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B02798 The fulness and freeness of Gods grace in Christ declared. Namely, how God orders and appoints men to their final ends; some to honor, some to dishonor to eternity. The second part.; Fulnesse and freenesse of Gods grace in Christ declared. Part 2 Duke, Francis. 1655 (1655) Wing D2502A; ESTC R176022 62,389 122

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that posture in which they might receive the said gift of eternal life wherefore saith the Apostle The Scriptures fore-seeing that God would justifie the Heathen through faith Preach the Gospel before unto Abraham saying In thee shall all the Nations be blessed Hence observe Observe that in the said taking hold of this Nation in Abrahams loyns or seed God not only elected that Nation to be as a part of the whole nature of man but as such to be Christs visible Church and Spouse I say the nature of man as such but not Angels nature as such nor elected he this Nation upon his fore-sight of their faith or believing operations Esa 44.1 Psal 147.20 but to be put in the said posture in which they might believe and in believing operations receive the said gift of eternal life Rom. 3.2 Hos 2.19.20 For unto them was committed the Oracles of God when denyed to all Nations wherefore saith God to this Nation I will marry thee unto me for ever and so forth Rom. 11.29.30 in pursuance of my final end for that 's imply'd and in this sense the gifts and calling of God are without repentance From this ground God did call the Gentiles to the said posture and so will the Iews that now lay in their apostacy and I say in this sense the gifts and callings of God are without repentance to mankind with respect to his said final end Observe Again observe this Election conferred upon that Nation the greatest honour that ever any Nation had Nationally considered First that of them concerning the flesh Christ came who is God over all blessed for ever The second was the aforesaid Election of humane nature as such in them to be Christs Spouse elect Rom. 9.5 The third was this as saith our Lord Salvation is of the Iews John 4.22 because the Oracles that were committed to them was from them derived being the light of eternal peace to all Nations that then sate in darkness or shades of death Observe Again observ that this election confer'd not their being nor their being so honor'd for their own sakes no more then any other people who had none of these honorsbut only for Gods own namesake in pursuance of his said final end Esa 43.25 Esa 48 9.11 Ezek. 36.29 30.31 Not for your sakes do I these things saith the Lord God be it known unto you O House of Israel So Samuel tels them saying The Lord will not forsake his people for his great names sake 1 Sam. 12. c. 22. because it hath pleased him to make you his people Again Observe Observe that the visibility of Christs Church is in the flesh or bodily part of man or in bodily operations which as saith our Lord profiteth little therefore let all men within the visible Churches of Christ Tim. 1.4.8 take heed they perish not in making the visibility of their profession their religion but to be sure to make eternal life as obtained by Christ and so Christ their Religion in their Intellectual spirit and in truth according to the Scriptures for the quintescence of true Religion is invisible because as God and Christ the object is invisible so the intellectual acts of mans belief or credit he gives to God and acts of love are invisible Rom. 2.28.29 whose praise is of God and not of men that cannot see invisibly or invisible things CHAP. VI. In which is opened the second Branch propounded That as Adams unrighteousnesse in its guilt and punishment by God imputatively in the falne Mass was extended unto all mankind even so in that falne Mass the righteousness of the seed of the woman was by God imputatively extended to all mankind to justification of life that is to put them in a posture in which they may receive his said gift of life eternal or to be either as is said FOr proof of this Point the Scripture saith Ioh 1.29 Therefore as by the offence of one judgement came upon all men to condemnation Rom. 5.18 Heb. 2.9 1 Ion 2.2 2 Cor. 5.14 1 Cor. 15.22 even so the free gift of the righteousness of one came upon all men to justification of life Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sins of the world Again men from their believing operations in Scripture speaks the same for say they We see Jesus who was made a little lower then the Angels for suffering of death crowned with glory and honour that he by the grace of God should taste of death for every man and he is the propitiation for our sins and not for our sins only but for the sins of the whole world and we thus judge that if one died for all then were all dead And as in Adam all died even so in Christ shall all be made alive that is to the said posture in which they might receive life as well as to receive judgement according to their works good or evil Again the same men say also that all things are of God who hath reconciled us to himself in Iesus Christ and hath given unto us that is Us Apostles and those that succeed us in the Ministry of Reconciliation to wit that God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself and not imputing their trespasses unto them And then the Apostle demonstrates a reason of this reconciliation of all mankind into the said posture namely because God hath made Christ to be sin for us who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousness of God in him But sin inherently was not in him nor actually committed by him for the Text saith He knew no sin and himself saith Sathan has nothing in me therefore he was only imputatively made sin for us and contrarily we were imputatively only made the righteousness of God in him to justification and acceptation into the said posture to a right reception of the said gift of eternal life in pursuance of Gods said final end Therefore as by one mans offence death reigned by one much more they namely believers which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reigne in life by one Iesus Christ Thus all mankind were put into the said posture by the imputation of Christs righteousness Again if the whole frame of nature was put into a posture by Christs righteousness imputed in opposition to the unrighteousness imputed of Adam as is proved and so travelleth untill now from the bondage of corruption to be partakers of the glorious liberty of the Sons of God then much more did the force of the imputation of that righteousness put the principal part of the frame of Nature namely man into the said posture of reception of eternal life Hence observe that the imputed guilt and punishment of Adams one offence and the imputed gift of Christs one righteousness were both of one universal extent to the whole Creation and so to all mankind the principal part thereof for even as
one extended judgement to condemnation upon all Gen. 12.1 even so we see the other removed the guilt and punishment thereof that is of Adams one offence so as never man perished for it that is for Adams one offence once committed for it came as saith the Text upon all men to justification of life as is proved Again observe That in this universal justification in the Point of remission of the said guilt and punishment so far as to put all men into a capacity to the said posture I say Hence observe That mans faith or belief was of no use in this justification for we see it came upon all men when it was neither thought on nor sought by them even when God said Adam Where art thou Seeking to save that which was lost in the seed of the woman by breaking the Serpents head as is proved Again Though in point of remission of the guilt and punishment of Adams one offence so farr as to put man into a capacity to the said posture his faith was of no use but observe that as that righteousness is a gift which brought in it the said life so also in this point mans belief of this truth is now of use namely as an instrumental qualification in point of reception of that gift for as it is a gift so it must be received for as the