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A07225 Christs victorie ouer Sathans tyrannie Wherin is contained a catalogue of all Christs faithfull souldiers that the Diuell either by his grand captaines the emperours, or by his most deerly beloued sonnes and heyres the popes, haue most cruelly martyred for the truth. With all the poysoned doctrins wherewith that great redde dragon hath made drunken the kings and inhabitants of the earth; with the confutations of them together with all his trayterous practises and designes, against all Christian princes to this day, especially against our late Queen Elizabeth of famous memorie, and our most religious Soueraigne Lord King Iames. Faithfully abstracted out of the Book of martyrs, and diuers other books. By Thomas Mason preacher of Gods Word.; Actes and monuments Foxe, John, 1516-1587.; Mason, Thomas, 1580-1619? 1615 (1615) STC 17622; ESTC S114403 588,758 444

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bring life or death if Christs body be not there Rid. When you heare Gods word truely preached if you doe beléeue you receiue life and if you beléeue not it bringeth vnto you death yet Christs body is not carnall in euery preachers mouth Pope How answere you this which shall be giuen for you was the figure of Christs body giuen for you Rid. No Sir but the very body it selfe whereof the Sacrament is a figure Tertullians exposition maketh it plaine For hee saith the body is a figure of the bodie now put too which shall be giuen for you and it agreeth excéeding well Maister Secretary You know well that Origen and Tertullian were not Catholick but erred Rid. There is none of the Doctors but are thought to haue erred in some things but I neuer heard that Tertullian or Origen were thought to haue erred in the Sacrament Feck Forty yeares agone all were of one opinion of this matter Rid. Forty yeares agoe all held that the Pope was supreme head of the vniuersall Church Maister Secretarie That was but a positiue Law Rid. It is in the Decrees that the Pope challengeth his supremacie not by any Councell nor any way else but by Christs own words saying to Peter thou art Peter And in another place thou art Cephas that is the head and his Decree is that we must be obedient to the Bishop of Rome vpon necessity of saluation Thomas Cranmer Archb. of Canterbury Ridley Bishop of London and Hugh Latimer Bishop of VVorster were sent to Oxford to dispute with the Diuines of Oxford and Cambridge THere was thrée questions First whether the naturall body of Christ be really in the sacrament after consecration secondly whether any other substanc● doth remaine after consecration then the substance of the body and bloud of Christ thirdly wh●ther in the masse there be a sacrifice propitiatorie for the sinnes of the quick the dead Thirty thrée Commissioners being set in the Quire of S. Maries Church in Oxford before the Altar Cranmer Archb. was brought to them with a number of Bill-men When he had read ouer the Articles he said they were all false and against Gods holy word Then was Doctor Ridley brought in who hearing the Articles read answered they were all false and that they sprang out of a bitter root Then came in Latimer when he had denied the Articles he said he had read ouer the new Testament seuen times and yet could not find the mais● in it nor the mary-bones nor sinewes of the same All their arguments were of nothing but the reall presence in the Sacrament which point is already sufficiently argued in many places of this book and will 〈◊〉 more hereafter If thou desire to sée the disputations resort to the book at large for the Commissioners were so clamorous that they could not be suffered to speak as it appeareth by the report of Bishop Ridley Bishop RIDLEY his report NEuer did I see a thing done more vainly and contumeliously then the disputations with me in the Schooles in Oxford I thought it had not been possible to haue béen found amongst men of learning and knowledge any so brazen faced and shamelesse so disorderly and vainely to behaue themselues more like to Stage-players then Diuines The Sorbonicall clamours which in times past I haue séene in Paris when Poperie most raigned might be thought modestie in respect of them yea and the chiefest did as it were blow the Trumpe vnto the rest to rayle rore rage and crie out whereby it appeareth they neuer sought for the veritie but for their owne glorie and bragging victorie Much time appointed for Disputations was vainly consumed in opprobrious checks taunts hissings and clapping of hands Whensoeuer I would make an end of my probations they would euer crie out Blasphemies blasphemies I neuer heard or read the like but by Demetrius the Siluer-smith and them of his occupation crying but against Paule Great is Diana of the Ephesians and except it be a disputation of the Arrians against the Orthodoxes where it is said that such as the Presidents of the disputations were such were the rest all were in a hurly-burly and the Arrians cast out such great slanders that nothing could quietly be heard and he concludes thus ended this glorious disputation of the Sacrificers Doctors and Masters which fought manfully for their God and goods their faith and felicitie countrey and Kitchin and for their beautie and bellie with triumphant applauses and fauour of the whole Uniuersitie After seuerall disputations with euery one of them the Commissioners sate in Saint Maries Church and Doctor Weston vsed particular perswasions with euery one of them and would not suffer them to answere but pe●emptorily to say whether they would subscribe or no Hee told the Bishop of Canterbury hee was ouercome in Arguments which he said was false for hee was not suffered to oppose as he would nor answere as he would vnlesse hee would haue brauled with them all denying to subscribe then sentence was read ouer them that they were no members of the Church and therefore condemned for hereticks Then the Archbishop Cranmer answered from this your sentence I appeale to the iust iudgement of God trusting to be present with him in heauen for whose presence in the Altar I am thus condemned Bishop Ridley answered though I be not of your company yet my name is written in another place whither this sentence will send mee sooner then wee should by nature haue come Bishop Latimer I thanke God most heartily that hee hath prolonged my life to this end that I may in this case glorifie GOD by that kinde of death After they were all three called to behold a solemne procession wherein Doctor Weston carried the Sacrament and foure Doctors carried the Canapie ouer him In the last yeere one thousand fiue hundred forty and three it is shewed how the Duke of Northumberland was apprehended by the Guard and brought to London by the Earle of Arundell and others these were committed to the Tower with the Duke the Earle of VVarwick the Earle of Huntington Lord Ambrose and Lord Henry Dudley Lord Hastings who was deliuered the same night Sir Iohn Gates Sir Henry Gates Sir Andrew Dudley Sir Thomas Palmer and Doctor Sands Chancelor of Cambridge many were committed to diuers prisons about the same time About this time Maister Bradford Maister Beacon and Maister Veron were committed vnto the Tower and Maister Sampson was sought for and because he could not be found the Bishop of Winchester fumed About this time Doctor Weston preached at Paules Crosse he willed the people to pray for the soules departed that be neither in heauen nor hell but in a place not yet sufficiently purged to come to heauen that they may be releeued by your deuout prayers he named the Lords Table an Oyster boord hee said the Catechisme lately set forth was abominable heresie and likeneth the setters forth of the same to Iulianus Apostata and the booke to
embracinge the crosse and reioycing therein Matthew conuerted Ethiopia and Egypt Hercan the King sent one to run him through with a speare Matthias preached to the Iewes and they stoned and beheaded him Phillip preached to the barbarous Nations who crucified and stoned him at Hirapolis of Phrygia where hee and his Daughters with him were burned The Iewes required Iames to stand vppon the Battlement of the Temple and disswade the people from Christ but hee preached him there and was throwne downe headlong and stoned where hee was buried at which time the Iewes put many other to death for the testimony of Christ. The first Persecution by Nero Domitius NEro Domitius caused the first persecution hee regarded neither sect condition of life or age the streets were spread with dead bodies of Christians hee indeuored vtterly to abolish the name of Christians in this persecution Peter was crucified who required his head to be hanged downward as vnworthy to dye like Christ the cause was thought to bee because Symon Magus pretending to flye from the Mount Capitolinus to Heauen by Peters prayers was brought downe headlong and his ioynts beeing broken hee dyed at that time Peters wife suffred and the same day twelue-month Paule suffred The Second Persecution by Domitian THe Church had some rest vnder Vespatian but Domitian mooued the second persecution he killed all the Nephewes of Iuda called the Lords brothers and slew all hee could find of the stocke of Dauid as Vespatian did before him least any of that stocke should inioy the kingdome in his time Symon Bishop of Ierusalem after other torments was crucified and Iustus succéeded in his Bishopricke Hee banished Iohn to Pathmos and vnder Pertinax hee was released and came to Ephesus and continued there vnto the time of Trayanus Gouerned the Church of Asia and wrote his gospell there Flauia Daughter to Flauius Clemens a Consull of Rome suffred for Christs name and with many other was banished out of Rome to Pontia Some of the stocke of Dauid were brought to Domitian to bee slaine who séeing they were poore and vnderstanding by them that Christs Kingdome should bee heauenly and not worldly he let them go and stayed persecutions they after gouerned Churches and liued in peace vnto the time of Traianus in the time of which persecution no kind of torment was omitted that might empaire the credit of the Christians they would not suffer their bodies to bee buried and yet the Church dayly increased Euaristas Bishop of Rome next to Clement succéeded in the third yéere of Traianus and suffred nine yéeres after Alexander succéeded him and conuerted many of the Senators of Rome to the faith he raysed the son of Hermes from death to life and made his mayd being blind to sée which Adrianus the Emperour hearing of him sent word to the Gouernor of Rome to apprehend him and his two Deacons Euentus a●d Theodorus and the said Hermes and Quirinus a Tribune whose daughter Albina hee cured which Cure moued him to bee baptized and suffer for the faith of Christ and Aurelianus tooke Alexander with Hermes his wife Children and whole houshold 1250. put them in prison and burned them all in a furnace and martired the said Theodorus for rebuking him thereof and Quirinus had his tongue cut out then his hands and ●eete cut off after was beheaded and east to the Dogges The third Persecution THere was but one yeare betweene the second and the third persecution by the Emperour Traianus which was so grieuous that Plinius Secundus an Infidell wrote to the Emperour that so many thousands were put to death without cause sauing that they gathered themselues together before day to sing Hymmes to a God which they called Christ he reasoned why that sin should be punished more then all other sins and that he had put two Christian maides vpon the racke to proue if they could haue extorted confession of further crime but could not wherevpon the persecutions were greatly alayed Symeon sonne of Cleophas Bishop of Ierusalem was accused by the Iewes to be a Christian and of the stocke of Dauid wherefore Attalus commanded him to be scourged many dayes together beeing an hundred and twenty yeares old his constancy was greatly admired he was crucified Because Phocas Bishop of Pontus refused to sacrifice to Neptune Traianus cast him into a hot●e furnace and after into a scalding ●ath Sulpitius and Seruilia with there wiues whom Salma conuerted to the faith were also then martired Salma was beheaded and Lepidus in the Mount Auentine with whom suffred Seraphia a Uirgen of Antioch in this time Nereus and Achilleus suffred at Rome and one Sagaris who was martired in Asia In this time Ignatius suffred hee was sent from Siria to Rome comming to Asia hee confirmed the Churches and comming to Smirna where Policarpus was he wrote diuers Epistles to Ephesus to Magnesia and to Trall●● hee was aiudged to be deuoured of Beasts and hearing the Lions roare I am the wheate of Christ said he and shall be ground with the teeth of wild beasts that I may be pure bread at this time many thousands died for the faith amongst them one Publius Bishop of Athens Hadrian the Emperour succéeded Traianus who slew Zenon a Noble man of Rome and 10023 for Christ. Borgomensis Lib 8. makes mention of ten thousand in Hadrians dayes to bee crucified in Mount Ararat crowned with thornes their sides pearced with Darts after the example of the Lords passion Eustachius a Captaine who was sent against the Barbarians and subdued them Hadrian met him honourably and doing sacrifice to Apollo for the victory willed Eustachius to doe so also which hee refusing hee was brought to Rome and with his wife and children suffred marterdome Faustin● us and Iobita Cittizens of Brixia suffred marterdome with grieuous torments Caelocerius seeing their great pa●ience cryed out vere magnus deus Christianorum wherevpon he was apprehended and suffred with them Anthia a godly woman committed Eleutherius her sonne vnto Anicetus Bishop of Rome who after was Bishop of Apulia she with her sonn was beheaded and Iustus and Pastor two brethren suffred vnder Adrian at Complutum in Spaine About the same time Simpronissa the wife of Gerulus the Marter suffred with her seauen children beeing first often scourged then hanged by the haire of the head then a stone fastned about her necke she was cast into the Riuer after her children were martired w●th diuers punishments they were tied to seauen sta●es so racked with a pully thrusting thorough one in the necke another in the brest another in the heart another about the nauell another cut in euery ioynt another runne thorough with a speare the last cut a sunder in the middle then were they cast into a déepe pit which the Idolatrous Priests intituled Ad septem Biathanatos Getulius also a preacher at Tiber with Cerdelis Amantius and Prinitiuus were condemned to the fire at Hadrians commandment Sophia with her
it is easie to know the tree by the fruit not by the blossomes often repeating in his Oration that this admonition was giuen of singular good will and great clem●ncie in the shutting vp of his Oration he added menasings that if he would abide in his purposed intent the Emperour would exterminate him his Empire Luther answered to this effect That the Councell of Constance had erred in condemning this Article of Iohn Hus That the Church of Christ is the communion of the predestinat and that we ought rather to obey God then man There is an offence of faith and an offence of charitie the slander of charity consisteth in manners and life the offence of faith and doctrine consisteth in the word of God and they commit this offence which make not Christ the corner stone And if Christs sheepe were fed with the pure pasture of the Gospell and the faith of Christ sincerely preached and if there were good Eclesiasticall Magistrates who duely executed their office wee should not néede to charge the Church with mens traditions And that hee knew and taught that wee ought to obay the higher powers how peru●rsly soeuer they liued so that they inforce vs not to deny the word of God Then they admonished him to submit himselfe to the Emperour and the Empires Iudgment hee answered hee was well content so that this were done with authority of the word of God and that he would not giue place except they taught sound Doctrine by the word of God and that St. Augustine writeth hee had learned to giue honor onely to the Canonicall bookes of the Scripture and touching other Doctors though they excell in holin●sse and learning hee would not credit them vnlesse they pronouced truth and St. Paule saith proue all things follow that which is good and againe if an Angell teach otherwise let him bee accursed finally hee meekely besought them not to vrge his conscience captiued in the bands of the word of God to deny that excellent word After the Arch-bishop sent for Luther to his Chamber and tould him for the most part that at all times holy Scriptures haue ingendred errors and went about to ouerthrow this proposition that the Catholike Church is the communion of Saints presuming of cockle to make wheate and of bodily excrements to compact members Martin Luther and one Ierome Schu●ffe his companion reproued their follies Hee was oftentimes assayled to reforme the censure of his bookes vnto the Emperour and Empire or to the Generall Councell which he was content to doe so they would iudge them according to the word of God otherwise not aleaging the words of the Prophet trust you not in Princes nor in the children of men wherein is no health also cursed be hee that trusteth in men and when newes came hee should returne home hee sayd euen as it hath pleased God so it is come to passe the name of the Lord be blessed and sayd hee thanked the Emperour and Princes that they had giuen him gracious audience and graunted him safe conduct to come and returne and said hee desired in his heart they were reformed according to the sacred word of God and sayd hee was content to suffer any thing in himselfe for the Emperour but only the word of God he would constantly confesse vnto the latter end About a yeare after this Luther dyed when hee had liued almost thrée score and thrée yeares and had béene Doctor thrée and thirty yeares hee sayd at his death O heauenly eternall and mercifull Father thou hast manifested in mee thy deare Sonne Christ I haue taught and knowne him I loue him as my life health and redemption whom the wicked persecuted maligned and iniured drawe my soule to thée and sa●d thrise I commend my spirit into thy hands thou hast redéemed me God so loued the world that hee gaue his onely Sonne that all that beleeue in him should haue eternall life and so he dyed whose death was much lamented In the yeare 1516. the aforesaid French King receaued from Pope Leo a Iubile and pardons to be sould and so in England vnder the pretence of warre against the Turke they perswaded the people that whosoeuer would giue tenne shillings should deliuer his soule from the paine of Purgatory but if it lacked any thing of tenne shillings it would profit them nothing at that time Martin Luther was in Germany who vehemently inueyed against these indulgences aga●nst whom Iohn Eckius put forth himselfe they disputed before the people at last eyther of their arguments were sent to Paris to bee iudged by the Sorbonists the iudgment was long protracted In the meane time Pope Leo condemned Luther for Heresie and excommunicated him he appealed to the next Councell Pope Leo commanded Luthers bookes to bee burned openly Luther also burned the Popes decrees and Decretalls in the Uniuersity of Wittenberge In the yeere 1517. the Pope hauing crea●ed one and thirty Cardinalls thunder and lightening so strake the Church where the Cardinalls were created that it stroke the little child Iesus out of the lappe of his mother and the keyes out of St. Peters hands being Images in the Church of Rome In the yeare 1519. newes was brought to Pope Leo at supper that the Frenchmen were driuen out of Italy hee reioycing said God hath giuen me thrée things I returned from banishment with glory to Florence I haue deserued to bee called Apostolike and thereby I haue driuen the Frenchmen out of Italy as soone as he had spoken hee was stricken with a suddaine feuer and dyed shortly after What Godly man hath there euer beene for this fiue hundred yeares either vertuously disposed or excellently learned which hath not disproued the misordered and corrupt examples of the Sea and Bishop of Rome from time to time vntill the comming of Luther yet none euer could preuaile before the comming of this man the cause to bee supposed is this other men spake but against the pompe pride whoredome and auarice of the Pope Luther went further with him charged him with his Doctrine not picking at the rine but plucking vp the roote charging him with plaine Heresie as resisting against the blood of Christ for whereas the Gospell leadeth vs to bee iustified onely by the worthinesse of Christ and his bloud the Pope teacheth vs to séeke our saluation by mans merits and deseruings by workes whereupon rose all the Religious sects some professing one thing some another euery man seeking his owne righteousnes but Luther opened the eyes of many which before were drowned in darkenesse to behold that glorious benefit of the great liberty frée iustification set vp in Christ Iesus but the more glorious this benefit appeared to the world the greater persecution followed the same and where the Elect tooke most comfort of saluation the aduersaries tooke most vexation according as Christ sayd I came not to send peace but a sword therefore so great persecutions in all the world followed after Luther but in no
Idolatry to the bread and that Christ God and Man should dwell in a piece of bread but that he is in heauen sitting at the right hand of God but it is an Idoll as you vse it in the abhominable Masse making it a sacrifice propitiatory to the quicke and the dead and robbing the Church of one kind then Pauey bid Burne him Hereticke then he said God forgiue thee and shew thee more mercy then thou shewest me and God forgiue Sir Thomas Moore and prayed the people to pray for him and so praying died The next weeke after M. Pauey went vp into a Galery where he had a Roode before him and prayed and bitterly wept and his Maid finding him so doing he ●ad her take a rusty sword and make it cleane and not trouble him and immediatly hee tyed vp a rope and hung himselfe There was an Idoll named the Rood of Douer-Court many resort●d vnto it for it was blowne abroad that the power of it was so great that none could shut th● Church●doore where it stood whereupon soure men came ten miles thither and took the Idoll from the Shri●e and a quarter of a 〈◊〉 from the place fired him who burned so bright that he lighted them homeward one mile After three of them were indicted of fellony and hanged in Chaines one at Douer Court called N●cholas M●●sh Robert King in Dedham Robert Debnam at Cottaway which three persons a● their death did more edifie the people in godly learning then all the sermons preached there a long time before the fourth escaped the same yeare many Images were cast downe The Martirdome of Iohn Frith WHen Cardinall Wolsey prepared to build a Colledge in Oxford which now is called Christs Church whence he was sent for to the King being accused of certaine crimes in the way by immoderate purgations he killed himselfe and so left a most glorious péece of worke part but begun part halfe ended and but a smal part fully finished He appointed to that Colledge all such as were found to excell in any kind of learning amongst whom this Iohn Frith was one and William Tindall and Tauernar of Bostone and Iohn Clark and many others These were accused of heresie by the Cardinall and impri●oned in a déep Caue in t●e same Colledge where they were all infected through the stinke of Fish and Iohn Clarke wi●h other good men whose names are not kn●wne died but Frith escaped and departed out of England for foure yeares and returning home Sir Thomas Moore promised great rewards to them that could take him and laid all the hauens for him At length he was taken at Reading for a Uacabound and being put in the stockes hee sent for the Schoolemaister and began in the Lattine tongue to bewaile his captiuity the Schoole-maister being ouercome with his eloquen●e tooke pitty on him and loue● his excellent wit then they fell to the Gréeke tongue wherewith he so inflamed the loue of the Schoole-maister that he went to the Magistrates and got him to be set at liberty without punishment but after he was trayterously taken and sent to the Tower where he had many conflicts with the Bishops but especially in writing with Sir Thomas Moore who wrote against certaine writings of Frithes against the Sacrament of the Altar which came to Sir Thomas Moores hands and Frith hauing gotten a Coppy of it wrote against it Cranmer Archbishop in his Apology against the Bishop of Winchester séemeth to haue collecte● Friths reasons aboundantly What Articles were obiected vnto him appeareth by a breefe Commentary written and sent to his friends out of prison as followeth First the whole matter of the examination was two Articles to wit purgatory and the substance of the Sacrament Touching purgatory they asked whether I beleeued that there was any place to purg● the spots of the dead after this life I denied there was any because the nature of man consisteth but of two parts the body and mind one Christ purgeth in this world by laying afflictions vpon vs and death the reward of sinne is laid vpon it but our soules are purged with the word of God which we drinke in through Faith to the saluation both of body and soule If you will shew a third part of man I will grant you a third place which you call Purgatory otherwise I must deny vnto you the Bishops shop of Purgatory Secondly it was required of me whether the very body of Christ were in the Sacrament of the Altar I answered it is both Christs body ours for as of many corns is made one loafe so we being diuers are but one body in Christ therein it signifieth our body so of the Wine that is made of many clusters one liquor But the same bread againe in that that it is broken signifieth the body of Christ declaring his body to be broken and put to death for our redemption and in that it is distributed the fruit of his Passion is signified the communication whereof equally redounds to all Christians And againe when it is receiued to be eaten it is the signification of the bodie of Christ admonishing vs that our inward man is refr●shed by the merits of Christ euen as the bread is receiued with our mouth to the outward nourishment of the body Then said they dost thou beléeue the very body of Christ to be contained in th● Sacrament really without trope or figure He answered No surely I doe not so thinke and when by no meanes he could be perswaded to recant hee was condemned to be burned When he was tyed to the stake in Smithfield there it dot● significantly appeare with what constancy he suffered he willingly embraced the fag●●ts fire the wind blowing away the fire to his fellow that was tyed at his back and b●rned with him made his death the longer but God gaue him such strength and patience that as though he had felt no paine in that long torment he séemed rather to reioyce for his fellow then to be carefull for himselfe The examination of ANDREVV HEVVET that was burned with IOHN FRITH HE was a Prentice in Watling-stréete to a Taylor when he was asked what he thought touching the Sacrament of the last Supper he answered euen as Iohn Frith doth Then one of the Bishops said Dost thou not beléeue that it is really the body of Christ borne of the Uirgin Mary He said that I do not beléeue why said the Bishop he said Christ commanded me not to giue rash credit to them which say Behold here is Christ and there is Christ for many false Prophets shall rise vp saith the Lord. Then Stokly Bishop of London said Frith is condemned for an heretick and except thou reuoke thine opinion thou shalt be burned with him he said he was content The Bishop vsed many perswasi●ns to alure him to recant but could not wherefore he was burned with Frith as before When they were at the stake one Doctor Coke admonished all the people
well for Paul writ to the Corinthians to haue the man excommunicated that had lien with his Fathers wife Smith As the Church of Corinth was manifest to God and Paule so is this Church in England else you could not persecute it as you do I being conuayed into the Garden Doctor Dee being one of the Bishops Chaplaines came to me and after much adoe about his God I compelled him to say that it must needs enter into the belly and so fall out ●nto the draught then hee said What derogation was it to Christ when the Iewes spit in his face and I answered If the Iewes his enemies did but spit in his face and wee being his friends throw him in the draught which of vs haue deserued the greater damnation Doctor Then he would haue Christs humanitie incomprehensible bringing to serue his turne which way Christ came amongst his Disciples the doores being close shut Smith I haue as much to proue that the doores opened at his comming as you haue to proue that he came thorow the doores for God that opened the prison doores for his Disciples was able to doe the like for Christ but that maketh not for your purpose for they saw heard and felt him and so cannot you do in your sacrament Then I was called for before Bonner and my Lord Mayor was with him and my articles were read then said Bonner Bonner My Lord they call me bloudie Bonner where I neuer sought any mans blood I haue stayed him from the Consistory this day whither I might haue brought him iustlie and heere before you I desire him to turne and I will with all spéed dispatch him out of trouble Smith Why do you put on this visard before my Lord Mayor to make him beléeue you séeke not my blood Haue not you burned my Brother Tomkins hand most cruelly and after burned his body and the bodies of a number more of Christs faithfull members Then he questioned with me about the Sacrament and I said as the body is dead if the blood be gone so their Sacrament is a dead God because they take away the blood of Christ from his body being the Cup is taken from the Layty for if the Br●ad be his body the Cup must bee his blood Then Bonner rose and my Lord Mayor desired me to saue my soule I said mine was saued by Christ desiring him to pittie his owne soule and remember whose sword hee carried so with many foule farewels we were sent to New-gate againe and Boner gaue the Keeper charge to lay me in Limbo The second Examination Boner THou saést there is no Catholick Church on earth I said I haue answered you the contrarie and it is written he said yea but I must aske you this Question Smith Must you begin with a lye it seemeth you determine to end with the same but no lyer shall enter into the kingdome of God I haue con●essed a church of God as well in earth as in heauen and yet all one Church and one mans members euen Christ Iesus Boner Well what saist thou by auricular Confession Smith It is needfull in Christs Church but if it be needfull in your Church it is to pick folkes purses and such pick●purse matters is the whole rabblemene of your ceremonies for all is but money matters that you maintaine he said thou maist be ashamed to say so I said I speake by experience for I haue heard seene the fruits of Confession it hath béene a betrayer of Kings secrets and others who b●ing glad to be discharged of their sinnes haue giuen to Priests great summes of money to absolue them and sing Masses for their so●les health Boner By the Masse if the Queene were of my minde you should not talke before any man but should be put in a S●ck and a Dog tyed vnto the sam● you should be throwne into the water Smith You and your predecessors haue sought by all meanes to kill Christ secretly as appeareth by Master Hunne whom your predecessor caused to be thrust into the nose with ho●e burning needles and then hanged him and said he hanged himselfe and another of your predecessors when he could not ouercome an innocent man by Scripture he made him priuily to be snarled and his flesh to be torne away with pincers and told the people the rats had eaten him Bonner Then came in M. Mordant and then he said How sayest thou Smith to the seuen Sacraments Smith I beleeue that in Gods Church there be but two Sacraments Baptisme and the Lords Supper as for your Sacrament of the Altar and all your other Sacraments they may well serue your Church but Gods Church hath nothing to do with them Bonner Why is Gods order changed in baptisme Smith Yes in hallowing the water in coniuring of the same in baptising children with annointing and spitting in their monthes mingled with salt and with many other lewd ceremonies then be said by the masse I was the shamelest hereticke that euer he heard speake I said well sworne my Lord you keepe a good watch Bonner Well M●ister Controller you catch me at my words but I will watch thée as well I warrant you then quoth Mordant I neuer heard the like in my life I pray my Lord marke well his answer for Baptisme he disaloweth therein holi● oyntment salt and other lawdable ceremonies Smith It is a shamefull blasphemy against Christ to vse such mingle mangle in Baptisme Boner I beléeue if a child die without Baptisme he is damned Smith You sha●l neuer be saued by that beléefe I pray are we saued by water or by Christ he said by both I said then the water died for our sinnes and must you say that the water hath life and it being our seruant and created for vs it is our Sauiour This is a good doctrine is it not Bonner How vnderstand you these words Except a man bee borne of Water and the Spirit and Christ saith Suffer little Children to come vnto me and if thou wilt not suffer them to be baptised according to the lawdabl● order thou lettest to come vnto Christ. Smith Paul to the Galathians asheth whether they rec●iued the Spirit by the deeds of the law or by the preaching of fai●h and concludeth that the Holy Ghost accompanieth preaching of faith and with the word of faith entereth into the heart so if Baptisme preach vnto me the washing in Christs bloud the holy Ghost doth accompanie it and Christ saith Suffer little children to come vnto me and not vnto water then if you suffer them not to com to Christ without the necessity of water but condemne them if they die before baptisme you condemne both the merits and the words of Christ. Bonner Thou makest the water of no●● effect and then thou mayest put away water Smith Peter saith It is not the washing away of the filth of the flesh but in that a good conscience consenteth vnto God and onely water bringeth not the Holy Ghost for Simon
