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A02793 Two godlie and learned sermons, preached at Manchester in Lancashire before a great audience, both of honor and vvoorship. The first, containeth a proofe of the subtill practises of dissembling neuters, and politique worldlings. The other, a charge and instruction, for all vnlearned, negligent, and dissolute ministers: and an exhortation to the common people, to seeke their amendment, by prayer, vnto God. By Simon Harward, preacher of the woord of God, and Maister of Arte, late of Newe Colledge in Oxfoord. Harward, Simon, fl. 1572-1614. 1582 (1582) STC 12924; ESTC S112568 108,746 262

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this can neuer be vnlesse we haue a desire to sowe in our hearts Luke 8.11 the Seede of Gods worde for therefore is the worde of God called Seede because in the Séede is all the hope of the Haruest Sowe litle reape litle sowe sparingly reape sparingly sowe nothing reape nothing and therfore let vs neuer thinke that we can reape the Haruest of euerlasting life vnlesse we haue a care to sowe in our hearts the Seede of Gods worde for without faith no man can be saued neither can any man haue faithe but Rom. 10.14 by hearing the worde of God for how shall they beléeue on him of whom they haue not heard or how shall they heare without a Preacher Vnlesse the ground doo giue Sap vnto the Tree the Tree must needes wither Iohn 4.14 Math. 25.8 Vnlesse the Springe doo Minister Water vnto the Riuer the Riuer must needes be dryed vp If Oyle be not still powred into the Lampe the Lamp will go out take Fish out of the water it wil dye to be briefe there is no liuing thing but if ye take from it the foode and nourishment due vnto it it must of necessitie dye and perrishe euen so the faithe of a Christian vnlesse it receaue Sap continually from the ground of Gods worde and be watered with the Fountayne of lyfe and haue the Oyle of the sweete promises of Christ often powred into it and be dayly fedde with the bread of God Iohn 6.33 which commeth downe from Heauen and giueth lyfe vnto the world it must néedes be wythered dryed vp extinguished it must néedes die perrish and vtterly consume for euer If these things were duly considered they would make vs to hunger thirste for the word of God Psalm 19.11 and to accompt it as Dauid did more to be desired then Gould yea then much fine Gould sweeter also then the Hony and the Hony Combe they would make vs to say with the Prophet Isay Isa 52.7 Rom. 10.15 O how beautifull are the feete of them which bring glad tidings of peace And according to the commaundement of Christe in this place to pray to the Lorde of the Haruest Colos 3.16 to send foorth Labourers into his Haruest that the worde of Christe may dwell plentifully in vs in all wisdome Hebr. 6.1 wherby we may not onely learne the Doctryne of repentaunce from dead workes and the firste instructions of of faith towards God but also to go on forward to perfection and to go thorowe all the chiefe principles of religion so that we may be able alwaies 1. Pet. 3.15 to giue an answer to euery mā that asketh vs a reasō of the hope that is in vs for this dooth the word of God require of euery Christiā If these reasons cānot stir vp our harts so many sweete odours and pleasaunt Flowers more gorgeously cloathed then Salomon in all his royalty The ground yeelding foorth Grasse for the Cattell and Hearbe for the vse of man Psalm 104.10 and Wine that maketh gladde the heart of man and Oyle to make him a cheerefull countenaunce and bread to strengthen mans heart The hiding of the treasures of the Snowe and bringing foorth the hoarie Frostes Psa 147.8.16 the couering the heauens with Cloudes and bringing foorth the winds out of their places The wonderfull woorkemanship of God in man which is as it were 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a litle world Wherein the glory of the workeman dooth most appéere the mighty operation of God bothe in man and Beast as well in the sharpnesse of their senses as in their stomacke which digesteth all things Iob. 12.7 Isa 10.42 and yet dooth not digest it selfe and sundrye other such workes of God doo shew his power and Godhead 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to make them in excusable which are Gentils and know not God Rom. 1.20 and therefore the Prophet Dauid saith The Heauens declare the power of God and the Firmament sheweth the woorke of his hands Psal 19.1 daye vnto daye vttereth the same and night vnto night teacheth knowledge there is no speach nor language where their voyce is not heard Whose voyce the voyce of the heauens the Firmamēt the vnchaingeable course of daye night Summer Winter their voice is heard