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A64998 The wells of salvation opened, or, Words whereby we may be saved by Thomas Vincent. Vincent, Thomas, 1634-1678. 1668 (1668) Wing V451; ESTC R27043 98,079 175

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Earth and hath put all things under his feet and all power into his hand and appointed him to be head over all unto his Church He is the King of Saints whose Kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom and whose Scepter is a Scepter of Righteousness he hath given Laws to his people with great wisdom and ruleth in their hearts with great power and whosoever will not submit to his Scept●r to be ruled by his Laws he will break them in pieces with his I●on Rod. Thus concerning Christs V●ction to his Offices 2. Peter speaks to them concerning Christs Life that he went about doing good His Life was holy free from sin he did no evil no injury to any man he was harmless his whole employment was to do good Never was there such a man living upon the face of the Earth who never committed any sin in his life neither in thought word or deed Some indeed have said they had no sin but they have lied for no man liveth that sinneth not but Christ was born without sin and lived without sin he was perfectly good and righteous and he did good His Life was exactly according to the Rule he fulfilled the Law not only by his passive but also by his active Obedience 3. Peter speaks to them concerning Christs Mi●acles whereof they were witnesses instance is given of his casting out Devils likely he told them of more of his calming the Winds and Sea with a word his feeding five thousand with five Loaves his opening the eyes of them which were born blinde his raising the dead that had been buried several dayes and the like which works were a testimony of his Divinity and that he came from the Father 4. Peter speaks to them concerning Christs Death Him they slew and hanged upon a tree Christ humbled himself not only to take upon him our Humane Nature to be born of a mean Virgin and live in a low condition when he was Lord of all and God equall with the Father to take upon him the form of a servant but he humbled himself further to become obedient unto Death even the death of the Cross Phil. 2.6 7 8. It was a cursed disgracefull lingering and painfull death which he endured and however it was inflicted upon him by the hands of cruel blood-thirsty men yet it was according to the fore-appointment of God for the satisfaction of Gods Justice for the expiation of Mans sin it was not only for an example of suffering to men but in the room and stead of sinners who otherwise must all have unavoidably perished and for the ratification of the New Testament and Covenant of Grace So that the salvation of Man from sin and Hell and the Inheritance of glory and happiness doth depend upon the Death of Christ which was the purchase hereof 5. Peter speaketh to them concerning Christs Resurrection Him hath God raised from the dead and shewed openly Though Christ dyed and was buried yet the bands of death could not hold him and the Holy One did not see corruption his body was not so long in the grave as to put●●fie but within three dayes he arose again from the dead and was seen of Mary Magdalen first after of two Disciples as they went unto Immaus after of Peter and all the Apostles after of above five hundred Brethren at once He was declared to be Man by his death he was declared to be the Son of God with power by the Spirit of holiness in him which raised him from the dead forty dayes he remained upon the Earth after his Resurrection and then was caught up to the Throne of God in the presence of his Disciples and there he that was dead is alive and lives for evermore whose Resurrection as it hath an influence upon the spiritual Resurrection of his people from sin who when dead in sin are quickened by the same Spirit which raised him up So it is the first fruits of the resurrection of his people from the grave who in their order and Gods appointed time shall be awakened out of their long sleep of death and come forth of the dust and be caught up to meet him in the Air at his last appearance to Judge the World which is the next thing Peter speaketh of Christ. 6. Peter speaketh to them concerning Gods ordination of Iesus Christ to be the Iudge of quick and dead God hath appointed a day in which he will judge the World in Righteousness and hath ordained Jesus Christ to be the Judge who will so soon as the mystery is finished and the Elect are gathered come down from Heaven where now he is with a great shout and the sound of a Trumpet and awaken all the dead and summon the whole world to his barr and render unto all according to their works to them that have repented and believed and by patient continuance in well-doing have sought for glory and honour and immortality he will give eternal life but to them which have been impenitent and hard-hearted and disobedient to the Gospel he will give indignation and wrath tribulation and anguish and sentence them to eternal Death 7. Peter speaketh to them concerning Christs Mission of them to preach He sent the Apostles to preach repentance and remission of sins in his Name and he hath appointed the Office of the Ministry to continue to the end of the World for the calling and conversion of those which belong to the Election of Grace and the building up and perfecting the Saints which are called untill they all come into the unity of the Faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God unto a perfect man unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ Eph. 4.12 13. Thus the Apostle Peter preacheth Christ unto Cornelius and them which were with him SECT IX 4. AND lastly Peter speaks to them concerning the Way of Salvation by Christ vers 43. To him gave all the Prophets witness that through his Name whosoever believeth in him should receive remission of sins There is no Name under Heaven whereby we can be saved but the Name of Christ Act. 4.11 and there is no salvation by Christ but by Faith When the Jaylor with trembling enquired of Paul and Silas What shall I do to be saved they tell him Believe in the Lord Iesus Christ and thou shalt be saved Act. 16.30 31. There are three Arguments which will evidently prove That all such as truely believe in Christ do receive remission of sins and consequently are in a state of Salvation The First may be drawn from Christs Satisfaction The Second from Christs Intercession The Third from the Promises of the New Testament I. First from Christs Satisfaction If Christ hath fully satisfied Gods Justice for the sins of men and this satisfaction be accepted by the Father in the behalf of sinners and this satisfaction be imputed unto all them that truely believe in Christ as if they bad made it themselves Then all those that
