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A94157 The door of salvation opened by the key of regeneration: or A treatise containing the nature, necessity, marks and means of regeneration; as also the duty of the regenerate. / By George Swinnocke, M.A. and pastor of Rickmersworth in Hertfordshire. Swinnock, George, 1627-1673. 1661 (1661) Wing S6272; Thomason E1817_1; ESTC R209823 254,830 512

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how soon it may overcast nay it may be followed with flakes of fire before night Sure I am that God hath given thee no lease of thy life and that others have died of the same age and likeliness tolive and why thou shouldst promise thy self a priviledge beyond others that thou shalt live longer I know no reason unless this That the Devil and thine own heart have conspired together to murther thy soul by getting thee to future and put off thy conversion till thou comest to Hell-fire and then thy ruine will be past remedy Suppose the same voice should come to thee which did to Hezekiah Set thine house in order for thou shalt die and not live meaning speedily What woulst thou do thy house is not in order thy soul Man is all out of order and therefore death would come to thee as Abijah to Jeroboams wife with heavy tidings with such news as Samuel brought to Eli which will make thy ears to tingle and thine heart to tremble Ah how will he do to die that never knew how to live The black Usher of death will go before and the flaming fire of Hell will follow after Didst thou but believe the word of God as much as the Devils do thou couldst never depart this life in thy wits who hast not led thy life according to Gods will One would think the noise of this murthering piece of this great Cannon Death though it should not be very near thee might awaken and affrighten thee when that deluge of wrath cometh that the fountain of fury from below is broken up and the flakes of fire from above are rained down thou hast no Ark no Promise no Christ to shelter thy self in For Regeneration is the plank cast out by God himself to save the sinking sinner by bringing him to the Lord Jesus and thou wantest it Dost thou not see that thy Sentence of death if thou continuest so is already passed in the High-Court of Heaven entred and engrost in the Book of Scripture and God knoweth how soon the word of command may be given to some disease for thy execution What comfort therefore canst thou take in all the creatures while thou wantest this new creation It is reported of Xerxes Plutarch in vit Themist the the greatest of the Persian Monarchs that when the Grecians had taken from him Sardis a famous City in Asia the less he commanded one every day at dinner to cry before him with a loud voice Sardis is lost Sardis is lost It seems to me that thou hast far more cause to have a Friend without or Conscience within to be thy Monitor every day and every meal to sound in thine ears Friend Thy Soul is lost Thy Soul is lost Certainly such a voice might mar thy greatest mirth sauce every dish with sorrow make thy most delicate meat a medicine and thy sweetest drink distastful to thee O didst thou but know what it is to lose thy soul thy God thy Christ thine Heaven and all for ever thou wouldst in the night be scared with dreams and visions and in the day be frighted with fears and terrors When Vriah was bid by David to go down to his house and refresh himself he answered The Ark and Israel and Judah abide in Tents and my Lord Joab and the servants of my Lord are encamped in the open fields shall I then go into mine house to eat and drink and lie with my wife As thou livest and as thy soul liveth I will not do this thing 2 Sam. 11.11 Mark The good man could take no pleasure in relations or possessions because the natural lives of others were in danger nay he forswears the use of those comforts for that very cause How then canst thou solace thy self with lying vanities when thine Eternal life is not in jeopardy but lost really and thou canst not assure thy self one day for its recovery Shouldst thou see a condemned prisoner which knoweth not whether he shall be hanged on the morrow or the day after hawking or hunting sprucing himself or sporting with his jovial companions what thoughts wouldst thou have of such a man wouldst thou not think surely this man is mad or desperate were he not beside himself he would minde somewhat else since he is so near his end But Friend turn thine eyes inward and see whether there is not infinitely more reason why thou shouldst wonder at thine own folly and madness who art by the word of the dreadful God condemned not to be hanged but to be damned not to the gallows but to the unquenchable fire and canst not tell whether this night or to morrow morning justice shall be done upon thee and yet thou art buying and selling eating and drinking pampering the perishing body never minding or thinking what shall become of thy poor precious soul to eternity The wise mans advice is that if thou art indebted to men and liable to their arrest and imprisonment thou shouldst not give sleep to thine eyes nor slumber to thine eye-lids before thou hast made thy peace Prov. 6.1 2 3 4. What speed shouldst thou then use when thou art infinitely indebted to the Almighty God at his mercy every moment liable continually to be arrested by that surly Serjeant Death and by him to be hurried into the dark prison of Hell to agree with thine Adversary while thou art in the way and to get the black lines of thy sins crost with the red lines of Christs blood and so for ever blotted out of the Book of Gods remembrance As the Chamberlain of one of the Persian Princes used to say to him every morning Arise my Lord and have regard to the weighty affairs for which the great God would have you to provide So say I to thee Awake O man out of thy carnal security and have regard to the great end for which thou wast born and the great errand for which the great God hath sent thee into the world Reader that thou mightest avoid the endless wo of the damned and attain the matchless weale of the saved I shall do two things in the prosecution of this exhortation I shall both give thee some helps towards regeneration and remove some hindrances First I shall offer thee three helps unto holiness and thereby unto Heaven Secondly I shall answer three objections which probably may arise in thine heart If thou hast any real desire after thine eternal welfare ponder them seriously and practice them faithfully And the good Lord make them successful O how happy might it be for thee if the getting of a regenerated nature were the main taske of thy whole time Believe it thou wilt have no cause to repent of it For the helps towards Regeneration and thereby towards Salvation The first help to Regeneration Serious Consideration 1. THe first help which I shall offer thee is serious consideration He that goeth in a wrong path and never thinketh of it will not return back or turn about though
which wait at the posts of her doors Prov. 8. latter end The Ninivites when Jonah had foretold their ruine fast and pray saying Who can tell if God will repent and turn from his fierce anger that we perish not Jonah 3.9 So now God hath foretold in his word the eternal destruction of all in thy condition do thou fast and pray read and meditate who can tell but God may turn and have mercy upon thee pour down his Spirit and holiness into thee that thou perish not Thou mayst hear and read of the success of others others have found him in his house of prayer and why not thou The Mariner cannot make either winde or tide yet he lieth ready upon the waters and waits for them The Husbandman cannot cause an harvest yet he ploughs and soweth hoping that the Heavens will help him Thou canst not heal thy self wait therefore at the means Christ may come when thou little thinkest of it and cure thee God delights to bless mans industry his usual course is to meet them that meet him he hath been found of them that sought him not and will he hide himself from thee when thou seekest his face for thine encouragement thou hast his word which is truth it self That if thou seek him early thou shalt finde him Prov. 8.17 Whilst there is life there is hope thou livest under the means O resolve to give God no rest till he give thee Regeneration The third and last Objection answered If I be elected I shall be saved let me live never so wickedly and neglect the means prescribed for my recovery THirdly It is possible thou mayst object That if thou art predestinated to life thou shalt be saved though thou neglectest all these means of salvation and if thou art not elected these will do thee no good I answer first that this looks like the language of one already in Hell though it be found too too often in the mouths of swaggerers upon earth in evil things the Devil would make thee separate the end from the means Think not of Hell but go on in sin saith he in good things the means from the end never trouble thy self with holiness yet doubt not of Heaven Secondly suppose that thou shouldst live and die in this desperate conclusion wouldst not thou certainly be damned without all controversie in the other world thou wouldst finde what a fine cheat the Devil had put upon thee by bringing thee into an opinion which will bring thee inevitably into destruction Believe it thou shalt know in the other world who shall have the worst of such cursed conclusions God or thy self Thirdly The Decree of God is a sealed book and the names in it are secret therefore thy part is to look to Gods revealed will namely to make thine Election sure by making thy Regeneration sure Dost thou not know that secret things belong to God but revealed things to us and our children O 't is dangerous to meddle with the secrets of Princes Fourthly This opinion is not believed by thee but is onely pretended as a cloak for thy wickedness and idleness for if thou dost believe that if God hath elected he will save thee however thou livest why are not thy practices answerable to such principles why dost thou not leave thy ground unsowed and thy calling unfollowed and say If God hath decreed me a crop of corn I shall have it whether I sow my ground or no and if God hath decreed me an estate I shall have it though I never minde my calling why dost thou not neglect and refuse eating and drinking and sleeping and say If God have decreed that I shall live longer I shall do it though I never eat or drink or sleep for God hath decreed these things concerning thy ground estate and natural life as well as concerning thine eternal condition in the other world When I see that thou throwest off all care and means of preserving thy life on earth expectest notwithstanding to continue alive then I may believe that thy forementioned thoughts are really such in regard of eternal life but till then I shall be confident that this conclusion is onely a feigned plea in the behalf of the Devil and thy carnal corruptions Fifthly The word of God which must shortly try thee for thine everlasting life or death doth declare to thee fully and clearly that God predestinateth to the means as well as the end where then wilt thou appear that neglectest the means that the means and end are joyned together in Gods decree is fully proved to thee in the 53 and 331 pages of this book therefore let not Satan so far delude thee as to make thee part them I shall conclude my answer to this objection for truly 't is so irrational that I do not think it worthy of six lines with a story which I have sometime read Ludovicus a learned man of Italy by sinful beginnings came at last to this conclusion It matters not what I do or how I live if I be predestinated to life I am sure to be saved if otherwise I cannot help it Thus with this desperate opinion he lived a long time till at last he fell dangerously sick and sent for a skilful Physitian earnestly desiring his advice the Physitian before-hand acquainted with his opinion told him Surely it will be needless to use any means for your recovery for if the time of your death be come it will be impossible to avoid it Ludovicus upon this began to consider of his own madness and folly in neglecting the means for his soul bemoaned his sin sincerely took physick and was through the blessing of God recovered both in soul and body O that what I have written might work such an effect upon thy spirit Consider Friend if notwithstanding Gods Decree means must be used for thy temporal estate should they not also for thine eternal estate Be not wise in thine own eyes but fear the Lord and depart from evil Labour to cleanse thy ways by taking heed thereto according to his word Prov. 3.7 Psal 119.9 REader I have now finished this weighty exhortation which doth so nearly concern thy precious soul and unchangeable condition in the other world Thou seest how large an epistle I have written to thee with mine own hand many an hours sleep have I lost to awaken thee out of thy carnal security but I am ignorant whether the work be done or no which is of such unspeakable waight or whether thou art resolved to set upon it through the strength of Christ in good earnest I preach to thee I pray for thee I desire and endeavour so to live as to set thee a pattern O that I knew what to do that might be more effectual for thy recovery Friend ponder seriously the truth and concernment of the particulars delivered Is there not infinite reason why thou shouldst speedily and heartily submit to the counsel of the Almighty God for the enlivening of
the commanding power of sin Tit. 2.14 He gave himself for us that he might redeem us from all iniquity and purifie unto himself a peculiar people zealous of good works so Luk. 1.71 72 74 75. Ephes 5.25 26. He gave himself for his Church observe the end that he might sanctifie and cleanse it He died for sin that all his might dye to sin Joh. 17.19 he poured out his heart blood that God might power down his holy Spirit His name is called Jesus because he saveth his people from their sins Matth. 1.21 not only from the punishment but also from the power of their sins Now canst thou think O Atheist to make Christ an half Saviour as the Papists do a Purchaser of pardon but not of purity then questionless thou canst be but half saved and have the greatest part of thy misery still upon thee to wit thy slavery to sin But surely thou canst not think that when Justification and Sanctification are joyn'd together in the purpose of the Father and the purchase of the Son it shall be in thy power to part them asunder A third gate through which all must go that get to heaven is the gate of Scripture The Promises are the gracious deeds and evidences which Saints have to shew for their right to that glorious inheritance And it is cursed presumption to expect heaven without a promise Now God hath in many places excluded thee but in no place promised heaven to thee Look from the beginning to the end of the Bible and thou shalt not finde one good word spoken to thee there are woes and curses threatnings and judgements which thou mayst challenge as thy part and portion but no promise or saving blessing All the promises of salvation are conditional Matth. 5.8 11.28 John 3.16 yea including and expressing this very condition of conversion He that believeth shall be saved saith God Mark 16.16 And repent that your sins may be blotted out Act. 3.19 the body and soul do specifically constitute the whole new man and upon those two hinges of Faith and Repentance do all the saving promises in the Bible hang therefore thy expectance of the benefit of the promise without the performance of the condition is soul-damning delusion Thou mayest like a dog snatch at the children bread the Promises but assure thy self thou hast no part nor lot in these matters This Reader is the difference betwixt presuming and believing he that believeth finding in his own soul the conditions mentioned in the promises of eternal life as namely that he walks after the spirit mortifieth the deeds of the flesh hath his conversation in Heaven Rom. 8.1 Phil. 3.19 and the like relieth on Christ for pardon and life upon the warrant and security of his word and promise Psal 119.114.145 He that presumeth looketh that God should perform his part of the promise in giving salvation but never mindeth whether he perform his part of the promise in observing the condition Let thy conscience be judge whether thou art not such a presumtuous person and therefore doest in vain look for the fruit of the promise 4. All that get to heaven must go through the gate of mediate communion heaven must be nigh thee before thou canst be in heaven it is fellowship with God in this world which fitteth for fellowship with God in the other world without holiness none shall see God Heb. 12.14 because without holiness none can see God an unholy mind cannot behold him an unholy will cannot enjoy him unholy affections cannot delight in him an unholy man in heaven could not finde it a place of happiness for 't is not a Turkish Paradice but a place of holy pleasures 't is mediate communion which doth capacitate the soul for immediate communion and as the weaker eyes may behold the Sun in its beams then in its glorious body at the highest in a clear day so a smaller degree of holiness will enable the soul to see God in the glass of his ordinances then to see him face to face Now thou canst not enjoy him in this imperfect degree much less in a state of perfection If thou sayest that thou hast fellowship with him and walkest in darkness thou liest 1 Joh. 1.6 Mark If thou sayest that thou enjoyest fellowship with God and leadest a sinfull life thou tellest a broad lye all that enjoy the Ordinances of God do not enjoy the God of Ordinances all that go to Church do not meet with Christ What cummunion hath light with darkness or Christ with Belial truly no more hath God with thy soul Princes are not so prodigal of their intimate friendship and favour as to throw them away upon their foes Thy carnal minde is emnity against God God is a profest enemy to thee and therefore can they ever walk together till they be agreed now there is a necessity of walking with him before thou canst be translated to him Gen. 5.21 or else thou hast found out a nearer way to heaven then the children of God went in Besides the Scripture speaketh plainly that he who hath a true hope of heaven doth purifie himself as God is pure 1 John 3.3 True hope begetteth and increaseth holiness now doth thy hope cause thee to purifie thy self when like an infant thou pollutest thy self liest contentedly in thy filth and never mindest cleansing Now tell me Reader whether thou doest not sadly cozen thy self in dreaming of salvation without regeneration when God predestinated all to be conformable to the image of his Son in purity whom he predestinated to be conformable to the image of his Son in glory Rom. 8.29 when Jesus Christ suffered not onely to procure pardon but for all his freedom from the power of sin when the promises of the Gospel do express regeneration as the indispensable qualification of all that shall be saved Acts 3.19 and when thou art so far from being capable of immediate communion hereafter that it is impossible that thou shouldest in thy carnal estate have mediate communion with him here canst thou continue in thy thoughts that heaven shall be open to thee when the hand of Almighty God hath shut it against thee and blocked up every way which leads to it to keep the out and how deceitfull and desperately wicked is thy heart to promise thee if thou wilt serve sin and the world the beautifull Rachel of heaven when after all thy slavery to thy lusts thou shalt be put off with the blear-eyed Leah of Hell Believe not O Reader The wicked one if thou lovest the life of thy soul he may by his lying spirit in thy heart as sometimes in the mouth of Ahabs false prophets perswade thee to go on in thy sinfull courses and promise thee as he did Ahab that thou shalt prosper but if thou doest not perish if thou followest such counsel the Lord hath not spoken in his Word I tell thee man God hath no birthrights for such prophane Esaus nor inheritances for such