euery where they preache the power of God So that we cannot say If we had known God we would haue feared him serued him for the Heauēs as Dauid saith are as it were a line capitall letter to set before vs the power wisdom God that knowing there is a God if we will not feare him as God Psal 19.4 we may be made all inexcusable an other reason which Saint Paule vseth is the lawe of nature which God hath ingrauen in the hearts of men whereby their owne conscience dooth heare them witnesse and their owne thoughts either accuse or excuse for Nulla est tam barbara natio Rom. 2.14.15 Cic. de nat deor nulla gens tam efferata cui non insideat haec persuasio esse Deum And therefore the moste wicked howsoeuer sometimes they foolishlye saye in their hearts there is no God Psalm 14. ● yet doth the feare terror which they continually cary in their brests the iudgmēts of God which they dayly sée before their eyes compell them will they nill they to confesse that there is a God in heauen whom they haue contemned As we read of C. Caligula Suetonius although he was a bloody tyrant and a moste dasperate contenmer of God yet when as by the terrible thūdering and lightnings he saw a token of Gods wrath he couered himselfe in corners and crept vnder the Beds for the feare and terrour thereof Whereof came this same but that his owne conscience tould him that there was a God aboue whose voice he heard and whom he had despised who in the end would surely be reuenged By these reasons good people ye sée that if ye wāt faithful labourers in the Lordes Haruest yet your ignoraunce shall not excuse you but that Prou. 29.18 where prophecie ceaseth there the people perrish and the Lorde will powre out his vengeaunce euen vpon them which by his worde haue neuer knowne him For he saith by the Prophet Ezech. 3 18. 33.6 If thou doo not warne the wicked man of his sinnes his bloud will I require at thy hand but he saythe therewithall that the wicked shall die in his iniquitie the wicked is taken away for his sinnes but his bloud I will also require at the Watchemans hands so that bothe shall perrish bothe the negligent watchmen the ignorant people bothe the blinde leader the blinde follower as Christ saithe Math. 15.14 If the blinde leade the blinde they shall bothe fall into the Ditche And therefore séeing your ignoraunce dooth not onely not excuse you 2. Thes 1.8 ● but also throw you headlong into the pit of destruction there to
good for euill and looue them which hated them and blesse them which curssed them and in all his life he made a mocke of Christe and called him the Carpenters sonne and the man of Galily But what came of it in the ende when he sawe his death at hande he cryed out with a desperate mind Vicisti Gallilaee O thou man of Galiley thou hast gotten the victory Ioh. 4.25 The Iewes saw manifestlye that Christ was the Messias Act. 3.6 the sonne of God which was promised they sawe the power of his Godhead by all the miracles Ioh 8.46 7.40 2.9 which were wrought not onely by him selfe but by his Apostles in his name they sawe the innocencye of his lyfe the maiesty of his woord the certi●nde of his prophesies they saw his mighty omnipotencie by turning the water into Wine Mat. 14.19 by féeding so many thousandes with a fewe barlie loues and a fewe fishes Mar 4.39 by commaunding the Sea and Winde by giuing sight to the borne blinde by making the deafe to heare the dumbe to speake the lame to goe the dead to ryse Luk. 8.30 17.14 Ioh. 4.18 by clensing Lepers by casting out deuils by telling them the very thoughtes and cogitations of their hearts They saw all thinges fulfilled in him which the Prophets had foretold them as Zachery Zach. 9.9 of the King which shoulde come poorely and riding vpon an Asse Isa 53.3.10 Esay of the laying downe of his soule an offering for sinne Dauid of his féete and his hands bored Psa 22 16 18 of the thirst vineger and of the casting lots for his garments also which Moses had foreshadowed vnto them by his sacrifices vpon the Aulters Num. 21.9 Ioh. 1.29 and by the lifting vp of the brasen Serpent They hearde Iohn Baptist a Prophet and more then a Prophet not declaring in woord but poynting out with his finger Mat 27.51.45 Luc. 23.45 The Lambe of God which taketh away the sinnes of the world They saw how at the time when he was crucified the vayle of the Temple burst and darknes ouershadowed the earth They saw how gloriously the body of Christe was risen againe out of the graue Mat. 27.65 Math. 28 4.5 and they knew well enough that it coulde not be stolen away by vnarmed Disciples from so many harnised Souldiars as they had placed to kéepe the graue Act 1.11 2.3 5 41. 