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A73373 Christs kingdome Described in seuen fruitfull sermons vpon the second Psalme. By Richard Web preacher of Gods word. The contents whereof follows after the epistles. Webb, Richard, preacher of God's word. 1611 (1611) STC 25150A; ESTC S123316 169,960 226

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art my Sonne For by the name Lord here God the Father the first Person in the Trinity is vnderstood he said vnto Christ Thou art my Sonne He said it also vnto Dauid as vnto the type and figure for he was also Gods Sonne by creation as also more chiefly by adoption But yet this was chiefly spoken by God the Father vnto Christ as vnto the body truth it selfe But how is Christ his Son may you say The answer is not by creation as all are nor by adoption as many are but by nature as none is whereupon he is called his onely begotten Son oftentimes in the word namely in Ioh. 3.16 where our Sauiour doth tell vs that God so loued the world that he gaue his onely begotten Son that whosoeuer beleeueth in him should not perish but haue euerlasting life So that thē out of this place we may learne this doctrine Doct. that Iesus Christ our Sauiour and redeemer is not a bare meere man as we are but he is also God as being the true and naturall Sonne of the Almighty This the Lord himselfe did confesse of him oftentimes saying This is my wel-beloued Sonne in whom I am well pleased as it is in Math. 3.17 and Math. 17.5 And Paul speaking of him doth say That he is a God ouer all to be blessed for euer in Rom. 9.5 Iohn also writing his story doth ascribe as much vnto him in the entrance thereof saying In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and that Word was God The Scripture is full of many testimonies in this behalfe but I wil passe them all ouer as knowing that this is an article of your faith and a matter nothing doubted of amongst you For I do perswade my selfe that all of vs doe hold and beleeue that Christ is God and the naturall and onely begotten Sonne of the Almighty But yet peraduenture you see not clearely the reasons why he is such an one therfore I will shortly touch them and lay them downe before your view and consideration In number they are these First Reasons that he might be able to vndergoe the wrath of the eternall God who was offended with man for his sin to beare that intollerable burthē which he should lay vpō him for mans transgression which would crush all the creatures in the world to peeces it being infinite like vnto him from whom it did proceede who was infinitely offended with vs for our offences For there must be alwaies a proportion betweene the sinne of man and the punishment of his sinne else iustice hath not her full stroake and working Secondly that he might be able in mans nature and name to fulfill the whole law of God and euery iot and point thereof and not to faile in any that so we thereby might liue and haue a free passage into heauen to reigne with God there in happinesse for euer according to the tenor of the law Do this and thou shalt liue For no mortall man is able to doe this Surely saith Salomon in Eccles 7.22 there is no iust man in the earth that doeth good and sinneth not And as Iohn doth say If we say that we haue no sinne we deceiue our selues and there is no truth in vs. 1. Ioh. 1.8 So Iames doth say that in many things we sinne all Iam. 3.2 including himselfe and all the faithfull whatsoeuer within the compasse of this his speech Thirdly that he might be able to bestow vertue worthinesse enough vpon his short sufferings and obedience that they might be auaileable for the saluation of all the elect and be as much in the acceptation of God as if the elect themselues had suffered in their owne persons eternally and had bene obedient vnto the Almighty in all points of his law for euermore Lastly that he might be able to ouermatch the diuell and all other aduersaries that are against vs to deliuer vs out of their hands being deliuered to preserue vs from them while we are here in this world and being preserued to bestow vpon vs eternall life in the world to come when we shall reigne with him in happinesse for euermore For no creature can doe these things but God himselfe alone And therfore it was necessary that the Sauiour of the world should be God as well as man The consideration whereof may teach vs Vse first and foremost to condemne all such heretiques as doe deny his God-head and say that he is not the eternall Sonne of the Lord whether they be Samosatenians affirming him to be a bare man alone or Arrians and Seruetians gainesaying his coessentiall and coeternall deity or Lucians Porphyrians Atheists or whatsoeuer else that doe withstand his diuine nature and will not haue him in any case to be a God Secondly out of it we may learne to haue Christ in great regard and veneration adoring and worshipping him as well as the Father and the holy Spirit considering that he is God as well as they Though we must not worship him in regard of his humane nature yet we must do it in regard of his godhead or diuine nature For in that respect all reuerence and honour must be yeelded vnto him and euery knee must bow vnto him in heauen and in earth The very Angels themselues are not to be exempted from this seruice but they must performe it vnto him as well as others according to that which is quoted by the