sinking fears what horrible perplexity of mind you will on this day be filled withall it will be a dreadful day 2. The Sentence of the damnation of such as are not saved will be dreadful when the Books are opened where your sins are recorded and you are convicted by the Judge then he will proceed to pass sentence upon you Depart from me ye cursed into everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his Angels Matth. 25.41 O dreadful words the voice will be loud with which they will be pronounced such as shall reach the ears of all the wicked together of all generations and how will they all quake and tremble at the sound thereof You may cry it may be to the Lord for mercy but it will be in vain you may say Lord open to us and receive us into thy Kingdom that we may participate in the joyes thereof but he will say unto you Depart from me I know ye not all ye workers of iniquity But if you must depart you may wish for his blessing as Esau though it were but an inferiour blessing no depart ye cursed depart with a curse If then you must depart with a curse you may wish for some convenient place of abode and good company as Cain when he went forth from the presence of the Lord with a curse he built a City to dwell in and took some comfort it may be in his habitation and wife and children no depart into everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his Angels you must dwell in devouring fire and inhabit everlasting burnings and your companions will be the Devil and his Angels and fellow-damned sinners in whom you will not find the least comfort which leads to the third particular 3. The Execution of the Damnation of such as are not saved will be dreadful and this will be in Hell when the irreversible sentence of damnation is passed upon you immediately the execution will follow and you will be haled from the Judgement seat and the everlasting doors of the prison of Hell will be lifted up where a horrible fire is burning which can never be quenched into which you must enter and be shut down and shut in to take up your eternal abode in that place of torment there every part will be tormented every member of your bodies every faculty of your souls and that in the highest degree of extremity beyond your now capacity and your torments will have no intermission neither will you have any hopes of their conclusion I have already treated in my Book of Judgement of the universality extremity and eternity of the torments of the Damned and therefore shall not here inlarge From what hath been said you may evidently perceive that the Damnation of such as are not saved will be dreadfull which should awaken you to endeavour after your salvation especially if withall you consider 2. That the Damnation of such as are not saved will be Certain where there is no Salvation there will be unavoidable Damnation because between these two hereafter there will be no middle condition such as are not saved will most certainly be damned Heaven or Hell eternal happiness or eternal misery will be the portion of all the Sons and Daughters of Adam I might shew that Gods Justice and Holiness and Truth doth require the Damnation of all such as do not obtain Salvation by Jesus Christ so that either God must prove unholy and unjust and false in his Word which is impossible or you which are not saved must be damned therefore this is most certain there is no escaping of the damnation of Hell by such as neglect the great Salvation of the Gospel Heb. 2.3 And methinks by this time I should hear some of you cry out as the Iews when Peter preached or the Jaylor O what shall we do to be saved SECT XVIII III. I Am to tell you Words to guide you in the way to attain Salvation And here I shall 1. Direct what things you must do that you may be saved 2. Shew what Means you must make use of to help you in those things 1. What Things you must do that you may be saved Take this in these Ten Directions 1. You must see your selves lost 2. You must mourn for sin 3. You must turn from sin 4. You must believe in Iesus Christ. 5. You must get a new Nature 6. You must lead a New Life 7. You must resolve upon sufferings for Christ if called 8. You must study and apply the Promises of the Covenant of Grace 9. You must give up your selves in Covenant unto God 10. You must be stedfast and persevere in the Wayes of God unto your lives end Direction 1. You must see your selves lost if you would be saved Luk. 19.10 our Saviour telleth us that he came to seek and save that which was lost You must be lost if you would be found We read Luk. 15. of the lost Sheep the lost Groat and the lost Son all which were found again and that with joy When sinners perceive themselves to be lost and undone and know not what to do then they are neer to be found and saved by Jesus Christ O then as ever you expect Salvation by Christ you must see and be sensible of your lost estate whilest you are in a state of Nature And for this end you must get a Conviction 1. Of your sin 2. Of the Punishment you have deserved for your sin 3. Of your Insufficiency to satisfie Gods Iustice. 4. Of your inability to make resistance and defend your selves 5. Of the Impossibility of your fleeing and escaping Gods wrath 6. That as yet you have no Interest in Christ who alone is able to deliver you from the wrath to come 1. That you may be sensible of your lost estate you must get a Conviction of your sin your eyes must be opened to see your selves guilty of sin before God and your mouths must be stopped so as to have nothing to say if the Lord should condemn you You must not only understand the nature of sin in the general that it is a transgression of the holy and righteous and good Law of the holy and glorious God of Heaven and Earth but also you must be particularly and thorowly convinced that you have transgressed this Law of God you must be convinced of your particular sins As to the kinds of your sins you must 1. See your selves guilty of Original sin of Adams first transgression by a just imputation you being in his loyns and parties in the first Covenant and then you must see what inherent sin there is in your nature that you were conceived and born in sin that you are a viperous brood a Se●p●ntine generation a seed of evil doers that the Toad is not fuller of poyson than your natures are full of sin that your natures are contrary unto the nature of God and have an enmity in them against the Law of God Rom. 6.7 You must be