7.60 They saw this his wonderfull resurrection witnessed by the testimony of men Women and Angels They perceiued the giftes of the holy ghoste which after his visible ascention he powred out most plentifully vpon his Apostles and Disciples And they sawe also his Apostles Disciples which were alwayes conuersaunt with him so stedfastly to beléeue in him that they did not onely suffer greate tribulation for the professing of his name but also endured most cruell death sealing theyr profession with their owne blood as with a most certaine testimonie Col. 2.9 which surely they would neuer haue don vnles they had séene the godhead to dwell corporally in him All these thinges the Iewes sawe well enough and yet notwtstanding all these testimonies of mē of Angels and of God himselfe saying from heauen This is my well belooued sonne Math. 3.17 17.5 in whom I am well pleased Notwithstanding I say all these thinges confirmed with so many witnesses beholden with so many eyes and as it were handled with theyr owne hands yet they would not confesse the Lord Iesus to be theyr Messias but obstinately renounced theyr Lorde and Sauiour but howe did the Lorde plague them for thys their offence euen with the plague which is threatned by the Prophet Isa 6.9 Mat. 13.14 Rom. 11.8 that theyr hearts should be made fat and their eares heauy and their eyes blinde least they should see with their eyes or heare with their eares or vnderstande with theyr hearts and be saued They mocked and scorned our Sauiour and his Disciples and now they thēselues are made a scorne and a laughing stocke vnto others lyuing in miserable slauery and bondage and being lamentably scattered abroade ouer the face of the earth so disdained and hated that vnto this day the verye name of a Iewe is odious thoroughout all the world They will not confesse the Lord Iesus to be their Messias but they looke for an other Messias But looke they doo looke they shall and they shall neuer sée him vntill the day of vengeaunce then they shall see him whether they will or no but as a iudge and not a Sauiour To descende from the Ievves to examples of latter time God hath shewed sufficient tokens of his iudgementes euen in mans memory to terrifye vs all and to teach vs what a horrible thing it is to renounce the true fayth of Iesus Christ Fraunces Spera after that he had in Citadell professed the Gospell of Christ after warde by the threatning of the Popes Legate in Venis and by the desire which he had of worldly riches he renounced openly recanted his fayth and religion but he was by and by stricken with horrour desperation and confusion he felte the torment of hell in his conscience he desired to be in the place of Iudas Caine ●e looked for Belzebub to call him to a ●aste he cryed out that he was a repro●te from the beginning and that the ●eath and passion of Christ could nothing ●uaile him He wished that he might re●aine tenne thousande yéeres and more 〈◊〉 the flames of hell fyre so that at the ●ste he mighte conceaue some hope of an ●de but that he could hope for nothing ●ut euerlasting destruction both of bodye ●nd soule he cryed out alas that curssed ●ay alas that curssed day that euer he renounced his Lord and Sauiour and at ●he last in a desperate mynde he stranged himselfe and so ended his wretched ●se with a most miserable death So also Stephen Gardener Act. mo pag. 1992 when there ●ame a Bishoppe vnto him lying on his death Bedde● and put him in remembraunce of Peters denying his Maister aunswered againe that hee had denyed with Peter but that he could not repent with Peter So also one Rockwood at the poynte of death staring and raging sayde that ●he was vtterly dampned and béeing willed to aske mercy cryed out all all too late all to late I might rehearse also the death of diuers others as Hales Thorneton Smith and many others of whose death we may not iudge but commit iudgement to him to whom it belongeth but most certainly it was horrible fearefull in the sight of man I might also declare the gréeuous plagues wherewith God hath punished the persecutors of thē which haue professed the name of Christ Herod soughte by all meanes possible to roote out the name of Christe and to destroy the babe Iesus but in the ende hee was plagued with a desperate minde so that he
