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A91721 The Racovian catechisme vvherein you have the substance of the confession of those churches, which in the kingdom of Poland, and great dukedome of Lithuania, and other provinces appertaining to that kingdom, do affirm, that no other save the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, is that one God of Israel, and that the man Jesus of Nazareth, who was born of the Virgin, and no other besides, or before him, is the onely begotten Sonne of God.; Racovian catechism. English. 1652. Smalcius, Valentin, 1572-1622.; Socinus, Faustus, 1539-1604. 1652 (1652) Wing R121; Thomason E1320_1; ESTC R200387 94,429 183

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touching the Predestination of God is altogether erroneus and that for two reasons chiefly whereof the one is that it would bring all Religion to ruine the other that it would charge God with many absurd yea horrid things Q. But how would the admission of this opinion bring Religion to ruine A. Because all the things pertaining to Religion and Piety would be in us necessarily and unavoidably and if so to what purpose were it to labour and endeavour that we might be pious For all endeavour and diligence is there superfluous where all things come to passe necessarily as reason it self sheweth But if the endeavour and study of Religion and Piety be taken away Religion and Piety it self must needs be taken away together Q. VVhat absurd and horrid things will be attributed to God if this opinion be admitted A. They are foure in number 1. Justice For it would be manifestly unjust to punish one for not doing what he was unable to do But when God punisheth the impious and disobedient what else doth he then punish them who do not what they are unable to do For if the opinion of the Adversaries be true they by reason of the immutable decree of God cannot possibly become pious and obedient 2. Hypocrisie joyned with deceit For God having excluded already the greatest part of them to whom the Gospel is declared from salvation by his decree doth notwithstanding offer salvation unto all and so doth one thing and maketh shew of another which is the property of Hypocrites and deceivers And which is worse God doth in such a thing wherein another is exceedingly circumvented and hurt 3. Great imprudence for God would seem to take care and endeavour that which he certainly knoweth cannot come to passe But what is more foolish and light then to make a shew as if you earnestly endeavoured to effect that which you know certainly cannot be done and so to expose your self to scorn 4. Pravity in that God would be the author of sin For since it is altogether necessary that sin should go before damnation certainly he that decrees a man shall be of necessity damned decrees also that he shal of necessity sin Q. How do they go about to prove that opinion of theirs concerning Predestination A. By certain testimonies of the scripture wherein this is the chiefest Rom. 8. 28 29 30. And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God to them who are the called according to his purpose For whom he did foreknow he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his son that he might be the first born among many brethren Moreover whom he did predestinate them he also calleth and whom he hath called them he also justifyeth and whom he hath justified them he also glorifieth Q. What answer give you to this testimony A. That you may the better understand that Testimony and the like I must first declare to you what the scripture meaneth by Predestination Election and Vocation or Calling Q. I would fain have you explain that A. The Predestination of God in the scriptures signifieth no other thing then such a decree of his concerning men before the foundation of the world that to those who would believe in him and be obedient to him he would give eternall life and punish them with eternal death and damnation who would refuse to believe in him and be obedient to him which thing is apparent in that Christ the perfect Interpreter of the divine will hath so expounded to us this counsel and decree of God saying that he that believeth on him shall be saved but he that believeth not shall be damned Mark 16. 16. Q. VVhat say you of Election A. Election when the Scripture speaketh of our Salvation hath a double signification for sometimes those that assent to the Gospel preached are said to be Elected of God but sometimes also they who do not onely assent to the Gospel but lead their lives according to the prescript thereof are called elect An example of the first signification you have 1 Cor. 1. 26 27. You see your calling brethren that not many wise men according to the flesh not many Potent not many noble but God hath chosen the foolish things of this world that he might shame the wise and God hath chosen the weak things of the world that he might shame the strong where election and vocation are taken for the same thing An example of the latter you have Matt. 22. 14. where Christ saith That many called but few chosen But you have an example of both in those words of Peter 2 Epist 1. 10 11. Endeavour to making your calling and election sure that is by good works as some coppies have it Q. VVhat say you of Vocation A. Vocation when it is referred to our salvation hath the same signification with Election as appeareth by the quoted places Q. But how do you make answer to the aforesaid testimonies A. This testimony maketh nothing for that Predestination which the Adversaries have devised For they hold a predestination without any regard of good works whereas Paul here speaketh of such a predestination as hath regard to those that love God and demonstrateth that afflictions do not hurt such men but rather help them for good Now he saith of them that they are called according to the purpose to shew that they at length have believed the Gospell according to the purpose of God and are predestinated to salvation who love God But we have before shewn that that is in mans power Q. I would therefore intreat you to expound the place to me A. The plain meaning is this The Apostle sheweth that all afflictions cooperate for good to them who love God and have believed the Gospell of Christ Which he proveth in this manner namely in that they are predestinated to all those things which it behooved the Lord Christ himself to suffer Now as those things could not stop his passage to Eternall Life so neither can it stop theirs Which when the Apostle had demonstrated he describeth certain degrees whereby men attain unto Eternall Life shewing that God doth by the preaching of the Gospell gather them into his Church whom he hath predestinated to be conformable to the image of his son in afflictions and immortality and then justifieth them being freed from all their sinne and finally doth in a more perfect way designe them to Eternall Life and Immortality Q. What are those testimonies whereby they think that Free-will is expresly taken away A. They pertain either to all or to certain persons Quest Which are they that pertain to all A. Amongst others they are these It is not of him that willeth nor of him that runneth but of God that sheweth mercy Rom. 9. 16. No man cometh to me unlesse the Father that sent me draw him John 6. 44. They believed as many as were ordained to Eternall Life Act. 13. 48. Q. What say you to the
you demonstrate each of these A. That the sins which could not be expiated under the Old Covenant may be expiated under the New is testified by Paul Acts 13. 38 39. where he saith Be it known unto you brethren that by this man is remission of sins declared to you And from all things wherefrom ye could not be justified by the Law of Moses by Him every one that believeth is justified The same may be seen Rom 3. 25. Heb. 9. 15. Now that sins are in such a manner expiated under the New Covenant as that the eternall penalty of them is taken away and Eternall Life given appeareth from the last place we quoted Heb. 9. 12. Where it is said That Christ by his own Bloud entred once into the Sanctuary having found Eternall Redemption Q. Why is that Sacrifice of Christ performed in the Heavens A. Because it required a Tabernacle suitable both to the Priest and the Sacrifice For since the Priest is immortall and his Sacrifice altogether incorruptible it was necessary that he should enter into an Eternall Tabernacle But in as much as Heaven only is such a Tabernacle being the seat and habitation of God and therefore it was necessary that he should enter into the very Heaven there to discharge his Priestly function as the Author to the Hebrews plainly testifieth Heb. 7. 26. and chap. 8. 1 2 3 4. and chap. 10. 5 6 c. Q. VVhat was he not a Priest till he entred into the Heaven not when he hung upon the Crosse A. At no hand for as you heard even now the Divine Author to the Hebrews chap. 8. 4. expresly saith that if Christ were upon the Earth hee would not be a Priest Besides for as much as the same Author chap. 2. 