eternal death and wrath which they have deserved and by sin are exposed unto Moreover you may here learn the reason why so many people especially those who most seriously and earnestly desire and endeavour their salvation choose to hear Ministers preach rather than others because they are commissioned by the Lord to preach the Word of salvation and their Ministry is most likely to be effectual Others may preach without a Commission the same words and do no good for want of Gods blessing It is not the bare speaking the words of salvation that will bring salvation but the revelation of Gods arm and operation of his Spirit with the Ministry of the Word As when our Saviour raised Lazarus from the dead he cryed with a loud voice Lazarus come forth and he that was dead received life and came forth Ioh. 11.43 44. Others could have spoken the same words as our Saviour and cryed over the grave with as loud a voice Lazarus come forth but with no effect the dead man would have remained still in the state of the dead whatever any man could have spoken or done but when our Saviour spake the words the dead man was quickened there went forth a vertue and efficacy a divine power and spirit with our Saviours words which raised him from the dead so uncommissioned persons may entrench upon the work of the Ministry and preach the Gospel speak words of salvation and cry to sinners to leave their sins to arise from their spiritual death to come forth from their graves they may exhort them to repent and believe that they may be saved and yet none of their words be likely to take impression and effect a saving change in the heart because being out of Gods way they cannot expect Gods blessing but Ministers are qualified and commissioned for the work and through Gods blessing there is a life and power goeth along with their preaching which maketh it effectual for salvation no wonder then if such as are led by the Spirit do choose to hear Ministers preach refusing others that they may be safely guided by them in the way of life and salvation SECT XIII Vse 2. FOR Reproof 1. Of Ministers 2. Of People 1. Are Ministers to tell people words whereby they may be saved this then reproves such Ministers 1. As do not preach at all 2. As do not preach soul-saving Truths 3. As do not preach in such a Way as is likely to do good But my business being chiefly to speak unto People I shall pass by this Use. 2. People are here to be reproved unto whom the Lord sends faithfull Ministers to tell them such words whereby they may be saved 1. It reproves such as persecute such Ministers that are of such a spirit as the wicked Iewes of old spoken of 1 Thess. 2.15 16. Who both killed the Lord Iesus and their own Prophets and persecuted us and they please not God and are contrary unto all men forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they may be saved to fill up their sin alway for wrath is come upon them to the uttermost Some there are that persecute Ministers with the tongue by reproaching of them others persecute Ministers with the hand by imprisoning of them and many other wayes afflicting of them seeking the extirpation of them as persons not fit to live upon the face of the earth thus ungratefully they endeavour the ruine of them that desire and seek their salvation and foolishly endeavour to blow out the light which would shew them the way to Heaven 2. It reproves such who if they do not persecute Ministers yet hate them bear a secret spight and enmity in their hearts against them and the reason is because they testifie that their works are evil upon which account our Saviour was hated Ioh. 7.7 they hate them because they reprove them for their sins and disturb their Consciences sometimes by sounding peals of Judgement in their ears that they cannot sin with that freedom and security as they desire Poor souls how will they endure the pains of Hell themselves that cannot endure the sore-thoughts of them and hate them which bring such sad thoughts into their mindes though it be in order to their escape Would any of you hate a neighbour that should cry aloud in the dead of the night Fire fire and bounce at your doors and awaken you out of your sleep to warn you of a Fire drawing neer to your habitation which if not prevented would burn house and goods and persons together And what do Ministers more than cry Fire fire and tell you of your near approach to everlasting burnings in which without some speedy course taken for prevention will certainly seize upon you and consume you everlastingly And have any reason to be troubled and offended and hate Ministers for awakening them upon such an account as this when their souls lie at stake and are in such danger A Physician of the body is not hated that tells his Patient that his disease is dangerous which if let alone without taking such a remedy will certainly be his death And have any reason to hate Ministers who are Physicians of the Soul because they tell men of the disease of sin which if not cured by the blood of Christ will certainly and may suddenly bring eternal death 3. It reproves such who if they do not so deeply hate Ministers yet will not be perswaded to hear them such as are so drencht in the World and so over head and ears in worldly business that they minde nothing else If any could tell them of a good bargain or some notable way of thriving in their Estates such a one they would visit and hear and O how would they relish such discourses But though Ministers give notice of the best bargain that ever was made and bring tydings of the most notable way of thriving namely of the way of thriving in spiritual and heavenly riches and shew men how they may gain pardon and peace and the favour of God and the graces of the Spirit and escape future misery and attain salvation and everlasting happiness yet like Gallio they minde none of these things they will not step over the threshold to hear Ministers preach the Gospel of salvation and how shall they escape who neglect so great salvation Heb. 2.3 4. It reproves such who if they do hear Ministers yet do not understand them that are so dull of hearing that they know not what Ministers say nor whereof they affirm that gather about a Minister as beasts about a Man that sounds a Trumpet and stare upon him but know not what the meaning of the sound is so they hear Ministers and look and stare upon them some strange things are brought to their ears which they know not the meaning of and are like words of another language to them because their eyes are closed and they want spiritual sense and discerning and a great reason is because they do
