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A13339 The amendment of life comprised in fower bookes: faithfully translated according to the French coppie. Written by Master Iohn Taffin, minister of the word of God at Amsterdam.; Traicté de l'amendement de vie. English Taffin, Jean, 1529-1602. 1595 (1595) STC 23650; ESTC S118083 539,421 558

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stand in stead of vtterance What we are in profession saith S. Ambrose Ambrose of the dignity of Priesthood Cap. 3. let vs shewe rather by worke then by name to the end the name may agree with the action and the action with the name and so the name be honourable euen when the action is horrible Neither let an abhominable life be conioyned with an honourable calling let vs not make a shew of doouish wordes and serpentine deeds let not vs who in profession are Pastors be possessed with woluish crueltie rather let this be the full scope of our meaning euen to speake as we thinke and to thinke as we speake that so there may be good concord and harmony between the word and the life To this doth S. Hierom also exhorte saying Let not thy workes confound thy words least when thou speakest to the flock some one should in hart reply Hierom. in epist to Nepotian Why dost not thou that which thou teachest let there be saith he a good accord between the mouth the hart and the handes of the Preacher 36 The Ecclesiasticall historye doth testifie of Iohn Chrisostome that he being in life of a heauenly conuersation Zozom in Eccle Hi. l. 8. c. 2. l. 6. c. 3. did insinuate the zeale of his vertue to his hearers for his words being adorned with good workes seemed worthie to be beleeued which without them would haue bene ridiculous and surely the wicked life of the teacher doth make his owne worde to accuse him and therefore saith S. Augustin Prosper in his sentences out of Aug. Theodoret Ec. hist l. 4. c. 5. to say well and to liue euill is no more but with his owne tung to condemne the speaker To this purpose is the oration of the Emperor Valentinian in the Synode after the death of Auxētius the Arrian very notable You that are brought vp in the holy scriptures saith he can not be ignorant what manner of man he ought to be that is to be established in the dignitye of a Bishop also that in duty he is to instruct the people not by his doctrine onely Decretals dist 63. cap. Sac●o but also by his good maners holy conuersation whereby he may be an example of all honesty and vertue and so the exercise of his charge may be a testimonie and seale to his doctrine In this sence haue the Emperors Charles and Lewes speaking of the election of Bishops decreed that without accepting of persons they shall elect such as they shall finde to be endued with knowledge and holines of life to the end they may profit their flock as well by example of life as by doctrine 37 And indeed the first degree of abuse saith S. Augustin is this A skilfull Preacher deuoid of good workes euen one that careth not for perfourming that in action Aug. of the 1● degrees of Abuse deg 1. which he teacheth with his lippes for they that heare his doctrine do soon contemne his words when they see that his workes agree not with his doctrine Neither shall the Preacher haue any effectuall authoritie vntil the efficacie of his workes doe print it in the harts of his hearers Let the Pastors therefore remember that as faith without works is dead so is their doctrine of no force where it is not accompanied with holines of life And such Pastors are like vnto the man that with one hand doth pull vp that which the other hath planted or that with one hand plucketh downe that which the other hath built If the Pastor be learned Bernard vpon the Cantic saith S. Barnard yet a bad man it is to be feared that his barrē life hurteth as many as his profitable doctrin doth help And the bad life of the Pastor is the calling of the doctrine into question Rom 2.14 scorne contempt cōsequently giueth occasion to blaspheme the name of God as S. Paul admonisheth vs. 38 True it is that Iesus Christ exhorteth vs to obserue and doe the things which the Scribes and Pharisies that sit vpon Moses chaire Mat. 23. that is that teach the doctrine of Moses doe saye vnto vs but not to doe their works Galat. 2.11 when they doe not as they say But such is mans infirmitie that euil examples doe more stirre vs to doe euill then good doctrine to doe well And to this purpose we are to note the phrase that S. Paul vseth where he reproueth S. Peter because that before the comming of the Iewes hee did eate with the Gentils and at their comming he withdrew himselfe If thou being a Iewe liuest as the Gentils why constrainest thou the Gentils to doe like the Iewes He ther sheweth that the example of S. Peter was of such efficacy that thereby he enforced the Gentils to followe his dissimulation and he also noteth that euen Barnabas was induced thereto If then the example of the Pastors be so mighty both in good and euill let them diligently labour that their conuersation may be conformable to their doctrine and so they may be of double edification to the Church of Christ Let them saith S. Hierom Hierom. vpon this if any desire to be a Bishop conceaue the truth in their mindes and sound it forthwith their lippes and in all their conuersation to the end that whatsoeuer they say or do may be a doctrine or instruction to the people let the Pastors therfore take heed that their life and conuersation be not contrarye to their doctrine least they make their ministerye vnprofitable and hurte more by their bad liues then they profite by their good doctrine by drawing the people after their example to imitate their euil works finally bring the heauenlye doctrine into contempt and giue occasion to blaspheme the name of God And withal let thē remēber what Christ saith Mat. 5.19 He that shal teach obserue the commaundements of God shal be called great in the kingdome of heauē but that cōtrariwise he wil say to those that haue preached his gospel wrought miracles but haue not sealed their doctrine with good workes Depart from me ye workers of iniquity Mat. 12.23 39 Among other the vices which the Pastors for auoiding of euil example are to shun is couetousnes the root of al mischiefe in all men but chiefly in the Pastors and Ministers of Gods worde and therefore doth S. Paul expressely say A Bishop must not couet after dishonest gaine And S. 1. Tim. 3.3 1. Pet. 5.2 Peter exhorteth the Pastors to feede their sheep not in hope of dishonest gain but with a willing minde This aduertisement is the more necessary because it is a cōmon vice as Esay obiecteth to the Pastors of his time saying Esay 56.11 The Pastors haue no vnderstanding they are all gone astray euery one followeth after couetousnes S. Tit. 1.11 2. Pet. 2.3 Paul likewise complaineth of some that for dishonest gaine did subuert whole families And S. Peter
such meanes as God hath ordeined for the bringing of them to saluation God hath limited to euerye man the terme of his life but withall hee hath ordained and appointed that for the preseruing thereof he shall both eate and drinke If thou sayest that thou shalt of necessitie liue thy course that God hath prescribed and therefore that for the preseruation of thy life thou needest not to eate or drinke thou dost the●in directly fight and striue against the will and pleasure of God and this is temptation neither dost thou notwithstanding God hath decreed the time of thy life forbeare to eate or drinke Why then dost thou not the like for thy soule as hee therefore that should abstaine from foode and say that he neede it not to liue by should drawe to this end so they that saye that being elect they neede not beleeue the Gospell nor amend their liues for the atteyning to the kingdome of heauen do teach men to tempt God and reuersing his prouidence striuing against his will and so farre as in them lyeth abolishing the meanes and way to life and saluation doe drawe on to death and eternall damnation Which is more if any man aske the cause why some doe beleeue and amend their liues and others doe not the holy Ghost doth aunswere That it is election that maketh this difference so farre therefore are the elect from no neede of this holy life is they doe pretend that contrariwise holinesse and amendment of life is the token and fruit of their election Againe wherefore doe they say that if there be election the elect shal not need to liue in holinesse they doe this as is aforesaide onely by such an absurditie to proue that there is no election notwithstanding there be so many and euident testimonies therof in the word of God Iohn 10.27 Rom. 8.29 Act 13.48 and 28.24 Apoc 2.27 Mat. 20.16 Marc. 13.20 Eph. 1.4 Rom. 9.11 and 11.5 Phil 4 3. they do therfore vpon an imaginary absurdity which indeed is none reiect the expresse worde of God notwithstanding the same doth very well agree that both there are elect persons and that they cannot perish yet must liue neuerthelesse in holynes that is to say walke in the way that leadeth to saluation which is ordeined for them from before the beginning of the world And indeeed S. Paul affirmeth both the one and the other saying that God hath elected vs to the end we might be holy 6 Hauing thus discouered either the grosse ignorance or the malice and bad consciences of those that vse these allegations for the reiecting of the doctrine of Predestination we will now proue that there is nothing of greater efficacie to moue and enslame our harts to the amendment of life then the knowledge and feeling of our election First if we be elected to life eternall we are also elected to haue faith and consequently to amend our liues for those be the stayres and passage from election to glorification as S. Paul teacheth Rom. 8. The knowledge therefore of election to saluation bindeth vs to amend our liues that is to say to walke in that path whereby God vouchsafeth to lead the elect to the enioying of euerlasting life Eph. 1.4 God saith S. Paul hath elected vs in Iesus Christ before the foundation of the worlde that we might be holy and vnreproueable before him in loue Eph. 2.16 Againe We are the worke of Gods hands created in Christ Iesus vnto good workes which God hath ordeined that we should walk● in them Col. 3.12 Heereof also doth the same Apostle take occasion to exhorte the Colossians to amendment saying Now therefore as the elect of God and beloued put on tender kindnesse humblenesse of minde meekenesse long suffering for bearing one another and forgiuing one another The like ground taketh S. Peter 1. Pet. 2.9 saying Ye are a chosen generation a royall priesthoode a holy nation a peculier people that yee should shew forth the vertues of him that hath called you out of darkenes into his merueilous light 7 What poore maiden is there who hearing that some king had among all other chosen her to be his sonnes wife and withall ordeined that to that end forsaking her parentes and kinsfolkes she shall come to him on foot in the midst of Winter would not willingly and readily leaue all and euen in Winter and on foot come to the King to finishe this great marriage as we reade of Dauid who hearing that Saul had chosen him to be his sonne in lawe by giuing him his daughter in mariage in case hee could bring him an hundred fore-skinnes of the Philistines ventured his life to the end by satisfying the Kings desire to be his sonne in law Euen so we vnderstanding and hauing witnesse that God hath chosen vs to be the spouse of his sonne Iesus Christ and coheires of his kingdome also that it is his will that forsaking the worlde and the fleshe we should walk through the path of good works in amendment of life to come to heauen there to accomplishe this happye mariage how feruently should we renounce the worlde the flesh and euery thing that contrarieth his will that we may the more speedily and cheerefully proceede in amendment of life and so performe this blessed mariage 8 Moreouer he that knoweth that there is an eternall felicitie replenished with all glory for the elect horrible condemnation with most fearefull torments prepared for the reprobate how happy would he think him selfe if God should send him an angell to assure him that he is of the number of the elect whose names are written in the booke of life But amendment of life is vnto vs as a message witnesse and seale of our election for as election is the cause and fountaine of amendment so doth amendment leade vs to our election as the effect to the cause the fruite to the tree or roote the brooke to the spring and the light to the Sunne How earnestly therefore ought we to labour to amend our liues and to encrease in sanctification to the end more and more to be assured of our election by the fruites of the same as also S. Peter after he hath exhorted vs to amendment of life and good works 2. Pet. 1.10 doth admonish vs to study by the same to make sure our election 9 But aboue all let vs consider the fountain of our election and that is the free loue goodnes and mercy of God towards vs. As S. Paul alleadging the authority of Malachy doth declare Malach. 1.2 For to shew that Iacob was chosen Esaw reiected in the person of God he saith I haue loued Iacob and hated Esaw Rom. 9.15 As also in the same consideration he alleadgeth this sentēce written by Moses Exod. 33. ●9 I wil shew mercie to whom I wil shew mercie And in the same sence are the elect tearmed the vessels of mercy but indeed Rom. 9.23 in as much
righteousnes What else haue wee therefore to doo but still to haue this name Iesus whereby wee bee aduertised that hee hath saued vs from our sinnes and consequently from eternall death before the eies of our vnderstanding that wee remembring that he hath withdrawen vs out of hell from eternall fire darknesse weeping and gnashing of teeth maye in heart bee feruently inflamed in his loue And that the remembrance that he hath paide so many deadly debts to discharge vs maye more and more inforce his loue Finally let the representation of the death of our olde man crucified with this Sauiour make vs so to abhorre sinne and corruption that we suffer it not to liue in vs to our owne death Thus shall the name Iesus beget in vs a feruent desire to loue him to please him and to obey his commaundement wherein hee willeth vs to amend our liues Acts 10.38 Luke 4.18 Esay 61.1 Iohn 1.16 1. Ioh. 2.27 8 Now let vs come to the title Christ. This name in Greeke as also the name Messias in Hebrue doeth signifie as much as if wee should saie Annointed And by this annointing is meant the fulnesse of the holie Ghost which he hath receiued as Saint Luke noteth and himselfe doth acknowledge where hee applieth to himselfe this saying of Esaie The spirite of the Lorde God is vpon mee for he hath annointed me He was fulfilled to the end wee might be partakers of his fulnesse as Saint Iohn saith who also speaketh of the holy Ghost saying The annointing that you haue receiued from him abideth in you 1. Cor. 3.16 and you need not to bee taught but as the same annointing teacheth you all thinges and it is true and is not lying and as it taught you yee shall abide in him Saint Paul calling vs the temples of God addeth this reason Rom. 8 9. that the holie Ghost dwelleth in vs. This name Christian deriued from Christ and proper to his disciples confirmeth the same For likewise as the same Apostle sayth They that haue not the spirite of Christ are not his But as there is no true or naturall fyre but yeeldeth heate or light so the holye Ghost cannot bee in vs wythout the feeling and shewing forth of effectes beseeming his holynesse And therefore this name Christ aduertising vs that wee are partakers of the annointing of his holy spirite should be vnto vs a mightie and liuely argument to amend our liues And this shall wee the better vnderstand by considering the names attributed to this spirite to represent vnto vs the effectes of the same 1. Pet. 5.2 First hee is called Holy because that of himselfe and in him selfe being holy euen in al perfection it is he that sanctifieth vs by separating vs from the common degree of other the children of Adam to the end we may be dedicated and consecrated to God Whereupon Saint Peter sayth that wee are elect through the prouidence of God in the sanctification of the spirite to obey and be sprinkled with the bloud of Iesus Christ And that as being made the children of God through faith we must be wholy renued Saint Paul teacheth vs that this commeth of the holy Ghost He sayth he that hath raised Iesus Christ from the dead Rom. 8.11 1. Cor. 15.45 shall quicken your mortall bodies with his spirit dwelling in you In this sense is he named the second Adam that proceeded from heauen in a quickning spirite For the Apostle compareth the spirituall life that Christ by his spirit imparteth to the beleeuers with the sensual life that men receiue from the first Adam And therefore we do in vaine boast of Christianitie and the spirit of Christ so long as we are not so renued as to haue nothing in common with the vnbeleeuers that dwell vnder the tirannie of the vncleane spirit which infecteth with all corruptions defilings all those that haue not the spirit of Christ 9 Particularly he is named the earnest pennie of our inheritance As when a man doth purchase an inheritance hee first giueth earnest that is some part of the monie promised Ephe. 1.14 that serueth as a beginning to the paiment of the total summe so God hauing redeemed vs by the bloud of Iesus Christ giueth the earnest penie of his holy spirit that is to saie a beginning of knowledge of the true God of sanctification of loue to God of righteousnes and of peace ioy in the holy spirit attending vntill he finish in vs the communication of that light ioy holynes and glory that we shal haue perfectly in heauen Whereby it appeareth that wee wrongfully boast our selues to be christiās annointed with the spirit of Christ so long as we be not indued at the least with some beginning of this heauenly light sanctification loue of God spiritual peace and ioy which are the earnest of the spirit do not indeuor daily to increse in these spirituall giftes and graces He is also called Water Esay 55.1 44.3 for of the holy Ghost doth Esaie speake saying Come vnto the waters all yee that thirst Againe I will poure my spirite vppon the thirstie and my riuers vpon the drie Then to expound the same he sayth I will poure forth my spirite vpon thy seede Heereby doth hee shewe vs that as raine with the moisture thereof fatteth the earth to make it fruitfull so doth the holy spirite with his inuisible grace make vs fruitfull to produce the fruites of righteousnes as Iesus Christ also declareth saying He that beleeueth in me Iohn 7.38 out of his belly shall flowe riuers of the water of life This saith S. Iohn he spake of the spirit that all they should receiue that beleeued in him As therefore if hearbs watered do stil continue drie we iustly saie they are dead so can we not aduow our selues to be Christians watered with the spirit of Christ so long as in sted of bearing fruit by amendement of life and giuing our selues to good workes we continue drie and withered 10 Sometimes hee is also called Water to signifie his power to purge and cleanse our filth and corruption as Ezechiel sayth I will poure vpon you cleane waters and yee shall bee cleansed Ezech. 36. 25 I will cleanse you from all your filthines and from your Gods of doung And will giue vnto you a new heart and will put into you a new spirite and I will take your stonie heart out of your flesh and will giue you a heart of flesh and I will put my spirit into you and cause you to walke in my statutes and to keepe my ordinances and you shall doo them But if we in lieu of amending our liues do abide in our filthinesse and corruption with stonie heartes and keepe not the ordinances of the Lord it is in vaine for vs to intitle our selues Christians watered with the holye waters of his spirit And because that by watering vs with the liquors of his graces hee maketh vs strong
mightily to moue vs to amendement First when by the kingdome of heauen is signified the blessed estate and incomprehensible felycitie that wee shall inioy in heauen therein are wee taught that our estate is farre different from the estate of bruite beastes who by their death are reduced to naught For as for men when they die all is not death with them but they that beleeuing in Iesus Christ haue amended their liues shal depart into a life replenished with all glorie ioy and incomprehensible eternall felicity heere signified by the kingdome of heauen as contrariwise they that remaine hardned in theyr euill doinges shall for euer bee tormented with the fire of Gods wrath Dan. 12. Many saith Daniel that sleepe in the dust shall awake some to life eternall and others to eternall reproch and infamie Iohn 5.28 This sentence doth Iesus Christ confirme saying The houre shall come that all that are in the graues shal heare the voice of the sonne of man and shall come foorth euen they that haue done good to the resurrection of life they that haue done euil to the resurrection of condemnation And to this end shall Iesus Christ come to iudge the world that the childrē of God that haue amended their liues may be exalted into the fruition of the kingdome of heauen contrariwise the disobedient swallowed vp with the deuill his Angels in hell That we may the better feel the efficacie of this reason For the kingdom of heauen is at hand we are vndoubtedly to beleeue it is in deed an article of our faith that Iesus Christ shall come to iudge the quicke and the dead And in this respect S. Paul writing to Timothie 1. Tim. 4.4 saith I summon thee before God before the Lord Iesus Christ who in his appearance and kingdome shall iudge the quicke the dead Acts. 17.31 As also the same Apostle in another place saith God hath ordained a daie when he shall iudge all the world in righteousnes This was an old resolute point of the Iews religion as it appeareth by these sentences of Iesus Christ The men of Niniue shall rise in the day of iudgement to condemne this generation Math. 12.41 Math. 10.15 Againe If it shall be more easie for Sodom in the daie of iudgement than for those townes that woulde not receiue the Gospel These threatnings wold haue bin of smal waight with the Iewes had they not bin perswaded that there was a daye of iudgement wherein the children of God should be receiued in to the kingdome of heauen and the vnbeleeuers and obdurate in wickednes cast into euerlasting death 3 To the end the rather to confirme vs in the expectation of this daie of iudgement so much to be desired and so blessed for those that do amend their liues but so terrible to the rebellious obstinate Math. 25.31 S. Mathew representeth vnto vs the form therof saying Whē the son of man shall come in his glorie all the angels with him then shal he sit vpon the throne of his glorie and he shal separate the sheep from the goats and he shall set the sheep on his right hand the goats on his left to thē on his right hand he shal say Come ye blessed of my father inherite the kingdome prepared for you from the beginning of the world And to them on the left hand hee shall saie Depart from me ye cursed into euerlasting fyre which is prepared for the deuill and his Angels and they shal go into euerlasting paines and the righteous into euerlasting life Let vs therefore bee fully resolued that the daie will come that such as haue amended theyr liues increasing in faith working in loue and fructifying in good workes shall bee gathered into the fruition of the kingdome of heauen and the others into euerlasting fyre And in deede sith it is so sayth Saint Augustine that all thinges before prophesied in the holy Scriptures August in his Epist 42. to Mandarens haue come to passe and beene fulfilled in theyr season as the floud the bondage of the seede of Abraham in Egypt and theyr deliuerie the captiuitie of Babylon and the returne from the same the comming of Christ in the flesh and all that concerned his passion his resurrection and ascension into heauen his promise to send the holy Ghost to the Apostles the calling of the Gentiles other like matters what reason haue we to doubt of this day of iudgement which hath bin foreshewed in so many passages of the holy Scripture 4 Neither can we anie way doubt thereof if we haue anie reason or vnderstanding For if we beleeue that there is a God which all nations in the world doo confesse we must also beleeue that hee is righteous if he be righteous hee will reward the righteous that amend their liues punish the disobedient that are giuen to wickednes But this reward or punishment is not performed in this life but in part and that verie seldome as both the Prophet manifestly declareth in the 71. psalme and experience doth dayly teach It followeth therefore that after this life there is another wherin the righteous haue their reward euen the fruition of the kingdome of heauen and the disobedient shal be punished with euerlasting torments This discourse doth S. Paul confirme in expresse words for he seeing the persecutions of the faithful 2. Thes 1.5 and their grieuous afflictions least they should be shaken with some opinion that there were no prouidence or iustice in God he vpholdeth to the contrarie doth shew that the persecutions afflictions that they suffered were a manifest demonstration of the iust iudgment of God To the end saith he that ye may be accounted worthie the kingdome of God for the which ye do also suffer For it is a righteous thing with God to recompence tribulation to them that trouble you and to you that are troubled rest with vs. But when shal that be Euen when the Lord Iesus shal shew himselfe from heauen with his mightie Angels In flaming fire rendering vengeance to thē that do not know God which obey not the Gospell of our Lord Iesus Christ which shall be punished with euerlasting perdition from the presence of the Lord and from the glorie of his power when he shall come to be glorified in his Saincts to be made maruellous in all them that beleeue If then it bee a righteous thing with him to recōpence tribulation as is aforesayd to those that trouble vs euen vs I say that are pore vpon earth how much more righteous will it be with him most horribly eternally to punish those that haue persecuted euen the person of Iesus Christ the welbeloued sonne of God In this sense is this daie called the daie of the restoration of al thinges because the disorder and confusion that seemeth now to be in the gouernment of the world Act. 3 21. shall bee then
and a winde that bloweth yet neuer see either A woman feeling the motions of the babe in her wombe beleeueth that she is with childe albeit she see it not 28 If they saie that experience teacheth them to beleeue all these thinges then let them renounce their blasphemie Who hath seene God that wee may beleeue him And let them beleeue that there is a God of whom they both see and feele such experience so certaine and mightie effects both in the world and in themselues as is afore shewed If they can beleeue that they haue eies and a forehead albeit they see them not but in a glasse let them also beleeue there is a God whose image they see ingrauen throughout this vniuersall world If being in a prison where they see but a glimpse of a Sun beame they neuertheles beleeue that the Sun is vp and shineth ouer the earth wherefore do they not likewise beleeue that there is a God that guideth the world when they are forced to feel no●e and confesse so many whole beams of his eternitie and prouidence shining in the world By discourse passing from the riuer to the fountain and from the fountain to the spring they beleeue that the riuer hath a spring why are they not likewise guided by theyr discourse from the creatures to the creator and author of the same from the so excellent frame of the world and from man to the master Architect and builder But it euidently appeareth that these people do malitiously sight against their owne consciences against their bodily senses and against al discourse of their vnderstanding to deny that there is a God by demanding Who hath seene him that they may beleeue 29 But this is the subtiltie and poison of the deuill By this selfe reason and argument doo they also conclude that they haue no soule that there be no deuils that there is no hel for of all this they see none this to the end that they may the more outragiously as beasts giue themselues ouer to the lusts and passions of their flesh without feare of God of deuill or of hell and so liue without remorse of conscience This truely is a cable and mightie cha●●e by the deuill bent to drawe them to all iniquitie and so to heape vp fierie mountaines of Gods terrible wrath against such monsters Rightly therefore haue we placed this as the chiefe and principall folly in man To beleeue there is no God For as it extinguisheth all feare of euill doing so doth it quench all affection to pietie loue holynes and patience To be briefe it is the verie meanes to transforme man not into a beast but into a deuill Let vs constantly therefore renounce this extreame folly and madnes yea let vs abhorre all such cogitations and beleeue that there is a God a creator and a redeemer who by his prouidence guideth the whole world and especially his Church Also that vndoubtedly he will punish all Atheists and other Infidels with incomprehensible torments to continue without end and that he will graunt to the faithfull lyfe comfort and eternall glorie Let the assurance and apprehension of this truth make vs to amend our liues so that by renouncing this folly which would cast vs headlong into hell thorough so horrible a blasphemie as to deny God we may bee better aduised and turne to the Lord increasing in faith and fructifying in all good workes all the daies of our life The second Folly To esteeme more of man than of God Chap. 3. WE haue alreadie spoken of those that deny God both in hart and mouth Now are we to intreate of the folly of these who professing the knowledge of God do deny him in their workes Tit. 1.16 as Saint Paul saith This folly resteth in those that esteem more of man than of God For to confesse God and yet to esteem lesse of him than of man is to denye him And this folly doth possesse many and proceedeth of this incredulity that confessing that there is a God they doo not apprehend his diuinitie that is that by his prouidence he guideth all thinges that hee is the soueraigne good and well dooing that he is holy that he hateth iniquitie that he is righteous and will punish it that hee is true and almightie to fulfil his promises and to execute his iudgements and in wisdome infinite This incredulitie and corruption procureth vs first to loue man more than God secondly to repose more confidence in man than in God thirdly to feare man more than God And these are three euident proofes most assured testimonies that we esteeme more of man than of God Also that confessing God with our mouths we denye him in our workes Now let vs proceede to the first proofe 2 Gods commandement as also ou● dutie doo import that wee should loue God with all our heart with all our strength with all our soule The reason Because he is God Secondly because he is our God Being God as he hath bin from all eternitie before the creation and redemption he is worthie to be loued infinitely in as much as he is our God our creator and our redeemer he deserueth that we should loue him for his incomprehensible benefites bestowed vpon vs. Neuertheles the common course of man doth euidently declare that we loue man more than God And in deed let the husband examine the loue he beareth to his wife the wife hers to her husband the parents their affection to their children and the children theirs to their parents and many others the loue that they beare to their carnall friends and they shall all find that they loue man more than God Let vs proceed to the proues We cannot abide that any man should speake euill of him whome wee loue so that if the husband heareth his wife euill spoken of or the wife her husband each of them grieueth at the iniuries cannot brooke them in quiet but when we heare God our father euil spoken of or blasphemed who is moued at it Who findeth himselfe so much grieued as to procure amends and prosecute punishment for the same Euery man reioyceth to heare his commendations whom hee loueth so that if in companie anie man speaketh of the vertues of our children of our father of our brother or of anie of our entire friends we reioyce and are gladde of it but euen in the same companie let anie man reade the praises of God set down in diuerse of the Psalmes namely in the c. who thereby feeleth himselfe so touched to the quicke as in hart to reioyce and be glad therof We also are redy to talke of those whom we loue and do reioyce when others do minister occasion to speak of them which we will be sure to take hold of to prosecute but when we doo speake of God o● if in companie anie once chance to beginne how is his motion seconded or prosecuted nay rather how soone is it giuen
owne and welbeloued Sonne Iesus Christ What mercy goodnesse and loue shineth in this redemption That he so loued the world that he gaue his onely begotten Sonne to the end that all that beleeue in him might not perish Ioh. 3.16 1. Ioh. 4.9 but haue life euerlasting What a seale of his truth in that notwithstanding the ingratitude and vnworthinesse of the world he yet in his appointed time sent the seed of the woman promised to our forefathers Gen. 3.15 to breake the Serpents head To be briefe what power shewed he in this redemption wrought by Iesus Christ Gal. 4.4 wherein he surmounted and ouercame the deuill sinne death and hell But what doth such an image of God so expressely represented before our eyes in the person of our Lord Iesus Christ accomplishing our redemption shoot at but to giue vs to vnderstand and earnestly to feele the wisedome holinesse righteousnesse mercy truth goodnesse loue and power of God the father of Iesus Christ That we might loue him put our trust in him cleane vnto him call vpon him acknowledging him to be the inexpuiseable fountaine of al goodnesse and so glorifie him And the rather because by this meanes we are reclaimed from death and euerlasting damnation we bee made the children of God through the same Iesus Christ and inheritors of his kingdome and glory Rightly therefore doe we say that the ende of our redemption shoulde tend to encrease our knowledge of God that we may glorifie him That it is the dutie whereto Saint Paul exhorteth vs saying You are bought for a price 1. Cor. 6.20 therfore glorifie God in your body in your spirit for they are Gods Also in another place Eph. 1.6 God hath chosē vs to him throgh Iesus Christ according to the good pleasure of his will to the praise of the glory of his grace 8 Ther is yet another consideration When Christ gaue sight to the blind raised the dead healed the sicke wrought other like miracles Mat. 9.8 Luk. 13.13 the same were so many testimonies seales of his diuinitie consequently arguments to induce men to glorifie him As he himselfe saith speaking of the sicknes of Lazarus This sicknes is not vnto death but for the glory of God Ioh. 11.4 that the sonne might be glorified therby For his raising frō death was a testimony of his diuine power But we al are naturally as concerning the soul dead in sin blind sicke of a hūdred diseases And as the soule is more excellēt thē the body so the illuminating restoring to life curing of the diseases of the soule are miracles more excellētly representing the deuine power grace then those of the body Of necessity therefore these miracles being performed in vs through faith in Iesus Christ do bind vs to glorifie him And how By effectual demonstration that where we were blind sicke dead in spirit we are now illuminated cured raised againe to life And indeed the motions affections holy works of Gods children being assured testimonies that in soule they be illuminated risen againe are the true meanes to glorifie God Contrariwise if we walk as men yet blind in the darknes of ignorance as men sicke polluted in vice corruption as men yet dead in sin We doo so much as in vs lieth abolish the miracles of Iesus Christ consequently his glory In this respect Saint Peter saith Haue your conuersation honest among the Gentiles 1. Pet. 2 1● that they which speake euill of you as of euill doers may by your good works which they shall see glorifie God in the day of the visitation Mat. 5.16 And in the same sence saith Iesus Christ Let your light so shine before men that seing your good works they may glorify God your father 9 But what argument is this to glorifie God in our holy conuersation good works Because as we haue before said shewed the same be testimonies effects of our spiritual resurrection consequently of Gods power goodnes mercy toward vs. Wherupon the ignorant seing that we who in the time of our ignorāce were dead in sin giuen ouer to all vice corruption since we were illuminated in the truth of the Gospell haue by this spiritual resurrection declared such an alteration in vs that now we are contrariwise become as it were new creatures walking in purenes holines loue may also glorifie God in two sorts First in this miraculous alteration that they see in vs as being a worke truely proceeding of the power and goodnes of God Secondly in this that by such miracles they be moued to allowe and embrace the same religion which we professe as being conuict that it is truely of God not of man Psal 65.1 To conclude where Dauid crieth out O God praise waiteth for thee in Sion He manifestly declareth vnto vs that they which be regenerate through the redemption in Iesus Christ are burgeses of Sion and members of the Church bound to praise God And also that we frustrate God of his dutie and expectation Psal 119 175 if we refer not out whole liues to his glory saying with Dauid O Lord let my soule liue that I may praise thee 10 The secōd principal end of our life should tend to attaine to life euer lasting John 3.16.17 And indeed In as much as God hath sent his Son into the world that the world through him might be saued that he so loued the world that he hath giuē his only begottē son to the end that al that beleue in him might not perish but haue life euerlasting It thereby appeareth that as the end of our redemption accomplished in Iesus Christ is the sauing of the elect so we that beleeue in him shoulde in all the course of our liues aime at this To bee saued by him Otherwyse wee doo so much as in vs lieth reuerse that excellent and wonderfull work of our redemption God hath created man without comparison more excellent than beasts yet if man be not saued nor attaineth to life euerlasting hee is much more miserable than the brute beast which passing ouer this life a great deale more easilye than man after death feeleth no euill and contrariwise the man which aimeth not at this lyfe euerlasting after all his calamities both bodily and ghostly tribulations in this life at his death entereth into incomprehensible and eternall torments If man who naturally desireth felicitie could comprehend the felicitie of such as attaine to the kingdom of heauen likewise the miserie and woe of those who at their decease doo passe into euerlasting death the very horror of the death of these wretches together with the soueraigne felicitie of the blessed would make him earnestly to couet after life euerlasting to esteeme this incomprehensible felicitie to be one of the principall endes of his lyfe Such therefore as doo neuer propound the kingdome of
