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A16122 The summe of the holye scripture and ordinarye of the Christen teachyng, the true Christen faithe, by the whiche we be all iustified. And of the vertue of baptesme, after the teaching of the Gospell and of the Apostles, with an informacyon howe all estates shulde lyve accordynge to the Gospell.; Summa der godliker Scrifturen. English Bomelius, Henricus, 1500?-1570.; Fish, Simon, d. 1531. 1529 (1529) STC 3036; ESTC S114463 99,848 250

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it behoveth that thou beleve him stedfastly without ony maner waveringe to thinten that thou knowe that it is all grace and not deserving and that the wordes and promyses of god be verey certein and true for god hath called vs his children as saint Paule saieth Because that ye are sonnes god hath sent the sprite of hys sonne into oure hertes crying Abba father Then arte thou nowe no servaunt but a sonne Gala. 4 and if thou be a sonne then art thou also heyre of god by christ ād so be we delyvered from oure sinnes and from the bondage of the devell and made heyres of the kingdome of heven by the benefit of Iesu christ He beleveth in god that putteth all his trust and hope in god and in the iustice of god living after his power accordinge to the rule of charite having no maner hope nor trust in the world in his good works or good life but alonly in the goodnesse of god and in the merites of Iesu christ beleving certeynly that god will hold to hym that he hath promysed remission of sinnes and certeynte of everlasting life He that doth so is a true christen and beleveth stedfastly that the wordes of god must nedes be true Notwithstanding that according to his workes he thinketh it a thing ympossible Neverthelesse he beleveth that he shal be saved without deservinge of any good workes rather then the wordes of god and all thinges that they do promyse shuld not come to passe As writeth saynt Paule of Abraham which beleved rather that his wife whiche was bareyne out of thage of generacyon shuld conceyve a childe rather thē the promyse of god shuld not be fulfilled And by this fayth was Abraham reputed iuste byfore God not by his good workes So behoveth it that euery christen do albeit that it seme to him ympossible to be saved bycause he hath done no good he shall neverthelesse stykke stedfastly vnto the goodnesse and mercy of God and vnto hys worde yn suche maner that he doubt not yn nothyng Lu. 2● For Christ sayeth in Saynt Luke Heven and erth shall passe but my worde shall never passe Of this sayth wryteth Saynt Paule vnto the Romayns Ro. 10. whosoever shall call on the name of the lord God shal be saved He therfore that calleth vppon hym on whome he beleveth not that he may helpe hym loseth but his laboure Therfore thou must first beleve in hym And then if thou call vppon hym with suche a fayth as we haue spoken of thou shalt be saved Of this fayth speaketh also the prophete Esaie as recy●eth Saynt Paule the apostle yn the forseyd Chaptre All they that beleue yn hymshall not be ashamed And ageyn saint Paule Ro. 10 If thou confesse with thy mouth that Iesus is the lord and that thou beleue with a perfaict herte that God hath reised christ frō deth thou shalt be saved And the word that Christ preched first as recyteth Saint Marke was The tyme is full come and the kingdome of god is evyn at honde repent and beleve the gospell Mar. 1 Of this faith writeth lyke wise saint Iohn and they be the wordes of Christ vnto Nicodemus as Moyses lift vp the serpent in wildernesse even so must the sonne of man be lift vp that no man that beleveth in him perisshe but haue eternall life Iohn 3 God so loued the worlde that he gaue his onely sonne for the entent that none that beleve in him shuld perisshe but shuld haue everlasting life And a lytell after he that beleveth in him shall not be cōdempned and ageyn in the same chaptre He that beleveth on the sonne hath everlasting life and he that beleveth not the sonne shall not see life but the wrathe of god abideth vppon him By all these escriptures here maist thou see that we be all the children of God alonly thorowe faith and this had God lever promyse vnto vs bicause of oure faith then bicause of oure good workes to thintent that we shuld be so moche the more certeyn of oure helth And therfore saith saint Paule by faith is the enheritaunce gyven that it might come of grace that the Ro. 4. promyse be sure and stedfast to all the seade for if god had said whosoever will do suche or suche workes shal be saved we shuld ever haue byn īcerteyn whether we shuld haue byn saved or not for we shuld never haue knowen whether we had dogood ynough to haue deserved the lyfe eternall But nowe god hath promysed it vnto vs bicause of oure faith by hys favoure not by oure workes to thintent that we be the more sure therof For let vs beleve stedfastly and we may knowe for certeyn that we be the childrē of god Not that we haue deserved it but bycause he hath promysed it And it must nedes be that the word of god be true for this cause if we haue perfeit trust in god and beleve perfeitly in him we shal be sure that we shal be saved It was suche a feith that saint Paule had when he seid 2. Ti. ● I knowe and am sure that he to whome I haue cōmitted and gyven my gage to kepe ys mighty ynough to kepe it for me tyll that day And ageyn I haue fought a good batayl 2. Ti. 4. I haue fulfilled my course and haue kept the faith from hensforth is leyd vp for me a crowne of rightuousnesse whiche the lord that is a rightuous iudge shall give me at that day Not vnto me onely but vnto all theym whiche love hys coming 1. Ioh. 3 And saint Iohn saieth Derely beloved nowe are we the sonnes of God And yet it hath not appered whate we shal be we knew that whē he shal appere we shal be like hī for we shal see hī as he is This faith had also saynt Martine at the houre of his deth when he saide vnto the devell whye art thou here thou bloudy beest thou hast nought in me the seed of Abraham shall receyve me This suertye had likewise saint Imbrose when one axed hym if he feared not the deth he answered whye shuld I feare seyng that we haue one so good a lord● For this cause must we love the deth and more desyre to dye ād to be with god as dyd saint Paule then to feare the deth Phi. 1 for Iesu christ is deede for vs to thintent that we shuld not feare to dye And he hath flayne the deth and hath destroyed the streynght of deth as writeth saint Paule saying 1. Cor. 15 O deth where is thy victory It is swalowed and brought to nought by victory Phi. 1 And vnto the Philippyans Christ is my life and deth is to me advauntage ¶ Howe that feith bryngeth Charyte and Charyte good workes Chaptre .viij. NOwe might one axe when I beleve certeynly that I am the childe of god that Iesu christ hath satisfied for me vnto hys hevenly father
water he hath wasshed and purged vs whiche were defiled and 〈◊〉 For to offer vs pure and clene vnto his father As sayeth Saynt Paule vnto the Ephesyans ●phe 5 He hath gyven hym silfe for vs an offering and a sacryfice of a swete savoure to god And the water of the font doth nowe betoken the water of the syde of Iesu christ In this water be we purged and sanctified by oure faith to thintent that we shulde come pure and clene before God the father whiche hath receyved vs for hys children and hath made vs enheritours of his glorye with hys sonne Iesu christ oure brother And this is the grace the whiche comyth to vs and is gyven at the font of baptesme But to thintent that we shulde not be vnkinde therfore for this grace we do binde oure silves ageyn and yelde vs vnto him promysing that we will serve him denye the devell all his temptacion pōpe counsell that we will serve Christ crucified for vs and vpon this promyse receyve we oure name god hath writē vs as in a rolle for his Champyons servauntes and so be we made propre to god For he is oure father and we be his children This baptesme was figured vnto vs when the children of Israell went thorough the redde see out of Egipt Exo. 1● when Pharo with all his company was drowned in the see The children of Israell went in the see all as though they had gone into deth But for bicause they beleved vnto Moyses they passed the water by they re fayth And be after the maner of spekinge gone out of the deth into lyfe when they hath gotten on the other syde on londe Pharo folowed theym and so was drowned wyth his people So doth everyone vppon the font when he is baptised First he fle●th from Pharo when he beginneth for to knowlege his subiection and bondage by the which he was subiect and servaunt vnto the devell and when he desyreth to be enfraunchised from hys synne and from Pharo that is the devell But he may not escape from Pharo without passyng through the redde see that is to say he may not escape from the devell without he must be baptised And for bicause that the children of Israell when they sawe that Pharo folowed theym beleved god therfore vpon that faith in god they be entred into the see as though they were gone into deth But by the meane of thre faith they haue passed the water and are gone as from the deth vnto life So if eny man will escape from the hōdes of the devill it behoveth him to entre into the water He entreth therin as though he ētred into the deth for he promyseth that he will dye as concernynge all his evell desyres and that he will here lyve before the worlde as though he were deed that is to say that he will not live as the worlde lyveth but will hyde ād cover his life with god And so entre we by faith into the font that is to● say by faith we enterpryse to entre into the deth not into corporall deth but into the deth of