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A63780 Truth vindicated against all heresies shewing how the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent is distinguished : the woman cloathed with the sun discoverd, she having the moon under her feet : the Old and New Testament made to agree and God's justice and mercy magnified. Marsin, M. 1698 (1698) Wing T3162; ESTC R32876 65,626 96

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Curses in the Law were prononced against for although it is said All that are saved are saved by Grace and not of Works that is to show that we cannot perform good Works to that perfection as to become justified by them without the Merits of Christ and therefore saved by Grace and not of Works but Christ's Righteousness will be appli'd to justifie his Creatures sincere indeavours he being the Author of Eternal Salvation to all those that obey him But whereas it is said That it is not of Works of Righteousness that we have done but according to his Mercy he saveth us this was spoken to the first Churches which was then brought out of darkness and hath no reference to us as is proved but since the Nations have fallen into Popery we have not so understood as to distinguish between that part of Scripture which hath a general tendency and that which hath not And whereas Christ said to the Jews They should die in their Sins except ye helievc that I am he John 8.24 And who is this he but him that all the Prophets and Moses Prophesied of That when that Prophet came they should hear him in all things whatsoever he commanded them Acts 3.22 which at his first coming they did not And that all Believers that believe according to the Words of Christ so as to consent to take his Yoke upon them to become his Servants are then of his great Mercy and free Grace saved from their original and past Transgressions by the Gospel tender of his Grace Rom. 3.25 without their before performing the Deeds of the Law for Christ is become to such Righteousness Sanctification and Redemption and by him the Eternal Life lost by Adam reenters But we are no sonner listed his Souldiers and Servants but we are to Fight to keep our Ground and Station wherein he hath set us for the Eternal Life given to the Believer to make it an Eternal Inheritance is a Prize set before us and it is the Runner that holds out to the end and the Warrier that overcometh that shall have the reward of the Crown of Life Rev. 3.11 And he that puts his Hand to the Plough and looks back is not fit for the Kingdom of God Luke 9.62 And it is said Remember Lots Wife And the Apostle saith of Himeneus and Alexander That they made Shipwrack of Faith and a good Conscience 1 Tim. 1.19 Likewise others who were washed from their old Sins returned as a Dog to the Vomit and some denied the Lord that bought them 2 Pet. 2.20,21,22 And those that live after the Flesh and despise Government act as irrationally as the Beasts for the Beasts had not Reason given them but were made to be destroyed ver 12. And it is the Ground that remains barren under the tender of Grace and free offer of Mercy in the Call of the Gospel that is nigh unto Cursing whose end is to be Burned Heb. 6.6,8 And those that receive the sincere Milk of the Word to grow thereby are thereby brought off from the World and so Regenerated and Born again 1 Pet. 2.2 But they which have not the Word have not the Call of the Gospel And likewise among us who are not of the Elect there are some in a more peculiar manner brought home by the operation of the Spirit of God upon them by the Word but they do no longer stand than they are found sincere in their Obedience Rom. 6.16 IX The Word of the Scriptures is the Word of Faith and in them the offer of the Common Salvation I Do also here affirm that the Word of the Scriptures is the Word of Faith and in them the offer of the common Salvation and whosoever believes the Truth of the Scriptures they are able to make them wise unto Salvation 2 Tim. 3.15 Therefore the Apostle saith It is the power of God unto Salvation unto every one that believeth for therein is the Righteousness of God revealed and the Just shall live by their Faith Rom. 1.16,17 For the Lord is become the Author of Eternal Salvation to all them that obey him Heb. 5.9 And by doing good Works there is a laying hold of Eternal Life 1 Tim. 6.19 as well as there was some foreordained to Eternal Life And the Word of the Lord endureth for ever 1 Pet. 1.25 The which we are to hold fast till he come Rev. 2.24,25 And if the Word spoken by Angels was stedfast and every Transgression and Disobedience received a just recompence of Reward how shall we escape if we neglect so great Salvation which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord and was confirmed to us by them that heard him Heb. 2.2,3 For the Lord Christ hath abolished Death and hath brought Life and Immortality to Light through the Gosple 2 Tim. 1.10 And the Apostle with Moses speaking of the Letter of the Word saith The knowledge of it is in thy Mouth and in thy Heart that thou mayest do it Deut. 30.14 So that we may do the thing that is there required God having promised his assistance and that he will accept our sincere Endeavour and whosoever takes to the way therein directed will find the assistance therein promised with the assured Reward that Christ has purchased which they also will be partakers of as well as those that were forechosen so as for any ones sincere Service the Lord will be