17. testifieth that Christ ought in all things to be made like unto his Brethren that he might become a mercifull and faithfull High-Priest to God ward it is evident that untill he had been made like unto his brethren in all things that is in afflictions and death he was not out mercifull and faithfull High-Priest Whereby it commeth to passe that his afflictions and death were not his very Sacrifice but a preparation thereunto Quest Why doth the Apostle say that Christ delivered himself a sacrifice and offering to God for a sweet-smelling savour Ephes 5. 2. Answ First you must know that we doe not separate the death of Christ and exclude it from his offering yea we constantly affirme that Christ no otherwise then by his death and the intervening thereof offered himself Onely we assert that his offering was not actually compleated and absolved till being raised from the dead he passed into Heaven For in that yearly sacrifice under the Law which chiefly shadowed out the Sacrifice of Christ for the compleating of the work it was altogether necessary that the bloud of the slain Beast should be brought into the Sanctuary by the High-Priest see Heb. 9. 7. Again it is to be considered that the Apostle in the fore-mentioned place doth not say that Christ offered himself to God for us For this word delivered ought not to be joyned with the word offering but to be read by it self so that the sense is that Christ delivered himself to death For in that significaon the Scripture elsewhere useth the word deliver Furthermore the following words a Sacrifice and offering to God for a sweet-smelling savour are an illustration and commendation of that work of Christ in delivering himself to death whereby the Apostle exhorteth the faithfull to imitate that deed of Christ in loving their neighbour As goods Works are in the like manner of speaking else where commended see Phil. 4. 18. And therefore doing of good and communicating are called Sacrifices wherewith God is well-pleased Heb. 13. as also all good Works which the Faithfull in Christ doe Which good Works of Christians were shadowed forth in the legall Sacrifices Quest VVhat is the meaning of that place Heb. 1. 3. Christ having made a purgation of our sinnes sate down at the right hand of the majesty on high Answ That the manner of expiating and purging our sinnes is since Christ being raised from the dead entred into Heaven and offered himself to God for us I say is perfect and compleat that is all is now finished whereby we may be moved to embrace the remission of sinnes which God hath offered to us and Christ hath obtained authority to conferre that remission upon us Whence afterwards perpetually issueth the cleansing from sinnes and true freedom from the penalties of them Q. Why doth the Scripture treating of Christs Priest-hood say that he intercedeth for us A. Both that the care which Christ takes of our Salvation might by the requests which he is said to make to God appear to us and also that the Prerogative and eminency of the Father above Christ might remain entire and inviolate Touching the Church of Christ Q. YOu have spoken concerning the Kingdome of Christ speak now also concerning his People A. It is the Church or society of Christians and that either visible or invisible CHAP. I. Touching the Visible Church Q. VVHat is the Visible Church A. The Society of such Men as hold and professe the saving Truth Which society may be considered in generall or in speciall In generall when all the visible Societies of Christ dispersed through the whole world are considered as one Society of Christ or one Church In speciall when the particular Societies abiding in certain places as taken for the Church of Christ Q. For as much as now all Societies challenge to themselves the name of the Church of Christ I would fain hear whether there be any marks whereby the Church of Christ may be known A. It is to no great profit to inquire the Marks of a true Church of Christ since I have declared to you what constituteth a True Church namely the saving Truth which whatsoever Society holdeth and professeth is a true Church of Christ But such a Society as holdeth not the saving Truth or Doctrine nor professeth it not although it make shew of I know not what signes yet can it not be accounted a true Church of Christ But to hold the saving Doctrine since it is the essence of the Church of Christ cannot if we speak properly be the Mark thereof since the signe ought to differ from the thing whereof it is the signe Q. Therefore to know which is the true Church of Christ it is sufficient to know the saving Doctrine A. You rightly apprehend the thing For he that embraceth the saving Doctrine is already in the true Church So that he hath no need to enquire the notes of a true Church whereby it may be known But what the saving doctrine is you may understand by our foregoing speech and conference CHAP. II. Of the Government of the Church of Christ Q. SInce you have taught me that the Visible Church of Christ consisteth in the saving doctrine I would also
one we must needs be distracted in mind not knowing who hath prescribed that way to us And therefore the Scripture frequently admonisheth us of this thing as you may see in Moses Deut. 6. 4. which passage is cited by Christ himself Mark 12. 29. Hearken Israel thy Lord the God is one Lord. And again in Moses Deut. 32. 39. See that I alone am He and there is no God besides me Esay 44. 6. 8. Esay 45. 5. 14. 21. Esay 46. 9. 1 Cor. 8. 4 5 6. Gal. 3. 20. Eph. 4. 6. 1 Tim. 2. 5. Q. How the third A. Unlesse we believe God to be eternall how can we hope for eternall life from him and so attain the end to which this way doth lead Q. How the fourth A. To believe that God is perfectly just is necessary unto Salvation first that we may perswade our selves that God will make good his Promises to us though we be unworthy Next that we may acknowledge all those trialls to be just which being entred into this way we must of necessity undergo in that they are permitted by God Q. How the fifth A. This is therefore necessary to be known to the end we might not doubt that even our very heart then which nothing is harder to be searched out and from which the chiefest estimate of our obedience is taken lieth alwaies open unto God Q. How the sixth A. Because we could not expect eternall life from the hands of God as the prime Author were we not perswaded that his power is circumscribed with no bounds and limits Againe who would endure so many adversities as are incident to all those that make profession of the Christian Religion were not this perswasion deeply fastned in his heart that all things are in the hands of God and afflictions happen not without his will neither is any thing either in heaven or on earth able to hinder his divine power from accomplishing what he hath promised and we expect from him Q. You have unfolded what things are necessary to be known touching the Essence of God and therefore I pray you now discover what things are very conducible thereunto A. It is very conducible hereunto to know that in the essence of God there is but one Person Q. Demonstrate this I pray you A. Inasmuch as the Essence of God is but one in number there cannot be so many persons therein since a person is nothing but an individuall intelligent Essence Q. Who is this one divine Person A. That one God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ Q. How prove you that A. By the most evident testimonies of the Scripture thus Christ himself Iohn 17. 3. saith This is life eternall that they may know thee Father the onely true God And the Apostle Paul 1 Corinth 8. 6. saith To us there is but one God the Father of whom are all the things we for him And Ephes 4. 6. There is one God and Father of all who is over all and through all and in you all Q. But Christians commonly hold that not onely the Father but also the Son and the Holy Spirit are persons in one and the same Deitie A. I know it well but they are grievously mistaken producing arguments for it out of the Scriptures ill understood Q. What are their arguments wherewith they endeavour to prove their opinion A. The chief are these First they say that the Scripture calleth not only the Father but also the Son and the Holy Spirit God And forasmuch as the same Scripture affirmeth that there is but one God hence they gather that these Three are that one God Q. How must this Argument be solved A. I will first make answer concerning the Son and then concerning the Holy Spirit Q. What answer will you make concerning the Son A. The word GOD is two wayes chiefly used in the Scripture The first is when it denoteth him who both in the heavens and on the earth doth so rule and exercise dominion over all that he acknowledgeth no superior and is so the Author and Principall of all things as that he dependeth on none The other is when it designeth him who hath some sublime dominion from that one God and so is in some sort partaker of his Deïty Hence is it that the Scripture calleth that one God the God of Gods or most high God Psal 50. 1. Heb. 7. 