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A91363 A little cabinet richly stored with all sorts of heavenly varieties, and soul-reviving influences. Wherein there is a remedy for every malady, viz. milk for babes, and meat for strong men, and the ready way for both to obtain and retain assurance of salvation: being an abridgement of the sum and substance of the true Christian religion; wherein the cause of our salvation, the way, the guide, the rule, the evidence, the seals, &c. and the connection of these points together, and dependancy of them one upon another: this I have endeavoured to do orderly, exactly, methodically, with much plainness and clearness. / By Robert Purnell. Purnell, Robert, d. 1666. 1657 (1657) Wing P4237; Thomason E1575_1; ESTC R209217 254,040 517

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less just for their iniquity God doth say of himself I am the Lord and change not his love is as himself ever the same and Christ in whom thou art beloved the same yesterday to day and the same for ever and hereupon should we live by Faith and rejoyce evermore with joy unspeakable and full of glory Heb. 13. 8. 1 Thes 5. 16. Psal 32. 11. 4. Because whatsoever thoughts we have of God he is unchangeable if he doth withdraw himself and lead thee into the wilderness it is that he may speak comfortably to thee Hos 2. 14 15. and all this while thou hast his promise with thee and his faithfulness is engaged unto thee Isaiah 54. 7 8. For a small moment have I forsaken thee but with great mercy will I gather thee in a little wrath I hid my face from thee for a moment but with everlasting kindness will have mercy upon thee Jer. 51. 5. Neh. 9. 16 17. Having loved his own which were in the world he loved them to the end Iohn 13. 1. 5. God doth ever look upon his as they are in his Son and not simply as they are in themselves they dwell in Christ and he in them they live in Christ and their life is hid with Christ in God and when Christ who is their life shall appear then shall they also appear with him in glory and be found in him not having their own righteousness c. These Scriptures do fully prove all the fore-going reasons why a Christians hope joy and comfort should be the same in God at all times and so live by faith and not by sight Hos 2. 19 20. Jer. 3. 14. Jer. 33. 8. Isa 62. 5. Heb. 8. 10 12. Ezek. 16. 62 63. Heb. 3. 6. Jer. 33. 20 21. Hosea 14. 5. Isa 61. 10. Isa 54. 5. Jer. 31. 9. Heb. 3. 17 18. Heb. 6. 17 18. Rom. 3. 3. 2 Tim. 2. 13. Rom. 8. 28 33 35 38 39. Isa 41. 10 Isa 57. 18 19. Isa 54. 7 8. Heb. 10. 19 20 22. Psalm 46. 1 2 3 4. Rom. 8. 1 2. John 13. 1. Isa 63. 16. Psal 89. 30 31 33. Several waies for a believer to hold fast his confidence in God at all times To live by Faith in infirmities is to live upon Christ and his promises viz. If under temptations 1. Cor. 10. 13. there is a promise of supportation and deliverance In deadness of heart Isa 35. 5 6. there is a promise of relief and quickning If fallen by transgression Jam. 5. 17. yet there is others of the Lords own in the same case If thou seest thy duty and want strength to do it here is help and strength for thee Job 17. 9. Psalm 84. 7. Isa 45. 24. and 40. 29 30. Jer. 17. 8. Psal 1. 2 3. Psal 92. 13 14. Isa 61. 9. In Christ thou hast perfectly obeyed the Law perfectly suffered and satisfied for all thy sins to the justice of God so that in Christ thou art perfectly just and righteous and thereupon it is said Col. 3. 3. Ephes 2. 6. that our life is hid with Christ in God and we are raised up with Christ and made to sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus though in thy self there is a body of lust and corruption and sin and there is a law revealing sin accusing and condemning but if we live by faith in Christ and in the apprehension of his love believing in the life righteousness obedience satisfaction and glory of him whom the Spirit cals ours Christ is ours we are Christs and Christ is Gods he then lives out of the power of all condemnation Christ being the end of the Law for righteousness and thus a believer is blessed only in a righteousness without not within and all his assurance confidence and comforts to flow into him through a channel of faith and not of works believing himself happy for what another even Christ hath done for him not for what he hath done nor can do for himself for when we are at the best we are but vanity Psal 39. 5. and unprofitable servants Luke 17. 10. Now this believing in God is attended with these five blessed things 1. It is the highest piece of obedience to God Rom. 16. 26. It is called the obedience of Faith 2. It doth put a new engagement upon God to make good his promise upon which faith is grounded Psal 119. 49. Remember the word unto thy servant upon which thou hast caused me to hope 1 Chron. 5. 20. 3. Consider also another priviledge is this the greatest mercies that ever came into a soul comes in a way of believing Rom. 15. 13. Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing Rom. 5. 1. being justified by Faith we have peace with God c. 4. By it we give the greatest honour to God John 3. 33. He hath set to his seal that God is true but he that believeth not hath made him a lyar 1 John 5. 10. 5. This is the way to have God take pleasure in us Psal 147. 11 The Lord taketh pleasure in those that fear him in those that hope in his mercy Psal 33. 18. The eyes of the Lord are upon them that fear him upon them that hope in his mercy The joy of a believer would be alwaies unspeakable did he alwaies apprehend his happiness in and by Christ Jesus Faith in Christ supplies all wants it honours God as Heb. 11. the whole Chapter and God honours those most that live by it by it saith the Scripture the Elders obtained a good report by faith we may live a life to God of joy in him our righteousness as if we had never sinned by faith we live above sin infirmities temptations desertions sense reason fears and doubts Faith sweetens the sweetest mercy and the bitterest miseries it renders great afflictions as none it is the bulwark of the souls strength and comfort by Faith we cheerfully readily and universally and constantly obey God In a measure it makes the the yoak of Christ easie and sweet it states the soul in the possession of heaven whilst the body remains on earth as John 3. 36. By faith we view the glory of heaven and know our selves to be happy even then when to a carnal eye we seem most miserable By faith we can cheerfully part with and suffer deprivation of the sweetest outward comforts and enjoyments and welcome them knowing that we do but exchange the worst things and place for a better those that live up by faith live upon God and are refreshed in his house which is plentifully stored with all desirable dainties having this welcome eat O friends and drink abundantly It is O believer thy portion duty and priviledge thus to do O then O then let us at once believe that God will be to us according to his gracious promise and Covenant notwithstanding our daily omissions and commissions excuses and defects according to that portion of Scripture Psal 89. from 30.
should you make such a matter of sin by this Satan doth cause many a soul to turn the grace of God into wantonness but for a remedy herein consider that God is as just as he is merciful as the Scripture doth speak him out to be a very merciful God so they speak him forth to be a very just God witness his casting the Angels out of heaven his turning Father Adam out of Paradise his drowning the old world his raining fire out of heaven upon Sodom It is true his general mercy is over all his works but his special mercy is confined to those that he hath divinely qualified Exod. 34. 6 7. Psal 32. 10. Psal 103. 11. 8. This Doctrine is the most hardest thing in the world to be learned it being wholly in every part of it supernatural and all things in us do fight against it To do well and have well is natural but to believe and have well is supernatural man remaining in his natural state is altogether unable to receive and comprehend those glorious and gracious mysteries of being righteous by anothers righteousness and of being saved by anothers suffering all men both Jews and Gentiles are set upon seeking life and happiness by their own doings and performances for although man did fearfully fall by transgression yet he retained certain foot-steps marks and impressions of that moral and eternal Law of righteousness which was at first engraven in his heart by the finger of God Almighty So that although as to everlasting felicity man is dark and dead being under the power of the God of this world whose Kingdom is a Kingdom of darkness who rules in men by ignorance yet there remains in every man so much light as doth lead him to the knowledge of a God but when the Lord doth reveal this mysterie of his grace by his Spirit to and in man then he doth over and above that common work of the Spirit by which he enlighteneth every man I say Christ doth give unto those given him of the Father the mind and understanding to know him and to receive him and to lay hold on him for life and salvation Now in this sense the natural man perceiveth not the things of God 1 Cor. 2. 14. neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned 1 Cor. 1. 21. The world by wisdom knoweth not God c. Now this Doctrine of grace is the hardest thing in the world to be learned because we are naturally apt to hunger and thirst after a righteousness of our own but it must be renounced I confess this self denyal is very hard Oh how hard is it for the soul to be taken off its own bottom of works and qualifications and to strip them of all that is their own ye take away their lives they must and will have something some humbleness and brokenness of heart some tears some good works or abilities or good heart as many say and this doth argue as yet thou art not pluckt off thine own stock and therefore art not planted into Christ thou art ignorant of the righteousness of God and so goest about to establish thine own righteousness consider consider our works make us not the better before God neither the more beloved of the Lord but declare us to be what we are made by God and so are profitable to men but not to God But what saith the Scripture now to him that worketh is not the reward reckoned of grace but of debt but to him that worketh not but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly his faith is accounted for righteousness Rom. 4. 2 3 4 5. We are saved not according to our works but according to his own purpose and grace 2 Tim. 1. 9. Again we read Rom. 5. 10. When we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son Isa 43. 25. I will blot out thy transgressions for mine own sake and will not remember thy sins a new heart also will I give thee Ezek. 36. 26 27 31. Again Isa 57. 18. I have seen his waies and will heal him Isa 44. 22. I have blotted out as a thick cloud thy transgressions return to me for I have redeemed thee Ezek. 16. 6 8. When thou wast polluted in thy own blood I said unto thee live when thou wast in thy blood thy time was the time of love and I covered thy nakedness Now consider the Lord doth this that he might have all the glory of our Election Vocation Justification Sanctification and Salvation See Eph. 1. 6. Jer. 9. 24. Rom. 3. 9. Luke 1. 74. 1 Cor. 4. 7. Iames 1. 17. And as this Doctrine is the hardest thing in the whole world to be learned so it is the hardest work where it is not learned to obey God in any of his commands to instance in one for all God doth command men every where to repent but is not repentance a mighty work a difficult work a work that is above our power Surely there is no power below that power that raised Christ from the dead and that made the world that can break the heart of a sinner or turn his heart It is as easie to turn the stream that runs swiftly forward and make it run as swiftly backward as it is to repent indeed and to melt thine own heart it is as easie to turn a flint into flesh as to turn thine own heart to the Lord it is as easie to raise the dead and make a world as to repent it is a flower that grows not in natures Garden Jer. 13. 23. Can the Ethiopian change his skin or the Leopard his spots then may ye also do good that are accustomed to do evill But this work that is so difficult and so hard above our reach is easily wrought in the soul when God gives it to see his grace and love in giving Christ Act. 5. 31. Him hath God exalted with his right hand to be a Prince and a Saviour for to give repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins Gal. 1. 8. If I or any other or an Angel of heaven preach any other Gospel then this that we have preached unto you then salvation and participation of Christ by grace and free gift for that is the Doctrine he had established before and through the whole Epistle to the Galathians What shall I say more there is nothing in men though never so vile that can debar a person or a people from a part in this Christ some will not have Christ except they can pay for him others dare not meddle with Christ because they are so vile and sinful and therefore they seek to get an inherent righteousness they run to their qualifications to their prayers to their tears to their humiliations and sorrows and reformations and will not come at Christ untill they have spent all upon these Physitians and are sensible with the woman in the Gospel that they are nothing the better but the worse then they begin
uncertain he that understands not the true nature and doctrine of Justification cannot enjoy true stable and constant peace but remains unstable apt to be led away with every wind of Doctrine in the right understanding of this point is treasured up a fountain of soul-reviving consolation Surely by what hath been said it doth most plainly appear that a Christians happiness depends not upon his own doings but on Christ who is of God made unto us Righteousness Sanctification c. who hath saved us and called us with an holy calling not according to our works but according to his own purpose and grace See 1 Cor. 1. 30. 2 Tim. 1. 9. Heb. 13. 8. Sanctification admits of degrees Justification neither of Rules nor degrees when we cannot apprehend God in a way of Sanctification yet we are then comprehended of God though our actual righteousness be but as menstruous rags and often fail us yet then even then we have the righteousness of Christ presented to us Isa 45. 24. Surely shall one say in the Lord have I righteousness and strength their righteousness is of me saith the Lord Isa 54. 17. And this Righteousness as it is ours by imputation so it is perfect and endureth for ever and is the foundation of all blessedness therefore let us rest satisfied with Christs righteousness and add nothing to it let our hearts say with David Psalm 71. 15 16 19 24. I will make mention of thy righteousness even of thine only and wait upon him in Faith prayer and patience who hath promised that he will be as a dew to Israel and that he shall grow as a Lilly and cast forth his fruit as Lebanon Hosea 14. 6 7. Of Faith the quality object acts seat subject inseparable concomitants and degrees of Justifying Faith the difficulty of believing and the faculty of mistaking about it FAith gives courage and confidence in greatest difficulties and dangers but unbelief raiseth fear where no fear is Psalm 23. 4. Believing is the ready way the safest way the sweetest way the shortest way the only way to a well-grounded assurance now Faith is An habitual frame or a believing disposition of heart whereby man is inclinable to believe whatsoever God hath said in his word Or It is a grace of God whereby the heart and will of a sensible sinner doth take and embrace Jesus Christ as tendred in the Gospel in his person and offices and doth wholly and only rest upon him for pardon of sin and for eternal life Gods eternal decree is the original cause of it Acts 13. 48. The instrumental cause of it is the Word of God Rom. 10. 17. The immediate and singular cause of it is the Spirit of God Gal. 5. 