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A16087 The Epistles and Gospelles with a brief postil vpon the same from after Easter tyll Aduent, which is the somer parte set forth for the singuler co[m]moditie of all good Christen men and namely of prestes and curates.; Bible. N.T. Epistles. English. Taverner. Selections. 1540. Taverner, Richard, 1505?-1575. 1540 (1540) STC 2968; ESTC S718 99,411 186

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thynge For as the eternall father knoweth al in lyke maner he knowith all As the father eternal knowyth al in gyuing him all in lyke maner he knowyth his sh●pe in gyuinge them all For he gyueth them liefe wisdome myght Yea and such liefe wisdom and myght as is aboue the world For those that be according to the worlde be but shadowes of thē And by this wisdom whych surmountyth the world hys shepe doth knowe him This is the good herdman gyuing liefe to al know ing all which is alinyghty But the hyred shephard is none such He doth not dye for his shepe He doth not gyue them liefe And when the wolfe commyth he doth leaue them They be not his owne He hath nother made them nor yet bought them agayne He connyth awaie He letteth them be lost and suffereth them to be deuoured wyth the wolfe and fynally to go into eternall damnation He is vnmyghty He is ignorant cleane vnlyke vnto the good herdman The hyred shepherd hath but a lytle and a particuler flocke But y e good herdmā hath a greate flocke he hath the flocke of y e nation of Israel of al other nations He hath the vniuersall flocke the whych from daye to daye he leadyth gatheryth together for to here hys swete voyce and hys holy doctryne whych is the doctryne of the gospell vnto the tyme that all the worlde shalbe but one flocke and that there shulde be but one herdman which is our Lord Iesu Christe as it is sayde here And there shalbe made one shepecote and one herdman Now by this parable good frendes we be taught and enformed of the true office of Christ and wherfore he came into thys worlde Hys office whervnto he was sent of hys father was to teach vs and also to saue vs. As touchynge hys doctrine and teachynge who euer in fedynge of hys flocke was more vigilant more busy more paynfull than he was Who euer ministred to hys shepe more diligently the fode of the euange licall veritie All that herde hym speake and preach were astonnyed vpon hys doctrine For he taught them not after the fashion of the scribes and pharisees whych neuertheles were the greate doctours learned men of the lawe but as one hauynge a won derfull grace and authoritie Yea euen his very ene myes were cōpelled to testifie of hym that he taught the waye of God in trouth as appeareth in the .xxij. thapter of Matheu Neyther dyd Christ only teach hys shepe that is to saye those that folowed hym lyke shpe that were well nere lost but he also healed them bestowynge euen hys very lyfe for them For I praye you dyd he not dye for our synnes Was it not he only which with his bloude wasshed awaye the fylthynes of oure synnes Yea doubtles But who be these hyrelynges whyche whan they se the wolfe come to deuoure the shepe they rūne theyr waye Surely these be those whych preach y e worde and that also purely and syncerely but they prech it for lucre for honoure for glorye or for the belyes sake These I saye be no true herdmen but hyrelynges for these dryue not awaye the rauenous wolues that is to saye the deuyll and hys lymmes I meane the Antichristes whych persecute deuour● Christes flocke but as soone as persecution trouble for the worde commeth anone they are gone Of these do the prophete Ieremy speake sayenge Wo be vnto the shepeherders that destroye and skatter my flocke I wyll therfore vysite the wyckednes of theyr ymaginations It is true that the Apostle wry teth Qui episcopatū desiderat bonū opus concupiscit that is to saye He that desyreth an ouersyght or a cure ouer a flocke whych after the greke worde is called a byshoprych coueteth a good worke Lo sayeth saynt Ierome wrytynge to Oceanus the Apostle calleth a byshopryke a worke and not a digni tie a laboure and not a deyntenes a worke wherby through humilitie he muste be lowly not to swelle in pryde For a byshop or curate must be fautles sobre full of good doctrine not gyuen to foule and fyl thy gaynes but meke diligent full of charitie accor dynge to thexemple of Christ the hygh and supreme shepeherde of all and the shepeherde of shepeherdes whych as thys Gospell sayeth gaue hys owne lyf● for the sauegarde and health of hys shepe that is to saye of all vs that folowe and beleue on hym Whe● fore my brethren and systers to conclude how happy be we for to haue suche a herdman for to know to loue to folowe to heare hys swete voyce that gyueth lyfe to heare hys doctrine to be refectioned fedde wyth the meate whyche gyueth euerlastynge lyfe to haue wysedome and myght that surmoūteth the worlde by the sayd our herdmen lyghtenyng vs in hym by fayth drawynge vs to hym by hope inflamynge vs by charitie Unto hym therfore be glorye in all the nations wythin the compasse of y e erth for euer and euer Amen The Epistle on the .iij. sonday after Ester The fyrst epistle of saynt Peter the .ij. Chapter Thargument ☞ Peter exhorteth to laye asyde all vyce to absteyne from fleshly lustes and to obeye worldlye rulers DEarely beloued brethrē I besech you as straū ger● and pylgrems abstayne frō fleshly lustes which fyght agaynste the soule and se that ye haue honest conuersaciō among the Gentils that where as they backbyte you as euyll doars they maye se your good workes and prayse God in the daye of visitation Submytte youre selues therfore vnto al ma●er ordinaūce of man for the Lordes sake whe ther it be vnto the Kynge as vnto the chiefe heed other vnto rulars as vnto thē that are sent of hym for the punyshemēt of euyl doars but for the laud of them that do well For so is the wyll of God that wyth well doynge ye maye stoppe the mouthes of folysh and ignoraunte men as fre and not as hauyng the libertye for a cloke of maliciousnes but euen as the seruaūtes of God Honoure al men Loue brotherly feloshyp Feare God honoure the Kynge Seruauntes obey your masters wyth feare not onely yf they be good and courteous but also thoughe they be frowarde For it cometh of grace in Christ Iesus our Lorde THys Epistle good christian brethern systers is very excellent and notable For in it is handeled the second part of Christianitie that is to wit how in thys liefs after we haue ones receyued and taken the euangell or glad tydynges of oure saluation whych thyng we call commonly in englyshe a gospell we ought to lyue In the processe that goeth before thys epistle saynt Peter taught and shewed y e other parte of Christianitie whych is of fayth and howe we ought to beleue the gospell and also how we be edified and buylded vpon Christ the corner stone wheras before that tyme we were the chyl dren of vengaunce and as ab●ectes and
