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A77227 The Quakers quaking principles examined and refuted in a briefe answer to some erroneous tenets held forth by James Naylor in his answers unto Mr Baxter, and some others that have publikely opposed that blacke spirit in the deluded Quakers. Wherein is also included a serious admonition, how wee ought to behave our selves towards the ministers of the gospell, in respect of communicating unto them; and for giving to the poore, so as the Gospell requires: and to beware of covetousnesse, and the effects thereof, least wee be left of God, and delivered up unto strong delusions, and a blasphemous spirit instead of the spirit of God. The heads of the whole discourse are also premised. / Written by Ellis Bradshavve. Bradshaw, Ellis. 1656 (1656) Wing B4147; Thomason E869_1; ESTC R207737 57,239 71

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ministred by the hearing of faith preached as wel as sometimes immediatly both which administrations I own as true But I come now to his other main Tenent which chiefly tendeth to the disparagement of the Scriptures and which chiefly ingageth men to oppose him in it as a work of Sathan And why should not I whiles I am in the world what in me lieth indeavour to destroy the works of the devil see 1 Joh 3.8 He saith further in his Book against Baxter speaking of the Apostles that they did never say the letter was the Word And in his 7th Querie in the end of his Book he enquireth whether the word of God can be changed or can it admit of several meanings as to one particular thing A I Answer that James Naylor may wrest the Scriptures to his own destruction and he is not so infallible but he may misunderstand the genuine meaning 2 Pet. 3.16 2. He enquireth whether it be visible or invisible A I answer the Word was made flesh and dwelt on earth and is now visible in Heaven and yet is here invisibly in spirit in the hearts of his people but how the word was made flesh James Naylor understandeth not 3. He enquireth is there any word but one or whether was that word before the letter and shal be when the letter is turned to dust A. To which I answer that Christ the essential word is but one we own but one Christ who shal remain when the Quakers have burnt their Bibles if they wil burn them as some of them have said it were all one to them if the Bibles were all burnt Foster by name hath so exprest himself and they say they are all of one mind then such esteem they have all of the sacred scriptures which we account of as not only the word of men but the word of God as so I shal make to appear that it is not blasphemy as they most wickedly assert but our bounden duty to own and call it the word of God and that it is blasphemy in them to deny it and cal it carnal and a dead letter And the Lord assisting I shal prove 1. That there is not only one but many words yea words of God so taken in scripture 2. That what God hath spoken is his word 3. That whatever Christ hath spoken who is the essentia word is also the word of God 4. That all scriptures given by inspiration of God and all expressions of men unto which they are moved by the Holy Ghost are the words of God and that it is not they that speak but the spirit of their Father that speaketh in them 5. That every word of God is pure and also true by whomsoever spoken but nor such lies as these of the Quakers but they are the words of another spirit then the spirit of God as I trust in God to make it manifest as so I ought And before I begin for fuller satisfaction how they account of the scriptures take notice that I find it in a little Book called The holy Scriptures clearing it self from scandals or an Answer to a Book written by Richard Farnworth who is commonly called a Quaker written by Thomas Polard who had opposed them by argum nt in a publick way Which Thomas Polard saith that they cal the scripture carnal and a dead letter and say it wil never bring a man to the knowledg of God but that all that is gotten from the scripture is but brain knowledg And I find in a Book of Naylors against one Thomas Moore how he answereth this to wit being asked by Moore whether the writing of the Prophets and Apostles be a dead letter He answereth that without the spirit it is nor can any without that spirit that gave them forth understand them or know the voices of Prophets or Apostles aledging Luk 24.45 Act 13.27 A 1. But where doth the scripture or the spirit of God cal the scripture a dead letter or carnal and that it wil never bring a man to the knowledg of God but that all that is gotten from it is but brain knowledg A 2. Where is it said in scripture that the spirit of God and the scripture are seperated The words that Christ hath spoken they are spirit and they are life and Moses said unto the people set your hearts unto all the words that I testifie unto you this day which ye shal command your Children to observe to do all the words of this Law for it is not a vain thing for you for it is your life and through this thing yee shall prolong your daies Deut 32.46 47. And again the law is spiritual faith saith the Apostle I am carnal Rom 7. and Prov 2. My sonn if thou wilt receive my words and hide my Commandements with thee so that thou incline thine ear to wisdom and apply thine heart unto understanding if thou seekest for her as silver and searchest for her as for hid treasures Then shalt thou understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledg of God see v 1 2 3 4 5. See also Pro 3.1 2. My sonn forget not my Law but let thine heart keep my Commandements For length of daies and long life and peace shal they add to thee see also ch 4.1 2 3 4. Let thine heart retain my words keep my Commandements and live And ver 13. Take fast hold of instruction let her not go keep her for she is thy life Consider I say whether the wisdome of God so pathetically expressing her self to us if possible to perswade us to attend and hearken to the words of his mouth and to keep his Commandements and instructions and treasure them in our hearts as words of life to our souls and marrow to our bones as in another place and that for this end we should teach them to our Children as I might be large upon any of these Texts But whether I say doth the wisdome of God account the scripture as a dead letter let all wise men judg and whether they have not in them more spirit of life and power then the words and writings of James Naylor and whether they ought not rather to be observed and beleeved and trusted in for eternal life Now it is evident that the directions of James Naylor as a way to be infallibly guided and to attaine unto life and peace and rest for our souls is one thing and these directions are another his directions are to attend and hearken to that spirit and light within though it be a question whether it be the spirit of God or a lying spirit and a question whether there be at all any light within but grosse darkness and he that is in darkness knoweth not whither he goeth til he be enlightned by the Word and Spirit But he that hateth his Brother is in darkness until this present time it were wisdom therefore for James Naylor himself to try his spirii and light by the Law and