than himselfe But Solon answered that no man was to bee called blessed before his death Rightly did Solon there reproue the folly of Croesus who thought himselfe blessed in vncertaine prosperitie As Solon lykewise being accounted so wise shewed his follye by signifying in such an answere that Croesus had bene blessed if he had continued in such prosperitie vntill his death Yet if Solon iudged that Croesus coulde not thinke himselfe blessed in all his prosperitie what would hee haue iudged if he had beene a Christian and had seene the change of Croesus prosperitie not into that calamitie that befell him when Cyrus afterward tooke him prisoner but euen into hell and death euerlasting Might hee not and that iustly haue sayd that Croesus notwithstanding his prosperitie euen albeit the same had stuck by him vnto his death was neuer blessed but most accursed 6 Plato a Heathen confirmeth the same by a notable discourse Plut. in his consolation to Apolonius which Plutarch indeauouring to comfort Apollonius vppon the death of his sonne doth alleadge This euermore sayth hee was one resolute opinion that whosoeuer departed this lyfe had liued vertuously at his death he was transported to the Ilands of the blessed and there feeling no inconuenience inioyed soueraigne felicitie And contrarywise they which liued wickedly and vniustly were sent into the prison of iustice and vengeaunce called Tartarum At the first sentence was awarded by liuing Iudges and while men were yet aliue but the same daie that they were to die Howbeit there grewe such abuse heerein that complaint was brought from the Ilandes of the blessed that some were sent thether that had beene wicked and peruerse liuers And thereuppon was the occasion of such abuse examined which was sounde to proceede of this that iudgement was giuen while the men yet liued clothed with honourable carcases wyth riches nobilitye and other lyke qualities In respect whereof they found many witnesses who making their apparaunce before the Iudges affirmed for them that they were men that deserued to passe to the sayde Ilandes of the blessed The cause of the errour once found out it was decreed that from thence forth ther should no iudgement passe vntill after death when the soules should bee depriued of theyr bodies and that also not by men yet aliue and subiect to bee abused by the outwarde shew but by spirites who should see nothing but the spirits and naked soules of those whom they were to giue sentence vppon to the ende that they which in this world had wrought wickednesse in theyr honourable bodies clothed with nobilitie riches and such other qualities might bee sent to tormentes and contrarywise that they who during theyr liues had kepte righteous h●lye and vertuous soules albeit in poore abiect and afflicted bodies might passe into the Ilandes of the blessed This was the discourse of a Heathen man who had attained some sight of the truth albeit intangled in ignorance and errour yet fitly confirming our argument namely that wee must not iudge of mannes felicitie or miserie by the outwarde apparance 7 This folly of iudging by the outward apparance doth yet proceede farther For it can take no place at the least wherein to stay and settle it selfe in mans heart but onely among those that denie Gods prouidence namely those that thinke there is no righteous God that administreth iustice For confesse that there is a God and that hee is righteous and thou canst not iudge of mans felicitie or miserie by the outward shew Thou canst not I saie iudge whether hee that liueth in prosperitie be blessed or another in affliction cursed For sith most vsually the wicked do prosper in this lyfe and contrarywise the children of God haue most trouble what should become of Gods iustice whose nature is to rewarde euill to the wicked and good to the good A certaine Bishop of Verdune in his Chronicle reporteth that one Almauri king of Ierusalem on a time demanded of a certaine Doctor howe he could proue another life after this The Doctor asked him whether he beleeued there was a God Which when he had graunted It sufficeth sayd the Doctor For if there be a God he is righteous if hee bee righteous he must administer iustice in rewarding the good and punishing the wicked Nowe thy selfe sayde hee hast knowen such a wicked man who alwayes liuing in pleasure and honour slept in peace Thou knewest such another a verie good man in continuall tribulation euen to the death If therefore there bee a righteous God it cannot bee chosen but there is another lyfe wherein this good man resteth nowe in blisse and the wicked man in woe Whether this was a true reporte or but a fiction for example and doctrine yet doeth it surely most playnelye teach vs that hee that by outwarde prosperitie iudgeth a man to be blessed and by tribulation to bee accursed denyeth a God in that hee denyeth his iustice The doctrine of this historie or example doeth Saint Paul also confirme saying That the tribulations of the faithfull layde vppon them by the wicked that are in prosperitie are a manifest testimonie of the iudgement to come farre other than the fooles do by the outward apparance imagine The reason hee also addeth saying 2. Thes 1 For it is a righteous thing wyth God to recompence tribulation to them that trouble you and rest to you that are troubled Which iustice if it be not executed in this life he concludeth that it shal be in the latter comming of Iesus Christ to iudgement 8. It is blasphemie against God sayth Dauid to saie that he will not regard mans transgressions to punish them according to his iustice Wee will not therefore saie Psal 10.13 that the sinner liuing in pleasure alreadie condemned in the sight of God and waiting but the houre of eternall death can bee blessed or more blessed than the faithfull and troubled man who walketh through tribulations to take possession of the kingdome of heauen For if by outward apparance wee iudge the wicked man that is in prosperitie to be blessed and the good man that is in affliction accursed we shall abolish Gods iustice yea euen God himselfe And this is the rather to bee noted to the end that when the children and seruants of God doo finde themselues sometime pricked with this temptation they may the better stand vpon their gard with constancy to resist the same 9 Some men in olde time reiected the booke of Ecclesiastes Philast in his catal of heretikes c. 132. Iac. Chrisost polit in the preface before the com on the Canticles thinking that Salomon wrote it in his olde age after hee had beene carryed awaie by the multitude of his wiues Alleadging that in that booke hee placed mans soueraigne and chiefe felicitie in the pleasures and lustes of the flesh as if there were no other lyfe after this Some Epicures lykewise in our time doo abuse it to the lyke purpose alleadging that there
and man to his own image purposed that the principall end of his worke should be the manifestation of his glory did he not also ordaine meanes to attaine thereto But the fall of man was as it were a preamble and a preparation to declare his loue in his redemption through Christ to make manifest his mercie to his elect his iustice to the reprobate And in this especially doth the glorye of God appeare If there were sinne in the fall of Adam so was there in the pursuite against Iesus Christ And yet loe the Apostles speaking vnto Almightie God doeth saie Doubtlesse against thy holy sonne Iesus whom thou hast annointed both Herod and Pontius Pilat Acts. 4.27 with the Gentiles and the people of Israel gathered together to doo whatsoeuer thy hand and thy counsell had before determined to be done Againe speaking to the Iewes in expresse wordes they obiect vnto them that by the handes of the wicked they tooke Iesus Christ and crucified and slew him Acts. 2.23 being to them deliuered by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God Albeit they cannot comprehend that Adams transgression wherein there was sinne came not to passe without the prouidence and decree of God and yet that God is not the author of sinne Must they therefore denie his prouidence those places of holy Scripture wherein the holy Ghost doth so often and so euidently testifie the same Or contrarie to so many testimonies of his word will they make God the author of sinne They do not murmure blaspheme or replie against vs but against the holy Ghost Must they because they cannot comprehend how it should bee possible that God should prohibite Adam that thing which neuerthelesse came not to passe without his decree will and eternall counsell denie those testimonies which himselfe deliuereth in his word or malitiously gather that in God there should bee two contrerie wills Let vs beleeue so much as hee testifieth in his word and reuerence so much as wee doo not vnderstand If we should conioyne the redemption wrought by Iesus Christ with the fal of Adam we shuld soone confesse that as well the one as the other came to passe by the prouidence of God 19 Yet if it were requisite to consider some reasons the same which Saint Augustine doth note might well content vs. We safely doo confesse Augustine of reprouing grace c. 10 sayth he that we do well beleeue that God the Lord of all who created all things good and who both did foresee that from good they should digresse to bad or knew that it dyd better beseeme his almightie goodnes to make of euill good than not to suffer the euill hath so determined the liues of Angells and men that in the same he would manifest first what free will was able to doo next what his grace with the iudgement of his iustice were able to bring to passe First Saint Augustine saith in that he calleth God the Lord of all he doth shew that he had power and authoritie to dispose of his creatures as he wold Secondly in that he saith that God created all things good he noteth that God is the author of the goodnes that hath bin in all his creatures namely in man created to his image but not of the sin afterward cōmitted Thirdly in that he knew that from good they should degenerate to euill and yet that voluntarily he permitted it hee propoundeth this reason that it better beseemed him to shewe his almightye goodnesse in making of euill good then in permitting the euill And then he sheweth the good that God gathered out of the fall of Adam First that it serued to shew what freewill was able to do thereby signifiyng that there is no stedfastnesse but in God and yet that Adam was inexcusable in his fall For hauing created man with free will his sinne was not vpon compulsion but voluntarily and indeed he did eate of the forbidden fruit not to the end to obey the decree of God wherof he was yet ignorant but at the instigation of Satan and vpon a lust to be like vnto God And therefore when God reproued him he complained not of Gods decree but of his wife Eue and his wife of the Serpent Gen 3.6 and and God in his sentence pronounced against them denounceth them all to be guiltie and worthy of punishment 20 For the second fruit gathered in the fall of Adam hee saith that it serued to declare the benefite of the grace of God to the elect and consequently to cause vs to confesse that our saluation is indeed free and grounded vpon the onely loue and mercye of God Also that this we ought not to misdoubt because hereby we are pulled out of the gulfe of death and damnation whereinto by Adams transgression we were plunged likewise that he hath elected vs to the ende to make vs pertakers of so great a benefit and left and abandoned so many others of like condition as ours in the deapth of euerlasting woe and to saue vs hath deliuered his onely begotten sonne Iesus Christ to the death Finally in that he saith that he vouchsafed to shewe the iudgement of his iustice namely vpon the reprobate he thereby representeth vnto vs that they haue no cause to murmure or contende and indeede as already we haue shewed that Adam was in his fall inexcusable so are they who being in Adam did with him fall into death and corruption for the sinne and corruption is in them and proceedeth from Adam not from God And albeit that which they doe is not without the prouidence and determinate counsell of God yet not knowing neither hauing any regarde thereof but voluntarily abandoning themselues to sinne and executing as S. Paul saith the l●stes of their fleshe Eph. 2.3 they cannot impute the cause of their damnation to God considering it is in themselues neither the r corruption seeing they take it from Adam In this sence Iudas seeing that he was condemned grounded not his excuse vpon the determinate counsell of God but accused and condemned hi●●elfe saying Mat. 27.3 I haue sinned in betraying the righteous bloud and ouercome with the iust iudgement of God he hanged himselfe 21 By the premises it appeareth that the true wisedome humility and sobriety of Christians consisteth in this that when God openeth his mouth to teach vs we likewise opē our eares to learn and when he shutteth his mouth we couet not to know Let vs in our selues finde that in God there is a wisedome iustice which we must not search into but reuerence and beleeue all that Gods worde doth teach vs concerning the election of some and the reprobation of other some as also of the prouidence of God notwithstanding we comprehend not the iustice or reason thereof for the glory of God must euen swallow vp all our replycations and murmurings because it is a true sanctification of Gods name to beleeue that he neither doth
our God Thus they doo assure them selues that God in his prouidence and power wil assist thē Rom. 4.18 Psal 68.21 either by meanes ordinarie as are the same which dayly and continually he bestoweth vpon vs or extraordinarie as when for the space of fortie yeeres hee fedde his children of Israel in the wildernesse dayly sending vnto them Manna from heauen eyther without anie meanes at all Deut. 8.3 Exod. 34.28 1. King 19. 8 Dan 3 Dan. 6 as when he fedde Moses and Elias fortie dayes without meat or drinke yea or euen contrarie to naturall means as when hee restrained the force of the fire for the preseruation of the three Hebrue princes in the burning furnace and stopped the hungrie lyons mouthes for the keeping of Daniel that they might not deuour him 27 This doctrine will also greatly auaile vs to restraine vs from many iniquities as from seeking meanes condemned by the worde of God to saue our selues from affliction and calamitie threatned vnto vs lykewise to bridle vs from vsing anie fraude or deceit in our affayres or anie badde conscience for the attaining of prosperitie For in as much as it is almightie God that by his prouidence guideth and gouerneth all things and man is not to hope for anie blessing or prosperitie but from his fauour and good wil it were extreme folly euen verie madnesse to thinke to prosper by offending and prouoking him to anger and wrath As contrarywise we are not to doubt but hee guiding all thinges by his prouidence wyll blesse those who walking plainly simplie and in a good conscience shall depende vppon him This may bee vnto vs a mightie buckler to ouercome the daungerous temptations wherewith otherwise wee may bee easily drawen to followe the sinnes and iniquities of those that seeme to prosper in wickednesse For knowing that it is from Sathan whome in theyr wickednesse they doo serue that they receiue theyr imaginarie prosperitie yet by Gods susterance wee must beleeue that it is to them rather a curse than a blessing considering that the onely grace and good will of God is the mother and nurse of all peace and prosperitie Thus doo wee see howe this doctrine of Gods prouidence will in respect of the time to come assure vs that hee wyll prouide for all our necessities either corporall or spirituall that it wyll minister vnto vs a holie resolution to walke constantlye in his obedience and to surmount the apprehensions of all inconueniences that might by anie meanes befall vs that it wyll cause vs to forbeare all fraude and iniquitie and to walke in all playnnesse and equitie and thereby to expect the blessing of God that it will comfort vs in all our afflictions and tribulations that hee shall either send or laie vppon vs and induce vs to magnifie him in all his workes namely in those benefites and graces which wee doo receiue thorough his greate prouidence and good fauour 28 To conclude when wee shall see reuolts in religion heresie in doctrine schismes and troubles in the Church that they which shoulde bee shepheardes become Wolues That by the preaching of the Gospell some are blinded and hardned That troubles and warres doo insue the preaching of Iesus Christ the prince of peace That the wicked doo oppresse the children of God account them as the offscumme of the world wyth many other lyke matters straunge to the worlde when I saie wee see all these thinges come to passe and doo remember that it was all foreshewed and so ordayned in Gods almightie prouidence we shall take no offence thereat neyther murmure agaynst God or bee faint hearted but rather reuerencing the workes of God wee shall abide and continue steadfast in the faith and our due obedience as knowing that sith such is the will and pleasure of God it cannot bee but good and expedient for his glorie and the saluation of his elect And therefore it appeareth that they which reiect the doctrine of predestination and Gods prouidence are enemies to his glorie and to the comfort edification and saluation of the faithfull so there is no doctrine that may or can more forcibly moue vs as is afore shewed to amend our liues in praysing God vncessantly in louing him feruently in walking humbly in his sight in obeying him constantly in reposing our whole confidence in him in bearing our afflictions patiently in surmounting all assaultes vertuously To bee short in sanctifying the name of God in his incomprehensible workes that so we may finally attaine to the possession of life euerlasting The fourth cause of Amendement grounded vpon the title and name Emanuel attributed to Iesus Christ. Chap. 4. OVr Lord Iesus Christ this holy most holy before mentioned is also called Emanuel Esay 7.14 Math. 1.23 first by Esaie after by S. Mathew in rehearsing what was forespoken by him Behold a virgine shal conceiue bring forth a sonne and thou shalt call his name Emanuel which is as much to say as God with vs. True it is that the holy scripture doth vsually vse this maner of speech that God is with vs whensoeuer it goeth about to signifie vnto vs that he is gracious that he is willing to assist and defend vs But in this place it signifieth expresseth vnto vs the manner and meanes whereby God imparteth him selfe vnto vs not onely by receiuing vs into fauour but also by grafting vs into himselfe in Iesus Christ and vniting vs with him as himselfe prayeth to God his father saying I praie not for these alone Iohn 17.20 but for them also that shall beleeue through their worde that they all may bee one as thou father art in mee and I in thee euen that they may bee also one in vs. This title therefore and name Emanuel attributed to Iesus Christ which commandeth vs to amend our liues doth admonish vs of two points that should earnestly moue vs to this amendement 2 First is there is nothing more repugnant to the holynes of Iesus Christ whome wee before learned to bee by Esaie called Holy holy holy than idolatrie iniustice mallice enuie ambition whoredome dronkennes couetousnes lying crueltie with other like vices and corruptions so is there nothing that ought more mightily to stirre vs vp to correct these vices and so to amend Leuit. 11 44 19.2 20.7 than the remembrance of Emanuel that is to saie of God with vs who beeing conioyned and vnited vnto vs doth so often crie out Be ye holy for I am holy And in deede this is as if a man shoulde saie you cannot saie Emanuel God wyth vs vnles you purge your selues of all filthines corruption as things that can haue no fellowship with my holynesse In this respect doth Saint Paul earnestly exhort vs to abstaine from such things 2. Cor. 6.14 to the end wee may keepe him wyth vs saying Bee not yoked with Infidels for what fellowship hath righteousnes with vnrighteousnes What communion hath light with
and cheerefull in the seruice of God 1. Ioh. 2.20.27 of the effect heereof is the name of oyle and oyntment giuen vnto him How then can wee saie that we are annointed with the spirite of Christ so long as we doo not amend our slacknesse in the seruice of God growing forward in strength and disposition to imploy our selues cheerfully therein Luke 3.16 11 To conclude hee is called Fire for two considerations First because it is hee that refineth burneth and consumeth our vicious lusts which are as the superfluities and excrementes of our soules and on the other side it is hee that kindleth our heartes in the loue of God and feruent desire to serue and honor him But if we perceiue no effects of this fire of the holie Ghost in vs ●ourning consuming our vice and corruption that by amending our liues wee may growe in purenesse and holynes With what conscience can wee saie that the spirite of Christ is in vs As this spirit cannot be dead neither can it bring forth vicious or corrupt fruit Likewise if wee increase not in zeale and loue to God this want of the operation of the holy Ghost is an assured testimonie of that hee is not in vs Exod. 8.19 21.18 Luke 11.20 Luke 1.66 because wee feele not his fire heating vs in the loue of God Finally the holy Ghost is called the finger and hand of God because that by him hee exerciseth his vertue and that by his inspiration wee are regenerate into heauenly life that wee may no more bee driuen or lead by our selues but bee gouerned by his motion and operation If therefore wee denie not our owne wisedome and the affections of our flesh and so suffer our selues to bee guided and lead by the hand of the holy spirite wee doo wrongfully challenge the name of Christians and boast of the spirite of Christ dwelling in vs. Thus this name Christ aduertising vs that hee hath receiued the holie spirite to make vs partakers thereof according to the measure to euerie one ordained ought to bee vnto vs a mightie inducement and sharpe spurre to mooue vs to amendement of lyfe 12 This vnction of the holy spirite dyd our Lorde Iesus Christ receiue to the end to exercise three offices requisite to our saluation namely to be our king our Priest and our Prophet And this also to represent vnto vs how deeply this name Christ bindeth vs to amend our liues First for the office of king Iohn 18.36 If his kingdome be not of this world as himselfe confessed before Pilat but spiritual we are to correct our false imaginations that leade vs to seeke the world in his kingdome as looking that hee shoulde giue to his seruants great riches honorable offices and other carnall commodities For it is the part of the princes of this world to present earthly kingdoms to those that reuerence them Math. 4.9 but as for our king Iesus Christ hee willeth vs to seeke all the felicitie that hee promiseth in heauen And therefore when wee are persecuted or otherwise afflicted wee must correct this false opinion of thinking our selues miserable or that our king hath no care of vs For contrarywise afflictions should make vs to lifte vp our heartes to heauen the dwelling of our king where hee hath layed vp the treasures ioyes and glorie of his kingdome Secondly sith hee is our king that hee may raigne in vs wee are warned to forsake the worlde sinne and the deuill his enemies so that hee onely raigning in vs mortifying sinne may make vs to denie the world and strengthen vs against Sathan Let not sinne sayth Saint Paul raigne in you Rom. 6.13 Iohn 16.33 Rom. 16.20 Luke 1 74 to obey the lusts thereof And Iesus Christ sayth Bee of good cheere for I haue ouercome the world And the Apostle promiseth vs that God will tread downe sathan vnder our feet Thus this king hauing deliuered vs out of the handes of our enemies bindeth vs as Zacharie sayth Without feare to serue him in righteousnes and holynes all the dayes of our lyfe and so to amend Let vs also remember that the scepter of a good pastor is deliuered vnto him blessedly to guide his sheepe that shall heare his voyce Psalme 2. and by amendement followe him As also hee hath an iron rodde to bruse as a potters vessell all such as shall rebell against him Let vs therefore amend and renounce euerie thing whereat this king may be displeased that we may bee happily gouerned by the sheepehooke of our good shepheard and not brused wyth the iron rodde of this iust king that breaketh those that wythout amendement of lyfe doo continue in vnbeleefe and obstinate in their sinne The kingdome of Sathan from which Christ hath redeemed vs doth consist in darknesse infidelitie and bad conscience and all vice silthynesse and corruption Contrariwise the kingdom of Iesus Christ consisteth in light in knowledge of the true God and his sonne Iesus Christ in faith loue holynes patience and other like vertues These are the true effectes of the spirituall kingdome of Iesus Christ We must therefore effectually shew that wee are transported from the kingdome of Sathan to the kingdome of Iesus Christ But how By amending our liues and growing more and more in faith loue patience and holynesse to bee short in all good workes and vertues required in the subiects of this spirituall king Iesus Christ 13 The second office of Christ is to be our high Priest who offered himselfe a sacrifice vnto God that by his death hee myght satisfie his iustice and so reconcile vs to him Who is there then among vs that representing to himselfe that it is the welbeloued sonne of God and the prince of glorie that giueth himselfe not to a common death but euen to the shamefull and cursed death of the crosse together with the apprehension and feeling of the wrath and terrible indignation of God ingendering in his bodie horrible terrour and mortall anguish in his soule And all this for his enemyes by nature the children of wrath poore sinners and the bond men of Sathan What man is there I saie that meditating vpon these things shall not bee euen rauished in admiration of his incomprehensible loue towardes vs which loue Saint Paul doeth at large and verie often make mention of Is it possible that this name Christ Rom. 5 Ephes 2 representing vnto vs this priest thus offering himselfe in such a sacrifice for vs poore and abhominable sinners and consequently the apprehension of his incomprehensible loue towards vs should not rauish and force our verie soules to loue him wyth all our heartes our mindes and our strength and through feruent loue to obey his commandement of amendement and to abhorre to thinke saie or doo anie thing that may displease this Christ our high Priest 1. Cor. 16. 22 If anie man sayth the Apostle Saint Paul loue not the Lord Iesus Christ let him bee had
God and are become such as haue need of milke and not of strong meate Thus we see how this worde Pilgrimes or Trauellers doth warne vs not to stand still but to march on and walke forwarde in that blessed path that leadeth to the kingdome of heauen 12 As they therfore that be vpon their iournies doe not abide in those hostryes o● Innes where they are well vsed lodged or entertained and where they finde plesant gardens walkes or such other inticements but after their ba●t or in the morning doe passe on their way Euen so we albeit God in this life giue vs goods honours houses and other carnall commodities yet let vs remember that we are trauellers and must not stay but goe forwarde on our iourney toward heauen yea and in case we be afflicted with sicknesse pouerty or any other calamity yet must we still thinke that we are vpon our iourney and therefore taking comfort say Peraduenture we shall be better to morrowe but howsoeuer it bee our way lyeth forward that we may soone be at heauen this doth S. Paul teach vs where he saith Because the time is shorte heareafter 1. Cor. 7.29 that both they which haue wine be as though they had none and they that weepe as though they wept not and they that reioyce as though they reioyced not and they th●t buye as though they possessed not and they that vse this worlde as though they vsed it not for the fashion of the world goeth away And I would haue you without care Thus we see that there ought to be nothing that should let vs from proceeding and going forward on our way and that we should not stop at any disturbance or alurement either of the worlde or of the slesh 13 It now therefore remaineth that as they who are to departe from a forraine land toward their own country do prepare things necessary for their iourney so that we likewise prouide that which is expedient for the happy perfourmance of our iourney towards our heauenly countrey let vs therefore make ready the chariots of good consciences the horses of feruent praier to God the oyle of holinesse in our lampes the sworde of the spirite Eph. 6.16 which is the worde of God and the buckler of saith that resisting all our enemies that warre against vs Gen. 19.26 Luke 17.32 we may constantly proceed in our iourney let vs not as Lots wife looke behinde vs but without any sorrow for leauing the worlde and the flesh let vs cheerefully go forward in this blessed voyadge To conclude as they that returne into their country doe leaue none of their goods in those places where they haue bene strangers but doe either send them before them or carry them with them euen so let vs looke that we leaue not our goods vpon earth but send and transporte them into heauen by enlarging them plentifully to the poore who shall bee our horses and moyses to carry them and withall let vs think that all that we leaue vpon earth at our departure is euen so much lost also that we shall neither keepe nor finde any thing in our heauenly country more then we haue giuen Apoc. 14.13 neither carry thither any thing but the good that we haue done as S. Iohn saith of those that doe dye in the Lord that their workes doe follow them 14 Thus may we see how the continuall meditation of this that in this life we be strangers pilgrimes and trauellers wil stand vs in great stead for the amendment of life that denying the worlde we may prepare our selues by al good works by faith hope praier patience meditation vpon Gods word and desire to be in fruition of our inheritance in heauen wherof we are burgesses and finally taking possession therof we may reioyce in ioy and eternall glory The tenth cause of amendment drawen from the kingdome of heauen which is in vs. Chap. 10. HOw the kingdome of heauen which after the resurrection we shall enioy ought to induce vs to amendment of life wee haue already shewed now as secondly by the kingdome of heauen is signified the estate whereinto the Children of God euen in this life Luke 17. 21. Rom. 14.17 are reestablished through saith in Iesus Christ so let vs beholde how mightily this kingdome which Iesus Christ hath said to be in our selues ought to enflame our harts to amend It consisteth saith S. Paul in righteousnes peace ioy in the holy ghost by righteousnes he vnderstandeth that singuler benefite comprized in this that Iesus Christ hauing by his death satisfied Gods iustice for all our sinnes and so paid all our debtes hath also giuen and imputed vnto vs his perfect obedience to the end that by this his righteousnesse wee may be iustified in the iudgement of God This benefite is the assured foundation of our saluation and therfore both in greatnes excellencye incōprehensible and indeed being by nature the children of wrath pore sinners such as hourely by our iniquities doe deserue death and eternall damnation what greater benefite can God bestow vpon vs then in his iudgement to be absolued and so iustified that wee may be the children of God and inheritours of life euerlasting The remembrance therfore of such a benefite ought to induce vs to amend our liues and diligently to beware of offending God and surelye if onelye one sinne may make vs in his iudgement guilty worthy of damnation can we be so vnthankeful to God and such enemies to our soules as by pleasing our flesh and the worlde to tread vnder foot such a benefite and so happy and blessed an estate shall wee that can appeare before God iustified by the righteousnes of Christ to be absolued in his iust iudgement go make our selues guilty and worthy of sentence of eternall death by offending of God shall we who by this righteousnesse are aduowed to be the children of God be such wretches as by giuing ouer our selues to sinne make our selues the children of the deuill when this righteousnesse hath freed vs from the power of Sathan shall wee by offending God reduce our selues againe vnder his tirannie when Christ by paying our debtes hath so purchased this righteousnesse for vs that the deuill can pretend nothing against vs shal we by our sins binde our selues anew to eternall death 2 Sith one onely sinne is a hand-writing giuen vnto Satan by vertue whereof hee maye detaine vs in the prison of hell there to dwell for euer vnlesse we bee deliuered by the paiment of Iesus Christ in dying for vs is it not a monstrous and horrible case that beeing brought foorth of hell and by this righteousnesse lifted vp into heauen we should by our sinnes so cast our selues again into hell that we should abide swallowed vp therin either that our sinnes should procure Iesus Christ againe to discend into our hell to fetch vs forth By the shedding of Christs bloud al the spots of our soules are washed away
