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A72164 The conquest of temptations, or Mans victory over Satan especially, the great assaults, at the agony of death, full of very strong and effectuall consolations, to sustaine and comfort the weakest heart, in the greatest conflicts which can befall a Christian in the vvhole course of of life, and approach of death / gathered by the holy and deuout labour of Iohn Gerard, doctor of diuinitie, and superintendent of Heldburge ; newly Englished by Rich. Bruch, minister of Gods word. Gerhard, Johann, 1582-1637.; Bruch, Richard, minister of Gods word. 1614 (1614) STC 11767.5; ESTC S5215 71,686 143

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hath oppressed mee I haue receiued the sentence of death in my selfe I see that I must leaue this life then which nothing is more sweet I must leaue this world then which nothing is more pleasant I must leaue this house of my body then which nothing is more deare The Comforter THou wert created of God not for this wretched and momentany Sap. 2.23 but for a blessed and eternall life for God framed the first Parent of our kinde in corruption to immortalitie neither wert thou redéemed of Iesus Christ for this fraile and miserable but for that perpetuall and most happy life which is to be expected in the heauens seeing it is a certaine and indubitate saying 1 Tim. 1.15 that Iesus Christ came into the world that he might saue sinners neither wert thou called of the holy Ghost through the word to the kingdome of Christ for the most short vse of this light but that hereafter thou mightest passe out of the kingdome of grace into the kingdome of glory out of the Church militant to the Church triumphant out of the valley of teares into the field of ioyes for if in this life only we beléeue hope on Christ wee are the most miserable of all men 1 Cor. 15.19 Wherefore when thou séest that thou art to be led through the gate of death to that life for which thou wert created of the Father for which thou wert redéemed of the Sonne for which liues sake thou wert sanctified of the Spirit doe not I pray thée despise the friendly counsell of God against thy selfe Luke 7.30 but most readily obay and follow God that calls thée II. Of the three-forked Mace of death The tempted THe thought of death doth terrifie mee the terrible shape of that enemy doth vexe my soule 1 Cor. 15.55 hee shewes mee his sting which is sinne he threatens mee with his cruell three-forked Mace while he casts before mine eyes and my heart the wrath of God the accusation of the Law Rom. 6.23 and the hainousnesse of my sinnes seeing death is the wages of sinne and through sinne death hath entred into mee Rom. 5.18 as it hath done also into the whole world The Comforter BVt I admonish thée that being seriously and from the bottome of thy heart contrite for the sinnes that thou hast committed thou behold him which was dead for thée on the Altar of the Crosse that thou mightest not be subiect to eternal death Turne thine eyes away from the outward shape of death and turne them to Christ Heb. 2.14.15 which by his death hath destroyed him which had the power of death that is the Deuill and hath deliuered vs which through the feare of death were all our life subiect to bondage Hose 13.14 Ioh. 11.25 hee is death to our death he is a sting to that Hell which wée haue deserued he is the resurrection and the life he that beléeueth on him vers 26. although he were dead yet hee shall liue and euery one that liueth and beléeueth in him 1 Cor. 15.22 shall not dye for euer Therefore as in Adam that is for sinne deriued out of Adam into vs and for actual sinnes heaped vpon this all of vs are subiect vnto death and are constrained at the last to dye so also in Christ the Captaine of life and the Conquerour of death wee are all quickened by faith that which also our Captaine of life confirmeth with a graue and serious oath Verely verely I say vnto you Iohn 5.24 hee which heareth my word and beleeueth on him that sent mee hath eternall life and commeth not into iudgement but hath passed from death to life Ioh. 8.51 And againe Verely verely I say vnto you If any man shall keepe my word hee shall not see death for euer Beléeue Christ therfore Iohn 14.6 which is the truth beléeue him promising beléeue him swearing Heauen and Earth shall passe away Luk. 21.33 but the words of Christ shall not passe away III. The vexation of Sinne. The Tempted THE remembrance of my sinnes doth come into my minde for I was not onely begotten Psa 51.7 conceiued and borne in sinne but I haue increased this summe of originall and hereditary debt with diuers debts of manifold and most grieuous sinnes through the course of my whole life how therefore can I hope that God will be fauourable vnto me whom I haue so often offended How can I perceiue any comfort in death seeing death is the wages due to my sinnes and to those that are not reconciled to God the beginning of the second and eternall death The Comforter BEhold Christ hanging on the altar of the Crosse and powring out for thy sinnes the price of thy redemption that is his precious bloud 1 Ioh. 1.8 The bloud of Iesus Christ the Sonne of God doth cleanse thée from all sinnes 2 Ioh. 2.2 he is the propitiation for thy sinnes and for the sinnes of the whole world for neither came he into the world for that end that he would be ministred vnto but that he might minister to others and giue his soule a redemption and price for the sinnes of many And lest there should arise or remaine any doubt in thée of this matter therefore from heauen which is the Throne of truth by an Angell which is a Spirit of truth that name of Iesus most swéet and most full of consolation was brought and giuen to this our Mediatour before he was conceiued in the wombe and what other thing is Iesus then a Sauiour Luk. 2.31 for therefore this name was giuen to Christ because hee saues his people from their sinnes Mat. 1.21 This is that Lambe of God which takes away the sinnes of the world Ioh. 1.29 This is that Iesus Christ which therefore came into the world that he might saue sinners This is the high Priest of the new Testament 1 Tim. 1.15 Ephes 5.2 which hath deliuered himselfe for our sins to be an offering and a sacrifice of a swéet smelling sauour vnto God It is Christ which hath powred out his owne bloud for the remission of sinnes Mat. 26.28 1 Pet. 2.24 which hath borne our sinnes in his body on the wood which was wounded for our iniquities and was broken for our sinnes Esa 53.5 God hath laid vpon him and as it were by a troupe made he hath made to fall vpon him the iniquities of vs all Him that hath not knowne sinne God hath made sinne for vs that is 2 Cor. 5.21 he hath imputed our sinnes to him he hath layd vpon him the punishment of our sins he hath made him a sacrifice for our sins neither hath Christ resisted this counsell and decrée of his heauenly Father but hath fulfilled his will with a most ready minde Psal 40.9 and loued vs and hath deliuered himselfe for our sinnes Gal. 1.10.4 Can. 2.20 hee hath loued vs and hath deliuered
of life Apoc. 20.12 but in the last iudgement the bookes shall be opened and amongst these also the booke of conscience in which before the whole world grauen with great letters shall all the particular faults and offences of men be séene which are not blotted out in this life by true contrition by faith and amendement of life Before that day of iudgement come and the time of grace passe away thou mayest haue as yet excellent hope and sure confidence that the bloud of Iesus Christ Heb. 9.14 which through the eternall spirit hath offered himselfe without spot to God will clense thy conscience from dead workes to serue the liuing God XXV Too late Repentance The Tempted TRuly I am earnestly sorry for so many wounds inflicted on my conscience I doe earnestly desire the cure of my wounds I haue an earnest desire to keepe a good conscience hereafter but I feare lest that my repentance be too late I feare lest the grace of God so oftimes reiected of mee doe againe reiect and forsake mee August de verâ falsâ poenit cap. 17. Late repentance is wont to deceiue many and that repentance which proceeds from a dying man hee must feare lest that also dye The Comforter NAy there is nothing too late which is true and earnest Cyprian tract 1. contra Demet. No repentance is to late for him that abides yet in this world there are some which are called and come at the eleuenth houre of the day into the Lords Vineyard Mat. 20.9 and receiue the reward of Grace No length of time doth preiudicate eyther Gods equitie or his pietie Fulgent Epist 7. Repentance is neuer too late with GOD 〈◊〉 in whose sight aswell the things past as the things to come are alwayes held for present Behold the example of the Thiefe on the crosse which confessing Christ with his mouth vpon whose vtmost lippes as it were his soule dwelt ready to depart gods the pardon of his sinnes and the 〈◊〉 pr●mise of the heauenly paradise As long as that to day is named Heb. 3.13 so long God doth earnestly looke for our conuersion As long as the heauenly Bridegroome doth as yet defer his comming Mat. 25.5 so long the gate of Grace and indulgence doth as yet lye open The whole time of our life yea the last houre thereof is graunted vs to the space of repentance Esa 65.2 God spreads forth his hands all day neyther doth hee cast forth him that comes vnto him at what time soeuer hee come Iohn 6.37 Therefore take thou care of that that thy repentance be true and earnest and then thou néedest not feare lest it be too late If when the houre of death drawes néere thou therfore repentest thée because thou art destituted of the occasions of sinning that repentance is false for by this reason thou doest not leaue thy sinnes but thy sinnes forsake thée If thou therefore repentest because thou séest the punishment of thy sinnes neare that repentance is likewise false for it procéeds out of the loue of thy selfe not out of the sincere loue of God it procéeds not out of the hate of sinne but out of the irkesomnesse of most iust punishment Therefore that thou mayest repent truly and earnestly grieue for thy sins so often committed and therefore grieue because thou hast so often so grieuously by them offended God the chiefest good see●e in Christ the remission of thy sins and seriously propose to thy selfe whatsoeuer shall remaine of thy life to 〈◊〉 it out wholly on the seruice of God submit thy selfe to God be humbled from thy heart before him permit it to his will what and how great punishments a thousand times deserued of thée he will inflict vpon thée that it may appeare that thou doest repent out of the hatred of sinne and not out of the hatred of punishment Psal 51.19 Such a contrite and humbled heart will be a most acceptable sacrifice vnto God for so he saith by the Prophet Esa 66.2 To whom shall I haue respect but to the poore and contrite in spirit and him that trembles at my words XXVI The doubting of the grace of God The Tempted TRuly I feele in my heart serious contrition and griefe for my sinnes neither doe I altogether despaire of the mercy of God yet my heart is shaken with the waues of doubtings neither as yet am I certainely assured of the free remission of my sinnes Indeed well I hope in the meane time humbly I doubt the consideration of Gods mercy doth lift me vp but the thought of mine owne vnworthinesse doth againe cast me downe I am conuerted vnto God therefore I hope well but I am conuerted too late therefore I doubt as yet in part The Comforter BVt I will set most firme props vnder thy wauering faith on which thou mayest relie thée against all the tempests of doubtings for neither is that doubting an humble confession of our vnworthinesse but a dangerous oppugning of the faith that ought of right to be giuen to Gods promises neither is there any reason of doubting of sufficient strength in late conuersion and repentance when the mercy of God doth offer to al that are earnestly conuerted a most certaine promise of the remission of sins First of al therefore attend to the vnmoueable verity of the promises of God Whosoeuer they are that acknowledging and bewailing their sins doe séeke remission of them in Christ and conceiue a firme purpose of amendement of life to them God hath promised his grace forgiuenesse of sinnes and eternall life Whosoeuer beleeueth on the Sonne Ioh. 13.15 18. 1 Ioh. 5.12 Mar. 16.16 doth not perish but hath life eternall He that beleeueth on him is not iudged He that hath the Sonne the same also hath eternall life Hee that shall beleeue and be baptized shall be saued He that hath promised these things is God whose word is more firme then heauen earth which is the truth it selfe 2 Tim. 2.11 which is faithfull and cannot deny himselfe or his word That therefore which God offers with indubitate promises that must thou entertain with indubitate faith neither must thou pretend the infirmitie of thy nature which cannot imbrace the promises of God with such an assurance of trust for this fault of thy nature must be corrected by the efficacy of the holy spirit As thou dost not beléeue on CHRIST out of the strength of nature but out of the working of the Holy Ghost so by the grace of the same spirit thou mayest be assured of the mercy of the Heauenly Father against all doubting that is inherent in thy depriued nature 1 Ioh. 5.10 Hee that beleeues not God makes him a liar Asmuch as thou doubtest so much is diminished of thy trust therefore thou must resist that doubting neither is that to be set forth vnder the specious name of humilitie verily Humilitie ought to arise out of the