sinne no more willing to lyve in sinne And yet all be it that it seme to vs a pleasau●t thinge to lyve in sinne and that we thinke yt an harde thing thus to entre into the see that is to sey into this deth we take alwayes courage and beleve trust in the pnissaunce and goodnesse of God and so entre we into the see that is to sey into this espirituell deth and we enterpryse and promyse to dye as concerning oure sinnes And as by a stedfast faith and trust we dare begynne to entre so gyveth God vnto vs grace and streyngth to passe through that see that is to say through this espirituell deth and to come on londe on the other syde that is vnto the everlasting lyfe Pharo that is to sey the devill with oure sinnes pursue vs. but they drowne theym silves in the water that is to sey the power of the devill and of all oure sinnes perisshe when we entre into the water with suche a feith Whē Pharo was deed then songe the children of Israell and thanked god that they were arryved a londe out of the water as out of the deth So lykewyse must every christen when out of this water that is to say out of this espirituell deth he comyth vnto life that is to sey when he dyeth he shall thanke and preyse God bycause he hath brought hym out of suche a daunger vnto the helth of euerlastyng life But as long as he is yet here in thys worlde he shal be in the deeth that is to say he shall alweyes dye spiritually and his life shal be hydden byfore the worlde with God Here mayst thou well see how that oure baptesme is signified by the redde see as writeth saynt Paule vnto the Corinthyans saying 1. Cor. 10 Oure fathers were all vnder a clowde a●d did passe the see all and were all baptyzed in Moyses in the clowde and in the see and they all did eate one spirituell meate and they all dyd drynke one spirituell drynke So seest thou well whate thing ●ignifieth the baptesme and whate thing we promyse in the same Nowe to thintent that we shulde be alweyes remembryng of this that we haue promysed we be merked with a crosse and with that water The fayth that we haue at the baptesme taketh away oure sinnes and the water is nothynge but a sygne or token wher with we be merked that we must be vnder the standard that is to sey vnder the crosse of Iesu Christ ād valiauntly fight As the Iues had the token of the circumcision wherby men might knowe whether they were Iues or ●aynyms And as when the servauntes of the lordes bere the badge of they re lordes one may therby knowe whose servauntes they be So lyke wyse receyve we the signe of baptesme at the font by the whiche we gyve knowlege that Christ is oure lorde Secondly the baptesme of the water ys also a sygne of the grace of God wherby God maketh vs sure that we shall enioy hys grace and mercy and that he pardoneth vs oure synnes and maketh vs hys chyldren Here vppon gyveth he to vs the token of Baptesme for a gage to thyntent that we shulde be sure that he wyll not forsake vs yn oure batayle and deeth whyche we leade here yn oure evyll desyres and synnes And that he will surely gyve to vs the euerlastyng lyfe And to thintent thē that we shulde enterpryse by a stedfast constance to fight being assured and certayn that god will never forsake vs for we haue ●●●ceyved of him a gage the token of baptesme And if it happon that we mysse sum●tyme in the redde see that is to sey in th● entrepryse of oure batayle and that 〈◊〉 doubt or that oure bataile seme to vs 〈◊〉 harde ād bytter we shall
they corde reade well For alas ye shall fynde thousandes of auncyent persones that can not sey the pater noster and Crede in they re mother tongue and of theym that say it in latyn are many that wote not whate they sey nor knowe not of never an article of the faith Wherfore I say that it is expedient for the christen to set all they re children to skole till they can reade a●d vnderstonde the holy scriptures namely when they be wrytē in they re mother tongue And then they that had not wyt and vnderstondinge worthy to be contynued at scole shulde be caused to lerne an occupacion If they did thus they shulde bring into the worlde double prou●fit First we shulde not haue suche a great nombre of prestes and monkes vnlettered and knowing nothing in the christen churche For nowe there are made many prestes monkes and freres that for lacke of litterature are nothing cōveniēt for that office By the vnlettered prestes is this grete erroure comen into the worlde that ys that in the stede of the pure scriptures whiche is the lyvely worde of God whiche they knowe not they preche narracions fables lyes and tradicions of the invenciō of the yppochrites that alas the faythfull trust honoure which belongeth to gods worde they cause the people to gyve to they re fables and lyes Secōdly it wolde proufit for if euery body wēt so long to skole they shuld vnderstōd more lightly the prechers if thei thē silves had redde the storyes or the Gospell after the letre then they might reherce to they re childrē servaūtes ī doing of their busines some thing of the gospell of the stories or of the scripture īstede of vaine fables ydell wordes vncouenabill maters which they speake the one to the other As we se sūtyme nowe a dayes that felowes of one crast whiche haue bin at scole syng many tymes the song in doing they re bussynesse whiche they haue learned to sing at the scole or at the churche and the other vileyn songes for they haue lerned none other thing ¶ Whate thing is the Christen faith and whate thing one ought to beleve to haue helth Chaptre iiij I Haue seyd at the beginning that the foundacion of Christendome is the faith whyche so fewe people haue and vnderstond not whate the faith is we thīke that when we beleve that god is god and can oure crede that we haue the faith that a Christen is bounde to haue The devell beleveth also that there is a God and one life everlasting and one hell but he is never the better for it Ye and he trembleth alway for this feith as faith saint Iames Iam. 2. The devels beleve and they tremble Som● man might axe whate shall I thē beleve Thou shalt beleve then first plainly and vndoutedly that the father the sonne and the holy gost is one onely god● And this thou shalt not desyre to vnderstond howe nor busy thy silfe moche therin for this is not the principall that we must beleve Oure faith lyeth not principally therin For this likewise beleve the wicked sprites as is saide before and are nothing the better therfore There is yet an other feith whiche Christ so moche requyreth of vs in the gospell and wher unto also saint Paule almost in all his epistles so strongly exhorteth vs. That is that we must first beleve the gospell when oure lorde began first to preache he said as reherseth saint Marke haue repentaunce ād beleve in the gospell Mar. 1. Thou mayst axe me whate thing ys the gospell Hit is a good and ioyfull message or glad tydinges For it is newes of the favour grace mercy and goodnesse of god towarde vs. It is I sey tydinges that god hath taken vs to mercy and therfore songe the aungels when Christ was borne as reherseth saint Luke Lu. ● I shewe vnto you greate ioy for this day is borne youre savioure whiche is Christ the lorde In this gospell that is to sey in this message we beleve certainly that god the father hath sent hither his sonne for to bye vs agayn to enfraunchise vs and to delyuer vs frō the devel to whome we were made subiectes and servauntes by the sinne of oure fore father we coude not helpe ou● silves bicause we were servauntes and b●nde None of vs was abill to satisfie for vs For we were all like wise subiected as sayth Saynt Paule vnto the Romayns Ro. 3. They haue all sinned ād haue nede to the grace of god It was nedefull then that he that shuld satisfie for vs shulde be without sinne without subiection or obligacion And no suche patron or mediatour was there founde in the worlde Thē this one thing was of necessite that other we must abide lost for euer or it behoved that god shulde be made mā So hath oure god almighty had pitye and compassion on vs by the greate love that he had toward vs and hath sent his onely sonne Iesu christ Hiere 31 As writeth the prophete Hieremye saing I haue loved them a-perpetuell charyte therfore I haue drawen the having mercy He hath sent him to thintent that b● his deth whiche he had not deserved he myght appayse God and satisfie hym for vs. Co● 5 As wryteth saynt Paule All is of God whiche hath reconcilyed vs vnto him by christ Then is Christ made a mediator bytwene god and man and hath offered him silfe an oblacion for vs to his father wherby he hath reconsiled vs agayn and made oure peace And for bicause the devell did set his honde vppon Christ to whome he had no right he hath so lost all his right whiche he had over vs. And so are we delyuered from the servitude and subiection of the devell and belong vnto Christ. And by that that the sonne of god is nowe made man he is also made oure brother And if we be his bretheren we be also enheriters wyth hym of the glory of his father Ro. 8. As writeth saint Paule vnto the Romayne saying If we be children we be also heyres with Christ. And we haue as moche and as greate right to heven as Iesu Christ hym silfe For christe is a sonne of God so be we reserved that he is a sonne naturall and was for euer without beginning the sonne of God But we be the children of God allonly by the goodnesse and grace of God whyche he hath done to vs as sayeth Saynt Paule Ephe. 1. He hath predestinate vs into an election of the children of God Then ys it this comen to passe that we must beleve surely that we be the children of god and that god is oure father Secondly thou shalt stedfastly beleve the wordes of god that is to sey that all that god hath seyde shall come to passe and be done without ony f●lse ●ene 17 and. 2● As did the faithfull Abraham whiche when god had promysed to him a thing impossible