Author to the Hebrewes in Chap. 1. ver 6. when he saith Let all the Angels of God worship him Children of Noblemen and Princes heires here in this world are had in great account and reputation with all men they are the very speech and wonder of the world and euery man must bow and becke to them But yet alas Christ Iesus our Sauiour who is the Sonne of God and the heire of all the world yea God himselfe is little regarded by most for there are few that do talke of him and fewer that do bow and becke to him as they ought to do The Lord be mercifull vnto vs in this respect and make vs better that so hereafter we may honour him as it doth become vs and serue him in holinesse and righteousnesse all the dayes of our liues Lastly out of it we may obserue that seeing he is God he is able to reuenge his quarrell vpon all those that do resist him and not onely to defend those that do depend vpon him but also to reward them with liberall gifts for their seruice and to do them good for euermore so that they need not to feare any thing for this world or the world to come A thing alwayes to be remembred by vs lest either we lift vp our selues against him or taking his part should faint through the manifold afflictions that do happen vnto vs for his sake As thus we haue heard whose sonne Christ is namely Gods so now we must marke how it is proued that he is Gods sonne
due consideration thereof to the true seruice and worship of Christ that so we may honour and kisse him as it doth become vs. For they are alledged you see for this end and purpose Wherefore let them awaken and rouze vp your soules vnto this your duty For why should you anger your sweet Sauiour or procure death and damnation to your selues You will do many things to please your friends runne as we say through thicke and thin to auoide their wrath and anger who are in authority ouer you and may worke you a displeasure at their wils and will you not then labour to please Christ who is your dearest friend in all the world and to do any thing to escape his wrath and anger who hath all supreme authority ouer you and who may plague you euery houre at his pleasure Againe you will abstaine from many things for feare of punishment and do sundry matters which are euen contrary to your nature and likings to auoide shame and destruction and will you not then become obedient vnto Christ abstaining from such sins as he hath condemned performing such duties as he hath commanded that he may not punish you and bring shame and destruction vpon you for euermore I pray thinke on these things most throughly let them haue a most deepe serious meditation in your soules to do them good And say not with your selues that Christ is mercifull and that therefore we shall do well and see no euill howsoeuer we do offend for he will forgiue vs all and receiue vs to fauour againe But remember alwayes what is in our text namely that he will be angry with vs vnlesse we do kisse him that if his wrath burne neuer so litle we must needs perish and that in the way before we can bring our worke to an end Oh deceiue nor your owne soules he is euen a consuming fire to burne vp all those that do disobey him Those mine enimies saith he in Luke 19.27 which would not that I should reigne ouer them bring them hither and slay them before me He will take then no pitty or compassion vpon any but he will breake and bruise all to peeces who shall lift vp themselues against him be they whatsoeuer they be and therefore submit you yourselues vnto him if not for loue yet for feare of his iudgements which are most intollerable some in this world and others in the world to come Hauing thus touched the reason which is drawne from the dammages which will come to men that will not obey Christ let vs now descend vnto that reason which is deriued from the commodity which they shall receiue that will obey him Blessed saith the Prophet are all that trust in him Though others do perish are destroyed who do withdraw their hearts from him yet blessed and happy are those that do depend vpon him and make him their only trust and confidence they seruing him aright as it doth become them For here it should seeme that the word trust which is a principall part of that worship and seruice which man doth owe to Christ is put for the whole worship and seruice it selfe by the figure Synecdoche when one part is put for all And well might the Prophet vse this word before all others in regard of the iudgments which he spake of before to note that the godly who haue a care to obey Christ haue good hope and trust in him euen in the midst of dangers that howsoeuer he be angry and in his anger doth destroy all others round about thē yet he will spare them do thē good And indeed Christ is not as some cholericke men are who in their rage oftentimes will lay on those that are cleare and innocent as well as such as are guilty and haue committed the faults but he is one that will put a difference betwixt men and do good to those that do depend vpon him and are obedient to his will though he doth in his rage destroy the wicked and all such as do rebell against him Howsoeuer here we learne this doctrine Doct. that they are blessed and happy that do relie vpon Christ make him their stay and refuge Blessed is the man saith Ieremy in chap. 17.7 that trusteth in the Lord and whose hope the Lord is And blessed is he saith Dauid in Psal 146.5 