten of God though you have the name of Christians neither are you born of the word of God which lives for ever nor of the incoruptible seed neither are created again nor become new creatures nor have put off the body of sin and death neither are the servants of righteousness nor free from sin But on the contrary are the servants of sin and free from righteousness and are in the corruptible state and are old creatures and are not washed nor purified as the Saints were as you may read 1 Cor. 6. 11. and here is a woful degeneration of the Christians now from what the Christians were in the beginning the Christians then were new creatures and put off the body of sin and were washed and sanctified but the Christians now are not so but the contrary to wit unwashed and unsanctified remaining in the pollutions of the world and are of the birth which is born of the flesh and are in the old nature serving sin and the lusts of their own hearts and thus are you fallen from that which the true Christians possessed for being compared to them you are not agreeable but rather contrary to them in all these things and the Lord is now come to search you and to try you and to all people shall you be discovered for the Lord is now risen to bring all to tryal and to judgement And again herein will the Apostacy of the Christians appear in respect of unity and fellowship for the Christians in their beginning while yet the life of God was not darkened amongst them they were of one heart and one mind and one soul as you may read Acts the 4. 32. and the Lord promised that he would give unto his people one heart and one way and Ezek the 11. 19. the Lord promised to give his people one heart and a new spirit which promise the Christians received and they that believed were of one bea rt and there was no lack amongst them but some sold their possessions and distributed to them that had need and they were members of Christ and he was head amongst them and over them and they were flesh of his flesh and bone of his bones Eph. 5. 23. 30. and all the Christians were of one faith Eph. 45. and had unity and fellowship in the life which was made manifest in them for they had tasted and handled and seen and heard the word of life and they had fellowship with the father and with his son Jesus Christ But all ye Christians upon earth how are you degenerated and how great is your fall in this for you are not of one heart and mind nor in unity and fellowship one with another but are of divers sorts sects and are run into many opinions and devisions and are of many ways and minds and hearts divers sorts there are of Papists and divers sorts of 〈◊〉 so called which are all divided in opinions and striving and contending about faith and Religion and the worship of God and are opposing one another and putting one another to death because of a difference in those things how great is the difference through many nations amongst Christians about those things which sheweth that the Christians are wofully fallen in respect of unity and it is manifest such Christians have not received the promise of God as the Apostles had for now the Christians can suffer one another to lack and to perish and die and starve for hunger and want 〈◊〉 in this all ye Christians generally how you are fallen then in the beginning of Christianity no lack nor want was amongst them they that had much sold it and gave to them that had none but now thousands are oppressed through want while others have too much some are feeding and cloathing excessively with their multitude of dishes and changes of rayment while others hath scarce whereon to feed or to cover their nakedness and this manifesteth that you are not members of the body of Christ neither is he head in you nor amongst you but you are members of an harlot and joyned to a h●…rlot and one with a harlot for you profess many faiths some say they believe Christ is given to all others believes not so some say they believe he died for all others they say they believe contrary to that and thus the one faith which the Apostles had the Christians of this generation have lost and they have lost the one head Christ and hath many heads every Sect hath their head many heads among the Protestants many heads among the Papists but thus it was not in the beginning of Christianity therefore you Christians are subverted from the true life of Christ the Christians then were of one faith but now of many the Christians then had one head Christ but now the Christians so called hath many heads the Christians then could lay down their life one for another and were written in the hearts of one another by the spirit of the living God but the Christians now are in envy one towards another and in strife one with another the great men doth oppress the poor and they go to Law one with another for earthly things and one stealing from another and one hanging another and murdering one another and making slaves one of another and robbing one another and seeking utterly to destroy one another and yet such hath the name of Christians amongst whom all this is acted but consider how woful is your fall and how wicked is your degeneration from the life of God and from the true Christian life and unity which was amongst them in their beginning then they were of one heart and of one way but now divided and in strife and contention about Religion and the worship of God and also about earthly things for which they destroy one 〈◊〉 and seek so to do then they could lay down their life one for another but now they are taking the life one from another through wickedness a woful Apostacy and great night of darkness is upon you then none amongst them had lack of any thing nor none destroyed through wasting any thing upon their lusts but now thousands perisheth for want while others hath too much and are destroying it upon their lusts then had the Christians one head Christ but now the b●…ast reigns that hath many heads then they were of one faith but now the Christians profess many faiths then the