wyth ryghtuousnes Hys death toke awaye synne malediction hys death was the raunsome of them both Hys death destroyed death and ouercame the deuyll whych had the power of death in his subiectiō Hys death destroyed hell wyth all the damnation therof Thus is death swalowed vp by Christes vic torye thus is hel spoyled for euer Yf any mā doubt of thys victorye let Christes glorious resurrection declare hym the thynge Yf death coulde not kepe Christ vnder his dominion but that he arose again it is manyfest that hys power was ouercome Yf death be cōquered than must it folowe y t sinne wher fore death was appoynted as the wages must be al so destroyed Yf death and synne be vanished away then is the deuels tyrannye resysted whyche had the power of death and was the author of sinne and the rulet of hell Yf Christe had the victory of them all by the power of hys death and openly proued it by hys valiaūt resurrection as it was not possible for hys great myght to be subdued of them than thys true that Christe dyed for oure synnes and rose agayne for our iustification why may not we that be hys members by true fayth reioyce and boldly saye wyth the prophete Osee the Apostle Paule where is thy darte O death where is thy victory O hell Thankes be vnto God saye they whyche hath gyuen vs the victory by our Lord Christ Iesus Thys myghtye conquest of hys resurrection was not only sygnifyed afore by dyuerse fygures of the olde testa ment as by Sampson whan he slewe the Lyon out of whose mouth came out swetnes and hony and as Dauid bare his fygure whan he delyuered y e lambe out of the Lyons mouth and whan he ouercame slewe the great gyant Goliath and as whan Ionas was swalowed vp of the whales mouth and cast vp agayne on londe to lyue but was also moost clerely prophecied by the prophetes of the olde testament in the newe also confirmed by the Apostles He hath spoyled sayeth saynt Paule rule and power and all the dominion of our spirituall enemyes He hath made a shewe of them openlye and hath triumphed ouer them in hys owne person Thys is the myghty power of the Lorde whome we beleue on By hys death hath he wrought thys victorye for vs and by hys resurrection hathe he purchased euerlastynge lyfe ryghtuousnes for vs. It had not ben ynough to be delyuered by hys death from synne excepte by hys resurrection we had ben endowed wyth ryghtu ousnes And it shulde not auayle vs to be delyueted from death except he had rysen agayne to open for vs the gates of heuen to enter into lyfe euerlastinge And therfore saynte Peter thanketh God the father of our Lorde Iesus Christ for hys abundaunt mercy bycause he hath begottē vs ●ayeth he vnto a lyuely hope by the resurrection of Iesus Christe from death to enioye an inheritaunce immortal that shal neuer perysh whych is reserued in heauen for them that be kepte by the power of God thorowe fayth Thus hath hys resurrection wrought for vs lyfe ryghtuousnes He passed thorowe death and hell to put vs in good hope that by hys strength we shall do the same He payde the raunsome of synne that it shulde not be layde to our charge He destroyed the deuell and all hys tyranny and openlye triumphed ouer hym and toke awaye from hym all hys captiues hath raysed set them wyth hymselfe amonges the heauenly cytesins aboue He dyed to destroy the rule of the deuell in vs and rose agayne to sende downe his holy spirite to rule in our hart● to endow vs wyth perfyte ryghtuousnes Thus is it true that Dauid songe Veritas de terra orta est iustitia de coelo ꝑspexit The truth of goddes promyse is in erth to man declared or from the earth is the euerla stynge veritie goddes sonne rysen to lyfe the true ryghtuousnes of the holy goost lokynge out of heauen is in moost lyberall larges dealt vpon all the worlde Thus is glorye and prayse reboundinge vp warde to god aboue for hys mercy and truth thus is peace come downe frō heuē to mē of good faithfull hartes ▪ Thus is mercye and veritie as Dauid wryteth met together thus is peace and ryghtuousnes embrasynge and kyssynge themselfe together Yf thou doutest of so great felicitie that is wrought for the O man cal to thy mynde that therfore haste thou receyued into thyne owne possession the euerla stynge veritie our Sauiour Iesus Christe in forme of breade to confirme to thy conscience the truthe of all thys matter Thou hast receyued hym yf in true fayth and repentaunce of harte thou haste receyued hym yf in purpose of amendement thou haste receyued hym for an euerlastinge gage and pledge of thy saluation Thou hast receyued hys body which was o●es broken and hys bloud shed for the remission of thy synne thou hast receyued hys body to haue with in the the father the sonne the holy goost to dwell wyth the to endowe the wyth grace to strength the agaynst thy enemyes and to comforte the with theyr presence Thou hast receyued hys bodye to endowe the wyth euerlastyng ryghtuousnes to assure the of euerlastynge blysse and lyfe of thy soule For wyth Christe by true fayth arte thou quyckened agayne sayeth saynt Paule from death of synne to lyfe of grace and in hope translated frō corporall and euer lastynge death to the euerlastynge lyfe of glorye in heauen where nowe thy conuersation shulde be and thy harte and desyre set Doubte not of the truth of thys matter how great excellent so euer these thyn ges be It becommeth god to do no lytle dedes how impossible so euer they seme to the praye to god that thou mayest haue fayth to perceyue thys greate power of Christes resurrection y t by fayth thou mayest certaynly beleue nothing to be impossible with god Only bringe thou fayth to Christes holy worde and sacrament let thy repentan̄ce shewe thy faith let thy purpose of amendement and obedience of thy harte to gods lawe herafter declare thy true beleue Endeuoure thy selfe to saye wyth saynte Paule from henseforth our conuersation is in heuen frō whence we loke for a sauioure euen the Lorde Iesus Christ whych shall chan̄ge our vyle bodyes that they may be fashioned lyke to hys glorious bodye whyche he shal do by the same power wherby he rose frō death and wherby he shal be able to subdue al thynges vn to hymselfe Thus good christen people for as muche as ye haue herde these so great and excellent benefy tes of Christes myghtye and glorious resurrection howe that he hath raunsomed synne ouercome the deuyll death and hell and hath victoriously obteyned the better hande of them all to make vs fre and saufe from them and knowynge that we be by thys benefyte of hys
hym in euerlastynge lyfe Yf ye refuse so great grace wherto ye be called what other thynge do ye then heape your damnation more and more and so prouoke God to caste hys displeasure vnto you and to reuenge thys mockage of hys holy sacramentes in so great abusyng of them Applye your selfe good frēdes to lyue in Christ that Christ may styl lyue in you whose fauour and assistēce yf ye haue thā haue ye euerlastynge lyfe alredy wythin you than can no thynge hurte you What soeuer is hytherto done and cōmytted Christe ye se hath offered you pardon and clerly receyued you to hys fauoure agayne in full suertye wherof ye haue hym nowe uihabytynge and dwellynge wythin you Only shewe you youre selfe thankeful in your lyues cōpounde wyth youre selfe to refuse and auoyde al such thynges in youre conuersations that shuld offende hys eyes of mercy Endeuoure your selfe that waye to ryse vp agayne whych waye ye fell into the well pyt of synne Yf by your tonge ye haue offended now therby ryse agayne and glorifye God therwyth Accustome it to laude and prayse the name of God as ye haue therwyth dishonoured it and as ye haue hurte the name of your neghboure or otherwyse hyndered him now entende to restore hym agayne for wythout restituci on God accepteth not your shryft nor yet your repētaunce It is not ynough to