that hath the God of Iacob for his helpe whose hope is in the Lord his God But more particularly concerning Christ whereas these places speake in generall of the whole Godhead marke what the Church doth confesse of him in the second chapter of the Canticles and the third verse thereof Like the apple tree saith she among the trees of the forrest so is my welbeloued among the sonnes of men vnder his shadow had I delight and sate downe and his fruit was sweet vnto my mouth Behold she notes hereout by a notable comparison the excellent commodities that she doth receiue by Christ her husband and the happy estate that she doth enioy through his meanes Adde hereunto also that which the Lord himselfe hath deliuered touching those that are vnder him and do liue obediently vnto his gouernment in Ier. chap. 23. ver 6. saying In his dayes Iudah shall be saued and Israel shall dwell safely So that all that do trust in Christ are happy and blessed And the reason thereof is this because they shall neuer perish Reason but haue euerlasting life as it is oftentimes repeated in the new Testament and namely in the third of Iohn and the 16. ver thereof where God the Father is said to haue loued the world so that he gaue his onely begotten Sonne for it that whosoeuer did beleeue in him should not perish but haue euerlasting life For in these two things all blessednesse and happinesse doth stand first in a freedome from all misery and destruction then in a possession of all ioyes and life euerlasting Vse Wherefore let euery one of vs labour soundly and truly to beleeue in Christ and to depend vpon him as vpon a sure rocke that will neuer deceiue vs. For then you see we shall be blessed A man will do much to haue happinesse here in this world euery one by nature doth desire the same And shall not we then trust in Christ to attaine vnto it Withdraw we our hearts from the world and let vs place them wholly vpon him As they are cursed that do make flesh their arme and trust in man so they are blessed that do make Christ their arme and trust in him Remember what Dauid sayd touching this matter Loe saith he to God in Psal 73.27.28 they that withdraw themselues from thee shall perish thou destroyest all them that go a whoring from thee As for me it is good for me to draw neare to God therefore I haue put my trust in the Lord God that I may declare all thy workes Let these things moue vp our harts to cleaue fast vnto Christ Doubtlesse
Another of loue and kindnesse as in Genes 45.15 where you find Ioseph kissing all his brethren and weeping vpon them for this was in token of his loue and good will which he did beare towards them And so also is it taken in Rom. 16.16 where the Apostle doth will the Saints to salute one the other with an holy kisse Here in this place it may be taken in both the significations for it was their part both to loue Christ and also to be subiect and obedient vnto him And therefore they must kisse him not onely in signe of homage and subiection but also as a sure pledge of their loue and faithful trust which they will performe towards him Yet chiefly the former of these is meant and not the latter Howsoeuer from hence we gather this doctrine Doct. that as we must honour and serue the Father as we were taught in the former verse so we must honor and serue the Sonne as you see here plainely in this verse The same doctrine doth our Sauiour himselfe beate into mens heads in the first chapter according to S. Iohns Gospel and the 23. verse thereof where he doth set downe a reason why the Father iudgeth no man but hath cōmitted all iudgement vnto the Sonne Because saith he that all men should honor the Sonne as they honor the Father and thereupon doth conclude that he that honoreth not the Sonne the same honoreth not the Father which hath sent him Now the reasons for this doctrine are two Reasons One because he hath redeemed vs and set vs free by a deare ransome from all our enimies As the men of Israel said to Gideon Reigne thou ouer vs both thou and thy sonne and thy sonnes sonne for thou hast deliuered vs out of the hands of Midian Iudges 8.22 So wee may say to him in this respect Reigne thou ouer vs both thou and thy Spirit and thy Spirits holy word for thou hast deliuered vs out of the hand of the diuell And this is the reason that is pressed in the fift chapter of the Reuelations by all the Saints and Angels that are in heauen why Christ is worthy of honour and glory euen because he was killed and by his bloud hath redeemed vs to God and made vs Kings and Priests vnto him Likewise Paul doth shew that this was the end wherefore he died for vs and rose againe namely that he might be Lord both of the dead and quicke as it is in Rom. 14.9 The other reason is this because he will hereafter glorifie vs and take vs to himselfe vp into the heauens where he is according to his promise in the be-beginning of the 14 chapter of Saint Iohns Gospell For this is the reason which he vsed vnto his Apostles to encourage them on vnto all dutifull seruice vnto himselfe in the latter end of the 19. chapter of Mathew For when they did aske him what they should haue which had forsaken all to follow him he answered them and said Verily I say vnto you that when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of his Maiestie yee which followed me in the regeneration shal also sit vpon twelue thrones iudge the twelue tribes of