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A73183 Qvi non credit condemnabitvr Marc. 16. Or A discourse prouing, that a man who beleeueth in the Trinity, the Incarnation, the Passion &c. & yet beleeueth not all other inferiour articles of Christian fayth, cannot be saued And consequently, that both the Catholike, and the Protestant (seeing the one necessarily wanteth true fayth) cannot be saued. Written by William Smith, Priest. Smith, William, Priest. 1625 (1625) STC 22872.5; ESTC S124609 77,182 179

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death Conradus Schlussenburge a famous Protestant thus writteth Deus (m) In Theolog. Caluinis l. 1. f. 72. manu sua potenti c. God with his mighty hand did visit Caluin for he despaired of his saluation called vpon the Diuels and gaue vp his soule swearing and blaspheming Caluin dyed being eaten away with lice for they so bred about his priuy members that none about him could endure the stench and smell Thus farre the foresayd Protestant 3. Now then seeing all these men beleeued all the fundamentall points of Christian Religion as the Trinity the Incarnation the Passion c. seeing also they were the most principal men that first introduced and after disseminated Protestancy throughout the world spending their whole liues in spreading defending the same by their writings Finally seeing God did cut them off by such most miserable calamitous and prodigious deaths which is to be feared were but presages of the eternall deaths of their soules who can otherwaies be persuaded but that all this was wrought by the iust hand of God Not so much for their personall sinnes proceeding of humane frailty for there were many others as great sinners as they who haue escaped such dreadfull ends but for their first inuēting maintaining preaching of the Protestant faith and Religion infecting all countreyes with such their false and sensuall doctrines which being granted how then can it with any touche of reason be supposed that the positions of Protestancy impugned by the Catholikes should containe nothing but matters of indifferency Or that a man whether he beleeue them or not beleeue them may alike and indifferently be saued The same proued from the doctrine of Recusancy taught by Catholikes and Protestants CHAP. XII I Haue thought good to draw another argumēt from the common taught and approued doctrine of Recusancy in euery Religion though this head may seeme to haue a speciall reference to the reason aboue touched in part be therin implicitely included wherein is shewed that nature her selfe hath imprinted in the professours of all Religions a religious care punctually to keep preserue euery article of their Religion both in beliefe practise Now here we are to premonish that if in the iudgment of all learned men both Catholikes and Protestants it is thought an action most wicked and vnlawfull and not to be performed but without finall repentance vnder paine of eternall damnation that a man should communicate only in going to the Church to heare but a sermon contrary to that Religion which himselfe beleiueth to be true though this may seeme to be coloured vnder pretence of obseruing the Princes commandements and for feare of loosing our temporall estates I say if this action be thought vnlawfull wherein neuerthelesse the performers therof doe punctually vndertake not to maintaine or to beleeue any one hereticall or erroneous position how then can it be reputed as consonant to reason that men beleiuing different opinions of faith and promiscuously communicating in prayer with a contrary Religion to their owne should neuerthesse all be saued since the first fault consisteth as some would interpret though falsely only in an externall and materiall as the schoolemen speake going to the Church of a different Religion wheras the others do directly and openly sinne in defending articles of Religion contrary to the truth of Christian Religion for such is the case herein either of Catholiks or protestants 2. Now that this kind of going to Church of a different Religion is wholely condemned as most vnlawfull and wicked I first proue from the iudgments of the Protestants secondly from the resolutions of the Catholikes And to begin with the Protestants we find this kind of Recusancy I meane to be present at the sermons or prayers of a different Religion is taught by (a) De vitandis superstitio extant in tract Theolog. p. 584. Caluin by the (b) Alleaged by Sleydan in com englished l. 7. f. 87. Deuines of Germany by (c) In cōcil Theol. p. 628. Melancthon by (d) In his discourse hereof recited in Melanct. treatise de concil Theolog. pa. 934. 635. Peter Martyr and finally to omit others by D. Willet (e) In synops printed 1600. p. 612. 