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A37175 An exhortation to brotherly communion betwixt the Protestant churches written by ... John Davenant ... Davenant, John, ca. 1572-1641. 1641 (1641) Wing D318; ESTC R1793 83,948 242

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which may be seen in the large prospect of the Scriptures are not to bee ranked with Fundamentals this is to be added in the third place that our Faith is so subject and tyed to the whole word of God that every one is bound to embrace every Truth which hee sees revealed in the holy Scriptures or duly derived from them For although out of the nature or matter of a Proposition we are not bound and obliged to beleeve and know it under the perill of losse of Eternall Life Yet notwithstanding because of the authority of the revealer so oft as it shall appeare unto us that such a proposition is revealed in Scripture we are bound not to refuse it For whatsoever he should pretend on the contrary who at his pleasure shall trample on a proposition which he understands to bee founded on the Scripture he is to be accounted one that gives not that beleefe which he ought to any proposition For Instance sake That Christ is God and Man is a plaine Fundamentall Article which if not at all beleeved we can neither beleeve in Christ himselfe nor so worship God as to be restored into his favour and admitted into his Kingdom But many things are expresly mentioned in Scripture of this Christ himselfe Incarnated which are not Fundamentall also many things may bee deduced from this Fundamentall Article Christ is God and Man which are not to be reckoned as Fundamentals If notwithstanding they be perceived and understood to bee placed in or duly deduced from the Scriptures hee contemnes God speaking in the Scriptures who beleeves not such Propositions But as often as it shall happen not out of the perversnesse of the Will but weaknesse of the Judgement that he being deceived with an Imagination Aug lib 4. ad Vinc. Vict. cap. ult that Truth and Piety are on his side shall affirme or deny any thing repugnant to the Scriptures even in those his Tenets which thorough his Ignorance are not Catholique his heart and mind notwithstanding is Catholique because it is prepared for amendment on better information Of such therefore we may rightly say Heb. 5.14 Rom. 14.1 that they have their Senses not so well exercised in heavenly matters that they are weak and children in Faith that they are not to be taken along with us to doubtfull Disputes but we cannot truly call them forraigners estranged from Christ Apostates from the Faith such as are to be separated from Brotherly Communion with the Godly However therefore let it be taken for granted that the Romish Prelats do not deny any Fundamentall point truly and properly so called hence notwithstanding it appeares that they both hurt the Unity of the Catholique Faith and hinder the Union of the Catholike Church For what Church soever shall patch their own uncertain opinions to the fundamentall Articles of the Christian Faith must needs mishape and deforme the body of the Catholique Faith by joyning to it so many members both useles and monstruous But as for those which use the same and inforce them on other Churches to be beleeved under the necessity of Salvation it manifestly appeares that they alone are guilty of the rents in the Catholique Church Herein the pride of the Romish Church swels so big that it leaves no room to receive the Truth but I hope that all Protestant Churches will at length consent in this to renew the Brotherly Communion betwixt them and not to thrust their private opinions on others That attempt of the Papists to shut out all from the Catholique Church and eternall Salvation which in all things give not their assent to the Creed of Trent ever seemed to me so desperate and foule that all the water of the Ocean powred upon Rome can not wash away the staintherof Wee desire that all which wee have spoken be understood of casting them off from Brotherly Communion who either out of obstinacy or ignorance contradict the Scriptures in any Principle of Catholique Faith which not at all being known we can neither have Union with Christ nor Adoption by him into the Son of God which not at all being beleeved we can neither rightly perform Gods worship nor from him obtaine Eternall Salvation Such things are neither denied nor unknown of any which challenge to themselves the name of Christians save only those 2 Cor. 4.3 4. in whom the God of this world hath blinded their mind lest the light of the glorious Gospel of Christ should shine unto them Moreover neither are the things which we have said so to be taken as if thereby leave and liberty were given to Christian people to set up their rest in fundamentals and to go no further in searching the Scriptures as if it were lawfull to sleight any Doctrine which we confesse not to be fundamentall 2 Tim. 3.16 Yea all Scripture given by Inspiration of God is prositable for Doctrine for reproofe for correction for instruction in righteousnes We must therefore endeavour Col. 3.16 that the Word of God may dwell in us plentifully in all wisdome that we go on to perfection and not always make our abode only in Fundamentals In the words of Saint Augustine wee thus call upon all Christians Epist. 222. Let every one of you gaine to himselfe as much Knowledge of Faith as he can greater if he desires more lesse if lesse yet so that he gives not off from his journey till he attaine unto perfection Last of all I would not have these things which are spoken in generall of the doctrinall foundations of the Christian Faith to be so understood as if this care and duty did not lye upon Doctors and Pastors to instruct their people in every Doctrine of the Scripture wherby they may bee furthered and edifyed in Faith and Piety but that principally they urge and inculcate these Fundamentals as of principall moment to Salvation This was the judgement of Luther in his Preface to the greater Catechisme where he willingly confesseth himselfe to be a Scholar of the Catechisme Tom. 5. p. 645. Surely great is the unhappinesse of Christian people where by reason of the noyse and over much heat of controversies they have scarce leave or leasure to heare or thinke of the Fundamentall and saving Doctrin of the Scriptures and not at all to doe those deeds most necessarily required by Gods Commandements Now as concerning forreigne Churches I deny not but that other Churches may and ought to confute their errors although they contradict not the Foundations of the Christian Faith Nazian orat in S. Epiph. But let their Errours be confuted and not the Parties erring be traduced let the matter be handled by Arguments not by Outcries by Reasons not by Railing nor let them contend about Words when the divers sound of Syllables may be brought to Spell and make up the same Sense To shut up all in a word we must so dispute of all Points not Fundamentall with the Doctours of other
