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A40330 A collection of the several books and vvritings, given forth by that faithful servant of God and his people, George Fox, the Younger; Selections. 1662 Fox, George, d. 1661.; Penington, Isaac, 1616-1679. 1662 (1662) Wing F1996; ESTC R328 177,418 339

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and for you do I oft Pray to the Father of Life that ye may be kept stedfast in that Life which ye have felt and tasted of and that nothing may move you from that hope and confidence which God hath begotten in you by the working of his mighty Power Oh dear Babes let the Love of our God break and melt you into the meek tender Spirit of the Lamb and let the consideration of his Mercy and Grace which to you he hath shewn overcome you and make you sick of Love Oh how can I express his Goodness for it is beyond utterance yea his loving kindness to you-ward hath been exceeding large who in an acceptable time hath appeared and visited you with his tender Love the Light of the World and by his unresistable Power hath he caused you to feel the day spring from on High even the breaking forth of Light in your hearts and inward parts yea this did he do for you who were as Sheep without a Shepherd scattered upon the Mountains in the cloudy and dark day Oh Friends how did his Love reach unto you when ye were Enemies unto him how plainly did he shew unto you the evil of your wayes which had separated you from his presence and how tenderly did he hold forth his hand of Love to lead you out of that which had made you miserable and how did he give you strength to walk when ye were lame and inclined your hearts after that which he shewed unto you to be Good and how did he manifest his eternal Power and Righteous Judgement in you against the body of sin and how did he beget and quicken a Righteous Seed in you which cannot live but in his presence and how mightily hath he opened the eye of your understandings by his eternal Spirit that ye are brought to see the false Wayes and Worships of the World wherein ye were once intangled and he hath also given you to see the Way to himself and the Worship which he regards in the Spirit of Truth wherein you are come to know that which only can give satisfaction and make you eternally free Oh let the unexpressable Love of the Father never be forgotten by you my dear Friends but all keep to and dwell in that eternal Immortal Power of an endless Life which ye have felt and tasted or and let your minds be kept to the workings and operations of the same that so none of you may be daunted by the enemy within or without but all wait in the eternal Light the Foundation of God which can never be shaken that so your minds may be girded up and you kept upon your watch and your ear kept open to the Lord that so when he calls ye may answer and when he teaches ye may observe and obey that so your souls may live and that ye may see his eternal Will in all conditions and be contented therewithal then will you feel the peace which none can take away And Friends give all diligence to obey the Word of Wisdom that ye may be known to be its Children and that ye may feel and witness your growth into the nature of the Immortal Seed whose Kingdom is not of this World that so your Redemption from the earth and all earthly things you may know through the blood of the unspotted Lamb of God which blood is the Life which he gave a Ransom for many which Life is manifested in your mortal bodies that through Faith in it ye may be saved And know this my Friends henceforth you are not your own for you are bought with a price and you are called with an holy calling that you might glorifie the Lord in your Bodies and Spirits which are the Lord 's Oh my Friends let not your delight be placed in the things of this World for then will you be intangled but wait in the feeling of the pure Power of the Lord God that ye may be kept and preserved thereby that so ye that marry may be as if you married not and that ye that have of this world as if ye possessed not and that ye may be kept in the living Wisdom of God in the ordering of all things that are given unto you that so the Glory of God and the honour of his Eternal Truth may be minded in all things and that your minds and hearts may be drawn out of all created things and ye kept single and chast unto the Lord that so if it were his Will that ye should be separated either from Wife or Husband outwardly or Children or Houses or Lands or any outward thing for his Name sake that ye may be kept in that temper and frame of mind and Spirit that ye may resign up all freely without murmuring that so ye may be known to be followers of the Lamb whithersoever he goeth for my Babes it is given unto you as well to suffer for his Names sake as to believe and hereby shall the World know that ye are redeemed from the earth if ye in patience and innocency give up to the Will of God in all things Therefore dear hearts wait in the Power and Life of God that ye may feel your strength and courage and boldness for the Lord increased that when you are tryed ye may stand in that Spirit of Life and Meekness which will give you eternal Peace in all your sufferings and Tryals for the Lord will try you that ye may see and know him alone to be your strength and that the world may know that ye are a People saved by the Almighty God And this know that ye that are faithful shall not be proved beyond your strength for the Lord will be with you in all your Tryals and the more that you are persecuted for his Name the greater shall his power be felt in you and the more your Enemies afflict you the greater shall be your joy and this shall torment your Enemies So Friends let patience have its perfect work that ye may be perfect and entire wanting nothing for the Lord will make up his Jewels and he will take away all the dross and nothing shall remain but that which will abide the Tryal in the fire for the Lord hath been loaded with the sacrifices of many who have professed his Name but have not been subject to the leadings of his Spirit but have grieved it from day to day Therefore will the Lord God try all Professions and the chaff shall be blown away and all false coverings shall be stript off and men shall appear as they are yea the chaff which some time seemed to joyn to the Wheat shall be driven to and fro until the fire consume it or until it mix it self with the mire where the Swine wallow but God will have regard unto his Seed which is weighty And Friends a day of Calamity will come upon ●hem who have worshipped and do Worship 〈◊〉 ●●known God at a distance and pretend the Worship of
of Christ may be known and submitted unto by you and that through the Cross Righteousness may be learned and obedience brought forth unto the living God For as you wait in the Light ye will see what that is that hath oppressed your Souls and as you come to own that which appears in you to cross your own wills and wait in it you will come to see Death pass upon that which hath kept your Souls in Death and your Souls will be refreshed and your desires which are real and simple after God will be strengthened but you must wait in the Light which makes all things manifest Eph. 5.13 and it will let you see that your way to Peace is through the War and through the Judgment and Christ's words you will witness to be true who said I come not to send send Peace on the Earth for as you come to wait in the Light ye will see the Earth disturbed and the Thunders of the Lord ye will come to know and the Earthquakes and the Famine and the War and the Pestilence and these are the beginnings of sorrow Mat. 24.7 8. but all these things must come to pass and blessed are they that are not offended in him Mat. 11.6 for the Fire and the Sword you must all know and come through before you come to know the Peace which is in the Lamb of God for by Fire and Sword will the Lord plead with all Flesh and what cannot stand there must be consumed But at these things be not troubled but wait in the Light which makes them manifest and in it believe and the Power of the Lord you shall find present with you as in patience you wait upon him to carry you through whatsoever he calls you unto And this I declare unto you all The way is strait that leadeth to Life and few there be that find it Mat. 7.14 For except you stand in that Power which God hath given you and in it deny your selves and take up the Cross ye cannot be Christs Disciples Now your Power is in the Light which comes from Christ who hath enlightned you waiting in the Light with it you will come to see the emptiness of all the Profession that is in the world And you that have followed the Priests as you come to own the Light and wait in it with it you will see them to be the Deceivers and to be in the steps of those that the true Prophets Christ Jesus and the Apostles cryed against and you will see them to be such as commit the horrible and filthy thing in the Land and so in the steps of those which the Lord sent Jeremiah to cry against Jer. 5.30 31. and they are such as Preach for hire and Devine for money Mic. 3.11 and feed with the fat and Cloath with the Wool and make a prey upon the People Ezek. 34.3 8. and they seek for their gain from their quarters Isa 56.11 and while you put into their mouths they cry Peace unto you but put not into their mouths they will prepare War against you Mic. 3.5 for if you give them not Tythes they will sue you at the Law such as were in these Practices Micah Ezekiel and Isaiah cryed against such stand praying in the Synagogues have the chiefest Places in the Assembles and Greetings in the Markets and are called of men Master and such Christ cryed wo against Mat. 23. 6 7. And they are such as go in Cain's way in envy and run greedily after the way of Balaam and such Peter and Jude cryed wo against 2 Pet. 2. 14 15. Jude 11. they having hearts exercised with covetous practices being proud boasters heady high-minded lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God having eyes full of adultery which cannot cease to sin and for Doctrin they teach that their Hearers cannot be free from sin in this Life and so plead to uphold the Devil's Kingdom and through their subtilty beguile unstable souls leading silly women captive laden with sins and carried away with divers lusts ever learning but never able to come to the knowledge of the Truth 2 Tim. 3.2 4 5 6 7. and through covetousness and feigned words they make merchandize of the People having a form of Godliness but denying the Power thereof 2 Pet. 2.3 and of such the Apostle bad beware and from them turn away And you that have left the Priests and are got in your own wills and carnal imaginations somewhat nearer the Saints practice imitating what they did who were in the Life of what they professed as you come to own the Light and wait in it with it you will see that which you have acted that it was but the self-separation and that you took it from the Letter and never received a Command from God for it but what ye did it was as ye imagined to imitate those who had a Command once from God for what they practised But they knew when those things which stood in the figure were to have an end and to pass away and they knew the end of all things to be at hand and they grew into him who is the fulness of all things Eph. 4.13 but these things you never knew who have been acting in your own wills and imaginations for you never yet came to know the Life of Truth and so that Joy and Delight which you had at any time in the hight of your Profession it withered and your practises in your Profession which stood in the beggarly Elements and carnal Washings and Observations wherein some of you have been exercised they have waxen-old and wearisom unto you These things as you come to Believe and wait in the Light you will see to be true and that yet you are ignorant of him who hath established the Law of Commandements contained in Ordinances and you will see that you have been the Theeves and Robbers who have been climbing up another way than by the Door CHRIST JESUS and you will see in his Light as you wait in it that you must come to loose what you have gathered in your own Wisdom and Imaginations and that your Building must fall because it was not builded upon the Rock and you will see how you have been daubed with untempered Morter and that your Labour hath been in vain because ye were not builded by the Lord and that your Wisdom must be turned into Foolishness and so to the Beginning you must all come to the Light of Christ in all your Consciences and to learn to wait in it that a true and a sure entrance into the way of God you may find thaye henceforth be no more tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of Doctrin by the slight of men and cunning craftiness whereby they lye in wait to deceive you but that you may now come to know the Teachings of God and to be subject to his Teachings and to obey his Voice and to know
Gods appearance within you by drawing your minds into the visible changeable things and yet the Lord in love to his own Seed hath spared you so mind the Lords long patience and forbearance which hath been great towards you for his Seeds sake in you which breathes and thirsts after his Righteousness and cannot be satisfied without his life and presence And truly friends my love is exceeding tender and large towards you in whom there is such a pure tender Seed stirring and my desire is who have seen the emptiness of all Profession without the life that you might come to witness the Seed satisfied in you with the Pure Power and Life and Virtue of the Living God which hath suffered long in you and hath not been satisfied by reason of your disobedience unto the Light Therefore in Tender Bowels of Love and Compassion unto you I do freely declare unto you all The New and Living way which hath been from the beginning which is CHRIST JESUS the true Light which lighteth every one which cometh into the World whereby every one of you believing in the Light may come to receive a particular satisfaction from Christ from whence the Light doth come Friends The manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withall but you have transgressed and gone from the manifestation of Gods Spirit in your own particulars and so it is impossible for you ever to profit in the things of God or come to receive a particular satisfaction until you come to own that and believe in that which you have transgressed and gone from which was given you to profit withall and to lead you into the substance which giveth satisfaction Now the manifestation of the Spirit doth shew unto you your runings and willings and actings and strivings that ye have been in whereby ye could never obtain satisfaction unto that in you which breathes to do the Will of God now you must mind that which makes manifest these things unto you and as you take notice of that which is the Light and wait in it you will come to feel it drawing you into stilness and coolness and quietness of spirit and then with the Light you will come to discern the subtilty and the motions thereof which have oft beguiled you by drawing you from quietness and stilness into the Airy imaginations whereby he hath tossed and unsetled your minds and as you waite in that which doth make manifest which is the Light and believe in it you will come to feel something arising in you in Power to Judge and condemn the subtilty as that stirs in you to draw you from waiting upon God and then you will come to know and feel the spirit of Judgement and burning placed in you to purge you and as you wait in the Judgement in patience and stilness you will come to hear the still voice that is spoken of in the Scriptures saying This is the way and shewing it unto you and when you see the way as you wait in that which shewes it unto you then you will come to hear the Command in Power saying unto you walk in it and then you will come to know your Teacher which cannot be removed into a corner and so here the path of the just ye will all come to know and witness in your selves which is the shining Light which shineth more and more until the perfect day for as you all wait in that which calls for stilness and silence to the flesh and the motions thereof ye will come then to see more Light and so ye will come to witness what David spoke to be true who said to God In thy Light shall we see Light and then the just which hath been long oppressed and burthened in you will begin to spring and as you believe and wait in the Light your minds being staid in it you will come to feel God's Living Power working and opperating in you condemning and removing that in you which hath oppressed and burthened the just and so by God's pure Power as you wait and continue in it you will come to feel and witness the just holy Seed raised up in you from under that which did oppress and burthen it and here you will feel the captive come out of captivity by the Gospel which is the Power of God and the Prison door set open and the Prisoners set at Liberty And then as you wait in the Light you will come to feel God's pure Powerful Presence and Life and Virtue runing through you which will refresh the Seed which is tender and give satisfaction unto it and so as you all wait low in the fear of God watching in the Light that nothing may get up in you to boast and glory which is not of God you will then feel your love exceedingly encreased towards the Pure Living Truth of God and your whole delight will be to walk in the Truth in Righteousness and Holiness without which no man shall see the Living God and as you all walk in the Light obeying it you will come into the Pure Fellowship and Communion and Unity of the Saints and then you will feel the Life which is the Blood of Jesus Christ cleansing you purging and purifying you from all Sin and so as every one of you abide in the Faith feeling it and standing in the Power of God that will purifie your hearts and give you victory over the World and then you will come to receive a particular satisfaction from Christ the Power which is the Author and ground of the Saints Faith and you will feel God's Spirit and Power and Life as you dwell in it drawing and leading you into whatsoever he requireth you to do and as you all wait and are still in that which doth discern the thoughts and the intents of your hearts and makes them manifest unto you you will clearly come to discern the Subtilty and the motions thereof which would draw you to act such things as the Lord doth not require you to act So all take heed to that which discerns the thoughts and intents of your hearts for this is a measure of the Word of Life which is quick and powerful and as you all wait in it you will feel it to be so for you will feel it dividing the precious in you from the vile and this is the Ingrafted Word which is able to save your Souls So this is not written to feed the carnal mind in any but it is written for your sakes who are truely breathing and thirsting after God's Righteousness and cannot be satisfied without it that so you may all come into the true Light wherewith you are enlightned and that you with it may come to see how you have been tossed and tumbled up and down by the Subtilty of the Serpent in those things which could never give you true peace nor satisfaction and that now through believing in the Truth and Obedience of the Spirit you may all
which all things were created and made and are upheld that therein ye may be ordered in the particular and that therein ye may use and order all God's Creatures to his Glory and then all false Weights and Measures and Wayes and Worships will be destroyed and then shall Truth Equity Righteousness and true Order and Mercy prosper and run down as a River So let your Faith stand in Christ Jesus the Light and Wisdom and Power of God and then true Worship true Weight true Measure shall be set up and established and then shall the Lord be exalted over all the works of his hands and so ye will feel his blessing unto him belongeth the Dominion and Honour for he is worthy of it for evermore Amen By George Fox the Younger The Words of the Everlasting and True Light Who is the Eternal Living God and the King of Saints which he gave unto me his servant to declare unto the Inhabitants of the Earth and unto all such as have any true tender desires in them after Righteousness and Truth HEarken O ye Nations and give ear ye Inhabitants of the Earth Thus saith the Lord God of Heaven and Earth whose Name is the Light I am the Lord and there is no other that can save I the Light Created all things and formed and made you all of the dust and I breathed into you my Light my Life that ye with it should have been guided and led in my Wisdom to have ordered all things which I have Created and to have ruled over them all that I in you might have been honoured and exalted over all the works of my hands which I the Light Created But from me the Light ye have departed and ye have hearkned unto the Subtil Serpent which is the Devil who abode not in me the Light the Life the Truth which Created all things whom I have cursed above all the Beasts of the Earth who is the Seed of Enmity and ye hearkening unto him he hath begotten you into Enmity against me the Light and so hath begotten and led you into the Curse and so he is become your Father and Leader whom I have cursed and all that ye bring forth and act in him I have cursed because it stands in the Enmity against me the Light yet I the Light have looked upon you and pittied you because of the loss that ye are come into and the darkness that is come upon you all through your departing from me the Light And I the Eternal God have sent him who was glorified with me before the World was by whom I made the World who is not without me nor I without him but he is in me and I in him and He and I and the Spirit that proceed's from Us are one Being and Substance Mark I the Eternal God have sent him into the World who was glorified with me before the World began and he is called my Son because he is the Express Image of my Glory and bears my Name the Light the Life the Truth which is but one and he is my Love unto you the World and that is he that lets you see the Enmity and darkness that ye are in and how years departed and gone from Me the Life and for this end I have sent him a Light that ye all through him the Light might believe that so he who shews you your Sins your Enmity your Darkness ye believing in him might receive power to come out of it and that he might save you from the curse which ye went into when ye hearkned to the Serpent whom I have cursed who is become your Leader But I have sent you the Light to be your Leader to lead you from the Serpent and out of all that which he hath led you into Mark out of Enmity against me out of Darkness and so out of all unrighteous words and deeds and thoughts And I the Eternal God have given my Son the Light power to plague and to judge to condem and to destroy all those that will not hear him the Light who makes manifest unto you your unrighteous words deeds and thoughts which the Serpent hath led you into and because ye live in these I cannot have fellowship with you nor reveal my secrets unto you but my anger is kindled against you but if ye would hearken unto my Love the Light which lets you see all that ever you have done and own him to be your Leader and receive him and give up your selves to be guided by him then you shall feel his Power in you which I have given him to lead you out of Enmity and Darkness and the curse and out of all Sin which was the cause of the curse and so to destroy that Nature in you which the Serpent hath begotten ye into and to beget you again into the Nature of himself the Light in whom I am well pleased and then my anger would be turned away from you and I should have fellowship with you again as I had in the beginning and the Serpent's head ye should come to witness bruised who drew and led you out of me the Life the Tree of Life which I shut you from because of your disobedience ye should come to know it and to feel it and to feed upon it again and I should delight to do you good But O ye disobedient ye are from this because ye despise Me my Son my Spirit who are one who are Light and Life which is not far from you for I the Light give unto every one of you Life and Breath and you and all things are upheld by me the Light whose presence filleth Heaven and Earth and I have long spared you and my patience and long-suffering towards you hath been exceeding large but you in your imaginations have put me a far off and ye will not own me the Light the Life in you because my appearance in you hath been and yet is to make manifest Sin and Evil in you and to check and reprove you for it and to call you out of it and therefore you are offended at me and you whom the Serpent the Prince of the Power of the Air hath led out of me into airy imaginations you scorn me the Light in you and count me a low poor weak thing not worth the taking notice of because I have been patient towards you and have tenderly meekly and lovingly made manifest unto you Sin and Evil in its appearance and hath reproved you for Evil gently therefore you have disobeyed me and dishonoured me and called me a Natural Light and ye have said I the Light am not able to save those that believe in me and many of you have got my words which I the Light spoke in my servants of old and ye in the Enmity give other meanings to my words and so with my words mixed with your own meanings and imaginations ye fight against me the Light and Life within you and so against my