The true STATE OF CHRISTIANITY Truly DISCRIBED And also DISCOVERED unto all PEOPLE What it was in its beginning and purity And what it now is in its Apostacy and Degeneration And hereby by true testimony is declared to the whole World how wherin in divers particulars the Christians through all the World so called now are fallen and gone backward and revolted from what the true Christians once were And this sheweth unto all the World the woful state and condition wherein them that are called Christians now standeth being departed and revolted from the spirit of Christ and from its teachings And this is given forth that all people may understand concerning the times and the changing of times and concerning what hath been what now is and what suddenly cometh to pass in the earth Written by a friend to the Creation A servant of the Lord Edward Burrough Printed for Thomas Simmons at the Bull and Mouth near Aldersgate 1658. A Table of the Contents whereby all may come 〈◊〉 understand what the subject is and the particulars which in this volumn is declared FIrst Concerning the name of Christian and how and when the people of God were first so called and also of the increase thereof through World Secondly Concerning the decrease and degeneration of the Christians and how and when the Apostacy came upon them which hath overshadowed them for many Ages Thirdly Concerning Wherein and in what particulars they are fallen and degenerated from the life and practice of true Christianity First In respect of being made Christians and receiving the name herein they differ and are not agreeable to what the Christians once were And Secondly In respect of the operation of the spirit of Christ Thirdly In respect of unity and fellowship Fourthly In respect of holinesse and purity of life and conversation Fifthly In respect of the Ministry 1. In its Call 2. In its practises 3. In its Maintenance Sixthly In respect of worship and of that in many particulars is shewed the degeneration of Christianity Seventhly The present state of Christians so called truly measured and compared with the state of the Jews in their rebellion and found altogether equal and agreeable in many things Eighthly A true Testimony against all that abomination and Idolatrous Worship now practised amongst the Christians so called with many other things c. To all people upon Earth that are called Christians this is a faithful and true Testimony concerning you BEhold and hearken give ear and listen diligently all ye people through the whole world that are called Christians all you I say that goes under that name and that bears that name and are named Christians from one end of the earth to the other through all Nations and Countrys whether you are scattered upon the face of the whole earth behold and take notice what the Word of the Lord is unto you and what the testimony of Christ is towards you all for the line of true judgement is laid upon you and the measuring Rod is put forth to reach over you and the servant of the Lord hath viewed your state and condition and what you were in your beginning and increase and what you now are in your decrease and woful Apostacy into which you are fallen and degenerated from the life of Christianity Oh let your ears be open to instruction and regard well what I through the Lord do say unto you even all you and every particular of you under heaven that makes a profession of Christ in words and are known through the world by that name of Christians hearken I say and consider and remember from whence and into what you are fallen and return and repent the Lord hath with you a controversie and he will plead with you because of your back-slidings and revoltings for you are gone away backward and you are turned aside from the life of Christ and from his Spirit and are now without that which was the reason and true ground of your name Christian and you have lost the true character of the name and now hath onely the name without the life and power thereof and are dead to Christ and his life and hath a name to live but are dead and having lost that which gave you a true title to the name of Christian you deserve no●… that name nor to be called by the name of Christ because you are departed from his Spirit and this is to be declared to you in the Name of the Lord that you may take a view of your own estate to the end that you may be awakened to return from whence you are degenerated The Lord had a people in all generations unto whom he was a God and they feared him and served him and worshipped him and his name was pretious amongst them who were his chosen people and with whom he dwelt and his power and presence was amongst his people that did walk with him under what name soever they went in the world but the first time that ever the people of the Lord were called Christians or was known by that name from other people it was at Antioch in the time of the Apostles who were followers of Christ as you may read Acts 11. 