and that in publick which was the old Testament But James Naylor saith he may read all his life the Letter of the Scriptures and therewith come amongst the Parish Ministers and never discern the voyce of Christ See page 45. in his book against Moore To the which I answer It is true that such who are none of the sheep of Christ may indeed read the Scriptures and heare them read and preached all their lives and yet never know the voyce of Christ in them so as to follow him but they will rather follow strangers instance James Naylor But such who are his sheep they know his voyce and will follow him and not the stranger yea by what means soever he speaketh unto them mediatly or immediatly and they account the Scripture as the word of God himselfe as if he should speak unto them by an audible voyce and they know them to be written for their learning that they through patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope And it is no disparagement to the Scripture the Letter as he calls it that some despise it and regard it not but undervalue it and let it slip Nor to the words of Christ himselfe and his Apostles nor to his Ministers now because many people did not profit by them nor do not know them in regard they are not mixed with faith in such as heare them For it is they that are of God they hear Gods word and they that are Christs sheep know his voyce and obey and follow him But some therefore heare them not because they are not of God and some obey not his voyce because they are none of his sheep John 10 and Chap. 8.47 But Naylor often produceth the non-proficiencie of the people as a ground of disparagement to the Ministers of the word yea and to the word it self the Letter I mean the which I shall prove to be the word of God And first that there is not onely one but many words of God and so called in Scripture it is plain to any rational Christian that knoweth the Scriptures 1. Psalm 12.6 The words of the Lord are pure words like silver tried in a Furnace of earth purified seven times 1 Arg. Now the words of the Lord are words of God 2 Arg. And words in the plural number must needs include more then one Conclus Therefore there is as certainly as that the Scripture is true more words of God then one spoken of in Scripture 2. Prov. v 30.5 Every word of God is pure he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him Now this word Every includeth more then either one or two words and that of God 3. 1 Thess 2.13 where the Apostle saith Because when yee received the word of God which ye heard of us yee received it not as the word of men but as it is in truth the word of God From whence it is clear that the word which they heard of the Apostles was in truth the word of God Even that audible word which they heard of the Apostles yea heard them speak 4. 1 Tim. 5.17 Especially them that labour in the Word and Doctrine 5. 2 Tim. 2.9 But the word of God is not bound 6. Heb. 6.5 And have tasted of the good word of God 7. Jam. 1.18 Of his own will begat he us with the word of truth 8. And verse 21. And receive with meeknesse the ingrafted word which is able to save your souls And verse 22. And be yee doers of the word and not hearers onely deceiving your own souls Quest Can any of these be meant of Christ How improper had it been to have said Be ye Doers of Christ in stead of Be ye doers of the word 9. See Deut. 8.3 But by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God Obser Observe how improper it had been to have said Every Christ that proceedeth out of the mouth of God 10. Psa 68.11 The Lord gave the word great was the company of those that published it Observe It it is not said him but It. 11. Isai 2.3 For out of Zyon shall go forth the Law and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem 12. Jer. 6.10 The word of the Lord is unto them a reproach they have no delight in it 13. Amos 8.11 12. A famine of hearing the words of the Lord. 14. Matth. 13.23 He that receiveth seed into the good ground is he that heareth the word and understandeth it And Luke 8.11 12. 15. The seed is the word of God Those by the way side are they that heard then cometh the Devil and taketh away the word out of their hearts lest they should believe and be saved Could the Devil take Christ out of their hearts after once received how absurd were it 16. John 5.24 He that heareth my word and beleeveth on him that sent me hath everlasting life 17. Acts 4.31 And they spake the word of God boldly 18. Acts 6.2 It is not meet that we should leave the word of God and serve the tables And verse 7. And the word of God increased and the number of the Disciples multiplied in Jerusalem greatly Quest. Had it been proper to have said That Christ increased 19. Acts 8.14 15 16. Samaria had received the word of God and yet the holy Ghost was not come down upon any of them Conseq So they had received the Word but not the Spirit and so not Christ by James Naylors account if there be no more but Christ 20. Act 12.24 But the word of God grew and multiplied Did Christ grow and multiply See also chap. 13.44 and verse 46 48 49. And chap. 15.35 36. And chap. 19.20 2 Cor. 4.2 Ephes 6.17 All which are clearly meant of the teaching and preaching of the word of God and of the growth thereof Assertion 2. to wit That what ever God hath spoken is his word or words The which I prove thus it is written Exod 20.1 And God spake all these words saying Conseq Therefore when God speaketh his expressions are called words or a word See Psalm 68.11 The Lord gave the word great was the Company of those that published it Arg. But if what God speaketh is his word or words Conseq Then it must necessarily follow that all Scripture is the word of God and the particular words of it are words of God and altogether they are his word See Heb. 1.2 God who at sundry times and in divers manners spake unto our Fathers in times past by the Prophets hath in these last times spoken unto us by his Son whom he hath appointed Heir of all things by whom also he made the wor●ds See also Chap. 12.25 See that yee refuse not him that speaketh Also Luke 1.69 As he spake by the mouth of his holy Prophets which have been since the world began Observe he spake it by the mouth of his holy Prophets and of his Apostles and af his Son Therefore all such speakings and expressions are the words and
word of God 3 Assertion To wit What ever Christ hath spoken who is the essential word is also the word of God Reason First because he is the Sonne and Heire yea and even God himself and not only man For in him dwelleth the sulnesse of the Godhead bodily He whom God hath sent speaketh the word of God John 3.34 Therefore what words he spake were the words of God and therefore it was truly said of him by the people to wit Never man spake like this man Coloss 3.16 And therefore it behoveth us not to let the words of Christ slip but to let it dwell richly in us in all wisdom John 3.34 For his words are the words of the word of God He whom God hath sent speaketh Gods words The words that I speak unto you they are Spirit and they are Life The fourth and fifth Assertion proved Rom. 7.14 For we know that the Law is spirituall but I am carnall Deut. 4.2 You shal not add unto the word that I command you neither shall you diminish ought from it that yee may keep the commandements of the Lord your God which I command you Observe that he enjoyns them that they shall take heed unto the word which he commands them speaking in the singular number as if it were but one word But when he shewes them the end of this his Take heed he expresseth it in