Israel And whosoeuer shall forsake houses or brethren or fisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands for my names sake he shall receiue an hundred fold more and shall inherite euerlasting life The vse hereof is first Vse to teach vs the woefull estate of all Iewes Turkes and others who know not Christaright nor yeeld any reuerence or worship vnto him as vnto God the Father For as after it doth follow they must needs perish and be destroyed for euer There is no saluation or life eternall to be had of them but they shall be sure to be damned in hell for euermore For as it is in Iohn 3.18 Euery one that doth not beleeue in him is condemned already And as it is in 1. Ioh. 5.12 he that hath not the Sonne of God hath not life he meanes eternall life for of that did he speake in the former verse Secondly this must awaken vs vp all and stirre vs to the execution of all such duties as we do owe vnto the Son we must not onely know what he is aright either in regard of his person or of his office but we must withall performe all loyall and faithfull seruice vnto him We must kisse him that is soundly loue him and carefully obey him in all his commandements Learne we then his statutes and let vs euermore obserue and keepe them Whereas he hath a yoke hath commanded vs to take the same vpon vs Math. 11.29 let vs not fling it away or withdraw our neckes therefrom but with patient soules let vs submit our selues vnto it knowing that we must obserue and keepe whatsoeuer he hath commanded vs as it is in Math. 28.20 Happy were we if we could once say to Christ as the children of Israel did to Iosuah saying All that thou hast commanded vs we will do and whithersoeuer thou sendest vs we will go whosoeuer shall rebell against thy commandement and will not obey thy words in all that thou commandest him let him be put to death Iosuah 1.16 17.18 Cause there is great wherefore we should do this For what Shall he die a cursed and shamefull death for vs to deliuer vs from hell and damnation and yet shall not we obey him and through loue do his commandements Againe doth he daily bestow vpon vs great benefites and do we looke to be glorified by him at the last and to haue glory and honour and immortality through his meanes And yet shall not we loue him and be well content to take vp his yoake and to do whatsoeuer he shall command vs But yet alas we do dishonour him continually we can blaspheme his name and sweare by his wounds and blood and vse his titles of Christ and Iesus vnreuerently but where is a man almost that doth worship him aright and loue him as he ought to doe What Could Nebuchadnezzar and all the States men of his Prouinces make a law that whosoeuer would not fall downe before the golden image which they had made and worship the same should be cast into an hot fiery furnace and there be consumed to death And shall not we so much as dislike with our selues and inflict some punishmēt vpon our owne persons when we cannot bring our soules to fall downe before Iesus Christ the most glorious image of God the Father and worship him For as for that image it was nothing else but a dead peece of gold and a matter of detestable idolatry to be abhorred of euery one But as for this image it is a liuing and a mighty God and a thing of great ioy to all the world to be embraced of all persons as bringing life blessednesse vnto all To conclude this point I beseech you deare brethren euen as you regard your owne saluation and happinesse
Gods name and the doing of his will before the food that we liue by much more before the sins and pleasures which we perish by And so soone lastly as he receiueth any talent or gift from aboue he is commanded to vse them to shew that we must go about the Lords businesse and not our owne be occupied alone in such matters as may bring glory and honour vnto his name So that nothing is to be preferred before the Lord but the Lord before all things and therefore repentance not to be deferred any time but the workes thereof to be done out of hand that so God may haue his due and right in being serued and honored before all things as he ought to be Finally because all seruice whatsoeuer is onely due vnto the Lord who may iustly challenge vnto himselfe as his owne due and right our selues and all that we haue Ye are bought for a price saith Paul in 1. Cor. 6.20 therefore glorifie God in your body and in your spirit for they are Gods We must loue the Lord our God you know with all our hearts with all our soules and with all our strength Deut. 6.5 And we are deliuered from our enimies you know also to this end that we should serue the Lord in holinesse and righteousnesse all the dayes of our life Luke 1.75 So that God must haue all we may not take so much as an houre no not so much as a minute of an houre and bestow the same vpon the seruice of the world the flesh or the diuell but he that hath made vs must haue euery part and portion thereof And therfore in all these respects you see we must immediatly without any further delay apply our hearts to wisedome and seeke only those things which do concerne the Lord and his worship and take no more care for the flesh to fulfill the lusts thereof The vse hereof standeth chiefly in three things Vse The first sheweth the great folly and wickednesse that is in the world whose propertie is euermore to deferre their repentance till the last If we should