not desire and will not take pains to get an understanding in these things by beginning first with the Principles of Religion in the Catechisme and begging earnestly for the teachings of the Spirit and readiness to do according to what they already know 5. It reproves such who if they have some notional knowledge of the Doctrine of salvation preached by Ministers yet they do not believe the Doctrine their words seem to them like idle tales or some cunningly devised Fable they do not receive it as the Word of Truth as the Word of God which effectually worketh in them that believe 1 Thess. 2.3 they feel no effectual operation of the Word in the change of their hearts and the change of their lives they that were filthy are filthy still and they that were unjust are unjust still and they that were Drunkards and Swearers and the like go on still in their sinful course whatever notion they have of sin and whatever discovery of their danger and Saviour and way of salvation by him which is an evidence that they do not believe and this unbelief is the great God-provoking and Soul-damning sin such make God a lyar 1 Ioh. 5.10 but they will find him to be true to their cost and pain 6. It reproves such who if they have some notional knowledge and historical Faith yet do not relish the Words of salvation which are preached by Ministers 1. Those that do not relish the things who make no account of salvation as if there were no desireableness therein 2. Those that if they desire salvation from Hell-torments and future misery yet they do not relish the terms they do not like the Lords Yoak they will not bear his Cross they will not be perswaded to deny themselves to mortifie the deeds of the body they could like to be saved from Hell but they do not like to be saved from sin they could like to have Christ to be their High-Priest and Advocate but they will not have him to be their King and Lord and will not have him to reign over them To part with all sin and to be universally holy to lay down Estate Liberty Life it self at the Lords feer and be resolved to suffer the loss of all if they stand in competition with Christ are such hard sayings that they cannot bear But how hard will it be for them to bear the loss of Heaven and happiness and endure the dreadfull eternal wrath of God in Hell as they shall certainly do who will not accept of salvation upon the terms of the Gospel SECT XIV Vse 3. ARE Ministers to tell People Words whereby they may be saved I shall then endeavour to put in practice this duty of Ministers in telling you words whereby you may be saved In order to your salvation I shall speak 1. Some Words to try you whether you be in a state of Salvation 2. Some Words to move you to endeavour after your Salvation 3. Some Words to guide you in the way to attain Salvation 1. The first words shall be to try you whether you be in a state of Salvation and here I must put you upon the tryall of your selves wherein I may give you some help take the Exhortation of the Apostle 2 Cor. 13.5 Examine your selves whether ye be in the Faith prove your own selves Examine your selves by the Rule of the Word And because these Words are chiefly intended in order to the salvation of such as have not yet attained it to prepare them for the following Motives and Directions which if they mistook themselves to have already attained to a state of salvation would likely do them no good Therefore I shall briefly out of the Word of God give Some Characters of such as are not in a state of Salvation 1. Ignorant persons are not in a state of salvation See this Isa. 27.11 It is a people of no understanding therefore he that made them will not have mercy on them and he that formed them will shew them no favour Those that are grosly ignorant of the Fundamental Truths of Religion concerning God and Christ the lost estate of Man since the fall the way of Salvation Repentance Faith the Resurrection from the dead the last Judgement and the future Rewards and Punishments in Heaven and Hell and the like Principles of Religion which are necessary to be known in order to salvation they cannot for the present be in a state of Salvation the meanest understanding is capable of knowing these things by the teachings of the Word and Spirit therefore such as do neglect the means of Instruction and do not search the Word and cry to God for it but nuzzle up themselves in an affected ignorance in these things are inexcusable in their fault and will bring unavoidable destruction upon themselves Hos. 4.6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge 2. Negligent persons are not in a state of salvation I mean such as neglect their salvation Heb. 2.3 How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation Such as do not value and prize this great salvation purchased by Christ and published in the Gospel such as never were made sensible of their need hereof such as never had any great desires after it such as never took any pains in the use of means to obtain it all which are evidences of their neglect they cannot escape the dreadfull punishment of Hell which is prepared for such persons Such as are diligent to make provision for their Bodies but neglect the salvation of their souls if they persevere in this negligence they must needs miss of salvation 3. Impenitent persons are not in a state of salvation Luk. 13.3 Except ye repent ye shall all likewise perish All are guilty of sin original and actual and have matter for repentance such as have an obdurate and impenitent heart which never was broken and melted and humbled which never was affected with true evangelical sorrow for sin but on the contrary can commit sin with delight rolling it as a sweet morsel under their tongue which they will not part withall they must needs perish everlastingly if they should die in this estate the word is express that iniquity will be the ruine of the impenitent Ezek. 18 30. 4. Vnregenerate persons are not in a state of salvation Ioh. 3.3 Except a man be born again he cannot see the Kingdom of God Such as never had a gracious change wrought in their hearts that are asleep in sin and never were awakened as are dead in sin and never were quickened such as have old natures and old hearts and never were renewed that never put off as concerning their former conversation the old man which is corrupt according to deceitfull ●usts and put on the new man which is created in righteousness and true holiness Eph. 4.22 24. they are uncapable whilest such of this salvation there is no entrance for them into the Kingdom of Heaven 5. Christless persons are not in a