in all mannes reason that he shulde haue a sonne of his baraine wife Sara of whom kinges of the people shuld aryse and that in his sede all people shulde be blessed all be it that it was a thing ageinst nature that a woman of foure score and tenne yeres olde shulde conceyve and bere a childe beleved vndoughtedly ād as the childe was borne god as ●●rforth as coude appere vnto mannes iudgement working clene contrary to his promyse commaunded that he shulde s●e him and make sacrifice of him Abraham albeit that all carnall wisdome wolde haue persuaded him to haue dispeyred in the promesse never douted was all redy to do it beleving stedfastly that it shulde rather be possible that his son shulde ryse again from deth rather then the worde and promyse of god shulde not be true So stedfast aud so certayn must we stonde vnto the worde of god ye and although it were so that all men aungels and devels wold persuade vs to the cōtrary we must beleve surely that the worde of god is true that he will fulfill all that he hath promysed Whate thyng hath god promysed vs Ma. ● 4 Mar. 16 he hath promysed vs his everlasting lyfe saying repent the kingdome of heven is at honde Mar. 16 And in an other place whosoeuer shall beleve and be baptised shall be saved He hath also promysed vnto vs remission of all oure sinnes as seyd saint Peter speking of Christ to Cornelius the centurion To him sayd he Act. 10 gyveth all the prophetes witnesse that thorowe his name shall receyve remission of sinnes all that beleve in him that is to sey that al they that with entyre courage forsake they m s●lfe and put all there trust in the grace and mercy of him shall haue remission of all there sinnes Moreover he hath promysed vs that we shall be the children of God as sayth saint Iohn Iohn 1. He hath gyven to theym power to be the childrē of god to theym that beleve in his name All this must we beleue stedfastly all though that we thinke it impossibill after oure workes and sinfull life We must also with a parfa●t courage put all oure trust in god as did Abraham for as saint Paule wryteth Abraham beleved god and hit was imputed vnto him for rightuousnesse Ro. 4. Then when with a parfayt courage we do so put all oure trust in god and in his promyses it is unpossible that we shulde perisshe For he hath promysed vs his life euerlasting And for asmoche as he is almightye and may all thing he may wel holde to vs that he hath promysed And in that that he is mercyfull and true he will holde to vs his promys if we can beleve it stedfastly and put all oure trust in him For as witho●t oure me●tes he hath made vs his children and heyres vppon the font of baptesme so may he lykewise gyve to vs that thing that he hath promysed vs if we can onely trust in him albeit that we haue not 〈◊〉 served it by oure workes Therfore be not discomfort nor yndesperacyon for thy sinnes though thou hast not deserved by thy good workes ●hat god hath made the his heyre for as sayeth saint Paule By grace are ye saved by faith and that not of your silves Ephe. 2 And agayn It is the gifte of god and cometh not of workes ▪ lest eny man shuld host him silf For when we were yet sinners and before that we haue done eny good Ye when we were yet his enemyes he hath not spared his owne sonne but to make ●s likewise his children ād heyres by hī Ro. 8 hath delyuered him vnto deth to make sa●sfaction for oure sinnes to purchase vs pardon and forgyuenesse to make vs one as he is in Christ and Christ in him that Iohn 17 ●o we in god and Christ might be one that the worlde may know that he hath loved vs as he hath loued Christ that there as he is we may be with him that we may se his glory which he hath gyven him bicause he loved him before the world began Ro. 8. Here maist thou se if thou cāst beleue it that it is god that iustifieth who is it thē that shall cōdēpne who shall ley eny sinne to the charge of goddis elect sith christ ys ●eed for oure sinnes risen ageyn for our ●ustificaciō which also sitteth at the right hōde of god the father and praieth for vs. Beholde whate a servent occasion go● hath gyven the to loue him whē thou w●●re yet his enemye wherfore let no tribulacion anguysshe persecucion fere imprisonement hunger nakednesse nor swerde● separate vs from the love of god Wherfo●re if eny wolde discomfort vs be he aun●gell or devell let vs not beleve hym 〈◊〉 the promyses of god may not be distroyed● If thou canst surely and stedfastly beleve in god he will holde his promyse He hath sworne to vs to thintent we shulde beleue him But if thou beleve him not and 〈◊〉 by thy sinnes thou comest in dispeyre 〈◊〉 abideth stedfast in his promyse but tho● holdest not thy faith As sayeth saint Pa●ul to Timothe 2. Timo. 2 A faithfull word for if we be ded with him we shall lyve lyke wys● with him For god hath boūd him silfe to vs ād for bicause of his promyse he ow●th vnto vs heven in case that we beleve him But if we beleve him not he oweth to vs nothing Rede all the Euangelistes thorough● and ye shall not finde that oure lord Iesu● christ hath so moche exhorted vs to any● thing as vnto faith nor that he hath so 〈◊〉 hated and reproved eny thinge in his ●●sciples as incredulite As it is wryten in 〈◊〉 Mathewe in the .xiiij. Chaptre that ●hen saint Petre went vppon the water ●nd doubted O thou of lytell faith sayde ●esus whie didest thou doubt Also to 〈◊〉 paralitique that is to sey a mā sike of 〈◊〉 paisey beleve son thy sinnes be forgy●en the. And vnto the woman labouring 〈◊〉 a bloudy flyxe Mat. 9 Beleve doughter thy ●●nnes are forgiven the. And vnto the fa●●er of the possessed in the .ix of Marke If ●●ou couldest beleve all thinges are possi●le vnto him that beleveth and vnto thap●ostles whiche coude not cast out the devel ●om the same possessed O generacion wi●●out faith howe lōg shall I be with you ●●reby mayst thou lightly knowe howe ●any tymes oure lord Christ hath repro●ed his disciples of they re infidelite And ●oyses coude not bring the people of If ●ell into the lond of promyssion bycause 〈◊〉 gave not the glory to god and that he ●egan to doubt of god to thintent that he●●by we myght knowe that allonly one ●●edfast faith and trust in God may bringe 〈◊〉 vnto the lon● of promission of the kingdome of heven As it is writen in De●teronomion where the prophete Moyse● saieth vnto the people of Israell Thou shalt not entre into the lond
of promission bicause of thyne owne rightuousnesse and the equyte of thine hert but bycause tha● god will fulfill his worde w●iche he hath promysed by othe made vnto thy father● Abraham Isaac and Iacob And therfore is it called the lond of promission for that we be saved that comyth not thorowe 〈◊〉 good workes but that oure god hat● so promysed And we must stedfastly and without doubt beleve that god will 〈◊〉 power vnto his wordes as ferre forth a● with a parfait courage we beleve in hym For God hathe bound him silfe vnto vs hath promysed vs that he will gyve vs the euerlasting life For he desireth nothing but oure helth And he biddeth vs that we shall pray vnto him For he will hei● vs graciously as he promyseth vs in the gospell saying And whate soeuer ye 〈◊〉 in my name that will I do Iohn 14. And he is redy at all houres to forgeue vs oure sinnes when we haue repentaunce As saieth the prophete Ezechiell Eze. 18. If the wikked tour●he him silf from his sinfull lyfe to rightuousnesse he shall lyve and not dye and I will no more haue remembraunce of thynyquyte that he hath done And seynt Paule vnto the Romayns All they that beleve and trust in hym shall not be shamed And Iohel the proprete as recyteth saint Paule All they that shall call on the name of god shal be saved That is to sey they that by a stedfast feyth abide vppon god as dyd the good thefe that was crucified with christ whiche when he with a stedfast beleue had called vppon Chryst was answered this day shalt thou be with me in paradize And as did Mary magdaleyne to whome it was likewise sayde thy faith hath saved the goo thou in peace shal be saved Thirdli we must also beleve that god desiteth none other thing but oure helth and therfore whatesomever thīg happō to vs here be we in helth or in dysease riche or pore honoured or dispised noble or vnnoble alyve or deed we shall alweyes be cōtent whate thing soeuer god send knowyng certeynly that nothing comith without the wil sufferaūce of god for if it so be that one leefe falleth not from the tree that a sparowe or a flie descend not on the erth without the will of your father Howe moche more comith there nothinge to vs without the wil ād suffraunce of god As writeth saint Mathewe where oure lord sayeth be not .ij. sparowes solde for a peny and none of theym doth light on the ground without youre father Then whate soever thing god send vs let vs receyve it yeldinge to him thankes with good hert ● Mat. 10 as dyd Abraham whiche forsoke his contrey and his lond as it is writen in the boke of Genesi● where god seyd to Abraham go out of thy contrey and out of thy lynage and go into the lond that I wyll shewe the which also was redy to kill his welbeloved son Isaac Nowe seyng that we be the children of Abraham and that we haue obteyned helth by meane of the saith of Abraham As saith oure lord in S Iohn If ye be the children of Abraham do the workes of Abraham And therfore must we bere all thinges paciently and with good will whiche god will that we shall suffre and bere For if he knewe that they were not covenable and proufitable for vs he wolde let theym they shuld not come as de●th warre pestilence povertie malady aduersite