Protestant Churches desire all to meet in one brotherly Communion not so much as the least spot or staine of Idolatry were to be feared on either side Away therefore with all pretence of Impossibility drawn from this Reason neither let it make mens mindes or endeavours step aside from this so holy a purpose and designe The third and last obstacle whence the Communion of divers Churches betwixt themselves is held impossible is the asserting and defending of some Fundamentall Article necessary to be known and beleeved to the salvation of Christians on the one side which is sound and Catholique and the denying and opposing the same on the other side which is Hereticall For to grow together into one with Hereticks subverting the foundations of the Christian Faith is to start off from Christ the Foundation of the Christian Church Concerning this hinderance because it is a matter of greatest moment we must dispute somewhat more largely Therefore in the first place I conceive that is to be counted a Fundamentall Article which through the will of God revealing it to the attaining of Salvation and eternall happinesse is so necessary to be known and beleeved that from the Ignorance and much more from the opposing thereof men runne the manifest hazard of losing eternall Life This care and charge lyes not upon the Divines of our age that they should forge new and fundamentall Articles of the Catholique Faith for Christian people That which was not Fundamentall in the times of the Apostles and Primitive Church cannot with all our Affirmings wranglings and Cursings become Fundamentall These first Beleevables which we have gathered and brought together out of the whole body of the Scriptures into the Apostles Creed Epist 57. ad Dardan makes up that Rule of Fundamentall Faith which Au●ustine cals common to small and great and determines that it must be maintained of all with Perseverance whereof Hilary almost to the same purpose It is most safe for us to retaine that first and sole Evangelicall Faith confessed and understood in Baptisme Ad Constan August And I think the Apostle had an eye to these Fundamentall Articles when he calls Titus Titus 14. mine owne son after the common Faith This common faith comprised in the Apostles Creed proposeth to all Christians to beleeve the admirable workmanship of all Creatures made of nothing the unsearchable Mystery of the Trinity which is to be adored the benefit of Christ Incarnated Suffering Rising againe Glorified bestowed on miserable sinners and those things which flow from thence the Redemption of mankinde the Sanctification of Gods peculiar people the Communion of the Saints betwixt themselves the forgivenes of sinnes the Resurrection of the bodyes and the Glorification of the faithfull Who so believeth all things which we have contained in this short Creed and endeavours to lead his life conformable to the precepts of Christ is not to be dashed out of the lift of Christans nor to be driven from the Communion of other Christians members of what Church soever On the other side He that filcheth away or carpeth at any of these Articles though he challengeth to himself the name of Christian is to be driven and kept off from the Communion of those which rightly beleeve yet I acknowledge that besides these Articles many Doctrines are contained in the holy Scriptures out of the holy Scriptures may be deduced by firme consequence which are very profitable to be known and conduce much to proficiency in Divine knowledg but then at last are to be ●eld under the perill of losing Salvation or Communion when they are manifestly declared and understood to be contained in the Scriptures or necessarily to follow out of them In these things if any Church cannot so cleere the truth of her opinion to other Churches as to draw them to the same opinion shee ought to cast off their errors but ought not to cast off brotherly Communion with them because of these errours To these I adde that although some place of Scripture may seem to these Churches to establish a Fundamentall Article seems not unto others yet in this diversity of opinions there is not cause just enough to break off the Communion so be it both sides piously beleeve the same Article and acknowledge it to be cleerly and solidly sounded on other places of holy Scripture Lastly and this also must be added It is neither impossible nor swarving from the duty of good Christians to retain communion with those Churches who seem to us to follow some opinion which truly cannot hold together with a fundamentall Article so be it as in the meane time they professe the same Article and with both armes as we say embrace it For it abhors from the rule of Charity yea from sound reason that any for those Consequences by himselfe neither understood nor granted should be conceived to have denied or rejected a fundamentall Article which he firmly beleeves explicitly affirmes and if need were would Seale and Signe the truth thereof with his own blood More true and favourable is the judgement of a great and peaceable Divine Bucere It is not our part to have respect to that which of it selfe followeth of any opinion but to that which followeth in their consciences who hold that Point which we conceive opposite to a fundamentall Article For even as he that believeth any true Principle doth not presently believe and understand all those things which learned Men by consequences may deduce from the same so he that holds any false opinion doth not instantly hold all those things which those of better sight do perceive to be conjoyned with or ●o●lowing after that false opinion It is lawfull therefore to urge such consequences to snatch our brethren from their Errors but odiously to charge them therewith as if they were their own proper Doctrines it is unlawfull How farr this spreads it selfe and how forcible it is to establish brotherly union betwixt Reformed Churches Wise men and lovers of the Peace of the Church may easily observe For if it be granted that Communion onely is impossible that is unlawfull with those Congregations which explicity reject any fundamentall Article or defend an Heresie which stabs the Heart and cuts asunder Communion with Christ himselfe that also will follow that this brotherly Communion which we so much desire betwixt the German Churches may be establishes between Churches which are found and those which are not so well in health between Churches of a more and of a lesse refined Standard Therefore l●t those Churches which stick to the foundation depart from those which by Apostacy slide back from it but in the meane time from those which erre in matters of lighter moment neither disjoyn from Christ the fountain of life let them not depart Rom. 14.1 Rom. 15.1 The Apostle commands us to receive the weake in faith not to cast them off Wee that are stronger ought to beare the infirmities of the weake