us God is the cause of our Salvation 1. as he hath chosen us unto Salvation Eph. 1.4 As he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world which Election being of Free grace we are said to be saved by Grace Eph. 2 5. 2. As he hath sent his only begotten Son into the world to purchase Salvation for us Joh. 3.16 God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life Gal. 4.4 5. When the fulness of the time was come God sent forth his Son made of a Woman made under the Law to redeem them which were under the Law that we might receive the Adoption of Sons 3. As he revealeth this Salvation unto us by the Preaching of the Gospel for which end he qualifyeth and sends his Ministers upon this Embassage to make known the glad tydings of Salvation 4. As he conferrs Salvation actually upon us in our effectual calling Justification Adoption Sanctification and Glorification all these are from God Now that must needs be a great Salvation which is effected by the great God especially if we consider that it is the greatest and most glorious of all his works in the world and unto which all his other works have some kind of tendency 2. This Salvation is a great Salvation in regard of the meritorious cause and that is the Lord Jesus Christ the excellency and greatness of whose nature office and sufferings do demonstrate the greatness of this Salvation which was purchased by him The sufferings of Christ were most properly the meritorious cause of mans salvation and they were the greatest sufferings that ever were endured insomuch as 1. They were the sufferings of the greatest person as man he was the head of the creation in regard of dignity he was a greater King than Solomon Matth. 12.42 a greater Prophet than Moses Heb. 3.3 a greater Priest than Aaron even a Priest after the order of Melchisedec Heb. 7. Moreover he was God as well as man God manifested in the flesh 1 Tim. 3.16 and though the Godhead could not properly suffer yet through its union in the same p●rson to the Manhood it put an efficacy in his suffering and strengthened the humane nature to undergo greater sufferings as to the value of them in that short space of time than all the Angels and Men in the world had their strength been united together in one person could have endured if the greatest extremity of misery had been layd upon such a one unto all eternity For 2. The sufferings of Christ were equivalent unto eternal death and ●he torments of the damned in Hell yea they were far exceeding as is evident because Gods infinite Justice is hereby fully satisfied and there is sufficiency of merit in them for the redemption of the whole world not only of Believers but also of Unbelievers not only of Men but of Devils too Christs sufferings were of infinite value not in regard of the sufferings but in regard of the Divine nature so closely united unto the Humane nature Therefore the salvation purchased by these sufferings must needs be a great salvation 3. This salvation is a great salvation in regard of the Instrumental Cause and that is Faith faith is a grace of great worth and excellency insomuch as it doth not spring from any root or power of nature but is wrought by the power of God and requireth such exceeding great power in the effecting of it we read of the exceeding greatness of Gods power towards them that believe according to the working of his mighty power Eph. 1.19 which shews that the salvation is great which is effected by this grace of Faith 4. This salvation is a great salvation in regard of the Final Cause and that is the manifestation of Gods glory 1. The glory of his Wisdom in contriving such a way for Mans salvation which no created understanding could have tho●ght of 2. The glory of his Justice which is as fully satisfied through Christs sufferings as if all Believers had been eternally punished 3. And chiefly the glory of his free grace and mercy which is set forth and magnified so eminently in all the degrees of mans salvation that nothing may be ascribed unto Man but all unto God alone Thus you see that this salvation is a great salvation in regard of the Thing it self and in regard of the Causes of it It is so great salvation as it hath no comparison and is beyond expression therefore labour to attain t●is salvation some endeavour to get a great Estate others to get great Friends others to get great honour and repute in the world do you labour to obtain this great salvation which doth exceed all in greatness it is a high and noble design and is worthy your uttermost care and diligence in seeking after it other things are but small things meer toyes and trifles in comparison nothing in the world hath the least degree of worth compared with this so great s●lvation I shall be more brief in speaking of the other properties of this salvation II. This salvation is a Rare Salvation I mean that few do obtain it Many are called few are chosen Matth. 20.16 Many are damned few are saved There are many troops of sinners that are posting in the broad way of destruction it is but a thin scattered company that are pressing forward in the narrow way of life and salvation this is evident from the Answer of our Saviour upon the Question propounded unto him Luk. 13.23 24. Then said one unto him Lord are there few that he saved And he said unto them Strive to enter in at the strait gate for many I say unto you will seek to enter in and shall not be able In which words he doth in eff●ct say that Few very Few should be saved for he tells them plainly that the gate of salvation is a strait gate and many cannot pass thorow a strait gate and although many should seek to enter in at this gate yet they should not be able and if many that seek to enter in shall not be able then it follows that none of those which do not seek to enter in shall be able Hence then we may gather a strong argument to prove that very few shall be saved If the most of men and women in the world do not seek salvation at all and they cannot possibly attain it and many that seek salvation shall never finde it then there are but few that shall be saved but the most in the world do not seek salvation at all to say nothing of the Heathen world which is by many degrees the far greater part of the world who sit in darkness and from whom the Gospel of salvation is hid and therefore are expresly said to be lost 2 Cor. 4.3 Even in the Christian world where the light of the Gospel doth shine the most of men and women that bear the