persecucion discomfort for oure children losse of oure temporall goode● Ro. 14. finally the verey deth For as saint Paule saieth whether we lyve or dye we are alweyes the lordes And therfore the Christen shall not be troubled for none suche thinges but shal be rather ioyfull as were thappostles whome god had made worthy to suffre any thing for hys ●ove For it is a sure token that thou arte the childe of god if thou haue pacience for it is writen by saint Act. 5. Luke in thactes of thappostles that thapostles were ioyfull that they were reputed worthy to suffre dishonour before the world for the love of god And god hath promysed nothing els to his disciples in this world but payne tribulacion as Christ saieth in saint Iohn Iohn 16 Ye shall wepe and lament and the world shall reioyce and ageyn in the world ye shall haue tribulacion but be of good chere for I have overcome the worlde And there is not a more certeyne signe that a man shal be dampned then when he ledith here an yvell life hath alweyes prosperite for this prosperite shal be hys paradice On the cōtrary part there is not a more certeyn signe of euerlasting helth then when a man lyveth iustly and hath alway adversite for that is it that god sendeth vs for oure sinnes and oure purgatory or so to make open his glory in oure pacyence And therfore shall the Christen alweyes more reioyce when he suffreth aduersite and tribulacyon then when all thinges comyth prosperously vnto him For prosperite in an evell life signifieth comōly that god hath reproved the parsone ● it maketh him to forget God But adversite signifieth comonly that god loveth the person And the parson is warned by tribulacion ād sufferaunce to call vppon god for socoure Hebre. 12 For as seith saint Paule him that God loveth him doth he chastise and he stourgeth euery child that he receyveth For whate is the child that the father doth not chastise And if ye be out of the discipline and chastisement of the whiche all the children of god haue byn part takers ye are then bastardes and not sonnes And in thapocalips speaketh God and sayeth Apo. 3 as many as I loue I rebuke and chastyse Also Salomon in the Proverbes saieth theym that the lord god loveth he rebuketh Pro. 3● Therfore let none be sory when tribulaciō maladye pestilence or also the deth it silf comith But let him alweyes accord his will to the will of god and suffre paciently ioyfully knowing for trouth that it is all the good holy will of God oure right good father And let him thanke him that it pleaseth him to make hym worthy to suffre any maner trybulacyon for his sake as dyd Iob and Thobias ād many other For without doute god knoweth whate thīg is helthfull for vs. And he that murmureth grudgeth ageynste god in tribulaciō is not a Christē For he beleveth not that god gouerneth entreatith him for his helth But whate are we ought els thē erth in the hond of a potter As saith saint Paule in this maner Ro. 9 O mā whate arte thou that doest this murmure ageinst god may the pot say vnto hī that made hī whie hast thou made me on this faciō Nay And as the potter may make suche a pot as he will of the erth so be we yn the hōdes of god ▪ we must be cōtēt with all that god wil
do with vs ▪ for we be his we live or dye saith saint Paule Ro. 14. For this cause he that with a stedfast faith suffereth and endureth paciently all thinges tribulacions is a christen And this is the faith and the stedfast stone vppon the whiche the cristente is founded For in this doing we beleve ād trust stedfastly that god is oure father and that he will not forsake vs albeit that nowe he do here chastise vs for as I haue sayd there can be no more certayn signe that god loveth the. thē whē sorowe and tribulacion happeneth vnto the. for all the scriptures of the newe testament promyse vs here nothing but sorow and sufferaunce ¶ Of the most certayn weye to come to salvacyon Chaptre v. THis must euery Christē knowe that none syns the tyme of Adam vnto this day hath deserved the euerlasting life by his good workes And that none by his good workes shall deserve it Hebre. 7 as writeth saint Paule vnto the Hebrewes The lawe hath brought nothing vnto perfection wherfore all they do erre that thinke that then they shal be saved whē they haue done many good workes And like wise all they that thinke that they shal be dampned when they have done no good For good workes make no mā certeyn that he shal be saved And he that hath done no good is not also certeyn that he shal be dampned The workes can gyve no maner certeynte For the Pharisey that had done moche good whiche loked for grete reward of god was reproved and despised Luke ● As writeth saint Luke where the pharisey thanked god that he was not as other were extorcioners vniust aduoutrers nor as the publican was and bosted him silf of his good workes And the publican that had done no good and confessed mekely his sinnes was of God receyved vnto grace for this cause to thintent that euery man may knowe that god hath no nede of oure good workes for to save vs with all I will declare here first how we be iustified and obteyne helth First we must knowe that by the originall sinne we were made subiectes and servauntes vnto the devell and none yn the world mought helpe vs for all mankinde was dettoure vnto God And that worse was we did not knowlege oure mysery nor are socoure of god Then when there was no comforte nor meane to helpe vs and to deliver vs ageyne from the subiection of the devell Oure god almightye by his greate mercy and goodnesse of him silf hath willingly suffred that his onely begotten son Iesu Christ was made mortall man for vs to thintent that by his deth whiche he had not deserved he might by vs ageyn and delyuer vs from eternal deth wherunto we were all subiectes As writeth saint Paule saying Ro. 5 If it be so that by the sinne of one man that is to sey of Adam deth hath reygned vppon many moche more the grace of god and the gyft of grace of one man Iesuchrist aboundeth vppon many Ephe. 2 And vnto the Ephesians Blessed be God father of oure lorde Iesu christ whiche hath blessed vs with a spirituall benediction by his son Christ. Thus is this grace comen hoelly to vs from god of his goodnesse and not by oure meryte or good workes For we dyd not knowlege oure bondage and subiectyon nor dyd not ones desyre to be delyvered from oure myserye Then for asmoche as the devell dyd se● honde vppon Chryst to whome he had no right for bicause he had not sinned christ hath gotten right vppon vs agaynst the devell and hath made vs fre and delyvered vs and we be made his heyres and all his glory is ours as saint Paule doth largely declare in all his epistles This hath God gyven vs without oure deservyng and we nede not to laboure for these thinges For we haue all this alredy As witnessith saynt Iohn saying Iohn ● Behold whate love the father hath shewed on vs that we shuld be called the children of God And in the same chapter sayeth he Derely beloved nowe are we the children of god This helth hath god gyven to vs willingly by hys sonne Iesu Christ. For Iesu Christ ys bycome man to satisfie vnto hys father for vs and to make oure peace with hys father Ro. 3 And as writeth Saynt Paule vnto the Romayns sayīg we be iustified frely by the grace of God and by the redempcyon whyche ys in Iesu Christ. So ys Christ made a mediator and a peace maker bywene God the father and man As sayeth saynt Paule vnto the Hebrewes he may make theym safe for ever that come vnto god by hym Hebre. 7 he is allweyes lyving for to praye for vs Suche an hyghe prest it becometh vs to haue whiche is holy harmles vndefiled separat from sinners and made hygher thē hevens And by his deth it is graūted vs that we be christen and children of God Gala. 3. As lyke wise teacheth saint Paule saying Ye are all the children of God by the faith whiche is in Iesu christ And for asmocheas Iesu christ is made man he is also made oure brother And seyng we be his bretheren we be also heyres of his glory whiche he hath with his father as sayth saint Paule vnto the Romayns whiche hath not spared his owne sonne Ro. 8. but hath gyvē him for vs all howe shall he not also gyue vnto vs all thinges with him We be then sure that all that is Iesu Christes is ours if we can beleve it Some man mought demaund Hath god the father willingly gyven vs all this hath none deserved it No truely None hath deserved it None by his deserving or good workes hath enduced god to do this But he hath done it of him silf and by his greate mercy Hiere 3● as saieth the prophete Ieremy In a perpetuell charite I haue loved the And therfore haue I had compassion on the and haue taken the to mercy Iohn 3. And Iesu christ saieth in the gospell of saint Iohn God hath so loved the world that he hath gyven his onely begotten sonne to thintent that whosoever beleve yn him shuld not perisshe but haue everlastīg life as wryteth S. Paule If a lawe had byn gyven which might haue iustified the iustice shuld haue byn truely of the lawe Gala. ● But the scripture hath concluded all vnder sinne to thintent that the promyse shuld be gyven vnto the belevers by fayth And vnto the Romayns If God be for vs who is he that may be againste vs as though he wold saye Ro. 7. None for we haue receyved all thing of god with his sonne But whate thing haue we receyved this lybertye from the subiection of the devell that is remission of all sinnes that ys the ioy and glory of the everlastinge life And this hath god gyven vnto vs by his sonne as saint Paule sayeth vnto the Hebruwes The bloude of Christ whiche by the holy
