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A13632 The defence of protestancie proving that the Protestant religion hath the promise of salvation VVith the twelue apostles martyrdome; and the tenn persecutions under the Roman emperours The true scope of this ensuing treatise, is to proue by theologicall logicke both the excellency and equity of the Christian faith, and how to attaine the same. Written by that worthy and famouse minister of the gospell of Iesus Christ I.T. and published for the good of all those which desire to know the true religion. Terry, John, 1555?-1625. 1635 (1635) STC 23915.5; ESTC S100547 178,284 239

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childe Lord I beleeue helpe mine vnbeleefe Yea as Saint Austine admonisheth Tota opera nostra in hac vita est sanare oculum cordis vnde videtur Deus Aug. de verb. Dom. ser 18. Our whole worke in this life must be continually imploied about the cure of the eye of our heart whereby God is seene that is our faith The which lesson he learned of our Sauiour Christ who when the people demanded of him What they should doe that they might worke the workes of God Answered them saying This is the worke of God that ye beleeue Iohn 6. 26. on him whom he hath sent and so his beloued Disciple hath taught vs also This is the commandement of God 1 Iohn 3. 23. that ye beleeue in the name of the Sonne of God and loue one another as he gaue commandement Wherefore the calumination of the carnall professour and of the Romane Catholike made against the doctrine of the Gospell is vniust and vntrue which is that an easie way is laid open by the professours of the Gospell to life euerlasting and heauen set at a very small rate for that they teach that God so loued the world that he gaue his only begotten Sonne to the end that Ioh. 3. 16. whosoeuer beleeueth in him should not perish but haue life euerlasting Yea our Catholike Romanists may iustly bee challenged for doing great and intollerable wrong to our Christian ●aith in that they so vili●ie and debase the same that they make it common not onely to the reprobate but also to the very Deuils themselues whereas in Tit. 1. 1. Act. 13. 43. very truth it is proper and peculiar to Gods elect yea euen to such as are ordained to life euerlasting THE SECOND PART OF THEOLOGICALL LOGICKE The questions that are handled in this second part concerning the doctrines of faith and are cleered by arguments drawne from all Topicke places Are these QVEST. I. The Church is not alwayes glorious and notorious as a City seated vpon an high hill Arguments drawne from the efficient cause GOD would haue all men saued and come to the knowledge of the truth and by the voice of truth vttered by the Church 1 Tim. 2. 4. 1 Tim. 3. 15. the pillar and ground of truth he doth call to him such as are to be of the truth doth cause thē to hearken vnto the truth and to be led thereby into the euerlasting habitations Psal 43. 3. Now truth and falshood are nigh neighbours and dwell neere each to other for where God hath his Church the deuill hath his Chappell and their houses in outward shew differ little sauing that for the most part the fore-front of falshoodes habitation is gloriously set out garnished and trimmed whereas the doore of truth is plaine and homely Whereby it commeth to passe that falsehood hath many guests those also many times of the highest 1 Cor. 1. 27. esteeme wheras truth findeth few that will lodge with her and those most commonly of the meanest reputation Moreouer falshood teacheth doctrines more sutable to mens peruerse iudgements and more fauourable to their corrupt affections and thereby findeth kinde entertainment both with Obsequium ami●…s Veritas 〈◊〉 par●… great and small whereas truth crosseth the corrupt humours and opinions of all naturall men and that in plaine and direct manner for she is simple and plaine Tom-tell truth and therefore goeth commonly with a scracht face and is banished both from countrey and Court Yea she is oftentimes most shamefully slandered and grieously persecuted by those that Cant. 5. 7. call themselues the Patrons and Pillars of truth This was well knowne and acknowledged by the Heathen Veritas vbique est mater s●…ct●tatis Chrys hom 9 in Psal 118. Veritas temporis Filia Veritas in profundo deme●si themselues For their Poets faine that Truth the Mother of vertue and the daughter of time doth often and that for a long time lye hid in caue● and darke places vnderneath the earth and that she is hated of many and defaced with slaunders and oppressed with crosses and yet not so but that sometimes she doth arise and come into light And hence is it that they paint her naked flying out of a Caue by the helpe of Saturne and that vpon a sodaine that so it may appeare that shee is sent of God And verily with how great a mist throughout the whole world was truth darkened vntill the Incarnation of Christ Act. 17. 