bee truely ministred according to Christs institution If I come in Faith that Christ was borne for me and that he suffered death for the remission of my sinnes and that I shall bee saued by his death and eate the Bread and drinke the Wine in remembrance of him Then I receiue whole Christ God and Man mystically by Faith The fat Priest What afoole thou art canst not tell what mystically is Wood. God hath chosen such fooles as I am to confound such a wise thing as you are Winch. Answere the Sacrament of the Altar whether it bee not the body of Christ before it be receiued and whether it bee not the body of Christ to whomsoeuer receiueth it tell me or else I will excommunicate thée Wood. I will not answere you you are not mine Ordinarie Then Chichester said I am not consecrated No said I yours bee all Cow Calues meaning therby that hee had not his Bull from Rome Th●● they called me all to naught and said I was madde Then I said so Festus said to Paul when hee spake sober words and truth of the Spirit of God as I doe but you be your selues as you iudge mee you will all goe to hell if you condemne me if you haue not especiall grace to repent with sp●c● Winch. We goe about to saue thy soule if thou wilt be ruled Wood. No man can saue my soule for Christ hath saued it already euen before the foundation of the world was laid The Fat Priest Here is another heresie thou canst not tell what thou saist was the soule saued before it was Wood. I say the truth looke in the first to the Ephesians and there you shall find it where S. Paul saith God hath chosen vs in Christ before the foundation of the world that we should be holy and without blame before him through loue and thereto we were predestinated The Fat Priest S Iames saith Faith without workes is dead and we haue free-will to doe good workes Wood. I doe not disallow good workes for a good faith cannot be without good workes yet not of our selues but it is the gift of God as S. Paul saith it is God that worketh in vs both the will and the deed euen of his good will VVinch Make and ●nd answere to me My Lord Cardinall hath appointed the Archdeacon of Canterbury thine Ordinary he can appoint whom he will before the Bishop is consecrated and so they all affirmed Wood. I will beleeue neuer a one of you all for you be turne coates changelings and wauering minded neither hote nor cold therefore GOD will spu● you out For in King Edwards time you taught the Doctrine that was set sorth then and now you teach the contrarie which words made the most part of them quake VVinch He is the naughtiest varlet and heretick that euer I knew I wil reade sentence against him but I spared them not but spake freely they that stood by rebuked me saying you cannot tell whom you speake vnto Wood. They be but men I trow I haue spoken to better men then they for anything I see except they repent with speed Then I told the Bishop of Winchester if you condemne me you will be condemned in hell if you repent not for I am not afraid to die for Gods sake Winchest For Gods sake nay for the Diuels sake neither was Iudas afraid to die that hanged himselfe as thou wilt kill thy selfe because thou wilt not be ruled How say you will you confesse that Iudas receiued the body of Christ vnworthily VVood. If you can prooue in all the Bible that any man euer eat the body of Christ vnworthily then I will be with you in all things Then a Priest said S. Paul saith in the 11. of the first to the Corinthians He that eateth this bread drinketh this cup vnworthily eateth and drinketh his own damnation because he maketh no difference of the Lords body Wood. He saith not who so eateth this body vnworthily nor drinketh this blood vnworthily But he saith who so eateth this bread and drinketh this cup vnworthily eateth and drinketh his o●ne damnation because hee maketh no difference of the Sacrament which representeth the Lords body and other bread and drink here good people you sée they are not able to proue their sayings true Wherefore I cannot beléeue them in any thing they do Then Winchester read sentence of excommunication against me when hee had done I would haue spoken but they cried away with him The third examination Chich. HOw say you to the Sacrament of the Altar I said he ment the Sacrament of the body and bloud of Christ and not of the Altar of stone He said yes that he did How vnderstand you the Altar otherwise Wood. It is written in the 18. of Mathew wheresoeuer two or three be gathered together in Christs name he is in the middest of them whatsoeuer they aske in earth shall be granted in heauen And in the 5. of Mat. When thou commest vnto the Altar and remembrest that thy brother hath ought against thee leaue thine offering and be first reconciled to thy brother and then offer thy gift In these two places of Scripture I proue Christ is the true Altar whereon euery one ought to offer his gifts First Christ being in the middest of them that are gathered together in his name there is the Altar so we may be bold to offer our gifts if we be in Charitie if we be not we must leaue our gift and be first reconciled vnto our Brother Some will say how shall I agrée with mine aduersary when he is not néere by 100. miles may I not pray vntill I haue spoken with him if thou presume to pray in the congregation and thinke euill vnto any thou askest vengeance vpon the selfe Therefore agrée with thine aduersarie that is make thy life agréeable to Gods Word resolue in thy heart that thou aske God the world forgiuenes intending neuer to affend them more all such may be hold to offer their gift Chichest I neuer heard any vnderstand it so no not Luther that great hereticke that was condemned by a generall Councell and his picture burned I will shew you the true vnderstanding of the Altar and the offering wee haue an Altar said Paul that you may not eat off meaning that no man might eat of that which was offered vpon the Altar but the Priest For in Pauls time all the liuing that the Priests had the people came and offered it vpon the Altar mony or other things and when the people came to offer it and remembred that they had any thing against there Brother then they left their offering vpon the Altar and went and were reconciled vnto their Brother and came againe and offered their gift and the Priest had it this is the true vnderstanding of it VVood. That was the vse of the old law Christ was the end of it and though it were offered in Pauls time that maketh not that it
very good but none almost frō the first to the last which was not either slain in war or murdred in peace or constrained to make himselfe a Monk whether it were the iust iudgment of God because they had violently dispossessed the Brittains they were not only vexed of the Danes conquered of the Normans but more cruelly deuoured themselues Ethelbert King of Cambridgeshire Norffolke and Suffolke came peaceably to King Offa for dispousage of Athilrid his Daughter and by the Councel of King Offa his Wife was secretly beheaded Wherevpon Offa through repentance made the first peter-pence to be giuen to S. Peters Church at Rome One Lothbrooke a Dane of the Kings blood being a hauking by the Sea-side in a little Boat was cast by weather vpon the Coast of Norffolke and being brought to King Edmund he retained him in great fauour at length he was priuily murdered by one Bericke which being knowne Bericke was sent away in Lothbrookes Boate without tackling and was driuen into Denmarke and being séene in Lothbrookes Boate and examined of Lothbrooke he falsely said the King had killed him Wherevpon Iugner and Hubba Lothbrookes Sonnes gathering an Army of Danes inuauaded first Northumberland then Norffolke and sent to King Edmund to deuide his Treasures to him and be subiect to him else he would dispossesse him of his ●ingdome he answered he would not be subiect to a Pagan Duke vnlesse before hee become a Christian then the Danes besiedged his house but he fled and pitched a fielde with them but the Danes preuailing he fled to the Castle of Halesdon where they tooke him and bound him to a stake and shot him to death Seauen or eight Kings are highly commended in the Histories for leauing there Kingdomes and becomming Moonkes but they are more to be discommended for leauing their calling wherein they might so much benefite the Church There were foure Persecutions in England before Austen came into England the first vnder Dioclesian the second by the inuading of Gnarius and Melga one captaine of the Hunnes the other of the Picts after they had slaughtered 11000. Uirgines as before made a rode into Brittaine hearing it wanted strength and murdered Christians and spoiled Churches without mercy the third by the Saxons who destroyed Christs Saints and the Churches vntill Aurelius Ambrosius restored again the Churches the fourth Gurmundus King of the Affricans ioyned with the Saxons and wrought much grieuance to the Christians of the Land which persecution remained to the time of Ethelbert the fift King of Kent In the t●me of Ethelbert the faith was receiued of the Saxons by this meanes Gregory Bishop of Rome seeing Brittaine Children to be sould in Rome very beautifull vnderstanding what Country they were of pittied that the Country which was so beautifull and angellicall so to be subiect to the prince of darkenes Wherefore he sent thither Austen with about forty Preachers with him and when they were apaled and would haue turned backe again Gregory emboldned and comforted them with his Letter so they came to the I le of ●henet in Kent Ethelbert as before was King of Kent he had married one Berda a French Woman vpon condition shee should vse the Christian Religion with one Lebardus her Byshop Austen sent to the King signifying hee was come from Rome bringing with him glad tydings to him and all his people of life and saluation if he would so willingly hearken vnto it as he was gladly come to preach it vnto him The King hauing heard of this Religion by his Wife came to the place where Austen was Austen against his comming erected a Banner of the Crucifire such then was the grosenesse of the time and preached to him the word of God the King promised they should haue all things necessary and none should molest them and gaue them frée leaue to preach to his subiects and conuert whom they might to the Faith When they had this comfort of the King they went with procession to Canterbury singing Alleluia with the Letany that was vsed at Rome in the great plague We beséech thée O Lord in all thy mercies that thy fury and anger may cease from this Citty and from thy holy house for we haue sinned Alleluia they continued in the same Citty preaching and baptizing in the old Church of S. Martine where the Quéene was wont to resort vntill the King was conuerted at length the King séeing their myracles and their godly conuersation he heard them gladly and was conuerted in the thirty sixe yeare of his raigne Anno 586. After him innumerable daily were adioyned vnto the Church whom the King did specially imbrase but compelled none then the King gaue Austen a place for his Byshops Sea at Christs Church in Canterbury and builded the Abbey there where after Austen and all the Kings of Kent were buried which now is called S. Austine Then Austen by the commandement of Gregory went into France to the Bishop of Arelatensis to be consecrated Arch-byshop and so was then Austen sent to Gregory so declare how they had sped and to be resolued of diuers questions how Bishops should behaue themselues towards their Clarke of offerings and Ceremonies and what punishment for stealing Church goods and such like to no great purpose therefore if thou béest disposed to sée them I referre thee to the Booke at large Gregory after he had sent resolutions to these questions sendeth moreouer more Coadiutors as Melitus Iustus Paulinus and Ruffianus with Books and implements necessary for the English Church and in reward of Austines paines he sent him a Pal onely to be vsed at the solemnity of the Masse and granteth two Metropolitane Seas London and Yorke but granted to Austen during his life to be cheefe Arch-bishop of all the Land and that they should not destroy the idolatrous Temples but conuert them to Christian vses and that Austine should not be proud of the myracles that God wrought by him that he should remember they were not done for him but for their conuersion whose saluation God sought thereby Then he wrote to King Ethelbert first hee praysed GOD then the King by whom it pleased God to worke such goodnesse of the people then exhorted him to perseuer in his profession and to be zealous therein to conuert the multitude and destroy Idolatry and to gouerne them in holinesse of conuersation according to the Emperor Constantinus the Great comforting him with the promises of life and reward to come Austine receiuing his Pall as aboue said and of a Monke being made an Arch-Byshop hee made two Metropolitanes as Gregorie commaunded then Austine assembled the Byshops and Doctors of Brittaine in this assembly hee charged the Byshoppes that they should preach the Word of GOD with him also that they should reforme certaine rites and vsages in the Church especially for keeping of Easter and baptizing after the manner of Rome the Scots and Brittaines would not agree thereto refusing to leaue the custome which
they so long time had continued Beda Fabianus others write of a myracle wrought vpon a Blinde Englishman when the Brittaines could not helpe him Austine kneeling downe and praying restored him to sight before them all for a confirmation as these Authours say of keeping of Easter I leaue the credite of the myracle to the Authors of whom I had it Austine gathered another Sinode to the which seauen Byshoppes and the wisest Men of the famous Cittie of Bangor came they tooke councell of a holy man whether they should be obedient to Austine he had them agree to him if hee bee the Seruant of GOD and you shall know it by his humblenesse and meekenesse you are the greater number if he at your comming into the Sinode arise vp and courteously receiue you perceiue him to be an humble and meeke man but if he shall contemne and despise you despise you him againe thus the Brittaine Byshoppes entring into the Councell Austine after the Romish manner keeping his Chaire would not remooue wherefore they being very much offended thereat after some heate of words departed in great displeasure to whom Austine said If they would not receiue peace with their Brethren they should receiue war with their Enemies There was in Bangor in Wales an exceeding great Monastery wherein was two thousand and one hundred Monkes the Monkes came out of this Monasterie to Chester to pray for Brocmayle fighting for them against the Saxons Ethelbert King of Northumberland seeing them intenti●e to their prayers and perceiuing it was to pray for their Consull he said although they beare no Weapon yet with their praiers and preaching they persecute vs he commaunded his men to kill them who killed or rather martyred 1100. of them The Authors that wrote this say that the forespeaking of Austine was verified on them but Galfridus Monumetensis saith that Ethelbert the King of Kent being conuerted by Austine to Christs Faith seeing the Brittaines deny their subiection to Austine therefore stirred vp the said Ethelfrid to warre against the Brittaines After Austine had baptized 10000. in a Riuer called Swale by Yorke on a Christmas day perceiuing his end to draw neere ordained Laurencius his Successor by his Baptizing in Riuers it followeth there was then no vse of Fonts and the Rites of baptizing in Rome was not then so ceremoniall nor had so many trinkets as it hath since and not long after Austine died after he had sitten Arch-bishop 15. or 16. yeares About this time also Gregory died who was called the basest of all the Byshops before him and the best of all that came after him Ranulphus Cestrensis writeth that Iohn the Patriarch of Alexandria as he was at prayer there appeared vnto him a comely Uirgine hauing on her head a Garland of Oliue Leaues which named her selfe Mercy promising him if he would take her to Wife hee should prosper well After that day this Patriarch was so mercifull to the poore that he counted them his Maisters and himselfe as Steward vnto them Gregory withstood the pride of Iohn Patriarke of Constantinople which would be the Uniuersall and Cheefe Bishop of all others calling him the fore-runner of Antichrist he brought in the Title of the Pope Seruus seruorum Dei Sabinianus succeeded him two yeares a malicious Detractor of his workes after him succeeded Bonifacius the third one yeare After Phocas had murdered his owne Maister Mauricius the Emperor and his Children thinking to establish the Empire to himselfe by friendship of his people and especially with the Pope he granted Boniface all his Petitions and to bee Uniuersall head Byshop ouer all Churches Hiraclius the Emperour that succeeded Phocas cut of his hands and feete and threw him into the Sea but Rome would not so soone loose the supremacy once giuen as the giuer lost his life for euer since they haue maintained the same with all force and pollicy by the word of Gregorie Boniface may well be called the fore-runner of Antichrist as Gregory brought in the Stile of Seruus seruorum Dei so he brought in Volumus mandamus Statuimus praecipimus Besides the building of Pauls as aforesaid by Ethelbert King of Kent and Sigebert King of Essex Ethelbert also founded the Church of S. Andrew in Rochester Moreouer he caused a Cittizen to make Westminster Abbey which was inlarged and new builded by Edward the Confessor and new re-edified by Henry the third and when he had raigned 56. yeares he died Anno 616. The foresaid Ethelfrid King of Northumberland after the cruell murder of the Monkes at Bangor was not long after slaine in the Fielde of Edwine who succeeded him in his Kingdome First this Ethelfride enuying this Edwine persecuted him who hauing fled from him as he sat in his Study a Stranger appeared vnto him and said I know thy thought and heauinesse what wouldst thou giue him that should deliuer thee out of this feare and make thee a mightier King then any of thy Predecessors and shew thee a better way of life then euer was sh●wed to any of thy Ancestors wilt thou obey him and doe after his councell yea said Edwine promising with all his heart so to do and the stranger laying his hand on his head he said when this is come to passe remember thy tribulation and the promise which thou hast made and with that hee vanished away Presently a Friend of his came to him and said the heart of King Redwaldus is with thee This Redwaldus suddainely assembled an Hoast wherewith he suddainely gaue Ethelfride battell and slew him whereby Edwine was quietly King of Northumberland He marryed the Daughter of Ethelbert King of Kent Edwine yet remained a Pagan albeit his Queene a Christian and Paulinus the Byshoppe ceased not to perswade him to the Christian Faith When Paulinus saw the King so hard to bee conuerted he prayed to God for his conuersion who reuealer vnto him the Uision before mentioned whereupon Paulinus comming to the King he laie his hand● on the Kings head and aked if he knew that token the King be●ring the Uision and remembring the token would haue fal●en at his f●ete but suffe●ed him not saying O King you haue vaquished your enemies and obtained your Kingdom now receiue the Faith of Christ as you promised whereupon the King was baptized of Paulinus at Yorke with many of his seruants and his Idolatrous Priests which by their old Law mustride but vpon Mar●s ga●e vpon Horses and rode and destroyed all the Altars of their Idols and their Idols Temple After this conuersion was so great peace in the Kingdome o● Edwin that a woman laden with gold might goe safe from the one side of the Sea vnto the other and by all his high waies he chained a Bowle of brasse at euery Fountaine for passengers to refresh themselues with and no man tooke them away during his life King Oswald a Christian by prayer vnto God with a little company ouerc●me Cadwallo and Penda
number of Holly daies and the increase of vice thereby whoores say they vantage more in one Holy day then in fiftie other dayes and of the curious singing in Cathedrall Churches wherein much time is spent that might better be be●towed in other Sciences and learning And of the multitude of begging Fryers and other professed men and women the cause of Idlenesse and vncomely life of promotion of euill Prelates and their negligence in reprouing vice Of the wantonnesse of their seruants and their excesse in apparell Of the excessiue gaines of the prelates and their officers for their Seales giuing them they care not for what so they get money That Prelates bée too slacke in looking to non residents Of giuing benifices not for godlinesse and learning but for fauour friendship or hope of gaine of which commeth the great ignorance in the Church How Prelates wast the Church goods in superfluitie on kinsfolkes or worse wayes and not on the poore How by negligence the Bookes of the olde Co●ncels and o● the new are not to be found which should be kept in all Cathedral Churches The negligence of Pre●ates and their voluptuousnesse by example of Storks whose nature is if one leau● his mate and ioyne with another all the rest fly on him and plucke his feathers off so and much more should prelates d●e to their fellowes that defile so many and stinke in the whole Church And as E●dras in purging Israel from strange women began with the priests so now the purgation ought to begin with them as it is written in Ezechi●ll Begin with my Sarctuary c. Againe if the whole Realme of France was interdicted because Phillip the King had but one Concubine which was not his lawfull wife And the King of Portugall sequestred from his Dominion and thought by the Clergie insufficient to rule What shall be said to prelates which abuse mens Wiues Uirgings Nunnes and are insufficient to take charge of Soules About this ti●●e the Order of the Knights of the Rhodes called Iohannits and the Order of the Te●●lers rose vp After Honorius succéeded Pope Innocentius the 2. At euery mutation of new Popes came new troubles sometime two Popes sometimes thrée together The Romaines elected another Pope called Anacletus betwixt whom was great conflicts The Duke of Sicile taking with Anacletus vntill Lotharius the Emperour droue Anacletus 〈◊〉 of Italy This Pope decréed that whose strucke a shauen Priest should be excommunicated and not absolued but onely by the Pope Steuen king of England reserued to himselfe the authoritie of bestowing Spirituall liuings and of inuesting Prelates At which time Lodouicus the Emperoue would haue done the like had not Bernardus giue in him contrary councell At this time came in the manner of cursing with Booke Bell and Candle in a Councell of London holden by William Bishop of Winchester vnder Pope Celestinus successor of Innocentius After Lotharius succeeded in the Emperiall Crowne Conradus Nephew of Henry the fift he raigned 15. yeares There was diuerse Popes in his dayes as Celestinus the 2. Lucius the 2. E●genius the 3. at which times the Romaines endeauored to recouer the old manner of chusing Con●uls and Senators but the Popes being in their ruffe would not abide it which caused much ciuill warre insomuch that Pope Lucius sent 〈◊〉 the Emperour for ayde who thought to haue dest●oyed them in the Senate but they were ware o● it and were all in aray the Pope being in the fight was well pelted with stones and blowes that he liued not long after Eugenius cursed the Romaines for that matter with excommunication which when he saw would not serue came vpon them with his Host and compelled them to abolish their Consuls and to take such presidents as the Pope should assigne Then followed Anastatius the 4. after him Adrianus the 4. an English man called Breakespeare belonging once to Saint Albons he likewise kept great slur●e with the Citizens of Rome to abolish Consuls with cursing and warres vntill he had brought them vnder In the meane time Fredericus called Barbarossa succeeded Conradus in the Empire marched to Italy to subdue rebels the Pope and his Clergie met him to haue ayde against their enemies the Emperour lighted to receiue him and held his left stirrop where he should the right the Pope displeased he smiling excused himselfe as not vsed to hold stirrops and that it was not of duetie the next day the emperour sent for him receiued him and held his right stirrop and all was well When they came in the Pope told the Emperour that his predecessors left some token of beneuolence for crowning of them as Carolus Magnus subdued the Lumbards Otho the Bexingarians Lotharius the Normans therefore required him to restore the Country of Ap●lia to the Church of Rome He and his Princes seeing he could not otherwaies ●e crowned promised to doe it and the next day was crowned Whilst the Emperour was prouiding for Apulia the Pope excommunicated William Duke thereof and sent Emanuell Emperour of Constantinople incensing him to warre against the said Duke Th● Duke hearing it sent vnto the Pope for peace promising to restore what hee would which the Pope by the Councell of the Cardinals would not grant The Duke put Emanuell the Emperour to flight and besieged the C●tie Bene●entum where the Pope and Cardinals were looking for victory that they were glad to intreat for the peace they refused the Duke onely granted not to inuade the possessions of Rome and the P●pe made him King of both Sicils The Pope was so troubled with the Senators and Consuls of Rome that when his curses would not auaile he was faine to remoue from Rome to Ariminium The Emperour considering the wrongs the Pope had done to his predecessors required of the Bishops of Germany Homage and Oath of alegiance commaunding if the Popes Legats came thither without sending for they should not be receiued charging his subiects not to appeale to Rome and prefixed his name in his Letters before the Popes name Whereupon the Pope wrote to him that God promiseth long life to th●m that honoured their Parents and death to them that cursed them and the word of truth saith He that exal●eth himselfe shall be brought lowe He maruelled not a little that he shewed not the reuerence he ought to blessed Saint Peter and the holy Church of Rome 〈◊〉 preferre your name before Ours wherein your incurre the note of insolencie or rather arrogancie How kéepe you the Oath of fidelitie to Saint Peter and vs séeing you require Homage and Alegiance of them that be Gods and all the sonnes of the high God and presume to ioyne their holy hands with yours and exclude from your Churches and Cities our Cardinals Legates from our side amend amend ●hile you go● about to obtaine the things you haue not I feare mée your Honour will loose the things which you haue The Emperour wrote againe that Iustice giueth to
