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A62877 True old light exalted above pretended new light, or, Treatise of Jesus Christ as He is the light which enlightens every one that comes into the world : against the sense both of the Quakers, Arminians, and other assertors of universal grace, whose light is proved to be darkness / delivered in nine sermons, by John Tombes, B.D., and commended to publick view by Mr. Richard Baxter. Tombes, John, 1603?-1676. 1660 (1660) Wing T1824; ESTC R21431 110,239 95

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himself not imputing their trespasses unto them Vers. 21. For he hath made him to be sin for us who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousness of God in him Heb. 2. 17. Wherefore in all things it behoved him to be made like unto his brethren that he might be a mercifull and faithfull high Priest in things pertaining to God to make reconciliation for the sins of the people Isa. 53. 5. But he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with his stripes we are healed 1 Pet. 2. 24. who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree that we being dead unto sins should live unto righteousness by whose stripes ye were healed Col. 1. 19 20. For it pleased the Father that in him should all fullness dwell and having made peace through the Blood of his Cross by him to reconcile all things to himself by him I say whether they be things in Earth or things in Heaven All then that have the light of righteousness and peace with God have it from Jesus Christ who is therefore termed by the Prophet Isai. 9. 6. the Prince of peace and was represented by Melchizedeck King of Salem that is Heb. 7. 2. first being by interpretation King of righteousness and after that also King of Salem which is King of peace Isai. 9. 7. of the increase of his governement and peace there shall be no end 3. There is the light of spirituall joy comfort hope courage boldness and confidence before God which is derived from Jesus Christ and no other We are the circumcision salth the Apostle Phil. 3. 3. who worship God in the spirit and rejoyce in Christ Jesus and have no confidence in the flesh Rom. 5. 10 11. For if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son much more being reconciled we shall be saved by his life And not only so but we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ by whom we have now received the Atonement Col. 1. 27. which is Christ in you the hope of glory Phil. 2. 1. If there be any consolation in Christ 2 Cor. 1. 5. For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us so our consolation also aboundeth by Christ Eph. 3. 12. In whom we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of him Eph. 2. 11 12. Wherefore remember that ye being in time passed Gentiles in the flesh that at that time ye were without Christ being aliens from the Commonwealth of Israel and strangers from the Covenants of promise having no hope and without God in the world When they were without Christ they had no hope 1 Thes. 4. 13. whereby it is evinced that all spirituall joy in God all the comfort against death and wrath to come all the courage and boldness and confidence before God all the hope of the glory of God in which they rejoyce Rom. 5. 2. all the spirituall strength they have to endure and do is from Christ Phil. 4. 13. It is the peace of God which passeth all understanding which keeps mens hearts and minds through Christ Jesus v. 7. The light of life as it is termed John 8. 12. the inheritance of the Saints in light Col. 1. 12. is from Christ and him only 1 John 5. 11. And this is the record that God hath given to us eternall life and this life is in his Son he that hath the Son hath life and he that hath not the Son hath not life John 3. 36. He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life but the wrath of God abideth on him Rom. 6. 23. For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternall life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Rom. 5. 17 18 21 For if by one mans offence death reigned by one much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one Jesus Christ. Therefore as by the offence of one judgement came upon all men to condemnation even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life that as sin hath reigned unto death even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternall life by Jesus Christ our Lord. 1 Cor. 15. 22. For as in Adam all dye even so in Christ shall all be made alive Acts 4. 12. Neither is there salvation in any other for there is none other name under Heaven given among men whereby we must be saved 1 Cor 1. 30 31. But of him are ye in Cerist Jesus who of God is made unto us wisedome and righteousness and sanctification and redemption that according as it is written he that glorifieth let him glory in the Lord. Out of all which we may infer that all the light of spirituall knowledg whereby we know the way to God and understand his will and counsell is from Christs irradiation in whom are hid all the treasures of knowledge and wisdome Col. 2. 3. that all our light of peace and amity and favour with God is communicated to us by the appearing of Jesus Christ in mans horizon without which there would have been an eclipse of the light of Gods countenance for ever that all our joy in the holy Ghost our everlasting consolation boldness courage and confidence in God is through Christ who strengthens us without which we had been sick unto death for ever that our eternall life glory salvation is from Christ his resurrection and appearing without which an everlasting night of torment and horrour had scized on us we had been in utter darkness where is nothing but weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth Sect. 2. Christ inlightens Gentils as well as Jewes with spirituall light The other sense of the Text is That the light of Christ is not confined to the Jewes but extended to the Gentiles that he doth with spirituall light inlighten all sorts and Nations of Men according to the prediction of Simeon Luke 2. 32. Mine eyes have seen thy salvation which thou hast prepared before the face of all people a light to lighten the Gentiles and the glory of thy people Israel A thing which was much gainsaid by the Jewes who could not brooke it That the Kingdome of God should be taken from them and given to a Nation bringing forth the fruites thereof as Christ speakes Mat. 21. 43. for which the chief Priests and Pharisees sought to lay hands on him v. 46. And when Paul had made a Narration of his converson and how Christ appeared to him and said to him Depart for I will send thee far hence unto the Gentiles the Jewes gave him audience unto this word and then lift up their voices and said Away with such a fellow from the earth for it is not fit that he should live Acts 22. 21 22. So odious and
the world Two waies he may be said to inlighten and accordingly two sorts of light may be meant and two waies may the words be expounded There is a natural light of reason and understanding which every person coming into the world hath though not all in the same measure in the exercise by reason of the different temper and state of the body which the soul dwells in And this light is conceived to be meant ver 4. where it is said that the life of Christ was the light of men which expressing what was when all things were made by him and without him was nothing made that was made It can be well understood of no other light then natural reason by the creation of Christ and to this sense it seems to make that ver 10. it follows after ver 9. Which inlightneth every man coming into the world the world was made by him And then the sense is this That or this person of whom John was to witnesse was the true or excellent light which or who inlighteth with natural reason and understanding every man coming into the world by natural birth as being made by him This sense is followed by the most of Protestant Commentators I meet with and seems to be genuine The other sort of light is spiritual light expressed thus 2 Cor. 4. 6. The inlightning of of the knowledge of the glory of God in the person or face of Jesus Christ. And this sort of light is from Christs preaching and Spirit and is meane ver 5. where it is said The light shineth in darknesse and the darknesse comprehended it not And of this light Christ is the cause as the Prophet of his Church Luk. 1. 79. Joh. 3. 19. 8. 12 c. And thus is Christ said to inlighten every man that is every man that is inlightened hath his light from Christ as when it is said Psal. 145 14. The Lord upboldeth all that fall that is all fallen persons that are upheld or he lighteth every man that is all sorts of men as Col. 1. 