30. surely so long and so great was that darkenesse that the space there of is iustly called by the Apostle the time of Ignorance And hath not the like happened in these last times by Antichrists Apoc. 12. 6. driuing the Church into the Wildernesse that so hee might bring in a great Apostacy from the faith wherefore 2 Thes 2. 3. seeing the doctrine of the truth which is the pure seed whereby the Church doth bring forth her children to God is often Iac. 1. 18. darkened and obscured and after a sort a banished person here on earth it cannot be that the Church the professor of Truth should bee generally and for the most part bright and glorious and as a Citie or Tower seated vpon an hill QVEST. II. All the workes of the faithfull are stained with sinne and therefore no man in this life doth perfectly fulfill the Law of God No worke can exceed the skill and hability of the workeman happily it may be inferiour thereto but none of the faithfull are full and perfectly iust none of them are wholly renewed in this life none is come vnto perfection For the best Phil 3. 12. Viatores sumus non comprehensores quantum quid intelligitur tantum dil●gitur Aug in Ioh. tract 41. Aug de peccat mer. remiss lib. 2. cap. 7. are but trauellers towards it they are not as yet come to the end of their way We know but in part and therefore we loue but in part and therefore can but imperfectly bring forth the fruits of sincere loue We are sincere but in part seeing wee are still ready to be misled with some by and sinister respect or other There is in vs as Saint Austin saith freedome in part and bondage in part and not as yet a totall pure and perfect freedome Our inward man saith he is not throughly renewed and so farre forth as it is not renewed it remaineth still in it's olde estate Wherefore seeing in one man there is but one vnderstanding and one will from whence proceeds all his actions and seeing that this his vnderstanding and will is partly lightned and partly darkened partly new and partly Rom. 7. 14. Ioh. 13. 10. Ier. 17. 14. Cant. 1. 4. Gal. 5. 17. old partly bond and partly free partly washed and partly still to be washed partly whole and partly still to be healed partly faire and partly blacke partly flesh and partly spirit therefore we cannot performe
beleeueth to righteousnesse and with the mouth he confesseth to saluation For the Scripture saith Whosoeuer beleeueth in him shall not be confounded In which words is set downe the diuersity that is betweene the Law and the Gospel in prescribing the meanes wher●by we are deliuered from death and made partakers of euerlasting life ●oe saith the Law that which is prescribed in me and thou shalt liue and doe it in that manner that thou neuer transgresse and then thou shalt be free from all feare of death Whereas the Gospell saith Beleeue that Christ dyed and descended into Hell for thee to assure thee of thy deliuerance and that he hauing performed all righteousnesse for thee ascended into Heauen the place where righteousnesse is rewarded and crowned to take possion thereof for thee and thou shalt be deliuered from the horrours of Heil and be made pertaker of ●he ●oyes of heauen So when the Iaylor demanded of Paul and Silas what he should doe that he might be saued they answered Beleeue in the Act. 16. 30. Lord Iesus that he fulfilled all righteousnesse both in suffering and obaying for the saluation of all that rightly beleeue and thou shalt be saued And verily whereas there is but one manner and forme of obtayning Iustification and Saluation for all that are iustified and saued seeing children dying in their Infancy and all such as are not effectually called vntill the end of their liues cannot be iustified and saued by the workes of righteousnesse wrought by themselues but by the righteousn●sse of Christ performed for them and imputed vnto them by a true faith therefore all the residue of the faithfull seruants of God are iustified and saued after the same manner And so our blessed Sauiour teacheth in the parable of the Husbandman that went Matth. 20. 