their great Reward when he again comes at the time of the Redemption of the purchased Possession for then will he Redeem Israel and give to others Rewards and Punishments according to their Deeds And this is the common Faith which all that are under the common Call of the Gospel ought to contend for the which St. Jude terms the common Salvation vers 3. And it was by the common Faith that Titus became so Eminent a Christian Titus 1.4 XII How God is the Author of Faith in the Belief of the Scriptures BUT peradventure some will say That we cannot of our selves have Faith to believe the Scriptures for that is the Gift of Ged These Words were spoken to the Elect Church of the Ephesians who were part of the peculiar People chosen from among the Gentiles for the Praise of his Name which received the Holy Ghost to be in them who were then first brought out from the Abominations of the Gentiles and to whom the Apostile saith Eph. 2.8 For by Grace ye are saved thro' Faith and that not of your selves it is the gift of God That is it was the great Mercy and rich Grace of God the gift of his Son and this great Mercy is to be received thro' Faith which Faith is not of themselves it is the gift of God who unto them in a peculiar manner he did at first manifest himself to but God did never leave himself without vvitness for the ground of Faith to confirm the truth of vvhat he vvould have us believe and therefore to confirm the Lavv that it
Ezek. 14.7 And like not to retain God in their knowledge but in the way of well doing we may commit the keeping of our souls unto God as unto a faithful creator 1 Pet. 4.19 Now St. Paul speaking of the Creation of the World in the fore-going Words Rom. 1.20 makes mention of it as such and not as the Foundation of the World And all the Apostles in all their Writings agree in calling the Twelve Tribes the Foundation of the World to come And likewise Zachariah the Priest said God hath raised up a Horn of Salvation in the House of his Servant David Here he doth not say that this was Prophesied of from the Foundation of the World but by all the Holy Prophets since the World began Luke 1.69,70 That he would raise up a horn of salvation in the house of his servant David And in David and Solomon was the Typical Kingdom of Christ And after David had received the Kingdom God by the Prophet said His seed shall endure for ever and his throne as the sun before me Psalm 89.36 This ever is the ever of the time to come the which all the Prophets Prophesied of from David till Christ came but no Prophet Prophesied that this Salvation should come out of the House of David before David was and had received the Kingdom But we not apprehending the difference between the Creation and Foundation nor the beginning of this World to come has cast us into most dangerous Mistakes for thereby we have received another Faith than what the Gospel teacheth in thinking none but the Elect can be saved and that some thereby have thought they should be saved by the Righteousness of Christ contrary to the Words of Christ which are upon the condition of their Obedience which will prove destructive if unrepented of Likewise we have another Hope than what the Scripture Teacheth for by our Predecessors falling into Popery we have lost the form of sound words as they were first delivered and to maintain our received mistaken Notions we must not believe what God hath declared promised and sworn to And this out of pretence of justifying God's Wisdom which some say doth greatly consist in God's sore-knowing all the Wickedness of the Devil and Man from all Eternity whereby they make God the first conceiver of it and likewise with such approbation as some say as he did not only suffer it but decreed it to be committed which is so quite contrary to the Holy God as the thoughts thereof are to be abhorred it being Blasphemy for to think it for he hath absolutely declared against it For it was after God saw that Man had corrupted his Way it repented him that he had made Man upon the Earth and God said it griewed him at his heart Gen. 6.6 Now whether it is right in the sight of God to believe Man rather than God judge ye Acts 4.19 And that God that is an unchangeable Being in Holiness Wisdom Justice Goodness and Truth which are his proper Attributes and therefore impossible for God to lie Heb. 6.18 For God is not a man that he should lie neither the Son of Man that he should Repent that is when God hath absolutely promised a Blessing he will certainly perform it as it is here declared Hath he spoken and shall he not make it good Numbers 23.19 And we are to believe of God in every thing as he hath declared of himself to be moved to pity upon Man's Repenting and Returning and to Anger and Wrath upon Man's Rebellion and of certain God will never be angry with any for believing what he saith or hath promised or sworn to And the Prophet for believing what another Prophet told him in contradiction to what God had declared to him a Lyon met him and Slew him 1 Kings 13.17,18,24 And as the Faith of Abraham was set down for our Example so this was Recorded for our warning that we might not believe Man in contradiction to God Now Christ and the Apostles being rightly understood are found to agree with the Words of God and the Prophets and the Care of the Apostles was such as to compare spiritual things with spiritual things 1 Cor. 2.13 To see if the Spirit spake in them agreeably to what the Spirit spake in the Prophets of old that thereby