word may be confirmed And if he will not vouchsafe to heare them tell it vnto the Church if hee refuse to heare the Church also let him be vnto thee as the heathen and publicans Verely I say vnto you whatsoeuer ye bind on earth shall be bound in heauen and whatsoeuer yee loose vpon earth shal be loosed in heauen This sentence threatning ought so neerely to touch our harts that we shold not despise the exhortations admonitions that tend to amendment For if the impenitent be detained in the bonds of Satan vntill by amendment they be vnbounde As their estate is truely wretched miserable so is there nothing that we should haue in greater regard then by amending our liues to be dissolued and vnbound Thus may we see how the holie ministerie signified by the kingdome of heauen considered in all the principall parts thereof ought to bind vs in all affectionate desire to amend The twelfth cause of Amendement taken of this That by the kingdome of heauen is signified the most blessed felicitie of the children of God in heauen The kingdome of God in vs and the holy ministerie in the Church Chap. 12. THis is one thing worthy the noting that by the kingdome of heauen or of God is signified the felicitie of Gods children in heauen the kingdome of God in vs and the holy ministrie or the Church This title The kingdome of heauen common to these three seuerall estates doth sufficiently shew that albeit there be a great binding coniunction betweene thē yea euen such that as being in the kingdome of heauen that is in the Church and vsing the holy ministerie we are in the waie to heauen so the kingdom of heauen proceeding there hence being in vs we are assured to enter into the kingdome of God which is in heauen And in deede these are as it were two steps to climbe vp and two gates which we must passe through to get in And therefore who so desireth to be resolued whether hee bee of the number of the elect and heires of the kingdome of God let him seeke the certaintie knowledge therof in himselfe For if he be a member of the Church and inioy the holy ministerie men may haue some ground and are euen bound to account him a child of God belonging to his kingdom but if he be gotten vp the second step and seeleth the kingdome of God in his heart let him bee assured that God accounteth him his child and that he shall enter into his kingdome of eternall glorie Nowe as there is no greater felicitie than to inioy the kingdome of God in heauen so is ther nothing to be more desired than to enter thorough both the first and second gate of this kingdome of heauen This is one sharpe spurre to induce vs to practise this commandement of Iesus Christ First seeke the kingdome of God Math. 6.36 and the righteousnes thereof and consequently let vs amend our liues For if the apprehension of the kingdome of glorie that is in heauen ought euen to rauish vs into a feruent desire to attaine theurnto Likewise that we cannot attaine thereto vnles the kingdome of heauen bee also in vs that is to saie if wee haue not faith fructifying in good workes amendement of life Furthermore that we cannot haue this kingdome of heauen in vs vnlesse we also be members of the Church and vse the holy ministerie It followeth that there is nothing that we should so feruently desire and so earnestly seeke for● as the kingdome of heauen that is to inioy the holy ministerie in the Church and by the vse thereof to establish the kingdome of heauen in vs and thereby finally to enter into the fruition of the kingdome of God in heauen 2 But ordinarily wee doo the contrarie Wee seeke first the things that concerne this present life and as for those that belong to the kingdome of heauen we seeke after them but seldome slightly and as it were for a fashion Our reason Because wee doo naturally loue the bodie more than the soule and the goods and commodities of this temporall life more than the treasures of spirituall riches Wee resemble little children that esteeme more of an apple or morsell of Sugar than of an assuraunce of rents Neyther need we to open our eyes verie wide or to vse any spectacles to see this corruptiō in men experience doth but too plainly shew it And for our more manifest conuiction heereof let vs consider fiue proofes which wee may note vppon all the fingers of one of our handes that we may the better remember them and so take some care to correct them First wherupon we do first think when we wake that is what is neerest to our hands for sometimes euen the care of some matter doeth waken vs. If thou findest that thy first cogitations when thou doest awake are such as concerne the bodie and this present lyfe and do nothing concerne the kingdome of heauen the dutie saluation and comfort of thy soule this is one pin vpon the sleeue and a pricke in one finger to make thee to remember that thou carest more for earth than for heauen for the bodie than for the soule 3 Secondly Iesus Christ sayth that of the abundaunce of the heart the tongue speaketh Mat. 12.34 When therefore thou goest to bed thinke what speech communication thou hast had all that daie so shalt thou be forced to confesse that peraduenture thou hast spoken little of the kingdome of heauen or of the saluation of thy soul but rather or at the leastwise that the greatest part without comparison hath concerned the bodie and this present life The third point concerneth the care and affection that in many doth appeare to be greater for the getting of goods and other the appurtenaunces of this life than for the obtaining of the kingdome of God his righteousnes And in deede most men and the wisest in the worlde doo not so much as vnderstand the meaning of the kingdome of heauen and the righteousnes thereof so farre are they from seeking it rather than the riches commodities of the flesh wherewith they be better acquainted and which naturally they doo more desire The fourth resteth in the care which without comparison is greater for the preseruation of the bodie and this life present than for the keeping of the soule or anie thing that concerneth the kingdome of heauen And indeed al men do take more care to nourish the body than the soul also to preuent the diseases or woūds of the bodie rather than of the soule The fifth consisteth in this that according as our loue or inclination to any thing is great or small so is our sorrow for the losse thereof more or lesse If through dronkennes falling into the fire we chance to burne our face it troubleth vs more than when by dronkennes we lose the image of God and cast our soules into hell fire The loosing of
Lord Iesus Christ cōfirme saying Luke 12.32 Feare not little flocke for it is your fathers pleasure to giue you the kingdome of heauen And in another place Wide is the gate and broade is the way that leadeth to destruction and many there be which go in therat Mat. 7 13. Luke 13.23 and contrariwise Straight is the gate and the way narrow that leadeth to life and few there be that finde it This doth he speake as S. Luke noteth in an answere to one that had asked him saying Lord are there fewe that shal be saued Those men therfore are not the disciples of Iesus Christ but rather most pernitious instrumentes of Satan that affirme that the gospell is no ioyfull tidings because many doe perish for want of especiall grace that all men shal be saued by a certaine kinde of faith which they haue by nature of God the creator of heauen and earth euen they that neuer heard the Gospel or beleeued in Iesus Christ alwais excepting such as euen in this life by their owne mallice and perpetuall ingratitude haue purchased eternall paines for they doe maintaine merites they forge a faith to saluation without Gospell and without Christ they promise eternall life to hypocrites and to such as think themselues either to be no sinners or to be saued with their sinnes or to haue remission of their sinnes without Iesus Christ to be short they giue assurāce of saluation to all idolaters and sinners in the worlde in case by their workes they obstinatly make not neither shewe themselues abhominable truely they belye Iesus Christ for so should the gate of heauen be very large and wide and not onely many should enter in therat but euen the most part of the worlde as these men doe verily inferre albeit contrary to the expresse protestation of Iesus Christ 9 This is a pollicy of the deuill wherby he seeketh to rock men on sleepe in their sins and to lead them to death vnder colour of sauing them Eph. 2.12 First where S. Paul speaking to the Gentiles saith Before yee beleeued yee were without Christ and were aliants from the common wealth of Israell and were strangers from the couenants of promise and had no hope and were without God in the world Doth he not euidently shewe that all heathen that knew not Christ to beleeue in him and so not they onely that were more wicked then the rest are out of Christ the onely sauiour of the worlde are depriued of the promise of the couenant and are without hope and without God Phil. 2.16 Acts. 5.20 Eph. 6.15 Act 14.3 and 20 32. and 13.26 what reason or ground can they then lay holde of whereby to the contrary to maintaine that such men can haue any hope of saluatiō or that they shal be saued in the kingdom of Christ Moreouer as the gospell is called the worde of life of peace of grace saluation so can ther be no other faith that shal bring forth peace life and saluation but that which is grounded vpon the Gospell Faith therfore in God the creator vnknowen as a redeemer in Iesus Christ can bring no saluation or life euerlasting doth not this errour likewise abolish the holy ministery that is to say preaching and the vse of the sacraments sith men may be saued without thē Is it not also a dispensation to all the corruptions and vices of the soule euen to an infinite number of sins cōsidering that only those men shal be damned that of their perticular malice shall haue declared a perpetual ingratitude against God the creator or that hauing heard the gospel haue publickly reiected it and so what a folly is it or may it be to suffer for the name of Iesus Christ for let a man be an idolater let him neuer come at Sermon let him neuer cōmunicat the sacraments let him make profession of no religion let him burne in couetousnes and ambition yea let him foster vp hatred malice and enuy yet if otherwise he liue honestly after the maner of the world it is enough in their doctrine for his saluation 10 These are such monstrous opinions that the very shew of thē may suffise to confound them Now let vs returne to our purpose and with Iesus Christ conclude to the contrary namely that the number of those that shal be saued is very small for if vnto men there be giuen no other name whereby we may be saued Act. 4.12 but only the name of Iesus Christ such as boast that they beleeue in God and obey not Christ who commaundeth that wee should also beleeue in him can be no pertakers of the saluation that is in him Likewise if vnto those that know not Christ wee doe adioyne all those that albeit he be preached vnto them Iohn 14.1 doe not beleeue in him neither liue as the members of Christ euery one may easilye vnderstand the truth of his sentence who is the self truth namely that few shal be saued and that in respect of the others it is a small flocke that shal be partakers of the eternall kingdome And herein doe we gather two points that should mightily induce vs to amend our liues First that we must practise the exhortation that Christ himselfe gathereth thereof when he saith Labour to enter at the narrow gate but how by putting of the olde man by denying our selues and the worlde in breefe by daylye amendment Luke 13.24 Let vs therefore beware of the broad way and consequentlye of these cursed dispensations to offend God when we are attempted hereto let vs remember that as sin leadeth vnto death so must we seperate our selues from the multitude that walketh in the broad way that leadeth to destruction euerlasting neither must we hearken to those that say all the worlde doeth thus most men doe liue thus we cannot make a world apart if thou followest this world take the broad way thou shalt with the world go into destruction 11 Secondly the more stedfastly that we vnderstand and beleeue that there shal be few saued the more earnestly let vs praise God who hath chosen vs to be of that small number and hath called vs to bring vs in at the narrowe gate to be of his euerlasting kingdome let vs beholde the multitude that goe by the brode gate to destruction let the horror of their woe kindle our harts that we may praise God for his great mercy toward vs and walke cheerefully in the straight way that leadeth to heauen let vs couragiously reiect all desires of the flesh allurements of the worlde and all other temptations to the ende that by dayly amendment of life we may finally enter at the narrow gate that leadeth to the kingdome of eternall glory Thus we see how the consideration of this title of the kingdome of heauen attributed to the Church to the holye ministerye to the restauration of man consisting in righteousnes peac e and ioy in the holy ghost
vs in that drunkennes vnreadye and vnprepared to expect this kingdome of heauen in assurance ioy Let vs take heede that we doe not wittingly abuse our selues saying When I haue attained to such wealth or to such dignity I wil take my ease and come forth of this tauerne to serue God First it is an ordinary course that the more beere or wine that a man drinketh the more he may and the more the drunken man drinketh the more drunke he will be Euen so the more wealth and dignitie that thou hast the more shalt thou find thy cares to encrease and the more they encrease the more drunken in them thou wilt be Secondly we must take great heed that when God calleth vs to repentance and amendmēt we appoint him no time Prosper in his Sent. out of Aug. Sent. 71. He saith S. Augustine that hath promised forgiuenes to him that repenteth hath not promised another day to him that deferreth his amendement ●●●sius in 〈◊〉 Hebrew ●●●bian apo●●● lib. 1. Among the sentences of the wise men that liued among the Iewes after their return from the captiuitie of Babylon we reade of one Eleazar the sonne of Hircanus who being demanded when it woulde bee time to repent and amende aunswered One daie before death And when the other replied that no man knew the daie of his death he sayd Beginne then euen to daie for feare of failing 12 Inasmuch then as dayly we expect not onely death but also the day of iudgement that in that respect the kingdome of heauen commeth two solde vpon vs that we may the more earnestly be moued to our duty to amend let vs remember this saying of Iesus Christ Mat. 24.43 If the good man of the house knew at what watch the theefe would come he would surely watch and not suffer his house to be broken Therefore be ye also readie for in the houre that ye thinke not will the son of man surely come And therefore he addeth Blessed is that seruant whom his master when he commeth shal finde doing his dutie And this is also represented vnto vs in the parable of the virgins For the foolish ones that tooke no oyle in their lamps were shut from comming in to the marriage Mat. 25. but the wise that had made their prouision came in Sith therefore that the kingdome of heauen is at hand let vs amend our liues and make good prouision of holy oyle increasing in the knowledge of God in faith loue holynes and all other good works let vs in time put on our wedding garments that when the bridegrome commeth if it be so dainly as himselfe hath warned vs we may be readie and prepared to enter into the marriage with him Neither let vs forget that as Iesus Christ doth aduertise vs Apoc. 22.20 It shall as a snare come on all them that dwell on the face of the earth And as he addeth Let vs watch and praie continually that we may be accounted worthie to escape all these thinges that shall come to passe Luke 21.34 and that we may stand before the sonne of man Your selues doo know perfestly sayth S. Paul that the daie of the Lord shall come euen as a theefe in the night 1. Thes 5. 2. For when they shall saie Peace and safetie then shal come vpon them sodaine destruction as the trauell vppon a woman with child and they shall not escape And then to comfort the faithfull hee sayth But ye brethren are not in darknes that that day should come vpon you as a theef ye are all the children of light and the children of the daie And thereupon he also taketh occasion to exhort them to theyr duties saying Therfore let vs not sleep as doo other but let vs watch be sober putting on the brest plate of faith and loue and the hope of saluation for an helmet Let vs beware that we folow not the euill seruant who seeing that his master was long in comming saide in himselfe that he wold not come therupon gaue himself to work wickednes Mat. 24.48 But as Iesus Christ addeth His master comming at an houre when he looked not for him cut him off and punished his iniquitie and incredulitie 13 Saint Peter warneth vs. that in the later daies there will come lyke people whō he termeth mockers which will walke after their lusts saie Where is the promise of his comming For since the fathers slept 2. Pet. 3.3 all things continue alike from the beginning of the creation But by a notable example he sheweth that they doo wittingly and willingly deceiue themselues in such discourses For when Noah foreshewed the floud and built the arke for his owne safetie the like mockers rise against him who seeing no apparance of the flould for aboue a hundred yeres thereof concluded that the world continuing in that estate shoulde not perish but were surprised and swallowed vp in the floud Inasmuch therefore as Iesus Christ commanding vs to amend doth affirme that his kingdom is at hand lest seeming to be long in comming we should therfore falsly conclude that it will not come let vs diligently note what S. Peter addeth Derely beloued be not ignorant of this one thing that a thousād yeres is with the Lord as one daie and one day as a thousand yeres The Lord is not slacke as concerning his promise as some men account slacknes God is patient toward vs and would haue no man to perish but would all men to come to repentance But the day of the Lorde will come as a theefe in the night in the which the heauens shall passe awaie with a noise and the elementes shall melt with heate the earth with the workes therin shall be burnt vp Then doth he thereof gather this earnest exhortation to repentance amendement of life Seeing therefore that all these things must bee dissolued what maner of persons ought ye to be in holy conuersation and godlynes Looking for and hastning vnto the comming of the day of God wherein the heauens being on fire shall be dissolued and the elements shal melt with heat But we loke for new heauens new earth according to his promise wherein dwelleth righteousnesse c. 14 Albeit therfore it seem to our flesh that this kingdome is long in comming yet let vs not slacke our amendement Ioel. 2.12 but let vs euen this daie conuert and thinke vpon the saying of the prophet Ioel Euen this daie conuert vnto me sayth the Lord. Wherein he sheweth that he yet giueth vs this daie to repent but assureth vs not of to morrow Let the remembrance therfore of the drawing neere of the kingdome of heauen induce vs to amend 2. Tim. 4.8 to the end that in amending we may gather argument to long after the comming of Christ as it is the dutie desire of all the children of God Luke 21.28 And when we shall see the signes of his comming more more fulfilled let vs lift vp our heads reioyce because our deliuerance is at hand and that shortly wee shall be gathered and brought into the fruition of his kingdome and eternall glory FINIS
THE AMENDMENT OF LIFE COMPRISED IN fower Bookes Faithfully Translated according to the French Coppie Written by Master Iohn Tassin Minister of the word of God at Amsterdam MATH 3. v. ● 4. v. 7. Amend your liues for the kingdome of heauen is at hand LONDINI Impensis Georg. Bishop 1595. To the chiefe Magistrates and Gouernours of the Towne of Amsterdam Grace and peace from God the Father and from his Sonne Iesus Christ our onely Sauiour MY verie good Lordes as Sainct Iohn propoundeth vnto vs two sorts of children of whome he calleth the one the children of God and the other the children of the deuill so doeth the holie Scripture plainly testifie that in the day of iudgement there shall bee a maruellous difference betweene the one and the other For the one shal incomprehensibly and eternally be blessed and the other extreamely and infinitly accursed and wretched This difference which shall then appeare betweene the children of God and the children of the deuill doth aduertise and admonish vs that there ought also to be a great difference betweene them euen in this life And in deed euery one may well vnderstand that the waie to heauen is one and to hell another and consequently that the workes and affections of Gods children are of one sorte and the workes of the children of the deuill of another Neuertheles so brutish are many become that they neuer think vpon this difference betweene the one and the other neither in regard of this life nor of the life to come Others thinking slightly thereupon do neuer take information of this difference to vnderstand it Others somewhat vnderstanding it are so dazeled with the glistering shew of the world so carried awaie with the lusts of the flesh that they haue no care therof Yea euen among the children of God liuing in this peruerse world abandoned to all wickednes we see verie few that doo make shew of that difference that in this life should be betweene them and the children of the deuill Now Saint Mathew in this sentence Amend your liues for the kingdome of heauen is at hand hauing comprehended the summarie of the first Sermons of Iesus Christ and S. Iohn the Baptist doth to this purpose teach vs. First that all the duties of the children of God are contained in this word Amend also that the same is it that representeth the difference betweene them and the children of the Deuill in this life Secondly that the apprehension of the kingdome of heauen to be so neare vs ought mightily to induce vs to Amendement Vpon this consideration to the end to correct the negligence or rather the brutishnes of men in this point I haue vpon this argument framed these fower books In the first shewing how many dangerous follies there are that hinder man from Amendment In the second Wherein we are to Amend In the third who ought to Amend And in the last haue I laid down the causes that should induce vs to Amend our liues gathered out of the names and attributes of Iesus Christ out of this reason by him selfe set downe For the kingdome of heauen is at hand The whole tending to make vs to vnderstand and indeed to practise the difference which euen in this life ought to bee betweene vs and the children of the Deuill to the ende to hope with incomprehensible ioye to beholde for our selues the most blessed separation that shall bee betweene them and vs when wee shall bee lifted vp into the fruition of the eternal glory that is prepared for vs in the kingdom of heauen And vpon three principall reasons haue I resolued and emboldned my selfe to present ded●cate them to your Lordships The first is generall comprised in three points First in consideration of the seruent zeale holy affection that you doe testifie to the preseruation and maintenance of the true and pure religion Secondly in regard of your iustice and politicke gouernment administred with such discretion wisedome and equitie that al your louing Subiects are in dutie to acknowledge and confesse themselues to be blessed therein Thirdly in respect of your wonderfull courtesie which you vouchsafe to extend to the faithfull fled into this towne who liue vnder your authoritie and gouernment in as great case libertie and freedome as possibly they might in their owne natiue countries Which example of your clemency is also seconded by the marueilous humanitie of your subiects towards those that are harboured among them The second reason is in respect of the French Church to the seruice whereof it hath pleased God to call me In that your Lo. haue permitted authorised the holy publick ministerie with all things necessarie to the same That you haue prouided thē of a larg cōuenient Church That you giue maintenance to thē for three ministers Lastly that you exercise and performe a verierare and true Christian charitie to the poore of the same Church And this your wonderfull charitie with other the vertues before noted do I here set downe first to the end that all and euery the members of the said French Church may more and more perceiue how deepely they are bound to bee your faithfull and obedient subiects Secondly that they may vnderstand and the more diligently put in practise their dutie in feruent praier vnto God for your health and prosperitie Lastly that all other Magistrates may in heart bee moued to imitate the example of those vertues that shine in your Lordships The last reason is particuler to my selfe in regard of the desire that you had to retaine me to the seruice of this Church which your selues vouchsafed to testifie in that besides your liberalitie extended to the two other ministers you offered to prouide me also both of a house maintenance As in effect it pleased you at my cōming to make demonstration of your fauor liberality affection towards me in that behalf Whereupon all such graces as God hath vouchsafed to bestow vpon me being in reson vpon iust cause vnto you due vowed I haue formed and doe acknowledge my selfe bound to dedicate and present these my fower bookes of Amendment of life vnto you to the end that being published vnder your name they may witnesse as wel my bounden dutie vnto you as also my desire according to my smal habilitie to employ my selfe in the seruice both of the Church and your Lordships Beseeching God most magnificent and vertuous Lords to maintaine you in his holy protection and with his holy spirite to guide you in all your affaires with increase of all prosperitie both spirituall and corporall And particulerly so farre to fauour me with his grace as so to blesse this small worke together with the affection wherewith it is vnto you presented that being acceptable to your Lo. It may especially redound to the aduauncement of the kingdome of Iesus Christ From your town of Amsterdam This last of Iune 1594. Your most humble and obedient seruant Iohn Taffin
distance How many stars bee there in the skie How many drops of water in the sea Or how many graines of sand vpon the earth If all the men in the world kings or philosophers who haue not onely essence but also life sense and reason cannot without matter precedent make one drop of water one stone or one candle How can these creatures of such incomprehensible greatnes as are the heauens of such wonderfull brightnes as are the Sunne the Moone and the starres and so abundant as are both lande and sea hauing not so much as essence giue to themselues essence yea and such essence as they now haue Yet speaking onely of essence common sense doth also denie that Let vs therefore conclude that there is a God almightie who being of himselfe from all eternitie in his time hath of nothing created both heauen and earth according as Moses hath affirmed saying Gen. 1.1 In the beginning God made heauen and earth 16 Moreouer experience teacheth that the heauens haue their motions But whence come those motions euen motions of such incomprehensible swiftnes that as we see by daily practise the Sunne in foure and twentie houres compasseth the whole earth and consequently in one houre runneth two hundred sixtie Dutch miles Besides the heauen where the Sunne hath his abode is from the earth 1202700. leagues How many leagues then doeth hee dayly runne in his owne heauen A matter incomprehensible to mannes capacitie But euerie motion especially in thinges that haue essence onelie and no lyfe doeth of necessitie presuppose a moouer that causeth the motion And this doo wee plainelye see in the Earth in Starres in Water c. which haue no motion but from others The motion therfore of the heauens doo euidently testifie that there is a God who being of himselfe immoueable giueth motion to all his creatures But who disposed the wonderfull order which we find to be in all creatures that haue but essence onely that an inferior heauen should be comprehended in a greater and that againe in an other greater and so consequently of the rest Who placed the Sun the Moone and the Stars in their heauens and places Who formed and continueth the double motion of the Sunne in all seasons from East to West from one pole to another Who so established the foure elements vnder the heauens that the region of fire enuironeth the aire the aire the water and the water the earth The nature of contrarieties is one to destroie another as the water to quench the fire and the fire to drie vp the water yet are these four elements kept in such accord that of the same being mixed and vnited together all bodily creatures are formed and doo consist not consuming or disordering one of another It must their needs be that there is a God the creator preseruer and conducter of the elements 18 Who guideth the course of the heauens in so certaine inuariable a measure that a man may foretell at what houre a hundred yeres hence the Moone or Sunne shall bee eclipsed Who placed the heauie lumpe of the earth as a center to the world hanged it in the aire What handes do withholde the sea which lyeth higher than the earth from drowning the same Can this wisedome conduct and power which doo thus shine in these workes be found in anie thing that was not to place it selfe in essence and so to direct guide and maintaine it selfe Had these creatures had their essence from all eternitie yet coulde that which had onely essence without life sense or reason haue established such an order course and consent to bee briefe this worke of such incomprehensible wisedome and power Wee must therefore confesse that anie thing that hath onely essence considered as is aforesayd doth exclime against the Atheists and crie out that there is a God the author of the same as Dauid saith Psal 19 1 The heauens declare the glorie of God and the firmament sheweth his handie worke Againe The pillers of the earth sayth Hanna the mother of Samuel Sam. 2.8 are the Lordes and hee hath set the earth vpon them Psal 104 9 And Dauid saith But God hath set the sea a bound which it shall not passe neither shall it returne to couer the earth As also Iob doth more at large declare Iob. 3● 19 As for those creatures which haue Vegetatiue life as hearbs and all plants the same are also so many vnreproueable witnesses that there is a God No man can giue that which he hath not but the earth hath onely essence and no life Likewise the Sun which warmeth the earth the raine that watereth it or the seed whereof the plant doth come The life therfore of hearbes and plants doth loudly testifie that there is a God the author of the same Againe whence came such diuersitie of hearbs pla●ts in one self ground So many kindes of trees some fruitfull some vnfruitfull And among the trees that beare fruit so many sundrie sortes as apples peares cheries plums c. Also among apple trees so many kindes of apples among peare trees so many sortes of peares likewyse of chery trees plum trees and all others that beare fruit Each sort notwithstanding either of apples peares or cheries c. bearing some diuersitie in forme colour and sauour or tast The lyke in hearbes Come into a medow looke vppon a garden howe manie kindes of hearbes shall you see of seuerall formes colours tastes or smels And whereof proceede all these hearbes and trees theyr leaues and fruit their shape colour and smell and their seuerall properties vertues They proceed neither from the earth from the sunne from the raine no neither from the seed The eie seeth it the capacitie knoweth it The whole therfore proceedeth from God And in deed sow in one selfe ground one selfe hearbe vnder one selfe forme and let it be watered with one selfe water yet do no other kinde of hearbes spring vp But some wil saie that it is of the seed that the life and diuersitie of hearbes trees flowers and fruites doth proceed Yet keepe the seed out of either the earth the sunne or the raine and it wil lie dead and bring forth nothing And open the seed therein peraduenture may you discerne some small sprout hauing essence yet wanting both life forme of hearb colour or fauour thereof It must needs then haue some other originall than from the seed onely And whence but euen from God Againe what is the cause that one kinde of seede still bringeth forth one kinde of hearbe with all the stems leaues colour sauour propertie and vertue a like Haue these small sprouts which haue onely essence vnderstanding also to agree to bring forth hearbes alike Are they able to doo it either to giue that which they haue not If not then some other must imploy his power and wisdome and that is God as it is written Gen. 1.11 In the beginning of the world hee ordained that euerie
woman If man were of himselfe must woman be so also If she likewise were of her selfe how came she to be subiect to man How did she so conueniently dispose all partes of her bodie to the generation of children To the nourishing of them in her wombe with her owne bloud To such painfull child-birth To the changing of her bloud into milke in her paps and dugges so conuenient for the suckling of her child Man and woman hauing essence lyfe sense and reason cannot neuerthelesse ingender either when they will or what they will male or female neither frame or shape one onely member of the little babe conceiued in the mothers wombe How then could man and woman euen before they had life feeling reason or so much as essence come by vnderstanding power and consent to make themselues that which they were not to giue themselues that which they had not and to agree to make the one male the other female Man therfore woman are the verie worke of God the almightie wife worke man 25 Besides the testimonies of all people and nations that euer were who all doo confesse that there is a God wee haue propounded foure sortes of creatures who without speech doo each for it selfe testifie against the Atheists that if they will not confesse and acknowledge a God they are vndoubtedly blinde senselesse deuoide of vnderstanding or soule Now let vs consider all these creatures ioyntly and together throughout the whole world First if all thinges bee of themselues or from all eternitie did they make themselues such as they now are indiuisibly or in particular If euerie grain of sand euerie drop of water euery clod of earth euery stone euerie kinde of hearbe and plant euerie birde sith creature male or female If I saie euerie of these creatures made it selfe neuer was before or from all eternitie First to the end to denie one God they confesse millions considering that whatsoeuer is of it selfe as also anie thing that is from all eternitie is God Secondly all creatures hauing onely essence lyfe and sense are by nature subiect to corruption as experience teacheth and therefore they cannot haue beene from all eternitie For whatsoeuer is eternall is immortal and not subiect to corruption or change But how could they haue made themselues of nothing considering that notwithstanding theyr essence and life they cannot preserue themselues but are subiect to change corruption and death If they saye that at the beginning there was some lumpe whereof euerye one was formed wee woulde demaund who created that lumpe And so must wee returne to the saying of Moses who writeth that In the beginning God created heauen and earth Gen. 1. and the earth was without forme and voide Wee would also demand sith this lumpe was without shape lyfe motion or vnderstanding whence came this distinction of creatures so farre differing eache from other some hauing onely essence others essence and lyfe others essence lyfe and feeling and others all foure essence lyfe feeling and reason Who made such an vneqeuall diuision Who subiected the Sun and Moone to the vse of man The earth to nourish hearbes and plants The hearbes and plants to nourish cattell The cattell and sith to nourish man In this so vnequall a proportion and subiection repugnant to nature by nature the great will not willingly subiect themselues to the small whence commeth so good agreement and obedience Necessarily therefore wee must conclude that there is a God a creator diuider and conductor of his creatures who protecteth the order that he hath established among them 26 Then let vs looke into this vniuersall world and therein beholde the heauens beautified with the Sunne the Moone and the starres the earth clothed with hearbs plants and creatures the sea replenished with water and fish man endued with vnderstanding and reason brought into this world as it were into a pallace abounding in all goodnes and heere inioying so many creatures in such numbers and diuerse sortes Who heareth not this vniuersall world in euery part thereof exclaiming against these Atheists that there is a God Who is he which passing through a forrest there finding some building though halfe decard will not immediatly imagine the steps of some men who passing that way haue thereto set their hands for it could not be the work of any other creature How then can anie man possibly beholde this excellent frame of the world not iudge immediatly that a greater than the world or man hath thereto set his hand What man when he seeth a faire house gallantly built will thinke that it hath stood from all eternitie either that it built it selfe and not rather presuppose an Architect or builder How much rather should this frame of the worlde directly lead vs to the creator And what man is he who acknowleging his essence his life his senses his soul vnderstanding reason withall contemplating this world created for him will not immediatly confesse that man is created for a greater than himselfe namely for his creator The soule mouing and guiding the bodie is truly the image of God mouing and guiding the world and man in the vse of the same Wherfore like as he cannot haue essence life and motion but the same must be to him a certaine testimonie of his soule liuing within him so the essence life sense motion vnderstanding of al that is in the world is an assured stedfast groūd to beleeue that there is a God the creator preseruer and guider of this vniuersall world Act. 17.21 Euen as an ancient heathen alledged by saint Paul doth saie In God we all doo liue and moue Neither can any man vse his senses in the contemplation of the world and inioying of so many creatures benefits of God daily poured vpon him but as if with his hande he felt him he must needs perceiue there is a God And therefore not amisse said a certain Ethnike That he that denieth a God Auicenna an Arabian is not besides his wits but euen vtterly is deuoid of wit 27 These wretched Atheists doo reply Who did euer see God that we may beleeue him Which is as much as if they should say that we must beleeue no more than we see with our eies And thus to the end to deny God they renounce the other foure bodily senses together with the vnderstanding and reason of their soule so growe to brutishnesse Neuerthelesse albeit they see not the heate in a burning coale yet if they bee touched therewith they crie out and confesse that it is hot They see not the coldnesse of Ise yet by experience they confesse it is colde They see not the bitternesse or sweetnes of meate or drinke yet doo they by tast beleeue the bitternes of gal the sweetnes of honie They confesse the sound of a bel musicall instruments albeit they see thē not but heare them onely They likewise beleeue an aire that they breath