the plurall number and maketh that plurality the same in the conclusion to wit That you may keep the Commandements of the Lord your God which I command you Clearly shewing that that word which he commanded them in the singular number was the Commandements of the Lord their God in the plural number So that it is evident that all the words and commandements of God in the whole Scripture being the words of God by whomsoever held forth may properly and truly and justly be called the word of God in the singular number Reason For as God spake those ten Commandements and writ then upon two Tables see verse 13. so all the rest of the scripture is not onely spoken but written and every part of it written or spoken by Holy men of God as they were moved by the spirit of God that we through patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope And there is none that is ordained to eternall life but if hee read the Scriptures or heareth them read or spoken but if he understand them he doth believe them And there is no man justified through faith in Christ but he loveth the Scriptures and will own them as words of Spirit and Life and not account them as a dead Letter but as the word of God and as words of eternal life in which there is spirit and spiritual life communicative unto them yea even every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God is as spiritual food and nourishment whereby they grow up unto greater degrees of spirituall life where it is begun and whereby they presse forward unto perfection Those precious promises therein contained are the savour of life unto life unto them and they cannot but relish them as sweeter to them then the hony and the hony comb They cannot but with David love Gods Law and it is their meditation continually they doe esteem of the words of his mouth more then their appointed food they doe account them as a Lanthorn unto their feet and a light unto all their paths they grow thereby to be wiser then their Teachers because they keep them and to have more understanding then the ancients because they keep his precepts His words are sweet unto their taste yea sweeter then hony unto their mouth They vow and doe resolve that they will keep his righteous judgements Read much of this Psalm 119. All that are men and women after Gods own heart have the same spirit of love to and delight in and beliefe of and benefit and comfort by and from the sacred Word Law Precepts Judgments Statutes and Promises contained in the Scriptures and therefore cannot but hate every false way or contradictious way or way and works or words whatsoever that tend to the disparagement or contradiction thereof And therefore it was that our dear Saviour honored them so much as that he kept all Gods Law and fulfilled it perfectly and witnessed also that Men therefore erred because they knew not the Scripptures nor the power of God And he opened the understanding of his Disciples that they might understand the scriptures And he opened the heart of Lidia that she attended to the things that Paul spake And it is enjoyned unto Kings that they shall write them a Copie of the Law in a book which shall be with them that they may read therein all the dayes of their life that they may learn to seare the Lord their God and keep all the words of the Law and of the Statutes to doe them that their hearts be not lifted up above their brethren and that they turn not aside from the Commandement to the right hand or to the left to the end that they may prolong their dayes in their Kingdome See Deut. 17.18 19 20. Timothy was commanded to give attendance to reading to exhortation to doctrine 1 Tim. 4.13 These and many such like which I might produce are farre unsuitable to the Spirit and Doctrine of James Naylor which directeth onely to a light within which in many is clouded with sottish ignorance till they hear the Word which is ordained of God to save them that believe and is the meanes which they ought to use for getting that light and spirituall understanding which the Fountain of wisdome holdeth forth therein and doth thereby communicate to his poore dull ignorant creatures his Spirit being with it and as the Porter of their understandings that they may understand them and comprehend in measure those internall hidden and secret mysteries therein contained The Apostle Paul had served God with pure conscience from his fore-fathers and yet his light within informed not his conscience but that he thought it his duty to doe many things against the name of Jesus insomuch as through pure zeale persecuted the Church and wasted it exceedingly til he was called to from heaven See 2 Tim 1.3 And that notwithstanding all his learnednesse in the Scriptures and blamelesnesse of life concerning the Law For the reason was not because he knew not the Scriptures or did not search them but because he did not understand them aright but according to the false glosses of the Scribes and Pharisees which had clouded them so to him so that he did not know them in their genuine sense and proper meaning but under a false glosse For else he should not have erred for saith Christ ye therefore erre because ye know net the Scriptures nor the power of God And biddeth Search the Scriptures for they are they that testifie of me And the Scriptures are alle to make us wise unto salvation yea to make
lyars and by what spirit they are acted and therefore their testimony will not serve to excuse our consciences before God 2. And secondly let them not perswade us to desert the Ordinances of God For unlesse wee could thinke that the Quakers are wiser then the Lord himselfe that appointed them wee have no ground nor reason to beleeve them God never appointed any Ordinances in vaine but they are profitable if in the use thereof wee waite for him and for his blessing upon them for the good of our soules hee never failes them that waite for him And therefore if wee doe not finde them so spirituall and so efficacious to us for the present as wee doe expect let us rather blame the hardnesse of our owne hearts than the Ordinances of God or the Ministers of them or much more then the holy Scriptures which are a spirituall word and if they doe not seeme so to us it is doubtlesse because that wee are yet carnall And to presse us on to a full Resolution so to doe let us call to minde that Parable concerning Dives and Lazarus Especially the saying of Abraham unto Dives to wit They have Moses and the Prophets let them heare them see Luke 16.29 And note this If they heare not Moses and the Poophets neither will they be perswaded though one should rise from the dead see vers 31. For doubtlesse if the Ministers of God and of his holy Word and Ordinances which the wisdome of God hath thought fitt and appointed to save them that beleeve Be not effectuall to the perswading of us and saving of our soules It is without all question because wee are not ordained to eternall life As it was said in the Acts that as many as were ordained to eternall life beleeved Acts 13.48 It behooveth us therefore to waite on the Lord in the use of all his Ordinances and not to thinke our selves wiser then hee least he giveth us up unto strong delusions and to beleeve a lye and so proove our selves fooles as so it is but just if wee thinke our selves wiser then hee 3. And thirdly let us above all things take heed that wee be not provoked by these delusive