613. c. who for the better fortifying and warranting of the sayd opinion produceth his testimonyes from the authorityes of Latimer Bradford Philpot Ridley and others diuers of which according to this their doctrine suffered death in Queene Maries tyme as appeareth out of Foxes acts and Monuments And thus much for the Protestants That the Catholikes do with the like or greater feruour teach practise this recusancy is cleare by the example in our owne Countrey where since Protestancy was first planted many stores of venerable and learned Priests haue chosen rather to suffer death then they would change their Religion or goe once to the Protestants Church their liues being commonly proferred them if so they would conforme themselues and leaue their recusancy In like sorte many hundred of the laity pay yearely great sommes of money for their recusancy diuers of them enduring further oppressions disgraces and imprisonement only for the same cause through the rigour malice and couetousnes of subordinat Magistrates his maiesty whose clemency is most remarkeable whome God long preserue in his gouernement ouer vs being herein mightily wronged through the false and most iniurious informations of their aduersaryes 3. Now that the doctrine of learned Catholikes is answearable to the practise heerein appeareth from the frequent testimonies of diuers learned men of the Catholike Church of this tyme yet for greater breuity I will insist in the authorityes only of three to wit Cardinall Baronius Cardinall Bellarmine the two late lampes of Gods Church and of Mutius Vitellescus then but Prouinciall now Generall and head of the order of the Iesuits dispersed throughout all Christendome For some yeares past their iudgments being demanded whether the Catholiks of Englād for the sauing of their goods liuings and liberty might goe to the Protestant Church or not to heare a sermon though otherwayes they did not communicate in prayers and sacraments with the Protestants these three learned holy men besides diuers others most eminent Doctours and writers whome I heere omit did giue their negatiue sentence therein whose particuler wordes in latine I haue thought good heere to set downe The iudgment of Cardinall Baronius Visis consideratis quae superius diligenti peruestigatione in vtramque partem disputata reiectis omnino exsufflatis quae pro parte affirmatiua fuere proposita quod scilicet liceret Catholicis adire Ecclesias Haereticorum vt superius sunt proposita inhaeremus saniori sententiae posteriori ab Ecclesia Catholica antiquitus receptae vsu probatae quod scilicet ita facere pijs non liceat quam rogo nostros Catholicos Anglos amplecti ex animo Caesar Card. Baronius tituli SS Nerei Achillei Presb. I hauing seene and
reason then that a bare opinion not relying vpon any supernaturall grounds as hauing neither God for its Reuealer nor the Church for its propounder conceaued only through moral inducements therefore euer standing obnoxious to errour and mistaking should be able to purchase eternall saluation to mans soule 17. Againe how aduerse is it to all true iudgment to auerre that it is no preiudice or hinderance to mans saluation to beleeue those principle of Religion which teach aduance all liberty sensuality in conuersation and manners do depresse and disparadge all chastity fasting voluntary pouerty keeping of the commandements all rigorous and painefull workes and labours of vertue piety and mortification For it is most contradictory in the very tearmes and no lesse repugnāt to Gods sacred word that that doctrine which transferreth (x) Iud● vers 4. the grace of God into wantonnes should be accounted the (y) Mat. 7. Luc. 13. strict way which leadeth vnto life 18. Furthermore can it be conceaued as sorting to Gods most mercifull proceeding with man that he should cut off the liues of those mē with most feareful sodaine prodigious deaths who first broached the doctrines of Protestancy if the sayd doctrines had eyther bene true in thēselues or at least of that coldnes or indifferency as that they might stand with the soules saluation No God is iust and withall mercifull therefore neuer extraordinarily punisheth but for extraordinary sinnes poore men that these were who compare as it should seeme both in the diuulging of their mendacious and lyinge doctrines as also in their vnexpected and sodaine death with the false Prophets of (z) 3. Regum Achab. 9. But to hasten to an end in the ennumeration of the Absurdities following the foresaid paradox of saluation in euery Religion and to come to that which within its owne lardgnes inuolueth many improbabilities For if Catholikes and Protestants notwithstanding the disparity of their fayth can both attaine to Heauen in vaine then is the doctrine of recusancy taught ioyntly on both sides and in vaine haue so many sortes of Reuerend and learned Preists others of the laity in our owne Country whose blessed soules I beseech to pray to God dayly for the remission of my many sinnes suffred cruell deaths in the late Queenes raigne only because they refused to present themselues to the sermons of the Protestants but they are gone most happely gone since Clauis (a) Tert. de prescr Paradisi sanguis