1. And in the latter signification the Son of God is in certain places of the Scripture dignified with the title of a God Q. How prove you that the Son of God is in this latter signification dignified with the title of a God A. From the very words of the Son himself John 10. 35. If he call them Gods to whom the Word of God came and the Scripture cannot be broken say ye of him whom the Father hath sanctified and sent into the world Thou blasphemest because I said I am the Son of God By this speech Christ doth clearly intimate both that the word GOD is somtime attributed unto them in the Scripture who are far inferiour to that one God as also that he called himself the Son of God and consequently a God for no greater reason then because he had been sanctified by the Father and sent into the world Q. But what answer give you concerning the Holy Spirit A. The Holy Spirit is no where in the Scripture expresly called God and though in some places the things of God are attributed to him yet doth it not thereupon follow that he is either God or a person of the Deity since this happeneth for another cause as you shall hear in in its place Q. VVhat is the second argument wherewith they go about to prove the three Persons in one Deity A. It is taken from those places wherein mention is made of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit Q. VVhich are those places A. The first is that where Jesus commandeth his Aposties to make all Nations Disciples baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Mat. 28. 19. The second is that where the Apostle writeth in this manner There are diversities of Gifts but the same Spirit And diversities of Ministeries but the same Lord. And diversities of Operations but the same God that operateth all the things in all 1 Cor. 12. 4 5 6. And afterwards in the eleventh verse of the same chapter he saith But all these things operateth one and the same Spirit distributing to every one as he will The third is in John 1 Epist 5. 7. There are three that hear witnesse in heaven the Father the Word and the Holy Spirit and these three are one Q. What are we to think of these Quotations A. In generall I answer that these Quotations onely shew that there is a Father Sonne and Holy Spirit which we not only acknowledge but constantly assert so that we pronounce him to be no Christian who is either ignorant thereof or doth not
he confesseth to be that one God whom we formerly shewed to be the onely God by nature Again the Apostle by saying that all things are by him sheweth that he is not God by nature Since as we formerly demonstrated this particle by doth not designe the first but the second cause which cannot be affirmed of him that is God by nature And though the scripture somtimes saith of the Father that all things are by him yet is this otherwise understood of him then of Christ For this is spoken of the father because all the middle causes whereby something is done are derived from him and are not such as that God cannot work without them but it is said of Christ that some other namely God who must of necessity therefore be the first cause doth work all things Eph. 3. 9. It is expresly said I need not commemorate that the word all is here to be restrained unto the subject matter as the very article set before it in the Greek sufficienly sheweth Much more these two words us and Father which plainly demonstrate that Paul speaketh onely of all the things that pertain to Christians whence it followeth that Christ is not called that one Lord simply and absolutely but for a certain respect as being he by whom all the things pertaining to Christians are administred As for the second testimony since it is there treated of him that was crucified it is clear that the divine nature cannot thence be concluded since no such thing can be affirmed of the divine nature but only of a man who is therefore called the Lord of glory that is according to the Hebrew Phrase the glorious Lord because he was by God crowned with glory and honour In the third testimony since it is spoken of him who is a lamb clothed with garments whom the same John most openly testifieth to have been slain and to have redeemed us with his blood which thing can by no means be referred to the divine nature it is apparent that the divine nature of Christ cannot thence be asserted but all the things that are in these testimonies ascribed to Christ argue his singular authority given to him by God in relation to the things of the new covenant Question What testimonies of Scripture may be alleadged for believing in Christ and giving divine honour to him Answer John 14. 1. Christ himself saith Yee believe in God believe also in me And John 3. verses 14 15. As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wildernesse so must the Son of man be lifted up that whosoever believeth on him may not perish but have eternall life And John 5. vers 22. 23. The Father judgeth no man but hath given all the judgement to the son that all should honour the son as they honour the Father and Philippians 2. vers 9 10 11. wherefore God hath exceedingly exalted and given him a name above every name that in the name of Jesus every knee should bow of heavenly earthly and infernall things and every tongue should confesse that Jesus is Lord to the glory of God the Father and in sundry other places Question What say you to these testimonies Answer As to the first it is so far from proving that Christ is God by nature that it clearly sheweth him to be a far different one For it openly putteth a difference between Christ and that one God of whom that is here treated the Article added in the Greek doth intimate Now whereas the adversaries say that faith is not to be placed but in God himself this solved by Christ in another place whilest he saith he that believeth on me believeth not on me but on him that sent me whence it is evident that Christ arrogateth not that faith to himself which we ow to God onely for that faith is due to God onely which is terminated in him and which hath respect to him as the prime author of all things but it is clear that such faith is not attributed to Christ for we therefore believe on Christ because he hath obtained of God a power to make us eternally happy and is appointed unto that office whereby it cometh to passe that our faith on Christ is through him directed to God himself as the ultimate end which is attested by Peter saying through him Christ you believe in God that raised him up from the dead and gave him glory so that your faith and hope is on God 1 Epist 1. 21. Question But they alledge out of Jeremy that he is cursed who trusteth in man Ier. 17. 5. An. It is not said absolutely that he is cursed who trusteth in man but he who so trusteth in him as that he maketh flesh his arm that is fasteneth his whole hope in meer humane forces without the assistance of divine power for that is understood by the word flesh to which these words are further added and his heart departeth from the Lord. But we who place our confidence on Christ do not make flesh our arm nor in our heart depart from God yea in trusting on Christ we trust on God himself and so our heart cometh unto God and not departeth from him Q. What say you to the other testimonies which speak of Christs divine honour Forasmuch as all the places that testifie concerning Christs divine honour do also testifie that this honour was given to him at a certain time and for a certain cause it is plain that the divine nature of Christ cannot thence be collected Now whereas the adversaries object that of Isaiah chap. 42. 8. I will not give me glory to another I answer that it is apparent enough what he meaneth by another for he presently addeth nor my praise to graven images In this place therefore God speaketh of them who have no communion with him and to whom if any glory and honour be ascribed it redoundeth not to him But he saith not that he will not communicate his glory with such an one as is dependent of him subordinate to him for by this means no diminution of his glory is made since the whole is referred to him for since the Lord Jesus dependeth of him and is subordinate to him whatsoever honour is given to Jesus redoundeth wholly to God himself Q. I have been in informed touching those places of Scripture which seem directly to respect the son of God I would fain learn those also which are applyed to Christ by a certain accommodation and seem to prove a Divine nature in Christ A. The places are these Isaiah 8. 14. where it is said that he should be a stone of stumbling and rock of offence which Luke chap. 2. 34. and Paul Rom. 9. 32. and Peter 1 Epist. 2. 7. do repeat next Isa 45. 23. where God saith I have sworn by my self that to me every knee shall bow which is applyed to Christ Rom. 14. verse 11. Thirdly Isaiah 41. vers 4. and chapter 44. ver 6. and chapter 48. verse 12. I am the