doctrines of the Quakers to reproach or speake evill either of the Ministers or the Ordinances of God or of the holy Scriptures It is without question a very haynous sinne in the sight of God so much as but to thinke evill of them But it is an high degree of blasphemie to speake evill of them in the least degree Now speaking evill of them is when we speake any thing tending in the least to the disparagement of them to cause them to be undervalued and disesteemed as carnall and vaine and uselesse or unprofitable c. And especially for the Ministers of God to call them Priests of Baal and hirelings and Wolves in sheepes cloathing and covetous and such like Epithets as the Quakers give in generall unto all that are not of their way Which can be accounted no lesse than speaking evill of him that sent them But least the Quakers should deceive us and make us beleeve they are such indeed Consider with mee first who they are and by what spirit they are guided and acted that speake so of them As for that I shall onely desire your serious consideration of this little Treatise and the Contents thereof whether it be not fully prooved that they are acted by a lying and malicious spirit to speake evill of the things they know not and of many hundredths and thousands of Ministers and faithfull Christians which they never saw nor heard of in their lives either good or evill and yet they damne them all as eternally lost and for the pitt of hell And let us not thinke it strange that Satan should threaten damnation to the Elect of God for what in him lyeth hee seeketh to destroy their faith above all other graces because when our faith faileth wee beginne to sinke and to decay in love and all other graces and so are laid open to his wiles and stratagems And therefore when wee heare the Quakers call men damned and carnall which they never saw before nor it may be never at all wee may well imagine whose spirit is in them for Satan would gladly perswade any man living on the face of the earth save onely his deluded instruments that hee hath assured to him already That there is no hope of salvation for such as them at all nor for any but such as are really acted and guided by him And therefore knowing who they are that speake evill of them wee have the more cause and ground to thinke well of them and to love and honour them But it will be needfull to answer some Objections whereby they delude so many unstable soules to wit 1. First it may be objected because it is true and well knowne that some Ministers are carnall and worldly minded and covetous and therefore to maintaine such is a sinne 1. I answer first that because of some wee must not condemne all 2. Secondly wee ought not to be uncharitable in judgeing or censuring any Now it is beyond the Rule of charitie to judge or censure further then wee certainly know and it is a great signe of malignitie against all if wee be so apt to censure any further then wee know 3. Thirdly wee ought not to judge according to appearance but righteous Judgement For wee may see failings and humane frailties in the best as so there was also in the most of the Prophets and Apostles and holy men of God that wee reade of in Scripture And therefore if we doe not finde them in a way of wickednesse let us take heed of censuring them least wee condemne the generation of Gods children as David had like to have done And therefore if wee doe not finde in them any way of wickednesse and know it for certaine let us judge and hope the best and forbeare censuring 2 Object Secondly it will be objected that though wee cannot clearely condemne them for any way of wickednesse yet if wee know them not certainly to be godly and faithfull Ministers such as are sent of God how can wee so freel communicare unto them as is required of us and as wee ought in case when wee know them such Answ I answer that if wee be godly and faithfull our selves wee shall doubtlesse know them by their fruits whether they be such or no for so Christ hath promised Yee shall know them by their fruits But in case wee are are not able to judge and resolve our selves whether they be so or no Then let us communicate freely and liberally unto them in regard they are in place as such appointed to be our Teachers through the providence of God and are the best wee have And above all things Beware of covetousnesse in this respect for if that sway us it will make every little fault an excuse to hinder us from communication And therefore let us
are herein named 8. That the Quakers are clearely under a degree of blasphemy and in what perticulars evidenly demonstrated 9. That they are acted and mooved by an evill and malitious spirit which is not of God prooved from Scripture 10. That they shall bring upon themselves swift destruction unlesse they humble themselves greatly in the sight of God and repent and turne 11. That Naylor for all his profession of perfection and infallibilitie and knowing of all things yet hee teacheth us nothing except lyes but what wee knew before the which is clearely Illustrated 12. That James Naylor and his complices are sent with strong delusions and for what end and cause cleared from Scripture 13. That Satan hath Commission to be a lying spirit in their mouthes 14. That they shuffle up their lyes closely amongst many knowne truths to make them feizible 15. That if the Ranters doctrine had been feizible the Devill would never have transformed his Ministers so like to the Ministers of righteousnesse Though his designe is the same in the Quakers as in the Ranters in some chiefe respects 16. Some Queries proposed to Naylor Requiring Scripture-ground for what hee asserteth which he never yet gave nor can I suppose 17. That Christ who is the true light and inlightneth every one that commeth into the world yet doth not inlighten them all sufficiently by immediate lumination no not all the Elect themselves so as to bring them to salvation But doth it mediately by the Scriptures and teachings of men to bring them to the knowledge of God and of Christ for the saving of their soules 18. That it is the same designe of Satan in the doctrines of the Quakers which hee had in the Popish Hierarchy when they inhibited the Scriptures to be read or knowne in their owne mother-tongues to the Layitie to wit to keepe them in Ignorance one of the chiefest policies that Satan hath to perpetuate his kingdome in the darke world 19. That James Naylors Directorie is quite contradictory to the Directorie of Scripture And is as much to some men as if hee should expresly bid them to eye and observe and obey Satan instead of the Spirit of God 20. That yet they have not Commission to deceive the Elect totally and finally but such as received not the truth in love 21. That in the Judgement of charitie wee may well beleeve at least that all those people are not obstinately thus lead but Satan deceiveth them and maketh them beleeve that it is no other but the Spirit of God that acteth and teacheth them when notwithstanding it is but himselfe And how he deceiveth them is shewed at large 22. An objection is answered to wit how they come to be so spirited and acted and changed from what they were before If it be not indeed the Spirit of God In answer whereunto is shewed by what stepps and degrees they attaine these things 23. A serious Admonition to beware of the least of those stepps whereby they come to be delived up of God to