no Delusion or Deceiver might creep in among them for God did never send his Son and the Servants of his Son to contradict what he himself hath declared promised and sworn to XVI The Glory and Blessedness that will be in time to come For the Lord will come to judge the Nations in the valley of Jehosaphat and restore his People Israel Joel 3.1,2,12,13,16,17,18 and then it is the Lord will make Mount Sion and eternal excellency and the joy of many Generations Isaiah 60.15 And then it is his people shall be all righteous and inherit the land for ever Then it is a little one shall become a thousand and a small one a strong nation the Lord will hasten it in his time Isaiah 60.21,22 Here the Lord sheweth there will be another time after this time in which his People will be blessed against which time St. Paul ordereth Timothy that he should charge them that are rich in this world that they be rich in good works laying up for themselves a good foundation against the time to come 1 Tim. 6.17,18 And sure if we were not blind we could not think that all that are Rich in this World are Elected but that by doing good Works all may lay hold of eternal Life ' for Christ is become the Author of eternal Salvation to all them that obey him ' Heb. 5.9 Whether Elect or not Elect but those that remain blind now God has made plain his Word is because they have no desire to see but whether some will see or not it is in the time to come that God will make that promised new everlasting Covenant with his People and put his laws in their inward parts and write them in their hearts and they shall teach no more every man his neighbour and every man his brother saying know ye the Lord for they shall all know me from the least of them to the greatest of them saith the Lord Jer 31.33,34 And in that day the Lord will make a covenant for them with the beast of the field and with the fowls of heaven and with the creeping things of the ground and then will the Lord break the bow the sword and the battel out of the earth And then will the Lord betroth Israel to him for ever in righteousness in judgment in loving kindness and in mercy Hos 2.18,19 And then the days of his People shall be the age of a Tree and then it is the Meek shall inherit the Earth and delight themselves in the abundance of Peace and then it is the evil Beasts will cease out of the Land Ezekiel 34.25 Now this Covenant some have blindly imagined that it
further to consider wherefore the Lord sent them forth from the Garden Which was Least he should put forth his Hand and take also of the Tree of Life Gen. 3.22 By which words we are to take notice that God doth positively declare that he did not know what Man would do till he proved and tryed him and saw what was in Man And Therefore least he should also take of the Tree of Life and eat and Live forever God having before pronounced Death for his offence God sent him out of the Garden These words we are to take in the plain Letter of the Text. That God did not then know what Man would do And this God declaring we are bound to believe In as much as it is impossible for God to ly Heb. 6.18 But many by not rightly apprehending these forementioned places have laid the generality of the world under Eternal Damnation by a fore sight in God of Adams transgression Notwithstanding God hath fully declared that when he saw that the wickedness of Man was great upon the Earth and that man had wholly corrupted his way except Noah It repented the Lord that he had made Man on the Earth and it grieved him at his Heart Gen. 6.5,6,9,12 And this we are to take in the plain Letter of the Text without we will blaspheme his Holy Name in making the God of Truth a lyer which is impossible for him to be Heb. 6.18 And when God promiseth a Blessing whether conditional or absolute according as he hath promised he will make it good Hath he said and shall he not do it or hath he spoken and shall he not make it good For God is not a man that he should lye nor the Son of Man that he should repent Numb 23.19 But upon man's returning God is often said to Repent of the Evil he thought to do unto them So likewise of a Blessing when it is promised on condition and the condition not performed Jer. 18.8,9,10 And it was after God had proved and tryed man he saw what was in man And seeing our great High-Priest could not be touched with the feeling of our Infirmities till he took our Nature Heb. 4.15 So it was much more impossible that God who is of purer Eyes then to behold Iniquity with approbation could be cumbred with the foresight of all the abominations and wicked stratagems of the Devil or Man before they were created or the World in which man offended And the God of Truth having sworn that he delighteth not in the Death of a Sinner but rather that he should return and live Ezek. 33.11 And how can this be true if God had reprobated the generality of all Mankind from all Eternity And likewise God saith The Soul that sinneth it shall dye the Son shall not bear the iniquity of the Father Ezek. 18.20 that is when they come to be judged And accordingly it is said when they are judged That every one shall receive for the things done in the Body whether it be good or bad 2 Cor. 5.10 For Christ will then condemn none for the Sin of Adam's Transgression the which we call Original Sin for which we have laid the greater part of the World under Eternal Damnation by a foresight in God of Adams transgression And it is by the false Notions which the Christians