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life_n believe_v eternal_a see_v 6,178 5 3.7252 3 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A29466 A brief narrative of that stupendious [sic] tragedie late intended to be acted by the satanical saints of these reforming times humbly presented to the king's most excellent majesty : also, an impartial account of the indictment, arraignment, tryal [sic], and condemnation of Thomas Tonge, George Phillips, Francis Stubbs, James Hind, John Sallers, and Nathaniel Gibbs, at Justice-Hall in the Old-Bailey, London, Decemb. 11, 1662 ; together with the confessions, speeches, and prayers of George Phillips, Thomas Tonge, Nathaniel Gibbs, Francis Stubbs, at the place of execution, on Munday, Decemb. 22, 1662. / exactly taken in short-hand characters, by the same person that wrote the late king's judges tryals. Hill, William, fl. 1662.; Tonge, Thomas, d. 1662.; Phillips, George, d. 1662.; Stubbs, Francis, d. 1662.; Sallers, John, d. ca. 1662.; Gibbs, Nathaniel, d. 1662. 1662 (1662) Wing B4611; ESTC R32577 58,554 95

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we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. And blessed be thy Name O merciful God that has made such a Covenant of everlasting grace to poor sinners and the children that do believe in thee through Jesus Christ. Thou hast said thou wilt be merciful to all our iniquities and sins and wilt remember them no more These are thy promises and they are all Yea and Amen in Christ Jesus Thou hast made thy servant to hear thy voice in thy Son Thou hast been a merciful God to him and forgiven him all his sins and justified him freely through the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. Who shall condemn us or lay any thing to our charge It is God that justifies who gave himself a ransom for our sins died for our sins is risen again and now sits at the right hand of God ever living and making intercession for us whose blood speaks better things then the blood of Abel His blood cryed for vengeance but the blood of Christ cries for peace and forgiveness God is in Christ reconciling himself unto the world not imputing their trespasses He hath made him to be sin for us who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousness of God in him Blessed be thy Name that thou hast sent thy holy Childe Jesus to be the propitiation not onely for our sins but for the sins of the whole world He hath suffered the just for the unjust that he might bring us unto God O do thou therefore help thy poor servants before thee and all thy children Give us to see the removal of eternal death by the death of the Lord Jesus Let us see thee at peace with us and justifying of us through thy grace All have sinned and come short of thy glory but being justified through the redemption of Christ Jesus whom God hath let form to be a propitiation for the sins of the whole world Thou hast promised that whosoever believeth in the Lord Jesus Christ thy grace thy mercy thy love shall not perish but have everlasting life and thou hast given to thy poor servant exceeding great and precious promises and by thy own Spirit bringing home these premises given him to believe the Records thou hast given of thy Son which beareth witness That God is reconciled to him and well pleased with him in Christ Jesus and given him eternal life And seeing thou hast hid his soul in Jesus Christ when he shall appear then shall we appear with him in glory and be made like to our Lord Jesus Christ By the same power that thou raisest up Jesus Christ from the dead by the same power thou art able to subdue all things There is nothing impossible with God what ever thou hast promised shall be performed Heaven and Earth shall pass away but one title of thy word shall not fail And therefore blessed be thy Name that thou hast revealed these things to thy poor and unworthy Creature that thou art his God and Father that thou wilt never leave him nor forsake him and thou hast hid his life in Christ and wrote his name in the Book of Jesus Christ and he rejoyceth that he knows he is his who is the onely true God Knows thou art well pleased with him and justified him freely from all his sins accepted him in and through the Lord Jesus Christ. O therefore dear Father do thou receive his soul according to thy promise that he may be thine and thou his God O blessed Father do thou be pleased to do good to all thy people And now dear Father take care of our families be thou a Husband to our yoke-fellows a Father to the fatherless Do them good abundantly above what we are able to ask or think and what is wanting and lost by our removal do thou hand out to them thy mercy and grace and move the hearts of the children of men to do them good Be thou their God help them and provide for them Seal up thy loving kindness to them not onely for this life but for the life to come Do good to our Magistrates thou who hast the hearts of all men make such as are about them men fearing God and hating covetousness that may judge for God that he may have glory O be pleased to let His Majesty rule and reign in righteousness let His Throne be established in righteousness and reveal the choicest of thy blessings to His poor soul Manifest Christ Jesus and him crucified to Him and give Him to see the most precious blood of Christ cleansing Him from all sins Binde up His soul in the bundle of everlasting life crown Him with a crown of righteousness as well as with an earthly Crown Let Him be a Nursing Father and Nursing Mother indeed to this Nation that He may hate the evil doer and be a praise to them that do well Do good to every one of us O help us that we may first seek the Kingdom of God First believe in God and then honor our King First fear God and serve him and then give to Cesar that which is Cesars Give unto the King that which is the Kings give Him all obedience to live quietly in all godliness and honesty And now O Lord do thou take away that spirit of emulation and strife and malice From whence comes wars come they not from our lusts The Lord remove pride prejudice and malice from us and cause us to love one another The Lord teach every one in their places to walk continually to the glory and praise of God that we professing the name of Christians may be enabled to walk humbly and meekly to do good to walk uprightly and to love mercy and then certainly we may expect that blessing that God hath promised to them that believe in him which is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen Mr. Stubb's Prayer PRecious and Eternal Lord God in thy presence O Lord are we and in the presence of thy Son and of thy Holy Angels and in the presence of this great multitude that now is beholding us poor abjects poor worms poor dust and ashes and truly Lord we were not able to lift up our heads this day except thou didst come in by thy mighty Power O Lord help us to see the Heavens opened this day and that the armes of our Christ may be opened to receive our poor Souls O Lord we are bidding farewel to the world farewel to the creature enjoyments farewell to every thing and now Lord we are going home unto thy deer and precious self draw forth our Souls and enlarge our hearts after thee that we may be in the pursuit of our God our Souls long for the Lord as the Hart longs or pants after the water brooks Lord appear in this hour this is a great Trial that thy poor creatures are brought to Now come and smile upon thy poor worm O that thou wouldst communicate thy self unto us the Lord lift up the light of