22. That the will or heart of a man should be brought off from it self and to abhor its own condition and sufficiency and to take Christ as God tenders him to be the only rock upon which a man must build his salvation and to be the only Lord to whose Law and will we must resign up our whole soul this ariseth not from natural causes or mans own free will Of the Object of Faith NOW the object of Justifying Faith is the whole Trinity God the Father the ultimate object God the Son the immediate as he is joyntly one with the Father in justifying a sinner John 14. 1. ye believe in God believe also in me now whole Christ is the object of Faith Christ you know is God and man and he is to be considered as a Priest as a Prophet and as a King now God tenders him in all these to sinners and Christ is willing to bestow himself on them as one who can and will assuredly save all that come to him but saith Christ if you would have me to be your Priest to save you you must also be willing to have me to be your Prophet to instruct you and direct you and to be your King and Lord to command you you must resign up your selves to my Scepter and Government for I am a Lord as well as a Saviour and I will be taken as both or else you shall have part in neither I will be taken as Lord and King to command all the heart to dispose all the waies to rule the very thoughts Of the subject of this Faith THE subject of this Faith is a sensible sinner there are two sorts of sinners 1. Some generally corrupted both in their natures and in their lives and they are as unsensible as they are sinful they know not their own vileness these are not the subjects of this precious Faith 2. There are sensible experienced sinners who loath themselves and groan under the burden of their sins I must confess there are several degrees of this sensibleness neither dare I to assume the height and latitude of it unto the terms or horrour and terrour and dejections before he can believe in Christ no though these sharp throws are manifest in some yet let us not make them a rule for all but this be sure that the heart looks not towards Christ until it feel it self to be sinful and lost then and not till then the soul looks out and enquires after a Saviour and anon he finds it written that Christ ●ame not to call the righteous but sinners and that Christ was sent to find that which was lost and that the whole need not a Physitian but the sick and that he is sent to preach liberty to the Captives Of the Seat of Faith THE seat or habitation of Faith is the heart or will or both Rom. 10. 10. with the heart man believeth unto righteousness Acts 8 37. and Philip said if thou believest with all thy heart thou mayst now before Faith takes up his seat in the heart or in order to it 1. There is a looking to Jesus John 19. 37. 2. There is a coming to him Mat. 11. 28. John 6. 37. 3. There is a leaning upon him Cant. 8. 5. 4. There is an embracing of him Cant. 2. 6. 5. There is a taking hold of him John 1. 12. Col. 2. 6. 6. There is a believing in him and that with the heart and there is the seat of Faith Of the ground of Faith THE ground of believing is the word of God the Scriptures of truth he that doth say he doth believe in God having no Scripture ground he doth deceive himself the ground of Faith is without our selves not a light in us or any thing done by us the ground of Faith is God in his word doth offer us Christ and Christ cals us unto him and saith he will in no wise cast us off but if we believe in him we shall have eternal life now this is a word of truth and this word of his is worthy of all acceptation and whatsoever was written aforetime was written for our learning that we through patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope John 20. 31. But these things are written that we might
believe and that believing we might have life through his name 1. The Scriptures of truth are the ground of Faith as they do give a man sufficient ground and warrant to believe whatsoever is contained in them this was the ground of Abrahams faith and of Davids faith remember the word upon which thou hast caused me to hope Psal 119. 49. 2. The Scriptures are the ground of Faith as it is a sure word as we are not to believe any thing that is not contained in Scripture so we need not doubt of any thing that is promised in them they are the faithful sayings of God 3. The Scriptures are the ground of Faith as it is a touchstone to try all doctrines by Isa 8. 20. John 5. 39. 4. They may be said to be the ground of Faith as they hold forth all things necessary to salvation and all things necessary to be believed Again they may be said to be the ground of Faith because in them the Lord doth command us to believe 1 Joh. 3. 23. Joh. 6. 29. Again in the Scriptures there are many solemn invitations to poor sensible sinners to come and take milk and wine and the water of life freely And many precious promises to those that do come with many examples left upon record how well those have sped that did come all these are grounds and encouragements to believe The Springs of Faith how God doth beget it in an unbeliever THere is no natural power in man to produce a cause within its self this great grace of Faith is no fruit of the wisdom of the flesh nor is it the birth of a corrupt will The immediate and sole cause of Faith is the Spirit of God He it is who is greater then the heart who can perswade and draw the heart and change and renew the Spirit There be means appointed by God which he doth ordnarily bless for the production of faith as he hath ordained means for the revelation of Christ so he hath sanctified means to lead the soul unto him to implant Faith 1. God lets the soul see that it is the command of God that he should believe and that faith is the gift of God without which we can do nothing acceptably it is through grace that men believe yet men are to use the means now the great and ordinary means by which God works faith in the hearts of men it is the preaching of the word See Act. 13. 48. When the Gentiles heard this they were glad and glorified the word of the Lord and as many as were ordained to life believed Rom. 10. 17. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God Ephes 1. 13. In whom ye also trusted after that ye heard the word of truth the Gospel of your salvation 2. The preaching of the word doth discover to the soul its extream misery and great need of Christ and makes him say men and brethren what shall I do to be saved 3. It is that which casteth down all the reasonings arguments and disputes of the mind against the conditions of Christ and renders all the terms of Christ upon which he will be taken as most equal fair and resonable 4. It is that which clears the way for the soul against all its fears and unbelieving doubts it layes before the sinner the freeness of Gods mercy the fulness of Christs Redemption the willingness on Christs part to accept of him 5. It is that sets the soul in a patient expectation to lie at the Pool for ever to attend the assemblies of the Saints and to enquire in his Temple till the soul can take a close with Christ by true believing 6 Means to get faith take one promise and charge that upon the heart and if the heart be stubborn and will not yeild then take another if that will not do then take another and lay that home upon the heart and never leave this work till you have gotten some smal measure of Faith 7. Make as much conscience of those commands that require you to believe as you do of those commands that do require you to hear read and meditate and pray Lastly consider for thy encouragement that blessed text Psalm 147. 11. The Lord taketh pleasure in those that hope in his Mercy See Psalm 33. 18. The Impediments Lets and Hinderances of Faith AS the Eunuch said to Philip here is water what hinders me that I may not be baptized so may I say to my self and others here in the Gospel is Christ set out to the life here are arguments fair enough to draw on our souls to Christ what hinders that we do not believe and receive Christ The first impediment to the getting of Faith is gross ignorance whatsoever is contrary to knowledge the same is contrary to Faith the soul must have light for all its motions for the eye to see and the understanding to perceive and for the heart to embrace those ignorances that is a hindrance to faith fals in these three parts 1. They are ignorant of their own sinful condition 2. They are ignorant of Gods just disposition towards them 3. They are ignorant of Christ and all his excellencies what he is God or man or both they know not him in both his natures neither in his Offices Actions Passion Benefits Vertues they understand not how God hath manifested love in Christ to what end he was made man what is in him more then in any other Alas they think not of these things Now how is it possible for the soul to believe or to be perswaded to believe in Christ or to labour for this precious faith which is a stranger to it self to God to Christ 2. A second impediment of Faith is a vain confidence of natural righteousness this was it which kept off many of the Pharisees the text saith that they trusted to their own righteousness they being ignorant of Gods righteousness and going about to establish their own rigteousness have not submitted to the righteousness of God Rom. 10. 3 6. 3. A third impediment of faith is the honour of the world how can you believe saith Christ which receive honour one from another John 5. 44. again Mat. 19. 22. He went away sorrowful without faith for he had great earthly possessions John 7. 48. Have any of the Pharisees believed on him Motives to believe or divers Arguments from Jesus Christ himself to perswade us to believe 1. OUR Lord Christ doth lay his command upon us John 14. 1. ye believe in God believe also in me John 6. 29. this is the work of God that ye believe on him whom he hath sent 1 John 3. 23. this is his Commandment that we believe on the name of the Son of God even Jesus Christ 2. The second motive is or may be thus consider that Christ plainly saith that he that will not believe shall be damned John 3. 18 36. Excellency prevails much with an ingenious nature and necessity with the worst
to 37. If my children forsake my Law and walk not in my judgements If they break my Statutes and keep not my Commandments then will I visit their transgressions with the Rod and their iniquities with stripes Nevertheless my loving kindness will I not utterly take from them nor suffer my faithfulness to fail my Covenant will I not break nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips c. He that lives by Faith in infirmities may be thus characterized 1. He will hear Christ and not the voice of a stranger John 10. 27. 5. 2. He is not offended at whatsoever Christ requires Mat. 11. 6. 3. The revealed will of God in the Scriptures is his Rule and not the light within nor the traditions of men he walketh more by rule then example 4. He will trust God and relye upon his word he eyeth the promise and saith surely in the Lord have I righteousness and strength Isa 45. 24. Jude 3. Act. 20. 31 c. 5. He will hold fast to and earnestly contend for the truth and Faith once delivered to the Saints 6. His sin doth not sink him into despair though he may have many doubtings he will say in the mid ● of all his imperfections I have as much of the love of God acceptation in Christ as the best Saint ever had though I come short in the manifestation my state is as happy as any of theirs Heb. 3. 17. Although the Figtree shall not blossom neither shall fruit be in the vine c. Yet I will rejoyce in the Lord I will joy in the God of my salvation c. What shall I say more my body shall be raised 1 Thes 4. 16. And I shall have a spiritual body 1 Cor. 15. 43 44. I shall have a glorified body Phil. 3. 21. The Sun in the firmament is not so glorious as my body shall be because the Sun is but a natural body I shall have fulness of knowledge Ephes 3. 18. and fulness of joy and pleasure Psal 16. 11. No misery hunger cold or nakedness pain grief nor weariness shall attend me but I shall rest without labour 2 Thes 1. 7. And I shall have in rest tranquility and in tranquility contentment in contentment joy in joy variety in variety security in security a glorious eternity then shall I be like him and see him as he is 1 John 3. 1 2. compared with 1 Cor. 13. 12. To close up all that I shall speak of this grace of Faith which is of so great concernment give me leave to answer two considerable questions that do arise in the hearts of many 1. What conditions or qualifications must or ought I to find in my felf before I believe or lay hold on a promise 2. If to believe in God is of so great concernment both to being and well being why do so few men and womens sons and daughters believe 1. Quere is What conditions and qualifications must or ought a man to find in himself before he believeth or lay hold of the precious promises in the Scriptures of Truth Answ I know no qualifications or conditions required of us before we come unless these be conditions and qualifications tob uy milk and wine without mony and without price and to take of the water of life freely Isa 55. 1 2 3. Rev. 22. 17. Isa 43. 25. Isa 45. 22. And this I say there will be found in all that do believe without which they will not come to Christ I do not say without which they should not come 1. A sense of his lost condition and great need of a Saviour the whole need not a Physitian saith our Lord Christ 2. There will be poverty of Spirit which doth spring or arise from these two things First that a soul hath a sense that it hath nothing that good is in it self Secondly that he can do nothing to procure good to himself 3. There will be an inquiring after a remedy c. Sirs what shall I do to be saved Lord what wilt thou have me to do 4. There will be a willingness to part with any thing for Christ that stood in opposition to him that so he may enjoy him 5. There will be a resolution and purpose of heart to lead a new life more holily spiritually and heavenly for time to come 6. A resolution to wait upon God in his wayes and to lie at the Pool of Bethesda Now these and the like things are not required as that without which we should not come to Christ but these things will be in him that doth come without which he cometh not 2. Quere What is the reason why so few do believe in God seeing the way is so opened and cleared and the stumbling blocks removed Answ 1. Ground or reason why believing on the Son of God is so hard is because every thing in man doth fight against it hence it doth come to pass that believing doth require the greatest piece of self-denyal in them for a man to break the Law and yet to be freed from the curse of the Law this reason cannot comprehend 2. Ground why so few believe is either because they think they do believe already and yet do not or else they would believe but say they cannot First they think they do believe and yet do not and these are of three sorts First ignorant persons now ignorance and unbelief they alwayes go togegether we read of Paul that did things before he was converted in ignorance and unbelief Jer. 4. 22. My people are foolish they know not me to do good they have no knowledge Secondly those that boast and glory in their own righteousness these have no faith in Jesus Christ and his righteousness The third sort of people that do think they do believe and do not are prophane persons and these be of two sorts men of prophane spirits and men of prophane lives prophane practices 3. Ground or reason why so few believe is because it is the great design of Satan either to hinder or overthrow our Faith because believing doth give the greatest glory to God and brings in the greatest good to us First it doth give the greatest glory to God of any work in the world it doth give glory to his truth and faithfulness and power and mindfulness So it doth give glory to Jesus Christ to his name power and God-head Offices and attributes by doubting we dishonour him frustrate the grace of God make the death of Christ of none effect 4. Reason why believing is so hard a work is because of the multitude of false Doctrines that there are in the world that a man scarce knows who to hear or whom to believe c. Of Repentance unto life REpentance and faith are two inseparable companions where the one doth dwell the other will lodge in the Covenant of grace there is place for repentance and mercy for the penitent Let us first enquire what true repentance is viz. Some say repentance is