consideration of our vnworthinesse in the meane time out of the meditation of the promises of God ought there neuerthelesse a firme confidence to arise Therefore God hath comfort from the hidden seat of his maiesty and hath manifested his will in his word that wee might bee sure of his will Therefore God hath promulged not onely legall promises which haue added vnto them the condition of perfect obedience and therefore to vs are made vnprofitable but also Euangelicall which are frée that with firme confidence of heart we might relye vpon them Rom 4.16 Therefore of faith fréely sayth the Apostle that the promise may bee firme Psa 116.11 Mens promises are vncertaine and doubtfull because euery man is a lyar but the promises of God are certaine and vnmoueable because God is truth it selfe As God is true in threatnings so is he also in promising As without Christ certaine damnation doth hang ouer al vnbeléeuing impenitent persons so in Christ certaine saluation is proposed to all that are conuerted vnto God and beléeuing Cypr. serm 4. de morta pa. 209. Doest thou doubt that these things will come to passe which God promiseth which is true whose word is eternall and firm to them that beléeue If a graue laudable man should promise thée any thing thou wouldst put trust in his promise neither wouldst thou thinke that thou shouldest be deceiued of him whom thou shouldest know to be constant in his words doings Now God speaketh with thée and doest thou perfideously wauer in thine incredulous minde Furthermore attend to the stabilitie of the oath of GOD I liue saith the Lord Ezech. 33.11 I will not the death of a sinner but that hee may be conuerted and liue Verely verely I say vnto you sayth Christ hee which heares my word Iohn 5.25 and beleeues on him which sent mee hath life eternall and shall not come into condemnation but hath passed from death to life Verely verely I say vnto you if any man keepe my word hee shall not see death for euer Ioh 8. ●1 This hath God sayd this hath hee promised if that be little hee hath sworne it August in Psal 88. Blessed therefore we for whose sakes God sweareth but O most wretched if we do not beléeue GOD then when hee sweareth Tertul. lib. de poeniten Acknowledge therefore the wonderfull and neuer sufficiently praised mercy of God that he willing to shew more abundantly to the heires of the promise the immutabilitie and immobilitie of his counsell hath added an oath Heb. 6.71 vers 18. that by two vnmoueable things for it cannot come to passe that God should lye we might haue most strong comfort which haue fled to lay hold on the hope that is set before vs. XXVII The want of due preparation The Tempted ALL these things doe easily perswade with me that I doe not doubt of the firmenes of the promises of God in themselues in the meane time I am yet vncertaine whether they be so firme and vnmoueable to me and whether I am in the number of them to whom God doth promise and offer so great things The Comforter NAy but because God promiseth these things to all that flye vnto Christ with true repentance and faith 2 Cor. 4.13 therefore also he promiseth them to thée séeing thou also beléeuest in Christ Attend therefore farther to the inward sealing of the holy Ghost for the spirit doth not only testifie outwardly in the word but also inwardly in thine heart Rom. 8.16 The spirit it selfe giues testimonie to thy spirit that thou art the son of God Gal. 4.6 therefore also an heyre Thou hast receiued the spirit which is of God that thou mayest know the things which are giuen to thée of God He which doth confirme and strengthen thée with all that are truly godly in Christ and hee which hath annoynted thée is God which hath also signed thée and confirmed thée as it were with his seale and giuen the earnest of the spirit in thy heart Because thou art the sonne of God 1 Cor. 2.12 therefore God hath sent the spirit of his sonne into thine hart crying Abba Father Beléeuing the word of truth and the Gospell of saluation thou art sealed by the holy spirit of promise Cap. 4.30 which is the earnest of thine inheritance for the purchased redemption by which thou art sealed against the day of redemption Euen as the Bridegroome which hath giuen the promise of marriage to the Bride giues her an earnest which is a pledge of the marriage to come so God hath espoused or betroathed himself to thée in faith Ose 2.19 he hath betroathed himselfe to thée in mercy Apoc. 19.7 but as yet the marriage of the Lambe doth not appeare therefore hee giues vnto thée the earnest of his holy spirit by which thou mayst be confirmed concerning the fulfilling of the promises and the leading to the heauenly marriage which is to come This is the spirit of Adoption because it doth witnes that thou art adopted for the Son of God This is that seale by which the promises of God are sealed in thy heart this is that earnest by which the word of trueth is confirmed vnto thée 1 Iohn 4.13 By this thou knowest that thou abidest in God and God in thée because he hath giuen to thée of his spirit XXVIII The doubting of the inhabitation of the holy Ghost The Tempted BVT from whence may I be certaine that my heart is the temple and house of the holy Ghost the spots of sinne do cleaue vnto me and I feele that in my flesh dwels no good how therefore shall that holy Spirit which is holynesse and puritie it selfe dwell in mee The Comforter Rom. 8.23 WE receiue the first fruits of the spirit onely in this life wee expect the full measure and perfect tenths hereafter in the life eternall there remaines in this life the wrastling of the flesh and the spirit Rom. 7.14 we remaine as yet in part carnall and sold vnder sinne yet neuerthelesse for the benefit of regeneration and renouation wée are temples of the Holy Ghost Furthermore from thence thou mayest know that the Spirit of God dwels in thée because thou dost bewaile and detest thy sins Sapi. 1.4 2 Cor. 4.13 because that holy Spirit dwels not in the body subiect vnto sinne because thou dost beléeue on Christ and louest him for it is the spirit of faith because thou callest vpon God the most benigne Father with earnest sighes Zach. 13.9 for it is the spirit of grace and prayers and crieth in the hearts of the godly Gal. 4.6 Abba Father because thou art led with the desire of all good for they that are the temples of the holy Ghost are led by him surely to good because thou oft times dost féele a foretaste of eternall life in thy heart Rom. 8.14 for the kingdome of God is not meat and
precious habitation for thy soule 1 Cor. 15.42 Vers 43. Vers 44. It is sowen in corruption it riseth againe in incorruption It is sowen in dishonour it shall rise againe in glory It is sowen in weaknesse it shall rise againe in power It is sowen a naturall body it shall ris● againe a spirituall body Therefore commend humbly and readily thy soule created of God redéemed of his Son and made the habitation of the holy Ghost into the faithfull hands of God as it were a certaine pledge saying with Dauid and Stephen nay rather with Christ thy head Into thy hands I commend my spirit Psa 31.6 Act. 7.59 Luk. 23.46 thou hast redeemed mee O God of truth Note this also that in the very agonie of death thou mayest most surely promise to thy selfe the presence and helpe of God for séeing thou doest embrace Christ thy Mediatour with a true faith being most certainely perswaded that with his death he hath ouercome thine and hath restored vnto thée righteousnesse and immortall life by his resurrection Rom. 5.1 therefore iustified by this faith thou hast peace with God and thou mayest be raised vp in the midst of death by the helpe of thy heauenly Father Iob. 13.15 Psa 91.15 that thou mayest say with Iob Although the Lord shall kill me yet will I trust in him I am with him in trouble saith the Lord I will deliuer him and I will glorifie him with length of dayes will I fill him and shew him my saluation Rom. 8.39 From this loue of God neither life nor death neither any creature shall be able to separate or to pull thee away séeing it is in Iesus Christ which is a king eternall and our Sauiour for euer The accusation of the law makes the shape of death terrible that I say and the deformitie of sinne 1 Cor. 15.55 and the tentation of being euerlastingly cast away séeing the sting of death is sinne the strength of sinne is the law but call to thy memory the consolation which is before opposed to these monsters and all that outward hope of death terrible to be beheld will vanish and will be changed into a most pleasant sléepe XXXIIII The sting of Death The Tempted BY sinne death hath entred into the world and is the due wages of sinne how therefore should I not be sore afraid of death The Comforter TRuly death in it selfe and by it selfe is the wages of sinne and the reuenging scourge of the angry God but to those that beléeue in Christ it is changed into a most swéet sléepe For although the regenerate and those that beléeue in Christ doe as yet carry about the reliques of sinne in their flesh from whence also their body is dead Rom. 8.10 that is to say subiect to death for the sinne that dwels in it yet the spirit is life for righteousnesse that is because they are iustified from sins by true saith in Christ and resist the lusts of the flesh through the spirit therefore that sinne which yet remaines in the flesh is not imputed vnto them Gregor Nyssen in orat de mort but is couered with the shadow of the grace of God therefore by death the true and spiritual life of the soule doth not dye in them but doth rather beginne to which death is constrained as it were to doe the office of a Midwife Thence flow those most swéet appellations by which the holy Ghost which is the spirit of truth doth describe the death of the godly for they which before the eyes of fooles doe séeme and of them are sayd to dye the holy Ghost sayth Gen. 25.8 Cap. 35.29 Cap. 49.33 Tertull. lib. de patient p. 12. Cyprian de mortal p. ●●4 Chry. hom 45. in Gen. Col. 375. Hilar in Psal 140. Ambr. de boum ort cap. 10. 2 Pet. 1.15 that they are gathered or congregated to their people that is to the company of the blessed and triumphing Church in Heauen to come to those which haue deceased before them in the true faith or rather haue gone before them It is but the taking of a iourney which we thinke to be death it is not an end but a passage it is not so much an emigration as a transmigration from worse things to better a taking away of the soule and a most blessed carrying of it from place to place not an abolishing for the soule is taken away and transposed into a place of rest it is not kild vp It is a passage and ascension to the true life It is an outgoing because by it the godly passe out of the slauery of sinne to true libertie euen as heretofore the Israelites out of the bondage of Egypt into the promised Land Ioh. 5 24. Esa 57.2 The godly are said by death to come to peace and to rest in their chambers that is because they come out of that daily warfare vpon earth to a place of peace out of the most troublesome sea of this life to the hauen out of the most laborious prison of this life to a place of rest Phil. 1.23 they are said to be loosed to come to Christ séeing they are led out of the Inne of this present life to the heauenly Countrie and out of the dregs of wicked men to the most blessed societie of Christ in Heauen they are loosed by death out of the bands of the body for euen as the Cattell when they haue discharged the labours of the whole day at last about the euening are set frée and euen as they which are bound in prison are loosed of their fetters so the godly are ledde forth by death from the sayd yoake of the labours and sorrowes of this life and out of the filthy prison of sinne Heb. 11.5 2 Cor. 5.8 and by a most swéet translation are carried to a better life They are sayd to go forth of the land of their pilgrimage by the dissolution of the tabernacle of their body and to be present with the Lord and that because they come out of the ruinous habitation of the world to the heauenly pallace out of an house of clay to a citty made without hands eternall in the heauens out of the tabernacle of an earthly body to the heauenly Ierusalem and the most blessed society of Christ abiding therein It is his property therefore to feare death which would not goe to Christ Cypr. seru● demortal pa. 208. It is his property not to be willing to goe to Christ which doth not beléeue to beginne to raigne with Christ They are sayd to rest from their labours for not the man but the misery of a godly man dieth If this life be full of burden Caeciliae vox Ambros de bono mortis cap. 2. 1 Cor. 15.38 then the end is the ease therof but death is a good ease but death is an end death therfore is good They are sayd to be sowed into the earth or field of the
Dust The Tempted WHatsoeuer it be I see that I must be laid downe into the earth and be brought to dust A bed shall be made for my body in the graue therefore haue I sayd to corruption Thou art my Father and to the wormes Iob 17.14 yee are my Mother and my Sister The Comforter DOe not regard that dust and ashes into which thou art to be brought but regard that future resurrection out of the dust and ashes which we expect by faith If thou hast said with Iob to corruption that it is thy Father say with the same that thy redéemer liueth Iob 19.25 which in the last day shall raise thée vp againe out of the earth shall compasse thée about with thy skinne that in thy flesh thou mayest sée thy God The sayings of the Scriptures the moments of arguments and the examples of those that were raised againe doe proue this blessed resurrection of our bodies The sayings of the Scriptures in the olde and new Testament are in a readinesse in number many in weight most great in perspicuitie most cleare Gen. 4.10 Chap. 25.8 Chap. 35.29 Chap. 49.33 The bloud of Abell doth cry to the Lord in whose sight as yet he liueth The Patriarches are gathered by death vnto their people therfore by death they do not cease to be the liuing people of the liuing God God is the God of Abraham Isaac and Iaacob Exod. 3.6 now God is not the God of the dead but of the liuing therefore Abraham Isaac Mat. 22.31 and Iaacob doe liue before God they liue I say in their better part and their bodies in the time to come shall be called backe againe to life nay they are already called backe Mat. 27.53 séeing that Christ being risen againe they are risen againe with him I know sayth Iob that my redeemer liueth Iob 19.25 and in the last day I shall be raised vp againe out of the earth Esa 26 19. Thy dead shall liue sayth Esayas my slaine shall rise againe Awake and sing Esa 66.14 yee that dwell in the dust for thy dew is as the dewe of greene hearbs your bones shall flourish like an hearbe For this saith the Lord Ezek. 37.5 of the dry bones Behold I will send my spirit into you and ye shall liue and I will lay sinewes vpon you and make flesh growe vpon you and couer you with skinne and put breath into you that ye may liue and yee shall know that I am the Lord. Dan. 12.2 Many sayth Daniel of those which sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake some to life eternall others to euerlasting shame The greatest King of the world say the seauen Martyrs in the Maccabees will raise vs when we are dead 2 Mac. 7.9 to eternall life of God doe we hope that wee shall receiue our members Ioh. 5.28 The houre commeth saith the Truth in which all that are in the graues shall heare the voyce of the Sonne of man vers 29. and shall come forth they that haue done good to the resurrection of life but they that haue done euill to the resurrection of iudgement This is the will of the Father which hath sent me Ioh 6.39 that of all which he hath giuen me I should lose nothing but should raise it vp againe at the last day Ver. 40.44 But this is the will of my Father which hath sent mee that euery one which seeth the Son and beleeueth on him haue life eternal Ver. 54. I wil raise him vp again in the last day I am the resurrection and the life he that beleeueth on me although he were dead Iohn 11. vers 25. vers 26. yet shal he liue and euery one that liueth and beleeueth on me shall not dye for euer I haue hope on God saith S. Paul and I looke for the resurrection to come of the iust vniust Act. 24.15 This corruptible must put on incorruption this mortal must put on immortality 1 Cor. 15.53 then shall be fulfilled the word which is written Death is swallowed vp into victory 2 Cor. 4.14 Wee know that hee that hath raised vp our Lord Iesus hee also by Iesus will raise vs vp Our conuersation is in Heauen Phil. 3 20. from whence also wee looke for our Sauiour the Lord Iesus Christ Vers 21. which shall change our vile body that it may be like his glorious body according to the working whereby hee is able to subdue all things to himselfe 1 Thes 4.14 If we beleeue that Iesus is dead and risen againe euen so them which sleepe in Iesus will God bring with him Iohn saw the dead great and small standing in the sight of God and the bookes were opened Apoc. 20.12 and the Sea gaue vp the dead which were in her and death and hell gaue vp then dead To these sayings of Scripture written as it were with a beame of the Sunne may be added vnmoueable props of reasons for so the Apostle concludes 1 Cor. 15.12 If Christ bee risen againe we also shall rise againe teaching the resurrection of Christ to be the key of our sepulchres and the example of our hope Tertul. de carne p. 33. 