Martyrum In vaine likewyse these later yeares haue diuers lay persons endured contrary to his Maiesties naturall inclination most prone to mercy and commiseration great losses disgraces and imprisonements only for the same cause But who can thinke that learned men should be so prodigall of their liues and blood and English Catholikes so insensible of their temporall states children and posterity as that they would willfully precipitate and cast themselues into those miseries only for not beleeuing and exercising points of indifferency such as may stand with their soules eternall happines In vaine also then haue the learned men on both sides spent out their whole liues in defending each man his owne Religion in their most paineful and voluminous bookes writtings if so they dissented one from another in matters of such supposed small importance Finally in vaine and without iust cause therefore most cruelly haue many forren states in Christendome imposed proscriptions bannishments and other insupportable disgraces to such of their owne subiects as will not imbrace their owne doctrine and Religion though both sides did conspire and agree in the fundamentall points of faith In vaine also both in former times and at this present haue there beene are such Insurrection of subiects against their Princes such bloody implacable warres betweene absolute Princes themselues such deuastation depopulation of whole Countries such mayne battells feilds fought with losse of diuers hundred thousands liues and lastly such incessant vninterrupted beseiging takinge of great Citties and townes with effusion for the most part of much innocent blood of weomen and children and all this originally and principally for matter of Religion I say in vaine most iniuriously haue all these attempts and actions beene vndertaken if the disagreement in Religiō for which they are vndertaken between Catholikes Protestants were of that reconcileable nature as that the professours on both sides notwithstanding their diuersity of faith might ioyntly be saued 20. What can we now reply hereto in behalfe of our Newtralists Shall we say that the most learned men of all Religions the Kings Princes States and all their subiects of all Christendome were and still are actually madd and out of their senses in managing these their deplorable attemptes for Religion and that our all reconciling and peaceable Newtralists who through his pliable sterne of disposition in these spirituall matters is become in kindred as aboue is touched of the halfe blood with the Atheist and who is commonly deprehended to want learning grace and vertue is peculiarly enlightened by God in setting downe what articles of fayth are only necessary to mans saluation and what are to be reputed but as accessary and of smaller importance To such straites we see is the defence of the former doctrine driuen vnto Seeing therefore this doctrine of our Omnifidians or Nullifidians for indeed while they seeme to allow all Religions they take away all Religion is encompassed on all sides with so many notorious absurdityes as are displayed in this Chapter seeing it cannot be true except there be a retrogradation of all matters heere on earth and a turning of the world as they say vpside downe that is except the most learned become most madd and the most ignorant most wise And except truth in doctrine be necessarily to be accompanyed with infinite grosse absurdityes and errour and falsehood fortifyed and countenaunced with store of proofes both diuine humane as if God did purposely lay trappes to ensnare mans iudgment Therefore since such comportement and carriage of things is not sutable and correspondent to Gods prouidence and charity towardes mankind let euery man who thinketh he hath a soule to saue or loose vndoubtedly assure himselfe that there is but one true fayth or religion wherein he may auayleably expect saluation and that this fayth of Christ wherewith the soule is clothed is like to the inconsutible garment of Christ both being incapable of diuision renting or partition 21. Now for the greater illustration of this point by way of similitude and as tending towards the closure of this treatise Imagine that a man pretendeth right and title to certaine lands and taketh aduise of all the learned Lawyers and Counsailours of the whole Realme to whome he showeth all his euidences of which some do cary a title only in grosse and in general others proue a more particuler and more restrayned right to the sayd lands Imagine further that