of which two or three are spent so that now we are come to the last If a thousand and fiue hundred yeeres and more are with him but as one houre then can 70. or 80. be but one minute how long so euer we account thē It is therfore extreame folly to thinke to liue euer not to see death cōsidering that our longest life is but a momēt 11 Sith then that this false opinion causeth vs to forget heauen for earth the soule for the bodie heauenly treasures for earthly goods that we may the rather Amend our liues let vs be of another mind and now being throughly perswaded that wee must die and that shortly that there is nothing more certaine than death or more vncertain than the houre of the same In summe that our life is but as the course of a day or of an hour yea rather as a minute of time let vs so liue as if wee were euery day to die yea euery hour of the day let vs liue in such sort as at the houre of death wee may be glad that we had liued let vs imploy this day hour or minute of life vpon such things as may tend to the ioy glory euerlasting let vs walke this day as if this night we should come to the eternal habitation let vs not build where we cannot long continue but in heauen where wee shall dwell for euer let vs make our prouision not where our pi●grimage is so short but that we may liue wher we shal remain for euer let vs take heed that the thorns of this world catch no hold of vs to detaine and hinder vs in our course to heauen from whence he that is excluded is for euer accursed The bel at the gate ringeth the porter crieth out Make hast let vs remember the ten virgins Math. 25.1 take oyle in our lamps that when the bridegrome commeth wee may go into the marriage For one daie or houre or one minute of carnall pleasures let vs not depriue our selues of perfect ioy which shall neuer be taken from vs let vs indure stormie weather for one daie that wee may haue a thousand millions of yeeres of fair weather let vs patiently beare the tribulations of one moment of time which will breed vs great comfort for euer let not the reuenue of one mās life whose life is but a day depriue vs of the riches alotted to the life of Christ Ioh. 16. ● who liueth for euer let vs not for one apple which euen alredy beginneth to rot loose the euerlasting fruit of the tree of life 2. Cor. 4.17 for the purchase of goods which immediatly we must leaue let vs not forsake the tresures which we may inioy for euer 12 To cōclude sith vndoubtedly we must die we know not the time which surely wil be shortly let vs liue as men alredy adiudged to death let vs liue as not knowing the houre thereof yea let vs liue as knowing it to be at hand And because it is so harde a matter to perswade vs that we must die that shortly let vs say with Moses the mā of God Teach vs O Lord to number our daies Psal 90.12 that we may apply our hearts vnto wisdome This praier seemeth of smal importance For who cannot reckon from 70. or 80. yeres But herein he sheweth mans dulnes that he cannot comprehend the shortnes of his life by counting that it is not past 70. or 80. yeres at the most Also that the holy ghost must teach vs that as he addeth we may apply our harts to wisdome Therby shewing that the knowledge of the shortnes of this life shall endue vs with wisedome to shun the vanities thereof that wee may apply our mindes to those things whereof the blessed fruit shal remain with vs for euer Thus we see how by renouncing this folly namely To thinke to liue euer and by beleeuing that we must all die that shortly we shall bee better aduised so amend our so short life that at the departure therefro we shall through Christ enter into life euerlasting The fourth Folly Not to know wherefore we liue Chap. 5 THe folly to think to liue euer is as we haue shewed great yet is the● another as great no lesse pernitious that doth accōpany it namely That we know not wherefore we liue And in deed if you question with men and aske them to what end God hath created them or wherfore they liue for the most part you shal haue either no answere or an answere to no purpose Ther are as is aforesaid four sorts of creatures in the world amōg whō man is the most excellent yet aimeth lest at the purpose of his creation First some haue essence only as the earth the sea the stones such like creatures secondly some with essence haue life termed Vegetatiue as trees hearbs thirdly some with essence life haue sense or feeling as fishes soules beasts and so forth Lastly there is man who with essence life sense or feeling hath also vnderstanding reason Now aske of man wherefore God created the earth he wil say for the habitatiō both of men beasts the nourishing of hearbs and trees Wherfore the sea riuers for nauigation nourishmēt of fishes Wherefore stones to serue for buildings secondly wherfore God created hearbes and trees hee will saye for the foode of man and beast thirdly wherefore God created fish soules and other creatures hee will saie some for foode others for draught and burden and others for other vses Yea and ascending higher he will say that God created the s●●● to giue light to minister heate the ayre ●o giue breath so of other creatures Lastly aske of man him selfe wherfore God created him to what end he liueth he will answere That he knoweth not Or if he tell his mind plainely he will say for him selfe The poore artifi●er to nourish his family the marchant to enritch himselfe The Courtier or Captaine to grow into reputation to attaine to dignity or honour others who are worse then beasts to take their ease Generally all in this life to prouide themselues of whatsoeuer the lusts of their flesh may desire To be briefe experience doth euidently declare that there is not almost any that knoweth wherefore he liueth or that referreth not his life to som other end thē he should 2 This is a folly worthy great reproofe that man endued with vnderstanding can yeeld a reason for the essence and life of other creatures yet himselfe being the most excellent of all others wotteth not wherfore he liueth or wherfore God hath giuen him vnderstanding This is a most pernitious folly and replenished with all ingratitude for whereas all other creatures created for man do cōtinually tend to the end purpose of their creation namely to serue man in giuing him all thinges needfull for his maintenance man only not knowing wherefore he liueth inuerteth
the purpose of his creation referring to himselfe his essence life feeling vnderstāding He manifestly seeth that among al other cretures ther is not any created for it self but to serue other yet himself being endued with vnderstanding is so folish as to think that he is created not for any greater then himselfe but euen for himselfe onely 3 To the end therefore that we may Amend our liues we must be better aduised and vnderstand wherefore we liue The holy Scripture teacheth vs that there are three principall ends of mans life First that he should glorifie God Secondly that hee should attaine to life euerlasting And thirdly that he should referre euery part of his vocation to the seruice of God But as the knowledge of God is a requisit necessary directiō of our liues to these three ends so are we especially to exercise employ our liues in the knowledge of God to the end that knowing him we may referre our liues to the ends aforesaid As concerning the first and soueraine dutie which is to glorifie God it consisteth in this That with our mouthes we confesse in our works we doe shew that in our harts we accompt him to be as he is as he declareth himselfe towards vs. This doth S. Peter teach vs where hee saith that We should shew forth both in words and workes 1. Pet. 2.9 The vertues of him that hath called vs out of darknesse into his maruailous light But what are these vertues That hee is a God almightie all good all wise mercifull holy righteous and true As Dauid where he exhorteth all men to praise God for a reason why addeth Psal 117. For his mercy is multiplyed vpon vs and his truth endureth for euer That for the glorifying of God we must in our hearts acknowledge in our words confesse and in our deeds declare him to be the same as hee is it appeareth by the foure principall points wherein the seruice and glorifying of God doth consist and where to the same may be referred namely that we repose our whole confidence in him that we obey him according to his will that we call onely vpon him in all our necessities and that we acknowledge al goodnesse to come from him This ought to be the principall end of our life 4 God hath set open two most large schooles wherein hee reuealeth himselfe vnto vs that we may glorifie him as is aforesaid First the creation of the world Secondly the redemption wrought by Iesus Christ As touching the creation God where hee might haue contented himself with his glory which he had from al eternitie vouchsafed notwithstanding to reueale himselfe to man to the end that he knowing him might confesse and magnifie him He therefore created man to his owne Image and likenesse to the end that by the beames of his brightnesse holinesse righteousnesse and truth together with the dominion vnto him graunted ouer al creatures he might be led to the knowledge of the son of righteousnesse goodnesse holinesse wisedome and power to loue him to put his trust in him to obey his will to call vpon him to acknowledge that all goodnesse proceedeth from him and so to glorifie him And whereas notwithstanding the fall of man God neuerthelesse doth communicate with vs causing vs to feele the wonderfull effects of his goodnesse wisedome and power continually and in all seasons withall Act. 17.21 considering that in him onely we are we liue and wee haue our motion It were a most monstrous case that we should not referre to his glory our knowledge and feeling of him which we gather in the communication of so many his graces whereof he is both author and preseruer 5 Moreouer the creation of man was as it were his triumphant entrie into this godly pallace of the world built only for him to the end that the continual contempl●tion of the wisedome goodnesse and power of God shining in the frame of this world might be to him a continuall argument to know and glorifie the creator thereof Rom. 1.19 And this doth Saint Paul note saying What soeuer may bee knowen of God is manifest in man For the inuisible things of him that is his eternall power and Godhead are seene by the creation of the world being considered in his workes There to adding that men by the same neither knowing nor glorifying God as God should bee without excuse Heerein manifestly declaring that the creation and building of the world ought to draw vs in dutie to know and glorifie God And because God principally sheweth his power and wisedome in the heauens the same are many times called the throne and habitation of the highest Esa 66.1 Act 7.48 Psal 19.2 In that sence doth Dauid say The heauen● declare the glory of God as most apparently shining in them and proceeding forward in this matter he attributeth to thē a speech heard and vnderstood throughout the world wherby they preach this glory of God Too great therefore is our ingratitude if making our selues dease we will not heare these heuenly heroulds when they summon vs to acknowledge and glorifie God in them and with them Psal 19.4 6 To this purpose this also is worthie the noting That God where he might haue created the world in one day did neuerthelesse employ sixe dayes distinctly as it were to giue vs leasure to contemplate the worke of euery day Gen. 1. Moreouer that to the creation of euery daies worke himselfe gaue testimonie that it was good What ingratitude is it in vs if we shall not both diligently contemplate his workes and getting a tast of the wisedome and goodnesse of God in the same yeeld vnto him al glory and praise Sith therefore that he hath created vs for his glory and the world to be a mirrour to behold the same also that we can not liue but that continually we must both see and feele in Gods creatures his power wisedome and infinite goodnesse toward vs the principall end of our liues ought in the creation of vs to his image and the framing of the world for our vse to teach vs more and more to know God that we may serue and glorifie him 7 The second point which yeeldeth yet greater knowledge of God and more strictly bindeth vs to glorifie him is the contemplation of our redemption accomplished in Iesus Christ Colos 1.15 and of our regeneration the blessed fruite of the same Christ is called the image of the inuisible God yet not in respect onely of his diuinitie but also of his humanitie What a representation of Gods wisedome doth there shine in the vnion of his humaine nature with his diuinitie that in one person there may be together very God and very man What a testimonie of Gods holinesse is his dislike of sinne and his iustice to punish it sith to exempt vs from the punishment due to our sinnes hee laide the same and with all rigour executed it vpon his
heauen for the scope of theyr liues are no men but beasts for they neuer thinke their souls to be immortall they beleeue not that they must die neither doo they remember that after death there is a hell and eternall fire prepared for those who liuing heere doo neuer seeke after lyfe euerlasting Yea Mat. 16.26 VVhat doth it auaile a man saith our sauiour Iesus Christ to winne the whole world and to loose his owne soule Luke 9.23 This lyfe beeing vnto him a high waie to death and to a firie torment that shall neuer be quenched 11 Let vs not therefore make riches honour or other carnall commodities the leuell of our liues but let vs aime at the celestial and eternall life as Iesus Christ admonisheth vs saying Iohn 6.27 Labour not for the meate which perisheth but for the meate that endureth to euerlasting lyfe Againe Seeke first the kingdome of God and his righteousnes Mathew 6 33. and all other things shall be ministred vnto you But we cannot attaine to this eternall lyfe without the knowledge of God that wee may put our trust in him call vpon him in all our necessities obey his commandementes and with thankesgiuing acknowledge that all goodnes commeth from him And in deede wee cannot trust in God neither call vpon him vnlesse we bee assured of his wyll and power to helpe vs neither can we obey him with anie kindly obedience which consisteth in loue vnlesse we knowe how deeply we be bound both to loue and obey him as also we cannot acknowledge all goodnes to proceed from him vnlesse we knowe him to be the fountaine of all goodnesse This therefore must be the end of our life euen to increase in the knowledge of God that by reposing our confidence in him by calling vpon him by obeying him and by acknowledging him to bee the fountaine of all goodnesse wee may attaine to lyfe euerlasting 12 True it is that in the creation of heauen earth and in the conduct and gouernment thereof he reuealeth himselfe vnto vs maketh vs to feele that he is a God almighty al wise al good well dooing howbeit especiallye in Iesus Christ as is aforesayde doo we knowe God God I saie our God father and sauiour almightie wise holy righteous mercifull good and true And this is the knowledge wherein God is truely glorified and by the which wee obtaine life euerlasting as Iesus Christe himselfe doeth teach vs Iohn 17.1 saying Father the houre is come glorifie thy sonne that thy sonne also may glorifie thee As thou hast giuen him power ouer all flesh that he should giue eternall life to all them that thou hast giuen him And this is life eternall that they know thee to be the onely verie God and whom thou hast sent Iesus Christ. And in deed as when a man is loth to go out of his way it is requisite he shuld know both whether which waie to go so haue we both in Iesus Christ very God very man For in that he is God Augustine of the Citie of God li. 11. c. 2 and consequently life to him we must go in that he is man by him we must come vnto God and bee vnited with him that wee may obtaine life euerlasting And in that sense doth he call himselfe the way Iohn 14.6 the truth and the life If he be the life he is the place whether we must go if he be the way by him we must trauell to attaine to life euerlasting As also by calling himselfe the truth he teacheth vs that hee is the accomplishment and truth of al that afore time was figured touching life euerlasting the meanes to attaine to the same Thus the second principall end of our life should consist in knowing of God through his sonne Iesus Christe and knowing him to put our trust in him to call vppon him to obeye his commandementes and to acknowledge him to be the fountaine of all goodnesse that so wee may glorifie him and glorifying him attaine to life euerlasting 13 Moreouer the end of glorifying of God our saluation wyll be a ready meanes to make vs to liue according to God for it will be a continual aduertisement rule to bridle vs from al thoughts affections words and deeds contrarie to the glorie of God the saluation of our soules considering that beeing contrarie thereto they ouerthrow the two principall ends of our life 14 Now let vs come to the third end of our life which is to bee considered in the particular vocation of euerie man This ende ought not to bee our profite honor or other carnall commoditie but that in seruing of men we may serue God God the creator and redeemer can well inough preserue both our bodies souls without the ministery of men but thus far he honoreth vs as to vouchsafe to worke his workes by vs. 1. Tim. 4.16 And in this consideration doth he giue and hath giuen vs shepheards ministers of his word to the end as S. Paul saith to saue those that harken vnto them by illuminating their hearts creating saith in them by reforming them to obedience through the means of the holy ministery with the efficacy of his holy spirit blessing the labors of his seruants In this respect also vouchsafing there should be food for the body he hath appointed some to be husbandmen to til the earth some to be millers and some to be bakers For the furnishing vs of apparell that some should be shepheards some shearers of sheepe some carders some spinsters some weuers fullers diers tailers c. For the prouiding of vs of houses that some should be carpenters masons c. To be briefe that there should bee an infinit number of artificers and marchants whose function is to furnish all things requisite for the entertainment and maintenance of the bodie Hee also ordaineth kyngs princes and magistrates by their authoritie to keepe euery one within the compasse of his vocation and so to execute theyr office in the maintaining of the good and punishing the wicked Thus God fulfilleth his work will in the preseruation of our bodies saluation of our souls Col. 3.24 by the emploiment of men in his seruice euery one according to his vocation Neither is there so much as the bondman but doth serue God by seruing his Lord as S. Paul saith That by faithful seruice to their masters they serue the Lord. 15 Hereby it appeareth that the end of mans life ought to rest in the seruing of God by seruing of men in their vocation It doth not therefore consist onely herein that the artificer should get sufficient to maintaine his family the marchant to obtaine ric●es other men credit dignitie and carnall commodities For this is the seruing of our selues not of God albeit men for the most part do thus corrupt prophane their labors workes life liuing to another end than they ought And in
is nothing better than to take pleasure for at death they see not what becommeth of the soule of man no more than they do of beastes wyth many other such lyke speeches which tend to that purpose But they themselues are in deede verie beastes so to vnderstande and misconster it For Salomons meaning tended rather to confirme the same which wee doo seeeke to mayntayne namely that no man may by the outward shew iudge of mans felicitie or miserie because all things fall out alyke to the one and to the other And that is his meaning where he saith Man knoweth not eyther the loue or hatred of God toward him Eccles 9.1 Eccle. 3.19 if he wil iudge by the outward shew Then hee passeth to beasts saying No man seeth what becommeth of the soules either of man or beasts namely with bodyly eyes Eccl. 8.12.13 But when he addeth that It shall bee well with them that feare the Lord and doo reuerence before him but it shall not be well with the wicked hee shall be like a shadow because hee feareth not before God When also he exhorteth to keepe Gods commandementes protesting that it is the whole duetie of man and that concluding his speech hee saith Eccl. 12.13.14 that God will bring euerie thing to iudgement that man hath done throughout the whole course of his life withall adding that the spirite shall returne to God that gaue it Hee doth sufficiently shew that hee beleeued the immortalitie of the soule and the lyfe euerlasting But where hee seemeth to commend those that take theyr pleasures Eccl. 5.17 saying It is comely to eate and drinke cheerefully hee meaneth in the common opinion of the foolish and vnaduised who resting vppon this lyfe and the iudgement of felicitie or miserie by the outward shew without remembring that mans soule is immortall d● imagine him to be as a beast among whom such as are best vsed are most happie Howbeit as man is a creature of much more excellencie than a beast and yet if we regarde but the outwarde shew of this lyfe the beast is much more happie than man So we must necessarily beleeue that there is another lyfe after this and therfore conclude that it is meere folly to iudge of mans felicitie or misery by the outward shew Psal 37. 10 Neither is it in vaine that Dauid so earnestly exhorteth vs to take heed of this folly and error to iudge by the outward shew as also he is neuer weary of admonishing vs not to enuy those who outwardly seem happie but constantly to depend vpon the Lord and to walke vprightlie in his sight And in deede this iudgement by the outward shew is not onely repugnant to faith but vtterly abolisheth the same and not faith onely but also hope and desire to walke in the feare and obedience of God The Apostle to the Hebrewes sayeth that Faith is the ground of thinges which are boped for Heb. 11.1 and the euidence of things which are not seene Saint Paul also teacheth vs that hope is of thinges which wee see not Nowe the foundation and obiect of faith is the worde of God Rom. 8.23 pronouncing and assuring vs that the righteous and holye suffering persecution for his name are happie well beloued and blessed of God yet canst thou not see this but with the eye of faith and therefore in iudging of a man with thy bodily eye to be accursed in his tribulations thou dost abolish faith Hope is founded vpon the promise of celestiall spirituall and eternall goods to come If therfore when thou seest a faithfull man in trouble thou presently dost iudge him to be accursed thou dost abolish hope which regardeth not the time present but to come Againe if we were to depend vpon the externall iudgement and to say that the wicked that are in prosperitie are blessed who will dispose himselfe to endure pouertie and other afflictions by walking vprightly and in holinesse Nay will not all men rather apply themselues to fraud iniury extortion and other iniquitie sith ritches honour and other carnall commodities will redound to their blisse and felicitie 11 By the premisses we may see what a dangerous and pernitious folly this is to iudge of mans felicitie or miserie by the outward shew wherby we abolish the immortalitie of the soule God and his righteousnesse saith hope and all care and desire to walke in the feare of God That we may therefore Amend our liues let vs hereafter be better aduised and iudge of mans felicitie or miserie not after the outward shew Mat. 5. but according to the infallible and assured testimonies of Gods word Thus when the eare shall heare these sentences Blessed are you poore in spirite Luk. 6.28 Amos. 6.1 that hunger and thirst and that mourne Blessed are you when men hate you and cast you forth and say all manner of euill against you for the sonne of mans sake Againe Woe be to you rich men woe be to you that be satisfied and reioyce wee bee to you that liue at ease in Sion Faith will iudge according to Gods word that the faithful in affliction are blessed and the wicked in prosperitie most accursed Yet if the eye beholding the ritches honour and commodities of the wicked shoulde iudge them to be happie faith leaning to the testimonie of Gods word will beate downe and suppresse the false iudgement of the eye concluding that it is meere folly to iudge of mans felicitie or miserie by the outwarde shewe And albeit the worlde and the flesh doe cry out to the contrarie yet will we harken to and stedfastly holde this sentence pronounced by him who is trueth it selfe saying Say yee it shall bee well with the iust for they shall eate the fruite of their workes but woe bee to the wicked Esa 3.10 11. who seeketh after iniquitie for the rewarde of his hand shall bee giuen vnto him 10 Let vs remember the contents of the 92. Psalme where Dauid exhorteth vs to praise God to declare foorth his mercie and truth to reioyce in his workes to crie out that they are glorious his thoughts very profoūd What thoughts works Euen that the wicked doe spring vp like grasse and all workers of iniquitie doe flourish that afterward they may bee rooted out for euer And heereof to giue vs the more assurance directing himselfe to God Psal 92. he saith For loe thine enemies O Lord for loe thine enemies shall perish and all workers of iniquitie shall bee destroied But the righteous shal flourish like a Palme tree shal grow like a Cedar in Libanon Such as be planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courtes of our God They shall bring foorth fruite in their age they shall bee fat and flourishing To declare that the Lord is righteous and that no iniquitie is in him And in as much saith hee as man resembling a brute beast knoweth nothing and that the foole
his counsels are faithfull and that all his commandements doe tend to our good and saluation 4 Our second enemie to whom we giue too much credit is the world By the world we vnderstand the common course of mankind which is to giue themselues to wickednesse regarding onely this present life without any care of the kingdome of heauen In respect hereof doth Saint Paul call the world wicked and S. Iohn saith That the whole world is set vpon iniquitie The same Apostle setteth before vs sundrie examples of the corruption and wickednesse of the world saying All that is in the world Gal. 1.4 1. Ioh. 5.19 2.16 as the lustes of the flesh the lusts of the eyes and the pride of life is not of the father of heauen By the lusts of the flesh he vnderstandeth a desire to liue at ease and delicately without caring for any thing but what may concerne the profit and commodities of this life By the lustes of the eyes he comprehendeth the vanitie of vnchast lookes brauerie pompe other superfluities And by pride ambition haughtinesse vaine confidence and selfe loue euermore conioyned with the contempt of others 5 This world is vnto vs a mightie and strong enemie in respect that being so corrupt and vicious it inuiteth and by the example thereof allureth vs to follow it and so to abandon our selues to the same corruptions wherein such is our folly we are readie to beleeue it And indeed experience sheweth how easily wee are drawne to confirme our selues ther to The ease of the flesh which some men doe enioy The lusts and pleasures wherein they do reioyce The riches that make them to be honored The reputation to be mightier then others with the banquets and sumpteous attire doe all make a faire shew whereby to flatter moue and allure vs to follow them And as euery one is readie to beleeue whatsoeuer he desireth so doe we easily suffer our selues to bee perswaded to follow this world whereto we are naturally enclined 6 That the Adamant draweth the yron vnto it is truly a secret of nature but for the world to draw vs there to is a matter as naturall as for the water of a riuer to runne downe the chanel as for a chariot to runne downe a steepe hill or seeing another yaune to yaune after him or hering another sing to fall on singing For being naturally giuen to the corruptions of the world we shall need no soliciting thereto the onely sight of the thing we loue is sufficient to hale vs forward yea euē to force vs. As the wanton harlot allureth her louer the bayte vpon the hooke the fish and the infected aire infecteth all that liue in it The worlde resembleth a violent streame that carieth away all such trees as haue taken no sufficient roote To bee briefe it falleth out with vs as with those that liue among colliers or millers who hardly can shunne defouling with collow or meale 7 And indeed it is but too common that where wee ought through our holy conuersation to allure the worldlings to follow vs contrariwise the world being stronger then we carieth vs away therewith Phil. 2.15 Whereas it were our parts to serue as burning lampes shining in the middest of a crooked peruerse generation wherby to withdraw the worldlings out of their blind crooked waies into the pathes of light truth saluation contraiwise the darkenesse of the world doth quench our light and cause vs to wander in the darkenes This doeth Chrisostome note saying If the good conuerse with the bad the good will sooner grow worse then the bad better also one scabbed sheepe wil sooner infect tenne cleane ones then the tenne cleane ones will cure one scabbed one Yet if we suffer our selues to bee so perswaded by the entisements of the world that after the examples of others we do but a little neglect the care of our soules that we may gather goods and that wee follow others in the lustes of the flesh in superfluitie of banquets and costly attire the golde the siluer the exquisite moueables the apparell and foode will be vnto vs so many fooles cappes vpon our heads crying out alowd that we are indeede very fooles that will beleeue our enemie Iam. ● 4 Ioh. 2.15 If then we purpose to Amend our liues we must be better aduised We must remember that we can not continue friendship both with the world and with God And that the loue of the world is enmitie with God so with S. Iohns exhortatiō conclude not to loue the world but wholy to resolue to leaue and forsake the counsell of the world which is our enemie and to beleeue the counsel of God our true perfect friend 8 Our third and principall enemie is the deuill Whome Iesus Christ doth therefore tearme the enemie which also this name Sathan doth signifie Mat. 13.28 thereby to aduertise vs to take heede of him And indeede all his counsels and endeuours doe tend to death and therefore is he also called a man-slaier and a murderer from the beginning and so did hee shew himselfe towardes our forefathers Ioh. 8.44 whē vnder colour of fauour to Eue he perswaded her to eate of the forbidden fruite of the tree of knowledge of good euil Gen. 3. Wherupon God euen then proclaimed as it were with the found of the trumpet open warre betweene Satan and vs saying Gen. 3.15 I will put enmitie betweene him and the seede of the woman If he durst presume to enter into the earthly Paradice to assault and deceaue our first fathers while they yet did beare the image of God Also if sence Mat. 4.1 Luk. 4.1 he durst be so bold as to follow Iesus Christ into the wildernes and there assault him with his temptations fortie daies fortie nights and lastly to make those three mightie assaults mentioned by the Euangelists are not we to looke that he will bee 1. Pet. 5.8 as Saint Peter saith as a roaring Lion round abount vs seeking whom he may deuour He also is so much the more dangerous an enemie because he is inuisible because he is neuer wearie of sighting 2. Cor. 11.14 because he can transforme himselfe into an Angell of light Ciprian in his tenth tract in zeale that hee may the more easily seduce and deceiue vs. Saint Ciprian expounding this place of Saint Peter saith The deuill setteth before our eyes entising pleasures that by the sight of them he may supplant our chastity He tempteth our eares with the sweetnes of musicke that by the hearing therof he may weaken our Christian strength By bitter woordes he mooueth our tongue to euill speaking and and by iniurious deedes prouoketh our handes to sight and slay he offereth vnrighteous gaine wherby to enduce vs to fraud and pernicious profit to kindle couetousnesse in our soules hee promiseth temporall honours whereby to defeate vs of Celestiall he sheweth falsehood that he may take
from vs all trueth To be briefe he practiseth cunning in time of peace and violence in persecution Is it not then extreame folly yea euen desperate rage to beleeue such an enemie 9 But you will saie who will bee so vnaduised as to aske or take counsell of him When speaketh hee vnto vs Euen when vnder the pretence of Gods prouidence hee giueth or offereth vnto thee ritches honour dignitie pleasures carnall commodities to bee briefe prosperitie in all thy affaires For thinkest thou that he will not propound with them the like condition as hee did to Iesus Christ when he said Mat. 4.9 All these will I giue thee if thou wilt worship me Indeede hee doth not alwaies speake so like a deuill But comming as a friende to serue thy turne and to please thee in thy desires thou shalt well finde that in effect he tempereth some poyson or pernitious counsell among either that thou shouldest dissemble the knowen truth yea euen renounce it or to neglect the holy ministry or to dispence in practises nothing agreeing with charitie equitie or vpright dealing yet couered with the cloke of custome iniquitie of the time which will not beare better dealing telling thee that if thou be a sheepe the wolfe will deuour thee that the simple are not to deale in the world and that thou must liue and houle with the wolues 10 Neither is this all he mixeth yet another poyson that is hee lifteth thee vp in thy wealth that he may make thee to trust therin to employ it in pleasure and superfluitie to forget that thou art a mortall mā In summe to imagine that thou needest not the help either of God or man On the other side for he can turne all into poyson he will take away thy goods and bring thee into pouertie he will molest thee with long and tedious sickenesse he will make thee a skorne vnto men Hereupon he will seeke to perswade thee that thou maist iustly murmure against God complaine of him forsake him reiect and euen driue him away when hee offereth himselfe as did the Gaderinites when they driue away Iesus Christ because of their hogges whome the deuils had carried head-long into the sea Mat. 8.34 yea which is the tipe of all mischiefe euen to curse God whereof the historie of Iob is a manifest mirrour Againe art thou a great sinner Hee will set before thee the rigour of Gods iustice to plunge thee in dispaire Dost thou trust in his mercy Iob. 1. Hee will prouoke thee to sinne vnder pretence of friendship both to God and thee alledging that Where sinne aboundeth grace doth more abound Also that one Peccaus before thou diest Rom. 5.20 will suffice for all If thou appliest thy selfe to walke vprightly in the feare of God he wil counsell thee to thinke thy selfe a Saint and of great merite in the sight of God Doth hee finde thee wel resolued in the doctrine of Gods prouidence as he found Iesus Christ Mat. 4. when he alledged that Man liueth not by bread onely but by euery word that commeth out of the mouth of God He will sollicite thee to abuse it by tempting of God as he thought to haue surprised Iesus Christ when he exhorted him to cast himself from the toppe of the temple To be breefe his illusions and temptations are infinite 11 Now let vs marke the common course of men yea euen of many of those that professe the knowledge of God let vs iudge whether most of their workes be not euen so many examples witnessing that they beleeue and follow the counsell of their enemie Sathan let vs remember that al such thoughts imaginations motions affections and temptations afore mentioned be the counsels of our enemie Sathan That it is an extreame folly and madnesse for a man to beleeue his enemie that for the amending of our liues we must bee better aduised and beleeue him who is our true perfect friend euē our God who speaketh to vs in his holy Scriptures which onely doo containe assured holy healthsome counsell Of his loue towards vs we cannot doubt sith he hath giuen vs such a pledge as his sonne crucified for vs. He cannot neither will he lie or deceiue his children whome hee hath vndertaken to make blessed Let vs therfore oppose the counsels of Gods word against whatsoeuer the counsell of our enemies the world the flesh and the deuill Let vs followe the example of Dauid Psal 119.105 24.9 who protested that Gods worde was a light to his pathes that the testimonies of the Lord were his counsels that a young man shall amend his waie by walking according to the worde of God Let vs take heart in the example of Christ agaynst the illusions of the deuill and our other enemies Ephes 6.17 laying holde vpon the sworde of his spirite which is his word and with him let vs saie It is written It is written Psal 9.5 Let vs remember that Iesus Christ from God his father tooke the name of a counseller to aduertise vs that wee ought to receiue and beleeue his counsels onely Iosua 1. and not the counsels of our enemies the world the flesh and the deuill To bee briefe let vs put in practise the same which God in olde time enioyned to Iosua namely daie and night to reade and meditate vpon the booke of Gods lawe to liue after the contents of the same And so let vs assure our selues that according to his promise wee shall direct our course wiselye and prosper in all our attemptes Thus wee see that to the end to Amend our liues and hereafter to be better aduised we must beware of this Folly and neuer beleeue our enemies better than our friends The seuenth Folly To thinke our selues wise Chap. 8. THis seuenth folly sheweth man in all extremity and perfection to be a foole For being intangled in the sixe follyes afore mentioned many others he neuertheles thinketh himself wise and well aduised Among a hundred men that walke vp downe the streetes you shall not finde one that will bee contented to bee called foole or mad man but will thinke himselfe iniured for euery man desireth to be thought wise Yet they that beleeue not that there is a God they that esteeme better of man than of God they that thinke to liue euer and yet know not wherfore they liue they that iudge of mans felicity or misery by the outward shew they that beleeue their enemies rather than their friends Are not all these in thinking themselues wise euen perfect fooles yes and so haue we at large proued them 2 Yet may this folly be more generally considered in that man at the least for the most part thinketh himselfe to be but a man created for this temporall life and not a Christian beleeuing lyfe euerlasting For therof it falleth out that man being wise discreet and aduised as concerning the worlde yet a Christian foolish and senselesse