Light which lighteth every man that cometh into the VVorld Joh. 1.9 Drunkard thou hast a Light given thee which comes from Christ and that is the Light which lets thee see that thou shouldst not be drunk so here thou hast learned thy Condemnation which is the Light Swearer and Lyar and Fighter and Quarreler thou hast a Light given thee which comes from Christ who saith Swear not at all and with this Light thou seest thou shouldst not swear nor lye nor fight nor quarrel for the Light in thee witnesseth against these things so here thou hast learned thy Condemnation the Light Scoffer Scorner Mocker Railer cursed Speaker foolish Iester vain Talker Couzener and Cheater the Light that shines in thy Conscience though thou canst not comprehend it Joh. 1.5 because thou art darkness it is pure and eternal and never consented unto evil but stood and stands a VVitness for God against all evil Mark this Light this pure VVitness oftentimes hath appeared and doth appear unto thee and in thee and lets thee plainly see that thou shouldst not act any of these evils before mentioned and it often checks and reproves in secret when thou dost so act so here thou hast learned what Condemns thee which is the the Light Eph. 5.5 13. Proud one Wanton one Lustful one Covetous one who art an Idolater Backbiter Whoremonger Gamster Sporter and Prophane one who walkest on in laciviousness and excess of the Creatures in Revellings Banquetings and abominable Idolatries and whoever thou art that acts any manner of unrighteousness whatsoever it is sin and it is of the Devil but the Light that lighteth every man that cometh into the VVorld that is the Son of God who is made manifest for this very end that he might destroy the works of the Devil 1 Joh. 3.8 and He mark the Son of God hath given thee a measure of his Light and that is the measure of his Light in thee which lets thee see that thou should not act any of these abominations before-mentioned but it oft appears in thee to convince thee of thy evil deeds and reproves thee and judgeth thee for thy wickedness so here thou hast learned thy Condemnation which is the Light which makes manifest unto thee thy abominations And thou who makest a Profession of the Saints words but art found to be out of their Life and in thy dark carnal mind and imaginations run'st into their words the Scriptures and calls them the VVord of God and thy Rule and the way to know God and yet thou livest contrary to the Scriptures and art out of the knowledge of God whom to know is life eternal Mark the Light wherewith thou art enlightned withal it comes from Christ who lighteth every man that cometh into the VVorld and his Name is called the VVord of God Rev. 19.13 and he is the way to God and no man knoweth the Father save the Son and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal him Mat. 11.27 and this Light which comes from the Son of God oftentimes appears in thee and shews thee that thou art out of the Saints Life though thou profess their VVords and the Light lets thee see that thou art a Thief and a Robber and art climbing up another way in thy imaginations than by the Door Joh. 10.1 which is Christ from whence the Light doth come and this Light in thee which makes manifest to thee thy condition it oftentimes confounds thee and thy imaginations which thou hast raised out of thy dark mind concerning the Scriptures which were given forth in the true Light and the Light oftentimes convinceth reproveth and judgeth thee of and for thy hypocrisie and dissimulation and feigned love and humility and will-worship and lets thee see that thy worship is not that Worship which the Lord requireth for that is in the Spirit and in the Truth which God requireth Joh. 4.22 23 24. and thou being out of the Light not being guided by it art out of the Spirit for the Spirit is Light and the Light is the Truth and so out of the true Worship in the false worshipping thou knowst not what so here with the true Light thou art condemned and so hast learned but thy Condemnation Therefore all People both young and old high and low rich and poor bond and free who yet live in any of these evil deeds before-mentioned mind that which makes manifest your evil deeds unto you which is the measure of the pure God which he hath given you to profit withal and this measure in you convinceth you of sin and reproves you for it now mind to stand in that which doth convince for that is the Power and as you stand and believe in that which doth convince you it will lead you into true Repentance never to be repented of for it will bring you to repent of and to forsake all your evil deeds and hard speeches Jud. 15. which you will see in the Light which never consented unto sin that you have acted and spoken against the living God so believe in the Light which shews you sin and evil and wait in the Light as it ariseth and appears in you to shew you your estates and conditions now if you believe in the Light and wait in it you will come to receive Power from Christ from whence the Light doth come to overcome evil and to withstand the Tempter when he appears to tempt you to evil and the Light believing in it will preserve you out of the evil and lead you out of the death and loss that ye are in unto Christ the life and Saviour of the Soul But if you hate the Light which shews you sin and evil you hate Christ for I am the Light saith Christ John 8.12 and if you hate the Light you hate the way to the Father for I am the way to the Father saith Christ who is the Light Joh. 14.6 and if you hate the Light you hate the Truth and you hate the Life for I am the Truth and the Life saith Christ the true Light who lighteth every man that cometh into the World Joh. 1.9 and 12.46 and if you hate the Light you hate the Covenant of God for I will give him for a Covenant to the People and for a Light to the Gentiles saith God Isa 42.6 and 49.6 and if you hate the Light you hate the Power for all Power is given unto me both in Heaven and in Earth saith Christ the Light Mat. 28.18 and if you hate the Light you hate the Word of God and so you hate God and Christ who are One John 10.30 Mark for in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God all things were made by it and without it nothing was made that was made in it was Life Mark in the Word was Life and the life of the Word was the Light of men and John a man sent of God bare witness of the Light that all men
guide and lead them would it not lead and guide them out of Sects and Opinions and Divisions and Strife and would it not bring People to be of one heart and of one mind and into Unity with God and one with another and with the Scriptures yea or nay 15. Qu. And doth not Christ the Light the Spirit of Truth for Sin Condemn Sin in the flesh and must not that be owned which makes manifest reproves and Condemns Sin in the flesh before the Ministration of Life and Peace can be witnessed yea or nay 16. Qu. Is not the Unity of the Spirit the bond of Peace and must not People come into Unity with the Spirit before they can come into true Peace and doth not the Spirit of Truth reprove men for Sin who live in it so must not People come out of Sin before they can come into Unity with the Spirit and so into true Peace or hath the Spirit any Unity with Sin or is there any true Peace to the wicked who live in Sin yea or nay 17. Qu. And is not Christ the Light the Word the Rock of Offence and the stone of stumbling unto the disobedient in whom the Prince of the Power of the Air ruleth but is he not Elect and precious to them that believe and obey him and is it not he that ruleth in them and leads and guides them in the way of Peace yea or nay 18. Qu. Do not as many as believe in the Light receive Power to become the Sons of God and are not those the Sons of God who are led by the Spirit of Truth and are not those that do not believe in Christ the Light nor are guided by the Spirit bastards and not sons and are they not condemned already who do not believe and is not the Light their Condemnation yea or nay 19. Qu. And shall not Darkness yea great Darkness come upon them who do not believe and walk in the Light and shall not they stumble and fall and be broken yea or nay 20. Qu. And shall not they who believe and walk in the Light be made Children of the Light and be kept from stumbling and falling and shall not they have fellowship with the Father and the Son from whence the Light comes and one with another and doth not the blood of Christ cleanse them from all Sin yea or nay 21. Qu. Can any have fellowship with the Father and the Son and the Saints in Light but those that walk in and are guided and led by the Light of Christ Jesus which he hath enlightned them withal yea or nay 22. Qu. Can any deny themselves before they see themselves and can any man see himself but with the Light which Christ hath enlightned him withal which makes manifest Self and can any be Christ's Disciple but he that denies himself and takes up the Crosse and comes after Christ the true Light and are not all they thieves and robbers which come before Christ the Light and are not such enemies to the Crosse of Christ and is not the Crosse of Christ the Power of God and is not the Crosse and the Preaching of it foolishness to the wise of this World and is it not a stumbling block to such as in words professe they know God but in works deny him yea or nay 23. Qu. And they that commit Sin and cannot cease from Sin are not they of the Devil and are not they the Servants of Sin and so free from Righteousness and have they not eyes full of Adultery who cannot cease from Sin are they not adulterated and whored from the Life of God and though they promise liberty to themselves and others yet are not they servants to corruption and do not they live in the flesh and are they not dead while they live and so out of the true Faith and can such please God yea or nay 24. Qu. And they that believe in and obey Christ Jesus the true light doth not their faith stand in the Power of God and doth it not purifie their hearts and give them victory over the World and do not they who witness in the Life the manifestation of the Son of God also witness that he destroyes the works of the Devil and takes away their Sin and makes an end of transgression and changes their Nature which was subject to Sin and makes them partakers of his Divine Nature and throughly purges and sanctifies them with his Living Truth and doth not that make them free from Sin and so make them servants of Righteousness and doth not that make vessels of honour fitted for the Masters use and are not such dead unto Sin and alive unto God and can such live any longer in Sin and having mortified the deeds of the Body through the Spirit shall not they live but not to themselves but to God and are not these Christ's and have they not crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts thereof yea or nay 25. Qu. Shall any man see the Lord without Holiness and ought any to name the Name of Christ but those that depart from Iniquity and is that the Faith of God's Elect which doth not purifie the heart nor give victory over the world but is without the works or is not this dead Faith and but the Faith of Devils and shall any be saved or justified by this Faith yea or nay Consider of these things ye Professors who stumble at the Light and tell People that none shall be free from sin in this Life 26. Qu. And when is the time and where is the place and what is the name of it if not in this Life that men shall be made free from sin answer plainly that I may see how much ye differ from the Papists in this particular or do ye believe that corruption and that which is imperfect shall enter into Heaven and inherit in corruption yea or nay Answer these Queries in plainness according to the Scriptures if ye be able if not then submit unto the true Light which will let you see your thoughts your darkness your unstableness and ignorance of the Scriptures and repent and believe and wait in the true Light that you may come out of your thoughts and darkness and unstableness and ignorance into that which the Scriptures declare of to feel Christ the Saviour from whence the Light doth come to redeem and save ye from sin and to keep ye out of your own thoughts inventions and imaginations that so your minds may come to be stayed and settled in the Power of the Lord which moves against sin By one who witnesseth God Christ the Light the Word the Spirit of Truth and these are one and the Kingdom of God within me and so am come to the thing that the Scriptures testifie of which was before Scripture was in whom the Scriptures ends and the Tabernacle of God is witnessed with men and his presence is felt which filleth Heaven and Earth and the Heaven
any that took his Part leave that unto the Lord who will reward every one in Righteousness according to their deeds done in their Bodies And consider how far Christ was from seeking or desiring Revenge when they murdered him as concerning the flesh who said Father forgive them for they know not what they do Oh mind that Spirit and consider he was greater than thy Father and he was free from all Transgression and wherein thy Enemies did evil in any thing against thy Father or Thee and those that took your Part freely forgive them and render not evil for evil unto any man but overcome evil with that which is good O King this were the way for Thee to be established in peace and so to end thy dayes Oh that thy Heart were thus inclined that Mercy and Righteousness and Peace might be found to reign in Thee and that Mercy might Triumph over severity then might'st thou prosper and many of thy Enemies and also of those that are called thy Friends might be converted unto God and so ye might be united in true love one unto another and this were better than conquering by force And consider this there are many that acted against thy Father and Thee whom the Lord intends good towards though I know that several of them through Covetousness and Envy have done exceedingly wrong in many things Yet consider how Christ taught his to pray Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them that trespass against us And I do verily believe that if they turn unto the Lord and truly humble themselves under his hand and believe in the Light of his Son and obey him that he will freely forgive them all their Transgressions But if thou resolvest to avenge thy self and those called thy Friends which have suffered and to keep under those which are now fallen under Thee by a heavy yoke either in matters of Worship or otherwise I know it will exasperate the spirits of many against Thee and it will raise up the desperate aggravating part in man and so the thing may kindle again in the murdering Spirit And the Lord may suffer it to break forth into blood which if it should it may be the sadest time that ever thou yet sawest for this I know and do stedfastly believe that after God hath tryed his People he will assuredly bring an overflowing scourge upon this Nation and many shall fall and perish by an eminent hand and judgement of the Lord except they repent speedily And verily there is but a little space given to prevent this great Judgement and Destruction because the Lord hath already born long and his patience hath been exceeding great and he hath sent many of his Servants and Prophets to warn this Nation and others and many thousands have believed us and are gathered into Peace with us notwithstanding they see a great Judgement to come upon the Earth and though many have believed us yet alas the far greater part hath either beaten or imprisoned or scoffed at or slighted and rejected us or the Testimony which we hold and some have spoyled our goods and imprisoned some of us to death and some of us have been killed for the Testimony of Jesus and the Word of God And so many in the Nations are waxed worse and worse And when the Lord hath smitten some they have revolted more and more and when he hath raised up others and given them prosperity they have then fed themselves without fear and forgot the Lord and waxed wanton against him Therefore seeing people will neither hear the Prophets of the Lord nor regard the Light of his Son in their Consciences which checks and reproves for sin and evil in secret nor turn to the Lord when he smites them nor regard his Truth when they have prosperity the Lord will leave striving with such a People and bring sudden destruction upon them and deliver his chosen as he did just Lot So we are given up to the Will of the Lord and do patiently wait for his mighty appearance to deliver us who have long been a suffering People who have suffered both by Parliaments Army Protectors and by those called thy Friends also yea we have suffered and been most cruelly entreated even by Rulers Priests and People Professors and Prophane because we could not joyn unto the evil in either but we have been made to reprove them for it and to exhort them unto that which is good and so we must yet do so long as we find the Lord requiring it at our hands though for it we be hated and persecuted unto death yet knowing that it is without cause on our part when we suffer we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ in all our sufferings and our lives are not dear unto us that we may finish our course with joy and our Testimony for the Lord which he hath given to bear though it be sealed with our blood for we certainly know that the Lord is our reward in whatsoever we do or suffer for his Names sake And now O King as thou expects the Blessing and Presence of the Lord with Thee in thy Government Fear and Dread his Presence by standing in awe of his living Witness the Light which he hath placed in thy Conscience to guide and direct Thee in all thy wayes that his wrath may be turned away from Thee that so this Scripture might not be fulfilled upon the People of this Nation God gave them a King in his anger and he took him away in his sore displeasure But if it should prove so I shall have peace for I am clear of thy blood in as much as in plainness I have let Thee see how things have been and how they may or shall be and wherein thy danger stands and how that Righteousness only establisheth the Throne And my desire is if it be the Will of God that thou mightest consider them in the Principle of Life and Wisdom and thereby come to be preserved and saved from that Destruction which in God's Eternal Light I see Thee in great danger of Thus in Innocency and Truth and in Uprightness and Sincerity of heart I have freely declared unto Thee what was laid upon me and it is in true tender and unfeigned love both to thy Soul and Body And that this is true God is my Witness and the Witness of himself in thy Conscience shall answer unto it unto which I leave and commend Thee from which thou canst not hide thy thoughts So to the Lord God of Life be Glory and Dominion and everlasting Praises over all to whom it doth belong Amen Given forth in Harwich Goal in Essex the 16. day of the 3d. Month called May 1660. Where I suffer for the Testimony of Jesus through the envy of the Devil who is the false accuser of the Brethren POSTSCRIPT THough this Treatise was more especially laid upon me to write it unto the KING and therefore to him was it directed
of Tythes and forced Maintenance which hath cost some their lives and many a great part of their Estates who for Conscience sake have been made to witness against it Undo every Heavy Burden and break every Yoak and let the Oppressed go free And let Christ Iesus the everlasting King have the preheminence in all things Col. 1.18 for these things the Lord will have to be accomplished and brought to pass and if you will not submit to him in this his work he must and will remove you And this further consider Oh! take heed that none of you upon your Beds or elsewhere devise Cruelty and Oppression and how to avenge your selves upon your Enemies and then when you are assembled together confirm it by a Law because you have power so to do for the Lord abhors that who is appearing to give to all men according to the fruits of their doing and he will not respect any man's person Now if by your Strength you can hinder the Sun from rising and setting in its season and if you be able to stop the Thunder and Lightning from having its operation or to hinder the Wind from blowing and the Rain from descending then may you hinder the Decree of the Lord and by your Strength you may stand in Power and Peace and flourish for a long Season though you serve and avenge your selves to the full and though you rebel against the Lord and oppress his Heritage Lambeth-House the 28th of the 5th Month 1660. Written as moved and given by that eternal Power which only can preserve and deliver the righteous by a Prisoner for the Lord who am given up to his Will in all things G. F. the younger A MESSAGE OF Tender Love Unto such Professors as have attained any true sincerity simplicity and Zeal for God in their Professions Or who after their Backslidings and Apostacy from the former appearances of God unto them are now in this the day of Tryal which is begun brought to feel any fresh Desires and living breathings and thirstings renewed in them towards the Lord. OH ye Professors who have tasted of the Word of God's Grace in any measure and who have formerly had any true Tenderness in you and Zeal for God Oh friends in Bowels of much Tenderness and Love am I drawn forth to write unto you yea my soul breaths mightily to the Lord for you who have now any true hungrings and thirstings renewed in you after his Righteousness and in whose hearts there are any true simple desires retained to know the Will of God and to do it Friends The Eternal Being which giveth being to all his Creatures hath largely manifested his love unto the World in giving his onely begotten to be the Light of the World who doth enlighten every one that cometh into the World that all through him might believe and inasmuch as he in the fulness of time sent forth his onely begotten full of Grace and Truth into the World in a body which he had prepared him therein to do his will which body the onely begotten of the Father freely gave and offered up for a Sacrifice for Sin and so according to his Grace he tasted Death for every man and by his offering himself once for all he hath put an end to all the Sacrifices and Offerings mentioned in the Law which could not make the Comets thereunto perfect nor those that offered them as appertaining to the Conscience So Christ the one Offering is become the Propitiation for the sins of the whole World who wrought Eternal Salvation for all them that obey him And here is the one Offering which perfects for ever them that are sanctified And he having accomplished the Will of the Father in that body which was prepared him of the Father in which he came into the World he again left the World he not being of the World and ascended unto the Father from whence he proceeded and sate down on the Right Hand of the Majesty on High and is now Glorified with the same Glory that he had with the Father before the world began yea the same that descended into the lower parts of the Earth is also the same that ascended far above all Heavens that he might fill all things and being one with the Father and in the Father and the Father in him his presence filleth Heaven and Earth and being the Son in the Father he hath Power as the Father to quicken whomsoever he will that all men might honour the Son as the Father by whom all things were made that were made in whom we live move and have a being and he hath a Name given him above every name to which all things must bow which is called The Word of God or Jesus because he is a Saviour and saveth his People from their Sins This is he that is given to be the Head of the Body which is the Congregation of the Righteous the fulness of him that filleth All in all that he in all things in whom all fulness dwells might have the Preheminence being the express substance of the Father's Glory the very vertue of his Being one with him in Nature and one in Name for as the Father is Divine so the Son is also Divine and as the Father is called the Light so the Son is also called the Light the Father is called The Mighty God so is the Son also Yea the Son's Name is called Wonderful The mighty God the everlasting Father mark that the Prince of Peace of whose Government there shall be no End Now in the Father there is Life and in the Word the Son there is Life and this is one and this Life proceeding from the Father and the Son is that one Eternal Spirit which is not to be limitted Yea God is a Spirit and Christ is the Lord that spirit yea he is the second Adam the Lord from Heaven the quickning Spirit by whom the free gift is come upon all men to justifie them that believe in the Life and he that believeth not he is condemned by the Life which is the Light that doth enlighten every one that cometh into the World so the gift that is come upon the unbeliever that condemns him because he believeth not in the Light but loves the Darkness better Now Friends This is he the Light who giveth you a Being and upholdeth all things by the word of his Power and hath been near unto you ever since ye have had a Being and he hath beheld all your actions yea he hath discerned all your thoughts none of them could be hid from him for he knew them long before This is he that telleth unto man what his thought is and The Lord of Hosts is his Name This is he who hath reproved you and set your sins in order before your eyes Oh! How oft hath he brought you into a sensibleness of your Conditions How oft hath he smitten you for Sin and broken you into Tenderness by his