26. And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch and before that time the people of the Lord were never called Christians and this name was given to them by the Heathen because they were for Christ and of his part and did follow him and preach him to be followed and in all things exalted his name and did and suffered all things for the Name of Christ therefore were they named Christians and that name was true unto them for they had upon them the express image and character of Christ and followed his Spirit and preached him unto all people for life and salvation and that all people might come to Christ and become followers of him and therefore they were rightly named Christians to be known by that name from all other people upon earth who were not followers of Christ who could not rightly be called Christians because they were not of his part and from thenceforth unto this day all people whatsoever that believed in Christ and became followers of him and that professed him were called Christians from that original and foundation of the name which then was laid also you may read Acts 26. 28. v. And A●…rippa said unto Paul almost thou perswadest me to be a Christian here again Paul followed Christ and preached him and was on his part altogether and highly extolled his name therefore King Agrippa called him Christian and was almost perswaded to be a Christian to wit a man for Christ to take part with him and to be on his side and the name interpreted this is the signification and all that hath this character doth truly deserve the name of Christians for they are anointed people and this was the beginning of the Christian name and before that time as I
have said were the people of God never called Christians in any generation and ever since that time through all ages all that professed Christ and believed in him throughout the whole world were called by the name of Christians and the Name and Religion of Christians were honourable and greatly beloved of God for that people were the peculiar people a chosen generation as you may read 1 Pet. 2. 19. and whilst the life of Christ was manifest and the Spirit of Christ did lead them and teach them in all their wayes and practices of Religion and whilst I say they retained the power and life of that of which they had the name the power and presence of the Lord was amongst them and above all the people of the earth were they blessed and more then all people upon the earth besides had they the countenance of God shining amongst them and upon them and pure unity with God and one with another had they in his life whereby they were made a terror and a fear to all nations while they stood in the councel of God and were Christians in life and power and practice as well as in name and the Lord greatly increased them in number for as you may read through the Acts of the Apostles through all the world many believed in Christ and became followers of him and received the knowledge of him and became anointed people and received the name of Christians sometimes thousands at one Sermon were converted to the faith of Christ and became subject to his spirit and had his mark upon them and all such were called Christians and the Apostles went through many Nations and of the Iews and Greeks and of the Heathen and all other people some of each were converted from that way in which they had walked to follow Christ and they became Christians and here was the increase of Christianity and through many 〈◊〉 of the world they planted Churches and assemblies of Christians and as I said while they stood in the councel 〈◊〉 the Name and Religion was of him greatly beloved But now the Christians are Apostatized and degenerated from the spirit of Christ and from that which gave the●… the true Name of Christian and the name is retained onely and the life and power lost and now many have a name to live but are dead and that is departed from which gave the true interest and title in the name Hear this all ye Christians that life light and power of God which was amon●… the Apostles and Christians once you are departed from and have lost the sence and knowledge of and hath the na●…e and not the thing which was the reason and ground of the name wherefore all ye through the world that are called Christians look back to your original look unto the Apostle●… who were the first that were called Christians from who●… you had the name and see how you are degenerated and 〈◊〉 len from the life that they were in and though you retain the name of Christians yet you are not followers of Christ no●… taught by his Spirit and none in the dayes of the Apostle●… were truly counted or called Christians but who followed the Spirit of Christ and were first converted to him and changed by his power from sin to righteousness and from●… death to life and such as were so were truly called Christians But now all such as are called by that name and 〈◊〉 not followers of the Spirit of Christ nor converted to hi●… neither changed by his power from death to life and 〈◊〉 sin to righteousness such are in the degeneration from 〈◊〉 life of Christianity and hath a name without the life 〈◊〉 power thereof And now it remains to be shewed how and when the degeneration came upon the Christians and wher●…in they are apostatized and degenerated from that life and spirit and practice which was amongst the Apostles th●…t were first called Christians The Spirit of the Lord spoke through the Apostles and foretold of a falling away from the truth and from the true Christian life and Paul said Acts 20 29 30. said he Grievous ●…olves shall arise and enter in who would not spare the flock 〈◊〉 from among themselves should men arise speaking perverse things to draw disciples after them and he also said 1 Tim. 4. 