Church when it is compared to a Building when it is likened to a Man is termed the Head when resembled to a Tree stiled the Root It is called an Head because it maintaineth the members united unto it ceasing not to convey spirituall strength and life into them In the same sense it is named a Root because it spouteth a vitall Sap into all the Boughs and Sprigs ingrafted in it As therefore those are counted Fundamental Doctrines which are sufficiently effectuall and absolutely necessary to joyne Christians to their Foundation so may they also be called Capit●●● or Radicall Articles which being known and beleeved by any Members of the Mysticall Body they may be united to their Quickning Head and any of the Branches may rely upon that Roote of theirs which conveyeth Life unto them and stick fast to the same Moreover as every thing is not sitly called the Foundation which is usefully imployed about the building but only that which is so underlaid beneath the building that without it it cannot be supported but may stand strongly if coupled and conjoyned with it So all Doctrines profitable for the furthering of edification are not properly termed Fundamentall but only those which are so necessary to be known that without them there is no coupling of the building to the Foundation with them a saving conjunction may be had though somethings be wanting which are requisite to the perfecting of the Knowledge of a Christian Lastly 2 Tim. 3.16 let us acknowledge with the Apostle all Scripture to be profitable for Doctrine for Reproofe for Correction for Instruction of all Christians in Righteousnesse Godlinesse and Truth but we do not call all propositions founded in Scripture Fundamentall Doctrins because the nature of the thing and the propriety of the Metaphor doth forbid it The folly of Tanner in a like case was laughed at by all when in Conference at Ratisbone he feircely maintainedt hat whatsoever is affirmed in the Scripture is an Article of the Christian Faith as for example that Tobiah had a Dog But least we should stay longer than it is meet in handling the bare signification of words be this setled and resolved on that the names of Foundation and Fundamentall agree only to those things which in reference to what is founded on them are of absolute necessity and power to bring unto Salvation I find amongst Divines in this Sense a threefold acception of Foundation 1. Personall Foundation of the Church and this only one properly so called 2. Ministeriall Foundations of Churches so termed but not in the same Propriety of Language 3. Doctrinall Foundations justly so called as deserving that honorable stile not by the Opinion of a few Divines but the constant Judgment of the Catholique Church All the difference betwixt the Reformed Churches is about the two later yet can it not easily be composed Chap. 3 except we discourse of all three So much of thenotion and use of the words we come now to handle them severally in order CHAP. III. Of the only Personall Foundation of the Church Christ Jesus God and Man Mediator betwixt God and Men and of the true conjunction with him THE most wise God and most loving towards mankind was pleased to found a Church which should endure for ever and prevaile against the Gates of Hell Now such a Church could not be except it stood on a solid and eternall Foundation which might not be forced by any strength or foundred by Engines God therefore thought fit to lay no other Foundation than Jesus Christ the eternall Son of an eternal Father whom he sent into the World that every one which beleeveth on him might not dye but have everlasting life The prophets and Apostles witnesse with a joynt consent Him alone to be the Personall Foundation of the Church Psal 118.22 Esay 28.16 Act. 4.11 12. 1 Cor. 3.11 Hence David calleth Him the corner Stone Esaiah termeth Him a tryed Stone Precious and placed in the foundation of Zion This is the Stone set at nought by the Builders which is become the Head of the Corner neither is there Salvation in any other Other foundation can no man lay than that is laid which is Jesus Christ. Now what hath been said of this one only Foundation ought also to be understood of the one only Head Husband Root of the Church and also of all other Metaphorical Titles which import the same dignity of Christ the Churches same dependancy on him For Christ God and man is the only quickning and saving Head of the Church from whom the whole Body is fitly joyned together and compacted Eph. 4.15 16. Ioh. 3.29 Hos 2.20 Fph. 5.26 He is the only Bridegrom of the Church who hath the Bride and hath espoused her to himself that he might Eternally preserve that is that he may sanctifie her in this World and present her glorious in that which is to come Lastly he is the heavenly root of the Church Col. 2.7 in whom whosoever are rooted spring up towards Heaven and shall continually flourish in Heaven This Personall prerogative is so properly invested in Christ God and man that it can agree to no other Heb. 2.11 Not to Angels because they want that conformity of Nature which ought to be betwixt the Foundation and things founded in it the Head and the Members joyned unto it the Husband and Wife coupled to him in lawfull marriage Not to a bare man because no mortall by reason of the corruption and weaknesse of humane Nature can possibly performe the office of a Foundation Head Spouse in upholding quickening and preserving of the Church Not to God himselfe considered alone in the dreadfull nature of his Divine Majestie For though we acknowledge God the founder of the Church we still want a Foundation to which we need not feare to approach draw neare to come and as it were to glue our selves But the Majesty of God considered in it selfe is not only a light not to be approached unto but also is a consuming fire and what mortall man can dwell with a devouring fire Heb. 12.29 Isa 33.14 We cannot therefore have in or under Heaven any other personall Foundation by the Mediation whereof we may be reconciled and united to God save only the Word Ioh. 1.14 Made Man full of Grace and Truth But to what purpose is this dispute about a matter so plaine and granted of all Protestants Namely that it may hence appeare that other Churches neither may nor ought to renounce brotherly Communion with those particular Churches which retaine a saving conjunction with this Foundation We wonder not that the Papists who besides Christ himself make another personall Foundation another Head another Husband of the Church cut and cast off all Churches though firmely and fastly sticking to Christ which cleave not to the Pope of Rome as to their Foundation Head Husband Nor care we for their false clamours whereby they think to affright the