1 Cor. 15.20 Exod. 23.19 Leuit. 23.20 August 20. de Trinit cap. 17. Ephes 2.6 CHRIST is become the first fruits of those that sleepe sayth the Apostle As therefore the haruest by the ordinance of God did follow the oblation of the first fruits so the haruest of the vniuersall resurrection shall follow the first fruits of the Lords resurrection Christ is our head that which hath gone before in the head shall follow in the members and hence the Apostle doth confidently pronounce that we are raised together with Christ and placed in the glorie of the heauenly Paradise For there is in the man Christ the flesh of euery one of vs Maximi in serm de resurrect the bloud and portion Where therefore our portion raignes there doe we beléeue to raigne where our bloud beares rule wee féele our selues to beare rule and where our flesh is in glory wee know that we are glorious 1 Cor. 15.21 Besides as by one man that is to say the first Adam came death so by one man that is to say the second Adam came the resurrection As in Adam wee dye so in Christ we rise againe The fall of Adam was of power to bring in death shall not the resurrection of Christ be able to deserue the raising againe to life Christ in his glorious resurrection hath shewed himselfe the conquerour of all his enemies therefore also of death which also at length hee shall altogether abolish Christ is an eternall King therefore he shall raise the citizens of his kingdome from death that they may liue with him for euer Christ hath fréed not onely our soule but also our body from the yoake of sinne and hath ordained it
is Vsury and losse which is gaine Whatsoeuer thou méetest with now hath béene and whatsoeuer thou shalt léese there is nothing but it shall be againe All things returne into their state when they shall depart Therefore are they brought to an end that they may be new made Nothing perisheth but that it may be saued Therfore this whole order of things which is in reuolution is a witnesse of the resurrection of the dead God hath prescribed it in his workes before he wrote it in letters hée hath preached it by his strength before he vttered it in words Hée sent Nature before to be thy Mistresse meaning to send Prophecie after that so much the more easily thou mayest beléeue Prophecie being the Scholler of Nature that thou mayest by and by entertaine when thou hearest that which euery where thou now séest and not doubt but that GOD will be a raiser againe of thy flesh All this Tertull. which knowest him to be the restorer of all things Are such lypes as these to be thought to be set out in vaine in the whole state of things Is GOD to be iudged weaker then Nature Nay looke vpon thy selfe and know a testimonie of the resurrection in thy selfe Id in Apolo aduer gentes c. 45. p. 737. Remember what thou wert before thou wast surely nothing for thou mightest haue remembred it if thou hadst béene any thing Thou therefore which wast nothing before thou hadst thy being being made nothing when thou shalt cease to be why canst thou not be againe of nothing by the wil of the same founder which would haue thée to be of nothing What new thing shall happen vnto thée thou which wert not wert made when againe thou shalt not be thou shalt be made Render a reason if thou canst which way thou wert made and then shalt thou demand which way thou shalt be made and yet more easily shalt thou be made that which somtime thou hast béene which wert not hardly made that which neuer thou hadst béene Id de resur carnis p. 54. If God hath made all things out of nothing he can againe frame the flesh brought to nothing out of nothing Surely hée is fit to restore which hath made how much more is it to haue made then to haue restored to haue giuen beginning then to haue new framed so thou mayest beléeue that the restoring of thy flesh is easier then the first making therof XLV The flames of Purgatorie The Tempted I Feare the punishing flames of the fire of Purgatorie after death Psal 143.3 for seeing I am compast about with diuers infirmities of sinnes I feare least God should therefore enter with me into his iudgement and most iustly adiudge me to the flames of Purgatory The Comforter THose with whom God doth enter into iudgement that is which are not in this life reconciled to God those doth he not adiudge to the fire of Purgatorie there to be tormented for a certaine finite time but to the infernall and not to be quenched fire there to be broiled for all eternitie But they which doe acknowledge their sinnes seriously and beléeue truly on Christ they haue the hand-writing of Christ their Sauiour that they néed to feare no place of sorrow and torments after death for so hée sayth Iohn 5.24 Verely verely I say vnto you hee which heareth my word and beleeueth him which hath sent mee hath life eternall and commeth not into iudgement but hath past from death to life The tables of truth doe acknowledge two rankes of men onely that is to say the good and the bad the penitent and the impenitent the beléeuing and the vnbeléeuing two receptacles onely after death August lib. 3. hypog Id ser 8. de verb. Apost Id. 21. de ciuit Dei cap. 25. Id. 1. de peccat merit remis cap. 28. that is to say of consolation and torment of reward and payne of Heauen and Hell We are vtterly ignorant of neither doe we finde in the Scriptures a third kinde of men and places there are but two dwellings one in the kingdome euerlasting the other in the euerlasting fire therefore is not any place in the midst of these for any where hee may not be in punishment which shall not be placed in the kingdome that hee cannot chuse but be with the Deuill which is not with Christ Hee that shall beleeue Mar. 16.16 sayth CHRIST and be baptized shall be saued but hee that doth not beleeue shall be condemned Hee that beleeueth in the Sonne is not iudged Ioh. 3.18 but hee that doth not beleeue is iudged already because he doth not beleeue on the name of the onely begotten Sonne of God vers 36. He that beleeueth on the Sonne hath eternall life but hee that doth not beleeue on the Sonne shall not see life but the wrath of God remaines vpon him Chap. 5 29 They that haue done good shall come forth to the resurrection of life but they that haue done euill to the resurrection of iudgement Mat. 25.46 The blessed shall goe into euerlasting life and the cursed into euerlasting fire And that this immediate separation of the godly and vngodly is to be made not onely in the last day but also by and by after death the example of the rich glutton doth teach vs Luk. 16.23 whose soule is thrust into Hell and of the godly Lazarus whose soule is translated of the Angels into Paradise the example of the conuerted Théefe doth teach vs Luk. 23.43 to whom Christ promiseth the ingresse into Paradise on that very day wherein hée was to dye Apoc. 14.13 the spirit of Trueth doth teach vs pronouncing them henceforth blessed that dye in the Lord. There is none other purgation or expiation of sinnes then in the bloud of Christ 1 Ioh. 1.7 Esa 53.5 Rom. 5.1 1 Iohn 3.14 Sap. 4.1 which washeth vs altogether from all our sins the chastisement of our peace is vpon him that he might be peace to vs therefore he which beléeues on him is iustified and hath peace with God is translated from death to life neither néed hee feare any torment after death LXVI The rigour of the last iudgement The Tempted I Feare the rigour and terrour of the last iudgement Aboue mee will be the seuere iudge beneath mee gaping Hell within mee my Conscience gnawing without me fire burning on my right hand my sins accusing me on my left hand the Diuels terrifying me round about mee the good Angels driuing mee to hell and the euill drawing mee to the same Satan will accuse me my sinnes will accuse mee Bern. in Rithm my conscience will accuse me I feare much the countenance of the seuere Iudge from whom nothing that is hidden shall be kept close neither shall any thing remaine vnreuenged No man shall be able to escape his power to deceiue his wisedome to turne his equitie or to reuoke his iudgement The Comforter IF thou
himselfe for vs hee saith I will be baptized with a certaine baptisme and how am I straightened till it be fulfilled Luc. 12.50 This was the baptisme of the Crosse and tribulation into which our most benigne Sauiour was altogether plunged not for any other cause but out of his great ineffable loue towards vs this is that which hath so straightened him and driuen him how great soeuer his outward griefe was in his passion yet alwayes his inner loue towards vs was greater and more ardent through which hee was ready to sustaine more things for our sinnes if the price for our redemption which hée payed had not séemed sufficient But there is no cause that we doubt of the sufficiency of the price with him there is altogether plentifull redemption because not a droppe but a streame of bloud hath flowed largely through fiue parts of his body Born ser 22. sup cant col 554. hee hath cryed out that all things were finished in the Crosse and through the Crosse and therefore he hath made by himselfe a full perfect purgation of our sins with one offring hath he for euer perfected those which are sanctified Heb. 1.3 Cap. 10.14 Apoc. 1.5 he hath washed vs from our sinnes in his bloud Beléeue therefore so cleere so perspicuous so expresse words of the holy Ghost and resolue firmely that by the death and passion of CHRIST there is wrought a sufficient satisfaction for thy sinnes IIII. The memory of Actuall sinnes The Tempted PErchance Christ hath taken vpon himselfe originall sinne onely so that for actuall sinnes I my selfe must eyther satisfie or burne Although therefore I resolue firmely that through Christ I am washed from that originall spot yet those actuall sinnes doe vexe and presse me which I haue committed through the whole course of my life in number many in weight most heauy for desert damnable Christ is opposed to Adam therefore the benefit of Christ will not spread it selfe more wide then the fault that was deriued from Adam into vs. Another mans fault may be healed by another mans satisfaction but a mans owne fault will require a mans owne satisfaction The Comforter NAy the bloud of Iesus Christ the Sonne of God 1 Ioh. 1.7 doth cleanse thee altogether from all thy sinnes not that only which is deriued from Adam but those also which are heaped vpon this of thée God hath set forth Christ the propitiatory by faith in his bloud Rom. 3.25 to that may we draw néere by true faith and hauing obtained remission of our sins be reconciled to God as often as the weight and heape of our sinnes doth presse vs downe wee may come to this throne of grace with confidence that wee may obtaine mercy Heb. 4.16 and finde grace in the seasonable time of helpe Furthermore what redemption would this be what reconciliation if Christ had satisfied for one onely kinde of sinne wée our selues being yet bound and obliged to make satisfaction for all the rest farre more grieuous and more copious the redemption of Christ is not so maimed imperfect and to halues Heb 10.12 14.18 but offering one sacrifice for sinnes by that one oblation hée hath perfected for euer those that are sanctified and hath obtained such a remission of sinnes that there is not any other oblation necessarie for sinnes 1 Iohn 2.1.2 Wée haue an Aduocate with the Father Iesus Christ the righteous he is the propitiation for our sinnes not for our sinnes onely but also for the sinnes of the whole world Therefore if hauing slipt into sinnes out of the infirmitie of the flesh wée doe earnestly repent vs wée haue a refuge set downe for vs in Christs intercession the foundation of which intercession consists in Christs merit and satisfaction for from thence and therefore is Christs intercession effectuall for vs because a full and perfect satisfaction was performed by him for our sinnes from thence and therefore the force of the Diuine iustice and seuere iudgement due to our sinnes is not shaken against vs because Christ couers our sinnes with the cloake of his mercie the price of the obtained and deserued redemption being paid of him Let this therefore abide firme and sure that Christ by his death the onely most true sacrifice offered for vs hath purged abolished August 4. de Trinit ca. 13. extinguished whatsoeuer there was of sinnes from whence the principalities and powers did by right with-hold vs to suffer punishment therefore in him and through him wée obtaine remission not onely of originall sinne 1. De peccamer etremiss ca 13. Tit. 2.14 but also of the rest of the sinnes that we haue added there-vnto For he which thing day vp in thy déepest thoughts hath giuen himselfe for vs that hée might redéeme vs from all iniquitie Infinite is the person that hath satisfied how then shall not his Passion be of infinite merit What is so deadly that may not be healed by the death of the Sonne of God which is life it selfe what is so bloudie and so foule but that it might be cleansed by the pretious bloud of the Sonne of God V. The doubting of the application of the benefits of Christ The Tempted BVt how may I be made partaker of that most pretious treasure Christ hath died for all but now that fruit of the death of Christ doth not redound to all whence therefore shall I be assured that the benefits of Christ doe also pertaine to me whence may it appeare that I am in very deede and most certainely a partaker of all those things actually which Christ hath deserued for vs by his Passion and death The Comforter GOD offers vnto thée the word of the Gospell and in the same all the benefites of his Sonne Es 6.5.2 Hée spreads forth his hands all day he calles he inuites verily therefore also he calles he inuites he inticeth thée That therefore which GOD offers vnto thée with the hand of his mercie that embrace thou with the hand of firme confidence Bern. Ser. 31. sup can Col. 597. As farre as thou shalt stretch forth the foote of confidence in the goods of the Lord so farre forth shalt thou possesse God doth not put the oyle of his mercie vnlesse it be in the vessell of confidence Id. Serm. 3. in Annunc Col. 113. Thou shalt possesse so much of the goods of the Lord as thou doest gather in the vessell of confidence For faith doth apprehend Christ in Christ God fauourable the remission of sinnes and life euerlasting Heare concerning this thing the words of the eternall and vnchangeable truth So God loued the world that he gaue his onely begotten Sonne Ioh. 3.16.18 that euerie one that beleeueth in him should not perish but haue eternall life He that beléeueth in him is not iudged but hath life eternall Ioh. 1.12 for hée hath giuen power to all that haue receiued him to be made the Sonnes of God to