to pass of late it is exceeding righteous and just with him to suffer those things to be effected for truly as you know he was much provoked thereunto and his patience towards many of you was very great yea he spared you long and yet many of you whom I now hope are brought to see your brck-slidings regarded not his goodness but walked very carelesly and some of you wantonly before him yea many of your minds ran into the earth and its pomps and vanities again after a tenderness had been begotten in you towards the Lord and a loathing of such things and Covetousness and Pride encreased among you and so lusts and fulness and ease was then delighted in and the honour of this World sought and received one of another and not that which cometh of God onely and those that could not give you that honour that perisheth such by some of you were hated and mocked at and yet you professed much of Religion in words But alas the hearts of many of you were removed far from the Life of Truth in which the Lord is worshipped and so the Sincerity and Zeal which once appeared in some of you for God and the love which had sprung in you to him and one to another in the day when you were low and tender grew cold and died in you as you departed from the measure of the Life of God And thus the Lord became grieved and pressed with your back-slidings and his Soul loathed your Sacrifices and he then saw that a day of Tryal would be better for you than a day of Prosperity So in Righteousness as from the Lord is this day brought upon you and also in love to your Souls and so it shall prove unto you if ye will now turn unto the Lord with all your hearts and humble your selves under his Mighty Hand Yea some of you who lately have had the enjoyment of great Estates and outward Liberty and Honour and Companions and have now lost them or part of them I do believe that you will be made to confesse to the Glory of God that it is his love to you in suffering them to be taken from you yea some of you will come to see that the Lord is just and merciful unto you in suffering your Idols to be stript off taken away For you will see how some of you have Idolized men the World and its honour and glory and Forms without the Power of an endless Life Oh Friends I have a secret hope for a Remnant of you that the Lord by this kind of dealing with you will bring you near unto himself and that a day shall come wherein you shall be made to say that It was good for us that we were Afflicted But Friends you that come this to witness you must mind the free Grace of God that bringeth Salvation which to all men hath appeared yea ye must own and receive it in its pure Teachings and wait in the Virtue of it to receive Power to deny and forsake the Ungodliness and Worldly lusts which it will make manifest unto you that you have been addicted unto and must wait to feel it drawing you into Godliness Righteousness and Soberness and into Patience and Contentedness with the Will of God which is a precious thing Truly they they that do not wait to come into and to be kept in Patience in this day of Tryal their sufferings will be great And if the fretting impatient murmuring Nature be given way and leaned unto that will aggravate the Sufferings exceedingly and beget Torment in the mind Therefore you who desire to come into and to be kept in true Obedience unto the Lord in this the day of Tryal be watchful in the Light and abide in the pure Fear of the Lord which is the beginning of Wisdom and take heed of the subtilry of the Serpent who will seek more and more to beguile you and to lead you aside from the way of God Verily Friends if you do not retire your minds inwards unto the Life of Jesus which is the light of men you will be deceived yea if you do not receive the spirit of Truth to be your guide and Leader and obey the same you will still run into those things which cannot profit you and the renewed desires in you towards the Lord will be strangled Now I know some of you have formerly found the Lord's Leadings and Teachings in some measure in the day when he drew you out of Episcopacy so called and raised up a zeal in you against the Lording spirits in the Bishops and against the dark way of their imaginary Worship and if you had kept low in the pure Fear of the Lord I know he would have further appeared unto you But here was the loss of many of those that the Lord had appeared unto Mark they did not abide in his Tender Fear neither did they continue waiting upon him for Teaching in the measure of Life in which he had appeared unto them but many of them going from his Witness in themselves they soon began to imagin another Form of Worship which is called Presbitery and many sate down and setled in that and did not mind the Leadings of the Life which had appeared and in some measure quickened them and so much Deadness and Barrenness came upon such as would not be subject to the drawings of the pure Life of God But those that kept their integrity in any measure and waited upon the Lord the pure Life opened things further unto them as they were able to bear and they were drawn a little further and a fine Freshness and Tenderness and Love appeared in them for a time But so soon as they had settled themselves in another Form which is called Independency then many of them not willing to follow the Leadings of the Life any further then the Articles which they had drawn up and agreed upon would admit of whereby the freshness that had appeared in some of them began to wither Yet some who still desired to go on according to the Leadings of the Life the Life opened things further unto them and they left the other but they not continuing in the true waiting upon the Lord to be led by him several of them also ran into another Form called Anabaptism wherein many began to settle But some of them I do believe took up that far more simply than others for they being pressed outwardly to it by their Teachers and also finding in the Scriptures that the Saints of Old Practised such things they letting in reasonings and not waiting in the pure Life that had stirred in them to be led by that in all things their eye became vailed whereby they could see no further but looked upon that to be their duty to wit to go in the water and so durst not omit it But the pure Life which had visited them sprang up afresh and wrought mightily in some of them and shewed them the
emptiness of the water outward and let them see that it is the Baptism inward with the holy Spirit and with Fire which saves and brings to the answer of a good Conscience And that no Form is to be minded any further then the Power is felt to lead into it or then the presence of the Lord is witnessed in it And thus the Lord by his pure Life hath gathered Thousands out of the Forms before mentioned and I do believe that he will yet dayly gather more and more into the Power which is endless Therefore all you who are yet left in any of those forms before mentioned or any other or out of Forms who have retained any thing of the former Tenderness and Smiplicity which was begotten in you by the appearance of the Lord And all you who are brought to see your backslidings and are now brought to feel any true desires and thirsting after God renewed in you my tender love reacheth forth unto you all in the Life Power and love of God wherewith I am loved and in which I am preserved Oh! that I could feel you bound up and established with me in the unchangable Truth of God where satisfaction and Peace is received and where nothing can make afraid Oh! that ye would freely yield your selves obedient servants unto the Righteousness of God which is revealed from Heaven against all unrighteousness of men Mark that is the thing which you must become obedient unto God's Righteousness which appeareth in you against all unrighteousness And all wait in that which moves against Sin for that is the Power of God which you must be turned unto and receive before you can receive the remission of Sins and an inheritance among them that are sanctified by the Faith which Christ Jesus the Righteousness of God is the Author and finisher of And Friends you must all mind the present manifestation of the Power of God and what it now draweth and leadeth unto For if you should now run into those things wherein you have formerly enjoyed something of the presence and Life of God yet if you feel not the pure Power of the Lord God now drawing you into them deadness will come upon you more and more and the tender desires that are renewed in you towards the Lord will be destroyed Oh! consider this the day of the Lord is far broke forth in Light and Knowledge and he is yet making it brighter and brighter unto them that truly wait upon him yea he is leading them by the hand of his love from one degree of Grace and Faith and Knowledge unto another and changing them from glory to glory And he is powring from vessel to vessel that the dregs may be left by themselves Yea he is sifting and winowing that the Chaff and the dross may be taken away and so the Seed which standeth approved may be made manifest And he is bringing thorow the fire and thorow the fire because the day hasteneth and draweth nigh in which he will make up his Jewels and consume the chaff and the dross Therefore look not back neither be afraid of the rage of man seek not to save your selves by bowing to his Will but look to the Lord who declareth unto you what your thoughts are and gird up the loins oF your minds and watch and be sober and hope to the end all you who through patience and experience are come to know any thing of the true hope which maketh not ashamed And Friends concerning Faith and the Promises of God there hath been much Profession and talk of those things amongst you But now the day is appearing which will try all Professions and every one's work must come to Tryal Therefore consider your Faith and the Ground Author and effects of it For there is a dead Faith and a living Faith and a ground for both Now the living Faith hath Jesus for its Author and the power of God for its Ground and its effects declare it to be the living Faith for it works in them that have it by love unto the purifying of their hearts and it is their victory over the world These were the effects of the living Faith in the Saints of old and it hath the same now as they can witness who have received it Now there is a Faith which stands but in Words not in the Power and this is a dead Faith it cannot work it purifies not the heart it gives not victory over the world nor access to God as the living Faith doth Oh Friends Labour not to content your selves with a dead Faith but wait that you may hear the leaving Word by which the living Faith comes Now a man may declare of the Word of Life as the Scriptures do and many may believe the words to be true and profess the same and yet if they receive not the living Word or VVitness in their own hearts their Faith will prove but a dead Faith and they will have but words for its ground but they that hear the VVords of Truth declared or read them and then feel the living VVord arising in themselves witnessing to the words that they have read or heard that they are true over-powering them to believe the same or if the VVord of Life speaketh to any ones understanding when words outwardly are not spoken and they be over-powered by the Word to believe the same such come indeed to feel and know how the living Faith cometh and is wrought And they come also to see that this Faith stands in the Power of God and not in words and that Jesus who saveth from sin is the Author of it And all that come into this state if they wilfully turn not from the Power they will feel their Faith increased in and by the Power and the effects of it will daily come to be manifest which will be an evidence unto them to prove that it is the living Faith for they will feel it giving them access to God Oh ye Professors I speak what I know and witness and without this Faith you cannot please God And concerning the Promises of God this know The Promises are unto the Seed Not unto Seeds as of many but unto the Seed which is One which is Christ So all that come to have right unto the Promises of God they must come to be of the Seed unto which the Promises are Now it is the Word of Life which begetteth unto God and brings to be of the Seed which is the Heir of the Promises of God Therefore wait in the appearance of the Word of Life that by it you may be begotten into the nature of the incorruptible Seed and become born of it that so you may be made meet to be partakers of the precious Promises Oh that ye would hearken diligently and obey and your Souls should live The Lord's hand of tender love and pitty is stretched forth towards you Oh! be not rebellious any longer lest he cease striving with you
not for Conscience sake satisfie his covetous and unrighteous desire but chose rather to suffer than to come forth by yielding to such a horrid oppression yet were we willing to have given him to the full value of all the things we made use of in the Chamber and it being the highest room in a lofty Tower and all the Windowes open it was not fit for men to Lodge in by reason of the Wind and Rain beating in until we had gotten them Glassed without any charge to the Sergeant and we had so little of his in our Chamber that we offered this to wit that if two reasonable men would prise the things we would pay him for them and give him the Things also or if he would not stand to that then we would give him two shillings and six pence a week for the time we had been there We also told our Keepers that if we denyed to give them any thing that they could recover by Law the Law was open but they ought not according to their own Law to keep us upon that account but to tutn us out and then take their course at Law And so we demanded our Liberty several times but notwithstanding all this the Sergeant detained us still And the day before the PARLIAMENT Adjourned our Names in a List with other Prisoners in his Custody was given in to the Parliament who notwithstanding their Act of Indempnity and Oblivion and their former Order for our being forthwith Released and set at Liberty they made another Order That it should be Referred to the Kings Privy Counsel to consider of us and to give such Order touching us as to our Liberty or to continue under constraint as they should find Consistent with the Publick Peace and the mean time we are to remain in the Sergeants Custody so by this Order we are still detained and nothing is yet done by the Privy Council touching us Now let the Reader consider how unreasonably and contrary to Law we have been used who have been kept seventeen Weeks in this Prison and never brought to any examination Besides the time that I was kept in Harwich Now if the PARLIAMENT had rightly weighed and considered the matter when they Ordered the thanks of the House to be given to the Mayor and Magistrate of Harwich for their care in that business touching us truly they might have found more cause to have reproved them for their folly than to have given them thanks For if it had been true that we had made some Disturbance at Harwich as it is said in the Order for our Release yet if the Magistrates of Harwich had rightly understood their duty and if they had not been blinded with the mad zeal of Persecution they might have seen that it belonged to their place to have ended the matter of a disturbance and not to have troubled a Parliament with such a frivilous thing But it is certain that Persecutors in all Ages were blind And what a thing is this cannot three Justices of the Peace so called nor a Parliament determine in the matter of a Disturbance if it had been so that we had made one which we did not but that such a thing ●s that must be turned over to the Kings Privy Council to be considered of or is it because they would keep the innocent in Prison and are ashamed to bring them to an examination having nothing justly to charge them withal I leave this to be answered by that of God in all who shall read this And seeing there have been many false Reports touching the cause of our imprisonment and also that some of our enemies have reported that we may come out of Prison if we will it was upon me to publish the manner of our Imprisonment and of our being kept and by whom that the truth of the matter may plainly be seen which being truly considered People may see that it is even now as it was in the Prophets dayes of old For Judgement is now turned backward and Justice standeth afar off Truth is fallen into the Streets and Equity cannot enter yea Truth faileth and he that departeth from Evil maketh himself a prey and the Lord hath seen it and it displeaseth him because there is no true Judgement Isaiah 59.14 15. and as they did in the dayes of Amos even so do this Generation yea They now turn Judgement into Wormwood and leave off Righteousness in the Earth they hate him that rebuketh in the Gate and abhor him that speaketh uprightly Therefore will the Lord break forth like fire Amos 5. Lambeth-house the 21st of the 7th Month 1660. G. F. HIS FAITH Touching Four Particulars DEMONSTRATED I. Concerning Jesus Christ the Saviour of the World II. Concerning Justification III. Concerning the Resurrection IV. Concerning Everlasting Glory and Eternal Misery Written for the satisfaction of some tender consciencious Persons who had heard false Reports of Him and others of his Judgement touching the things above Written First AS concerning Iesus Christ that was supposed to be Joseph the Carpenter's Son who as concerning the Flesh was Crucified and put to Death at Jerusalem between two Thieves upon the Cross at Mount Calvary I do believe he was the Son of God and that that very Body that the Souldier pierced was the very Body that was prepared by the Father for Christ the true Saviour to come in to do the Will of the Father that sent Him And I do believe that by the Grace of God he tasted Death for every man that as many as believe in and obey him whose Soul was made an Offering for sin might have Eternal Life through him who gave his precious Life a Ransom for many Secondly I do believe that no man can be Iustified by the Works of the Law nor by any VVork of his own but He or She that is Iustified in the sight of God it is freely by his Grace through Faith in Christ Iesus who creates such unto Good VVorks which God hath ordained that they that are justified should walk in Now God through his Free Love hath made Me a Witness of true Iustification And I testifie in the Lord That it is not my Works that Iustifie me but it is the LORD alone who worketh my Works in me and for me according to his own good pleasure who loved me before I loved him and manifested his Love to me in the Covenant of Light whereby he drew me after himself and gave me strength to obey and follow him in the manifestation and drawings of his Love which whilst I did reject I was justly condemned of the Lord and could not witness Iustification in that State although I sought it and talked much of it as many Professors now do but GOD who is rich in Mercy and Love shewed me how he had given me Power and Ability to receive his Truth in the Love of it through which I am now Saved and Iustified Thirdly Touching the Resurrection It is a