receiued with much sauour through the helpe of Phillip the french king The Emperour hearing thereof came with great power to Italy where he destroyed great cities and came to Rome required the Citizens that the cause betwixt the 〈◊〉 Popes might be decided and hee that had the bestright to be taken for Pope and then he would restore to them that which he had taken Alexander doubting his part and the wils of the Citizens hauing ships prepared fet●hed a course about to Uenis The Emperour required the Uenetians to send him but they would not wherefore Fredericus sent thither his Sonn● Otho with men and ships well appointed charging him to attempt nothing before his comming notwithstanding he ioyned with the Uenetians in battell and was ouercome taken and brought into the Citie The farther to redeeme his Sonne was compelled to submit himselfe to the hope and intreat peace To the Emperour comming to Uenis at S. Markes Church where the Pope was there to take his absolution was hid to knéels downe at the popes féete the proud Pope set his foote vpon the Emperours neck and said Super aspidem basilicum ambulabis concultabis leonem et Draconem ●e an●i●●red Non tibi sed Petro. The Pope againe Et mihi Petro. The Emperour fearing more quarreling held his peace and peace was made betwixt them First that hée should receiue Alexander for true Pope then that he should restore to the Church of Rome all that he tooke from it thus he obtained his sonne Alexander was Pope ●1 yeares he kept sondry Councels at ●urd and Lat●ran wh●re he confirmed the proceedings of Hildebrand and other his predecessors In this time spung vp the Doctrine of the Waldenses which was of one Waldus a chiefe Senator of Lion● in France The aforesaid Gratianus master of Decrees and Petrus Lumbardus at this time did much maintaine proud Prelacie after whom followed two as euill or worse Franciscus and Dominicus maintaining as much blinde hypocrisie I● pleased God to raise vp the Waldenses against their Doctrine of Pride and hypocrisie Thus we neuer see any great corrup●i●n in the Churc● but s●me sparke of the true ligh● of the Gospell by Gods prouidence doth remaine howsoeuer their aduersari●● 〈◊〉 them yet by the Iudiciall ●●aying their Articles thou shalt finde that they maintained nothing else but the same doctrine wh●●h we now defend yet I suppose the Papist did gather th●m and wrest them otherwi●e then they were ment as they did them of Wiclife and H●s It chanced that certaine of the chiefe of the citie of Lions went a walking with the aforesaid Waldus of whome came the Waldenses was one one of them f●ll downe suddainly dead the sight whereof smo●e this Waldus with a ●eepe and inward repentance with a carefull study to reforme his life First he began to giue large almes to the needy Secondly to instruct his family and himselfe with the knowledge of Gods word Thirdly to exhort all that resorted to him to rep●ntance and v●r●uous life by his almes and diligent teaching more resorted to him dayly to whom he gaue certaine rudiments of the Scripture The Bishops and Prelates seeing him so meddle with Scripture and to haue such a resort about him though it were but in his owne house moued with great malice against him threatned to excommunicate him if he did not leaue so to doe He neglecting the threatnings of the wicked said God must be obeyed more then man and was the more diligent to set forth the Doctrine of Christ against the errours of Antichrist When they saw their excommunication dispised they ceased not with prison with sword and banishment to prosecute till they had driuen the said Waldus and all his fauourers out of the city Here followeth their Articles they held 1 That the holy Scripture is to be beleeued in matters pertaining to saluation and no man besides 2 All things contained in holy Scripture necessary to saluation and nothing to bee admitted in Religion but what onely is commaunded in the word of God 3 To be but one onely Mediator other saints to be made in no wise Mediators to be inuocated 4 That there is no Purgatory but all men either by Christ are Iustified or without Christ condemned besides these two neither thre nor foure places 5 That all Masses sunge for the deads are wicked and to be abrogated 6 All mens traditions to be reiected at least not to be reputed necessary to saluation therefore singing and superflueus chaunting in the Chaun●ell to be left constrai●ied and prefixed ●aste bound to dayes and times differences of meats varieties of ●egres and orders of Priests Fryers Monkes Nunnes super●luous holy dayes so many bene dictions and hallowing of creatures vowes Pilgrimages with all the rablement of Ceremonies brought in by men to be abolished 7 The supremacie of the Pope vsurping aboue all Churches and especially aboue all polliti●ue Realmes and Gouernments or for him to occupie and vsurpe the Iurisdiction of both swords to be denyed neither that any other degree is to be receiued in the Church but only Priests Deacons and Bishops 8 The Communion of both kinds to be necessary to all people according to the institution of Christ. 9 I ●●●m the Church of Rome to be the very Babilon spoken of in the Reuelation and the Pope to be the fountaine of all error and the very Antichrist 10 They reiect the Popes pardons and indulgences 11 The mariage of Pri●sts and ecclesiasticall persons to be Godly and necessary in the Church 12 Such as heare the word of God and haue a good Faith to bee ●he right Church of Christ and to this Church the Key●s of the Church to be giuen to driue away wolues and to institute true Pastors to preach the word and institute the Sacraments these were their principall Articles Being exiled they dispersed in diuerse places of whom many remained long after in Bohemia E●eas Syluius in the Bohemian Histories writeth that these Articles they held The Bishop of Rome to be equall with other Bishops no difference of degrées amongst Priests no Priest to bee reputed for the dignitie of his Order but for the worthynesse of his life No Purgatory as before in vaine to pray for the dead a thing onely ●ound out for the lu●●ee of Priests The Image of God as of the Trinitie and of Saints to be abolished The hallowing of ●●ater and palmes a ridic●e The religious of begging Friers to be found out by the Diuell That Priests sho●l● not incro●h riches but bee content with their Tythes and mens deuotions The preaching of the Word to be frée to all men called thereunto No deadly sinne to be tollerated for what respect soeuer of greater commodity to ensue thereby Confirmation of Bishops with oyle and extreame v●●tion none o● the Sacraments Auricul●r confession but a toy Baptisme to bee ministred onely with pure water without mixture of holy oyle The Maiestie of God not to bee restrained
against Becket cited him to appeare at a certaine day and place where at the time all the Péeres Nobles with the Clergy were assembled by the Kings proclamation where great fault was found with Becket because he did not appear but by Deputy Whervpon by the publike sentence both of the Nobles and Bishops all his moueables were adiudged to be confiscate to the King the stuborne Archbishop answered he was primate spirituall Father not onely of all other in the Realme but of the King himselfe and that it was not conuenient the Children should iudge the Father and the the flock the Pastor but especially complaineth of his fellow Bishops which should haue tooke their Metropolitans part the next day the King laide an action against him for the iniury done to his Marshall and required the Archbishop to repay him 500. markes which he lent him when he was Chancellor he answered it was giuen him but could bring no probation therof whervpon the King required him to put in an assurance for the paiment wherevpon 5. persons of their own accord st●pped in and were bound for it else the Archbishop had béen in a great strait the third day he was charged with other monies due vnto the King by reason of many Bishopricks Abbaricks which he had kept long vacant in his hands he al the Bishops being shut into a roome together by the Kings appointment they did all take counsell what was best for the Archb. to doe in this case they all aduised him to yeeld to the Kings Lawes or else he would be in danger and the rest of the Clergy or else to resigne his Arch-byshoppricke and then no doubt the King would haue compassion on him if not they saw no other way but he would loose his life and then what good would his Byshoppricke doe him to this effect was their consultation Becket checked them with rebukefull words you goe about to cherish your owne cowardlinesse with a shaddow of sufferance and with dissembling softnesse to choke the liberty of the Church who hath thus bewitched you O vnsatiable Bishops is not God able to help the state of the Church without the sinfull dissimulation of the teachers thereof when should the Gouernors thereof put themselues in danger for the Church but in the distresse thereof I thinke it no greater merit for the ancient Byshops to found the Church with their blood then for vs to effude our blood for the liberties of the same and I thinke it not safe for you to swarue from the example which you haue receiued from your holy Elders Then the Arch-bishop sent for two Earles to whom the Archbishop said touching the matters betwixt the King vs we haue conferred we would craue respite vntill the morrow then we will be ready to giue our answere vnto the King two Bishops were sent to the King with this message which the King granted the conuocation beeing dissolued the most part of the Bishops separated themselues from the Arch-bishop for feare of the Kings displeasure he being thus forsaken sent for the poore lame and halt to furnish his house saying by them he might sooner obtaine his victory then by them which had slipt from him the said day appointed was Sunday therefore nothing done the next day he was sicke of the Gout he could not come it was thought hee fained the Earle of Deuon and the Earle of Leicester were sent to him to try the truth of the matter and to cite him to appeare at the Court the Bishops came to perswade him to submission to the will of the King of all his goods and Arch-bishoppricke if peraduenture his indignation might swage by that meanes else periury would be laid to his charge for breaking his oath made to obserue the Kings Ordinance he answered it was dolorous that the world was against him yet it gréeueth me most that Sons of mine owne Mother be pricks and thornes against me but I charge you bee not present personally in iudgement against me and that you shall not so doe I appeale to the Church of Rome the refuge of all such as bée oppressed and if any seculer men lay hand on me as it is rumord they will I straitly charge you that you exercise your Ecclesiasticall censure vpon them as it becommeth for your Father and Arch-bishop whatsoeuer happen I will neuer cowardly shrinke nor vily forsake my flocke then he addressed himselfe to his Masse of S. Steuen with all solemnity with his Metropolitan pall which was not vsed but vpon holydaies the Masse beginning with Sederunt principes aduersum me loquebantur The Bishop of London accused him that it was done by art Magick and in contempt of the king then the Archbishop went to the Court and to make him more sure he priuily taketh the Sacrament within as hee was entring into the doore of the Kings Chamber he taketh the Crosse with the Crosse-staffe from the Crosse-bearer and carried it himselfe one of the other Bishoppes would haue borne the Crosse saying it was not comly for him the Bishop of London told him if the king met him so he would draw his sword at him he answered the Kings sword strikes carnally but mine spiritually striketh himselfe downe to hell The King complained to the Nobles and Bishops that he shewed himselfe as a traytor all gaue witnesse thereto affirming him alwaies to be a vain and proud man so altogether with one cry called him Traytor and being he had receiued such great benefits preferments and honours of the King and thus requite it was well worthy to be handled as a periured Traytor The Bishop of Excester desired him to haue compassion of himselfe and of them else they were all like to perish for there commeth a precept from the King for your apprehending and suffering as an open Rebell and whosoeuer shall take your part and the Bishoppes of Salisbury and Norwich are to bee had to the place of execution for their resisting and making intercession for you Hee answered Auoyd hence from mee for thou sauorest not the thinges of GOD. Upon great consultation the Bishoppes agreed that they would appeale the Arch-bishop to the Sea of Rome vpon periury and that they would oblige themselues to the King with a sure promise to doe their dil●gence in deposing of him so the King would promise their safety it being so finished two Bishops were sent to him in stead of them all which said once you were our Archbishop and we bound to your obedience but now being you once sware fidelitie to the King and doe resist him neglecting his Lawes appertaining to his ter●rne honour Wherefore we héere pronounce you periured neither be we bound to giue obedience to you but putting our selues and all ours in the Popes protection doe appeale you vp to his presence and assignd him his time to appeare the Archbishop answered he heard him well enough and sendeth to Rome in all hast signifying to the
to know kéep Gods commandements fearing to offend him and louing to please him hoping stedfastly in his mercy continuing in Charity gladly suffering persecutions by the example of Christ and his Apostles all these haue their names written in the Booke of life The gathering together of these that be aliue is the Church fighting against the fi●nd the prosperity of the World and the fleshly lus●s and I wil submit my selfe only to the rule and gouernance of them whom after my knowledge I may perceiue by the hauing and vsing of the foresaid vertues to be members of the holy Church These Articles and all other that I ought to beléeue by the word of God I verily beléeue in my Soule and I beleeue that the word of God is sufficient to saluation if I haue erred that I submit my selfe to be ●econciled and I beleeue the authorities of Saints and Doctors as farre as they may be approued by the word of God and no further for any earthly power or dignity Sir I pray shall I lay my hand on the Booke to sweare by it yea said he wherefore else Sir I say a Booke is a thing coupled together of diuers Creatures and Gods and Mans Law is against swearing by any Creature but I will sweare vnto you as I ought by Gods Law but for Charity tell me wherein I shall submit my selfe and wherein you will correct m● Bishop I will that you swear to forsake all the opinions of the Sect of Lollards which I shall rehearse after you haue sworne and that you will neither priuily nor openly teach none of them nor fauour none of that opinion but withstand them and them that will not yéeld make knowne to the Byshop of the Diocesse and that thou preach no more vntill I do know that thy hart and mouth accord Thorp If I consent vnto you here●n I should be euery Bishops spy Sommoner of al England yea I should deceiue many persons and be y ● cause of their death bodily and ghostly for many of them that stand now in the truth and are in the way of saluation would rather chuse to forsake the way of truth then to be scorned slandered and punished as Byshops and their Ministers now vse to d ee and I finde not in the Scripture that this office you would now enfeoff me with accordeth to any Priest or Christian therefore to do thus were to me a full noyous band for many trust so mickle in me that I would not doe it to saue my life and they might well account me a Traytor to God and man and that I had fa●sly and cowardly forsaken the truth and slandered shamefully the Word of GOD If I doe thus for feare of bondcheefe and mischeefe in this life I deeme in my conscience I were worthy to bee cursed of GOD and all his Saints from which keepe me and all Christians Almighty God Bishop Thy heart is full hard indurate as the hart of Pharaoh the Diuell hath blinded thy wits that thou hast no grace to know the truth nor the measure of mercy that I haue pro●●ered thee but I say to thee lewd Lossell eyther quickly consent to me or by Saint Thomas thou shalt be disgraded and follow thy fellow ●o Smithfield Thorp I thought with my selfe God did me great grace if of his mercy he would bring me to such an end and my heart was not afraid of his menasing but I considered in him that he was not sorrowfull that he had burned William Santry wrongfully and that he thi●steth to shed more innocent blood and I was fast mooued to hold him to be no Priest of God and mine inward Man was departed from him to haue no feare of him and I was right heauy that there was no audience of seculer men by and I prayed the Lord to comfort me against them that were against the sothfastnesse and I purposed to speake no more then my neede behooued All the while I prayed God for his grace to speake with a méeke and easie Spirit and that I might haue authorities of Scriptures or open reason for my words and his Clearks said Why muse you do as my Lord commands you Byshop Hast thou not yet bethought thee whether thou wilt doe as I haue said Thorp My Parents spent mickle Mony about my learning to make me a Priest but I had no will to be a Priest wherefore they were right heauy to mee that I thought to leaue thē at length I desired that I might go to such as were named wise and of vertuous conuersa●ion to haue the●● Councell so I communed with such till I perceiued their honest and charitable workes to passe their fame wherefore 〈◊〉 by the example of the Doctrine of them after my cunning and power I haue exercised me to know perfectly Gods Law hauing a desire to liue thereafter and that others exercised themselues faithfully there abouts Then he sheweth the reasons aforesaid and what would follow if he should forsake so suddenly the learning that he had exercised this 30. winters according to the example of some whose name I wil now recite and according to the present doing of Phillip Rampington now Bishop of Lincolne by Gods grace I will learne by them to fly such slander as th●y haue defiled themselues with and as much as is in them they haue enuenomed all the Church of God by their flaunderous reuoking at Paules Crosse and how now Phillip Rampington pursueth Christs people which will not be vnpunished of God Bishop These were fooles and heretickes when they were counted wise of thée and s●ch lose●s but now they are wise though ye deeme them vnwise Thorpe I thinke they are wise concerning this world I did thinke by their former doings that they had earnest of the wisdome of God and deserued ●●ckie grace of him to haue saued themselues and many others if they had continued faithfull and in their bu●●e f●●itfull sowing of Gods word but woe worth false couetousnesse euill councell and t●ranny by which they and many be led blindly to an euill end Bishop Which are those holy and wise men of whom thou hast taken thine information Thorpe Sir master Iohn Wicliffe holden of ●ull many the greatest Clarke then liuing ●us●ing rul● an● innocent in his liuing great men communed oft with him they so loued his learning that they wrote it and b●s●ly inforced themselues to ●ollow it and his learning is yet holden most agréeable to the learning of Christ and his Apostles and master Iohn Ayston taught and wrote accordingly and vsed himselfe right perfectly to his liues end And sometimes Phillip Rampington Nichols Herford Dauid Gotray of Pak●ing and Iohn Puruay and many other which were holden right wise and prodent taught and writ busily his foresaid learning with al● these men I was right homely and communed with them but of all other I ●hose to ●ollow Wicliffe himselfe as the most wise and godly man that I heard of or know Some of
whereof whosoeuer shall drinke shall not thirst euerlastingly That the Bohemians haue done as they ought in that they haue sought the Fountaines of this water at the Councell and now at length giuen eare to their Mother now ought hatred to cease Armor be laid aside and warre reiected the Fathers would louingly heare them in their owne cause requiring them that they would willingly receiue the Councels of the sacred Synod whereunto all faithfull Christians ought to consent and agree if they will be partakers of eternall life This Oration was commended of the Fathers The Bohemians answered they had neither contemned the Church nor Councels and that they are come to manifest their innocency before the whole Church and required open audience where the Laity may bee present their request was graunted them and being demanded in what points they did differ from the Church of Rome they propounded foure Articles 1 First all such as would be saued ought of necessity to receiue Communion vnder both kinds of Bread and Wine 2 All ciuill rule and dominion to be forbidden to the Cleargy by the Law of God 3 That the preaching of the Word of God is free for all men and in all places 4 Open crimes are in no wise to bee suffered for the auoiding of greater euill One affirmed hee heard sundry things of the Bohemians offensiue to Chrstian eares one of them was that they should preach that the inuention of begging Friers was diabolicall Then Procopius said it is not vntrue for if neither Moses nor the Partriarcks before him nor after him the Prophets nor in the new Lawe Christ nor his Apostles did institute the orders of begging Friers who doubteth but the Diuels inuented them and that they are the worke of darknesse all the Councell derided him and Cardinall Iulianus laboured to prooue that not onely the Decrees of the Patriarcks Prophets Christ and his Apostles but also the Decrees which the Church should ordaine to be the workes of God yet the order of begging Fryers may seeme to be taken out of some part of the Gospell the Bohemians chose foure Ministers to dispute for them and the Councell chose foure the disputation continued fifty daies many things were alledged on both parts which we will discourse more at large when we come to the Councell of Basill The History of the most valiant and worthy Martyr of Christ S r Iohn Old-Castle Knight Lord Cobham AFter the true seruant of Christ Iohn Wickliffe six and twenty yeares most valiantly had battelled with the great Antichrist of Europe and his disguised hosts of annointed hypocrites to restore the Church againe to the puritie of the Gospell and was departed hence in Christ Anno 1387. he left a number of godly Disciples against whom Thomas Archbishop of Canterbury was as fierce as euer Pharaoh Antiochus Herod and Cayphas and hauing called a Councell about the matter they concluded it was not possible for them to make whole Christs coate without seame meaning thereby their patched Popish Synagoue vnlesse certaine great men were wrought out of the way which were chiefe maintainers of the Disciples of Wickliffe amongst whom the Lord Cobham was complained of for a mighty maintainer of suspected preachers in London Rochester Hereford that he not onely sent them thither but maintained them with force and armes and that hee beleeued otherwise of the Sacrament of the Altar of penance of pilgrimages of Image worshipping and of Ecclesiasticall power then the Church of Rome taught and it was concluded that proces should goe against him but first they would know the Kings minde wherevpon the Archbishop with his Bishops and a great part of the Clergy went to the King and gréeuously complained against the Lord Cobham the king desired them in respect of his Noble stock they should fauorably deale with him and that if it were possible they should reduce him to the vnity of the Church without rigour and promised he would seriously common the matter with him Anon the King sent for the Lord Cobham and secretly admonished him to submit himselfe to his mother the holy Church he answered I am ready to obey to you most worthy Prince for I know you an appointed minister of God but touching the Pope and spiritualtie I owe them neither sute nor seruice for I knowe by the Scripture he is great Antichrist the sonne of perdition the aduersary of God the abhomination standing in the Holy Place when the King heard this he would talk no more with him and when the Archbishop resorted to him againe he gau● him full authoritie to cite him examine him and punish him then the Arch-bishop sent his chiefe somner to his house with citation when he came thither he durst not enter his gates without licence but returned without doing his message then the Archbishop got one Iohn Butler doore k●eper of the Kings Priuy Chamber to go with his Somner who went to the Lord Cobham shewing him it was the Kings pleasure that he should obey the said citation he answered that in no case he would consent to those most diuelish practises of the Priests after hee sent another citation to bee hanged vpon the Cathedrall Church doore of Rochester and because hee appeared not excommunicated him and when he heard that he derided his proceedings hee threatned the seculer power with curses and interdictions if they did not assist him against that seditious Apostata Scismatick and Heretick troubler of a publike peace enemy of the Realme and aduersarie of holy Church then he writ a Christian profession of his Faith and signed sealed it wherin he answered foure of the chiefest article● that the Archbishop laid against him then he took a copy thereof and went to the King it agréed in all points with the Apostles Créede and moreouer that Christ is the onely head of the Church and that all that haue béen or shall be saued are members of his holy Church that it is seuered into thrée estates Priesthood Knight-hood and Commons and that it is Gods will that one should ayde and not destroy the other the priests secluded from all worldlinesse should conforme their liues vnto the example of Christ and his Apostles euermore occupied in teaching and preaching the Scriptures purely in giuing wholesome Councell of good liuing vnto the other two degrees of men more modest also more louing and lowly in spirit should they be then any other sort of people in Knight-hood are all they that beare sword by Law of office these should defend Gods lawes so that the Gospel were purely taught reforming their liues according to the same and secluding all false preachers they ought rather to hazard their liues then suffer wicked decrees to blemish the word of God and let the frée passage thereof whereof heresies and scismes sprung for they spring of nothing else as I suppose which Constitutions craftily creepe in by hypocriticall lies for aduantage they ought also to preserue Gods people from oppressors
may rout It is a saying in Italy as soone as a Priest receiueth r●sure the Diuell entereth into him It is a saying in Germany the neerer Rome the further from God and that all euill beginneth in Nomine Domine alluding vnto the Popes Bulles and when Bulles come from Rome binde well pour purses He that goeth once to Rome séeth a wicked man hee that goeth twice knoweth him he that goeth thrice bringeth him home with him The Court of Rome neuer regardeth the sheepe without the wooll Once were wooden Chalices and golden Priests now we haue golden Chalices and wooden priests Once Christians had blind Churches light hearts now they haue light Churches and blind hearts Many are worshipped for Saints in heauen whose soules bee burning in Hell It was a saying in France foure hundred ye●res before this time that Satan was let loose at Rome to destroy the whole Church Thomas Becke● writ to the Cardinals that it was a common Prouerb that there is no right in Rome By these and such like innumerable Sayings it doth appeare what Iudgements the people had in those dayes of the Romish Clergy which was of GOD as a secret prophesie that Religion should bee restored shortly as it came to passe in this yeare one thousand fiue hundred and sixteene in which yeare Doctor MARTINE LVTHER first beganne to write before whom Picus Mirandola and Laurentius Valla and last of all Erasmus Roterodamus had somewhat broken the way before and had shaken the Monkes houses but LVTHER gaue the stroke and plucked downe the foundation all by opening one veine long hid before wherein lyeth the touchstone of all truth and Doctrine as the onely origine of our saluation which is our free Iustification by our Faith only in Christ the laborious trauels and constant preachings of this worthy man because they are at large in the History of Iohn Sleydan I neede not to stand thereon Luther was borne in Isleben in Saxony hee was a Student in the Uniuersitie of Magd●burge and Erford where Veselus was an old man as before is mentioned of whom it seemeth to bee that Luther speaketh of an Old Man there of whom hee learned many things touching Faith and hee thus expressed vnto him the Article of remission of sinnes wee may now generally beleeue onely that sinnes are and haue been remitted to some as the Diuels beléeue they were remitted to Peter or Dauid but that Gods expresse commandement is that euery man should beléeue particularly his sinnes are forgiuen and this is confirmed by Saint Bernard in his Sermon vpon the annunciation adde that thou beléeuest thy sinnes are forgiuen thée this is the Testimonie that the Holy Ghost giueth thee in thy heart and this is that the Apostle saith a man is freely iustified by Faith by whose words Luther said hee was strengthned and at last by prayer and reading he perceiued that Doctrine more euidently After hee began to expound the Epistle to the Romanes and the Psalmes so Diuinely that hee seemed to all the faithfull and learned a shining light which beganne to cleere after the long cloudy sky hee shewed the difference betwixt the Lawe and the Gospell Hee confounded the errour that then raigned in the Schooles and Sermons teaching that men merite remission of sinnes by their proper workes and were iust before GOD by outward Discipline as th● Pharisies taught But Luther expressely shewed that sinnes are freely remitted for the loue of the Sonne of GOD and that wee ought faithfully to embrace this bountifull gift His life was likewise correspondent to his profession whereby it appeared his words were not lip-labour but proceeded from the heart whereby many notable personages consented with him in his opinions at this time Luther altered nothing in the ceremonies but taught this onely doctrine as the principall of all others to wit the Doctrine of Repentance of remission of sinnes of Faith of true comfort in time of aduersitie euery man receiued good taste of this sweet Doctrine A Dominick Frier named Tecell caused the Popes indulgences to be carried and sold about the Coontre● Luther beeing moued with the blasphemous Sermons of this shamelesse Frier set vp certaine positi●ns against Indulgences openly vpon the Temples This Frier hoping to obtaine the Popes blessing assembled certaine Monkes and sophisticall Diuines and commaunded them to write something against Luther and in his Sermons he taught that Luther was an heretick and worthy to bee burned and he burned Luthers positions and the Sermon he writ against indulgences This forced Luther to intreat more amply of things and to maintaine the truth Frederick Duke of Saxony in the presence of the Emperor besought Erasmus his opinion if Luther had erred he answered his opinions were good but he desired he would moderate his stile Now Luther the plainer to expresse the doctrine of repentance of remission of sinnes of Faith and of Indulgences Hee added also these matters the difference of Diuine and humane Lawes the Doctrine of the vse of the Lords Supper of Baptisme and vowes touching the Question of the Popes power Eckius was the Author thereof to the intent to inflame the wrath of the Pope and Princes against Luther Upon this the Supper of the Lord was published to be vsed in both kindes priuate Masse was omitted and the Monasteries abandoned but this alteration was by Carolastadius in the absence of Luther He held in contempt the seditious Doctors of that time as Monetarius and the Anabaptists but especially the hor●ed Bishops of Rome who arrogantly affirmed that Saint Peter had not onely the charge to teach the Gospell but to gouerne common-weales In the yeare of our Lord one thousand fiue hundred and one and twenty Luther entred into Wormes being sent for by the Emperour Charles the fift King of Spaine and Arch-Duke of Austrich who in the first yeare of his Empire made an assembly of Princes in his regall Citie And whereas Luther had published three yéeres before certaine new propositions to be disputed on at Wittenberge against the tyrannie of the Pope which were torne in péeces and burned by the Papistes Wherevpon they began to tend to vprore and yet Luther maintained openly his cause against the Clergy Wherevpon by the solicitation of the Romaine Legates LVTHER was sent for by the Herauld of Armes with Letters of safe conduct by the Emperour and Princes wherevpon hee came as before and was visited of many Earles Barons Knights Gentlemen Priests and the Comminaltie who frequented his lodging vntill night He came contrarie to the expectation of many and of his aduersaries for they thought he would not come because his bookes a few dayes before were condemned by publique proclamations and many perswaded him not to submit himselfe to any danger who answerd since I am sent for I am resolued to enter into Worms in the name of our Lord Iesus Christ though I knew there were so many Diuels to resist me as there be tiles to couer