imputative gift gives man right unto eternal life so his reception of it gives him possession of that gift from this ground It is said He that believeth hath eternal life but he that receives it not has it not and therefore abideth in death because he hath not believed in the only begotten Son of God Again Observe therefore when the Scripture affirms man is justified by faith it is because by his belief he received this justification as is opened in this Point of Eternal life for then he hath the end of what did precede his reception thereof namely of the remission of Adams one offence and the said capacity to the said posture because he hath so received that gift of eternal life Again If this gift of righteousness thus came upon all men to justification as is described hence observe That to ascribe justification to a mans Faith or Belief is to arrogate to man that which is not his because we see it is in the said gift of righteousness and also this doth derogate from Gods glory in that gift of life as also from the glory of Christ who obtained it by his righteousness as well as the remission of the guilt and punishment of Adams one offence the said capacity to that posture in which by faith he may receive the said gift of life as precedently is proved and as will further appear in due place Again If the said gift of life came upon all men as is proved Hence observe That when the Apostle saith Abraham was justified by faith he means as faith is an instrumental qualification submitting to this righteousness of God by receiving it by belief of the Doctrine in Christ as in opposition to a supposed Doctrine of Works to attain eternal life maintained by the children of Abraham in the flesh but not his children after the faith in this Doctrine of Christ as clearly appears in the drift and scope of the third and fourth Chapter to the Romans Again If this gift of righteousness so came upon all men to justification and that before faith it justifies as in pardon of Adams one offence and so brought all mankind into the said capacity and posture and this gift of life to them then certainly God never ordained nor instituted mans faith or belief for his justification that is for acceptance to pardon of his sin and life eternal but it only comes upon man in his gift of this one righteousness as is described but for what this one righteousness is I refer the Reader to my former Treatise in pag. 113. CHAP. VII In which is handled the third Branch of the manifold Wisdom of God propounded and the first Ingredient in the said posture namely that immediately upon the said Election and Imputation God did by the Spirit of Christ put or infuse an internal disposedness into all mankind hereditarily to descend in their natural generations and so in a capacity to the said posture in which man may receive Gods said gift of eternal life TO this end immediately after the fall of Adam God dissolved the total amity of Will and operations which was between man and the Apostate Angels for God no sooner will'd it but immediately he did it by saying to the Serpent I will put enmity between thee and the woman Gen. 3.15 mans productive root for that is implyed but the foundation of it and the derivation of an internal disposedness in all mankind to the said posture was laid in the seed of the woman namely in Humane Nature in the person of Christ who only made way to it by breaking the Serpents head for as Adam in his fall deservedly brought a total internal darkness as well as death upon all men so Christ the second Adam deservedly John 1.4.9 is life and light in himself for as saith the Text In it was life and that life was the light of men this was the true light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world Thus the Spirit of Christ doth write his Law in the hearts of all mankind Rom. 2.14 as a continued Act in their natural generation from this only ground it is that all mankind do by nature the things contained in Christs Law which as saith the Text sheweth the effect of the Law written in their hearts if written then it must needs be God writ it by Christs Spirit there being no middle state between perfection before his fall and a total devastation of righteousness and holiness in his fall Again If the effect of Christs Law be in the hearts of all mankind and disposeth them naturally to do the same things as saith the Text consequently this is a disposedness to amity with God and consequently this is a disposednesse to enmity to the apostate Angels designe in all mankind according as God said I will put enmity between thee and the woman from this light of Christ in every man it is that their consciences doe accuse and excuse as the Candle of the Lord in every mans breast which he hath thus set up Again We find in men that are apostate from the said posture to Idols by custom or the acquired habits dead in sins and trespasses to that posture to receive the said gift of life yet we find in them the remainders of this light of Christ I do not mean so much remaining only among the best of the Heathens who by a patient well-doing did seek honour and glory immortality and eternal life as in the aforesaid Text Rom. 2. but as for instance those Idolaters mentioned in Jonah as appears in two particulars First they
Sea-shore or as the Stars in Heaven then the same Spirit of Christ strived with their spirits also in the succeeding generations to preserve and increase the one and to depress the other to bring them into the said posture in which they might receive the said gift of life as saith Nehemiah unto God Neh. 9.20 30. Thou gavest them thy good Spirit to instruct them Hagg. 2.5 and saith God to them According to my Covenant with you when I came out of Egypt so my Spirit remaineth with you And Nehemiah saith also Yea many years didest thou bear with them and testifiedst against them by thy Spirit in thy Prophets but for their gain saying this Spirit so striving with them all the day-long in their generations God put a period to this striving of Christs Spirit so denying them the gift of faith to believe that they might not receive his said gift of eternal life and therefore saith the Text excepting to some few of them Behold ye despisers and wonder and perish for I work a work in your daies Esa 49.6 Luke 19.41 42 Hab. 1.5 Acts 13.41 which ye shall in no wise believe although a man declare it unto you Hence it is our Saviour said If thou hadst known even thou in this thy day the things which belong unto thy peace but now they are hidden from thine eyes Again under the Gospel now it is unvailed of Moses vail and that the visible Churches of Christ stand constituted not as Family-Churches only as to the daies of Moses nor constituted a visible Church as was that one Nation a part of Humane Nature as such were they good or bad but now under the Gospel constituted of Believers as such according to the judgement of harity And thus the Spirit of Christ also strived with the spirits of men in the visible Churches as well as unto the men of the world to cherish and increase one and to depress the other to keep them in the said posture in a right reception of the gift of life Hence saith the Spirit of Christ to the Church of Smerna Be thou faithfull unto the death and I will give thee the Crown of Life Thus the Spirit of Christ strived with the spirits of men in the Church of Sardis Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard and hold fast and repent If thou therefore wilt not watch Rev. 2.10 I will come on thee as a thief and thou shalt not know the hour when I will come upon thee Rev. 3.11 And so likewise to the Church of Philadelphia Christs Spirit striveth with their spirits Rev. 1.4 Behold I come shortly hold that which thou hast let no man take away thy Crown And this Point is apparent for the seven Epistles were sent to the seven Churches So much for the Spirit of Christ striving with the spirits of men in the visible Churches under the Gospel Again Not only with the visible but the same Spirit strives with the spirits of the invisible Members of Christ's mystical body to preserve and increase their internal and spiritual graces and to depress the power