Mystery which the carnal mind can never comprehend but they that come to Witness a part in the first Resurrection which is Christ Iesus the Light of Life they in his Light may come to perceive the Mystery of the Resurrection but if Truth can be received and understood then it will appear and be manifested to such that I do not deny the Resurrection For I do verily believe that the hour is coming in which all that are in the Graves shall hear the voice of the Son of God and shall come forth They that have done good unto the Resurrection of Life and they that have done evil unto the Resurrection of Condemnation But to fools that say That this Body of natural flesh and bones shall be raised I say That Body which is sown is not that Body that shall be but God giveth a Body as it pleaseth him yet to every Seed it s own Body Now there is the Seed of the Serpent and the Seed of Christ and they that can discern the Body of each Seed are not the Fools which are questioning how the dead shall be raised and with what Bodies they shall come for they know all mankind will be found to be one of these Seeds and that every Seed shall have its own Body Fourthly Truly if I did not believe that there was a Glory to come more than what is here surely although the good Presence Peace and Consolation of God is in me and his Glory rests richly upon me yet I should think my self to be in a more miserable condition than very many but for the Glory that is set before me which Christ in me is the hope of which anchors and stayes my soul I am content to endure the Cross and patiently to bear the affliction and sufferings of this present Life not counting them worthy though ever so great to be compared to that Eternal Weight of Glory which I do believe shall be revealed and given unto me in the World to come And as I do stedfastly believe That there is a Glorious State to be entred into after this Life by all them that shall be found in the Immortal Seed wherein they shall be swallowed up of Life Glory and Immortality so I certainly believe that there is a Woful Dreadful Horrible State to be entred into after this Life by all them that shall be found in the Seed of the Serpent wherein they shall be swallowed up of Perpetual torment and Misery where the Worm dyeth not but shall gnaw everlastingly and the Fire goeth not out Westminster Pallace-yard Gate-house the 12th of the 1st Month 1661. A Prisoner for the Word of God yet a Free-man in the Lord Jesus Christ Glory to him in the highest George Fox the Younger ENGLANDS SAD Estate and Condition lamented IN THIS Just Complaint Taken up against the greatest part of her Inhabitants because of their great Abominanations and Treacherous Dealings both with God and Man for which Cause the Terrible and Righteous Judgements of the Lord are coming upon them and the Land Wherein is also contained some PROPHECIES and EXHORTATIONS OH England England The Abominations of the greatest part of thy Inhabitants who can declare them They have reached Heaven so as they are come up before the Lord the Jealous God and Wo unto that part of thy Inhabitants who have sinned out the Day of their Visitation and have wholly slighted the Day of God's Patience and long Forbearance and would have none of his Reproof but have altogether rejected the same and have made a mock at Sin and have sported themselves with their own Deceivings and Lusts and have gone a Whoring from under the God of their Lives Wherefore thus saith the Lord the only God I will make such become a Hissing and Reproach and my Anger they shall not be able to Escape because of their provoking Abominations and Treacherous Dealings both with Me and Man Oh England England How have and yet do a great part of thy Inhabitants rush into Idolatry and all manner of Profaneness and grievous Abominations even as the Horse and Mighty rush into the Battel How do they drink in Iniquity even as the Ox or Parched Ground drinketh in Water Oh! What manner of Lamentation shall I make for thee my Native Country Or What manner of Complaint may I take up against a great part of thine Inhabitants who have long sought and yet seek thy Ruine and Destruction Verily their Actions have declared them to be like the Inhabitants of Sodom Yea their sins have rendred them to be as bad as those of Gomorrah O they have Vexed the Righteous Soul Yea and they have grieved the Spirit of the Lord from Day to Day with their Unjust Conversations They have multiplyed their Transgressions and heaped up their Iniquities till they are become as the Sand on the Sea-shore without Number Oh! The Lord hath long striven with them yea he hath also long born their Iniquities he would have gathered them to himself out of their Abominations yea he would oft have healed them but they would not but they have stiffned their Necks and hardned their Hearts against the Lord and his Counsel day after day and have chosen their own wayes and works even to their own hurt and would by no means be reclaimed for when the Lord hath reproved them by the Light of his Son in their own Consciences and set their sins in order before their eyes they have stopped their Ears and closed their Eyes and wilfully Rebelled against the Power of God and trampled upon his Witness the Light in them as a thing of naught counting it not worth the taking notice of And when the Lord hath raised up Prophets Children and Servants and sent them out commanding them to lift up their Voices like Trumpets and to shew the People their Transgressions and to Preach Repentance and Amendment of Life Yea to warn and exhort them to turn from their Sins to God and to lay before them their great Abominations and to Prophesie what should come upon them if they would not turn from the evil of their Doings Oh! how have a great part of thy Inhabitants Scorned and Derided these Yea how have many of thine Inhabitants Beaten Whipt Stockt Stoned and Imprisoned some of these till Death for bearing their Testimony for the Lord against a crooked and perverse Generation who hate such as speak uprightly and abhor such as reprove Sin in the Gate that so it is even thus come to pass in thee O England That he that departeth from Iniquity maketh himself a Prey to this Generation of Evil doers whose hearts are set upon their Lusts Idolatry and grievous Abominations and the Lord hath beheld it it displeaseth him because there is no true Judgement for these Evil doers are all gone out of the way yea there is none of them that regard to do the thing that 's Just and Good any further than it may be advantagious to their own Corrupt
things that is of this world for the Tryal will be great unto such Dear hearts I know that some of you have suffered the losse of much for his Name sake already oh faint not neither be weary for all your Sufferings are known unto the Lord and he will not alwayes so try you but he will sufficiently recompence you if ye abide to the end Therefore watch unto Prayer and Pray in the Spirit as it moves you thereunto that you may be kept through Faith unto the end of the Tryal that you may be prepared and made fit for the deliverance which must come by an outstretched Arm and when you are tryed deeply either in Prisons or otherwise oh Friends murmur not but feel the Lord's strength to support you that you may not bow to the Enemy in any wise whose day is but short and therefore he is wroth and rages for such as bow to any thing but the Name of our King verily their torment and perplextty will be exceeding miserable when the Lord shall deliver his chosen who kept their integrity and loved not their estates nor lives but gave up all for his Name sake Therefore dear Friends hearken you to the voice of the Lord and keep you to the leadings of his Eternal Spirit and let his Dread fill you hearts And you that feel but little Sufferings and Tryals take heed of a wrong security and of a false ease and Liberty least the day of the Lord come upon you at unawares and a violent storm unlookt for and you that are in deep Sufferings and Tryals be not you cast down but know that the Tryal of your Faith is exceeding precious and if you keep your minds stayed upon the Lord then will you learn much in such a time and you will feel the presence of God and the virtue of his Power inwardly refreshing you and you will feel the Power of his Majesty giving you Authority sutable to the Condition you are in So as all Friends are kept in that which gives you the sence and feeling of your conditions that Principle of Life will work your minds and hearts into contendedness with the Will of God which is your Sanctification So let the bond of Peace be minded in all things for it is comely amongst Brethren And now the God of Life and endless Virtue and Power watch over you and Minister unto every one of you that which is sutable to your present conditions and the Lord God Almighty preserve and keep you Low Humble Meek Tender Innocent upright Faithful and valiant out of the Snares of the Enemy and give you Peace in all your Tryals and let the Patience of his Lamb be increased in you that you may stand unmoveable upon the Rock of Ages and retain the Life which quickens in your understandings And the Lord God open and keep open your discernings that by no meanes the subtilty may beguile the similicity in this the day of Tryal Eternal Father unto thee I commend all thy Flock that thou Father may fill them with Wisdom Strength and Courage that to thy Glory they may be preserved in their several places and measures to whom be Dominion and Glory everlasting for thy endless riches for thou Lord art worthy to Reign over all Even so come Lord God and take thy Kingdom I the Prisoner for the Lord salutes all you who loves the appearance of Christ in that love which abides for ever GEORGE FOX the Younger Lambeth House the 14th of the 5th Month 1660. SUrely it was thee O Lord that gave bounds unto the Sea that the floods thereof could not overwhelm thy chosen thou canst let forth the winds and suffer a storm and thou canst make a Calm when thou pleasest have thou the Glory of all Thou King of Saints thou Saviour of Israel thou canst do whatsoever thou pleasest therefore will we trust in thy Name neither will we fear what man can do unto us because thou wilt not forsake us but thou wilt plead our Cause in the sight of our adversaries and they shall know that thou art our God who art able to save to the uttermost O Lord our Righteousness we will praise thy Name for thy Mercies indure for ever our eyes O God are unto thee for we have no other helper our Faith O Lord standeth in thee who canst not forget thy People Thou hast revealed and brought up Jacob who wrestleth with thee and prevails as a Prince therefore must the Blessing come O Lord the Birth the Birth cryeth unto thee thine own Elect which long hath been Oppresse● ●hou canst not deny thy self therefore have we Faith and Hope which maketh not ashamed Oh Lord 〈◊〉 unsearchable are thy wayes Thou hast even amazed 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 with the depth of thy Wisdom thou on●ly wi●l have the Glory of their deliverance and therefore 〈◊〉 thou suffered these things to come to pass 〈…〉 Righteous in all thy Judgements onely preser●e thy People which thou hast gathered and will gather unto thy self in the day of Tryal that so they may sing of thy Power and Magnifie thy Name in the Land of the Living George Fox the Younger The Breathings of true Love from the Immortal Seed in the Prisoner for the Lord unto his People DEear Friends Brethren and Sisters in the Light called to be a People loved of God the Father in the Lord Jesus Christ Grace Love and Peace be multiplied amongst you through the abundant manifestation of the Spirit of Life proceeding from the Father and the Son My Children and beloved Friends the God of all Truth hath appeared unto you in the Everlasting Covenant of Light and Life visiting you in an acceptable Day and Time making known unto you his Eternal Truth by the Revelation of his Mighty Power in your Mortal Bodies whereby he brought you indeed to feel and know the miserable Estate and Condition that ye were in and he hath also given you to see him upon whom help is laid and you have received him who is the Salvation of God through the drawings of his Mighty Power and you are brought to know and believe That Salvation is not to be had in another yea many of you have received the Covenant of God and do indeed know that your sins are washed away in the blood thereof for you have the witness in your selves and the word of reconciliation is felt and known in your hearts whereby abundance of Peace and Joy unspeakable is witnessed and the Kingdom is come of which there is no end and some of you are placed together therein in Christ Jesus and many others of you the called of the Lord are travelling thitherwards through the Righteous Judgements of the Lord in the Spiritual Warfare and in the Faith and Patience of the Lamb. Now my Friends Be you stedfast in the Truth of God received you have been a suffering People most of the time since the Lord hath brought you in any measure into the obedience
your reward with the unrighteous And so remember you are warned of the destruction that is to come upon back-sliders and ungodly men if you perish your blood be upon your heads I am clear of it having cleared my Conscience unto you and verily my desire is God is my witness that you might return unto the Lord with your hearts and break off from your iniquities by true Repen●ance that so he might heal your back-slidings and that you might come to know the Salvation of your Souls now your Power to act righteously is in the Light which comes from Christ who is the Wisdom and Power and Righteousness of God unto whom all Power is given and he hath given unto every one of you a measure of his Light which if you love and believe and wait in it as it arises in you that is your Teacher to teach you the Truth and to guide you to God who is Light and if you walk in the Light then shall you have fellowship with the Children of Light but if you hate and reject the Light which shews you Sin and Evil that is your Condemnation from God John 3.19 and from the Saints in Light Eternally This from the motion of the Lord in me who for several years was amongst you and had a great zeal as some of you once had against Tyrants and unjust Laws by which the people were are greatly oppressed and in that time I suffered much hardship as to the outward man and was oft in jeopardy of my life as many of you have been which I was willing then to endure and to pass through for the suppressing of Tyrants and unjust Laws which by them were made and upheld But the Lord hath called me out from among you hath made me a Souldier in the Army of the Lamb who shall overcome all his Enemies although for a time he suffer like a Lamb yet he will arise like a Lyon upon his Enemies at unawares and he will tear tread down and consume and destroy them and none shall be able to deliver out of his hand I am now a sufferer also for the everlasting Truth and not for the breach of any known Law and thus the Rulers in this Nation who persecute the Innocent reward me evil for good but in the Power of the living God I stand a witness against all Persecutors and Tyrants who seek to make a prey upon the lives of the Righteous by which Power I am preserved out of their hands and kept above all sufferings and time and place which they are permitted to inflict upon me for a time for the tryal of my faith but my cause is the Lords and he will plead and revenge it Remember from whence you are fallen G. F. A Strong and terrible Alarm sounded out of the holy Mountain against the Inhabitants of the Earth c. WOe wo unto you Rulers Priests and People who live without the fear of God and do hide your abominations in hypocrisie and dissimulations you are got into several Sects and Opinions and there some of you have long made a Profession of God with your tongues and lips but your hearts are removed far from him so that your Profession stinks in the Nostrils of the Almighty and he loaths and abhors your Preaching and Praying for you are weighed and you are found too light your coverings are too narrow they will no longer hide you for now you are searched with the true Light which makes you manifest and rips off your coverings so that your nakedness appears the day hath made you manifest and now is the Light risen and with it you are seen to be out of the Life of Truth yea you are found to be the greatest Enemies to the life that be upon the earth for you Murther it in the particular and you hate and persecute it wheresoever it is brought forth yea and in all its appearances you seek to suppress and murther it Remember your fore-fathers cryed Not this man but Barrabbas and your cry and Practice is seen to be the same in nature now for the Robber and Murderer is set free and hath his Liberty in and among you and in you and by you is the Son of God cryed against and murdered yea ye are the betrayers and murderers of him and his blood you are guilty of and it cryeth for vengeance against you unto the Lord who hath long forborn you and because his Judgements were not speedily executed upon you you have strengthned youe selves in your wickedness and imaginations and have provoked the Almighty to wrath and have not considered that his long-suffering towards you was to have drawn you to Repentance but the day of your Visitation you have despised and have hated the Light of his Son in your Consciences which hath often shewed you your Evil Deeds and so have trampled the blood of the Covenant under your feet and have done despight unto the Spirit of Grace and hath chosen to follow the vain imaginations of your own hearts and have contemned the Counsel of the Lord and would not that he should reign over you for which cause his Iudgements linger not against you but are ready to be poured forth upon your heads even upon you who have sold your selves to work abomination in the sight of the Lord and are worshipping in the house of your Imagery and have joyned and are become one with the great Whore of Babylon who hath made her self drunken with the blood of the Saints and Martyrs of Jesus but now is she come in remembrance before the dreadful and terrible God and now shall both she and her Lovers be Plagued and tormented together Therefore you Nobles and Rulers Captains and Mighty men Priests and People High and Low Rich and Poor Bond and Free who hath committed Fornication with her awake to the Iudgement and behold your King the old Dragon which is the Divel and Satan for he is come forth and deceives you and he is come to gather you to the Battel of the great Day which is at hand for the Harvest is ripe and the Wine-press is full and your Fat 's overflow and the measure of your Iniquities is great and now will God be avenged on you who will bring you all down unto the valley of Discision even there shall the Day of the Lord be upon you which will be a day of pain and anguish a day of blackness and gloominess and of thick darkness unto you that have slain the Witness of God and have made merry over him your mirth is almost at an end and instead thereof shall be mourning and bitter Lamentation which shall come upon you in one day and now is the day of Vengeance proclaimed now is the Trumpet sounded forth behold the LYON roareth Therefore Oh! all ye Inhabitants of the Earth fear and tremble before the living dreadful God and dread ye his Name for now is he arising in his Glory and Majesty
to shake terribly the Earth the noise of a Trumpet goeth before him which soundeth an Alarm Strong and Mighty is he there goeth a Sword out of his mouth and a Threshing instrument is in his hand wherewith he will cut down the tall Cedars and thresh the Mountains to dust A fire proceedeth out of his mouth also which shall devour and burn before him and none shall be able to quench it And the breath that cometh forth of his Nostrils shall scatter the Earth as the VVhirl-wind scattereth the dust yea terrible and dreadful will he be unto you wicked who live in the Earth you shall not be able to behold nor stand in his presence Therefore weep and howl and lament for the misery that is coming upon you for a total destruction is at hand yea the Lord hath decreed an utter overthrow of the Earth and the Inhabitants thereof for now shall his overflowing Scourge pass through the Earth and the Besom of his destruction shall sweep you away for your VVhoredoms and Murders and Idolatry and Drunkenness and Swearing and Lying and VVantonness and Prophaneness is come in remembrance before the dreadful and terrible God who will be avenged on you at once Rejoice ye Saints who are clad with Zeal and shout for joy you Sons of the most high God and sing ye Heavens and you that dwell therein for the Lord is risen ye are Witnesses thereof behold he cometh with ten thousands of his Saints to Iudge the Earth in Righteousness and to execute his Judgements upon his and our Enemies The Vials of his VVrath are made ready to be poured out upon them and his Indignation is waxen hot against them which shall burn and slay and consume them unto the end Glory Glory Honour and Dominion and Praise be given unto our King who liveth for ever for he is worthy to reign over all who was dead but now is he alive and liveth for evermore And he hath redeemed us from the Earth and hath brought us above the Earth to reign with him up the Earth Eternal Praises to our King for evermore who is above all and over all who was before the VVorld was and hath brought us to be before the VVorld to reign with him eternally above the VVorld and our Enemies are to be plagued and tormented in our presence and we shall rejoyce over the smoak of their torment which ascendeth for ever Now here is the joy and cause of our rejoycing who have followed the Lamb through great Tribulation and are brought above the Tribulations to dwell in the presence of the living God this is joy unspeakable and full of Glory which shall never have an end Hallelujah to our King for evermore Edmonds-Bury Common Goal the 22. day of the 7th Month 1656. By me George Fox whose natural Birth and outward being was at Charsfield in the said County of Suffolk A Visitation of Love unto all People in whose hearts there are any true honest tender desires begotten towards God and his Righteousness In what Sect or Opinion or Profession soever they be who are not in the Light especially unto such who have felt something of the workings of the Life and Power of God in them and yet notwithstanding have been led by the subtilty of the Serpent from the Life and Power of God into many Sects and Opinions and Forms which are without the Life and Power of God and herein the subtil workings and devices of the Serpent whereby he deceives the hearts of the simple is clearly made manifest Friends GOd the higher Power unto whom the soul is to be subject he only hath immortality and dwelleth in the Light and he is Light And he hath freely given his Son into the world by whom the world was made for a Covenant of Light and he is the true Light which lighteth every one that cometh into the world that all men through him might believe who is the VVord of God in whom is Life and that Life mark is the Light of men and the pure Grace of God which bringeth Salvation by which the Saints are freely justified hath appeared unto all men yea the the Eternal God of Truth hath appeared unto you in his Son Jesus Christ the true Light and with this Light hath God made manifest unto you your sin and evil deeds and with the measure of the Light of his Son in you sometimes hath he appeared in his mighty Power whereby he hath smitten you for your sins and evil deeds and he by his Power hath broken you into tenderness and brought you down into lowliness for a time and then by his unresistible Power thus working in you did beget a holy Seed from whence pure desires and breathings after God hath often arose in you which seed could not nor cannot be satisfied without Gods living presence Now ye not standing in the Power which convinced you and smote you and broke you into tenderness and brought you down and then begot a holy Seed in you from whence a pure unfeigned love to God hath oft sprung mark you not minding the workings and movings of this Power in you nor waiting in it for to receive counsel you entered into reasonings and thoughts which the subtilty which is the Devil presented in you and so ye hearkned not to Gods voice the power which had wrought so in you but you entred into reasonings with the subtilty which abode not in the power and this begot a questioning in you what that should be which had so appeared in you and broken you into such a tenderness and had wrought such a sudden change in you which you were not able to resist And ye going into the reasonings in your minds thus you turned from the pure Power of God and then sin which separateth from Gods presence which he by his Power worketh in you had in measure smitten and brought down in you arose again and got the Dominion in you and so you going thus from the Power wherein ye should have waited to have been preserved in the tenderness ye soon lost the tenderness and fear which the Power had wrought in you and then hardness of heart soon grew in you again and then the Seed which God had begotten in you which cannot be satisfied without his presence that began to be sorely oppressed in you by the sin which separates from Gods presence which got up more and more in you through your turning from the Power which ye once felt manifested and working in you against sin And then a grievous weight or burden came upon the Righteous Seed in you and then it began to groan and cry to God from under the burden and weight of iniquity that was upon it and then the Light appeared more brighter in you again for the Seeds sake which suffered in you and shewed you that you were wrong then the Light judged you for the wrong and then trouble came upon you and encreased in your minds and then