saying Then did he see it and counted it he prepared it also and considered it And vnto man hee said Behold the feare of the Lord is true wisdome and to depart from euill is vnderstanding Hereby we see that as they that doo know Iesus Christ and walk in the feare of God are truly wise so they that haue not this wisdome are very fooles albeit they thinke themselues wise in that beeing esteemed wise men as concerning the world they are in deed foolish Christians in the sight of God 6 These seuen aforesaid follies do euidently declare that wyth great reason the holy Ghost warneth vs in the first sermon of Iesus Christ and of Iohn the Baptist that for the good and due Amendement of our liues the knowledge and feeling of our naturall follies ought to admonish vs to be more wise circumspect and better aduised hereafter For as in beleeuing that there is no God In thinking better of man than of God In thinking to liue euer so not to liue as if we should die In not knowing wherefore we liue and so liuing at randon not for the seruice of God and our neighbours but for our selues In iudging Gods children in respect of their outwarde tribulations to bee accursed and the wicked thorough their prosperitie to be blessed Beleeuing our enemies the world the flesh and the deuill rather than God our perfect and faithfull frend To be short in thinking our selues wise because we are wise as men and yet are ignorant and fooles as Christians Being I saie possessed of all these follies the same are against vs so many ropes and strong chaines in the hands of our enemy the deuill wherwith to pull vs on to sinne and to make vs continually to offend God to heape iniquitie vppon iniquitie and consequently to turne awaie from God from heauen from life euerlasting glory to folow after satan and so to cast our selues into the hel fire in to death into euerlasting damnation And contrariwise if beleeuing there is a God and esteeming him to be as he is all wise almightie all iust and true we doo loue feare and put our whole confidence in him If beleeuing that we must die and that shortly we doo applie our harts to wisdome liuing as we would euen at death wish wee had liued If knowing wherefore we doo liue we do referre the whole course of our liues to the glory of God to our saluation and to the seruice of our neighbors If iudging of mans felicitie or miserie not by the outward apparaunce but by the testimonie of God in his word we doo euen perceiue that the children of God albeit in tribulation are blessed and the wicked though in prosperitie accursed If renouncing the pernitious counselles of our enemies the world the flesh and the deuill we doo listen vnto and beleeue the counsels and admonitions of our God To conclude if considerding that all discretion knowledge and wisdome of man without the knowledge of Christ and the skil of saluation be but folly Also if vnderstanding that we be but fooles men deuoid of knowledge so long as wee are not wise and well aduised Christians therefore wee conuert and returne to God and walke in the waie that shall bring vs to heauen to life and to euerlasting glorie If I saie we doo thus conuert and amend our liues according to the will of God we shall finally become inheritours of his kingdome through his sonne Iesus Christ our Lord. The end of the first Booke VVHEREIN MAN IS TO AMEND The second Booke That man knowing Idolatrie and superstition ought wholy to abstaine from all participation in the same Chap. 1. WE haue before declared that the greatest Folly wherewith man is possessed is the offending of God And contrariwise that the beginning of all knowledge wisedome resteth in walking in his loue feare and obedience Also that as all men are naturally inclined to this Folly namely to offend God so we ought by amending our liues heereafter to become more wise and better aduised Now are we more particularly to vnderstand Wherein we are principally to amend The first point therefore to be intreated of consisteth in this That man hauing obtained knowledge of the truth ought to renounce all Idolatrie in no wise to participate in the same Many there are who with their bodies assisting at Idolatrie and superstition do neuerthelesse maintaine that they deserue not to be reproued because they disallow the same in their hearts These men should remember that sith Christ suffered both in body soule for the redemption both of our bodies and soules reason would that wee likewise should glorifie him as Saint Paul saith both in our bodies souls which are his And in deed inasmuch as man consisteth both of bodie and soule we are to cleanse both bodie and soule of all pollution that we may as Saint Paul admonisheth fulfill our sanctification 1. Cor. 6.9.20 1. Cor. 7.1 It is therefore a most sacrilegious and intollerable diuision to giue ouer our bodies to the seruice of the deuill when we say that we reserue our soules to God Will the worst husband among men bee content that his wise prostituting her bodie to whoredoome shall saie for excuse that she reserueth her heart for him S. Paule saith our bodies are Christes members and that applying them to whoredome we take them from the body of Christ make them the members of an harlot But the holy Ghost calleth Idolatrie whoredome he therefore that with his bodie assisteth at Idolatry dismembreth himselfe from Iesus Christ 1. Cor. 6 and maketh himselfe a member of the Idoll 2 In this consideration doth the Apostle exhort the Corinthians to flie from Idolatrie and least they should reply as these men do saying We disallow it in our hearts we know that the Idoll is nothing 1. Cor. 10 he addeth I speake as vnto those that haue knowledge not to the ignorant Then doth he bring them back againe to their owne iudgment the feeling of their owne consciences by the vse of the supper For as the communicants by eating the bread and drinking the wine haue a participation in Christ and are made his members so they that be assistants in the sacrifice of the Idols and doo eate of that that is sacrificed vnto them are made partakers of the Idols euen of the deuil as he expresly saith because that which is sacrificed to Idols is sacrificed to the deuill But saith he afterward yee cannot drinke the cup of the Lord and the cup of deuils yee cannot be partakers of the Lords table and of the table of deuils And to the end to preuent all replication he addeth Do we prouoke the Lord to anger Are we stronger than he And this he saith to shew vs that notwithstanding whatsoeuer we aledge that we do not apply our harts therto or that we know that the Idol is nothing yet in that we assist with our bodies
gaue giftes vnto men And what giftes He gaue some to be Apostles some Prophets some Euangelists Ephes 3.8 some Pastors and teachers for the gathering together of the Saintes for the worke of the ministerie and for the edification of the bodie of Christ If therefore wee desire to be reestablished into life gathered vnto Christ and made liuely stones in the temple of God Iohn 21.15 1. Pet. 4.2 Act. 20.28 wee must vse this gift of Christ euen to heare sermons by the ministerie of the pastors Iesus Christ commandeth Saint Peter to feed his lambes and Peter exhorteth his companions in the holy ministerie to feed the flocke of Christ As also Saint Paul speaking to the Bishops of ●phesus who were come to Miletum sheweth them that the holy Ghost had established them in that vocation to the ende they should seede the Church of God which he had purchased with his bloud Hee therefore that seeketh the foode of his soule least it should famish die Math. 16 15 must labor that it may be fed with the worde of God through the preaching of the same Which is more Preaching is named the key of the kingdome of heauen thereby to declare that as by preaching of the Gospell heauen is opened to all that giue eare thereunto and do beleeue the word preached so al such as condemn the hearing therof are excluded from the same 3 Experience hath euermore borne witnes and euen to this day do testify what numbers haue bin illuminated reconciled to God and drawen to saluation life euerlasting through the preaching of the Gospell In one daie saith S. Luke by the preaching of the Apostles there were added to the Church about three thousand persons This efficacie of the preaching of the Gospel Act. 2.41 Luke 10.18 doth Christ confirm saying that when his disciples did preach it he saw satan like lightning fall downe from heauen therein shewing vs that satan by the ministerie of the pastors preaching the Gospell is banished destroied Doo we not euen in our daies see how by the ministerie of men Math. 13.31 preaching the Gospell the little graine of mustard seede as Christ tearmed it is growen into a great tree that with the branches and fruit thereof ouerspreadeth many prouinces and kingdomes As therfore there is no famine more dangerous than is that whereof Amos speaketh Amos 8.11 Math. 9.48 saying God shall send a famine not of bread but of the hearing of the word of God so is there no haruest more necessarie and blessed than that which is reaped by the workemen of Christ when they preach the Gospell 4 And in deede albeit men when they preach the worde haue not in them vertue and power to illuminate to giue faith to conuert harts and to saue soules 1. Cor. 3.7 for he that planteth and he that watereth as S. Paul saith are nothing but he that giueth increase yet is this one point which most soueraignlye commaundeth the holye ministerie of the worde that God who hath ordayned it doth also accompanie it with the efficacie of his holy spirit that it may illuminate and saue men Esa 59.21 This is my couenant with them saith the Lord My spirit which is vpon thee and my wordes which I haue put in thy mouth shall not departe out of thy mouth nor out of the mouth of thy seed nor out of the mouth of the seed of thy seed from henceforth for euer 2. Cor. 3.8 Gal. 3.2 And this is most singularly performed in the preaching of the Gospell Heereupon Paule calleth it The ministery of the holy Ghost And in another place he sayth that the Galathians receiued the holy Ghost by hearing of the faith preached And therefore speaking of himselfe and his fellowes 1. Cor. 3.9 he saith thus We are Gods laborers because that God imploying them in his seruice wrought in them by his spirite 5 Yet for the more commendation and authoritie of the ministery of the word Luke 10.16 Iohn 13.30 Iesus Christ aduertiseth vs that it is not so much that mortall men speake vnto vs as in deed it is God in them and by them He that heareth you saith Iesus Christ to his Apostles consequently to all preachers heareth me and hee that receiueth you receiueth me In this sense did the Prophets vsually begin their sermons Ier. 1.9 saying Thus saith the Lord Heare the worde of the Lord and made an end saying For the mouth of the Almightie hath spoken it And where Ieremie rehearseth that God speaking vnto him sayd Ezech. 33 I haue put my wordes in thy mouth it importeth the same that Ezechiel setteth downe Apoc. 10.8 saying God gaue me a scrowle to eate commanded me to declare his wordes thereby signifying that his preaching was but an vtterance of the words declared in the scrowle that hee had deliuered him to eate As also S. Iohn at the commandement of the Angell eate a booke which the Angell gaue him with this addition Thou must yet prophesie to many nations Therein declaring that his sermons were a deliuerie of that which God had written in that booke Psal 95.1 Heb. 7 18. 4.7 2. Cor. 5.20 1. Thes 2. Dauid likewise exhorting the people of his time to conuert to the Lord for the authorizing of his doctrine saith thus If at this daie ye will heare the voice of the Lord harden not your hearts The Apostle exhorting the Hebrewes to giue credit to the Lord vseth the same sentence saying This daie if ye heare the voice of God harden not your hearts The same doth S. Paule expresly confirme saying We are the embassadors of Christ as if God exhorted by vs. And thereupon he testifieth to the Thessalonians that they receiued his doctrine not as the word of man but as the word of God Adding as in truth it was True it is there is a difference betweene the ministers of the word and the Prophets Apostles neuerthelesse if we be bound to receiue the doctrine of the Apostles Prophets as the word of God and that the faithful ministers preaching their doctrine do likewise preach the word of God then they that in these daies do contemne the preaching of the faithfull ministers doo as Christ said to his Apostles contemne and reiect God in them and therfore the vengeance by Iesus Christ himself denounced against those that would not heare his Apostles who said That it should be easier for Sodome Gomorrha in the daie of iudgement than for them Math. 14. will likewise fall vppon the contemners of the preachinges of the faithfull pastours of our time And they who for their contempt incredulitie and obstinacie in euill dooing shall at this day bee bound in earth by the ministery of the word Math. 16.19 shall also be bounde in heauen It is not therefore because man hath this power in him selfe neither is it so great an offence not to heare men
resolue least they should be knowen to be of the religion so loose their goods dignities otherworldly commodities Is not the soule more precious then the body Must we not haue more respect to the soule then to the body In a time of famine we can be content to sell al for bread rather then to die for hunger Gen. 47. Did not the Egyptians giue all their money their cattle and finally their possessions to Ioseph for corne Nay more then so we will euen snatch bread out of the fire And lastly if wee haue no other meanes wee can bee content to leaue countrey kinred and friends to trauaile into forrein countries to seek for food rather then to die for hunger But why do we not as much for our soules The famished soule cryeth out I must liue And is it not meere rashnesse to think to liue without food We must therfore forsake all for to obtaine the spirituall food of the woord we must euen wrest it from out the fire and persecution or els depart into some other countrey where it may be had freely And thereto doth Iesus Christ lead vs when he saith Labour not for the meat which perisheth but for the meat that endureth vnto euerlasting lyfe Should we call in question his promise who saith Seeke first the kingdom of God and his righteousnes and all other things shal be ministred vnto you Hath he not effectually declared vnto vs what care he taketh to feed those that follow him to heare his word Behold there were sower thousand besides women children that folowed him into the desert to heare his doctrine They knew not what to eate but Iesus Christ had a care thereof I am moued in compassion toward this multitude said he for three daies haue they been with me and haue nothing to eate and I will not send them away fasting least they faint by the way Herevpon he blessed seauen loaues and a few fishes and gaue vnto them so that they were all satisfied 14 Some scorners and blasphemers will say let God take care for the soule and I will take care for the bodie But contrarywise let vs say Let vs take such care for the soule as God hath commanded and he will care for the bodie as he hath promised Let his promise be vnto vs as the pitcher of oyle and the barrell of meale to the Widow of Sarepta that neuer wasted euen a more certain rent then the money in our purses or the goods in our houses What will it profit a man to win all the world and to loose his owne soule What a folly were it to buy a house for the bodie laying out so much therevpon that for want of goods the bodie so well housed must die for hunger Euen so what shall a man get by keeping his goods for to feed and cloath the bodie which is the house of the soule and in the mean time suffer the soule to pyne away and die for hunger Sith therefore the question now dependeth vpon the amendement of lyfe let vs resolue to frequent and heare the preaching of the Gospell and so to feed our soules with the word of God turning away our eyes from all incumbrances offered by the flesh and assuring our selues that we can catch no harme by obeying God and seeking food life and saluation for our soules 15 Others there are who albeit they may freely without danger frequent Sermons are neuertheles marueilous cold and negligent in that dutie who think it sufficient that they haue the liberty albeit they vse it not Such men respect only the commodities of the flesh the world They be prophane in their harts and deuoid of religion accompting of no other God but their riches neither religion Augustine of the manners of the Catholike Church but a care skill to purchase wealth to grow mightie in the land S. Austen rehearseth three degrees of woe He saith he that hath not that he loueth cannot be said to be blessed Neither he that hath that which he loueth if his loue be hurtful vnto him Neither he that hath that which is soueraignely good profitable if he loueth not that which he hath Now as we may to sample the first bring in those who louing the holy ministerie haue no meanes to come by it the second such as loue superstition Idolatrie and do enioy it so for the third among others we may place those that are in place where they may freely commodiously haue the vse of the holy ministerie of the word and sacraments but doe not loue it therefore doe either neglect it or peraduenture despise it These men shall incurre Gods double iudgement for contemning treading vnder foot the food of their soules the incomprehensible graces which God offereth vnto thē in the preaching of his word They be men that thinke not thēselues to be men for they liue as beastes that care only for the body and this life but make no accompt of the soule and life euerlasting If sometime they come to a Sermon it is but for a fashion because it is an honour to be of the religion But let them harken to Iesus Christ who crieth Amend your liues to that end meditat vpō that which we haue spoken that therby vnderstanding that the preaching of the word is ordained to build Gods house the body of Christ which is his Church to illuminate vs with the truth to strengthen vs in saith to reproue our vices to exhort vs to liue acording to God to comfort vs in our afflictions to bee short to saue vs That vnderstanding I say how profitable and necessarie it is they may awake from their giddinesse and take hart to heare diligently the Sermons to the glorie of God and the saluation of their soules Let them not thinke the time bestowed at Sermons to be lost as some doe but let them assuredly beleeue that they cannot better employ their time then in the preseruation of the life of their soules in encreasing the health of the same in strengthening their hearts against all temptations and mortal assaults in the more certaine apprehension of the kingdome of heauen the riches of the glorie prepared for the true disciples of Iesu Christ in glory euerlasting Of our duties to communicate in the holy sacraments Chap. 4. NOw let vs come to the sacraments As concerning baptisme in as much as among all Christians except the Anabaptistes the institution ordinance of Iesus Christ to baptiste children is obserued reseruing to another place the corruptiō of not knowing much lesse practising the vse of our baptisme wee will proceed to the supper The supper was ordained principally for two reasons The first As a mother hauing brought forth her litle one doth not forsake it but nurseth bringeth it vp So Christ hauing ordained baptisme to bee as a seale pledge of our spiritual new birth into his Church did institute
of euery one indifferently or that we would not care although afterward they liued other wise then might beseeme the children of God or were occasion of offence to the weake then would they surely come to communicate But if they may not be admitted before they haue talked with some minister or elder of the Church yea peraduenture be forced to beare with some Christian admonition in case they do not afterward walke in the course of Christianitie they will rather chuse to depriue thēselues of the communion As also to the end to confirme them in this mislike they shall find some discontented persons who to mislike the order of the Church will euen against their owne consciences charge it with the title of a new tyrannie inquisition Yet must wee confesse that the Church of Christ cannot consist without some order and as S. Paul saith All things must be done in order and decencie 1. Cor. 14.40 If no Cittie or familie can long continue without establishment of some order and gouernment Then the more excellent that the Church is the more necessarie it is therein to erect and obserue some gouernment which we tearme Ecclesiasticall Discipline Doctrine is as it were the soule of the Church and order as the sinnewes of the same to vphold it If the Church which is Gods house must not be a receptacle and harborow for dissolute persons and vnbeleeuing vnthrists and as both the Prophet and Iesus Christ himselfe termeth them a denne of theeues Then must there bee some order Iere. 7.11 Mat. 21.13 whereby to purge and preserue it from such 4 Particularly if the holy supper be ordained for the faithfull the children of God and the members of Iesus Christ Such as haue the gouernment of the Church must also haue some testimonie that they that desire to adioyne themselues thereto and to communicate therewith are taken to bee such as approuing the puritie of the doctrine doe not leade anie offensiue life And as for those that are once admitted to the communion they may continue therein by trying themselues because by the rule of charitie we are to beleeue that they perseuere in the faith godlines loue vntill either by reuolt from the doctrine offensiue conuersation or obstinate refusal of Christian admonitions exhortations they shew themselues vnworthie the communion whereto neuerthelesse vpon testimonie of their repentaunce and amendement of life they may bee againe admitted Let those therefore that stumbling at this order doe depriue themselues of the communion euen iudge in their owne consciences whether it bee not meete that order bee maintained and all persons subiected thereto rather then to bring in such confusion as indifferently to receiue to the Lordes supper all fornicators drunkerds theeues murderers and other like offensiue people whereof might ensue a most grieuous prophanation of the Lords table to the condemnation as well of those that so shall bee admitted as of them that voluntarilie doe admit them When Christ and Saint Iohn doe crie Amend your liues they speake also to such people that they vnderstanding how requisite this order is for the happie conduct of the Church in the feare of God accommodating themselues thereto may so dispose of themselues as to communicate in the Lordes supper to his glorie and theyr owne comfort and saluation 5 Some there are that voluntarilie doe abstaine from the communion because they cannot saie they resolue where the Church is as stumbling at the infirmities of such as doe communicate and still finding more faulte in the Church then in themselues These men shaming to bee reputed either halfe Papistes or of no Religion doe sometime frequent Sermons but they staie there and ioyne themselues to no Church Yea they euen doe seeme to reioyce when they heare of any the offences or infirmities of any of the members of the Church that thereby they may haue some collour to stand a loose Yet must they confesse that there is a Church in the worlde and that they must ioyne themselues thereto if they desire to bee in Gods house and partakers in the promises made to the Church To bee short if they looke to bee saued By alowing no Church they seperate themselues from the true Church that is vpon earth and consequently from the entrie into that which is in heauen If themselues should be in the fieldes ouertaken with some sharpe storme of wether woulde they stand still and seeke no couert vntill some great thicke leaued tree would offer it selfe to defend them Are they without fault The onely pride that possessing them maketh them to condemne all Churches considering they ioyne themselues to none doth sufficiently shew that they are not restrained so much by the particular faultes of some of the Church as by their owne offences and corruptions Mat. 18.1 and consequently haue such a mislike that they thinke no bread good In Christs Church which consisted but of twelue Apostles there was one traitor Mat. 26.65 There were ambitious disputations who should be chiefest in the kingdome of Christ They all forsooke their master and S. Peter thrice denyed him Mat. 26.69 How many faultes and corruptions did Saint Paule note and reproue in the Church of Corinth and the seuen flourishing Churches of Asia Apoc. 2. ● Yet all that ioyned in these Churches and in them were partakers of the holy supper were accompted faithfull chosen and contrariwise they that kept themselues without vnbeleeuers Neither is it a matter indifferent or at mens libertie whether they shal communicate or abstaine but a precept from God Doe this saith Iesus Christ in remembrance of me And S. Paul Let euery man trie himselfe Luk. 22.19 1. Cor. 11.28 Mat. 26.27 Num. 9.13 and so eate of this bread and drinke of this cuppe Againe Take eate Take drinke ye all God in old time ordained as is aforesaide that they that had opportunitie to eate of the passe-ouer and voluntarily did abstaine should be rooted out from among the people that is to say be no longer accompted any members of Gods Church We must therefore obey God and feare his iudgements and so resolue to ioyne with his Church and communicate in the holy supper of the Lord. 6 There is a certaine decree ascribed to Zepherin Bishopp of Rome wherein he ordaineth that all Christians should communicate at the least once a yeere In the decretal Cap. Omnis depen Remiss Platina in his life If wee consider the state of the Church in his time we shall finde that they oftner did communicate then they now doe in our Churches And indeed this communicating should bee better frequented then it is Neither did Zepherin meane to permit or alow them to cōmunicate but once a yeere but rather to reproue the corruption and sloth of those who desiring the name of Christians did neuer communicate and so shewed themselues vnworthie of that name if by communicating with the faithfull in the holy supper
and aske them whet●●r they haue not all to●●●e necessarie for theyr trades and occupations notwithstandi●● whatsoeuer hinderaunce of their pouertie Is not this a meere ●olly to excuse themselues by pouertie in this case and yet to haue no want of things necessarie for theyr occupations 〈◊〉 hee had cause to complaine when there were no bookes but such as were in written hand and consequently dere howe much more bitterly might hee comp●aine of the negligence and slouth of our dayes in all this great plentie and abundance of good bookes that by the helpe of printing maye bee had for so lyttle money Chri. his third sermon of Lazarus Seest thou not sayeth hee in another place the worke-men in mettalles the Golde-smith the Siluer-smith and all others that exercise anie occupation keepe all theyr tooles readie and in good order Albeit hunger compelleth and pouertie pincheth yet will they rather beare all than sell anie necessarie or needfull toole of theyr occupation to feede themselues withall yea many had rather borrowe vppon vsurie than pawne foorth anie one toole and good reason For they knowe that by pawning foorth theyr tooles they do depriue themselues of all ordinarie meanes to get theyr liuings and contrarywise that by keeping them they maye with profite discharge theyr debt But as hammers stithes and pinsers are the tooles of theyr occupations wherewyth to get theyr liuinges so the bookes of the Prophets and Apostles and all the bookes of the holy Scriptures are the tooles of Christianitie wherewith to obtaine saluation and life euerlasting And as artificers with theyr tooles and instrumentes doo finish their woorke so by the reading of the holye Scriptures our soules are corrected formed and renewed Which is more Artificers cannot transforme earth or woode into siluer or golde onelie they can by theyr arte and workmanshippe giue forme and shape vnto thinges but by the reading of Gods worde thou maist of a wooden or earthen vessell make a vessell of golde or siluer as the holy Apostle Saint Paule teacheth saying In a great house are not onely vesselles of golde and of siluer 2. Tim. 2.20 z. 1 but also of woode and of earth If anie man therefore purge himselfe from these hee shall bee a vessell vnto honour sanctifyed and meete for the Lorde and prepared vnto euerie good worke Thus concluding his speech hee sayth Let vs not be neglygent to buy books For euen the sight of them as he addeth shall put vs in minde of our dueties as well to withdrawe vs from sinne and iniquitie as to cause vs to perseuere in holynesse and righteousnesse and to praie to God to giue vs grace so to doo 3 What excuse shall wee pretende in the sight of God when in this abundance and easie meanes to get bookes by the helpe of printing wee are so loth to buy them and so carelesse of reading them thereby shewing our selues most vnthankefull and vnworthie that fauour and grace at Gods hande considering withall that wee are so often and earnestly exhorted to our dueties in reading and meditating vppon his woorde Let the word of Christ sayth Saint Paule dwell in you plenteous●ie in all wisedome Colos 3 1● teaching and admonishing one another Hee speaketh to the Collossians both to men and women and willeth that this doctrine of the Gospell should be so familiar vnto them that it might take roote in them whereby to be instructed both for themselues to teach others We haue sayth Saint Peter a most sure worde of the Prophets 2. Pet. 1.19 to the which yee do wel that ye take heed as vnto a light that shineth in a darke place Hee compareth the writings of the Prophets to a candle shining in the darke and therefore exhorteth vs to take the same to bee our light Psal 119.105 Ephes 6.17 as Dauid also sayth The woorde of God is a light to my steppes Saint Paule calleth Gods worde the swoord of the spirite wherewith he willeth vs to bee armed to fight against the deuill But how shall wee take this swoord in hande vnlesse wee become diligent readers of the holy Scriptures wherwith after the example of Iesus Christ Math. 4. Rom. 15.4 to resell the temptations of the deuill saying It is written It is written If as Saint Paule sayth all that is written is written for our learning that wee maye haue hope by patience and comfort in the Scriptures Shall not wee make vaine the prouidence of the heauenlye goodnesse which hath giuen and preserued the Scriptures for vs if we doo not with diligence reade in them to the end thereby to bee comforted and strengthned in patience 2. Tim. 3.16 hope and faith If all holie Scripture be giuen by inspiration from God and bee profitable to teach to improoue to correct and to instruct in righteousnesse ought not wee diligently to exercise our selues in reading and meditation thereof to the end to reape such excellent fruit of the same 4 Men are flatterers and wee are blinde in our owne corruptions whereto we are naturally affected and therefore it is most necessarie that wee shoulde often heare God speaking vnto vs in the holy Scriptures instructing improuing correcting and exhorting vs to our duties When the young man mentioned by Saint Luke asked of Iesus Christ what hee should doe to obtayne euerlasting lyfe Luke 10.26 Christ aunswered What is written in the Lawe How doest thou reade Thereby shewing that the Lawe is written for vs to reade that in it wee maye knowe what wee are to doo in discharge of our duetie towarde God When the cursed rich man prayed Abraham to sende Lazarus to his brethren Luke 6.29 hee aunswered They haue Moses and the Prophets let them reade them He thereby taught vs that wee must reade the Scriptures and in them learne the meanes to escape euerlasting tormentes with that cursed riche man and neuer hope of anie mans comming from death to teach vs. Dauid a most excellent Prophet was well instructed in the Lawe yet the hundreth and nineteenth Psalme doth at large declare Psal 119 Dan. 9.2 Act. 17.11 how diligent and carefull hee was in reading and meditating Daniel notwithstanding his many reuelations lefte not off the reading of the bookes of Ieremie Saint Luke highlye commendeth the Birrheans because they were of better stomacke than the Iewes at Thessalonica to receiue with al readines the word preached by Saint Paul and dayly to conferre the scriptures to know whether it were so so the better to gather knowledge by the conference of the Scriptures with the truth which they had heard that they might bee the rather confirmed therein This zeale and diligence of the Birrheans shall rise vp in iudgement agaynst vs euen against vs who hauing heard the preaching do no farther endeuor by reading the Scriptures to confirme our selues more and more in the heauenly doctrine preached vnto vs. Act. 8 Queene Candaces Eunuch might wel as it seemeth haue exempted
otherwise to another then thou wouldest be done vnto To be short he had such a liking and so hartely embraced this sentence that he caused the same to be written and engrauen in his imperial pallace and in many publique works The other rule resteth in this which Iesus Christ commaundeth saying Mat. 7.21 Whatsoeuer yee would that men should doe to you euen so doe yee to them Now the loue of our selues importeth that men shoulde not only forbeare doing of vs hurt but also that they should do vs good Draco Licurgus Solon and other lawgiuers haue written and set foorth many good lawes whereby to maintaine man in equitie and vpright dealing many Philosophers haue written good bookes for the framing of the manners of men Yet all their great volumes their long discourses and the multitude of their lawes haue alwaies had great imperfections and tended as it were to the ordering but of the outward man and so in parte to make men hypocrites because they could neuer attaine to the knowledge of true Christian loue But God in one onely short sentence saying Loue thy neighbour as thy selfe hath comprehended the whole dutie of man one towarde another that they may liue together in al equitie peace loue and felicitie And thus may these two naturall rules Doe no otherwise to another then thou wouldest be doone vnto and Doe as yee woulde be doone vnto be sufficient commentaries vpon all Christian pollicie In this sence did Saint Paule iustly call this loue Col 3.14 the bond of all perfection And indeed if we would loue one another as our selues and declare our loue by these two naturall rules then should there bee among vs neither fraud iniurie wrong nor deceitfull dealing Then should all ambition pride couetousnesse enuie hatred euill speaking and other like passions cease We should see nothing but equitie peace concord 1. Cor. 13.4 loue reliefe and mutuall assistance And these fruites of loue doth Saint Paul note saying Loue suffereth long it is bountifull loue enuieth not loue doth not boast it selfe it is not puffed vp It disdaineth not it seeketh not her owne thinges it is not prouoked to anger it thinketh none euill It reioyceth not in iniquitie but reioyceth in the truth It suffereth all thinges it beleeueth all thinges It hopeth all thinges it endureth all things To be short if wee practise this loue we shall euen in this life beginne to tast the blessed estate of the kingdome of heauen whereto being lifted vp wee shall loue one another as our selues and reioyce at our neighbours good as at our owne Let vs alwaies therefore remember this commaundement that we loue our neighbour as our selues and hartely let vs endeuour to shew it by the practise of these two rules still harkening to nature who crieth saying Doe no otherwise to another then thou wouldest bee doone vnto And Doe as thou wouldest be done by 4 We are also farther to consider 1 Pet. 1.22 1 Pet. 4 8. that this loue must not bee colde but seruent not slacke but earnest and vehement as Saint Peter admonisheth vs. And that it may bee such it is requisite first that we hold nothing so deare or so precious as to bee alwayes readie to employ our selues for our neighbour yea euen to the spending of our liues Iohn 3.16 after the example of the loue that Iesus Christ shewed vnto vs as Saint Iohn sayth Hereby haue we knowen his loue that he gaue his life for vs. So are wee also to giue our liues for our brethren Secondly the heate and seruencie of our loue and charitie ought to bee such as might su●mount any thinge that shoulde quaile it as ingratitude hatred iniurie or vnworthienesse of our neighbours And indeede if wee must loue our neighbour for the loue of God If the Image God in him doth thereto binde vs. If being parcell of our flesh wee ought thereto to bee affected then notwithstanding whatsoeuer vnworthienesse bee in him yet God must not loose his right his image is not vtterly defaced Neither is that coniunction wherewith God bindeth vs together taken away Luk. 10.29 Therefore doth Iesus Christ by the parable of the Samaritan teach vs that euery one knowen vnknowen straunger yea euen an enemie as were the Samaritans to the Iewes is our neighbour whome wee must loue as our selues And so did Iesus Christ Mat. 5.43 correcting the false glose of the Pharisies expound it saying You haue heard that it hath beene saide Thou shalt loue thy neighbour and hate thine enemie But I saye vnto you loue your enemies And which is more hee willeth that wee shoulde testifie this loue not with our lippes only but also in deedes and workes by blessing those that curse vs by doing well to those that hate vs and by praying for those that molest and persecute vs. Exod. 23.4.5 5 This did Moses in his daies teach saying If thou meetest thy enemies Oxe or his Asse going astray thou shalt bring him to him againe Againe If thou see thy enemies Asse lying vnder his burden leaue thy busines that he may not rise alone yea leaue thy busines help him vp 1. Cor. 9.9 Or as others doe expound it See thou dost not forsake him vntill his master hath first forsaken him Careth God for beastes saith S. Paul That he should thus commend them to vs. Is it not rather hereby to shew vs what we are to doe to the person of our enemie sith we are bound to such a dutie to his Oxe or his Asse Rom. 12 20. as Saint Paul teacheth vs saying If thy enemie hungereth giue him meate If he thirst giue him drinke And because the practise hereof is very difficult Iesus Christ himselfe Mat. 5.45 the rather to induce vs to this dutie protesteth that In so doing we shall be the Children of his heauenly father who maketh his sunne to shine vpon both good and bad Mat. 5 46. and causeth his raine to fall vpon the righteous and the vnrighteous Hereby we gather that if our charitie be bound●d onely to our friendes and that we extend not the same euen to our enemies it is not the charitie of the children of God but as Iesus Christ addeth of publicans and infidels Also in workes and deedes if we shew not the loue that wee beare to our enemies it is in vaine for vs to protest that wee wish them no more hurt then to our selues or that wee loue them or wish as well to them as to our selues The holy historie expressely noteth that Absalom vsed no hard words to his brother Ammon who had defouled Thamar the said Absalons sister Yet loued he him not neither wished his good but in his hart nourished cruell hatred against him which hee finally declared by pro●●●●●g him trayterously to bee murthered And thus it appeareth that speaking neither well nor ill betokeneth hatred and mallice For loue can not but both speake wel and do well euen to