those which beléeue on his name This adoption comprehendeth all things which are necessarie for vs to euerlasting saluation for if we be the Sonnes of God then are we also borne of God Tertul. in apolo c. 17. For not the carnall generation but the spirituall regeneration makes the Sonnes of God If we are the Sonnes of God then haue we also God fauourable vnto vs. For doth not a Father take pittie of his Sonnes Psa 103.13 If we are the Sonnes of God then hath he also giuen vs his spirit for so saith the Apostle They which are lead by the spirit of God these are the Sons of God Rom. 8.14 15. for ye haue not receiued the spirit of bondage againe to feare but ye haue receiued the spirit of adoption in which we cry Abba Father And againe Gal. 4.6 Because you are Sonnes God hath sent the spirit of his Sonne into your hearts crying Abba Father To conclude Rom. 8.13 if we are the Sonnes of GOD then are we also heires heires of GOD and heires annexed with Iesus Christ for who is he that is truly a Son without an inheritance All these so pretious so copious and so various benefits are bestowed vpon vs in Christ Eph. 3.17 and through Christ which dwels in our harts and is borne in vs spiritually through faith which therefore the Scripture doth so often preach and commend vnto vs. Verily verily Ioh. 5.24 I say vnto you saith Christ he which heareth my word and beleeues on him that hath sent mee hath eternall life and comes not unto iudgement but hath past from death to life Hee that beleeueth in mee Ioh. 11.25 26. although he were dead yet shall he liue and euery one which liueth and beleeueth in me shall not dye for euer Ioh 7.36.39 Hee that beleeueth in me out of his belly shall flow Riuers of liuing water which our Sauiour speakes of the spirit which they receiue that beleeue on him Euery one that beleeueth in mee Ioh. 12.46 doth not abide in darknesse suppose it in the darknesse of ignorance in the darknesse of sinne in the darknesse of eternall death but by the light of faith hee is lead to the life of sauing knowledge to the light of true righteousnesse to the light of euerlasting life Nay the Apostle witnesseth plainely that all those things which are written in the Gospel of the sayings doings and sufferings of Christ are therefore written that by faith on his name wee may haue life Because God hath giuen vnto vs eternall life 1 Ioh. 5.11 12.13 and this life is in his Sonne Hee that hath the Sonne hath life from thence we know that we haue euerlasting life because wee beleeue on the name of the Sonne of God And not onely the Apostles and Euangelists but also all the Prophets giue testimonie to Christ That all that beleeue o● him Act. 10.43 receiue remission of sinnes through by name That therefore which Paul and Silas sometimes said to the keeper of the prison at Philippi the same say I to thée Beleeue on the Lord Iesus Act. 16.31 and thou shalt be saued VI. The false perswasion of Faith The Tempted BVt I haue heretofore perceiued that very many doe put on a vaine perswasion of Faith and deceiue themselues with a false boasting what if I should also be in the number of them from whence may I be assured that my saith is a true and sauing faith and not a vaine and dead Image of faith The Comforter TRy and examine thy selfe whether thou be in the faith try thine owne selfe 2 Cor. 13.5 doest thou not know thine owne selfe that Iesus Christ is in thée There want not firme and infallible instructions by which ●rue and sauing faith may be tried knowne and discerned from idle and vaine boast●ng of faith First then this is the nature of true faith that it purifies the heart Act. 15.9 and desires to purge it cleane from the dregs of sinns For s●●ing that faith doth carefully séeke and desire remission of sinnes surely he that truly beléeues shall féele a serious sorrow for the sinnes that he hath committed The Gospell is preached to the poore that is to say Matth. 11.6 Matth. 5.6 to those that are poore in spirit which hunger and thirst after righteousnesse which bring and offer to God a contrite heart and an humbled spirit Behold therefore the looking glasse of the Law and the deformitie of thy crimes will appeare Behold the shining face of Moses and it will appeare that for the workes of darknesse which thou hast followed thou canst not beare that light Behold thy selfe how grieuously the disease hath afflicted thée which is the iust punishment of thy sinnes the scourge of the reuenging God and the wages due to thy life which hath béene spent in sinnes He which sinnes against his Creator Eccl 38.5 fals into the hands of the Physitian We haue lost our health because wée haue offended our Creatour They which follow the flesh are scourged in the flesh They sigh in that in which they haue sinned The censure of the punishment is in that in which was the cause of shine By how many thoughts by how many words by how many déedes hast thou offended God How faint host thou béene aboue all things in the feare and loue of God How slacke in Prayers and other exercises of pietie How barren in good workes How oft hast thou followed the perswasion of Satan the seducing of the flesh the deceiuing of the world Those members which thou hast oftentimes giuen as weapons to iniquitie and vnrighteousnesse by the iust iudgement of GOD are now tormented with griefe and infirmitie Acknowledge this and grieue for if there be true and serious acknowledgement of sinne in thy heart immediately griefe of consciences and detestation of sinne will follow it God is earnestly angry with sinnes therefore out of the féeling of the wrath of God earnestly bewaile thy sinnes GOD doth seuerely punish sinnes therefore punish in thy selfe by iust griefe that which thou doest obserue that thou hast committed against God Psa 119.137 Acknowledge the iudgement of God to be iust and be thou humbled vnder his mighty hand Neither haue respect onely to thy outward faults but acknowledge the contagion of originall sin the fountaine of all euils Psa 90.9 that indéede is hidden but God placeth it in the light of his countenance through it all the powers of soule and body are so weakened that out of thy selfe and by thy selfe thou canst beginne no good much lesse performe it through it thou art made subiect vnto death and to all that troupe of calamities miseries and diseases which goes before death VII Griefe insufficient The Tempted I Acknowledge and feele that I am not only borne and conceiued in sinnes but that I haue offended God by diuers manifolde and great sinnes I feele this and I earnestly grieue but
opened vnto vs. As in the baptisme of Christ the holy Ghost descended vpon him in the shape of a Doue so the holy Ghost is present in our baptisme and workes therein effectually our regeneration and renouation so that by this reason in Baptisme doe concurre the grace of the Father adopting the merit of the Sonne clensing and the efficacie of the holy Ghost regenerating Therefore if thou art baptized thou mayst not doubt of the grace of God the remission of sins and the promise of eternall saluation so thou continue in that faith which there thou didst professe Baptisme is the Lauer of regeneration where there is regeneration there is the remission of sinnes there is the grace of God there is perfect iustice there is renuing there is the gift of the holy Ghost there is adoption there is the inheritance of eternall life XV The falling out of the Couenant of Baptisme The Tempted I Beleeue indeed that I am receiued into the couenant of Gods grace by the Sacrament of Baptisme that I haue attained remission of my sinnes and am written in the Booke of life but by my sinnes I haue againe fallen out of the grace of this Couenant by committing offences againe I haue made the remission past of none effect and haue often deserued that I should be blotted out of the Booke of life The Comforter NAy the Couenant of GOD is an euerlasting couenant Gen. 17.13.1 Col. 2.11 to which after thy sinnes thou mayest againe betake thy selfe by true and earnest repentance For euen as God speakes of the Sacrament of circumcision that it is an eternall couenant so let vs not doubt but that God will enter into and stablish with vs an euerlasting couenant in baptisme which hath succeeded in the place of circumcision I will marry thee vnto mee for euer sayth he by the Prophet Hose 2.19 I will mary thee vnto mee in righteousnes and iudgement in mercy and in compassion I will marry thee vnto me in faith The hils shall be moued Esa 54.10 and the valleyes shall tremble but my mercy shall not depart from thee and the couenant of my peace shall not be moued saith thy Lord that taketh pitty God forbid therefore God forbid Rom. 3.3 that we say that the faith of God can be made of none effect by the incredulitie of men If we doe neuer so much take away credit from his words or depart from him 2 Tim. 2.13 hée remaineth faithfull alwayes like himselfe true and constant he cannot deny himselfe Therefore though thou sometime sinne out of thine inbred infirmitie thou doest not forthwith fall out of the couenant of God Indéed by sinnes committed against knowledge and conscience thou dost grieuously prouoke GOD against thée and make him to be sometimes angry but by true repentance thou returnest againe into his grace and fauour The ship of Baptisme doth not floate away from vs Secunda post naufragium tabulu although wee leape out of it into the Sea of sinnes therefore by repentance which in this sence may be called a second planke after shipwracke wee may returne againe to the same shippe of baptisme that in it wée may bee brought to the hauen of euerlasting saluation Hier. in ca. 3. Esa ver 9. Tertu lib. de poenit p. 479. Therefore imbrace repentance as hée that is shipwracke the helpe of some boord or plancke this will lift thée vp being ouerwhelmed with the waues of thy sins will bring thée into the hauen of the clemency of God Peter had denied his Master 1 Pet. 3.21 but being conuerted he doth neuerthelesse seeke the promise of saluation in baptisme The Galathians had fallen grieuously and likewise the Corinthians notwithstanding the Apostle doth set before them consolation deriued out of Baptisme after that they were againe raised vp by repentance Gal. 3.17 pronouncing as many of them as were baptized to haue put on Christ nay manifestly affirming that they were clensed and baptized in one spirit into one body that is to say a misticall body Out of which it euidently appeareth that the efficacy of the couenant of Baptisme doth extend it self to the time to come neither is it made plainely of no force and abolisht by the fall of man into sinne but that that couenant abides lastingly firme August 1. de nupt concupis cap. 33. and ratified of the part of God That therefore which Paul saith that Christ did clense the Church in the Lauer of water in the word is so to be taken that by the same Lauer of regeneration and word of sanctification all the euils of regenerate men are altogether clensed and healed not onely the sinnes past all which are remitted in Baptisme but also those which are afterwards contracted by humane ignorance or infirmitie not that baptisme so often as men sinne may so often be repeated but because by that which is once giuen the pardon of what soeuer sinnes is obtained for the faithfull not only before but also afterwards vpon their true and vnfained repentance Acknowledge therefore and bewaile thy sinnes yet neyther deny the couenant of grace that was begunne with thée in baptisme nor forget it but though thou fall a thousand times yet returne and goe backe Returne vnto mee Ier. 3.12 O thou soule that art turned away saith the LORD and I will not turne away my face from you Psal 27.8 because I am mercifull sayth the LORD and I will not be angry for euer Let thy heart set this word before GOD 2 Tim. 2.13 and hée will take pitty vpon thée being mindfull of his promise for hée cannot deny himselfe and his word XVI Vncertaine taking into the Couenant of Baptisme The tempted BVT whence may I bee ascertained that after I haue fallen by true repentance I may be receiued againe of God into fauour I would to God my heart might be confirmed by some certaine seale I would there were some Sacrament by the participation whereof that promise of grace might be sealed vp vnto mee The Comforter YEa there is such a Sacrament that is to say the most holy Sacrament of the Lords Supper in which Christ giues vnto thée his most precious body and blood Wherefore when they receiuest the most holy price of thy redemption that is to say the body and bloud of Christ in that holy supper thou mayest be sure that thou art made truly partaker of all those things which Christ hath deserued on the altar of the Crosse by the deliuering vp of his body and powring out of his bloud that is the fauour of God remission of sinnes righteousnesse life and euerlasting saluation When thou drinkest that bloud by the pouring out whereof the couenant of grace was stricken and confirmed how canst thou doubt whether thou be againe receiued into that couenant and into the fauour of God What is more néere vnto God then his onely begotten Sonne as who is in his bosome Ioh.