come to witness a particular satisfaction and that you may come to feel the pure Image of the Holy God restored in you even his everlasting Righteousness his Power his Wisdom his Life and Glory raised up in you to have Dominion and to rule over all the earth and to subdue it that so the pure God of Life and Virtue might be glorified in your mortal Bodies and that you might all come to feel and witness an everlasting habitation of Rest and Peace in him who is worthy of all Honour and Praise and Thanksgiving and Dominion for evermore Amen Now some of you who have been antient Professors will say to us If we should joyn to you we must lay down all then that ever we have professed and what have we been Professors so many years and yet have to begin all a-again Have we known nothing of God all this time this is hard To this I answer Friends if you come to joyn to the Truth you must then lay down and leave and forsake all that which you have held up and practised in your own wills which you were never led or required to hold up or practice by the Spirit of Truth but I do know and own that there was a pure living Principle of God oft stirring in you in your Professions by which Principle of God you oft saw that you were wrong and that you did that which was not well-pleasing the sight of God in your Profession for that Principle of God in you the Light judged and condemned you for many of your actions which you acted and sometimes the Lord's Witness brought you into a tender low condition and then opened things unto the Seed in you but you not taking heed to the Light to be the guide and stay of your minds you continued not long in that condition but you consulted with the Subtilty which drew you from God's Witness what you should do and so waited not in that which brought you into tenderness to receive God's Counsel in that but you took Counsel of the Serpent and your own Hearts and so ran into things which God never required at your hands and therefore God had no regard unto your Worship because it was not in the Spirit and in the Truth you not being guided therein by the Spirit of Truth So unto that which was in the Beginning you must all come which is Christ the true Light who hath enlightned you and you must learn of Him who is the Light of Life the VVord and the Power by which all things were made and are upheld and you must be subject unto the measure of Him in you and this his Measure if you submit to it that will bring you to cease from your own wills and works and to wait in silence and patience to see and feel Christ the Power of God to work all your works in you and for you and if you own the Light that will plainly shew unto you how God formerly appeared unto you and how you went from his appearance so the Light will own that which God opened unto you at any time but it will deny and condemn your own imaginations which you mixed with that which God opened unto you and so unto this Witness of the Lord you must all come and believe and wait in that which will separate the precious from the vile before that can be satisfied in you which breaths after God So my tender love and compassion is unto that in you which is not yet satisfied but doth truly hunger and thirst after the Life and Power of Truth and my Soul doth travel for freedom and satisfaction of that Seed and I suffer with it and bear many things for its sake for I have true Unity and Fellowship with that in you and I know it and am known of it but I cannot have Unity with many of your Practices which ye have been in because they have caused the Seed in you with which I have Unity exceedingly to suffer you not being guided and led into them by the Spirit of Truth and so against all such Practices I do bear witness in the Spirit of Meekness and I labour in the Spirit of Love to turn Peoples minds unto the manifestation of the Spirit of Truth which is given to every man wherewith to profit So all People feel that and mind that and hearken unto that which oft riseth in your hearts against Lust against Covetousness against Pride against vain and needless words and thoughts and against all evil in its appearance and as you all mind this Principle which moves and stirs in you against all evil you will feel it divide your good words from your bad words and good thoughts from bad thoughts and good deeds from bad deeds and that which divides betwixt these and shews you the difference of them this is the Word which Moses and Paul wrote of which is nigh in the mouth and in the heart Yea this is the Word of Reconciliation which reconciles to God this is the ingrafted Word which is able to save the Soul Now you being turned to this Word even to that which discerns the thoughts and intents of your hearts as ye wait in this let the Subtilty appear never so subtilly to draw your hearts after any thing or into any Practice which the Lord requireth not of you then this Word which is the Power it will make it manifest unto you and it will stop you from entring into any such Practices if you wilfully resist it not and believing and waiting in this Word it will not suffer you to speak any hasty unsavoury words or word and then ye will come to be truly sensible of a bridle to the tongue without which all Religion is vain and this Word ye taking it to be your guide it will bring you into savoury sound words seasoned with the Grace of God and so as your words and actions and lives come to be ordered by this Word Christ the Power of God they will reach unto the Witness of God in every one where ye come and if ye will hear this Word and regard it and not resist it it will work true Faith in you by which you will feel your hearts purified from sin and ye will feel it giving you Victory over the World within and without and if ye keep in this Faith ye will not make haste for ye will feel the Eternal Light which is the Life of the Word calling and drawing you out of the hasty nature into soberness stilness and quietness and meekness of Spirit and so ye will feel your strength renewed in the Lord as ye all wait upon him in his Light and all believing in the Light ye will not come into condemnation and as ye all wait in that which discerns and reveals the thoughts and the intents of your hearts which is the Word of Power this also will divide between your good thoughts and your bad thoughts and the good
bring ye to know and remember your Creator in the dayes of your youth and it will reveal God's Power and Wisdom in ye whereby ye will be kept in true order So suffer not your minds to follow vanity neither walk in stubbornness towards your Parents nor others I warn ye in God's fear lest he shorten your dayes and cut ye off by his righteous Judgements but mind his fear and wait therein that ye may feel his Grace and be taught by it and be obedient unto it and then ye will feel the Mercy and Blessing of the Lord. And all ye that are Masters and Dames wait in the true Light that ye may feel Christ the Power and Wisdom of God to be your Master that so ye may rule in your Places in his Fear and Wisdom and lay no more upon your Servants than ye would be willing should be laid upon you if ye were in their places and conditions Mark that and forbear threatning them and be not hasty to turn them away if they be willing to abide with you but in Patience and Meekness shew them their Place and Service and therein teach them if they know it not and let them have for their Service that which is convenient just and reasonable that they may have no just cause to murmur or complain and keep out of covetousness lest that hinder you from giving them sufficient liberty who desire it for going to the Meetings of the People of the Lord and if in the Wisdom of God ye see freedom to turn any away give them sufficient warning that they may provide themselves other wayes for this is just and reasonable and be not hasty nor rash with them nor run into jangling with them but if ye have cause to reprove them let it be in the Fear and Wisdom of God in the Freedom and Authority of the Truth and that will reach unto the Witness of God in them so be not High-minded but fear and be patterns unto them in the lowly meek and quiet spirit and bear with the weak and forgive them that trespass against you and render not evil for evil to any but overcome evil with that which is good and live in that which overcomes evil that so the Truth of God may be exalted over all And all ye that are Servants live in the Fear of the Lord and wait in his Light and be obedient thereunto and also be obedient in your places unto those that are your Masters and Dames according to the Flesh not onely to the good and gentle but also to the froward serving them in Faithfulness and Uprightness of Heart doing what ye do for them as diligently faithfully and willingly as ye should do any thing to the Lord for this right in the sight of God and take heed that none of God's Creatures be lost or wasted under your hands through your neglecting them or slothfulness in your places do not falsly accuse any or speak evil behind any one's back thereby thinking to get the favour or love of any or upon any other account for that is evil and be as diligent in your places when your Masters or Dames are absent as when they are present for this is just and right and be not stubborn nor wilful neither use many words to your Masters or Dames and if you know not well how to perform your service aright then in true humility be willing to learn and take heed of High-mindedness and Pride or of being wise in your own eyes and when you have any spare time allowed ye being free from outward imployment see that ye spend it in the fear of the Lord in waiting upon him in his Light that so all vain talking corrupt Communication foolish jeasting and all vanity may be kept out of and give ye not way to that mind which is unstable which would be oft shifting and going from place to place for this is not right in the sight of God but wait in the Light that ye may be staid and setled in your minds and if ye see freedom in the fear of God mark that to go to another place then give your Masters or Dames sufficient notice of it and if any of you who know the Truth come to be moved of the Lord to go to any place in his service be faithful to the Lord and when your service which he required of you is done then return to your places again except it be otherwayes ordered in the Fear and Wisdom of God and be diligent in your places doing the same that ye would others should do unto you in the like condition and mind the Lord in all things and above all things and be faithful unto him and he will be your reward And all ye Fathers and Mothers and Children and Masters and Dames and Servants who have the Creatures of God to buy or sell or to Exchange live in the fear of the Lord that ye may feel his Wisdom to guide you in your trading and do not speak better or worse of the Creatures then you know them to be thereby to get the greater gain for that is Idolatry it arising from Covetousness but wait to feel God's Spirit to bridle your tongues and use but few words in your trading and if ye ask a question therein do it in simplicity and keep in the Light which is equal that when ye offer or ask a price for the Creatures it may be in equality and let that be your rule and not the price of the Market except that be equal that so ye may reach the equal principle one in another and then stand to your word and here your yea will be yea and your nay will be nay and so you will be kept in the Doctrine of Christ with his Light out of all Evil and ye abiding in the Light it will bring ye to do to every one as ye would be done unto and take heed that ye stir not up the impatient crooked disorderly Nature one in another with your words or actions but bear one with another and forgive one another and when ye tell each other of a fault do it in the Fear and Wisdom and Meek Spirit of God's Lamb that so ye may restore each other therein and when ye have any convenient time assemble your selves together in the Name and Fear of the Lord and wait every particular in the Measure and Gift of God in you which is given ye to profit withal and all wait together in the Light and believe in it that ye may be Children of the Light and therein watch unto Prayer and one over another and this will beget ye into unfeigned love and walking in the Light ye will have true unity and fellowship one with another and the blood which is the Life of Jesus Christ you will feel cleansing you from all Sin and so ye will come into the unity with God Also to feel his Word his Power and Wisdom in you by
to resist all that which is contrary unto me and I will destroy all the works of the Serpent in you and bruise his head and I will purge out all your iniquities and forgive all your trespasses I will change your nature and I will make you new Creatures if ye will hearken unto me and obey me the Light in you and I will make you partakers of my Divine Nature and I will judge and condemn and consume all that in you which is contrary to my Nature if ye will abide in the Light and I will take away all Darkness and earthly-mindedness and I will reveal my secrets and mysteries unto my Seed in you and I will cause you to delight alone in me the Light of Life and I will feed you with the Bread of Life and ye shall drink of my Life and ye shall be satisfied and I will manifest my Power more and more in you and if ye will be faithful unto me and obey my voice and wait upon me the Light then I will make the crooked wayes strait before you and the rough wayes smooth and I will destroy the Power of Darkness within and without you and if ye will follow me I will lead you out of the World and Worldly cares into patience into meekness and into stilness and quietness of spirit and whatsoever you suffer for my Names sake I will be your exceeding great reward and I will be your dread and ye shall be the dread of Nations I will be your Glory and ye shall be the Glory of Nations and I will reign over you and ye shall reign over all the World in my Light and Life and Power and if ye continue in me the Light I will give you Dominion over all your Enemies within and without you and I will make them all bow before you and I the Lord God of Light and Life will be your Redeemer and Saviour your Rock your Shield and your Defence and if ye will wait in my Life it shall be your Life and I the Life will destroy the destroyer within and without you and I will bring you out of all trouble and restlesness and dissatisfaction and I will be your peace and your rest and your satisfaction and ye shall lie down in me the Light of Life and none shall make you afraid These things shall you come to witness in the work of your regeneration and much more than is here expressed if ye be faithful unto me the true Light in you who have no fellowship with any thing that is Evil and then I wil purge all Evil out of you and even as I am so shall ye be also yea I will work this work and perfect it in you if ye continue and abide in me the Light Now if any should say that here is nothing spoken of Christ in what I have here written I answer what I have here written is the words which the Father who is one with Christ the Son gave unto me to write in which words the true Christ is owned and a Testimony given of him and no other But further in the Fear and Wisdom of God for the satisfaction of the simple I do declare in plain words That I do believe in the true Christ the Lord of Life who was glorified with the Father before the World began and I do believe that he was in due time made manifest in that body of flesh who was called Jesus and that in him the fulness of the Godhead dwelt bodily who was supposed to be the Carpenter's Son whom the Jews Crucified without the gates of Jerusalem and I have remission of Sins through his blood who is the Lord of Life and he was buried but he is risen and Ascended and sits on the right hand of the Majesty on high This is the Christ I own who also was and is Crucified in Sodom and Aegypt by the rebellious yea he is Crucified afresh and put to open shame now by those that trample the blood of the Covenant the Light of Life under their feet and count it an unholy or a natural thing and such act despightfully against the Spirit of Grace and such Murther the Seed which keeps the commands of God and such will God the Light overthrow and burn to ashes as he did Sodom and Gomorrah but all that love and obey the true Light which is the fire shall be saved and preserved by it and shall remain unhurt but all that hate and disobey the Light in them that is their condemnation the Light These are faithful and true sayings and things also that must shortly come to pass and he witnessed Postscript READER WHo ever thou art be moderate and take heed of disobeying and despising the true Light for if thou dost thou disobeyest and dispisest the True and Eternal God who is Light and that is his Name whereby he is and will be known in this Age and Generation Therefore stumble not at the Light which lighteneth every one which cometh into the World for if thou doest thou stumblest at God his Name at Christ the Word by which all things were made and are upheld at the Door the Way the Truth and the Life at the Rock at the Elect Stone and these all are but one and if thou stumble at these what ever thou art thou shalt be broken But they that obey and believe the true Light they shall be made Children of the Light and shall be taught of God and shall walk in his Light G. F. A Word to the People of the World who hate the Light to be witnessed by the Light in them all VVherein is shewed unto them what the Light is which is the condemnation of the VVorld with its deeds and what the Spirit of Truth is and what it leads them into who are led by it and what the Spirit of Error is and what it leads them into who are led by it And also they are here exhorted to repent whilst they have the Light to believe and walk in the Light lest darkness come upon them and they into it be cast where there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth Also a few Queries to such Professors as stumble at the Light the Word the Kingdom and Spirit of God within and tell People that none can be free from sin in this Life and yet say that they own the Scriptures LIght is come into the VVorld and the VVorld hates it Joh. 8.12 and the whole World lyeth in wickedness 1 Joh. 5.19 And this is the Condemnation of the VVorld that Light is come into the VVorld and men loved the Darkness rather than the Light because their deeds were evil saith Christ Joh. 3.19 20. And every one that doth evil hateth the Light neither cometh to the Light lest his deeds should be reproved But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the Light for whatsoever doth make manifest is Light Eph. 5.13 and Christ Jesus he is the true
of God the Light by the Gift we are brought to bring forth these fruits which are contrary to those which the Spirit of Error leads the Children of disobedience to bring forth Gal. 5.22 23. For although we the Children of Light are accounted to be in Delusion and Errour Gal. 5.22.23 yet it is but by you who bring forth the Cursed fruits which the Spirit of Errour leads you to bring forth so in the Light Life and Power of God we stand over all false Accusations and Reproaches and Persecutions and in the patience of Gods Lamb we bear them all and our love goes forth to your Souls who wilfully oppose your selves and we declare unto you that the long-sufferings of the Lord towards you is to draw you to Repentance Rom. 2.4 and I have directed you to that which will shew you what you ought to repent of Therefore consider your wayes speedily all you that forget God lest he tear you in pieces and there be none to deliver you Psal 50.22 for verily this I declare unto you in the presence of the Lord that if you go on and continue in stubbornness and Rebellion against the Pure God and despise his love and reject his counsel and still refuse to hearken to the Light of his Son in your Consciences which reproves you for Sin and is freely given to you to lead you out of Sin unto God if you wilfully do not resist it Mark when the measure of your iniquity is filled up then will he arise upon you at unawares in his fury Wrath Indignation Mat. 24.50.51 and his eye shall not at all pitty you but he will bring his Plagues and Righteous Judgements upon you which shall consume you both root and branch if you will not be gathered in the day of his long patience and forbearance which is the day of your Visitation wherein you may come to know the things belonging to your peace if you do not wilfully resist the Power that is offered and committed unto you But if you resist the Power then the Lords righteous Judgements will assuredly come upon you and you will receive to your selves Condemnation and if you continue in your wickedness until the day of your visitation be past then shall the Light in all your Consciences which hath oftentimes shewed unto you your evil deeds arise and witness to the Judgements of God that they are just Zek. 2.7 so whether you will hear or forbear Remember you are warned in your Life time By a Friend to your Souls and a Lover of the Creation of God GEORGE FOX the Younger A few Queries to such Professors as stumble at the Light the Word the Kingdom and Spirit of God within and tell People that none can be free from Sin in this Life and yet say that they own the Scriptures 1. Qu. ARE not all by Nature Darkness and doth not the Light shine in Darkness yea or nay 2. Qu. Can any come to see themselves to be Darkness but with the Light which shineth in the Darkness yea or nay 3. Qu. Is there any way to come out of Darkness and Death and to receive Life and to be made Children of the Light but by believing in and following of Jesus Christ the true Light which lighteth every man that cometh into the World yea or nay 4. Qu. Must not all be turned from Darkness to Light and from Satan's Power to the Power of God before they can receive remission of sins and an inheritance among them that are sanctified yea or nay 5. Qu. Can any come into the true Faith which purifies the heart and gives victory over the world without which none can please God but by hearing the Word of God yea or nay 6. Qu. And is not Christ the Light the Word of God and is not Christ the Light the Author and Finisher of the true Faith which saves and justifies yea or nay 7. Qu. And is not the Word nigh in the Mouth and in the Heart that men may obey it and do it and is not Christ the Light the Word that Prophet which all that hear him not are to be cut off yea or nay 8. Qu. And is it not Christ the Word which discerns and reveals the thoughts and intents of the heart and is not he the ingrafted Word which is able to save the Soul and is not he the Grace of God which bringeth Salvation and is sufficient which hath appeared unto all men and is not he the Word of God's Grace which is able to build up and keep from falling which People are to be commended unto yea or nay 9. Qu. And is not God Light and is not the shining of him in the hearts of People which gives them the knowledge of himself in the face of Jesus Christ yea or nay 10. Qu. And is not Christ the Light the hope which purifies as God is pure which Anchors and stayes the Soul to be known within are not People tossed like a Ship in a tempest without an Anchor till Christ the Hope be felt within to stay and Anchor them and is not Christ within the Hope a Mystery which hath been hid from Ages and Generations and are not all they in the reprobate state who know not Christ within them yea or nay 11. Qu. And is not God's Kingdom Light and is it not like a little leaven that is hid in Meal and as a grain of Mustard-seed that is sown in the Earth and like a Pearl hid in the Field or like good Seed sown in the Field both on stony thorny high-way and good ground and is not the world the Field where the Seed of the Kingdom is sown and is not the world in mans heart so is not Gods Kingdom within men yea or nay 12. Qu. And is not the manifestation of the Spirit given to every man to profit withal and do any worship the Father of Truth aright but those that worship him in the Spirit and in the Truth and is not the Light the Truth yea or nay 13. Qu. And is not Christ the Light that Word which reconciles to God and is it not he that must open the understandings of men before they can understand the Scriptures and are not People in Errour and in jangling and strife about the Scriptures till Christ the Light the Spirit of Truth the Power of God from whence Scriptures were spoken be known and owned to guide and lead them yea or nay 14. Qu. And is not this the Cause of so many Sects and Opinions and Divisions as are and of such strivings as are about Scriptures and Religions because People know not or own not the Spirit of Truth from whence Scriputures were spoken forth to lead and guide them and is it not like that People should run into Sects and Opinions and Divisions and Strife if they know not or own not the Spirit of Truth to guide and lead them and if the Spirit of Truth were known and owned to