forsake euell except ye set your corage to do good By what occasiō so euer ye haue offended tourne now the occasion to the honourynge of God profytynge of your neyghbour Truth it is that synne is stronge and affections vnruly harde to subdue resyst our nature so corrupte leuened w t the soure bitternes of the poyson which we receyued by the inheritan̄ce of our olde father Adam but yet take good corage sayeth our Sauiour Christ for I haue ouercommed the world al other enemyes for you Synne shall not haue power ouer you for ye be now vnder grace sayeth saynt Paule Though your power be weake yet Christ is rysen a gayne to strength you in your batel hys holy spirite shall helpe your infirmities In trust of hys confidence take you in hande to purge thys olde leuen of synne that corrupteth soureth the swetnes of your lyfe before God that ye maye be as newe and freshe dowe voyde of all soure leuen of wyckednes so shall ye shew your self to be swete bred to god to haue his delyte in you I say kyl offer you vp the worldly erthly affectiōs of your bodyes for Christ our Ester lambe is offred vp for vs to flee the power of synne to delyuer vs from the daunger therof and to gyue vs exemple to dye to synne in our lyfe As the Iues dyd eate theyr Ester lābe kept theyr fest in remembraūce of theyr deliueraūce out of Egypt Euē so let vs kepe our Ester feast in y t thankfull remēbraunce of Christes benefytes whych he hath purchased for vs by hys resurrectiō passyng to hys father wher by we be deliuered from y e captiuitie thraldome of al our enemyes Let vs in like maner passe ouer the affections of our olde conuersacion to be delyuered from y e bondage therof to tyse w t Christ. The Iues kept theyr feast in absteynynge from leuened breade by the space of vij dayes let vs christen folke kepe our holy day in a spiritual maner y t is in absteining not from material leuened bread but from the olde leuen of synne the leuen of maliciousnes wyckednes Let vs cast frō vs y t leuen of corrupt doctrine y t wyl iufect our soules Let vs kepe oure feast y t hole terme of our lyfe w t eatynge the bred of purenes of godly lyfe truth of Christes doctrine Thus shall we declare y t Christes gyftes graces haue theyr ef fect in vs. that we haue y t right beleue knowlege of his holy resurrection whervnto yf we applye our fayth to y t vertue therof in our lyfe cōforme vs to the exemple signification ment therby we shalbe suer to ryse hereafter to euerlastynge glorye by the goodnes and mercy of our Lorde Iesus Christe to whome wyth the father and the holy goost c. The Epistle on the fyrste sondaye after Ester daye called lowe sondaye The fyrst Epistle of Iohn and the. v. Chapter Thargument of thys Epistle ☞ Of the excellency of fayth and how it ouercōmeth the worlde MOst dere beloued brethren al that is borne of God ouercōmeth the worlde And this is the victory that ouercōmeth the world euē our faith Who is it that ouercommeth the worlde but he whyche beleueth that Iesus is the sonne of God Thys Iesus Christe is he that came by water and bloud not by water onely but by water bloud And it is the spirite that beareth wytnesse because the spirite is trueth for there are thre whiche beare recorde in heauen the father the worde and holy goste And these thre are one And there are thre whyche beare record in erth the spirite water and bloud and these thre are one Yf we receaue the wytnes of men the wytnes of God is greater For thys is the wytnes of God that is greater whyche he testifyed of hys sonne He that beleueth on the sonne of god hath the wytnes in hymselfe An exhortation vpon thys Epistel OUre Epistle taken out of the first epistle catholyke of saint Iohn good christen brethern doth shewe vnto vs that we haue a generation from god which is that which procedeth of faith this ouercommyth the worlde that is to saie the concupiscences of syn̄es which be pryde couetous and lecherye Assuredly my frendes ther is I trust noman amonges vs but knoweth that of nature we be al born in synnes in vnrightuousnes in vtter ignorance of al ghostly and spiritual thinges And therfore Sainct Austine wryteth on this wise Beholde my brethern beholde the generacion of mankynde from the firste death of that first man For synne from the first man hath entred into this world and by syn̄e hath death entred and so hath passed thorough all men as witnesseth thapostle But marke sayth saynte Austine this worde passed through Synne is rūne through vpon all the ofsprynge of Adam and for this cause is the new borne chylde gylty of eternal damnation he hath not yet done syn but he hath caught synne For surely that fyrst synne of oure foreparentes dyd not styll remayne in the headsprynge but it passed through into the ofsprynge not into hym and hym but into al men The fyrst synner the fyrst trāsgressour begat synners subiecte to death Than came the Sauiour of a virgine to heale saue them he came to the but not the waye that thou cāmest For he proceded not of the concupiscēce of the male and female he came not of that bonde of concupiscence Bycause therfore he came to the not by y t waye that
of hys disciples whyche are not wrytten in thys boke These are written that ye might beleue that Iesus is Christ the sonne of God and that in beleuynge ye myght haue lyfe thorowe hys name An exhortacion vpon thys Gospel THe Gospell of thys daye good people doth declare vnto vs the appearyng of our Lorde Ie su Christ vnto hys disciples after hys resurrection that is to wyt how he came and shewed hymselfe vit to them the dores beynge shut for feare of y e Iues. And here truly he dyd shew the diuersitie of bodyes and what difference there shalbe betwene the sensuall bodyes and betwene the spirituall betwene the materiall and corruptible bodyes in thys worlde betwene the spirituall bodyes and incorruptible after the resurrection Trouth it is also that we ought not to suffer any ●nfideles as were the Iues to enter in amonges vs from whome the Apostles dyd shut theyr dores Nowe Iesus beynge in the myddes of them dydde salute them in gyuynge vnto them hys peace wyth whych gr●tynge or salutation he confor ted and confirmed hys disciples myndes that they shulde nothynge doubt of hys resurrectiō whych as the Euangelist Luke wytnesseth they counted but for a dreame Wherfore he shewed vnto them hys handes and hys syde perced And by thys shewynge of hys handes and feere Christe openeth two thynges Fyrst by these sygnes he wolde be knowen For in affliction is Christ truly k●owen Seconde by them he wolde assure hys disciples of hys glorious resurrection And verely thys shalbe the signe of sal uation vnto the faithful at the greate daye of iugement and the signe of lamentation and of sorowe vnto the infidels which thā shal se whome they haue percyd The faithfull shalbe gretly cōforted in seing him as his diseiples were at this tyme. To these disciples I saye he did ones gyue his peace and made them his apostles that is to saye his legates or ambassadours not onely of Iurye but of al the worlde in lyke maner as god the father had sent him and made hym apostle in the worlde And he gaue them the holy gost for to remytte synnes and to pardō in his name and whose synnes so euer they pardoned shuld be forgyuen in heauen The pardone of the apostles assuredly was but a signe of the trewe pardone which was made on hygh alredye And vnto them to whome