under contestation and where John the Baptist saith He shall baptise you with the Holy Spirit and Fire Hence it is that Christ in the progresse of his discourse with Nichodemus maketh no more mention of water but onely of the Holy Spirit CHAP. V. Concerning the promise of Eternall Life Q. YOu have declared to me the perfect Precepts of Christ declare also his Promises A. The greatest and that which compriseth in it self all others is Eternall life but there is yet another thing besides very conducible to the attainment of the first Q. VVhat may that be A. The Gift of the holy Spirit Q. VVere not the same Promises contained in Moses Law A. No neither of them for you shall no where find in the Law of Moses either Eternall Life or the holy Spirit promised to those that obeyed the Precepts of that Law as it is apparent that they are promised in the Law given by Christ Q. But it appeareth that there was some hope of Eternall Life in the People of God before Christ A. Nothing hinders but that you may hope for something although you have not the Promise of God for the same so that the thing be very desireable and such as it is very likely that God will give unto those that serve him But neither is any thing more desirable then Eternall Life nor more credible then that God will bestow it upon them that serve him as the reward that is suitable to his person without which the other things though proceeding from God are scarce worthy to be termed a Divine reward Q. And why so A. For two reasons first because not so much the good it self as the perpetuity thereof seemeth to have some Divinity in it Next because it is apparent that of other good things except Eternall Life even those and those chiefly are partakers who regard not the service of God yea blaspheme him Q. Shall they have Eternall Life who hoped for the same all bough it was not promised to them A. Yes but not all but those onely that served God with their whole heart and were obedient to him For nothing hinders but that God may performe more then he promised And Christ openly teacheth this when from the words of God he truly and subtilly collecteth that Abraham Isaack and Jacob shall arise from the dead and live Luke 20. 37 38. whom the Divine Author to the Hebrews imitating chap. 11. 16. saith That God is not ashamed of them to be called their God for that he hath provided a city for them and hath decreed that they shall live for ever with him Q. If God will give Eternall Life to those men why did he not promise it A. God deferred so excellent a Promise till a fit time that it might the more evidently appear to all that so excellent a thing is his proper Gift flowing from his meer bounty Q. Are there not in the New Covenant besides Eternall Life Promises likewise made concerning this Life A. The Scripture testifieth that Picty even under the New Covenant hath the promise of this life as well as of the life to come 1 Tim. 4. 8. And likewise if any man for the sake of Christ and of the Gospell shall forsake all things that he shall receive a hundred fold even in this life with persecution and in the world to come life everlasting Mark 10. 29 30. Q. Is the New Covenant then equall to the Old as to the promises of this present life A. Since it appeareth from other places of the Scripture that a Christian ought to rest in those things that are necessary to the maintenance of his life it appeareth that the Promises of this life made under the New Covenant though in themselves very full and plenteous ought so to be taken as that a Christian shall not want any thing that is necessarily required to the maintenance of this life But under the Old Covenant it was lawfull not only to get and possesse more then the necessity of this life did require but also superfluities pleasures and other things without which we may be in this life so that this was done without injury to another Wherefore the promises of this life under the Old Covenant are not to be restrained but to be taken as the words sound Whence likewise it may be seen that Eternall Life was not promised under the Old Covenant otherwise the New would not have better Promises then the Old contrary to what the Divine Author to the Hebrews affirmeth chap. 8. 6. CHAP. VI. Concerning the Promise of the holy Spirit Q. DEclare to me the other Promise and explain what the Gift of the holy Spirit is A. The Gift of the holy Spirit promised in the New Covenant is two-fold the one perpetuall the other temporary which was visible as the first invisible Q. VVhat was that temporary and visible Gift A. The gift of doing Miracles which in the beginning was openly given to those that believed on Christ Q. VVhy did not that Gift alwayes continue A. Because it was granted to confirme the New Covenant which when it seemed to God to be sufficiently confirmed that Gift by his pleasure and counsell ceased Q. VVhat mean you by these words namely That the New Covenant was sufficiently confirmed A. I mean that those who were apt to believe the Gospell had sufficient ground for their Faith from what had been done for the confirmation of the Covenant to all suceeding times Q. But who are those that are apt to believe A. Such are endued with honesty of heart or are at least not averse therefrom For it is not in the will of God that those who are otherwise qualified should have no cause to reject the Gospel which would have come to passe had that confirmation been perpetuall For there would have been no man found so wicked who would not have acknowledged the doctrine of Christ for true and have embraced it not so much out of a love to piety and virtue as out of a desire of that soverain good which Christ hath promised to his followers namely Eternall Life Whereby it would have come to passe that in the Christian Religion which by the will and counsell of God is to distinguish the honest from the dishonest there would have been no difference between good and bad Q. Tell me therefore what is the Gift of the holy Spirit which continueth perpetually A. Before I unfold this I must demonstrate that under the New Covenant there is a certain Gift of the holy Spirit which continueth for ever in the Church of Christ Q. Yea I desire you to doe so A. Besides other testimonies it is evident from those words of our Saviour himself Luke 11. 13. that God doth and alwayes will give his holy Spirit to his Children that begge the same of him Q. What is the holy Spirit A. That you may the better understand what the holy Spirit is consider with your self First that in the Scripture of
the New Covenant by the word Spirit is sometimes designed the very Gospell of Jesus Christ partly because the things contained therein are such as were revealed by God himself and could not have been discovered by the wit of man partly because it respecteth the spirit of man and maketh us spirituall which the Law could not do Hence the Apostle Paul saith Rom. 7. 6. But now we are freed from the Law that being dead wherein we were held so that we serve in newnesse of the Spirit and not in oldnesse of the Letter And Rom. 8. 2. The Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus hath freed me from the Law of Sin and Death And ver 9. If any man have not the Spirit of Christ he is none of his And 2 Cor. 3. 6. the same Apostle calleth himself not a Minister of the Letter that is the Law but of the Spirit or New Covenant Secondly by the word Spirit is understood such a Gift of God as is by the Scripture called an Earnest or pledge of our Inheritance 2 Cor. 1. 22. chap. 5. 5. Ephes 1. 14. So that we thereby conceive a firm and certain hope of the Eternall life that is promised to us have a kind of taste and feeling thereof in our hearts Q. Do we not perceive a hope of Eternall Life by the very preaching of the Gospell A. Yes in some measure for from the preaching of the Gospell a hope of Eternall life therein promised may be acquired otherwise why should that Life be there promised But to fasten and rivet in our minds a firm and certain hope thereof by vertue whereof we may continue invincible in all temptations it seemeth requisite that that promise outwardly proposed by the preaching of the Gospell should be inwardly sealed in our hearts by God Quest Doth this inward sealing happen unto all to whom the outward preaching of the Gospell cometh Answ At no hand but onely unto them who believe the Gospell preached to them and so rightly use that outward means imployed by God in confirming the promise of Eternall Life For if that Gift of the holy Spirit which continued but for a time was given only to those that believed the Gospell much more are we to hold that that Gift of the holy Spirit which is perpetuall is not imparted to others but them who have sincerely believed the Gospell and from their hearts embraced it Q. Is there not need of the inward Gift of the holy Spirit to believe the Gospel A. By no means for neither do we read in the holy Scriptures that that Gift is conferred on any one but him that believeth the Gospel See John 7. 38 39. Act. 8. 21 13 14 15 16 17. Acts 15. 7 8. Act. 19. 1 2 6. Gal. 3. 14. Ephes 1. 