it not been just with the Lord to have suffered your Enemies to have destroyed you because of your grievous back-slidings and wickedness O consider it consider it while ye have time and prize the Lord's loving kindness that he should yet spare you and yet give you time to repent And seeing the Lord hath shewed you your back-slidings with his eternal Witness in you and hath begun to frustrate the designs of those that would have cut you off in your back-slidings and ye confess some of you that you are willing to take shame also to your selves wherein you have back-slidden therefore seeing it is thus all mind that of God in you which sheweth you your back-slidings and believe and wait in that to feel that nature judged and destroyed in you wherein all this Wickedness and Deceit hath lodged and keep in the fear and dread of the Lord God that so ye may receive his pure Wisdom whereby ye may be ordered in the particular and that ye in God's Wisdom and Fear may come to Rule in your places for God to be a terror to evil-doers and an encouragement to them that do well And take heed of a selfish earthly spirit in the particular and of the Honour and Glory and Gain of the World for that the Lord is against Oh! there is a strong deep root of it in many of you which the Spirit of Judgement and burning and the Ax of God is to destroy therefore wait to feel its Work in you O Army in thee was I several years together in which time I saw the mighty appearance of God with thee even in the time of the outward War and when the War was ended I left thee in obedience to the appearance of the living God unto me who called me out of thee by his Powerful Word in my heart through which he hath sanctified me and hath brought me into the life of that Truth which I and many of you in the Army professed in Words And I can truly say in the Fear of the Lord That my love hath been and yet is tender towards you for the good of your souls and I have seen your conditions and have considered them in the Spirit of the Lord and I cannot flatter any of you but must deal plainly and truly with you and all People Truly in many of you there is an exceeding lofty proud covetous deceitful nature and in others of you there is a lofty proud lustful devouring wanton vain nature though many of you I know have felt a measure of the Power of God yet verily ye have so back-slidden that iniquity hath gotten a strong hold and root in most of you therefore ye must keep down to the Witness of God in you which searcheth your hearts and will let you see what is there that so the Lord 's righteous Judgement ye may all feel and own it upon that nature in you which is contrary to the living God for if ye keep not to the Spirit of Judgement I know whatever you have declared in words that a selfish Spirit will get up more and more to act in you And verily Friends if you keep not your minds to the measure of the pure God in you a secret boasting will be ready to get up in you of what you have done and then you will soon forget where you are and your minds will run further and further into your Commissions and into your great Houses and Lands which many of you have got and others minds will run into your Souldiers places and ease and idleness and these things will beguile you if take not heed and you will soon forget the Oppressions then that others suffer under and if ye should do thus verily the Lord God would soon overturn you and break you to pieces Therefore all wait in the Light which shews you sin and evil that so by it ye may be brought to deny your selves and to come out of the loftiness that ye have been in into the true humility which goes before the true honour and come into moderation both in your Diet and Apparel and in all things and this would answer the Witness of God in all People and that being answered it would beget again a love in them towards you which you lost when you went into the excess Therefore be sober and watch in the Light of the Lord Jesus Christ which he hath enlightned you withal and believe in it that so ye may be preserved by it out of the deceitfulness of this World and that ye may be kept faithful in your places for the preserving of the outward Peace and Liberty of the Nation while ye feel a Freedom in that which convinceth you of evil for the bearing a carnal Weapon and know the manifestation of God's Spirit in you and wait to feel the motions of it and be obedient thereto and this will bring you to do violence to no man nor to accuse any falsly but it will bring you out of all such things if you keep to it and it will make you to be content with such wages as may find you Food and Raiment and things necessary and convenient for your Places and this you would then be worthy of So know the Lord hath a mighty Work to do therefore wait in his Light that ye may be kept truly sensible of your Places and go not beyond them but keep in the Fear of the Lord and wait to know what God requireth of you in your places lest the Lord cast you out So remember you are warned and it is in tender love to your Souls This following more particularly concerneth the Officers of the Army and Rulers of this Nation than the Army in general Take heed of raising or continuing War with other Nations in your own wills for to get your selves a Name and to get their earthly Treasures as some of you have been instruments to do for the Lord's hand hath been and yet is against that and he will not prosper you therein therefore be you warned and know that this is a warning unto you from the Lord God and seek peace and eschew evil and learn to do well that the Blessing of the Lord ye may come to feel and that this destroying of Creatures about Religion and the Honour and Gain of this World may cease And take heed how ye meddle with Religion for that hath split and broken many Rulers before you therefore set not up one S●ct and throw not down another by an outward Law and force for that is wrong and the Lord is against that but wait in his Light to receive his Counsel that so ye may be kept in God's Wisdom and that therein ye may be instruments in the hand of the Lord for the keeping of the outward Peace of these Nations which are under your Command And take heed of hearkning unto such who in the King's time cryed him up and ran to him to give them a Law to settle them
en●oy it and if they do not then the preservation of the People of God you say is lost and all good Government will cease and the People will be made a Prey upon and so the three Nations will be ruined at once and therefore seeing such things are like to come to pass if a Parliament chosen by the People be not upheld some of you have said you will assert their Cause to the last drop of your blood Answ Friends It 's good to be zealously affected in a good Cause and it 's good that the zeal be according to knowledge and it 's precious to have the zeal moderated with the Wisdom of God Therefore I exhort you in that Life and Wisdom which is of Christ my Master who came not to destroy mens lives but to save them that you would mind the Dread and Fear of the Lord God which is the beginning of Wisdom therefore be moderate and in coolness consider these things which I shall declare unto you which in waiting upon the Lord he by his Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding opened in me concerning the chusing of Parliaments by the Voices of the People and I know that you who truly desire the good of God's People and that Mercy and Justice might be established by righteous Laws whereby Equity and Justice might b● done unto all without respect of persons may clearly see with God's Witness in you which will answer to my words That you are not like to see your desires fulfilled by a Parliament that 's chosen by the Voices of the People mark the reasons Because the greater part of the People that are admitted to chuse Parliament men are such as do not truly desire the good of God's People whatever they may profess in words therefore it being in their Power to chuse whom they will among themselves as it is because most Voices carry it they will chuse such men as are like minded with themselves that 's plain and according to the Scriptures for the World love their own as saith John and now for proof that the greater part are not such as desire the good of the Lord's People I would have you consider how that the Scripture saith That the flock of Christ is a little flock and Christ saith Strait is the gate and narrow is the way that leadeth unto Life and few there be that find it but broad is the way that leadeth unto destruction and many there be that walk therein and though Israel be as the sand of the Sea yet but a remnant shall be saved Now if ye believe these Scriptures then may you see that a Parliament that is chosen by most voices are not like to act for God and the good of his People and it hath been the complaint of the soberest and honestest men in several Counties when they should have chosen Parliament men that they could not chuse such a man as they judged would act singly for the good of the People of God and the Country because they were over-voted by the wild disaffected People who sometimes have been stirred up by their Priests to vote for such a man as the Priests knew would act for their covetous oppressing self-interest and in some places some great proud men who desired to be in Authority have feasted the People and sent Gifts to them with flatteries thereby striving to get the People to vote for them promising them to stand for their Liberties when it hath been but to serve their own self-ends and thus the People have been deceived and if at any time in some Counties and Places the honest sober People have chosen some honest-men to serve in Parliament yet there being so many in the Parliament that have sought their own Honour and Gain that such men as were honest and would have made just Laws and have acted for Equity and Liberty they have been hindred because what is done in Parliament is done by most voices also and the honest party in the Parliament having been the lesser party have been over-voted also The Light in your Consciences will witness that these things are true And whereas it is said That it is England's Birth-right that the People should chuse their own Law-makers I answer Then many thousands of men in England have been wronged of and kept long from their Birth-right for such as are not Free-men of some Corporations or have not Free-land of their own are not permitted to chuse Parliament men mark that though they be far more honest and understanding men than many that are Free of such Corporations and have such Land so that it 's but a part of the People that must chuse Law-makers And further he that hath Free-land worth forty shillings by the year in several Counties he may give his Voice in several Counties where his Land lyeth for several Parliament men when as he that hath Land but in one County cannot have the same priviledge though he be a far more honest man and he that 's a Free-man of that Corporation that finds a Parliament man or men and hath Free-lands in the Country also he may chuse both in the one and other but he that is not Free of such a Place he may not have the like priviledge though he be more honester than the other And this arose from the same ground that negative Voices arose from and it hath been the Manner and Custom of England to call and chuse many wise men after the flesh and many mighty and Noble men so called to be Parliament men that so we see the calling and chusing of Parliaments in England hath been exactly contrary to God's calling and chusing Read 1 Cor. 1.26 and therefore such Parliaments are not like to act for God and the good of his People but against them But that which God hath called and chosen shall confound and bring to naught the Wise and the Mighty and the Noble things so called of the World and this the Lord will bring to pass that so no flesh may glory in his presence Read 1 Cor. 1.27 28 29. And likewise the chusing of Parliament men according to the Custom of England which is called its Birth-right stands in respect of persons and not in equality for the rich covetous oppressing men who oppress the Poor they have the only power to chuse Law-makers and they will chuse to be sure such as will uphold them in their Oppression and the poor man that is oppressed though he have no power allowed him to chuse yet he must be subject to the Laws which they make who are his Oppressors or else he is accounted a Rebel so what right think ye is the Oppressed like to have when his Oppressors chuse the men that are to be Judges of his Cause and thus the rich men oppress the poor and draw them before their Judgement seats as they did in Jam●s his dayes Jam. 2.6 These things being considered ye may see the unequalness and partiality that hath been
ye can plant a Vineyard as the Apostle did then eat of the fruit thereof Eph. 6.12 and if ye can thus gather a Flock and keep them then Eat of the Milk thereof and if ye can sow Spirituals then reap of their Carnals that receive you and your Testimony and if you be sent forth by Christ then you will not lack any thing Luk. 22.35 but if you dare not come to this tryal then it will plainly appear that you are such as serve not the Lord Jesus Christ but your own bellies and that you are not sent of God but run and he hath not sent you and speak but he hath not spoken unto you and therefore you cannot profit the People Jer. 23.32 mark And if the outward Peace be kept by the Kings Law that so none may do violence to any man's Person or Estate then you need not fear if you be in the Spirit of Truth 1 Joh. 4.4 but that ye shall overcome them that are in the Spirit of Error and make them manifest when they do oppose you Acts 6.9.10 but if you dare not come to this Tryal then it will plainly appear that you are in the Spirit of Error and such as cannot stand except they be upheld by the Powers of the Earth Again and if God should suffer this that either of you could prevail thus far with the King as that he should set up either of your Forms and give you a Law to compel or Persecute outwardly mark thereby you might make many hypocrites who might pretend to joyn unto you to save ●heir 〈◊〉 or Estates until they could find an opportunity to destroy you but by all your outward force you can never convert any unto God for it is Christ the Immortal ingrafted Word which is onely able to convert unto God and it is the work of the true Ministers to turn People from Darkness to Light and from Satan's Power unto the Power of God Acts 26.18 and to direct them to the Word which is nigh in the mouth and in the heart Rom. 10.8 and to commend and keep them to that and to exhort them in meekness to receive the ingrafted Word which is able to save their Souls Acts. 20.23 Jam. 1.21 2 Cor. 10.4 and they must not use any Carnal Weapons to do their work withal but Spiritual Therefore if you would be counted Christ's Ministers lay by your Carnal Weapons and use them no longer about Religion neither press the King to set up or uphold either of your Forms of Worship by outward force as before mentioned lest thereby you become Instruments to destroy the King your selves or the Nation So though King CHARLES be accounted and suffered to be Head in things between man and man yet let CHRIST JESUS the everlasting King be accounted and suffered to be Head of his Church that so He may have that which is due unto him Eph. 5.23 4.13 Col. 1.18 and this were the way for the true Church and the King and these Nations to prosper and the way for the false Church the false Prophets and all Plotting Usurping self-interested men to be confounded And this is the desire of me who am a sufferer for Righteousness sake contrary to any Law of God or known Law of the Nation GEORGE FOX the Younger From my Chamber the place of my confinement in Lambeth-House the 14th of the 4th Moneth 1660 where I have perfect Peace with God through Jesus Christ in whom I have true Liberty as a Son according to the appointment of the Father I cannot flatter any but must speak the naked truth unto all and I seek the Peace of my Nation and the good of all men and I cannot fight with any Creature but I can fight with the Spiritual Wickedness though it be in the High Places A Few Queries to the Teachers of the Episcopal Society so Called Qu. 1. WHo was the first Institutor of a man to be Supream Head of the Church next and Immediate under Christ and of Arth-Bishops and Lord Bishops and from whence had they their Original Did not these things arise since the Apostacy and have they not been Practised by the Apostatised Christians since the Antichrists went out from the true Apostles Or were these things Practised by the true Apostles Or did they confesse any more than one Head of the Church Or that to them there was any more than one Lord And was not that Head and Lord Jesus Christ Col. 1.18 And whether they that make or confesse other Lords or another Head of the Church than Christ do not walk according to the course of the Gentiles which know not God and contrary to the Command of Christ and the Practise of the true Apostles 1 Cor. 8 5 6. seeing Christ said to his Disciples the Gentiles exercise Lordship one over another but it shall not be so with you mark that for he that will be greatest amongst you let him be servant unto all Mat. 20 25 26 27. And where was any of the true Apostles or Ministers of Christ called Lord-Bishops or Arch-Bishops Or where was there any King in their time called the Supream Head of the Church next unto Christ Or where did they prophesie that it should afterwards be so among the Saints Or is not this rather a part of the Cup of Fornication which the Whore of Babylon hath caused the Kings of the Earth to drink in the night of Apostacy yea or nay Qu. 2. And who was the first Inventer of Surplices and Tippits as they are called did the true Apostles and Ministers of Christ use any of them in their Worship Or had they Organs and Singing Boys dressed in White going and Singing in their Worship From whom had all things their Original And are any of these things required of the true Worshippers which the Father seeks who Worship him in the Spirit and in the Truth John 4.23.24 if they be prove it by Scripture Or are they not come up since the Apostacy and are they not Practised amongst the Will-Worshippers yea or nay Qu. 3. And who first invented this for a Baptisme viz. that a Teacher should Sprinkle a little water on a Childs face and make a Cross on its forehead with his finger and that there should be God-Fathers and God-Mothers as they are called to name the Child from whom had all these things their Original Did the true Apostles Practise these things Or are they not come up in the night of Apostacy And why do you call those that name the Children God-Fathers and God-Mothers Hath God any Fathers or Mothers Answer to every particular in plain English according to the Scriptures that poor People may see your Ground and Foundation and Rule for all these things And do you believe that any can be free from sin in this life and keep Gods's holy Will and Commandments If not then how dare you enjoyn those that you call God-Fathers and God-Mothers to Promise and Vow these
unto an Assembly of Priests called the Synod whom thou Authorizedst to give forth directions and Ordinances for the Church to observe and if after thy long Changing of it thus one from another Thou now give it to thy outward King again as many in thee strive to do this will not end God's Controversie with thee neither For these things do not at all answer the intent of God for the Lord will not own that a King should be called the Supream Head of a Church no more then he will own that a Pope should be so called Neither will he own any to exercise the Office of Headship in his Church but Christ onely Whom he hath given unalterably to be the Head thereof Therefore whether it be Pope King Priests or any others that will not submit to Christ and own Him alone to be the Head of the Church must be slain by the Sword of his Justice Therefore O England Take heed what thou dost and provoke not the Lord yet further against thee in this particular for until the Headship be wholly given up to Christ God's Controversie cannot cease And furthermore it doth properly belong unto God and Christ who are one to make and Ordain whomsoever they Please to be Ministers and those Ministers are to follow those orders and directions and to declare those words unto the People and not what they will themselves which the most High gives unto them and they are to go to such places as He sends them unto to declare His Will and they are to receive that for their Labour which He alloweth them and they are to abide in those places observing those orders and directions which he gives unto them and they are not to remove but at His pleasure and as He gives them freedom or by His order which they must observe But in these things also Man hath set himself in the stead of God For men in these Nations have made and some yet do make and Ordain whomsoever they please to be Ministers and those Minsters are to follow those orders and directions and to speak those words to the People which Man giveth unto them and also they may in some things speak more if they will and they are to go to such places as man sends them unto and there to declare that which man in his will hath prescribed and set down And they are to receive for this their Labour that which man alloweth them with what more they can get to satisfie their greedy minds and they are to abide in those places observing those orders and directions which man gives unto them and they are not to remove but at man's pleasure by his order or as he gives them Freedom And thus hath man even the man of Sin set himself in the stead of God and would force all to bow unto him and so man in this state hath rejected the Will of God and his Work for such a one whom God makes a Minister and sends unto places to declare his Will unto the People as he hath received it from God such a one is counted a Vagabond and a disturber of the Peace and Persecuted by such as are exalted in their fleshly minds above the witness of God And for this cause also is God's Con●roversie with Nations and they cannot be established in true Peace until they give unto God and Christ that which to them belongs which they have held from God by usurpation therefore whether it be Popes or Kings or Parliaments or any other men that will assume this to themselves which alone belongs to God and Christ they must and shall be broken let their strength be never so great For the Lord who is Mighty will take to himself this his proper Right in making Ministers which shall observe his Will and he will provide for them and such as are made by man he will Confound Therefore O Nations take heed what you do and run not your selves any more into these things lest you further increase God's anger against you And as Christ is the Au●hor of the true Faith and not man so he is the Defender of it and not man Therefore that Title must be given unto Him and not unto man or else God's Controversie cannot cease Again it is God's proper Right to give Laws unto man Isa 33.22 For there is one Law-giver who is able to save and to destroy Jam. 4.12 And the Law is not made for the Righteous but for the unrighteous 1 Tim. 1.9 And the Law is to go forth of Zion Mica 4.2 Isa 2.3 Now in this particular also man hath set himself in the Seat of God and so hath dishonoured the one Law-giver by setting up many Law-givers who not being guided by the pure Spirit of the Lord have made Laws contrary to the Will of God whereby the Righteous have been Punished and Oppressed Now in this particular man hath exceedingly corrupted his wayes for which cause God's Controversie is exceeding great And until man submit to the one Law-giver in this particular also who is able both to save and to destroy God's Controversie cannot cease for the Law which God gives is not against the Righteous but against the unrighteous But how are the Laws of these Nations like to be such let the witness of God in all you answer seeing by man it is given into the hands of man in such a manner as it is to make Laws Mark Have you not read in the Scriptures of Truth that the Flock of Christ is a little Flock Luke 12.32 And that though Israel be as the sand of the Sea yet but a remnant shall be saved Isa 10.22 Rom. 9.27 And again strait is the way and narrow is the Gate that leadeth unto Life and few there be that find it mark that because broad is the way and wide is the Gate that leadeth to destruction and many there be that go in thereat Mat. 7.13 14. Now mark and consider these things seeing that the Righteous are fewer in number then the unrighteous and that the Law-makers are chosen by the most voyces and that of the richest People outwardly how are the Righteous like to be preserved in outward freedom by the Laws that are so made Doth not the World love his own John 15.19 And will it not provide for its own Life and Liberty And is the life and Liberty of the Righteous one with the world Read Wisdom the 2. Chap. Will not that which is for the freedom of the one be for the bondage of the other Oh! the Lord hath beheld this abomination and his Soul abhors it and his Controversie is with the Nations because of the grievous Oppression Oaths Violence which fills the Earth partly by this means Oh! how do the rich oppress the poor and draw them before the Judgement seats Jam. 2.6 And how do the haughty vaunt themselves over the meek And how is Judgement turned backward For he that departeth from iniquity maketh himself