convinced how your natures are depraved being wholly destitute of Original Righteousness empty of all good and inclinable wholly unto evil that they are a polluted fountain from whence can proceed nothing but what is unclean that they are a bitter root from whence doth spring forth such cursed fruits of sin in your lives and you should look upon your sin of nature to be the worst because the Original of all actuall transgressions 2. You must be convinced of your actual sins how you have broken Gods Law in thought word and deed you must see your sins of Omission and your sins of Commission against the first and second Table of the Law and take notice of the number of them so far as you can remember together with their aggravations if they have been committed through ignorance when you have had means of knowledge if against light of Nature and the Word if against the reluctance of natural Conscience if against many Warnings and Reproofs if they have been committed with security hardness of heart delight greediness pride presumption obstinacy and the like and that you might be convinced of the gu●lt of sin you must look into the Law in which as in a glass you may see your natural face and all the spots thereof the Law will discover the sin of your natures as it requireth perfect conformity thereunto in habit disposition and inclination and forbiddeth all evil byasses of the will and heart to sin as well as external transgressions Moreover the Law will discover to you your actual sins but then you must look beyond the head Precepts of the Law which are but ten for you must take notice of the several branches belonging to every head which are many as for instance If you would finde out whether you are guilty of Adultery you must not only look upon the Precept as forbidding only the gross outward act Thou shalt not commit Adultery but as reaching to the inward desires and inclinations and so our Saviour Math. 5.28 interprets this Precept that whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her hath committed Adultery with her already in his heart and so in the Precept Thou shalt not kill it is murder not only to take away the life of another by violence but also to be angry with our brother without a cause and so in the other Precepts And as you must look into the Law for Conviction of sin so you must also look into your own Consciences and read what is there registred and compare your hearts and lives with the Law and you should call to minde the places you have lived in the busin●sses you have been employed about and the circumstances of your lives may bring to remembrance many sins committed long ago with their aggravations You must get thus a conviction of the guilt of your sins especially if you have fallen into any grosser sin in your life as adultery drunkenness theft if you have been guilty of swearing Sabbath-breaking profaneness or the like you must see the heinousness of them and withall you must see that every sin which you have committed is heinous as it is a dishonour to the highest Majesty who is infinitely more exalted above the greatest Earthly Kings and Potentates than they are exalted above the meanest Worm or Flie and for such as you to dishonour and affront him by sin is very heinous This is the first thing a Conviction of your sins which you must endeavour after 2. That you may be sensible of your lost estate you must get a convic●ion of the punishment which God hath threatned and you have deserved for your sins will the Lord put up the affronts which are offered to him by his Creatures will he bear the dishonours of his great and glorious Name by sin without punishing the sinn●rs No surely his holiness will not permit it his Justice hath been offended and must have satisfaction and therefore he threatneth to punish the offenders most severely God threatneth temporal calamities and death as the wages of sin and because through patience he forbeareth to punish many transgressions so remarkably in this life and the most dreadfull temporal Judgements which he inflicteth upon any are no wayes proportionable to the desert of their sins and the demands of his infinite Justice therefore he threatneth eternal punishment in Hell look into some places of Scripture where the Lord doth denounce severe threatnings against sinners Gal. 3.10 Cursed in every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the Law to do them Rom. 1.18 The wrath of God is revealed from Heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men Eph. 5.6 Because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience 2 Thess. 1. 8 9. Christ will come in flaming fire taking vengeance on them which know not God and obey not the Gospel who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and the glory of his power Rom. 2.6 8 9. God will render unto every man according to his deeds to them who are contentious and do not obey the truth indignation and wrath tribulation and anguish on every soul of man that doth evil That you may see and be sensible of your lost estate you must be convinced not only in the general of the justice and equity that such Judgements should be inflicted on sinners because God himself hath denounced them in his Word who cannot be unjust toward his Creatures and because sin hath deserved them being the breach of his Law which is holy and just and good and an offence of an infinite Majesty whose Justice is infinite and must be satisfied with a proportionable punishment unto the offence but also you must be convinced that you are such sinners that you have committed such and such sins that you have broken the Law in such a point and such a point and in every point that you are guilty of fornication or drunkenness or theft or covetousness or lying or profaneness and it may be of all these and more than these The first is the conviction of the Law the second the conviction of the Fact then follows the third conviction which is of the State that therefore you are under the Curse that you are condemned that the wrath of God hangeth over your head and that you must be tormented for sin most horribly and eternally in Hell It is the conviction of the dreadfull punishment of Hell which God hath threatned and unto which you are exposed for sin that will awaken you to a sense of your lost state when the conviction is imprinted deep upon you by the Spirit when you believe that Hell is no Fiction but a reality as certainly prepared for the wicked as God is above preparing places in Heaven for his people and you have a peep-hole as it were into Hell and imagine something of the torments which the damned there do and shall endure for