they wolde not remytte here in erthe they shulde not be remytted nor pardoned in heuen And this that they did not pardon them was signe that they were not pardonyd on hygh Suerly it is not man that foregyueth or reteyneth but God For as saynt Cypriane sayth Non potest seruus remittere quod in dominum cōmissum est that is to say the seruauut cannot pardon the thynge that is trespassed agaynst y e maister And saynt Ambrose sayth in his boke of Cain and Abell that synnes be foregyuen by the worde of God wherof the prest is but an interpretour and as a certiane executour But I praye you good frendes who were they whome they dyd not forgyue Truly all those whych dyd not beleue in their wor●●s And in this apperynge Thomas called Didimus was not presente Wherfore when the disciples did shewe him that they had sene our Lorde rysyn agayne to liefe whych had shewed vnto them both his handes and his syde percyd he dyd aunswere that he wolde not beleue them onles he myght se hym and put his fynger into the holes of the nayles and his hande into hys syde Eyght dayes after our Lorde the dores beyng shutte dyd eftsones apere in the myddes of them as he hadde done before and gaue them for salutinge hys peace according to the vsage of the Iues by whych is vnderstande tranquyllitie of conscience and all goodnes And Thomas was there also vnto whome he sayde aunswering hym vnto the wordes whyche he had sayde by his infidelite behold my handes and put thy fynger into the holes holde forth thy hande and put it into my syde Be no more in mys●eleue but faythfull Declaryng vnto hym that he seeth al that he heareth all that he is in all places and that he may do al. And thys done Thomas dyd confesse him to be his Lorde and hys God And truly not so moch Thomas as the spirite of fayth whyche with the fayth entred into hym At that tyme our Lorde gaue witnesse of fayth vnto Thomas whyche hath beleued in seynge of hym but he doth gyue farre greater prayse and cōmendation vnto them whiche haue beleuyd and yet haue not sene him corporally but only spiritually with the eye of faythe and also vnto them whych shal beleue hym Then let vs beleue him by seyng him spiritually and so doyng we shalbe more happy then Thomas in thys that he hath sene hym corporally Now sayth the Euangelyst al these thynges be wrytten vnto vs to thende that we beleue that Iesus is Christe the sonne of God and in beleuynge thys that we shall haue the liefe eternall by hys name Forasmoche as the ende and vse of al the signes and miracles of Christe is that by them we shuld be brought and allured to be leue on Christe whyche thynge only shall make vs haue euerlasting blysse through his name that is to wit by hys worde For the worde is the vertue and power of God vnto the health and saluation of all that beleue on Christ Iesus our Lord and redemer To whome with the father and holy ghost be glorie and prayse c. The Epistle on the seconde sondaye after Ester The. i. Epistle of Peter the. ij chapter Thargument ☞ The Apostle sait Peter doth exhorte vs here to folowe Christ in al thynges euen as shepe do folowe theyr shepeherde MOst derely beloued brethren Christ also suffered for vs leauyng vs an exēple that ye shulde folowe hys steppes whych dyd no synne neyther was there gyle founde in hys mouth whych whan he was reuyled reuyled not agayne whan he suffered he threatened not but commytted the vengeaunce to hym that iudgeth ryghtuously whych his owne selfe bare our synnes in hys body on the tree that we beynge delyuered from synne shulde lyue vnto ryghteousnes By whose strypes ye were healed For ye were as s●epe goynge astraye but are nowe turned vnto the sheperde bysshop of your soules THe Epistle of thys daye good christen people whyche is of saynt Peter doth put before oure eyes the liefe of oure Lorde Iesu Christ to the effect and purpose that we shuld folowe him as a perfecte president and exemplar For it is he whyche is deed for vs whych hath done no synne accordinge to the sayeng of the prophete Esaye and in whose mouthe hath bene founde no gyle nor deceipte The whyche when any sayde harme by hym he sayde no harme agayne When he suffered he dyd not threaten but he commytted the vengaunce vnto him that iugeth iustely that is to wyte vnto God No doubte God iugeth ryghtly
neyther regardynge mens persons as doth the worlde neyther only after the outward workes but after the harte and outwarde workes to And therfore is godes iugement accordinge to y e trouth as Paule sayth Furthermore it is Christe whych hath borne our synnes on y e wode of y e crosse to thende that our synnes myght be by hym takē awaye and we beynge deade wyth synne shulde lyue vnto iustice But what iustice Truly iustice of faith whych is from aboue and whych is hymselfe For we be healed of our synne by hys woundes by hys passion by hys hostie and oblation For surely thys is the fynall vse of our delyueraūce or iustification by Christ that we shulde no longer lyue vnto sinne but vnto iustice and vertue As though saynt Peter wolde saye Ye wol be christians whom Christ hath redemed than go to it shall not become you any lon ger by disobedience towardes your rulers and supe riours to lyue vnto synne but vnto righteousnes to thintent ye be obedient vnto them and suffre persecution vexacion and crosse of them yf occasiō be gy uen euē as Christ dyd And truly thys is euen the ryght vse of Christes passiō I meane to lyue a new lyfe to become iust ryghtuous in al our lyuynge For as the Apostle saynt Paule testifyeth wrytynge to the Ephesians we be the workmanshyp of God created made to do good workes But to returne to the texte S. Peter allegeth here vnto you good people the wordes of the prophete Esaye where he sayeth that by the strypes woundes of Christe ye were healed O moost comfortable wordes Bytter verely were these strypes to our Sauioure Christe but they were swete to vs so swete y t wythout them we shulde haue ben in moost paynfull mysery anguysh Let vs than neuer put out of our myndes thys moost comfortable tydynges thys swete me●● Gospell that Christ bare our synnes in hys body on the tree Thys treasure I meane the knowlege of thys thynge who so wanteth is most nedy pore yea he hath nothynge at all For thys is no doubt that preciouse perle that Christe speaketh of in the Gospel of Matheu where he sayth y t the kyngdom of heauen is lyke vnto a marchaunt man sekynge goodly perles whych whan he founde one precious perle wente and solde all that he hadde and bought it Nowe thoughe thys thynge be playne ynoughe and apparaunt yet wyth youre pacience I wyll declare vnto you what the moost excellente doctoure of the churche saynte Hierome wryteth vpon thys place Surely sayeth saynt Hierome there is one perle moost preciouse of all that is to wyte y e knowlege of oure Sauioure and the mystery of hys passion and resurrection whyche whan a marchaunte man hath founde as saynt Paule the Apostle dyd he despyseth al the mysteryes of the law prophetes and hys olde obseruauncies wherin he lyued wythout reproche yea and he regardeth them ▪ no better than the parynges of his nayles or chyppes to thin tent to wynne Christe vnto hym Thys Christe as Thon baptist wytnesseth is the lambe of god which taketh awaye the synne of the worlde Where as before hys commynge we were as shepe wanderynge wythout sheperde but nowe by faythe we be conuerted vnto oure