have received through the mistaken places of Scripture which has caused several to deny the Lord Christ to be the Son of God knowing that the God of Truth would not send his Son and the Servant of his Son to contradict what he had before declared for tho' our Faith in some things may be above our Reason but not contrary to Reason And tho' it is said He that planted the Ear shall he not hear he that formed the Eye shall he not see Psal 94.7.9 This is spoken only to the time after Man had a being and when they transgressed and thought God did not see But in that God said when Man had corrupted himself that it repented him that he had made Man and that it grieved him at his heart Therefore with permission I speak this it being not improbable that if Man had fallen no otherwise then in Adam's transgression that then Christ by taking our Nature and therein performing perfect Obedience he might thereby have satisfied Divine Justice without making his Soul an Offering for Sin Which made the Lord Christ desire of God that if it were possible that Cup might pass from him But it being impossible that God's justice could be otherwise satisfied therefore he drank it and God was troubled that Man had so corrupted himself as to fall under his severe Condemnation he having no pleasure in the Death of a Sinner Ezek. 18.32 But many by their false apprehensions that all things were fore-ordained before the Creation making no distinction between the great difference that is betwixt the Creation of the World and the meaning of the Foundation of the World and by several mistaken places Whereby they have made the wonderful Love of God in the gift of his Son only a thing fore-determined according to the Counsel of his own Will and that from all Eternity And the wonderful Love of Christ in laying down his Life for the World which Love passeth Knowledge has been made a design in God that thereby some might be saved and the rest damned And these conjectures some have had of God who is the Fountain of all Wisdom Love and Justice as to think that God from all Eternity elected some without Reason and left the rest to eternal Damnation without having any regard to Reason Pity or Love But when such come to be judged they will find that God has a reason for what he doth And some there are that hold that God hath two Wills an outward Will to invite all to come and accept of Salvation and a secret Will that only the Elect shall be saved Which Notions were no other then Blasphemy against the God of Truth were they wilfully committed And because most of the received mistaken Notions will not permit God a Reason for what he doth therefore the foresaid Elias Thomas Moor pretending to vindicate God's justice more than the others saith God not making the Angels that fell nor Man at first of ability to stand and therefore he saith God in Justice cannot punish Man in Hell nor leave the Devil to damnation And were this true that God did not at first make the Angels that fell and Man of ability to stand I should be of his mind also in thinking it could not be justice in God to condemn them to the Fire of Hell for doing that which he had before determined But now the Prince of Darkness through our mistaken Notions by the false Interpretations put upon the Scriptures has compleated his design in throwing his miscarriage and the World 's upon God that thereby Man might be as wicked as the Devil would have them Concerning Adam's Fall I
blind to thy self such are full of Darkness and then how great is that Darkness Mat. 6.22,23 for that leads to utter Darkness But for some there is a Redemption in the World to come for all that dyed in Adams Transgression will be cleared from Original Sin by Christ 1 Cor. 15.22 and so a Redemption for all Children in time to come For then the Son shall not bear the Iniquity of the Father neither shall the Father bear the Iniquity of the Son the Soul that sinneth it shall Dye Ezek. 18.20 But in this time it is only the Children of the Believer is Holy 1 Cor. 7.14 before they have committed actual Sin and the Believer is he that believes Salvation is to be had according to the words of Christ but at Judgment there is none Condemned but for the Deeds done in the Body 1 Cor. 5.10 and then all Children will be cleared and likewise all them unto whom God hath promised Mercy will then accordingly find Mercy as the Meek the Mercifull c. Mat. 5. and all that order their conversation aright Psal 50.23 and the Ignorant shall be beaten with fewer Stripes than those that wilfully offend Luke 12.47 And whereas it is said He that hath the Son hath Life and he that hath not the Son of God hath not Life 1 John 5.12 These Words do no ways exclude a Redemption by Christ for some in the World to come or Restoration but for some Sin there is neither forgiveness in this World nor in the World to come Mat. 12.32 1 Joh. 5.16 But whereas it is said Where the Tree falleth there it lieth thereby it shews that after Death we can no ways help our selves as we may now by Repentance and Amendment of Life but all that go into the Pit must there stay till they are brought to Judgment to receive their Sentence of release or final Condemnation but the coming of the Lord the raising of the Saints the judgment of this World and the restoration of Israel will be many Ages before the last Judgment when the Sea Hell and Death deliver up their Dead Rev. 10.12 In which God hath secret places for Souls which we know not of for all that go not to Heaven