as they repent of their errors they are to be received againe into the Bosome of their Mother Thus may they deale with their own But when they are to meddle with Churches not at all subordinate unto them they may hold Divine concord and keepe Gods Peace with those which think and teach otherwise than themselves as we may see it in Cyprian Epist. 72. ad Stephanum 73 ad Julianum It will not be from the matter after this our discourse of Particular Churches to adde something concerning some famous and eminent Doctors in the same For private Doctors are also in their distance to be accounted Ministeriall foundations who in the maintaining expounding defending preaching or writing the Truth of the Gospell have imployed their commendable paines And here amongst the principall Doctours of the Reformed Churches wee reckon those Worthyes Luther and Philip Melancthon not fearing to joyne unto them Bucer Calvine Martyr and others whom we need not to name But of all these though exellent Divines of our Age we ought so to esteeme as accounting them Stars but not Deities in our Churches nor do we reverence them as the Prophets and Apostles inspired by God but value them as godly Men worthily learned and raised up by God for the generall good of the Church withall confessing them to bee but ordinary Ministers and subject to their mistakes Besides we must beware that we do not suffer the Churches themselves to be sirnamed by Epithets from these famous Men. Lactan. Instit lib. 4. cap. 30. For to put off the Name of Christ and to put on and weare humane and outward names is far from Christians and most times is the fuell of endlesse dissention That therefore of Nazianzens ought wonderfully to please all prudent and pious Christians Orat. 30. I reverence Peter yet will I not be called a Petrian I honour Paul yet will I not be called a Paulian If private Christians can not take this in good part how much lesse is it fitting to nick-name a whole Church from a single man Last of all I may adde this concerning private Doctors It is a most in jurious thing that a whole Church should be indited guilty of the errors of that Doctor whatsoever hee bee which hath or doth use his Ministery therein unlesse it doth appeare that that Church by their publique assent doth approve and maintain his errors But where is there one of an hundred amongst common Christians who so searches the books of their Doctors that he giveth his consent to all their Opinions Yea where is there one amongst those Doctours themselves which doth not from his whole heart abhorre such errors when his adversaries charge him with them Lastly where is there one to be found amongst the Learned in any Church who hath so sworne to defend the words of Luther or Calvin or any other writer but that he thinks it lawfull to depart from them where they depart from the Truth Now seeing it is manifest these things are so if these which wee call Ministeriall Fundamentals sometime in some things do shake or stagger we must not pin their Personall errors upon the whole Church Apud Luth. Tom. 1. disp de Author Eccles pag. 439. B. For the Church properly so called doth not allow whatsoever ill Doctours mingled in the Church do allow as rightly Melancthon to which we adde neither every thing which good Doctors have taught ill CHAP. CHAP. 5. V. Of the Doctrinall Foundations of the Christian Faith in Generall and how farre they are to bee beleeved under the necessity of Salvation THE Doctrine of the Holy Scripture contained in the Books of the Prophets Evangelists and Apostles is that Foundation on which alone the Faith of Christians may safely rely because of the most certaine authority of God revealing it Nor must we give eare to the Papists when they object Augustin Confes lib. 6. cap. 5. Irenaeus li. 3 cap. 1. Whence know you those Books to have been given to mankind by the Spirit of the most true God If God as yet hath not perswaded me in this point he hath not as yet perswaded me that I am a Christian For the will of God hath commended the Scriptures unto us to be the Foundation and Pillar of our Faith If the Romanists will give no credence neither to Augustine nor Irenaeus they ought notwithstanding undoubtedly to beleeve Peter 2 Pet. 1.19 20 21. who calleth the voyce of the Scriptures a voyee more sure than that which came down from Heaven and not brought by the will of man but holy men of God spake it as they were moved by the holy Ghost Therefore the holy Scripture so propoundeth the foundations of our Faith and fastens the Rule of our Doctrine that the Faith of Christians only trusteth and reposeth it selfe on those Revelations which are contained in the canonicall Books I will say nothing against that fantastick imaginary Doctrinall foundation which the Papists trislingly defēd to be in a word not written and couched in the privy cabinet of the Popes breast because I conceive so profane and grosse an error in a matter of so great moment amongst wel instructed Christians is not worthy of a confutation He that seeks for the Doctrine of Salvation and Eternall Life out of the Scriptures shall find it no sooner than if hee looked for the Tree of Knowledge and Life out of Paradise But although wee straitly maintain that no fundamentall Doctrine of Faith is to bee sought for out of the Bookes of the Old and New Testament yet wee do not defend that all things contained in these books are fundamentall points so necessary to be known and beleeved that if any of these be unknown or denyed of any we should presently adjudge them to have falne off from the foundation of Salvation Many things in the Books of both Testaments are Historicall some things are dogmaticall which are truly affirmed and profitably placed there and yet are accounted not to come into the Number of Fundamentall points Numberlesse things there are which by true firme consequence may be deduced out of the Scriptures and yet mount not up to this high pitch of honour Therefore those things only are to be set apart and owned for Fundamentals without the plaine and explicite Knowledge whereof none can be saved in which as well Negative infidelity not at all to know them as positive infidelity to refuse to beleeve them doth condemn Now such are all those things without which we can neither savingly beleeve in Christ nor rightly call upon God in Christ and worship him to the obtaining of eternall Life In a word without which Christians can neither have pious affections towards God nor exercise the Religious Acts of Faith Hope and Charity being absolutly necessary to Salvation These two things beene yeelded and granted that our Faith is to trust on the Scriptures alone and that all every one of those things