of original sin in them as in others to keep them in the said posture and right reception of the said gift of eternal life for saith the Text to the said visible Churches Let him that hath an ear hear what the Spirit saith to the Churches these words four times repeated implies That in these visible Churches there were some whose spirits did hear and understand what the Spirit spake And thus the Spirit of Christ strived with the spirits of the eleven Apostles Mark 16.14 which were invisible Members Judas being dead for the Text saith He appeared unto the eleven and upbraided them with their unbelief at another time Thus strives his Spirit with theirs saying As the Father hath loved me so have I loved you continue in my love John 15.9 10. if ye keep my Commandments ye shall abide in my love Another time thus the Spirit strived with theirs Oh faithless and perverse generation Mark 17.17 how long shall I be with you how long shall I suffer you At another time thus the Spirit strived with the spirit of Nathaniel to establish him Because I said I saw thee under the Figg-Tree John 1.50 Believest thou Thou shalt see greater things then these Is is so that Christs Spirit thus strives with the spirits of all sorts of men in the world Hence observe That all those who have not yet received the gift of Faith nor the gift of eternal Life and so do fall into eternal death shall be left without excuse in their own consciences to eternity because it will witness to them that God would have given them both but they refused and if they had received it then their salvation was of God because attained by his Son given by himself As also Christ's Spirit thus striving with their spirits and therefore it will also witness that their destruction is of themselves and so Gods most sweet righteousness in this administration will shine to his glory in their ruine to eternity Again Is it so that Christ's Spirit thus strives with all men to cherish and increase the said light of Christ in them and to depress the seed of the Serpent in them and that they are thus internally meetly disposed towards the said posture Hence observe it must needs follow that all men which become totally dead in sins and in trespasses to that posture so as that they cannot change or alter their operations thereunto no more then the Black Moor can change his skin or the Leopard his spots I say Hence observe That all men that are thus dead in sins and in trespasses in the world it ariseth not from the seed of original sin but as an occasion and only from their custom in sin and wickedness unto the acquired habits therein as the cause for it is custom in any thing that brings another nature Again Is it so that the Spirit of Christ strives with the spirits of all men to preserve and repress as is proved Hence observe That when God by Christs Spirit is pleas'd to inliven the spirits of some men to the said posture which were dead in sin and in trespasses and leaves other some in the same condition so to perish I say hence observe That God in this case neither inlivens the one nor leaves the other from love or hatred to either of them personally considered but out of love to himself in pursuance of his final end for thus he took up the Jews when they lay polluted in their bloud being Terah's Idolatrous brood and said they should live that is in this posture that they might receive his gift of life and that not for their sakes but for his own names sake and thus he had mercy upon some of the Gentiles in the fulness of time that were dead in sins and in trespasses that they might live in this
of God manifested it first in Cain and Abel to Cain although his operations were not well according to this rule yet the mercy of it appeared to him after he had not done well in this That God interrogatively promised him acceptance saying If thou dost well shalt thou not be accepted implying most certainly Thou shalt as is Abel thy brother And in the next words appears the justice of this rule If thou dost not well sin lies at the dore And as concerning Abel because his operations were according to his posture the justice of this rule appeared to him in that God approved thereof and the mercy of this rule because it admitted acceptance of him although unperfect in the perfect operations of another man as appears by his sacrifices which implyed the imputative righteousness of Christ for saith the Text Gen. 4.4 Abel offered unto God a more acceptable sacrifice then Cain by which he obtained witness that he was righteous Heb. 11.4 God testifying of his gift and so the same tenor of mercy and justice all along down the old world to the Flood the mercy of it when the wickedness of man is great on the earth by Apostacy from the said posture and all ungodlyness yet the mercy of this rule gave them time to repent and turn to the said posture to receive the said gift of life namely one hundred and twenty years in which time the long-sufferings of God waited in the daies of Noah so also the justice of this rule of mercy brought in the flood upon the world of ungodly and to Noah its justice and mercy were also both extended as unto Abel because he kept to the said posture in a constant reception of the said gift of life for by faith he being warned of God of things which were not yet seen moved with reverence prepared the Ark to the saving of his houshold through which Ark he condemned the world and so was made heir of the righteousness which is by faith and the same tenor was also extended to Noahs posterity after the flood and none other for as this justice scattered them from the Land of Shinor for their Apostacy from the said posture upon the face of all the earth as is proved so the mercy of this rule followed them eighteen hundred years under that wrath of God and none other as in the tenth Chapter following will appear and as in the seventh Chapter of my former Treatise is proved and this same Tenor and none other was extended to the said Nation elect in the loynes or seed of Abraham the mercy of it was figured in the Pot of Manna and the Rod that budded and the two Tables of the Moral Law as joyntly inclosed in the Ark and so a figure of the perfection of the satisfactory righteousness of Christ imputed to the world and therefore God named it his Mercies Seat and so he spake from thence to that Nation as a part of all mankind and the justice of this Tenor was figured to that Nation In my former Treatise p. 70. in the manner of the delivery of the Gospel into the vail of Moses as in fire in smoke in earthquake yet it was the justice of this mercifull Tenor because it was delivered on that Mount from God by an Angel into the hand of a Mediator namely Moses in the type which was Christ in the truth and therefore it is said the Law came by Moses but grace and truth by Iesus Christ That is the grace and truth of all contained in those Laws came by Iesus Christ and so made up a Gospel of glad tidings to that people and all Nations From this ground they had a daily sacrifice for sin in their generations and this Tenor more clearly appears to that Nation for God having stiled them the house of Israel he thus faith unto them If the wicked will turn from his sins that he hath committed Ezek. 18.20 24.29.30 he shall surely live there is the mercy of this Tenor If the wicked turn not the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon himself there is the justice of this Tenor. Again This same Tenor and none other now is when the Gospel is unvailed nor never shall to the worlds end for all men stand bound to their believing operations in their said posture to receive the said gift of life or to perish as witnesseth our Lord in the fore-cited Text to the Apostles Go ye into all the world and Preach the Gospel to every creature he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved There is the mercy of the Gospels Tenor He that will not believe shall be damned There is the justice of its Tenor. CHAP. X. In which is proved that the Spirit of Christ strived with the spirits of Noahs posterity which were confounded and scattered at Babel in their succeeding Generations to preserve them in a narrow way to eternal life