1. That some should depart from the faith and give heed to seducing spirits and he also said that it should come to pass that people should become wicked departing from the truth having the form of godliness but denying the power thereof and such were led away with divers lusts and men of corrupt minds and reprobate concerning the faith and the Apostle ●…eter also foretold that there should false teachers arise among the Christians who should bring in damnable heresies and many Christians should follow their pernicious wayes by reason of which the way of truth should be evil spoken of And the Apostle Iohn 〈◊〉 that many false Prophets were gone out then and many Antichrists were then come in among the Christians now all these doth shew and declare of a degeneration and falling away of Christians from the life of Christianity and we see these Prophe●…ies fulfilled and flocks of Christians are devoured from the life of Christ by devouring wolves which hath entred among them who hath led them into pernicious wayes and into damnable heresies whereby the name of Christianity is become reproachful among the Heathens that never were called Christians and many thousands are departed from the true faith from that faith which did purifie the hearts of the Saints and many of the Christians have given heed to seducing spirits and hath the form of godliness but denyes the power thereof and they are led of divers lusts and are become men of corrupt minds and are reprobate and without the true faith and the Apostles prophesied of the degeneration which we see fulfilled in these our dayes and even while some of the Apostles were yet living they saw the Christians Apostatizing and falling away and the Spirit of the Lord spoke through Iohn Rev. 2. 3. to the Christian Churches in Asia who were already departing from the Christian life some of them was departed already from their first work and some of them were given to the doctrine of B●…laam and to the doctrine of the Nicolaitans which thing the Lord did hate and others of them were seduced by Jezabel and taught to commit fornication and to eat things sacrificed unto Idols and others o●… them had a name to live but were dead and others of them were neither hot nor cold and the Lord said he would 〈◊〉 them out of his mouth Now here the Christians were falling away you may see and as before it had increased so now the true Christian life began to decrease and the glory thereof became darkned through all Asia And also Rev. 13. 11. 1. 16. Iohn saw one beast arise out of the Sea and another out of the earth
which set up a Kingdom over the whole world and caused all people upon earth to worship the beast the beast hath been great in his power and he hath ruled over the world in great dominion and all that would not worship him he hath had power to kill and hath killed them so that the true Christian life and Religion as the Apostles received it and practised it hath been extinguished for many generations and people hath had the form of godlinesse but denied the power and lived under the name and profession of Christianity but hath been without the life and this is to be considered of and diligently searched into by all you that go under the name of Christians through all the world for unto you onely I direct my words And now it remains to be shewed what the state of Christians are at this day and wherein particularly they are Apostatized and degenerated from the true life and practize of the postles who were the f●…rst Christians for wherin the Christians now are contrary and not agreeable to the Apostles in Faith in practice in Worship in Ministry and in the enterance into Christianity and in any other thing whatsoever I say wherein they are contrary and not agreeable to the true Christians of old to wit the Apostles therein are they degenerated and fallen from the true life of Christianity and this shall be the Rule of judgement to try all you that are called Christians upon the face of the earth wherefore awake and come forth to judgement for the measuring rod is laid upon you all whereby you shall be truly measured and compared with them that were the first Christians upon earth and the Heathens shall see your nakedness and your shame and hiss at you when they behold how wofully you are fallen from that 〈◊〉 in the purity thereof of which you do professe the words 〈◊〉 shall not they rise up in judgement against you who never had the name of Christians who are not fallen nor degressed from what they have profest in any measure comparable to you who now retaineth onely the name of Christian 〈◊〉 are departed from the life of Christ First concerning the entrance into Christianity and the way and means whereby people are now made Christians 〈◊〉 receives that name In this will your fall and degeneration appear For the Apostles and first Christians upon Earth before they were Christians or were called so they were first converted and changed and translated from death to life as you 〈◊〉 read 1 Iohn 3. 14. and Col. 1. 13. and they first received Christ and became followers of him and received his spirit to teach them and to guide them For the Apostle said If any man have not the spirit of Christ he is none of his Rom. 8. 9. to wit no Christians and the Apostle said as many as were the sons of God were led by the spirit of God and also it was promised by Christ to all that were his the Comforter should come the spirit of truth and he should lead them into all truth which promise all that were Christians did receive and they were led into all truth by the teachings of the spirit of Christ which dwelt in them for all that were sons God sent the spirit of his Son into their hearts which spirit sanctified them through the obedience thereof Now these were Christians and were truly so called For they had the mark of Christ and his Image upon them and he dwelt in their hearts by Faith Ephes. 3. 