our selves to be justified from our sins by faith in the blood of Christ is the cause of our love to Christ 1 Joh. 4. 10 19. 6. Our love to Christ is the cause of our obeying of Christ 1 Joh. 5. 3. For this is the love of God that we keep his commandments so again Joh. 14. 15. If ye love me keep my commandments See the 21. and 23. ver 7. In our obedience to him he doth manifest these things to us that we have right to the tree of life Rev. 22. 14. Blessed are they that do his commandments that they may have right to the tree of life and may enter in through the gates into the City that is in the obedience he shall have the manifestation of that 2 Pet. 1. 11. For so an entrance shall be administred unto you abundantly into the everlasting Kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ And so he is manifested to be the Author of salvation to all them that obey him Heb. 5. 9. Behold obedience to God is the way of conveyance to us so it is a lively evidence to others that we are the Lords Joh. 13. 35. By this shall all men know that ye are my Disciples because our faith which is the evidence of things not seen to us is proved to others to be true by its works Jam. 2. 18. Behold here is the Lords going downward from the causes to the effects now we must go upward from the effects to the causes 1. God shews us what is our duty and puts us upon doing it and for the doing of it those that behold it and hear of us judge us to be true Christians 2. In the doing of it God manifests himself more and more to our souls in the keeping of his appointments there is great reward for so an entrance is administred to us abundantly 2 Pet. 1. 11. 3. The cause of our obedience is our love to God If ye love me keep my commandments 4. The cause of our love was our seeing that God did love us first 1 Joh. 4. 10 19. 5. The cause of our faith in Christ is the preaching of the Gospel Rom. 10. 17. 6. The cause of the preaching the Gospel to us was Christs dying for us 7. The cause of Christs dying for us was Gods great love of pitty to us-wards even when we were dead in trespasses and sins Ephes 2. 4. So then Gods love was the cause of sending his son o deye for our sins Christs dying and rising again is the cause of the Gospe●s being preached The preaching of the Gospel is the cause of our believing Our believing is the cause of our justification from sin the knowing of our selves free from sin by the blood of Christ is the cause of our love to Christ our love to Christ is the cause of our obeying of him and in onr obedience is the manifestation more and more conveyed to us So by our obedience others have some evidence of our faith in Christ Mans life is or should be guided by these vertues 1. FAith whereby we believe in and lay hold on God for something promised 2. Hope and that is either for pardoning mercy or for glory 3. Charity whereby we love God as the only good and his people and our enemies in obedience to his command 4. Prudence 1. In our hearts to guide our thoughts 2. In our mouths to order our speeches 3. It should be in our words to grace or adorn our actions 4. In the intelligence to understand things present 5. Prudence to guess at things to come 6. Prudence to recal matters past 5. Temperance which moderates our desires and brings the Appetite under a rule of reason that it may not exceed the rule of moderation 6. Perseverance which continueth in doing and suffering valiantly 7. Justice which giveth every man his due without self-love fear or ranckor it binds us to give due to God to our parents and kindred verity and equity in all that we do in order to our duty herein 1. Sense perceiveth 2. Imagination representeth 3. Understanding formeth 4. Wit deviseth 5. Reason judgeth 6. Memory preserveth 7. Intelligence apprehendeth 8. Contemplation in the prosecution perfecteth Several Divine Sentences First of Christ HE that was the Son of of God became the son of man that we who were the sons of men might become the sons of God He was made sin for us that knew no sin that we might be made the right●ousness of God in him 2 Cor. 5. 21. The more vile Christ made himself for us the more dear he ought to be unto us therefore let us beware of Christ-dishonouring and soul-undoing opinions All good things are in Christ eminently perfectly and eternally Faith in the blood of Christ the witness of the Spirit of Christ a sense of feeling and the love of Christ and the hope of reigning with Christ are the only things to be desired Christ is as well the fountain of common gifts as of saving grace A true Christian cannot find fulness in the creature nor sweetness in sin nor life in any Ordinance without Christ he will weep over other mens weaknesses and rejoyce at their graces We must lean more upon Christ and less upon our own strength lest with Peter we rest upon some old strength and fall before a new temptation Christ can heal a soul speedily perfectly freely and eternally Oh that Christ should shed his blood for those sins that we never shed one tear for A true Christian doth labour for unity in the Church as well as purity he loves to see Christs coat without rent as well as without spot Phil. 3. 15. Christ did admit his spouse into the garden sweetly though she kept him out of her house sluggishly What a poor soul doth for Christ sincerely that our precious Saviour takes sweetly though it be done ill he doth accept it well Nay though we carry our selves in our choicest performances very weakly yet he doth carry himself towards us very sweetly and doth accept of that which we do kindly although done in much infirmity let us enter into his service and we shall soon experience his sweetness Christ doth weigh the heart of the giver more then the value of the gift and delights to see his people give cheerfully though they cannot give bountifully Let us give over measuring his mercy by the narrow scantling of our dark understandings though difficulties may arise and Christians hearts may fail yet the work of Christ shall go on c. Of affliction for sin in Sentences GOD is as severe in punishing as he is gracious in pardoning his house of correction is his School of instruction God had one Son without corruption but no Son without correction he had one Son without Sin but no Son without Sorrow A Soul may be dearly beloved although soarly afflicted sin and punishment are linked together if thou wilt be sinful thou must be miserable Oh what is the state of a man
that hath sinned it will cost him more grief sorrow heart-breaking and soul-bleeding before conscience will be satisfied comfort restored evidences cleared and pardon in the court of conscience sealed for God can look sowrly and chide bitterly and strike heavily even where and when he loves dearly a soul may be full of holy affection when it is empty of divine consolation there may be true grace where there is not one drop of comfort nor one dram of joy Of Sin in Sentences MOst men are fallen into sin as if there were no God to punish them no justice to condemn them no hell to torment them That man shall be a slave to sin that will not avoid the occasions of sin It is impossible for that man to get the conquest of sin that plaies and sports with the occasions of sin It is better to be kept from sin then to be cured of sin as it is better to be kept from a disease then to be cured of that disease the greatest sinners shall be the greatest sufferers Sin shall never be our bane if it be our burden sin doth intice us to that which is against Gods holiness as well as against our happiness There is no sin little because there is no little God to sin against There is many a one full of sinful corruption that shews it not for want of occasion but the more grace thrives in the Soul the more sin dies in the soul Sin may break our Communion but not our Union with God Every sin doth put God upon complaining Christ upon bleeding and the spirit upon grieving and so men go on from folly to folly till they be ripe for eternal misery Of doing or practising in Sentences WE should spend our and time pains about that which will make us live happily die comfortably and raign eternally It is not knowing man nor the talking man nor the reading man but the doing man that at last will be found the happiest man Therefore no danger or difficulty should hinder a Christian from his duty for if our knowledge be not turned into practise the more knowledge we have the more miserable shall we be We should be thankfull under mercies faithfull in our places humble under divine appearances and fruitfull under pretious o●dinances For he that thinks himself too good to be ruled by Gods word will be found too bad to be owned by God To reward good for evil is divine to reward good for good is humane to reward evil for evil is brutish but to reward evil for good is devilish we are apt to have two eyes to behold our dignity and priviledges and not so much as one eye to see our duty and services Of the Riches Honour and Glory of the world in Sentences A Man may be great and graceless with Pharaoh honourable and damnable with Saul rich and miserable with Dives A man may have enough of this world to sink him but he can never have enough to save him though good Christians have here but little in possession yet they have a glorious kingdom in reversion It is better to be gracious then great inwardly holy then out wardly happy for the best mans honour is as glass bright and brittle and evermore in danger of breaking the things of this life are not so absolutely given us but that God retains still a right to it and an interest in it and may demand it when and how he please Of the Devil and his temptation in Sentences THE Devil aims principally to make us walk sinfully that so we might live uncomfortably If Satan be alwaies roaring we should be alwaies watching for though Satan cannot rob a Christian of his crown yet he will endeavour to spoil him of his comfort It is not Satans tempting but our consenting not his inticing but our yielding that makes temptation sinful Therefore let us not yield to Satans temptations who hath the worst name and the worst nature of all created creatures our carnal security is his opportunity and he that would not be taken with Satans devises let him make present resistance against Satans first motions Of assurance of Salvation in Sentences A Ssurance is a salve for every sore and a remedy for every malady a Christians anchor at sea and his shield at land a staff to support him a sword to defend him and a pavilion to hide him Assurance makes heavy afflictions light and long afflictions short and bitter afflictions sweet God hath made an everlasting separation between sin and peace sin and joy sin and assurance if sin and our souls be one God and our souls must needs be two He that will get assurance must mind his work more then his wages for assurance is heavenlywages that God gives not to loiterers but to the ingenious labourers Though no man merits assurance by his obedience yet God usually crowns obedience with assurance That soul will never attain to any settled assurance of Salvation that builds his hopes upon a sandy foundation We cannot distrust our selves too much nor trust Christ too much It is one thing for God to love a soul and another thing for God to assure that soul of his love A man may be truly holy and yet not have assurance that he shall be eternally happy God writes many a mans name in the book of life and yet not let him have assurance of it till the hour of death assurance is a mercy too good for most mens hearts a crown too weighty for most mens heads It is the best and greatest mercy and therefore God will only give it to his nearest and dearest friends As faith is often attended with unbelief and sincerity with hypocrisie and humility with vain glory so is assurance with fears and doubts Divers knotty questions answered and seeming contradictions in the Scripture reconciled and many Scruples of conscience removed VVE read 1 John 3. 16. we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren Quest In what cases may we hazard or lay down our lives for the brethren Answ 1. A private Christian may adventure his life for publike persons Rom. 16. 3 4. Greet Priscilla and Aquila my hel●ers in Christ who have for my life laid down their own necks unto whom not only I give thanks but also all the Chruches of the Gentiles 2. A man may warrantably adventure his life if need require for a multitude that they may be preserved from destruction so Moses Exod. 32. 31 32. so Paul Rom. 9. 3. compared with Phil. 2. 17 18. 3. One publike officer may hazzard his life for another of more concernment in the Church as Epaphroditus a Pastor of the Philippians for Paul an Apostle Phil. 2. 30 c. We read in many places of Scripture that it is the duty of every man to believe and we find in other Scriptures that God is the Author of Faith and without him we cannot believe John 5. 40 44. Q. Why doth God promise eternal life to those that
and stand on thy guard having put on all the armour of Christ as a valiant souldier constantly maintain war and thou shalt usually obtain victory resolve in the strength of Christ either to conquer or dye conquering for let no man think to dance and dine with the Devil and afterwards to sit down with Abraham Isaac and Jacob in the Kingdom of heaven Let us therefore live in Christ and not in our selves for in our selves there is a body of lust corruption and sin and a Law accusing and condemning but if we live by faith in Christ and in the apprehension of his love laying hold on the life righteousness obedience satisfaction of him whom the pirit cals ours saying Christ is ours and we are Christs and Christ is Gods and thus a believer is blessed only in a righteousness without not with in and all our assurance confidence and comforts are to flow in unto him through a channel of faith and not of works by faith we ought to live above sin infirmities temptations desertions sense reason fears doubts it makes the yoke of Christ easie and sweet it states the soul in the possession of heaven whilst the body remains on earth by faith we can chee●fully part with and suffer deprivation of the sweetest outward comforts and enjoyments and welcome death knowing that we do but exchange the worst place and things for better the Lord Jesus having spoken peace to the soul that he hath paid all his debts for it and that his sins shall be remembred no more now the soul knows it is happy and enjoys the comfort of it 7. Make thy will in time of health and leave all things clear upon both books of shop and conscience that thou mayst have nothing to do but to dye and to meditate upon and to have faith in the precious promises which speak of rest joy peace and perfect happiness which is provided for us in heaven firmly believing that God will after this life give us all those things with himself which he hath promised as certainly as thou hast in thy will given to thy relations such and such things for them to enjoy and so exercise faith in the resurrection of thy body 1 Thes 4. 16. to have a spiritual body 1 Cor. 15. 43 44. to have a glorified body Phil. 3. 21. to have fulness of knowledge Ephes 3. 18 19. to have fulness of joy and pleasure Psal 16. 