false in that he presently declareth what manner of women Bishops wiues ought to be S. Paul reckoneth matrimony amongst the principall vertues of a Priest and these men call it in the Canons the poluting of the fl●sh God instituted matrimony Christ sanctified it with his presence and the turning water into wine and would haue it the Image of his loue to the Church They aleadge the Leuiticall Priests which as often as they came to minister were bound to be apart from their wiues being our sacraments be more excellent then theirs and daily vsed it would be very vncomely that they should be handled by married men The Priests of the old Law were forbidden all outward vncleannesse of the fl●sh when they ministred to signifie the holines of Christ whom they did prefigure but our holines cons●steth of the inward cleannesse of the spirit and S. Paul is witnesse that the Apostles did both keep their wiues carry them about with them 3 Touching that he should say that the Scottish nation and their Cleargy be altogether blinded no man will deny that people to be blind that neither heare Christ nor his Apostles such is the people of Scotland in that they cal the Pope supreme head of the Church whith belongeth onely to Christ and contrary to the word they forbid Priests to marry in the tenth of Iohn Christ is the doore they affirme they must enter by the Uirgine Mary and S. Peter Christ would haue vs worship him in Spirit and truth The Scots build Temples and Chappels for Idols in which they commit Fornication In the tenth to the Hebrews Christ By one sacrifice hath made those perfect for euer which are sanctified And to this effect Christ said on the Crosse It is finished shewing that by his death all Sacrifices for sinne ended yet the Scottish Church-men daily offer Christ for sins both of them aliue and them that be dead God commaundeth not to worship any Grauen Images the Scots fall flat to them and offer them Incense Paul teacheth that Christ is our wisdome righteousnes satisfaction and redemption the Scots prefer the traditions of men before the law of God they stablish righteousnes in their own works and Sanctification in holy water and other outward things and Redemption in péeces of Lead which they buy of their great Antichrist Touching the possessions temporall and iurisdiction in temporalities in the 18. Chapter of Numbers God said to Aaron Thou shalt haue no portion amongst thē I am thy portion and heritage thou and the Leuits shall haue all the tithes of Israell for their ministry but what heritage is pr●uided for them I doe not say but they may possesse but all temporall iurisdiction should be taken from them when twice there rose a contention which of Christs disciples should be greatest he told them they should not haue dominion one ouer another like the Kings of the Nations Christ in the 12. of Luke answered him that desired him to deuide his Brothers inheritance vnto him Who made me a Iudge And in the 8. of Iohn he refused to giue iudgement vpon the Adulteresse whereby it appeareth Christ reiected the office of a Iudge as a thing not agréeable to his office When Moses tooke vpon him the ciuill gouernment and the priest-hood he was commaunded to resigne the Priest-hood to Aaron for it was against nature one man should suffice both charges and as long as the face of the true Church did continue no Priest did vsurpe the right of the sword S. Ambrose saith Emperors rather desired the Office of Priest-hood then Priests any Empire then sumptuous Palaces belonged to Emperors and Churches to Priests And S. Barnard saith Peter could not giue that which he had not but he gaue to his successors that which he had carefulnesse ouer the Congregation for this cause the kingdom of heauen is giuen vnto you why do you inuade other mens bounds They were ignorant of all iudgement that did fat with their possessions these belly-beasts all they which do indow such filthy sinkes with their reuenues they follow the steps of Iezabell for what do they daily but bleat and bow before their Images burning Incense aud falling flat before the altars as the Prophets of Baall did and if Daniell and Elias were Hereticks when they would destroy the Priests of Baall so am I We do but desire that their riches wickedly bestowed vpon them might be taken from them but Elias was more rigorous for he cast the Prophets of Baall into the brooke Kidron The Pope cannot make lawes according to his owne mind and will and say they are spirituall and pertaine to the soule and are necessary to eternall life for the word of God giueth them no such authority in the 23. of Iosua Thou shalt not swarue from my law to the right hand nor to the left And in the 12. of Deuteronomy Thou shalt neither adde to nor take from my Commaundements Therefore in the second of Malachy The Priest shall maintaine wisdome and the law shal they require at his hands And where he speaketh of hearing them he putteth this condition that they answere according to the Law of the Lord then these are couenant-breakers that binde the consciences of men with new lawes And in the 33. of Ezekiell Thou shalt heare the word out of my mouth and declare it vnto my people So he could not speake any thing of himselfe and God by Ieremie calleth it Chaffe whatsoeuer doth not procéede from himselfe The Prophets speake nothing but the words of God therefore they so often vsed these wordes The word of the Lord the burden of the Lord the vision of the Lord thus saith the Lord The Apostles must not teach their owne deuises but that which God commaunded them Paul in the second to the Collosians denieth he hath any dominion ouer their Faith though their Apostle And in the ●●nth to the Romains Faith commeth by hearing the word of God and not by hearing the dreames of the Pope Christ himselfe saith for our example My doctrin is not mine but his that sent me to teach Ministers what to do The power of the Church is not such that it may teach new Doctrines frame new Articles of Faith and new lawes but is subiect to the word of the Lord included in the same They defended their Constitutions by these reasons if it were lawfull to the Apostles to make a decree besides the commaundement of Christ that the people should abstain frō things offered to Idols blood it is lawful for their successors as oft as néede requireth to do the same but the Apostles made no new decree but to warne them how to rule themselues amongst their Brethren least they should abuse their liberty to the offence of others and contrary Peter in the same councel pronounceth God to be tempted if any yoake be laid vpon the necke of the Disciples and S. Iames saith the Gentiles that are conuerted vnto God are not
of such a kindred that she might haue liued in great prosperity if she would rather haue followed the world then Christ at the day of her execution she was brought into Smithfield in a chaire because she could not goe on her feete by meanes of her torments she was tyed by the middle with a chai●e that held vp her body then Doctor Shaxton began his Sermon Anne Askew hearing and answering againe vnto him where hee sayd well she confirmed the same where hee iaid amisse she said hee speaketh without booke There was at the same time three burned with her One Nicholas Belemy a Priest of Shropshire Iohn Adams a Taylor and Iohn Lacels Gentleman of the Court and Kings houshold Wrisley Lord Chancellor the old Duke of Norfolke the Earle of Bedford and the Lord Mayor Wrisle sent Anne Askew the Kings Pardon if shee would recant she said the came not thither to deny her Lord and master Then were the Letters likewise offered vnto the others who in like maner followed the constancie of the woman Wherevpon the Mayor commanded the fire to bee put vnto them Sir George Blage of the Priuy Chamber was imprisoned condemned and should haue been burned but that the King pardoned him For saying the Masse auail●th neither quick nor the dead being asked what then it was good for he said belike to keep a horse from stumbling The troubles of Katherine Parre Henry the eight his last Wife for the Gospel by the meanes of Gardiner and others A Yéere after the King came from Bullen he was informed that the Quéens Katherine Parre was much giuen to the reading and study of ●he Scriptures and that shee had retained diuers godly learned Preachers to instruct her therein with whom shee vsed priuately to conferre and in the afternoones one of them made collation to her her Ladies and Gentlewomen and others disposed to heare in which Sermons they oftentimes touched the abuses in the Church and often shee would debate with the King touching Religion and perswade him as hee had to the glory of GOD and his eternall fame b●gunne a godly worke in ban●shing that monstrous Idoll of Rome so hee would purge his Church from the dregges thereof wherein was yet great superstition And though the King in the later end grew opp●nionate and would not bee taught nor contended withall by Argument yet towards her he refrained his accustomed manner for neuer handmaide sought more to please her Mistresse then she to please his humour and she was of such singular beauty fau●ur and comely personage wherein the King was greatly delighted but Gardiner Bishop of Winchester Wrisley Lord Chancelor and others of the Kings Priuy Chamber practised her death that they might the better stop the passage of the Gospell and hauing taken away the patronesse of the professors of the truth they might inuade the remainder with fire and sword but they du●st not speake to the King touching her because they saw the King loued her so well At length the King was ●●cke of a sore legge which made him very froward and the Queene being with him did not faile to vse all occasions to moo●● him zeal●usly to proceed in the reformation of the Church The King shewed some tokens of mislike and broke off the matter and knit vp the Arguments with gentle words and after pl●asant talke she tooke her leaue The Bishop of Winchester beeing there the King immediately vpon her departure vsed these words It is a good hearing when women become such Clarks and much to my comfort to come in mine old age to be taught by my Wife Then the Bishop shewed a mislike that the Queene would so much forget her selfe to stand in Argument with his Maiestie whose Iudgement and Di●initie hee extolled to his face aboue Princes of that and other ages and of Doctors professed in Diuinitie and that it wss vnseemely for any of his Subiects to argue with him so malapertly and that it was gréeuous to all his Councelors and Seruants to heare the same inferring how perilous it hath euer been for a Prince to suffer such insolent words of a Subiect who as they are bold against their Soueraignes words so they want not will but strength to ouerthwart them in deeds Then the Religion by the Queene so stiffely maintained did dissolue the politick gouern●ment and made the peoples opinions so odious and perillous vnto the Princes estate that they da●e aff●●me that the greatest Subiect in the Land defendeth those arguments which they doe yet he said he would not neither durst without good warranty from his Maiestie speake his knowledge in the Queenes cause though many apparant reasons made for him and such as his duety and zeale to his Maies●ies preseruation would not licence him to conceale though the vttering thereof through her and her faction might be his d●struction and theres which tendred his Maiesties safety without his Maiestie would be his protector which if hee would doe hee with others of his faithfull Councelors could disclose such Treasons cloked with heresies that his Maiestie should cas●ly perceiue how perilous a matter it is to cherish a Serpent within his owne bosome and he crept so farre into the King at that time that he and his fellowes filled the Kings mistrustfull minde with such feares that the King gaue them warrant to consult together about drawing of Articles against the Queene wherein her life might be touched Then they thought it best at first to begin with such Ladies as she most esteemed and wer● priuy to all her doing as the Lady Harbert after Countesse of Pembro●ke the Queenes Sister and the Lady Iane and the Lady Tirwit all of her Priuy Chamber and to accuse them vpon six Articles and to search there Closets and Coffers that they might finde somewhat to charge the Queene and that being found the Que●ne should bee taken and carried in a Barge by night to the Tower of which aduice the King was made priuy by Gardiner and the Lord Chancelor to which they had the Kings cons●nt and the time and place appointed This purpose was so finely handled that it grew within few daies of the time appointed and the poore Qu●ene suspected nothing but after her accustomed manner visited the King still●●● deale with him touching Religion as before After the King brake the whole practise to one Doctor Wendy one of his Physitions telling him that hee would no longer bee troubled with such a Doctresse as shee was but charged him vpon his life not to vtter it to any But it came to passe that the Bill of Articles drawne against the Queene and subscribed with the Kings owne hand falling from the b●some of one of the Councell was found of some godly person and brought to the Queene who seeing it fell into a great agony and Melancholy The King hearing what perill of life she was in sent his Phisition vnto her and the said Doctor Wendy perceiuing the matter by her words brake with
beloued friends I am brought hether to suffer death albeit I neuer offended against the King in word nor deed and haue alwaies béene as faithfull as any man vnto this Realme but because I am by Law condemned to die to testifie my obedience which I owe vnto the Lawes I am come hither to suffer death Wherefore I thanke God that he hath giuen me this time of repentance who might so suddenly haue béen taken with death that I could not haue acknowledged God nor my selfe I would something put you in minde of the Christian Religion which so long as I was in authoritie I did alwaies diligently set forth and I reioice therein sith now the state of Christian Religion commeth most neere to the order of the Primatiue Church which I esteeme as a great benefit of God to me and vnto you most heartily exhorting you all that you will most thankefully imbrace it set out the same in your liuing which if you do not no doubt great calamitie will follow Upon these words there was heard a terrible noise as it had beene of some great tempest from aboue as if a great deale of Gun-powder being inclosed in an armory hauing caught fire had violently broke out or as if a great company of horsemen had been running together vpon them whereby the people were so amazed that they ranne away s●me into Ditches and Puddles and some into the houses others with their Halberts fell vnto the ground Crying out Iesus saue vs Iesus saue vs and those which tarried in their places knew not where they were It happened heere euen as when the officers of the High Priests came to take Christ They runne back and fell to the ground in so great slaughter of Dukes within this few yeares there were neuer so many weeping eyes at one time and the people seeing Sir Anthony Browne ride to the Scaffold they coniectured that the King had sent his Unkle pardon therefore with great reioycing they cast vp their caps and cryed out pardon pardon is come God saue the king Thus the good Duke although he was destitute of mans help yet hee saw before his departure in what great loue and fauour he was with all men Then said the Duke dearely beloued friends there is no such matter as you vainely beleeue Therefore I pray you be contented with my death which I most willingly suffer let vs ioine in prayer for the King vnto whom I haue alwaies shewed my selfe a faithfull Subiect and haue béen most diligent to seeke the commoditie of the whole Realme at which words all the people cryed out and said it was most true And praying for the King and Councell and exhorting the people to obedience forgiuing all his enemies and desiring forgiuenes of them which he● had offended and praying them to beare witnes he died in the faith of Christ. Then he knéeled downe and prayed and rising againe without any trouble of minde he tooke them all on the Scaffold by the hand and bid them all farewell when he lay vpon the block he called thrice on the name of Iesus saying Lord Iesus saue me And as the name of Iesu was repeating the third time in a moment he was bereft both of head and life The Lady MARY THe King his Councell had much trauell by Letters and messengers to reduce the Lady Mary to obedient con●ormitie of Religion yet she would not be reclaimed from her owne singuler opinion fixed vpon custome to giue any indifferent hearing vnto the word and voice of verity the which set will of the said Lady Mary the yong King and also his Father King Henry right well perceiuing they were both much displeased against her insomuch that not only her brother did sequester her in his Will but also her owne father considering her inclination did conceiue such a hate against her that for a great space he did seclude her from the title of Princesse yea and seemed so greatly incensed against her that he was fully purposed to haue procéeded further with her as it is reported had not the intercession of Thomas Cranmer the Archbishop reconciled the King againe to fauour and pardon his owne daughter And about the eighth of September 1552. Doctor Ridley Bishop of London went to visit the Lady Mary and was gently entertained of Sir Thomas Wharton and other her officers About eleuen of the clocke the Lady Mary came forth of her chamber of presence then the Bishop saluted her Grace and said he was come to doe his dutie vnto her Grace she thanked him and for a quarter of an houre talked with him pleasantly and said she knew him when he was Chaplain to her father and remembred a Sermon that he made before her father at the Lady Clintons marriage and so dismissed him to dine with her officers After dinner the Bishop being called resorted againe vnto her Grace then said the Bishop Madam I come not only to doe my duety to sée your Grace but also to offer my selfe to preach before you on Sonday next if it please you to heare me she said I pray make the answere your selfe for you know the answere well enough but if I must make answere this shall be your answere The doore of the Church shall be open for you if you come but neither I nor none of mine shall heare you The Bishop said Madam I trust you will not refuse GODS word She answered I cannot tell what you call GODS word that is not GODS word now that was GODS word in my fathers dayes The Bishop said GODS word is one in all times but it hath beene better vnderstood and practised in some ages then in others She said you durst not for your eares haue auouched that for GODS word in my fathers dayes that now you doe as for your new books I thanke GOD for it I neuer read none of them nor neuer will doe After many bitter words against the forme of Religion then established and against the gouernment of the Realme and the lawes made in the young yeares of her brother which she said she was not bound to obey vntill her brother came to perfect age and then affirmed she would obey them Then she asked him whether he were one of the Priuie Councell he answered no you might well enough quoth she as the Councell goeth now-a-dayes so she concluded that she thanked him for his gentlenesse to come and see her but for your offering to preach before me I thank you neuer a whit Then was the Bishop brought by Sir Thomas Wharton vnto the place where he dined who desired him to drinke after he had drunke he looked very sadly and brake out in these words Surely I haue done amisse in that I haue drunke in that place where GODS word hath beene offered and refused whereas indeed if I had beene mindfull of my duety I ought not to haue stayed but to haue departed immediatly and to haue shaken off the dust of my feete for a
Sa●nts departed and we beléeue as a Man departeth this life he is either blessed or damned for euer by reason whereof we affirme Purgatory Masses of Scala Caeli Trentals and such suffrages as the popish Church doth obtrude as necessary to be the Doctrine of Antichrist And wee beleeue two Sacraments of Christ Baptisme and the Lordes Supper and that they ought to be ministred according to the institution of Christ and that they bée no longer Sacraments then they were in vse and vsed to the end for which they were instituted and the mutilation of the one kind from the Lords Supper from the Lay people is Antichristian and so is the transubstantiation and so is the adoration of the Sacrament and the reseruation and carrying about of the ●ame and so is the Doctrine of the Masse it to be a propitiatory sacrifice for the quick and dead or a worke that pleaseth God and so of the inhibition of marriage in any state as vnlawfull we doubt not but we shall be able to proue all these our verities by Gods word and the Church which hath followed Gods word and Spirit and we hartily desire all men to be obedient with vs vnto all that bee in authority and not to cease to pray to God for them that he would gouerne them with his Spirit of wisedome and not to consent in any kind of rebellion against the Quéens Highnesse but where they cannot obey but they must disobey God there to suffer with all patience the pleasures of the higher powers as we are ready to do rather then we will consent to any doctrine contrary to this which we heere confesse wee shall be iustly conuinced thereof The Lord indue vs with his Spirit of truth and grace of perseuerance Upon the twentith day of Iuly the Prince of Spaine landed at Southampton He was the first that landed and presently he drew his Sword and carryed it naked in his hand a prettie way the Mayor of the Towne met him and deliuered him the Keyes which he receiued in his right hand and put his sword into his left then met him the Earle of Arundell and Lord Williams and brought him to his lodging The twenty fiue day He and Quéene Mary were married at Winchester by the Bishop there then they came to Windsor and from thence to Southwarke and from thence through the Citty of London to White-hall by the way many Pageants and glorious sights were made Upon the Cunduit in Gracious-stréet was painted King Henry the eight ●n harnesse with a Sword in one hand and in the other hand a Booke whereon was written Verbum Dei deliuering the Booke to his Sonne Edward painted by him Whereupon the Bishoppe of Winchester sent for the Painter and called him ●naue ranke Traytor and villaine for painting a Booke in King Henries hand and writing Verbum Dei thereon he should rather to haue put the Booke in Quéene Maries hand that was there also pictured for that she had reformed the Church and Religion Against this time Bonner in his Royalty and all his Prebendaries about him the doores of Pauls being shut a new Roode being laid vpon the Pauem●●ts they sung diuers Prayers by the Roode then they annointed it with Oyle in diuers places After they crept vnto it and kissed it after they wayed it vppe into his accustomed place and the while the whole Quire sang Te D●um and then the Bels rang for ioy From White-hall they went to Richmond then all the Lords had leaue to depart and there remained no English Lord at the Court but the Bishop of Winchester from thence to Hampton-Court where the Hall doore was continually kept shut that no man might enter vnlesse his arrand were first knowne which séemed strange to English-men Upon the fourth day of Nouember ●●ue Priests did pe●●ance at Paules Crosse which were content to put away their Wiues and take vpon them againe to minister euery one of them had a taper in his hand and a rod wherewith the Preacher did disple them The twenty seauen day of Nouember Cardinall Poole being but a littl● before come into the Realme came to the Parliament-House the King and Quéene sitting vnder the Cloath of Estate and the Cardinall sitting on the right hand The Cardinall made a long Oration shewing first how this Realme had euer béene forward to receiue Religion first in the time of the Brittaines and then in the time of the Saxons and that the meanes came from Rome in the Faith of which Church we haue euer since continued and shewed what deuotion this Iland hath had to Rome that King Offa and Adulphus thought their obedience to the Sea not sufficient but in their owne persons went to the place where they receiued so great grace And when Carolus Magnus founded Paris hee sent into England for Alcui●us which first brought learning to that Uniuersity I will not rehearse the benefits this Realme hath receiued from Rome nor the miseries this Realm hath suffered by swaruing from that Unity so all Countries that haue refused the Unity of the Catholike Faith hath had the like plagues as Asia and the Empire of Gréece by swar●ing from Rome are brought into the subiection of the Turke And Germany by swaruing from this vnity are afflicted with diuers Sects and factions then hee pra●●ed the King for his greatnésse and riches and the Quéen as one in whose hart God had preserued the Catholike truth when all light of the truth séemed vtterly to be extinct whom GOD had most miraculously brought vnto the Crowne being a helplesse Uirgin naked and vnarmed had the victory of all pollicies and armed powers prepared to destroy her and God hath appointed her to raigne ouer you for the restitution of true Religion and exterpation of errors and Sects God hath deuided his power vnto two parts heare in Earth that is into th● Imperiall and Ecclesiasticall power the Seculer Princes and Ministers of God to execute vengeance vpon transgressors and to preserue well doers which is represented in these two most excellent Princes the King and Quéene The other power is the power of the Keyes which belongeth by prerogatiu● to the Sea Apostlike of Rome from which Sea I am deputed Legate hauing the Keyes committed to my hands I confesse I haue the Keyes not as mine owne Keyes but as the keyes of him that sent mee but certaine impediments in you to receiue it must be taken away before my Commission can take place I came to reconcile and not to condemne and not to compell but to call againe My Commission is of Grace and clemency to all such as will receiue it touching the matter● past they shall be as things cast into the Sea of forgetfulnesse the meanes wherby you shall receiue this benefit is by reuoking the lawes wherby you haue disseuered yourselues from the vnity of Christs Church therefore you as prouident men for the weale of your soules and bodies pouder what is to be done
commaunded the doore to bee kept fast and charged none of his men to come at him saying let him alone it were a good riddance of him Untill he was depriued he paid him twenty shillings a wéeke for his table and since as the best Gentleman and yet vsed worse then the veriest Slaue he imprisoned and stripped his man to finde Letters but could finde none but a remembrance of their names that gaue him Almes and to vndoe them he deliuered the Bill vnto STEPHEN GARDINER there hee continued almost eightéen● monthes The twentith of Ianuary he was brought to Gardiners house at Saint Mary-Oueries where the Bishop of Winchester with other Bishops moued M Hooper earnestly to forsake his euill and corrupt doctrine preached in King Edwards daies and to returne to the vnity of the Catholike Church and to acknowledge the Popes Holines the supreame head thereof according to the determination of the whole Parliament promising that as he himselfe and other his Brethren had receiued the Popes blessing and Queene Maries mercy euen so mercy was ready to be shewed to him and others if hee would arise with them and condiscend to the Popes Ho●●nes Maister Hooper answered for so much as the Pope taught doctrine contrary to Christs doctrine he is no member of Christs Church much lesse the head thereof therefore he could not condiscend to any such vsurped Iurisdiction neither doth he esteeme that Church to bee the Catholike Church of Christ for the true Church heareth onely the voyce of Christ her Spouse and flyeth the voyce of Strangers I desire the Queenes mercy if mercy may bee had with safety of conscience and without displeasure of GOD answere was made that the Queene would shew no mercy to the Popes Enemies then hee was sent to the Fleet againe for sixe dayes then he was brought againe before the Bishop of Winchester and other Commissioners in Saint-mary-Oueries Church and the next day condemned together with Master Rogers and then they were carried to New-gate where he remained sixe dayes Bonner and others resorted thither to him diuers times to perswade him to be a member of Antichrist and when they could not Bonner disgraded him then he was carried to Gloster to suffer death whereof he did greatly reioyce that he should there confirme his doctrine that hee had instructed so many in with his bloud Sir Anthony Kingston which was one of the Commissioners to see him executed came to him and lamented his case and desired him to consider that life is sweet and death is bitter therefore seeing life may be had desire to liue hereafter you may doe good who answered though death be bitter and life sweet yet death to come is more bitter and life to come more sweete therefore for the desire and loue I haue to the one and the terror of the other I doe not so much regard this death or esteeme this life but haue setled my selfe by the strength of Gods spirit rather to suffer any torments then to denie the truth of Gods word desiring you and others to pray for me He answered Well my Lord I perceiue there is no remedie I thanke God that euer I kn●w you for whereas I was an adulterer and a fornic●tor God by your good instructions hath brought me to the forsaking and detesting of the same The same day a blinde boy got leaue to speake with Master Hooper the boy a little before had beene imprisoned at Gloster for confessing the truth After Master Hooper had examined him of his faith he said vnto him Ah poore boy GOD hath taken from thee thy outward sight but hee hath giuen thee another sight much more precious for he hath endued thy soule with the eye of knowledge and faith When he was burned he was not suffered to speake to the people Hee wrote many godly letters to diuers whilest he was in prison which thou mayest see in the booke at large Doctor Rowland Taylor THe Towne of Hadley was instructed by Thomas Bilney so well that you might haue found there many as well men as women that had often read ouer the Bible and could say a great part of Saint Paules Epistles by heart and giue a godly learned sentence in any matter of controuersie and there Children and Seruants were trained vp in the knowledge of Gods Word that the towne seemed rather to bee an Uniuersitie then a towne of clothing In this towne the said Rowland Taylor was Parson Hee most faithfully indeuoured himselfe to fulfill his charge No Sunday nor Holiday passed nor other time that hee could get the people together but hee preached to them the Word of GOD there was none so rich but hee would tell him his fault with such earnest and graue rebukes as best became a good Pastor Hee was ready to doe good to all men readily forgiuing his enemies H●e was a Father to the poore Thus this good Shepheard continued all the time of King Edward In the beginning of Q. Maries raigne he retained in his Church the Seruice which was vsed in King Edwards time and faithfully preached against Popish corruptions which had infected the whole Countrey round about One Foster and one Clerke hyred one Iohn Au●rth Parson of Aldam a Popish Idolator and a whoremonger to set vp Masse againe at Hadly and builded him an Altar in the night their Altar was beaten downe and they builded it againe and watched it then the Priest came thither with all his implements and garments to play his Popish Pageant and was guarded with weapons lest he should be disturbed from this 〈◊〉 sacrifice Doctor Taylor seeing him said Thou Diuell who made thee so bolde to profane this Church of Christ with abominable Idolatrie To whom Foster said Thou Traytor why dost thou disturbe the Queenes proceedings He answered I am no Traytor but the Sheepheard that Christ hath appointed to feede this Flocke I commaund thee thou Popish Wolfe in the name of the GOD of heauen that th●u auoyde hence and presume not to poyson Christs Flocke with thy Popish Idolatrie Then Foster with his armed men tooke Taylor and violently carried him whether he would or no out of the Church and thrust his wife out after him because shee knee●led downe and made humble supplication vnto God to bee reuenged of one of them and then they shut the doore least the people should ●aue rent their sacrificer in pe●ces some that were without threw in stones an● miss●d him but little Upon complaint to Gardiner hee sent for Taylor and though his friends and acquaintance perswaded him by all meanes possible they could to the contrarie yet hee was resolued to goe to the Bishop and to his Beard to tell him hee doth naught I am old though I suffer GOD will raise vp Teachers for his people I shall n●uer doe GOD so good seruice as now I may what Christian would not gladly die against the Pope and his adherents for I know the papacy is the Kingdome of Antichrist