17. These I say were truly called Christians and none but such at that day of their Original were called Christians or had Fellowship in the Christian life nor were any looked upon by the Apostles to be Christians but by them that were such But look back all ye Christians upon earth and see your ●…all and wherein you are contrary and not agreeable to the true Christians in their first and pure estate I say look back to your Original and see how you are Apostatized from them in your entrance into your profession of Christianity fo●… though you have the name of Christians yet you were no●… made so nor received that name by being first converted and changed and translated from death to life and 〈◊〉 being the children of disobedience to be the children of God through the work and operation of the spirit of God in you for hereof are thousands and ten thousands of Christians now wholly ignorant and altogether without the feeling of the spirit of God to change them to convert them and to translate them but are accounted Christians b●… tradition or natural education and because of being sprinkled with a little water upon the face being Infant●… or by a bare confession and profession of the name of Christ in words and professing of a bare belief in the Scriptures by this way and means were you made and received you the name of Christians without any real change from darkness to light and from Satan to God as I have said Now here appeares to be a woful degeneration in the very entrance of the thing and this is not agreeable but rather contrary unto that way of Christianity wherein the Christians in their beginning were so made and called for then none were Christians or so called but who through the preaching of the Gospel were first converted changed and renewed as I have ●…aid but now in these nations all are called Christians that are sprinkled upon their faces with water by a teacher when they are infants or that doth but professe Christ in words though they are not guided particulerly by his spirit neither hath received Christ to dwell in them and to be King over them and here again appeares a wo●…ul Apostacy for none in the beginning of Christianity in the world were made Christians or so called but who received Christ and in whom he dwelt and was in them as you may read 2 Cor. 13. 5. and who were followers of him and had his spirit in them the comforter to teach them and to lead them into all truth but now thousands upon thousands who hath the name of Christians have not received Christ to dwell in 〈◊〉 nor to rule them neither is he manifest in them by his spirit to teach them and they are not led into all truth but lives in 〈◊〉 and unrighteousness and are not followers of Christ 〈◊〉 followes their own hearts desires and their own hearts lusts and are condemned in their own consciences and hath not received the comforter the holy Spirit to be their guide and leader out of all unrighteousness and here appears a woful degeneration and that you Christians through all the world are revolted and gone backward from Christianity as it was in its Original a lamentation may be taken up because of this woful fall into which you Christians are fallen consider of your own state and return and repent Again the Christians were begotten of God and born
Christians handled saw heard and felt of the Word of life in the●… and they had fellowship with the Father and with the Son but now thousands of thousands of Christians are without the sence and feeling and knowledge of the Word of life in them and walks in darkness and in ignorance and hath no fellowship with the Father nor with the Son Behold behold ye Christians how ye are fallen and how great is your fall a mourning and lamentation may be taken up for you the garment of righteousness is rent from you and the beauty of the Son of God appears not upon you 〈◊〉 alas what doth it advantage you to have the name of Christians seeing you are thus wofully degenerate from that love unity and life in the fellowship of God which was among the Apostles who were the first Christians and from whom ye derived the name but are without the life as hereby i●… manifest to all the world Again herein doth the Apostacy of Christians appear in respect of holiness and purity of life for the Christians were of a holy life and conversation the Apostle said 1 Thes. 47. God hath not called them unto uncleanness but unto holiness and as you may read Tit 2. The aged men were to be sober grave temperate sound in the faith in charity in patience and the aged women likewise their behaviour was to be as became holiness and the young women were to be discreet and Chaste and young men were to be sober minded and servants were to be obedient to their Masters and to shew good fidelity for saith the Apostle unto the Christians The grace of God had appeared teaching them to live soberly righteously and godly in this present 〈◊〉 for that end was Christ given that he might redeem them from all iniquity and purifie unto himself a peculiar people zealous of good works Now here in short is a description of the true Christian life and conversation which was exhorted to and no doubt but practiced by the Christians in the dayes when Christ was manifest amongst them but from this practice are the Christians degenerated for how are the aged men and women now given to covetousness and earthly-mindedness and are pi●…vish and perverse and immoderate and in the works that are evil shewing that they are not in the Apostles doctrine and not in the Christian life but to it are become dead bringing forth fruits contrary to the fruits that the aged men and women brought forth in the beginning of Christianity shewing they are not of a holy life and conversation as the Christians were and ought to be and also how are the young men and the young women degenerated from the true Christian life and now are given to wantonness and pleasures of the world and the lusts which are evil following vanity and pride and vain glory and Masters and servants being corrupt in their places serving themselves one of another and making a prey one upon another and thus all sorts of Christians are fallen