28. every man is meant all sorts or Nations of men And these I confesse are good senses yet methinks the addition Who cometh into the world doth intimate that this inlightning is of every man that is born 2. At his birth and so is to be extended to every person of humane nature and the natural light he hath at birth which I have chosen to handle that I may clear the mistake of those who are termed Quakers who have this text almost perpetually in their speeches and writings insomuch that in the Catechism of G. F. that is George Fox a prime leader of them this text is almost in every answer to the Questions there propounded repeated And it is the common speech of them and almost all their preaching Look to the light within thee My intent is therefore to consider what that light is which is in each person and to shew that it is not sufficient to be a mans guide without the holy Scripture and therefore that erroneously they make it Christ and direct men to follow it universally as their rule To this end I shall consider 1. How Christ is light 2. How he is the true light 3. How he lighteth 4. How men come into the world 5. How farre every man is inlightned that comes into the world with natural light 6. How all spiritual light is derived from Christ and in what sense Christ may be said to inlighten every man with it Sect. 2. Christ is the Light the term Light is explained The first thing to be considered is That the Word that is Jesus Christ is Light Thus he saith of himself Joh. 12. 26. That he was come a light into the world And Simeon said of him Luk. 2. 32. That he was a light for the lightning of the Gentiles To conceive of this point two things will be to be explained 1. What is ascribed to Christ by this Appellation of Light 2. In respect of what nature he is thus termed To resolve the former it is to be considered that the term Light is sometimes applied to lucid bodies as the fire is termed the light Mark 14. 54. where Peter is to be warmed 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 at the light that is the fire And so Candles are termed lights Act. 16. 29. as it's usual with us also in our common speech And thus God is said to have made two great lights Gen. 1. 16. the Sun and the Moon Sometime for the quality of light which is a visive quality 1. In the lucid body chiefly as the light of the Sun Rev. 22. 5. 2. From it in the aire or middle body by which it is carried to the eye as the light in the aire which shone round about Paul Act. 26. 13. 3. In the eye by which the objects to be seen are discerned in which respect the eye is termed the light of the body Luke 11. 34. Now of all qualities there is none more amiable or desirable Eccl. 11. 7. Truly the light is sweet and a pleasant thing to behold the Sun By reason of whose beauty most Nations who knew not the true God did imagin the Sun to be God and accordingly did adore it and sacrifice to it which Job disclaimed Job 31. 26 27 28. If I beheld the Sun when it shined or the Moon walking in brightnesse and mine heart hath been secretly inticed and my mouth hath kissed my hand this also were an iniquity to be punished by the Judge for I should have denied the God that is above By reason of its light warmth and other influence the Sun is magnified by writers as seeing and hearing all things as the common Parent of all sublunary bodies insomuch that the Peripatetick Philosophy makes the Sun with man to generate man The Holy Ghost foretelling the coming of the Messiah Mal. 4. 2. terms him The Sun of Righteousnesse And Zacharias speaking of Christ Luk. 1. 78 79. saith Through the bowels of mercy of our God in which the day-spring or Sun-rising from on high hath visited us to give light to them that sit in darknesse and in the shadow of death So that what excellency the Sun hath in respect of its light is to be conceived of Christ in a spiritual way but in a higher degree and whatever excellency the light signifies in the Metaphor is more truly verified of him then any Angels of light or Children of light among men Sect. 3. Christ is Light as the Prince of life 1. By Light is oft in Scripture signified life Psal. 36. 9. For with thee is the fountain of life in thy light shall we see light And even in this Gospel saith Christ John 8. 12. I am the light of the world he that followeth me shall not walk in darknesse but shall have the light of life And John 1. 4. In him was life and the life was the light of men Job 33. 28. He will deliver his soul
from going into the pit and his life shall see the light Ver. 30. To bring back his soul from the pit to be enlightened with the light of the living Psal. 49. 19. The soul shall go to the generation of his fathers they shall never see light Psal. 13. 3. Lighten mine eyes lest I sleep the sleep of death Hence to sit in darknesse and in the shadow of death are conjoyned Mat. 4. 16. Luk. 1. 79. In respect therefore of life in Christ and communicated by him he is rightly termed the light Now that he hath life in himself at his disposal is affirmed by him Joh. 5. 21. As the Father raiseth the dead and quickneth so also the Son quickneth whom he will Ver. 26. For as the Father hath life in himself so hath he also given to the Son to have life in himself Joh. 14 6. Jesus saith to him I am the way and the truth and the life no man cometh to the Father but by me Joh. 11. 25. Jesus saith unto her I am the resurection and the life 1 Joh. 5. 11. And this is the record that God hath given to us eternal life and this life is in his Son who is termed the Word of life 1 Joh. 1. 1. That eternal life which was with the Father and was manifest unto us Ver. 2. The Prince or Author of life Act 3. 15. The last Adam was made a quickning Spirit 1 Cor. 15. 45. which being spoken of the resurrection of the body it appears that he is the light in respect of natural life as well as spiritual at the first creation as well as at the future resurrection As it is certain that some sort of living creatures are produced by the Sun so it is certain that the Son of God is the Prince of life who hath life in himself and imparts it to other living beings and in this respect is justly termed the Light Sect. 4. Christ is Light as the Lord of glory 2. By Light is oft meant glory and majesty There is one glory of the Sun another of the Moon and another of the Stars for one Star differeth from another in glory that is light 1 Cor. 15. 41. The light which made the face of Moses shine Exod. 34. 29. is termed 2 Cor 3. 7. the glory of his countenance and the shining of Christ at his transfiguration Mat. 17. 2. is termed glory 2 Pet 1. 17. and thus Christ is Light that is full of glory and majesty the Lord of glory 1 Cor. 2. 8. Even on earth John saith Chap. 1. 14. And we beheld his glory the glory as of the only begotten of the Father And doubtless however in Christs outward shape there appeared no more then ordinary or rather less then ordinary splendour yet in his preaching there was such glory as made the people astonished for he taught them as one having authority Mar. 1. 22. In his Miracles there was glory so as that Vers. 27. they were all amazed insomuch that they questioned among themselves saying What thing is this What new doctrine is this For with authority he commandeth the unclean spirits and they do obey him And Joh. 2. 11. This beginning of Miracles did Jesus in Cana of Gaiilee and manifested forth his glory and his Disciples believed on him And Vers. 15. When he made a scourge of small cords he drove out the sellers of Oxen Sheep and Doves and changers of mony all out of the Temple and overthrew their tables and powred out their money and when Officers were sent to apprehend him they returned answer Joh. 7. 46. Never man spake like this man He commanded Lazarus to come forth out of the grave and he came forth Joh. 11. 43 44. He rebuked the winds and the sea and there was a great calm Mat. 8. 26. These and many more things which appeared in him and were done by him manifested that he was indeed Light that is a person of splendour glory and Majesty notwithstanding his emptying himself in the forme of a servant Phil. 2. 7. Sect. 5. Christ is Light as cause of peace and joy 3. By Light is oft meant peace Isa. 45. 7. I form the light and create darkness is expressed in the next words I make peace and create evil Jer. 13. 16. While ye look for light that is peace In like manner Light is put for joy as Psal. 97. 11. Light is sown for the righteous and gladness for the upright in heart Prov. 15. 30. The light of the eyes rejoyceth the heart Isa. 60. 20. The Lord shall be thine everlasting light and the dayes of thy mourning shall be ended Darkness takes away mirth but the appearing of the day brings joy The Sun is that which chears all things by its light and so doth Christ dispell storms makes peace and begets joy Whence he is stiled the Prince of peace Isa. 9. 6. our peace Eph. 2. 14. Peace I leave with you saith Christ my peace give I unto you not as the world giveth give I unto you Let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid Joh. 14. 27. These things have I spoken unto you that in me ye might have peace in the world ye shall have tribulation But be of good chear I have overcome the world Joh. 16. 33. That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you that ye also may have fellowship with us and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ. And these things write we unto you that your joy may be full 1 Joh. 1. 3 4. As from the Sun all the light serenity and sweetness of the air whereby the spirits of men are refreshed the members warmed the whole body cheared is derived so from Christ are all the pleasant apprehensions of peace with God all the joyfull tast of his favour all the quickening hopes of heaven which a Christian soul partakes of Sect. 6. Christ is Light in respect of his purity and wisdome 4. By Light is meant holiness purity or clearness Nothing more free from defilement then light all the jakes and dunghills and filthy lakes in the world cannot pollute the light of the Sun and therefore it is fit to resemble holiness And accordingly God is said to be Light 1 Joh. 1. 5. that is pure as it is said Chap 3. 3. And thus the Lord Christ is Light being annointed with the oil of gladness above his fellows as loving righteousness and hating iniquity Psal. 45. 7. Heb. 1. 9. He did no sin neither was guile found in his mouth 1 Pet. 2. 22. He could challenge his most prying adversaries Joh. 8. 46. Which of you convinceth me of sin 5. By Light is meant wisdome Light is a discovering quality Eph. 5. 13. All things that are discovered are made manifest by the light for whatsoever doth make manifest is light Light pierceth through the most narrow chinks into the lowest holes and so doth wisdome find out the most hidden things