Dignity he may well bee said twice mar●ired first for diuers iniuries and mollestations which he suffered most vnworthily of his enemies in King Edwards time after the fall of the Duke of Somerset and of his martydome in Queene Maries time His Aduersaries in King Edwards time were ●ames Constantine his Register to whom he gaue the Office by Patent and a Doctor of the Law and Canon of the Cathedrall Church of S. Dauids and a Chanter of the same They did exhibit to the Kings Councell certain Articles to the insent to blemish the Bishops credit and vtterly as they thought and made their boasts to pull him from his Bishopricke and bring him in a premunire The cheefe effect of their Articles which were fifty sixe was that he did not in his Proce● that he made write the King supreame head of the Church and that he tollerated other superstitions and Idolatries After these wrangling Articles were giuen vp then the Bishop was called to answere the hearing whereof was committed vnto Sir Iohn Mason Knight and Doctor Wo●ton Then they had a Commission into the Country where they examined sixscore and seauen witnesses and during the time of the examination of these witnesses the said Bishop was stayed at London because his aduersaries said if the Bishop should go into his Dioces he would let them of their proues During which trouble King Edward died and in Quéene Maries time another named Henry was made Bishop of S. Dauids who sent for the said Robert Farrar and committed him to prison and afterward declared vnto the saide Robert the great clemency that the King and Quéenes Highnesse pleasure was to bee offered vnto him if he would submit himselfe vnto the Lawes of this Realme and conforme himselfe vnto the vnity of the Catholike Church and séeing the said Robert made him no answere he ministred vnto him these Articles First whether he beleeue the marriage of Priests to be lawfull by the lawe of God and holy Church Secondly whether hee beleeued the very body and blood of Christ is really and substantially in the Sacrament without the substance of bread and wine Bishop Farrar would not answer vntill he saw a lawfull Commission so he was committed againe then he was called againe after and would answer no otherwise then as before whereupon he was pronounced Contu●nax and for punishment thereof to be counted Pro confesso and committed him againe The next day of appearance the said Bishop Farrar craued time to answere and at the time did answer Then the foresaid pretensed Bishop gaue him a writing of certaine Articles to subscribe vnto adding to the Articles before that the Masse was a propitiatorie Sacrifice for the quicke and the dead and that the generall Councels neuer erred neither 〈◊〉 erre that a man is not iustified by Faith only but by Charity also and that the Catholike Church onely hath authoritie of interpreting of the Scriptures and to compound Controuersies and also to appoint such things as appertaine to publike discipline and that the Church is visible as a citty vpon a hill knowne vnto all men and not obscure and vnknowne as the hereticks of our age doe teach To these Articles he refused to subscribe affirming that they were inuented by man and pertaine nothing to the Catholick Faith Then he assigned him a day to assigne them affirmatiuely or negatiuely which he would not do● but appea●ed vnto the Cardinall notwithstanding they gaue sentence against him When they had put the priestly vestures on him to disgrade him hee called them ragges and relicks of Rome When he was brought to ex●cution in the Ci●ie of Carmarden he was burned with Turffes and Soddes which was to him a more greeuous torment but praised be God he suffered it patiently The next moneth a godly man named Rawlins White was burned in Cardiffe in Wales THOMAS TOMKINS THomas Tomkins of Shordich in London Weauer was brought before Boner for all hitherto were condemned by Steuen Gardiner Lord Chancelor but hee being weary put off the rest vnto Boner of whom this Tomkins was the first who when by no meanes hee could bee driuen from the ●ruth Boner caused a burning Candle to be brought to him Then said he come on naughty knane if thou likest the torments of the fire so well I will make thee feele in this flame what it is to be burned then if thou be wise thou wilt change thy minde Then he commanded his right hand to be put into the fire but he indured the burning yet was not Bonet therewith contented but neuer rested vntill he had consumed the whole body to ashes in Smithfield He was condemned vpon these points First that his beleefe ● that the body of Christ is not truely and verily in the Sacrament of the Altar but onely in heauen and so in heauen that it cannot be really in the Sacrament and although the Church a● low the Masse a wholesome and profitable sacrifice yet my beliefe is that the Masse is full of Superstition and Idolatry and vnprofitable for my soule and the Sacrament of Baptisme ought to ●ee onely in the vulgar tongue and without such ceremonies as are vsed in the Latine Church and being exhorted to leaue his opinions Hee answered hee was brought vp in ignorance vntill now of late yeares and now I know the truth wherein I will continue vnto death and he said my Lord you would haue me forsake the truth and fall into error and heresie Then hee was condemned and deliuered vnto the Sheriffe who carried him to Newgate where hee remained most ioifull and constant vntill hee was conuayed to Smithfield and there sealed vp his Faith in the flaming fire The constant suffering of Higbed and Causon THese two were descended of worshipfull stocke in Essex which of all Shires was most fruitfull of Martyrs the one called Thomas Higbed of Horneden Hill the other Thomas Causon of Thunderst they were both in flourishing estate in riches and much more flourishing in godlines They were diuers times examined before Bonner and defended the truth valiantly and he and his fellowes did much labour to make them to recant but could not preuaile The substance of all their Arguments appeareth in a Confession that they wrote with their owne hands which was read in the Court of Paules before the Mayor and Sheriffes and all the people not without great sure before it could be licenced to be read First we beleeue and professe in Baptisme to forsake the Diuel all his works and all the vanities of the world and the lusts of the 〈◊〉 2 We beleeue the Articles of our Faith and that wee are bound to walke in Gods Commandements all the daies of our life 3 We beléeue the Lords Prayer containeth all things necessarie for soule and body and that we are thereby taught onely to pray to our heauenly Father and is no Saint nor Angell 4 We beléeue there is a Catholick Church euen the Communion of Saints builded vpon
the foundation of the Prophets and Apostles Christ being the head corner stone for which Church Christ gaue himselfe to make it a glorious congregation without fault in his sight 5 This Church of it selfe is sinfull and must needs say Father forgiue vs our sinnes but through Christ and his merits she is fréely forgiuen 6 Hee is our onely Mediator as Saint Paul saith there is one God and one Mediatour betwixt God and Man Iesus Christ Therefore no other Mediatour 7 We beléeue this Church is and hath béen persecuted according to the promise of Christ as they haue persecuted mee so shall they persecute you for the Disciple is not aboue his Master And Paul saith it is not giuen to you onely to beleeue in Christ but also to suffer for his sake for all which will liue godly must suffer persecution 8 The true Church teacheth the Word of God truely not adding thereto nor taking there-from and Ministers the Sacraments according to the Primitiue Church and it suffreth all men to reade the Scriptures as Christ saith Search the Scriptures And when Paul preached the audience searched the Scriptures whether hee preached truely Dauid teacheth to pray with vnderstanding Saint Paul saith when the people vnderstand not what is said how can they say Amen at giuing of thankes And Saint Paul saith true Faith commeth by hearing the word 9 The Church of Christ teacheth God ought to bee worshipped according to his word and not after the Doctrine of men as Christ teacheth vs likewise Christ saith you shall forsake Father and Mother and follow me whereby we learne if our elders teach otherwise then God commanded in that point we must forsake them 10 The Supper of our Lord ought not to be altered because Christ the wisedome of the Father did institute it For it is written cursed is he that changeth my ordinances or taketh any thing from them This Supper is sorely abused it is giuen in one kinde where Christ gaue it in both it is made a priuate Masse where Christ made it a Communion He gaue it to all his Apostles in the name of the whole Church not to one alone Christ ordained it for a remembrance of his euerlasting sacrifice vpon the Crosse once for all and not againe to bee a dayly sacrifice both for them that are aliue and them that are dead And Saint Paul saith where there is no remission of sinnes there is no more sacrifice for sinne and in that it is worshipped where as nothing is to be worshipped that is made with hands and in that it is giuen in an vnknowne tongue whereby the people are ignor●nt of the right vse thereof besides this it is hanged vp and shut in a Boxe many times so long that wormes breedeth in it and so it putrifieth they that abuse it bring vp the slander thereof and not we 12 Concerning Christs words This is my body the minde of Christ must bee searched out by other Scriptures for the Apostle saith no Scripture hath any priuate interpretation and the Scriptures are full of such figuratiue speeches as the Cup is the New Testament the Rocke is Christ whosoeuer saith Christ receiueth a Child in my Name receiueth me which sentence must not be vnderstood after the Letter as the Capernaites did which taught that Christs body should haue been eaten with their teeth when he spake of the eating thereof to whom Christ said the Spirit quickeneth the flesh profiteth nothing for my words are spirit and life so we see Christs words must be vnderstood spiritually and not literally hee that commeth to this worthy supper must not prepare his iaw but his heart neither tooth nor belly but beleeue saith Saint Augustine and thou hast eaten it so wee must bring with vs a Spirituall hunger and examine our selues whether our Conscience doe testifie that we doe truely beleeue in Christ according to the Scriptures whereof if we be truely certified beeing new borne from our old conuersation in heart minde will and deed then may we boldly with this mariage garment of Faith come to the feast And that there is no change but bread still remaineth Christ saith Doe this in remembrance of me And Saint Paul As often as you shall eate this bread and drinke this Cup you shall remember the Lords death vntill hee come heere is no change but bread still And Christ saith except I goe to my Father the Comforter cannot come And Saint Peter saith heauen shall keep him vntill the last day in that he is God he is euery where but in that hee is Man hee cannot be but in one place as his body was not in all places at once when hee was heere Hee was not in the graue when the women sought him as the Angell said neither was hee at Bethania when Lazarus died by Christs owne words and thus we conclude that the Christ is in the holy Supper sacramentally and spiritually in all them that worthily receiue it and corporally in heauen both God and Man When they would not turn from the truth by no p●rswasions the sentence was read against them In the reading whereof Higbed said you speake blasphemie against Christs Passion and goe about to trap vs with your subtilties and snares and though my Father Mother and other my kindred doe beleeu● you say yet they were deceiu●d in so beleeuing And whereas you say Cranmer and others in the said Articles were hereticks I wish I were such an hereticke as they were and be Then the Bishop asked him whether hee would turne from his ●rrour To whom he said would yee would recant for I am in the truth and you in errour Then they were deliuered vnto the Sheriffe and sent to Newgate where they remained not so much in afflictions as in consolations Fourteene daies after they were carried to Essex And Thomas Higbed burned at Hornden on th● Hill and Thomas Causon at Rayly where they died most constantly The Martyrdome of VVILLIAM HVNTER THe said Hunter was at all times brought before the Bishop of London with the aforesaid Thomas Tomkins and had the same Articles Reasons and perswasions obiected as the said Thomas Tomkins had and they made both the same answeres sauing that Boner vsed these words onely to Hunter Will you abiure and returne to the Catholick Church He answered I will stand to that which I haue said And further he said it is false Doctrine beliefe to beleeue that Christs true body is in the Sacrament which is onely in heauen and that his friendes and kindred were deceiued if they otherwise beleeued I will continue in the truth that is taught me as long as I liue ●or if I doe otherwise I shall perish both body and soule and I had rather my body perish then my soule Wherevpon hee was condemned and after carried to Burnt-wood where hee suffered most ioifully He was a very yong man borne of good parents of whom he was not onely instructed to godlines but confirmed
and not the flesh and bloud of Christ naturally and that there is no sacrifice nor saluation to a Christian in the Masse except it were said and vsed in the mother tongue and likewise also that the ceremonies of the Church are not profitable for a Christian. And as touching Auricular confession he said it was necessary to goe to a good Priest for counsaile but the absolution and laying handes on a mans head by the Priest as it is now vsed is not profitable and that the faith and doctrine now taught is not agreeable to GODS word and that Hooper Cardmaker and others of their opinion which were late burned were good Christians and did preach the doctrine of Christ. Iohn Launder was coudemned by the said Bonner for affirming that whosoeuer doth teach or vse any other Sacraments then the Lords Supper and Baptisme or any other ceremonies he beleeueth that they were not of the Catholique Church but abhorreth them and that he himselfe is a member of the true Catholique Church he denied the reall presence in the Sacrament but he beleeueth that when he receiueth the materiall Bread and Wine it is in remembrance of Christs death and that he eates Christs body and bloud by faith and no otherwise and that the Masse is naught and abominable and directeth against Gods word and that the gloria in excelsis the Creed Sanctum Pater noster Agnus and other parts of the masse be of themselues good yet being vsed amongst other things are naught also and that auricular confession is not necessary to be made to a Priest but to God and that none but Christ hath authoritie to absolue sinnes Derick being asked whether he would recant your doctrine quoth he is poyson and sorcerie if Christ were here you would put him to a worse death then he was put to before You say you can make a God you can make a Pudding as well your ceremonies in the Church are beggerie and poyson and auricular confession is poyson and against Gods word so they were condemned and burned Derick was rich but the ra●eners made such hauocke thereof that his poore wife and children had little or none thereof he was olde and past learning yet when he was put into prison being ignorant of any letter in his booke he could before his death reade perfectly When he was burned they threw his booke into a barrell that he was burned in to be burned with him but he threw it amongst the people and the Sherife commanded vpon paine of death in the King and Quéenes name to throw it into the fire againe then he said Deare brethren and sisters as many as beleeue in the Father the Sonne and holy Ghost vnto euerlasting life see you doe thereafter and you that beleeue in the Pope or any of his lawes you beleeue to your vtter destruction for except the great mercy of God you shall burne in hell continually The Sherife said if thou dost not beleeue in the Pope thou art damned therefore speake to thy God that he may deliuer thee now or else to strike me downe to the example of this people but he said vnto him The Lord forgiue you that which you haue said THOMAS IVESON THis Iueson was condemned by the said Bonner for saying the Sacrament of the Altar is a very Idoll and detestable before GOD as it is now-a-dayes ministred and that the Masse is naught and that auricular confession is not necessary for that a Priest cannot forgiue sinnes that baptisme is a token of Christ as circumcision he beléeueth his sinnes are not washed away therby but only his body washed and his sinnes washed only in Christs bloud and that there is but two Sacraments Baptisme and the Lords Supper which now are not rightly vsed in England that all the ceremonies now vsed in the Church are superfluous and superstitio●s and being earnestly labored withall to recant said he would not forsake his beléefe for all the goods in London I doe appeale to Gods mercie and will be none of your Church and if there came an Angell from heauen to teach me other doctrine then that which I haue now I would not beleeue him whereupon he was burned IOHN ALEWORTH HEe died in prison at Reading for the testimonie of the truth whom the Catholike Prelats as their vse is did exclude out of Catholike buriall IAMES ABBES THis Abbes be●ng examined by the Bishop of Norwich he relented at their naughty perswasions now when he was dismissed and should go from the Bishop he gaue him some money but after he was pittiously vexed in conscience he went againe to the Bishop and threw him his said money which he had receiued and said it repented him that euer he had consented to their wicked perswasions then the Bishop and his Chaplains laboured a fresh to win him againe but in vaine and so he was burned at Berry Iohn Denley Gentleman Iohn Newman Patricke Pachington AS Edmund Tyrell a Iustice of Peace in Essex came from the burning of certaine godly Martyrs he me● with Iohn Denley and Iohn Newman both of Maidstone in Kent and vpon the sight of them as he bragged he suspected and searched them and finding the confessions of their faith written about them hee sent them to the Quéens Commissioners who sent them to Bonner the effect of the writing followeth In the Sacrament Christs bodie is figuratiuely in the Bread and Wine spiritually he is in them that worthily eate and drinke the Bread and Wine but really carnally and corporally he is in heauen from whence he shall come to iudge the quicke and the dead Then Bonner ministred articles vnto them and vnto Patrick Pachington who all answered alike to this effect following The Catholike Church is built vpon the foundation of the Prophets and Apostles Christ being the head corner stone it is the Congregation of the faithfull dispersed through the whole world and two or three gathered together in Christs name are the members thereof This Church doeth preach GODS holy word and minister the blessed Sacraments truely the Church of England vsing the Faith and Religion which now is vsed is no member thereof but is the Church of A●tichrist the Bishop of Rome being the head thereof for they haue altered the Testament of GOD and set vp a Testament of their own deuising ful of blasphemy and lies Christs Testament being that we should haue all things done for the edifying of the Church The Masse now vsed is most abominable idolatrie and intollerable blasphemie Christ ordained his Sacraments to be eaten together in remembrance of his death vntill he● come and not to bee worshipped and to make an Idoll of them for GOD will not be worshipped in his creatures but we must remember to praise him for his creatures what is kneeling holding vp your handes knocking of the breast putting off the cap and making curtsie with other superstition to the bread but Idolatrie You obiect you worship not the Bread and Wine
cast into the fields and buried by night of the faithfull when none durst doe it in the day Ioane Lashford the Daughter of Iohn Warne and Elizabeth Warne Martyrs was repréeued to a longer day her martirdome was next yeare William Andrew HE was sent out of Horsie in Essex by the Lord Rich and Sir Richard Southwell and being twice examined before Boner he stood manfullie in the defence of his Religion at length through straight handling in the Prison in Newgate he died and after the Popish manner hee was cast into the fields and in the night secretly buried by the faithfull Robert Samuell IUstice Foster of Cobdocke in Suffolke a deadly hater of the Professors of the truth amongst many others that were also troubled by him this Robert Samuell a godly Preacher in King Edwards daies was one Hee was Minister of Barford in Suffolke and beeing put from the Ministry as others were he taught priuilie and when that the order came vp that Priests should put away their Wiues and bee compelled to single life Samuell would not agrée thereto Maister Foster sent out espials to apprehend him and carry him to Prison if hée were found to come vnto his Wife whereby he was taken and put into Ipswich Iayle from thence he was carried to Norwich where Doctor Hopton the Bishop and Doctor Donnings his Chancellor exercised great crueltie against him They kept in him strait prison where he was chained bolt vpright vnto a great post that hee was ●aine to beare all his bodie on tip-toe and kept him without meat and drinke onelie he had euery day two or thrée mouthfuls of Bread and thrée spoonefuls of Water He would often haue drunken his owne Water but his bodie was so dried vp that he was not able to make water When he was brought forth to be burned he reported that after he had béen famished with hunger two or thrée daies together he fell into a slumber at which time one clad all in white seemed to stand before him which said Samuell Samuell be of good cheere for after this day thou shalt neuer be hungry or thirstie which was performed for spéedily after he was burned and from that time vntill he suffered he felt neither hunger nor thirst and he said he declared this that all might sée the wonderfull workes of God He said he could vtter many such comforts as he had of Christ in his afflictions which modesty would not suffer him to vtter As he was going vnto the fire a Maid named Rose Notingham took him about necke and kissed him who being marked the next day was sought for to bee had to Prison and burned yet by Gods goodnesse the escaped yet two honest Women fell into the rage of that time the one a Brewers wife the other a Shoe-makers Wife who were burned the next day after Samuell the one was called Anne Potten the other Ioane Trunchfield The report of them which saw Samuell burned is that his body in burning did ●hine as bright and white as new tryed Siluer in the eies of them that stood by In the booke at large thou maist sée a godly Letter of his and a godly confession of his Faith William Allen. HE was a labouring man sometimes Seruant to Iohn Houghton of Somerset he was burned at Walsingham he was imprisoned for saying he would neuer follow the crosse on procession The Bishop bad him returne vnto the Catholique Church he answered he would turne vnto the Catholike Church but not to the Romish Church and said if he saw the King and Quéene and all other follow the Crosse and knéele downe to the Crosse he would not Roger Coo. HE was of Melford in Suffolke a Sheare-man an aged Father after his sundry conflicts with his Aduersaries he was burned at Yexford in Suffolke for denying the Sacrament of the Altar and when the Bishop said he must obey the King whether his command agrée with the word of God or no. He answered If Sidrach Misaach and Abednago had done so Nabuchadnezzer had not confessed the liuing Lord and when the Bishop said he had charge of his Soule he answered if you go to the Diuell for your sinnes where shall I become Thomas Cobbe LIkewise Thomas Cobbe of Hauehill Butcher was burned by the said Bishop of Norwich for denying the reall presence in the Sacrament and for saying he would be obedient to the King and Quéenes commaundement as the Law of God would suffer and no further George Catmer and Robert Streater of Hyth Anthony Burward of Calete George Brodbridge of Bromfield James Tutty of Breachley THese were brought before Thorton Bishop of Douer where they being examined they did all affirme the Sacrament of the Altar to be an abhominable Idoll and George Brodbridge said he would not be confessed of a Priest because he could not forgiue his owne sinnes And moreouer as for holy Bread and holy Water and the Masse I do quoth he vtterly defie them therefore they were all fiue burned as Heretickes at Canterbury Thomas Heyward and Iohn Gorway VVE finde they were condemned and burned at Lichfield in the Dioces of Lichfield and Couentry Robert Glouer and Iohn Glouer his Brother and William Glouer another Brother IOhn was the eldest brother a Gentleman of the Towne of Mancetor he was endued with faire possessions and worldly goods but much more enriched with heauenly grace He with his two brethren not only embraced the light of the Gospell but most zealously professed the same In King Henries daies this Iohn fell into a dispaire of himselfe vpon the occasion of these words in the 7. to the Hebrewes For it cannot be that they which were once illuminated and haue tasted the heauenly gift c. The Bishop sending a warrant for this Iohn the Mayor of Couentry sent him a priuy watch-word who with his Brother William conuayed himselfe away but the Sheriffe found Robert lying sicke in bed and although the Sheriffe would faine haue dismissed him saying Hee was not the man for whom they were sent yet fearing the stout words of the Officer he put him in Prison vntill the Bishops comming Robert Being brought before the Bishop of Couentry he asked me wherefore I wou●d not come to Church I said I would not come thither as long as Masse was vsed in their Churches though I had 500. liues and might saue them all by going and I asked if they could finde any thing in the Scriptures whereby they could defend the Masse Bish. He asked who should be iudge of the holy word I said Christ. Robert He refused not to giue his doctri●e to be examined of the people by searching of the Scriptures and so did Paule and if that would not suffice I said I would stand to the iudgement of the Primitiue Church which was next after the Apostles time and that should be iudge betwixt them He answered he was mine Ordinary and therefore it was my part to beléeue as hee did I said what if
taught heresie And hee desired all them present to beare him witnesse that he tooke the Traditions and Religion of the Pope to bée most erronious false and against the doctrine of holy Scriptures which hee had often proued by preaching and writing and the Pope to bee very Antichrist so often preached by the Apostles and Prophets in whom most euidently doth concurre all the signes and tokens whereby hee was painted vnto the world to bee knowne by for hee aduanceth himselfe aboue all Emperours and Kings of the world whom he affirmeth to hold of him and to be at his commandement and the stories make mention of his intollerable pride and tyranny vsed to them as no King would haue done to his subiects nor a good maister to his seruants setting his féet vpon Emperours necks and making others to hold his stirrops and remoued others from their Empires hath not onely occupied the highest places in the world aboue Kings but hath presumed to fit in the seat of Almighty God which is the conscience of man to kéepe the possession thereof he hath promised forgiuenesse of sins he hath brought in Gods of his own framing and inuented a new religion full of lucre quite contrary to the Scriptures only for maintaining of his kingdome displacing Christ from his glory holding his people in miserable seruitude of blindnesse to the losse of a number of soules which God at the latter day shall exact at his hands boasting in his Canons decrées that he can dispense against Peter Paul the old Testament New that in his fulnesse of power he can do as much as God If any man can be aduanced aboue him let him be iudged Antichrist This enemy of God and our redemption is so euidently painted out in the Scriptuers with such manifest tokens which all sée clearely appeare in him that except a man will shut his eyes and heart against the light hee cannot but know him therefore I will neuer giue my consent to the receiuing of him into the Church of England and my Lord sand you that be here examine your own consciences you are sworne against him you are learned and can iudge the truth I pray God you be not wilfully blind I haue discharged my conscience to the world I will write my mind to her grace which letter you may sée in the book at large Storie and Martine diuers times interrupted him saying he spake blasphemy and would faine haue the Bishop put him to silence who notwithstanding suffered him to end his spéech Then they charged him that he was sworne vnto the Pope when he was made Archbishop but he denied it and said It appeareth that he did not by the record of the countrey which one of them confessed Many maruelled that in so perilous a time he had so sincerely proceeded choosing rather to venture the losse of his life and all his glorious pompe then to do any thing that might spill his conscience Then they obiected that he was married which he confessed Doctor Martine said his children were bond-men to the Sea of Canterbury At which he smiled saying If a benificed Priest had a Concubine and had bastards by her they are not bond-men to the benifice I trust you wil make my childrens cause no worse Then D. Martine demanded of him who was the supreme head of the Church he said Christ Martine said you made K. Henry supreme head of the Church He said of the people of England Ecclesiasticall Temporal and not of the Church for Christ is the onely head of the Church and of the Faith and Religion of the same The Articles of religion touching the Sacrament denying transubstantiation the Sacrifice of the Masse and the reall presence he affirmed as he taught in his Booke Then they cited him to appeare 80 daies after at Rome and then sent him to prison where thou maist sée their visored face of Iustice as though the Court of Rome would condemne no man before hee answered for himselfe but the same time the Pope sent letters executory vnto the King and Queene to disgrade and depriue him which was done before twenty dayes were done And though he were kept in prison at the end of the 80 dayes hee was decreed Contumax and thereupon condemned Upon S. Valentines day next after the Archbishop was disgraded and condemned by Bonner Thurlby Bishop of Ely who sometimes was Cranmers Chaplaine and preferred by him at which time Bonner which a long time had borne great malice towards him and reioyced greatly see this day wherein he might triumph ouer him at his pleasure made an Oration to the people in this sort This is the man who hath euer despised the Popes holinesse and now is to be iudged by him this is the man that hath pulled downe so many Churches and now is come to be iudged in a Church this is the man that contemned y ● blessed Sacrament of the Altar and now is come to be condemned before the said Sacrament hanging ouer the Altar this is the man that like Lucifer sate in the place of Christ vpon an Altar to iudge others and now is come before the Altar to bee iudged himselfe Thus he continued halfe an houre heaping vp a number of lies together beginning euery one with This is the man so lothsomly that he made euery man weary When they had disgraded him they stript him of his gowne put vpon him a poore yeoman Bedles gowne thrid-bare and as ill-fauouredly made as could be and a Townsmans cap vpon his head and so deliuered him to the secular power in this filthie gowne he was carried vnto prison The Queene Bishops hauing kept the Archbishop now almost three yeares in prison seeing by no means they could preuaile with him all this while to turn him from his religion they suborned certaine men which should by intreaty and faire promises or any other means allure him to recantation so the wily Papists flocked about him labouring to draw him from his former sentence to recantation especially Henry Sidall and Frier Iohn a Spaniard they shewed him how acceptable it would be to the Kings Queene and how gainfull it would be both bodily spiritually they added that the Councell Noble-men bare him good wil promising him both his life ancient dignity saying the matter was but small the setting of his hand to a few words but if hee refused there was no hope of pardon for the Queene was purposed that shee would haue Cranmer a Catholique or else no Cranmer at all By these and such like prouocations they at last w●nne him to subscribe It may bee supposed that it was for hope of life and better dayes to come But it appeareth by a Letter of his to a Lawyer that the most cause why hee desired his life to bee delayed was that hee might make an end of a Booke against Marcus Antonius a Papist which hee had begun but it is manifest