lyfe taken awaie not onely by swoord or violence but also by not ministering vnto his necessities And therefore Saint Ambrose sayth Hee that refuseth the poore in theyr necessitie Ambrose vpon the Psalm Beati imaculati Luk. 6.9 killeth them Let vs therefore as hee addeth beware wee burie not their liues in our coffers Iesus Christ himselfe confirmeth the premises For when vppon the sabbaoth daie hee purposed to heale the man that had the withered hand hee asked of the Pharisies that were offended thereat whether it were lawfull vppon the sabbaoth daie to do good or to hurt to saue or to kill thereby shewing that the deferring of the cure of the poore man was an euyll deede yea euen murder Moreouer God forbiddeth to steale but when wee giue to the poore wee giue nothing of our owne onely we distribute to them that which is theyrs yea which it were the euerie to keepe from them It is the hungrie mannes bread saith Saint Ambrose that thou keepest locked vp and the naked mans garment that thou reseruest If thou canst helpe him thou takest from him whatsoeuer thou deniest him in his necessitie And indeede euery man must thinke that he is not master and Lord but onely steward of those goods that God hath put into his hands And therefore as a receiuer a treasurer or a steward if he keepe backe that which he is commanded to furnish or deliuer forth is an vnfaithfull seruant and a theefe euen so are we so long as we retaine that wherewith we should relieue the poore in their necessitie And as the Moone receiuing her light from the sunne doth impart it vnto men so are men to impart vnto the poore of the goods which they haue receiued from the Lord. Thinke not therefore that the reliefe of the poore is left at our choise for it is Gods commandement as is before declared and so it is disobedience ingratitude vnrighteousnesse sinne yea euen murder and sacriledge in the sight of God because we relieue not their necessities according to such ability as we haue receiued from the Lord And albeit such murder and sacriledge passeth vntouched by the sworde of the magistrate yet in the presence of God it is worthie of death and euerlasting damnation 6 Which is more through this neglect and contempt of the poor we doe so much as in vs lieth ouerthrow Gods prouidence For in as much as he is our creator it is also his part to feede and maintaine vs and hee therefore so far honoreth some as to giue them more plenty of goods then to other som Yet not that they should riotously wast them but rather to lay them vp that they may bee his ministers 2. Cor. 9.12 to nourish and relieue the needie so that if wee neglect the poore their want their hunger and nakednesse will crie out vpon vs before God and accuse our infidelitie and ingratitude And God hearing theyr crie and being therein dishonored will take reuenge thereof Basil Hom. 1. But contrariwise when wee doe relieue the necessitie of the poore our charitie saith Saint Paule causeth them to praise God by acknowledging his care of them in that hee giueth to men both charitie and meanes whereby to releeue their necessitie God by this his prouidence sayth Saint Basill hath ordained for man two crownes for the poore the crowne of pacience and for the rich the crowne of liberalitie And as the poore doe depriue themselues of their crowne by impaciencie and murmuring so ought the rich by helping the poore to striue to obtaine the crowne of liberalitie And to this purpose they are to remember this sentence pronounced by Iesus Christ as Saint Paule saith It is a more blessed thinge to giue then to take Because he that taketh receiueth onelie corporall assistaunce But hee that giueth Act. 20 35. besides the commoditie of meanes whereby to helpe himselfe and the honour to bee a stewarde of Gods goods hee also purchaseth a crowne a permanent treasure in life euerlasting And this is one pointe which shoulde also kindle vs in the dutye of charitie 7 Most men doe imagine that all that they giue to the poore is so much diminution of their owne goodes and losse to them yea euen as money cast into the sea And this theyr false opinion groweth heereof that in their conceite they reape no profite thereof in this lyfe because they doe not apprehend the rewarde promised in life euerlasting But these men shoulde first remember the prouerbe hee that payeth empouerisheth not But wee are endebted to the poore in their necessities Whatsoeuer then wee giue them is not money lost but so much employed toward the discharge of our obligation in the sight of God Moreouer by this mistaking they abolish faith which assureth vs not of things that wee see with our eyes but of thinges inuisible neither of that which is present but of that that is to come As therefore the promise is the foundation of faith so are wee carefull to meditate thereupon that wee may assure our selues that our charitie hath great reward in the sight of God and so be stirred vp therto First it is one thinge to bee noted as is aforesaide Mat. 25. that the sentence which Iesus Christ shall pronounce in the daie of iudgement shall be grounded vpon the helpe and reliefe or neglect and contempt of the poore as also that the Sonne of God shall call and bring into the possession of the inheritance of his euerlasting kingdome all those that shall haue ministred foode or apparell vnto the poore that shall haue visited the sicke or in generall haue relieued those that haue beene in affliction and contrariwise shall send all such as haue beene negligent and slacke in these workes of charitie into euerlasting fire with the deuill and his Angels And as hee shall call the one sorte the blessed of God his father and the other the cursed so shall the sentence bee imediatelie executed as the holy Euangelist Saint Mathew reporteth and such as haue beene mercyfull shall enter into euerlasting lyfe and the others into euerlasting tormentes of hell fire prepared for the deuill and his Angels This sentence should continually ring in our eares not that wee shoulde thinke our selues able through these works of charitie to merite this euerlasting kingdome considering it is called an inheritance and hath beene prepared for vs as Iesus Christ himself saith from before the foundations of the world also that hee purchased it for vs by dying for our redemption and hereof he assureth vs by the testimonie of the holy Ghost ingendering faith in vs but because these workes of charitie are the true fruites effectes and markes of our faith and consequently of our election and adoption and the way whereby he willeth vs to walke toward the possession of his euerlasting kingdome To the end also that wee should not doubt of the performaunce of this sentence Iesus Christ aduoweth whatsoeuer our doings
of mortall infection and stench And Plato terming it a bayte for all mischiefe thereby sufficiently sheweth that such as giue themselues thereto are taken and killed euen as the fish that taketh the hooke couered with the baite Neither were they much mistaken that compared it to venome or strong poyson tempered with hypocras or sweete milke And indeede this voluptuous pleasure so poysoneth man that it depriueth him of the reason and vertue of his soule together with the helpe of his bodie and maketh him vnworthie to bee reckoned among men And in that respect sayth Cycero hee that is giuen to lust iudgeth all thinges not by reason but by his owne sence and so thinketh that to be the best which most delighteth him and so doth easilye consent to bee caryed awaie with pleasures which longe him more and more in calamitie Neither can we follow pleasure vnlesse wee renounce vertue because that pleasure respecteth the particular and vertue the good of the common And therefore there is not so badde a Lord and master as pleasure and voluptuousnesse whose nature is to make a man readie to all mischiefe and slowe to anie goodnesse It weakneth the bodie as Diogenes noted when to one giuen to lust and pleasure hee applyed this saying of Homer Child thy life is short The same Diogenes also acknowledging that which wee haue saide namely that it is a vice vnbeseeming man doth aptly declare his minde For in that the Athenians were much addicted to lust and pleasure and the Lacedemonians to sobrietie and temperancie as himselfe was trauayling from Lacedemon to Athens beeing demaunded whence hee came and whither hee woulde hee answered that he came from among men but was going toward women And the same doeth Iustine note in Sardanapalus who sayd he Iustin is his first booke liued in pleasures more sit to bee a woman than a man especially one that raigned ouer so many prouinces And in deed that lustfull lyfe was the worker of his death Cicer. li. 2. de finibus through the conspiracie of some that could not lyke to bee gouerned by so voluptuous a king And therefore dyd Cicero iustly saie that he that giueth himselfe ouer to lust but one day is vnworthie the name of a man And in deede lust is more sit and conuenient for hogs than for a man endued with reason and vnderstanding 3 To conclude what greater iniurie can our enemie worke vs Sen. Epist 28 sayth Seneca than these lusts doth vnto many for plunging them selues therein they get such a custome that they become most miserable in that they grow into necessitie of things before superfluous because they cannot bee without them and so doo serue their lusts which they cannot inioy yea which is the type of all calamitie they loue theyr owne mishap And this enemie is so much the more dangerous because wyth the outward face alluring baites thereof it hath ouercome the strongest and most valyant men in the world as Hanibal who after he had ouercommen his enimies was conquered by lust and pleasure It is a gulfe or fire that deuoureth mans substance and wealth wherwith he should liue maintaine himselfe and his familie and which is another miserie a path to all wicked practises namely to popular seditions wherein men may fish in troubled water and finde some pretence to get other mens goods to prosecute theyr owne pleasures Pythagoras to that purpose sayde that pleasure once entered into townes engendered sacietie then violence and lastly destruction and contrarywise that sobrietie temperance are the two means to shun such inconueniences In lyke sense the Philosopher Heraclitus being required to shew the originall of sedition and how it might bee restrained in stead of some long oration to the people called for a little water and meale tempering them together he drunk it and so without anie more speeches departed thereby declaring that continence and sobrietie were the meanes to maintain peace and concord 4 If the heathen who had respect onely to man and to this present life could saie thus much a against lust how farre ought Gods children to detest it in respect of the life to come August in a certain Sermō And in deed he saith Saint Augustine who for a small pleasure giueth that for the which Christ dyed namely his bodie and soule sheweth that hee esteemeth Iesus Christ to be but a foolish and vnwise marchant that would redeeme with such a price that which the voluptuous man esteemeth so little of and giueth so cheape when he giueth ouer himselfe to destruction for so small a pleasure which wil soone be ouer When lusts pleasures saith Saint Ambrose haue wounded a man they are gone when they haue brought him into miserie they are retired and when they haue made him most wretched they haue forsaken him Saint Barnard noteth three sorts of persecutions in the Church the first by tyrants the seconde by heretikes and the last by lusts and pleasures whereto hee addeth that this last is the most pernitious applying to that purpose this sentence which hee alleadgeth out of Esaie In my peace my bitternes is most bitter Esay 38.17 And then saith B●tter is the persecution of tyrantes more bitter of heretikes but most bitter of all is that of lusts and pleasures The same doth Chrisostome confirme saying We incur more harme by the plesures of the flesh than by the most grieuous torments of tormentors for torments do beget martyrs but lusts do beget Epicures Of torments we forme vertues but of lusts we norish increase vice And therfore we may compare our lusts to the apple which our first parents transgressing Gods cōmandemēt did eat in paradise Gen 3.6 1. Tim. 5.6 which being faire to the eie was mortal to the mouth Whereupon S. Paul saith The widow that liueth in pleasure is dead while she liueth 5 Sith then that Iesus Christ admonisheth vs to amend let vs take heed of so dangerous and pernitious an enemy to that end let vs remember all the sentences before mentioned by the which euery man may vnderstād that vnles he mind to be altogether miserable and wretched he must shun such lusts pleasures And by them no doubt is the common prouerbe meant For one pleasure a thousand sorrowes not in respect of this life onely but in respect of the life euerlasting To this purpose do we reade that Lisimachus when the Scithians had besieged him in a place where for want of water he was forced to yeld after he had dronke fresh water said Alas what a great felicitie haue I lost for a very short pleasure If a Painim would so grieue for loosing a temporall felicitie howe much rather ought we that professe to beleeue Gods word by the testimonie of the same are to expect life and euerlasting felicitie both to think and say when lusts do assalt vs Alas wretch that I am shall I for inioying a briefe temporal pleasure
this when he beheld the glorie of Iesus Christ 15 According to the purpose of the premises we saie that whereas God hath chosen some euen whome hee woulde and not other some and in all that God in his prouidence hath ordained done for the execution thereof there resteth such wisedome goodnesse mercie and iustice that for the approuing of that which in the wisdome of mans flesh seemeth strange vniust it sufficeth to shew that the same was so ordained and decreed in the eternall and determinate counsel of God And indeed if anie man ask why the gospell is preached rather to some than to other some also why among those to whom it is preached some doo beleeue some do rest vnbeleeuers it is reason sufficient to aunswere that some are chosen and other some are not So many saieth Saint Luke did beleeue as were ordained to life euerlasting You beleeue not saieth Iesus Christ because yee are not my sheep Acts 13.42 Iohn 10.26 My sheep heare my voyce and follow mee When the Apostles asked Iesus Christ why he taught the people by parables wherein they had no vnderstanding which afterward hee opened to them alone hee lifted them vp into this consideration that they were chosen and the other not To you sayth he it is giuen to know the secrets of the kingdome of heauen Marke 13.10 but it is not giuen to them And therefore when we reade that some euen in lieu of conuerting and beleeuing haue bin hardned and become more wicked whereby the preaching of the Gospell hath bin vnto them a sauour of death vnto death It sufficeth that we aunswere that this befalleth not the elect but as Saint Paule saith 2. Cor. 2.15 those that perish and are vessels of wrath prepared to perdition And therfore the preaching of the Gospell whereby some are hardned is neuerthelesse of a sweet sauour before God as hee doeth expresly affirme 16 Let vs therefore conclude that all that God hath willed in the election of some and not of other some and in his prouidence and the execution of the same is good righteous holy and commendable And albeit we cannot comprehend it yet let vs beware that of our ignorance we take no occasion to blaspheme God but rather let vs acknowledge that it is because we doo not yet know anie thing of the incomprehensible holynes of Iesus Christ namely that he hath an infinite power to dispose of his creatures as hee will an incomprehensible wisedome to ordeine most wisely mercie and iustice which in him are but one essence wherby he can do nothing but in mercy iustice This if thou doest not vnderstand I saie to thee againe accuse thine owne ignoraunce and reuerence this holynesse which passeth thy vnderstanding Beleeue so much as in his word he testifieth vnto thee and permit this infinit power and wisedome to doo and to know euen that which thou canst not comprehend Remember that he dwelleth in an vnaccessible light which thou must reuerence but not enter into Beware thou beest not an aduocate for so wicked a cause 1. Tim 6 16 Rom. 3.4 Psalm 51 6 as is the cause of the reprobate to iustifie it in the sight of God For howsoeuer thou thinkest it to be he will alwaies as Dauid saith ouercome when he is iudged 17 In the meane time for the better vnderstanding of our intent knowledg in this doctrine we saie that if we stād vpon the consideration of mans creation to the image of God both hee and all that are descended of him were created to life for in man created to the image of God there was no matter or argument of death But if wee speake of the predestination hidden in the eternall counsell of God the same is a profound deapth that should euen rauish vs into admiration And whereas Saint Paule calleth those that are not elect vessels of wrath prepared to destruction he hath regard to theyr first original and nature of men Rom. 9. 22 Heb. 7.10 Rom. 5.12 according as all beeing yet in the loines of Adam when he transgressed Gods commandement dyd all sinne in him and are all guiltie of death and infected with mortall corruption Not that there was not in God a former counsell which went before wherby he had decreed and disposed of his creatures vpon certaine causes to vs vnknowen but for that from the transgression of Adam proceeded the curse and death of mankinde Saint Paule sayth that God prepared vessels of mercie for his glorie because that all that the elect haue to guide them to life euerlasting proceedeth of the grace of God Rom. 9.13 but others are prepared to perdition because they are giuen ouer to themselues so that following their owne corruptions they go according to the eternall decree of God to destruction And heereof do we gather that albeit God had iust cause to vs vnknowen thus to dispose of his creatures by choosing some and reiecting other some yet did hee not hate or condemne anie thing but sinne and corruption It is not therefore fit that wee should seeke the cause of the destruction of the reprobate in heauen when wee see that it resteth in earth neither that we should impute that vnto God which is in man himselfe neither should the reprobate also murmure at the mercie of God poured vppon the elect considering that God may doo good to whom he wil either at their owne destruction whereof there resteth a twofold occasion in thēselues namely original sin the iniquities that do therof daily proceed 18 Moreouer as concerning the transgression of Adam Eue 1. Sam. 2.6 Amos 3.6 Iere. La. 3.38 Iob. 30.39 Psalme 104. 105. 106 107. 136 Math. 10.29 it is certaine that the same neuer came to passe without the decree and ordinance of God And in deed the holy Scripture in infinite places doth testifie that all things depend vpon his prouidence decree If a sparow falleth not to the ground without the will of God shall man so excellent a creature created after the image of God take so horrible a fall without his prouidence and decree A man may giue a little child some small stripe with a rod without the parents appointment which notwithstanding they would peraduenture dissemble and winke at but none dare vndertake to cut him of the stone or to cut off any lim without his fathers good will and authority Euen so the greater that the importance of Adams transgression was in that it tended to destroie ouerthrow so excellent a work of God namely man created to his image the more are we to beleeue that it was neuer doone without his counsell or decree Moreouer if in his prouidence hee hath ordained what he will haue done with all other creatures hath he not think you ordained what shall be done with the principall and most excellent for which he created all the others Again if God creating all the world
neither willeth any other thing but in wisedome and iustice Likewise it is to his glorye to haue a iustice wisedome and bounty that shall infinitelye surmounte mans capacitie And therefore let vs abhorre all replications murmurings and blasphemies vsed by those who labouring to comprehend that which is to man incomprehensible dare presume either to corrupt or to denye the holye doctrine of predestination and Gods prouidence and accusing him of vniustice and crueltye against mankinde dare maintaine that he is the author of sinne 22 Herein are such men worse then the very deuils and indeed they hauing bene created Angels iust holy and good did reuolte But came that to passe without Gods prouidence 1. Tim. 5.21 In that the Apostle Saint Paul maketh mention of elect Angels he thereby doth note that the rest were giuen ouer to themselues and so reiected Besides euer since the beginning of the worlde they haue still sinned more and more neither can they but sinne in respect of their wicked malice and corruption and thereby augment their horrible tormentes for the day of iudgement These I say are in all extremity malicious slaunderers and lyers yet doe we not read that any deuils did euer accuse God of iniustice against them either obiect that hee were the author of their sinne either maintaine that necessarily sinning they are to be excused But contrariwise they feele in themselues that they are iustlye condemned and beleeuing that there is a God doe tremble neither doe we reade that they euer complained that Iesus Christ came to torment them vniustly Iames. 2 19. but before their time and that in respect that alredy seeing their iudge they did apprehend the horrible torments wherinto they should be by him cast headlong in the day of iudgment which they perceiued to be neerer at hand then they could haue wi●hed In what degree shall we then place those men that seeke either to abolish Gods prouidence or to accuse him of iniustice or to maintaine that hee is the author of sin 23 If any troublesome spirite which cannot be satisfied with the premises wil stil in questions and replications be skirmishing heer-against let vs not be ashamed with S. Aug. to saye Consider what God is and what thy self art that he is God and thou man If thou thinkest to speak iustly shal the fountain of all iustice be drye Aug. vpon the words of the Apostle Serm. 20. O man doest thou expect an answere from me I also am a man and therefore let vs both giue care to him that saith vnto vs. O man what art thou Surely a faithful ignorance is better thē a rash knowledge Dost thou look for merits thou shalt finde nothing but punishment Oh the depth Peter denieth Christ the theefe beleeueth in him Oh the depth Sekest thou a reason for those things I am amazed at the depth of them I cannot attain to any bottome Paul found where to rest by growing into admiratiō he saith that Gods iudgements do surmount all knowledge and commest thou to search into them he saith that his waies cannot be followed yet thou wilt tread his steps hereto also do the same tend which in an other place he speketh very briefe Wilt thou argue against me rather maruel with me and cry out Oh depth Aug. vpon the words of the Apostle Serm. 11. let vs both agree in feare least we perish togither in error And indeede what can the most learnedest wits of these daies propound which the Apostle knew not in answere to the obiections of those that seek to reuerse this doctrine yet he by holding his peace doth by his example teach that against al replications we are to oppose onely the wisedome iustice goodnes power and glory of God And such as cānot be content with these answers which contain the true sanctificatiō of the name of God and proceed from the holy Ghost can neuer be staied by any that proceed from the wisedom of men 24 As this name holy attributed to Iesus Christ doth teach vs as is aforesaid that his goodnesse power truth wisedome mercye and iustice is infinite and incomprehensible so to the end wee may amend let vs beware that we vndertake not to sight against the simplicity and truth of this holy doctrine let prety charity and zeale to the edification peace of the Church of Christ mortifie in vs all curiosity presumption and ambition Let vs beware that we seek not to sound the depth of Gods wisdome which is infinit least iustly we be therein snared and swallowed vp And in case anye to the ende obstinatelye to reiect this doctrine which is confirmed with so many and such euident testimonies of the worde of God Rom 3.7 doe yet persist in the vse of replication repugnant to the nature of God let vs with the Apostle say that their condemnation is iust Beholde therefore in what sort we are for the amending of our liues to learn to renounce the accursed wisedome of the flesh and all diuelish rashenesse which will presume to condemne the thing which we doe not vnderstand and contrariwise to reuerence the secrets of God which doe passe our capacities and his workes which we are not able to comprehend that so depending in all humilitie and faith vpon so much as it shall please him to reueale vnto vs wee may constantly sanctifie the name of holy most holy with this holy resolutiō that whatsoeuer he ordeineth doth or commaundeth cannot be but holye and commendable as proceeding from his perfect and infinite holinesse The third cause of amendment deriued from the predestination and prouidence of God entreated of in the former Chapter Chap. 3. SVch as cauill against this doctrine of predestination and Gods prouidence do among other matters alleadge this false inconuenience which is an enemy to the amendment of life and that in two sortes and say if we be predestinate to be of the number of the reprobate it is in vaine for vs to endeuour to liue wel and vprightly for albeit we should amend yet of necessitie we must be damned Others say if we be elect we cannot perishe albeit we doe euill and neuer amend our liues But let vs consider the absurdity of their speeches and then we will declare in how many sortes and how earnestly the doctrine of Gods predestination and prouidence should moue vs to amend First it is a great presumption to reiect the euident testimonies of Gods worde vpon an absurdity forged in mans braine as in old time did the Saduces who denyed the resurrection Mat. 22.23 Mat 20 16. Mar. 13 20. Eph. 1.4 Rom. 9.11 and 11.5 Phil. 4.3 Iud. verse 4. Gods worde in many places and very plainely doth testifie that God hath elected some to saluation and reiected other some that being giuen ouer to themselues they might be reproued Those men therfore doe growe to great rashnesse that dare alleadge that it is in vaine to amend in case they be reprobates that by this
absurditye forged in their own brains they may cauil and reiect this doctrine of predestination and consequently deny the worde of God let them rather acknowledge their ignorance and confesse that they ought to beleeue and doe that which God saith albeit they cannot comprehend the reason therof and not complaine in their false conceits and so reiect the euident testimonies of the holy scripture Secondly in as much as God who knoweth both the elect and the reprobate commaundeth all to amend 2. Tim. 2.19 Iohn 13.8 with what conscience can they which know not whether they be of the number of the reprobates think to exempt themselues from their due obedience or alleadge that it were in vaine in case they were reprobates for they cannot deny but that all men are bound to obey God vnder paine of damnation euen albeit they could not comprehend whereto this obedience should serue yea or that of their obedience they should not looke to reape any benefite or profit 2 Thirdly such as God hath forsaken and so are reprobates can neuer amend and therefore it is a false presupposion to say that it were in vaine for them to amend in case they should be of the number of the reprobate considering that it cannot be that the reprobate should amend as if a man should say seeing that hee that sinneth against the holy Ghost shall neuer obtaine remission of his sinne it is in vaine for him to amend this speech presupposeth false namely that he can amend so likewise that it is in vaine for a reprobate to amend is a false imagination because no reprobate can amend Againe the same which those men doe confesse must be done for the bodily life Mat. 12.31 because they know not how God hath ordained therof doth condemne them in that which they alledge concerning the soule for not knowing how God hath ordeined of their bodily life or death they can confesse that they must eate and drinke to preserue life and neuer alleadge that it is in vaine in case God hath decreed that they should dye the next day In matter therefore of the soule they are likewise to confesse that they ought to amend and neuer to alledge that it is in vaine in case their place be among the reprobate otherwise that which they eat and drinke for the preseruing of their transitory liues wil beare witnesse against them that the allegation of this ab●urditye by themselues forged doth in matter of the soule proceede either of grosse ignorance or of malice and peeuishnesse 3 Moreouer as the effect of Predestination sheweth it selfe either by the obedience or disobedience to Gods worde so they which say that if they be not of the number of the elect it is in vaine for them to amend doe teach men to take the marke and way of the reprobate which is not to amend rather should the horrible punishment of the reprobate induce them to amend in hope that by amendment they may grow into the number of the eiect Marc. 1.15 To conclude where God preaching his Gospell declareth that it is his will that thou shouldest beleeue amend and be saued Mat. 4.17 Why dost thou reiect his reuealed wil vnder a pretence that thou wottest not what hee hath determined of thee in his secret counsaile Why dost thou not rather giue credit to his protestation Ezech. 33.11 who saith I will not the death of a sinner but rather that he should conuert and liue Conuert therfore and liue and forsaking that wicked suggestion of the deuill who saieth Peraduenture it is in vaine for thee to conuert for if thou beest none of the elect thou shalt not liue doe God that honor to beleeue that hee is true and the deuill a lyer for in that doubte whether thou beest elect or no know thou that conuersion and amendment is a token fruit of thy election and contrariwise obstinacie and proceeding in wickednes is a manifest signe of reprobation 4 Let vs now come to the other proposition If we be elect say they we cannot perish and therefore need not to amend First this is the speeche of a hyreling who properly feareth not to offend God but to be punished by God for that he would not amend but for feare of damnation Secondly in as much as by the amendement of our liues God is greatly glorified and our neighbours edified Confesse that either thou makest no accompt of the glory of God or the saluation of thy neighbours or else that thy speeche is peruerse when thou saiest Being elected I cannot perish and therfore neede not to amend for albeit amendment should stand thee in no stead yet is it requisite and meet that thou shouldst amend were it but to glorifie God Mat. 22.37 and to helpe to the saluation of thy neighbour and heereto art thou bound because God commaundeth thee to loue him with all thy hart and thy neighbour as thy selfe Thirdly thou dost plainely beat downe this purpose of election which S. Paul doth propound Eph. 1.4 when he saith God hath elected vs that we might be holy and vnreproueable As if a Souldier saith I am enrowled and therefore I need not to fight wil not euery man say that he doth but mocke for hee is not enrowled for any other end euen so doe wee mocke with God if we say that being elected we need not to liue vertuously considering that contrariwise we are elected onely to this end to be holy 5 Again election to saluation doth not abolish but establish the second causes and the meanes by God ordeined for the attayning therto And indeed God for the sauing of his elect hath ordained that they should beleeue in Iesus Christ that to procure beleefe they should heare the Gospell that they should pray to God to giue them his holy spirite that they should amend and walke in his feare and that they should be exhorted to these duties God I say hath in his wisedome ordeined all these meanes whereby to bring his elect to eternall saluation What rashenesse is it therfore in man to vpholde that the elect neede not beleeue in Iesus Christ heare the holy Gospell or amende their liues To be shorte that they neede not the meanes ordeyned by God for the bringing of them vnto life euerlasting Is not this to seeke to be wiser then God to striue against his wisedome to reuerse his will and to abolish the meanes whereby hee hath ordeined to bring the elect to saluation When therefore to the end to bring the doctrine of predestination into hatred thou saiest that thereof it doth necessarily followe that the elect need not to heare the Gospell to beleeue in Iesus Christ to amend their liues to praye to God or to be exhorted to these duties thou seest that it is all false and that contrariwise God will saue his electe by these meanes which in his wisedome hee hath ordeyned Necessarilye therefore the elect must be saued yet by