do not go to the Fire of Hell for what the Lord speaks by the Law and Gospel is but to them that are under it as I have proved and for them that are under the greater light they will fall under the greater Condemnation but whereas the Prophet prays Jer. 10.25 Pour out thy Fury upon the Heathen that know thee not and upon the Families that call not on thy Name for they have eaten up Jacob and devoured him and consumed him and have made his Habitation Desolate The Prophets Petition here is only against those Heathens that devoured Jacob and laid wast his Dwelling Place The same also is said upon their like Cruelties in Psal 79.6,7 And whereas the Apostle saith The Lord will come to take Vengance on them that know not God and that obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ 1 Thes 1.8 And those are they that know not God that believe he will not Reward and Punish according to his Word VIII Concerning the drawings of God as to when and upon what account Christ then thus Spake NOW whereas the Lord saith No Man can come to him except the Father draw him John 6.44 And also the Lord saith in vers 65. No Man can come unto me except it were given unto him of my Father The Lord Christ hath here his reference to the then time in which he appeared as a mean Person which in Scripture is termed the form of a Servant and those that were then first called in had the more immediate drawings of God and the Words of the Lord here had their tendency to the Remnant with the rest of the Elect that were given him of his Father unto whom the Holy Ghost was afterwards given to be in them And therefore the Lord saith in the 45. vers It is written in the Prophets and they shall be all taught of God The Lord here having his reference to the time that the Holy Ghost should be given for the establishing of the Gospel Heb. 2.3,4 and as an earnest of their Inheritance in time to come Ephe. 1.14 And whereas the Lord saith Every Man that hath learned of the Father cometh unto me Whether the Lord in these Words meaneth only the Sheep that were his Fathers before and given to him or all them of Israel who then lived according to the rule of Gods Word for of such it may be said they were taught of God in that they were guided by his Precept and unto all that fear his Name in Israel was the Word of this Salvation sent Acts 13.26 But the Lord seems rather here to have his peculiar reference to them that was then given him by his Father but the reason the Lord speaketh thus mystically to them was because the Multitude had seen the great Miracle that he did in feeding Five Thousand with Four Loaves and Two Fishes Upon which the Multitude thought to have taken him by force and to have made him a King but the Lord knowing their thoughts went privatly from them and the Multitude seeking after the Lord which when they again had found him he then spake so mystically unto them that they could not understand him and therefore they said they were hard sayings who could bear them and from that time many of the Disciples went back and so the Lord brake their design of making him a King for his time to Reign was not then but these very Persons that did not then wilfully depart from him but went away because they could not then understand his sayings Christ said unto them in the 27. vers Labour not for the Meat which perisheth but for that Meat which endureth unto everlasting Life which the Son of Man shall give unto you Which was to those very Persons that sought after him to make him a King and who had eaten of the Loaves and were filled For though by those hard sayings the Lord brake their design yet from the Word of the Lord it is plain they were not to be forgotten by him And whereas the Lord saith vers 39. This is the Father's Will which hath sent me that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing Again in the 40 vers And this is the Will of him that sent me that every one which seeth the Son and believeth on him may have everlasting Life That is every one that so believeth in the Son as to walk in the Precepts of the Son it is likewise the Father's Will that all such may have everlasting Life which is if they continue in well doing then will the Lord raise them up at the last Day which is the last Day of the Power of this wicked World For God is not willing that Man should perish but that they
all that was said concerning the Remnant and first Churches and Israel at the restitution of all things that they now belong to them and are made good to them in this time although they find not in them what is there promised but many vainly imagine through their mistaken Notions that they are now so secured by Christ's Righteousness as they cannot finally fall away and so little regarding the plain words of Christ as his Sermon on the Mount Matth. 5. to the eighth Chapter And also that he laid down his life for the world John 3.17 And his general Invitation to accept of Salvation by taking his Yoke upon them Matth. 11.28,29 And Christ faith If thou wilt enter into Life keep the Commandments Matth. 19.17 And in loving God and our Neighbours hangs all the Law and the Prophets Matth. 