that it was against his conscience it pleased God that so great vertues in this man should not be without some blemish and that y ● falshood of the Pop●sh generation by this meanes might be the more euident and that we should haue the lesse confidence of our owne strength presently this recantation was put in Print and published notwithstanding it was decréed that Cranmer should be burned out of hand and the Quéene commanded a funerall Sermon to be made for him by Doctor Cole and hauing his lesson giuen him he went spéedily to Oxford to play his part The morning before hee should bee executed Cole gaue him 15 crownes to giue to y ● poore The Archbishop surmised whereabouts they went after the Spanish Frier came vnto him with a paper of Articles which Cranmer should openly professe in his recantation before the people desiring him to write his name vnto it then he prayed him to write a Copy of it and kéepe it with him which he did knowing wherunto their deuices tended he put secretly into his bosome his prayer with his exhortation written in another paper Cranmer was brought from prison to S. Maries Church betwixt two Friers which mumbled certaine Psalmes in the stréets as they went when they came vnto the Church they sung Nunc dimittis then they brought him to his standing where they left him there he stood all y ● Sermon in a bare ragged gowne ill-fauouredly clothed with an old square cap exposed to the contempt of all men In this habite when he had stood a good while vpon the stage he turned vnto a pillar knéeling lifting vp his hands to heauen he praied vnto God once or twice After a while Cole came began his Sermon altogether to the disgrace of Cranmer shewing that he was the onely man that began this heresie schisme from the Catholique Church that he was the cause of the diuorce betwixt the Quéenes father and mother and that for these and other maine causes the Quéene and Councell did thinke fit that he should be burned although he had recanted At the end of his Sermon he brought many scriptures to comfort him that such as die in Gods faith he will either abate y ● fury of y ● flame or else giue him strength to abide it he glorified God much in his conuersi●n because it appeared to be only his worke shewing what great meanes was vsed to conuert him but none could preuaile vntill God reclaimed him saying whilst he flowed in riches honor he was vnworthy of death but lest he should carry with him no comfort he promised that immediatly after his death there should be Dirges Masses Funerals executed in all the Churches in Oxford for ●uccour of his soule But Cranmer during the Sermon lifted vp his hands eyes to heauen the very shape of forrow was liuely expressed in him more then twenty times he shed aboundant teares from his fatherly face but especially when he made his prayer before the people After Cole had done his Sermon he had Cranmer performe his promise to expresse your faith that you may take away suspicion from men that they may vnvnderstand you a Catholique indéed I wil do it said the Archbishop with a good will then he desired y ● people to pray for him that God would forgiue him his sins and one offence doth trouble me more then all the rest whereof in processe of my talke you shall heare and after he had made a very pithy praier with y ● people which you may sée in y ● book at large then he said euery man at the time of his death desireth to giue some god exhortation vnto others so I pray God at this my departing I may speake somwhat whereby God may be glorified you edified His first exhortation was that we should not set our minds too much vpon this glozing world but vpon God the world to come His next exhortation was to obedience to y ● King Quéen● His third exhortation was that they should loue together like brothers sisters The fourth was that rich men would weigh three sayings in y ● scripture First Christ saith it is hard for a rich man to enter into y ● kingdome of heauen Secondly S. Iohn saith he that hath this worlds goods and shutteth his compassion vpon his needy brother how can he say he loueth God Thirdly Saint Iames biddeth them weepe and howle for the miseries that shall come vpon you your clothes be moth-eaten your gold and siluer cankred and rusty and the rust shall witnesse against you and consume you like fire you hoord vp treasure of Gods indignation against the last day Let them that be rich ponder well these thrée sentences for if euer they had occasion to shew their charity it is now the poore beeing so many and victuals so deere Now being I am come to the end of my life whereupon hangeth my life past and my life to come either to liue with my Maister Christ for euer in ioy or else for euer in paine with the Diuell Therefore I will declare my faith vnto you without dissembling I beleeue all the Articles of the Créede and all the Doctrine of Christ his Apostles and Prophets in the new and old Testament and now I come vnto the great thing that so much troubled my conscience more then all that euer I did in all my life and that is in setting abroad a writing contrary to truth which now I renounce as written with my hand contrary to my heart for feare of death and that is all such Billes and Papers which I haue written or signed with my hand since my degradation and because my hand writ contrary to my heart it shall be first burned And as for the Pope I refuse him as Christs enemy and Antichrist with all his false Doctrine And as for the Sacrament I beléeue as I haue taught in my Booke and my Booke shall stand at the last day before the iudgement of God when the Papisticall doctrine shall be ashamed to shewe her face It was a world to sée the Doctors beguiled of so great a hope I thinke there was neuer cruelty more notably deluded and when he began to speake more of the Sacrament and of the Papacie Cole cried to stop the Heretiques mouth then the Friers pulled him from his seate and led him to the fire then they cried to him What madnesse hath brought thee againe into this error by which thou wilt draw innumerable soules with thee into hell Hee answered them not but directed his talke vnto the people But the Spanish Barker raged and foamed almost out of his wits and he and the other Spanish Frier began to exhort him afresh but all in vaine When the fire began to burne neere him he put his right hand into the flame which he held so stedfastly that it was burned before his body was touched he abode the fire with such constancy
Lord he renounced the false coloured Religion of the Romish Sea wherein many a good man hath beene drowned he was burned at Northampton Thrée in the Castle of Cicester being in like bonds for the like cause of Christs Gospell died in Prison and were buried in the fields who had béene burned if the cruell handling of Papists had not made them away before John Clarke Dunstone Chittenden vncondemned William Foster of Stone Allice Potkins of Staplehurst Iohn Archer of Cranbroke VVeauer THe first of Nouember these fiue were macerate and pined to death by famine in the Castle of Canterbury they answered all to this effect that they beleeue the Articles of the Creed but they beleeue no more Sacraments but two that praiers to Saints or soules in purgatory profit not that faith only iustifieth they denied the Popish ceremonies in the Church that it was as good to carry a Dungfork as Candles on Candlemas day and that it is as necessary to carry the Gallowes about if ones father were hanged as to cary the Crosse that they could not come to Church with a safe conscience There was fifteene of them in prison and it seemeth the Bishops and Priests had appointed to starue them al had not a Certificate of the manner of their cruell handling bin throwne out of the Castle window wherby their doings were made manifest so the other ten were burned as after appeareth In the Months of September Nouember and December there was a great persecution in Couentry and Lichfield the cruell Bishop Radulph Bane and his cruell Chancellor Doctor Draycot and nine Priests and a number of others were compelled to recant and one Hoke was burned at Chester as thou mayst see in the Booke at large THE TVVELFTH BOOKE OF the Acts of the Church TOuching the processe and whole discourse concerning the condemning taking vp and burning the bones and bookes of Bucer Paulus Phagius by the commaundement of Cardinall Poole with all the rites and ceremonies therunto appertaining with all the ridiculous procéeding of the Commissioners whilst they were at Cambridge and also the Oration of M. Acworth Orator of the Uniuersitie at the restitution of Martine Bucer and Paulus Phagius in Quéene Elizabeths time and also the dispitefull handling and madnesse of the Papists towards Peter Martires Wife at Oxford taking her vp from her grau● at the commandement of Cardinall Poole and after buried in a Dunghil Concerning the processe of these things I refer thee if thou béest disposed to sée them to the booke at large The 18. of Ianuary the ten that remained of the aforesaid fiftéene that were in prison in the Castle of Canterbury whereof fiue of them were starued the ●ther ten were burned for the same points of Religion in effect as the other fiue held as before is expressed the names of these ten follow Iohn Philpot of Tenderden William Waterer of Bedingdy Stephen Kempe of Norgate William Hay of Hith Thomas Hudson of Sellenge Mathew Bradbridge of Tenderden Thomas Stephens of Bedingham Nicholas Finall of Tenderden VVilliam Lowicke of Cranbroke VVilliam Prowting of Thorneham The 8. of February a most bloody Commission was giuen forth by King Philip and Quéene Marie to prosecute the poore members of Christ. Whereupon twenty two were apprehended in Essex and brought vp to London at once to Bonner all of them tyed to a rope by two and two and so lead in a rope through the stréetes to Bonner Now the Bishops and Councell perceiuing the number and fearing to put them to death being so many together least I some disturbance might rise vpon the same they bad them make their submission and confession as they would themselues that they might make a colour of recantation wherupon they were discharged for their names I referre thée to the Booke at large Thomas Loseby Henry Ramsey Tho Thyrtell Margaret Hyde Agnes Stanley THe twelfth of Aprill these were burned at one fire in Smithfield Bonner framed now Articles vnto them and confessing these points of his Articles they were condemned 1 For speaking against the Faith Religion and Ecclesiasticall seruice especially concerning the Masse and the seauen Sacraments saying they agréed not w●th Gods word 2 For being perswaded that the English seruice in King Edwards time was godly and Catholike 3 That they did not thinke themselues bound to come to Church to heare the Mattins Masse and Euening song 4. That they did not thinke themselues bound to go a Procession nor to beare Tapers and Candles at Candlemas nor take Ashes vpon Ashwednesday nor beare Palmes vpon Palme-sunday nor to créepe to the Crosse vpon daies accustomed not to receiue and kisse the Paxe at Masse time not to receiue holy water or holy bread nor to except or allow the Ceremonies and vsages of the Church as they are vsed in this Realme 5 For thinking they were not bound to confesse their sinnes vnto a Priest nor to receiue absolution at his hand nor to receiue the Sacrament of the Altar 6 For thinking prayers to Saints or prayers for the dead are not lawdable profitable not allowed by Gods Word and that the soules departed goe straight waies to Heauen or Hell so that there is no Purgatory 7 For thinking all those that were burned in King Henry the eights time and in Quéene Maries time as Heretickes were no Heretickes but faithfull and good people and for approuing their opinions and mis●iking their condemnations 8 For thinking the Sacrament of the Altar to bee an Idoll and to reserue it to be honoured to be Idolatry and likewise of the Masse and ●l●uation of the Sacrament After this they were conuented againe before the Bishop in the Con●●story where these being asked what they had to say against iudgement Thomas Los●by said God giue me strength to stand against you and your 〈◊〉 your Law●s a de●ouring Law I perceiue there is no way with me but death except I will beléeue in that Idoll the Masse Thomas Thirtle said If you make me an Heretick then you make Christ and al the twelue Apostles Hereticks for I am in the true faith and I will stand to it for I know I shall haue eternall life R●msey said my opinion is the very truth which I will not goe from There are two Churches and we the Martyrs of Christ are the true Church and yee be not Margaret Hide affirmed shee was in that true Faith and would neuer forsake it Agnes Stanly said if euery haire of her head were neuer so much worth I had rather they were reburned then I will for sake my true faith Then they were put off vntill the afternoone then as Loseby his answere was reading mention being made of the Sacrament Boner put off his Cap and Loseby put on his hat and he said I trust I haue the Spirit of truth which you detest for the wisedome of God is foolishnesse vnto you whereupon they had iudgement Margaret Hide saide My Lord I will not depart from my sayings till I be
was well done but he rebuked it therefore you are deceiued Chich. Who shall iudge betwixt vs in the matter I said the word as it is in the 12. of Iohn And S. Peter saith the Scriptures haue no priuate interpretation but one scripture must be vnderstood by another then he said if you vnderstand it one way I another who shal be Iudge the true Church of God is able to discusse all doubts He said the Church of God doth allow the sacrament of the Altar VVood. What doe you offer now vpon the Altar Chich. We offer vp the body of Christ to pacific the wrath of God in the blessed Sacrament and there withall all put off their caps vnto the abhominable Idoll Wood. S. Paul saith in the tenth to the Hebrewes wee are sanctified by the offering of the body of Christ vpon the Crosse once for all and euery Priest is dayly ministring and offering one manner of sacrifice which can neuer take away sins and that it is the offering that you vse to offer as farre as I can see you be Priests after the order of Aaron that offer vp sacrifice for their owne sinnes and the sinnes of the people Chich. Aarons sacrifice was with bloud which signified the death of Christ but we are Priests after the order of Melchisedech which offered bread to the King in remembrance and signified the giuing of Christs body in b●ead Wine at his last supper which Christ gaue vnto his Disciples and commanded to be vsed vnto the end of the world VVood. Me thinke you haue made the matter very plaine that as Christ was the end of the sacrifices so he was the beginning of the Sacraments willing them to be vsed in remembrance of him vnto the end of the world Chich. The word saith Take eate this is my body it is not the signe onely but the thing it selfe how say you it is not his body after the words be spoken by the Priest VVood. If you say the words ouer the water if there be no child is there true Baptisme He said there must be the Water the Word the Child Then I said if the Child be baptized in the name of ●he Father the Sonne Is it true Baptisme He said it must be baptized in the name of the Father the Sonne and the Holy Ghost Then I said there may be nothing added or diminished Chich. How say you Take eate this is my body is not this Christs body as soone as it is said VVood. As the water the word and the Child altogether make Baptisme so the bread the wine the word make the sacrament the eater eating it in true faith maketh it his body so it is not Christs body but by the faithfull receiuer For hee said Take eat this is my body He calleth it not his body before before eating And S. Augustine saith crede manducasti beleeue and thou hast eaten And S. Iohn saith he that beleeueth in God dwelleth in God and God in him Wherefore it is impossible to please God and to eat his body without true Faith Priest If the Faith of the receiuer maketh it his body and not his word what did Iudas eat VVood. He eat the Sacrament of Christ and the Diuell with all Priest He eate the body of Christ vnworthily as S. Paul saith Wood. S. Paul speaketh not of eating his body vnworthily but of the sacrament vnworthily For he saith whosoeuer eateth of this bread and drinketh of this cup vnworthily eateth drinketh his own damnation because he maketh no difference of the Lords body and not because hee eateth the Lords body if Iudas had eaten Christs body he must needs be saued For Christ saith in the 6. of Iohn Whosoeuer eateth my flesh and drinketh my bloud hath eternal life Chich. Do you not beleeue that after the words be spoken that there remaineth neither bread nor wine but the very body of Christ really Wood. I haue told you my mind without dissimulation more you get not of me except you wil talk by the scriptures then I wil proue it more plaine 3. or 4. waies Then they made a great laughing and said this is an heretick indeed it is time he were burned Then I said as you iudge me you shall be iudged your selues for I serue God truely with that which you call heresie as you shall well know when you are in hell and haue bloud to drinke and shall say in paine this was th● man we iested on and whose talk we thought foolishnes and his ●nd without honour now we may sée how he is counted amongst the Saints of God and wee are punished these words shall you say being in hell if you repent not with speed if you consent to the shedding of my bloud Pries●● You were at Baxell a tweluemonth agone and sent for the Parson and talked with him in the Church-yard and would not goe into the Church for you said it was the Idols temple Story came in pointing at me with his finger I can say nothing to him but an heretick I haue heard you talke this houre and a halfe and can heare no reasonablenes in him Wood. As you iudge me you shall be iudged your selfe Story What be you a preaching you shall preach at a stake shortly with your fellowes Kéeper carry him to the Marshalsey againe and let no body come to speake with him The fourth examination before Doctor LANGDAL LAngd Your childe was not Christned in a fortnight or in thrée wéekes after it was borne and then the chifest of the Parish were faine to fetch it out of your house against your will which declareth that you allow not Baptisme of Children and if the childe had died it had beene damned because it was not Christned and you should haue beene damned because you were the let thereof Wood. It was baptized as soone as it was borne by the Midwife and the cause I blamed my neighbour was because they fet my childe out of my house without my leaue and did more to it then need was the which was not well done And where you said if a childe die and be not baptized it is damned be all damned that receiue not the outward signe of Baptisme Lang. Yea that they be For Christ saith And baptise them in the name of the Father the Sonne and the Holy Ghost And he that beleeueth and is baptized shall be saued And he that beleeueth not shall be damned Wood. Then by your saying baptizing bringeth faith and all that be baptized in the water shall be saued Lang. Yea if they dye before they come to discretion they shall be saued euery one of them and all that be not baptized shall be damned Wood. You vnderstand not the Scriptures but as farre as naturall reason can comprehend the Scriptures are plaine that they which beleeue not shall be damned But it saith not in any place that they that are not baptized shall be damned And where you say Faith commeth by
body a sacrifice to God the price of my redemption by that onely sacrifice all the faithfull are sanctified and he is our onely aduocate mediatour and he hath made perfect our redemption without any of your dadly oblations Doctor Bridges You take wel the litterall sence but as Christ offered his body vpon the Crosse which was a bloody sacrifice and a visible sacrifice so likewise we doe offer vp the selfe same body that was offered vpon the crosse but not bloudy and visible but inuisible vnto God I said then Christs sacrifice was not perfected but Christ is true when all men be liers then he saide Thou shalt not feare him that hath power to kill the body but thou shalt feare him enterpreting him to meane the Church which hath power to kill body and soule Christ said We should feare him and not them the hath power to cast body and soule into hel meaning God and not the Church and if you will presume to offer Christs body dayly then your power is aboue Christs power then he was condemned and with patience and constancie entred his blessed martyrdome at whose burning one Thomas Carman was apprehended for words praying with him and pledging him at his burning One Frier and the sister of George Eagles THese suffered the like martyrdome by the vnrighteous Papists whose tyranny the Lord of his mercy abate and cut short turning that wicked generation to abetter minde They were burned at Rochester IOHN CVRD HE was a Shoomaker of Sisam in Northamptonshire hée was imprisoned in Northampton castle for denying the Popish transubstantiation for the which William Bru●ter Chancelour vnto the Bishop of Peterborrow did pronounce sentence of death against him a popish priest standing by when he was to bee burned one Iohn Rote vicar of S. Giles in Northampton shewed him if he should recant he was authorised to giue him his pardon he answered he had his pardon by Iesus Christ. Cicelie Ormes SHe suffered at Norwich she was taken at the death of Symon Miller and Elizabeth Cooper for that she said she would pledge them of the same cup they dranke of one master Cobet of Sprowson tooke her and sent her to the Chancelour he asked her what she said vnto the Sacrament of Christs body and what is that the Priest holdeth ouer his head she answered it was bread and if you make it better it is worse so she was sent to prison after she was called and examined before the Chancelour and master Bridges the Chancelor offered her if she would go to Church kéep her tongue she should be at libertie and beléeue as she would but she tould him she would not consent to his wicked desire therein and if shée should God would plague her then he tolde her he had shewed more fauour vnto her then euer he did vnto any and when he could not preuaile he condemned her she was borne in East Derrham and was daugh●er vnto one Thomas Hawood Tailor she was taken a twelue-moonth before and recanted but was neuer after quiet in conscience she had gotten a letter written to be deliuered to y e Chancelor to let him know she repented her recantation would neuer do the like againe as long as she liued but before she exhibited her bill she was taken and imprisoned as before when she was at the stake she told the people I would you should not report of me that I beléeue to be saued in that I offer my selfe here to death for the Lord cause but I beléeue onely to be saued by the death of Christs passion and this my death is and shall be a witnesse of my faith vnto you all good people as many of you as beléeue as I doe pray for me then she kissed the stake and sayd welcome swéet crosse of Christ aft●● the fire was kindled she said My soule doth magnifie the Lord and my spirit doth reioyce in God my Sauiour and so yéelded her life vnto the Lord as quietly as if she had béene in a slumber or as one féeling no paine so wonderfully did the Lord worke with her Mistresse Ioyce Lewis SHe was the wife of Thomas Lewis of Mancetter in the beginning of Quéene Maries time she went to Church and heard Masse vntill the burning of Laurence Saunders in Couentry then she inquired of such as she knew feared God the cause of his death and when she knew it was because he refused to receiue the Masse she began to be troubled in conscience she reforted to master Iohn Glouer a very godly man of whom mentioned is made before and desired him to tell her the faults that were in the Masse who instructed her in the wayes of the Lord approuing vnto her out of Gods holy word that the Masse with al other papistical inuentions was odious in Gods sight so she began to hate the Masse being compelled by her husband to come vnto Church ●when the holy water was cast she turned her backe towards it wherupon she was accused vnto the Bishop and a citation was s●nt for her and her husband the Sumner deliuered the citation to her husband who willed him to take the citation away with him or else he would make him eate it and in the end he made the Sumner eate the citation by setting a dagger vnto his brest and then he caused him to drinke and so sent him away but after they were commanded to appeare before my Lord her husband desired my Lord to be good vnto him my Lord was content to receiue his submission so that his wife would submit her selfe likewise but she told the Bishop that she had neyther offended God nor his lawes in refusing holy water the Bishop gaue her a moneths respite binding her husband in a hundred pound to bring her to him at the moneths end When the moneth was almost expired her husband was aduertised by the said M. Glouer and others not to carry his wife to the Bishop but to séeke some way to saue her and if the worst should come to be content to forfeit the Band rather then to cast his wife into the fire he answered he would not forfeit any thing for her sake but carried his wife vnto the Bishop who found her more stout then she was before so she was sent to such a stinking prison that a maid that was appointed to kéep her company did sound in the said prison She was often examined and euer found stout at length she was pronounced an heretick When the Bishop asked her why she would not come vnto the masse and receiue the sacraments and sacramentals of holy Church she answered because she could not find them in Gods word he said if thou wilt beléeue no more then is in the scriptures concerning matters of religion thou art in a damnable case she told my Lord his words were vngodly and wicked After her condemnation she continued a year in prison Wher● the Writ came to burn her she said