shepeherde whych is the onely good shepeherde and vnto the byshop of our soules which is eternal alwayes mediatour intercessour for vs alwayes presentyng offrynge himselfe for vs. Let vs thā good people folow hys cōuersation Let vs beare paciently all thynges for the loue of hym whych hath suffered so many tribulations and extreme paynes for vs. Let vs not synne wyllyngly Let vs not speake any vntrouth fraude deception and lyes Let vs not curse yf any saye euyll of vs. Let vs not threaten yf any do greue vs. Let vs remytte and commytte all vengeaunce vnto God Let vs haue remembraunce of the benefytes whyche he hath done to vs by hys glorious passion that we maye be deade wyth hym as to hym let vs be mor tifyed by hys spirite as to vs. Let vs not lyue nomore to our selues but let vs lyue to hym whych is our iustice for we be the shepe whych he hath cōuerted from wanderynge forth of the ryght pathe from errour and infidelitie vnto fayth He is our shepeherde let vs folowe hym vnto the pasture of lyfe He is our byshop our mediatour our intercessour oure hostie And how do we feare that we shuld not be ex alted Let vs haue thys fayth that none is refused none goeth awaye with out beyng exalted Who so euer hath thys fayth in him cannot peryshe yea ther was neuer so greate a synner but that this mediatour and raunsomer hath satisfied for hym yf he hath this fayth Our epistle willyth that we vnderstande this vnto the glory of hym whych is al vnto vs by the wyl of the eternal father to whō be glorye without ende in secula seculorum Amen The Gospel on the secōde sonday after Ester daye The. x. chapter of Ihon. Thargument ☞ Christ is the true shepherd IEsus sayd to hys disciples I am the good shepe herde A good shepeherde giueth his lyfe for the shepe An hyred seruaunt and he whych is not the shepherd neither the shepe are hys owne seeth the wolf cōmyng leueth the shepe and flyeth the wolfe catcheth and scattereth the shepe the hyred seruaunt flyeth bycause he is an hyred seruaunt careth not for the shepe I am the good shepeherde and knowe my shepe and I am knowen of myne As my father knoweth me euen so know I also my father And I geue my lyfe for the shepe and other shepe I haue whych are not of this fold Them also muste I brynge and they shall heare my voyce and ther shall be one folde and one shepeheerd IN this Gospell good people our Lord doth shew vs that he is the true and ryght shepherd And it is good reason for he onely hath geuen hymselfe vn to the death and hath quyckened all his shepe He alonly doth nourish with his doctrine all his shepe wyth y e fode of eternall lyfe Yf the wolfe doth come that is the great deuell of hell or any of hys members he neuer forsaketh hys shepe but doth defende and delyuer them from the puissaunce and myghte of the enemye for he is stronge aboue all is more myghty then all And also the shepe be hys and he hath bought them wyth a great pryce whyche is aboue all prices He doth loue them accordyng to the price y t is to saye more than any thought can thinke or tonge expresse And he hath not alonly bought them agayne but he hathe made them and created them they be his owne workes and his owne shepe It is the shepherde by whome al thinges hath bene made Wherfore naturally he cannot hate them He is no forgetful shepherd but he is a shepherd know yng al he cannot forgette any
castawayes in gods syght but nowe we be made the chyldren of God by Christ. Whyche treasure truly saynt Peter doth extolle and lyfte vp wyth prayses aboue measure so that it were well with vs if after the knowlege of so greate ryches we myght be lycenced forth with to departe out of thys miserable lyfe But for asmoch as we dye not by and by after the receyuing of so greate commodities felicities therfore nowe doth saynt Peter teache vs how and by what meanes we shuld lyue here in erth that we dye not eternally For Satan our mortal ennemy neuer slepeth but euer watcheth that he maye eyther quite and cleane plucke vs frome gods worde or at lest waye that he myght wery vs and make vs slauthful and negligent in doyng of good workes For assuredly it commethe so commenly to passe that forthwyth when we heare by the preachyng of the gospell that we be set at pear wyth God iustified in hys syght by only faith in him then noman wil do any longe● any goodnes at al whych thynge no doubte chaunced euen in saynt Peters tyme. By reason wherof he toke occasion to wryte these thynges concernyng the institution of the christian liefe As though this holy Apostle Peter wold say Good brethern syth ye haue now receyued the gospell and syth ye be iustified by fayth in Christ now it shalbe very good and necessarie for you to goo about to redresse your maner of lyuing and to absteyne from carnal and flesshely desires and lustes But it is an horrible thyng to be spoken that fleshly disires and lustes do not cease no not in the iustified persons Yea we se by daily experience that then more and more carnall desires do breake forth not bicause this faulte commeth by the gospel as many ennemyes of the Gospell and 〈…〉 es blasphemously do allege but bycause Satan is the ennemy of the gospel and of the iustice whych the gospell teacheth He doubtles neuer slepeth though we slepe neuer so soūdly carelesly but lyke a roryng lyon he runnyth and leapeth about seakyng whome to deuoure as thapostle S. Peter doth testifie in the ende of this firste epistle But forasmoche as the power of desires and lustes is so greate yea that after iustification receyued saynt Peter vseth certein warlyk wordes wherwith he expresseth the strength and power of these carnal worldly desires which he sayth do war●e againste vs and as the greke worde purporteth do dayly exercise with vs a pyched felde whych thing the scripture otherwhyles calleth the conflycte of the fleshe and of the spirite agaynst whych no outwarde workes can do any good As the holy fathers also haue confessed and complayned of themselues For saint Hierom hymselfe when he sought euery where a pre sent remedy agaynst the desyres of the fleshe at last after longe delyberation departed into the woode trustynge that by thys meane he shulde eschue and shake of from hym hys carnal and fleshely desyres but it wolde not be for euen in his very mysery and vexation of hys body whych he toke vpon hymselfe for that purpose he yet thought he satte at Rome amōges the Romane ladies and fayre wenches and that he daunced wyth them Wherfore syth here in thys lyfe it is not in our powers vtterly to do awey carnall desyres the holy fathers and prophetes desyred wyth hygh lamentation that they myghte be lycenced to departe out of thys vale of teares to the heauenly and perfyte ioyes For here they thought themselues onely straungers and as pylgrimes or wayfarynge men Whych thynge thapostle Paule in hys seconde epistleto the Corinthians doth wonderfully well declare wrytynge on thys wyse We knowe sayeth he that yf our erthy mansion of thys dwellynge were destroyed we haue a buyldynge of God an habitation not made wyth handes but eter nall in heauen And therfore sygh we desyrynge to be clothed wyth our mansion whych is from heuen so yet yf that we be founde clothed and not naked and so forth Now suche straungers S. Peter here wyll●th vs to be whyche ought continually to loke vp to contende and laboure thyther settynge asyde all earthly thynges all cares