see a man wounded to death as we speake that is sorely hurt and mangled in his body and yet would seeke for no remedy to cure himselfe which might be had presently but would post it off from day to day a long time together we should thinke that he were desperate or foolish Or if we should heare of a man that hauing offended the kings Maiestie and for the same were likely to be put to death who yet would not seeke to pacifie his wrath and to stay the execution against himselfe though he did know how to do it but would deferre it from time to time and say that he would consult thereof hereafter braine sicke and mad would we take him to be So euen so doth the world deale For though they know how to asswage Gods anger that is kindled against them for their sinnes yet they will not take that course in hand but they will post it off till the last and so hazard their eternall saluation vpon an vncertaintie Herein the diuell doth most bewitch them and lull them fast asleepe in the bed of their securitie Looke how racking vsurers are wont to giue day to yong heires from time to time vntill at last they winde their inheritance from them So doth he deale with them he doth harden them on still from day to day in their sinnes vntill he hath gotten them for his owne inheritance and firme possession in hell for euer But to leaue the world let vs come to our selues out of this in the second place we may learne that it is our part and dutie not to runne on still in our transgressions as the most do but presently and out of hand to leaue them and to turne vnto the Lord our God As Abraham rose vp betimes in the morning and deferred no time to go to sacrifice his sonne Isaac according to Gods commandement as it is in Gen. 22.3 So we must make hast and post off no day to go to sacrifice our sinnes and transgressions that do offend the Lord and displease him All of vs do confesse that our sinnes must be left and that God must be serued but we cannot accord of the time when to begin One saith he will begin when he is rich another saith he will begin when he is free an other saith he will begin when he is settled an other saith he will begin when he is out of debt an other saith he will begin when he is old and so forward We are like the Iewes in the first of Haggay who said The time was not yet come when they should build the Temple But beloued the time is present we must change our minds out of hand and turne to the Lord. Did euer any whom we reade of in the Scriptures feeling the piercing power of Gods Spirit smitting vpon the rocks of their hidden hearts within take time with the Lord and say They would yeeld after two moneths foure moneths or the like No no they did not couenāt with the Lord for any time but presētly they were conuerted they staied not an houre houering hammering looking backe to Sodom with Lots wife or to Aegypt with the Iewes but ioyfully embraced the truth without delay To day to day is the voice of God as you haue heard and to morrow to morrow is the voyce of Satan Christ you know would not suffer one of his Disciples to go home as it were to bury his father but he must leaue that businesse to others and come and follow him as it is in Math. 8.22 So that no delay in the world must be made but immeadiatly we must leaue our sinnes and go about the Lords businesse Many reasons there are as you haue heard before to moue vs vp thereunto I pray remember them well and let them stirre you vp to the discharge of your dutie that this day wherein I do now speake vnto you may be the day of your sound cōuersiō vnto the Lord for the which hereafter you may reioyce for euermore Say not with your selues that you will repent hereafter For first you are not sure that you shall liue till hereafter As the Israelites died while the meate was in their mouthes Numb 11.33 And as Iobs children were killed as they were banquetting in their eldest brothers house Iob 1.18 So may you die or be killed on the suddaine before you are aware Goe to now saith Iames in Chap. 4.13.14 ye that say To day or to morrow we will goe into such a citty and continue there a yeare and buie and sell and get gaine and yet yee cannot tell what shall be to morrow For what is your life It is euen a vapour that appeareth for a little time and afterward vanisheth away Secondly if you had a charter of your liues as no man hath and so were sure to liue till hereafter yet you are not certaine that then you
shall repent For repentance is not at your commandement neither doth it lie in your power to take it when you will but it is the onely gift of God and in his hands alone to bestow it vpon whom he will as you may see plainly by Pauls words in the latter end of the 2. chapter of his 2. Epistle to Timothy And the longer that you do continue in your sinnes as you haue heard already the harder it will be for you to leaue them in the end For custome of sinning taketh away the sence of sinning and long abode in darkenesse maketh starke blind Lastly if repentance were in your power as it is not in the power of any mortall man whatsoeuer and so you were certaine to turne at the last if you would yet you ought to repent presently because your selues and all that you haue or can do do belong to the Lord your God who must be preferred before all things as was shewed before vnto you For God must haue a morning sacrifice as well as an euening And it is very absurd