Elijah with a still small voice 2 Kings 19.12 The Spirit falls down on some as on the Apostles like a mighty rushing winde or like fire shaking and scorching them Acts 2.2 3. on others as on Jesus Christ in the shape of a Dove dealing mildly and meekly with them The Jaylor is brought home by an earthquake and an heartquake Acts 16.29 when the door of Lydia's heart is opened softly and Jesus Christ entereth in without any noise Acts 16.14 Some in a sown are revived onely by pouring a little hot water down their throats whereas others must be rub'd hard and beaten sore before they will come to themselves again Cant. 6.12 Ere I was aware my soul made me like the charints of Aminadab Some have been infamous for pleasure in sin and such are usually made more apprehensive of the pain due to sinners God bringeth all home by weeping cross but them especially that have been most wicked The Physician is forced to give strong physick to such sturdy strong patients otherwise it will not work A man that is an old finner is like one that hath had a bone long out of joynt and its festered this man must feel much pain before it be brought into its right place Sometimes God intendeth to list a soul high with spiritual consolations and to prepare it for them he layeth it low with legal humiliation We throw the ball hard against the ground when we intend that it shall bound high Paul was forcibly cast to the earth before he was favorably caught up to the third heaven Some are designed to be high in holiness eminent patterns of piety to others and such are often filled with sorrow and do more then others feel the smart of sin When the workman will make his building high and exact he layeth the foundation deep and low God is not limited he dealeth with men as he seeth good it is his will and that is reason enough that all his children should not be brought forth with the same pain He hath several medicines whereof some are more sweet others more sowre for the cure of their spiritual maladies and he applieth them as it pleaseth him Now when the Spirit of God worketh most forcibly then the man perceiveth it most sensibly Besides some men and women have had inclinations towards God and godliness ever since they came to any knowledge they suckt the milk of grace betimes from the breasts of their parents I mean their religious education Obadiah feared the Lord from his youth 1 Kings 18.12 Timothy from a childe knew the holy Scriptures The dews of grace were dropt from Heaven upon their souls early in the morning of their age and in such cases conversion as to the time and manner of it is under a cloud For as he that is lock'd up in some dark dungeon may easily discover the moment of time when either the least beam of the Sun or glimmering of day-light did break in upon him whereas he that is always in the open air is sensible that the day is broke that the Sun is risen but cannot tell you precisely when the day sprang or the Sun rose so some that have been betimes put out apprentices to the devil by their parents been taught that hellish trade of sin and nurtured in obstinacy and Ignorance being lock'd up and fettered in the Dungeon of darkness as Peter in prison these men may easily remember the time when the day-star from on high did visit them when the Angel of the Covenant came upon them and caused a light to shine about them and raised them up and caused their fetters to fall off the prison door to flye open and commanded them to arise and follow him but those that were ever in the open air brought up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord like vessels when new seasoned with holiness those cannot tell you the day when salvation came to their souls they can tell you that day is broke but when they know not one thing they know that where as they were blind now they see but how they came by their sight they cannot certifie you they can tell you that they are sanctified but the season of it they cannot tell Reader though the time and manner of this work makes the knowledge of it more easie and sensible to some then to others yet to all 't is possible Gods precepts speak it possible God requireth of his people such things as would be to no purpose if they could not be assured of their grace and purity He commandeth to examine themselves whether they are in the faith or no 2 Cor. 13.5 Now to what purpose or end should the Law of God be produced the persons heart and life compared with it witnesses be examined the man thus arreigned in the Court of Conscience if the matter in debate could not be brought to an issue if it could not be known whether he be sanctified or not God bids us make our callings and elections sure 2 Pet. 1.10 therefore they may be ensured We are enjoyned to pray with confidence and to call God Father Heb. 10.22 Matth. 6.9 which certainly none can do if none can know that they are his children The Apostle tells us that we must rejoyce in the Lord Phil. 3.1 and that alwayes 1 Thes 5.16 even in tribulation Matth. 5.10 which who can do if he know not whether God be his friend or enemy Besides the promises of God shew it possible John 14.21 I will love him that keepeth my commandments and manifest my self unto him saith Christ Isa 60.16 Psal 50. ult and 85.8 9. now what Gods mercy promiseth his truth performeth The helps likewise which God affords us speak this feasible The scripture setteth down the signs of the men and women which are sanctified and which shall be saved And hereby we know that we know him if we keep his commandments To know that we know him is to be assured that we know him 1 Ioh. 5.13 These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the son of God that ye may know that ye have eternall life Mark they did believe before yet St. John writes that they might believe they had before the faith of adherence John writes to them that they might have the faith of assurance The Sacraments are also given as broad seals and the Spirit as the privy seal of heaven to ensure salvation Rom. 4.11 Eph. 1.30 In a word the patterns and experiences of the Saints speak this possible that which others have acquired is not impossible to us The children of God have been assured of their adoption that God was their father Isa 63.16 1 John 3.2 Though Abraham be ignorant of us and Israel acknowledge us not doubtless thou art our father thou O Lord art our father and our redeemer They have been assured of their justification Job 13.18 Psalm 45.24 perseverance in grace 1 Thes 5.25 Rom. 8.35 to the end Of
never fountain sent forth water more freely then this sinner doth godly sorrow when he considereth what he hath done how he hath sinned what a God he hath greived sorrow and grief overwhelm his spirit The fifth step is implantation into Christ the Spirit now leadeth the childe by the band unto Christ nay grafteth him into Christ The soul being convinced of the necessity it stands in of Christ of the endless misery which it must undergo without Christ of the al-sufficiency that is in Christ how willing how able he is to binde up the broken heart and to save the sinful soul doth by the help of the Holy Ghost venture its self and its everlasting estate up-Jesus Christ resolving to stand or fall live or die at his feet The sinner is now between hope and fear not knowing how he shall fare As the four Lepers that were shut out of the City in the famine of Samaria considered with themselves If we enter into the City the famine is in the City and we die there Kings 7.3 and if we sit still here we die also Now therefore come and let us fall into the Host of the Syrians if they save us alive we shall live and if they kill us we shall but die and accordingly they went to the Syrians camp found food there and lived So the sinner pondereth in his heart If I go to the world and the lying vanities thereof I perish vanity of vanities is written upon all its enjoyments the famine is there there is nothing that is bread its whole shop cannot afford a plaister which can heal my wounded conscience if I sit still in this condition under the weight of mine iniquities I perish they will unquestionable sink me into Hell now therefore I will fall into the hands of the Lord Jesus If he save my soul I shall live if he deny to receive such an unworthy wretch as I am I shall but die I can but perish I will therefore venture and accordingly the soul goeth to him and findeth life in him I have sometime thought that when the sinner is come thus far he carrieth himself much like Esther When the King had made an irrevocable decree for the destruction of her self and people what doth she do she fasteth and prayeth and sendeth word to Mordecai I will go in unto the King which is not according to the Law and if I perish I perish Esth 4. ult Thus the poor broken-hearted sinner perceiving that the King of Kings hath made a Decree That the soul that sinneth shall die eternally and he is a grievous sinner he fasteth he mourneth he prayeth and at last resolveth Well I will go in unto the King though it be not according to the Law which shutteth me up under guilt and wrath If I perish I perish possibly he may hold out the golden Scepter of Grace and I may live in his sight thus the poor creature goeth maketh supplication believingly and prevaileth The Devil now layeth all the blocks he can possibly in the souls way to hinder its journey to Christ As when the woman talked to her husband of going to the Prophet for the enlivening of her dead childe he presently endeavoureth to disswade her that 't would be to no purpose Why wilt thou go 't is neither new moon nor Sabbath but yet she went and had her childe restored to life Thus To what purpose shouldst thou go to Christ saith the Devil to the penitent sinner Canst thou think that so holy and righteous a God will have the least respect for such a wicked notorious hell-hound as thou art I tell thee he hath sent thousands that never sinned as thou hast done into Hell and canst thou have any thoughts of Heaven Thou hast done my work all thy dayes and now lookest for a reward from God No no I le pay thee thy wages in blackness of darkness for ever if thou hadst intended for life thou shouldst have minded it sooner thou hast dayes without number broken the Law and many a time rejected the Gospel and now 't is too late God called and thou wouldst not hear now thou mayst call long enough for he will not hear thee he tells thee as much with his own mouth Prov. 1.25 to 32. Therefore thou mayst spare thy pains and prayers for all will be to no purpose Surely thou hast a impudent face and a brazen forehead to expect such choice blessings as pardon and life from that Christ whom thou hast persecuted in his people rejected in his Laws preferring the world and thy flesh before him and daring him to his very face Thus he that was the sinners tempter to those sins turns his tormentor for them and he that when the soul was posting to Hell bid it not doubt of Heaven doth now the creature is creeping towards eternal life perswade him that 't is impossible to escape eternal death But notwithstanding these discouragements the sinner will go to the great Prophet of the Church for the life of his dead soul He thinks 'T is true I am a grievous sinner but I know that he is a gracious Saviour I see nothing but misery and hell in me but I see mercy and heaven in him for my warrant Mat. 11.28 I have ●his precept Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy-laden for my encouragement I have his promise I will give you rest Ioh 6.33 him that cometh unto me I will in no wise cast out I will therefore go what ever come of it and lay my self at his feet if he condemn me and spurn me into Hell I le justifie him peradventure he may lend me his hand and raise me up with hope of Heaven others have gone to him and he hath bid them welcom O the rings and robes the kisses and embraces which many returning Prodigals have had of him who knoweth but he may be gracious to me if he had not been willing that poor sinners should live he would not have dyed if he had been unwilling that I should come why doth he call me Well what ever come of it I will go it may be I may be hid in the day of the Lords wrath Thus Faith at first standeth but on one weak foot I suppose that when the sinner is in this condition the very command of God enjoyning him to believe in the name of his Son is a special instrument in the hand of the Spirit to draw him unto Christ like Abraham he being called of God obeyed not knowing whither he went he being called of God to cast himself on Jesus Christ obeyeth not knowing how he shall speed The Disciples when they hear Christ speaking to them in the morning Cast on the other side of the ship and ye shall finde answer him We have fished all night and caught nothing nevertheless at thy command we will let down the net So the penitent man having tried this and that means and found no water no meat
thee for these ends Thou wilt disrelish all spiritual prayers and conference especially when they discover and condemne thy unsanctifyed carnal state And thou wilt secretly or openly have a malignant distaste or opposition against the Regenerate that live by that renewing sanctifying Spirit to which thou art a stranger and wilt look on them as a people that condemne thee by their lives unless thou canst cheat thy self into a perswasion that they are but a company of singular proud selfconceited people and really no otherwise regenerate then thy self And all the Religion and wisdome and good ●arriage which thou hast without this spiritual change may easily be thy delusion but will never serve for thy Salvation yea heaven it self would be to thee no heaven if it were set open to thee and thou hadst not the heavenly nature to suit to the heavenly employment and felicity This is the business of a converting and confirming Ministery and of the spirit and grace that works by them and this is the business that above other business lyeth upon thee in this present world even to work now in thy soul that holy love to the most blessed God who is love it self which may cause thee here to thirst after his presence and to seek his favour and to do his will and may fit thee delightfully for ever to enjoy him and everlastingly to be solaced in the beholding of his glory in the feeling of his love and in his heavenly praises and the fulfilling of his will An unregenerate unholy soul is as unfit for this as thy mortal enemy to lye in thy bosome or as toads and serpents to be the familiar companions of men or as thy Ox or Ass is to feed with thee at thy table and lye with thee in thy bed Employments and Enjoyments must have a suitable nature if the Spirit fit thee not here for heaven in this life which is given thee purposely for that end its pernitious folly to hope for a heaven for which thy unsanctifyed nature is unfit and to promise thy self a felicity of which thou art uncapable and which indeed thy very heart doth hate Thou lovest not holiness here nor the very imperfect Saints that have it how much less couldst thou love the infinite holiness of God who hateth thy sins ten thousand times more then the most severe and sharp reprover hates them If thy eyes cannot look upon the smallest candle without offence how then would they endure to look upon the Sun and that in the nearest access unto its glory And if here thy enmity to the holy will of God be such that thou pleasest not him and he and his waies are displeasing unto thee how uncapable art thou of Heaven which is a state of mutual full delight where the Saints do perfectly please the Lord and are perfectly pleased in him and his pleasure Rom. 8.5 6 7 8. They that are after the flesh do mind or savour the things of the flesh but they that are after the spirit the things of the spirit To be carnally minded is death but to be spiritually minded