them any way hurtefull to their saluation CHAP. V. The same proued from the want of vnity in fayth betweene Catholikes and Protestants in articles necessary to be beleeued and yet not expressed in the Creede IN this third and last place we will insist in certaine controuersyes of Religion so differently maintayned by Catholikes and Protestants as that graunting the maintaynours of the one side to hould the truth it followeth that the other party vphouldeth falsehood and heresy Now for the more dangerous wounding of our Newtralizing Protestants heerein I will omit here to speak of the Controuersies touching Purgatory Praying to Saints Free-will Monachisme and diuers others such like and will restraine my selfe only to these Controuersies the subiect of which Cōtrouersyes are taught by the one side to be vnder Christ the immediate meanes of our grace saluation and denyed by the other party to be of any such force and efficacy for the soules euerlasting good and consequently in regard of their subiect are one way necessarily to be beleeued So as if it be showed that the Protestants and the Catholiks do mainly dissent in the meanes of obtayning grace purchasing of saluation it must of necessity be inferred that both the Protestants and the Catholikes continuing in such their state cannot obtaine grace and saluation since not only Philosophy but euen naturall reason teacheth vs that he neuer shall attaine the end who vseth eyther not the same meanes which are only and necessarily instituted to the gayning of the sayd end 1. But to procced to these points First Concerning the sacraments in generall the Catholikes doe beleeue that all of them where no iust impediment is do conferre grace into the soule of man by the helpe and continuance of which grace the soule in the end obtayneth its saluation The Protestants do not ascribe any such supernaturall effect or operation of grace to them 2. And to come more particulerly to the Sacraments Touching Baptisme the Catholikes beleeue That children being borne in Originall sinne cannot be saued except they be baptized with water according to those wordes of S. Iohn 3. Vnlesse a man be borne againe of water and the spirit he cannot enter into the kingdome of God The Protestants (a) Willet in his meditat in Psal 122. Calu. Beza frequently beleeue that infāts dying vnbaptised may be saued 3. Touching the Sacrament of Pennance or Confession the Catholikes beleeue That after a Christian hath committed any one mortall sinne that sinne cannot be forgiuen him but at least in voto by meanes of confessing the sayd sinne to a Priest of the new Testament and receauing absolution thereof from him answerably to that of S. Iohn 20. Whose sinnes you shall forgiue they are forgiuen them and whose sinnes you shall retayne they are retayned The Protestants beleeue that neyther the confession of sinnes to man nor the absolution of man is necessary for the remitting of them but that it is sufficient to confesse them only to God And thus according to the diuersity of doctrine either the Protestant for want of this sacrament after he hath mortally sinned cannot be saued or Catholiks for wrongfully imposing this yoak vpon Christiās do loose their saluation 4. Touching the most Blessed Eucharist the Catholikes beleeue That the very body and bloode doth lye ineffably and latently vnder the formes of bread and wine according to that This is my body This is my blood Math. 26. That vnlesse we eate his body and drinke his blood we shall not haue life euerlasting Iohn 6. Lastly That we are to adore Christ his body being accompanyed with his diuinity in the sayd Sacraments The Protestants do beleeue that Christs true body as neuer leauing heauen cannot possibly be truly and really vnder the forme of Bread and Wine and consequently they beleeue that the eating of his body and drinkinge of his blood is not necessary to saluation Finally they hould our adoration of the Sacrament to be open Idolatry and tearme Catholikes Idolaters for adoring of it And thus eyther the Protestāts as not feeding vpon this celestiall food shall not haue life euerlasting if the Catholikes doctrine heerein be true or els Catholikes suppose which God forbid they should erre for teaching and practising idolatry heerein should incurre damnation 5. Touching the meanes of our Iustification The Catholikes beleeue That not only fayth but workes also do iustify The Protestants reiect al workes from Iustification teachinge that only fayth doth iustify man yea they further proceed affirming that who once hath true fayth is most assured and certaine (b) Calu. in instit passim Kemnit in exam Conc. Tri of his saluation whereas the Catholikes reputing this as a meere presumption are willing according to the Apostle Phil. 2. To worke their saluation with feare and tremblinge To be short the Protestants do teach that a man by thinking himselfe to be iust is by this meanes become iust whereas the Catholikes do hould this doctrine not only to be phantasticall but also (c) Bella. l. 3. de Iustificatione in reason most absurd 6. Touching Grace without which a man cannot be saued the catholiks beleeue That God out of the Abysse and deapth of his infinite mercy offereth to euery Christian sufficient grace whereby he may be saued and therefore they do encourage euery one to endeauour to seeke their saluation The (d) Calu. Beza in whole treatises D. Willet sinopsi 1600. p. 