the Fundamentall Points can scarce or not at all to be brought to a set number First of al that which hinders is this that according to the diverse conceits of diverse men the formes of Propositions are altered and one Divine breaks that into two which another makes up into one Proposition Hence of necessity must arise an uncertainty of their number Which wee see to have happened in the very Articles of the Creed Aqu●n 2. 2. quaest 1. a●an co●p which Divines commonly count to be twelve and yet some reckon them up fourteen What shall I say that as yet Divines are not well agreed amongst themselves of the very distinction of a Fundamentall point Some restraine this name to those Doctrines alone which with an expresse Faith are to be beleeved of all Christians to the obtaining of Salvation and eternal life by Christ and this I professe to bee mine opinion Yet are there some most learned and famous Divines which terme all Propositions Fundamental Doctrines which they themselves by good and strong Consequence inferre out of the former Fundamentals although few or none bee found in their neighbouring Churches who plainely perceive the Truth of these Consequences Many things deterre me from being of this opinion but this most especially that this would bee a necessary and everlasting cause of an unnecessary and everlasting Rent betwixt the Churches of Christ Lastly there never were nor will bee wanting some who will require that it may bee reckoned amongst the Fundamentals whatsoever themselves unlearnedly and erroneously dreame that they have digged and drawn out of the Word of God And these for the most part are those hatefull and troublesome Brawlers who presently give out the Alarum that the Foundations of Religion are pluckt up from the very roots if any dare shake their imaginary Fundamentals Whilst the very nature and definition of a Fundamentall Doctrine flotes in this manner it is no more impossible to count the waves of the Sea than it is percisely to define the set and certaine number of Fundamentall Doctrines ebbing and flowing according to mens severall opinions But least I might seeme wholly to wave and decline the marking out of Fundamentall Doctrines I will shew plainely what was the opinion both of Ancient and Moderne Divines in this matter by publique producing of their testimonies As touching things to be beleeved all Foundations of the Christian Faith are comprised in the Apostles Creed neither shall he who from his heart professeth that he affordeth beliefe to all and every thing therein contained be deficient in any thing so farre as concernes things to be beleeved to the partaking of Salvation in Christ and retaining of Communion with the brethren of Christ Now let us see how honourably the ancient Fathers did both thinke and speake of this Creed Irenaeus saith That the Church dispersed thorow the whole World received this Faith from the Apostles Lib. 1. cap. 2 3. and carefully kept it so that by consent in this Faith they as it were dwell all in one house and have one heart And hee sheweth that this Faith doth suffice for the Vnity of all Churches together amongst themselves as the Dutch Spanish French Easterne Egyptian Lybian in a word all Christian Churches Irreformab●●em lib. de Virgin velan Tertullian calleth this Creed the one Rule of Faith sole immoveable and which need not or may not be altered or reformed Hilary tyred with the contentions of the Arians takes breath with this speech Ad Conslat August It is most safe for us to retaine the first and sole Evangelicall Faith Confessed and Vnderstood in our Baptism Augustine cals this Creed the comprehension and Perfection of our Faith Tom. 10. de temp Serm. 2. Dom● in Ramis palmar pag. 849. Serm. 131. adding with all that it is plaine short and full so that the plainenesse doth provide and take order to helpe the homelinesse of simple Auditours The shortnesse easeth the memory and the fulnesse compriseth all Doctrine In another place he cals it the certain rule of Faith by which Beleevers may hold the Catholique Truth and by which they may convince all hereticall wickednesse Russinus saith Exposit in the Creed that this Creed may also be called the Triall or Touchstone if we meet a man we doubt of do but examine him by this Creed and he will presently discover himselfe whether he be a foe or a Friend Lastly Serm of the Creed Maximus Taurinensis writes that the Apostles did deliver the mystery of Faith to the Church of God that because there was to be diversity of Beleevers under the one name of Christ the privy signet of the Creed should distinguish the Faithfull from the Vnbeleevers Come we now to see what was the Schoolmens Judgement of this Creed Alexander of Hales brings this reason why the Creed was composed Parte 3. quae● 69. m●mb 2. That it might be the Instruction of the Faithfull in one Vnderstanding and Confession of the Truth and Devotion of Religion in which the nature of Man is to obtaine blessednes Somewhat after To instruct in the Faith was the cause of making the Apostles Creed for to this purpose was it composed that the Faithfull might be taught in one Faith to beleeve all things necessary to Salvation Aquinas determines that as touching these first believables 2.2 quaest 2. art 5. in corp whith are the Articles of the Faith every one is bound explicitely to beleeve them but as concerning other believables he is bound only implicitely to beleeve them and in the Preparation of his mind that is having his Heart in readinesse to imbrace them when it shall appeare to him that they are contained in the Doctrin of the Faith Bonaventure saith Sent. l. 3. dist 25 qu. 1. in conclu resp●ad 2. When it is demanded whether the Doctrin of the Faith be sufficiently contained in the Apostles Creed we may answer that if we speak of the Doctrin of Faith in respect to those things which therein are most principall and proper they are sufficiently contained in the Creed Neither is there any thing to be beleeved which may not be reduced to the Articles contained in the Creed as the principles and stable foundations I passe other Schoolemen because it is their generall judgement that the plaine and unfolded beliefe of the Apostles Creed is enough for Common Christians for the attaining of Salvation though a greater measure of Knowledge bee required from men of greater Learning Whence the Master of the Sentences after hee had concluded Sent. lib 3. dist 25. That in the time of Grace all things ought to be beleeved which are contained in the Creeds afterwards hee addeth that it is one thing to know only what a Man ought to beleeve to obtaine eternall lift and another to know how the same may be maintained and defended against wicked men opposing it which Knowledge many Faithfull men cannot skill of and yet they