is life and peace Because the carnal mind is enmity against God for it is not subject to the Law of God neither indeed can be So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God And that which is born of the flesh is but flesh As that which is born of the spirit is spirit Joh. 3.6 It is therefore undenyable that till you are born of the spirit and so made spiritual all your Religion and civility leaveth you but enemies to God and in a state of Rebellion against his will and consequently in a state of death Baptism which is the Sacrament of Regeneration doth signifie this change and containe your profession and engagement to the Lord. But if you have not the Regeneration of the Spirit as well as of the water and the answer of a good conscience as well as the washing of the flesh you differ from Heathens and Infidels but as covenant-breakers differ from them that never entered into covenant with Christ at all But I must not stand too long instructing you at the door when my business is to call you in and to tell you that here is a Message to you from the Lord A Treatise of Regeneration the most necessary Subject in a stile so clean and close in words so pertinent plain powerful and pressing that undoubtedly by a serious impartial perusal joyned with sober consideration and prayer thy soul may receive unspeakable commodity Though I know not the Author I am so far acquainted with the spirit appearing in this Discourse that I dare assure thee he had very much help from heaven and dare encourage thee to study this savoury Treatise as that which containeth most certain sound and necessary doctrine directly tending to the saving of thy soul without any tendency to Heresie Schism or uncharitable cenforiousness A Doctrine necessary for the learned or unlearned the rich and the poor the honorable and the base and for men of all degrees and ranks which if it had been more heartily studied and inculcated in publick and in private by all Preachers of the Gospel instead of the humane inventions and Canons and Opinions and interests of their several Sects the Church and the consciences of the Pastors and their Flocks had been now much wholer and sounder then they are Believe it whatever thou art thou shalt never be saved for being a Lord or a Knight a Gentleman or a rich man a learned man or a well-spoken eloquent man nor yet for being a Calvinist or a Lutheran an Arminian an Anabaptist a Prelatist a Presbyterian an Independent or a Protestant formally and meerly as such much less for being a Papist or of any such grosly deluded Sect but as a Regenerate Christian it is that thou must be saved or thou canst have no hope If once this renewing Spirit have taken possession of thy soul and thou art made partaker of the Divine and Heavenly nature and art become a living Member of Christ thou shalt be saved though thou know not whether Diocesan Bishops Metropolitans Primates and Patriarks or onely Parochial Bishops be most agreeable to the minde of God and though thou know not whether any other Book than the Bible should contain the Liturgy of the Church and though thou know not in a hundred controversies of the times about Orders and Forms and Ceremonies and smaller points of doctrine which party it is that is in the right Holiness will save thee without the formalities of this party or of that but formalities will not save thee without holiness To you that are Regenerate I shall say but this keep very honourable and thankful thoughts of your spiritual birth Live now as the sons of the Eternal God and as the heirs of everlasting life Set your faces now towards Heaven as those that see the grave at hand and the vanities of this world all vanishing into
Affections by sanctification and his Life by reformation he can never obtain Salvation He cannot see that is enjoy 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Drus●animad lib. 2. cap 2. he cannot have his portion in it or ever attain the enjoyment of it Videre est frui Vision in Scripture is frequently put for fruition as Psa 27.13 Heb. 12.14 Isa ●3 11 Psa 34.12 Matth. 5.8 The Kingdom of God 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Gods Kingdom is twofold 1. The Kingdom of Grace here Rom. 14.17 The kingdom of God is not meat a●● drink but righteousness peace and joy in the Holy Ghost Matth. 6.33 2 The Kingdom of Glory hereafter 1 Thess 2.12 Now except a man be born again he can have no right to the priviledges of the Kingdom of Grace nor to the possession of the Kingdom of Glory The Text being thus briefly explained I shall glean some few ears by the way before I come to the full sheaf which will afford through the blessing of God much spiritual food to our souls 1. Observe That Christ is very willing to instruct them that come to him notwithstanding their many weaknesses Nicodemus was short in his confession of Christ and faulty in his coming to him only by night yet the meek Master overlooketh this and presently falls upon teaching his untoward Schollar The tender Father doth not turn his weak childe out of doors but lends him his helping hand wherby he might be enabled to go As when a soul is in him he doth not refuse its gold because it wanteth some grains nor its honey though it be mingled with wax Cant 5.1 so when a soul is in the way to him he doth not reject it for its imperfections nor twit it with its corruptions as those flies that love to feed on sores but as the loving parent beholdeth the Prodigal while he is afar off runneth more then half way to meet him and as the true Turtle chirpeth sweetly that he may cluck sinners nearer to himself 2. Observe A man may be a noble knowing person and yet ignorant of and a stranger to regeneration Nicodemus was a Ruler of the Jews either one of the Sanhedrim or great Council or one of the Rulers of their Synagogue one that taught others and yet was himself untaught in this rudiment this A B C of Christianity how childishly doth he talk of this weighty truth vers 4. How can a man be born when he is old can he enter the second time into his mothers womb and be born How deep may a man dive into the mysteries of Nature how sharp-sighted may he be there and yet as blind at a Mole in the things of Grace Nature may in some men be dung'd with industry art education and example and thereby shew fair spread far and overtop others but yet manured to the utmost it is but Nature still Its grapes will be the grapes of Sodom and its clusters the clusters of Gomorrah The natural man like Zacheus is too low of stature to see Jesus he discerneth not the things of God neither indeed can he for they are spiritually discerned Cor. 2.14 The wisest Philosophers that could cunningly pick the lock of Natures Cabinet and behold much of her riches and treasure were meer Ideots and fools in the things of the Spirit and understood no more of these mysteries of Divinity then a Cowherd doth of the darkest precepts of Astonomy Water riseth no higher then its fountain the light within us or Nature is but a rush candle and cannot enable us to see the Sun of Righteousness the light without us or Scripture is the star to the wise men leading us to the place where the Babe of Bethlehem lieth As the eye without the optick vertue is but a dead member so all humane wisdom without divine inspiration is but learned folly and elaborate wickedness 3 Observe That regeneration is one principal thing which Pastors ought to instruct their people in Jesus Christ though the wind of Nicodemus words verse 2 seemed to blow towards some other coast yet he waves all other discourse and speaks directly and home to this as the one doctrine necessary for his unregenerate Disciple to learn Regeneration and Salvation by Christ are the two substantial dishes which the faithful Stewards of God set constantly before the Families committed to their charges Those that preach notions instead of such doctrines do cursedly cozen their guests with flowers instead of meat which may fill the eye of the wanton but not the heart of the hungry soul Oh what a blessed pattern have we here for our practices when our Parishoners come to us or we go to them what more weighty subject can we treat of then their Conversion without which they must be punished with everlasting destruction Alas how boundless and endless is that wrath to which they are liable though their hearts are insensible therefore though their mouths do not call yet their miserie doth cry aloud to us to instruct them in Regeneration as ever we desire they should escape Damnation BUt the Doctrine which I principally intend is this Doctrine That without Regeneration men and women can never obtain Salvation Verily Verily I say unto thee Except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God He or she that is not experimentally acquainted with the Second Birth cannot possibly escape the Second Death Make you a new heart and a new spirit for why will ye dye O house of Israel Ezek. 18.31 The old heart will unquestionably carry thee to hell the place of the old Serpent He must have a new spirit that will go to the new Jerusalem Except ye be converted and become as little children ye shall not enter into the Kingdom of God Matth. 18.3 There must be a change from Nature to Grace before there can be a change from Grace to Glory Heaven is the Fathers house Joh. 14.2 provided for none but his children such as are born of him a man must be taken out of the wilderness of Nature and planted in Eden the Garden of the Lord before he can be transplanted into the true Paradise For the illustration of this truth I shall shew first what this Regeneration or New Birth is and then give you the Reasons why none can avoid the Second Death unless they are acquainted with the Second Birth For the first Regeneration is a work of Gods Spirit whereby he doth out of his meer good pleasure for his own glory and the salvation of his Elect at first renew the whole man after his own image by the Ministry of the Word I shall explain this definition by taking it in piece and observing in it the several causes of Regeneration When Arras hangings are opened and unfolded their richness will appear First I call it a work of Gods Spirit here is the efficient principal cause of it The Babe of Grace in this respect calleth none on earth Father It is by the Spirits overshadowing
the soul that this New creature is conceived and brought forth godliness is not natural but adventitious to man not by propagation but by donation Man cannot generate himself naturally much less regenerate himself spiritually they which are born of the flesh contribute nothing to their own beings neither do they which are born of the Spirit bring any thing to their new beings unless it be a passive receptiveness as they are reasonable creatures Some read the Text and not unfitly for the original will fully bear it Except a man be born 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 from above or from heaven and therefore in the fifth verse of this third Chapter of John Christ telleth us Except a man be born of the Spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God and in Tit. 3.5 it is called a renewing of the holy Ghost so 1 Joh. 12.13 Jer. 31.18 19.2 Cor. 3.5 1 Pet 1.1 2 3. Ephes 2.10 1 Pet. 2.9 10. This work is somtimes called a transplanting out of the natural wilde olive-tree and ingraffing it contrary to nature into a true good Olive-tree Rom. 11.24 out of the first into the second Adam now the Cions cannot transplant or ingraff it self It is termed a new creation 2 Cor. 5.17 To create or bring something out of nothing is beyond the power of the strongest creature it is above the strength of all men and Angels to create the least pile of grass God challengeth this as his prerogative royal Isa 40 26. As the old heaven and earth were the work of his hands Gen. 1.1 so are the new heavens and new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness Isa 65.17 Austin said truly To convert the little world Man is more then to create the great world It is further stiled a Resurrection from the dead Ephes 5.14 and 2.5 It is a great work to recover a dying body a far greater to restore one that is dead to life but the greatest of all to enliven a dead soul in the former there is no opposition in this there is much In spight of man and devils to pull down the ugly rotten frame of sin and set up the lovely lasting Fabrick of sanctity requireth no less strength then Omnipotency The Almighty God putteth forth the exceeding greatness of his power in forming the New creature Ephes 1.19 20. nay the same power which he did in raising up Iesus Christ from the dead who had beside the watch of Romans and the malice of hell such an heavy weight as the sins of the world to keep him down Repentance and Faith are the two chief ingredients in this rare composition and neither of them are such drugs as grow in Natures Garden no they are fetched from far It is God that giveth to the Gentiles repentance unto life Acts 11.18 2 Tim 2.25 The stones will as soon weep as mans heart of stone unless he that smote the rock force water out of it by turning it into a heart of flesh for Faith also it is the gift of God Ephes 2.8 Phil. 1.29 None come to the Son but such as are drawn by the Father Joh. 6.44 He alone that caused iron to swim 2 King 6.6 can keep the humbled sinner that is pressed down with the burden of innumerable iniquities from sinking in the gulf of desperation To part a man from his dearest carnal self and to make him diligently seek the destruction of what before he sought the preservation to make him cut off his right hand and pluck out his right eye hate father mother wife childe name house land u● do all he had done go backward every step he had gone see things with a new light understand things with another heart and in the whole course of his life to swim against the stream and tide of nature and winds of example to bring a soul to this I say which is all done and much more in conversion requireth the infinite God's operation Flesh and blood can neither reveal these things to a man nor work these things in a man but the Father which is in heaven The Minister like the Prophets servant Instrumentum non movet nisi moveatur may lay his staff on the dead childe but he cannot raise it to life till the Master cometh Paul may plant and Apollo water but God only can give the increase Cor. 3.6 Without him we can do nothing John 15.3 We may preach out our hearts unless God affords his help our people will never be holy As Protogenes when he saw a picture in a shop curiously drawn cryed out None but Apelles could do this So when thou seest the beautiful image of the blessed God lively portrayed on the soul thou mayst say This is the finger of God None but a God could do this Secondly I say Whereby God out of his meer good pleasure here is the impulsive or moving cause of Regeneration Of his own will begat he us again by the word of truth Jam. 1.18 Gods good will is the highest moving cause of this gracious work 't was not any fore-sight of Faith or good works not any thing without him that turned the scale of his thoughts for thy purity and peace but only his own good pleasure and pity Ezek. 36.21 22. therefore he is said to give a new heart verse 26 27. because he bestoweth it freely not for mans merit but from his own mercy The gift of grace is meerly of grace For we our selves saith the Apostle were sometimes disobedient foolish serving divers lusts and pleasures But after that the kindness and love of God our Saviour toward man appeared Not by works of righteousness which we have done but according to his mercy he saved us by the washing of regeneration and renewing of the holy Ghost Titus 3.3 4 5. so Ephes 2.1 to 6. verse If you would know the grand reason why some are taken by the net of the Word let down in the sea of the world when others are left why some like wax are melted before this fire of Scripture when others like clay are hardned why some have the light side of this glorious pillar towards them when others have the dark side of it why the same path of the red sea is salvation to some when it is destruction to others why the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven are revealed to babes when they are hid from the wise and prudent I must give you the same reason which Christ himself doth Even so Father because it seemeth good in thy sight Matth. 11.27 his will and mercy are the cause of all our felicity Rom 9.18 1 Pet 1.3 Deut 7.7 8. Grace chuseth thee Rom 11.5 There is a remnant according to the election of Grace so Ephes 1.5 Grace calleth 2 Tim 1.9 Who hath called us according to his purpose and grace which was given us in Christ before the world began so Gal 1.15 Grace distinguisheth and differenceth thee from others By the grace of God I am what I am 1