9. out and sent labourers into his Vineyard whereof s●me were sent at the first houre some at the third some at the sixt and some at the last houre and yet they all receiued the same wages The which parable Saint Ambrose expounding saith Ambros de vocat Gent lib. 1. cap 5. that such as were hyred at the last houre represent such as are called to the Lords seruice at the end of their liues whom hee hath chosen without workes and vpon whom he doth rather powre forth the riches of his Grace then yeeld a reward vnto their labours that they also who haue laboured and sweat the whole day and continued their whole life in the seruice of God and yet receiue but their Penny with the other may thereby understand that they also rather receiue a gift of grace then a wages of hire due to their workes Now if it be replyed that Infants and such as are called at the end of their liues are iustified and saued for the workes they would haue done if that they had liued a longer time the answere is made by S. Austin that rewards and punishments Aug. de bono perseuerant cap. 9 ep 15. And de Praedestin Sanctorum cap. 12. are not rendred to workes that men would or could doe but to such as are actually done For otherwise Tire and Sidon yea all the damned should be saued seeing at the day of iudgement they would all repent if they might and if their repentance would then serue the turne Wherefore if we seeke for righteousnesse by the workes of the Law performed by our selues as the Iewes did and as the Romanists still doe we shall assuredly faile therein as they did but if with the Gentiles we imbrace righteousnesse and life by faith in Christ then vndoubtedly we shall attaine to both QVEST. VIII The forme and manner to attaine to Sanctification is not to receiue the holy Word of God and the Sacraments with our bodily senses but with the powers of our soules nor to trauaile farre and neare on pilgrimage to see or kisse holy reliques but to see and touch holy things with the inward faculties of our mindes which are the proper subiects of Sanctification Nothing can be in any respect profitable vnlesse it be applyed in that manner and to those vses whereunto it is profitable but the word of God is giuen vnto vs for this vse that it should open vnto vs the minde and will of God and as Aug. in quaest veteris noui Testamenti Saint Austin saith the visible Sacraments were ordayned for such as were enuironed with flesh that by the steps thereof they might ascend frō such things as are seene to such things as are vnderstood Wherefore the word of God hanged about our neckes or deliuered in wordes not vnderstood cannot 1 Cor. 14. 6. profit but is deliuered in vaine And so teacheth the Apostle And now my Brethren if I come vnto you speaking with tongues not vnderstood what shall I profite you Verely the word not vnderstood is an Oister whose shell is not opened and as a candle which is no● lighted and as a Matth. 13. 19. lampe without oile and as seed sowne by the high way side In like manner the outward elements in the holy Sacraments being not applied to those vses whereunto they were orda●ned by the institution of Christ are but bare signes and emptie figures they are not instruments of spirituall grace but let the word come to the element and lay open the right vse of it then it becommeth a Sacrament and a feale of the righteousnesse Rom. 4. 11. that commeth by faith For as he is not a Iew that is one ou●ward so neither is that Circumcision which is outward in the Rom. 2. 28. flesh but he is a Iew that is one within and the Circumcision of the heart in the spirit not in the letter is the true Circumcision whose praise is not of men but of God Sanctified meanes ordained by God to sanctifie the soule must bee apprehended Hag. 2. 13. by the powers of the soule Seeing holy things as saith the Prophet touched onely with our bodily senses doe nothing at all further the sanctitie of our spirits And heereof it was that our Sauiour himselfe forbade Mary to touch him with her bodily hands for that she esteemed Iohn 20. 17. too highly thereof But saith he goe to my brethren and say vnto them I ascend vnto my Father and your Father to my God and your God That is apprehend ye with the hands of your faith that by my meanes God is become your louing Father and gracious God and then ye haue apprehended me with a right hand So not by going a long iourney on pilgrimage we draw nigh vnto God but by praier proceeding Act. 10. 4. Precibus non gressibus itur ad ●…um Bern. Ep. 319. from an humble and faithfull minde For we clime vp to God by praiers and not by staires And therefore all that will shew themselues truly religious must as Bernard teacheth trauell on pilgrimage not towards the earthly but the heauenly Ierusalem and that not with their