such strong delusions and to be spirited and acted by that lying spirit instead of the Spirit of truth which stepps are chiefely these 1. Satan by his Ministers worketh them up to a dislike of the Ministers of God and of the Christian professors 2. Of all the Ordinances of God 3. Of the Scriptures themselves as all but carnall and a dead letter and vaine unto them 4. To Reproach and despise them which is expresse blasphemie and then hee hath power to spirit them and act them at pleasure 24. Here is also added a paralell List of some of the manifest contradictions betwixt the teachings of that spirit in the Quakers and the expresse teachings of the Spirit of God A BREEFE ANSWER To some erroneous TENENTS held forth by JAMES NAYLOR In his Answers unto Baxter and some others that have publickly opposed that black Spirit in the deluded QVAKERS to wit HE alledgeth that Scripture Rom 10.8 The word is nigh thee in thy heart and in thy mouth And further he saith that this word of Faith the Apostles preached which was in peoples hearts All which in some sence is true and he saith further that such were not Ministers of the letter but of the Spirit The which in some sence must needs also be true for it is in the scripture But he saith further Nor did ever say the letter was the Word The which I utterly deny if he mean by the letter any part of Scripture the which I shal make appeare by the help of God from many Scripture grounds which he owneth in his Answers unto Baxter as truths of God I mean the scripture But first I must clear the meaning of those words of the Apostle to wit Not of the letter but of the Spirit for the letter killeth but the spirit giveth life 2 Cor 3.6 Now it is plain what rhe Spirit of God intendeth by it if we read the Verses following to wit 7 8 9. where the Apostle maketh a comparison betwixt the glory of the Law and that of the Gospel the ministration of Moses and that of Christ and therein maketh the Law as a ministration of condemnation and of death but the ministration of the Gospel the ministration of the Spirit and of Righteousness which is through Jesus Christ and so of life So that his meaning is clear to any that wil understand that he doth not mean as though the Apostles did not Preach and ground their Doctrines from sacred Scripture but that by preaching of Faith from scripture grounds they minister life to those that were spiritually slain by the letter of the Law For in regard that no flesh can be justified in the sight of God by keeping of the Law in regard they cannot fulfil it in every point and therefore lye under death and condemnation spiritually I mean being condemned by it in their souls and Consciences and as it were bound over unto death and hel without hope of recovery and that unto all eternity in their own apprehensions in the fight of God having transgressed the Law They so remain as it were without hope and without God in the world til it pleaseth God to revive and quicken them to a lively hope and confidence in God by the ministration of the spirit of life which is not ministred by Preaching the works of the Law but by the hearing of faith preached see Gal 3.2 So that it is clear what the Apostle meaneth and intendeth to teach us when he declared that they were able Ministers not of the letter but of the spirit and that spirit within if it be of God doth so apprehend it and wil own it as a truth of God And therefore James Naylor is either much mistaken and so is but fallibly guided or else obstinately wicked in drawing such inferences from this scripture as to account them no Ministers of God that are Ministers of the letter and ground their Doctrines thereon For the Spirit is
not be well accepted if wee justifie our selves in such poore degrees and measures of love both to God and men 3. For hee requireth fruit suitable to his tillage as is easie to prove the moralitie of such duties from the nature of love as it may be I shall the Lord assisting mee 4. But without all controversie in such cases as abovesaid to give more then a tenth yea if need require to sell all that wee have and give it to the poore or if called to it even to lay downe our lives for the brethren which is the most of all yet it is nothing too much under Gospell-dispensations for it was never so plainely and properly required of the Jewish Nation for it is commanded even by Christ and by his holy Apostles And suitable promises both of treasure in heaven and a supply on earth both to us and ours that wee shall not want nor have lacke of any thing As in the primitive times it was really exemplified They trusted God and obeyed his word and even made all things common and his promise was made good so that there was none that lacked And this in all likelihood will be so againe when the hearts of the fathers are turned to the children and the hearts of the children unto their fathers Which is as much to say as when the Spirit of God in the Ministrie of his Word taketh a kindly Impression in the hearts of his people so as to naturalize them to himselfe and the Ministers and people one to another so as to make them one as God is one yea like the primitive Church Of one heart and of one minde For then they proove and exemplifie the naturallnesse of the Law For then onely and not till then nor but onely with such who are so joyned can it ever be expected nor will it ever be suitable to have all things common nor could it else be expected that none should lacke and be neglected And without all question wee ought to be one as God is one as Christ hath prayed for us and as it may therefore certainly be expected for all his prayers were effectuall And therefore wee ought to endeavour after this unitie in the spirit which is the bond of all true peace and amitie And so often as wee pray that the kingdome of God might come with power that is to say that the Spirit of God might Rule in our hearts so often we pray that the kingdome of God might come so with power to all his people and that wee might be one as God is one and that wee might be one in him see John 17.21 ver 22 23. Nay if it cannot be denyed but that not onely our goods but even our lives and all should be readie at hand to be offred up in behalfe of our brethren and for the glory of God in witnesse to his truth if wee are called too it And if the love of Christ and the love of the brethren should be so ardent in us as to make us willing even to part with our lives in such a case How much rather should it easily induce us to part with our goods and that not onely a tenth but all that we have For as the Apostle John affirmeth Hereby perceive wee the love of God because hee hath laid downe his life for us And wee ought to lay downe our lives for the brethren But whoso hath this worlds goods and seeth his brother have need and shutteth up his bowells of compassion from him how dwelleth the love of God in him My little children let us not love in word nor in tongue onely but in deed and in truth Even so I also conclude this infallible resolve from the same ground Resolve That whoever hee be that hath this worlds goods and seeth his brother have need and shutteth up his bowells of compassion from him There is no signe of the love of God in that man But much more when they shutt their bowells from supplying the wants of their faithfull Ministers who teach them in the Word who come unto them in the name of the Lord and