THis Point devides it self into three parts First that they had the truth of God to direct them to that way Secondly That that truth was the truth of God to them in the seed of the woman Christ the Lord. Thirdly 1 Rom. 18.25 26 28. That by this truth some of the best of them did attain eternal life although the generality refused it and so perished Of these in their order First That the truth of God they had is clear in Rom. 1. and the 18. because the Spirit of Christ by Paul chargeth them with with holding the truth in unrighteousness and with turning that truth into a lie and so forsaking the Creator which is blessed for ever Amen as verse the 25. And for this cause God delivered them up from Christs Spirit striving with their spirits to vile affections verse 26. And the reason thereof is further amplified in the 28 verse namely as they regarded not to acknowledg God in that truth they had even so God delivered them up to a reprobate mind therefore this truth of God the Heathens or Gentiles had although confounded and scattered at Babel from the residence of the Gospel and its Tenor with them Secondly That this truth was the truth of God to them by the seed of the woman Christ the Lord is clear also and it was twofold the one external and the other internal The external truth was manifested and shewed to them by Christ the Lord by the whole creation he being the only first-born of every creature as the second Adam from the dead fall of Adam for so he opened the womb of the whole creation in its tendency and travel from the bondage of corruption it then fell in to be partakers of the glorious liberties of the Sons of God and that this travel of the Creation is a continued act by the force of Christ as aforesaid is clear for the Text saith It travelleth untill now yet here note by the way That the continuation of the good things in Nature in the Creation is not simply
figure wherefore he said to the Iews Destroy this Temple and I will raise it and so forth Secondly I answer This Temple also was a figure that God would take up his dwelling place in the hearts of true believers only and in a word this dwelling in the Temple and in Christ himself and in the hearts of his members is no more but this his abiding residence in a manifestation of himself in a peculiar presence of his love and favour as in the Temple more then in any peculiar place in all the world and most eminently in Christs humane body more then in any created nature as is proved and his dwelling in the hearts of believers is a secret and silent manifestation of himself to their minds and is so restrained to them as it once was to the Temple at Jerusalem and therefore the Text says to believers if they destroy this Temple in themselves God will destroy them Again Observe that Gods dwelling place as personally considered is only in the humane Nature of Christ therefore Christ alone is personally Gods Elect for this end so to be the said seventh means therefore to affirm that any part of humane Nature besides that in his person is personally Gods Elect to eternal life is a great mistake The Reason why God thus dwells in the hearts of no men else in al the world is this because they are Regenerated only and their belief or faith the principal part thereof is that by which Christ dwelleth in their hearts as saith the Text Christ dwells in our hearts by faith so that the truly sanctifyed mind is Christs only habitation of all mankinde A Second Reason why Christ thus dwells only in the hearts of Believers by Faith is this because where this Sanctification or Holiness is not there is no proper place for him to manifest himself there as is said for all men else that are by being faithful in their little are but coming towards Christ or God by the said striving of his Spirit that so he might give them Faith but yet having it not there is no dwelling place for him and for all sorts of men in the world besides they are dead in sins and in trespasses their Light being turned into Darkness and therefore the children of the Devil and then what fellowship hath Christ with Belial Question If Christ by his Spirit thus strives with the spirits of all men not only as by his Prophets and Ministers but also in the days of his flesh personally by himself Why do so few men believe rightly as to receive Gods gift of Eternal Life and be saved Answer Because men do so follow this life of sense sutable to the body and in their Understanding do wink to follow their Lusts and will not see nor understand that which they do by the Doctrine of Christ truth shining to them either by the Creation or the sacred Oracles in which Christs Spirit so strives with their spirits And therefore because they are not faithful in their little they precedently had received whereby they might in some degree have been brought towards that Right Faith and received Gods gift thereof and also the said gift of life by it is that so few are saved For from this ground it was that Christ could not do no great works amongst them to whom he preached in his own person and so by a demonstrative force strengthning the striving of his spirit Mark 6.5 6. by his Doctrine upon their spirits For the Text implies it was because of their unbelief that is of what they might have believed from that light which formerly they had received as we see proved by those heathens which had not the Oracles of God yet being faithful in their little by the assistance of Christs Spirit striving with their spirits were brought to Circumcision of the heart which as saith the Text is by Nature and were saved as is proved The ground why Christs Spirit can do no great works to such men as is said is this he will not cross the orderly means to his fathers final end namely not to force the Will of man for then the nature of the Will is destroyed consequently the Reasonable Soul annihilated which must not be in respect of Gods final end for so God should destroy that means purposely made by himself that man might be made to honor or dishonor as is proved and therefore Noah by the spirit of prophesie in his prayer to God concerning the Calling of the Gentiles into the said posture doth rightly point at the manner of Christs Spirit striving with mans spirit saying God perswade Iaphet to dwell in the Tents of Shem that is not only by a moral perswasion in the voice of the Gospel but also by the Spirit of Christ the rectitude of the Understanding and the Will rightly to operate to receive the said gift of Christs Righteousness and life in it and thus always God proceeds with the spirits of men ordinarily in all the world Rom. 10.20 except in case of Restauration of the World from one universal Apostacy then as is proved Act. 2.17 God is found of them that sought him not as in the Call of the Gentiles and pouring out the imbreathing of his Spirit as it were compelling the Gentiles into the said posture by a more cleerer manifestation to their minds in the Gospel being unvailed then ever the Iews had but still this must be remembred that this extraordinary Cause is in prosecution of his final end against the Apostate Angels design against the said particular Branch and therefore not for mans sake but for his own Names sake for to this end he gives to some a greater emminency of Gifts and Graces throughout all Ages and Generations of men as to Moses Abraham Daniel and David and the seventy Disciples and the Apostles and so forth but in an ordinary course God proceeds with men to give them more Faith and so of every Grace according as they are faithful in their little and not otherwise Obser You put so much stress upon the use of mans Natural faculties in reference to his operations to that Rule which you call suitable to all men yet the Scriptures lead us another way namely that mans happiness is from a more immediate thing without all this ado Quest What thing is that Answ The Text affirms when God had made the body of man of earth a liveless Trunck he then breathed into his face or nostrils the breath of life that is God breathed into that body his own Essence or Nature and so man became one spirit with God partaker of his divine Nature as saith the Text. Therefore here is no use of all those natural faculties nor mans operations to a Rule to receive Eternal Life as given by God in Christs imputed Righteousness For God himself is Eternal Life which is Christ in us the hope of Glory as saith the Text and this Life of God or God in