and wicked for a man to offer the first of his vintage to the delights of sinne and to serue God with the lees and dregs of his age or to yeeld the flower and strength of his life vnto the foule affections of wretched nature and to reserue for God the very refuse and weaknesse of his time wherefore turne turne I beseech you euen now presently and make no longer delay I speake to you young men and maides because you must remember your Creator in the daies of your youth before old age doth come as Salomon doth teach you in Eccles 12.1 and because you are now aptest and fittest to do seruice vnto the Almighty as hauing all the powers of the body and soule in the chiefest vigor and strength for the exercises of pure and holy region You must not spend your time in vanity or in the carnall pleasures of your flesh after the manner of wicked yong men and maids but in holinesse and righteousnesse according to the vow and promise which you haue made with your God in baptisme after the manner of godly yong men and maides who are regenerated and adopted to life eternall And to restraine your selues the better in you must alwaies remember with your selues that you shall be brought at the day of indgement to answere for euery thing which you shall do amisse in this time of your youth be it great or smal whether words or deeds as you may see in the end of the eleuenth chapter of Eccles I speake to you old men and women because you haue lien too long in your sinnes and are ready to droppe into the graue For it is too much already that you haue spent your former time after the lusts of men and not after the will of God in much wickednesse and abhominations As Paul saith in Ephe. 5.14 Awake thou that sleepest and stand vp from the dead and Christ shall giue thee light so I say to you Awake all you that sleepe in your sinnes and stand vp all you that are dead in your trespasses and so the Lord shall giue you life and not death It was too late you know for the foolish virgins to knocke when the gate was shut against them and for the rich glutton to howle and cry to Abraham when he was tormented in hell So before it be too late for you remember your selues and while you haue light walke in the light and betake your selues soundly vnto the Lord as it doth become you In a word I speake to you all without exception because I loue you all and would gladly haue you godly here vessels of glory hereafter happy for this world and happy for the world to come make no couenant with your sinnes but renounce them all from this day forward for euermore And albeit they shall as it were cry out and say Why do you come to dismisse vs before the time As the diuels said to Christ when he did cast them out Why dost thou torment vs before the time yet hearken not vnto them but giue them a deafe eare For the time 1 e already come if not past already For we should haue repented long ago in sackecloth and ashes if we had done as we ought to haue done but yet now now let vs turne and deferre no day or houre longer but while the word is sounding in our eares let vs be conuerted vnto the Lord. He is the fondest fellow that euer was heard of who falling into a deepe riuer and hauing present helpe offered him whilst he is yet swimming on the toppe of the water maketh refusall of it and answereth that he will not be helped till another time or before the next day when as he is in danger to sinke presently and to be drowned euery minute of an houre Beware we that we deale not after the same manner for if we shall deferre our repentance and conuersion to God our case is no better then his For euery minute of an houre we stand liable through our sins to be throwne into hell What shall we then stay and not turne As God said to Israel Turne you turne you from your euill waies for why will you die ô house of Israel so say I to you Turne you turne you from your cuill waies for why will you die ô people of England Some I grant will out of hand repent in words but not in deeds they haue Iacobs smooth voyce but Esaus rough hands Their mouthes as one saith are greater then their hands which is monstrous in nature for they word it much but they worke it little As the figge tree spoken of in the Gospell had faire leaues but no figges so they haue goodly words but no holy workes They are deciptfull Gibeonites and painted tombes like the hypocriticall Scribes and Pharisies But we must do otherwise wee must be sound in heart as Nathaniel was who was a true Israelite and be plentifull in good deeds as Iob was who was a true child of God we must repent both inwardly and outwardly in word and in worke and so I hope you will doe as also make hast for to do it Obiect But here some man may say what a stirre is here about repentance here is more hast required then needs for a soft fire makes sweet malt we may repent at our ley sure For first nullum tempus est poenitentiae inidoneum there is no time vnfit for repentance Secondly Deus est Deus misericordiae God is a God of mercy he will forgiue vs whensoeuer we shall repent and turne to him Ans This this hath alwayes bene the fashion of the world Looke how indulgent mothers are wont to deale with their children going to schoole that haue ouer-slept themselues and do feare the correction of their maisters euen so do carnall men and women deale with themselues when they haue continued too long in their sinnes and do heare the