required this at your hands that ye should take the sacramēt of my bloud which I shed for al mē frō the common people so to make my supper rather an excōmunication then a Communion who required this at your hands that ye should rather thrust your children into Abbeis Couents there to liue an idle a Swinish life being pampered vp with all dilicious fare which may stir thē vp to all filthines thē to set thē to some homest occupatiō Gen. 3.19 2. Thes 3.12 to get their liuing with the sweate of their browes to the profit and furtherance of the Common wealth Who required this of you that ye should accompt it a more meritorious work to gilde an Image their to cloathe a poore naked man and a better déede to go a gadding on Pilgrimage to séeke dead bones then to tarie at home and visite the poore members of Christ which laye sick and bedred lame and impotent 1. Iohn 1.7 Eccle. 12.7 Luke 23.49 Actes 7.59 Apoc. 14.13 who required this at your hands that ye should make any other Purgatorie then the bloud of Iesus Christ which dooth purge you from all your sinne or that ye should place your holynesse in kissing of Reliques créeping to crosses choyce of meates contempt of mariage sprinkling of holy water cēsing of Herbs boughes auricular shriuing in consecrated war Agnus Deis Crucifyres Palmes Creame Spittle Salte Oile Ashes Bels Beads Ladies Psalters Portuises Legēdaries Mās merits work of supererogatiō Shrines Roodes Tapers Frankencense Masses Dirges Trentals Buls Pardons Indulgences and all such trashe and trumpery wherof there is no mention at all in my holy worde Who required these things at your hands if I neuer required them but rather forbad them and commaunded the cleane contrarie then are ye no faithfull labourers 2. Peter 2.3 ye labour for your owne gaine to make Marchandise of soules for Lukers sake but ye are no labourers in my Haruest Apoc. 22.19 to bring increase into my Barnes and therefore ye are accursed and haue no part in the booke of life Thus good brethren ye sée how we shall be faithfull labourers we must Deut. 4.2 12.32 Pro. 30.6 adde nothing to the woord and take nothing from it neither to decline vnto the right hand nor to the left for if it be vnlawfull to adde or to chaunge Gala. 3.15 or to abrogate any thing in the Will and Testament of men how much lesse shall it be lawfull to put too or to diminish or to disanull any thing in the Will and Testament of the euerliuing God and if in making of the Tabernacle Exod. 25.40 2. Cron. 8.14 or building of the materiall Temple it was not lawfull for the workemen to doo any thing but what the Lorde appointed how much lesse may the builders of the spirituall Temple the Church of God decline from that rule which God hath prescribed in his holy worde Moreouer that we may be faithfull labourers this is required of vs that we auoide all flatterie and without respect of persons doo bouldly that Message Gala. 101 whereunto the Lorde shall send vs knowing that if we seeke to please men Ezech. 13.12 we cannot be the seruaunts of Christ ●ech 13.18 The Prophet denounceth an woe against those which sowe Pillowes vnder mens elbowes and crie peace peace where as no peace is and God dooth threaten by Ieremie that hee will come against those Prophets which haue sweete lips Ie● 10. and flatter men in their sinnes Woe be to them which speake good of euill and euill of good which put darkenes for light and light for darkenes which put bitter for sweete find sweete for sower Pro. 12.2 Disperdat Dominus omnia labia adulationum the Lord ●ut out all flattering lips saith the Prophet Dauid and as flattering lippes are abhominable in all mē so especially they ought to be abhorred of vs which are the Messengers of the Lord of Hoasts We must all Ephe. 6.19 open our mouthes bouldly to publish the secret of the Gospell Howsoeuer it be a daungerous thing for Lot to reprooue the filthy and beastly Sodomites Gen. 19.7 assaulting his house yet he must not cease still to say I pray you my bretheren Pro● ●0 2 doo not so wickedly Howsoeuer the wrath of a King be the roaring of a Lion and he that dooth prouoke him to anger dooth hazard his owne life yet if Princes offend the Prophet of God must say the Princes are rebellious Isa 1.23 companions of theeues euery one loueth bribes they iudge not the fatherles nether doth the widdowes cause come before the Ezech. 22.27 the Princes of Iuda are like rauening wolues sucking bloud and destroying soules for couetous Lucre. Although it must cost Iohn Baptist his life yet must he not cease to say to Herod Math. 14.4 It is not lawful for thee to haue thy brother Phillips wife And not onely the wicked but the godly also whē they fall they must be bouldly sharply reprooued so that Nathan must say vnto Dauid thou art the man 2. Sam. 12.7 it is thou that hast done this deede doubt not but the Lord will so worke with it that thy smiting shall be taken for a benefit Psa 141.5 and thy reproouing for a precious balme which will not breake his head howsoeuer the wicked doo kick spurne against thy godly admonitiōs yet no vnthankfulnes of the world ought to driue them frō performing thy duty but that the more stormy tempests that the weather dooth bring the more painefull thou shouldest be in