willingly haue saved theym for he did promyse to theym emong other the heritage of his kingdome and had made theim his children but they dampne theym silves They are the children of God as concerning goddis behalf but they are alweyes dampned bicause of they re disobedience Ye some tyme god calleth suche people his frēdes not that they be so but bicause thei mought haue bin so Mat. 2 As he said vnto Iudas My frēd whie art thou come hither Mat. 2 And vnto hī that came vnto the wedīges my frēde how art thou entred here not hauīg the weddīg garmēt Behold he is called frēde yet neverthelesse he suffreth hī to be cast into darknesse he had bī the frēd of god if he wold haue cōsented to the wil of god 1 Iohn Saint Iohn saieth There is now mani an̄christes thei wēt out frō vs were not of vs for if they had byn of vs they had bydden with vs. So be all people the children of god but there be many that make theym silves vnworthy ād depart theym silves from god The other sonne that abideth with his father is a sonne and abydeth a sonne and heyre bicause he is obeisaunt vnto his father He hath not deserved by his good lyfe and obedience the possessyon ād goodes of his father but he hath onely byn well ware that he hath not lost theym by disobediēce For the father may sey Dere son it is true that thou hast kept to the best of thy power my commaundementes notwithst●nding thy goodnesse had never made the riche yf I had not gotten it Then lyke wise all though that we kepe the cōmaundementes of god never so streytly it shuld profit vs nothing if it were not that Iesu christ had obteyned for vs the lyfe eternall byfore of his hevynly father by his deth Oure goodnesse or iustice shulde profit vs nothing if Iesus christ had not laboured for vs. For as saieth saint Paule The lawe hath brought nothing vnto perfection Hebr. 7 The Iues kept the cōmaundementes and the lawe of god yet they co●de not come vnto heven It was nedeful that Iesu Christ must first dye for theym Lykewyse can we not be saved by oure workes Oure helth is come to vs of god For if by oure workes we may got helth ●hen must we nedes say that Christ is dede in vayne As saieth saint Paule Ye if workes mought haue saved Abraham Isaac Iacob David and many other Iu●s had byn saved as we haue seyd byfore the natiuyte of Iesu Christ for they kept better the commaundementes of god then we do But god will do it alone to thintent that none glorifie or bost him silf therof and that to him alone and to none other he gyven all honour and glory for ever Amen For as wryteth saynt Paule The scripture concludeth al thinges vnder sinne that the promys by the feyth of Iesus Christ shuld be gyven vnto theym that beleve Ga. 3 For this cause when the parsone knoweth surely that god hath made hym childe of the everlasting lyfe by hys deth byfore he had deserved it he will do agayne to god all the service that he can thinke and all by love aud kindnesse shewing that he will not be vnkind not to get eny thing of godbut bycause he is his good father and that he hath receyved al thinges of him For we haue nowe alredy al that wherfore we must serve god For he hath made vs his children and his heyres while we were his enimyes and byfore that we knewe him as we haue many tymes byfore saied And hereyn lyeth the deserving of the christen faith that thou beleve certeynly that thou art the child of god and that thou kepest his commaundementes bicause thou knowest and belevest stedfastly that he hath so made the riche greate and that thou servest him by this faith as a good childe his father For the childe dou●teth not but beleveth stedfastly that he shall haue the substaunce of his father and bycause he beleveth it stedfastly he laboureth for to entreteyne it So shalt thou beleve without doubting eny thing that thou art enheryter of heven And therfore shalt thou do thy diligence to kepe that herytage to the honour of thy father Thou shalt be ware that thou anger him not but thou shalt thanke him oft bycause he hath gyven the thys hevenly herytage Behold nowe seist thou well bifore thine yien howe moche we are bound to thāke prayse and serve god and to kepe hys commaundementes and to kepe vs from sinne and to do many good workes of faith by verey love ¶ Of two maner people lyving in this world Chaptre xi THere are īthe world ij sortes of people good evill be cōpared vnto the two theves that suffred on the crosse with Iesu christ ▪ the good are berokened by the theef on the right side which axed pardō thei be thei that knowlege thē silves pore sinners fele mekely of them silves Lu. 18 as did the poore publican that durst not lyft vp hys yies toward heven for they knowe that they haue not kept the commaūdemētes of god so streytly as thei were bound They perceyue also that though thei thīke to kepe thē never so well they fele theim silves failing alweyes in detraction ●n hastinesse in anger in idell wordes in infidelite ād in lakke of loue albeit that suche folke do moche goodyet they re conscience is not content and in rest but as cōcerning theym silves euer in sorowe For they knowe that they must appere byfore the rightuous iudge bifore whose face as sayeth the Psalmist shall none lyving be iustified if we shuld be iudged after oure deservinges Psal. 142 And therfore come they and cast theym silves prostrate byfore the mercy of god and sey with the thefe on the right syde Lu. 23 Lorde haue mynd on me when thou comest into thy kīgdome Thou hast commāunded me many thinges and I perceyue in my silf that I am frayle and cānot entierly kepe thy commaundementes though I loke never so well therto Neverthelesse I knowe that thou nedest not my good workes Seing it is so that thou hast so moche loved me that thou woldest suffer deth for me when I dyd not yet knowe the and was yet thyne enemye I haue trust vnto the my most mercyfull god that thou wilt not suffre hym to periss he for whome thou hast shed thy bloude For I knowe that thou art a lord almightye that mayest all thinges in heven and in erth And I knowlege and worship the am certeyn that thou wilt not dampne me Albeit that I haue not deserved heven by my good workes I knowe and beleve that thou hast satisfied for me whē thou dydest suffre deth on the crosse Thou hast bought me agayn with thy precyous bloude and I am thyne the devell hath no ryght in me Neverthelesse yf thou wylt dampne me o mercyfull god thou mayest well do it
and ryghtuously for I am thyne and thou mayst do wyth me all that thou wilt I am thy creature Thy wyll be fulfilled yn erth as yn heven Mat. 6 Yet alweyes to thintent that thy dolorouse passyon be not lost in me I praye the o my most mercyfull lord Iesu chryst that thou wilt receyve me into grace as thou hast done the good these I knowe that I am not worthye and that I haue not deserved yt But to thintent that thy greate mercy may be alweyes the more manyfest vnto the augmentacyon of thy glory I requyre the o God most pnissaunt that thou wilt not put me a bak out of thy syghte For thy onely passyon ys myghty ynough for to save me wythwithout my good workes For if I ●ought deserve the life euerlastīg by my good workes it shuld seme that thou haddest suffered thy passion in vayne and that thou haddest dyed on the crosse in vayne Seing therfore that thou art surely deed for me and for all the worlde not for thy silf whye shuld I then be lost o gracyous Iesus christ Save thou me for thou art all good and mayst save me for thou mayst all thinges Wherfore I knowe no remedye but to come to thy grete mercy and I prostrate at thy fete requyre of the pardon of all my sinnes All they that of an entier hert do thus trust in God and trust stedfastly that god will save theym it shall come vnto theym accordinge to they re feyth And this is the most certeynte and the most sure wey for to come to heven vnto the lyfe eternall that euery one forsake him silf and put all in the hond of god alweyes doing his best to kepe the commaundementes of God and to lyve accordīg to the teaching of the gospell and altogyther distrusting of him silf The other that be signified by the thefe on the lyfte honde are they that put all they re trust in they re good workes Thei goo daily to the churche they kepe halowe all the festfull dayes they fast oft they here masse daily And when they must dye they trust in they re good workes thinke that god oweth to theym the kingdom of heven that they theym silves haue deserved it These maner of people be sonest dampned for they knowlege not that god hath satisfied for theym but make to theym goddes of the workes of they re hondes counting therby that they haue deserved heven for that thing is euery mannes god wherin he putteth his trust This ys one of the grettest errours that is in christēdome for if a man might save him silf by his good workes Christ were deed in vayne As saieth saint Paul Saint Iohn baptist Abrahā Isaac ād Iacob with many other patriarkes have lyved moche more holily then ever we shall lyve Ga. 2 Yet coude they never by they re good workes come to hevē It was nedefull that christ shuld first come to suffer deth for them that his passion shuld sa●e theym not they re workes but the feith and trust that they had yn ● Goddis promyses wherby they beleved that Iesu Christ shuld come and shuld deliver theym But I do not sey these wordes that the good workes done in feyth shuld be evill No I do counsell all the world to do many good workes principally the workes of loue and mercy toward they re neyghboures yn socouring theym in all they re necessites onely for the loue and honoure of god without seching any other thing and that he shuld so laboure frely with a ioyous hart to obey vnto the commaundementes of God and counsell of the gospell doing the workes comprysed in the holy scripture and not theym whiche the covitousnesse of the Pharysees have devysed