22.4 And is commanded us by Christ and his Apostles Rom. 2.13 And not the hearers of the Law are just before God but the doers of the Law shall be justified and it is said to the Law and to the Testimony if they speak not according to this word it is because there is no Light in them Isaiah 8.20 Therefore St. Peter terms it a more sure word of prophesie whereunto ye do well that ye take heed as unto a light that shineth in a dark place until the day dawn and the day star arise in their hearts 2 Pet. 1.19 For in the Prophecies is declared the promises of the blessedness in time to come in which time will be given an inherent perfect righteousness which is the day Star that will then arise in their hearts for in time to come is given the eternal life 1 Tim. 6.19 Now the Bereans were said to be noble because they searched the Scriptures to see if those things which were spoken by the Apostles were so or no Acts 17.11 And the Scriptures then was only the Old Testament and all the Prophesies were to be fulfilled and as many of them as has not yet been fulfilled remains still to be made good in as much as it is impossible for God to lie Heb. 6.18 Jer. 31.33,34,35,36,37 Isa 54.9,10,11 Chap. 62.8 much less forsworn and Christ saith Think not that I am come to destroy the law and the prophets I am not come to destroy but to fulfil for verily I say unto you till heaven and earth pass one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law till all be fulfilled Matth. 5.7,18 That is not till all the great Promises and Prophesies that are written in the Law and the Prophets are fulfilled both as to the Punishments and the Glory that should follow Dan. 7.27 Isaiah 60.21 Which promised Glory could never come to pass had not the Lord laid down his Life to purchase to himself a glorious Church in time to come without spot or wrinkle but that it should be holy and without blemish Eph. 5.27 Isaiah 60.21 And accordingly in Isaiah it is declared and in the Rev. 5.10 For the glorious time will not be till Israel receives the Promises Now all our mistaken Notions are quite contrary to the Law and the Prophets and therefore not to be received by us and though Christ Abolished the Ceremonial Law it was no ways contradictory to the Prophets for David Typically speaking of Christ saith Sacrifice an Offering thou desirest not then said I lo I come in the volume of the Book it is written of me I delight to do thy will O God Psalm 40.6,7 Christ was that acceptable Sacrifice which only could take away Sin which the Sacrifices of the Ceremonial Law could not do and therefore were to be Abolished Ezek. 20.25 But whereas Christ saith Matth. 11.13 All the Prophets and the Law Prophesied until John which was because the Ceremonial Law was then to be Abolished and then part of the Prophesies was fulfilled in Christ's first coming but there is other of the Prophesies are still to be fulfilled which not only foretels the Lord's second coming but also what will be in time to come agreeable to which the Lord Revealed to St. John by Revelation Now though the Gentiles were not commanded the outward Circumcision yet there is required of them the inward Circumcision of the Heart Rom. 2.29 The performance of which has been little observed but unto this Circumcision Baptism is a Figure and though we keep the eighth day or otherwise call'd the first day for our Sabbath yet this is not repugnant to the Scripture for when God blessed the Sabbath Day he pronounced the Blessing to the Sabbath Day not naming the seventh Day in the Blessing but in that God said the Seventh Day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God from hence it doth not appear that it should remain so for ever and ever Which words are added to that which is so to continue and the eighth Day was the great Day of the Feast which was likewise the Jewish Sabbath which was a Figure of the great Feast or Sabbath in time to come unto which their being Circumcised on the eighth Day doth allude in which God will Circumcise their Hearts that they shall no more Sin against him by the then Establishing the promised new everlasting Covenant which Crowns Life to the Soul which Covenant now is but a Covenant of Promise but when Established God's People will be all Righteous and then it is Israel will inherit the Land for ever Isaiah 60.21 And this God declaring we are bound to believe in as much as it is imppssible for God to lie Heb. 6.18 And God never left himself without Witness to confirm the Truth of his Word that we might have Ground for Faith for by that time most of the Elect among the Gentiles were taken off by Death Jerusalem was destroyed and the Jews became a scattered People through the World according as God by the Prophets and Christ hath declared and which is to this day evidently known and that they were thus scattered because of their Sins this the whole Book of God declares and themselves acknowledge and by them the Scriptures of the Old Testament have been more safely preserved all along amongst the Nations whilst the Nations were deprived of the New Testament by the Pope and so lost the right apprehension of the meaning of the things therein contained and likewise the Ordinances spoken of 1 Cor. 11.2 Which he praises them for keeping them as he delivered them the which St. Peter foreseeing according as by the Prophet is declared that the Goats would eat the good Pastures and tread the residue with their Feet and foul the deep Waters Eze. 34.17,18 Therefore St. Peter terms the Writings of the Prophets a more sure Word of Prophesie whereunto ye do well to take heed 2 Pet. 1.19 And the Scriptures declare concerning Israel first their Rise their Continuance their scattering and there remaining scattered till the Messiah again comes and there being such a scattered People among us and through the whole