QVEST. LIII The going on pilgrimage to see or to touch the true reliques of the Holiest of the Saints doth not bring any sanctification at all The seeing and touching of holy persons themselues doth not sanctify any much lesse the seeing or touching of their reliques They that receiue Christ by faith are made the Sonnes Ioh. 1. 12. of God and are renewed to his image in righteousnesse and true holinesse and not such as imbrace and kisse him with their bodily hands and mouthes for then Iudas the Traitor should haue been made a Saint Wherefore if we desire to haue any benefit by visiting the Saints we ought daily and diligently to visite the Scriptures wherein the pictures of their piety are most liuely painted out that so we may be rauished with the admiration thereof and be stirred vp to follow them by an holy imitation And so concerning the Saints which liued since the Apostles times if we be desirous to visite them also wee ought to get their learned bookes which are the best Images of their A mās speech is the image and glasse of his minde Erasm in praefat Hieron ad Guili Warra●…um holy soules that by their sound and Orthodoxe doctrines which are set downe therein we may be directed in the right way of piety and godlinesse But so it is saith Erasmus complayning of the superstitious folly of many of his time we kisse the shooes of the Saint and their handkerchers albeit loathsome for filth but as for their Bookes which are their best reliques we relinquish hauing little regard of them Their Coat or Shirt we lay vp in a chest adorned with gold and precious stones but as for their writings vpon the which they bestowed much labour and in the which still liueth here with vs that which is in them their chiefest good we leaue them to be consumed with wormes and rust QVEST. LIV. The faithfull that are sanctified by Regeneration may and ought to assure themselues of their full and finall glorification If God was found of the faithfull when they sought him not and made himselfe manifest vnto them when they asked Rom. 10. 20. not after him much more when they turne vnto him hee will turne to them when they draw nigh to him he wil draw nigh Iac. 4. 8. Matth. 7. 7. to them when they seeke him he will be found of them For if when they were enemies they were reconciled vnto God by the death of his Sonne much more may they rest assured of his loue being reconciled vnto him and made his stedfast friends If God for Christs sake offered them a pardon being Traitors and Rebels and standing vp in armes against him certainly he will suffer them to enioy the benefit of that pardon when they haue humbly submitted themselues and are become his loyall subiects If God doth forgiue vnto his all their grieuous sinnes which they willingly and wittingly committed before their effectuall Calling to the estate of grace will he not forgiue their sinnes of infirmity which they afterward commit against the resolute purpose of their owne hearts if he did deliuer them from dominee●ing and raiguing sinnes will he not in the end deliuer them fully from all such sinnes whose power and strength are already in part weakened by their daily repentance and stedfast faith The Lord said Dauid that deliuered 1 Sam. 17. 37. me out of the hand of the Lyon and the Beare will also deliuer me out of the hand of this Philistin Vnto the whi●h words happily the Apostle alluding saith of himselfe And I also was deliuered out of the hand of the Lion And thereupon was confident that the Lord would deliuer him from euery euill worke and would preserue him to his heauenly Kingdome 2 Tim. 4. 15. God hath promised thee O man saith Saint Austin speaking Aug in Ps 148. to all such as are sanctified by regeneration that thou shalt liue for euer and doest not thou beleeue it Oh saith he beleeue it beleeue it For that which he hath done for thee already is a greater matter then that which he hath promised For he hath giuen his onely begotten Sonne who is farre more excellent then thousands of heauens at the dearest rate that may be to purchase for thee euerlasting life and doest thou think that this purchase made by such a person at such an high rate can euer possibly be made voide Especially whereas for his Sonnes sake be hath adopted thee which wert by nature the slaue of Satan the child of wrath and inheritor of euerlasting destruction into the number of his sonnes and heires and renewed thee in part to his owne image in holinesse and true righteousnesse and doest thou yet doubt whether he will giue thee the inheritance of a sonne Vndoubtedly he that for thy Sauiours sake hath in part sanctified thee to liue a sober iust and a godly life in this world will for his sake bring thee to an eternall and an euerlasting life in the world to come QVEST. LV. Our least sinnes are damnable and mortall Arguments drawne from the lesser proportion of reason to the greater If all our righteousnesse be as a menstruous Cloath loathsome and odious to God and deserue Gods curse because it wanteth that fulnesse of faith feruency of loue simple sincerity and full freenesse from all sinister respects which the Law of God requireth at our hands then what doe those thoughts words and workes which are meerely sinfull deserue albeit Esay 64. 6. Iob 9. 31. Gal. 3. 