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A86667 The rebukes of a reviler fallen upon his own head, in an answer to a book put forth by one Iohn Stelham, called a minister at Terlin in Essex. Wherein is shewed unto all spiritual men, that he himself is justly proved to be a contradictor of the scriptures, while he falsly accuses others thereof, that are clear, and the saying is fulfilled upon him, he is fallen into the pit, which he digged for others, for even that way which he calls heresie, do we worship the God of our fathers. By R.H. Hubberthorn, Richard, 1628-1662.; Burrough, Edward, 1634-1662. 1657 (1657) Wing H3229; Thomason E919_7; ESTC R207520 62,017 83

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Stelham confesseth he is was never appointed by the Lord to watch over Souls But such where Christ did dwell in their hearts and because they were sons God sent forth the spirit of his Son into their hearts Eph. 3. 17. Gal 46. and such had truth in their hearts doing the will of God from the heart and did draw neer unto God with a true heart in full assurance of Faith having their hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and their bodies washed with pure water these did not profess the things of God in an old lying heart wherein dwelt no truth but called upon the name of the Lord with a pure heart and said that the end of the Commandment was Charity out of a pure heart and of a good Conscience and of Faith unfeigned from which some swarved in the Apostles dayes having turned aside unto vain jangling and such desired to be teachers of others but the doctrine is corrupt and the Ministry of Faith is not held where the heart and conscience is not pure And the Lord is good unto such who be of a clean heart Now as concerning the Scriptures John Stelhams Testimony from the old lying heart wherein dwells no truth is this That the Scriptures are the word of God and truly so called and the letter and Scripture is all one as page 3 4. but to contradict that himself he saith in page 5. the letter taken strictly is but legal Administration using these words the letter killeth i. e The bare legal command without a promise of power or pardon as a bare letter void of strength life and spirit it leaveth all men under a killing sentence and curse let them that have understanding judge Again as concerning the letter in page 6. he expresseth himself thus The Spirit is given by it And in the next words saith the Scripture is but instrumental to the Spirit Now mark the Letter taken strictly being legal without a Promise of Power or Pardon void of strength life and spirit The Spirit to be given by this which he confesseth is void of strength life and spirit and is but instrumental to the spirit whether this be not contradiction and confusion let them that read judge For in reading these things which he hath published many may seal to the Confession of his own Condition to be truth but that which he hath declired of the things of God to be false For now the light being broken forth such doctrine cannot be received nor beleeved that the spirit is given by the letter but that which is declared in the letter was given forth from the Spirit which was in them which spoke it forth but people may long have the letter and think in it to find God and eternal life and may die in their sins though I. S. say that not one man in the world knows God to be God till he finds him in the Scripture But I say unto him as Christ said unto the Pharisees who had neither heard his voyce at any time nor seen his shape had not his word abiding in them nor did not believe in the light and that he was the light which did enlighten every man that cometh into the world search the Scriptures for in them ye think ye have eternal life and they are they which testifie of me saith Christ the life but those thought that they had the life in the scriptures deceived them for they wanted the life when they thought they had it so I. S. thoughts that he hath the spirit by the letter deceives him for when he finds the spirit eternal life then his old lying heart in which is no truth but the root of error will be taken away and so the light which cometh from Christ the life in which the spirit is received condemneth all such thoughts for they proceed out of that heart which is not upright before the Lord neither is it set to seek the Lord in that way in which he and his spirit is found Again I. S. talking of the Scriptures intrudes into things which he hath not seen comparing it with that which he hath seen and so in what he saith he is blind saying The Scriptures is a more standing rule than visions To which I Answer The night is upon him that he hath no vision and therefore doth not know what a vision is a rule unto nor the continuance of it as those in Israel which said that every vision fa●leth and so would not have them a standing rule and that reproach of the visions of God was so common that it was become a Proverb amongst them but the Prophet who was in the light and had the vision of the Lord and had the word of the Lord he was to reprove that Proverb and to tell them that they should no more use it as a proverb in Israel and said the dayes are at hand and the effect of every vision and so with the light who be in it doth