bring them glad tydings good newes a rich treasure precious promises blessings from on high Christs owne Embassage representing his person delivering his message and blessing them also in the name of God and the Lord Jesus Christ yea in the name of the most high God possessor of heaven and earth Surely I say it and that without all peradventure that neither the love of God nor the love of Christ nor the love of the brethren nor of his faithfull Embassadors dwelleth in that man Rea For if a man loveth not his brother whom hee hath seene how can hee love God whom hee hath not seene yea the Invisible God whom never man saw neither can see but onely in spirit through an eye of faith save onely in man who is his Image when once perfectly renewed And whom wee ought to love and respect and honour accordingly as wee see his Image repaired in him yea though never so poore and despisable in the world and in the worlds account And therefore to make it cleare that these dutyes of Communication and distribution are morall duties required in the morall Law of God and that they are not Ceremoniall abrogable Lawes but must abide till all be fullfilled Take these further grounds 1. They were not onely Commanded in Horeb but by Christ himselfe and by his holy Apostles see 1 John 3.23 This is his Commandement that wee should beleeve on the name of his Sonne Jesus Christ and love one another as hee gave us Commandement Now the measure of that love which Christ hath Commanded is not a little and so away but the measure is Even as Christ hath loved us But without all controversie if the measure must be so as Christ hath loved us Then it will ingage us if occasion require even to lay downe our lives for the brethren But if it will ingage us to lay downe our lives Then much more our estates as hath been said not onely some but all if need so require for the glory of God and the good of the brethren and for the furtherance of the Gospell Resolve And therefore there needeth no stinting as in the time of the Law to a tenth part For where they are taught of God to love one another with that measure as they ought it will naturally ingage them so as they cannot be satisfied with giving a tenth nor any part at all if need so require but they will part with all and their lives to boote for the name of Christ and rather than any should lacke that belongs to him And though a tenth was sufficient in the time of the Law yet I cannot finde in all the new Testament any ground at all to build our faith That a tenth is sufficient in the dayes of the Gospell nor any stint at all under all that wee have if wee finde it needfull for the
supplying of the necessities of the Saints and faithfull and more especially of the Ministers if it may but any way tend to the furtherance and glory of the Gospell of Christ And therefore give mee leave to argue for the furtherance of the Gospell upon this occasion Ar 1. If all that wee have yea our lives and all be due unto God when he calleth for them upon these accounts before named 2. And that hee hath not stinted us to any lesser part than all as sufficiently due and liberall when need requireth 3. And if the primitive examples in giving all they had to the common stocke whiles they did continue to be of one heart and of one minde was spoken of as a commendable thing and that which was but suitable to the professors of the Gospell 4. Nay if it was no more but what the love of God and the love of the brethren did naturally ingage and induce them too least there should be amongst them any that lacked either of the Apostles or brethren 5. Nay if God requireth and expecteth fruit suitable to his tillage And therefore the more free and splendorous and glorious dispensations that God holdeth forth in the dispensation of the Gospell of Christ Even speaking to us by his Sonne whom hee hath made heire of all things and by whom also hee made the worlds see Heb 1 2 3 4. and to the end of the Chapter wherein appeareth that he is our Land-Lord 6. And if wee should give the more earnest heede to the things which wee have heard least at any time wee should let them slip 1 Rea Because if the word spoken by Angells was stedfast and every transgression and disobedience received a just recompence of reward Then wee cannot possibly escape if wee neglect so great salvation which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him God also bearing them witnesse both with signes and wonders and gifts of the holy Ghost according to his owne will see Chap 2.1 2 3 4. 2 Rea Because it is dangerous to refuse him that speaketh from heaven to wit Christ And more dangerous than refusing him that spake on earth to wit Moses see Heb 12.21 3 Rea Because wee ought to consider and to honour and obey the Lord Jesus Christ as the Apostle and high Priest of our profession yea more and rather and that by many degrees above Moses by how much the more hee that buildeth a house hath more honour then the house and as hee that is the Sonne hath more honour then the servant see Chap Nay as hee that hath built all things hath more honour then hee that hath built but some thing see vers 4. 7. And if Christ himselfe hath commanded this manner and measure of love to be found visibly amongst his Disciples That all men might know that wee are his Disciples 8. And if this boundlesse love cannot nor ought not nor never was limited to pay a tenth part nor any under a tenth but that it naturally produceth all if need so require 9. And if wee ought to prove and exemplifie the naturallnesse of our love Conclusion Then without all controversie or peradventure when need so requireth to give a tenth part of that wherewith the Lord hath increased us is but a sparing due in comparison of that which Christ hath commanded when hee commanded it as due First in the Law To love God above all and our neighbour as our selves And secondly when hee commanded such manner of love and such a measure also as hee himselfe had really exemplified and shewed to us And that wee should shew it forth not in word onely but in deed and in truth Not in having of bowells of compassion and shutting them up but in giving of those things that are needfull and convenient and that may expresse our bountifullnesse and not sparing spirits to be really in us Else wee doe not realize the love of God to be dwelling in us see John 3.17 And againe saith hee plainely This is my commandement that yee love one another as I have loved you And greater love then this hath 〈◊〉 then that a man lay downe his life for his friends see John 15.12 13. And againe These things I command you that yee love one another vers 17. And againe as answering an objection which hee foresaw in their minds to wit That if they loved one another and shewed such peculiar love one to another then the world would hate them the more The which he cutteth off clearely as altogether invalid saying If the world doe hate you yee know that it hated mee before it hated you see vers 18. and to the end And give mee leave a little to ingrate upon the spirits of men yea that whoever readeth or heareth these Resolves might consider with mee and so freely acknowledge as sure none can deny but that these very words are the words of Christ and the commands of Christ And therefore as wee doe know them and faithfully beleeve that they are his words Let us take heed yea diligent heed and the more heed also least wee