posture and thus the Jews which have been dead in sins and in trespasses this sixteen hundred years this Spirit of Christ will inliven their dead spirits that so they shall or may receive the said gift of life again for in this sense the gifts and callings of God to mankind are without repentance that is to call men and thus to give them as is said in pursuance of his said final end Again Is it so that the Spirit of Christ strives with the spirits of all sorts of men in the world to preserve and increase the one and to suppress the other as is proved Hence observe That all men which as yet have not the gift of faith are to be carefull that they are faithfull in that little they have received but especially not to resist this Spirit striving with their spirits as we see did Cain the old world Noah's posterity at Babel as did Shems in Terah's and Israel Gods Elect the offspring of Abraham lest God denying them the gift of faith and so his gift of life For then in seeing they shall not see and in understanding they shall not understand and shall never truely nor rightly be able to see the things which do belong to their eternal peace Again Is it so That this Spirit of Christs thus strives with all men of the world and also with all men in the visible Churches of Christ and also with the invisible Members as is proved then let them which think they have the true Spirit of faith in God and love to God and their neighbour kindled in their breasts by this Spirit of Christs beware they quench not the Spirits flame of love and firm faith by inordinate cares and love of this worlds profits or pleasurable lusts lest they having begun in the Spirit doe end in the flesh and reap corruption Again Is it so that the Spirit of Christ thus strives and effects in the hearts of the invisible Members of Christs true faith and love and other graces Then hence observe That although in attaining eternal life they can do nothing but in that Christ alone doth all and also that in the gift of internal light of Christ and in the gift of faith and in the gift of other graces and in the increase and grouth of them the invisible members of Christ are meerly passive in all this yet hence observe That by the same spirit of faith and love they are inabled to keep their hearts with care and diligence so that no man or power shall take away their Crown of comfort and hope of glory First because in the said gifts they have received the spirit of love of power and of a sound mind in some degree therefore they are able so to doe A second Reason is this The Spirit of Christ is at hand when they so put forth that power they have not only to assist them to keep their hearts in these endeavours but also to add that wherein they are meerly passive as I said before namely to add the increase of all these graces they have and so they grow from strength to strength in Sion and therefore they may and are able to keep their hearts as is said And therefore saith our Lord As I say unto all men so I say unto you Watch lest ye enter into temptation The Reason why I call the third in the one God or the third Person in Trinity the Spirit of Christ is this Because that as all that the Father hath is Christ's in pursuance of this said final end so Christ by the third in the one Iehovah in Gods mercifull voice in the Creation and most eminently and most properly by the voice of the Gospel in the tongue of man to man by the Ministry of this Spirit doth strive with the spirits of all men to depress the mind of the Devil in them and to implant the similitude of the mind of Christ in them which is mans sanctification in order to the Fathers will to a right receiving of his said righteousness imputed to their eternal life or to be either as is proved CHAP. IX In which is handled the fifth branch of the manifold wisdom of God precedently propounded and the last ingredients which makes up the said posture namely that God by the seed of the woman immediately after the fall gave a rule suitable to all men to work or operate by in reference to his said final end THis Point divides it self into three parts two whereof are handled in this Chapter the third in the next The first declares unto all men who it is that Governs them by this Rule for a Governor is imployed The second is to let all men see what this Rule is The third is that all men may see how suitable this rule is unto them Of these in their order As for the first Certainly he that restoreth all mankind out of the falne mass of death into the said posture to receive the said gift of life he it is that governs man by his own Rule and therefore saith man believing truth To us a Child is born and to us a Son is given and the Government shall be laid upon his shoulders and his name shall be called Wonderfull Councellor and the mighty God and so forth And saith the Lord himself Esa 9.6 All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth and then goes on governing all men in this Government by his Apostles by the said suitable rule Mat. 28.18 19. For he commanded them saying Mar. 16.16 Goe ye therefore into all the world and Preach the Gospel to every creature He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved but he that will not believe shall be damned From this ground it is that the Father judgeth no man because he committeth all judgement to the Son John 5.22 So much for the first Point Secondly That all men may see what this Rule is And in a word it is no more but this namely The Tenor of the Gospel and that is a Rule of Justice and Mercy for the Gospel it self is one thing and its Tenor is another and the Gospel it self is no more but this Gods highest mercy manifested by Christ to man to relieve him out of his deepest misery First implyed immediately upon the fall Gen. 3.15 Luke 2.10 11. when God said unto the Serpent The seed of the woman shall bruise thy head Secondly In the fulness of time when the Angel said Behold I bring you glad tidings of great joy that shall be unto all people that is That unto you is born this day in the City of David a Saviour which is Christ the Lord and the Gospels Tenor is no more but this as is said A Rule of Justice and Mercy for all men to work by and not a Rule of Justice only as was that to Adam in his innocency before the fall in pursuance of Gods said final end For proof of this Point the Oracles
persisted in quenching and also in resisting the said Spirit by following lying vanities and so forsaking his own mercies as did Demas and the seven Churches of Asia till God removed the Candlestick from them and left them in darknesse and Demas to imbrace this present world Is it so That the Gospel and the Universe of this Creation has a tendency and bends joyntly as one in mans universal good and vertually to breed in him the faith of God in Iesus Christ as is proved Then hence observe That those that stand in an universal relation to men at the Stern of Magistracy as Gods stand bound universally to further the good of man not of this life only but of that which is to come namely to set up in their Territories and Dominions in all convenient places the Preaching of the Gospel to beget the belief of God in Iesus Christ in the minds of men CHAP. XI In which is handled the third particular in the said Rule namely to let all men see how suitabble this Rule is to them THe suitableness whereof is opened in nine particulars as first It has its Institution in Gods word of truth and the natural property of the understanding of all men being as is proved to follow truth as such or as it appears to be such wherefore we see the Apostate Angels came to our first Parents in the appearance of truth therefore it is universally suitable to all mankind in this respect Secondly This rule tenders to man not only a good to be received by his operations according to it but also his sweetest and chiefest good namely to enjoy God in belief of the truth in this life