from the Christian life and holy conversation and sheweth that they own not the grace of God which hath appeared to all men to be their teacher 〈◊〉 the true Christians once did for it is manifest that the Christians now so called hath not denied all ungodliness and worldly lusts neither doth live soberly righteously and godly in this present world as the Christians did but on the contrary how are ye Christians fallen from the pure and holy life abounding in wickedness and in all ungodliness how doth pride abound among Christians how doth lying swearing drunkenness and whoredom and all the works of the flesh abound dissimulation back-biting envy wrath and all that ever c●…n be called evil is abounding amongst ye Christians so called this shews that your Apostacy is great from that life conversation which the Apostles and Churches of Christians were in who had denied all ungodlin●…s and worldly lusts but generally ye live in all ungodlin●…h and worldly lusts judge ye of this back sliding into which you are fallen they were taught to live soberly righteously and godly in this present world but ye live unrighteously and ungodly and out of the fear of God and the grace of God is not your teacher as it was theirs also you may read how much the Apostles exhorted the Christians to a holy life and conversation the Apostle said 1 Cor. 3. 17. The Temple of God is holy which Temple ye are speaking to the Christians and he said Eph. 1. 4. They were chosen in Christ that they should be holy and without blame before him in love and Col. 1. 22. they that had been sometimes enemies to God in their minds were reconciled to present them holy and unblameable in his sight And 1 Pet. 1. 15. the Apostle exhorted the Christians to be holy in all manner of conversation and Phil. 3. 20. the Christians witnessed that their conversations were in heaven Now herein doth the fall of Christians appear in respect of their life and conversation and walking for the Christians in the Apostles dayes were of a holy life and exhorted all thereunto but the Christians now Teachers and people are degenerate in their conversation and lives in all unrighteousness as I have said and the conversation of Christians now being compared with what the Christians conversation was then it is altogether contrary and sheweth that though you have the name of Christians ye are not followers of Christ nor led by his Spirit but by the Spirit of Antichrist Oh how wofully are you fallen you Christians from the life of Christ having a name to live but are dead the Lord God is coming against you to break you to pieces for you have poluted his name in that you profess to be his people in words but in works doth deny him Oh remember remember from whence you are fallen and return least the anger of God consume you from off the earth for your conversations greatly dishonour the true God oh what gluttony and drunkenness is amongst Christians what pride and vain glory what cruelty envy and murder one against another what whoredoms and fornication what cozening what cheating how doth all wickedness abound amongst you in your lives and 〈◊〉 let the Lord be witness and your own consciences be witnesses against you for your abominations they that were true Christians who followed Christ lived not in but were redeemed from such transgressions but you live in them and acts them wherefore be ye witnesses against your selves that ye are fallen and digressed from the true Christian estate Again herein will you Christians appear to be degenerated from true Christianity in respect of your Ministery for the Ministers of Christ in the 〈◊〉 of Christianity they were made Ministers by the gift of the Holy Spirit which was given to them for they were commanded to wait at Ierusalem for the promise of the Father and they were not to go forth till they had received power from God
be fuel for this fire of his anger he will pluck it up and not plant it again because it is degenerated G●…e car all ye Christians to the Testimony which is concerning you you are fallen you are fallen and being compared to what the Christians were you are no whit equal but a●… diverted in all your practices from that spirit which led the Apostles and Christian Churches and your works shew another spirit then the spirit of Jesus Wherefore great i●… your fall and to be lamented and though you have the name of Christians yet you want the life THE END AN OBJECTION BUt whereas it may be objected by some and said seeing the state of Christianity is thus discovered what it was i●… its beginning and purity and what it now is in its degeneration and seeing the present state of Christians is thus condemned what do I believe concerning the state of Christianity to come what shall succeed this present degeneration And may it be expected that ever Christianity shall be restored to that state of purity as it was in its beginning And whether may people expect to come into the same life again and to know the same power and worship and unity which was amongst the Apostles and first Christians Churches And whether do I judge that ever the Ministry can be again received by the gift of the holy spirit onely without natural learning and languages And whether the same spirit is to be waited for and received And whether the same anointing can be known in this age or any age to come as it was in and among the Apostles and Christians before the Apostacy and degeneration ANSWER To all this I answer and do say that the present state of Christianity is woful and to be condemned of the Lord as being degenerated from his life power and spirit whereby all hearts are darkened and all minds estranged from the Covenant of life and peace and from the sence and feeling of the life of God and now in all the wayes