But to do these workes and to thinke to deserve everlasting lyfe and so to put his trust in theym is to lyve as do nowe at this-day the Iues ād verey Idolatres For God will have the hole hart ād will not that it be fixed on ony other thingbut in hym alone Ye he willeth that all that we do in this lyfe shal be none other thing but a token of kindnesse and giving of thākes of that we haue receyved of hym for if we haue stedfast faith and trust in hym alone we haue nowe receyved ād be sure of that that suche tedious and wery workers wold get as we haue seid bifore ād will sey more pleynly And all suche scripulous doers of good workes and therin seking they re helth and-trusting in theym that thinke they shal be saved when they haue slayne noman and when they have drawen noman to sinne and theruppon putting they re trust be like vnto the pharisey of whome Christ speaketh in the gospell whiche rehersed his workes for to haue prayse and reproved the poore humble publican knowleging his faute and axing pardon Lu. 18 It were better for the a thousand fold that thou haddest byn a sinner and never done good dede and that thou knowlege thyne offences and evill life vnto god axing mercy with good hert lamenting thy sinnes then to haue done suche good workes and in theym to put thy trust thinkinge that therfore God were bounde vnto the. There is nothing whiche after the maner of speaking byndeth God but ferme and stedfast feith and trust in him his promyses for god requyreth not principally oure good workes for he nedeth theym not but he desyreth oure hartes ād all oure intencion to seke in all thinges no thing but his honour And that we trust not in oure workes but forsaking oure silves all hoelly in him and not in oure deservinges For we can shewe vnto god no gretter honour then feith and trust yn him for whosoever doth that he confesseth that god is true good mighty and mercyfull And when we sinne it is not the worse vnto god we mynisshe not his glory by oure sinnes for his glory cā nether be augmented nor mynisshed forasmoche as it is infinite And for bycause that we can do no maner hurt or annoysaunce vnto God by oure sinnes therfore is he lightly appaised this stonding that with an entier hert without ony fayning we knowlege oure defaute and demaunde humbly pardon And likewise when we do any good we do not encrease his glory by oure workes for god abideth alweyes one All the daūger that there is in oure synne is the evyll example that we gyve to oure neyghbour in that we hurt him therby dispising the good councell of oure good god whiche he hath givē vs in his holy cōmaūdemētes for bicause we be vnkind ageinst the grete grace that he hath done vnto vs which is a thing horrible worthy of eternall punisshemēt bicause that it is infinite eternall the holy cōmaundemēt ageinst whiche we haue offended But bicause his proper nature is good mercyfull he pardoneth all these that confesse him to be suche Therfore loveth god better a sinnar repenting axing pardone of his
may in no wise be done to get money but alonely by loue yn praying one for an other Behold nowe seest thou well howe grete occasyon thou hast to do good For thou hast alweyes occasion to mortyfie thine evill desires to serve thyne neyghboure to comfort hym to helpe hym with worke with worde with counceyl with exhortacyon and by other semblable meanes In suche loue towardes oure neyghboure for the loue of God lyeth all the lawe and the prophetes as sayeth Christ Ye and all the verey Christente and nat in fasting keping of halydayes watching praying and synging long prayers dayly and all day hering of masses setting vp of candels runnyng on pilgremages and other suche thinges whiche aswell the ypochrites proude people envious and subiectes to all wikked affections doo Ye ād many tymes enforce theym silf more there vnto then the good christen But so to serve and socoure the one the other by verey love can none do but they that haue true faith and the verey love of god And whosoever so loveth his christen brother he is alweyes ioyfull in his conscience For he knoweth surely that he is the child of god and that God is his good father and is well content in his courage of all that god sendeth vnto him But he that hath not this love is alweyes sory full of anguisshe and woteth not whate to do to deserve more he fasteth he kepeth halydayes nowe of one saint nowe of an other He seyth his prayers nowe bifore one altre nowe bifore an other He renneth on pilgremage nowe here nowe there and can never come vnto the rest and quyet of his cōscience For suche workes make no man sure but make rather ypochrites trustyng in they re workes But the verey faithfull cleveth to god for he knoweth that he may never satisfie nor do ynough to deserve the everlasting life And therfore he putteth hys trust yn god beleveth stedfastly that he hath satisfied for vs that he hath iustifyed vs. And therfore it is all one to hī whate thīg he do so that he please him exercyse charyte to his neyghbour for the love of god for he knoweth that God demaundeth nothing but the hert ād that he regardeth not howe we doo the worke so that yt be according to the teachīg of the gospell whiche commaundeth but charyte And so comith he by feyth and trust in God vnto rest and quyet of hert and conscience and is well cōtent to dye whē it pleaseth god ¶ Of .iiij. maner of feythes after the holy scripture and whiche is the Christen feyth Chaptre .xiij. THis present Chapitre bycause I haue moche spoken of faith that scarcely of a thousand one knoweth not this feith teacheth of how many maner feithes there is made mēciō in the holy scripture not as do now the doctours whiche have founde many maner of feythes I will onely speke of iiij maner of feithes whiche are most comunely foūde in the holy scripture The first faith is this whiche the marchauntes hold one to an other and feithfull frendes wherby they kepe promyse and fidelite the one to the other Eccle. 2●●nd 27 wherof speketh the wise saying possesse or kepe feith with thy frende in his povertye to thintent that in his welth thou mayst be ioyfull And ageyn he that discloseth the secret of his frende loseth his faith And in the Proverbes He that gyveth his faith for a straunger shall be vexed with evell And this is the faith wherof the worldly people complaine seying there is no feith in the worlde The seconde feith is when we beleve that a thing is to come and suche thinges as we here or rede as we beleve that Rome is a Cytie in Italye or that Cartage was destroyed of the Romayns and this we beleve although we haue not sene yt Also we beleve that Iesu Christ hath he relyved on erth and that he hath preached and that he is d●ed for vs and that he hath done many other thinges when we beleve these thinges after the story we beleve that this is oure christen faith The simple people aloneli doth not beleve this but also many doctours in Theologye which are taken for wise Ye the devell hath also this faith as sayeth saint Iames The devels beleve and tremble Ia. 2. for as we haue seyd byfore the devell beleveth that god is god and that Iesus Christ hath here preached that he was deed buryed rysen This must we also beleve but yet this is not the faith wherof speaketh the gospell and saint Paule The third faith is that we beleve that god may all thinges and that he is rightuous good and holye This faith haue also the devels and Iudas had it also ād other disciples that did miracles in the name of Iesus but they were therfore never the better for when they bosted theym silves and were ioyfull that by they re faith they expulsed the devils in the name of Iesus Lu. 10 Iesus Christ hath reproved them saying Ioy not you that the spretes be vnder your power but reioyce bicause youre names be writen in heven 1. Cor. 1● Of this fayth writeth saint Paule vnto the Corinthians saying If that I had all feith so that I coude move mountaignes oute of they re places and yet had no love I were nothing The .iiij. faith is oure Christen fayth wherof so moche speake Iesu christ saynt Paule and saint Iohn and sey that it ys the foundacion of christendome And this is the feith wherof I speake in this boke None hath this faith but they that put all they re trust hope comfort refuge and fynally all theire helth in god alone serching all these thinges in him and loking for thē of him and not of they re deservinges or good workes Of this feith speaketh saint Paul saying whosoever call on the name of god shal be saved Ro. 10 And the prophete Ieremye Blessed is that man that trusteth in the lord god Iere. 17 And Christ in the Gospell To thinient that none that beleve in him shuld periss he but shuld haue everlasting life Iohn 3 And in the boke called Paralipomenō Beleve in your lord God and you shal be assured and without thought Pa. 20 Beleve his Prophetes and all happy thinges shal come vnto you And almost all the Psalmes all the prophetes and all the leves of the holy Byble teache vs that we must beleve and hope in God by a sted fast fayth wherof speaketh so moche Saynt Paule the apostle and whiche he prayseth so moche in all hys epistles And as we haue abundauntly sayd in the Chaptres byfore none may comprehend thys fayth but he that considereth whate was the fayth of Abraham As wryteth saynt Paule vnto the Galathyans saying Abraham beleved God and yt ys rekened to hym for ryghtuousnesse Ga. ● For by hys fayth hath he obteyned that he ys called oure father and we be called hys children