and worldly desyres and euer to stande redy in hope to be delyuered out of thys our earthly tabernacle or hostrye and to en ioye the euerlastynge inheritaunce Howbeit yet in the meane season good people we teache not as do these Anabaptistes that he that hath ryches shulde cast them awaye but that he cleaue not in harte vnto them lyke as other places of holy scripture do teach vs and namely thys present epistle of S. Peter whych by a similitude of straungers or pylgrimes doth declare vnto vs that in y e hostrye of thys present worlde we shulde be in loue with nothynge we shulde vaynly ambiciously require nothynge that is in our hoostes house whych is the worlde euen none otherwyse than a straunger a pawmer or wayfarynge body doth whych knoweth y t nothinge in hys ynne or lodgynge doth pertayne vnto hym but only maketh hast homewarde into hys owne cō trey Now they whych be in loue admiration with any thynge in thys worlde they can not be called forenners straungers or pylgrimes but cytizens and inhabitauntes of thys worlde Wherfore it is great folly now amonges christen men to be in loue wyth the thynges of the worlde to seke pleasure in carnall desyres syth suche thynges belonge nomore to christians But I praye you what vyces doth saynt Peter cal here desyres Surely not only those grosse faultes but also y e inwarde croked affections which doubtles be the very causes of those outwarde and grosse vyces Saynt Peter therfore wrytyng especy ally to the Iewes whych were disperpled abrode in dyuers countreyes and by them vnto vs Englyshe men and to all others ryght tēderly exhorteth them callynge them hys moost derely beloued brethren to absteyne as forenners and pylgrymes from all fleshly lustes that is to wit all vices whyche of nature do stycke to the fleshe whych vices do kepe con tinuall warre and batell agaynst the soule and spirite of mā that euer more tendeth and laboureth to do the wyll of God And he wylleth them that they haue honest conuersacion amonges the Gentyls or pay●ems whych worshipped false Goddes amonge whome at that tyme when saynte Peter wrote thys ●pistle the christen men lyued Saint Peter therfore wyll not that christen men shulde departe from the panyms but that they shulde lyue honestly amōges them to thi●tent that where as they backbyte them as ●uyll doers they myght se theyr good workes myghte prayse and glorifye God in the daye of visitation that is to saye that the paynyms beynge more ryghtly instructed and taught by the honeste lyfe of the christians myghte by gods visitation be called also to the Gospell and so to haue a better opi nion and iudgement of gods worde whych thynge in dede came to
take any thynge vpon vs rashely and temerariously but that we shuld rather walke in an humble mynd and spirite confessinge and knowledginge continually that we be bothe miserable and ignoraunte persons in such thynges as concerne Christes glorye forasmoche as without the spirite of god we canne neuer vnderstande the mystery of the gospel For assuredly the wysdome of the fleshe is foly before god and the more knowledge it boasteth pretendith in spiritual and diuine thynges so moch the more is the foly of it declared and vttered Let vs then my good brethren and sisters in all oure necessities and troubles pray accordynge to the wordes of this gospel but to whom To the father of heuen In whose name In Christes And what shall we praye for that our ioye may be perfyte full What is thys to saye that by Christ our sinne beynge taken away our conscience maye be quyet and sure of euerlastinge lyfe whyche is a ryght perfecte ioye Let vs praye that we maye be taught openly and playnly wythout prouerbes or parables that is y t we maye receyue the holy spirite of cōforte into our soules whych in gods worde maye instructe vs of all trouth Whych graunt vs God the father of heuen Qui viuit et regnat in secu la seculorum Amen A sermon in the Rogation weke or a briefe instruc tion for the weake in the faithe what they ought to do in these dayes of Rogation GOod people thys weke is called the Rogation weke bicause in thys weke we be wōte to make solemne and general supplycatiōs or prayers which in Greke be called Lytanyes Nowe therfore I exhorte you and in the Lordes name I require you that in al your Litanies or supplications ye wol so do that the thynge maye agre to the name and that this oure Litanye thys our supplication and rogation may be made wythe such true and ernest fayth that we may admonishe god and put him in mynde of hys fatherly promises He that wyll not endeuour hymselfe to do this let hym tarye styll at home let him kepe hun and absteyne from thys holy processiō lest he happen to iritate and to angre god more then other men shalbe hable to pacifie and styll hym Albeit alacke for pitie these solemne accustomable processions and supplications whyche we vse commonly as in this weke to make be now growen into a ryght foule and detestable abuse so that the moost parte of men and women in these solemne dayes of supplication do come forth rather to set out shewe themselues and to passe the tyme wyth vayne vnprofytable tales and mery fables than to make general supplications and prayers to god for theyr necessities I let passe the other enormities and vices whych on these dayes be customably perpetrate and done I wyll not speake of the rage and furour of these vplandysh processions and gangynges about whych be spente in ryottynge and in bely chere Furthermore the banners and badges of the crosse be so vnreuerently handled and abused that I maruayle greatly God destroye vs not all in one yeare What shall I say Surely they are now growen into such abuse that there be farre greter causes to take them awaye and vtterly to abrogate them wyth the other holydayes than ther were in tymes past to institute and ordeyne them And assuredly it is the parte of byshops of parsons of vycares and curates yea also of y e prophane Magistrates to se that those vnchristen and vngodly abuses bē auoyded and taken awaye or yf the thynge be past remedy vtterly to abolish and abrogate these letanies and supplicaciōs thus abused For assuredly it were much better and more christian lyke that christian men and women were gathered and assembled together in the church there to make theyr supplications prayers to god than after such an hethē vnruly fashion to mocke God and his holy sygnes And no doubt such as be curates and herdmen of Christes churche shall rendre a sharpe rekenynge and accomptes to God for wynkynge at these abuses Now in these Rogation dayes two thynges are to be asked of God and prayed for The fyrst is that God of hys goodnes and clemēcy woll defende and saue y e corne in the felde and that he woll purge the ayer to thintent that not only the lappe of the earth may be replenished wyth seasonable rayne and that the ayer maye be tempered to the vtilitie and furthe raunce of the corne but also that it be not infected that by the eatynge and drynkynge therof neyther we nor our bestes do catche any pestilence poxe feuers or other diseases For as testifyeth saynt Paul in hys fyrst epistle to Timothie gods creatures as meate drynke corne and such other thynges be sanctifyed by the worde of God and by prayer For frō whence come pestilencies the other kindes of disea ses and of syckenesses than that the noysome spirites do infecte the aier And by