to the inheritan●e of eternall life therefore it must be raised out of the dust that it may enter into the possession of this life deserued for it of Christ Out of all which it euidently appeares Theodor. in 1 Cor. 15. tom 2. pag. 77. 1 Cor. 3.16 that Christ is the suretie and pledge of our resurrection furthermore our bodies are the temples and houses of the holy Ghost hee will not suffer this his Temple to lye hidden in the dust and ashes but will build it vp againe and make it a great deale more glorious then it was in this life Hagg. 2.4 Euen as the latter temple at Hierusalem had a greater glory then the former 1 Reg 6.32 In Salomons temple there were incorruptible palmes so the bodies of the godly shall not be subiect to eternall corruption séeing they are the habitations of the eternall spirit Iren. lib. 4. cap. 34. This also is somewhat that our bodies are sanctified by the body and bloud of Christ in the wholesome vse of the holy supper how therefore shall they remaine in the graue how shall the flesh bee sayd to come into corruption and not to taste of life which is nourished with the body and bloud of the Lord Euen as the bread which is of the earth after the word is added to it is now no common bread but the Eucharist consisting of two things an earthly and an heauenly so our bodies receiuing the Eucharist are not now corruptible hauing the hope of the resurrection Ioh. 6.54 Surely the flesh of CHRIST is quickening food therefore hee which eateth this flesh hath eternall life and Christ will raise him againe in the last day Lactan. lib. 4. institut cap. 48. Adde that the soule in this life by the body and with the body doth worke eyther good or euill séeing it is put into the body therefore the iustice of God requires that those which were ioyned together in the worke be ioyned together in the reward those that are ioyned together in the fault be ioyned together in the punishment Therefore all of vs shall appeare before the iudgement seat of CHRIST 1 Cor. 15.10 Tertul. in Apol. c. 45. p. 337. that euery one may receiue those things which he hath done in his body whether they be good or euill The soules haue not deserued without the flesh in which they haue done all things finally to these vnmoueable props of Arguments may be added the examples of those that haue béene raised vp againe whom Christ by his owne the Prophets and Apostles by the power of GOD haue called backe to life Tertul. de resurrect p. 44. Lactan. 6. dico institu cap. 18. for testimonie of the future resurrection which these partakers of immortalitie and eternitie doe exhibite vnto vs which are ioyned vnto them in faith and confession XLIIII The absurditie of the Resurrection The Tempted THe article of the Resurrection of bodies doth most strongly oppose nature and humane reason from whence also the hope of the resurrection is sometimes not a little weakened in my heart by the stormes of diuers cogitations The Comforter THE foundations of our faith are the oracles of the holy Ghost not the predicaments of our owne reason We beléeue the resurrection of the dead vnder the obedience of this faith wee ought to captiuate all our reason 2 Cor. 10.5 GOD can doe aboue all things superabundantly more then wee aske or vnderstand Thinke therefore on him that promiseth and thou shalt haue him to performe whatsoeuer things GOD sayth they are not words but workes Let vs graunt that GOD can doe something Ephes 3.20 Phil. lib. de decal p. 477 August Epist 3. Bern ser 4. de nat col 43. 1 Cor. 15.37 which wee may confesse that wee cannot finde out in such things all the reason of the deed is the power of the speaker It will be an easie matter for him by whom the mother her selfe hath not lost the corruption of flesh by bringing forth that this corruptible also may put on incorrution by rising againe It is somewhat also that in nature her selfe diuers representations of the resurrection are set forth vnto vs. Vers 38. That which thou sowest is not quickened vnlesse it first dye and what sowest thou Vers 39. not the body that shall be but bare Corne that is to say of Wheate or of some other August de verb. Apost serm 34. But God giueth to it a body after his owne pleasure and to euery séed his owne body He therefore which quickens the dead and putrified graines of séeds by which thou mayest liue in this world will much more raise vp thine owne selfe that thou mayest liue for euer The light that daily dies shines forth againe Tertul. in Apol. c. 45. p. 73 c. and the darknesse by euen turnes departing doth returne the starres that are put out beginne againe to liue the times beginne where they are ended the fruits are consumed and doe returne surely the séedes vnlesse they be corrupted and dissolued doe not arise so fruitfully all things are saued by perishing all things are reformed from death The day dies into the night Id lib. de resurrect car pag. 54. and is buried round about with darkenesse the honour of the World is polluted and all the substance thereof is made blacke All things are foule silent and amazed euery where there is a vacation and rest of things so the light that is lost is mourned for And yet againe with her attire with her grace with the Sunne the same both sound and whole doth begin to be renued to the whole world killing her death the night opening her graue the darkenesse being heire to her selfe vntill the night also be renued againe she likewise with her attire For the beames of the starres also are againe made to flame whom the mornings light had extinguished The absence also of the constellations is brought backe which the destinction of times had taken away The mirrours also of the Moone are trimd a new which the number of the dayes of the moneth had worne out The Winters and Sommers the Springs and the Autumnes returne in their season with their owne strength manners fruits yea the earth is taught of Heauen to cloathe Trées after they are made naked to giue fresh and new tinctures to the Flowres to giue the hearbs againe to bring in the same séedes which are consumed and not to bring them in before they are consumed A wonderfull matter Of a deceiuer shée is become a sauer shée snatcheth away that she may restore shée destroyes that shee may kéepe shée corrupts that shée may make whole shée first lauishly consumes that afterward shée may make it more Surely shée restores things more plentifull and more faire then those shée did consume Of a truth I may say at once the condition of all things is restored againe by death which is increase and iniurie which
beleeuest on the Sonne thou shalt not be iudged Ioh. 3.18 that is to say with that seuere and condemning rigour of iudgement If thou hearest the word of Christ Ioh. 5.24 and beleeuest him thou commest not into iudgement thy cause shall not be discust in that rigorous examination of iudgement 1 Thess 1.10 August in Psa 100. seeing Christ hath freed all that beleeue on him from the wrath to come Truly the day of iudgement is to be feared of the wicked for the punishment but is to be loued of the good for the crowne to them it shall be a day of grace and of large remuneration Luk. 21.28 Lift vp your heads saith the Son and know that your redemption draweth neere The Bride doth not feare the comming of her Bridegroome now thy soule is espoused to Christ by faith hée will appeare in the day of iudgement to that end Apoc. 197 that hée may bring her in as it were ●●is Bride to the heauenly marriage what place therefore can there be here for terrour or feare That day shall be th● day of deliuerance because it shall frée vs altogether from the wretched captiuitie of sinne and death Into the perfect seruice of Christ it is the day of deliuerance because it shall plucke vs away from all the heape of euils and waight of calamities it is the day of deliuerance because it shall redéeme vs wholly from that continuall wrastling of the flesh and perillous warfare It is the day of refreshing because it shall set vs thirstie and out of breath into a place of rest by the fountaine of liuing water from the heate of calamities Act 3.20 Apoc. 22.2 Therefore let our Bridegroome Christ come let him come whatsoeuer soule is the true Spouse of Christ sealed by the earnest of the spirit led by the loue of Christ let her say Come Lord Iesu August in Psa 147. If wée loue Christ truly surely wée also desire his comming for it is a peruerse thing to feare least he come whom thou louest to pray let thy Kingdome come and to feare least thou be heard But from whence is the feare because hée is to come a Iudge What is hée vniust doth hée beare vs ill-will is he enuious doth he expect to know thy cause from another least perhaps he whom thou hast instructed either deceiue thée by collusion or failing in lesser elequence or abilitie be not able in words to shew the goodnesse of thine innocencie None of these Who therefore is to come Wherefore doest thou not reioyce Who is to come to iudge thée but he which came to be iudged for thee Feare not the accuser of whom he hath said the Prince of this world is cast forth Feare not an euill Aduocate for he will be thine Aduocate which shall be thy Iudge He will be both thy selfe and thy cause The word of thy cause the testimonie of thy Conscience All this of Augustine Whosoeuer therefore thou be that fearest the Iudge to come correct now thy conscience There is no cause therefore why thou shouldest feare the Iudge to come He shal be thy Iudge which also is thine Aduocate He shall be thy Iudge which hath giuen a promise to his Saints that by his testimonie and example they are to iudge the world He shall be thy Iudge in whom from euerlasting thou wert chosen to life Hée shall be thy Iudge which was thy King how shall a King destroy his owne people He shall be thy Iudge whose true member thou art by faith how shall the head destroy his members Rom. 8.33 Who shall accuse the chosen of God It is God which iustifies who shall condemne It is Christ which is dead nay which is risen againe which is at the right hand of God and makes intercession for vs how shall hée destroy those whom he hath taken into his tuition for whom least they should be destroyed Rom. 2.16 he came into the world Christ shall iudge according to the Gospell but now the beleeuers haue not despised it but receiued it with true faith They haue heard the voice of Christ inuiting them to conuersion Matth. 11.28 Come vnto me all yee which labour and are heauie loaden and I will refresh you therefore they shall also heare his voice inuiting them to the heauenly possession Come ye blessed of my Father Matth. 25.34 receiue the inheritance of the Kingdome of heauen which was prepared for you from the beginning He shall be the Iudge before whose face goe grace and truth grace hath abolisht the sinnes of the beléeuers truth hath giuen vnto them the promises of eternall life Neither is there any cause that thou feare the horrible vniuersall destruction of heauen and earth Heauen and earth shall passe away Luk. 21.33 Esa 40.8 but the words of Christ shall not passe away The word of the Lord abides for euer if thou sticke to this word with true faith thou likewise shalt abide for euer Thou hast lost nothing where by inordinate loue thou hast possessed nothing thy treasure is not the riches of this world but the delight of the heauenly Kingdome let the world be on fire it is sufficient for thée that Christ thy treasure liueth Let the frame of heauen and earth perish flie passe away thou hast most faithfull promises of a new heauen and a new earth Esa 65.17 2 Pet. 3.12 Apoc. 21.1 Behold I create a new heauen and a new earth saith the Lord in which shall dwell righteousnesse so that no man remembreth the former things any more Let the lodging of thy pilgrimage fall downe the euerlasting house of the heauenly Countrey doth abide Neither is there any cause why thou feare the accusation either of Satan or of the Law or of thine owne sinnes thy sinnes are cast into the depth of the Sea suppose into the bottomlesse p●t of Gods mercy Mich. 7.19 Es 38.17 Eze. 18.24 Psa 32.1 Psal 51.1 GOD hath cast them behinde his backe so that hée will not remember them hereafter Beléeue Satan shall not draw vp those sinnes out of the Sea nor dare to bring them into the sight of the Iudge Thy sinnes are forgiuen they are couered they are blotted out they shall not be brought againe into iudgement The accusation drawne against the godly of the Diuell shall be vaine because the blotting out of the hand-writing made by the bloud of Christ Colos 2.14 shall be turned against it The accusation of sinne shall be vaine because the pardon giuen by Christ shall be turned against it The accusation of the Law shall be vaine because reconciliation with God through faith hath gone before in this life To conclude there is no cause that thou feare the sodaine returne of Christ to iudgement for although the day of the Lord shal come as a Thiefe in the night 1 Thess 5.2 yet God hath not appointed vs to wrath but that wée may attaine saluation through our Lord Iesus Christ Vers 9. which hath dyed for vs that whether we wake or sléepe we may alwaies liue with him The day of iudgement is not to be feared of them for whom the Kingdome of heauen was prepared from the beginning Matth. 