789. Protestāts teach that God giueth not this sufficiency of grace to euery one but to certaine men only that diuers there are who notwithstanding al their endeauour to beleeue truly and liue vertuously yet they cannot nor shall not be saued 7. Touching the Decalogue or ten Commandements the Catholiks beleeue That except a Christian do keepe them he cannot be saued according to our Sauiour If thou wilt enter into lyfe keepe the Commandements Math. 19. The (e) The impossibility of the commandements is taught by D. Reynolds 2. conclus annexed to his conference p. 697. D. Willet in synopsi p. 564. Protestants do absolutly teach an impossibility of keeping them And thereupon Luther thus affirmeth The ten Commandements (f) Ser. de Moyse appertaine not vnto vs. 8. Lastly touching the Pope or Bishop of Rome the Catholikes do beleeue That he is vnder Christ the supreme Pastour vpon earth that who doth not communicate with him in sacraments and doctrine not yeelding him all true obedience in subiecting their iudgments in matters of fayth to his iudgment and sentential definitions cannot be saued The Protestants doe teach that the Bishop of Rome is that Antichrist which is deciphred by the (g) 2 Thess 2. Apoc. 13 17. Apostle and which is the designed ennemy of Christ and that whosoeuer embraceth his doctrine or enthralleth as they write their assents to his cathedrall decrees in points of Religion cannot obtayne saluation 9. Thus farre of these pointes of which I haue made
from the communion of the Church is no longer a member of the sayd Church 4. This verity to wit That Schismaticks are not members of the Church of Christ is besides the former proofes warranted with the authorityes sentences of the ancient Fathers And first S. Cyprian thus purposely writeth of Schismatikes Qui (h) Lib. 4. ep 9. ad Florē cum Episcopo non sunt in Ecclesia non sunt Those who agree not with the Bishop meaning the supreme Bishop of Gods Church are not in the Church And againe the sayd (i) Lib. de vnitate Ecclesiae Father most elegantly cōpareth Schismatikes to Beames diuided from the sunne to Boughs cut off from the tree to Riuers wholy separated from their springes Saint Chrysostome discoursing of Schismatikes thus sayth Schismatis (k) Hom 3. in ep 1 ad Cor. significantia satis eos arguit c. The very signification of this word schisme is a sufficient and vehement condemnatiō of them c. Which Father in another (l) Hom. 13. in ep ad Ephes place compareth a schismatike to the hand cut off from the body which thereupon ceaseth to be a member and expressely affirmeth that Schismatiks though they consent with the Church of Christ in doctrine yet are not in the Church of Christ but in altera Ecclesia meaning in a Church different from the Church of Christ S. Hierome distinguishing schisme from heresy thus discourseth Inter (m) In c. 3. ad Tit. heresim schisma hoc interesse arbitramur c. VVe take this to be the difference betweene heresy schisme that heresy maintayneth a peruerse and false doctrine whereas schisme ab Ecclesia pariter separat in like manner separateth a man from the Church in regard of dissention and disobedience towardes our Bishop S. Augustine thus woūdeth a Schismatike Haeretici (n) lib. de side simbol c. ●0 Schismatici congregationes suas Ecclesias vocant c. Heretiks and Schismatikes do call their congregations the churches But Heretikes doe violate their fayth in beleeuing falsely touching God whereas Schismatikes though they beleeue the same points which we beleeue yet through their dissentions they do not keep fraternall charity wherefore we conclude that neyther an Heretike belongeth to the Catholike church because he loueth not God nor a Schismatike because he loueth not his Neighbour To conclude Fulgentius (o) lib. de fide ad Petrum cap. 38. 39. agreeth with the former Reuer Father in this point saying Firmissime tene c. Beleeue for certaine and doubt not that only Pagans but also Iewes Heretikes and Schismatikes who dye out of the Catholike church are to go to euerlasting fire 5. And thus farre touching Schismatikes who because they be not of the Church of Christ cannot obtaine saluatiō which point being made euident by so many authorityes both diuine and human then much more strongely may we conclude that Heretikes as exceeding the Schismatikes in prauity and malice and being excluded in like sort with thē out of the Church of Christ cannot he saued But before I end this Chapter giue me leaue good Reader to expatiate a little beyonde my designed limits O then you Schismatikes heere in our owne country whose soules are so wholy absorpt in earthy muddy considerations cast your eyes vpon your owne states vse some small introuersies vpon your selues You see what a dangerous censure the ancient Church of Christ by the mouthes of its chiefe Pastors Doctors hath thundred against you It sayth You are not of Christs church you are aliens and strangers therto It further pronounceth That dying in such your