reason herof cōmonly our corne and grayne be peryshed infected and blasted and so we God permyttynge the same by eatynge and drynkynge our owne grayne do gette vs death and greuouse affections of the body For this cause be certayne gospels redde in the wyde felde amōges the corne and grasse that by the vertue and efficacie of gods worde the power of the wycked spi rites whych kepe in the ayer may be broken and the ayer made pure cleane to thintent the corne maye remayne vntouched not infected of the sayd hurtfull spirites but serue vs for our vse and bodely sustenaunce Wherfore my deare brethren we oughte to make these solemne processions wyth ernest myndes and wyth all reucrence in especiall we oughte to handle and to heare the worde of God wyth deuoute and religiouse myndes Thus doynge doute we nothynge but that gods worde wol vtter and ex ecute hys vertue vpon the corne and ayer that those noysome spirites of the ayer shall do no hurte at all to our corne Seconde thys is also moost of all to be desyred humbly to be prayed for in these rogation dayes that God woll vouchsaue to blesse hys creatures not only as before is sayd for the cōmoditie of oure bodyes but also for our soules helth lest our misera ble soules do herby catche vnto themselues pestiferous infection and damnable contagion I meane as thus The poyson and infection of the soule is synne Now whan God poureth vpon vs plentyful croppes and increase of all thynges forthwyth we beynge moost ingrate and vnkynde persons do vylaynously gyue oure selues to dayly bankettes and feastynges and to moost beastly fyllynge of our pāchies herof by by ensueth ydelnes of it sprynge whordomes adulteries blasphemies cursynges per iuries murders warres and all myschiefe so that it were much better for vs yf our corne and cattel dyd not so happely and plenteously prosper and take So the thynge that we demaunded in our processions and supplications
we do fynde for god maketh vs here aboundauntly in this behalfe to enioye our requestes and desyres and doth minister al thynges to the bodye wyth a large blessynge whyche thynge neuerthelesse is moost present poyson and pestilence to the soule and it is the occasion of great myschefe For doubtles surfettynge and ydelnes of all nough tynes be the rotes and the fountaynes of all euels But alake alake thys goostly infection we nothing at all regarde we passe not of it The pestilēce which noyeth the body we eschue it with great care and we study to dryue it awaye wyth often prayers and sup plications laynge vnto it all the medicines and remedies we can deuyse But in thys spirituall pestilence we go styll on and procede wythout care or thought and euen for thys purpose as it semeth we desyre of God large sustentacion and aboundaunce of ●l thynges and to be delyuered from the corporal pestilence and infections that we maye the more frely and aboundaūtly endure after a delicate sorte in y t spirituall infection But assuredly my frendes almyghty god the sercher of hartes whyle he seyth vs slepynge in such careles wyse and that we nothynge regarde thys so pestilent a pestilēce he also winketh at our destruction accordynge to our owne vowes requestes he graunteth vs copye and aboundaunce of all thynges and so blyndeth vs wyth the prosperous successe of all thynges and drowneth vs in the synke and puddell of synnes tyll at last oure synnes by longe vse runne into a custome and that the name of synne be forgotten Wherfore moost dearely beloued brethren and systers albeit euery day we ought to exhibite suppli cations and prayers to the Lorde wyth a rough cha stisement of our body to dryue awaye frō vs so horrible floudes of all myschefe namely in thys region moost addict and gyuen to cōmessacions to bankettynges to reuelynges to surfettynges to ydelnes to the vyces that ●nsue of them to thintent that god ones at laste maye lyghten vs wyth hys grace that we maye vse his gyftes to the helth of our soule and to the holsomnes of our body in suche sorte as these goodes of the contrey I meane our corne and cattel myght be auaylable aswell to the tuicion and defēce of our body as to our soules health But as I haue sayd and saye agayne God hath made vs so blynde and so vnsauery that we are waxen playne Epicures vtterly voyde of all feare or care of God mooste shamefully abusynge hys gyftes to the ryot of the body and destruction of the soule And for asmuche as thys our detestable wickednes and abuse of this godly institucion is not amended but waxeth yerly worse and worse therfore God hath gyuen vs vp in to a disalowed mynde so y t we make these letanyes and rogation dayes by our synnes vtterly vnprofy table and vnfrutfull vnto vs. Beholde how angrye and how sore displeased God is wyth vs neyther is there any to aswage and appeace hys fury syth our letanyes our supplications processions prayers wherewyth we rather mocke god thā worshyp hym spendynge our tyme and abusynge hys benefites in thys wyse be rather kyndlynges and nouryshmentes of goddes indignation and vengeaunce thā mitigacions and swagynges therof God graunt therfore and be presently at hāde assystent to vs good people that ones at last we may come home againe to our selues and to returne to the hart and that we may beynge instincted and kyndled wyth ernest and sure fayth put from vs hys wrath and displeasure to whome be prayses and glory in secula seculorum Amen The epistle on the Ascension daye The fyrst chapter of the actes of the Apostles Thargument ☞ Christes Ascension into heauen is here described IN the former treatyse Deare Theophylus we haue spoken of all that Iesus beganne to do and teach vntyll the daye in whych he was taken vp af ter that he thorow the holy goost had gyuen com maundemente vnto the Apostles whome he hadde chosen to whom also he shewed hymselfe alyue af ter hys passion and that by many tokens appearynge vnto them fourtye dayes and speakynge of the kyngdome of God and gathered them to gether and commaunded them that they shulde not departe frō Ierusalē but to wayte for the promise of the father wherof sayth he ye haue herd of me For ●hon truly baptysed with water but ye shalbe baptised wyth the holy gost after these few dayes Whan they therfore were come together they asked of hym saynge Lorde wylt thou at this tyme restore agayne the kyngdom to Israel And he said vnto them It is not for you to knowe the tymes or the seasons whych the father hath put in hys owne power but ye shall receaue power after that the ho ly goost is come vpon you And ye shalbe wytnesses vnto me not only in Ierusalem but also in all Iewry and in Samary and euen vnto the worldes ende And whā he had spokē these thynges whyle they behelde he was taken vp an hye and a cloude receaued hym vp out of theyr syght And whyle they loked stedfastly vp toward heauē as he went beholde two men stode by them in whyte apparell whych also sayd ye men of Galilee why stande ye gasynge vp into heauen Thys same Iesus whyche is taken vp from you into heauen shall so come euen as ye haue sene hym go vp into heauen WElbeloued brethren and systers in our Sauiour Christe thys daye is called the Ascension daye because that as thys daye Christe our Sauiour and redemer mounted or styed vp to heauen after hys resurrection leauynge hys Apostles and disciples vpon the earth whych thynge is one of the ar ticles of our Crede or beleue And albeit saynt Luke the holy Euāgelist doth ascertayne vs of this thing in the ende of hys Gospell whych he wrote of the actes and lyfe of Christ yet for asmuche as he touched the thynge but brefly and lyghtly there therfore he doeth here in the lesson of thys daye whych is the be gynnynge of an other boke that he wrote for our instruction of the dedes and actes of the Apostles intreate the mater more at large Fyrst therfore ye shall marke and obserue good people that the Euangelical histories do paynt out Christ vnto vs as yet couered wyth the burthen of y e fleshe as yet not glorifyed how be it in the meane season he declared hymselfe aswell by hys heauenly doctrine as by many hys myracles which he shewed that he was very God But in the actes of the Apost l●s he is described and set forth vnto vs as one that nowe raygneth is glorifyed Thus therfore saynt Luke begynneth hys description In the former treatyse or boke whych I wrote dearly beloued frēd Theophilus whych by interpretation sygnifyeth a louer of God we haue spoken of all that Iesus beganne to do and teache He sayeth not of all