the Haruest of the Lord What though thou be sent as Christe héere sent foorthe his seuentie Disciples as Lambes among VVolues Luke 10.5 What though thou be Sawde in péeces with a Sawe of wood as the Prophet Isay was or haue a Naile of Iron driuen into the Temples of thy head with Amos or be beheaded with Iohn Baptist or be Stoned with Steuen or slaine with the Sworde with Iames or most cruelly put to death with Peter Paule and the rest of the Apostles or haue thy portion among the blessed Martirs of God whereof some were deuoured with wilde Beasts some burnt with fier and Faggot some broyld vpon hoate coales some hanged some drowned some torne in péeces with wilde Horses yet must you alwayes remember the comfortable promise of Christe Math. 5.10 that great shal be thy rewarde in Heauen Blessed is the man that endureth temptation Iam. 1.12 for when he is tryed he shall receaue the Crowne of life which the Lorde hath promised to them that loue him Thus must the Ministers labour faithfully and not onely faithfully but willingly as Peter sayth feede the flock of Christ 2. Peter 5.2 which dependeth vpon you caring for it not by constraint but willingly not for fylthy luker but of a ready minde For if the laboring Seruaunts which are hyred to doo
of good workes with vncorrupt doctrine with grauitie and integrity and with the wholesome word which cannot be reproued that he which withstood him might be ashamed hauing nothing against him to speake euill of and for this cause there was placed in the breast Plate vpon Aarons heart Vrim and Thummim that is Exod. 28.3 light and perfection to signifie that he should not only haue light in knowledge but also integrity in conuersation for this cause also God giueth the Lawe in Leuiticus that Leuit. 21.7.14 18. the Priest shall in no case take to wife an Whore neither mary any woman that is polluted but that he shall take a Maide to wife and so be holy vnto his God and in the same Chapter he will haue his Priests to haue no blemish in their body neither any mishapen mēbers whereby is foreshadowed and signified the perfectnes which ought to be in their liues and conuersations for otherwise if they preache the worde of God and haue no care to reforme their liues thereafter then are they not gatherers Luk. 11.23 Psal 50.16 but scatterers and God will say vnto them as he saithe by the Prophet Dauid What hast thou to do to declare mine ordinaunces that thou shouldest take my couenant in thy mouthe seeing thou hatest to be reformed and hast cast my words behinde thee When thou seest a Theefe thou runnest with him and hast been partaker with the adulterers thou giuest thy mouthe to speake euill and with thy tongue thou forgest deceipt thou sittest and speakest against thy brother and slaunderest thine owne Mothers sonne and therefore what hast thou to doo to preache my lawes or to take my couenaunt in thy mouthe A Wall hath on either side great squared stones and in the midst small pibbles grauell if one of the great stones which vpholde the building doo slip away then all in the midst will soone clatter after The square stones of the Wall of Gods building are on the one side the Magistrates and on the other side the Ministers if one of these doo fall away then are they guiltie not onely of their owne condemnation but also of the bloud of as many as perish by their fall and euil ensample and therefore we ought all to pray vnto God continually that he will giue vs grace so to reforme our lyues that we may euery one of vs say vnto our flockes as Saint Paul said vnto the Phillipians Brethren Phil. 3.17 be ye followers of men and looke on them which walke so euen as ye haue vs for an ensample for many walke of whom I haue tolde you often and now I tell you weeping that they are enemies of the crosse of Christ assuring our selues that although we talke neuer so much yet vnlesse with our talking we ioyne walking and so by our liues and conuersations giue ensample to our flocks we are nothing but enemies of the crosse of Christ we cause the Gospell of Christ to be euill spoken of we drawe from Christ bothe our selues and others and throwe bothe them and vs into the pitte of perdition and then are we like vnto that Idiot which standing on the Sea shore and seeing straungers passing by dooth crie aloude vnto them away away the tide is at hande The Trauaylers looking backe and seeing the Foole to stand still they begin to say amongst themselues Surely the man dooth but iest if this were the time of the tide he would surely pack away himselfe we neede not to make any such haste but by and by the Tide commeth indeede and ouerwhelmeth bothe the negligent foole and the carelesse Horesemen Euen so if we say vnto the people The