and heard Ioh. 3. 32. we speak that we do know and testifie that we have seen ver 11. He whom God hath sent speaketh the words of God for God giveth not the spirit by measure unto him ver 34. The Prophets and the Apostles were lights in their time but their light is set I mean their personal preaching ceaseth Zech. 1. 5. Your Fathers where are they And the Prophets do they live for ever 2 Pet. 1. 14. Knowing that shortly I must put off this my tabernacle even as our Lord Jesus Christ hath shewed me But of Christ it is said Rom. 6. 9 10. Knowing that Christ being raised from the dead dieth no more death hath no more dominion over him For in that he died he died unto sin once but in that he liveth he liveth unto God Eph. 4. 8. When he ascended up on high he led captivity captive and gave gifts unto men ver 10. He that descended is the same also that ascended farre above all Heavens that he might fill all things to wit with his light as it follows ver 11 12 13. And he gave some Apostles and some Prophets and some Evangelists and some Pastours and Teachers for the perfecting of the Saints for the work of the Ministry for the edifying of the body of Christ till we all come in the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God unto a perfect man unto the measure of the stature of the fulnesse of Christ. So that Christ is now not only a permanent light but also more eminent shining as he did on the earth to the Iews so more gloriously since his ascension to the Gentiles And though the man of sin hath much obscured the light of Christ and the mystery of iniquity that began to work in Pauls time hath prevailed after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders yet shall that wicked one be revealed whom the Lord shall consume with the Spirit of his mouth and shall destroy with the brightnesse of his coming 2 Thes. 2. 7 8 9. And then shall Christ shine more gloriously in his day and with him the righteous shall shine forth as the Sun in the Kingdom of their Father Matth. 13. 43. And then shall the Lord be to them an everlasting light and their God their glory Isa. 60. 19. Sect. 6. Christ the effectual inlightning Light Christ is the true light that is the effectual light which doth indeed that which light is to do As he is termed the true bread which was from Heaven Ioh. 6. 32. because he giveth life to the world ver 33. He that eateth of this bread shall live for ever ver 58. And as he is termed the true vine Ioh. 15. 1. Because he yeilds fruit as a vine so is he termed the true light because he doth inlighten effectually John 8. 12. I am the light of the world saith Christ be that followeth me shall not walk in darknesse but shall have the light of life Ioh. 12. 46. I am come a light into the world that whosoever believeth on me should not abide in darknesse There are lights that like ignis fatuus foolish fire lead men into dark places lakes and bogs whereinto they that follow them perish There are lights that for a while lead men in the way and then soon go out and so leave men in darknesse and perplexity But the Lord Christ leads alwaies in the right way even in the way of life neither is he ever extinguished but so shines as that whosoever follows him shall be directed aright in his way be guided into the way of peace Luk. 7. 79. With thee saith the Psalmist Psal. 36. 9. is the fountain of life in thy light shall we see light There is an amazing light that by its brightnesse doth as it were strike dead and cast down to the earth Revel 1. 16 17. When Christ appeared to John in his glory and his countenance was as the Sun shineth in his strength upon the sight of him John fell at his feet as dead When Saul journied to Damascus about noon suddainly there-shine from Heaven a great light round about him so that he could not see for the glory of the light but was blind for some daies Acts 22. 6. 11. Acts 9. 9. The Lord Christ is an excelling light yet not striking dead nor casting down nor blinding but rather an erecting light a clearing light a directing light an enlivening and inlightning light which would lead me to the consideration of the way of Christs inlightning but that somewhat more is to be said of the truth of Christ the light Sect. 7. Christ was the true Light in respect of the truth of his words 2. Christ is the true light in respect of his sayings he delivered that which was truth which is Logick truth and the truth he spake according to his mind which is moral truth 1. He could freely say John 8. 14. Though I bear record of my self yet my record is true for I know whence I came and whether I go Ver. 16. If I judge my judgment is true for I am not alone but I and the Father that sent me Ver. 17 18. It is written in your Law that the testimony of two men is true I am one that bear witnesse of my self and the Father that sent me beareth witnesse of me Ver. 26. He that sent me is true and I speak to the world those things which I have heard of him Ver. 28. When ye have lift up the Son of man then shall ye know that I am he and that I do nothing of my self but as my Father hath taught me I speak these things Ver. 31 32. If ye continue in my Word then are ye my Disciples indeed and ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free Ver. 40. But now ye seek to kill me a man that hath told you the truth which I have heard of God Ver. 45. Which of you convinceth me of sin And if I say the truth why do ye not believe me Joh. 10. 25. The works that I do in my Fathers Name bear witnesse of me Ver. 37 38. If I do not the works of my Father believe me not But if I do though ye believe not me believe the works that ye may know and believe that the Father is in me and I in him Joh. 16. 10. The words that I speak unto you I speak not of my self but the Father that dwelleth in me he doeth the works In which speeches our Lord Christ avers the truth of the light that is Doctrine or Words he taught in that they were received from God and witnessed by him which was proved 1. By the works which Christ did which were invincibly proved to be of God by the greatnesse frequency freenesse and goodnesse of them being in opposition to Satan and with such evidence of all freedom from imposture and acquaintance with Satan that even those who followed
not Christ did in his Name cast out Devils Luk. 10. 49 50. And by this he refuted Luk. 11. 19. the Pharisees who imputed his casting out Devils to an assistance of the Prince of the Devils 2. By the concomitants and consequents of his lifting up which was his death on the crosse Joh. 11. 32 33. For 1. The prediction of it with the fulfilling thereof shewed he spake from God whose property it is to foretell future contingents as certain 2. The things themselves proved him to come from God 1. The wonderfull accidents that hapned at his death Mat. 27. 54. the renting of the Vcil of the Temple and of the rocks and the quaking of the earth and opening of the graves made the Centurion and his Souldiers say Truly this was the Son of God 2. His Resurrection not withstanding all the obstruction used by Pilate and the Jews with the rising of many bodies of the Saints which slept and appeared to many in Jerusalem manifest by the many and undoubted signs thereof to many persons many times proves his descent from God 3. The giving of the Spirit on the great day of Pentecost in the sight of Proselytes from all Countries which was also done by Apostles in other places together with many Miracles in his Name proved that he taught the truth he received from the Father 4. The dispossessing of Satan of his Empire in the worship of Idols and the giving of Oracles as from them and the drawing of the Gentiles to him as he foretold Joh. 12. 