Church conceive the Roman may be hindered and broken off and yet by no default of ours as often as it shall demand and require that we should approve or exercise any Idolatrous Acts in the publike service of God or should command or compell us to acknowledge or receive any doctrines repugnant to Scriptures or Godly mens consciences Yet in the meane time that Church which is counted no whit sound or Orthodox is to be esteemed a visible Church of Christ and to be ranked amongst the particular Christian Churches Yea as much as lies in us wee are to afford to the same all offices of brotherly Charity although our Actuall and outward Communion with the same be neither suffered of them nor may be retained of us because of the false doctrine and superstitious worships prevailing in the same Now out of those things which we before have disputed concerning the difference of Fundamentall points from those which are not Fundamentall we will endeavour to shew that those things are not Fundamentall about which hitherto there hath been such strife with so great heate of mens minds betwixt Protestants Those points onely are to be owned for Fundamentall Reas 1 which being overthrown or not at all beleeved no congregation of men can worship God so as to obtaine from him Pardon Grace and Glory But no point controverted is of this nature Therefore not Fundamentall None will call our Major Proposition into question because it is cleere that those who start asunder from the very foundations of saving Faith are not capable of those benefits which are promised to the Faithfull alone As touching the Minor If any dare affirme that no hope of pardon Grace or Glory doth shine to them who are otherwise minded than the rest in these controverted Doctrines him I conceive to sin more against charity than any of the Protestant Churches sin against verity Yea I dare adde this if any converse or persisteth in this errour alone he more shakes the foundation of the Protestant Truth than those whom he rashly chargeth to have violated the foundation for other errours whatsoever in controversall Divinity Those Points Reas 2 whereabout Protestants contend were neither Preached to the whole world by the Apostles as all those things were which were absolutely necessary to be known and believed to the salvation of Christians neither were they for such recommended by the succeeding Churches universally to Christian People whatsoever therefore divers Churches diversly determined concerning the Truth of these opinion yet ought they all to agree in this That they ought not to be reckoned with the fundamental articles of the Christian Faith If any man can cast and contrive any head of controverted divinity betwixt Protestant Churches into a short and no whit doubted of Proposition and truly affirme thereof This Proposition was maintained by the Apostles was received of the Vniversall Church amongst the Articles of Catholike and saving Faith I yeeld up the bucklers and grant the cause I will call it a Fundamentall Doctrine and I will pronounce those Churches which reject it to have fallen off from the Foundation and I will adjudge them unworthy of Brotherly communion with other Churches But if no Protestant can doe this none ought to call that a fundamentall Doctrine which himselfe defends or to challenge the Divines of other Churches being of another opinion of overthrowing the Foundation much lesse for this cause to deny the Rites of brotherly communion to whole Churches The affirming of Fundamentall Doctrines is so cleerly set down in the holy Scriptures Reas 3 that none of the unlearned much lesse of the learned can fall into the contrary damned opinions except they bee very negligent in learning the Catholike Faith or such as will not learne the Faith it selfe which is manifest in the Scriptures which is truly observed of Augustine De Agone Christi 6.28 But it is plaine to all that in these Doctrines whereabout Protestant Churches dissent that at the least on the one side numberlesse Christians are deceived and they men godly pious and most desirous of the Truth yea many Divines of the first ranke being versed and exercised in reading and meditating of the Scriptures through the whole course of their life Neither let any here object against me that the modern Anti-Trinitarians daily doe search the Scriptures and yet neverthelesse persist in the obstinate deniall of a Fundamentall Article for they are not only negligent in learning the Catholike Faith and drawing it out of holy Scriptures but also they are wilfully contemptuous in opposing the Catholike Faith and furiously bold in recalling the manifest Doctrine of the Scripture to the account of their doating and giddy Reasons subject to an erroneous Vertigo therefore to them agrees that of the Apostle 2 Thes 2.11 For this cause God shall send them strong delusion c. But none can passe the same sentence upon those Christians which adhere either to the Saxon or Helvetian Churches None therefore ought to set downe that those Doctrines are Fundamentall or necessato be known to Salvation in which it is probable that now this side now that side is deceived but impossible that both should be in the right as often as they contradict one another It is no Fundamentall point which Reas 4 cannot otherwise bee extracted or deduced out of the Scriptures than by the hard and long pathes of controversies alwayes untraceable to simple Christians sometimes scarce sometimes not at all evident even to the learned themselves Such are all those things which are in controversie betwixt Protestant Churches whose connexion with the Foundations of the Catholike Faith the Disputants on both sides say they see plainly necessary but the Adversaries on both sides cry it down that they see no connexion at all but plaine people ignorant of the art of Logick oftentimes give a blinde assent to their Doctors being themselves in the meane time altogether uncertaine of the strength of such consequences Things that in this manner are by their Doctors extracted and propounded to Christians may sometimes be true but can never be fundamētall that is absolutely necessary for every Christian to be known and beleeved for the obtaining of eternall life For even as they may enjoy the light and benefit of the Sun who cannot perceive the Mathematicall demonstrations of the bignesse and motions thereof so those may enjoy the light and benefit of fundamentall Doctrines to Salvation who cannot behold the Theologicall inferences and deductions drawn out of them Therefore they are not Fundamentalls but things rightly deduced in some mens Judgements from the Fundamentalls which are so much urged to be beleeved from the Divines which strive amongst themselves It is not the part of wise Divines Reas 5 so to swell and increase the number of Fundamentall points that all Christians as well learned as unlearned should be wholly uncertaine and ignorant what and of what kinde those be which are adjudged properly to belong to the