let them slip Even because they are his words whom wee ought to love honour and obey in all things And that not as man onely but as God himselfe And therefore let no excuses serve our turnes like them that heard the Law at first because they could not abide that which was commanded see Heb For wee must abide and obey also what Christ hath commanded wee cannot be excused as the Israelites were For he likewise exemplified what he hath commanded in his owne person and in our nature And therefore whoever he be that will not hearken to the word of God which Christ hath spoken in his name God will require it of him see Deut 18.18 19. And therefore let no man deceive us with vaine words For God is not mocked but wee shall finde that his words are true when all men living on the face of the earth shall be found lyars And these are his words concerning such measure and manner of love as hee requireth of us let us take heed therefore least wee let them slip or least wee finde excuses as if wee will give eare to excuses wee shall finde too many and all but such as will not serve our turne nor cleare our consciences in the sight of God 1. And first beware of giving eare to the Quakers For they tell us if wee can beleeve them that our Ministers are carnall and hirelings and looke onely for gaine from their quarters and much to that purpose as hath been shewed And likewise that all professors are carnall that frequent the Ordinances and have need of the teachings of men or of the Scripture it selfe and that all Ordinances are vaine and uselesse and shall come to nought But doe not beleeve them I hope there hath sufficient proofe been held forth in this little Treatise to prove them
gather strong Resolutions to take Solomons advise to wit to cast our bread upon the waters In regard that after many dayes wee shall finde it And to give a portion to seaven and also to eight in regard wee know not what evill shall be upon the earth And the advice also of our blessed Saviour to make our selves friends with the unrighteous mammon that when wee faile they may receive us into everlasting habitations Now to cast our bread upon the waters and to expect to finde it after many dayes would seeme very unlikely But though our Communicating to the Ministers or giving to the poore seeme as unlikely as that in our apprehensions for yeelding us any returne yet wee need not feare the promise of Christ is cleare wee shall in no wise loose our reward in regard wee doe it in a good intent either out of love to the Ministers or compassion to the poore or in love and obedience unto Christ or because they belong to him or for the furtherance of the Gospell and the glory of God yea though wee be not certaine that they are any such men yet if wee be not certaine to the contrary let us account it as our duty and let not covetousnesse sway us to the contrary for it will be to our losse if wee neglect our duties 3 Object A third Objection may be raised to wit That in many places the Ministers are provided for by tithes and other wayes so as they need not to us for any such communication the poore are provided for in another way according to equalitie so as wee have many of us that are Christians little occasion at all to expresse our thankfullnesse to God for his increasing of us in these respects of Communication and Distribution And therefore wee may well beleeve that our vocall and cordiall thankfullnesse to God in such a case may serve the turne Answ I answer that if wee put apart by it selfe as the Lord hath increased us with a full purpose of heart to expresse our gratitude for such his mercies when occasion is offered for workes of pietie or workes of charitie The Lord will finde us occasions suitable for disbursing the same in due time If hee that seeth our hearts see us willing and obedient and cordially thankfull as wee ought to be And so will finde us occasion to lay up our treasure in heaven where neither moth nor canker can corrupt neither theeves dig through and steale And there is one argument which might make us earnest and very diligent in seeking occasions to distribute and communicate if wee were but as wise in our generation as the men of this world If wee can beleeve what Christ hath promised us and if wee cannot doubtlesse it is our shame and will be too our losse And that is this to wit It is evident and needeth no more proofe that the men of this world are earnest and diligent in seeking how to lay out their moneys for gaine and profit and rather then let it lye rusting by they will be content with a very little as six or eight or ten in the hundreth and that for a whole yeare but in case they heare of a good bargaine either of land or merchandize how industrious they will be to buy it themselves and to prevent others and sometimes to defeat and beguile their neighbours to get it before them or take it out of their hands and very injuriously being so covetous of it But Christ hath promised us not onely ten in the hundreth but an hundreth for ten nay an hundreth fold in this present life besides in the world to come life everlasting for what ever it be that wee forsake or part withall for his sake and the Gospell And yet wee are such fooles in these respects that if occasions and necessities and it may be shame it selfe doe not finde us out and almost compell us thereto wee seldome seeke any such occasions but are likemeere unthrifts in these respects In so much that our constant practise yea I may say of the generalitie of Christians is as though wee did not beleeve any truth at all in these plaine and faithfull promises of our blessed Saviour For else without question wee should be more diligent in seeking and more glad in finding such occasions and opportunities of doing good and of communicating And I am afraid it tendeth greatly to our detriment here and in the life to come For the manifest wisdome of the men of this world in their generation and things of this life shall certainly rise up in Judgement against us and condemne our folly for having a price in our hands and opportunities offred us and neglecting to take them whiles wee have time And knowing also both the uncertaintie of riches and of our time and lives as wee cannot but know and see by experience And considering also that wee cannot deny but if wee take it not and be obedient and free and liberall in these respects wee neglect our duties both to God and men The Lord grant us more solid wisdome in these respects then is yet exemplified amongst the best of Christians else our reckoning will be poore when wee come to account how wee have traded with our Talents lent us for this purpose with direction how to use them for the glory of God and the good of men yea for the advancement and furtherance of the Gospell of Christ and for the proofe and exemplifying of the naturallnesse of our love and the truth and visibilitie of our Christianitie and unfained faith and obedience unto God And let us consider a little further to wit What love and respects the Ministers of the Gospell both doe and ought to exspect from us and that not in word and in tongue onely but in deed and in truth Especially considering that wee ought to account them as spirituall Fathers whom wee ought to love and to obey and honour as such if wee be children spiritually begotten And it is but naturall to us that wee should so doe so that wee can hardly doe otherwise if wee be not bastards And wee are necessarily ingaged if wee expect their blessings of us to be effectuall To make them savourie meate that their soules may blesse us as Isaac said to his sonne Esau For it is not bare verball formall blessings that will be efficacious to cause the blessing to rest in our houses and on all that wee have But it must be their faithfull cordiall soule-blessings that can be effectuall or that wee may trust unto to be certainly efficacious as blessings indeed For how can wee expect any such cordiall soule-blessings from such whom wee make not any savorie meate such as their soule loveth if wee shew no love either to God or the Lord Jesus Christ or his faithfull Embassadors and servants how shall they blesse us in faith how can they beleeve that God will make their bleslings efficacious and blessings indeed to such covetous worldlings