stil looke vpon Secondly vpon the eternall decree and vnchangeable will of God whereof the Prophet Esay maketh mention saying in the person of God My Counsell shall holde Esay 46.10 and I wil accomplish my pleasure Thirdly because he that hath elected vs to saluation and life hath withall ordained and prepared most certaine and requisite meanes vndoubtedly to lead vs to the enioying of the same S. Paul in a short sentence noteth these three foundations of the assurance of the elect to attain to life euerlasting Rom. 8.29 Those saith he which God knew before he also predestinated to be made like to the image of his sonne that he might be the first borne among many brethren And whome hee predestinated them he also called and whom he called them also he iustified and whom he iustifyed 2. Tim. 2.19 them he also glorifyed First he saith that God did know before that is from all eternity those whom he would saue Could he be deceaued God saith the Apostle in another place knoweth those that be his Secondly he saith that he had predestinated them to make them like to the image of his sonne His will and decree is it not vnchangeable Thirdly he sheweth that he hath ordeined for them all that is requisite to leade them to saluation saying that hee hath called iustified them And this is so certainly fulfilled in the elect that he speaketh of it as if it were already done and they already lifted vp into glory for hee saith not that hee will call hee will iustifie or hee will glorifie his elect but that hee hath called hee hath iustified and hath glorified them And least our infirmitye should shake vs he opposeth the power of God against al the enemies of the elect saying If God be with vs who shall be against vs As also to shew that they can wāt nothing he addeth He who spared not his owne sonne but gaue him for vs all to death how shall he not with him giue vs all things also and withal he proceedeth saying If any man shall laye any thing to our charge God himselfe shall iustifie vs for that hee findeth in vs no cause of condemnation because that Christ died and rose again for vs. And in that he loueth his elect to shew that this loue the fountaine of all goodnesse Eph. 1.4 is stedfast and immutable concluding his speech he saith that whatsoeuer befall vs we may be certaine that we shall be more then conquerers through him that hath loued vs and who will loue vs constantly in Iesus Christ the sonne of his loue the true patterne piller and accomplishment of our electiō and in whom we are elected and not in our selues The elect therfore cannot possibly perish as Iesus Christ himselfe noteth Mat. 24.24 saying There shal be such assaults and temptations that euen the very elect if it were possible should be seduced therin manifestly declaring that it is vnpossible that they should be seduced or drawen to destruction The engendring therefore of an assured certaintye in vs 1. Cor. 9.26 that nothing can let vs but that finally we shall come to heauen is a most excellent fruit of this doctrine for as we can haue no greater consolation 1. Tim. 6.12 so is it an especiall encoragement vnto vs in all our assaults and combats knowing that we sight not as beating the ayer or doubtfully but the good fight of faith and that vndoubtedlye obtaining the victory we shal be crowned with eternal glory 1. Cor. 15.18 And this is it which should also augmente in vs a zeale and affection to suffer for the name of our Lord Iesus Christ to enlarge our goods to the poore Apoc. 14 13. feruently to employ our selues in all things that may tend to the glory of God and so to amend our liues as knowing assuredly that being elect our labours and workes shall not be in vaine in the sight of the Lord but shal as S. Iohn saith follow vs and be vnto vs a blessed encrease of ioye and glorye in his euerlasting kingdome 14 There is yet another notable fruit which some doe beate downe by maintaining that God offereth to all men saluation and life euerlasting and according as himselfe did foresee that some should accept it and beleeue and liue well so he did elect them to encrease in them his graces and to saue them And as for the others that should reiect the saluation offered and liue amisse he hath predestinated them to take from thē those graces that they had and so to reiect and damne them These men are possessed with two errors repugnant to the glory of God and the saluation of man Concerning the first which is the vniuersall calling of all men if thereby they vnderstand the creation and gouernement of the worlde God doth indeed inuite man to loue feare and praise him but as hee offereth vnto them neither Iesus Christ nor remission of sins so can it not be tearmed a calling to saluation and life euerlasting and thus the creation of the worlde is not a calling that may make man to be saued Eph. 2.12 and consequently elect and therfore all that haue had no other calling haue beene as Saint Paul saith of the Ephesians before the gospel was preached vnto them Strangers from the couenant of the promise out of Christ without hope and without God in this world Secondly if by the vniuersall calling they meane the preaching of the Gospel experience sheweth Act. 19.6.7 and the holy scripture sufficiently testifieth that there were and yet are many nations in the worlde to whom God hath not vouchsafed to direct his worde to call them as wee also read that God forbad Paul that he should not preach in Asia neither suffered him to goe to Bithinia and therefore it cannot be truely saide that this vocation was vniuersall and common to all men 2. Tim. 1.9 Thirdly there is a holy calling as S. Paul termeth it proceeding from the holy Ghost which is proper and peculier to the elect and not vniuersall Of the second Iesus Christ speaketh saying Many are called but few are chosen Mat. 20.16 Rom. 8.29 and S. Paul of the third saith Those whom God knew before and predestinated hath hee also called And whereas these men doe alleadge the saying of the Apostle that he will saue all because he addeth and they shall come to the knowledge of the truth it doth appeare that he there speaketh not of these nations 1. Tim. 2.4 to whom he would not haue his worde which containeth all truth preached Secondly the following of the text doth manifestly declare that S. Paul there m●●●eth not to speak of euery man but of all sortes of men as Magistrates and subjects rich poore wisemen and fooles because it is the will of God to saue of all callings The calling therefore that offereth saluation cannot bee spoken of all men in the worlde 15 By
the reiecting of this error the elect may vnderstand that hauing bene called First by the preaching of the Gospell Secondly by the power of the holy Ghost ther are in them as it were two elections The one in that God almighty leauing so many others to whom hee hath not at all addressed the doctrine of his Gospell hath elected them to deliuer it vnto them the other in that reiecting so many others to whom he hath sent the preaching of his Gospell and yet neuerthelesse calleth them not by his holy spirite hee hath elected them that they might be called by the light and power thereof to the ende hee might saue them in his kingdome and glory And this consideration is vnto them as a twofold obligation wherein they are doubly bound as well incessantly to praise God as also to loue him and consequentlye to amend their liues And indeede if they that had the first grace namely the preaching of the Gospell and doe not beleeue and amend shal be more hardly entreated in the day of iudgement thē the enhabitants of Sodome and Gomorrah what do they deserue that are partakers also of the second grace Mat. 10.15 and haue the Gospell preached vnto them with the power efficacie of the holy ghost whereby they beleeue and are made the children of God in case the feeling of such a benefite truely incomprehensible and proceeding as it were from the bowels of Gods mercy loue toward them should not kindle their harts with a holy affection and zeale to amend their liues 16 As concerning the other error that the election of some and not of other some came of this that God did foresee that the men should doe either well or euill as the Pelagians did in olde time teach one only place of Saint Paul will be sufficient to condemne it Blessed be God saith he Ephes 1. 3 which hath blessed vs with all spirituall blessing in heauenlye places in Christ as hee hath chosen vs in him before the foundation of the worlde that we should be holye and without blame before him in loue Who hath predestinated vs to be adopted through Iesus Christ vnto himselfe according to the good pleasure of his will to the praise of the glory of his grace wherewith hee hath made vs accepted in his beloued Throughout all this whole sentence there is not any worde but may ●●fise to condemne this errour First where the Apostle saith that God hath blessed vs hee sheweth that the spirituall blessings whereof he speaketh are the giftes of the Father of light and come not of ourselues Secondly adding that he hath blessed vs in Christ he declareth that those blessings are imparted vnto vs not for our owne sakes but for Christes sake Thirdly in this according as he had chosen vs and that in Christ he noteth that our election commeth of God and is grounded vpon Christ and not vpon vs. Fourthly adding that hee had chosen vs before the foundation of the worlde and so before that man was he would that we should acknowledge our electiō to proceed from the eternall wil and counsell of God not from our works or our acceptation of his grace vnto vs offered Fifthly he hath euidentlye declared this in that he saith that we were chosen not in respect of any holynes that he foresaw in vs but to the end that we might be holy vnreproueable in his sight And therfore it is not the acceptation of Gods graces and the faithfull vse of the same foreseene in vs that maketh vs to be chosen but euen the election it self which bringeth forth this acceptation of grace and consequently faith and good workes Sixtly he addeth according to the good pleasure of his will to shewe that our election dependeth vpon the onely goodnes and will of God and not of men Seuenthly he confirmeth it adding to the praise and glory of the grace of God for if election had proceeded from the freewill and workes of men the praise and glorye thereof as Saint Paul many times noteth would haue redounded to themselues and not to God Rom. 4.2 and so God should not haue elected thē but they should haue elected themselues Lastly in adding that of his grace hee hath made vs acceptable in his wel beloued he euidentlye doth shew that it is not our acceptation of his grace that hath made vs acceptable whereby we should be elected but only his grace and the loue that he beareth to Iesus Christ 17 Moreouer if the election of some and not of other some should haue beene wrought according to the good or euill workes foreseen Rom. 9. it were in vaine for S. Paul to perswade vs to acknowledg the power and authoritie of God in shewing mercy to whome he will and hardening whom he will and to make the good will and pleasure of God the foundation of the election of some and not of other some for in maintenance of Gods iustice he might haue answered in one worde that hee had chosen some and not other some according to the merites of their workes which he foresawe In vaine also had it beene for him to cry out O the depth of the riches of the wisedome and knowledge of God Rom. 11.33 how vnsearchable are his iudgements and his waies past finding out for could there be any thing more easilye comprehended or any answere more readye and plaine then to say that the election of some and not of other some was made according to the merites foreseene in euery one But the Apostle in not propounding this for the maintaining of Gods iustice doth sufficiently shew that we must not vse it and that it is a vaine and false allegation And indeed in another place for the foundation of our election and saluation opposing against the works of iustice not those which our selues shall doe but the mercy of God he plainly sheweth that our electiō is not wrought by the workes foreseene either done or to doe but by the onelye mercye of God 18 Heereto will wee also adde one notable place of Saint Augustine Augustine of predestinatiō c. 12. of t e benefite of perseuerance cap. 10. If the children of the faithfull sayth hee doo die in their infancie wee neuerthelesse beleeue that according to the teno of the couenant they shall bee saued It must needs then follow that they are elect and predestinate yet not by theyr workes foreseen for they neuer did anie But where the Pelagians replyed that God elected them for the good workes that he foresawe that they might haue done if they had liued He answereth that no man is punished or rewarded for the workes that hee hath not done nor neuer shall or that he neuer had neither could haue anie conceite or will to doo Whereupon it is written 2. Cor. 5.10 that euerie man shall receiue according as in his bodie hee hath done good or euill And for proofe heereof he alleadgeth the examples of
he is not a God a farre off onely as is aforesaid but also a God neere at hand As likewise how often is it noted by the Euangelists Math 9.4 Luke 5.22 Math. 12.25 Luke 6.8 that hee did both see and know the thoughts of those that went about to tempt him or that hatched anie other conspiracie or that had any bad opinion of him 12 Dauid in his owne person doth very aptly represent vnto vs this prouidence of God seeing all things and beeing in all places saying O Lord thou hast tried me and knowen me thou knowest my sitting and my rising Psalme 139.1 thou vnderstandest my thought a farre of thou compassest my paths and my lying downe art accustomed to all my waies For there is not a worde in my tongue but loe thou knowest it wholy O Lord Thou holdest me straight behinde and before and laiest thy hande vpon me Thy knowledge is too wonder full for me it is so high that I cannot attaine vnto it namely in all and by all to comprehend it Whether shall I go from thy spirit or whether shall I flie from thy presence If I ascend into heauen thou art there if I lie downe in hell thou art there let me take the wings of the morning and dwell in the vttermost parte of the sea yet thether shall thy hand leade me and thy right hand holde mee vp If I saie yet the darknes shall hide me euen the night shall bee a light about me yea the darknes hideth not from thee but the night shineth as the daie the darknes and the light are both alike For thou hast possessed my raines thou hast couered me in my mothers wombe Thine eies did see me when I was without forme for in thy booke were all thinges written which in continuance were fashioned when there was none of them before Beholde heere an excellent description of Gods prouidence which declareth vnto vs the efficacie of this title Emanuel giuen to Iesus Christ and consequently teacheth vs that hee seeth and knoweth all that wee thinke saie or do for all is open in his sight for he is with vs and in vs wheresoeuer we become 13 The knowledge and feeling of this truth may bee to greate purpose to induce and resolue vs to amend our liues For what I praie you is the spring of such abundaunce of iniquitie as wee see at this daie among men Euen this false perswasion or rather astonishment to imagine that God is blinde and seeth not the works and thoughts of men Psalme 59.8 They prate with their tongues sayth King Dauid speaking of his enemies and swordes are in their lippes For saie they who heareth vs Heereof haue wee a notable example in the ninetie foure Psalme O Lord sayth Dauid how long Psalme 94. how long shall the wicked triumph They prate and speake fiercely all the workers of iniquitie vaunt themselues They smite downe thy people O Lorde and trouble thy heritage They slaie the widdowe and the straunger murther the fatherlesse yet they saie The Lorde shall not see neither will the God of Iaacob regard it But let vs now see how hee reprooueth the blindnesse and pride of these wicked ones Vnderstand yee vnwise among the people and yee fooles when will yee bee wise Hee that planted the eare shall hee not heare And hee that formed the eie shall hee not see Or hee that chastiseth the nations shall hee not correct euen he that teacheth man knowledge The Lorde knoweth the thoughts of man that they are vanitie As Dauid also hauing rehearsed the wicked cruell enterprises of his enemie obiecteth vnto him that in his heart hee sayth God hath forgotten him hee hath hidden his face Psalme 10.11 and will not see him What moued Caine to bring his brother into the fieldes and to bee so bolde as to kill him Euen this false opinion that God dyd not see him And this dyd hee verie manifestly declare in that when God asked him where his brother was hee aunswered I knowe not Haue I the keeping of my brother Gen. 4.8 As if hee woulde haue sayde that God had not anie reason to put that question to him considering that hee was not appointed to keepe him and therefore without blame hee might bee ignorant where he was 14 But what shall wee saie of Dauid a man that did so greatlie feare God when he committed adulterie with the wife of Vrias made him dronke and afterward slew him by the handes of his enimies thereby thinking to hide his iniquitie from men Must it not needes bee that at that time hee was much ouerseene when hee woulde imagine that God dyd not see him Yet is this the ordinarie perswasion of those that giue ouer themselues to wickednesse and consequently the fountaine of an infinite number of sinnes and iniquities that they commit vpon an imagination that God seeth them not Otherwise what an impudencie were it in man to commit adulterie to bee dronken to deceiue his neighbour to backbite c. if hee coulde thinke within himselfe God is with mee I am in his fight hee heareth me he seeth me commit this wickednesse And yet how often doo men commit all these iniquities euen whoredome dronkennesse deceit and backbiting in the presence of God from which they will verie diligently forbeare in the sight of men 15 That wee may the rather therfore amend our liues let vs remember Emanuel that is that God is with vs euen in vs ioyned and vnited vnto vs. And withall let vs well thinke that hee seeth and knoweth all our thoughts words and workes as is before declared yea let it be a strong bridle to withholde vs from wickednesse as Salomon teacheth vs saying Why shouldest thou my sonne Prou. 5.21 delight in a straunge woman or imbrace the bosome of a straunger Seeing the wayes of man are before the eyes of the Lorde and hee pondereth all his pathes Prou. 15.3 And in another place The eyes of the Lord are in all places to beholde both the good and badde Ribby one of the wise men of the Iewes in olde time to this purpose dyd verie aptlye saie Graue these three thinges in thy minde and thou shalt neuer sinne Drus Apoth of the Hebrues Arabians l. 1. namely that there is an eie that seeth thee an eare that heareth thee and a booke wherein all thy wordes and deedes are written Neyther let vs thinke when wee neglect our dueties in releeuing the poore that God knoweth it not albeit wee alleadge that wee knowe nothing of theyr want or had not wherewith to helpe them If thou forbearest sayth Salomon to deliuer those that are ledde to bee slaine and such as are at deathes doore by thinking that thou wilt saie I knew not of it hee that pondereth the heartes doth hee not vnderstand it And hee that keepeth thy soule knoweth hee it not Or will not hee recompence euerie man according to his workes God knoweth
them Num. 23. The mightie God hath not cursed them or how shall I detest them The Lord hath not detested them Againe The mighty God cannot lie neither is he as the sonne of man to repent He hath spoken and shal he not performe he hath sayde and shall hee not confirme it Beholde I haue receiued his worde to ble●se and seeing hee hath blessed them I may not reuoke it This is the foundation of this safegard and protection He perceiued no iniquitie in Iacob neither did hee see any frowardnes in Israel the Lord his ●●des with him and the Kings triumph in him To conclude of the peo●●e of God he saith He that blesseth thee shal be blessed and he that curs●th thee shal be cursed This assurance haue they that seeke to amend their liues vnder the protection of this strong and mighty God 11 And indeed albeit when we walke in simplicity plainnes and truth and so labour to amend our liues if the whole world should life against vs to molest and destroy vs yet hath this strong and mighty God euen whole armies of Angels to keepe vs as in olde time he had for Elizeus he hath Seas to swallow vp the Pharaohs of our time 2. King 6.3 Dan. 6. and all that persecute the children of God If we be constant in the seruice of God he is yet able to stoppe the throat and to tye vp the pawes of the hungry Lyons that we shall not be rent or deuoured as in olde time hee preserued Daniel that was cast into the Lyons denne If in purpose to amend we will not fall downe before idols albeit men take vpon them to burne vs quick yet let vs say with the three Hebrew Princes Our God is able to deliuer vs and with them protest that we will worship no Idols and remember that God is able to deliuer vs out of the siery furnace yea euen to preserue euery haire of our heads from burning Dan. 3. as he preserued those three Hebrew Princes To be short that all creatures are euen so many mighty armies at the commaundement of the creator ready to be imployed to our good and saluation either to preserue vs from the assaults of our enemies so long as we perseuere in well doing either to chastice vs and so to bring vs to amendment either to punish the disobedient and obstinate Let vs therfore apprehend this soueraigne power of this mighty God Iesus Christ that fearing to offend him and so amending our liues we need not to feare the endeuors of our enemies let vs vndoubtedly beleeue that as he is almighty and hath so many and such strong armyes at his commaundement so hee hath power to preserue those that shall amend their liues and to destroye and roote out all such as shall rebell against him or seeke to hurt his faithfull and obedient subiects and seruants Luke 2 14. Iohn 14.27 Eph. 2.17 12 Iesus Christ is also called the Prince of peace to represent vnto vs that it is he that is the author giuer therof This is witnessed in that at his birth euen millions of Angels sung this song Glory be to God on high and in earth peace as also himselfe saide to his Apostles I giue you my peace and the same did he cause them to publish throughout the worlde in his name As also S. Paule saith that at his comming he preached the gospel of peace to all that were neer hand or a farre off this peace may be considered in two sortes First it signifieth peace and tranquility of conscience whereof S. Paul speaketh saying that being iustified by faith we haue peace toward God through Iesus Christ Secondly this peace contayneth all blessinges both of body and soule And as this Prince of peace who commaundeth vs to amend is author both of the one and the other peace so this title Prince of peace giuen to Iesus Christ should be vnto vs a mighty argument and a quick spurre to moue vs to amendment of life Lastly being by nature the children of wrath and al our affections Gods enemies Eph. 2. 3. Rom. 8.7 and euen so many souldiers in the deuils pay to fight against God and to incense him against vs this Prince of peace Iesus Christ vouchsafed to dye for vs to the end to make satisfaction for all our sinnes and so to appease Gods wrath and to take away the cause of this so mortall and wofull warre betweene him and vs. Rom. 5.1 Phil. 4.7 13 This is the groundworke of this so blessed a peace which the children of God doe enioy for being iustified by faith in Iesus Christ we haue rest and peace of conscience as knowing that God is our father that he aduoweth vs to be his children and loueth vs in his welbeloued sonne And this peace passeth all vnderstanding as S. Paul saith because there is nothing so cōtrary to the sence of man as in our selues to feele this grace that being sinners worthy Gods wrath we should neuerthelesse be assured that we are righteous and welbeloued of God whereby to hope well in the middest of dispaire to see great riches of heauenly and eternall goods in the gulfe of our pouertie and in this our weaknes and infirmitie euen indignity wherewith we are possessed to be at quiet and in full assurance against the deuill death sinne hell and all other our enemies Now to shew that this peace is mightie and of force to make vs to amend our liues he addeth that it will keepe our sences and thoughtes in Iesus Christ togither with all our affections and desires signified by the hart but from what euen from diuerting from God and from the obedience and duetye that we owe vnto him for finely if wee coulde feele what a comfort peace and consolation there is in this peace of our soules before God we would be loath to loose such a soueraigne felicitye by displeasing him and so in liewe of this peace to bring vpon our consciences trouble terrour and feare through the apprehension and feeling of Gods wrath 14 And indeed there is no such hell or anguish in this life as a bad conscience it is a cruel and intollerable tormentor if we haue a childe that by crying is grieuous vnto vs we seek to appease him either by threats or promises by gifts or stripes but if he will not be so stilled either we can send him away from vs or our selues goe from him that we may not be troubled with his crying it is not so with a troubled minde deuoide of this blessed peace The conscience once feeling or apprehending the wrath of God euen but a little will neuer suffer vs to be quiet promise threaten giue strike what euer you doe still it cryeth lowder and lowder and stil it tormenteth yea when you seeke to send it away it sticketh closer vnto you neither can you departe from it for being in you it is alwaies at hand How diligently therefore
him and in offending him to cast our selues into the gulfe and bottomlesse pit of this eternall wo The same is an euident token that wee are either Atheists or Saduces that beleeue neither the resurrection of the bodie nor the immortality of the soul To be short neither heauen nor hell 10 When therefore we heare that Christ to the end to induce vs to amendement alleadgeth this reason For the kingdome of heauen is at hand Let vs stedfastly beleeue that there is a kingdom of heauen replenished with glorie immortall ioy let the apprehension of such a felicitie inflame our harts with a feruent resolute desire to denie our selues the world and the flesh so to amend our liues that louing God and our neighbors and endeuouring to yeld vnto him all obedience we may conforme our actions to his holy and good will as in hart to seeke nothing so much as to please him and to abhorre nothing more than the offending of him Let vs alwayes thinke with our selues that wee are no beasts who after death haue no feeling of good or euill but contrariwise let vs consider that at the seperation either of the body or of the soule the soule must goe either to heauen or to hell also that the bodye must followe after yea night and day let vs thinke and meditate vpon the difference that shal be betweene those that shall goe into the kingdome of heauen and the others that shall departe into hell 11 Let vs remember that not for a thousand yeares but euen for euer and infinitely we shal be either in soueraigne blisse or in extream misery Can we then possibly apprehend the glory and felicity of this kingdome of heauen Mat. 7.13.21 Luke 13 2● without vnspeakable ioye and feruent desire to attaine thereto either consider of the cursed estate of the reprobate without trembling and feare let vs therfore think vpon the saying of Christ Labour to enter in at the narow gate least when you shall say Lord open vnto vs the gate of the kingdome of heauen that we may come in he answereth I know ye not depart from me ye workers of iniquitie There shal be weeping and gnashing of teeth when he shall see Abraham Isaac and Iacob and all the prophets in the kingdome of God and your selues shut out at dores Let vs beholde the difference betweene the two theeues that were hanged on either side of Iesus Christ of whom the one departed into hell Luke 23.39 and the other ascended into the kingdome of heauen as Iesus Christ sayde vnto him This day thou shalt be with me in Paradise Let vs looke vpon the soule of Lazarus by the Angels caryed into Abrahams bosome where it rested in ioy as hee testified Luke 16.19 and the soule of the cursed rich man cast into torments as S. Luke witnesseth and himselfe confesseth saying I am tormeneted in this flame When he praieth to be refreshed with a little water but was denyed To be short let vs beholde the great multitude of the blessed that stood before the throne and in the presence of the Lambe clothed in long white garments with branches of palmes of victorye in their handes seruing God day and night gouerned by the Lambe and by him leadde to the liuely springes of water Apoc. 7. 9. and withall let vs looke vpon the others speaking to the rockes and mountains saying Fall vpon vs and hyde vs from before the face of him that sitteth vpon the throne and from the wrath of the Lambe Let vs I say beholde them cast into the lake of fyre and brimstone to be tormented day and night for euer Apoc. 6.16 Apoc. 19.20 and 20.15 For who is it that will not be earnestly touched in hart hastely to departe and retyre out of the way into hell and diligently and constantly to walke by amendement of life into the kingdome of heauen Can it be possible if we should not think vpon them or can God think vpon them and not amend either can we amend and not feel our selues blessed by being gotten into the way of such a felicitie Apoc. 6.16 that wee may constantly perseuere vntill that God fulfilling his worke in vs doe receiue vs into the fruition of this kingdome of heauen to enioy the same for euer and euer The ninth cause of amendment taken hereof that the kingdome of God which we looke for in heauen doth admonish vs that we are strangers pilgrimes and trauelers in this life Chap. 9. THe holy scripture doth many times tearme vs strangers pilgrims and trauellers neither is it onely as it was with Abraham Gen. 23.4 when he spake to the Cananites saying I am a stranger and a forrener amongst you and as it is daylye with those who flying from persecution and forsaking the land of their natiuitie doe goe to dwell in another prouince and kingdome wherein they are strangers but we are so tearmed in respect of the kingdome of heauen our true and eternall countrey And indeed if we be Burgesses of heauen Eph. 2.10 Prosper in his sentences out of August Sent 17. as S. Paul teacheth we are strangers to the earth according to the saying of S. Augustin also All they that belong to the heauenly Cittie are pilgrimes and strangers in this worlde so long as this their tēporary life doth continue they do liue in an others countrey And that wee maye the better vnderstand this we call that land our countrey wherein we were borne and brought vp wherin our parents and ancestours successiuely haue made their abode and wherein we haue our principall goods possessions and inheritances Now whence doe we take our spirituall birth but frō our father which is in heauen Phil 3.20 where doe we receiue the soule of our spirituall birth but in the Church which is the kingdome of God or where is the house of our father but in heauen and there dwelleth our eldest brother Iesus Christ and al other our brothers and sisters in him 1. Pet. 1.4 Moreouer our treasure immortal inheritāce vndefiled and vncorruptible are reserued in heauen as saith S. Peter for vs that beleeue in Iesus Christ heauen is then our true coūtrey and in respect thereof are we here called strangers pilgrimes and trauellers on the earth 2 This doth the Apostle writing to the Hebrews euidently declare Heb. 11.13 where speaking of the ancient fathers he saith All these died in the faith and receiued not the promises but saw them a farre of and beleeued them and receiued them thankefullye and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth For they that say such things declare plainely that they seeke a countrey And if they had beene mindefull of that countrey from whence they came out Gen. 12.1 they had leisure to haue returned But now they desire a better that is an heauenly Wherfore God is not ashamed of them to be called their God for he
greater thē he is able to beare vpon Iudas who feeling his cōdemnation for the auoiding of the apprehension of death killed himselfe vpon Esau hauing sold his birthright for a messe of red pottage wept because he see no remedy for his mithap vpon those who apprehēding the cōming of Christ to be their iudge do cry to the rocks and mountains saying Fall vpon vs and hide vs from the wrath of the lambe In breefe vpon al those that seeking after death death shall flye from them to the end that dying they may liue and liuing they may alwaies dye On the other side let vs beholde a faithfull man the childe of God in his soule possessed of this kingdome of heauen assured that the righteousnes of Christ shal be imputed vnto him wherby he shal vndoubtedly be iustified in the sight of God feeling peace and quietnesse in conscience and replenished with spirituall ioy is there any man that is not vtterly desperate or besides himselfe that will not accompt such a one to be blessed and the other accursed let vs therefore haue alwaies the state of this kingdom of heauen in our view that abhorring our vice and corruption we may tremble at all motions to offend God and so constantly resisting the world the flesh and the deuil wee may endeuour more and more to amend that in our soules wee may retayne this blessed kingdome which consisteth in righteousnes peace and ioy of the holy Ghost The eleuenth cause of amendment taken of the kingdome of heauen signifying the Ministery Chap. 11. WE haue before declared that by the kingdome of heauen is signified also the holy Ministery this kingdom of heauen and holy ministery doe represent vnto vs many notable reasons that doe binde vs ought to make vs affectionate to amendement First the same which Iesus Christ himselfe saith to his Apostles Luke 20.16 is spoken and ment by all faithfull Pastors Hee that heareth you heareth me and he that despiseth you despiseth me and in this same sence doth S. Paul testifie of the Thessalonians When ye receiued of vs the word of the preaching of God ye receiued it not as the word of men 1. Thes 2.13 but as it is indeed the worde of God 2 When we go to hear a Sermon we are to think with our selues that we are going to heare God speake vnto vs by the mouth of a man and therfore let vs in all humility reuerence and faith hearken vnto him and let vs beleeue that hee declareth vnto vs these things which we ought to beleeue to be saued which we ought to do in obedience to the wil of God and for the amendmēt of our liues let vs be desirous to know it attentiue to heare it readye to beleeue it to yeeld to God all obedience let vs thinke that we cannot despise that which in the Sermon is preached vnto vs but we must also therby declare that we doe not beleeue either that it is God that speaketh or that the doctrine is true and as it were a great impiety Mat. 10.14 Mark 6.11 and horrible incredulity euen to thinke it so the iudgement that he wil execute against the contemners of his word shal be most fearful Whosoeuer saith Iesus Christ wil not receiue heare your words Gen. 19. whē you depart his house or the town shake of the dust of your feete for a witnes against them whereby I say vnto you it shal be easier for Sodom and Gomorra in the daye of iudgement then for that towne Let vs represent to our view this fire falling from heauen burning and consuming the towne of Sodome Gomorrha and others there about with all the men women and children Mela. Chron. lib. 2 Egesippus l. 4 c. 18 young olde and all then cattel euen the verie towns and conuerting the Cities thereof into a stinking and polluted lake for the compasse of eight Dutch leagues with other notable testimonies of Gods wrath And let the contemplation heereof make all such to quake for feare as despise and contemne God when he speaketh to them by the mouths of his seruants the ministers 3 When our Lord Iesus Christ by breathing vpon them had inspired the Apostles with the holy Ghost Iohn 20.22 Acts 13.46 hee also gaue vnto them and to all faithfull pastours power by preaching of the worde to binde the vnbeleeuers and to vnbinde such as conuerting themselues should truly beleeue in Iesus Christ Whereupon Saint Paul beholding the stubbornnes of the Iewes who obstinatly reiected the doctrine of the Gospell he bound them with protestation that he was free from theyr bloud that forsaking them in the bonds of their incredulity vnder the power of Sathan he went to preach to the Gentiles Now if we see an offender bound fettred brought before this Iudge and thence carried to the fyre who wil not take compassion and horrour thereat How then are men so senselesse and dull as in theyr incredulitie and obstinacie in euill dooing not to apprehend the bondes of theyr sinnes whereof Sathan hath taken hold to pull them into eternall fire 4 Moreouer if the simple ignoraunt and such nations as neuer heard the preaching of Gods worde by offending God doo make themselues worthie of death and eternall damnation What excuse may they pretend in the iudgement of God to whom he hath reuealed his will by the preaching of holy doctrine in case in sted of amendement they remaine obstinate in euill dooing Luke 12.47 The seruant sayth Iesus Christ that knoweth his masters will and doth it not shall bee more grieuously punished than hee that knew it not For as we haue before declared so it is not simple transgression but euen contempt and misprision agaynst the maiestie of God If beeing vppon thy iourney thou knowest not the right way and some man comming by sheweth it vnto thee art thou not well worthie to go astraie and loose thy selfe if voluntarily and wittingly thou takest another cleane contrarie But what doo the ministers of the word in theyr sermons Doo they not shewe the waie to heauen to the end that men may take and follow the same Or doo they not declare in how many sorts men by straying amisse doo take the path to hell with the remedyes howe to retire and turne backe therefro 5 But doo the ministers of the word thinke it inough to say Beholde yonder is heauen or the ware to heauen walke therein Do they not also shew what benefites wee haue receiued of the Lord for the which wee are bound to loue serue and worship him and withal to amend How oft doth Moses and other of the Prophets propound the great benefite of the peoples deliuerance out of Egypt thereby to induce them to obedience But especially howe many earnest exhortations to amendement doo the Apostles gather in propounding the incomprehensible benefit of our redemption wrought by Iesus Christ Is it not then an intollerable ingratitude to denie to