and worships and practices of Christians they are fallen and degenerated from that life in which the Christians once were and the beast hath raigned over all for many ages and because of his power and greatness and dominion who hath been able to make war with him he hath killed the Saints and hath subjected all Nations under his power and every Nation hath received the mark of the beast and born his Image for generations and all flesh hath s●…ggered and hath been made drunk with the ●…up of fornication that hath been i●… the hand of the whore who hath set upon this beast who hath caused both small and great to worship him and all that would not he hath had power to kill them and this Government hath ruled over the whole Christendom and the worship practised hath been but the worship of the beast while people have been erred from the spirit of Christ and not guided by it onely and people hath been compelled to worship by Laws of men they have been compelled to sprinkle their Infants and they have been compelled to go to Steeple houses and compelled to keep a Sabboth and compelled to hire Priests and to pay them wages against their wills and all this compelling by an outward power hath not been the worship of God but savoured altogether of the worship of the beast for you may read Rev. 13. 12 15 16 17. how the beast caused all both small and great to worship him and all that would not worship him by his power he hath had power to kill them and all compelling and causing to worship by an outward power is the worship of the beast for Christ nor his Apostles never caused any to worship God by an outward power for while Christianity kept its purity and authority they begot people to God and to worship him by the word of God and by the power of the spirit and they did not bring any into their Sect nor to worship with them by an outward Law and authority for that is in the Government of the beast it was he that first caused both small and great to conform to his worship and it is his power that upholds it and maintains it unto this day But now the seed of God is arising which is able to make war with the Beast and his kingdome and his worship shall be thrown down to the ground and all this causing and compelling to worship causing to keep a day and causing to hire Teachers to maintain them and this causing to go to Steeple-houses and to maintain them and all this causing to pay tythes it shall all fall to the ground and be beat down by the 〈◊〉 of God which is a rising and it shall be no more found among true Christians nor the Beast shall not be worshipped 〈◊〉 his authority any more of force for the day of the Lord hath now appeared and the light is sprung forth which hath made all things manifest and now the difference is known between the worship of the beast and the worship of the true God And concerning the state of Christianity to come this I ●…new believe a glorious restauration thereof shall appear throughout the whole christendom christianity shall again be restored to its former purity and Christians shall and may receive the same spirit from which the Christians hath been degenerated and the same life the same power and the same worship and Unity shall be revived amongst Christians in the restoration even the same that was in the beginning before the Apostacy and the glory of God shall again appeare among his people and they shall again worship him in spirit and in truth onely as they did before the Apostacy and all this traditionall worship and false imitations which hath been set up since the Apostles dayes shall be overthrown and confounded the Lord is risen and will dash down and overthrow all this idolatry now practised amongst Christians And a great shaking and counfounding shall suddenly come among Christians for the Lord will break down that which hath been builded because it is polluted and he will pluck ●…p that which hath been planted because it is defiled and a mighty work will the Lord work in the Earth the kingdoms of this world will he change into the kingdoms of Christ and Christ shall reigne in and among his people and his spirit shall be the teacher and leader of his people and all false ●…chers will the Lord confound and consume all these hirelings who go for gifts and rewards and all this manner of preaching and teaching which are come up since the Apostles dayes all this preaching which they study for and by a 〈◊〉 and for so much money a year all this shall be tumbled down into the pit Gods vengeance shall come upon it all and the annoynting shall be received and it shall dwell in people as it did in the Apostles and the people shall need no other
teacher but as that annointing teacheth all things and for this spirit and annointing all that feare God may wa●… to receive it in this present age which Spirit brings into the same unity and life into the same worship and fellowship that was amongst Christians in the beginning before the Apostacy and this state may Christians be restored to and for this state all that fear God and love him are to wait for this shall come to passe in the world And as concerning the Ministry I know and do believe it may be and is received again as the Apostles and Christian Ministers first received it to wit by the eternall spirit and gift thereof through the revelation of Christ Jesus in them and such may and doth preach the Gospel freely as they doe receive it freely and without naturall learning and languages For by that can none be made Ministers of Christ nor by any thing without the gift of the holy Spirit and Christs Ministry shall again be received thereby this I believe and all this Ministry made and sent forth by naturall learning and without the gift of the holy Spirit the Lord will confound it in this Age for