precious then the rattles and trifles of time and all by reason of the new sight bestowed on him Satan truly carrieth men hoodwinkt to hell as Higlers carry their fowls in Dorsers to the City where they are killed that they cannot see one foot of the way neither know they whether they are going but God doth not carry men blindfold to bliss but as in the old so in the new creation he beginneth with light The Undestanding in Regeneration is illuminated to see two things especially Sin to be the greatest evil and God in Christ to be the greatest good and I verily beleive the mistake of the man before about these two things were a principal cause of the many miscarriages in his heart and life Before he looked on sin through the Devils spectacles and beheld that strumpet drest in her gaudy attire of pleasure and profit whereby she was to him as the forbidden fruit to Eve pleasant to the eyes But now he beholdeth sin through the glass of the Law in its opposition to the blessed God and his own happiness stript naked of all those counterfeit and borrowed ornaments and it is the evil of evils sinful sin indeed He judgeth it worse then diseases or disgraces then losses or crosses yea then Serpents or Devils Rom 7.13 Heb 1.25 Dan. 3.17 and 6.10 Formerly he ●aw no such hurt in sin that Professors were so shie of it and Preachers so hot against it that the Son of God must die and the greatest part of the world be damned for it but now he hath other thoughts of it for he seeth its contrariety to the Lord and his precepts and subscribeth unfeignedly to the righteousness of the Law Before he saw little desireableness in the infinitely amiable God He saw no form nor comeliness in him that when he beheld him he should desire him Isa 53. He wondered what made others so much in love with him his voyce was to a Christian What is thy Beloved more then another Beloved that thou dost thus follow hard after him forsake all for him dedicate thy self wholly to him that thou prayest so fervently hearest so diligently servest him so chearfully art so careful to please him so fearful of offending him he judged him happier that had plenty of the creature then him that had God in Christ for his portion but now his mind is enlightned ●o know the only true God and Iesus Christ whom he hath sent John 17.3 He seeth such beauty in his being such equity in his laws such infinite excellency in the Divine nature such unspeakable felicity in the fruition of his favour through Jesus Christ that he esteemeth his very life yea all that he is worth for this and the other world as Iacobs in Benjamin to be bound up in the love and life of God Psal 73.25 and 63.3 Secondly The Conscience is also renewed to this Faculty the Spirit makes its address in the next place the Conscience of the man naturally was so hard and obdurate that as ice through the extremity and continuance of a great frost you might have drive●●carts heavy laden over it and it would not break though mountains of lusts more heavy then lead lay upon him he complained not Ier. 8.6 But now his Conscience is as the water which hath such a tender film of ice upon it that yeildeth at the least touch a small stroak of sin maketh an impression upon it before it was seared with a red hot iron 1 Tim. 4.2 and past feeling Ephes 4 17 18 19. as that member which the Chyrurgeon intendeth to cut off is so mortified by means applied to it for that end that it feeleth not the Saw or Instrument which parts it from the body so the conscience was by custom in sin so cauterised that it felt not the sword of the Spirit neither Ministry nor Misery nor Miracle nor Mercy could prevail with it but now it becomes tender and flexible a little prick with a pin is painful to it as the eye it is offended with the smallest dust 2 Chron. 22.19 it is void of offence towards God and man Acts 24.16 Before it like Micaiah to Ahab never spake good to the man but frighted him with fears and terrified him with the pre-apprehensions of his eternal torments it followed him to bed and board and dog'd him day and night like a Sergeant to arrest him at the suit of the most High for the vaste debts which he owed to the Divine Majesty The man and his conscience were like fire and water they never met if the hands of conscience were not tied down by force but they fought Like some contentious couple they were always scolding one with another and striving for the mastery The endeavor of conscience was as the Angel to Balaam to stand in the sinners way with a drawn sword and stop him in his cursed course the care of the sinner was to serve conscience as Herod did the Baptist even to cut off its head for having a tongue in it so bold as to check him for his crimes Heb. 2.15 Rom. 2.15 Heb. 9.14 But now conscience being sprinkled with the blood of Jesus is purged from dead works and so being purified is pacified The creditor now is satisfied by the payment which the surety hath made and thereby the debtor is discharged Conscience now waits on the Christian not as a Sergeant to molest him but as a Servant to assist him to its utmost power The Convert and his conscience are now like two in consort that keep tune and time together or as some loving Husbands and Wives who strive most which shall please the other best Conscience strives to please the Christian by asking the Law at God●s lips and making Scripture its Counsellor the Christian strives to please his conscience by yielding hearty subjection to its holy counsels Heb. 9.14 1 Tim 1.5 Rom 5.1 The renewed conscience giveth the new creature more solid comfort in one duty then the natural man though he equal Methuselah's age hath all his days Phil. 4.4 Thirdly The Will is also renewed the Will before was carnal crooked stubborn rebellious against God and his will the works of the Devil he will do Joh. 8.44 And as for the word which thou hast spoken to us in the name of the Lord we will not do it Jer. 44.16 It is resolved for evil and against good Ephes 2.3 John 5.40 This is Satans Fort-Royal wherein he continually secures himself in the unregenerate when he is in a skirmish beaken out of the out-works by some sudden conviction and in this as Samsons in his hair his whole strength lieth Take away Will and you take away Hell But this faculty is now made pliable and flexible to the Divine Majesty It is made so spiritual regular and consonant to the will of God that the Convert may safely if humbly say with Luther Lord let my will be done because it is thy will God and the godly man do
but are filled only with wind but Saints only can praise him properly after his manner in such a way as he accepteth praise is the highest the most excellent part of Divine Worship Now excellent speech becometh not a fool Pro. 17.7 as every sinner is But praise is comely for the upright Ps 33.1 The water of Saints praises is drawn out of a deep spring the heart and so it is sweet and pleasant This is God's great end in sowing the precious seed of grace that he might reap a crop of glory Acts 15.14 God did at first visit the Gentiles and take out of thim mark a people for his name He makes them partakers of his Nature that they might be a people for his name So Isa 43.21 This people have I formed for my self they shall shew forth my praise God formed all the people in the world for himself for his own praise Even a Pharoah is created and advanced that God might be exalted Rom. 9.17 But this regenerated people is the people which God principally designeth for his own praise This people I have formed for my self other people I have passed by like old pieces of mettal leaving them in their dust and rust but this people I have thrown into the fire of my Word have cast them anew and made them vessels of gold meet for my own service and glory They shall shew forth my praise They Alas others may praise him ignorantly as the arrow hiteth the mark but knoweth not its own motion or forcedly as he squeezeth confessions from them of his Justice and strength when they are under the rod or upon the wrack Exod. 9.27 And this is no thank to the Will of man but to the power of God who like the Huntsman useth the rage of the dogs to his own end and maketh the wrath of man to praise him Psal 7● 10 or at best they praise him but notionally and by hear-say as one born blind may commend the Sun or a stranger the Countrey he never saw How far short must these come when no creature can do God right or limb out his vast perfections in their several dimensions surely these must do him wrong and blot his name with the most curious pensil of their most studied praises but this people shall shew forth my praise Alexander would have none draw his picture but Apelles or cut his statue but ● ysippus because none else had art enough to do it well Certain it is none have skil and wisdom to shew forth God's praise but that people which he formed for that purpose This people which have felt the weight of their sins and smarted with wounds in their souls this people which have sometime been terrified under the apprehension of my unspeakable fury and the expectation of the unquenchable fire this people that have seen their corruptions in their colours suffered divine terrors given themselves over for dead damned creatures and then were by bottomless mercy drawn out of the depth of misery translated out of death and darkness into the Kingdom of light and life this people which I have purchased with the blood of my Son beautified with the graces of my Spirit interessed in rich promises entitled to the heavenly possession this people which have been carried like the Ambassadors of the King of Babylon into the temple 2 King 20.12 and seen all the richness and glory thereof the pleasures and comforts therein tasting me to be gracious sitting under my shadow with great delight solacing their souls with the means of grace and rejoycing in hope of eternal glory this people shall praise the greatness of my power the manifoldness of my Wisdom the sweetness of my Love the sureness of my Word the riches of my Mercy the freeness of my Grace the beauty of my Image the preciousness of my Christ and all this upon their own knowledge and experience O the Hosannah's and Halelujahs the praise and glory and honor and thanks which this people shall give to the Lord and to the Lamb for ever The harps of Saints are tuned to these songs on earth but who can conceive what ravishing musick they will make in running division on these several notes in heaven Surely surely the greatest revenues of praises which come into Gods Exchequer are from the hearty acclamations of his sanctified and saved ones as they receive the choycest mercies the love of God the blood of Christ pardon peace grace glory so they return the highest praises The building of mans body is so stately a structure the rooms in it so curious the hangings and furniture so rich and costly embroidered as with needlework that the owner of the house hath a considerable rent of honor paid for it I will praise thee saith David for I am fearfully and wonderfully made my substance was not hid from thee when I was made in secret and curiously wrought in the lowest part of the earth Psa 139.14 15. The setting up of the new creation as it is more glorious the image of God's own perfections though it be imperfect in this life the heart of a Saint being bespangled like the heavens with those glistering stars of graces and his life being a legible comment on the divine Law so it brings the author a larger income of honor This is the Lords doings and it is marvellous in the godly mans eye 1 Tim. 1.13 14 17. 1 Pet. 1.3 but when the good work now begun shall be finished then Gods praises shall be perfected when the foundation of this spiritual Temple is laid in this world they cry grace graces but when the top-stone shall be laid in the other world then they shall cry Glory Glory Blessed are they that dwell in that house they ever praise him in that Temple doth every one speak of his glory Therefore the Psalmist observeth that when the Lord shall build up Sion then he shall appear in his glory Psal 10● 6 While his Church is building he is glorious but as the Sun under a cloud not appearing so to the beholders we can see but little of his infinite beauty because of our weak eyes and receive but little of his infinite bounty because of our narrow hearts but when Sion shall be built up in heaven our eyes shall be strengthned to see the King in his glory to see him as he is and the water-pots of our souls enlarged and filled up to the brim with those streams which make glad the City of God then the Lord shall appear in his glory then he shall have the honor of all his Attributes the praise of all his Providences and the glory of all his Perfections for then he shall appear in all his royalty embroidery magnificence and glory When the Saints shall have sailed in the vessel of their Saviour through the boisterous waters of Mens wrath Devils rage and the Laws curse and be safely landed in Heaven then God shall have his full price of honor and glory for
neither of colour nor weight so the civil man in his life starts back from sin as if he durst not touch that venemous creature but he carrieth an heart along with him that receiveth in all having no power to examine who goeth in or out and without complaining either of colour or weight Reader it may be thou art no Drunkard no Swearer no Scoffer at godliness no Adulterer no Lyar I wish we had more that came so far towards heaven but take heed of resting here thou mayst be able to say all this and much more and yet in thee as in the young man there may be one thing lacking namely this new life He that went to make his picture stand alone saw at last his mistake and cried out Deest aliquid intus there is something wanting within he meant life so it may be in thee Believe it there is a vast difference betwixt restraining and renewing grace the former may skin over and cover the loathsom sore of sin when the latter doth search and cure it Civility like a black patch doth hide the wound but sanctity like a plaister doth both hide and heal it It is possible that thou dost not outwardly abound with the same corruptions which others do because thou hast not the same temptations Thy heart may be a vessel full of poisonous liquor which may remain undiscovered till thou hast a temptation to broach it Thy lusts may be as great Rebels against God though they lie lurking in the secret trenches of thy heart and dare not for fear or shame appear in the open field of thy life Thy Civility is a mercy and thou art bound to bless God for it But Oh take heed of trusting to it as a sure evidence of thy good estate for certainly it proveth not seldom a more neat and cleanly way to endless and easeless wo. Secondly A glorious Profession is no infallible evidence of thy right to life It is good to profess Christianity Religion is so noble so bountiful a Master that none need be afraid to be counted her servant We must confess Christ before men if we would have Christ to confess us before his Father and the holy Angels Matth. 10.31 he that disowns his colours deserves to be cashiered the camp But confession of the mouth must be accompanied with conversion of the heart or it will not save that is but the shadow this is the substance of Religion A Christian in name and a Christian in nature do exceedingly differ The profession and the power of godliness differ as leaves on a tree and good fruit a tree that hath fruit will have leaves a man that hath the power will have a form of godliness but as some trees as the Ivie are never without leaves yet never bear good fruit while they live so many profess Christ all their days who never bring forth fruit worthy of repentance and amendment of life Some defie the Devil with their lips who Deifie him in their lives There may be gaudy signs at the door where there is not a drop of good wine in the Cellar Apothecaries boxes have glorious titles even when they are altogether empty Many Christians in our days are like a curious bubble smooth and shining without but nothing save wind within professing that they know God but in works they deny him being abominable disobedient and to every good work reprobrate Tit. 1. ult A man may wear Christ's livery and do the Devils drudgery Judas called Jesus Master yet betrayed him Thou mayst like the Jews put a Crown on Christs head a Scepter in his hand and bow the knee to him as if he were thy King and yet all be but in mockery thou mayst crucifie and put him to death for all this by thy sinful ungodly life Silver looketh white and yet draweth black lines thy profession may be fair when thy practices are foul Sin is so ugly that it 's ashamed of the light and therefore walks not openly as Christ for fear of the people though for a different reason from his lest it should fright them from continuing its friends but as a theif it goeth abroad in the night and then with vizards and false beards unwilling to be known who they are even with a form of godliness 1 Tim. 3.1 5. An Hypocrite like a Bankrupt the less substance he hath the more shew he maketh The Ostrich hath great feathers but cannot flie Christ compareth him to a tomb which is without comely within unsavory Good doth not always appear with the same beauty being clouded with corruption so evil doth seldom appear in its native deformity but like Jezabel fills up the wrinckles of its face with artificial dawbery When Absolom intended his unnatural rebellion he pretended Religion he had a vow which he must pay 2 Sam. 15.7 When Simeon and Levi designed murder and death to the Sechemites they hang out devotion for their colours They may not marry their Sister to one that was uncircumcised Gen. 34.14 Thus many lead Religion about as wandring cheaters do a monstrous woman whom they no way affect meerly to get money by it for their own praise or profit but do not entertain her as their Mistris giving her the power and keys of their hearts When Religion is in fashion many will dress themselves by her Looking-glass Joab himself though a man of blood will learn her language see how exactly he speaks in her dialect 1 Chron. 19.13 If the Jews prospered the Samaritans and they were kindred The rising Sun is adored by the Persians Summer brings in not only herbs and fruits but Butterflies and Caterpillers which feed on them and attire themselves with the livery of the season So in the prosperous estate of Religion many Summer birds will wait on her and court her out of love to her portion not to her person but these like Pirates put their vessels into the colours of nations which they abhor not to serve them faithfully but to rob them the more easily As Samballat and Tobiah made shew to help when their aim was to hinder the Jews And truly such a lamp or blazing profession will quickly go out for want of oyl in the vessel this inward Regeneration Thy rotten house will fall when these earthly props of treasure or honors which shroud it up are taken away Like the Moon thou mayst shine brightly the former part of the night but set before morning The Hare when she is hotly pursued betakes her self to some beaten path not for any love she hath to it but that there by the scent of passengers she may lose her scent and take off the dogs So many prophane persons that have rob'd the State being pursued betake themselves to the Church path not for devotion but that they might lose the scent of their vileness and take off their prosecutors Thy profession Reader is one of the weakest foundations imaginable to build upon for thy practices may every hour give thy