on her clothes then he said Nay parson no whoore but a man and his wife according to Gods ordinance and blessed be God for lawfull matrimony and I defie the Pope and all his popery then they led him vnto the Cage and set him in the stocks vntill it was day There was then in the Cage an old man named Iohn Dale who had sitten there thrée or foure dayes for saying vnto Parson Newall and his Curat Miserable and blinde guids will you euer be blinde leaders of the blinds will you neuer amend will you neuer sée the truth of Gods word will neither Gods threats nor promises enter into your hearts will not the bloud of Martyrs nothing mollifie your stony stomacks O indurate hard hearted peruerse and crooked generation O damnable sort to whom nothing can do good The said parson Newall caused them both to be carried vnto Bury Gaole being pinioned and bound like théeues and their legges tyed vnder the horse bellies where they were ●yed in Irons and because they continually rebuked Popery they were throwne into the lowest dungeon where Iohn Dale died in prison whose bodie was buried in the fields He was a Weauer by his occupation Then Richard Yeoman was remoued to Norwich prison where he was straitly kept hée boldly professed himselfe to be of the faith and religion that was set forth by King Edward the sixt and from that he would in no wise vary Being required to submit himselfe to the holy Father the Pope I defie him quoth he and all his detestable abominations I will in no wise haue to do with him or with any thing that appertaineth vnto him The chiefe articles obiected against him were his marriage and the masse sacrifies wherfore when he continued stedfast in the profession of the truth he was condemned not only burned but cruelly tormented in the fire IOHN ALCOCK THis Iohn was a Shereman which came vnto the aforesaid Hadley to seek worke after Doctor Tayler was martyred and Richard Yeoman was taken he vsed to reade the Seruice in English in the Church of Hadley as is touched before at the length because he would not moue his Cap nor shew reuerence when Parson Newall went of procession when Newall was almost out of the Church he runne backe againe and caught him and deliuered him vnto the Constable saying hee is an Hereticke and a Traytor and dispised the Quéenes proceedings Wherefore I commaund you in the Quéenes Name to haue him vnto the stocks when he was brought vnto the Parson he asked him Fellow What saist thou to the Sacrament of the Altar I say quoth he as ye vse the matter you make it a shamefull Idoll and you are false Idolatrous Priests euery one of you then the Parson committed him to Ward and the next day rode vp to London and caried the said Alcocke with him and after he had long beene imprisoned in Newgate after many examinations and troubles because he would not aske forgiuenesse of the Pope and be reconciled vnto the Romish Religion he was cast into the lower Dungeon where he died His body was buried in a Dunghill THOMAS BENBRIDGE VPon the twenty nine of Iuly he was apprehended for an Aduersary of the Romish Religion and was examined before Doctor White Bishop of Winchester where he sustained sundry conflicts for the truth The points of Religion that he stood vpon were these That Baptisme is not administred at this present as it was in the Apostles time because it is not in the English tongue that in the Sacrament is not the body and blood of Christ that he knoweth not whether Confirmation bee a Sacrament or not and whether the Bishop giueth Grace or not that sinnes bee not forgiuen by absolution pronounced of a Priest and that it is not necessary for a man to confesse all his sinnes vnto a Priest that he beleeued that the Bishops bee not the Successors of the Apostles for that they bee not called as they were nor haue not that Grace that it is not the Pope but the Deuill that is supreme head of the Church which you speake of that he will not beleeue touching Purgatorie as their Church doth that Matrimony is no Sacrament but a sacred order in signe of an holy thing that Martine Luther died a good Christian whose doctrine and life he did allow for which he was condemned He came vnto the stake very rich in apparell when the fire was kindled first it tooke away a peece of his Beard whereat he nothing shranke then it tooke his legges and his stockings being Leather made the fire to pierce the sharper and the intollerable heate made him cry I recent and suddenly thrust the fire from him and hauing two or three of his Friends by they helped to take the fire from him and the Sheriffe being Sir Richard Pecksall of his owne authority tooke him from the stake and sent him to Prison againe wherefore the Sheriffe was sent vnto the Fleete and his friends that helped him to prison Before he was taken from the stake Doctor Seaton made him to subscribe to certaine Articles touching the Pope the Sacrament and such other trash but being in prison he wrote a Letter vnto Doctor Seaton and recanted those words that he spake at the stake vnto which he had subscribed whereupon the same day seanight he was burned where the vile Tormentors did rather broile him then burne him Iohn Cooke Sawyer Robert Milles alias Plumer Sheareman Alexander Lane a VVheelewrite Iames Ashly a Bacheler IN August these were burned at S. Edmundsbury by the Bishop of Norwich and Sir Edward Walgraue Sir Edward said vnto Cooke why come you not to Church Cook Because the Sacrament of the Altar is an abhominable Idol and sai● he the vengeance of God will come vpon all them which do maintaine it Sir Edward O thou ranke Traytor if I had as good a Commission to cut out thy ●ongue as to heare thee thou shouldst be sure to haue it cut out then hée commaunded the Constable to haue him away saying hee was both a Traytor and a Rebell Then he ●sked Robert Milles why he would not goe vnto Church Miles Because I will follow no false Gods then Alexander Lane was asked why he would not come to Church he said his conscience would not serue him so to doe After the like manner they passed also with Iames Ashly so the next day they appeared and had their condemnations and were burned as before Alexander Gouch and Allice Driuer GOuch was a Weauer of Shreaden Co●erlits at Woodbridge in Suffolk and burned at Uxford The Woman was Driuers Wife of Grosborough One Maister Moone a Iustice searching for them they were compelled to hide them in a Hay-ricke but by gaging thereof with Pickforks at the last they found them and sent them to Mel●on Iayle from thence they were carryed to Bury vnto the Assizes and being examined of their Faith they did boldly confesse Christ crucified defying the Pope and all
secret friend to submit her selfe vnto the Quéen which would be to her great commoditie she answered she would not submit her selfe vnto them which she had not offended if I haue offended I craue no mercy but law I would I were as cléere out of the perrill of mine e●emies as I know my selfe out of the danger of the law About this time there was great consulting amongst the Bishops and Gentlemen touching a marriage for her Grace which some of the Spaniards wished to be with some stranger that she might goe out of the Realme with her portion then a Lord said that the King should neuer haue quiet Common-wealth in England except her head were striken from her shoulders the Spaniards answered God forbid that their King and Master should consent to such a mischiefe From that day the Spaniards neuer left good perswasions vnto the King that he should neuer obtaine the like honour as he should in deliuering the Lady Elizabeth out of prison whereby at length she was happily released of the same Shortly after she was sent for to Hampton Court Sir Henry Benifield and his souldiers with the Lord of Tame and Sir Ralph Chamberlaine guarding of her the first night she came to Ricot the next to M. Dormers house and so to Colbrook where she lay at the George all night as she came thither thréescore of her Gentlemen and Yeomen met her which had not séene her Grace a long season before but they were commanded in the Quéens name to depart the towne and shée was not suffred to speak with them that night al her men were taken from her but her Gentleman vsher thrée Gentlewomen and two Grooms one of her Wardrop the next day her Grace entred Hampton Court where she lay a fortnightere euer any had recourse vnto her at length came the Lord William Howard to ●er who vsed her Grace maruellous hanourably she requested him to be a meane that shée might speak with some of the Councell Not long after came to her Gardner Bishop of Winchester the Lord Arundel the Lord of Shrewsbury and Secretary Peter who with great humility humbled themselues vnto her Grace My Lords quoth she I am glad to sée you for me thinks I haue bin kept a great while from you desolatly alone wherefore I would desire you to be a meane to the King and Quéens Maiesties that I may be deliuered from prison wherein I haue bin kept a long space Then Gardner knéeled down and requested her to submit her selfe to the Quéen and then he doubted not but her Maiestie would be good vnto her she answerd rather then she would do so she would lie in prison all the dayes of her life adding that she craued no mercy but the law if euer she did offend her Maiesty in thought word or déed and in yeelding I should confesse my selfe to be an offendor which I neuer was towards her Maiesty by occasion wherof the King and Quéen might euer hereafter conceiue an ill opinion therefore it were better for me to lie in prison for the tr●th then to be abroad and suspected of my Prince So they departed promising to declare her message to the Qué●n The next day Gardner came again vnto her Grace and knéeling down declared that the Quéen maruailed that she would so stoutly vse her selfe not confessing ●o haue offended so that it should séeme the Quéens Maiesty wrongfully to haue imprisoned her Grace Nay quoth she the Quéen may punish me as it pleas●th her Nay quoth Gardner her Maiesty willed me to certifie you that you must tell her another tale ere that you be at liberty her Grace answered that she had as liue be in prison with honesty and truth as to be abroad suspected of h●r Maiesty this I will stand vnto for I will neuer bely my selfe Then he knéeled down and said then your Grace hath aduantage of me and other the Lords for your long imprisonment I take God to record quoth she I séeke no vantage at your hands for your so dealing with me then the other kneeled downe and desired her Grac● that all might be forgotten and so they departed A seuen-night after the Queen● sent for her at ten of the clocke at night then she desired her Gentlemen and Gentlewomen to pray for her for that she co●ld not tell whether she should euer se● them againe When she came vnto the Que●ne she kneeled downe and desired God to preserue her Maiestie not in any wise doubting but that she should proue her selfe as true and faithfull a subiect towards her Maiestie as euer did any and therefore she desired her Maiestie so to iudge of her and said she should not ●nd other of her whatsoeuer report had gone of her the Queen answered you will not confesse your offence b●t stand stoatly in your truth I pray God it may so fall out It it do not quoth she I desire no fauour nor pardon at your Maiesties hands Wel said the Queene you stiffely still perse●ere in the truth belike you will not confesse but that you haue b●ene wrongfully punished I must not say so if it please your Grace to you why then said the Queene belike you will vnto others no quoth she I haue borne the burden and must beare it I humbly beseech your Maiestie to haue a good opinion of me and to thinke me to be your true subiect not only hitherto but as long as life lasteth and so they parted with a few comfortable words in English but what she said in Spanish God knoweth It is thought that King Philip was there behinde a cloth and not seene and that he shewed himself● a very friend vnto that matter Thus her Grace went vnto her lodging againe a●d the seuen-night after she was released of Sir Henry Benifield and was set at libertie from imprisonment she went into the Countrey and had appointed to goe with her Sir Thomas Pope one of the Queens Councellors M. Gage one of her Gentlemen Ushers And thus straightly was she looked vnto all the time of Q. Maries raigne Then there came vnto her house Maister Ierningham and Norris Gentleman Usher Quéene Maries Men who tooke from her Grace Mistris Ashly to the Fléet and thrée other of her Gentlewomen vnto the Tower which was no little trouble vnto her Grace saying That shee thought that they would fetch all away in the end but God be praysed shortly after was fetched away Gardiner whereby the life of this so excellent a Princesse the wealth of all England was preserued for the said wicked Gardner had long laboured his wits and bent all his deuises to bring this our deere Souera●gne out of the way as by his words and doings did well appeare After the death of this Gardner followed the death also and dropping away of other her enemies whereby by little and little her i●opardy decreased and more gentle entertainmant did daily grow vnto her vntill in the moneth of Nouember the seauenteenth day
after the burning of M George Wisard he was wretchedly slaine in hi● owne Castle as you may sée in the discourse of this Story Crescentius the Popes Legate and Uicegerent in the Councell of Trent he was sitting from morning vntill night writing Letters vnto the Pope at his rising there appeared vnto him a mighty blacke Dog his eyes flaming li●e fire and his eares hanging almost downe to the ground the Cardinall being amazed called his Seruants to bring in a Candle and seeke for the Dog and when the Dog could not be found the Cardinall was strucken with a conc●it and fell into such a sicknesse as all his Phisitians could not cure and so he dyed By Iohannes Sleida●●s in his twelfth Booke he saith his purpose was to recouer againe the whole authority and doctrine of the Romish Sea and to set it vp for euer The Councell of Trident was dissolued by the death of this Cardinall Two adulterous Bishops belonging vnto the said Councell of Trident one haunting vnto an honest mans Wife was slaine with a Boare-speare the other Bishop whose haunt was to créepe through a window was hanged in a Ginne laid for him of purpose and so couayed that in the morning he was séene openly in the stréete hanging out of the window to the wonderm●nt of all that passed by Ex protestatione conceonatorum Germa Iohn Eckius the most vehement impugner of Martine Luther as his life was full of all vngodlinesse vncleannes and blasphemy so was his end miserable hard and pittifull his last words were these In case the foure thousand Guilders were ready the matter were dispatched dreaming belike of some Cardinalship that he should haue bought Ex Iohn Carion fol 250. Iohn Vaueler Warfe the next in office to Magraue he was of Antwarpe hee was a sore persecutor of Christs flocke he had drowned diuers good Men and women for the which he was much commended of the bloody Generation being very rich he gaue vp his office intending to passe the rest of his life in pleasure and comming vnto a banquet at Antwarpe to be merry being well laden with Wine he rode home in his Wagon with his Wife a Gentlewoman and his Foole the Horses stood still vpon a bridge and would by no meanes goe foreward then he in a drunken rage cryed out Ride on in a thousand Diuels name by and by r●se a mighty whirlewind and tossed the Wagon ouer the bridge into the Towne ditch where he was drowned and when he was taken vp his necke was broken his wife was taken vp aliue but died within thrée daies the Gentlewoman and the Foole were saued Bartholomeus Chassaneus a great Persecutor died suddenly Minerius the Bloudy Tormentor of Christes Saints dyed with bleeding in his lower parts the Iudge that accompanied him in his persecution as hee returned homeward was drowned and thrée more of the said company killed one another Iohannes de Roma that cruell Monke that deuised such hellish torments for the poore Christians at Augrowne the Lord paid him home againe with the like torments who rotted to death and could finde no euemie to kill him nor friend to bury him he could not abide his own stinking carrion nor any man else that came neere him could abide his stench The like persecutor was the Lord of Reuest and after his furious persecution he was striken with the like horrible sicknes and with such a fury and madnesse that none durst come neere him and so most wretchedly di●● The like greeuous punishment happened vpon one Iohn Martine a persecutor as appeareth in the History before In the yeare 1565. in the towne of Gaunt in Flanders one VVilliam de VVeuer was imprisoned for religion by the Prouost of S. Peters In Gaunt the Prouost sent for one Giles Brackelman the principall Aduocate of the Councel of Flanders and Borough-master and Iudge of Saint Peters with others of the Rulers of the Towne to sit in Iudgement vpon him as the said Borough-master reasoned with the said VVilliam de VVeauer vpon diuers Articles of his Faith And being about to pronounce his condemnation the Borough-Master was suddenly striken with a Palsey that his mouth was drawne almost vnto his eare and so hee fell downe and died The Lords that stood by shadowed him that the people should not see him and commaunded the people to depart yet they burned the said William de Weauer within thrée houres after the same day The fift of March 1566. Sir Garret Trieste Knight hee had promised the Regent to bring downe the preaching wherefore the Regent promised him to make him a Graue which is an Earle when he had brought with him to Gaunt tidings of the death of the Preachers he receiued from the Regent a Commission to swear the Lords and Commons vnto the Romish Religion and being at supper he bad his Wife call him an houre the sooner in the morning for that he should haue much businesse to doe to sweare the Lords and people vnto the Romish Religion but going to bed in good health in the morning when he should be called he was found dead and as the Lords of Gaunt procéeded to giue the Oath the next day Master Martine de Pester the Secretary being appointed and about to giue the Oath as the first man should haue sworne the said Martin de Pester was stricken of GOD with present death and ●●uer spake againe These Examples were contained in a Letter written vnto HENRY the second French King which is in the Booke more at large THE Lord Poucher Archbishoppe of To●res who sued for the Court called Chambre Ardente there to condemne the Protestants to the fire who after was stricken with a disease called the fire of God which began at his lower parts and so ascended vpward that one member after another was cut off and so he died miserably Castellanus hauing inriched himselfe by the Gospell and returning from pure Doctrine vnto his old vomit againe became a Persecutor at Orliance but God strucke him with a sicknesse vnknowne vnto the Phisitians one halfe of his body burned as hot as fire and the other halfe was as could as Ice and so most miserably crying he dyed Du Prat was the first that opened vnto the Parliament the knowledge of Herisies and gaue out Commission to put the faithful vnto death he died swearing and horribly blaspheming God and his stomacke was found pierced and gnaune asunder with Wormes Iohn Ruse Councellor in the Parliament comming from the Court hauing made report of the Processe against the poore innocents was taken with a burning in the lower part of his belly before hee could be brought home the fire inuaded all his secret parts and so he died miserably Claude des Asses a Councellor in the said Court the same day that he gaue his consent to burne the faithfull After dinner he committed whoredome with one of his Seruants and in doing the act he was stricken with a disease that he died out of hand Peter
Scottish man and therefore since he had forgotten to drink to his Maiesty or sit with his guests and entertayne them his maiesty would drink to him his own welcom desiring him to take it forth and drink to the rest of the company and in his Maiesties name to make them welcome Whereupon as he went forth his Maiesty rose from the table and desired M. Alexander to bring Sir Thomas Erskine with him who desiring the K. to goe forward with him and promising that he should make any one or two follow him that he pleased to call for desiring his Maiesty to commaund publikely that none should follow him Thus the K. accompanied only with the said M. Alexander comes forth of the chamber passe●h through the end of the hall where the Noblemen and his Maiesties seruants were sitting at their dinner vp a Turnepeck and through three or foure Chambers the sayd Master Alexander euer locking behinde him euery doore as he passed and then with a more smiling countenance than hee had all the day before euer saying he had him sure and safe en●ugh kept vntill at the last his Maiesty passi●g thorow three or foure sundry houses and all the doores locked behinde him his Maiesty entred into a little studie where he saw standing with a very abased countenance not a bond-man but a free man with a dagger at his girdle but his Maiesty had no sooner entred into that little study and Master Alexander with him but Master Alexander locked to the study doore behinde him and at that instant changing his countenance putting his hat on his head and drawing the Dagger from that other mans gird●e held the point of it to the Kings breast auowing now that the King be hoou●d to be in his will and vsed as hee list swearing many bloody oths that if the king cryed one word or opened a window to look out that the dagger should presently go to his heart affirming that he was sure that now the kings conscience was burthened for murthering his father His Maie●●y wondring at so sodaine an alteration standing naked without any kinde of armour but his hunting horne which he had not g●●ten leysure to lay from him betwixt these two traytors which had conspired his life the said maister Alexander standing as is said with a dagger in his hand and his sword at his side but the other trembling and quaking rather like ●ne condemned than an executioner of s●ch an enterprise His Maiesty begun then to ●ilate to the said M. Alexander how horrible a thing it was for him to meddle with his Maiesties innocent blood assuring him it would not be left vnreuenged since God had giuen him children and good subiects and if they neither yet God would raise vp stocks and st●nes to punish so vile a deed Protesting before God that he had no burthen in his conscience for the execution of his father both in respect that at ●he ti●e of his fathers execution his Maiesty was but a minor of age and guided at that time by a faction which ouer-ruled both his Maiesty and the rest of the countrey as also that whatsoeuer was done to his fath●r it was done by the ordinary course of Law and iustice Appealing the saide Master Alexander vpon his conscience how w●ll hee all times since had deserued at the hands of all his race not onely hauing restored them to their lands and dignities but also in now ishi●g and bringing vp of two or three of his sisters as it were in his own bos●me by a continuall attendance vpon his Maiesties dearest bed-fellow in h●r ●riuie chamber Laying also before him the terrors of his conscience especially that he made profession according to his education of the same religion which his Maiesty had euer professed and namely his Maiesty r●membred him of that holy man Mast. Robert Rollocke whose scholler he was assuring him that one day the said Master Roberts soule would accuse him that he had neuer learned of him to practise such vnnatural cruelty his Maiesty promising to him on the word of a Prince that if hee would spare his life an● suffer him to go out againe he would neuer reueale to any one liuing what was betwixt them at that t●me nor neuer suffer him to in●ur any harm or punishment for the same But his Maiesties feare was that he could hope ●or no sparing at his hands hauing such cruelty in his looks and standing so irreuerently couered with his ●at on which forme of rigorous behauiour could prognosticate nothing to his Maiesty but present extremity But at his Maiesties perswasiue language he appeared to be somewhat amazed and vncouering his head againe swore and protested that his Maiesties life should be safe if he would behaue himselfe quietly without making any noyse and that he would only bring in the Earl his Brother to speak with his Maiesty whereupon his Maiesty enquiring what the Earle would doe with him since if his Maiesties life were safe according to promise they could gaine little in kéeping such a prisoner His answere onely was that he could tell his Maiesty no more but that his life should be safe in case he behaued himselfe quietly the rest the Earle his brother whom he was going for would tell his Maiesty at his comming With that as he was going forth for hi● brother as he affirmed he turned him about to the other man saying these words vnto him I make you here the Kinges kéeper tul I come backe againe and see that you keepe him vpon your owne perill and therewithall said to his Maiesty you must content your selfe to haue this man now your keeper vntill my comming backe With these words he passeth forth locking the doore after him leauing his Maiesty with that man he found there before Of whom his Maiesty then enquired if he were appointed to be the murtherer of him at that time and how farre he was vpon the ●o●nsel of that conspiracy whose answer with a trembling and astonished voice and behauiour was that as the Lord should ●●dge him he was neuer made acquainted with that purpose but that he was put in there perforce the doore lockt vpon him a little space before his Maiesties comming as indeed all the time of the said M. Alexanders menacing his maiestie he was euer trembling requesting him for Gods sake and with many other attestations not to meddle with his maiesty nor to doe him any harme But because M. Alexander had before his going forth made the King sweare he should not cry nor open any window his maiesty commanded the said fellow to open the window on his right hand which he readily did so that although he was put in there to vse violence on the King yet God so turned his hart as he became a slaue to his prisoner While his maiesty was in this dangerous estate none of his owne seruants nor ●raine knowing where he was as his Maiesties train was arising in the Hal from
these I heart them whilst they sate in Christs chaire but after the workes they now doe I will not doe by Gods ●elpe for they faine would hide and contrary the trueth which before they taught plainly and truely and some of them haue confessed they doe it because they are constrained by paine to leaue the truth so they blaspheame God rather then suffer a little though Christ shed his heart bloud for vs. Bishop That which thou callest truth is slander to holy Church and though Wicliffe were a great Clerke and a perfect liuer yet holy Church hath damned many of his Doctrines and well worthy but Phillip Rampington Bishop of Lincolne wil not hold the learning that he taught nor no Bishop pursueth more sharpely them that hold thy way then he doth Thorpe Many wonder at him and speake him mickle shame and hold him a cursed e●nemie of the trueth Bishop Then the Bishop read a Certificate that the bailiffes of Shrewesbury sent to him vnder their Seale the third Sunday after Eas●er 1407. William Thorpe preaching in Saint Chaddes Church in his Sermon said that the Sacrament after con●ecration was materiall bread and that Images should not be worshipped and that men should not goe on Pilgrimages that Priests haue no title to Tythes and that it is not lawfull to sweare Then he said is this wholsome learning to be amongst the people Thorpe I am sory and ashamed of them I neuer taught such Doctrine Bishop I will beléeue those worshipfull men before thée thou hast troubled them and they pray mee that if thou suffer for thy heresies that thou most be executed there that such other ●o●els for feare may be reconciled and they that stand in Faith of holy Church more stablished by my thirft this feruent requ●st shall b● thought on Thorpe I thanke God for all this I was not afraid but my heart reioyced and still doth for I then thought and yet thinke that grace shall come to all the Church of God herethorow and I said I doubt not but I can proue that they which are fained to bee out of holy Church at Shrewsbury and other places are in true Faith of holy Church for they dread to offend God and loue to please him i● true and faithfull keeping his commaundements and they that are said to be in faith of holy Church there and in other places are proud e●●ious co●etous lechero●s and foule in words and deeds and know not nor will know the right Faith of holy Church their customable swearing and shamefull workes witnesse it And sir where you say I haue troubled the Communaltie with Preaching it is not to be wondred at of wise men seeing all the Communaltie of Ierusalem was troubled at Christ all the Synagogue of Nazaret moued against him that they led him to a mountaine and would haue cast him downe headlong Bishop Thou and such l●s●ls presume to Preach without licence of any Bishop Thorpe It is euery Priests duetie to Preach busily freely and truely the word of God and they should take the Order of Priesthood chiefly to make Gods word kn●wne to the people and approuing the truth of the word by his vertuous workes and for this purpose chiefly Bishops and Prelates should take their Prelacie and for this cause Bishops should giue their Orders and should accept none to be Priest except he were well disposed and well learned to Preach Wherefore by the example and Doctrine of Christ and his Apostles and Prophets wée are bound vnder full great paine so to doe Bishop Le●●de losell why makest thou mée such vaine reasons asketh not Saint Paul How should Priests Preach except they be sent And I sent thée not to Preach And saith not Sai●t Paul Subiects ought to obey their Soueraignes and not only the good and vertuous but tyrants and vicious Thorpe None of you will grant vs any such licence but we must oblige vs to you● by vnlawfull Othes not to passe the bonds you will limmit vs and we dar● not so oblige our selues Wherefore though we haue no such licenses we dare not leaue the ●ffice of Preaching for so mu●h as we haue taken vpon vs the Office of Priesthood trusting God will bo our sufficient letters and witnesse if we occupie vs faithfully to d●e our Office iustly yea the hearers shall be our Letters for the truth where it is s●wne cannot be vnwitnessed as Saint Paul saith Wee neede no Letters of commendations a● some doe which Preach for couetousnesse and mens praisings Touching obedience to superiours good superiours with sound Doctrine and holy couersation to them wée must willingly and gladly obey consenting to their charitable biddings and working after their fruitfull workes of these Saint Paul speaketh Bee mindfull of your Soueraignes that speake to you in the word of God and follow the faith of them whose conuersation you know to be vertuous These Soueraignes make feruent prayers that they and their Subiects may liue in the feare and loue of God and liue so vertuously that they that will liue well may take example by them but Subiects ought not to obey Tyrants whose biddings and workes are vicious that they ought to be hated and left But if they menace oppressions and punishings Saint Peter biddeth the seruants of such Tyrants to Obey meekely suffering patiently their malicious cruelty but hée councelleth not any seruant or subiect to obey any Lord Prince or Soueraigne in any thing not pleasing to God Bishop If a Soueraigne bid a Subiect doe the thing that is vicious the Soueraigne is to blame but the Subiect deserueth méede of God for obedience pleaseth God more then Sacrifice Thorpe Samuel told Saul that God was more pleased with the obedience of his commandement then with Sacrifices but Dauid S. Paul and S. Gregory accordeth therto that they that doe euil are not only worthy condemnation but they that consent thereto Bishop All these a●●agings are nothing else bu● proud presumptions for hereby yo● inforce you are iust and ought not to ●bey the Prelates and of your owne authoriti● you will Preach and doe what you list Thorpe Presenteth not euery Priest the Office of the Apostles and Disciples 〈◊〉 Christ He said yea the tenth of Mathew and the last of Mathew witnesseth Christ sent his Apostles to Preach And in the tenth of Luke He sent his 72. Disciples to Preach in euery place that Christ was come to And Saint Gregory saith He that taketh vppon him the Office of Priesthoode taketh on him the Office of Preaching and that the Priest stirreth God to great wrath whose mouth is not heard to Preach and Ezekiel saith The Priest that preacheth not busily to the people shall bee partaker of their damnation that perish by their default And though the people bee saued by other means yet if the Priest Preach not he is a man●●●per b●cause they hold from the people the word of God the life of their soules Saint Isidore saith Priests shall be damned