and according to truth to eternity in the next and so this rule is suitable to mans will whose natural property is to follow good or as it appears so to be as the natural property of the eye is to follow the light wherefore the Apostate Angels came to us in our first parents as is proved in appearance of a good wherefore this rule is universally suitable to all men in this respect Thirdly ever since the fall of Adam God in his word requires no man by his workings to attain eternal life for himself or others but only by his workings in the said posture to receive eternal life attained only by the Lord Christ and given imputatively by God himself therefore this rule is universally suitable to all men none excepted but Christ himself Fourthly Because the natural liberty of mans will consists in this namely to chuse and refuse all objects as it likes them or as it likes them not as is proved And because this rule tenders a twofold object to will or nill that is to chuse or refuse namely good or evil that is eternal life or death for it to chuse or refuse therefore it is universally suitable to all in this respect none excepted Fifthly because this just and mercifull rule admits mercy to man after he hath not done well according to his said posture man being ever since the fall imperfect therefore this rule is suitable universally to all men none excepted but Christ the Lord. Sixthly Because it is propper to all men which propound to themselves an end in their workings to ground those workings and operations upon their own belief or faith of a good to be attained and attainable as do Merchants which send or go by Sea or Land for wealth or the like or upon their own belief of some evil or danger as did these Marriners which to avoid the danger of death by their operations cast the wheat out of the Ship into the Sea and therefore because this rule requires mans own belief of Gods truth and the said good and to avoid the contrary evil to be the ground of all their operations in the said posture He that believes shall be saved he that will not believe shall be damned as is proved Wherefore because this Rule requires all men thus to make their own belief as is said the ground of their operations in this posture therefore this rule is universally suitable to all men none excepted but men that are dead in sins and trespasses by acquired habits herein or sots idiots mad men or the like From this ground it is that our Lord saith This is the work of God That ye believe and so forth and from this ground it is that Abrahams believing operations in this posture Rom. 4.4 was so much respected as opposed to men that made their own works as works in this posture to be the ground only of their acceptance with God to eternal life and from this ground namely That man makes his own belief of Gods truth and the said good to be the ground of his operations in this said posture it is that faith is so highly extol'd in Scriptures by the Spirit of Christ for in so doing they render unto God the sole glory of all his truth and goodness revealed in the seed of the woman Christ the Lord and his imputed righteousness and Gods gift of life therein Seventhly Because mans reasonable soul or spirit is of an everlasting duration and never to be extinct and mans body when raised a spiritual body so to be also and because this rule tenders to man an estate of well and woe of an everlasting duration and that all things else under the Sun are only suitable to his moldring body and to a change as also is it therefore this rule is universally suitable to all men in this respect none excepted Eightly Because this rule not only admits man to do well after he hath done evil as is said but when he so returns admits pardon of the guilt and punishment due to him for his sin or sins as is proved therefore this rule is suitable to all men capable to operate to this rule Christ only excepted in whom was no sin Ninthly Because God hath given an impression and dictate of the effect of this rule as it respects its execution in reference to his final end in the minds of all men naturally namely that he will render unto all men according to their works and from this ground it is that the consciences of all men do either excuse or accuse them according to their own works good or bad the which is the dictate of this rule and Gods said final end as is said therefore this rule is universally suitable to all men none excepted From the Premisses thus proved ariseth these following Observations First That this Gospel as carrying along in it this Tenor a just and a mercifull rule is it which all mankind are under to work by in relation to their eternal state and none other as is proved Hence saith the Apostle The Gospel was Preached unto us as to them meaning to us in the last daies as to the Jews and unto all in former ages before them wherefore not any of mankind since the fall ever was or now is nor never shall
THE Fulness and Freeness OF GODS GRACE IN CHRIST DECLARED Namely How God Orders and appoints Men to their final ends some to Honor some to Dishonor to Eternity The Second Part. LONDON Printed by Thomas Newcomb for John Clark and Miles Mitchel and are to be sold at their shops in Mercers Chappel and in Westminster Hall 1655. The Epistle to the Reader Gentle Reader THis Treatise The First Part was printed 1642. being the Second Part of Gods Free and Full Grace and favour to miserable man In this Second Part is handled this point What is Gods final End for which he made both Men and Angels together with all things in Heaven and in Earth subservient to them their use and benefit and also that in pursuance of his final End he doth Order and appoint both men and Angels to their Final Ends according to their Works good or bad some for Honor some for Dishonor to Eternity and it is granted on all sides that God doth order and appoint them thereunto But all the Question and Controversie is how he doth order and appoint them thereunto Wherfore I have endeavored to help where most need is for then and there help is most seasonable and whereas my former Treatise is something obscure by reason of the depth and heigth of the point there handled namely Election and Reprobation and that in both Treatises I deny personal Election and personal Reprobation without respect to Faith or Works good or bad and this way goes Reverend Calvin and others Also I deny any Election of any man or men personally to Eternal life infallibly upon Gods foresight of their perseverance in Faith and Works to the End as that Reverend man Arminius and others for the Truth in sacred Scripture falls between both these two mistakes yet to the Learned and Intelligent Reader that has his minde and wits exercised in Divine Misteries it is not obscure for before I printed that First Part I presented my Manuscript to three Grave Reverend and godly Divines to have their judgements upon it namely Dr. Twist Dr. Gouge and Mr. Gataker and they all understood it cleerly with much ease for one of them said unto me that you in that Treatise say all that we do but stay not there but say a great deal more my Answer was because you say not enough to the depth of the fall of man in the first Adam nor to the raising of the World and all mankinde by the second Adam therefore I must say more then you and the height and depth of this point in this manner handled is it that makes it obscure to some that will not studiously take pains to understand it but in this second part I have brought it as low and plain as I can to the Understanding of all men as the nature of the point will admit and Gentle Reader I wish thee as much good in reading it as I have had in studying and writing it Farewel Thine in Jesus Christ FRANCIS DUKE The Contents of the several Chapters in the ensuing Treatise CHAP. I. IN this Chapter by way of Introduction two things are premised first in what sense known unto God are all his works secondly what is Gods final end for which he made all things that is both men and Angels together with all his works subservient to them and their use pag. 1 CHAP. II. In this Chapter is proved that God made seven means to accomplish his final end six whereof