11. s●ch as shall be internal pure full spiritual and eternal where no misery hunger cold nakedness pain grief nor weariness but rest without labour in rest tranquility in tranquility content in contentment joy in joy variety in variety security in security eternity c. thus shalt thou that hast prepared for death aforehand dye sweetly whilst others that put off preparation to the last O what a hurry be they in Oh the anguish that their souls endure they apprehending God angry with them the Devil accusing them earth leaving them heaven refusing them hell claiming them soul and body parting friends weeping and themselves hopeless going they know not whither But to a godly man death is neither strange nor fearful unto him not strange because he dyed dayly not fearful because whilst he lived he was dead and his life was hid with Christ in God to dye then is nothing else but to rest from our labours and to go home to our fathers house unto the City of the living God the heavenly Jerusalem to an innumerable company of Angels to the general assembly and Church of the first born to God the Judge of all and unto the spirits of just men made perfect and to Jesus the Mediator of the New Testament whilst his body is sick his mind is sound for God maketh all his bed in his sickness Psal 41. 3. and as his outward man decayeth the inward man ●renewed day by day when the speech of his tongue saltereth the sighs of his heart speaks lowder unto God when the sight of the eyes faileth the Holy Ghost illuminates him inwardly with abundance of spiritual light sometimes he is saying with Paul I desire to be dissolved and to be with Christ Phil. 1. 23. and with David Psalm 42. 2. As the heart panteth after the water brooks so panteth my soul after thee O God when shall come and appear before him come Lord Jesus come quickly So when the appointed time of his dissolution is come knowing that he goeth to his father and redeemer in the peace of a good conscience he saith Lord now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace c. and so surrenders up his soul as it were with his own hands into the hands of his heavenly Father saying with David Into thy hands O Father I commend my soul for thou hast redeemed me O Lord thou God of truth and so saying with Stephen Act. 7. 59. Lord Jesus receive my spirit Thus far of the preparation for death with a taste of the sad condition of one dying out of Christ and the sweet condition of a Christian dying that is a member of Christ that did prepare for death before it came I had once intended here to have spoken to the sad condition of the ungodly after death resurrection and last judgement and also of the blessed condition of all that dye in the faith after death resurrection and last judgement but that will not fallin order here but towards the end of this book when we come to speak of the resurrection of the body and last judgement when Christ shall deliver up his Kingdom to his Father and God shall be all in all I shall proceed now to speak of the second coming of Christ in power and great glory c. The great and terrible day of the Lord is near dawning and the glory of all flesh staining the Kingdom of Christ appearing and the restitution of all things approaching this great Mysterie opened the grounds thereof examined the truth cleared and the ignorance of many in this Mysterie discovered THat very self-same Jesus which was born in Bethlem and suffered at Calvary even he shall come again the same Jesus not another Act. 1. 11. shall so come again as he was taken up viz. Visibly substantially apparently to all yea in the same manner yea it is added as you have seen him that we might not allegorize the matter we are kept to the very manner now for the probation of this truth we have 1. The testimony of all the Prophets 2. We have the testimony of all the Apostles 3. We have the testimony of Angels all bearing witness to this truth 1. We have the testimony of the Prophets see Acts 3. 21. Whom the heavens must receive untill the time of restitution of all things which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy Prophets since the the world began but especially the Prophets since Samuel ver 24. yea and all the Prophets from Samuel and those that follow after as many as have spoken
not eat lest I die the devil saith ye shall not die upon this the woman did eat and gave to her husband and he did eat and thus through Satans temptations our father and mother rebelled against our God Oh father Adam what hast thou done For through it wast thou that didst sin yet thou art not fallen alone but we all that came of thee as being then in thee we are infected by thee and so are become Satans conquest out of whose hands there is no redemption unless the Lord Jesus Christ come down from heaven and lead captivity captive and open the prison doors and let the prisoners go free all Adams posterity are pertakers of his sin and misery Of Providence IF we look upon Gods providence in some few particulars only we shall wonder seeing Joseph disgraced and imprisoned David persecuted Christ arraigned and condemned Paul accounted one of the worst of men Innocent Naboth stoned true Churches as in Hesters time ready to be swallowed up Many things may fall out by Gods providence contrary to our desires that are not contrary to our good 1. Consider that God takes notice and knoweth all things 2. He upholdeth and governeth and disposeth of the world so as it pleaseth him 3. This providence reacheth to every thing so that the smallest things are governed and upheld by him 4. That of all creatures God hath most care and respect to man 5. We are to consider that the good or evil that befals a bad or good man or woman is not without but by Gods providence 6. That God doth whatsoever pleaseth him in heaven and earth 7. God in his ordinary providence maketh use of means and yet he is free to work without above and against them as he pleaseth 8. As the providence of God doth reach to all creatures in all things so after a more speciall manner he taketh care of his Church and people and disposeth all things to the good thereof God can look sowrly and chide bitterly and strike heavily even when and where he loves dearly Abraham Job Jacob and David Moses Ieremiah Ionah Ioseph Paul and many others met with many things that were contrary to their desires and endeavours that were not contrary to their good God hath a continuall care over all his creatures once made sustaining and directing them with all that belongeth to them and effectually disposeth of them all to good ends Ephes 1. 11. Rom. 11. 36. Ier. 23. 23. Col. 3. 11. Psal 139. 2. 119. 91. Of Mans recovery GOD who at first made man in his own Image and made him Lord of the creation endued him with wisdom knowledge and understanding above all other creatures and made him for so noble an end as to serve him here and reign with him hereafter man soon fell from his blessed state yet was not the love of God obliterated but more abundantly manifested in sending his dear Son to take our nature and yield obedience to his righteous law make satisfaction for our transgression and to bring in an everlasting righteousness and to make proclamation to us that his Father so loved the world that he gave him his only begotten Son that whosoever believed in him should have everlasting life Iohn 3. 16. And whosoever did come to him should in no wise be cast off Iohn 6. 37. Adams righteousness from which he fell was but a righteousness of the creature but the righteousness of Christ is the righteousness of the Creator Adams righteousness was a mutable righteousness that might be lost a righteousness that might be sinned away but the righteousness of Christ is an everlasting righteousness that cannot be sinned away Prov. 8. 18. Dan. 9. 24. Psal 119. 142. Of Vocation or effectuall calling VOcation is Gods acquainting men with his gracious purpose of salvation by Christ and so inviteth them to come unto him Heb. 2. 14. and so revealeth unto them his Covenant of grace Mat. 11. 27. 16. 17. John 14. 21. Psal 25. 14. and so bringeth them out of darkness to light Acts 26. 18. So God becomes in Christ their Father he doth not only outwardly by his word invite but inwardly also and powerfully by his spirit allure and win their hearts to cleave to him inseparably unto salvation Psal 25. 14. 65. 4. Acts 2. 39. Or effectuall calling is the work of Gods spirit in us whereby he doth first convince us of our sins and misery enlightning our minds in the knowledge of Christ and renewing our wills he doth perswade and invite us to embrace Jesus Christ freely tendred to us We read that many were called to the wedding but they made their excuses and most of those that came were compelled to come in Luke 12. 23. the Lord doth force none by violence but draw them by perswasions The Gospel cals many outwardly that after perish eternally Our vocation depends upon Gods election not upon our preparations how was Paul disposed and affected when Christ called him God is for us in predestinating us God is for us in calling us God is for us in justifying us God is for us in glorifying us if God be thus for us who can be against us he hath predestinated us before we were he hath called us when we were averse to him he hath justified us when we were sinners he will glorifie us and cloath us with his own righteousness That we may be neither drawn enticed or forced from our Religion let us build upon a right foundation IT is impossible that any soul should enjoy a firm and setled peace whose confidence towards God is grounded upon conditionall promises or his own best and choicest performances For the wanting in himself the condition of the one and not yeilding a perfect exact universall perpetuall obedience to the other the Law will be condemning Conscience accusing and the heart misgiving and all proclaiming that there is still in all thy duties imperfection something polluted and something defective so that thy most spirituall duties are not wound up to command they are all tainted with disproportion to rule and beleprosed with spots so that it is in vain to expect a bed of rest in the barren wilderness of our own performances for that bed is shorter then that a man can stretch himself on it and the covering is narrower then that a man can wrap himself in it Oh the spots the blots the blemishes that are to be seen upon the face of our fairest duties so that we may say with the Church Isa 64. 6. all our righteousness are as filthy rags which if rested upon will as certainly undo us and everlastingly destroy us as the greatest evill that can be committed by us the consideration of this was the cause of those words Hos 14. 3. Neither will we say any more to the works of our hands ye are our gods For in thee the fatherless find mercy Jer. 3. 23. Truly in vain is salvation hoped for from the Hills and from the
3. Ye are clean through the word that I have spoken to you now the word doth purifie these severall wayes 1. As an antidote against sins Psal 119. 11. Thy word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against thee 2. As a lamp discovering the spot Rom. 7. 7. I had not known sin but by the Law 3. As a star conducting to Christ the fountain of purifying 1 Joh. 2. 1 2. Zach. 13. 1. 4. As a rule according to which we are heedfully to order our conversation Psal 119. 9. wherewith shall a young man cleanse his way but by taking heed thereto according to thy word 5. As a motive in the precious promises of it 2 Cor. 7. 1. Having therefore these promises let us cleanse our selves from all filthiness of ●●esh and spirit The ninth thing to be considered of is this wherein doth the Covenant of grace and the Covenant of works differ FOR answer hereunto consider the vast difference between the Law and the Gospel viz. the Law affords not a drop of grace it bestows nothing freely the language of the Law is do thou and live if not die no work no wages but in the Gospel the yoak of personall obedience is translated from believers to their surety there is nothing for them to pay all that they have to do is to hunger and feed their happiness is free in respect of themselves though costly to Christ who by his merits hath purchased for them whatsoever they would obtain and by his Spirit worketh in them whatsoever he requires The First Covenant of works is old the Covenant of grace is new the first is the Law of the letter the second is the Law of the Spirit the first is a Law of death the second is a Law of life the first was wounding the second is healing the first a naturall law the second a spirituall law the first a law of types the second a law of substance the first was to be done away the second is to continue the first a Covenant of earthly blessings the second a Covenant of spirituall blessings the first was to stand for a time the second was to stand for ever Again this Covenant of grace doth differ from the Covenant of works in the universality and large extent of it the first Covenant requires a righteousness in us the second doth give and accept of a righteousness which is anothers and imputed to us It is true that Religion for the substance thereof was ever one and the same and unchangeable as appears Heb. 13. 8. Ephes 4. 5. Jude 3. Acts 26. 22. Tit. 1. 1 2. And so the word of God written by Moses and the Prophets did contain whatsoeever was needfull for the salvation of the Israelites Deut. 4. 2. 12. 32. Psal 1. 2. Mal. 4. 4. Hos 8. 12. Luk. 10. 26. But the in New Testament our Saviour made known unto his Disciples the last and full will or Covenant of his heavenly father Iohn 14. 26. 15. 15. 16. 13. 1. 18. and what they received of him they faithfully preached unto the world Acts 20. 27. 1 Cor. 15. 1 2. 3. Gal. 1. 8. 1 John 1. 3. And the sum of what they preached is committed to writing and left upon record for our learning Act. 1. 1 2. Joh. 20. 31. 1 Joh. 5. 13. Act. 8. 5. 1 Cor. 2. 2. Rom. 10. 8 9 10. The difference between the Covenant of works and the Covenant of grace may be reduced to these three heads 1. The first was a ministration of the letter a naked Commandment carrying with it no aptness disposition or ability to keep it 2. It breeds enmity and fear looking on God as a hard taskmaster and so fils the soul full of terrours 3. It is a ministration of death namely by the curse to them that keep it not But the Covenant of grace is a ministration of the Spirit requiring no more then what it promiseth to give In a word it is a ministration of the Spirit of love freedom and righteousness and of life for that it shews the guilty a righteousness to satisfie the Law and the way to obtain a Pardon 4. The first Covenant was made altogether upon condition on both sides the condition on Gods part was they should live the condition on mans part was he must do this but in this Covenant there is not any condition I mean in the Covenant of grace True it is could we justifie the Law by keeping it the Law would justifie us in and by that obedience to it But now the Law is become weak and unable to justifie any man though powerfull and strong enough to condemn every man 5. In the Covenant of works a man is left to stand by his own strength but in the Covenant of Grace God undertakes to keep us through faith to salvation 6. In the Covenant of works Gods highest end is the glorifying of his Justice and in the Covenant of grace it is to glorifie his grace The voice of the Covenant of works is like the first speech of Nathan to David Thou art the man the voice of the Covenant of grace is like his after-speech The Lord hath put away thy sin the voice of the Covenant of works is the soul that sinneth shall die Ezek. 18. In the Covenant of grace he saith Ezek. 33. 11. As I live saith the Lord I desire not the death of a sinner 7. There is help for such as break the Covenant of works but no help for such as make void the Covenant of grace The tenth thing to be enquired into is this what is Gods oraer and method that he generally makes us of to bring his people into the bond of the Covenant and to bestow the blessings of the Covenant upon them FIrst in the making up of the Covenant between God and us God is the first with us he is the first mover he begins with us before we begin with him we should never seek to be in Covenant with him if he did not first allure us and draw us invite us and intreat us Ezek. 20. 37. I will bring them saith the Lord into the bond of the Covenant it is the Lord that brings them they do not first offer themselves 1. God prepares his own way for entring into Covenant with us and then he finisheth the work and in this preparation he doth these three things 1. He breaks us of our Covenant with hell and death and makes us sensible of our undone estates makes us to see that we are without God without Christ without hope that we are not under mercy that we are not as yet of his people Eph. 2. 1 Pet. 2. 2. He opens to us his mind and will shewing himself willing to receive us to grace and to enter into a new Covenant with us yet again to take us to be his people and he to be our God and so he goes into the streets and open places as