who value their carnall worldly things above God and Christ and the furtherance of the Gospell and things of an eternall nature Nay how can or dare they blesse such covetous men whom the Lord abhorres which is onely proper to wicked men I say it is onely proper for wicked men to blesse the covetous whom the Lord abhorres see Psal 10.3 And what greater signe of covetousnesse can be exhibited then the neglect of this duty And the love of money is the roote of all evill therefore how shall any man expect any good branches or sprouts from it I am very confident and not without many good grounds from Scripture which I can easily shew that this sinne of covetousnesse doth and may raigne in professors of Religion and they not discover it in themselves but may expect salvation through Jesus Christ till they depart this life and yet be eternally damned see onely for this Mat 25.41 to the end where their sentence is pronounced against them altogether for their neglect of duty even to the least of those little ones that beleeve in Christ and is really accounted as a neglect of duty to him to wit I was hungry and yee gave mee no meate c. The place is well knowne I wish it were as well laid to heart by all that professe Christianitie There would not so many goe blindfold to hell One would thinke it sufficient to know these things before-hand to warne all men as the Apostle doth to beware of covetousnesse as the most dangerous roote of sinne that can be least growing in the heart of man And the rather because it hath so many cloakes and covers both to hide it selfe from our owne eyes and the eyes of others As frugalitie good husbandry providing for our families the examples of other men that are well accounted of for Christianitie and the expectation of others that are nearer in relation for doing such works as are required of us and the faults discernable or suspected to be in the objects of our charitie or beneficence or because wee have not enough for our selves but that wee may come to want it for our selves or ours or wee are not yet sufficiently rich in lands or goods our neast is not throughly feathered for our selves and ours our ambition is not satisfied and such like many which are easily produced they are so common and every one hath them ready upon all occasions to hinder them from doing good the answering whereof would make my booke swell to a great volume But this I say briefly that if any of these or any other beare sway in us to hinder us in the least from our duties this way it is a great signe that covetousnesse raignes in us for the present and that so continuing it will bring us to hell one would thinke it enough to know that the Lord abhorres us if wee be covetous to make us to abhorre our selves and repent in dust and ashes for the least token of it to be found in us For whom the Lord abhorres wee ought to abhorre likewise wee ought to hate covetousnesse where ever wee see it in our selves or others And where wee see it raigne in any man wee ought to abhorre such a man as odious and abominable yea as a base spirited and ignoble person such as is not worthy of any Christian fellowship or communion The Apostle hath enumerated covetous persons amongst such as are so scandalous as that they are not to be compared together with if they be of such as are called brethren see 1 Cor 5.11 And so doe I likewise if they appeare to be such but these many cloakes doe so hide and cover them both from themselves and others as Judas was hid from the Disciples under specious pretences and covers to his utter destruction That they are not easily found out but goe for Saints of God and without so much as being suspected And were it not for swelling my booke over great it were easie to discover this odious sinne and such in whom it raignes and to make them appeare odious by convincing arguments and that from Scripture-grounds such as no man can deny But it would require a prettie volume I must not be so large in this Treatise but shall leave the further prosecution thereof till another opportunitie A paralell list of some of the manifest contradictions betwixt the teachings of the Spirit of God and of that spirit by which the Quakers are guided spirited and acted to wit 1. Their spirit teacheth them that there is no light but one spoken of in Scripture and that this light is within in every mans conscience and so they must turne their minds inward to looke for light and obey that measure of light they finde there for it is sufficient to leade them into all truth and to guide them in all the wayes of God and is an infallible guide so that if they obey that light within they cannot eire nor commit any sinne and that if they have but the least measure of the Spirit of God it is sufficient so that they need not to search the Scriptures for attaining to the knowledge of God and of Christ nor the teachings of men for they have that within them which will teach them sufficiently And all have this light they say yea every one that commeth into the world and this light is Christ the eternall light But the Spirit of God teacheth us That there are more lights than one though all from that eternall light For saith Christ As long as I am in the world I am the light of the world John 9.5 And saith he Yee are the light of the world speaking to his Disciples Mat. 5.14 15 16. Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good workes c. And John was a burning and a shining light Now these inferiour lights are not lighted to be put under a bushell but on a Candlesticke that they may give light to the whole house to wit the whole Church they were lighted from that eternall light for that purpose and not to be covered Nor shall their light held forth in Scripture be covered from the true Church but they doe and shall give heed thereto as to a light shining in a darke place Nay though Satan himselfe be transformed into an Angell of light They shall not beleeve every spirit but try the spirits whether they be of God seeing many false Prophets are gone forth into the world And by their fruits they shall know them and finde them to be Theeves and Robbers and shall detect them by the light of God held forth in Scripture which is a sure word of Prophesie containing many sure examples and patternes and commands which are and shall be as a lanterne to their feete and a light unto all their pathes And therefore they will give attendance unto reading and to exhortation and to doctrine and they will teach them to their children and to their childrens