31 32. in which was part of the great mystery of Godlinesse 1 Tim. 3 16. which we at this day see accomplished together with many other Prophecies of the destruction of Jerusalem its treading down of the Gentiles the Preaching of the Gospel over all the world the calamities of the Jews the persecution of the Christians with other things Matth. 24. Luk. 21. and elsewhere abundantly demonstrate that he was the true light which came down from Heaven in respect of the Doctrine he taught and words he spake His words also appear to be the true light from the matter of them and the ends whereunto they tend and the effects of them For 1. The matter of them is pure like God containing holy Precepts not amorous Poems or sophistical quirks of wit or curious devices of art or cunning maxims of State policy or glorious atchievements of war or any thing that tends to exalt man but such Precepts and Revelations as make man spiritual heavenly wise like unto God There is nothing vain and fabulous like to the frothy wit of men nor deceitfull like to the wily old Serpent but solid and weighty concerning peace with God conversion unto him denying our selves taking up our Crosse following of Christ in patience contentednesse meeknesse humility and such like things as shew faith in God and hope of a reward in Heaven all plain without flattery of men to induce them to follow him in hopes of earthly preferment and worldly wealth or pleasure or praise of men but the clean contrary yet are they such things as when declared appear so necessary for sinners so full of goodnesse and congruity to Prophetical Predictions that the conscience of men not listed up with pharisaical concei's of self-righteousnesse nor obstinately addicted to their own lusts will assent to and embrace them 2. The ends of them and the effects are the salvation of man and the glory of God All that Christ spake it was to comfort the humble and afflicted soul Luk. 4. 18. to ease the burthened Matth. 11. 28. to direct them to God to reform the evils in Gods worship to take men off from covetousnesse hypocrisie and such evils as are pernicious to believe in God to love each other to lay up our treasure in Heaven not to be excessively carefull for the things of this life with whatever else might bring men nigh to God and alienate them from this present evil world And accordingly so were and are the effects regeneration or new birth rejoycing in God mortification of the deeds of the body comfort in tribulation a life of faith love to the Brethren in Christ and everlasting consolation and good hope through grace All which with inumerable other Characters and Symptomes of Christs Doctrine and Testimony do shew that he was the true light and that what he spake to Pilate Joh. 18. 37. was right To this end was I born and for this cause came I into the world that I should bear witnesse unto the truth every one that is of the truth heareth my voice Lastly That in respect of his sincerity or moral truth he was the true light it is manifest in that as he said to the Jews he sought not his own will but the will of the Father which sent him Joh 5. 30. That he sought not his own glory Joh. 8. 50. Which appears in that he sometimes forbad the spreading of his fame withdrew himself when they would have made him King Joh. 6. 15. was content to be deprived of ordinary conveniencies Luk. 9. 58. In a word made himself of no reputation or emptied himself and took upon him the form of a servant and was made in the likenesse of men and being in fashion as a man he humbled himself and became obedient unto death even to the death of the crosse Phil. 2. 7 8. that he might give Testimony to the truth Sect. 8. Application by way of Vindication of our selves from the Accusation of Quakers as if we denied the Light John 1. 9. and warning to shun false Lights From that which hath been said 1. It may appear that those who go under the name of Quakers do unjustly accuse publique Preachers as if they did deny the true light which inlighteneth every man that cometh into the world that they deny Christ the light for so in their speeches and books they do frequently charge them None that I have seen is more profuse and frequent in these charges then G. F. that is George Fox in his Catechism who saith p. 7 Toat neither the Jews nor Christians do believe in the light which doth inlighten every man that cometh into the world though they professe some of Christs and the Apostles words which the Jews do not P. 9. he saith Teachers by the will of man meaning publique Preachers in England and Professors say that Christ doth not inlighten every one that cometh into the world and they deny Christ. P. 13. That none can confesse Christ but who confesse the light which every man is inlightened withall But frequently in the same paper he terms such as acknowledge not the light which he imagins every one hath Antichrists Deceivers not Teachers of Christ but deniers of him p. 15. But this crimination is but the raving of men that are used to make clamours and outcries without any proof Though the text plainly enough distinguisheth the light inlightening and the light in every man from that true
even as also I am known 1 Cor. 13. 12. They are before the throne of God and serve him day and night in his Temple and he that sitteth on the throne shall dwell among them they shall hunger no more nor thirst any more neither shall the Sun light on them or any heat For the Lamb which is in the midst of the Throne shall feed them and shall lead them unto living fountains of water and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes Rev. 7. 15 16 17. And there shall be no more death neither sorrow nor crying neither shall there be any more pain Rev. 21. 4. No night or gloomy day but perpetual light and serenity everlasting joy shall be upon their heads all clouds of fear sorrow ignorance despair disquietnesse shall fly away And this light shall be from Christ as the King of Saints Sect. 5. Christ inlightens by his natural Power as Gods Son and by his special Commission as sent of God 2. The natural light that all creatures have in their several kinds is from that natural power which Christ Jesus hath as the Son of God by whom he made the worlds who being the brightnesse of glory and the characteo or expresse Image of his person or substance bears or upholds all things by the word of his power Heb. 1. 2 3. To this purpose tends the speech of Christ Joh. 5. 17. My Father worketh hitherto and I work from whence the Jews gathered that he termed God his own Father making himself equal with God ver 18. to which Christ answers ver 19. Verily verily I say to you the Son can do nothing of himself but what he seeth the Father do for what things soever he doth these also doth the Son likewise Which shew that Christ asserted a coworking with his Father in all his works and power answerable to it The light of knowledge of God and his counsel of peace and joy and comfort of glory and everlasting blessednesse the Lord Christ communicates as by special Commission delegated by his Father sealed sanctified and sent into the world whereby he was made the light of the world according to what he saith Joh. 9. 5. As long as I am in the world I am the light of the world And ver 39. For judgment am I come into this world that they which see not might see and that they which see might be made blind The administration of the affairs belonging to the Kingdom of God was committed to him for inlightening governing protecting delivering raising up from the dead and advancing his Church subduing the devils reproving and condemning opposers of his Doctrine and work judging all in his great day All things saith he Mat. 11. 27. are delivered unto me of my Father Joh. 5. 20. For the Father loveth the Son and sheweth him all things that himself doeth and he will shew him greater works then these that ye may marvell For as the Father raiseth up the dead and quickneth them even so the Son quickneth whom he will For the Father judgeth no man but hath committed all judgment unto the Son Mat. 28. 18. All power is given unto me in Heaven and in earth By reason whereof and his being made man to do this work he is said to come down from Heaven not to do his own will but the will of him that sent him Joh. 6. 38. And it is said by Zacharias Luk. 1. 78. The day spring from on high hath visited us to give light to them that sit in darknesse Sect. 6. Christ inlightens by his Preaching Example Spirit Apostles now in this time by his Power and Glory in the world to come 3. The inlightening with the later sorts of light imparted by Christ as sent into the world is from him in this time now or in the world to come That inlightening which is now in thistime is either by himself or his Deputies immediately or by mediation of others 1. Christ in the daies of his flesh or as it is expressed John 9. 5. As long as he was in the world was the light of the world 1. He was the light of the world by his preaching wherein he was as the Sun still moving and inlightening all sorts and in all places taking occasion to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom of God to the poor and all sorts of people who resorted to him After his temptation he went about all Galilee teaching in their Synagogues and preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom and healing all manner of sicknesse and all manner of disease among the people Mat. 4. 