in himself Joh. 16. Col. 1. 19. all other Angels and Saints have but their measure some more some less according to the measure of the gift of Christ Eph. 4. 7. but Christ hath received the Spirit not by measure but in the fulness of it Joh. 3. 34. Now whatsoever fulness of grace there is in Christ he hath received not for himself but for us that he might communicate unto us and we might receive from him Psal 68. 18. it is said he received gifts for men not for himself but for men that we might receive from him and thence it is that in Joh. 1. 16. of his fulness we receive grace for grace his wisdom is to make us wise his meekness and patience is to make us meek and patient and Christ is faithfull to distribute to us all such graces that he hath received for us he is faithfull in all his house what shall I say more in this Covenant God unbosoms himself unto us and shines forth upon us and there is now and then a sweet entercourse of love between him and thy soul in the blessing of this Covenant there is remedy for every malady promises sutable to every condition for being and well being for this life and that which is to come I omit here to mention such blessings of the Covenant as I might and the nature of the same having spoken something to it inthe former part of this Treatise c. The twelfth thing to be enquired into is this viz. notwithstanding this blessed Covenant of grace contained in the Gospel whether most men and women in the world be not under a Covenant of works THE Covenant of works remains in full force and vertue to all unbelievers Rom. 10. 4. For Christ is the end of the Law for righteousness to none but to those that believe Oh did we but consider the misery of all such as are under the Law it might awaken us He that is under the Law is under a Covenant of works and they must come and stand before God the Judge of all and have their sins set in order before him and the Law pass sentence of death upon them and their own consciences terrifying them and there shall be none to plead for them or to stand betwixt Gods warth and them but they shall be left to themselves to die and perish in their sins this Covenant hath no Mediator for then Christ hath not a word to speak for them he telssuch John 17. 19. he prayeth not for them he pleads only for them that fly to grace and take hold of that Covenant but as for all others they have God against them the Law against them they have all creatures to accuse them and to testifie against them but have no Christ no Mediator to appear for them and there shall be no grace shewed but strict Justice without any mercy Oh that such would bethink themselves what a God they must meet withall even a just God a God of judgement a God of vengeance that will not spare their misdeeds what ever Justice can require of them they must satisfie to the uttmost farthing there will be Justice without mercy Oh when nothing but Justice shall judge you who can stand what flesh may abide it Psal 78. 5. A wicked man hath no true right before God unto the good things of this life for if any say they have I ask by what Covenant is it by the Covenant of works then they must fulfill it which they do not nor can do is it then by the Covenant of grace but they are not within that Covenant they are within the Covenant of works but cannot fulfill it they are without the Covenant of grace and therefore they can claim nothing by it again faith and holiness can no more be separated then light can be separated from the Sun Such as lay claim to the Covenant of grace and yet live loosly carnally unconscionably they do but deceive themselves they may be in Covenant with hell and death but have no part in the Covenant of life and peace John 5. 45. Do not think that I will accuse you to the Father ther● is one that accuseth you even Moses in whom you trust the Law in which you trust will condemn you if ye continue not in every thing written therein and yield a perfect personall perpetuall obedience thereto it will accuse you to the Father Of Justification by Grace THE question is not so much about the time and terms and matter of our Justification but how we are made righteous in the sight of God which the Scriptures do affirm to be by the perfect righteousness of Christ alone which God doth impute to all his seed freely without works and conditions performed by us 1. Consider if the righteousness by which we are justified be a perfect righteousness then we are not justified by our obedience to Gospel precepts but the righteousness whereby we are justified is a perfect righteousness which is the righteousness of Christ alone Heb. 1. 8. Mat. 6. 33. Rom. 4. 6. and everlasting righteousness Psal 119. 142. Psal 22. 31. 35. 28. that righteousness which justifieth us before God as it is not ours so it is not in us But as it is Christs righteousness so it is in him In me you shall have righteousness and strength Psal 71. 15 16 19 24. I will make mention of thy righteousness even of thine only Justice and mercy do both meet in this Justification Justice in that he will not justifie a sinner without a perfect righteousness and yet mercy in that he will accept him for such a righteousness that is neither in him nor done by him but by his surety for him 2. Consider the Apostles all along were very carefullto keep this Doctrine of Justification by grace distinct from all other things they all along do oppose the Law and grace works and faith our righteousness and Christs righteousness teaching us thereby how needfull it is they should be kept asunder Justification by grace hath been and will be the bone of contention till the next coming of Christ why so because learning cannot reach it naturall wisdom is confounded at it evill Angels do not know it most men do persecute it as being bereaved of the knowledge of it or else corrupt in the simplicity of it The Papists say if we be freely justified by grace we need not do any good works and if we cannot fall from grace we need not fear to commit sin And they hold that we are not justified by the righteousness of Christ imputed but by the righteousness of Christ inherent in us and righteous actions done by us 3. Consider we should not be justified by grace if any condition were required of us in order to our justification for the condition whensoever persormed makes the Covenant a due debt then justification should not be of grace but of debt contrary to the express words of Scripture Rom. 4. 4.
4. Consider the nature and cause of justification more particularly viz. Justification is when God meerly of his own grace and free will forgiveth our sins and pronounceth us just and innocent Though Gods Law was by us violated we are absolved from sin and punishment by the grace of God and merits of Christ apprehended by faith and so by him all that believe are justified in all things in which they could not be justified by the Law of Moses Act. 13. 39. Justification is an act undivided and all at once and so it differs from sanctification which is done by degrees all different eminent acts as justification sanctification renovation are but one act in God I shall close up what I have to say to this thing by desiring the reader seriously to consider these precious Scriptures all speaking to the same thing Rom. 4. 5. Now to him that workoth not but beleiveth on him that justifies the ungodly his faith is accounted for righteousness Tit. 3. 5. Not by works of righteousness which we have done but according to his mercy he saved us Rom. 11. 6. And if By grace then it is no more of works otherwise grace is no more grace So having spoken to the nature of justification give me leave also to lay down the usefulness of it as to us and the benefits every beleiver have by it the greatest thing that we can desire next the glory of God is our own salvation and the sweetest thing we can here obtain is the assurance of our salvation In this life we cannot get higher then to be assured of that which in the next life is to be enjoyed all godly people shall enjoy a Heaven when they leave this earth some enjoy a Heaven whilst they are here on earth that Christians may enjoy two Heavens let them enquire after diligently seek for and cheerfully embrace this Doctrine of justification freely and only by the grace of God as the cause through Christ as the way the Holy-Ghost as the worker and evidencer 1. This Doctrine is as the foundation and basis of all Christian Religion 2. This Doctrine is the inlet of all spirituall divine peace and consolation 3. This is the root and spring of all Gospel obedience 4. This Doctrine is the great stop and bar to keep out all floods of errour 5. This Doctrine is the main support of a soul under all trialls 6. This is the great Doctrine by which Satans kingdom is undermined and overthrown 7. This is the Doctrine that Satan doth most war against either to pervert or corrupt 8. This Doctrine is the most hardest piece to be learned it being wholly supernaturall in every part of it above the reach of nature and all things in us do oppose it 1. This Doctrine is the foundation and basis of all Christian Religion as doth clearly appear by these severall instances 1. To begin at the bottom our Election is the Election of grace and according to the good pleasure of his will Ephes 2. 4 5. 2. Our Vocation is according to his grace 2 Tim. 1. 9. who hath saved us and called us with an holy calling not according to our works but according to his own purpose and grace given us in Christ before the world began 3. Regeneration is of Gods own will Jam. 1. 18. Of his own will begat he us by the word of truth 4. Faith it self is the gift of God Philippians 1. 29. Ephes 2. 28. 5. Justification is freely by his grace Rom. 3. 24. and a free gift Rom. 5. 15. 6. Forgiveness of sins is according to the riches of his grace Ephes 1. 7. In whom we have redemption through his blood the forgiveness of sins according to the riches of his grace 7. Eternall life is the gift of God Act. 15. 11. But we believe that through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved even as they Rom. 6. 23. The gift of God is eternall life through Jesus Christ our Lord. If any ask what is the nature of this free grace I answer grace in its proper notion signifies that free goodness favour or good will whereby God is moved to open the eyes of the blind mind and to let him know the love of God that passeth knowledge If any ask why the Doctrine of the Gospel is called by the name of grace I answer because it was only Gods free good will to bestow it upon those that did most want it If any ask farther why this free grace was ever bestowed at all or why one age or place of the world should receive is rather then another or why God should discover this great misterie was kept secret since the world began to those who were sinners of the Gentiles who served dumb Idols or why God should be found of them that sought him not or be made manifest to those that asked not after him I can give no other answer then that 1 Cor. 1. 29. that no flesh should glory in his presence or that in Mat. 11. 35 26. Even so Father because it seemeth good in thy sight Whoever builds and builds not upon this foundation doth build upon the sand and his house in a storm and tempest will fall Mat. 7. 27. or if any man build upon this foundation gold silver precious stones wood hay stubble the fire shall try every mans work of what sort it is see 1 Cor. 3. 10 11 12 13 14 15. 2. This Doctrine is the inlet of all spirituall divine peace to the soul There is a vein through which this peace that passeth understanding is conveyed to the soul which the men and women of the world know not Isa 59. 8. The way of peace they know not they have made to themselves crooked paths whosoever goeth therein shall not find peace Rom. 3. 17. the way of peace have they not known in a word no man or woman under heaven can know the way to this peace untill the Lord give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death and to guide their feet into the way of peace Luk. 1. 79. No man can receive retain and enjoy this peace of God unless he wait on God at the springs of peace 1. The first spring of peace is faith Rom. 5. 1. being justified by Faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ faith seeth Christ to be our peace Ephes 2. 14. and from him freely given to us John 14. 27. and the vein through which it runs to the soul is the vein of faith laying hold on and applying of the free grace of God to the soul Rom. 15. 13. 2. The second way of peace is this a man must not only know it where it is and believe it but he must stay himself wholly upon God in the constant expectation of the increase and supply of it Isa 26. 3. Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose heart is stayed on thee 3. The next vein or spring
to think of the back parts of Christ and wait for a time to come behind him in a throng that they may not be seen to touch the hem of his garment You know when a pump is drie men use to fetch a Bucket of water and pour it into the dry pump and then they fall to pumping and by vertue of the water poured in there comes more water up and by continual pumping they fetch out abundance So our hearts many times are dry there is no sap no moisture no life the vertues of Christ must first be poured in before you can get any thing out Wherefore stand we labouring and tugging in vain O stay no longer go to Christ it is he that must break thy rocky heart in a word we must consider Christ as freely given us by the Father before we can believe the life of grace This Doctrine speaks out with open mouth the exceeding freeness and riches of Gods grace as will appear if we consider 1. That God is first in seeking after us to draw us into Covenant with himself we seek not him but he seeks us we chuse not him but he chuseth us we wait not on him he waits to be gracious to us we beseech not him he doth beseech us to be reconciled to God 2 Cor. 5. 20. John 15. 16. and 1 Joh. 4. 19. So that he is found of them that seek not after him because he first reveals and offers himself in mercy to us Isa 65. 1. 2. Consider the time wherein the Lord doth seek to us and take us by the hand to bring us into Covenant with him and then we shall find that when we are most averse and backward and have least thought of seeking after him then it is that he seeks us thus the Lord called Saul when he was persecuting raging and breathing out slaughter against the Lord and against his Saints then the Lord takes him by the hand and enters into Covenant with him Acts 9. and so it was with those mockers Acts 2. 13 37. Here were no dispositions and preparations on their part but free and unexpected grace from God 3. Compare those that are taken into Covenant with those that are left out for all are not taken in Ephes 2. 12. And this also will make it manifest it is Free grace by which any are taken in Rom. 3. 22 23. We have all sinned and there is no difference no reason therefore in us why one is taken into Covenant and not another but only free grace in God God owes nothing to any man he may truly say to all I do thee no wrong Mat. 20. 13. Thou hast as much as I owe thee So then it must needs be free grace to those that are taken in apply John 14. 21. Mat. 11. 5 25. Nay sometimes God chuseth the worst and takes in the most unworthy and leaves those that are better then they viz. Paul a chief of sinners 1 Tim. 1. 15. Publicans and Harlots Mat. 21. Mary Magdalen possest with seven Devils these were taken in and the righteous generation as they were reputed which justified themselves and were justified by others were left and passed by The reasons why the Lord would have his Covenant to stand upon this foundation of free grace are these 1. To be a ground of hope to such as see themselves unworthy of acceptance with God if the grace of the Covenant were not free such unworthy ones could have no hope 2. It is the glory of grace to be freely communicated Isa 55. 