Now as touchynge the fyrste parte of Iohels prophecie concernynge the sendynge downe of y t ho ly goost after such a plentyful sorte the scripture tea cheth vs that it was fulfylled aboute thys tyme of Pentecost as in our sermons before we haue fully at large declared vnto you And as for the rest of the prophecie concernynge the great calamitie and terrible tokens that shall come agaynste domes daye there is no doubte but it shall come to passe as oute sauiour Christ hath also certifyed vs. But my frendes let vs be nothynge dismayed nor troubled wyth the remembraunce of thys dradfull tyme whych no doubt yet approcheth nere and shall steale vpon vs or euer we be ware we knowe not how sone Onely let vs do as the prophete teacheth vs here we shal not nede to feare Let vs cal on the name of y t Lorde and we shalbe saued Let vs thā in al our aduersitie woo and trouble yea and also in our welth prosperitic and felicitie remember God loue God prayse God call on God with fayth But let it be such faith as shall worke by charitie Let it be a lyuely fayth no deade fayth that maye brynge forth good workes Yf we thus do we shall not nede to feare these terrible tokens but we shalbe sure to be translated from thys myserye vnto immortall ioye wyth God To whome c. The Gospell on the .iiij. daye of Pentecost The. vi chapter of S. Ihon. Thargument ☞ Christ teacheth vs here y t onles we be renewed by the holy goost we can not come vnto him IEsus sayd to hys disciples and to the company of the Iewes No man can come to me excepte the father whych hath sent me drawe hym And I wyll rayse hym vp at the last daye It is wrytten in the prophetes and they shalbe all taught of god Euery man therfore that hath herde and hath learned of the father cōmeth vnto me Not that any man hath sene the father saue he whych is of god the same hath sene the father Verely verely I saye vnto you he that putteth hys trust in me hath euerlastynge lyfe I am that bread of lyfe Your fathers dyd eate Mana in the wyldernes and are dead This is that breade whych cōmeth downe frō heauen that a man maye eate therof and not dye I am that lyuynge breade whych came downe from heauen Yf any mā eate of thys bread he shal lyue for euer And the breade that I wyll gyue is my flesh which I wyll gyue for the lyfe of the worlde IN thys Gospell good people our sauiour Christ makynge answer to the murmourynge of y t people agaynst hym bycause he sayd he was the breade of lyfe and declarynge that theyr thoughtes coulde not be hyd from hym expouneth and also fortifyeth the worde y t he spake sayenge vnto them y t they had no cause to murmoure amonges themselues of the thynge y t he spake For therfore hys worde dyd not synke into theyr myndes bycause of theyr mysoeleue Seynge they saw not and hearyng they herde not beynge present they were absent Whosoeuer com meth to Christ shall attayne euerlastynge lyfe But there is no waye to come vnto hym but by fayth Thys fayth is not lyghtly had but cōmeth by the in spiracion of the father who lyke as by y t sōne he draweth mens myndes vnto hym so w t secrete inspiracions of fayth he draweth them to the sonne He bestoweth not so great a gyfte but to suche as be wyllynge gredy Whosoeuer then shall meryte by hys prompte wyl deuoute mynde to be drawen of y e father the same shall attayne by Christ to euerlasting lyfe For our sauiour Christ shall also rayse ye● deade to lyfe agayne in y e last daye A great thynge taketh he that beleueth Christ but without the helpe of the heuēly father he can not do it Yet neuertheles they are not excused bycause they be not drawen For the father as much as in hym is coueteth to drawe all He y t is not drawē is in fault himselfe bycause he w t draweth hymselfe frō hym y t wolde drawe hym Humane thynges be lerned w t humane studye but this heauently lernynge is not perceyued onles y e secrete inspiracion of the father maketh hym an apte teachable harte And this is it y t longe sythens was pro phecied of the prophetes to come to passe And they all shalbe taught of God But the desyre of thys worlde do make many vnapt I say it is the gyft of god but the indeuoure must be ours A mā heareth w t hys bodely eyen Christes wordes in vayne onles he heare w tin fyrst y e secrete voyce of y e father whych breatheth the mynde w t an insensible grace of fayth For god is a spirite is neyther herde nor sene but of spiritual persons Many haue sene herd Christ to theyr damnation And albeit the Iues boasted y t god was both sene herde of Moses of y t prophetes yet no mortall mā euer sawe or herde god as he is For thys is only graūted to the sonne of mā ours sauiour Christ. Let vs then shake of the care of this lyfe and not so moch seke for the bread whereby our bodyes be fedde as thys breade whych giueth euerlastynge lyfe We counte the olde fathers happye whych dyd eate Manna yet thys Manna preserued them not from death and why Not bycause Manna was euyll sayeth saynte Austine but because of theyr euyll eatyng Christe is the breade whych descendeth from heauen whyche is signified by Manna He that eateth of thys breade shal lyue for euer But ye wol aske who thys is Saynt Austine answereth in thys wyse He that is in y e vnitie of Christes bodye that is to wytte in the felowshipe of the christen mēbres the sacramēte of whych body all fayth full persones be wonte to receyue when they cōmunicate at the altare come to gods borde doth truly eate the bodye of Christe and drynke the bloude of Christe Nowe therfore let vs by all indeuours we cā make ourselues mete and apte to receyue y e holye spirite of god wherby we maye be drawen to Christ. Let vs also take parte of hys passions and folowe the cōuersation whych he had in hys fleshe Whyche thynge as S. Austine others expoune thys place is to eate hys fleshe and drynke hys bloude To whome wyth the father and holy goost be all glorye AMEN ¶ Imprinted at London by Richarde Bankes and are to be solde in Fletestrete at the sygne of the whyte Harte Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum Mat● IX X●● Luk. Mat● xxvi i. cor xv psa lxxi Iu. xxiiij Math. xxviij Ioh. xx i. cor xv lu xxiiij Ioh. xxi i. cor xv Actu i. Iu. xxiiij i. cor xv i. cor xv Iu. xiiij i. Reg. xvij Ion. ij Col. ij i. Pet. i. Ephe. ij Psalm lxxxiiij Eph. iiij