If God sayth hee spared not the Angels that had sinned but cast them downe into hell 2. Pet. 2.4 and deliuered them into the chaines of darknes to be kept vnto iudgement Neither spared the olde worlde but saued Noah the eight person a preacher of righteousnes and brought in the floud vpon the world of the vngodly And turned the cities of Sodome and Gomorrha into ashes condemned them ouerthrewe them and made them an example vnto them that afterward should liue vngodly and deliuered the iust Loth The Lord knoweth to deliuer the godly that honor him out of temptation and to reserue the vngodly vnto the daie of iudgement to be punished Saint Iude in stead of the example of the floud propoundeth the vengeance of God poured vpon the vnbeleeuing Israelites in the wildernesse Also Iude vers 5 making mention of the horrible punishment fallen vpon Sodome and Gomorrha sayth that they were set forth for an example and suffered the vengeance of eternall fire When therefore wee heare the threatnings of the liuing God by the mouth of his seruants let vs make hast to conuert to the Lord in amendement of lyfe lest by our obstinacie as Saint Paul sayth and our hearts not knowing howe to repent we heape vp wrath for the day of wrath Rom. 2.5 and of the manifestation of the iust iudgement of God who shall render to euerie man according to his workes 10 Inasmuch therefore as through our infirmitie albeit wee bee taught the waie to heauen and that we bee put in minde to walke in the same by representation of benefits receiued of promises of blessings to come yea euen of threatninges with the examples of vengeance we neuertheles cannot desist from offending of God and so from turning out of the waie of saluation and lyfe euerlasting The ministers of the word doo moreouer vse reprehensions reprouing our sinnes and offences thereby to reduce vs into the right waie and in respect of our slownesse to doo good and to amend our liues they also vse vehement exhortations yea they do euen praie adiure and intreate vs in the name of God to amend and to walke in the feare of God And where wee haue many no●some hinderances that trouble vs and quaile our courages 2. Thes 2.11 they do likewise propound vnto vs mightie consolations in the woorde of God to the end wee may cheerefully and constantly proceede in the waie of saluation What man therefore inioying the holy ministerie can excuse himselfe in the sight of God in case hee doo not constantly resolue to amend his lyfe and dayly to put the same in practise How horrible a iudgement shall he deserue that is so hardened in wickednesse and so tied in the chaines of Sathan that there is no light before his eyes no path to the waie of saluation no feeling of Gods benefites no remembrance of his promises no feare of his threatninges no apprehension of the examples of his vengeance no reprehension no exhortation no consolation that can bee of strength and sufficient to moue his heart to amend Be not these men then that remaine thus obstinate without amendement euen monsters in nature 11 Now as the administration of the Sacraments is one part of the holy ministery let vs first see how forcibly our Baptisme shuld moue vs to amend our liues Baptisme is the seale of the couenant of God comprehending especially two graces namely remission of sinnes our regeneration or spirituall renuing When the children of Christians therfore are baptised the same is as if God speaking by the mouthes of his ministers shoulde saie O my people acknowledge my great mercie and goodnesse towards these little babes they are conceiued in sinne borne in iniquity by nature the children of wrath yet doo I aduow them for mine their sinne a d corruption is washed awaie in the bloud of Iesus Christ I do●●nite and ioyne them vnto him to the end that being grafted into his death and resurrection they may bee regenerated theyr olde man bee mortified and themselues become newe creatures in my sight In them do I seale these graces whilest they be yet babes before they know me euen before they haue done anie good that so they may be acknowledged to bee meerely free to my glorie Is not this a great bond vnto children to binde them as they come to age to loue God who loued them before they knew him and to doo the dutie of children because hee aduowed them to be his children euen before they hadde done anie good Surelye loue should beget loue and loue feare to offend and feare to offend amendement of lyfe If by Baptisme wee bee regenerate and made the children of God are wee not bound to liue as the children of God and as it may beseem the holynes of such a father The kings children doo not apply theyr minds to handle crafts but to works fitting their greatnes much lesse then should the children of God applie themselues to the works of the darke Such as by Baptisme are recalled from death should doo no deadly works they that by Baptisme are incorporated into Iesus Christ ought so to be guided by his spirit that as it is the soule that worketh all the workes of the bodie so the spirit of Christ as it were the soule of this new man Iesus Christ being considered as vnited with his bodie there should be no motion thought worde or worke but such as should proceed from the spirite of Iesus Christ in all fulnesse dwelling in him and in vs his members according to the measure limited to euery one of vs. 12 Moreouer if by Baptisme we be grafted into Iesus Christ we must bring forth fruit worthie of Iesus Christ Iohn 15 5. Hee that dwelleth in me sayth he and I in him beareth much fruit If wee speake of trees experience teacheth vs that the signe that is thereinto grafted doth in such wise drawe awaie th● sappe and force thereof that it bringeth forth fruit according to it selfe kinde not after the kinde of the tree whereinto it is grafted but wyth Iesus Christe it is contrarie for they that are grafted in him doo in deede gather strength from him yet so that they alter their nature bring forth fruit not after the kinde of Adams children but of Iesus Christe into whom they are grafted And therefore as it were a monstrous matter to see an apple tree whereupon nothing had beene grafted beare acornes so is it as straunge and repugnaunt to reason that they who by Baptisme are ingrafted into Iesus Christ should not bring foorth the fruites of righteousnesse according to his kinde Lykewise if Baptisme bee a pledge of our regeneration of necessitie the workes and affections of our first generation according to the which we are full of corruption and wickednesse must cease and be mortified and now we must shew forth the fruits and effects of our regeneration in newnes of life sith by our baptisme our olde
man was crucified with Iesus Christ wee must not nowe raise him again but leaue him dead And as a dead man is no longer possessed of the motions thoughts affections and woorkes of a liuing man so wee by our Baptisme beeing dead into Iesus Christ must no longer haue anie motions affections wordes or workes of our old man 13 There yet resteth this consideration that by Baptisme we do put on Christ But Christ whom we haue put on is holy and of a sweete sauour before God Gal. 3.27 And shall we be so slouthfull as to trail this sacred garment through the mire and silthines of this worlde Or putting it off to put on the villanous and stinking garment of flesh by walking in the affections thereof Let vs walke saith Saint Paule honestly as in the daie not in gluttonie or dronkennesse Rom. 13.13 neither in chambering and wantonnesse in strife and enuying But let vs put on Iesus Christ and take no thought for the flesh to fulfill the lustes thereof Thus doeth our Baptisme diuersely and in sundrie wise binde vs to amende our liues But because in Baptismes names are giuen as in olde time in the circumcision so ofte as wee heare our names let the same be an aduertisement vnto vs of our Baptisme putting vs in minde of our duties to amend 14 Vpon the holy ministerie dependeth also the communion in the holy supper of the Lord. Many are the reasons for the which Christ dyd ordaine it all which doo also binde vs to amend Of these wee will now consider soure principall The first by the vse of the holy supper our faith is strengthned and our soules are spiritually fed in the hope of lyfe euerlasting And therfore as the child when hee commeth to age is bound to honor his parents not onely for his begetting bringing into this life but also because they haue fed and brought him vp still do continue the same duties vnto him euen so should it be with vs whom God hath as it were begotten into his Church through our Baptisme and to whom he hath since in his holy Supper ministered the food of our soules in the communion of the bodie and bloud of Iesus Christ For not onely our spirituall new birth by Baptisme but also the spirituall foode which this good father ●●eth vnto vs in his holy supper do binde vs to honor him yea and should thereto mightily induce vs considering that for food to our soules hee hath deliuered his onely sonne Iesus Christ to be crucified for vs. If anie man had a child so sicke that nothing coulde serue for his foode and recouerie but pearles confected or preserued how much should such a child bee bound to loue and honour his parents that for his releefe had not grudged at theyr expense Truly it were a most bitter ingratitude not to care to please or obey them Euen so what reproofe shoulde we deserue of our heauenly father who seedeth vs in his holy supper not with pearles but with the verie flesh and bloud of his son Iesus Christ in case wee should make no account to please him by amendement of life withall considering that as there is no comparison betweene pearles and the body and bloud of Iesus Christ so the spiritual life of our souls is without comparison much more excellent than the life of our bodies 15 Moreouer as meate and drinke ministred vnto the bodie do maintaine the life motions senses of the bodie so from the communion in the bodie and bloud of Iesus Christ which is the foode of the soule must proceed the spirituall and heauenly life cogitations affections wordes and deedes And therefore as it were a strange case if the bodie by eating and drinking shoulde gather no sustenance and consequently want all motions sense and bodyly operation so were it a monstrous matter that the soule communicating in the body and blood of Iesus Christ should gather no spirituall foode that might bring forth newnesse of life and holines in words and deeds 16 Besides as the holy supper is the table of Gods children the faithfull members of the Church of Iesus Christ so the communicating thereat is a solemne protestation that wee are the children of God true belieuers members of the church of Christ and that so we seperate our selues from the prophane worldly and vicious people and do purpose to liue holily righteously and religiously as it beseemeth the children of God and faithfull members of the Church Such therefore as communicating in the holy supper doe not neuerthelesse amende their liues but walking after the worlde and the flesh are giuen to whoredome drunkennesse gluttony couetousnesse deceite fraude ambition pride enuye hatred backbiting with other like vices and corruptions doe shew themselues counterfects hipocrites do eare and drinke their owne damnation and doe horribly scandalize or offend the Church whereof they shoulde be members togither with the doctrine that they doe professe First what an impudency is it solemnely to protest by taking the bread and wine that thou thinkest thy selfe to bee the childe of God and yet in thy selfe doest find that thou doest not so think that thou art a member of Christ and yet dost not belieue him that thou renouncest the world and the flesh and yet art in loue with them that thou wilt liue in holinesse and yet hast no will thereto that thou seekest life in Iesus Christ when voluntarilie thou doest cast thy selfe into death that thou wilt amende thy life yet hast no intent to forsake thy vice and corruptions to be short thus to abuse this holy communion to the end to make men belieue that which God seeth to bee false and contrarie to thy protestation 1. Cor. 11.27 Doest thou not belieue the protestation of S. Paule who saith that Whosoeuer shall eat this bread and drinke of this cuppe vnworthely doth eate and drinke his owne damnation because hee discerneth not the Lords bodie namely from bodily and carnal food which the mouth of the wicked and abhominable do receiue as wel as the mouth of the righteous man one that feareth God 17 Againe doest thou not apprehende the offence that thou doest commit in that thou openest the mouth of the aduersary to religion to condemne the doctrine of truth to reiecte the Church of Christ to blame the children of God and to blaspheme God himselfe thinkest thou not that thou doest harden them in their errours in the way of destruction damnatiō doest thou not consider that thou doest arme and encourage them to seduce such as are members of the Church and redeemed by the blood of Iesus Christ by declaring vnto them that men so giuen ouer to the world and the flesh cannot bee of the true Church that the doctrine of truth can bring forth no such fruits that the Church is no house for drunkerds adulterers couetous persons deceiuers quarelers enuious people men possessed with other like vices shouldest
to the workes of darkenesse What an ingratitude will it be in vs who by nature are Gentils if when the kingdom of heauen is thus come vpon vs by the preaching of the Gospell we make no accompt thereof neither haue any care to amend our liues according to the cōmandemēt of Iesus Christ how mightily wil the deuil possesse vs vnlesse by the ministerye of the holy ghost he be expelled to the end to make roome for the kingdome of heauen in vs 8 Iesus Christ saith The men of Niniue shall rise in iudgement with this generation and condemne it for they repented at the preaching of Ionas and beholde a greater then Ionas is heere Againe Mat. 12.41.42 The Queene of the south shall rise in iudgement with this generation and shall condemne it For she came from the vtmost partes of the earth to heare the wisedome of Salomon and beholde a greater then Salomon is heere Woe thē be vnto vs if hearing the Gospel of our Lord Iesus Christ Rom. 13.12 we doe not obey his commandement and amend It is now time that we should arise from sleep saith S. Paul for now is our saluation neerer then when we beleeued by the preaching of the gospell and were before vnbeleeuers The night is past and the day is come let vs therfore cast away the works of darknes and put on the armour of light so as we walk honestly as in the day not in gluttony and drunkennes c. 9 This kingdome of heauen is at hand and dayly gathereth vpon vs in two maners which for a conclusion wee will heere adde First all faithfull beleeuers doe know and are assured that at the separation of the soule and the body the soule shal be exalted into heauen with Christ Now as dayly this seperation doth by death drawe neerer and neerer to the faithfull so doth the kingdome of heauen also come vpon them how carefull therfore should we be to amend our liues and to prepare our selues to make our entry into heauen the holy Ghost protesteth that there shall enter no vncleane thing Apoc. 21.27 neither any that worketh abhomination or lyes We must therefore put of all the workes of the flesh which are as S. Paul noteth adultery fornication vncleannesse wantonnesse idolatrie Gal. 5.19 witchcraft hatred debate emulation wrath contention sedition heresie enuie murther dronkennes gluttonie and such lyke And afterward protesteth that they which commit these things shall not inherite the kingdome of God Let vs then beware of delaying of this amendment least in a matter of such importance we bee surprised we haue not two soules that we may hazarde one If the day of death findeth vs a sleepe in our sinnes woe be vnto vs let vs remember the saying of S. Peter The end of all thinges draweth neere 1. Pet 4. Be ye therfore sober and watchfull in praier Euery of vs shall in our death finde this end of all things and indeed let vs look vpon a rich man caried dead out at dores and we shall see that all is at an end with him neither hath his body any more then his length of ground 10 Let vs therefore remember to be sober not in workes of pietie for in them we cannot be too plentifull neither in sinne for we must vtterly abstaine therefro wherin then euen in thinges appertaining to this present life 1. Cor. 7.29 by practising this admonition of S. Paul And this I say brethren because the time is shorte hereafter that both they which haue wines be as though they had none And they that weep as though they wept not And they that reioyce as though they reioyced not And they that buy as though they possessed not And they that vse this worlde as though they vsed it not for the fashion of this worlde goeth away And I would haue you without care Here doth he shew that the sobriety whereto S. Peter exhorteth vs doth admonish vs that there is drunkennesse not onely of the body but also of the spirite And indeede where Iesus Christ saith See to your selues Luke 21.34 that your harts be not ouercome with gluttony and drunkennesse neither with the cares of this life He doth sufficiently declare that there is another kinde of drunkennesse then either with beere or wine And that is when the care for the things of this life whether of warre or marchandise or of landes and possessions of wiues or of children doe so feaze vpon and entangle our mindes and affections that we are diuerted letted frō that which is required for the seruice of God and the saluation of our soules if a man rise in the morning and goe to the Tauerne and tarry there all day and at night commeth home drunke and so againe the next day and the next and all the weeke long and neuer thinketh vpon his famely but letteth his wife and his children sit staruing at home wil we not say that he is a drunkard and in case he continue this course a moneth or two will we not reporte of him as of a perfect and desperate drunkard What shall we then say of those that doe so set their harts and mindes vpon the affaires of this life that so soone as they are vp in the morning they are presently at the Tauern of those cares wherein they delight and whereto they so giue themselues that they care neither for the kingdome of heauen the seruice of God nor the saluation of their own soules which is more during this repast at home their mindes are in their tauernes yea and which is worse whether they speak to God in their praiers or that God talketh to them by sermons their mindes are so wandering that immediatly they are in this tauerne of worldly cares and affaires and that so deepely that they neither hear God speaking to them neither wot what themselues doe say to him for there is no more but the body that speaketh or heareth euen a body as it were without a soule for their minde is in their Tauerne If they then follow this course not one moneth or sixe or tenne neyther one yeere but ten twentie thirtie yea euen to the death may we not well call them perfect drunkards Likewise as to that tauerne that beareth the name to haue the best drinke or wine the drunkards will soonest resort as seeking occasions to be drunk so these spirituall drunkards doe seeke after townes and places of most practise where there is great dooinges which breede encrease of cares that likewise they may be the more drunken in them 11 This is an excessiue and most pernitious drunkennesse yet ouer common among christians and therefore let euery man examine him selfe that knowing it he may amend And indede sith the kingdome of heauen doth dayly approch to the faithfull by death we are in duty to beware according to Christs admonition that our harts be not ouercome with this drunkennesse of cares least that day ouertake
marriners vpon theyr shippes windes and hauens so must the thoughtes mindes and affections of the ministers of the worde runne onely vppon the instructing comforting exhorting edefying and to bee short vppon the sauing of the sheepe of their folde And heereto must wee referre the saying of Saint Paule No man that warreth entangleth himselfe with the affayres of this lyfe 2. Tim. 2.4 because hee woulde please him that hath chosen him to bee his souldier For if hee that is enrouled to serue in the warres so soone as hee heareth the Drumme must forsake wife and children house shoppe and all other affayres that nothing may hinder or wythdraw him from the seruice of his Captaine much rather ought they whome the soueraigne king hath inrouled for the spirituall warfare and the holy ministerie of the word keepe themselues from all politike affayres and such as belong not to theyr vocation to the end wholy to serue please Iesus Christ 32 Yet many times it falleth out otherwise and the way is very slipperie Some Ministers doo thinke that vnlesse they set theyr handes to politike affayres euen to the warres that the Church cannot stande Euen as in olde time Vzzah imagined that the Arke of God must needs haue fallen 2. Sam. 6.6 had not he stretched forth his hande to holde it vp But as God was wroth wyth him for going beyonde his vocation and slewe him so let the ministers of the worde feare and that iustly least God confounde them in theyr Ministerie for vndertaking aboue theyr calling and employing themselues faythfully in theyr charge let them commende the preseruation of the Church to the chiefe and soueraigne protectour thereof and neuer thinke to keepe it vpright by passing the boundes of theyr vocation besides it is a common proue●be Hee that gripeth too much catcheth nothing Againe The minde that many things intend To each apart the lesse both bend A brooke sufficient to driue a mill or carrie a boate beeing cut into many ditches wyll not bee able to doo eyther euen so the pastor that medleth with many occupations is vnprofitable for anie and therefore the fruite of such presumption must finally turne to ruine and confusion 33 The Ministers of Gods woorde are also in duetie so to beare themselues in theyr charge that they may bee regarded and loued of theyr congregations to the ende theyr doctrines admonitions exhortations and all oth●r partes of theyr ministerie maye haue the more credite and be receiued wyth greater affection Learne sayth Saint Bernard to bee mothers not Lordes ouer the sheepe of your folde Studie rather to bee loued than feared And when yee must vse seueritie let it bee fatherlyke not tyrannous Suppresse bytter speeches and preferre your pappes in offering the sweete milcke of the same A Bishoppe sayth an auncient Father must beware that he growe not into contempt through too much mirth and facilytie neyther into hatred by excessiue and vnreasonable seueritie Saint Paule grewe into such fauour wyth the Galathians that him selfe beareth them witnesse Gal. 4.15 1. Thes 2.7 Theodor●t Ec. hist l 4. c. 14 that if they could they woulde euen haue pulled forth their eyes to giue him And hee protesteth that towardes the Thessalonians hee was as tender as the nourse that tenderlye nour●eth her children Eusebius Bishoppe of Samo●ate was so beloued of his Church that when hee entered into the riuer of Euphrates in obedience to fulfil the banishmēt wherto the Emperour Valence inioyned him almost the whole Towne by boats followed him finding him did with teares instantly intreat him to returne But when they coulde not preuayle they offered him money garmentes and all other thinges necessarie and conuenient for his voyage And after their returne home to the towne there was not any one of whatsoeuer calling that would come to the preaching of the Arrian Bishoppe subrogated into his place so that seeing himselfe alone in the Church without any auditor he departed thence confounded 34 This loue and affection of the Church towardes her pastor is ingendered and especially increased when hee sealeth and confirmeth his doctrine by his conuersation and lyfe conformable to the same shewing himselfe in action to bee the portraiture of a good and faythfull pastour for as vertue is alwayes loued so is it loued of those for whose good and eternall saluation the same is imployed And therefore the pastour is not so much to studie and labour for anie thing except the truth of the doctrine as in his life and conuersation to bee a good example to his flocke And heereto doeth the Apostle Saint Paule exhort Timo●hie saying Bee to the beleeuers an example in worde 1. Tim. 4.12 Titus 2.7 in conuersation in loue in spirite in faith and in purenesse Yea the same exhortation doeth hee also vse to Titus saying In all thinges shew thy selfe an example of good woorkes 1. Pet. 5.3 Math. 5.4 with vncorrupt doctrine with grauitie integritie and with the wholesome worde which cannot bee reproued that hee which withstandeth may bee ashamed hauing nothing co●cerni●g vs to speake euill of And euen the verie same doth the holy Apostle Saint Peter also in one worde require where hee willeth the pastors to be examples to theyr flocke yea euen this doth our Lord and sauiour Iesus Christ teach where hee sayeth You are the light of the worlde Let your l ght so shine before men that they may see your good workes and glorifie your Father which is in heauen For as in a darke euening one goeth before with a torch or lantern for others to followe so the life and conuersation of the Pastors ought to be as a burning torch to guide others in the way of saluation and life euerlasting 35 True it is saith Augustine that Pastors may somewhat profite by saying albeit they doe not ●hat which they saye Augustine of Christ doct lib. 4. cap. 27. but they should profite much more if themselues would doe as they teach others for such as doe seeke excuses for their wicked liues doe finde enow in their Pastors which liue not as they teache and say if not with mouth yet in hart why doost thou command that which thy selfe wilt not do and this is the cause that men hearing them will not obey them euen because themselues doe not obey the word that they preach and therfore the people doth cōtemne both the Preacher and his doctrine to be short where the Apostle saith to Timothie Let no man despise thy path hee addeth the meanes how to auoide contempt saying Be vnto vnbeleeuers an example in conuersation and loue And truely as S. Augustine saith Aug. of Christ doct l. 4. c. 27 and cap. 29. The life of the teacher is of more waight to procure obedience to the doctrine then is his facility of speaking and vtterance And againe let him that hath not the gift of eloquence in vtterance so conuerse that the example patterne of his good life may
darknes What concord hath Christ with Belial Or what part hath the beleeuer with the Infidell And what agreement hath the temple of God with Idols for yee are the temple of the liuing God as God hath sayde I will dwell among them and walke there and I will bee their God and they shall bee my people Wherefore come out from among them and separate your selues sayth the Lord and touch no vncleane thing and I will receiue you and I will bee a father vnto you and you shall bee my sonnes and daughters saith the Lorde almightie And in the next Chapter following hee addeth Now therefore beloued seeing wee haue these promises let vs cleanse our selues from all filthinesse of the flesh and spirite and growe vp vnto full holinesse in the feare of God 3 The temple of Ierusalem was called holy because it was not a lodging for men but the house of God wholye dedicated and consecrated to his seruice as were also the vesselles belonging thereto in the same respect called holy Nowe if Baltasar king of Babylon by vsing them in a banquet drinking in them with his princes and concubines dyd prophane them and was for the same soone after rewarded for the same night hee lost both his kingdome and lyfe surely they that shall abandon not the vessels but the temple it selfe and not a temple of stone and of wood but euen theyr bodies and soules that are made the liuely temples of the liuing God to the prophane and filthie vses of the world and the flesh in lieu of dedicating the whole to the holye seruice of God who is with them do most filthily prophane the Temple of God and can expect no other than a most horrible vengeaunce and punishment as the holie Apostle Saint Paule protesteth saying Hee that destroieth the temple of God God will destroie him 1. Cor. 3.17 for the temple of God is holy which you are When a king maketh his entrie into a Towne or Citie hee findeth those streetes where he is to passe made cleane and his pallace hanged howe much rather ought wee whome God chooseth to bee his temple and to make his entrie into vs to bee with vs and to dwell with vs to purifie and cleanse from all filthynesse and vncleannesse and to adorne the place of his habitation with all vertue and holynesse 1. Pet. 1 13 4 Heereunto doth Saint Peter exhort vs saying Gird vp the loines of your minde bee sober and trust perfectly on the grace that is brought vnto you by the reuelation of Iesus Christ as obedient children not fashioning your selues vnto the former lusts of your ignorance But as hee that hath called you is holie so bee yee holie in all manner of conuersation because it is written Leuit. 11.44 19. 2 Be ye holie for I am holy Where hee sayeth that the loyns of our minds must be girt hee sheweth that as they that weare long garments when they come in foule wayes doo tucke and girte them vp least they should load them with mire by dragging them through the same so wee whose mindes and affections doo so bend to the earth that they doo euen traile thereupon walking thorough this world full of mire and corruption must tucke them vp toward heauen least they shoulde touch such daungerous and damnable mire from the which we ought wholy to retire and separate our selues that we may be made holy to the Lord. If anie man 2. Tim. 2.21 sayth Saint Paul purge himselfe from these filthinesses and corruptions he shall be a vessell vnto honour sanctified and meet for the Lord and prepared vnto euerie good worke 5 Iesus Christ prayeth vnto his father to sanctifie vs but how Euen by withdrawing vs from the corruptions of this worlde Iohn 17.17 and guiding vs by his spirite to bee consecrated and dedicated vnto him If therefore we grow not in sanctification we do make vaine the prayer of Iesus Christ so farre as it concerneth our selues In the same prayer hee addeth this protestation For their sakes I sanctifie my selfe Iohn 17.19 that they also maie bee sanctified thorough the truth If our sauiour Iesus Christ sanctified and consecrated himselfe to God his father to the ende his holynesse might stretch vnto vs and so in him and by him wee might bee sanctifyed vnto God wee doo falsely boast that hee is Emanuel God wyth vs conioyned and vnited vnto vs and that wee are members of his bodie vnlesse that separating our selues from the corruptions of the worlde and the flesh 1. Cor. 1.30 wee bee sanctified in him and vnto him And in deede if Christ were of God made vnto vs not onely righteousnesse but also sanctification it is in vaine for vs to boast of iustification wythout sanctification for God beeing wyth vs and vnited vnto vs this vnion must of necessitie engender not onelye our iustification in him but also our sanctification by him 6 It is the holy Ghost dwelling in vs that hath conioyned vs with Iesus Christ that hee may bee E anuel God wyth vs For hee sayth the Apostle Saint Paul that hath not the spirit of Christ is not his And as there can bee no fire without warmth or lyght so cannot God bee by his spirite in vs or with vs but hee will also sanctifie and purifie vs from all vice and corruption Rom. 8.9 that hee may consecrate vs vnto God We beleeue the holy Catholike Church Holy I saie because God is with it causing it to participate in his holynesse Wee are not therefore members of this holy Church vnlesse wee also bee holie As lykewise wee adde that wee beleeue the communion of Saintes that is of the faithfull and children of God But falsely and in vaine shall wee beare the name of Saintes or pretende our selues to bee the faithfull and children of God vnlesse that denying the filthynesse and corruptions of the worlde and the flesh wee bee fully dedicated in all purenesse and holynsse to the seruice of God And in deede when the holy Apostle sayeth Ensue peace and holinesse Heb. 12.14 without the which no man commeth to the Lorde Hee aduertiseth vs that holinesse is as it were the bonde betweene God and vs also that without the same we cannot beholde the face of the Lord. 7 This is the will of God saith Saint Paule euen your sanctification 1 Thes 4.3 that is that wee abstaine from whooredome that euerie one of you shuld know how to possesse his vessell in holinesse and honour not in the lust of couetousnes euen as the Gentiles which knowe not God That no man oppresse or defrande his brother in anie matter for the Lorde is auenger of all such thinges as wee also haue tolde yee before time and testified for God hath not called vs to vncleannes but vnto holines 8 Whereas Emanuel commaundeth vs to sanctifie the sabaoth daie hee therein sheweth vs how much his holynes doth bind vs to amend our liues The
first reason of this commandement tended by the ceasing from manuall labour to figure vnto vs the spirituall rest namely the mortification and ceasing from all desires willes workes and wordes of the flesh Esa 58.13 as the Prophet Esay also declareth saying If thou refrainest vpon the sabaoth from dooing thy will vpon my holie daie and doest consecrate it to bee a holie and pleasing Sabaoth to the Lorde of glorie and that thou glorifie him in not dooing thy owne workes and that thy owne will be not found therein thou shalt prosper in God Besides this figure hath farther relation euen vnto Iesus Christ as to the truth thereof because it was hee who dying for vs purchased vnto vs the grace so to mortifie the olde man that beeing dead vnto sinne Col. 2.16 wee might sanctifie this Sabaoth in resting from our workes and labours And to that purpose wee reade in Exodus Obserue my Sabaoth for it is a signe that I am the God that sanctifyeth you Exod. 31.13 Ezech. 20.12 Now how necessarie this amendement sanctification of life is it doth appeare in this that God neuer required anie thing more strictly than obedience to this commandement of the Sabaoth Ezech. 20.13 22.8 23 38. Iere. 17.21.27 For wheresoeuer he wil note that all religion is subuerted he complaineth that his Sabaoth is defiled and violated 9 Where God also commaundeth that hee that had gathered a few stickes vpon the saboath day should be put to death he plainly sheweth that the least will word or work of our sleth deserueth euerlasting death And in deed this Emanuel perfectly and infinitly holy cannot indure any filthynes and sinne in that which is ioyned and vnited vnto him As we doo also reade that when the so●s of Aaron Nadab and Abiu offered strange fire before the Lorde the fire proceeded from the presence of the Lorde and deuoured them Leuit. 10. 1 and they died before the Lord whereupon Moses said vnto Aaron This is it that the Lord pronounced saying I will be sanctified in those that come neere vnto me and I will bee glorified in the presence of all the people Therby shewing that the neerer that Emanuel commeth vnto men or draweth men vnto him the lesse will hee beare with their corruptions and the sooner will he punish thē as doth appeare in a lump of waxe which the neerer that it is laid to the fire the more doth the fire shew his heate in melting it And in this respect when God appearing out of the burning bush to Moses commanded him to put of his shooes of his feet he addeth this reason For the ground whereon thou standest is holy not by nature more than anie other Exod. 3.5 but in regard of the presence of God 10 In olde time God dwelt in the midst of the people of Israel and the Arke and the Temple were testimonies of his presence which presence tended to assure them either of his sauor to blesse those that yeelded due obedience by amendement of lyfe o● of his wrath to punish those most grieuously who contemning this grace should rebell against him And this dyd Iosua most liuelye represent to the people of Israel For when they had protested that they would serue God and no Idols hee sayde vnto them You cannot serue the Lord for hee is a holy and iealous God and will not pardon your sinnes and transgressions so that if you forsake him hee will roughly intreate you Ios 24.19 When God named his sonne Iesus Christ Emanuel hee thereby declared vnto vs that hee is in the middest among vs and with vs after a more excellent fashion as beeing vnited and conioyned in our flesh and consequentlye vnto vs. And therefore we are also the more bounde in duetie to liue in holynesse by amendement of lyfe as beeing assured that as hee is come neerer vnto vs and more excellently into vs thorough his sonne Emanuel so will hee shew himselfe more seuere and iealous in punishing vs when wee turne from him and serue his enemies the world and the flesh So often therefore as wee shall heare or reade this name Emanuel attributed to Iesus Christ let vs remember that the same is a summon to vs to amend our liues that separating our selues from all filthinesse and corruption wee may bee consecrated and wholy dedicated to the seruice of God who is with vs in praying him fully to sanctifie vs both in bodie in soule and in minde that wee may bee preserued without reproch vnto the comming of our Lord Iesus Christ Hee sayth Saint Paul that hath called vs to this sanctification ioyning vs vnto Iesus Christ 1. Thes 5.23 is faithfull and will doo it 11 Secondly this name Emanuel teacheth vs that God is with vs wheresoeuer wee bee and consequently that he seeth and knoweth all our thoughts wills wordes and workes For as wee haue before sayde his diuinitie is in all places and consequently by vs with vs and in vs. Not that we should rest vpon the bare contemplation of this diuine essence to vs incomprehensible but that we should referre all to his prouidence by beleeuing that it is he that seeth knoweth guideth and gouerneth all that is done in heauen in earth neither that he should need to stand neere vs to looke vpon our affections and works And in deed marke how he reproueth hypocrites Iere. 23.23 that thought that they had to do with a God of a short or a dim sight Weenest thou sayeth he that I am a God neere at hand and not a God a farre off Can anie hide himselfe in secret places that I shall not see him sayth the Lorde Doo not I fill heauen and earth sayth the Lord Hypocrits did imagine such a God in heauen that withall they represented him to themselues to be like a man yea euen short sighted such a one as could not see farre so perswaded themselues that God did not see theyr wicked thoughtes and workes But hee reproued them saying that hee is not a God at hand only that is to saie such a one as is lyke vnto men that had need to stand by when they will see anie thing but that hee seeth a farre of As Dauid also representeth him vnto vs saying Psalme 33. 13 Hebr. 4.13 The Lord looketh from the heauens hee beholdeth all the sonnes of men and from his dwelling hee seeth all the inhabitants of the earth And the Apostle plainly declareth that no creature can be hidden from him but all things lie open and bare to his sight that wee haue to doo withall In the meane time because that men according to theyr nature doo more easily beleeue that such as are neere them do see them let them thinke that in whatsoeuer place they be God is neere them as this name Emanuel doth admonish which signifieth that God is with vs yea euen in vs as hauing ioyned and vnited vs to himselfe and therefore that