a gracious man yet be without grace as the Ape imitateth the actions of reasonable men yet is without reason or as a Tragedian acteth the part of a passionate man but is all the while without passion Some men have wrought hard at duties when a naturally inlightened Conscience not God hath been the Master to set them on work they would but cannot neglect duties at so cheap a rate as others as he said Sollicitor nullos esse putare deos I could find in my heart to think there were no God but could not As they say of the Wolf in the body if you feed not it it will feed on you so if Conscience when its mouth is opened should not be fed with duty it would feed on them and therefore to keep it from gnawing them they stop its mouth with performances though they never do them from a renewed Principle Do not therefore Reader hang the weight of thy soul upon such weak wyers since men do so ordinarily take the way of duties no otherwise then Amaziah did the way of the garden-house 2 Kings 9.27 meerly for necessity to escape an enemy that followed him wherein he was at length pursued and slain Remigius a Judge of Lorraighn telleth us how the Devil gave some in those parts mony which at first appeared to be good coin but being laid up and when need was taken out to be spent it proved to be nothing but dry leaves Reader I wish it may not be so but it is possible for thee to drive a great Trade in duties while thou livest to hoord up a a great heap of those riches and they may seem to be currant coin good silver to have the image and stamp of the King of heaven upon it but when thou comest to die that thou art to spend it for then thy works will follow thee and God will give thee according to thy works it may then prove but dry leaves of no worth or profit to thee Though these unsound bottoms hold out well enough in a fair sea when they are put to no stresse yet stormy weather will quickly discover their rottennesse Not a few take up duties onely because they were educated in such a Religious manner not from any rellish or savour which they find in them and truly 't will be an easie matter to part him and his work who never took any pleasure in it The stone for a time may against its nature be mounted upward but when the force of that imprest vertue which moved it is spent 't will fall downward according to its nature Partridges that are hatched under an hen may walk with her and answer her call for a time but anon they flie away and shew what they are Reader I write not these things to dishearten thee from duties which are the body of Religion but to quicken thee to mind Regeneration which is the soul of it Sixthly The commendation of others though they be real Saints will not prove thee to be in a state of salvation The holiest mans confidence of thee is a pittiful evidence that thou shalt be happy How many have there been in the City who made a great noise were cried up by their knowing judicious neighbors to be very rich and to be worth thousands when on a sudden we have heard of their breaking and being worse as we say then naught so many even by them which are godly and discerning may be counted rich in grace rich towards God and on a sudden either by some temptation or at their dissolutions they break and God takes away from them what they seemed to have How was good David mistaken in Achitophel Surely he thought him Gods Favourite otherwise he would never have made him his familiar and bosom friend It was thou O man mine equal my friend and my acquaintance we took sweet counsel together and walked to the house of God in company Psal 55.12 13 14. How was Simon Peter deceived in Simon Magus who believed wondered at the miracles which were wrought and was baptised but notwithstanding that was in the gall of bitterness and bond of iniquity Acts 8.13 20. How was holy Paul mistaken in Demas Luke the beloved Physitian and Demas greet you Coloss 4.14 there he ranks him with one that was eminently religious but Philemon vers 24. he puts him before Luke and calls him his fellow-laborer yet 2 Tim. 4.10 which Epistle was the last of all Pauls Epistles Demas hath forsaken me having embraced this present world he turned as some write Idol-priest he followed the chase till he met with the honey and Jonathan-like then left the pursuit How much were all the holy Apostles deceived in Judas If Peter as their mouth speaks of their faith Judas is included Joh. 6.69 We believe and are sure that thou art Christ the Son of the living God When he speaks of their good works Judas is not excepted Behold we have forsaken all and followed thee Matth. 19.27 Further when a Traytor is mentioned Judas is not suspected his carriage was so fair that they were more jealous of their own hearts then of him Mat. 26.22 and yet he was a Traytor a Devil Infallibility was never annexed to the godly mans choice Dedalus made an image that moved it self by art which made the spectators believe that it had a living principle the Hypocrite may walk so exactly perform duties so devoutly that Saints may judge such motions to flow from a principle of spiritual life Because men have the exact resemblance of Christians therefore godly men who are charitable abroad and censorious at home judge them to be true Christians Now in regard there may be a resemblance of a Christian in external actions where there is not the essence of Christianity in internal sanctified affections therefore they though they sin not yet sometimes they err in their judgements 1 Sam. 16.6 7. When Samuel came to Jesse being sent to annoint a King and seeth Eliab a proper handsom person he presently crieth out Surely the Lords annointed is before him but mark what God saith Look not on his countenance nor the height of his stature for I have rejected him for God seeth not as man seeth for man looketh on the outward appearance but God looketh on the heart So when godly men see their neighbors lovely in their lives civil in their practices high in their profession strict in performances they according to their duty say inwardly at least Surely the Lords annointed is before him these are the blessed of the Lord annointed to the Kingdom of heaven but God may often answer them Look not on their profession or their performances for I see their hearts that they serve not me but themselves of me We read of Zeuxes the Painter that he drew grapes so to the life that he deceived the birds who came flying to them and pecking at them as if they had been real grapes Certainly a graceless man may have such a compleat
works of nature a tree which hath been many years growing may be cut down in an hour but in works of sin it s otherwise mans weakness can easily build them up but Gods power can onely throw them down Pompey when the Romans said That if Caesar came to Rome they saw not how they could resist his power told them That if he did but stamp with his foot on any ground in Italy he would bring men enough both footmen and horsemen to do it but when Caesar was coming with his Army Phaonius bid Pompey stamp with his feet and fetch the Souldiers which he had promised but all was in vain Pompey found it more difficult then he thought for Caesar made him first flee and then in a fight totally routed him The devil perswades men that they may defer their regeneration till their dissolution and then 't will be an easie matter to foil their spiritual foes but alas they finde it not so easie to mortifie earthly members and destroy the body of death when their souls adversaries with united strength encounter them fiercely and conquer them eternally Further all thy earthly comforts whether friends relations name estate limbs life must be laid at the feet of Christ hated for his sake and parted with at his call and command and that for the hope of such things as thou never sawest nor art ever like to see while thou livest Is not this Reader an hard chapter to forgo an estate in hand for something onely in hope to throw away present possessions and follow Christ thou knowest not whither to receive an inheritance thou knowest not when And as thy sins and thy soul must be parted asunder so thy Saviour and thy soul must be joyned together faith must follow repentance thy own righteousness must be esteemed as dross and dung the weight of thy soul and burthen of thy sins must be laid on the naked cross of Jesus Christ Now for thee who art by nature so extreamly in love with thy self to loath thy self and for thee notwithstanding thy discouragements from the number and nature of thy sins the threatnings and curses of the Law the wrath and righteousness of God to cling about and hang upon the Lord Jesus and resolve though he kill thee yet thou wilt trust in him surely this is not easie the work of God in infusing justifying faith is as great as in faith miraculous This is the work of God saith Christ that ye believe in the name of him whom he hath sent John 6.29 The work of God not onely in regard of its excellency because no work in man is more pleasing to God then believing on his Son but also in regard of its difficulty because none but a God can enable a man to believe the bird can as soon fly in the egg as thy soul mount up by faith towards heaven till the Almighty God assist thee Further all the commands of God must be heartily embraced some whereof are as contrary to flesh and blood as fire to water Self which is thy great idol must be denied the world with all its pomp and pride in comparison of Christ refused principalities and powers rencountred and foiled thine enemies loved and if killed it must be with kindness godliness owned though much disgraced by others truth followed close though it threaten to dash out thy teeth with its heels a buffeted Christ with his naked Cross preferred before weighty Crowns things which reason cannot comprehend believed and which none ever obtained labored for Friend are these easie things what thinkest thou add to all this the consideration not onely of thy weakness and inability to do these things but also thy wickedness and contrariety to them thou art not onely deprived of good but all over depraved with evil The imaginations and thoughts of thy heart are evil onely evil and that continually Gen. 6.5 Thou dost resolvedly and obstinately refuse good and choose evil Eccles 8.11 Jer. 44.16 The hearts of the sons of men are fully set in them to do evil Eccles 8.11 observe how full that text is man is resolved to have his minion his lust though he have wrath and death and hell into the bargain as the mother of Nero being told that her son would be her death if ever he were Emperor answered Let him kill me so he may reign so they say Let sin reign though it kill us though it damn us The heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil If thou wert onely empty of God and grace the work were more easie but thou art an enemy to grace and godliness thy carnal minde which is Lady Reason her self thy highest natural excellency is not an enemy for such an one may be reconciled but in the abstract emnity against God Thou hatest God Rom. 1.30 His people 1 John 3.12 His precepts Prov. 1.25 29. His Son John 15.25 and all for his sake thou fightest against him daily sinnest in defiance of him continually entailest thy quarrel upon thy posterity carriest it with thee into the other world if thou diest unregenerate and there art throwing thine invenom'd darts of blasphemy and spitting thy poison against the Most High to eternity Now be thy own judge is it easie to cure that Patient who thus desperately hates both Physician and Physick John 3.5 Water indeed saith one may somwhat easily be dammed up but no art nor labour can make it run back in its own channel It was by a miracle that the river of Jordan was driven back and it is no less then a miracle that the tide of sin which ran so strong should be turned that the sinner who before was sailing towards Hell and wanted neither winde nor tide to carry him forward should now alter his course and tack about for Heaven This is hard it is not more strange to see the earth flye upward and fire move downward then to see a sinner walk contrary to his nature in the wayes of grace and holiness Now Reader is not that man worse then mad that either delayeth or dallieth about his conversion upon supposition that he can do it easily enough hereafter when all this which I have written must be wrought in regeneration and when he is not onely empty of an enemy to but even emnity against it all Though the work of conversion and therefore the way to salvation be thus difficult to all yet to some 't is more difficult then to others In respect of God indeed quoad Deum one is as easily converted as another for infinite power and mercy know no difference but quoad nos in respect of us it is more hard to bring some towards holiness and heaven then others where the matter is most rugged and untoward it s harder to bring it to a good and comely form Some pieces of timber are more knotty then others and therefore not so easily squared and fitted for the spiritual Temple and heavenly Jerusalem as
much pleasure so when a man is a young sinner conscience is tender like a a queasie stomach troubled much with the least thing that offends it but continuance in sin makes conscience seared and brawny that afterwards the sinner like the Ostrich can digest iron and like the Turkish slaves feed on Opium and his stomach not at all recoil or complain It is reported of the Cretians that when they cursed their enemies they did not wish fire in their houses nor a dagger at their hearts but that which would bring greater wo ut mala consuetudine delectentur that they might delight in an evil custom for custom is not another nurture but another nature and that which is natural is not easily reduced Some say there is no transplanting trees after seven years rooting I am sure it is hard to transplant them out of a state of nature into a state of grace who have been seventy years rooting in the earth old servants will not easily leave their masters they will many times have their ears boared and be everlasting slaves rather then be made free T is with old sinners saith one as with them who have lived long under a Government Gurnals Armour they like to be as they are though but ill rather then to think of a change or like those who in a journey have gone out of their way all day such will rather take a new path over hedge and ditch then think of going so far back to be set right Old sinner for the sake of thy soul proceed no further knowest thou not that every step thou takest in thine unconverted state maketh thy condemnation more deep thy condition more dangerous and thy conversion more difficult Is it not high time for thee to begin to work out thy salvation when the sun of thy life is setting Ah 't is one of the saddest spectacles in the world to behold a man full of silver hoary hairs that is void of a golden sanctified heart surely of all men alive thou hast cause to abound in sorrow who doest to this day abide in thy sins THe second Use which I shall make of this doctrine shall be by way of Examination If without the second birth thou canst not escape the second death nor obtain eternal life Then Reader Try whether thou art new born or no commune with thy heart and see whether this work be done that thou mayst know how thou shalt fare in the other world Wherefore brethren give diligence to make your calling and election sure 2 Pet. 1.10 The first fountain of our felicity is election and the manifestation of this is our calling by vocation God bringeth to pass in time what he appointed from eternity As a word is an outward thought and a thought an inward word so vocation is outward election or election put into act and made visible and election is inward vocation or Gods intention to convert and save Election is eternal calling Calling is a temporal election so that by ensuring thy calling thou ensurest thy election make thy calling sure be not satisfied to let thy salvation hang in suspence to follow Christ as the people followed Saul trembling not knowing how it shall fare with thee but strive for full assurance that an abundant entrance may be ministred unto you into the kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ 2 Pet. 1.11 I have read of an old wicked Usurer who had nothing in his mouth but It is good to be sure if his servant went to receive money he would follow after him and being asked the reason would answer It is good to be sure If he had told his money once he would do it a second yea a third time saying It is good to be sure If he locked his door himself he would arise out of his bed to feel it locked still pleading for his reason It is good to be sure It came to pass that this man fell desperately sick his servant calleth to him desirous to make him sensible of his sins Master have you been at prayers yea John saith he Sir said the servant go to prayers again you know 'T is good to be sure That 's more then needs saith the Usurer I am sure enough of that Truly this mans heart is the resemblance of most men they are all for security in bargains sales and purchases if they buy an inheritance on earth how sure will they make it the tenure shall be as strong as the brawn of the Law or the brains of Lawyers can devise what Bonds Deeds Fines Recoveries Leases Evidences and if any scruple collateral security are there to ensure it but alas who ensures the inheritance above how few are there that take any pains to secure their right to those everliving pleasures Like Jacob though in another sense men put their right hand of care caution and diligence upon the younger Son the body and their left hand on the elder the soul How few make their calling and election sure But Reader if thou wouldest make sure thy predestination and fore-appointment to glory it must be done by making sure thy Regeneration and translation into a state of grace Thou canst not ascend into heaven and see thy name written in the Lambs book of life but thou mayst descend into thine own heart and see it by the seeds and principles of a spiritual life as if any man would know whether the sun shineth or no he need but look on the ground and see the reflection of its beams and not on the body of the Sun which will but the more dazzle his eyes the pattern is known by the picture the cause by the effect the original by the copy Election by regeneration the soul that is conformed to Gods Law may know that he is inrolled in Gods list If I have chosen God I may safely conclude that God hath chosen me The Historian reporteth how a Senator relating to his son the great honors decreed to a number of Souldiers Tacitus whose names were written in a book the Son was importunate to see the book the Father shewed him the out-side it seemed so glorious that the son desired him to open it by no means saith the Father it is sealed by the Council then saith the son Tell me if my name be there the Father saith The names are secret to the Senate the Son studying how he might get some satisfaction desired his Father to declare the merits of those inscribed Soldiers which the Father doing and the Son consulting with his own heart found himself to be none of them Reader though the Book of life which includeth the names of those whose heads are destined to glorious Diadems be secret yet the deserts of those inscribed there are open they are as a chosen generation a peculiar people so also an holy nation a royal Priesthood a called company a sanctified society a regenerated remnant they are culled out of the world called by the word