now reprove all such proverbs and preachings against the visions of God for from the visions was the Scriptures spoken forth and that which they had seen they declared so that which gives forth words is greater than the words and without vision the people perish and they may perish while they have the letter but they cannot perish while they have the vision and although there be vain visions they do not make the true of none effect And although there be Sorceryes and Enchantment that doth not make the true resurrection of the dead of none effect but the blind must stumble at the things which they do not see Again I. S. saith That the Authority of the Scriptures is owned among the Jewes to this day Answ. No Christ is not owned amongst them who is the Authority and Power unto which the Scriptures give testimony that he is so neither are they yet converted as thou thy self confessest and they who be in the unconverted estate doth not own the Authority of the Scriptures though such may talk of them as thou dost speaking that of them which they never spoke of themselves Again I. S. saith in the 17. page As deep things as the Spirit hath Revealed they are all in the Scripture Answ. Nay There was things Revealed which was unutterable and many things which was Revealed and also Written which is not in the Scripture as the Book of Nathan the Prophet and the Prophesie of Ahijah the Shil●●mit● and the Visions of Iddoa the Seer which was against Jer●b●ans the Son of Nabat 2 Chron 9. 29. And the Book of Shemath the Prophet 2 Chron. 1. 2. 15. And the Book of Jehu 2 Chron. 20. 34. And the Book of Gad the Seer 1 Chron 29. 29. And the Book of Jaser 2 Sam. 1. 18. and the Prophesie of Enoch who prophesied of the coming of Christ in his Saints to execute Judgement upon all and to convince all that are uugodly of all their ungodly deeds and hard speeches
which ungodly sinners have spoken against him as Jude beareth witness and he also saw and Prophesied of Israel according to the flesh that they should do wickedly and slay him who was the light of the world And much more which is not written in the Bible And that which was manifest unto Paul which he wrote to the Corinthians in an Epostle not to company with fornicators that whole Epistle is not in the Bible 1 Cor. 5. 9. And likewise that which was revealed unto Paul in the dispensation of the grace of God given unto him how that by revelation God made known unto him the mystery which he wrote unto the Ephesians in a few words whereby they when they read they might understand his knowledge in the mystery of Christ which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men as it was then revealed unto his holy Angels and Prophets by the Spirit which Epistle in which that mystery was written is not in the Bible Ephes. 3. 3. And the Epistle which Paul wrote to the Laod●ceans which he charged the Colossians to read amongst them and that theirs should be read in the Church of the Laodeceans wherin his thanks and prayers to God was for their stedfastness in the truth wherein he made manifest the unprofitable talkers who went about to draw them from the truth of the Gospel and from their diligence in good works of eternal life as many vain and unprofitable talkers are in the world now doing the same work And whereas I. S. saith That the Epistle of Paul to the Colossians was read as the Word of the Lord in the Church of the Laodeceans Why doth he not as well ●ear witness that Pauls Epistle to the Laodeceans was read as the word of the Lord amongst the Colossians Col. 4. 16 And if he read in his Church the Epistle to the Colossians as the Word of the Lord why doth not he read to his people that which was written to the Laodeceans they both being given forth from one Spirit So let him consider of those things above mentioned and try whether his words will stand unreprovable 67 page saying God might have revealed more than is in the Scripture but he pleased not so to do In that page mentioning Samuel Moses and the Prophets Christ and the Apostles saying All that they have spoken is written both according to what was Written before and for substance the same Answ. What I have spoken and shall here speak may sufficiently make manifest that his words proceed from the old lying heart in which dwells no truth for I have shewed out of the Prophets and out of the Apostles many things which was both revealed and declared which is not in the Bible written And likewise I shall shew farther of the things concerning Christ testified by John and we know that his Testimony is true saying And there are also many other things which Jesus did the which if they should be written every one I suppose that even the world it se●f could not contain the Books which should be written John 21. 