are briefly handled in this Chapter p 7 CHAP. III. In this Chapter is briefly handled the fall of man by way of Introduction to that which followeth p. 12 CHAP. IV. In this Chapter is proved That God gave being to the seventh means to carry on and accomplish his final end p. 15 CHAP. V. In this Chapter is proved the manifold Wisdom of God in six particulars in pursuance of his final end p. 20 CHAP. VI. In which is opened the second Branch propounded That as Adams unrighteousnesse in its guilt and punishment by God imputatively in the faine Mass was extended unto all mankind even so in that falne Mass the righteousness of the seed of the woman was by God imputatively extended to all wankind to justification of life that is to put them in a posture in which they may receive his said gift of life eternal or to be either as is said p. 31. CHAP. VII In this Chapter is handled the first ingredient to make up the said posture namely that immediately upon the said universal imputation God by the Spirit of Christ did put or infuse an internal disposedness naturally in all mankind toward himself hereditarily to descend through all Generations p. 36 CHAP. VIII In this Chapter is handled the second ingredient to make up the said posture That is the Spirit of Christ strives with the spirits of all men in the world universally to depress the seed of Original Sin in them and to preserve and encrease the said disposedness to God in them p. 42 CHAP. IX In this Chapter is handled the third and last ingredients which makes up the said posture namely that God immediately upon the fall of man gave a rule suitable to all men to work and operate by in reference to his final end upon all men p. 54 CHAP. X. In which is proved that the Spirit of Christ strived with the spirits of Noahs posterity which were confounded and scattered at Babel in their succeeding Generations to preserve them in a narrow way to eternal life p. 59 CHAP. XI In which is handled the third particular in the said Rule namely to let all men see how suitable this Rule is to them p. 70 CHAP. XII In which is handled the sixth Branch of the manifold wisdom of God formerly propounded in the fifth Chapter namely the Execution of Gods final End upon all men some to honour and some to dishonour by the said Tenor of the Gospel according to their works good or bad to men without the Church and to men within the Church visible yea and the invisible members of Christ p. 78 CHAP. XIII In which is proved how God ordained and executed his final end upon all the Angels to their final ends for ever according to their works some to honour some to dishonour p. 37 CHAP. XIV Containing some usefull Observations and Answers to Questions for further clearing the precedent Premisses CHAP. I. In this Chapter by way of Introduction two things are premised First in what sense known to God are all his Works Secondly what is Gods final End for which he made all things that is both Men and Angels and all his Works subordinate to them and their use IT is affirmed in the Text Acts 15.18 That from the beginning of the World God knoweth all his Works Now all Gods Works whatsoever as his had a threefold beginning and may be comprehended in three particulars First the Angels and the Heaven of Heavens their own habitation Secondly
way of peace in pursuance of his said final end Rom. 11.32.33 This was the insearchable depth of Gods wisdom that Paul so much adored and admired Again although the Text saith Observe God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son Observe the moving cause why God sent his Son was not his love to the world primarily but in love to himself in this said final end wherefore when the Text said God so loved the world that he sent his Son it comes with this proviso That whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life otherwise not for that 's imply'd Again observe although mans efficiency was wholly excluded in producing Christ Gen. 2.22 23. yet nevertheless he was verily the Son of Man as he cals himself First because woman was produced out of man and so flesh of his flesh and bone of his bone and he of the womans seed Therefore the Son of Man also his Mother the Virgin was produced by generation of man and woman in the course of nature and he of her and so the Sonne of Abraham and the Sonne of David and so forth Mat. 1.2.6 CHAP. V. In which is laid down how in this seventh means God doth carry on and accomplish his final end IN this Point fals in the manfold wisdom of God but I will pitch only upon six principal Branches thereof as first When man became with the apostate Angels one in deserved misery to eternity and also one in their diabolical nature as is proved then in that point of time In the seed of the woman God elected the fallen mass of man-kind out of that state into a posture in which all man-kind may receive the said gift of life attained by Christ the second Adam which they lost in Adam or be either Vessels of honour or dishonour to eternity according to their works good or bad The second Branch Rom. 5.18 That as Adams unrighteousness in the fall by one offence in its guilt and punishment by God was imputed to all mankind even so the one righteousness of the seed of the woman the second Adam by Gods gift imputatively came upon all man kind and so put al men by mercy in a posture in which they might receive the said gift of life or to be either as is said The third Branch That immediately upon the said Election and Imputation by the Spirit of Christ God put an internal disposedness into all man-kind to descend hereditarily in their natural generations disposing them to operations according to the said posture The fourth Branch immediately upon the said Election and Imputation the same Spirit of Christ began to strive and still so doth with the spirits of all men to keep them in that posture in all ages and in all places of the world The fifth branch immediately upon that Election and Imputation God in mercy gave a rule suitable to all man-kind in the state they are in by that Election to direct their operations proceeding from their internal disposedness to receive the said gift of life and to avoid the contrary death The sixth Branch That according to the operations of all men good or bad God by that suitable rule maketh them vessels of honour or dishonour to eternity So that thus by this seventh means Gods final end is carried on and accomplished eternally to his glory in the said branch notwithstanding what was done by the apostate Angels In mans fall or ever fince according to that God said unto the Serpent He shall break thy head Of these six branches in their order First in the Election of the falne mass of mankind out of that state into the said posture which is the first branch proposed the foundation of this universal election was laid in the humane nature of Christ the seed of the woman I will put enmity saith God between thy seed and her seed clearly implying that humane nature as such womans offspring was elected out of that falne Mass into the said posture in Christ but not the nature of Angels but left to sink deeper in their falne estate and designe by the power of Christ the womans seed for saith God He shal break thy head and the Apostle affirms the same He chose us in him saith he before the foundation of the world and it implies in the Text as before is noted Mans Election was out of the fallen mass that is as unholy and under blame and not loved as in our selves and therefore he saith He chose us in him that we should be holy and without blame before him in love Eph. 1.1.4 And the Apostle Peter points out that our Election was to the said posture when he saith Elect according to the fore-knowledg of God the Father unto sanctification of the spirit through obedience and sprinkling of the bloud of Jesus Christ 1 Pet. 1.2 This word Us in the Text He chose us in its full drift and scope is to be understood in a twofold sense that is restrictively and universally Restrictively thus He chose us that is us among mankind which believingly operate according to our rule and posture as all were elected unto to receive eternal life by Christs own righteousness