Tide commeth doo this or thou canst neuer be saued doo this or els thou art damned for euer and in the meane time stirre no foote our selues the common people séeing our carelesse negligence they straight way murmure amongst themselues If these heauie iudgements of God were true they would amend them selues and thereupon they beginne to be carelesse also and so in the end bothe are ouerwhelmed Apoc. 21.8 Isa 30.33 not with the waues of the Sea but with the Lake burning with fier and Brimstone which is the seconde death and with Tophet the burning whereof is fier and much woode and the breath of the Lord like a Riuer of Brimstone dooth kindle it Then dearely belooued If we teach well and liue wel Chris in Math. 23. we are become Iudges of all men but if we teache well and liue ill we are become condemners Rom. 2.1 bothe of our selues and others for by teaching well and liuing well we teach other men how they shall liue but by teaching well and liuing ill we teach God how he shall condemne vs and therefore let euery one of vs endeuour to follow not the ensample of the Pharisies which binde heauy burthens Math. 23.4 and laye them vpon other mens shoulders but they them selues will not so much as put too one of their least fingers but the ensample of the holy Apostle Saint Paule 1. Cor. 9.27 to beate downe our bodies to bring them into subiectiō least by any meanes after we haue preached vnto to others we our selues become reprobates 1. Pet. 5.3.4 that we may be ensamples to the flocke as Peter saith that when the chiefe Sheepeheard shall appeare we may receiue the incorruptible crowne of glory which Christ Iesus hath prepared for them which loue him I speake not this good brethren to accuse any man nor yet to excuse my selfe the Lorde is my witnesse For I acknowledge my selfe aboue all others to be a most miserable and wretched sinner the Lord be merciful vnto me and to vs all and giue vs all grace héereafter so to a mend our liues that by our euill ensample none be compelled to start back from the Gospell of our Lord Iesus Christ But howsoeuer we of the Ministerie are not able fully to expresse our doctrine in our liues and conuersations as we are not Angels but men and therefore béeing flesh and bloud may fall and doo fall and haue sundrie imperfections yet good people this ought to be no cause why ye should challenge vnto your selues any more liberty to wallow in sinne and wickednesse For although the Minister were most wilfully bent to worke all vncleanesse euen with greedines yet if he sit in Moyses Chayre Math. 23.3 Chris in Math. 23. if he be called to be your Pastor ye must follow the exhortation of Christ himselfe to obserue whatsoeuer by Gods worde they commaund you but not to doo after their workes For as Chrisostome saythe vpon that place Si bene vixerent c. If they shall lyue well it is their owne gaine if they shall teach well it is your gaine then take ye yours and doo not curiouslye meddle with that which appertaineth vnto others The Earth is vile the Gould is precious wil any man despise the precious gould because the earth
to be in all the Ministers of Christ to haue a zealous and a tender care of the Church of God which Christ hath purchased with his moste precious bloud and therefore our Sauiour dooth héere commaund his seuentie Disciples that in all their prayers they should not haue so much respect vnto themselues as vnto the Haruest of the Lorde and biddeth them pray the Lord of the Haruest to sende foorth labourers into his Haruest And this is the dutie not onely of the Minister but generally of all men Psal 137.5.6 to pray for the peace of Ierusalem and the prosperous estate of the Church of God Ephe. 6.19 to pray for the Ministers that vtteraunce may be giuen vnto them that they may opē their mouthes bouldly to publish the secret of the Gospell to pray 2 Thes 3.1 that the word of God may haue free passage and be glorifyed among them to pray for their Pastors Colos 4.3.4 that God wyll open vnto them the doore of vtteraunce that they may so speake the Misteries of Christ as it becommeth them to speake to pray with Dauid that the Lord will be fauourable vnto Sion Psa 51.18 and build vp the walles of Ierusalem And finally to praye heere with the seuentie Disciples that the Lord of the Haruest will send foorth labourers into his Haruest and this shall euery one of you performe a great deale more carefully if ye will call to minde either the great comfort which commeth vnto you by the paines of faithfull Labourers or els the miserable estate that ye stande in if ye want these Labourers For first what greater comfort can there be to a trauayler béeing in a straunge place and among his enemyes then to be well armed and to