25. So that all is not written which was revealed wrote and spoken which if much more were written which was made manifest by it with that which is written could they not know the Lord their minds being from the light of Christ which doth reveal and make manifest that which may be known of God in them And many who have the Letter and are Ministers of it are sensual having not the spirit nor the word of God nor the testimony of Jesus and their Ministry is but as Chaff to the Wheat and the Lord is against them For what is the chaff to the wheat saith the Lord Jer. 23. Is not my word like a fire saith the Lord and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces Now many have the letter and know not the word of the Lord as a fire neither is the rock broken with the letter and such use their tongue for it is their own and the power of the Lord is not come over it such cause the People to err and doth not profit them being not sent nor commanded of the Lord for who are sent and commanded of the Lord the Lord useth their tongues to speak his words which he puts into their mouths and such words doth profit the people and not cause them to err being spoken according to the law which is light And the testimony of Jesus which is the Spirit of Prophesie and such do witness the Scriptures that as they cannot be broken so they cannot be denied by the Spirit which gave them fo●th to be a Declaration of those things which was reveale● known and believed But they are not that which they are a declaration of the letter testifies of the eternal life but it is not it neither gives it It testifies of the Light of the glorious Gospel shining in the heart which gives the light of the knowledge of the glory of God but it is not that light which gives that knowledge It testifies of the Way but Christ is the Way and of the Word but God is the Word and of Redemption but Christ is the Redemption and not the letter though it testifies of Justification and Sanctification but they are wrought by the Word in the grace and power of Christ and so every one who will own the Scriptures as they were given forth to be owned must first own that of God in them which is manifest to work in the Creature that which they testifie of that Christ the power of God they may witness working all their works in them and for them according to the Scriptures But contrary to the Scriptures I. S. from the root of Errour saith That the written letter is the spiritual Arm and Sword of the Spirit and that the very power of the written Letter puts Satan to flight● And in the same Page saith That the Devil hath Scripture in his mouth Answ. Let the People take notice and read the Scriptures and see if there be any such thing that the sword of the Spirit was ever in the Divels Mouth for the spiritual Armour which is said to be the Word of God But the Word of God w●ich is the sword of the Spirit is that by which he is to be destroyed and is in the mystery hid from him and all that follow his lusts But though the Devil which did not abide in the truth and his Ministers who are out of the truth may take the letter in their mouths as they have done and say its written so but the word of the Lord s not in their mouths which is the sword of the Spirit and such will use the letter in their mouths which cannot cease from sin whose eyes are full of Adultery beguiling unstable Souls their heart being exercised with covetous practises cursed children which have forsaken the right way and are in the Errour of Balaam loving the wages of
the Covenant of Works was not made with Adam in innocency God could not in justice require satisfaction of his posterity under the Fall c. A third supposition to prove Adam under a Covenant of Works is this Either he stood under the Covenant of Works or was under the Covenant of Grace or he was under no Covenant c. Unto which I Answer All such Priests and Teachers who be out of innocency themselves cannot tell what Covenant those are in with God who are innocent and in the image of God in holiness and righteousness and therefore from such have we so much perverting of the Scriptures and violating of the Law of God to make it according to their imaginations But unto such God saith What hast thou to do to declare my Statutes or that thou shouldest take my Covenant in thy mouth seeing thou hatest Instruction and castest my Words behind thee psal. 50. 16. Thou givest thy mouth to evil and thy tongue frameth deceit But I say that Covenant in which Adam was with God in his innocency and in his image he stood in that and by that by which he was made a living Soul and in that was in unity and Covenant with God for the disobedience of which he was driven out from God into the Earth and none was under the Law of Works neither was that Law added until there was transgression which it was added because of but that which is innocent and without sin unreprovable in Gods sight is under no Law but that which endureth for ever which doth free from sin and death those that be in it which is made manifest unto some since the falling from it and which the Isles is to wait for till it be made manifest where it is not already revealed and all who come to have right to speak of Gods Precepts and to take his Covenant in their mouths they see and comprehend all such darkness which doth not speak according to words of Scripture but speaks of three Covenants contrary to Scripture saying that the first Covenant promiseth nothing of Salvation nor mentioning nothing of a Saviour and yet saith that that Covenant is a part of Gods Word and his Will and pure law and yet mentioneth nothing of a Saviour and again saith that the Moral Law he calls of Works which promiseth no Salvation mentioneth nothing of a Saviour that this which mentioneth nothing of a Saviour is to be a