Churches of Christ If ye be founded upon the Rock of Rome ye be living and pretious stones if not only spongy and hollow ones If ye acknowledge the Pope of Rome Head of the Churches ye are the true and living members of the holy Catholique Church if otherwise ye are dead and rotten carkasses of Churches Lastly if ye imbrace the Pope for your Husband ye are chast and true-borne Churches if otherwise ye are adulterous and to be accursed to the pit of Hell So the Romanists We can patiently take these taunts and wrongs from their hands who dreame that our Churches are rent from the true Foundation because they refuse to joyne with a false But verily if any Protestant Church which dares not deny but that another is built on Christ should dare notwithstanding to cut the same off as a rotten member and cast it off from all brotherly Communion this were to offer an affront to Christ himselfe and to do an injury to the Brethren both of us and Christ That therefore we may know with what Churches it is meet for us to retaine Brotherly Communion we ought to know what Churches are to be accounted to have and to hold true and saving Union with this their Foundation We deny not but that amongst the Churches which cleave to this only Foundation some may be fastened firmer and nearer than others amongst the Churches quickened by this Head and Root some may draw more plentifull sense and sap than others but we ought not because of the severall degrees of Knowledge and Grace to separate our selves from Brotherly Communion with those whom we may and ought to hope as yet to remaine conjoyned with their saving Foundation As touching single Persons God alone who searcheth the Heart can know who have an inward spirituall and lively conjunction with this saving Foundation But concerning whole Churches so far as it is lawfull for men to know and judge whether or no they be savingly coupled to the Foundation it may be judged and determined by the works which can and use dayly to be exercised by them For those Churches wherin those Acts are performed whereby men may be united to Christ remaine in him and by him be brought to eternall life none can affirme or will imagine that such are estranged or pluckt asunder from this the only Foundation of mans Salvation That we may now begin from Infants In all Reformed Churches Baptisme is administred in the Name of the most holy Trinity by benefit wherof such are grafted into Christ and rightly coupled to this their Foundation For as for these Infants who cannot by any Act of their own apply themselves to the Foundation the holy Spirit vouchsafeth by the Laver of Regeneration to frame apply the Foundation to them But of those who are capable of Reason and can use the Freedome of their own will 't is expected and required from them that they bring divers Acts both of their Understanding and Will to the making and keeping of their due Union with Christ Amongst which these foure are accounted the Principall to which all others may easily bee reduced First on the part of the Understanding there is required an Act of knowing all those things concerning God and Christ without which no saving Union can be established betwixt us and Christ nor free Reconciliation betwixt us and God the Father To which purpose those words of our Saviour seem to tend This is eternall Life that they might know thee the only true God Ioh. 17.3 and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent If there be any Congregations of men which as yet have not attained to this measure of saving Knowledge we confesse such to be alienated from the life of God Ephe. 4.18 2.12 13. through the Ignorance that is in them and that because of the blindnesse of their hearts as we are taught by the Apostle But there is none of the Protestant Churches blinded with such dark Ignorance but that the Christians therein may know God and Christ so far as is sufficient to Salvation if they assent to the Truth Preached amongst them Secondly besides this speculative Knowledge of God and Christ there is also required an Act of beleeving that is Practically with Assurance to rely on Christ being knowne We grant therefore that those Churches or Companies of men met in one body of a Congregation however they may put on and pretend the Name of Christian yet to have no entercourse nor society with Christ the Foundation amongst whom Christ is not so preached nor acknowledged that men may rely on him with a lively and justifying Faith Such are those which dissolve the Hypostaticall Union of two Natures in Christ the Mediatour without which we can neither have nor hope for a saving conjunction with Christ and God the Father But in all the Reformed Churches Christ God and Man is so Preached that there is no doubt to be made but numberlesse soules embrace him with a true lively and justifying Faith They are therfore and do remaine conjoyned to this Foundation under that very formall conception wherein Christ the Foundation of mans Salvation may bee conjoyned to men to conferre Grace and Life upon them Thirdly on the part of the Will it is required of all that would not be parted from this their Foundation that they practise a dayly exercise of Repentance without which it must needes come to passe that our dayly sins must divide and separate us from God and Christ to our eternall destruction On the other side where this constant practice of Repentance comes betwixt we remaine founded in Christ reconciled to God and ordained to happinesse Wherefore in what Church soever the Gospell is so preached and the Foundation of mans Salvation is so setled and established that it is to be hoped that Christians taught by it and living in it by beleeving and repenting may obtaine forgivenesse of their sins and everlasting life we ought to pronounce and conceive of that Church that it is truly conjoyned and remaines firmly coupled to Christ the Author Fountaine and Foundation of Grace and Salvation Fourthly besides this Practice of Repentance that this our conjunction with the foundation may be the more sure and evident the unfeigned desire and endeavour of Obedience and a new Life flowing from Faith and Love of Christ is required If the Act of Obeying be wanting there wants the Act of Beleeving and Loving there wants all hope of conjoyning such with Christ For what Christ said Ioh. 14.15 If you love mee keep my Commandements was all one as if he had said If you be conjoyned to me keep my Commandements Gal. 6.15 and 5.6 Because In Christ neither Circumcision availeth any thing nor Vncircumcision but Faith which worketh by Love What Churches then soever of the Protestants stand in this condition that men in them are enlightned to know God and Christ are furthered to beleeve in him are turned away from their sins