1. Come and buy without mony it darkens the glory of grace to have it bestowed upon worthy ones Be it known unto you saith the Lord not for your sakes I bestow this but for my own names sake 3. That vain man may not boast 4. That our mercies and blessings may be sure to us Rom. 4. 16. Our salvation is by grace to the end that the promise might be sure to all the seed implying thereby that if it depended never so little upon works we could not be so sure of it Oh the rich mercy the great love exceeding riches of his grace great goodness tender love great mercy multitude of loving kindnesses Oh then not unto us O Lord not unto us but to thy name be the praise it is enough for us that we have life let grace alone have all the praise and glory and let every one that readeth these lines endeavour to imitate this free grace of God which is shewed to us First Loving the Lord not for his gifts and rewards but with a free love as he hath loved us and serving him with a free spirit and a willing mind Secondly Let us be free in doing good unto all men even to such as have deserved nothing though they be aliens and strangers and such as we never hope to receive any good from yet freely to do them good even where we look for nothing again as God hath done to us Luke 14. 12 14. 10. As this Covenant and grace is free so it is sure and certain to be performed it cannot it will not fail those that rest upon it The Covenant and promise of grace are built upon the unchangable purpose of God which is a foundation remaining sure and cannot be shaken 2 Tim. 2. 19. Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure having this seal the Lord knoweth them that are his Tit. 1. 2. The Lord is said to have promised eternal life before the world began So then it is free and it is sure and the freeness of it doth prove the sureness of it it is free that it might be sure so here it is sure because it is free nothing can hinder free grace from giving eternal life to whom it will So that the accomplishment will every way answer their expectation and hope thus said David 2. Sam. 23. 5. God hath made with me a Covenant perfect in all points and sure and in Isa 55. 3. The promises of the Covenant are called the sure mercies of David the promises of free grace are not yea and nay various and uncertain but they are Yea and Amen sure to be fulfilled there shall not fail so much as one word of all that good which God hath promised to do for his people See Joshua 21. 45. and 23 14. and 1 King 18. 56. The stability of grace is compared to the firmness and unmoveableness of the mighty mountains Isa 54. 19 And to the unvariable course of the day and night Jer. 33. 20. So that it is as ea●e yea more easie for the mountains to remove out of their places and the course of day and night to cease as for the Covenant of grace to fail God hath given us many pledges to assure us of the certainty of it 1. His word is gone out of his mouth he cannot alter it Psal 89. 2. He hath written it to make it more sure and what he hath written is written never to be bloted out
nature When the Leapers saw that they must either venture their lives or dye they would out into the Camp when the Prodigal saw he must famish abroad or repair home he would then back to his fathers house when the woman with the issue of blood had spent all and grew worse and knew not whither to go or what to do then she comes to Christ now if thou hast not so much ingenuity as to come to and believe in Christ in obedience to his command yet let thy necessity prevail with thee or else the Leaper and Prodigal shall rise up in judgement against thee were we in Adams created innocency then we need not to look after a Saviour but we are fallen but we are broken but we are sold under sin but we are transgressours from the womb but we are by nature the children of disobedience and wrath 3. He doth invite us to come and to believe by the Prophets Isa 55. 1 2 3. He beseecheth us by the Apostles to be reconciled to him 2 Cor. 5. 20. He cals upon us by his Church and spirit to take of the water of life Revelat. 22. 17. and after all this he waits upon us to be gracious to us Isaiah 30. 18. 4. Our unbelief grieves the very heart of Christ he grieved at their unbelief he complains at our backwardness to believe O fools and slow of heart to believe Nay and he sheds tears because we believe not on him when he came neer the City he wept over it c. 5. Motive Consider there is none who have right to thy soul but God and Christ our souls are Gods workmanship and Christs purchase why then should we not give to God and Christ that which is their own 1 Cor. 6. 19 20. ye are not your own ye are bought with a price God put forth his own power to make thy soul and Christ shed his heart blood to redeem thy soul and wilt thou through unbelief withhold it from him 6. Christ outbids all Merchants for thy soul he outbids the world sin and Satan is there any one of them that presents Redemption unto thee is there any one of them that can procure remission and pardoning mercy for thee is there any one of them that can satisfie the wrath of God for thee which can make thy peace which can present thee righteous before the judgement seat which can settle eternal life upon thee all this can Christ do none of this can they do Behold here is laid before thee life and death life if thou dost believe death if not now chuse you whether what shall I say more by believing we honor God Iohn 3. 33. by believing we come to be established Isa 7. 9. by believing we are kept in perfect peace Isa 26. 3 4. Rom. 5. 1. Our naked cleaving to God in his free promise will carry down all our distempers at once and fill our souls with peace in believing O how can we look so many sweet promises in the face and harbour so many misgivings in our hearts Rom. 9. ult whosoever believeth in him shall not be ashamed Of the evil of unbelief and the springs of it and the misery that doth attend it VNbelief doth rob the soul of all joy comfort and content Nay further unbelief doth throw reproach upon God Christ and the promises and gives Satan the greatest advantage against us he that lives without Faith lives without comfort joy peace and content by unbelief we add sin unto sin in the highest nature 1 John 5. 10. Unbelief straightens the heart stops the mouth and hinders thankfulness thou shalt be dumb because thou believest not Luke 1. 20. Unbelief is the door that lets in condemnation John 3. 18 30. He that believeth not is condemned Rev. 2. 8. The fearful and unbelieving shall be cast into the Lake of fire and brimstone 1. It is the greatest sin in the world because it is a sin against the greatest love in the world John 3. 16. Rom. 5. 8. It is a sin for which there can be no remedy for asmuch as it is a sin against the only remedy the Sentence of the Law may be repealed by the Gospel but the sins against Gospel remedy there is no appeal it is a sin that makes void and vain all the Covenant of grace turning all the sweetness thereof into bitterness and all the truth of it to a lie 1 John 5. 10. Unbelief binds all our sins upon the soul and so murders the soul it grieves the heart of Christ leaves all our sins upon record leaves us to answer for our selves it is a sin against the greatest love against the only remedy makes void the Doctrine of grace and breeds an indisposition towards all holy duties it is a dishonouring to God a denying of Christ a murderer of the soul a belying of God a denying of Christ and a crowning of Satan it doth without doubt proclaim the Devil a Conqueror and lift him up above Christ himself Judas did sin more by unbelief and despairing then by betraying of Christ In a word doubts fears and discouragements proceed neither from God Christ nor the Spirit of truth but they do proceed First from the Devil he either tempts us to sin and that will cause us to doubt or else he doth tempt us to doubt and that will cause us to sin Secondly they proceed from our own hearts Heb. 3. 12. Thirdly from the lying vanities that we hearken unto Jonah 2. 8. Fourthly from ignorance heedlesness and forgetfulness Fifthly from unskilfulness of the word of righteousness Heb. 5. 12. 7. Sixthly from want of watchfulness Seventhly from building our hopes and comfort upon that which is mutable and uncertain viz. our own personal Sanctification and not upon Christ and our free Justification Eighthly from our own false reasonings making Sense Reason and Feeling the Judge of our spiritual condition Ninthly from our ignorance of the love of Christ and the Covenant of Grace The Characters Marks or Signs of true Faith c. THere are many characters or discoveries of this Faith of the Gospel called the Faith of Gods Elect which worketh by love First the habit of this Faith is infused into the soul by God in regeneration Eph. 2. 8. John 1. 12 13. Secondly this habit so infused is brought to act by the Fathers drawing the soul to Christ Iohn 6. 44. Thirdly faith being thus infused and acted doth chearfully accept of Christ upon his own terms viz. self-denyall bearing the Cross and following Christ Luke 9. 23. Iohn 1. 12. Faith having thus accepted and received Christ begins to taste such sweetness and pleasantness in him that Christ is most pleasant to the soul 1 Pet 2. 3 7. So the soul by degrees comes to be filled with joy and peace in believing Again Faith having thus taken and tasted Christ contends after a fuller perfection even after assurance Col. 2. 2. Heb. 10. 22. 1. True Faith is not only a justifying
Creator the Gospel commandeth us to worship him in Christ as our Saviour the Law like Pharaoh requires brick but allows no straw the Gospel both allows strength and supplies Rom. 10. 5 6 8. But yet as the Law saveth us not without the Gospel so the Gospel saveth us not without the Law which directeth us in our duty both to God and man Deut. 5. 32. At the giving of the Law the mountain burned the trumpet sounded the people fled and Moses trembled and all this to teach us that we should be very careful to perform obedience to the same Object What was the Ceremonial Law Answ It was that which did prescribe orders for direction in rites of outward worship only shadowing the grace of the Gospel Heb. 10. 1. But the substance of this Law being come those shadows are utterly abolished by the death of Christ and therefore the use of them now would be a kind of denyal of his death Quest What was the Judicial Law Answ That wherein God appointed a form of civil government of the Common-wealth Now this Law is not utterly revoked and abolished by Christ for he came not to over-turn any good government Quest What is the Moral Law Answ That which commandeth perfection of godliness and righteousness and directeth us in our duties both to God and man Deut. 5. 32 12. 32. Quest Are not we delivered from this Law by the means of Christ Answ From the burden of the Law exacting in our own persons perfect obedience and from the curse of the Law due unto disobedience we are delivered by Christ Gal. 3. 10 11 12 13. but from the commandment as a rule of life we are not freed Jam. 2. 8. For the Law doth lay a charge upon all the powers of the soul viz. First it doth charge the understanding to know every duty even all the will of God it chargeth the judgement to discern between good and evil it chargeth the memory to retain it it chargeth the will to chuse the better and to leave the worse it chargeth the affections to love those things that are lovely and to hate things that are uncomely Of the ten Commandments THe ten Commandments are divided into two tables Deut. 4. 13. and 10. 1 4. Which Chirst called the two great Commandments Mat. 22. The four first do contain our duty to God and the six latter our duty to man The first commandment is Thou shalt have no other Gods before me This commandment directs us to the choice of the true God and the entertaining him in all our thoughts in which there are nine things enjoyned and three things prohibited or forbidden 1. Knowledge Joh. 17. 3. 2. Remembrance Eccles 12. 1. 3. Love Deut. 6. 5. 4. Trust Prov. 3. 5. 5. Hope Psal 146. 5. 6. Fear Isa 51. 12 13. 7. Humility Mich. 6. 8. 8. Patience Lam. 3. 39. 9. Obedience 1 John 5. 3. Things prohibited or forbidden in this first commandment 1. Atheism Heb. 11. 6. 2. Heresie Tit. 3. 10 11. 3. Apostacy Heb. 10. 26. The second Commandment Thou shalt not make to thy self any graven Image nor the likeness of any thing that is in heaven above or in the earth beneath or in the waters under the earth thou shalt not bow down to them nor worship them Exod. 20. 4 5. This second commandment layes before us the solemn worship that is to be performed unto God without images and ceremonies This second commandment doth prohibit seven things and enjoyn six things four ordinary two extraordinary The things prohibited or forbidden are these seven 1. Idolatry Psal 97. 7. 2. Will-worship Col. 2. 23. 3. Superstition Act. 17. 22 4. Traditions Col. 2. 8. 5. Schism 1 Cor. 11. 18. 6. Witch-craft Exod. 22. 18. 7. Confusion 1 Cor. 11. 21. Things commanded and enjoyned in this second commandment are first ordinary secondly extraordinary First ordinary Extraordinary 1. Prayer 1 Thes 5. 17. 2. Preaching Mal. 2. 7. 3. Seals or Sacraments 4. Discipline Mat. 18. 17. 5. Fasting Lev. 23. 19. 6. Feasting and thanksgiving Ester 9. 22. The third Commandment is this Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain Exodus 20. 7. This third commandment doth inform us how we should glorifie God aright in the actions of our common life without swearing or blaspheming This third commandment doth prohibit four things and enjoyn five things The things forbidden or prohibited are 1. Oaths Jer. 4. 2. 2. Vows Numb 30. 2 3. Lots Prov. 16. 33. 4. All unreverent and unholy use of his name and prophaning of his titles properties actions and Ordinances either by mouth or action Lev. 21. 32. Mal. 1. 6 12. Things commanded or enjoyned in the third commandment in the sanctifying of God 1. His names Deut 28. 15. 2. Attributes 1 Pet. 3. 15. 3. Word Psal 50. 16 17. 4. Works Psal 58. 10 11. 5. Religion Ephes 4. 1. The fourth Commandment is this Remember that thou keep holy the Sabbath day Exod. 20. 8 9 10 11. This fourth commandment doth inform us of a certain day set apart for Gods service as the Sabbath or Lords day This fourth commandment doth prohibit certain things and enjoyn many other things Things prohibited 1. The making of it a common day Neh. 13. 15 2. Vain speech about wordly things Isa 581. 3. 3. Idleness feasting pastimes Exod. 32. 6. 4. The doing that on the Lords day which is no day lawful Mar. 3. 4. Ezek. 23. 37 38. 5. The imploying others in worldly business Things commanded or enjoyned to be done on that day 1. Hearing and reading the word Luk. 4. 16 22. Act. 13. 14 15. 2. Prayer and singing of Psalms 3. Visiting and relieving the sick 4. Examining our selves and those that belong to us 5. Catechising our families The fifth Commandment runs thus Honour thy father and thy mother that thy dayes may be l●ng in the Land which the Lord thy God giveth thee Exod. 20. 12. This commandment layes before us the duties we owe one to another in regard of our particular relation unto such as are our superiors inferiors and equals In a word the fifth commandment presents us with the duty of 1. Magistrates 1 Tim. 2. 2. 2. Ministers 1 Pet. 5. 2. 3. Parents Eph●s 6. 4. 4. Masters Col. 4. 1. 5. Husbands Ephes 5. 25. 6. Noble and rich 1 Tim. 6. 17. 7. Aged Tit. 2. 2 4. 8. Subjects Rom. 13. 1. 9. People Heb. 13 17. 10. Children Ephes 6. 1. 11. Servants 1 Pet. 2. 18. 12. Wife Ephes 5. 24 33. 13. Poor 1 Sam. 25. 8. 14. Young Lev. 19. 32. The sixth Commandment runs thus Thou shalt not murder Exod 20. 13. This commandment layes before us our duty in the preservation of mens persons and living in peace and meekness In this commandment there are five things forbidden and four things enjoyned The things forbidden are these and such like 1. Unjust anger