10. they be neuer so small Vndoubtedly no sinnes that are meerly so can be smaller or lesse hurtfull then the imperfections of our best workes and yet these being transgressions of the Law of God deserue Gods curse and malediction and therefore all sinnes that are meerely so cannot but deserue the like woe So reasoneth our blessed Sauiour If the light which is Matth. 6. 23. in thee bee darkenesse how great is the darkenesse it selfe And so Saint Bernard If all our righteousnesse be as vnrighteousnesse Bern. Serm. in fest Sanct. then by a stronger reason what shall our sinnes be QVEST. LVI All things necessary to saluation are plainly deliuered in the Ganonicall Scriptures There is no wise man among men but that he will be carefull in his last Will and Testament that all things therein be set downe plainly distinctly and fully which concerne either the legacies which he bequeatheth to his childrē or the duties that he requireth at their hands that so all occasion of discord and debate may be cleane taken away And can we then imagine that our heauenly Father being so wise and so prouident as he is and so desirous to preserue vnity and peace among his deare children would not set downe plainly distinctly and fully in his Will and Testament what be those great and gracious gifts that he doth in his tender kindnesse and loue bestow vpon them with the meanes whereby they
hearer also are co-workers with God and yet hereof they are not to be proud For what hast thou that 1 Cor. 4. 7 thou hast not receiued And if thou hast receiued it why gloriest thou as if thou hadst not receiued it Of our selues we are dead in our sinnes and altogether vnable to moue our selues to the working out of Faith and an holy life but are meerely passiue Eph 2. 1. Rom. 5. 6 in our spirituall resurrection vntill God by his Spirit put good thoughts into our mindes and holy desires into our hearts yet then we our selues beginne to thinke well and to desire that which is good albeit not of our selues but by the gracious working of God's most holy Spirit By the grace of God saith the Apostle I am that I am and his grace which is in me was not in vaine but I laboured more abundantly then 1 Cor. 15. 10. they all yet not I but the grace of God which is with me I laboured saith the Apostle more abundantly then they all in working out the worke of the saluation of many but yet not I as of my selfe or by any naturall power that was in me but by the worke of the grace of God which was with me For so he doth declare his meaning to be in the third chapter of his second Epistle where for that some among them called in question the truth of his Apostleship hee boldly a●oucheth that their regeneration and conversion to God wrought by his ministery but by the power of Christ was a most euident demonstration thereof Such trust saith hee haue wee through Christ to God not that we are sufficient of our selues to th●nke any thing belonging to the worke of our owne saluation or to the saluation of any other as of our selues but 2 Cor. 3. 5 our sufficiency is of God The Faithfull then must haue an holy minde and an holy will before they can be the holy ones of God yet it is neither of these that they haue of themselues but of the p●w●r●ull grace of God We will saith S. Austin but it is God that worketh in vs to will we worke but it is God that Aug. de grati● libero ar● c. 16 worketh in vs to worke and that of his owne good will Thus to beleeue and to professe is beh●ofull and expedient for vs this is according to godlines and truth that an humble and lowly conf●ssion be made by vs and that all be giuen and ascrib●d to God seeing our life is in greater security when we ascribe all to God and doe not commit our selues in part to our selues and in part to God So then it is a most certain truth that in our regeneration and deliuerance from the being and bondage of sinne it is God that worketh in vs euery good thought word and worke and also that herein we our selues are co-workers with God as it may appeare by this euen for that this worke proceedeth after so slow and slacke a manner Adam indeed was made perfectly holy and righteous and that in a moment euen at his first being and existing because the Lord Almighty and all-sufficient wrought himselfe and by himselfe that holinesse and righteousnesse that was in him but now the Faithfull are herein ●oint-workers with God and therefore this worke goeth forward slowly because of the small measure of grace that is giuen to them the great power of the remnants of their inbr●d corruptions which continually striue against the worke of grace and hinder greatly the proceedings thereof The faithfull in diuers places of Scriptures are compared to starres in respect of their profitable and fruitfull vses but may they not also be likened vnto them in respect of their manifold imperfections and aberrations Their proper motions are but slow yea some of them very slow For some