haue a good weapen to defēd him Neither can there be any greater comfort to vs that Psalm 39.12 are straungers and Pilgrimes in this vale of misery and continually assaulted with most cruell enemies the world the flesh and the Deuill then to be well weaponed with the sworde of the spirite Ephe. 6.17 Hebru 4.12 the word of God which shall cut downe sinne in vs and enter thorough euen to the deuiding a sunder of the soule and of the spirite of the ioyntes and of the marrowe Then we ought alwayes to pray with Dauid I am a straunger vpon earth Psal 119.19 O hide not thy commaundement from me What greater comfort to a man which walketh in darkenesse and in a daingerous place Ephe. 5.8 Psa 119.105 2. Pet. 1.19 Ephe. 5.8 then to haue a light to be brought vnto him Neither can there be anye greater comforte to vs which of our selues are nothing but darkenesse as Paule saythe then to haue the worde of God a Lanterne to our feete and a Candle shining in a darke place whereby we may be made light in the Lorde and walke as the children of light What greater ioye vnto a poore man then to shrowde himselfe vnder the winges of some Nobleman or Gentleman and to weare his Liuerie and Cognisance neyther can there be any greater ioye to a true Christian then to weare the Badge of a Christian which is a zeale to heare the worde of God Iohn 8.47 1. Ioh. 4.6 Iohn 10.27 that hearing Gods worde he may be knowne to be of God and hearing the voyce of Christ may be knowne thereby to be one of the Sheep of Christ and therefore such a one as cā neuer perrish There is no man but he would willingly be reconciled to his Landlorde or any other which is able to hurt either his body or goods The Gospell of Christ is called 2. Cor. 5.19 Math. 10.28 the worde of reconciliation whereby we are reconciled to him which is able to destroy bothe body and soule and cast bothe into Hell lier No man but he would willingly be saued Iam. 1.21 Rom. 1.16 Isa 12.3 it is called the worde of saluation which is able to saue our soules and therfore we ought with ioy to draw water out of the Wels of saluation as the Prophet speaketh ther is no mā but he would willingly be preserued frō errours falshood it is called 2. Cor. 6.7 Iohn 17.17 the word of truth No mā but if he haue any sparkle of grace he would willingly be deliuered frō the bondage of sinne iniquitie It is the Law of God Psal 19.7.11 119.9 which is perfect conuerteth the soule the Testimony of the Lord is sure giueth wisdom vnto the simple by thē is the seruāt of God made circūspect by teaching improouing 2. Tim. 3.16 correcting instructing they make the mā of god absolute perfect in al good works There is no mā but if he haue enemies suing him at Lawe for a péece of Land he would gladly haue the aduise of good and learned Counsellers our enemyes séeke to pluck from vs the kingdome of Heauen and therefore our delight ought to be in the statues of God for they are our Counsellers Psal 119.24 saith Dauid if we haue any suite we are desirous to know the end how that iudgement shall passe Christ saithe If any man receiue not my woords Ioh. 12.48 Sermo quem loquutus sum iudicabit eum in nouissimo Die the word which I haue spoaken shall iudge him the last day There is no man but if his Father haue made a Will and Testament and therein bequeathed vnto him any worldly goods or possessions he wyll read the Will ouer and ouer againe to see what his father hath bequeathed vnto him But the Minister dooth bring vnto you not the Testament of any mortal man but the Will and Testament of our Lord Iesus Christ Rom. 11 27. 2. Cor. 3.6 Hebru 8.8 9.15 1. Pet. 1.18 wherein he hath bequeathed vnto you not temporall riches but the euerlasting ioyes of Heauen purchased not with Siluer nor Gould but with his owne precious bloud How much more then ought ye to héere marke and commit vnto me morie this Will and Testament of our Lorde and redéemer When the Market day commeth that we must prouide for foode and rayement for our bodyes we wyll applye it dilligently to our great costes and charges Behoulde the Lorde hath appointed many dayes especially the Sabbaoth dayes to be the Market dayes of our soules wherein we may fréely prouide for some thing to the nourishment and comforte of our soules What a great care then ought wee to haue to resort vnto the Church Apoc. 3.18 Isa 55. ● to buy Gould tryed by the fier that we may be riche and white rayment that we may be cloathed and as the Prophet saythe to buie Wyne and Mylke without Siluer and not so to care for the body which shortly shall be Wormes meate that we haue no care of the soule which shortly shall be in the companye of Angels There is none of vs but he would willingly conceaue some hope of eternall life and