23. When he preached in the house there was such resort to him that his Mother and Brethren could not come at him by reason of the presse but stood without desiring to speak with him but he preferred the work of reaching the people before private conference with his Mother Mat. 12. 47 48 49 50. No sooner was he got out of the house and come to the sea side but great multitudes were gathered together unto him so that he went into a ship and sate and the whole multitude stood on the shore and he taught them many things by Parables Mat. 13. 1 2 3. After he had been in a desert a while when he came out seeing much people was moved with compassion toward them because they were as sheep not having a Shepherd and he began to teach them many things Mark 6. 34. He was wont to go to the Mount of Olives to pray Luk. 22. 39. And early in the morning he came again into the temple and all the people came unto him and he sate down and taught them Joh. 8. 2. When he was in the way travelling when he was at meales he was still teaching his Disciples or those that were with him He neglected eating to prosecute the work of winning souls and lightening them by his preaching And this he counted his meat as he told his Disciples Joh. 4 34. My meat is to do the will of him that sent me and to finish his work By this means the people which sate in darknesse saw great light and to them which sate in the region and shadow of death light sprang up Mat. 4. 16. Thus Jesus Christ hath abolished death and brought immortality and life to light by the Gospel 2 Tim. 1. 10. 2. Christ was a light also by his Example Good example doth inlighten men not only directing but also provoking others to follow their steps Men as they are sociable so they love to do as they see others do Hence it is that they live as much by examples as by Precepts Wherefore saith Christ Mat 5. 16. Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorifie your Father which is in heaven Now of all the examples that ever were there was none more illustrious then Christs None so full of love goodnesse meeknesse patience humility contentedesse obedience innocence quietnesse holy zeal courage diligence in his
that by a faithfull and carefull use of those natural abilities that light of reason conscience and understanding which every person of mankind under heaven receiveth from God he may and shall receive from him yet further that which shall be of saving import and consequence to him Not much short of these is that French divine of much note who maintains universal grace objective though not subjective that is though there be not such an universal working by illumination or other operation of the Spirit of God so sufficient or effectual as to beget saith in every one yet there is so much revealed to every man even those that have not heard of Christ as might if they would apprehend it beget faith in God to salvation Sect. 2. The Opinion of the Quakers concerning a Light within each man is inquired into Out of the Principles of these men whether instilled by Popish Emissaries which have crept into the English Armies and Churches or some other way that sort of people who now go under the name of Quakers from their usual quaking before they began to speak thereby deluding the people as if they waited for a Revelation from God though most of their speeches of all of them have been their usual invectives against Preachers and pressing men to follow the light within them these people I say have drawn their tenet of an universal light in every man that cometh into the world without Bibles Preachers Church-communion Christian Ordinances to know his duty so as that he may be perfect which is indeed the reviving of old Pelagianism or worse and tends to the making of Christian Religion if not all Religion whatsoever unnecessary Those who heretofore or at this day maintain this universal sufficient light besides these Quakers are many of them subtile disputants and do set down their opinion distinctly and argue for it acutely though they decline the expresse owning of Pelagius his grosser expressions and Puccius his natural faith and Hurberus his universal election But the Quakers as they are for the most part destitute of that art of reasoning so they decline all conference in which they may be pressed to state the point in difference distinctly and to deliver their proofs and answer objections but instead thereof by clamour and reproaches which please their silly followers they reject all motions tending to a fair debate of the point in controversie Being desirous to know what they held one of them brought to me James Nailors Book termed A salutation to the seed of God and Love to the Lost which being in many passages obscure I delivered to him that brought me the Book fifty five Queries to be answered by them yea or no as the person had required of me to answer his Queries The Answer though made by one formerly known to me as a person of some ingenuity and learning yet was framed otherwise then I required declining to answer affirmatively or negatively to the Question as by me propounded but shifting off a plain Answer and instead thereof venting personal invectives Yet to my third Question which was thus Do you believe that those men who were never taught the Doctrine of the Law or of the Gospel of Jesus Christ have commonly a light within each of them which may guide them to the true knowledge of God and his waies unto everlasting life Omitting his words of obloquy thus he answered The Law is spiritual and there is no Nation or people into which the sound of it hath not come and the Gentiles which had not the letter were a law to themselves shewing the effect of the Law written in their hearts And Christ is the true light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world with a spiritual light the one loves this light and brings his deeds to it and by this light is led from his evil deeds into the knowledge of God who is life eternal in Christ to know the other hates the light because his deeds are evil and loves darknesse rather then light and there is his condemnation And their sound who were Ministers of this truth went into all the earth and their words unto the ends of the world Rom. 10. 18. In which Answer there is not an expresse resolution of the Question but sundry shifts to avoid a plain Answer as 1. Whereas he asserts that the Law is spiritual Rom. 7. 14. which is the Law of the ten Commandements or the last Precept of the ten and the Apostle ver 9. saith I was alive without the Law once which intimates that he was once without the Law that is without the right knowledge and understanding of it And Rom. 2. 14. the Gentiles of whom my Question was are said twice not to have the Law yet this Answerer asserts There is no Nation or people into which the sound of it hath not come and to avoid the objection arising from the words useth this expression And the Gentiles which had not the letter whereas the words are expresse they having not the Law 2. He patcheth together different Scriptures Joh. 1. 9. Joh. 3. 19 20. as if the light communicated by Christ coming into the world were the same with that with which in his sense he lighteth every man that cometh into the world not heeding that if every man that cometh into the world had a light sufficient to guide him and that even the Gentiles of whom Paul saith Gal. 4. 8. that they knew not God had a spiritual light and that thereby some were led from their evil deeds into the knowledge of God who is life eternal in Christ to know then none were in darknesse contrary to Paul Ephes. 5. 8. none were without Christ or without God in the world contrary to Paul Ephes. 2. 12. then Christ need not come into the world to inlighten men nor sond Ministers of this truth into all the earth sith they had this light before Christ was come into the world to inlighten them with spiritual light and if Christ doth inlighten with this spiritual light every one that cometh into the world there are none but come to the light they having it within them and it doth reprove their deeds whether they will or no. But it is no marvell that men that boast so much of light within them shew so much darknesse of mind in their expressions it being true of them as Christ said of the Pharisees Joh. 9. 41. Because ye say We see therefore your sin or blindnesse remains However it may be hence gathered that this is their conceit That every man that cometh into the world even the Gentiles that had not the letter by which he meanes the holy Scriptures or Bible or any Preacher or Teacher to instruct them out of it yet had from Christ a spiritual light and that one loves this light and brings his deeds to it and by this light is led from his evil deeds into the knowledge of God who is life eternal in