person who is God and man in one person that he might reconcile man unto God 2. The merit of his sufferings which as hath been shown was of infinite value and sufficient for the redemption of men 3. His alsufficient power to save those that come to him Heb. 7.25 4. His mercy and faithfulness to make reconciliation Heb. 2.17.5 His interest with the Father 6. His continual intercession at the right hand of God Heb. 7.25 4. You have encouragement to believe in Christ for salvation from the consideration of the Saints the experience which they have had of salvation by Christ some of whom have been as vile sinners as you You have as good grounds to come unto Christ and believe in him for salvation as the most holy men alive before conversion 5. If you would attain this grace of faith in Jesus Christ you must labour to act it looking up to God for help herein endeavour to cast and roll your selves upon Christ to apply Christ and his merits and to rely upon him and his righteousness It is in your endeavour that God doth work and h●re you must endeavour again and again against all opposition which you find from the D●vil and your own evil heart of unbelief which will be ready to carry you away from Christ. So much for the 4th Direction Direction 5. You must get a new Nature if you would be saved You must be made partakers of the Divine Nature if you would be made partakers of this salvation You have brought unholy and impure natures into the world with you which must be changed and renewed after the Image of God in knowledge righteousness and true holiness before you can be in a state of salvation and see the Kingdom of God This new nature which is absolutely necessary un●o salvation is begun in the work of regene●ation and carried on in the work of sanctification In regeneration the work of grace is begun the habits of grace are infused a new principle of sp●ritual life is put into the soul and sin which before l●ved and had dominion over the man imploying all his members as instruments of unrighteousn●ss to make provision for the satisfaction of its affections and l●sts doth receive its deaths wound and loseth its ●●●ce and r●igning power In sanctifi●ation the work of grace is c●r●i●d on the habits of grace are strengthned and en●●eased the n●w man doth grow and the old man doth decline and de●ay there is a vivification or quickning more and more of grace by the influence of the Word and Spirit and a mortification or subd●ing more and mor● of ●em●●ning iniquity What our Saviour tells N●●●demus ●●h 3.3 Ex●ept a man be born again he cannot see the Kingdom of God I may tell you that unless ye be born again unless ye be regenerated ye cannot be saved no possibility of entring into the Kingdom of H●aven without yo● get this new nature A man must be born the first time before he can poss●ss a temporal inheritan●● and a m●n m●st be born again before he can possess the eternal inh●ritance You m●st be children b●●ore you can be heirs Rom. 8.17 children not only by a●option but also by regeneration Ye must b● Sun●● before meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the S●ints in light Col. 1.12 You must have the new nature before you can enter into the New Ierusalem You must be made like to God in holiness before you can be admitted to live with God in the place of everlasting happiness God doth suffer the wicked that are unclean and unholy to live before him in the Out-house of the Earth but he will not permit any except such as are sanctified to live with him in the Palace of H●●ven O then labour after a work of Grace upon your heart be perswaded of the worth of Grace that 〈…〉 and precious J●w●l that the l●●st measure of Grace is of mere worth than ten thousand World● be sensible of your want of it that naturally you are without it that it doth not grow in Natures Garden that you have no good Nature in you before God till your Nature i● renewed be ready to receive the ●eed of Grace which drops down from above whilest People are attending upon Gods Ordinances be ready to hearken and yield to the Spirits motions whereby this work of Grace is effected And having the work begun O cherish the Grace you have got and as new-born B●bes d●sire the sincere milk of the Word that ye may grow th●reby and labour to cleanse your selves from all filthiness of Flesh and Spirit that ye may perfect holiness in the fear of God 2 Cor. 7.1 Dir●●●i●n 6. You must lead a new life if you wo●ld be saved see wh●t k●nd of Life the grace of God wh●ch bri●●●th s●lvation doth r●q●●re and 〈◊〉 nam●ly to 〈…〉 and w●rldly 〈…〉 and godly in this present world 〈…〉 You must d●ny ungo illness and worldly last you must put off concerning the 〈…〉 the old m●n which is corrupt 〈◊〉 to d●c●i●full 〈…〉 and not fashion your selves according to the former lusts in your ignorance and unregeneracy 1 Pet. 1.14 not running with others unto the same excess of riot 1 Pet. 4.4 not walking according to the course of a profane and ungodly world Eph. 2.2 but saving your selves from an untoward generation Act. 2.40 as he that hath called you is holy so you must be holy in all manner of conversation 1 Pet. 1.15 you must live soberly righteously and godly in this present world soberly in regard of your selves righteously in regard of others and godly in regard of the Lord. 1. Soberly in regard of your selves which implyes 1. Temperance in eating and drinking you must take heed of Gluttony and Drunkenness 2. Chastity you must take heed of Adultery and Uncleanness in thought speech look and act 3. Moderation you must be sober in your desires after these earthly things and take heed of inordinate affection to any thing 2 You must live Righteously in regard of others You must give to every one their due and do to others as you reasonably can desire that they should do unto you you must take heed of unrighteousness either in regard of Commutative Justice in your buying and selling borrowing and lending and in regard of Distributative Justice in dispensing of rewards and punishments you must beware of oppr●ssing afflicting injuring any of going beyond or defrauding any of withholding dues keeping back wages from those that have done you service knowing that if they cannot God will be the avenger of all such 3. You must live godly in regard of the Lord you must especially shew your New Life in the immediate Worship of the Lord and that publickly in his House privately in your Families secretly in your Closets you must worship God in the Ordinances of his own appointment and this you must do with reverence having an awe and dread of God upon your spirits with whom you have more