13. Q. Since you have declared to me what the Gift of the holy Spirit is I desire you also to declare whether the holy Spirit be a person of the Godhead A. That the holy Spirit is not a person of the God-head is evident from the Scriptures wherein it is affirmed that he is given and sent by God 1 Joh. 3. 21. 22. 23 24. 1 Pet. 1. 12. yea in the name of Christ John 14. 26. That he speaketh not of himself but what he heareth glorifying Christ in that he receiveth of his and declareth it to his Disciples John 16. 13. 14. that he is the Advocate John 14. 16 17. compared with 1 John 2. 1. where you have the same Greek appellation in both place but in the latter the English Translators themselves render it Advocate That he maketh intercession for the Saints with groans inutterable Rom. 8. 26 All which with sundry other things that might be enumerated cannot possibly agree to him that is a person of the God-head and consequently the most High God CHAP. VII Touching the confirmation of the Divine Will Q. HOw Jesus declared unto us the Divine VVill hath been explained I would now have it also explained how he confirmed the same A. There are three things of Christ that did confirme the Divine Will which he declared first the absolute innocency of his life John 8. 46. 1 John 3. 5. Secondly his great and innumerable Miracles John 15. 24. John 21. 25. Thirdly his death 1 Tim. 2. 6. chap. 6. 13. All these three are united in that noted place of John 1 Epist 5. 8. There are three that bare record on Earth The Spirit the Water and the Bloud For by the Spirit without question the holy Spirit is meant by whose Vertue the Miracles of Christ were wrought Acts. 10. 38. As by Water is understood the Purity of his life and by Bloud his Bloudy death Q. What was the Innocency of Christs Life and how was the will of God confirmed thereby A. The Innocency of his Life was such that he not onely committed no sin neither was guil found in his mouth nor could he be convicted of any crime but he lived so transcendently pure as that none either before or after did equallize him so that he came next to God himself in Holinesse and was therein very like to him Whence it followeth that the Doctrine delivered by him was most true Q. What were his Miracles and how did they confirme the Divine will A. The Miracles were so great as none before him ever did and so many as that had they been set down in particular the world would not contain the Books And these Miracles do therefore make to the confirming of the will of God in that it is not imaginable that God would invest any one with such power as was truly Divine who had not been sent by him CHAP. VIII Of Christs Death Q. VVHat was the Death of Christ and how did it confirm the Wil of God A. Such a death as had all sorts of afflictions ushering it in and was of it self most bitter and ignominious so that the Scripture thereupon testifieth that he was made like to his brethren in all things Heb. 2. 17. Q. Why doth the Scripture witnesse that Christ was buried and that God was not forgetfull of him in the grave A. That it might appear that he was truly dead and yet not left therein so that the faithfull may thereby conceive a hope that though death seise upon them yet shall they not utterly perish Q. But what necessity was there that Christ should suffer so many tbings and undergo so bitter a Death A. Because those that are to be saved by him are for the most part subject to the same afflictions and Death Q. But what reason was there that the Saviour should endure the same afflictions and death with the saved A. There are two reasons thereof as Christ also saveth the Faithfull in a two-fold way for first by his example he moveth them to persist in the way of Salvation that they have entred into Next he standeth by them in every combate of temptations afflictions and troubles and at length delivereth them from
Eternall Death But how could Christ by his own example have moved the Faithfull to persist in that singular Piety and innocency without which they cannot be sayed had he not tasted of a bitter death which is easily wont to attend true Piety Or how could he have had a fellow-feeling of the calamities and sufferings of the Faithfull and so become the more ready to help them unlesse himself had tryed how grievous and of themselves intolerable to humane nature they are first of these is hinted by Peter 1 Epist 2. 21. Christ suffered for us leaving us an example that we should follow his steps The latter by the Divine Authour to the Hebrews chap. 2. 18. Christ in that he suffered being tempted is able to succour them that are tempted And chap. 4. 15. He can have a fellow-feeling of our infirmities having been tempted in all things after the same manner without sin Quest Could not God cause that the Faithfull should not be subject to afflictions and violent deaths Answ He could indeed if he would change the nature and condition of things But God is not wont to do this unlesse sometimes and that very seldome and in some speciall cases and for a time but not alwayes and commonly as it would here be very behoovefull had he a mind to exempt the Faithfull from afflictions and violent deaths Quest Why was that altogether necessary Answ Because the Faithfull in Christ are indued with singular Piety and Innocency of life neither is it lawfull for them to avenge themselves on any one The first whereof naturally exposeth them to the hatred of all wicked men which make the greatest part of mankinde whereby it cometh to passe that they grievously afflict the Faithfull and if an occasion be offered inflict death upon them The latter is a greater incitement to the wicked and affordeth them an opportunity to effect and accomplish their cruell designes upon the Faithfull Q. But how did the Bloud or Death of Christ confirm the Divine will to us A. Two wayes first because it ascertained us of the exceeding great love of God towards us so that he is thereby engaged to make good what he hath promised us in the New Covenant whence it is called the Blood of the New Covenant Mat. 26. 28. And the Bloud of sprinkling that is of federation Heb. 9. 19 20. which speaketh better things then that of Abel Heb. 12. 24 25. And Christ himself is called the true and faithfull Witnesse Rev. 1. 5. and chap. 3. 14. Next because being followed with a resurrection to Eternall Life it maketh us sure that we also if we obey the commandments of the Lord Jesus Christ shall be partakers of the same Resurrection Q. Explain more largely in what manner we are by the Resurrection of Christ which was a consequent of his death assured of our own Resurrection A. First because we have a pattern thereof proposed to us in the Resurrection of Christ whereby we are forbidden to doubt that those who out of Piety towards God suffer death shall afterwards be delivered of it again Next because it is now put out of question that Christ hath attained such power as that he can confer upon the Faithfull Eternall Life For the resurrection of Christ following upon his Death was such a one as that he thereby obtained all power in Heaven and Earth Mat. 28. 18. Q. How doth the power of Christ which he hath obtained by the intervening of his death make us more certain then if he wanted that power A. Two wayes first because we now see a beginning of fulfilling the promises of God especially of that wherein he expresly promised that Christ himself should deliver us from death and give unto us Eternall Life Next because we likewise see that the power of fulfilling the promise of God made to us touching Eternall Life is put in his hands who is not ashamed to call us brethren and who tasted all those afflictions whereunto we must be exposed if we will obey God and therefore knoweth how to be pitifull to us and touched with a fellow-feeling of our infirmities as we formerly discoursed of this thing Q. Hence I perceive that in the businesse of our Salvation greater stresse is laid upon the resurrection of Christ then upon his death A. It is altogether so for so the Scripture it self speaketh of this matter see Rom. 5. 10. If when we were enemies we were reconciled unto God by the death of his Son how much more being reconciled shall we be saved by his Life And again Rom. 8. 34. who shall condemn us it is Christ that dyed yea rather that rose again who is also at the right hand of God who also maketh intercession for us And again 1 Cor. 15. 17. If Christ be not risen from the Dead your Faith is vain ye are yet in your sins And again Rom. 4. 25. Christ was delivered for our Sins and rose again for our Justification Q. Why doth the Scripture so frequently elsewhere ascribe these things to the death of Christ A. Because death was the way to Resurrection and exaltation of Christ so that according to the Decree of God he could not without it arrive to his Power and Dignity Again because of all the things that God and Christ did for our Salvation the death of Christ doth chiefly shew unto us and set before our eyes the transcendent love of God and Christ towards us Q. Is there not some other cause of the death of Christ A. None at all although Christians at this day commonly think that Christ by his death merited Salvation for us and fully satisfied for our sins Which opinion is fallacious erroneous and very pernicious Q. How so A. As to the fallaciousnesse and errour thereof the case is clear not only because the Scripture is silent concerning any such thing but also because it is repugnant both to Scripture and reason Q. Demonstrate this in an orderly manner A. That this opinion is not set down in the Scriptures is apparent in that the maintainers thereof do never alledge clear and evident Texts to prove it but knit together I know not what consequences whereby they endeavour to confirm their tenet which consequences as they are to be admitted when they necessarily flow from the Scriptures so ought they to be esteemed of no force when they are repugnant to the Scriptures Q. How are they repugnant to the Scriptures A. In as much as the Scriptures every where testifie that God freely forgiveth sins especially under the New Covenant 2 Cor. 5. 19. Rom. 3. 24 25. Ephes 1. 7. Col. 1. 14. Mat. 18. 23. c. But nothing is more repugnant to free forgivenesse then full satisfaction For that Creditor which is satisfied either by the debtor himself or by some other in his behalf cannot be truly said to have freely out of his meer grace forgiven the debt as at first hearing is apparent to every man Q. How is