have access to God must be thus transformed renewed put off the old man as the Texts shew Therefore they have not a light within them as a safe sufficient guide to lead them to God 9. Arg. From Psal. 81. 11 12. But my people would not hearken to my voice and Israel would none of me so I gave them up to their own hearts lust and they walked in their own counsels Act. 14. 16. Who in times past suffered all nations to walk in their own wayes Whence I argue That light in man cannot be a safe sufficient guide to a man in his way to God to which the leaving a person by God is reckoned as the greatest curse and judgement for refusing to hearken to God but to leave a person to his own imagination lust to walk in his own counsel in his own way which is all one as to leave him to the light within him is reckoned as the greatest curse and judgement to a man from God for refusing to hearken to Gods voice as the Texts shew Therefore the light within each person is of it self no safe guide The Quakers prescribe to men that as their rule which God counts their curse 10. Arg. From Rom. 16. 25 26. Now to him that is of power to stablish you according to my Gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ according to the revelation of the mystery which was kept secret since the world began but now is made manifest and by the Scriptures of the Prophets according to the Commandment of the everlasting God made known to all nations for the obedience of faith 1 Cor. 2. 7 8 9. But we speak the wisedome of God in a mystery even the hidden wisedome which God ordained before the world to our glory which none of the Princes of the world knew but as it is written Eye hath not seen nor ear heard neither have entred into the heart of man the things which God hath prepared for them that love him Eph. 3. 9. And to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God Col. 1. 25 25. Whereof I am made a Minister according to the dispensation of God to fulfill the word of God even the mystery which hath been hid from ages and from generations but now is made manifest to his Saints 2 Tim. 1. 9. The purpose and grace of God is now made manifest by the appearing of our Saviour Jesus Christ who hath brought immortality and life to light by the Gospel Whence I argue They had not a light in them as a sufficient safe guide to God from whom the mystery was hid which concerned the grace and purpose of God into whose heart the things which God had prepared for them that love him entered not to whom life and immortality was not brought to light But from the Gentiles the mystery of God was hid life and immortallity was not brought to light nor did the things God had prepared for them that love him enter into their hearts Therefore they had not a light within them as a sufficient guide to God 11. Arg. From 1 Cor. 2. 11. For what man knoweth the things of a man save the spirit of a man which is in him Even so the things of God knoweth no man but the Spirit of God Rom. 8. 9. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ the same is none of his Jude 19. Having not the Spirit Joh. 14. 17. The Spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive Whence I argue They have not light within them sufficient to guide them to God who have not the Spirit of God because they cannot know the things of God without the Spirit But every man hath not the Spirit of God Therefore every man hath not a light within sufficient to guide him to God 12. Arg. From Mat. 11. 27. All things are delivered unto me of my Father and no man knoweth the Son but the Father neither knoweth any man the Father save the Son and he to whom the Son will reveal him Joh. 14. 6. Jesus saith unto him I am the way the truth and the life no man cometh unto the Father but by me Whence I argue They had not a light within them to guide them to God to whom the Son did not reveal the Father who did not go by the Son as the way to the Father But the Son did not reveal the Father to every man nor did every man come to Christ Joh. 1. 5. 10. 12. 38. 5. 40. 43. Therefore every man had not a light within him sufficient to guide him to God 13. Arg. From Mat. 11. 25 26. At that time Jesus answered and said I thank thee O Father Lord of heaven and earth because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent and hast revealed them unto babes even so Father for so it seemed good in thy sight Mat. 13. 11. It is given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdome of heaven but to them it is not given Whence I argue If God hide the things of God which concern the knowledge of himself from some and reveal them to others if to some be given to know the mysteries of the kingdome of heaven not to others then every man hath not a light within him as a sufficient guide to direct him to God But the antecedent is true as the Texts shew and the consequence is evident of it self Therefore the consequent is also true 14. Arg. From those Texts which speak of Christ as a light come into the world Joh. 12. 46. I am come a light into the world that whosoever believeth on me should not abide in darkness Joh. 8. 12. Then Jesus spake again to them saying I am the light of the world he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness but shall have the light of life Joh. 9. 5. As long as I am in the world I am the light of the world Joh. 3. 19. And this is the condemnation that light is come into the world and men loved darkness rather then light because their deeds were evil Luk. 1. 78. Through the tender mercy of our God whereby the day-spring from on high hath visited us to give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death Luk. 2. 32. A light to lighten the Gentiles which would have been needless if every man had a light within him befo●e Christ his coming into the world sufficient to guide him in the way to God Yea the Text supposeth persons in darkness before to sit in darkness and in the shadow of death and to have need of another light without them to guide their feet into the way of peace and that the Gentiles were without light Whence I argue That opinion which makes the coming of Christ into the world to be the light of the world needless is an errour But the opinion of the Quakers concerning a light
them to himself but only his eternall power and godhead which are understood by the things that are made v. 20. and the evill of some sins and necessity of some duties Rom. 2. 14. and that the effect of these is not conversion to God but inexcusableness Rom. 1. 20. and 2. 15. 5. If the Scripture term those times wherein the Gospell was not Preached to the Gentiles nor the written Law or Prophets sent to them the times of ignorance which God winked at or overlooked and by the Apostles then commanded every man every where to repent suffering all Nations in times past to walk in their own wayes then he did not by his acts of common providence sufficiently direct men to attain to his grace But the antecedent is true Acts 14. 16. and 17. 30. Therefore also the consequent If it be said that Acts 14. 17. it is said Nevertheless he left not himself without witness in that he did good and gave us rain from Heaven and fruitfull seasons filling our hearts with foode and gladness and Acts 17. 25. that he giveth to all life and breath and all things that he made all Nations of one bloud for to dwell on all the face of the earth and hath deterwined the times before appointed and the bounds of their habitation that they should seek the Lord if happily they might seek after him though he be not farre from every one of us v. 26. 27. It is granted but it is denied that the thing witnessed thereby was that gracious and good affection which he beares unto the world through Jesus Christ his inclination unto peace with men upon their repentance as the said Pagans debt p. 12. For those acts of providence do not so much as shew that by one meanes or other God is taken off from the rigor of his justice and severity of his wrath against sinners but only that he deferres it nor is it true that what is related Acts 14. 17. is all the Evangelicall Doctrine Preached at Lystra by Paul for it is said before v. 7. that they were at Lystra 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Preacbing the Gospel Nor is it consequent that because the Apostle faith Heb. 11. 6. He that cometh unto God must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently him that therefore this is all the faith or beliefe that the Apostles makes simply and absolutely necessary to bring a man unto God i. e. into grace or favour with him nor is it true For then many of the Gentiles had been brought into Gods favour without faith in Christ contrary to Eph. 2. 12. John 14. 6. Acts 4. 12. 1 John 5. 11 12. 6. If the grace of God given us in Christ before the times of ages were manifested by the appearing of Christ who abolished death and brought life and immortality or incorruption to light by the Gospel then it is supposed this grace was not to be seen before But the former is true 2 Tim. 1. 9 10. therefore also the latter 7. If it were so that the acts of Gods beneficence Acts 14. 