25.34 Eph. 1.4 which were chosen in Christ before the foundations of the earth were laid Commend therefore into the faithfull hands of God the pretious pledge of thy soule he will keepe it in death and iudgement and he will bring it vnited to the body into the Palaces of the heauenly Court to euerlasting glorie FINIS A PRAYER in Sicknesse HEare mee O God giuer and restorer of life in whose hands is life and death health and sicknesse Heare mee not according to the desire of my will but according to the good pleasure of thy will If thou wilt thou canst make mee whole say but one word onely and I shall be whole thou art the length of my dayes in thy hands are my lots but if thou now callest me by the way of Death to the heauenly Countrey mortifie first in mee all inordinate loue of this life giue me the strength of the spirit that I may ouercome the sorrowes of death and in the midst of the darknesse of mine eyes when they waxe dimme kindle and encrease in me the light of heart with thee is the fountaine of true life and in thy light I shall see light Thy death O good Iesus is the medicine of my death and the merit of eternall life I embrace thy vvord vvith a faithfull heart therefore I am sure that thou dwellest by faith in my heart I will not let thee depart out of my heart before thou blesse me and lift me vp with quickning consolation Thou hast said He that beleeueth on mee shall not die for euer this word my heart doth set before thee and in this faith I draw neere to the throne of grace thou wilt not correct nor put back him that comes vnto thee Let thy pretious bloud vvash mee from my sinnes let thy wounds hide mee from the wrath of God and rigour of iudgement I wil die in thee thou shalt liue in mee I will abide in thee and thou shalt abide in me thou wilt not leaue me in death and dust but wilt raise me vp to the resurrection of life Thou hast fought and ouercome for mee now fight and ouercome in me let thy strength be performed in mine infirmitie My soule cleaues vnto thee I will not suffer my selfe to be pluckt away from thee let thy peace which passeth all vnderstanding keepe my heart and senses Into thy hands I commend my spirit thou hast redeemed me thou God of truth take vp the poore soule which thou hast created which thou hast redeemed which thou hast washed from sins with thy bloud which thou hast sealed with the earnest of the holy Ghost which thou hast fed with thy body bloud It is thine thou hast giuen it vnto mee take vp that which thine is and remit the guilt of my sinnes wherewith I haue defiled it Let not the fruit of thy Passion perish in me let not thy precious bloud waxe barren in me In thee O Lord haue I hoped let me not be confounded for euer Amen
1.18 which is in the Father and the Father in him which is one with the Father Againe what is more néere to the Sonne of God Ioh. 14.10 then flesh and bloud or the humane nature which hee hath assumed Ioh. 10.30 as which he hath coupled to himselfe in a personall and indissoluble league Therefore by eating the flesh of Christ and drinking his bloud thou art ioyned most straightly vnto God These things being taken taken down Hilar. 8. de Trin. p. 141. make that Christ abides in thée and thou in Christ What is more néere vnto vs then that which wee eate and drinke as which is eyther conuerted into the substance of our flesh as natural and elementall meates or else doth change and conuert vs into it as that spiritual food of the body and blood of the Lord which we eate indéed but we doe not change it into our substance but wee are changed into it Therefore by eating the quickening flesh of Christ thou receiuest spirituall life from the same by drinking the precious bloud of Christ thou comest to the Fountaine of life Christ hath taken vpon him the humane nature of vs in it he hath condemned sin he hath destroyed death hee hath repaired life and hath filled the same with the fulnesse of grace and heauenly good things the same nature taken from vs and repaired in himselfe sanctified and filled with heauenly treasures hee sets before thée againe in the holy Supper that thou mayst be ascertained that those things doe truly pertaine vnto thée which hee hath layd downe into the same as it were into a certaine rich storehouse he doth as it were ingraft thy wretched and depraued nature into his most holy and quickening flesh that out of it thou mayest draw the iuyce of life and an antidote of the spirituall poyson that lyes hidden in thy flesh He is the Vine we are the braunches hee that abides in him I●hn 15.5 and he in whom he abides this man brings forth much fruit The vncleannnesse of thy nature is shadowed and couered by that most holy body of Christ which thou receiuest and by that most precious bloud which thou drinkest least it appeare before the tribunall and in the sight of God Liturg. vtter Damas 4. fid Orthod cap. 14. Therefore thou receiuest the flesh and bloud of Christ for an apology that will easily be admitted and the earnest of eternall life to the sustaining kéeping of the body and the soule to the forgiuenesse of sinnes and to life euerlasting Nay in the holy Supper is giuen thée a certaine holesome prouision for thy iourney séeing the tokens of the future resurrection are exhibited vnto thée Can. Nicen. by which the right of acquaintance and hospitalitie which is to be expected in the heauenly countrey is confirmed vnto thée Iohn 6.54 He which eateth my flesh saith Christ and drinkes my bloud hath eternall life and I will raise him vp againe in the last day It cannot therefore come to passe I say that thy body should abide in the graue séeing it is nourished with the body and bloud of our Lord that is to say with that food which is the medicine of immortality the antidote that wée should not dye but liue in God through Christ the purgation that driues away all euill By this foode thy weakenesse shall be comforted that thou mayest come through with Elias 2 Reg. 13.21 to the hill of the Lord. The bones of Elizeus yea euen when he was dead did giue life by how much more the flesh of Christ liuing and quickening receiued by faith shall quicken thee to euerlasting life XVII The vnworthy vse of the holy Supper The Tempted I Acknowledge that in the true and wholesome vse of the holy supper the godly are made partakers of these benefits but it doth not a little trouble mee that the Apostle doth affirme that they which eate this bread vnworthily 1 Cor. 11.27 and drinke this cup of the Lord vnworthily are made guiltie of the body and bloud of the Lord. I feare therefore lest that I be an vnworthy guest of this heauenly banquet The Comforter BY acknowledging and bewailing of thine vnworthines thou mayest escape the spot and imputation of an vnworthy guest for the Apostle calles vnworthy not those which are weake in faith wheras this sacrament was instituted for the confirmation of faith comfort of the weake but those which doe not proue themselues neither do discerne the Lords body that is which come to this holy Supper 1 Cor. 11.28.29 as it were to a common banquet without true repentance and liuely faith without the hatred of sinne and a serious and earnest purpose of amendement of life which doe not discerne this heauenly banquet from other common foode that they may acknowledge the true excellency thereof and vse due preparation of the hart thereunto Such vnworthy guests of this banquet do nothing lesse sin in eating and drinking vnworthily the flesh and bloud of Christ then the Iewes in crucifying Christ But farre be it from thy pietie farre be it I say that thou shouldest be in the number of them Chrysost in 1 Cor. 11. Thou doest acknowledge also the spots of thy sinnes thou doest bewaile the vncleanenesse of thy nature thou sighest vnto Christ the Physitian of thy soule that he prepare a sit lodging for himselfe in thy heart thou weighest the greatnesse of those things which are present and set before thée in the holy Supper and considerest the amplenesse of the heauenly gift thou hungrest and thirstest after righteousnesse Mat. 5.6 therefore also thou shalt bee filled the sinnes shall not hurt thée Luk. 15.20 which doe not please thée thou makest haste with teares to thy heauenly Father thou bewailest thy sinnes and desirest that the hunger of thy soule may be refreshed with his heauenly foode that most kinde Father vers 22. doubt not will méete thée hee will kisse and receiue thée with ioy he will giue vnto thée the first long garment of innocency he will cloath thée with the garments of saluation hée will giue thée a ring on thy hand hée will seale thée with his holy spirit hée will giue thée shooes for thy féet he will direct thée in the way of peace and righteousnesse hée will fil thée with the flesh of that sacrifice which was slaine on the altar of the Crosse vers 23. and was offered vnto him for a swéet smelling sauour Lay aside therefore all feare of vnworthy eating he which is most vnworthy in his owne eyes hee is accepted before God hée that displeaseth himselfe pleaseth God hee that is cast downe in himselfe in true contrition of heart hée againe is raised vp by the most louing hand of God XVIII The weakenesse of Faith The Tempted FAITH is altogether required to the wholesome vse of the Supper and fruit of the promises of the Gospell seeing the hand of the
momin pag. 21. God giues altogether fréely saues altogether fréely because he findes nothing for which to saue and hée findes much for which to damne Of grace is giuen not onely to the iustified good life but also to the glorified eternall life and therefore death is said to be wages but eternall life is said to be grace because that is rendred as due this is giuen as frée Bern. Ser. innat Mar. Col. 213. Therefore let another séeke for merit doe thou studie to finde grace let the mercie of the Lord be thy merit thou art not plainely poore in merit as long as he is not wanting mercies Serm. 67. in Cant. There is no place for grace to enter where merit hath alreadie taken vp the roome Thou doest detract from grace whatsoeuer thou doest depute vnto merit It sufficeth to merit Serm. 68. in Cant. to know that merit doth not suffice Place all thy confidence altogether on God Embrace his mercie séeke thy merits in the wounds of Christ thou shalt not haue any want of merits XXIII The accusation of the Law The Tempted I Acknowledge our works not to be meritorious neither to appease God but that out of faith they may please him And how can they chuse but displease him when they are not perfectly conformable to the law of God The law is an eternall vnchangeable rule of iustice condemning all whatsoeuer is not conformable there-vnto Therefore the dart of damnation is shaken against me my works vnlesse thou shew me what shield I may oppose against it The Comforter Gal. 3.13 CHrist hath redeemed thée from the curse of the Law being made a curse for thee Cursed is euery one that hangeth on the wood When the fulnesse of time came Cap 4.4 God sent his owne Sonne borne of a woman made vnder the Law that he might redeeme those which were vnder the Law Ver. 5. Rom. 10.4 Cap. 8.1 that we might receiue the adoption of Sonnes The end and fulfilling of the Law is Christ to righteousnes to euery one that beleeueth Therefore there is no damnation to thée and all which are by faith in Christ and walke not according to the flesh Vers 2. Vers 3. there is no feare of the Law the Law of the spirit of life in Christ Iesus hath fréed thée from the Law of sinne and death For that which was impossible to the Law because it was made weake through the flesh that hath GOD performed Vers 4. sending his Sonne in the likenesse of the flesh of sinne and by sinne condemned sinne in the flesh that the iustification of the Law might be fulfilled in vs which walke not after the flesh but after the spirit Therefore if by true faith thou doest apply the benefits of Christ vnto thy selfe there is no cause that thou shouldest feare the curse of the Lawe The sting of Death is sinne 1 Cor. 15.55 56. the strength of sinne is the Law but thankes be vnto God which hath giuen vs victorie through Iesus Christ our Lord Hee hath ouercome our death by his death hee hath satisfied for our sinnes by his Passion and hée hath most perfectly fulfilled the Law in our stead by his most holy obedience Neither yet is there an abolishment of the Law made but a translation onely Neither do the Law and the Gospell destroy themselues mutually séeing the Law is not against the promises of God Gal. 3.21 but is established by faith For what the Law doth require of vs Rom. 3.31 that the Gospell doth tell vs was performed of Christ in our steade What the Law commands this Christ obtaines The Law condemneth sinne and vs for sinne Christ doth performe satisfaction for sinnes and giues his righteousnesse vnto vs. The Law therefore is satisfied by the obedience of Christ because it is perfect Againe that fulfilling of the Law through Christ is performed for vs to good because it is not due Chyt li. 1. de vita et morte p. 43. Therefore as thou oughtest not to behold death in thine owne body but in Christ raised vp againe the conquerour of death and the giuer of life and saluation eternall sinne not in thine owne conscience but in Christ the Lambe of God bearing and taking away thy sinnes and the sinnes of the whole world hell and the tentations of being euerlastingly cast away not in thy selfe and in that innumerable multitude of the damned but in Christ sustaining on the Crosse and ouer-comming for vs the tentation of being cast away so thou oughtest to behold the Law not as it is written in thy hart but as it is fulfilled by Christ and with him fastned to the Crosse XXIIII The accusation of Conscience The Tempted MY conscience doth witnesse together with the accusation of the Law that as an vncorrupt iudge riseth vp against mee Chrysost hom 64. in Gen. and is an accuser of mee while no man reproues mee or brings any thing forth against mee I cannot escape that domesticall iudgement seate In this great volumne I see and altogether tremble at all my sinnes Nazian orat 26. Bern. de conuers ad Cler. c. 3. Col. 114 written with the stile of truth wretch that I am who shall deliuer me from this Court of iudgement in which the same is the guiltie the pleader the witnesse the iudge the torturer the scourge the executioner the hangman The Comforter Ioh. 3.20 IF thy heart doth condemne thée yet God is greater then thy heart If the memory of thy faults passed doth accuse and torment thée yet Christ the Redéemer which hath satisfied for thy sinnes is a mightier Col. 2.14 he absolues thée frées thée and saues thée Hee indéed hath blotted out that hand-writing which was written against and was contrary to vs hee hath taken it cleane away and hath fastned it with him to the Crosse By the nailes of Christ crucified is that accusing hand-writing of thy conscience together fastened that it is of no force and validitie before God Rom. 5.1 for being iustified by faith thou hast peace with GOD peace of conscience quietnes of hart and the most blessed tranquillitie of the soule which Christ the conquerour of sinne death and Satan hath brought backe with him from the graue and giuen the same to his Disciples Therefore Bern. de conuer cap. 6. col 415. if thou féelest the worme of conscience thou oughtest to strangle him forthwith in this life present not cherish him to immortalitie for a putrified conscience begets the immortall wormes Strangle therefore the worme of conscience by serious repentance pray to God for rest of the heart and forgiuenesse of sinnes and take héed of the new wounds of conscience that is the worst relapse of sinnes In this life there is as yet a time of pardon a time of grace a time of quieting the conscience In this life the booke of conscience may as yet be amended out of the booke