first A. The Apostle doth not there speak of a will and endeavour to obey the commandments of God for this would be repugnant to all the Scriptures which inculcate nothing more frequently then an endeavour to live according to the Commandements of God but of such a will and endeavour whereby we prevent God and move him to propose his benefits to us Which that it is so appeareth from the very position of the Apostle which is such Not all who are born of Abraham according to the flesh are truly his sons and such as to whom the promises of Eternall Happinesse made to the seed of Abraham doe belong but only those whom God vouchsafeth that Grace without any regard had to their birth according to the flesh of which sort are they that have believed in God through Christ of what parents soever they are descended and by this means are become the children of Abraham according to the Spirit Whence it followeth that righteousnesse and salvation are not to be fetched from the Law of Moses which was sometimes delivered to the posterity of Abraham and Israel according to the flesh but by the Faith of Jesus Christ which hath since been proposed for ever by the same God to the Spirituall sons of Abraham and Israel And this is the genuine meaning of the place Wherefore as we willingly consent that there is no man who by his willing and running could or can obtain to move God to conferre some benefit upon him so in like manner after God hath offered Grace that a man either cannot accept and embrace the Grace offered or guide his life according to the prescript of the Divine Will we account a pernicious Errour Q. What say you to the second A. This way of drawing likewise doth not take away the liberty of our will for neither is it done in such a manner as that God should offer violence unto men but God by holding forth the excellency and certainty of his promises doth draw men unto his Son Now that this manner of drawing is not made by force or violence first appeareth from what our Saviour sub-joyneth in the same place where he explaineth that way of drawing saying They shall be all taught of God He therefore that hath heard from the Father and learned he commeth unto me John 6. 45. where it is clear that to be drawn by the Father is no other then to hear from the Father and to be taught And how that is done appeareth from the words of Christ a little after expressed Not that any man hath seen the Father but he that was from God he hath seen the Father ver 46. Again it is perspicuous that that way of drawing pertaineth unto all to whom the declaration of the Gospell doth come as may be easily collected from that place where Jesus saith When I am lifted up from the Earth I will draw all men unto me John 12. 32. Q. VVhat say you to the third A. That this passage taketh not away the liberty of the will may hence appear in that here is no mention made of God who ordained those men to Eternall Life but it is onely said simply that they believed as many as were ordained to Eternall Life which may be understood of the men themselves that they were ordained that is fit and set in a posture to embrace the doctrine of Christ and so to lay hold on Eternall Life therein proposed as it is spoken a little before in the same Chapter in a thing contrary to this namely that others judgeth themselves unworthy of Eternall Life Acts 13. 46. And as Christ saith afterwards Act. 18. 10. That he had much people at Corinth for no other cause then that they were apt to become his people Q. VVhat are the testimonies pertaining to certain persons A. Amongst others those wherein it is written that God hardneth the heart of Pharaoh and that Judas who was an Apostle of Christ did betray his Lord that the Scripture might be fulfilled from whence the Adversaries inferre that he was forced thereunto Q. What say you to these places A. I confesse that God doth sometimes so reject certain men from his Grace that they can neither repent nor be amended But those works and actions of God doe no wayes if we speak simply take away Free-will since those examples wherein they appear are singular Which God would therefore have extant because the men when they might did neverthelesse refuse to obey God and therefore God had been for a long time worthy that God should execute his judgments upon them which he when he thought did accordingly execute upon them of which sort was Pharaoh who had long before affl●cted the people of God and Judas who had been long before a Thief and covetous person and therefore God made use of them to perpetrate such horrid deeds CHAP. XI Of Justification Q. SInce I understand what Faith is and how far forth in our power now shew what we get by that Faith A. By Faith on Christ we get Justification Q. What is Justification A. It is when God accounteth us for just which he doth then when he doth both forgive our sins and endue us with Eternall Life concerning which Paul openly testifieth whilst he saith that the happinesse of a man consisteth herein that God imputeth righteousnesse to him Rom. 4. 6. And then addeth out of the 32 Psalme that blessed is the man to whom the Lord imputeth not sinne Q. Is none then justified without Faith in Christ A. None at all But this is to be understood of that time since Christ hath been revealed Concerning which those words of Peter also are to be understood That there is no name under Heaven given among men whereby we must be saved but the name of Jesus Act. 4. 12. For as to the time that went before the Revelation of Christ this cannot be affirmed thereof For although all men that ever believed in God shall by Faith be justified as may be openly gathered from Heb. 11. Yet notwithstanding that way of Justification was not comprehended in the Covenant given by Moses but meerly depended of the Grace of God Whereas now the manner of Justification by Faith in Christ is contained in the very New Covenant Whence their Faith did not include Faith in Christ and therefore the Apostle saith that Faith came by the Gospell Gal. 3. 22 23 24 25. So that they were not justified by Faith in the Son of God but by Faith on God himself alone Q. But that place Act. 15. 11. seemeth to oppugne this opinion where the Apostle Peter saith that we hope to be saved by the Grace of the Lord Jesus as well as they that is the Fathers A. In this place the word they is not referred to the Fathers immediately before mentioned for neither is it here treated of them but to the Gentiles of whom it is here purposely discoursed who are sundry times in the same speech opposed to