this is come up since the Apostles dayes to make Ministers by naturall learning and it stands in the apostacy from the life and spirit of Christ and its call and work and maintenance savours not of the kingdome of Christ and the Lord will bring it downe and the gift of his Ministry will he restore by his Spirit and this is and shall come to passe and it may be waited for in this present age and the Lord will restore his Ministry as in the beginning and his work shall be glorious for many there are is and shall be converted to God and brought out of the degeneration and to that shall people come which all Christendom hath been apostatized from and shall receive the same spirit and the same annointing which was amongst the Christian Churches and life and immortality shall again be brought to light through the Gospel which hath been hid for ages while darkness hath been over the minds of people and I say and testifie before all the world that Christianity shall be restored to its former state Life shall spring forth and Truth shall be increased and faith shall waxe strong even the same 〈◊〉 that the Apostles had which gave them victory over all the world which shall again give people the same victory and this shall be known in the earth For the marriage of the Lamb shall come and all his people shall be joyned unto him and they shall be one way and one worship and one teacher and every man shall fit under Christs Vine and none shall make afraid Yea and more then a Vine shall he be known ●…d more then a door and more then a Shepheard shall he be known to be to his people and greater then a rock shall he be witnessed to be and more then a Teacher in the wildernesse If any man have eares to hear let him hear more and greater is he becoming to his people then is lawfull yet to utter Eye hath not seen nor it hath not entred into the heart of man but it is revealed to us by his Spirit The joyfull day is approaching the Lambs wife is making her selfe ready the wedding Garment is putting on and all that which is polluted is to be done away and blessed is he that cometh to the marriage of the Lamb that he may become one spirit with the Creator here is glory and rejoycing for ever when this is known That the wife hath not power over her owne body but the husband nor the husband hath power over his owne body but the wife Where this is known Death is swallowed up of Life and 〈◊〉 is overcome of righteousnesse and the inheritance of life eternall comes to be possessed and Death and Hell is cast into the lake and he which hath deceived can deceive no more and blessed is the eye that seeth this and the heart that understands Wherefore all ye Christians upon earth awake awake and put away your whoredoms cast off your idolatries and strip you and make you clean of all your adultries drink no longer of the cup of fornications nor eat no longer of the abominable flesh nor wear no longer your garments of unrighteousness but strip ye strip ye make ye bare all your old garments must be put off before you can appear before the Lord A great work will the Lord work amongst you he will ●…ake and overthrow all your Altars Images and Idols which you have set up and worshipped the Lord hath uttered 〈◊〉 voice the beast that hath many heads and many horns 〈◊〉 tremble 〈◊〉 one head and one horn onely shall be exalted and the Government shall be set up of whose increase there shall be no end and people shall be brought into that and they shall go forth no more for who comes to this time is no longer and the Kingdom and Government is delivered to the Father and he is become all in all And all that ever comes to know these things must first come to the light of the Lamb in them with which every man is lightned that cometh into the world and all that ever knows these things must first be brought to the principle of God in them which they have trangressed against and all that owns the light of Christ and walks in it shall come to know these things which to know and be in them is eternal life Therefore all ye Christians come to the light which Christ hath lightned you withal and that will let you see the Government of Satan and of sin and death which hath been ruling in you and the light will teach you to war against it till it be subdued the light will discover unto you that nature in which the kingdom of Satan bears rule it will 〈◊〉 you see the Devil who is the Prince of darkness who is the adversary of God who is out of the truth and he has dra●… all people out of the truth but if you love the light of Christ in you it will teach you to war against him and against all that that 's out of the truth for all that is of Satans kingdom that is out of the truth and must be destroyed by the coming of the kingdom of Christ whose coming is in the light which Christ hath lightned every man withal who comes to destroy the Devil and his kingdom and all his works So to the light must all minds be turned which will reveal the kingdom of the man of sin and consume 〈◊〉 the appearance of Christ is light and Christ is the light of Israel which is as a fire to consume all fruitless trees which cumbers the ground which the Lord will consume by the brightness of his coming And now is the man of sin revealed even in the heart of Christians so called and he hath long shewed himself to be God but now the Lord will bring him down for Antichrist has ruled for many ages and the Lord of life has been crucified in spiritual Sodom but Sodom shall be consumed by fire and the Lord will avenge himself of all his enemies and all people and Nations shall know there is a God who executes justice and true judgement who is a God near at hand to reward his people with everlasting life and to give unto his enemies judgement and condemnation THE END