33.14 It is written of the Lord Chancellor Egerton that going through Westminster Hall in Terme time he saw written upon the wall by one that was fearful he should be oppressed by a potent Adversary Tanquam non reversurus as though he should never return more Truly when thou art once cast into that prison thou shalt never come out As the cloud is consumed and washed away so he that goeth down into Hell returneth no more Job 7.9 The worm there dieth not and the fire there never goeth out there is blackness of darkness for ever The smoke of thy torments will ascend for ever and ever Matth. 18.10 Jude 7. Rev. 14.10 11. O Friend didst thou but know what this eternity of torment is thou wouldst howl and roar and never rest day nor night whilst thou art unconverted It is an age of ever living in death and pangs and yet never expiring a circle of sorrows which knoweth no end an extremity of pain which shall have no period when thou hast layn under those unconceiveable torments as many millions of ages as there are creatures great and small in Heaven Earth and the vast Ocean thou shalt not be nearer coming out then the first ●oment thou didst go in Now thou thinkest Prayers are long Sermons are long and Sabbaths are long and duties are long But how long wilt thou think Eternity to be Now thou sayst The Preacher is long-winded but ah how long-winded will Hell be when it shall hold thee ever ever ever to feel the stroke of infinite power and anger Thus Reader while thou livest thou art a cursed creature and when thou diest a damned sinner In life thou art cursed in all thou hast in all thou dost after death thou shalt know the vanity of the world the anger of the Lord the woful nature and effects of sin the worth of a Saviour the preciousness of time and what a boundless bottomless Ocean Eternity is Consider this ye that forget God lest he tear you in pieces when there is none to deliver you Psal 50.22 But possibly thou Reader though unregenerate dost not feel this curse nor fear this wrath therefore thou thinkest all is false But answer me this question Doth not the word of God speak more of thy misery both in this and the other world then I have or can speak And canst thou imagine that thine unbelief shall make God a lyar I tell thee the same Scripture of truth which speaketh of thy misery speaketh of thy stupidity 1 Thes 5.3 4. That thou wilt even mock and scoff when thou art told of it 2 Pet. 3.2 truly thy sottish senslesness is the chain by which Hells Jaylor holds thee so fast The sick Patient that feeleth his pain is in an hopeful way of recovery when he that is dangerously sick and senseless is usually given over for dead It is observed of those that are taken with the frenzy the disease being got into the cockloft of reason that the more the disease doth affect them Arist so much the more secure they are careless of any thing presumptuous in all things fearful of nothing as having lost the use of comon sense So is it with thee the more sinful the less sensible the more the dust of sin flies up into thine eyes the more blinde thou art now but when death comes 't will clear up thy sight Pliny saith of the mole Oculos incipit operire moriendo quos clausos habuit vivendo that though she be blinde all the time of her life yet when she cometh to die she openeth her eyes Truly though now thou shuttest thine eyes and art blinde in these things yet within a few dayes thou shalt come to die and then thine eyes will be opened and thou wilt see all these things and very much more as clearly as the Sun at noon-day Therefore Friend what dost thou say now to this first subject of consideration The misery which thou liest under and art liable to whilest thou art unregenerate Would any man that were not mad continue quiet in such an estate one moment Ah who would live one hour under such a torrid Zone for a world Dost thou believe that as they whom God blesseth are blessed indeed so they whom he curseth are cursed indeed When Christ cursed the fig-tree how speedy and effectual was it the Disciples say How soon is the fig-tree withered away Matth. 21.19 20. So will it be to thee as certain though not so sudden like a moth 't will devour thee surely yet it may be secretly that thou shalt take no notice of it Let conscience speak Art thou contented to be night and day where ever thou goest and whatever thou doest under Gods curse in this world if not then acquaint thy self NOW with God and be at peace and good a blessing instead of a curse shall come to thee Job 22.21 But if thou canst bear Gods curse so patiently here not sinking under it being kept above water with the skin-deep bladers of common blessings yet what wilt thou do hereafter when all these shall be parted from thee Canst thou so quietly in the other world hear that voice and feel the execution of that verse Go thou cursed into everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his Angels for ever Matth. 25.41 If thou canst not Agree with thy Adversary quickly whiles thou art in the way with him lest at any time the Adversary deliver thee to the Judge and the Judge deliver thee to the Officer and thou be cast into Prison Verily I say unto thee thou shalt by no means come out thence till thou hast paid the nttermost farthing Matth. 5.25 26. The second subject of Consideration The felicity of the Regenerate SEcondly Consider the unspeakable felicity which thou mighst enjoy if thou wert one regenerated Thy happiness would be far greater then my tongue can declare or thine heart desire Blessedness is so full a word that it comprehends all the good which the rational creature can wish and truly thou shouldst have it in its full weight As before thou wast above all expressions Cursed so now thou shouldst be beyond all comparison Blessed Thy gleanings should be better then the most prosperous worldlings Vintage the worst estate that thou shouldst ever be in would be far more leligible then the best estate of the greatest Emperour on earth that were unregenerate Every blessing written in the book of God would be thy birthright if thou wert born of God thou shouldst be blessed with the blessings of the throne and of the footstool with all things that belong to life and godliness 2 Pet. 1.3 No evil should come to thee there shall no evil happen to the just Prov. 12.21 No good should be kept from thee The Lord shall give grace and glory and no good thing will he with-hold from them that walk uprightly Psal 84.11 If earth can make thee blessed thou shouldst be blessed Blessed are the meek for they
individual promise hath its vertue and value It is the saying of one Mallemus carere sale coe●o c Selveccer in Paedag. Christian We had better want meat drink air light all the elements then that one sweet sentence of our Saviour Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy-laden and I will give you rest Mat. 11.28 Mr. Burroughs saith that there is more of God in that one verse John 3.16 then in heaven and earth beside God so loved the world that he gave his onely begotten son that whosoever believeth on him should not perish but have everlasting life And Mr. Baxter I remember In his Everlasting ●est hath an expression to this purpose That he would not for all the world that that verse John 17.24 had been left out of the bible Father I will also that they whom thou hast given me be with me where I am that they may behold my glory One promise hath revived the saints when they have been almost dead with sorrow and held their heads up that they have not sunk in deep waters Melib. Adamus in vit Beza was refreshed by that John 10.27 28 29. Mr. Bilney that blessed Martyr by that 1 Tim. 1.15 Father Latimer at the stake by that 1 Cor. 10.13 Mr. Robert Bolten that famous preacher and eminent saint was comforted under a sad affliction by that Isa 26.3 Now if one promise be so pretious how happy shouldst thou be wert thou but regenerated to have an interest in all the promises That whole book should be thine wherein every leafe drops myrrhe and mercy love and life Thou mightst walk in the garden where those choice flowers pleasant fruits and sweet spices grow and abundantly delight thy soul with their fragrant smell and luscious taste The promise is to you and to your children and to then that are a far off and to as many as the Lord our God shall call Acts 2.39 Observe the silver thread upon which all the jewels of the promises hang To as many as the Lord our God shall call When thou art called and born of him all the promises would be thy portion As all the rivers meet in the Ocean so all the promises meet in regeneration I will name two or three promises that thou mayst see how well t would be with thee wert thou once in Christ All thy sins should be pardoned though they were never so great and greivous yet the blood of Jesus Christ would cleanse thee from them Didst thou but know what a great price was laid down to procure a pardon Heb. 9.22 14. what dreadful punishments sinners undergo in hel for want of pardon Jude 7. what sorrows and sighs broken bones and waterd couches the Saints suffer when they are but doubtful of their pardon Psa 38.1 2 3 4. thou wouldst say O blessed is the man whose iniquity is forgiven and whose sin is covered blessed is he to whom the Lord imputeth not sin Psal 32.1 2. Now thou shouldst obtain this blessedness God would esteem thee perfectly righteous Solinus reports of a river in Boetia which maketh black sheep if washed therein white truly wert thou never so black a sinner yet thou shouldst be made white by the blood of the lamb Rev. 7.14 As all thy sins should be remitted so thy person should be adopted Thou shouldst of a child of wrath become the child of God Joh. 1.12 David reckoned it a great honour to be the Son in Law of King Saul Seemeth it saith he to Sauls servant A light thing to you to be a Kings son in Law seeing that I am vile and lightly esteemed 1 Sam. 18.23 O what is it then to be the Son of God of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords Behold what manner of love hath the father loved us with that we should be called his children 1 John 3.1 The greatest admiration is too little for such infinite condescention yet this priviledge should be thine The boundless God who hath millions of glorious Angels for his servants would own feed cloath protect maintain and portion thee as his son Thou shouldst be sure to persevere in grace Being once in Christ thou shouldst be ever in Christ though the wind should blow and the waves beat against thee yet thou shouldst not fall being built upon the true rock The very gates of Hell should not prevail against thee Though thou mighst fall foully yet thou shouldst never fall finally because the seed of God would remain within thee 1 John 3.9 Phil. 1.6 1 Thes 5.23 24. Thy life would be hid in Christ as the sap in the root and therefore though thou mightst have thine Autumne yet thou shouldst spring again Thy stock of grace would not be in thine own but in Christs hands and for this cause thou couldst not possibly prove as Adam a bankrupt Though the flame of a zealous profession might be abated yet there would be fire on the hearth under the ashes true grace in thine heart the love of God to thy soul would be everlasting love Jer. 33.3 The kindness of thy Redeemer to thee everlasting kindness Isa 54.8 The Spirit of Grace would abide in thee for ever Joh. 14.16 The Covenant into which thou shouldst enter with God would be an everlasting Covenant Hebr. 13.20 And in that very Covenant thy Saviour would undertake for thee that thou shouldst never depart away from him but abide in him for ever Jer 31.33.34 and 32.40 Christ himself would be ever in thee and Christ saith one may as soon die in Heaven at his Fathers right hand as in the heart of a Believer To sum up all the promises in one God would be thy God And how much wealth is in this golden mine would nonplus the tongues of all the men in the world to express and the understandings of all the Angels in Heaven to conceive This is the great new-Covenant Promise Hebr. 8.8 9 10. I will be to them a God and they shall be to me a people The Author of all Promises is the matter of this Promise Surely t is the Main the Ocean a large Promise indeed when it contains him whom the heavens and Heaven of heavens can never contain The Book of Promises is as a glorious Crown but this is the most sparkling Diamond in it Friend dost thou consider what it is to have God for thy God All that God is would be thine the Father thine to adopt thee for his own Son the Son thine to purisie and present thee acceptable to the Father the Spirit thine to dwell in thee as a witness seal and earnest of thine everlasting inheritance All that is in God should be thine all his attributes and perfections should be laid out for thy profit His wisdom would be thine to direct thee his power thine to protect thee his grace thine to pardon thee his mercy thine to pitty thee his goodness thine to comfort thee and his glory thine to crown thee Thou canst not
glorious body of his Son and our souls like unto his blessed Majesty in holiness beauty and delight O what are we and what our fathers houses that God should do any thing for us As Perillus when Alexander promised his daughter fifty talents for her portion cryeth 't was too much ten were sufficient And when David sent to take Abigal to wife she wondred at it she counted it an honour to wash the feet of his servants 'T was too much to be his wife So we cannot but count it a favour to wait upon his servants to be his door keepers and stand without 't is too much we think to be marryed to Christ the eternal Son of God and to dwell in the house of the Lord for ever We can hardly be perswaded that God will thus dignifie such worthless worms but then seeing and enjoying will be believing then we shall say It was a true report which I heard in the lower world what God would do for poor creatures in heaven howbeit I believed not till I came and mine eyes have seen it and behold the half was not told me my glory and joy exceedeth the fame which I heard Sixthly Thou shouldst enjoy all the forementioned good things and more then I can speak or thou think without intermission interruption and for ever The good things of this life are intermitted partly by contrary and evil things as our health lost by sickness our wealth by want partly by necessary diversions the body must have sleep and then we lose the comfort of the creatures but there thy day of comfort should never be overcast for all tears will be wiped from thine eyes and thy fruition of God should be without intermission thou shouldst ever stand in his presence and behold his face thou shouldst ever be with the Lord 1 Thes 4.16 Hadst thou here a confluence of all comforts yet because thy life is short thy joy could not be long but there thy life will be an everlasting life and thy joy therefore everlasting joy I wil see you again and your hearts shall rejoyce and your joy shall no man take from you saith Christ Joh. 16. Eternity will perfect thy felicity indeed It is a boundless duration without intermission and end Suppose that all the vast space between heaven and earth were filled with sand and once every ten thousand years a bird came and carried away a crum in her bill what a long while would it be before this vast heap would be carried quite away but suppose after the bird had done that it was to come every ten thousand years and take one drop of water out of the sea what a while would it be before it could empty the Ocean but after all this thou shouldst have as long to continue in thy joy and delights as at thy first entring into heaven If thou shouldst have but one glimpse of God as he was passing by thee as Moses had it were an happiness beyond all that this world can give thee but thou shalt there not have a transient view but a permanent vision of God thy God would not passe by but stand still that thou shouldst never lose the sight of him When the object would be so lovely and the act so lasting would not thy spirit be chearful and lively