excell most in Faith it selfe Nor doe the modern Papists differ herein from the Schoolmen Let the Fathers of Trent speake Ses●ion 3. The Apostles Creed is that Principle in which all that professe the Faith of Christ do necessarily agree and it is that firme and only foundation against which the gates of Hell shall never prevaile And in the very Catechism of the Council of Trent this Creed is called Pag. 14. The short forme of the Christian Faith and Hope the summe and foundation of Truth first and necessarily to be beleeved of all Canifius affirmes That the words in the Creed tend to this purpose that we may have the true Knowledge of God and Heavenly things which is necessary to every man towards the leading of a godly and happy life comprised in briefe abridgement James Baius cals it the rule of the Christian faith prescribed to all Beleevers because by this common Profession of the faith those of the same houshold and brethren are distinguished from their Enemies Out of which testimonies we gather that it was the generall opinion of Divines that all Fundamentall Doctrines of the Christian Faith necessary with the necessity of the meanes to the Salvation of men were comprehended in the Creed so that none shall perish for meer ignorance of God and Christ who give an explicite Faith to these things Yet we say not that besides these few Fundamentals Christians should make no account of all other Doctrines which are placed in the Holy Scriptures Yea all Pastors and Doctors are bound by the necessity of the Precept to further the perfecting of the Saints and edifying of the Body of Christ Eph. 4.11 12. till we all come into the unity of the Faith and of the Knowledge of the Son of God unto a perfect Man The people themselves also are bound where ability and opportunity is afforded them to grow unto the riches of the full assurance of Vnderstanding Col. 2.2 to the acknowledgement of the Mystery of God and of the Father and of Christ But neither Doctours of Particular Churches nor Christians living in them are bound to break off the band of Brotherly Communion with other Churches which embrace this Summe of the Christian Faith in that sense wherein the Catholique Church always received it and professe themselves enemies to all Heresies that overthrow the same Now as we have set downe the Apostles Creed for the briefe of Fundamentals pertaining to the saving Mysteries of Faith so wee acknowledge the Decalogue as the Symbole and Summe of all things to be done as touching duties due to the worship of God and offices of Charity which wee owe to our Neighbour For wee may fitly enough call Fundamentall Doctrines not only those Mysteries of Faith whose explained Knowledge is altogether necessary to the Salvation of Christians but also those Doctates of the Divine Law which if we know not at all we cannot worship God as we ought to the obtaining of Salvation In this sense we terme the Decalogue the Summe of things to bee done even as wee styled the other of which we have spoken before the Sum of things to be beleeved For the meere speculative Knowledge of the Divine Mysteries without the practicall knowledge of the Divine Mandats can bring none to blessednesse Therefore Luth. Tom. 1. in disp p. 406. Philip. pag. 436. the teaching of Gods Law in Churches is plainly necessary and altogether to be retained without which Christ cannot be retained For to this Law not only our corporall life but also our spirituall life ought to bee subjected Now those things which are propounded in this Law of God are so fundamentall that they cannot be broken without the guilt of death nor opposed and denyed without the staine of Heresie The Fundamentals of the Creed aime at this end that we may know God and Christ to eternall Life as either hath revealed himselfe The Fundamentals of the Decalogue drive at this That wee may worship both as they have commanded themselves to be worshipped If any overthrow the Fundamentals of Gods worship he is shut out from Salvation as much as if hee had overturned the Mysteries of Faith Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the Kingdom of God Be not deceived Aquin. quaest disp de superb art 4. neither fornicators nor Idolaters nor Adulterers c. As if the Apostle had said It is no lesse damnable to erre in these morall than in speculative principles For the corruption of ones opinion about those things which pertaine to manners may make an Heretique no lesse than about those things which pertaine to Faith if it be in any Universall Principle of Gods Law Hee that beleeves he may worship many Gods or adore the true God in an Image made with hands that is of the opinion that theft or fornication are things lawfull grates upon a Fundamentall Doctrine and runs into a deadly and dangerous Heresie For the practicall dictate which is included in every mandate of the Law is a Fundamentall truth and ought equally to bee beleeved as an Article of the Creed in speculative things If any man therefore should beleeve or teach that our Parents are not to be honoured or any thing else against a Commandement of God although he reverenceth his Parents with due honour or keepes that Commandement himselfe yet should hee bee an Hetetique and justly to bee accused for overturning a Foundation of Faith Let the Church of Rome therefore looke to it which boasteth that the Foundations of the Christian Faith hitherto have been preserved chiefly by her care whether or no she hath not grosly and damnably erred in the Fundamentals of the Decalogue to say nothing of her other errors Now if any will adde unto the Fundamentall Doctrines of the Creed and Commandements the Doctrine also of the Sacraments clearely revealed in the Gospell I am not against it provided on this condition that as they shall not all passe for fundamentals which Divines endeavour to build upon the fundamentall Articles of the Creed but that those only bee counted fundamentall which are necessary for all to know and beleeve to Salvation So also in the matter of the Sacraments every thing shall not presently bee a Fundamentall which may bee disputed about the Sacraments or gathered by the occasion of the Words which Christ spake but whatsoever Christ hath so set down and established that it is absolutely necessary to the receiving of Grace and Salvation in the use of the Sacraments As concerning the Sacrament of Baptisme it is a Fundamentall Doctrine that Christians must be Baptized in the Name of the most Holy Trinity that they may bee grafted into Christ Now they that beleeve and doe this retaine the Fundamentall doctrine of Baptisme although it may happen that the same men may in their minds conceive some false opinions of Baptisme or mingle some vaine and uselesse rites in the Administration thereof So in the Sacrament of