eternity Christ is the Wisdome of God Therefore he was begotten from eternity That this argument is invalid appeareth hence First because Salomon speaketh of wisdome simply and absolutely considered without addition of the word God but Paul 1 Cor. 1. 24. whose words they are wont to confer with those of Salomon doth not speak of wisdome simply and absolutely but with addition of the word God 2 By wisdome sundry Expositors whom the Adversaries themselves account to be Orthodox do not conceive that a true and real person is meant but onely that a feigned person is here ascribed to Wisdome and it brought in speaking like a woman Thirdly though we should admit that by Wisdome is understood a person yet what hinders but that we may with far greater probability understand it of the holy Spirit who is called the Spirit of Wisdom and hath the same things attributed to him that are ascribed to Wisdome see Isaiah 11. 1 2 3. 4 5. Isaiah 4. 4. Exod. 31. 1 2 3 4 5 6. compared with Prov. 8. 12 14 15 16 20. and Gen. 1. 2. compared with Prov. 8. 22 29 30. Where it is observable that Moses describing the Creation of the world maketh mention of the holy Spirit but not of the Son of God who was as worthy to have been mentioned and would accordingly have been expressed had he been then present with God as well as the Spirit Neither will it be amisse to cite the concurrent suffrages of holy men under the Old Covenant whose writings though put out of the Canon as not found in the Hebrew are yet deservedly of great esteem among the people of God For it is apparent from sundry passages both of the book of Wisdome and that of Ecclesiasticus that these Writers as they by wisdome understood a creature so did they conceive that creature to be the Spirit of God See Wisdome 6. 24 chap. 1. 4 5 6 7. chap. 7. 27. chap. 9. 17 18 19. Ecclesiasticus 24. 12 13 14. chap. 1. 4 5 7 8 9. Fourthly those words Pro. 8. 23. which are rendred from everlasting are in the Hebrew à seculo from the age or from of old But it is one thing to be à seculo from the age or from of old and ab aeterno from everlasting See Isa 64. 4. Jer. 2. 20. Luke 1. 70. Q. What are those places of the Scripture that seem to attribute some things to Christ at a certain and determinate time A. They are of two sorts the one having respect to names the other to things which they imagine to be attributed unto Christ by the Scripture Q. What are they that have respect to the names of Christ A. Those wherein they think that Jesus is called Jehovah Lord of Hosts the true God the only Master the great God the Lord God Almighty who was is and is to come the God that purchased the Church with his own bloud the God that laid down his life for us See Jer. 23. 6. Zach. 2. 8. 1 John 5. 20. Jude 2. Tit. 2. 13. Rev. 1. 8. and Rev 4. 8. Act. 20. 28. 1 John 3. 16. Q. What answer give you to these places and first to the first A. It doth not of necessity follow that the name Jehovah is here attributed to Christ For those words And this is the name wherewith he shall be called JEHOVA-TZIDKENU or the Lord of Righteousnesse may be referred to Israel of whom the Prophet spake in the clause immediately going before Yea that it ought so to be will appear by comparing this place with that in the 33. chap. v. 15. 16. where the Prophet saith In those daies and in that time will I cause the branch of righteousnesse to grow up to David and he shall execute judgement and righteousnesse in the land In those daies shall Judah be saved and Jerusalem dwell safely and this is the name wherewith she shall be called JEHOVA-TZIDKENU that is the Lord our rigoteousnesse In this place the feminine Hebrew particle rendred She in English must of necessity be referred to Jerusalem and doth in this place answer to Israel which was put in the former place chap. 23. 6. and consequently those words And this is the name wherewith he shall be called are to be referred unto Israel But though we should grant that the word Jebovah may be referred to Christ yet is it apparent hat he is not simply called Iehovah so that it cannot thence be concluded that he is indeed Iehovah no more then the Altar which Moses erected and called Jehovah-Nissi Exod. 17. 15. was indeed Iehovah Or that which Gedeon erected Judg 6. 24. and called Iehova-Shalom Or the place which Abraham called Iehova-jireth Gen. 22. 14. whether therefore those words Ier. 23. 6. be spoken of Christ or of Israel the meaning of them is that God would justifie the Israelites which was then accomplished when he sent Christ amongst them Q. What say you to the second A The words of Zachary run thus chap. 2. 8. 9. Thus saith the Lord of Hosts After the glory hath he sent me unto the Nations that spoiled you for he that toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eye For behold I will shake my hand upon them and they shall be a spoil to their servants and ye shall know that the Lord of Hosts hath sent me This passage is by the Adversaries wrested to Christ because they suppose it here to be said that the Lord of Hosts was sent by the Lord of Hosts Which exposition is so absurd that any other sense was rather to be put upon the words But it is evident that they were uttered by another then the Lord of Hosts namely by the Angell who talked with Zachary and the other Angell and is in the fourth verse first brought in speaking For he saith not He that toucheth you toucheth the apple of mine eye but of his eye meaning the Eye of the Lord of Hosts that sent him Q. What say you to the third A. In this passage 1 Iohn 5. 20 21. We know that the Son of God is come and hath given us understanding to know the true one and we are in the true one in or by his Son Jesus Christ This is the true God and eternall life These words This is the true God cannot be referred unto Christ not as if he were not a true God but because he is not the true God that is here spoken of as the article added in the Greek doth intimate Neither doth it any whit advantage the adversaries cause who will have these words This is the true God referred unto Christ that Christ was mentioned immediately before For relatives are not alwaies referred to the antecedents immediately going before but oftentimes to that which is chiefly spoken of as appeareth from these places Act. 7. 18 19. Till another King arose which knew not Joseph The same or he dealt subtilly with with our kindred Act. 10. 6. He Peter lodgeth with one Simon a Tanner
cannot be proved out of that place is evident from the place it self where Christ saith The Father is greater then all and consequently then the Son as the Son himself elswhere confesseth John 14. 28. and that he gave those sheep to Christ Q. But where doth the Scripture call him equal to God A. John 5. 18. Therefore the Iewes sought the more to slay him in that he had not only broken the Sabbath but also called God his own Father making himself equall to God And Phil. 2. 6. Who Christ Jesus being in the form of God thought it not robbery to be equal unto God Q. What answer you to those places A. That Christ is equall to God no way proveth a Divine Nature in him yea the contrary is hence collected For if Christ be equall to God who is God by Nature he cannot possibly be the same God But the equality of Christ with God herein consisteth that by the power which God conferred on him he did all those things and will do them which pertain to God himself as if he were very God Q. Where read we that Christ is the Son of the living God the proper and only begotten Son of God A. Of the first we read Mat. 16. 16 where Peter saith Thou art the Son of the living God And Rom. 8. 32. where the Apostle saith Who God spared not his own proper Son but delivered him for us And Iohn 3. 16. So God loved the world that he hath given his only begotten Son and a little after v. 18. He that believeth not is condemned already because he hath not believed on the name of the only begotten Son of God Q. What do you answer to these places A. From all those attributes cannot be proved any Divine Nature of Christ For as to the first it is apparent that Peter confesseth the Son of Man to be the Christ the Son of the living God who it is certain had not a Divine Nature as they imagine Again the Scripture testifieth of other men that they are Sons of the living God as Paul citeth it out of Hosea Rom 9. 26. and it shall be in the place where it was said unto them you are not my people they shall be there called the Sons of the living God But as to the second and third places in them we read that the proper and only begotten Son of God was not spared but given and delivered to death for us which cannot be said of him that is God by Nature Yea from thence that Christ is the Son of God it is apparent that he is not God otherwise he will be the Son of himself Now the reason why those attributes are ascribed to Christ is this because amongst all the Sons of God he is both the chiefest and most deare to God as Isaac because he was most dear to Abraham and the heir of all things is called the only begotten Heb. 12. 17. although he had a brother Ismael And Solomon is called the only-begotten in the fight of his Mother Prov. 4. 3. although he had more brethren of the same mother 1 Chro. 3. 5. Q. Where is he called the first-born of every creature A. Colos 1. 15. Q. What say you to it A. Neither can it be hence concluded that Christ hath a Divine Nature For since Christ is the first-born of every creature it must needs be that he also is one of the creatures For such is the force of the word first-born in the Scripture that it must of necessity be one of them amongst whom it is the first born as the first-born of sheep is a sheep of asses an asse of men a man But that Christ should be the first-born of creatures in the Old creation the adversaries themselves must not admit unlesse they will become Arrians Wherfore they must confesse that the Lord Jesus Christ is one of the New Creation Whence the Divine Nature of Christ is not only not concluded but it is on the contrary firmly concluded that he hath no Divine Nature But that Christ is by the Apostle called by that name doth hence proceed namely that he both in time and dignity precedeth all other things of the New Creation Q. Where doth the Scripture affirm that he hath all things that the Father hath A. Iohn 16. 