Life and Power and Vertue of it you might be saved and cleansed from your sins Oh Friends if you ever come truly to be made free it must be by the Truth if ever you come to be sanctified it must be with the Truth Now the Word is the Truth and the Word is very nigh you even in your mouths to shew you your evil words and also in your hearts to shew you the deceit and thoughts thereof yea its Vertue goeth through all things and its Power upholdeth all things in it is Life and that Life is the Light of men Oh that you would believe in it that you might be made the children of it This Word is Immortal and it is able to destroy the Devil and his Works and to save your Immortal Souls Oh Friends though its appearance in you be in judgement yet resist it not neither turn from it in any wise but when it convinceth you of any evil and begetteth any love in you towards its judgement Oh then abide in that love and then you will see how Christ comes for judgement into the World to judge the Prince of the World and to cast him out and to make blind that eye which hath been open and hath seen in the worldly carnal Spirit and to open that eye which hath been kept blind by the God or Prince of the World Yea as you wait in the righteous Judgements of Christ you will feel him opening the eye of the understanding part with his Invisible Light whereby you will come to see into the Invisible things of God Oh Friends you must own Christ the Word of God in the way and ministration of his Judgements yea you must own him in the Spirit of Judgement and Burning before you can truly witness that you are reconciled unto God Oh! wait to hear the Voice of Christ in your inward man and be content to bear his yoak and wait in stilness that patience in you may have its perfect work and if any of you see with the Life of the Word that your hearts are hard and rocky keep but in patience and wait in that Life which maketh you sensible of your condition and you will feel the pure operation of the Word smiting as a hammer which will break your hard hearts into tenderness Yea you will feel them dissolved melted and changed by the Power of the Word as ye believe and wait in the same and then you will know experimentally that the Word of the Lord is as a Hammer and as a Sword and as a fire and as Fuller's sope for you will feel it breaking and cutting down burning up and washing out all the hard fruitless defiling nature and then you will come to know Christ's Fan in his hand for you will feel him Purging the Floor by separating the Chaffy dirty nature from the tender Seed which delighteth to do the will of God Now as you come to feel this within you come to witness his Baptism with the Holy Spirit and with Fire yea here the washing in the Regeneration and the renewing in the Holy Spirit comes to be witnessed And here Christ's work comes truly to be felt and known which is to destroy the Devil and his Works to blot out Transgression to take away Sin to cause the old things to pass away and to make all things new Oh Friends wait to feel and witness this work and think not that your saying Christ hath done all for you will profit you while you live in the old fleshly Birth for verily verily I say unto you That except you be born again you can in no wise enter into the Kingdom of God Therefore wait to feel this inward work that so you may know Christ formed in you his Mind his Spirit his Disposition his Nature and then you will come to the new Creature and to witness the Election which avails and obtains And here the Circumcision without hands you will come to know which is the putting off of the body of the sins of the flesh by the Circumcision of Christ And this brings to be the Jew inward whose praise is not of man but of God and here 's the true Israel of God upon which the mercy comes and here 's the true Elect Seed unto which the Promise is and they that come to this are born from above and are Members of Christ's Body of his Flesh and of his Bones and they are come to the Riches of the Mystery which hath been hid from Ages and Generations which is Christ in them the hope of Glory Oh Friends These things are not written unto you that you should feed upon the words and seek to get a Rest there but these things are written in tender bowels of Love unto such of you as truly hunger and thirst after the new Life That so as the Lord's witness ariseth in any of you to witness unto the Truth of them and to give you any understanding in the same you may joyn to his witness and believe and wait in the same to feel these things fulfilled in you So as you wait in the Invisible measure of God you will come to be sensible how far you are changed in which Birth you live in which Birth your minds are centered and so of which Birth you are for as it is written even so will you see it to be that That which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit And they that are after or of the flesh do mind the things of the flesh But they that are after the spirit do mind the things of the Spirit And that they that live in the flesh cannot please God And as you mind that Life which oft-times ariseth in you and makes you sensible of your Conditions you will plainly come to know it in your selves that to be carnally minded it is death but to be Spiritually minded it is Life and Peace For you will see if the enemy of your Souls can get your minds into Carnal things at any time that then deadness and death cometh over you and you become dead as unto God until his witness ariseth in you to quicken you again But as your minds are kept in obedience to the Spirit of God you minding the things of it which it openeth unto you ye will feel Life and Peace springing in your Souls and that from the presence of the Lord. Therefore be diligent in this the day of your Visitation which yet in mercy is continued unto you as the Lord maketh manifest unto you that any of the Forms that you have been or are yet in are empty and dead and then appear in spirit to draw and lead you out of them O be not like stubborn Rebellious wilful Children that will not follow their father any further then may please their own wills but hang back murmure I say take heed of giving way to such a spirit least the Lord leave striving
with you and give you up wholly to follow the deceit of your own hearts for the Lord will not alwayes strive with man But the day shall come wherein the Lord will withdraw himself from the Rebellious and he that is filthy let him be filthy still Oh Friends I see a day which will be terrible unto the Disobedient For when the Lord hath tryed his People and gathered the sincere hearted out of all Forms unto himself he will then sweep away the refuge that will not be gathered in the day of their Visitation with a mighty Destruction And the day hastens in which this shall be accomplisht by the mighty Arm and Power of the Lord which is now working in secret Therefore wait to be led and taught of him and heed not the Rage and Cruelty of man neither bow to his Perverse will but know that the Lord hath given bounds to the Sea that although it roar Rage and swell and cast up mire and dirt yet it cannot go beyond its bounds Therefore be Patient and commit your Cause unto the Lord and seek not to avenge your selves but leave it unto him who will avenge the Cause of his People And wait in the feeling of the Truth in your selves that so you may feel the pure Life of Christ to be a stay to your minds in all your Tryals and Temptations Oh poor hearts this is a precious thing to come to be sensible of the true stay and guide to the mind O keep to that which maketh your Temptations and thoughts manifest and believe and wait in that and then you will feel that to be a stay to your minds and you will feel the Lord's secret strength revealed in you enabling you to stand in whatsoever Tryal or Temptation he shall suffer to come upon you or to be presented unto you yea as you are faithful to the Power that he commits unto you you shall not be tryed beyond your strength but you shall feel the Lord supporting you and by his Power he will work your minds into contentedness with his will in all things And if you will follow the Power of the Lamb which is that which moves against Sin and taketh it away you will come to feel your hearts and minds drawn and Redeemed out of the Earth thereby and you will be made willing to give up and to part with all and to follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth Now if your spirits come to be brought into this frame then whatsoever man can do unto you it will not be able to move you Oh! that you would wholly give up your selves to wait upon the Lord in the pure manifestation of his Spirit and cease contending and pleading for those things which the Spirit of the Lord requireth not at your hands Oh! that you would now mind to obey the pure requirings of the Life of Jesus in your selves and that would bring you into lowliness of mind and meekness of spirit into true love to God and one towards another and not only to love your friends but even to love your enemies also and to forgive and pray for them that despightfuly use you and then you would indeed bear the Image of the Lamb and witness his Kingdom set up in you and this would bring you in patience to wait until he arise to plead the cause of his People and to avenge himself on his and their enemies and to make the Kingdoms of this world his and the People subject to his Government which shall certainly be aceomplished in its Season and the day draweth nigh So the Lord God Almighty manifest himself more and more unto you all in whose hearts there are any true sincere honest desires to know and do his Will and who are willing to follow him as he appears to lead and draw you and the Lord of Life manifest his strength unto you and gather you by the Power of his Christ into the everlasting Covenant of Life Rest and Peace This is the sincere desire of my Soul whose bowels yearn towards you whose souls are breathing and thirsting after the endless Life of Righteousness And this is Message of true love unto you in which it is sent forth among you according to the instructions of the Almighty yea for your sakes is this written whose Souls are panting after the Lord in what form or society soever you be in who are willing to follow the leadings of his Life and to submit to his will as it comes to be made manifest unto you and many of you in whom there be such honest desires I see are now in a bewildred condition in this cloudy and dark day which seems to approach not knowing well what to do or which way to take or where to find rest or safety by reason of the want of the knowledge of a true guide to your minds I say for the informing of your understandings and for the strengthening of those desires in you which are sincere towards the Lord was I drawn forth in much tenderness and bowels of unfained love to write unto you that you might be brought to be sensible of the gift of God in your selves and to know what that is that is to guide your minds and in what you are to wait to receive the true Teachings that so your minds may come to be stayed upon the Lord and that may be gathered into his Name wherein the true help and safety is and that you may avoid whatsoever would be a hinderance unto your growth in the simplicity of the Truth Therefore I exhort and warn you to take heed of following your own thoughts and imaginations any longer but freely give up to be led by that Principle of Life which cannot consent to Sin but appears to call and draw you out of the same You need not fear that that will deceive you but whatsoever would draw you from that Life that is the Deceiver And hearken not any longer to such Teachers as are greedy of filthy lucre for such make a prey of you and cannot profit you at all And take heed of hearkening or joyning to such Teachers or People as will turn to and comply with any worship or thing that may be for their advantage as they account and that they may save themselves from sufferings for such are Luke-warm and the Lord will spue them out and their shame and filthiness shall appear and they shall become loathsom both in the sight of God and man Therefore avoid them And as there are few Teachers amongst the Professors whom I believe for Conscience sake dare not turn back and lick up that which they formerly were made to vomit out and deny so also there are many that would willingly turn to any thing for their bellies if they might be received that will not now be accepted of and these that see they cannot keep their places by their turning they will appear zealous especially in secret against those things that they
Designs Oh England England How oft hath the Lord God smote thy Rulers and Mighty and Proud men how oft hath he laid their Honour in the Dust Yea how oft hath he Overturned and Confounded thy Mighty men even thy Men of War with thy Princes Nobles and Captains of Thousands Hundreds and Fifties O how oft hath he Overturned thy Governments and Changed thy Governours But how few of them have so regarded the Out-goings of the Lord in all these things as they ought to have done And how few of them have rightly Weighed and Considered the Causes for which the Lord hath brought or suffered so many Changes in the Land Or have those who saw the Causes that provoked the Lord of Hosts thus to Act lalaboured so to remove them as they ought to do or might have done Nay assuredly they have not for the Lusts of this World and the Pride of Life hath blinded the minds of most and such who have seen what their Duty was the honour of this World and that cursed Self-interest hath stopped and hindred most of them from doing those things which they saw they ought and which they had opportunity also to have done Oh! how have the new Governours in almost every Change of late cryed out of the Tyranny and great Oppression of those whom they did Succeed And how have most of them Vowed unto God Declared to and Promised the People That they would remove the Burdens and Oppressions that the fore-going Rulers had Laid and Continued upon them But alas very few of them have regarded their Vows Declarations and Promises either to God or Man but in Treachery and Deceit have they gone on serving themselves and their own Lusts and not the Lord nor their Generation fai●hfully For although many of them have been very large in Promises and Good Words whereby they have long sought to Deceive the hearts of the People yet it is but very Little that hath been done for their true Liberty because that wicked Spirit which seeketh to make it self great by the Ruine of others hath Ruled and doth yet Rule in the hearts of many Rulers this is of the Devourer and Destroyer who cannot forgive Enemies but cryes out of Rebellion and Treason labouring to exasperate the Spirits of others that so occasions may be gotten if possible against them thereby to bring them under and keep them in Bondage Oh England England Such is thy Sad Estate and Condition that several of thy Rulers are and have been as roaring Lyons even greedy to Devour and many of thy Teachers have been and yet are like Troops of Robbers robbing and spoyling of many of thine Inhabitants Oh! How have most of thy Priests Temporized and Daubed with every Power as they have come up in the many Changes How have they encreased Envy Wars and Destructions amongst thy Rulers and People How have they one time Cryed up and Prayed for the same Thing which at another time they have Cryed down and Prayed against Oh! Who shall ever believe them Their god is their Belly and who is it that many of them would not joyn unto if thereby they might be upheld in Pride Idleness and Fulness How oft would they Change again and again And what Idolatry is there that many of them would not run into for their Bellies sake Ah poor Nation Are they not yet striving to kindle a Flame within thy Bowels Hath not the Lord divided them And are they not labouring with all their might to Divide and Rend thy Inhabitants yet more and more Yea surely and it is just with the Lord to suffer it to be so because of the greatness of their Abominations which are daily encreased Ah poor Land How art thou overspread with Wasters and Spoylers who like Caterpillars devour thy Pleasant Fruit. Oh! the Whoredoms and Idolatries that are daily committed and acted in thee Who can Declare them Oh! thy Chief City thy Chief City that Bloody City Can its Abominations be Parallel'd in the Earth Surely it hath exceeded Sodom in Wickedness The Lord is very Angry with a great part of its Inhabitants and his Vengeance is nigh to come upon them Wo unto you Whoremongers Drunkards Gluttons Swearers Cursers Blasphemers Cheaters and Idolaters Wo unto you Proud Wanton and Prophane Vain Persons Wo unto you Mountebanks Stage-Players Bear-Baiters Gamesters and all manner of Abominable Workers and you that Build up Towers Scaffolds and vain Heathenish Representations and such like and make and garnish Images to draw Peoples minds after Idolatry and for your cursed Gain and Lusts in pretence of Honouring your King Oh! How are People drawn into Gazing and Wondring after these Abominations It grieveth the Righteous Soul to behold such great Wickedness Oh! You Wicked and abominable Workers Devourers of the Creation The Lord God will meet with you in a time when ye are little aware of Him He 'l Stain your Pride Vain Glory and Idolatry and give you your Portion amongst Devourers except you speedily Repent and your Abettors Strengthners and Helpers forward of such Ungodliness that do it knowingly and Delighters therein The Lord will not acquit you He 'l smite you for these things and that right soon Oh! Ye Idolatrous People Do you think that the Lord God of Pitty and Patience suffered your King to hide himself from his Enemies in an Oak for that end that ye might Devour his Creatures in making an Idol of it Is this the use you make of that which you say was God's Mercy towards you Is not this the way to turn those things that might have been Mercies to you into Plagues and Judgements Oh! How do you Dayly provoke the Lord against Your selves and your King Oh! You Wicked Workers How dare you make Representations of Destruction and Ruine How dare you make a Sport of such things Verily your Provocations are great wherewith you provoke the Just God And it will be Just with him to bring Ruine Desolation and Destruction upon you and your City Verily great is the Judgement that is nigh you and your sins draw it on you apace Do you think that the Lord cast out Back-sliders Hypocrites and Vnfaithful men to set up and establish Idolaters and open Prophane Persons Nay surely Therefore Tremble ye Wicked Workers and Howl ye Prophane Idolaters for the Mighty and Terrible day of the Lord is near to break out upon you Thus saith the Lord God I 'le Scatter I 'le Scatter I 'le Split Divide and Separate I 'le Break and Dash to pieces and none shall be able to Gather Bind up or Ioyn together For mine Anger is kindled and my Jealousie shall burn till I have devoured mine Enemies saith the Lord. Therefore ye People of Enland that yet live in wickedness who have not wholly sinned out the day of your Visitation To you I now speak You that feel the Lord yet striving with you O Return Return speedily unto the Manifestation of his Spirit whereby he