poor sinners under the Law and herein was the great grace and mercy of God to wards all sinners that he was so gracious to send his beloved Son out of his own bosome to take our natures upon him who was defiled and cursed and condemned and separated from God I say Jesus Christ took our natures upon him and for this very end to do the will of his heavenly Father Lo it is written in the volume of thy b●ok I come to do thy will O God and it w●s his meat and drink to do his will and what was that but that we might be sanctified through the offering up of the body of Jesus Christ for our sins to tread the winepress of his Fathers wrath and to endure the cross and bear all our sins in his own body that made his soul heavy unto death he was a surety for us and our sins and for our s●kes the Lord laid on him the iniquity of us all and he hath born our grief and endured our punishment it made his soul cry out My God my God why hast thou forsaken me or else we must for ever be banished out of the presence of God and never have any hopes of glory of faith or of salvation had not the Son of God become our Mediatour and Surety so there is one God and one Mediatour the Man Christ Jesus He gave himself a ransom for all our sins to free us from the wrath to come everlasting destruction and from the worm that never dies O that we could ever be thankful to God live to him that hath so loved us as to send his Son to die for us and is by the almighty power of God raised from the dead and now sits at the right hand of God and ever lives to make intercession Truly friends this is not the love of man but the love of God and therefore eternal love God so loved the world it is Gods love he loved sinners ungodly ones he did so love them as to give his onely begotten Son to save them to reconcile them to uphold them to redeem them from wrath to come it was to seek and save them that were lost This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation that Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners We all like sheep had gone astray and must perish in our sins had not the Lord Jesus been sent of his Father out of his bosome to declare the good will of God and did it by which we are sanctified through the offering up of the body of Jesus Christ and this Lord Jesus Christ the eternal Son of God he is the Mediatour between God and poor sinners Come unto me all ye that are weary and heavy laden says Christ and I will give you rest now this grace is from God we are saved by grace and that not of our selves it is the gift of God through faith in Christ we are saved and all things that do pertain to life and godliness it is the gift of God now all things are of God who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ to wit that God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself not imputing their trespasses unto him Would you know the forgiveness of your sins your peace with God and that God is well pleased with you God is reconciled by Jesus Christ unto you and does not impute your sins unto you but looks on the righteousness of Christ as satisfaction that thereby you might have the remission of your sins through the bloud of Christ. Be it known unto all men that through this mans preaching the forgiveness of sins Acts 13.38 39. and by him all that do believe are justified from all things from which they could not be by the Law of Moses now justification from sin and redemption from iniquity is through the knowledge of Christs death for your sins and his resurrection and now there is no other name given under heaven whereby we can be saved but by the name of Jesus and whosoever believeth in his name shall not perish but have everlasting life Ioh. ● 24 It is the doctrine of Jesus Christ it is his word and hope you will search the Scriptures and look into those things for your souls good when Christ says Verily verily I say unto you He that heareth my words and believeth them he hath everlasting life and shall not come into condemnation but is passed from death to life The reason why God does assure poor sinners they shall not pass into everlasting condemnation and perish is through his rich grace through his promise for he hath promised he will be merciful to our iniquities and our sins will remember no more and these his promises of grace which are all Yea and Amen in Christ are ratified by the bloud of Christ the bloud of Christ is this bloud of the New Covenant and it is that by which we have the forgiveness remission and cleansing of all our sins Vndersheriff Mr. Gibbs let me interrupt you this is very good and pertinent but you have said these things over and over there is another of your friends is to speak and the time grows short pray go on to the matter or conclude Gibbs I shall speak a word or two as to the knowledge of forgiveness of sins by and through Jesus Christ and so the knowledge of the Resurrection of the dead it is the fruit of Jesus Christ for by the first man came death and by the second man Christ came life and God that has by his exceeding great and mighty power raised up Jesus Christ from the grave and power of sin he also shall raise us up by the same power and when he comes again the second time at his appearing and coming we shall see him and be made like to him and he will receive us to himself he is gone to prepare a place for us and in his Fathers house are many mansions and if it were not so he would have told us and now God that hath given eternal life and forgiveness of sins unto his poor servants he will also when Jesus Christ shall come to judge the world receive him into his everlasting glory which is my faith expectation and hope in God through Jesus Christ. A man may bear his infirmities but a wounded conscience who can bear when God smites who can bear and therefore I desire as I believe the forgiveness of all my sins through the rich Grace of God through the bloudshed of Jesus Christ his Son every one must give account to God and as their Works are so will their Reward be either accepted by God as workers of Christ or condemned as workers of iniquity Last of all as to the separated Congregations to whom I belong I have observed in those few daies that I have lived there is a great deal of animosity evil will hard censuring and abusing the pretious Saints of Jesus Christ. If they are in an error you