and the reward of eternall life that notwithstanding thou become not thereby carnally secure The infallible promises of God doe frée thée from doubting the exhortations and comminations of God doe free thée from carnall securitie There is securitie no where in this life but in the hope of the promises of God alone August in Psal 94. Id. 2. de bono perseuer c. 13. In this life which wholy is a tentation vpon earth he that séemes to stand let him take héede least he fall therefore those that will not perseuere are mingled by the most prouident counsell of God with those which shall perseuere that we may learne to be not loftily wise but agréeing with the humble and worke out our saluation with feare trembling Therefore with one eye of thine heart behold the mercie of God but with the other the iustice of God out of the faithfull beholding of the mercy of God let there arise in thine heart the confidence of perseuerance out of the feare of the iustice of God let there arise in it the flight of carnall security Let the feare of God wound thy flesh least the loue of sinfull flesh deceiue thée Psa 147.11 The delight of the Lord is in them that feare him and hope in his mercy Let the inward man hope and trust let the outward man feare and tremble XXXII The doubting of the writing in the Booke of life The Tempted THey alone doe perseuere and receiue the Crowne of perseuerance which are written in the Booke of life But how may I know that I am written in that Booke The Comforter Apoc. 13.8 cap. 21.27 THat Booke of life is Christ from whence it is called the Booke of life of the Lambe The writing into this Booke of life is nothing else but the election of the beléeuers in Christ to eternal life Eph. 1.5 Apoc. 17.8 For euen as the faithfull are said to be chosen in Christ before the foundations of the world were laid so their names are said to be written in the booke of life from the beginning of the world Therefore we must iudge as of election so also of the writing into the Booke of life not from that which goeth before but from that which followeth after Bern. Serm. 1. Septuag There are manifest signes and tokens of saluation giuen so that it is without all doubt that he is of the number of the chosen in whom those signes shall remaine For as many as are elected from eternity to life they doe heare the word of saluation in time they beléeue on Christ they shew forth the fruits of the spirit they perseuere in faith 1 Ioh. 5.10 He therefore which beléeues on the Son hath the testimonie of God in himselfe for the holy Ghost doth testifie in the heart of beléeuers that they are the Sons of God Rom. 8.16 and written into the Booke of life Those whom God hath predestinated from eternitie Luk. 10.20 Rom. 8.29 whose names he hath written in heauen those doth he call in time by the word iustifie by true faith on Christ that faith shewes it selfe forth by true inuocation of God by patience in the Crosse by the study of holines Therfore let the holy wholsome meditation of election and the Booke of life begin from the wounds of Christ hanging on the Crosse hée that beléeues on him and perseueres in faith is iustified and written into the Booke of the liuing Rom. 10.9 Hast thou not béene receiued by Baptisme into the couenant of grace washed with the blood of Christ from thy sinnes regenerated and renued by the holy Ghost This is an euident signe that thou art written into the booke of life Gal. 3.26.27 For we are all the Sons of God by faith séeing as many as are baptised haue put on Christ How commeth it to passe that falling into sinne out of infirmitie after Baptisme thou hast not béene bruised Sauanar in Psal 31. who hath put vnder his hand who hath receiued thée againe into grace who but the Lord This is a great signe of thine election the elect when he shall fall shall not be bruised God hath written not the Tables of the destinies or the decrees of Rhadamantus but the Booke of life when he chose vs in Christ before the foundations of the world were laide Therefore séeke in Christ by faith the election of thée to life and writing of thée into the Booke of life walke by faith that thou mayest come to predestination Ex Aug. Lom 6.1 sent dist 41. D. They which rashly and without the limits of the word doe search the depth of God are plunged at length ouer head and eares into the déepe XXXIII The feare of Death The Tempted IT is good for mee to cleane vnto Christ I will not let him depart out of my heart before hee blesse mee I haue decreed with true faith to perseuere in Christ that it may be my lot to raigne together with him In the meane time I confesse that I am not yet free from all terrour of death neither doe I feele so great strength and helpe of the Spirit that with the Apostle I desire ardently to be dissolued The Comforter INdéede this is the infirmitie of our flesh and propertie of our corrupt nature that we are more desirous of this life fading then of the life to come that is not flitting Hence comes that feare and terrour of death which that thou mayest ouercome by the power of the spirit and mayest grow in the strength of the inner man waigh those things diligently which I shall propose vnto thée out of the store-house of the heauenly truth First Math. 10.30 Iob. 14.5 it is certaine that euen the haires of our heads are vnder an account with God the number of our moneths is appointed of him he hath set vs downe a bound which wée can by no meanes passe a● our dayes were written in his Booke Psa 139.5 before any one of them was Therefore good reason thou shouldest rest thy selfe in this fatherly will of God of his grace he gaue thée life hée brought thée forth wonderfully out of the close places of thy Mothers belly as long as he would haue thée to be in life he hath kept thée safe and sound from a thousand dangers hée doth now aske againe the soule which heretofore he hath giuen thée surely he doth not take away that which is thine but he askes againe that which is his owne now what action can there lie against him which askes for that againe which he hath lent Furthermore the soule which hée doth require of thée hée doth translate into the ioyes of the heauenly Paradise and wil restore the same againe to the body in the time to come adorned with greater glory and with more shining gifts That body which is reposed into the Chamber of the graue shall in time to come be a farre more glorious worthy and
Lord by death and buriall séeing the bodies of the godly as it were precious graines of Wheat shall againe bud forth hereafter to life Stigeliu● This Corneth immortall glory of the flesh Doth shew from liueles body springing fresh Vnder the clods is cast the saplesse seed Of which a man would thinke could nothing breed Yet this doth rise by hidden motion growing Increas'd in strength and body from the sowing Likewise our bodyes layd in hollow graue Thence rising lasting life and glory haue First drown'd in death now lifes true badge they weare And before God eternall blisse doe share The bones of the godly shall bud forth and flourish in the time to come Esa 66.14 2 Reg. 7.12 Esa 26.20 Dan. 12.2 Matt. 9.24 Ioh. 11.11 1 Cor. 15.6 1 Thessal 4.13 when the spring of the life eternall shall beginne finally they are said to slumber and to sléep a certaine swéet sléep for euen as in sléepe we rest from labour wee gather our deiected strength the soule in the meane time exercising her operations so by death being lead to rest from all the labours and sorrowes of this life wee gather new strength of minde and body to execute those workes more readily and perfectly to which we were in the beginning created and redéemed by Christ the soule in the meane time liuing and reioycing in Heauen Euen as in sléepe wee doe not care what is done about vs neither are wee troubled with the troubles of humane businesses so they that are godlily dead in the Lord doe rest from all care and trouble neither are they further subiect to the euils of this life Euen as we are againe raised vp out of sléepe so death shall not be a perpetuall sleepe but the houre will come in which wee shall heare the voyce of Christ calling vs out of the graue and wee shall come forth againe to life August ser 44. de ver Dom. No man doth so easily raise vp one that lyes vpon his bed as Christ the dead out of his graue Out of al which it clearely appeareth how truely the Apostle hath called the death of the godly aduantage Phil. 1.21 séeing it is aduantage to haue escaped the increase of sinne it is aduantage to haue auoyded worse things it is aduantage to passe to better The death of the godly is precious in the sight of the Lord Psa 116.15 and to them it is good for rest better for securitie best of all for blessednesse XXXV The sorrowes of Death The Tempted I Feare not death but the sorrowes of death for I haue often seene the eyes of dying men waxing dimme their eares waxing deafe their tongue waxing stiffe I haue seene the sweat and anxitie the horror and nakednesse of men that dye I haue oftentimes heard the howling and complaint of the soule compelled to goe forth of the house of the body The Comforter THose that beléeue in Christ are kept from those sorrowes of death or surely the sorrowes are mittigated vnto them Christ hath taken vpon himselfe that which was most bitter in our death that is to say the sense and féeling of the wrath of God Exod. 15.25 Iohn 5 51. let vs cast the wood of the Crosse on which Christ dyed for vs into our death and behold it will be vnto vs a pleasant sléepe Verely verely I say vnto you saith Christ if any man keepe my word hee shall not see death for euer that is to say he shall not onely not sée eternal death but also neither that cruell and horrible shape of temporall death And if so bee some small taste of bitternesse be offered vnto vs out of the cup of death what and how little is that in respect of that brooke of which Christ dranke for vs in the way of this life Psal 110.7 how little is that smal draught to be estéemed in respect of that cup which the heauenly Father hath offered vnto Christ to be drunke vp wholy in our stéed Mat. 26.42 Our death is as it were a certaine medicinable purgation of the soule of the body The saying of Methodius séeing by it the poyson of sin is as it were purged out of our flesh what maruell is it if some Aloes be mixt with this purgation Our death is the midwife to eternall life what maruaile is it if the same happen vnto vs which happens to an infant borne into the world out of the narrow places of his Mothers wombe which must in part beare the sorrowes of trauel There is no birth without all griefe that sharpe fit will endure but a short moment and behold the day of our deeth will be the birth-day of eternall life Narrow is that gate which leades vs to life what maruell is it if we féele some trouble in the going out thereof Mich. 2.13 Christ is our Captaine and hée that hath broken vp the way for vs he layes open the iourney before vs we must cleaue vnto him by true faith that we may passe through the gate of death together with him and finde the way to eternall life knowne vnto him Sinne doth as yet dwell in our flesh Psa 16.11 what maruell is it if for the remainder of sinne wée are constrained to suffer some sorrowes of death Rom. 5.1 Eph. 2.14 In the meane time our conscience hath peace in Christ which is our true peace which rising againe from the dead hath brought to vs the gift of peace There remaines no dart to Death by which it may wound our soule it fastens his téeth in our héele but the poison is taken away from it of Christ that it cannot powre it into vs together with the téeth that it hath fastned XXXVI Too timely Death The Tempted ME thinkes I am called backe too timely out of this life Psal 102.25 Psa 58.23 God snatcheth mee away in the midst of my dayes I feare therefore least this be a signe of the wrath of God seeing it is written men of bloud and deceipt shall not liue out halfe their dayes The Comforter NOthing is too timely with GOD which is ripe Long life truly is the gift of God yet short life is not alwayes a token of the wrath of GOD séeing GOD sometimes also commands the godly and those that are beloued of him to depart timely out of the house of this world that being fréed from the danger of sinning they may be set into the securitie of not sinning neither be constrained to haue experience of publike calamities oft-times more grieuous then death it selfe Esa 26.20 The people of GOD goeth and enter into their Chambers they shall shut the dores vpon them they are hidden for a moment till the indignation passe away Esa 57.1 The iust man perisheth and there is no man that considereth in his heart the mercifull men are taken away and there is none which doth vnderstand Vers 2. The iust man is taken away from the