Idolatry and to live in Prophaness without controul and you who appear so hot against some of these things and labour to stop and pull them down mark that you might set up and establish your own Hypocritical Will-worship in another dark dead Form I will frustrate you both saith the Lord God and you shall grind and waste one against another as the upper and nether Milstone And I will pluck out from you and preserve a holy Seed beyond expectation and I will be avenged on you for that which you have already bruised or shall yet bruise mark And I will hurry and hurl you round with a mighty Stream for the Waters shall roar and swell And after I have executed my vengeance upon the Rebellious and Treacherous Dealers I will then bring forth the Remnant of my Holy Seed which shall be preserved from their Fury and they shall spread over all in my Life Power Knowledge and Wisdom wherein they shall stand in Dominion Yea and they shall rule the Earth in Mercy Justice and true Judgement and they shall forgive and love their Enemies as they do at this day and do the thing that is just and good unto all without respect of Persons yea they shall seek the good of the whole Creation in the true love and self-denial for the Spirit of Love Meekness Healing and Restoring shall mightily fill their tender Bowels and my Blessings shall fill their Dwelling-place and the Earth for their sakes these things will I accomplish by my own Power and in my own time saith the Lord God But although these things touching the holy Remnant shall certainly be fulfilled in their Season Yet before they be fully accomplished great will be the Tryals of many of the Righteous there will be great Judgements executed in thee O Land by him who oft-times maketh a fruitful Land barren because of the Wickedness of them that dwell therein and Just will it be with Him to deal so with thee because of the great wickedness of the greatest part of thy Inhabitants who are departed and separated from the Spirit of Mercy Love Compassion and Healing and are labouring to Devour Oppress and Destroy one another and the whole Creation Oh England England There is also a People in thee who are come to see the Great Idolatry and Superstition which many are now striving to revive and set up in thee yea there is a People in thee which see and believe that the Worship which is now a setting up with the Vain Musick Altars Masse in English and the foolish needless Garments of the Priests and such like Popist stuff that these things are Idolatry Folly and Vanity and but a mocking of God and yet some of these People will run after this Vain Worship for self-ends flavish-fear and to keep themselves in esteem with or amongst those who plead for it And others there are in thee who instead of being sorrowful for such Abomination and Superstition or reproving the Practicers thereof in the solid seasoned savoury Life and holy Dread of the Lord God they write and speak scossingly of those things even to the stirring up one of another into Vain Laughter and so make a Sport of others Idolatry and this grieveth the Spirit of the Lord also and doth not convince but exasperate and harden those that are zealous for their blind Worship and Superstition There are also a great number of brittle fiery rash unsatisfied People in thee O Land who are as unstable as water and these rebelling against the Light not knowing the way of it because they abide not in the Path thereof they are restless rouling and raging oft-times like the Sea One time they will have a Parliament and cry out They shall govern and heal them and when they have gotten them in a short time they grow weary of them And then another time they will cry out for a King and say He shall heal them and make up their Breaches But these people are not long of one mind for they are much like the Athenians who spent their time in little else but either to tell or to hear of some New thing· These People also are like mighty Tydes in thy Channels O England which one while run with Violence driving all unsetled light unfixed things one way and shortly after run with as much violence the contrary way Therefore in a miserable condition are those Rulers whose strength is in such a People And until Rulers come to be settled and fixed in Him who is the Rock of Ages and singly to rule in and for Him whom the Winds and the Seas obey who maketh the Waters to stand on heaps and divideth them hither and thither and altereth the natural course of Tydes as he pleaseth as he hath done thine of late to shew thee the Figure of the People they can never be safe neither will the People be still'd long together but there will be Swellings Ragings Overflowings sore Breakin gs and Ruines Oh! that the foregoings Rulers would have been perswaded to have Received him for their Teacher who ruleth in the Kingdoms of Men then should they not onely have seen what the Lord cast out others before them for but they should have been taught how to have denyed all those things which the Lord was angry with others for and they should have received Power to have abstained from the same but they would not hear and obey the Lord nor his Prophets and therefore were they cast out also And therefore Oh! that the Rulers that now are would be perswaded whilst they have their Day by the Lord and his Servants to receive the Lord Jesus Christ to be their King and Teacher and then they should not onely see for what cause the Lord cast them out and others in their Age but they should be taught to deny and forsake all those things which God was angry with them and others for and they should receive Power to do those things which they and others before them left undone But alas How few are there that will Hear Regard and Obey the Prince of Life and his Followers and therefore is Desolation coming as a mighty Flood which none shall be able to stop Now all People in what Sect or Opinion soever in whom there are any true Breathings and Desires after the Lord and the way of his Holiness Fear not neither be Dismaid because of the Rage that you may yet see the waters of the Land in and because of the Confusion and Cruelty of the People But stand still in that Life which begetteth Breathings and Thirstings in you after the Lord that you may come to see and feel his Salvation and that you may be gathered into that Patience Meekness Contentedness Rest Peace and Satisfaction which many of the dear Lambs and Children of my Father are gathered into wherein they ly down and none can make them afraid though Bodies and Estates be oppressed and abused Oh! Stick not Stick not
in your Forms without Power neither Flee the Cross any longer but wait in the True Simplicity to feel God's hand of Tender Love which he reacheth sorth to and manifesteth in you to lead and guide your minds into his Pure Worship which is in the Spirit and in the Truth Oh People This is the Worship that he will set up He will be LORD and LAW-GIVER in the Consciences of his People and those that will not be content that EMANUEL should Reign over them he will Slay them with the Sword of the Spirit The words of his Mouth Oh! Hearken hearken a little and stand still that you may hear the voice of the True Shepherd in your own hearts who calleth for Truth in the Inward Parts he will discover what lodgeth Within and He will shew you the Way wherein you should walk and he will let you see what the Cross is unto and He will teach you when you are alone in your Beds or where-ever you are if you will receive Him who giveth you Life and Breath whose gentle Reproofs and Instructions are the Way of Life Therefore you in whom the Breathings and Desires after the Lord are Consult not with Flesh and Blood neither reason against the Cross but submit to every Appearance of God's Power in you which appeareth to Crucifie the Fleshly Birth and Nature which hath stood and doth stand in Rebellion and Emnity against the Pure and Precious Life and Requirings of the Lamb of God that so that Mind which is at enmity against God and that Nature in you which is Disobedient to his Commands in Spirit may come to be Crucified that so there may be a Change Inwardly felt and witnessed by the working of the might Power of Christ in your Inward Parts and then the Desires and Breathings which are Begotten in you after Righteousness they will be strengthned and the Teachings of the Almighty will be truly known and you believing in the Power you will receive Power to obey and Practice whatsoever the Lord shall make known unto you by his Spirit to be his Will and Requirings Oh People Let the Dread of the Lord Seize upon your Spirits in this the Day of his Power wherein he is Trying Sifting and Winnowing the Nations and wait to feel that Life arise within you which beareth Testimony against all evil within and without that so ye may become more and more acquainted with the Teachings Drawings and Leadings thereof that thereby you may be drawn and led out of those things which have kept your Souls in the Death hindred you from enjoying the Pure Peace of God And this know and consider that all that come to witness their Souls raised out of Death and brought to enjoy the Peace of God they must Believe in the Life of the Quickning Spirit which is the Second Adam the Lord from Heaven who for Sin Condemneth Sin in the Flesh and appeareth in the Inward Parts of man to work out Sin and Transgression which hath Separated from God and so to make clean the heart and inside of Male and Female Oh People This is the Work of Christ the Son of God even to make manifest and destroy the Works of the Devil and so to reconcile man unto God by the Virtue of his own Life which he gave a Ransom for many and blessed are all those that believe in the Life of the Son of God and feel and know it manifested in their mortal flesh for they shall witness the Power of it to make all things new and so their Souls will come up in the hand of God and his Peace will be Received and Enjoyed Oh People Wait to know and feel this Work of Christ within you that so you may be made able to Stand in the Judgement and to Endure the Tryal and that you may be Hid from the Wrath of the Lamb which is nigh to come upon the Rebellious Oh! Consider this Those that are his Followers they come thorow many Tribulations and their overcoming their Enemies is by His Blood not by a talk of it but by the Virtue and Power of it sprinkled in their Hearts which washeth and maketh them White Clean and without Fault before God Oh People my Bowels yearn my Bowels yearn towards you whose Desires in any measure are after the Lord O that you would now Return with all your hearts unto Him and obey the Voice of his Power in you then should you be made able to stand and endure the fiery Tryal which is come and coming Oh! the Day hastens wherein all Profession that is not grounded in the Life and Power of the Lord Jesus Christ whatever the shew of it be it will be so shaken that an utter Blasting and withering shall come upon it and for that cause the Lord doth and will yet suffer great Tryals to come both upon the Professors and Possessors of his Name that so his Children the Possessors may be manifested unto all and discerned from all that are but Professors though never so fair and seemingly Covered For all Coverings but what is of the Power and Spirit it self shall be too Narrow and all that are not Covered with the Spirit and Power of Emanuel their Shame and Nakedness shall appear more and more This is the Testimony which the Spirit and Word of Truth giveth therefore He that hath an ear to hear let him hear before the day of his Visitation be wholly past and the things belonging to his Peace he hid from his Eyes For yet a little while and the Voice shall be He that is filthy let him be filthy still For the Spirit of the Lord shall not alwayes strive with Flesh but his Plagues and Indignation shall be poured out upon such as will be gathered in the Day of his Patience long Forbearance and Free-Love and He or She that Loveth Father Mother Husband Wife Children House or Land Liberty Honour or any Thing more than the Life of the Lamb shall be counted not worthy of him and plainly manifested so to be Read this who can and he that can receive it let him For the Time draweth nigh that these Sayings must be fulfilled Printed the 13th of the Second Month 1661. GEORGE FOX the Younger SEVERAL EPISTLES To FRIENDS Who are GATHERED into the Light of Life A General EPISTLE and a tender Greeting sent unto the Flock of Christ who meet together to Worship the Father and the Son in the Spirit of Truth to be read in the Fear and Wisdom of God amongst them DEAR and tenderly beloved Friends and ●hildren of the most High God who have felt and tasted of his eternal Word of Life and have been acquainted with the workings and operations thereof whereby you are begotten again unto a lively Hope and are brought to know that Life which you were alienated from and that Covenant of Promise which ye were strangers unto Oh Friends unto you is my Love in the Lord Jesus Christ exceeding great
their Visitation even in the day of God's long Patience and Forbearance but set and bend themselves against the Lord and his Anointed Now Friends here is our strength and these are the Weapons which we must war withal against all this ungodliness that is come and coming up Therefore every particular hearken diligently unto the Call of God in the inward parts and wait in the meek Principle of Life that each may know and feel their own proper Gift or Gifts Weapon or Weapons and that every one may be kept sensible of the Teachings of the Captain of our Salvation that so ye may be expert in handling and using of it or them to the glory of him who hath called you to War against Babylon And dear Friends if any who love the Truth be yet further oppressed and their Goods spoyled by the false Prophet or Beast as many will be Oh! be ye tender-hearted towards such and know that the Earth is the Lord's and the Fulness thereof and they that follow the Lamb are redeemed from the Earth Therefore ye who know the Life dwell in it that your Redemption from all earthly things may be witnessed and that your Bodies and Estates may freely be given up to serve the Lord and one another whilst you are suffered to enjoy them Friends I know many of your Bodies and Estates have been and yet are so given up but these things I speak by way of remembrance to stir up the pure mind in all who breath after the Truth that love unfeigned may be maintained and encreased among you that ye may be all as Children of one Family dwelling together in Unity and Peace contented with the Will of the Father and be not at all discouraged or daunted because of the strength and malice and cruelty that is in the Adversary but be still and Patient in the Faith and stand out of all mortals in the sence of the Invisible Immortal Power of God and in that Meet oft together and visit one another whilst you may and be as Lambs amongst Wolves and the LORD our God shall appear for us and fight against our Enemies as he fought in the dayes of old against the Enemies of his Seed yea he shall confound our Enemies and bring them to naught and bring Liberty to his People when he hath tryed them to the full be Patient and doubt not though the Day must be hot yet it shall be but short for the Elects sake Watch and look not out He that will save his Life shall lose it but he that is willing to part with it shall find it eternally So the endless eternal Father of Life of Power of Wisdom of Peace of Love of Salvation gather and knit and unite you together and preserve and keep you in the melting Power and Love of the Lamb that ye may be as a Garden of Spices that your savour may be pleasant unto the Lord and unto all that breath after him in this the day of Tryal Amen Ah my dear Friends you have had a large and glorious day allowed you for the begetting and gathering of you into the precious Faith and the Unity thereof and many precious opportunities have you had for the assembling your selves together in the Name of the Lord and plenteously hath his eternal sweet Power and Life been manifested in and among you and as you have waited therein Oh! how have you felt the Blood of the everlasting Covenant the Life of Jesus purging and purifying your Consciences that therein you might hold the Mystery of that Faith which is your Victory over the World And now my Friends the Lord our God hath seen it good that ye may yet be tryed yea you must further be tryed your Faith your Strength your Patience must all be tryed and that by fire as I said before that a pure People you may be who stand and endure the Tryal unto the Lord yea a glorious People shall ye be whose beauty and splendor shall fill the Earth Therefore my dearly beloved in the Lord be watchful I beseech you and turn in and keep low in the feeling of the eternal Power in your own Vessels and know that every particulars strength lyeth there and ever particular will be tryed Therefore keep to your particular strength and be obedient to the Power in all its movings that so by it your minds may be drawn off all things that can or may change and come to an end and become wholly centered in the unchangeable endless Life of God Then my Friends nothing can harm you But verily if any of your affections be centered in Husbands Wives Children or any earthen Vessel or visible thing whatsoever so as that you cannot be willing to part with all if it be required at your hands then may your sufferings be great and dangerous unto you Therefore I beseech you be followers of the invisible Life of Jesus in all its appearances anddrawings that so by it you may be taught how to use all visible changeable things unto the Glory of the Lord whilst you are permitted to enjoy them And that you may be made willing to give up and to part with all ye● even with your lives also if you be called thereunto for the Tryal of your Faith or that your Enemies thereby may fill up the measure of their Iniquity and that Judgement may come upon them to the full And whilst you have outward liberty for the keeping your Meetings together be diligent therein as I said before and when any of you come to be hindred from such opportunities as you have enjoyed Oh! then be patient and wait upon the Lord for strength and if in any place it should come to pass that but two or three of you could come together neglect not that for if in the pure fear and love of God you be kept it will be profitable comfortable unto you And dear Friends you who are but weak in the Truth to you I now speak Take heed of looking out at any of us whom the Lord God hath drawn forth by his own Power and Love to declare his living eternal Truth unto you I say look not out at us as for strength or teaching but look to the endless Life in your selves which we have directed you unto in which your strength and satisfactory Teaching is for we may be removed far from you as to the outward but the Life and Power by which you and we stand abideth with and in you and we as to the outward may be bruised broken and slain for the Testimony of Jesus and the Word of God which we hold But the Life and Spirit of God and the Lamb dwelleth for ever with you that believe in it and if ye crucifie it not to your selves there is none that can slay it And while you have Us or any of Us among you I exhort and warn you all and that in the Name and Authority of the Lord that ye look not
prefer any of them so as thereby to stop the Lords work or if you do the Lords work negligently which he hath once more put into your hands verily ye shall not be counted worthy to be the Lords workmen So remember Saul who was made an example that others might take warning who slew but part of that which was to be distroyed and saved a part alive and therein he was stubborn and disobedient Now if ye should destroy but part of the Trranny and Oppression which is utterly to be distroyed mark that and preserve part of it take heed lest the Lord rent you from your places for your stubborness and disobedience as he rent Saul from his Kingdom for his Therefore Awake Awake and wait in the Light to feel the Lord's strength that therein your zeal and courage for him may be renewed and linger not in things as ye have done but dwell in the Power of the Lord ye who have felt it and do not abuse it or resist it any longer and in his Power act for the Freedom and just Liberty of all his Creatures this will bring honour unto the Lord that so ye in whose hearts there is a singleness an honesty an uprightness unto the Lord may keep your selves from being defiled with the corruptness of others and so be preserved in his Wisdom and Power in the Breakin gs Overturnings or Purging ●nd Separating that yet must be in the Nation And Friends in the Army when will the Spirit of ●●●hteousness and Equity be clearly manifested among you to rule you thus that so long as ye bear an outward Sword it might be onely turned against Evil Doers and not for the upholding any Oppression whatsoever but for the breaking down of all Oppression and Tyranny wheresoever it is found and for keeping the outward Peace whilst equal and Just Laws be established whereby the Just Liberties and outward Freedom of the Nation might be enjoyed and not to make a trade of using your Swords to enrich your selves by them by heaping up outward riches and to feed your lusts But whilst ye use your Swords to be content with such wages as might but even find you things necessary and convenient for your Places Now if this Spirit lead you then self denyal will be manifested in you indeed and they that called you a mercenary Army then should be ashamed for if Tyranny and Oppression were destroyed and Equity true outward Liberty and Freedom were established and the Enemies of it so brought to nought that so there were no need of you this Spirit if it ruled you would make you as freely willing then to lay down your Places and Swords as ever any of you were made free to take them up and then to fall upon improveing the Creation in the fear and Wisdom of the Lord and to be content to enjoy an equal proportion and share of the Liberty with your fellow Creatures which you have fought for and if it were thus then ye might truly be called the Common-wealths Men or servants But if ye carry a Sword expect and desire still to carry or uphold a sword to make a Trade of mark that then I know you will not utterly bring down Oppressors and Oppression and firmly establish outward Liberty though ye could lest your Trade should fall Now if you do not act singly for your Nations good stand out of all self ends whatsoever but still continue making a Trade of using your Swords then you cannot truly be called the Common-wealths servants but such as serve your selves and such as are their Masters though you receive wages of them And Friends there are many things done lately in the name of the Keepers of the Liberty of England Now mark ye should first make England a free Nation and set it at Liberty from all its Oppression and bondage that it is in befo●e ye take such a name upon you and then in the fear and Wisdom of the Lord see to preserve and keep its Liberty and then ye might truly be called the Keepers of the Liberty of England But if ye do not first set it at Liberty and then keep it and ye be called the Keepers of the Liberty of it ye will be but like unto those which had a name that they lived and yet were dead and like the false Christians who are puffed up with a name but are out of the nature which belongs to the name This from me who have a tender love going forth unto all both in Parliament Army and others who have any true Breathings or Desires in them after Righteousness Truth Equity Mercy Justice and true Judgement which I wait to see set up and Establi●hed And I honour the higher Power and am subject thereunto where ever or in whomsoever it doth appear which Power hath made me a watchman unto you to warn you to watch for your Souls and for Peace And in obeying this Power I am clear of and free from the blood of all men Given forth by Geo. Fox the Younger The Ear that heareth the reproof of life abideth among the Wise He that refuseth instruction despiseth his own Soul But he that heareth reproof getteth understanding Friends the reason why this comes last is because a Copy of it could not be obtained till such time as the foregoing writings were Printed otherwise it had come in order with the Rest of his Books THE END * Since the writing of this before it could be delivered we have seen a Declaration put forth by Thee by which in part this is answered which as this and the rest comes to be fulfilled the Lord will bless prosper Thee † This Abomination have I beheld several times out of my Prison Window * So that none shall be able in the day of the Lord to plead or say Lord because our first Parents fell from thee and became dead unto thee and so were driven out from thy presence and we being brought forth in this unreconciled state there was no way left unto us to approach or come near unto thee to lay hold of the Grace that thou offerest unto all by reason of thine Anger I say none shall be able thus to plead For Christ the Fathers Love hath consecrated a way by his freely giving up himself a Propitiatory Sacrifice which appeaseth God and therefore it is said that God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself not imputing sin unto them So he that perisheth it shall be for his own sins not for his parents but because he believed not in Christ who hath freely made a way for him to come unto God and by the power of his life visiting him puts him in a capacity to receive the free grace which bringeth salvation which to all men hath appeared * As for the Government and Ministry of the Town of Harwich their streets like Sodom have shewn its effects And the Angels and Lot might as justly have been charged with making a disturbance in Sodom when the ungodly thronged Lot's Door as RG and I in Harwich as the sober Reader may see Also when I was in Prison there I have seen out at the Window many go staggering with Drunkenness in the street and both in the day and in the night they have come to the Gate and cursed me bitterly and stammered our Oaths by reason of Drunkennes and then cryed God save KING CHARLES saying He would hang the Quakers and the Anabaptists and these have gone unpunished But when sober People have come to the Gate to hear the Truth declared them the Goalors Company hath thrown water upon and the MAYOR hath come and commanded them to depart from the Window and the Goalor hath come and shut it up and threatned me