directory and rule to true believers for the ordering of their Sanctification ●s it is also in Christs hand guiding them by his Spirit so this cannot build nor joyn together and so time to cease building any more in confusion but in denyal of that false doctrine I say That there is but two Covenants spoken of in the Scriptures which is a plain testimony of them without any such confusion or contradiction as the Apostles to the Hebrews saying in that he saith a new Covenant he hath made the first old c. And in the first Covenant as you may read Heb. 9. in all these things there was Christ held out and mentioned in the shadows and figures and so that Covenant which promiseth no Salvation nor mentioneth any thing of a Saviour that we deny for there is not such a Covenant in the Scriptures For that which said Do this and live promised life and mentioned Christ who is the life and by Christ who is the life and light of men is that Covenant fulfilled and by his power both the obedience and life is brought forth of which that Covenant speaketh and the new Covenant being come that God hath promised wherein he hath put his Law in their hearts and his Spirit in their inward part and all such needs not to come to such Priests to be taught who tells of a Covenant which promiseth no Salvation nor mentioneth any thing of a Saviour for we who be in the second know the first fulfilled which Christ was held forth in under Ordinances of Divine Service and a worldly sanctuary and divers washings and carnal Ordinances which never made the comers thereunto perfect as pertaining to the Conscience but now is Christ the Covenant of God and Covenant of light come and preached and with his light shineth in mens Conscience that he may make perfect as pertaining to the Conscience which Covenant is now witnessed among thousands and such denyed which speak of a Covenant that mentions nothing of a Saviour and that to be the rule of true believers Again in John Stelhams 5th head of Scripture Contradiction he speaks concerning Sin saying That the more a Soul is sanctified the more he sees his moats to be beams and that Paul was groaning and sighing all his life time under the body of sin and death Both these are false For the more a Soul is sanctified he is not the more taught to lye or to see falsly but the more he is taught to see clearly and discern a moat to be a moat and a beam to be a beam and knows the differance And Paul thanks God who had given him the victory over sin and death which he had not while he groaned under the body of it and so both the Saints and the work of sanctification is falsly accused by such and such are to be denyed as Enemies to God and to his Work In the reading of this let all people take notice That in the several and particular Heads of I. S. Book where he saith he hath contradicted us he is proved himself to contradict the Scriptures and so far as he contradicts the Scriptures in those particulars so far he may say he contradicts us and our testimony being one with the Scriptures in them things For in his 6 Head as concerning Justification he saith He that is justified is justified by God not under the Aspect or Notion of a Saint and as such but of a sinner and as a sinner believing in Jesus not as he loveth God or overcometh the world by Faith c. but as believing on Christ dying c. Now this testimony of I. S. is contrary to the Scriptures for God never justified any as hating of him nor as a sinner but as made obedient through Faith according to the Scriptures as the Apostle witnesseth Gal 2. 16. Even by the faith of Jesus Christ even we have believed in Jesus Christ that we might be justified by the faith of Christ c. so they believed that they might be justified and the ungodly they were first called out of their ungodliness and whom he called them he also justified and they whom he justified them he also glorified and by him all that believe are justified from all things from which they could not be justified by the law of Moses Acts 13. 39 and so all who are justified by the Lord are justified from their sins and not in them as all shall witness who come to be justified by Christ from their iniquity And
●n honest man I will believe but not I. S. assertion out of his own heart In his 2d Head of Self-contradiction Concerning hearing the Word this is not contradiction to say they who are of God hear his Word and yet to deny the hearing of such as I. S who is not a Minister of the Word but a professor of the Letter for proud men and covetous men and false Acculers such as I. S. is are we exhorted to turn away from by Paul and this is not a denying our selves to be of God as I. S. would charge us withall because we deny to hear hirelings for we hear Gods Word and his Voice and therefore do we deny to hear Deceivers and this is no self-contradiction nor saying nor unsaying let I. S. judge what he will the Saints shall be my witness and though we say that the Saints teacher cannot be removed into a corner as saith the Scripture and that the Saints will find their teach as they lye in their beds both these are true and not self-contradiction let a sober Reader judge whether he can find contradict on in those words but fain would I. S. have his lyes believed for truth that he might have praise of men for his works hath gained no praise of God and he saith R. F. hath proved not lyes yet against him if it were so let the Reader search whether there be none proved against him now but let him not say like a Pharisee I am no lyar but rather let him repent of his lyes and wickednesse His 3d Head concerning the Light within Wherein much ado he makes as to prove the light of Christ spoken of Jo 1. 