15. where Christ himself saith All things that the Father hath are mine And below ch 17. 10. All mine are thine and thine are mine Q. VVhat say you to these places A. The word all as was formerly demonstrated is commonly r●strained to the subject matter Wherefore from such places no such thing as the adversaries would have can be collected Now the subject matter Iohn 16. is that which the Holy Spirit was to declare unto the Apostles concerning the Kingdom of Christ and c. 17. it is apparent that it is spoken of the Disciples of Christ whom God had given to him whence he also calleth them his own Besides inasmuch as whatsoever Christ hath he hath it from the grant of the Father and not from himself it is hence evident that he hath no such Divine Nature as is imagined Since he that is a God by Nature hath all things from himself Q. But where is Christ called a Father of eternity A. Isa 9. 6. Q. VVhat say you hereunto A. That a Divine Nature cannot hence be proved inasmuch as Christ is for a certain respect called a Father of eternity as may be seen by the words a little before in the same place expressed But it is a wonder that the adversaries urge this place especially according to the English Translation where Christ is called the everlasting Father For this quite subverteth the common Doctrine of the Trinity by confounding the first and second Persons thereof But the words may wel be rendred a Father of eternity or an everlasting Father both because he is the Author of eternall life to them that obey him and liveth for ever to shelter and protect and cherish Christians who are elswhere called his seed See Isa 53. 10. Q. But where are those Elogies given to Christ namely that he is the word or Speech of God the Image of the invisible God the Character or expresse image of his person or substance that he which seeth Christ seeth the Father that in Iesus Christ dwelleth all the fulnesse of the Godhead or of Deity bodily A. Iohn 1. 1. In the beginning was the word compared with Rev. 19. 13. where Christ is called the word of God Col. 1. 15. Heb. 1. 3. Io. 14. 9. Col. 2. 9 Q. What say you to these pleases A. It cannot from thence be concluded that Christ hath a Divine Nature because he is called the Word of God yea the contrary is manifest For since he is the Word of that one God he cannot be that very one God unlesse one wil absurdly and contradictiously say he is the Word of himself Which answer may be given to every one of these testimonies But Jesus
not be covetous Q. VVhat is it to be covetous A. To desire more then is necessary for the maintenance of the life both of you and yours Heb. 13. 5. 1 Tim. 6. 8 9 10 11. Q. How is that done A. Whilst men beyond their private and just necessity do either get or lay up Luke 12. 15. c. Q. VVhat is the just necessity pertaining to the maintenance of our life A. Food and raiment and such things without which the present life cannot be conserved Q. To what uses then ought Christians to convert those things that exceed just necessity A. Either to the use of the Divine Glory or to the relief of the Poor especially the Domesticks of the Faith yet with such caution as that they do nothing with an aime to their own private Glory which Christ teacheth in those words Let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doth Mat. 6. 3. Q. VVhat measure is to set to food and raiment A. Such as that neither luxury nor bodily pleasure be found in us Q. How may luxury and bodily pleasure be avoided A. When we fit the use of meat and drink to the procurement of health afford such rayment to the body wherein neither luxury nor levity appeareth Q. VVhat do you call luxury in the use of meat and drink A. Gluttony and Drunkenesse whereunto pertaineth Revelling which our Saviour forbiddeth as the writings of the New Covenant plainly shew Luke 21. 34. Rom. 13. 14. Gal. 5. 21. Q. VVhat is the ninth precept A. Thou shalt not bear false witnesse against thy neighbour Q. VVhat pertaineth to this precept A. All lying whatsoever which not onely proceedeth from a minde desirous to deceive but also from levity Besides all sorts of back-biting and detraction and condemning Rev. 21. 8. Ephes 4. 25. 1 Pet. 2. 1. Mat. 7. 1. Luke 6. 37. Q. VVhat is the tenth precept A. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbours house nor his wife c. Q. VVhat is it to desire ones neigbbours house A. It is to determine in ones heart to grasp that which is our neighbours though it be by any unjust means Q. VVhat is added to this precept under the New Covenant A. That it is not onely unlawfull to desire that which is our neighbours in that manner but so to set our minds upon it that though we doe not resolve to gain it yet we take some delight in our hearts from the very desire thereof For what is unlawfull for a Christian to do or possesse he must not so much as desire CHAP. II. Of the speciall Precepts delivered apart by Christ Q. YOu have explained to me the Precepts of Christ which are contained in the Commandements of God delivered by Moses and such as are added unto them by Christ it remaineth that you explain those also which Christ hath proposed in particular and by name A. They are twofold for the one hath respect to manners the orher to outward religious acts commonly called ceremonies Q. VVhat are they that have respect to manners A. These the deniall of ones self the bearing of the crosse and imitation of Christ Matt. 16. 24. Q. VVhat is self denyall A. The renouncing of our private wills and evill lusts and worldly and carnall interests Q. VVhat are these Interests A. Such as pertain either to the pleasure of the flesh or riches or pride of life which Iohn comprehendeth in these words love not the world nor the things in the world for whatsoever is in the world the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes and the pride of life is not of the father but of the world 1 Epist 2. 15. 16. All which Iohn doth not only forbid to be sought with the prejudice of health or injury of others or contumely but if they happen unto the faithfull without these indirect means he would have them to be despised and contemned Q. VVhat is the manner of bearing the crosse A. It is when a man is prepared in mind not onely to undergo all sorts of afflictions but even a most bitter and ignominious death for Christs sake together with a voluntary receiving and suffering thereof when occasion is offered Q. VVhat is the imitation of Christ A. It is the composure of our life according to the rule of his life Q. VVherein doth it consist A. In the exercise of those vertues which the Lord Jesus proposed to us in himself as in a living pattern Q. VVhat are those vertues A. The chief are confidence in God perfect love humility and assiduity in prayer Q. VVhat is confidence in God A. You shall hear of that hereafter Q. VVhat is love A. It hath respect either to God or to our neighbour Q. VVhat is perfect love towards God A. To love him with all the heart with all the Soul with all the strength Q. VVhat is love towards our neighbour A. That is directed either towards a brother or towards an enemie Q. VVherein consisteth perfect charity towards a brother A. That we even lay down our life for him which the Lord Jesus calleth his new commandement Iohn 13. 34. whence it appeareth that a brother is to be loved not onely as our selves but above our selves Q. VVhat is it to lay down our life for a brother A. Not onely to make no spare of other things but to bring our life it self into hazzard that we may save a brother as we see an example thereof proposed by Paul in Priscilla and Aquila and Epaphroditus Rom. 16. 3. 4. Phil. 2. 30. Q. VVherein consisteth love towards an enemy A. As an enemy is of sundry sorts so also is the love towards him For to those that curse us we are bound to wish well to those that hate us to do good for those that afflict and persecute us to pray when they ask we must give to them when they hunger and thirst we must give them meat and drink and when in a true and proper necessity they will borrow of us we are not to reject them Mat. 5. 42. 44. Luke 6. 27 28. Rom. 12. 20. Q. VVhat is humility A. It is the submission of our mind although we be chief persons and the readiness to perform the meanest offices for the least of the faithfull wherof he gave a pattern in himself when he washed his disciples feet Phil. 2. 34. John 13. 4. 5. Q. What is assiduity in Prayers A. It is the most frequent lifting up of our heart to God in every place and commending our necessities to him and not onely ours but the necessities of all the faithfull yea of all men but especially of Kings and all that are in Authority Q. With what things ought those that tray to be furnished A. They ought to confide in God not doubting but that he is able to give what they desire They ought also to ask according to the will of God that is those things which God hath promised They ought finally to fulfill the will of God