The loue of this life The Tempted I Could wish that I might yet enioy a more lasting vse of this life and the profits thereof I could wish that I might possesse yet longer the blessings of God granted vnto me in this life The Comforter TAke héede that thou doe not make it manifest by the inordinate loue of this life that thou doest not truly loue the chiefest good Anselm de mensura crucis lit E. So doe we owe our whole heart to the loue of God that whatsoeuer is giuen thereof to another is withdrawne from God Hée loues God the lesse which loues any thing with him which he loues not for him Thy heart is a vessell but it is full of the loue of the world therefore there is no place for the true loue of God to enter powre out the loue of the world that the loue of God may enter What doth this present life so much delight thée which is wholly a dangerous and hard warfare What other thing is it to liue long then long to be tormented Cypria Serm. de mortal pag. 215. and long to sinne If in the house of thy dwelling the walles should shake for age the roofe aboue thée tremble the house being now wearied and fainting vnder the buildings that slide downe with age should threaten a ruine néere at hand wouldest thou not goe forth with all hast If while thou wert sayling a troublesome and stormie tempest the waues being raised vp by the force of the winde should fore-shew shipwracke to come wouldest thou not make toward the hauen with all hast Behold the world shakes and slides away and testifies the ruine of it selfe not now by the olde age but by the end of things and doest not thou giue God thankes doest thou not reioyce on thine owne behalfe that being taken away with a more timely end thou art saued from ruines shipwrackes and imminent plagues Ambros in ca● 8. ad Rom. Euen as the Sea stirred vp by contrarie stormes doth rise and maketh a tempest to those that saile so the world being stirred by the conspiracie of the treacherous doth trouble the mindes of the faithfull and the enemie deales so peruersely that wée are ignorant what wée should first shunne For if power doth cease to be against vs he stirres the mindes of priuate men If these be appeased hée blowes vp a combustion by those of our owne house And if this also be allayed by his cunning he makes discord betwéene brethren themselues so that the house being shaken at the foure corners one some part begins to fall wherefore with one consent Christians must flye hence For they ought to follow the example of the holy man Simeon which knowing that they doe here wage warre against treacherie required that hée might be let to depart in peace Surely this life appeares to be a pretious Nut outwardly but if it be opened with the knife of truth there will be found nothing in it but vanitie and emptinesse If there be any good in this life that is eminently nay incomparably better in that other That is in faith this in fight that in the time of peregrination this in the eternity of mansion that is in labour this is in rest that is in the way this in the Countrey August trac vlt. in Ioh. that is in the worke of action this in the reward of contemplation that declines from euill and doth good this hath none euill from which it may decline it hath great good which it may enioy that fights with the enemie this raignes without an enemie that is valiant in aduersity this feeles no aduersitie that bridles carnall lusts this spends the time in spirituall delights that is troubled with the care of ouercomming this is secure in the peace of victorie that is helped in tentations this without any tentation reioyceth in the helper himselfe that helpes the néedie this is there where it findes none néedie that forgiues other mens sinnes that her owne may be pardoned vnto her this neither suffers that which shée may forgiue nor doth that which she may require to be forgiuen vnto her That is scourged with euils least it should be lifted vp with prosperitie this in so great fulnesse of grace wants all euill that without any tentation of pride it may cleaue to the chiefest good That discernes good and euill this sées those things which are onely good Chuse therefore which is to be preferd before other Lay aside the inordinate desire of the fading life least thou léese the inheritance of the abiding So hold those things which are of this world that notwithstanding thou be not held by them Let the earthly substance be possest of thée but let it not possesse thée Let that which thou hast be vnder the dominion of thy minde least thy minde while it is ouercome with the loue of earthly be it selfe more possessed of the things themselues Cypria Serm. de morta Why doest thou not make hast to better things Now heauenly things succéede earthly and great things the small and eternall things the perishing XL. The separation from Wife Children and Kinsfolkes The Tempted I Must leaue my most sweet children I must leaue my most faithfull wife I must leaue my most pleasant kinsfolkes who shall prouide for my wife and children who will be their defender and Patrone The Comforter IT is God which calles himselfe the Father of Orphanes Psa 68.6 and the defender of widdowes commend them to his Patronage and defence God which is thy God Gen 17. will also be the GOD of thy seede Thy children are not thine onely but they are also Gods nay they are more Gods then thine seeing he hath bestowed more things vpon them canst thou therefore doubt of the fatherly care of God towards them The Prophet of the Lord doth testifie that he hath beene young and also olde Psa 37.25 yet neuer did he see the righteous forsaken or his seed to begge their bread Psa 112.2 The generation of the righteous shall be blessed at length God hath promised to thy children the heauenly treasures hée will not suffer them beléeue mée to perish for hunger Hée hath giuen them life he wil not deny them the maintenance of life he hath giuen thē a body that which he hath wonderfully framed he wil also kindely sustaine But take héede that thou be not so carefull for the bodily safety of thy wife and children that in the meane time thou neglect the care of thy soule Luk. 14.26 If any man come to me saith Christ and doth not hate his Father and Mother and Wife and Children and Brothers and Sisters yea and his owne soule he cannot be my Disciple Matth. 10.37 that he expoundeth else-where so He that loueth Father or Mother more then mee is not worthy of me and he that loueth sonne or daughter more then me is not worthie of me Behold God calles thée by
death take héede thou doe not so loue thy wife and children that therefore thou refuse to follow God calling thée with a readie heart The loue of the heauenly Father must be preferred before the loue of children Ambro. in cap. 12. p. 111. Bern. Serm. 26. in Cant. Col. 569. August Epist 6. ad Vid. the loue of our Bridegroome Christ must be set before the loue of wife the benefit must not more be loued then the benefactour What shall I speake of kinsmen if thou leauest those that are deare thou shalt receiue them héereafter more déere For wée doe hope on a most faithfull promise that when we goe out of this life whence being to depart we haue not lost but sent before some of ours that are departed we shall come to that life where by how much they shall be better knowne of vs so much they shall be dearer vnto vs and without the feare of any dissension amiable If thy kinsmen be déere vnto thée let Christ be déerer which is thy brother If it be a pleasant thing to be here conuersant with thy kinsmen Heb. 12.22 let it be more pleasant vnto thee that thou commest to the mount Sion ●er 23. and Citie of the liuing God the heauenly Hierusalem and to the company of innumerable Angels and to the congregation of the first borne which are written in heauen and to God the iudge of all and to the spirits of iust and perfect men XLI The stopping vp of the eares in Death The Tempted I Feare lest that my eares waxing deafe in the agony of death I shall be destituted of all consolation of heart and too much vexed with the terrours of Satan The Comforter THe inward comfort of the spirit is of greater force then all outward consolations Rom. 8.16 The holy spirit giues testimonie to our spirit that wee are the sonnes of God the same spirit doth raise vp our spirit when wee beginne to wrastle with death and to be troubled in heart for he is the true and greatest comforter Ioh. 15.26 When thine eyes waxe dimme in death the holy Ghost will giue vnto thée the true illumination of the heart when thine eares waxe deafe in death he will giue vnto thée the quickening consolation of the soule Where mans consolation shall cease there Gods consalation will begin Behold the examples of the Martyrs how prompt and ready they were to the most exquisite punishments the whéeles séemed to them Roses the sparkes of fire spirituall bracelets the yron chaines golden crownes the torments ornaments the two edged swords beames of the heauenly light who hath wrought this in their hearts who hath comforted them in sorrowes but the holy Ghost His consolation is of greater force then the accusation of the whole world yea of the prince of the world What Doest thou thinke that the holy Ghost doth onely lift vp our hearts in the course of this life and doth idlely rest in the agony of death Dost thou thinke that the habitation of the holy Ghost is destroyed Gal. 2.20 when the tabernacle of the body is destroyed Ephes 3.2 Christ liues in thée and dwels by faith in thy heart grace is powred out in his lips in the fragrancy of this grace hee will make glad thine heart Psal 45 9. although thine hearing perish his spéech will ●ierce to thine heart although the dores of thine eares be shut Esa 61.1 The spirit of the Lord is vpon him the Lord hath annointed him to preach the Gospell to the afflicted hée hath sent him to binde vp the broken in heart to preach fréedome to the captiues and opening of prison to those that are bound Esa 50 4. The Lord hath giuen vnto him a learned tongue that hee may know to comfort sustaine the afflicted in a seasonable time Cleane to him with firme confidence of thy heart commend thy selfe to him with godly prayers hee will comfort thée in the seasonable time he will raise vp thine heart with the word of the Gospell when the arrowes of death are fastened in it hee will binde vp thy heart when the wounds of death are inflicted on it hée will preach deliuerance to thy heart when thou art led captiue of death as it were a pray he will preach opening to thy heart when thou art thrust into the prison of death XLII The apparant in vtilitie of Redemption IF Christ hath redeemed vs from death why must I as yet dye How shall death be ouercome by Christ when hee shewes his daily prayes as it were the trophees of his victory The Comforter EVen as Christ hath saued his people from their sinnes Mat 11.21 not that sinne may no more dwell in their flesh séeing in this life they remayne solde vnder sinne but that he may not condemne them for euerlasting as being regenerate and beléeuing so also hee hath redéemed vs from death Rom. 8.10 not that we should not any more be subiect to temporall death séeing that our body is dead or subiect vnto death for sinne but that wee might be frée from the bands of eternall death The death of the soule is the true death from this Christ hath redéemed vs sustaining the punishment for vs. Swéet Iesus hath also made temporal death it selfe swéet vnto vs that it is death in name alone but in very déed sléep nay the end of death and the beginning of true life Those that are truly godly doe dye daily 1 Cor. 15.24 by reason of those continuall calamities by which they are oppressed in this life therefore their death is the end of death but by the gate of death they passe to a quiet and eternall life Ose 13.14 therefore their death is the beginning of true life The death of Christ is the poyson of our death although therefore this poyson hath not altogether kild our death for it doth as yet moue it selfe and fastens his dart in our héele yet this poyson is gone to the heart of death it will come to passe therefore 1 Cor. 15.26 that at length by the force thereof it dye death is that last enemie whom Iesus Christ at length in the last day shall vtterly destroy Luk. 11.22 and comming vpon this strong armed man with greater strength shall take away powerfully from him all his pray Death must be beheld with spirituall eyes and it will appeare that his wrath is but vaine without strength as being captiuated and ouercome of Christ It layes snares for the life of the godly and behold it brings them to the true life It attempts to kill their soule and body with his darts and behold the soule being trée and without hurt of all wound of death the body alone is wounded which same also in the time to come shall bee snatcht out of the Iawes of death It endeauours to deliuer the godly to eternall death and behold it deliuers them to eternall life LXIII The horrour of the