9 to be a natural light and he saith the light given to all men even that light spoken of Jo. 1. 9. is a dim light and is cold and insufficient to Salvation and unable to make true discovery of the true Saviour and such like contemptible undervaluing words of the pure light of Christ by whom the world was made who lighteth every man in the World and by this it is known more evidently what Spirit I. S. is of but there is none of us who have received the knowledge of God by the very light of Christ which shines in our hearts can believe him and this is no contradiction to say that every man is lightened by Christ with the true light and yet to say some men are living in a natural condition both these are true for some hates the light of Christ and their deeds are evil and such are in a natural condition but this doth not prove that Christ hath not given them light though they be in a natural condition I leave it to spiritual men to judge though they say it seems strange that some should live a natural condition and yet have the light of Christ given them saith he as if every man brought a Saviour with him into the world This last is his false conception but he is mans Saviour by whose power every man is brought into the World and if I. S. did but understand as we do that some love the light and some hates it such as hates it denyes Christ he that loves it receives Christ who knows this strangeth not I. S. wondring shews his Ignorance who would secretly charge us to be bewitched with a Notion of accounting nature grace which we do not and it is his own condition he that conceives Lyes believes them and tells them is the rather bewitched And further he saith the light in every man is a poor base beggarly scrap to the Gospel treasure these words are uttered in his hastiness and without either fear or knowledge for he that lighteth every man with the true light of life or of condemnation is not base beggarly scraps as I. S. saith it is for it brings to the knowledge of the Gospel treasure and pearle and not other light and thus whilst he thinks to prove us self-contradictors proves himself a villifier and a blasphemer of Christ Jesus the Saviour of the World who lighteth every man that cometh into the World Again he would make this contradiction because we say every man in his first state is as a Beast and yet saying every man is lightened but this is not contradiction no more than the former is and then he speaks of natural conscience and secretly charges a● if we should say it is potent and victorious at last but this is is a secret slander of his for we say Christ only is victorious and through him are we made Conquerors and not by natural conscience and he speaks of Gospel conviction to be above the conviction of natural conscience but I would know of him where the Gospel conviction works if not in m●ns consciences and so in his next let him divide if he can and shew the difference of such convictions Further he would say that this is contradiction to say that every man in his first birth may see himself to be natural and yet to say that the light which discovers natural corruptions is not natural but spiritual both these are true for the light shines in darkness which shews the darkness and is not darkness but light and he that can understand that Scripture Iohn 1 5. shall see the truth of both these to b● no self-contradiction Further he saith the Scriptures are a rule above the Saints light and ●nto it and not so their light above the Scripture this is confusion and he knows not whereof he affi●ms for the Spirit of God is the Saints rule and that is greater than the Scriptures and the rule of the Spirit of God is above the Scripture but such as I. S. who talks of Scriptures to be a rule and yet acts these things which the Scriptures declare against are but found in deeper hypocrisie for he that is ruled by the Spirit of God walks up in the fulfilling of Scriptures And further I. S. confessed and saith this he knows that he is more brutish then a man and hath not the knowledge of the holy and this is truly confessed his own works manifest his condition to be true and he confesses he never obeyed natural light as he ought and as he might and this is truly confessed for if he had obeyed that light which he calls natural he would not thus have stumbled at him who hath lightened every man And further he charges a deceit when men will put off that for redemption light which is but old creation light let him charge them that are guilty but yet we say that the same is Redeemed by whom the world was created and this is without any deceit and he that lighteneth every man with the light that is but one he is the Saviour of all that receive him in the light and he is the condemner of all that hate his light and this is no self-contradiction but the very truth as it is in Jesus Further I. S. would make it appear if he could