state you are all depriued of all hope of saluation Good God what stupor dulnes of yours is this Are you Christians Preferre then Christ before the world Feare your God more then man Giue then to God what is Gods to Caesar what is Caesars Reflect vpon these ensuing principles of the Catholike therefore your owne Religion 6. The one that God ordinarily deriueth his grace vnto mans soule by the conduicts of his sacraments and giueth absolution of ones sinnes particulerly by the sacrament of Pennance and confession you wilfully depriue your selues of the participation of the Sacraments and therby of grace of the remission of your sinnes are you not then as dryed branches void of that heauenly grace which giueth life to the soule You wāt the grace forgiuenes of your sinne s where then is your hope of eternall life Remember the Apostles wordes be afraid Gratia Dei vita aeeterna do not disioyne those asunder which S. Paul hath so inseparably vnited 7. The second the vncertainty of any particuler mans saluation which point is able to strike you dead through feare the rather since it is noe small signe of mans future damnation deliberatly and willfully yeare after yeare to diuide himselfe from the Church of Christ and from al the spirituall influences streaming from thence 8. The third that there is a Purgatory the paines wherof though terminable yet are insupportable Suppose then the best that is that you finally dye with true repentance and reconciled to Gods Church which yet is not in your power but out of the maine Ocean of Gods mercy neuertheles your owne fayth assureth you that you must suffer in that place euen insufferable tormēts for your former dissimulation that your continuance in thus dissembling with God serue but as bellowes the more to blowe that dreadfull fire Oh how great interest then are you to pay in the end for the enioying of this your mispēt time If you be Catholikes though but in hart you beleiue all here said and therfore may the more assuredly presage of your owne future misery If you doe not beleiue these three former points of Catholik Religion then are you lesse damned for want of true faith then otherwayes by your vnchaungeable schismatical liues for want of due conformity to the Church of Christ therefore I wishe you to awake out of that schismaticall letargy of the soule and dayly meditate of that of the Apostle Rom. 10. Corde creditur ad iustitiam ore fit confessio ad salutem With the hart we beleeue vnto iustice but with the mouth confession is made to saluation But I will stay heere my penne remembring my vndertaken subiect and will proceed to the next head The same proued by arguments drawne from reason CHAP. VIIII TO passe from the authority of Gods sacred word his holy Church the ancient Fathers the pillars therof touching the nature of heresy and of Heretikes as also touching the vnity and infalibility of the same Church and the persons disincorporated and separated from it from all which heades it hath beene euidently euicted that a man obstinatly defending any one errour in fayth and Religion cannot expect saluation It now remayneth that the same be made euident by force of reason that therby all men
his passiō prayed for al. But now to cast our eyes backe vpon the foresayd doctrines if all the different opinions of fayth in Controuersies betweene the Catholikes the Protestants were meerely speculatiue without any reference to the vertuous or vicious working operation of the will deriued from them then with some show of reason in a vulgar iudgement it might be auerred that supposing they touch not the Christian fayth they might eyther affirmatiuely or negatiuely be houlden without all dāger of saluation such were the heresyes of (b) See heerafter S. Austin heres 43. Origen teaching that the Diuells in the end of the world should be saued of S. Cyprian touching rebaptization and diuers such like for the maintaining of which points eyther way the wil in respect of any externall working or operation drawn from thence can sucke no poyson But the case is farre different in the former doctrines set downe for we find that the said doctrines which breath nothing but dissolution and all turpitude of manners euen in speculation must forcibly and immediately touch the pulse of the wil the will necessarily beating and indeede breaking out into outward actions of vice liberty according as it remaynes infected with the contagion and poyson of the former doctrinall speculations Well then this vpon necessary inference being granted so as forcible working effect force and operation of the said doctrines are in the wil nothing but liberty disolution of manners improbity sensuality and sinne I referre to the iudgment of any man whether the said doctrines be but pointes of indiferency or no and may be defended and beleiued either way without preiudice to the beleiuers true faith and danger to his Saluation as our formalists doe auerre For can it possibly be conceaued that