reward it and that he so reward the goodnesse that he hath done himsilf by his holy sprite beyng in vs. And therfore haue we nothing but that that comyth of god vppon whome we must abyde for I haue often sayed Christ is oure iustice that is to sey Christ hath satisfied for vs not to thintent that we shuld not satisfye but bycause we can not satisfye And whē one vnderstondeth this he seeth well howe he shuld humble him silf byfore God and in whome he shal seke his helth And when we thus distrust in ur silves of oure good workes we shall forsake our silf and stikke all holly to god with a stedfast faith and parfait trust And so doyng we make force vnto the kingdome of heven And this is it that God requyreth of vs and then he holdeth to vs hys promyse and he iustifieth vs when we dye with suche a trust not for oure workes but for hys holy name For he hath promysed vs that we shall be his children So brought he the children of Israell into the lond of promission not by they re meryte for they were many tyme rebelles and murmured ageynst hym but to fulfyll hys promyse For he had promysed it to Abrahā Isaac and Iacob So shall not the Christen distrust albeit he fynde no good in hym sylf nor yn his owne vertue but he shall yeld hym sylf hoelly to the mercy of god and axe pardon of his imperfection wyth a perfayt trust consydering howe grete love Christ hath shewed vnto hym And thus doyng he ge●●e●h an hope and trust yn the goodnesse of God and beleveth stedfastly that his synnes are forgyven not by his good workes for when they be compared vnto the goodnesse requyred of God there ys no comparyson but by Iesu Christ to whome he putteth his trust For Iesu Christ possessith the kingdome of heven by double ryght First for bycause he is the sonne of God and verey enheryter of his Royalme Secundly bycause he hath gotten hyt by his passyon and deth Of this secunde right he hath no nede and therfore he gyveth it to all theym that beleve and trust yn hym and yn hys promyses For as God the father loveth Christ he loveth likewise all theym that love him beleve in him So there shall none discomfort hī silfe when he shall dye but he must beleve surely that he shal be saved And albeit that one have not deserved by his good works yet neverthelesse he must beleve it bicause of the promyse of god for god hath promysed it to all theym that beleve it And if we beleve it he owith hyt vnto vs bycause of hys promesse and bycause that he ys true But if God had promysed heven vnto vs bycause of oure workes we shuld ever be vnsure of oure helth for we shuld never knowe howe moche nor howe lōg we must laboure to be saved and shuld be ever in thought that we had done to litell and that more is we shuld never dye ioyfully But god wold assure vs of heven by his promesse to thintent we shuld be certeyn and sure For he is the truthe that can not lye And also to thintent that we shuld haue trust ād hope in him Notwithstonding that after the gretnesse and multitude of oure synnes it seme to vs a thing impossible yet alweyes we shall beleve it without ony doubt bicause of his sure promesse And whosoever knowyth thys he may ioyfully dye and abyde the iudgement of God whyche els were yntollerabill ¶ Howe that we shall not sorowe for feare of deth Chaptre .xv. THe helth of a Christen lyeth not in this life or in that that one lyveth longe yn this world but rather yn the deth For we can not be saved but by deth Therfore the deth in him silf is not yvill but is rather to be desyred As did saint Paule saint Martyne saint Austyn and many other saintes whiche desired al the deth for in this lyfe there is no proufit but alwey to sinne more and more and alweyes vnredy to dye Therfore thou shalt diligently studye and exercise thy silf in this present boke ād in the faith wherof I haue moche spoken of ād then forsaking thy silf entyerly thou shalt trust vnto the grace mercy and good will of god alweyes rather desiring to dye and to be with god then to lyve here ony longer This shall thy sprite desyre for the flesshe can not desyre suche thinges And so shalt thou holde thy silf stedfastly vnto god beleving that thou art his childe and that he is thy father that thou belongest to him For God hath bought the ageyn and hath made the his child and his heyre whē thou were yet hys enymye And if he haue bought the when thou knewest hym not howe moche more will he nowe take the to mercy when thou knowest hym and when thou axest mercy with a stedfast fayth and trust in hym And bycause a man can not lyve here without synne therfore he can never satisfye vnto God for hys synnes And for this cause shall the Christen willingly yeld hym silf vnto the deth for the love of God As Iesus Christ hath done for vs. And by suche a willing deth which is taken with a good will by suche fayth and trust and also by the love that we have to God all synnes are clerely defeated and put awey For none can do more greate penaunce then to dye wyllingly for to fulfill the will of God Therfore thou shalt not be sory for deth but thou shalt forsake willingly and with a ioyfull hert all thy goodes and all thy frendes for to obey god They that die with suche a courage and suche a trust yn god it is a certeyn signe that they be saved And to thintent that none shuld feare or be discomfort by deth Christ is first deed him silf and hath takē awey the power of deth None shall haue horror of the deth if he haue this feith for it is nowe none other thing but a dore and entre wherby one goith from this lyfe tēporall vnto the life eternall For christ saieth by the mouth of the prophete Osee. Osee. 13 1. Cor. 15 O deth I wil be thy deth And saint Paule saieth Deth where is thy victory Wherfore yt is moche to be rebuked the folisshe custume and maner of wepyng bewaylyng and takyng of sorowe for the deed as though we had no maner of hope or beleve on the other lyfe Let the paynems wepe and wayle which haue no hope of the euerlastyng lyfe I mervayle that we be so moche ynfideles seyng that seint Paul teacheth vs not to be sory for oure frendes deed saying vnto the Thessalonyans My bretheren we wyll not that ye be ignoraunt of theym that slepe that ys to sey of theym that be deed to 1. Tessa 4 thintent ye shulde not be sory as are other that have no hope Behold Saynt Paule calleth the deth none other thyng but a
at the beginning Thus by ydelnesse are thei come vnto all evell and perversite and by grete hepes be they fled out of they re cloysters Monkes and Nonnes Then was it ordeyned as it semith that bifore saint Bernardes tyme the monkes did make professyon After that the life of monkes was so corrupted came saint Bernard to cloyster and then were the monkes refourmed Then did they ageyn diligently take they re astate and began ageyn to charge they re ordre with profession and promesse and haue made many statutes after the whiche they mought live and wherby they might compell men therto for the willing sprite was clere extinct in theym After this is comen the .iiij. secte of monkes As Norbertus saint Dominyk saint Fraunceys And of theym are nowe comen many sectes as the observau●tes freres minors Collettes and Mar●●ās Saint Dominyk hath byn as fertill as saint Fraunceys And thus be the cloysters and monkes multiplied without nōbre But the gretter that the nombre of mōkes and nonnes hath byn the gretelyer hath vertue and charite ben minisshed for they haue begonne to make divysions and partes the one ageinst the other for to knowe whiche of they re ordres were most holy and better then other and many other folyes After this haue the mōkes gottē popes and cardynals of they re relygion And also they haue purchased and gotten to the despyte and contempte one religyon of an other many privileges pardons and auctoritees to make cōfrayries for the seculers whome thy make parttakers of they re good workes as though they dyd more then they are bounde to do Notwithstonding that Christ him silf sayeth in the gospell Lu. 17 After that ye haue done all that to you is commaunded yet sey ye we be vnproufitable servauntes we haue done but that whiche we were bound to do Thus are the cloysters and monkes multiplied and all charyte among theym mynysshed In tymes passed was the lyfe of monkes a departing from the world and nowe they are called monkes whiche in the myddes of the world by ād sell iudge drynk eate and be conversaunt like seculers and yet will still be called monkes or racher religious They do the better to be called religyous then monkes after the life that they lede nowe for monkes after the greke worde signyfieth solytary or lyving alone as they were wont to lyve byfore tymes when they re life was good ād holye But religyous after the la●yne ys bonde and subiect For whate is now the life of the religious but a supersticious subiection vnto certeyn vayne ceremonyes Therfore they may nowe by good reason be called religious that is to sey captyves imprysoned in a ceremoniall life ād all Indaicall forasmoche as they kepe not they re ordre liberally and willingly but for the most part by constreynt But there intent is not to be called religyous sor thys cause For this worde religious betokeneth sometyme holy and gyven to the servise of god And therfore they wolde so be called entending to be taken more holyer then other Albeit that thappostell sey If eny man thinke that he is sum whate whē in dede he is nothing the same deceyveth him silf in his imaginacion Alweyes in old tymereyned all vertue emong the religious They haunte● not the worldly people ād therfore might they well be called monkes that is to sey solitaryes living alone and also religious that is to sey holye and bound vnto all vertue But nowe ye shall finde no where no gretter eaters banqueters drinkers I dare not sey drūkardes chidinges nor envy thē emong theym They thinke that when they kepe they re rule outwardly in habite kneling becking singing reding fasting seying of masse ād in