imputed so that he chose us into the possession of that eternal life in belief and so this word Us comprehends all Believers only as such to whom the Epistle was sent Secondly This word Us is to be understood Us Men that is Humane Nature as such and so it comprehends all man-kind universally as chosen out of the falne mass into the said posture when the falne nature of Angels were left to sink deeper into their diabolical nature and damnation as is proved But if it be questioned what that posture is to which all man-kind was elected unto out of the falne Mass Answer It is no more but this namely A disposedness to operate to receive the said gift of life and to make up this meet disposedness there goes a threefold ingredient First as is said immediately upon the said Election and Imputation by the Spirit of Christ God put an internal disposedness into all mankind hereditarily to descend in their natural generations disposing them in operation according to the said posture which fals to be handled in the third Branch of the manifold wisdom of God propounded Secondly immediately upon the said election and imputation the same Spirit of Christ began to strive and still so doth with the spirits of all men to keep them in that posture in all ages and in all places of the world which is to be handled in the fourth Branch propounded Thirdly immediately up on that election and imputation God gave a rule suitable to all mankind in that state they are in by that election to direct their operations to receive the said gift of of life and to avoid the contrary death which fals to be handled in the fift branch propounded the which threeing redients make
faith implicite as most weak to faith more strong and expressive as formerly is proved His third Reason is Because the wrath of God is revealed from heaven upon all unrighteousness of men which withhold the truth in unrighteousness for as much as that which may be known of God is manifest in them for saith he God hath shewed it unto them namely by the Creation and the Gospel Rom. 1.19 as aforesaid for that is here implyed The first Reason why the Spirit of God thus strives with the spirits of these Heathens and all men else may be this although it be all alike unto God in respect of his final end whether the most or least number of men be made vessels of honour or dishonour unto eternity so all be either one or the other because by his mercifull and just proceedings in the suitable rule his glory in a most sweet righteousness shineth forth eternally in either to his praise and yet nevertheless in respect to man it being his Creature Acts 17. from 25. to 29. his offsprings and generation which as saith the Text he hath made of one blood and under the aforesaid universal election yet in this respect God would rather man would as he should and might according to this rule and Christs Spirit striving with his spirit return by his operation into the said posture to receive the said gift of life and be blessed for ever As I live saith the Lord God Ezek. 18.27 I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked but that the wicked turn from his waies and live when the wicked man turneth away from his wickedness that he hath committed Ezek. 33.11 and doe that which is lawfull and right he shall save his soul alive The second Reason why the Spirit of Christ thus strives with the spirits of these Heathens and all men is because the Apostate Angels do universally indeavour by their temptations lies and delusions to keep all mankind from receiving the said gift of life and therefore do endeavour not only to extinguish the Preaching of the Gospel but also to extinguish and turn the internal light of Christ in all men into darkness and if they could possible draw all men into eternal darkness and their main end in all this is that God might not have any glory in mans felicity to eternity and therefore to repel this their designe in that particular branch it is that the Spirit of Christ thus strives with all men and for this end we see the seed of the woman was elected to be Christ the Lord and second Adam and for this end God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever by believing operations will receive the said gift of life shall not perish but have everlasting life for therefore we see God elected the falne Mass of mankind out of that despicable estate into the said posture as is proved and also therefore we see that God elected one Nation to be and to be in the said posture to carry on his said final end as it respected this particular branch not for their sakes but for his own names sake and likewise we see to carry on this said final end in this particular branch He hath mercy upon whom he will have mercy and whom he will he hardneth when by their acquired habits in sin against the said posture they are all alike dead in sin and trespasses I say not in love or hatred to any of these men personally considered but only in love to himself in the prosecution of this branch of his said final end as is proved that he called the Gentiles to this posture but denied it at that time to the Iews and so on this sixteen hundred years and that in pursuance of the said branch will call them to this posture again by which they may receive the said gift of life and this is the ground why he precedently made so many glorious promises of calling the Gentiles and also of the Iews according to his Covenant with Abraham Isaac and Jacob and from this cause only they are beloved for their Fathers sakes as is proved and therefore it is that the Spirit of Christ thus strived with the spirits of these Heathens and all men else as is proved The third Reason may be this Because the more men are brought by the striving of Christs Spirit with their spirits to believing operations in this posture by the reception of this gift of life in point of justification the more fruit of righteousness abounds also in their sanctification in a redundancy to Gods glory against the Apostate Angels said designe and therefore it is that the Spirit of Christ thus strives as with these Heathens so with all men The first Use is for Information That if the Spirit of Christ thus strives with the spirits of all mankind to bring them to and to keep them in this posture Hence we learn two things First That the striving of this Spirit to all mankind as is proved is the universal favour of God in Iesus Christ to all men in the world The second is this That those amongst men which by believing operations rightly receive the said gift of righteousness shall muchmore receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness and shall reigne in life by one namely Iesus Christ that as sin had reigned unto death even so might grace reigne through righteousnesse Rom. 5.19 unto eternal life by Iesus Christ The second use is this That God will never revoke that pardon of the guilt and punishment namely eternal death due to all mankind for Adams one offence First because of his said gift of life which came upon all men unto justification in the imputative righteousness of Christ as is proved for for this end he gave the Spirit of Christ thus to strive with the spirits of all men from the beginning of the world to the end thereof that they might receive the said gift of life therefore the pardon of the said guilt and punishment due to all mankind for Adams one offence stands irrevocable to eternity for ever since the fall this is the condemnation now this light of life is come into the world because men love darkness rather then light The third Use God is irrevocable in this Point also namely To give to any man the possession of eternal life in this world by belief and the fruition in the next world which is constant in his believing operations in the said posture according to the striving of Christs Spirit with his spirit for saith our Lord He that endureth to the end shall be saved In the fourth place this informs us also That if any man be by God dispossest of his eternal life in this world and so in the next it must needs follow he quencheth this Spirit of Christ which thus by belief gave him possession of it here and so would have done there had he not