As the damned shall be without all hope ever to be released of their pains so thou shouldst be without all fear ever to be deprived of thy pleasures O who would not serve such a Master that giveth after poor imperfect works done for him such infinite eternal rewards 'T is bottomless love indeed which giveth such a boundles life Thus Reader I have given thee a taste of that of which thou if regenerated shouldst have a full draught Whilst thou continuest in this world thou shouldst be a blessed soul blessed in thy body in thy soul in thy calling estate relations children and name All the providences of God should be profitable to thee in all thy performances thou shouldst be acceptable to God all the ordinances of God should further thy good The precious promises one of which excels the whole world should all be thy portion When thou enterest into the other world thou shouldst be a glorious Saint Thou shouldst be perfectly holy and infinitely happy in the knowledg of the blessed God in finding the incomparable fruits of Christs blood and in experiencing the extent and certainty of Gods promises and thou shouldst enjoy all this not for a year or an age or for a million of ages but for ever ever ever Now what saist thou to this subject of consideration hast thou not unspeakable cause by an hearty marriage to close with the Son of God and accept him for thy Lord and husband when he offereth such matchless priviledges here and such an heavenly joynture hereafter Good Lord is it possible for man to be such an enemy to his soul as to neglect such great Salvation What an hard stone is the heart of man that neither misery nor mercy can move it Ah Friend thou art bewitched indeed if neither the wonderful woe of the unregenerate nor the unheard of weal of the regenerate can prevail with thee But before thou readest farther make a pause and consider what is included in these two subjects of consideration The Heathen tell us that such as cannot be perswaded by profit or disprofit are unperswadable Think of it here is the greatest advantage imaginable if thou wilt turn to Christ Here is the greatest damage conceivable if thou continuest in thine ungodly course surely thou art resolved upon thine eternal ruine or such reasons as these are will reforme thee Ponder this seriously if thou refusest the Lord Jesus as thy Saviour and Sovereign thou art a cursed damned sinner if thou acceptest him thou art a blessed saved creature in the one scale there is hell in the other scale there is heaven upon the turning of either is the turning of thy precious soul its making or marring for ever if thou wilt not embrace Christ upon his own conditions thy soul is lost O the loss of a soul thy God thy Heaven is lost O the loss of a God! no eye ever saw greater losses all other losses are nothing to these If thou dost thy soul is saved how sweet is that word Saved Thy God thy Heaven is gained O the gain of a God! how savoury is that sentence read it again If thou take● Christ thy God is gained Dost thou know what is included in the gain of a God no nor all the men on earth nor all the Saints and Angels in heaven there never was such a gain before it nor ever shall be after it Ah who would not wade through thick and thin for such a gain What sayst thou shall not things of such concernment as these are stir thee It is reported of Adrianus an Officer under Maximinianus the Tyrant Laurent Sur. in vit that beholding the constancy of the
pleasant ●rov 3.17 Regeneration brings the soul to its centre in which it must needs rest The very work of serving God is a reward in it self in the keeping of them meaning Gods commandments there is great reward Observe P●● 9 1● in keeping of them The service of God affords such satisfaction that Gods servants would not leave it for all this world though they were to receive no recompence in the other world The Precepts of God are sweeter then the honey how sweet then are his Promises Is life excellent This is the true life Eternal life saith Augustine is the true life This is the seed the beginning of eternal life Joh. 17.3 All unregenerate men are dead are but walking ghosts or moving carcasses their souls are but like salt to keep their bodies from putrifaction for a season The Heathen said of a vicious man that lived to be old Multum jactatus est no●multum n●vi gavit S●n ad Panlin alluding to Mariners He was much tossed ●p and down but sailed not at all All the time of thy natural life till thou art converted is lost Paul dates his life from his regeneration We count not a tree living for standing in a garden if it bring not forth fruit Is honor excellent Holiness is honorable Holiness becometh thy house O Lord of Hosts Psal 93.5 It 's more honor to be a Member of Christ then to be Monarch of Christendom Godliness is the honorable livery which Christ purchased for and bestowed on the society of Christians He gave himself for his Church that he might present it to himself a GLORIOVS CHVRCH without spot or wrinkle Ephes 5.25 27. In a word holiness is the honor and excellency of God himself Exod. 15.11 He is said to be glorious in holiness he is called rich in mercy Ephes 2.3 but glorious in holiness his Mercy is his treasure but his Holiness is his honor He sweareth by his holiness Psal 89.35 Once have I sworn by my holiness that I will not lie unto David Great persons though sinfully will swear by their titles by their honors by that which they glory most inthese are their oathes that are most binding with them The great God in whom is no iniquity sweareth by his holiness as his crown glory his great excellency He is above thirty times called The Holy one of Israel This is the excellency which Angels and perfect spirits in heaven and Saints on earth do so much admire him for Is 6.3 Rev. 4.8 Nay as gold Exod 24. ●0 ●5 ●●v 6. ●● 〈◊〉 16 23. Ps 105.42 Isz 5● 10 Pr. 1●5 17 because 't is the most excellent mettal is laid not only over p●uter and brass but also over silver it self so because holiness is the excellency the perfection of God it s laid not onely over his Servants his Sanctuary his Services his Word his Works his Sabbath his Temple and every thing that belongs to him but also over all his other choyce Attributes his Power is holy power his Mercy is holy mercy his Wisdom is holy wisdom Holiness is the perfection of all his excellent Attributes For were it possible which is high blasphemy for any to imagine for those Attributes to be separated from his holiness they would degenerate his Wisdom into craft Gurn. Ar. par 2. p. 2.9 his Justice into cruelty his Mercy into foolish pity and his Soveraignty into tyranny t is the Holiness of God which poiseth every one O the excellency the excellency of holiness who knoweth its worth Reader what dost thou think of this third subject of consideration The excellency of regeneration and holiness which God requireth of thee for the avoiding of hell and attaining of heaven Tell me doth God require any thing to thy wrong If God required of thee to live a thousand years on earth and to spend all that time in hunger cold nakedness disgrace paines and imprisonment or otherwise thou shouldst not escape unquenchable burnings and enjoy eternal life thou wert worse then mad if thou didst not accept of and obey such a command How hearty and thankful then should thy acceptance be of Jesus Christ to be thy Lord and Savionr of dying to sin and living to and delighting thy self in his blessed Majesty which is all he desireth of thee O do not refuse when thou art so well offered Is it possible that thou canst read so much of the excellency of regeneration how t is the image of the glorious God the destruction of the evil of evils the fruit of the death of Jesus Christ the end which infinite wisdome propounds in his workings the special workmanship of Gods own hands the high honour and perfection of the mighty possessour of heaven and earth and thy soul not be in love with it nor breath after it O that I were regenerated O that my soul had those true treasures those spiritual pleasures that wisdom that life that honour that beauty that excellency which no tongue can commend sufficiently O that the pure image of God were imprinted on me O that Christ might see the travail of his soul upon me and be satisfied I have read that when Zeuxis the famous painter had drawn his masterpeece the picture of Helena Nicostratus the Athemian painter beholding it stood amazed at its rareness and admired the exquisiteness of it There stands by a rich ignorant wretch who would needs know what Nicostratus discovered in it worthy of so much wonder O Friend saith he hadst thou my eyes thou wouldst not ask such a question but rather admire it as I do It may be Reader when thou seest the Saints admiring the beauty of holiness ravished with the excellency of Gods image so extreamly taken with it that they read hear watch fast pray mourn weep suffer any thing all things to enjoy more of it thou art ready to wonder what they see in holiness worthy of such admiration and such diligent endeavours but I tell thee Hadst thou their eyes instead of wondring at them thou wouldst wonder with them I and work with them too and that hard for holiness The fourth Subject of consideration The necessity of Regeneration FOurthly Consider the absolute necessity of Regeneration if it were not so excellent yet it is a thing of absolute necessity and therefore must not be neglected It is not a work of indifferency which may be done or may not be done but a worke of indispensable necessity which must be done or thou art undone for ever Reader here is an argument which neither the flesh nor world nor devil can answer and therefore it must not be denied It is indeed so fruitful a blessing that if thou hast this thou needst no more every thing that is worth ought is in the womb of it but it is so needful that if thou hast not this thou hast nothing the whole world cannot make up the want of this There are many things about which possibly thou spendest much
all that would partake of Gospel-priviledges It is necessary in regard of the purpose of God Elect according to the fore knowledge of God through sanctification of the Spirit unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ 1 Pet. 1.2 Though God did not choose men because they were holy yet he chose men to be holy though he appointed not men to be saved because they were Saints yet he appointed men to be Saints and then to be saved It is necessary in regard of the passion of Christ he died for sin that men might die to sin he laid down his life that men might lay down their lusts his passion is a City of Refuge to the Penitent not a sactuary to the presumptuous God intended it to help men out of not to hold them in the mire of sin He is the Author of eternal salvation to them that obey him Hebr. 5.9 He died because men were sinners but he died that men might be Saints He suffered the just for the unjust to bring us to God 1 Pet. 3.18 Now man and God can never be brought together till the emnity which is in the heart of man against God be removed If ever thou have Christ for thy Priest to satisfie Gods Justice for thy sins it is absolutely necessary that thou accept him for thy Prince to subdue thee to his service Had Christ come to procure man a pardon Gur. Arm. ●par ●17 and not to restore his lost holiness he had been a minister of sin and instead of bringing glory to God he had set sin in the throne and onely obtained a liberty for the creature to dishonour God without controle Again saith the same accurate writer In vain do men think to shroud themselves under Christs wings from the hue and cry of their accusing consciences while wickedness finds a sanctuary in them Christ was sent from God not to secure men in but to save men from their sins It is necessary in regard of the promises of God Thus saith the Lord of hosts turn to me saith the Lord of hosts and I will turn to you saith the Lord of hosts Zach. 1.3 Draw nigh to God and he will draw nigh to you Jam. 4.8 If ever God draw nigh to thee in mercy thou must draw nigh to him in duty He that shall have the reward must do the work The precepts of God must be written on the heart otherwise the promises of God shall never fall down on thine head Isa 1.16 17 and 55.7 1 King 8.35 Prov. 28.13 Blessed are the pure in spirit for they shall see God Matth. 5.8 'T is the pure heart alone that hath the assurance of the pure heaven Thou seest now I hope clearly the absolute necessity of Regeneration what therefore canst thou think to do without it O ponder this again and again that there is no escape no evasion God will not vary from his Law Thy dying to sin is necessary sin must die or thy soul cannot live If ye live after the the flesh ye shall die but if ye through the spirit do mortifie the deeds of the body ye shall live Rom. 8.13 6. Gal. 6.6 7. Surely thou canst not think that Heaven will be a stye for swine or a kennel for dogs that feed on filth and carrion Believe it if any iniquity be let go thy life must go for its life The Jaylors paid dear for letting Peter escape Act. 12. Herod commanded them to be put to death Truly so dear must thou pay for the escape of sin 't wil bring the second death even eternal death upon thee be thy sin as near and as dear as Isaac it must be sacrificed be it never so small it must not be spared Cesar was stab'd with bodkins I have somewhere read that a man and a Crocodile never meet but one dieth 'T is certain sin and the soul never meet but one dieth if sin live the soul dieth if sin die the soul liveth there is no parting stakes or retreating upon equal terms Maurice of Newport told his Souldiers when he had sent away his boates that there was no flying the Spaniards being before them and the Sea behinde them Either ye must eat up and destroy those Spaniards or drink up this ocean Friend such is thy case either thou must destroy thy sins or drink up the bottomless ocean of the Lords wrath Answer me seriously thou wilt say thou dost not love such a man so well as to be hangd for him Dost thou love sin so well as to be damned for it Dost thou love thy Drunkenness and Swearing and Uncleanness and scoffing at Godliness so well as to burn eternally in hell for them Dost thou love thy pride and worldliness and lustful thoughts and Atheisme and carnall mindedness so well as to be tormented day and night for ever and ever for them A very Coward will fight when he must either kill or be killed Willt not thou fight manfully when sin will kill thee if it be not killed by thee Ahab out of foolish pitie gave Benhadad his life when he ought to have slain him but the requital which Benhadad made was to kill Ahab 1 King cap. ult v. 31 34. such a requital sin will make thee if thou favour it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the masculine article shewe●h that it s to be referred to 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Mr. Manton on ●ude p. 38. Follow after peace and holiness without which no man shall see the Lord Heb. 12.14 Observe how peremptory God is in that place that without holiness no man shall see God It is not said that without peace no man shall see God but without holiness no man shall see God Peace may be broken in the quarrel of truth and holiness and yet for all that a man may see God Jeremiah was a man of contention and yet a man for the beatifical vision but they that are not holy cannot see God A pure eye onely can see a pure God As the eye which hath dust in it without or thick vapours stopping the nerves within cannot see except it be cleansed from the one and purged from the other So a man the eye of whose mind is clouded with the mist of sin cannot behold God till he be cleansed The Christians happiness in heaven consisteth in such a vision of God as shall make him like God 1 John 3.2 but a dusky glass cannot represent an image When the Sun of righteousness shall shine upon a pure Christal glass a clean unspotted soul t will cause a glorious reflection indeed To wind up this fourth subject of consideration Reader Affaires of absolute indispensable necessity should like weighty things make a deep impression upon thy spirit Urge thy soul often with this that of all things in the world regeneration is the one thing necessary Let conscience press it on thee I must be converted or condemned here is the word of the living God for it and such a word