but not such Spots as wicked men 2. Whereas it is said they had no spot or wrinkle in them it was as they were made comely by the comeliness that he had put upon them Ezek. 16. 14. And as they were covered with the robe of his own Righteousness Isa 61. 10. And so their Holiness and Righteousness was of the Lord Isa 57. 17. Hence he is in Jer. 23. 6. Called the Lord our Righteousness the nature of Grace and Sanctification in this life is but imperfect and growing unto perfection 1 Cor. 13. 9 10. Phil. 3. 12 13. Some Canaanites are still in the Land although we are entered into Canaan there is a Remnant of flesh as well as a Principle of the Spirit Gal. 5. 17. In this sense the Church is not actually purged but in purging from all defilements and at last there shall be no spot nor wrinkle nor any such thing Ephes 5. 26 27. So that compleat purity from sin and perfection is to be desired on earth yet reserved for heaven Rom. 6. 7. Ephes 5. 27. Heb. 12. 23. Rev. 21. 27. I have dwelt longer then I intended upon this question I must get it up again in being brief in the next We read Mat. 12. 31 32. The Blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven in this world nor in the world to come Quest What that sin against the Holy Ghost is Answ The sin against the Holy Ghost doth comprehend and take in three things Knowledge in the mind Malice in the heart persecuting some known Truths and persevering therein for the proof of this let me instance in three Scriptures first Paul was filled with malice in his heart but although a scholar he had no knowledge in his mind as the text saith he had mercy on me because I did it ignorantly now Peter he had much knowledge in his mind but no malice in his heart and so although he sinned out of knowledge yet he sined not this sin but upon the crowing of the cock and Christs looking on him he repenteth now take the knowledge that was in Peter and joyn it with the malice that was in Paul and in both these persecute the truth and persevere therein this is that grand sin for that grand sin hath these three properties 1. Knowledge 2. Malice 3. Perseverance in a way of wickedness for finalness maliciousness and universalness must be taken joyntly together not severally one from another if by them we would describe the sin against the Holy Ghost for a man may fall knowingly and maliciously yet unless he fall finally and so make a defection from the truth not through fear or infirmity but out of hatred blasphemy and persecution if he come not up to this he hath not committed this sin for we find all the former sins to be pardonable It is reported of Julian that committed this sin that he was from his child-hood trained up in piety and attained to great knowledge and when he came to the Empire he carryed himself with much clemency but after this he came to deny Christ in France and turned a most bloody butcher and barbarous persecutor to poor Christians after this being either wounded in a battle or a blow from heaven he took a handfull of his blood and flung it up into the air and burst out into a most wicked experssion against Christ and said thou man of Galilee thou hast overcome me and so miserably dyed Quest Is not Election the cause of salvation and Reprobation the cause of damnation Answ Election and Reprobation are not in any sense the causes of salvation and damnation but Christ is the proper and meritorious cause of salvation and sin the proper and meritorious cause of damnation Election and Reprobation they are but precedent and precurrent acts or decrees and the causes of salvation and damnation they come in between the decrees and the execution thereof Quest How could Christ being but one make satisfaction for the sins of so many Answ How could father Adam being but one infect so many with original sin I hope you will grant that the second Adam was as well able to sanctifie as the first was to putrifie for though Christ was but one yet he was such a one as was greater and better then all and so able and sufficient to satisfie for all and to redeem all as well as he made all and the blood of such a one as Christ the son of God was of such an infinite value and price that it did surmount and surpass in dignity and worth all the souls in the world and his sufferings and merits were a sufficient satisfaction if intended and applyed to that end for to save so many worlds of men as there is men in the world Quest Did Christ fulfil the moral Law or ten commandments by his death Answ He did satisfie and perform for his people what the Law could require and exact from them and so became the end of the Law for righteousness or Justification to every one that believeth Rom. 10. 4. And so redeemed and freed them from the Curse of the Law Gal. 3. 13. By being made a Curse for them c. but it still remains in full force and vertue as a Rule of life as it is opened by Christ Mat. 5. There is some difference in the administration of it since Christs coming from the administration of it before his coming Quest Hath not Christ dyed for all men and tasted death for every man 2 Cor. 5. 15. 1 Tim. 2. 6. Answ The word All is not to be alwaies taken for every one for the word All hath many restrictions for this word All is very often taken in Scripture for all kinds as Paul exhorteth that supplication be made for all men that is some of all sorts and degrees as well Rulers as others 1 Tim. 2. 1. So it is said that Moses was learned in all the wisdom of the Aegyptians that is in all kind of wisdom so we read that Christ healed all diseases that is all manner of diseases All is sometimes restrained in Scripture to Gods peculiar people Christ saith I will draw all men to me John 12. 32. That is all men that the Father gave him John 6. 4 5. See Isa 54. 13. Again we read they shall be all taught of God not all the world sure but all Gods people Again I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh Acts 2. 7. These cannot be meant of all the wicked Again we read 1 Thess 2. 15. They please not God and are contrary to all men that is all good men Again we read Mat. 10. 22. Ye shall be hated of all men for my names sake that is of all wicked men by which we may see how the word All is taken variously and therefore it is to be limited and determined to persons and things according as the text will bear and no otherwise and when as it is said he tasted death for every
great in respect of the greatness of their rewards and recompences there will be the loss of Gods presence to the one and the freedom of all misery to the other and the stamp of eternity put upon both it shall be a righteous sentence every cause shall be judged rightly Christ is called a righteous Judge 1 Tim. 4. 8. in righteousness doth he judge Rev. 19. 11. The Scepter of his Kingdom is a rig●teous Scepter he loves righteousness Psal 45. 6 7. The day of judgement is a day of the revelation of the righteous judgement of God righteousness shall be the girdle of his loyns this Judge cannot be byassed by favour there is no respect of persons with God he regardeth not the persons of men To draw towards a close let the reader consider that in this great day of judgement God will bring in every secret thing whether it be good or bad Eccles 12. 14. For we must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ that every one may receive the things done in his body whether it be good or bad 2 Cor. 5. 10. For he hath appointed a day in which he will judge the world in righteousness Act. 17. 31. Oh did we meditate sometimes on this day and think of the preparations to it and the acting of it and the execution of the sentence we should tremble at his word surely at this day our consciences shall be so enlightned that all shall perfectly remember what ever good or evil they did in the time of their life the secrets of all hearts being then revealed and some shall be judged according to the Law of God which hath been revealed unto men whether it be the Law of nature only which is written in the hearts of all to leave them without excuse or that written word of God First the Old Testament and after also of the New as the ground of faith and the rule of life Romans 2. 12. and so by the evidence of every mans conscience bringing all his works to remembrance bearing witness with him or against him together by the testimony of such who by Doctrine or example have approved or condemned him What shall I say more this will be a great day in this respect also viz. as Christ doth come to judge things that are not judged so also he doth come to judge over again things that are judged amiss Eccles 3. 16 17. Moreover I saw under the Sun the place of judgement that wickedness was there and the place of righteousness that iniquity was there Then I said in my heart God shall judge the world in righteousness yea he shall judge both the righteous and the wicked Mark 13. 32. But of that day and that hour knoweth no man no not the Angels which are in heaven neither the Son but the Father See Mat. 24. 36 c. God is a knowing Judge a righteous Judge a powerful Judge I shall now proceed in order to speak of the state of both the damned and saved after the judgement is over and the sentence given and so close up all with a few words of advice and so of the end of the world Of the sad condition of a man out of Christ after his death judgement and sentence passed viz. Go ye cursed VVE find it written Mat. 25. 41. Depart from me ye cursed into everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his angels consider five things in these words 1. Depart from me there is a separation from all joy and happiness 2. Ye cursed there is a dreadful excommunication 3. Into fire there is unexpressible pain 4. Everlasting there is the duration of punishment 5. Prepared for the Devil and all his angels ●ere are the tormented and tormenting compan●ons the 〈…〉 isery of this d●leful state may be reduced to these three heads 1. The unexpressible pains that they shall endure 2. The companions wicked men evil angels or devils 3. The duration of this miserable estate 1. The unexpressible pains that they shall endure the devil and his angels who being tormented themselves shall have no other ease but to wrack their fury in tormenting thee where shall be punishment without pitty misery without mercy sorrow without succour crying without comfort mischief without measure torment without ease where the worm dyeth not and the fire is never quenched in which flame thou shalt ever be burning and never consumed ever dying and never dead c. 2. Thy companions shall be wicked men evil angels or devils from the judgement seat thou must be thrust by Angels together with all the damned devils and reprobates into the bottomless lake of utter darkness that perpetually burns with fire and brimstone where thou shalt ever lament and none shall pitty thee thou shalt alwayes cry for the pain of fire and yet gnash thy teeth for the extremity of cold thou shalt weep to think that thy miseries are past remedy 3. The duration of this miserable estate doth multiply and aggravate thy misery this eternal condition admits of no change or alteration decay or consumption mans eternal condition admits of no future hopes or expectation waste or diminution mans eternal condition admits of no mixture or moderation mans eternal condition admits of no events or issues of providence mans eternal condition admits of no comparison or revocation there is no sounding a retreat after we are lanched into the Ocean mans eternal condition admits of no conclusion mans eternal condition admits of no conception Millions of ages pass away and yet not one minute wasted so that after thou hast endu ed them so many thousand years as there are grass on the earth or sands on the sea shore thou art no nearer to have an end of thy torments then thou wast the first day that thou wast cast into them yea so far are they from ending that they are ever beginning but if after a thousand times so many thousand years thy damned soul could but conceive a hope that these her torments might have an end this would be some comfort to think that at length an end will come but as oft as the mind thinketh of this word never it is as another hell in the midst of hell This is the second death the general perfect fulness of all cursedness the damned shall remain for ever in unspeakable torment of body and anguish of mind being cast out from the favourable presence of God and Christ and his Saints into utter darkness blackness of darkness weeping and gnashing ofteeth the worm that never dyeth the fire that never goeth out c. Of the happy and blessed estate of the Elect in Heaven THey shall be unspeakably and everlastingly blessed and glorious in bo●y and soul being freed from all imperfections and infirmities and endowd with perfect wisdom and holiness possessed with all the pleasures that are at the right hand of God seated as Princes in thrones of Majesly crowned with crowns of Glory possessing the third Heaven wherein
love thereof they willingly parted with much of their earthly goods and possessions to lay up treasure in heaven Abraham and Sarah left their own country and possessions to look for a City whose maker and builder is God Heb. 11. 10 15 16. David preferreth one day in this place before a thousand elsewhere Psal 84. 10. Elias earnestly besought the Lord to receive his soul into his Kingdom and went willingly though in a fiery Chariot King 19. 4. Saint Paul having once seen heaven continually desi●eth to be dissolved that he might be with Christ Phil. 1. 23. Saint Peter having espyed but a glimpse of eternal glory in the mount wished that he might dwel there all the dayes of his life Mat. 17. 4. saying Master it is good for us to be here c. Christ a little before his death prayeth his Father to receive him into that excellent glory Joh. 17. 5. And the Apostle witnesseth Heb. 11. 2. that for the joy which was set before them they endured the cross and despised the shame 1 Pet. 5. 4. and when the chief Shepheard shall appear ye shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away c. this eternal condition admits of no change or alteration decay or consumption waste or diminution mans eternal condition admits of no comparison revocation or conclusion c. What use we may make of all these precious things 1. EXcellent arguments may be drawn to pres-Christians to a holy life 2 Pet. 3. 11. see ing then that all these things must be dissolved what manner of persons ought we to be in all holy conversation and godliness and ver 14. Wherefore seeing ye look for such things give diligence that ye may be found in him in peace It is our duty to live in a continual expectation of the coming of the Lord Jesus with our loins girt and our lamps burning for blessed is that servant whom his master when he cometh shall find so doing 2. Consider that here is a fountain opened for Christian comfort and ground for patience in all troubles that there shall be an end a Christians hope shall not be cut off if in this life only we had hope we were of all men most miserable 1 Cor. 15. 19. But here lyes the comfort and patience of true Christians theywait for another world and they know it is a just thing with God to give them rest after their labours 2 Thes 1. 9. and a crown after their combate 2 Tim. 4. 8. and after their long Pilgrimage an everlasting habitation 2 Cor. 5. 1. Be patient saith the Apostle and settle your hearts for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh James 5. 8. 2 Pet. 2. 9. When they that have sown in tear shall reap in joy Psal 126. 5. 3. Consider that assurance of that blessed state may be attained in this life we know faith Paul 2 Cor. 5. 1. That if our earthly house of this tabernacle be destroyed we have a building not made with hands eternal in the heavens these things saith John I have written unto you that ye may know that ye have eternal life 1 John 5. 13. I am sure saith Job 19. 25 26 27. that my Redeemer liveth and he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth and though after my skin worms destroy this body yet shall I see God in my flesh whom I my self shall see and mine eyes shall behold when I awake saith David I shall be satisfied with thy Image Psal 17. 