other semblable ceremonyes that they be then saintes and vertuous albeit that all these thinges thus done without the sprite and fre will be nothing els bifore god but supersticion pryde and ypochrisie Thus do they dayly encrease they re supersticious ceremonyes trusting therun to bicause they haue not the same feyth sprite that the religious had in tymes passed Beforetymes the ●ove of God stered theym to do suche thinges Nowe they do it all of a necessite as though they coude not be saved without suche thinges making to theym ydols and Goddes of the workes of they re hondes Then howe is it nowe a religious lyfe I se nothing wherfore one shuld entre ynto religyon ¶ Whether the life of a Monke be better then the lyfe of a comon Eytesyn Chaptre .xvij. THe life of monkes as it is nowe vsed in the worlde is none other thing but a secte and theryn lyeth no more holynesse then in the life of a good housholder wherfore the state that the mōkes become to nowe a dayes is moche to be playned And if thou wilt knowe that I sey truth cōpare the life of a good honsholder vnto the life of a good monke behold whiche agreeth most vnto the doctrine of the gospell The monke is obeysaunt vnto hys Abbot Pryour or warden The housholder vnto his pastor or herdman in that it pleasith him to commaund him in fastinges holydayes and suche like and that many tymes more willingly then the monke to his Abbot The monke promyseth povertye but he never wanteth as seith Saynt Barnard He is fedde and nourisshed of the goodes of other gayned by the laboure of other He gyveth to none but receyveth every where The housholder liveth not of almesse as doth the monke or frere but gayneth his lyving with the labour of his hondes ye he giveth almesse according to his power So is better herin the housholder then the religious 〈◊〉 20 For Christ him silf saieth that it is more blessed to give then to receive The thirde thing that the monke promiseth is chas●ite neverthelesse the state of matrimonye pleaseth god also for he himsilf hath institute it The monke promisyth to kepe the rule of a man The housholder is content with the promise that he hath made at the font of baptesme so that he may kepe it well For the good life lieth not in moche promising but in kepīg wel that whiche one hath promised The monke reioyseth bicause saint Fraunceys or saint Dommike is his superiour The housholder holdeth god for his superiour The monke hath the rule of a man The housholder the rule of god that is to say the gospell Then whie will the Monke holde him silf more holy then the comon housholder God is egally like nighe vnto all theym that love him with all theire hert and lyve according to the gospell ● be he monke or chanone reguler or seculer The Abit of Monkes nor they re ceremonyes can not helpe theim when their hert is not good likewise as the seculer abit cā not hurte the seculer man when the herte is spirituall For the perfection of Christēdome lyeth not in mete or drinke or in other outward workes as is fasting praing with the mouth watching reding synging
profession vnto thage of .xxx yeres as biforetyme none was sacred a prest bifore thage of .xxx. yeres in whiche tyme one might prove him silf whether he might kepe his rule or not for we see many yong people promesse chastite but few can kepe it ¶ Of the life of Nonnes and Chanonesses Chaptre .xx. ONe may se nowe a dayes many monasteryes of Nonnes in the whiche they syng and rede moche And this I merveyle at from whence comith they re synging For seing they vnderstond not whate they syng I can not tell whate proufit it comith to 1. Cor. 14 For saint Paule defendeth to syng yn the churche that is to sey ī thassēble of the christen but in a tongue that all may vnderstond Then the synging of Nonnes can not be agreabill vnto God seing that they do not vnderstōd it No maner spirituall ioy can they take therby nor none amendement but do all by constreynt of they re rule and ageynst they re hert many tymes seching nothing els but vayne glorye Moche better were it for theym to rede they re houres in a langage that they vnderstode for when the sprite is not adressed vnto god the synging or reding proufiteth nothing for if synging without vnderstōding plesed God the birdes lutes herpes and other instrumentes shuld moche please god Then when eny singeth without vnderstonding it proufyteth him litell and therfore it were moche better that the Nōnes and other religious did reade and sing they re houres and they re psaulter in their comune langage Paula and Eustochium and also other ladyes of whome writeth saint Hierom did reade in they re tyme theire service in the latyn tōgue but that was bicause they did well vnderstond it And here●y is it nowe come to passe that oure Nonnes singe and reade in latyn and most for vaine glory bicause they vnderstond it not They thinke that the latyn tongue soundeth more plesauntly bifore the world Nowe is there a thing in the life of the nōnes moche to be dispreysed and that whiche is contrary to the Gospell hit is that they are so sumptuously clothed and appareyld It was the custume of old tyme whiche I do not approve that suche religious wymen went bareheded and bare nekked and so came to churche This maner hath the bisshoppes wisely reproved and chaunged and haue ordeyned that they shuld come to churche they re hedes covered like other wymen Thus when eny yong woman promysed chastite the bisshoppe covered her hede and her nekke to thintent that they shuld not be seen and that none shuld couvite her And bicause there were then no monasteries suche virgins kept theym silves in the houses of they re parentes and went not out but with they re parentes and that onely for to goo to masse or to the sermon or to visit the martyres in pryson One might lightly knowe them by the clothe that they bare about they re hedes and nekkes After this Marcella and Paula did enterpryse to bilde a monastery at Rome for that suche virgyns did not lyve without daunger in the houses of they re parentes Thus hath the cloisters of Nonnes takē they re beginning whiche were wo●t to get they re expences by the laboure of they re hondes They sang not as do Nonnes nowe a dayes but red psalmes working Thus served they God in all obedience chastite laboure simplicite and mekenesse They re rayment was simple to dispyse the world They re hedes were covered to thintent that they might see noman and noman theym But nowe God amend it all is tourned to pryde in suche maner of blasing facyon and costly yn all they re appareill and lyving whiche was gyven theym in token of sobriete chastite and mekenesse so that I can not see whate holynesse there is in the Nonnes lyving as it is nowe vsed in the worlde It is more agreabill vnto the worlde then vnto god For simplicite contemptibilyte po●ertie and humilite whiche god requireth is nowe bannisshed and reproved All is tourned into pryde excesse and costly apparell as though in these thinnges lay parpayt spiritualtye and holynesse of religyon ¶ Of the Cloysters of Sisters and of they re lyfe Chaptre .xxi. There be also divers cloisters of Sisters whole life semeth to be more according to the gospell For to labour with they re hondes and to helpe one an other by love is a christen life And saint Paule bosteth him silf in his epistles that he hath gotten his expences in the laboure of his hondes exorting vs strongly to do likewise As vnto the Tessalonians we haue not saieth he eaten oure brede for nought and without getting of it And heryn is better the life of sisters then of the nonnes for they are alweyes diligent in they re labour as in spynning knetting wesshing and other like occupacyons So shuld all parsones do for to be ydell and to be worthe moche is impossible And as said saint Ierome there is nothing worse in a good purpose then idelnesse And therfore they of Egipt wold receive none to be a monke if he were not redy to gayne his expences in labouring Saint Austyne holdeth thē for heretikes that sey that religious shuld not laboure But whie are all the religious at this day so corrupted and dissolute but bicause they are become so riche that they will no more labo●re wherfore to be moche idell to ete and drinke dilicatly to haue all maner of case and yet to abide in goodnesse is a thing impossible wherfore when the monasteryes shal be empouerisshed ageyn the monkes will beginne to laboure with they re hondes and then will the religious waxe better For bodely laboure is commaunded to all parsones by the comma●nd●ment that God gaue vnto Abd̄ whē he said Gen● ● In the swet of thy face thou shalt eate thy breade Likewise saith the scripture that he that laboureth not shulde not eate 2. T●ssa Hereby may ye se wherby it cometh that the religious and prestes be so corrupted This is by none other cause but that they be ydell and haue to moche good wherby all humylite and simplesse that was yn Iesus Christ and his appostles yn theym ys holly perysshed and quēched But yet is there an unperfection emong these Sisters moche to be dispreysed it is that they laboure to make to sumptuous and pompous edyfices monasteryes and chapelles wil be easyly lodged and are to supersticyous yn garnysshing with grete cost there chapelles and aulters makīg sumptuous aulter tables aulter clothes courteyns and other thinges lyke whiche is all nothing but pryde pompe and concupiscēce of the yien As sayth saint Iohan. Iohn 2. And albeyt that some do it of a good entent thinking by suche thinges to do grete service vnto god yet is it all nought els but abomynacyon byfore hym he setteth not by suche thinges As witnessith the prophete Esaie Esa. ●6 For he loveth all symplicite humylite and pouertye aswell outward as ynward