these doctrines should be reputed indifferēt to mans saluation or in themselues true which as is proued forcibly impell the will to all kind of vice against which God hath thundered out such dreadfull threats as where it is said Psal 91. All they that worke iniquity shal be confounded And againe Ecclesiast 40 Death bloude contention edge of sworde oppression hunger contrition which are created for sinners And further Psal 9.10 God shall raigne snares of fire vpon sinners brimstone with tempestuous windes shal be the portion of their cuppe And heereto I adioyne euen the acknowledgemēt of Protestants themselues who confesse that the liues of the Catholikes are commonly of a more vertuous and better edification then the liues of Protestants who by their owne confessions lye groueling in all sensuality for euen Luther thus sayth heerof When (d) Dominica 26. post Trinitatem we were seduced by the Pope euery man did willingly follow good workes and now euery man neyther sayth nor knoweth any thinge but how to get all to himselfe by exaction pillage theft lying vsury c. To which Confession to omit diuers others Musculus a forward Protestant subscribeth saying Vt (e) In loc com cap. de Decal in expla ●e●tij precepti verum est fateor c. That I may confesse the truth herein they are become so vnlike vnto themselues that whereas in the Papacy they were Religious in their errours and superstition now in the light of the knowne truth they are more prophane c. then the very sonnes of the world Which disparity of liues and conuersation cannot be iustly ascribed to any other cause then in that the Protestāts were ready to put in practise what afore they haue learned by speculation of their owne doctrines Which point then being thus I meane that the doctrines of the Protestants doe depresse vertue and blandish countenance elate vice that therupon the liues of the Protestants by confession of themselues and to the disedifying of their followers are become actually farre worse and lesse vertuous then the liues of the Catholikes I heere demand how it can be warranted with any show of reason that these doctrines of the Protestants begetting so great a change from vertue to vice in their professours can be reputed but as points of indifferency Or that men belieuing them practising them in their conuersation and finally dying in them can be saued so contrary it is to our Sauiours precept Mat. 1● If thou wilt enter into life keepe the Commandements The same proued from the fearefull deaths of the first preachers of Protestancy CHAP. XI IN this next place we wil briefly take a suruay of the particuler deathes of some few of the chiefest Protestants who haue beene the first stāpers broachers of the Controuersyes betweene the Catholikes and the Protestants and then we will leaue to the iudgmēt of others whether those kindes of deaths do befall in Gods accustomed proceeding to men who first did set on foot and maintayned such points positions of Religion as that eyther the beleeuing or not beleeuing of them may well comport stand togeather with mans saluation 2. To beginne then with Luther omitting to speake eyther of his vitious life or of the liues of others hereafter set downe though confessed displayed for such by many of their owne brethren (g) Cochlaeus in vita Lutheri It is certaine that Luther (h) Gualterus in Apologia pro Zuinglio dyed very sodainly for when at supper being in good health he had daintily fed vpon great variety of meates and entertained his guests then with him with witty but dissolute discourses the very same night he dyed Zuinglius was slaine in the warres in Germany vndertaken for Religion only against the Catholikes in which Carres he dyed not as a preacher but as a warriour dyed in the field and yet in such sort that Gualterus an earnest Protestant sayth thus of him Nostri (h) Gualterus in Apologia pro Zuinglio illi c. Diuers of vs are not ashamed to pronounce Zuinglius to haue dyed in sinne and therefore to haue dyed the sonne of hell Oecolampadius (i) Cochlaeus in actis Lutheri reputed Bishop of Basill where he lyeth buryed and a man most forward in spreading the points of Protestancy wēt helthfull to bedde but was found by his wife in the morning dead in his bedde Andreas Corolstadius an (k) In ep de morte Carolstadij eminent Protestant and a great aduancer of the supposed Ghospel was killed by the Diuel as certaine Ministers euen of Basill do iustify Iacobus Andreas a famous Lutherā in other points an earnest Protestant liued and dyed as Hospinian (l) Hosp in histor sacram part 2. fol. 389. the Protestant writeth As if he had had no God but Mammon and Bacchus he neuer praying neyther going to bedde nor rysing from thence And further sayth that in the residue of his life he shewed no godlines To conclude Caluin the refyner of all Protestancy and chiefe supporter of all controuerted points against Catholikes dyed being consumed with lice wormes extremely blaspheming against God of whose