15. 4. The consideration of this should provoke us to be such as may be made meet for this inheritance of the Saints in light and to endeavour to attain and retain the earnest of the Spirit whence we may be alwaies able to say we are confident and willing rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord 2 Cor. 5. 8. and to fill the soul with strong consolation against the sufferings of life and the fear of death and to work an answerable conversation that whether absent or present we may so walk as we may be accepted of him 5. The consideration of this should put us upon a patient waiting for and a longing expectation of our change which draweth on a pace and not to put that off as most do to the last year and when that is come to the last moneth of that year and then to the last week of that moneth and then to the last day of that week and then to the last hour of that day and then to the last minute of that hour and so time shall be no more and we shall not find repentance although we seek it with tears 6. Consider that the cause of our salvation and so of our glorious condition is Gods meer love and favour without any merit of ours Luke 12. 32. It is our Fathers good pleasure to give us a Kingdom Joh. 3. 16. God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son Ephes 2. 8. By grace we are saved through faith and not of our selves it is the gift of God Rom. 6. 23. everlasting life is the gift of God and though eternal life be called a reward yet it is not of merit but of mercy let this be grounded in our hearts that the Kingdom of heaven is not a stipend of servants but an inheritance of Sons which they only obtain that lay hold on his mercy Romans 5. 8. compared with 1 Tim. 6. 12. and 19. 2. Now as hath been said as the love of God is the cause of our salvation fo Jesus Christ is the way Joh. 10. 9. Joh 14. 6. 3 The holy Spirit is the guide in that way as in Joh. 16. 13. 4. The Scriptures of truth is the rule Gal. 6. 16. Isa 8. 20. 5. The evidence of this salvation is faith Heb. 11. 1. It is true the instrumental cause offering and proclaiming salvation is the Gospel but the instrumental receiving and applying it is faith and the cause sealing it inwardly to our souls is the Spirit of God the external and instrumental seals thereof are the two confirming Ordinances Baptism and the Lords Supper 6. The anchor of this salvation is hope Heb. 6. 19. 7. The effects of this salvation is love to God because he loved us first and a holy conversation if ye love me saith Christ keep my commandments and they that have believed in Christ must be careful to maintain good works which are found and required in the way to the Kingdom but they are not the cause of reigning Of the end of the world THE consequents of the last judgement is life eternal in heaven or hell and the end of the world having finished the former let me point to the latter and I have finished what I intended we read Mat. 24. 3. that Peter James John and Andrew Mark 13. 3. came to Christ and desired him to satisfie them in these three questions 1. Concerning the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple 2. Concerning
dwelleth Righteousness beholding and being filled with the fruition of the glorious presence of God and of the Lamb Jesus Christ in the company of innumerabl Angels and Saints 1 Cor 13. 10. Psal 16. 11. Rev. 3. 21. 2 Pet. 3. 13. Psal 17. 15. 1 Tim. 4. 17. Heb. 12. 22. O what variety of joyes may be considered in the glorification of man in the delights of heavenly mansions and in the blessed society of the Saints but chiefly in the beholding of God the body glorified the soul shall be far more prefect then it was in the state of innocency for in it shall be understanding without error light without darkness wisdom without ignorance reason without obscurity the Lord shall in the sight and hearing of all world pronounce unto his servants Matthew 25. 34. Come ye blessed of my father inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world 1. Come ye here is our union and communion with the Trinity 2. Blessed here is our absolution from all sins and our endowments with all happiness 3. Of my father here is the Author from whom proceeds our felicity 4. Inherit here is faith ending in fruition and the promises in possession 5. The Kingdom behold our birth right according to grace 2 Tim. 1. 9. 6. Prepared See Gods fatherly care for his chosen John 14. 2. 7. From the foundation of the world O the free and eternal love of God in Christ having made this introduction let me crave leave of thee reader to speak more particularly of the most glorious state of a Christian in heaven after the sentence of absolution at the last day of judgement and to this point I shall rather lisp then speak being not able to conceive much less to describe that most excellent bliss and eternal wait of glory but we may take a scantling thereof thus the Lord in his word doth set forth to our capacity the glory of our eternal life after death in eight things 1. Their bodies shall shine as the brightness of the Sun 2. The soul shall be far more perfect then it was in the state of innocency 3. Consider the place where we shall be and that is in the third heaven 4. Consider whose presence we shall enjoy Father Son and and holy Spirit Saints and Angels c. 5. In this s●ate we shall know one another 6. In this state we shall speak one to another 7. Consider the variety of joy that there shall be in heaven 8. Consider the duration and continuance of this blessed state 1. Their bodies shall shine as the brightness of the Sun in the firmament like the glorious body of Christ The Glory of a thousand Suns made into one will be but as sack-cloath to that wherein Christ shall appear in mans nature he being in the Glory of his Father Mat 16. 27. And we shall be like him 1 John 3. 2. Then shall the righteous shine forth as the Sun in the Kingdom of their father as appears in this Scripture Mat. 13. 43. 2. The soul shall be far more perfect then it was in the state of innocency sor in it shall be understanding without errour Light without darkness wisdom without Ignorance reason without obscurity memory without oblivion the Will also shall be without perversness joy without sorrow pleasure without pain In the slate of innocency there was in man a possibility not to Sin but in the state of Glory there shall be no possibility to sin In a word both body and soul in heaven shall be in such a blessed state that neither our tongue can express it nor our mind conceive it The soul shall be more happy in being present with Jesus Christ in heaven then if it had been present with Adam in the state of innocency Adam was instated only in an earthly paradise but now thou being with Christ art instated in an everlasting Kingdom Again Adam though pleased in a state of innocency yet he was liable to lose that blessed slate and did lose it though he were a perfect creature but by Christ we are instated in a Kingdom that cannot be shaken or lost Again When Adam was made by God in innocency he enjoyed only the society of beasts on the earth and birds of the air but when Christ brings a soul to heaven God the Father Son and holy Ghost Angels and Saints shall be his companions 3. Consider the place where the Saints shall be after the Judgement and that is in the third heaven we read of Saints departed that they see the face of God They that are in the third heaven are in the presence of God the Saints departed are in the third heaven they are in paradise Luke 23. 43. which is the third heaven 2 Cor. 12. 2 4. The place of the blessed is usually known by the name of the third heaven the third heaven is a shining body created immediately of God the throne of his special presence and of the gracious manifestation of his perfections and the habitation of the blessed both Angels and men The whole Region of the air unto the Moon is in Scripture called the first heaven from the Moon to the highest stars inclusively the second heav●n That which is above these the place of happiness is the thi●d heaven 2 Cor. 12. 2. This third heaven is called a house not made with hands 2 Cor. 5 A City whose mak●r and builder is God Heb. 11. 10. The City of the living God H●b 12. 22. This is Ch●ists fathers house John 14. 2. Paradise Luke 23 43. Heaven the Heaven of Heavens 1 Kin. 8. 27. The wo●ld 〈◊〉 this is the great City of the g●eat King he measured with the reed twelve thousand ●urlo●gs the length and the bredth and the height of it are equal Rev. 21. 16. It is the Court of God and Christ wherein are habitations for in numerable company of Saints and Angels John 14. 2. Heb. 12. 22 23 24. This heaven of heavens hath twelve foundations Rev. 21. 14. The matter of the building of the wall of it was of Jasper and the City was pure gold like unto clear glass Rev. 21. 18. the form four square ver 16. Twelve thousand furlongs that is fifteen hundred English miles square the gates are in number twelve made of twelve pearls every several gate was of one pearl ver 21. Situate East West North and South three looking every way ver 13. Having ingraven upon them the names of the twelve Tribes of Israel and twelve Angels for the keepers of them the streets are of pure gold ver 21. It s Temple is God and the Lamb its Light the glory of God and the Lamb its Inhabitants are the Lords people ver 24. It s water a pure river of Life Chap. 22. 1. Its fruits are the fruits of the tree of Life ver 2. In a word there is no place so glorious by creation so beautiful with delectation so rich in possession so comfortable for habitation
for there the King is Christ the Law is Love the honour verity the peace felicity the Life eternity there is Light without drakness mirth without sadness health without sickness wealth without want credit without disgrace beauty without blemish ease without labour riches without rust blessedness without misery Glorious things are spoken of thee O thou City of God Psalm 87. 3. 4. Let us yet consider whose presence we shall enjoy and that is the prsence of Father Son and holy Ghost Angels and Saints Heb. 12. 22 23 24. The whole man shall enjoy fellowship with God fellowship with the Lamb and fellowship with the Angels A happy society and sweet communion all holiness all happiness all joys shall be enjoyed All that God bestowed upon Moses could not satisfie his mind unless he might see the face of God When Paul had once seen this blessed sight he ever after counted all the riches and Glory of the world to be but dung and all his Life after was but sighing out I desire to be dissolved and to be with Christ Father I will saith Christ that they which thou hast given me be even where I am that they may behold my Glory 5. The next thing to be considered is that in this blessed state we shall all know one another and have Communion one with another and sweet content flowing from that Communion we shall know the power of the Father and the wisdom of the Son the grace of the holy Ghost and the invisible nature of the blessed Trinity and in him we shall know all our friends who died in the faith and all the faithful that ever were or shall be Luke 13. 28. Christ tels the Jews that they shall see Abraham Isaac and Jacob and all the Prophets in the Kingdom of God therefore we shall know them Adam knew Eve whom he had never seen before muchmore then shall we know those we have known here David implyeth that he shall know his child when he comforted himself that he should go to it 2 Sam. 12 23. The Apostles knew Christ after his resurrection Peter James and John knew Moses and Elias in the transfiguration how much more shall we know one another when we shall be all glorified Mat. 17. 4 Luke 9. 33. The rich man knew Abraham and Lazarus Luke 16. Surely then Abraham and Lazarus shall know one another 1 Cor. 13. 12. S●int Paul saith at that day we shall know as we are known of God Love never faileth therefore knowledge the ground thereof remains in another life Our knowledge in another life shall as far exceed the knowledge of this life as the Light of the Sun doth exceed the Light of a candle They who thirst for knowledge Let them long be studients of this University for all the Light by which we know any thing in this world is nothing but the very shadow of God Dives in Hell knew Lazarus in heaven and why shall not the godly know one another there We read Mat. 13. That Peter James and John knew Moses in the transfiguration as before c. Boulton here thinks it should detract much from the happiness of every Saint in heaven if every Saint should not know one another there 6. Another priviledge is we shall not only know one another and have communion together but we shall speak one to another Our communion and conference one with another may be gathered from the like in the Angels who doubtless speak one to another though not vocally as we now do yet in their manner viz. Angelically and spiritually which is thought to be nothing else but a spiritual insinuation instillation or communication of their minds notions meanings one to another to think that the Angles and Spirits of the just made perfect do not speak in their heavenly and spiritual manner communicating their minds one to anotheras they see cause is against reason and inconsisting with the state of blessedness and to think they speak in this manner is not against Scripture or reason though the full resolution to this thing viz. with what tongues the Angels and souls departed speak seems to be reserved till we come to heaven some conceive we shall then all speak in the Hebrew tongue 7. Let us consider the variety of joyes in heaven and those admirable good things which God hath prepared and which Christ hath purchased for his servants it is not for any wit of man to conceive or any tongue to relate or any pen to set down nevertheless let us set down a taste of them as we find them revealed in Scriptures in that life there shall be no earthly or sinfull misery there shall be no sin at all no sickness no sorrows no diseases nor malady no cross nor curse no vexation nor calamity no defect nor deformity no tumults not troubles no pain nor penury all tears shall be done away all evils removed all sin abolished all wants supplyed Rev. 22. 3. Rev. 21. 4. There shall be a perpetual possession of all good things even of God himself who is goodness it self there shall be perfection of knowledge no defect in love certain security conistant amity and secure tranquility the end why all this shall be given to us is that God may manifest his exceeding love to us and that we might enjoy the full fruit of Christs death and passion and lastly that we might acknowledge the wonderful mercies of God unto us and celebrate his name for ever then shall we be in a state of exemption from sin and from the causes of sin and from the punishment of sin The morall Philosophers say that hail storm and tempest are ingendred in the middle region but above the middle region there is no wind no storm or tempest but whilst we are here below set us expect storms winds and blustering temptations but when God takes us above this middle region there is no storm nor tempest to trouble us then the Angels that rejoyced at our conversion will much rejoyce together with us at our entrance into heaven 8. Let us consider the duration and continuance of this blessed state this life is an everlasting life Mat. 25. 45. It shall continue world without end life eternal is the highest degree of blessedness in which we shall be made partakers of Christs glory enjoying the sight of God and heavenly joyes for ever and ever therefore it is termed everlasting life John 16. 22. and Christ faith that our joy shall no man take from us Oh who can bear this and not admire it Who can meditate on it and not be amazed at it as soon as any Saint in this life felt but a true taste of these everlasting joys they presently accounted all the riches and pleasures of this life to be but loss and dung in respect of that and therefore with fervent prayers fastings tears faith and good life they gave all diligence and laboured to ascertain themselves of this eternal life and for the