thousands of rivers of oil nay though the first-born of thy body all these could no be a propitiation for one of the least sins of thy soul no no the redemption of a soul is more precious for all these it must cease for ever Thus God ferrits the sinner out of all his Borows and causeth the poor Prodigal while he is wandring from his Father to finde a famine in all the creatures As a General that besiegeth a City doth not onely play in upon it with his Cannons and Granadoes but also secure the several passages stop all provision that no relief can come to it then they will yeild upon his terms So when the Spirit besiegeth the soul it often plyeth it hard with the batteries of the Law and alwayes stoppeth relief from coming in either from the world or a mans own righteousness and then and not till then will the creature yeild upon the terms of the Gospel Fourthly The Spirit convinceth him of the willingness sutableness and al-sufficiency of Jesus Christ to help and heal him The sinner now in his burning fit is very thirsty like Hagar he sits weeping for his bottels are empty and his creature comforts are found by experience to be broken cisterns which can hold no water he knoweth not what to do how can I see the death of my soul thinks he When the sinner is brought to this strait the spirit of God openeth his eyes to see a well of salvation even Jesus who delivereth from the wrath to come The spirit discovereth to the sinner that though his wound be dangerous because the God whom he hath provoked is resolved either to have his law satisfied or his eternal wrath endured yet that it is not desperate for there is Balm in Gilead and a Physitian in Israel that can heal his soul It convinceth him that Christ is a sutable help bread to the hungry water to the thirsty rest to the weary and heavy-laden that he hath a precious salve made of his own blood which is a proper and pecular remedy for his sores It convinceth him that Christ is an alsufficient help that he can supply all the souls wants be they never so many and bear all the souls iniquities be they never so weighty that he is able to save to the uttermost those that come unto God by him Heb. 7.25 It presenteth to the soul his fitness and fulness in regard of his natures and offices and the impossibility of his being unfaithful to this great work of saving poor sinners for which he came into the world It sheweth the sinner the infiniteness of Christs merits and his omnipotency to help because he is God the examples of other wounded diseased persons who surrendred themselves to the care of this Physitian and were cured He shall convince the world of righteousness because I go to the father and ye see me no more John 16.9 10. That is the world shall be convinced that there is righteousness enough in me to satisfy both the law and law-giver in that I shall appeare in my fathers presence and that with acceptance he would not send an Angel as his officer to roll away the stone and release the surety out of prison the grave and bring him before the Judge with so much credit and countenance if the law were not satisfied and the debt fully discharged Heaven could never have held me ye would have seen me upon earth again if I had not done that work perfectly which the Father gave me to do He shall convince the world of righteousness because I go to the father It convinceth him that Jesus Christ is exceeding willing to save poor sinners that he is joyful that any will accept him for their Saviour that he came from heaven to earth was born meanly lived miserably and died shamefully meerly upon this errand that he might seek and save them that are lost that he inviteth him to come to him and promiseth that he shall be welcom that he calleth them that go from him but casteth away none that come to him Thus when the prodigal is in a far country and cannot fill his belly so much as with husks that he is ready to perish for hunger he is shewd and convinced that there is bread enough in his Fathers house When the sinner is like the Israelite in the wilderness beholding the curse of the law like the Egyptian behind him and pursuing him hard the red sea of divine wrath before him into which he is hastening his crimson and bloody sins like mountains on each side of him incompassing him round that he knoweth not what to do then the spirit biddeth him look up to Jesus and he shall see the salvation of God The third step which the spirit takes is anhelation to cause the soul of the convinced sinner to breath and pant after Jesus Christ breath is the first effect of life Conviction hath emptied his stomach of creature confidence and self righteousness made him poor in spirit and O how hungry he is after the righteousness of Jesus Christ the bread which came down from heaven As the thirsty ground cleaves and opens for drops as the heart panteth after the water brooks so panteth his soul after Jesus Christ God blessed for ever thinks he O when shall I come and appear before him His voice is like Rachel Give me children or I die Give me the holy child Jesus or I die or like Abraham Lord what wilt thou give me if I go childless Ioh. 12.21 O what wilt thou give me if I go Christiess or like the Jews to Philip Sir we would fain see Jesus Mat. 28.5 If the Angel should meet him he might bespeake the soul as he did the woman I know what thou seekest thou seekest Jesus which was crucified O the ardent desires the vehement longings the unutterable groans which this poor creature hath after his Saviour as David he cryeth out Who will give me to drink of the water of the well of Bethlehem Where is that blessed guide that can leade me and help me to drink of the water of life Methinks I see how Jesus Christ presents himself to the eye of the dejected souls understanding in all his glory and gallantry in his sutableness unto the sinners indigencies and sufficiency for all his necessities with the freeness of his mercy the fullness of his merits and the sweetness of his love how he appeares before the soul with all his retinue and train of graces comforts his blood his spirit the favour of God freedom from sin wrath hell on the one hand of him there stand his gracious promises of pardon peace adoption sanctification heart-chearing love and everlasting life On the other hand of him there stands his precious precepts of self denyal crucifying the flesh walking after the Spirit despising the sensual pleasures honours and profits of this world and delighting in God walking with him having the conversation in heaven and rejoycing
him and the Son of man that thou dost thus visit him Psa 8. Surely thou when thou considerest the work of grace and holiness which God hath wrought within thee and the place of glory and happiness which he hath prepared for thee mayst wel fal down on thy knees and looking up to heaven say What is man that thou art so mindful of him and what am I a poor son of man that thou dost thus visit me thou hast made me but a little lower then the angels and hast crowned me with glory and honour with grace and holiness Who am I O Lord and what is my house that thou hast brought me hitherto And this was yet a smal thing in thy sight O Lord God but thou hast spoken of thy servants house for a great while to come And is this the manner of men O Lord God 2 Sam. 7.18 19. Friend let free grace have the honour and glory of all the good bestowed on thee or expected by thee Alas who made thee to differ from others wa st not thou in the same lump of clay with them that perish now that the potter should make thee a vessel of honour to be set upon the high shelf of heaven as the martyrs phrase is when others are vessels of dishonour and firebrands of hell hast not thou unspeakable cause to wonder at his mercy and good-will towards thee That thy person should be justified when others are under the guilt of all their transgressions is meerly from mercy Rom. 3.24 Rom. 5.18 19. The free gift came upon all to justification of life That thy nature should be sanctified when others are left in their filth and pollution is altogether from his grace and favour Among whom we all had our conversation in time past in the lusts of our flesh fullfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind and were by nature the children of wrath even as others But God who is RICH IN MERCY for his GREAT LOVE wherewith he loved us even when we were dead in sins hath quickened us together with Christ That in the ages to come he might shew the EXCEEDING RICHES OF HIS GRACE in his kindness towards us in Christ Jesus Eph 2.1 to 10. That thou shalt be saved with a great and glorious salvation when others shall be damned with a greivous and endless destruction that thou shall enjoy Rivers of pleasures when others must be tormented day and night with intolerable pain is onely from Gods good pleasure Titus 3.3 4. The jewel which inricheth thee is a guift Joh. 4.10 * Faith justifieth not as manus laborantis which earns a peony but as manus mendicantis that receiveth an alms or je●el by which the soul is justified and enriched The hand which receiveth it is a guift Phil. 1.29 It is worthy thy observation how full the Spirit of God is in excluding thee and every thing in thee from having any hand in meriting thine acceptance here or inheritance hereafter Not by works Rom 9.11 Not of works Rom. 11.6 Not according to works 2 Tim. 1.9 without works Rom. 4.6 Now if mercy doth all for thee should not mercy have the honour of all from thee What did God see in thee more then in others that he chose thee to glory What did he foresee in thee more then in others that he called thee by his grace thou wast not onely empty of but contrary to all saving good many a motion of the Spirit didst thou neglect many an invitation from Christ didst thou reject how long did he strive with thine untoward heart before he conquered it how many a time did he call when thou wouldst not hear and knock when thou wast so far from opening that thou didst bolt and bar the door against him How justly might he have sent thee as well as thousands of others to hell what mercies didst thou abuse what means of grace didst thou misimprove Yet who did he wait upon thee by his unwearyed patience woo thee by many a good providence and at last win thee to himself notwithstanding all thy resistance I tell thee It is not in him that willeth nor in him that runneth but in God that sheweth mercy Rom. 9.16 O therefore admire mercy say in thine heart I was a blasphemer I was a persecuter and injurious but I obtained mercy I thank God through Jesus Christ my Lord. 1 Tim. 1.12 13.17 Now to the King immortal invisible eternal be honour and glory blessed be God who hath begotten me again to a lively hope of an inheritance that fades not away 1 Pet. 1.3 Wonder at Gods distinguishing mercy Lord how is it that thou revealest thy self to us and not to the world said the disciple John 14.22 Shouldst not thou think Lord how is it that I unworthy I should be chosen when others are rejected that I should be called when others are neglected that I who came into the world with the same rage against God and godliness and did many a day run with others to the same excess of riot should turn about be in love with holiness and run the wayes of thy commandments when many many others still wallow in their wickedness and are every hour hastning unto hell Lord how is it that thou hast revealed thy self to me and not to the world Plutarch wonders how the fig-tree having that extream bitterness in its leaves branches and stock should yet bring forth sweet fruit Hast thou not more cause to wonder how thou so extreamly polluted being in the very gall of bitterness by nature and having a fountain of poyson in thee shouldst ever come to bear good fruit and send forth pleasant streams truly thou mayst have the same Motto with the Olive which groweth in the craggy clifts without moisture or rooting A Coelo From Heaven Thou couldst never do it unless it were given thee from above therefore as thy piety came down from Heaven so let thy praise go up to Heaven Elizabeth wondred that the mother of the Lord should come unto her house O do thou stand amazed that the Lord of that mother should come into thine heart Give thanks night and day to the Father who hath made thee meet to be partaker of the inheritance of the Saints in light 1 Col. 12.13 Secondly Give thanks to God in thy life by an holy conversation As thou shouldst see thy dignity and take comfort in it so also consider thy duty and take care about it God hath done singular things for thee what singular thing wilt thou do for him The life of thankfulness consisteth in the thankfulness of thy life O the bonds the infinite obligations by which thou art tied to thy Saviour great things are bestowed on thee and great things are expected from thee thy life should be answerable to thy birth and breeding Thou art born of God hast blood-royal running in thy veins art brought up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord do not therefore stain
themselves godly men must be like candles which being lighted kindle others Grace is compared to oil which is of a diffusive spreading nature Matth. 25.4 and it doth like the oil in the widows barrel increase by pouring out the oil never ceased running till she ceased pouring The more thou improvest thy little stock of Grace the more thy master will trust thee with Peter Martyr speaketh of some mountains of salt in Cumana which whilst they lay common for the good of many never wasted though Merchants carried away in abundance but when they were once ingrossed to one mans use they consumed away He that hath greatest layings out for God shall have greatest comings in from God The loaves increased not whilst they were whole in the basket but whilst they were breaking and distributing to others Womens milk increaseth by drawing if the brest be not drawn it will dry up Prov. 11.14 15. He that soweth liberally shall reap liberally Believe it Friend the onely way to make thy one pound ten pounds is by trading with it I speak not of thy intruding into the Ministers calling but of dealing faithfully with the souls of thy friends and relations in thy place and station Truly one would think that every time thou considerest the dreadful danger of poor sinners thine heart should almost bleed within thee Jesus Christ groaned and wept for dead Lazarus How did David mourn for dead Absolom At a funeral though there be much cost yet there is no chear because one is dead What bowels of pity shouldst thou have towards them that are dead spiritually nay dying eternally Dost thou not remember there was a time when no eye pitied thee when God passed by thee and saw thee polluted in thine own blood yea when thou wast in thy blood he said unto thee Live behold that time was the time of love to thy soul canst thou now behold others wallowing in their pollutions weltring in their soul blood and thine eyes not affect thine heart with pity to them Especially we that are parents should use all means for the Regeneration of our children and relations We have a little sister that hath no breasts what shall we do for her said the Jews Cant. 8.8 Have not we little Children that have no Christ no hope no grace O what shall we do for them in the day that they shall be spoken for When Samson had found honey in the carcass of the lyon he did not onely eat himself but carryed some to his father and mother thou hast found hony and sweetness in the carcass of the Lyon of the tribe of Judah in a crucified Christ wilt thou not endeavour that thy relations and friends may share with thee Friend canst thou think without trembling on the unnaturalness of most fathers and mothers towards their children All their care is to get earth enough for them but never mind the instating them in heaven the Ostrich leaves her eggs in the earth Iob 39.14 15 and warmeth them in the dust where the foot crusheth them and the wild beast breaks them thus worldly men warm the fruit of their bodies in the earth are diligent to leave them dust enough but consider not that the foot of Gods fury will crush them and the roaring Lion devoure them if they be not Regenerated O the many soul murders which worldly parents commit● but if thou art born again I am perswaded nay I am confident of better things of thee thou darest not but teach thy sons Gods ways and labour that thy servants may be converted to him Christianity doth not diminish but rectify thy natural affection it causeth thee to love thy relations not less but better then thou didst before grace makes thy love to run out towards their souls and their spiritual and eternal good O what an honour and priviledge is it that thou mayst be instrumental for the saving of souls Jam. 5.2 ult which that thou mayst be take these three words for thine help First Be sure that thou set them a good pattern let thy life be so exact that others may write after thy copy with credit Look on thy self as new born for this end that thou mightest adorn the Doctrine of God thy Saviour Parents and Masters are often authentick patterns to all their inferiours their zeal will provoke many and if they fall as tall cedars they beat down many shrubs O therefore do nothing of which thou mayst not say to thy family and neighbours as Gideon to his souldiers Iudg 7.17 Look on me and do likewise It is reported of the Hares of Scythia that they teach their young ones to leap from bank to bank from rock to rock by leaping before them which otherwise they would never learn and by this means when they are hunted no beasts can overtake them Do thou set others a pattern in the performance of duties and in the exercise of graces that others learning by thine example may thereby be secured from Satan the great destroyer The morall is good of the fable The old crab bid the young one got forward Shew me the way saith the young crab the mother goeth backward and sideling the daughter followeth her saying Lo I go just as you do Truly thus thy little ones will quickly imitate thy doings Be careful therefore how thou livest walk circumspectly consider of every expression and action not onely whether it be lawful but also whether it be expedient and exemplary Thy religious pattern may do more good then the Ministers preaching they preach with their lips one day in a weak but thou by thy life preachest all the week long 1 Pet. 2.12 Have thy conservation honest among others that they may glorifie God in the day of their visitation 1 Pet. 2.12 Secondly Let thy prayers be constant and instant for their Regeneration How can I see the death of my childe said Hagar Alas how canst thou see the eternal death of thy dear children When thou kneelest to prayer with thy wife children and servants and considerest that death will shortly break up thy house and then heaven and hell will claim their due The Regenerate shall go to heaven the unregenerate to hell Thou and they who live together are likely to be parted asunder for ever Good Lord How shouldst thou pray for them with what fervency with what importunity Thou art new born and knowest that hell and heaven are no jesting matters Iohn 4.23 doth not thine heart ake to think that any of thine should dwell in everlasting burnings O go to Christ as the Centurion for his sick child Sir come down ere my child die Lord come down ere my poor children die for ever And as the woman of Canaan Have mercy on me O Lord thou Son of David my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil Lord help me If thou canst do any thing help them Lord pitie poor children and form thy dear Son in them thus carry thy little children