immediately to do with sincerity having a sincere respect to Gods glory therein and that you might be accepted by him and meet with him with vigilancy watching the sittest time in regard of the thing and the temper of your Bodies and Souls and the breathings of Gods Spirit with humility sensible of your sinfulness unworthiness weakness emptiness neediness with diligence before to prepare your hearts and in Ordinances to engage them and resist the Devil and the contrary workings of the flesh with frequency laying hold on all the opportunities as you can without neglecting other businesses which for that time you may be more necessarily called unto with fervency getting your hearts if you can raised and enlarged labouring that they may burn within you with love to God with delight and complacency in God and above all with Faith in Jesus Christ through whom alone it is that you can have strength to perform duties and that you can have any acceptance in them by the Father Direction 7. You must resolve upon sufferings for Christ if called if you would be saved you must bear the Cross if you would wear the Crown rem●mbring that if the Cross be weighty it will work for you a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory 2 Cor. 4.17 you must re●kon upon sufferings for Christ before hand and resolve that you will stick to him and his wayes though you should lose esteem by it and become the Drunkards Song and be reproached amongst men though you lose liberty by it and be thrust into Prison though you should lose Estate by it and be brought to pinching want though you should lose Friends by it and have none to stand by you though you should lose Life by it and be cut off in the midst of your years otherwise you cannot be Christs Disciples indeed and obtain this salvation which he hath purchased See the terms which our Saviour propounds Luk. 14.26 27. If any man come unto me and hate not his Father and Mother and Wife and Children and Brethren and Sisters yea and his own life he cannot be my Disciple This we are to understand that a man must choose to displease Father Mother Wife Children the nearest and dearest Relations and part with any thing in the world yea with Life it s●lf rather than to displease and part with Jesus Christ and that we must resolve to bear the Cross whatever it be that God hath allotted for us otherwise we do not accept of Christ upon Gospel-terms you must resolve to be partakers of the affliction of the Gospel if you would obtain the salvation of the Gospel you must resolve to suffer with Christ and for his sake when called if you would reign and be glorified together with him Whatever profession you make of Christ and his wayes in time of peace and prosperity when the Sun of persecution doth 〈◊〉 upon you with burning heat you will wither and fall away and turn fearfull Apostates and then your last estate will be worse than your first and as your sin will be greater here so your punishment will be more dreadfull hereafter in Hell where you will confess that the light sufferings which you have declined for Christs sake here are not worthy to be compared with the far more exceeding and eternal weight of wrath which you must endure for your Apostacy unto all eternity Direct 8. You must study and apply the Promises of the Covenant of grace if you would be saved without the Covenant of grace there had been no possible salvation for any of the fallen Children of Men the Covenant of Works which God made with Man at the first being broken by sin it doth condemn all that are under it it is by vertue of the Covenant of Grace that any are brought into a state of salvation therefore study and apply the Promises of this Covenant Now you must know that all the Promises of the Gospel which are scattered up and down the Scripture do belong unto this Covenant but I shall spread before you those few more general Promises which the Apostle doth make mention of where he treats of the New Covenant Heb. 8 10 11 12. For this is the Covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those dayes saith the Lord I will put my Lawes into their minde and write them in their hearts and I will be to them a God and they shall be to me a People and they shall not teach every man his Neighbour and every man his Brother saying know the Lord for they shall all know me from the least to the greatest for I will be mercifull unto their unrighteousness and their sins and iniquities will I remember no more Here are Four great Promises which the Lord hath made to his People which I shall explain though not in the order of the Text that you may the better understand and apply them 1. God promiseth that he will be to them a God and they shall be to him a People this includes all the rest It is a full and sweet promise that God will be our God it hath a great deal more in it than we can conceive we may look and look again and though our Faith have never so piercing an eye never so large and deep reach yet we cannot look to the bottom and fathom the depth of this Promise we may suck and suck again at this breast and though we draw never so hard we can never draw forth all the sweetness that is in this Promise To have God to be our God it is very great it is very sweet Indeed God is the God of all his Creatures yea of his enemies and the vilest sinners but to be our God in this place sounds and signifieth more than that which is common to all it speaketh a peculiar relation a special interest and propriety in God in this promise God doth make over himself and all that he hath to us so far as we are capable of receiving he giveth himself to be our portion he engageth his Power Wisdom Goodness Mercy Love and all his Attributes to be employed for our good he promiseth to be our God here and to be our God for ever it signifieth that he will be our Father to love and cherish us to preserve and provide for us whilest we live and to take our Souls to himself when we dye and to raise up our bodies at the last day and make both perfectly glorious and happy in Heaven when time shall be no more He promiseth also that we shall be his People we cannot make our selves so but he promiseth that he will make us so he will make us his Children he will adopt us he will regenerate us give us the title and give us the disposition of Children all this and much more is contained in this Promise That God will be our God and we shall be his People even the whole work of our salvation from our effectual