for the wickednesse of the people if they teach not the ignorant and blame not the sinners Christ saith He came into the world to beare witnesse of the trueth Lincolne saith That Priest that Preacheth not the word of God though he haue no other default hee is Antichrist and Satan a night theefe and a day theefe a slayer of Soules and an Angell of light turned into darkenesse Therefore I count my 〈◊〉 in damnable ●ase if I for feare neglect Preaching and so I doe them that willingly neglect Preaching and so I doe them that haue purpose or will to let any Priest of this businesse Bishop Lo● sirs this is the businesse of this losell and such other to pi●ke sharpe Sentences out of the Scripture and Doctors to maintaine their 〈◊〉 Thou desirest the Psalter I tooke from thée but thou shalt ne●er ha●e it nor none other booke vntill I know thy heart and tongue ac●ord to be gouerned by holy Church Thorpe My will is and euer shall be to be gouerned by holy Church And hée asked me what holy Church was Christ and his Saints are holy Church though euery one in charitie be the Church yet it hath two parts the first part hath ouercome wretchednesse and raigneth in ioy with Christ the other is in earth fighting day and night against the temptations of the Feind forsaking the glory of the world and the ●usts of the flesh and which onely are the pilgrimes of Christ wandring towards Heauen by stedfast faith grounded hope and perfect charitie these will not be let from their purpose by any Doctors discording from the Scripture nor by the flouds of tribulations nor the winde of pri●e or menasing of any creature for they are fast grounded vppon the stone Christ hearing his word louing and practising it with all their wits Bishop 〈◊〉 you not how he is indurate and trauelled with the Deuill occupying himselfe busily to aledge Sentences to maintaine his Heresie Thus he would doe all ●ay if wee would suffer him One of his Clerk●s ●id the Bishop appose him vpon the the points of the Certificate from Shrewsbury And he said Was it true that is certified thou diddest Preach touching the Sacrament Thorpe As I stoode in the pulpit Preaching there toled a Sacring bell and much people went from me and I said Good men you were better stand still and heare Gods word for the vertue of the Sacrament stondeth much morein the beliefe thereof that ye ought to haue in the soule then in the outward sight thereof Bishop Resteth there in the host materiall bread after consecration Thorpe Saint Paul was a great Doctor and he called it bread that he brake and in the Canon of the Masse after consecration it is called holy bread and euery Priest after he hath receiued the Sacrament saith that thing that wee haue taken with our ●●●thea we pray God we may take with a pure minde And Saint Augustine saith That which is seene is bread but that mens Faith asketh to bee informed of is very Christs body Fulgentius saith It is an error to say Christ is very man and not God and that hee is very God and not man so is it to say the Sacrament is but a substance Bishop I command thée answere me shortly Thorpe I vnderstand it all one to grant that there dwelleth substance of bread and that Christs body is accident without subiect your asking passeth my vndersta●ding I dare not deny it nor grant it I commit this terme accidens cum subiecto to those Clerkes which delight in subtile Sophistry they determine often so difficult matters and w●nder so in them from argument to argument with pro contra vntill they vnderstand not themselues but the shame that proud Sophisters haue to yeelde to 〈◊〉 before men maketh them oft fooles and to bée shamefully concluded before God Bishop I will not oblige thee to the arguments of Clerkes since thou art vnable thereto but I purpose to haue thee obey the determination of holy Church Thorpe By open euidence and plaine witnesse 1000. yeares after Christ this determination which I rehearse was accepted of holy Church as sufficient to saluation but that which was brought in since the Deuill was loosed by Thomas Aquinas calling the Sacrament an accident without subiect I vtterly deny to make this Fryers sentence or any such my beliefe d ee with mee God what hee will Bishop Well well thou shalt say otherwise before I leaue thee Thou Preachest that Images ought not to be worshipped Thorpe Not so for all c●eatures are the Images of Gods glory and a man is made after Gods Image and they are worshipfull in their ●●nde but the 〈◊〉 or painting of Images though it be in high dignitie with man and for a Calender to lewde men that nether will nor can be learned to know God in his word nor by his creatures nor wonderfull workes yet this Imaginarie ought not to be worshipped Bishop But a Crucifixe ought to be worshipped for the Passion of Christ is painted therein and brought to our remembrance thereby so of the Image of the Trinitie and of the Uirgine Mary and of the Saints as when men receiue the Kings or their Lords Seale whe●ein is their Pictures or Armes in worshippe of them they put off their cappes to these Letters and since in Images we may know many things of God and his Saints shall we not worship their Images Thorpe These worldly vsages of Temporall Lords may be done but this is no similitude to worshippe Images since Moses Salomon Ba●uch and others in the Bible forbid plainly the worshipping of such Images Bishop Lewde ●osell there was no likenesse of the Trinitie in the Old Law but since Christ became man it is lawfull to haue Images to shew his manhood though great Clarkes hold it an error to paint the Trinitie I say it is well done for it mo●eth deuotion so doe other Images of Saints Beyond Sea are the best Painters and this is their manner before they make an Image they shréeue themselues to a Priest as if they should d●e and take penance and make a vowe of fasting prayer or pilgrimage praying the Priest to pray for them that they may haue grace to make a fayr● and deuout Image Thorpe I doubt not if the Painters truely vnderstood the Sciptures they would repent themselues of their sinfull and vaine Arte of Painting Idols and the Priests that 〈◊〉 them penance and prayed for them sinned more then the Painters for they comfort them in that which they are vnder paine of the great curs● of God they ought to forbid for 〈◊〉 if the word of God were truely Preached and ministers liued thereafter there would be no neede of these Images Bishop I hold thee a vi●ie●s and cursed Priest for thou and such others goe about to destroy all Priests and Images of holy Church Lozell were it a faire thing to come into a Church and see neuer an Image Thorpe They that come
that they should in no wise pray for them no more then they would for a Dog whereat Frith smiling desired the Lord to forgiue him and so departed About this time High Latimer was inhi●ited by the Bishop of London to preach in his Dioces and yet after he preached in the Precin●t of the Fryers Augustines of London The Lady Anne of Bullen although she was not yet married to King Henry yet she was in great fauour and daily she inclined the Kings mind more more against the Papists so that the same yeare the King and certaine of his Lords came into the Parliament house and he complained of the Cleargy that they were but halfe his Subiects yea and scarse our Subiects for their oath to the Pope at their consecration is cleane contrary to that which they make to vs and he deliu●r●d to the Parliament the coppies of both their oaths These Oaths being thus receiued and ●pened to the people were the occasion that the Pope lost al his iurisdiction in England shortly after The matter falling out more and more against the Pope Sir Thomas Moore a great maintainer of the Pope was driuen to resigne his Chancelorship ● deliuer vp the great seale into the Kings hands After whom succéeded Sir Thomas Audley kéeper of the great seale a great fauorer of Christs Religion Lady ANNE of Bullen WIthin short time after the King married the Lady Anne Bullen Mother to Quéene Elizabeth who was the secret ayder and comforter of al the Professors of the Gospell and her almes shewed her life was accordingly which was a hundred gownes wéekly and other apparell yearely before she was married both to men women she also gaue much priuate almes to the widdowes and poore ho●sholders continually vntill she was apprehended And she euer gaue thrée or foure pounds at a time to them to buy them Kine and sent her Sub-almner about to the Townes where she lay that the Parisheners should make a b●ll of all the poore housholders in th●ir parish and some parishes receiued 7. 8. or 10. pounds to buy Kine withall Also she maintained many l●arned men in Cambridge so did the Earle of Wiltshir● her Father and the Lord Roch her Broth●r and she brought them in fauour with ●ing Henry She caried alwaies about her a little purse out of which she was wont daily to scatter abroad some almes to the needy thinking no day well spent wherein none had fared the better for her She kept her Maids and such as were about her imployed in making shirts and smocks for the poore but the Lady Dowager beeing deuorced made the Pope to curse the King and interdict the realme In the meane time Queene Anne bein● great with child in the next yeare following was crowned with high solemnity at Westminster and not long after brought to ●ed at Greenewich of the faire Lady Elizabeth The Lord Maior of London and his Brethren with forty cheefe Cittizens were commanded to be present with all the Nobles and Gentlemen The Kings Palace and all the wals to the Fryers were hanged with Arras ●●d the Friers Church The Font war of Siluer and stood in the midst of the Church thrée steps high which was couered with fine linnen and diuers Gentlemen with aprones and towels about their necks gaue attendance about it Ouer the Font hung a faire Canopy of Crimson Sattin fringed with Gold The holy Maid of Kent CErtaine Monkes put into the heads of many of the Kings Subiects that they had R●uelation of God and his Saints that he was highly displeased with king Henry for the diuorcement of the Lady Katherine and surmised that God had reuealed vnto a Nun called Elizabeth Barton whom they called the Holy Maid of Kent that if the King did diuorce her he should not be King of this Realme one month after and not one day nor houre in Gods fauour She would shew marueilous alteration of her visage and body as if she had béene wrapt in a trance and inspired of God She spoke against sinne and reprooued the Gospell which she called heresies and spoke diuers things to the reproach of the King and Quéene and to the establishing of Idolatry Pilgrimage and derogation of Gods glory The Archbishop the Lord Cromwell and Maister Hugh Latimer with great labour found out her naughtinesse and condemned her and put her to death with certaine of her councell VVILLIAM TRACY Esquire A Little before this time William Tracy of Todington in Gloster-shire made his Will that he would haue no funerall pomp at his burying nor Masse and said that he trusted in God only and hoped by him to be saued and not by any Saint His Executor brought the Will to the Bishop of Canterbury that then was to proue it which he shewed to the Conuocation and they iudged him to be taken vp and burned as an heretick and sent a commisson to Doctor Parker Chancelor of Worcester to execute their sentence who accomplished the same The King hearing thereof sent for the Chancelor who laid the fault on the Bishop yet it cost him three hundred pount er● he could haue a pardon The storie of twenty foure burned at Paris IN this year● were diuers writings set vp in Paris vpon the Porches and gates against the Masse and other papisticall superstitions whereupon many were apprehended and cast into prison but twenty foure were executed in seuerall places of the Citie of Paris The bearer of the Popes curse and interdictment against King Henrie and the Realme durst not come into the Realme with it but set it vp in Dunkerk in Flanders the king hearing thereof took great displeasure against the said Princesse Dowager and so stomacked the matter that the next yeare he called a Parliament and caused it to be prouided by sufficient Acts that the Pope should be vtterly abol●sht and himselfe to be establisht supreme head of the Church at which thing Sir Thomas Moore the Bishop of Rochester grudged and would not consent vnto it but openly resisted the same wherefore they were condemned of treason and headed at Tower-hill Likewise three Charter-Monks were hanged drawne and quartred at Tyburne for speaking trayterous words against the Kings Maiestie This yere the King set forth a Proclamation for the abolishing of the vsurped power and iurisdiction of the Bishop of Rome wherein is declared that not onely the secular men granted him this iurisdiction but all the spiritualty in the Conuocation house vnder their seales wherin also he signified that he had addressed Letters vn-the Bishops of the Diocesse straitly commanding them that forthwith the sincere word of God should be preached euery Sonday and Holy-day vnto the people and Our stile and iurisdiction of supreme head appertayning onely to our Crowne and Dignity royall to be publisht and that the Popes vsurped name should be put out of all prayers masses or other books except it be to his reproach The life and storie of M. William Tindall FIrst he
was Schoolemaster to one Master Welch and for translating certain religious books into English and for arguing with a certain Priest that often vsed to his Masters house and confounding diuers points of their religion by the word of God he was pursued glad to go out of the Realme into Germany and there translated the Bible into English compiled diuers other books s●nt them into England wherby the dore and light vnto the Scriptures was daily more and more opened which before was many years closed in darknesse from thence he went to A●twarp and had his abiding there and was lodged about a yeare in the house of one Thomas Poynets an English man which kept a house of English Merchants then came thither one Henry Philips hauing a seruant waiting on him M. Tindall became acquainted with him and had great confidence in him and had him often to dinner and supper with him and got him a lodging in M. Poynets house At length Philips w●nt to the high Court of Bruxelles to betray M. Tindall and procured to bring from thence with him the Procurator generall with oth●r Officers which was not done with small charges from whom soeuer it came After Philips returning would haue M. Tindall to dine with him then hee desired M. Tindall to lend him fortie shillings which he did he told Philips he could not di●e with him for he was bid forth to dinner and he should goe with him And going forth to d●nner Philips hauing appointed the officers in the way he gaue them a signe that this was he they should apprehend then they took him and brought him to the Procurator generall who sent him to the Cas●le of Filford and the Procurator generall went to Poynets house and sent away all that was there of M. Tindals The said Poynets and certain Merchants went ouer into England and got letters from the Co●ncell for M. Tindals deliuery vpon the deliuery wherof to the Councel of Bruxelles M. Tindall should haue bin deliuered vnto him which when Philips vnderstood he accused Poynets ●o be an heretick and a receiuer of such caused him to be apprehended kept 13. or 14. wéeks in prison but he escaped by night and got into England but M. Tindall was condemned and the same morning as he was had to the fire he deliuered a letter to the chiefe Kéeper of the Castle which the Kéeper himselfe brought to Poynets house who compared him to be fellow to the Apostles being in prison both for his conuersation and conuerting and preaching to the peo●le M. Tindall hearing by certaine Merchants what wonderfull feats a Iugler did he desired th●m that he might be present also at supper to see him play his parts accordingly the supper was appointed and the Merchants with Tindall were there present The Iugler being desired to vtt●r his cunning sh●wed all that he could do but all was in vaine at last with his labour sweating and toyle he saw nothing would go forward he confessed there was some man present at supper which dis●urbed his doings For his letters that he wrote I refer thée to the book at large if thou dispose to sée them The Lord Cromwell keeper of the Kings priuie Seale Uicegerent of all the Kings iurisdiction eccl●siasticall sent out certa●n iniunc●ions by the K●ngs authorit● for the preaching th● word of God for the b●tter publishing of the kings suprema●●● against idols 〈◊〉 on pilgrimage trus●ing in saints and to abrogate diuers holy-daies and for reformation to be had in diuers oth●r ecclesiastical matters In the begi●●g of this year the most noble and worthy Lady Queen Anne of Bullen after she had liued Q●●●ne three ●ears was cast into the Tower together with her brother the Lord Rochford and diuers others which shortly after were executed The words of the Queene at the time of her death Good Christian people I ame come hither to die I am iudged therto by the law therefore I will not speake against it I pray God preserue the King for there was neuer a gentler Prince and to me he was euer a good soueraigne and I r●quire euery one to iudge the best of my cause so ● take my leaue of the world and of you all desiring you to pra●●or me Then she kneeled down and said Into thy hands I commend my soule Iesus receiue my soule diuers times vntill her head was striken off Fiue burned in Scotland SEauen years after Patrick Hamelton aforesaid there were fiue burned in Edenborough the chief Citie in Scotland two were Dominican Friers one Priest one Cannon and one Gentleman adiudged by the Archbishop of S. Andrewes Petrus Chappe●anus and the Franciscan Friers whose labour is neuer wanting in such matters The murther of ROBERT PACKINGTON HEe was a rich Mercer dwelling in Cheap side and was one of the ●urgesses of the Parliament for the Citie of London and had spoken against the couetousnesse and cruelty of the Clergie wherefore he was had in contempt with them therfore one Doctor Vincent Deane of Paules hired a stranger for sixtie crownes to kill him which he did in this manner this Packington vsed by foure of the clocke euery morning to go to a Church neare Cheap-side and in a mistie morning t●e hyred stranger shot him and killed him with a gunne as he crossed the street This could not be knowne vntill the death of the Deane then he repented the fact at his death and confessed it to his ghostly father In this yeare the Kings Maiestie by his Uicegerent the L. Cromwell sent out againe certaine Iniunctions vnto the Spiritualty for the reformation of religion for the maintenance of reading the Bible in English and for taking downe of Images with such other like The history of Iohn Lambert alias Nicolson BEing beyond Sea by reason of the persecution here he returned hoping the time had bin amended by the means of Quéen Anne and Cromwell and the abolishing of the Pope he became a Schoolemaster and being present at a Sermon preached by Doctor Taylor one that was a Bishop in K. Edwards time and died in the Tower in Queen Maries time after the Sermon hee vttered diuers arguments to the Preachers and desired to be resolued Taylor alledged businesse and desired him to write his minde which he did The first was vpon The cup is the new Testament and if these words doe not change neither the cup nor the wine into the new Testament by like reason the words spoken of the bread should not turn it corporally into the body of Christ. The second it is not agreeable to a naturall body to be in ●wo or more places ot one time therfore Christ hauing a naturall bodie cannot be in heauen on the right hand of his father and in the Sacrament Thirdly a naturall body cannot be without his forme and conditions as he cannot be without substance i● the Sacrament there is no forme and condition of the body of Christ no not
that they instruct the children to answer the Priest at Masse Shee sent likewise a commandement to the Lord Mayor of London with the foresaid Articles to bee carefull with all his power for the performance thereof Then the Queene sent forth a Proclamation that the strangers which in King Edwards time were receiued into England for Religion should 〈◊〉 driuen out of the Realme Wherevpon Peter Martyr Ioannes Alasco vnckle to the King of Poland and many others were banished and many English men also fled into Germany and were scattered in diuers places where by Gods pro●idence they were sustained and entertained with great fauour to the number of eight hundred persons The twenty fiue of March the Lord Courtney and Lady Elizabeth were susspected to consent to Wiats conspiracy and therevpon apprehended and commit●to the Tower This was a politicke practice of Steuen Gardiner which alwaies was an enemy to Lady Elizabeth Wyat at his deat● protested to the people that the Lord Courtney and Lady Elizabeth were cleare from all suspition of Commo●ion but Doctor Weston cryed to the people beleeue him not ●or hee confessed otherwise before vnto the Co●●cell The same day it was told in the Parliament house that Wiat desired the Lord Courtney to confesse the truth as he had done before One Cut a Prentice of London was sent for by Gardiner vnto the Star-chamber for that he should say that Wiat was constrained by the Councell to a●cuse the Lady Elizabeth and the Lord Courtney to be consenters to his ris●ng When the Mayor brought him thither Gardiner beganne to declare how miraculously God had brought the Queene to the Crowne the whole Realme in a manner beeing against her and it was that shee might reduce this Realme ouerwhelmed with heresies to the Catholike faith and where she l●ued the Lady Elizabeth tenderly and deliuered the Lord Courtney out of prison yet they conspired trayterously against her with Wyat as he confessed yet there are some in London which reported that Wyat was constrayned by the Councell to accuse them yet you my Lord Mayor haue not seene the same punished The partie is here said the Mayor Gardner said punish him according to his deserts and take heed to your charge the Citie of London is a whirle-poole of euill rumors The Londoners not fauouring the Queens proceedings to their displeasure summoned a Parlament at Oxford because they would be forward in the Queens businesse but after it was holden at Westminster where her marriage with king Philip was agreed vpon Bonner being Uicegerent of the Conuocation in his Oration said that Priests were like the Uirgin Mary as she by fiue words conceaued Christ so the Priest by fiue words loth make the very body of Christ and as immediatly vpon the consent of Mary Christ was all whole in her womb so immediatly after the consecration the bread is transubstantiated into the very body of Christ and as the Uirgin layed Christ in the ●anger so the Priest lifteth vp the body of Christ and carryeth it and as Mary was sanctified before she conceiued so the priest is ordained anointed before he doe consecrate for a lay-man though he be neuer so holy and do speak the same words yet he cannot consecrate Therefore the dignitie of Priests passeth the dignity of Angels for no Angell can make the body of Christ whereby the least Priest can doe more then the greatest Angell therefore Priests are to bee ●onoured before Kings and Princes and Nobles for a Priest is higher then a King happier then an Angell and maker of his Creator The effect of the communication between Doctor Ridley and Secretary Bourne and others at the Lieutenants table at the Tower Feckham WHo so doth not beleeue that which Scripture doth affirme is an ●eretick as in the Sacrament of the Altar Mathew Marke Luke and Paul affirme there to bee Christs body and none denieth it therefore to hold the contrarie is heres●e Ridley Whereas is a multitude of affirmations in scripture and where is one affirmation all is one in scripture that which is spoken by one of the Euangelists is as true as that which is spoken by al for it is not in Scripture as in witnesse of men where the number is credited more then one and where you speake of so many affirming without negation of any if you take their words and leaue their meaning they affirme that you take Feck What circumstances can you shew that should moue to thinke of any other sense then as the words plainely say Rid. By the next sentence Doe this in remembrance of me and you may as well say the Bread is turned into Christs mysticall body as that it is turned into his naturall body for Paule speaking of the mysticail body saith Many are one Bread and one body because they are partakers of one Bread Feck This is conf●rmed by antiquity vnity and vniuersality for none before Beringarius did euer doubt of this then said Master Secretary these be great matters what say you to that Feck As for Unity I doe beléeue it if it be with veritie and as for Antiquity at the first Christs Faith was truely taught by Christ and his Apostles and by many good men which did succeed next them and touching the Sacrament I am perswaded these old writers before the vsurping of the Sea of Rome doe all agree if they bee well vnderstood in this truth as for vniuersalitie if may haue two meanings one that from the beginning in all ages hath beene allowed or it may be vnderstood for the multitude of our age or of any other singular age Maister Secretarie What authors haue you of the Sacrament to make a figure Ridley Tertullian saith This is my body that is to say a figure of my body And Gelasius saith the substance of bread remaineth And Origen saith that which is sanctified as touching the matter passeth away in the draught and I maruell Fecnam will alledge Melancton for we agree there is in the Sacrament but one materiall substance and he saith there are two Maister Secretarie You say truth but we reade that in the old time the Sacrament was so reuerenced that the Catecumeni and many more were forbidd●n to be present Rid. Truth Sir there were some called Audients some Penitents some Catechumeni and some Euergumeni which were commanded to depart Maister Sectetarie How then can you make but a figure of the Sacrament as the Lord of Canterburies booke doth Rid. Me thinkes it is not charitably done to beare the people in hand that any man doth so lightly esteeme the Sacrament as to make it but a figure which that booke doth deny as appeareth by that booke most plainely And as for mee I say whosoeuer receiueth the Sacrament receiueth with it life or death as S. Augustine saith manduca vitam bibe vitam Maister Pope I doe beleeue the reall body of Christ is in the Sacrament and I pray God I may euer so beleeue and how can it
the booke of Iulianus Apostata wherein Christ and Pilate were the speakers which Sermon was learnedly confuted in writing by Maister Couerdall About this time a Priest of Canterbury said Masse on the one day and the next day he came into the Pulpit and desired all the people to forgiue him for he said hee had betrayed Christ but not as Iudas as Peter and made a long Sermon against the Masse In February one thousand fiue hundred fifty and foure before the comming of King Philip vpon the fifteenth day about nine of the clock in the forenoone there was séene two Sunnes both shining at once and that time was also seene a Raine-bow turned contrary and a great deale higher then it was wont About this time at Saint Pancrase in Cheape the Crucifixe with the Pixe were taken out of the Sepulchre before the Priest rose to the resurrection so that when he put his hand into the Sepulchre said very deuoutly surrexit non est hic he found his words true for he was not there indéede wherevpon being dismaide and debating amongst themselues whom they thought likest to doe it they layed it to one Marsh which a little before had beene put from that parsonage because he was married but when they could not proue it being brought before the Mayor they burdened him to haue kept company with his wife since they were diuorced He answered that the Queene had done him wrong to take from him both his liuing and his wife wherevpon he and his wife were committed seuerall Counters About this time there was a Cat hanged vpon a Gallow●s at the Crosse in Cheape apparelled like a Priest ready to say Masse with a shauen Crowne her two fore-feete were tyed ouer her head with a round paper like a Wafer Cake put betweene them where on rose great euill will against the Citie of London the Quéene and the Bishops were very angry and there was a proclamation in the afternoone that whosoeuer could bring forth the party that hanged vp the Cat should haue twenty Nobles which after was increased to twenty Markes but none would ●ar●e it the occasion of this was because the Bishop of Winchester had preached before the Queene for the straite execution of Wyats Souldiours Wherevpon there was twenty Gibbets and Gallowes set vp in and about the streets of London which there remained for the terrour of others from the 13. of February vntill the fourth of Iune and at the comming of King Philip were taken downe One Maister Walter Mantell one of them which rose with Wyat being prisoner in the Tower the Quéene sent vnto him Doctor Bourne to conuert him he answered Bourne that he beleeued in the holy Catholick church of Christ grounded vpon the Prophets and Apostles but he tooke exception to the Antichristian popish Church and hee said hee thought the Masse not fit both for the occasion of Idolatry and also the cléere 〈◊〉 of Christs institution and said it was not a propitiatory sacrifice for sinne for the death of Christ was onely that sacrifice and certaine Collects therein are blasphemous Then said the Doctor see how vaine-glory toucheth you then I found fault it was not a Communion Yes said he one Priest saying Masse heere and another there and the third in an other place is a Communion Then he desired God to receiue him to his mercy that he might die vndefiled in his truth at vtter defiance with all papisticall and Antichristian Doctrine and to defend all his chosen from the tyrany of the Pope and Antichrist and from his subtilties at his first casting off the Gallowes the rope broke then they would haue had him re●ant and receiued the Sacrament of the Altar and then he should haue the Queenes Pardon but Master Mantell like a worthy gentleman refused their serpentine Councell and chose rather to die then to liue for dishonouring of God Maister Bradford Maister Sanders and diuers other good preachers hearing that they should be brought vnto a Disputation at Cambridge sent a Declaration out of prison to the effect as followeth That they did not purpose to dispute otherwise then by writing except it be before the Queenes Highnes her Councell and before the Parliament houses because we shall dispute against the things which already they haue determined whereby it appeareth they seeke not the derity but our destruction and their glory otherwise they would haue called vs to shew our consciences before their lawes were so made and againe the Censors and Iudges are manifest enemies of the truth before whom Pearles are not to be cast by the commandement of Christ and by his example and because some of vs haue been in prison eight or nine monethes where we haue had no Bookes paper nor Inke and because we shall bee stopped of our Arguments as the Bishops were at Oxford and because the Notaries that shal write our Arguments shal be such as either doe not or dare not fauour the truth therefore must write to please them or else they will put to or take from at their pleasure as it appeared at Oxford Yea if any man was seene there to write he was sent for and his writings taken from him If they will write we will answere by writing and proue by the word of God and most ancient Fathers this our faith euery péece thereof and we are ready to seale it with our liues First we confesse belé●ue all the Canonicall bookes of the Old Te●●ament and the New to bee truth written by the Spirit and to bee the Iudge of all Controuersies of Religion and we beléeue the Catholike Church is the Spouse and beloued Wife of Christ and to imbrace the doctrine of these bookes in all matters of Religion and therefore to bee heard accordingly and those that will not heare her are Heretickes and Schismaticks according to the saying He that will not heare the Church let him be an Hereticke and wee beléeue the Symbols of the Créede of the Apostles and of the Councels of Nice Constantinople Ephesus Chalcedon and of Toletum before the foure hundred fifty foure yeare and the Symbols of Athanasius Ireneus Tertullian and of Damasus which was in the yeare thrée hundred seauenty sixe We beléeue that Iustification commeth onely from the mercy of GOD through Christ and it is had of none of discretion but by Faith which Faith is a certaine perswasion wrought by the Holy Ghost and as it lightneth the mind so it suppleth the heart to submit it selfe to the will of God By this we disalow Papisticall Doctrines of free will of workes of supererogation of merits of the necessity of auriculer confession and satisfaction And we beléeue that the exterior seruice of God ought to be according to the word in such a tongue as may be most to edifie and not in Latine where the people vnderstand not the same And we beléeue that God onely by Iesus Christ is to bee prayed vnto and we disalow inuocation to