of them finish ●heir cou●se in a yeare one in two yeare one in twelue yeare one in thirty yeare and all that be fixed in the fitmament in forty nine thousand yeares Neither keep they their right● curse always vnder the Ecliptick line but somtimes turne to one side thereof sometimes to the other neither are these their courses still direct and forward but also sometimes retrograde and backward in their cycles epcicycles towards their apogeïon and towards their perigeïon giuing sometimes a cheerefull aspect and sometimes an opposite and disastrous stowne So is it with the faithfull they are slow in the entire accomplishing of any one ●oly motion yet the motions of all the powers of their soules and bodies will not be made perfite vntill the glorious comm●ng of Christ vnto iudgement Verily while they liue here in this world they follow not continually the streight course of Christ the Sunne of righteousnesse vnder the Eclipticke line of his holy Word but sometimes they turne to one side and sometimes to the other neither doe they alwayes keep a direct course and goe on forward in the way of godlines but sometimes they are retrograde and goe backward and sometimes running in a maze being doubtfull and vncertaine which way to take sometimes they are in their apogeïon and sometimes in their perigeïon that is sometimes they are lifted vp with heauenly meditations and sometimes pressed downe with earthly cares and sometimes they giue a cheerefull aspect to the good proceedings of others and somtimes they become their cleane opposites and cast vpon them a disastrous frowne Wherefore it behooueth the faithfull to giue all diligence to worke out their saluation not only with hearts trembling at their owne imperfections but also by being fearefull to ascribe to themselues the glory of willing or working any thing that is good seeing as the Apostle ad●oyneth it is God that worketh Phil. 2. 13. in you the will and the deed and that of his own goodwill And yet they themselues must vnderstand desire and accomplish that which belongeth to the honour of God and to their owne and the Churches good if they will be the accepted seruants of God The Church of Rome doth lay this as an hainous offence vnto our charge that by us the nature of man is greatly disgraced in that wee teach that men are become brutish without reason and as dead stocks and stones without sense and life because we teach that by nature they haue not liberty list nor life vnto any thing that is truly and religiously good And why doe they not bring in the same inditement against the bookes of the Canonicall Scriptures which teach that euery man is a beast in his owne knowledge and that our hearts are stony vntill Ier. 10. 14 Ezek. 36. 26. Eph. 2. 1. they be made flesh and that we are starke dead in trespasses and sinnes and therefore haue no sanctified will sense nor life vntill Christ doth quicken vs by his holy Spirit and raise vs vp to an holy life Our doctrine then herein is none other then the very doctrine of the Holy Ghost neither
feet but with their affections QVEST. IX The manner of receiuing Christ in the Eucharist is not carnall but spirituall The faithfull that liued before the Incarnation of Christ as the Apostle saith sed vpon the same heauenly Manna and 1 Cor. 10. 3. bread of life as we now doe but they did not eate the flesh of Christ with their bodily mouthes neither then doe the faithfull so now And verily whereas by the ministery of the word and baptisme in our new birth and inchoation of our sanctification we receiue not Christ after a bodily manner but after a spirituall and yet are thereby regenerated and quickened to an holy life Why then is not the growth and increase of our sanctification by the ministery of the same word and Eucharist wrought and accomplished after the same manner Verily Saint Austine so thought and therefore said that Aug. in Iohn tract 26. man is inuisibly fed because he is inuisibly regenerated Hee is saith he inwardly a babe and inwardly renewed and in what part he is newly borne in that part he is also fed therefore exhorteth the faithful not to prepare their iawes but their hearts Yea saith he why preparest thou thy teeth and thy Aug. de verb. Dom secundum Luc Ser. 33. Aug. in Ioh. tract 25. De consecrat dist 2. belly Beleeue and thou hast eaten Nay it is not lawfull if their owne glosse say the truth to presle the body of Christ with our teeth and if we entertaine any such grosse conceit we erre more dangerously then euer Berengarius did And verily it was the common opinion of the ancient Fathers that Christ was not a bodily but a ghostly food So Chrysostome This food feedeth not the body but the soule Chrysost in Iob. hom 4. yea it is the proper nourishment of the soule And therefore saith he when we come to