17. testified his gracious affection unto the world through Jesus Christ then we might believe by reasoning without Preaching but that is contrary to Rom. 10. 14 15 17. Ergo 8. If there were no more faith absolutely necessary to bring a man to God then the belief of Gods being and reward of diligent seeking then a faith short of belief in Christ would purifie the heart and save yea workes would save for such a faith would be accepted only by reason of the workes it produceth But this takes away the main end of the Gospel Which tels us that we are saved by faith not by workes that all might be of grace and boasting might be excluded and Christ might be all in all Eph. 2. 7 8 9. Eph. 1. 3. 1 Cor. 1. 29 30 31. 2 Tim. 1. 9 10. Tit. 3. 4 5. therefore that opinion is to be rejected as making Christianity unnecessary and morall Philosophy sufficient to salvation Sect. 4. Application to move us Gentiles to rejoyce in this light and not to rest on humane reason As for us Christian Gentiles it concerns us 1. To magnifie the rich grace of God in causing the Lord Christ to come as a light to the Gentiles Oh let all that love the salvation of God admire exult glorifie God for his mercy as it is written For this cause will I confess to thee among the Gentiles and sing unto thy name And again he saith rejoyce ye Gentiles with his people and again praise the Lord all ye Gentiles and laud him all ye people and again Esaias saith There shall be a root of Jesse and he that shall rise to reign over the Gentiles in him shall the Gentiles trust Rom. 15. 9 10 11 12. There are a company of bastard Christians or rather Hypocriticall Atheists risen up who talk I know not whether they believe themselves as if every man might be saved in his own religion or in his own opinion though there be no religion in him if he live honestly he of a fair civll debonaier behaviour though these secretly follow their own lusts and when it is for their advantage slight rules of justice and temperance These count the knowledge of Christ preaching of the Gospel zeal for the purity of Gods worship and service and Doctrine of Christ superfluous and therefore are so far from magnifying the love of God in sending Christ to be a light to the Gentiles that they rather profanely deride the esteem of it and hate those Preachers and zealous Christians who earnestly urge men to follow the light of Christ as an eyesore to them disquieting and vexing them who mind only their own pleasure and profit and would not be disturbed by any discourse of God or Christ Heaven or Hell or judgment to come were such persons sensible of the state of the world afore Christs comming in the flesh the barbarous rudeness the abominable idolatry the horrible cruelty the beastly uncleanness the notorious perfidiousness that the best of those Nations were inured to they would prize more the light of Christ and preaching of the Gospell However it be with such as are either naturally or voluntarily blind or judicially blinded so as the light of the glorious Gospell of Jesus Christ doth not shine unto them yet you who have been once enlightned and have tasted of the good gift of God and of the powers of the world to come methinks should take heed how you let the relish of Gods goodness and memory of his loving kindness in giving Christ to be your light be lost We may justly and should if we were sensible of our benefit have a new song in our mouths even a song of thanksgiving to our God and joyn in comfort with the Prophet our praecentor Isa. 54. 1. Sing O barren thou that didst not bear break forth into singing and cry aloud thou that didst not
themselves Their reviling but their disturbed passions and impatience of gainfaying Their affected speech looks carriage but a desire to hide their falshood and to insinuate into the affections of those unwary souls whom they would ensnare What do all the devices of Jesuits Popes and their agents tend to but either by force or subtility to set up the monstrous power of the man of sin and their own domineeting over mens consciences under him What is there in their conclave but policy In their Council of Treat but deceit In their Iesuits and Casuists but juggling Have not the Jansenists proved them so versatile in their determinations as to make their resolutions such as might fit all humours What is there but fraud in their doctrine and practice about keeping faith with Hereticks deposing destroying Princes excommunicate by the Pope equivocating answers upon oath with mental reservations And shall we go after such Masters and leave Christ Remember we that one is our Master even Christ Mat. 23. 10. And when any shall sollicite us either not to adhere to Christ as our teacher be it under pretence of being Christs infallible Vicar or not to read or hear his Gospel preached be it under pretence of a sufficient light within them or a new revelation reject them Forget not that Christ hath warned you that if any shall say unto you lo here is Christ or there believe it not Mat. 24. 23. Say as Paul Gal. 1. 9. If any man or Angel preach any other Gospel then is taught by Christ let him be accursed We will not venture our lives upon Mountebanks and will we venture our souls upon deceivers Shall we follow our own conceits which so often prove foolish and neglect Christs doctrine which alwayes proves wise and safe No no let us answer as Peter did for the rest of the Apostles Lord to whom shall we go thou hast the words of eternal life and we believe and are sure that thou art that Christ the Son of the living God Ioh. 6. 68 69. Oh that I could finde your mindes so established in the truth so armed against all the wily methods of the Devil so instructed in the truth that you may not be as children tossed to and fro and carried about with every winde of doctrine by the sleight of men and cunning craftiness whereby they lie in wait to deceive but speaking or seeking the truth in love may grow up into him in all things which is the head even Christ Eph. 4. 14 15. Alas what can we expect but if we follow blinde leaders as all are that teach the things of God otherwise then Christ and his Apostles did we should fall with them into the ditch into everlasting perdition On the other side there is so much plain and clear light in Christ his doctrine as will guide our feet into the way of peace Away then with all such obtruded or insinuating teachers us endeavour to hide from us the light of Christ shining in his doctrine recorded in Scripture Let the word of Christ dwell richly in us in all wisdome Col. 3. 16. Let 's say as that blessed Martyr did None but Christ none but Christ That Christ which preached died at Hierusalem that word of his which is written in my Bible shall be my light to the testimony of Iesus to his everlasting Gospel I stick if men speak not according to it it is because there is no light in them Isaiah 8. 20. To this end it will concern you to take with you and observe these Directions 1. To take heed of false lights under what disguise soever they come The Lord Christ foretold his Disciples Mat. 24. 24. That there should arise false Christs and false Prophets and should shew great signs and wonders insomuch that if it were possible they should deceive the very elect concerning whom he saith Vers. 23. If any man shall say unto you Lo here is Christ or there believe it not Of these he had forewarned Christians Mat. 7. 15. Beware of false Prophets which come to you in sheepes cloathing but inwardly they are ravening Wolves Paul had foretold Act. 20. 29 30. that after his departing grievous Wolves should enter in among them not sparing the flock and that of the Ephesian Christians themselves should men arise speaking perverse things to draw away Disciples after them and thereupon warns the Ephesian Elders to take heed to themselves and to the flock over which the holy Ghost had made them overseers Vers. 28. Paul tels the Corinthians 2 Cor. 11. 13 14. of false Apostles deceitfull workers transforming themselves into the Apostles of Christ and no marvel for Satan himself is transformed into an Angel of light And of such he admonisheth the Romans I beseech you brethren mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned and avoid them for they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ but their own belly and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple Rom. 16. 17 18. Peter also tells 2 Pet. 2. 1. that there were false Prophets also among the people even as there shall be false teachers among Christians who privily should bring in damnable heresies denying the Lord that bought them 1 Ioh. 2. 18. And as ye have heard that Antichrist shall come even now there are many Antichrists 1 Ioh. 4. 1. Beloved believe not every Spirit but try the Spirits whether they are of God because many false Prophets are gone out into the world All which passages do demonstrate the great danger of Christians being beguiled by deceivers who are cunning in transforming themselves as their master Satan doth into Angels of light that they may seem Ministers of righteousness Wherefore it concerns all such as regard the safety of their souls not to be facile in entertaining such as pretend to hold forth light but to examine what they suggest and to try afore they trust To which end it will be needfull 1. That we be of discerning Spirits to know the disposition of persons that pretend light whether they be proud arrogant self-seeking vain-glorious covetous more vehement then considerate obsequious for advantages but otherwise wilfull 2. Concerning their proceedings whether they deal with the weakest afore they argue with the ablest whether they affect more shew of holiness then proof of doctrine whether they love not to conceal their opinions till they have ensnared men by raising a high esteem of their persons whether they practise not to disparage others that they may engross the esteem and affections of men whether they be not much in talk little in deed These and many more enquiries may much prevent the deceits of those that with feigned words make merchandize of weak souls But 3. The chief way is to try what they obtrude upon us by the Scripture Such Owles will not endure this light but as Tertullian terms them they are Lucifuga Scripturarum they fly the