the Eucharist we whet not our teeth to bite but we breake the sanctified Bread with a sound faith So Saint Ambrose de ijs qui initiantur mysterijs cap. 9. And how can it be otherwise For seeing our coniunction with Christ is not carnall but spirituall our feeding vpon him cannot be carnall but spirituall Our coniunction with Christ saith Saint Cyprian doth not mingle persons nor vnite substances Cypr. de c●…na viz. After a bodily manner but it doth combine affections and conioyne wils with the affection saith Saint Bernard Christ is touched and not with the hand with the Bernard in Cant. serm 26. desire and not with the eye with faith and not with the senses So Saint Ambrose We touch not Christ by our bodily hands Ambros l. 10. in 24. Luc. de hora dominicae resurrectionis but by faith and therefore neither vpon the earth nor in the earth nor after the flesh ought we to seeke Christ if we will finde him And this very lesson hee learned of the Apostle For henceforth saith he know we Christ no more after the 2 Cor. 5. 16. flesh but if any man be in Christ let him be a new creature For by the qualities of the new creature planted in our hearts whereof faith is the principall we are ioyned vnto Christ and not after a bodily manner QVEST. X. Iustification and Saluation is wrought onely by Christ and not by any other whosoeuer Arguments drawne from the finall cause Sacraments were ordayned to this end that by visible signes apt to resemble inuisible graces a plaine and euident testimony might be giuen by the one vnto the other As in the Lords Supper by Bread and Wine being the aptest creatures to nourish vs in this temporall life this doctrine is cleared and confirmed vnto vs that iustification and life euerlasting is giuen vnto vs onely by Christ who is the true Manna that came downe from heauen and the very Bread of eternall life The which thing is repeated and inculcated againe and againe in the sixt of Saint Iohn that so we might be throughly perswaded Ioh. 6. 33. of the vndoubted truth thereof As likewise in Baptisme by Water being a most fit creature to cleanse our bodily vncleannesse is shewed and ratified vnto vs that it is the most pure and precious Bloud of Christ that is able to cleanse 1 Ioh. 1. 7. vs from all our sinnes which defile our soules Whosoeuer then ascribe our iustification and saluation not onely to Christ and his Bloud doe derogate from the testimonies of the holy Sacraments Yea they which ascribe these gracious blessings to the externall Sacramentall Elements which are the proper effects of the inuisible Grace signified by them doe as much as 1 Pet. 3. 21. in them lyeth cause these outward Elements to giue testimony flat contrary to that whereunto they were ordayned by Christ himselfe QVEST. XI The faithfull ought to be certainely assured of their owne saluation The Sacraments were not onely ordayned to shew and signifie vnto the faithfull that their iustification and saluation is onely by Christ but also to be seales of the same vnto them Rom 4. 11. and to giue them the assurance thereof in their owne hearts The which thing if it be true in the Sacraments of the Old Testament much more is it so in the sacraments of the New seeing they are instruments of greater grace The cup of blessing 1 Cor. 10. 16. saith the Apostle which we blesse is it not the Communion of the Bloud of Christ The Bread which we breake is it not the Communion of the Body of Christ That is ought not we that beleeue in Christ be as throughly perswaded of our spirituall participation of Christ the food of our soules and of eternall life in him by faith the mouth of our soules as wee are assured that we are partakers of the outward elements of Bread and Wine and of our bodily nourishment thereby in this temporall life and especially whereas the names of the outward signes are changed by the Spirit of God and receiue the names of things signified as the Bread is called the Body of Christ and the participation of the Bread the participation of his Body and that to this end that the religious receiuers of these holy mysteries should not looke to the nature of the things that are seene but beleeue the change made by grace in that they being Sacraments are not now common creatures but holy pledges and seales of our communion with Christ and all his Theodor. dial 1. blessings therefore the faithfull receiuing the one should rest assured of their participation in the other So reasoneth Saint Bernard A Ring is simply giuen for a Bern. de C●…a Dom. Ring and it carrieth no further signification with it it is also giuen to aduance a man to some place of dignity and honour or else to settle one in the possession of an inheritance insomuch that he that hath receiued it may say This Ring is nothing worth but it is the inheritance that I