Father he hath declared God and his will without obseurity He was full of grace and truth then which nothing is more lovely and therefore the more the averseness is from the Gospel of Christ the more estrangedness there is from the life of God and the more the light of Christ is entertained the more of the love of God dwels in that person 7. That a man have light from Christ it is needfull he should awake out of sleep Eph. 5. 14. A careless soul that 's heedless of what truth is held forth that snorts securely and dreams sweetly of peace when there is no peace is no more capable of benefit by the light of Christ then a man that 's of a drousie sleepy head that folds his hands and mindes nothing but his bed and pillow Of using bodily light not only sore eyes but also drousie heads are offended with light Watching is necessary to the use of Christian light which being neglected the Prince of darkness easily bindes the hands and shaves the hair as Dalilah did Sampsons which makes his strength depart from him To keep our soules safe it is needfull we keep our eyes waking and to pray with the Psalmist Lighten mine eyes that I sleep not the sleep of death Ps. 13. 3. 8. To this must be joyned standing up from the dead Eph. 5. 14. Graves and Vaults for dead bodies are not fit receptacles of light To be among men who have no spirituall life in their soules to be associated with meer carnall worldlings voluptuous Epicures proud selfish men is as inconsistent with the injoyment of the light of Christ as for a seeing man to lye among the dead which are cut off from Gods hand A child of light will have little but darkness from such unholy soules as are full of darkness yea doubtless such company will by their own reasonings and Satans sophistry blow out the light of Christ that it shine not where they are Hence it is that among such persons all discoveries of sin or duty Gods counsell or Covenant Christ and his Church Heaven and Hell are tedious No talk or action among such is more acceptable then that which proceeds from an earthly spirit Scripture truth holy Sermons spirituall experiences are unsuitable to that mirth they delight in those contents that please them those ends they aim at Whence it is that they put out that light which crosseth their designes and wish that neither God did see them nor Christ judg them nor Preachers teach them nor any Saint converse with them Doubtless then a soul that affects these cannot long endure such quench-coales nor joyn with such extinguishers but as he is made a child of light so chooseth to be with them in whom is light 9. It will concerne those who own Christ as their light to judg themselves and their wayes by his light It is the great benefit of light that it doth not make manifest Eph. 5. 13. And thus by the light of Christ the evill of our wayes is reproved the wayes of God approved we know the righteousness of God and our unrighteousness Now this is no small benefit to have light to discerne our own errors which without light from Christ we should never have unstood It is our advantage that God covers our sins and we discover them He that is ignorant of them cannot correct them but walks on in them without shame or sorrow as a man that walks in the night neither sees how foul his cloathes are nor knowes how to make them clean Hence it comes to pass that for want of light the carriage of most is so unhandsome and unlike the Gospell that they not only shame themselves but also cause others to stumble A wise Christian therefore will be often judging himself by the light of law discovering his transgressions and the light of the Gospel shewing his estate in Christ. 10. It will be needfull not only to use the light of Christ to judg our selves by but also to order our actions by I am the light of the world saith Christ John 8. 12. be that followeth me shall not walk in darkness There cannot be unsafe walking by Christs light there is no danger when Christ our light goes before Walk in the light saith Christ while ye have the light lest darkness come upon you John 12. 35. How many millions are there of soules perplexed and tortured all their life with feares and doubts for want of walking by the light of Christ in Scripture and chosing rather to walk by a light and sparkes of their own kindling which in the end either goes quite out or burnes so dimme as to leave them in darkness of spirit and horrour of conscience And no marvell sith it is Gods just judgment that such as neglect the light Preached should follow the mares of humane reason the examples customes dictates of men and in conclusion lye down in sorrow Isai. 50. 11. such foolish fires will lead to nothing but bogs and praecipices But Christ the true light when his Gospell is followed guides the feet of men into the way of peace Luke 1. 79. Oh that then all that talke of the light within them would follow the light about them even the light of Christs Gospel and example whereby the greatest security is obtained and the surest advancement with God sith he that followes Christ his light shall be where he is Then would men walk honestly or decently in good fashion not in banquetings and drunkennesses not in chamberings and wantonnesses not in strife and envying if they would put on the Lord Jesus Christ and not make provision of the flesh unto lusts Rom. 13. 13 14. 11. The light of Christ is to be used as our weapons or tooles to defend our selves or to work with The night is over the day hath approached let us therefore put off the workes of darkness and put on the armour of light Rom. 13. 12. The truth is light is the chiefest instrument for safety and work If a man be without light he can neither defend himself nor offend an enemy If any man walk in the day he stumbleth not because he seeth the light of this world But if a man walk in the night he stumbleth because there is no light in him saith christ John 11. 9 10. I must work the works of him that sent me while it is day the night cometh when no man can work John 9. 4. As the bodily light is given us by God to fight and work so spirituall light is given us by Christ to fight the good fight of Christ and to do the workes of God He then that would make use of Christs light must be armed with his Doctrine that he may be able to repel Satans fiery darts and expel him as Christ did by the sword of the spirit which is the Word of God Eph. 6. 17. And he that would improve the light must be doing that business which the word of Christ directs him to and to that end it must dwell richly in him in all wisedome Col. 3. 16. Their own light in men makes them rather wranglers with others sometimes the best as is seen in Quakers then contenders against their own lusts and moves them to disturb others in their work and to be busie bishops in anothers diocese rather then to lookinto their own charge but the light of Christ directs us to steddy to be quiet and do our own business 1 Thess. 4. 11. 12. And Lastly Make use of the light of Christ for thy comfort and rejoycing The light of the eyes rejoyceth the heart Prov. 15. 30. Truly the light is sweet and a pleasant thing it is to behold the Sun Eecl 11. 7. But the light of Christ his Gospel doth far more rejoyce the heart and is much more delightfull to the soul then bodily light can be to the eyes It is it which removes doubts griefs fears despair in life and at death Oh how sweetly might men live how comfortably might they dye if they did make use of it Light within you whatever Quakers tell you will leave you in perplexity when you shall have most need of comfort But if you believe in the light of Christ as it is held out to you in the Gospel you shall see the light of life Be perswaded to disclaime the pretended new light within you as your sufficient guide to God and choose the light of Christ from Heaven in his Gospel to walk by and it will guide and comfort you surely and sweetly to eternal life FINIS 2 Pet. 1. 16. 1 Cor. 2. 4. 2 Cor. 4. 2.